Nocturama (2016) - full transcript

Some young folks, tired of the society they're living in, plan a bomb attack over Paris before taking shelter for a night in a shopping center.

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La Fourche.

2:07 p.m.

St Lazare.

2:07 p.m.

Champs-Elysées - Clemenceau.



There's a room booked
for one night for Sophie Baroud.


There's a room booked
for Sophie Baroud.

2:30 p.m.

Esplanade de la Défense.

At this station, exit on the left.

Esplanade de la Défense.

I'm here to see the minister.


Ask at reception.

Ok, thank you.

3:15 p.m.

What's up?

It's not fucking working.

Try more slowly.

It's not working, ok!

It's Fred, on door 4.

Can you release N7?
A delivery for the studio.

Lock it again later.

It stays unlocked?

Yeah, leave it for now.

- Keep an eye out.
- No sweat. Over and out.

Message received.

May I have your credit card?

Of course.

Thank you.

A problem?

Not at all.
I'll be right back.

Can you check room 442?

3:15 p.m.

Will you pay with this?

No, in cash.

You haven't signed the back.

3:30 p.m.

Go on, I'll take the stairs.

Fuck, you're slow.

- This is for David.
- Ok.


3:30 p.m.

Mr Devaux?
Your appointment's at 3:30?

- Come with me.
- Thank you.

How's Political Science going?

Very well, nice and smoothly.

I'm aiming for the ENA in two years.

Very good.

What are you studying now?

Civil service law.


It's ok. It's not too tough.

Who's your teacher?

Jean-Bernard Auby.

An excellent teacher.

- Been here before?
- Yes, twice.

I won't show you round then.

How's your father?

4:18 p.m.

Where R U?

The bench on the square

- Lookin' for me?
- Mum wants you.

- Why?
- Dunno.

I think she found some stuff
on your computer.

She was cryin' and yellin'.

She was cryin'?

And hittin' the wall.

She stays away from my computer!

- What's on the computer?
- Just shit for school.

- Whassup?
- Nothin'.

- Tell me.
- I'll go over and then we split.

- Wanna sing for us, Yacine?
- Not now.


- Go on.
- I'm not some clown, ok.

He's not a clown.

I have to go in an hour.
I'm working later.

If they don't see me by then,
I'll split.

You're fuckin' crazy.

In a job like this,
you'll be bored shitless.

A car park all night...

I prefer that to having a boss
always on my back.

How many will they take?

No idea.

Both looking for work?

No, only him. I have a job.

Been looking long?

A year or so.

A year? Bummer...

Really looking?

I look every day, but there's nothin'.

How about you? How long?

Not so long.

Do they hire you right away?

I reckon not.

But they'll soon call you.

Done this before?

No, it's my first time.

- How about you?
- No.

What do you do?

I work in a restaurant.

Creating Jobs
in small and medium-sized firms

Cutbacks at HSBC
with close on 50,000 lay-offs

- Hello, sir.
- Hello.

Is your account here?

May I have the account number?

I don't know it by heart.
I'm here to deposit a cheque.

Can you hold some ID up to the camera?

Sorry, I have nothing on me.
But my account's here.

Your name, please.


- Your first name?
- André.

Your date of birth?

17th of September, 1992.

Your address?

64, Rue du Bac, but...

Hurry, I get claustrophobia.

Can I come in?

Sorry, we have new security measures.

The situation recalls Chile
in the 70s

when Nixon was attempting
to overthrow Allende

to prevent similar movements
in the USA's back yard.

"Make the economy scream,"
Nixon ordered.

Afterwards, Pinochet's tanks took over.

The silent coup in Greece
used more modern tools.

Will you help me?

I'm here.

It's all there.

All of last year's subjects.

In history, you have an essay
to do in four hours.

Subjects on the 20th century.

Last year, you had...

"Economic growth, globalization
and social changes since 1850",

"War and totalitarianism
since 1900",

and "The stakes facing France
at the turn of the century".

And you did?

I'd only revised that.

Always stick to the same plan.

In part A, expose the problem
and define it.

In part B, explain it.

In part C, take it to its paroxysm
to define the limits.

And, in D, suggest a solution.

You can add a risky theory too.

Something politically incorrect
or even unacceptable.

Even if they don't like it,
they'll want you to fuel the debate.

What was your theory?

I ended saying
the 20th century was proof

so-called perfect democracy
made its own enemy.

It can only be judged by its enemies,
not its results.

Results that led
to the end of civilization.

I don't understand a word.

Going further,

civilization is a condition
for the downfall of civilization.

I won't sit the exam.

Why not? It's cool.


Tell me frankly...

The place kills thinking.

You can think in political schools.

We'll both end up like our dads.

- They're alike?
- You bet.

And I'm like mine?

You've never attended a class.


- Thanks, Yacine.
- Enjoy.


what's after decadence?


And when rebirth is death?


David... André...


He's doing the exam too.

- Want a drink?
- I'm ok.

Live nearby?

No, I live in Aubervilliers.


Everyone thinks the Bastille column
was made for the 1789 revolution.

But it wasn't built until 1830.



"The golden statue at the top
represents Liberty.

"On July 27th, 28th and 29th, 1830,

"Paris rose up and overthrew Charles X.

"Later that year,
the government decided to build

"a bronze memorial to the victims
of the Three Days.

"The inauguration saw
the solemn transfer of the remains.

"Berlioz wrote music for the event.

"His Funeral and Triumphal Symphony
was played on the Paris boulevards,

"with Berlioz conducting.

"He led the parade of musicians
that ended on the Bastille Square."

You like kissing me there?


4:18 p.m.

Good luck.
All my best to your father.

See you soon,
maybe here for your internship.

Thank you.
Have a good day.

Don't answer it.

4:20 p.m.
Unknown number

I'll do this floor, you the 29th.

Hold on.

We stay together.

We said the 28th and 29th floor.

Go on up.

Go up!


4:50 p.m.

Same here

What's it called?

It's Semtex.

Developed in the 60s
in Yugoslavia.

It's not made anymore.

There are 40,000 tons left
around the world.

Keep it carefully
and it'll last years.

They did that in Libya.

Where's this from?

A theft from a civil security site
just outside Lyons.

30 kilos stolen.

How much is here?

Around 250 grams.

I got 4 kilos in all.

But 250 grams are enough
to destroy a jetliner.

Are you ok?


Have some vodka.

Can I crash here tonight?
I don't wanna go home.

No worries.

Sign it.

It's a swipe, you don't need a code.

It's to secure the room.
Pay cash.

It'll be 3 or 400 euros.

400 euros a night?

- That's so expensive.
- Yeah.

I could buy other stuff.

I'm kidding.

- And the cherry-picker?
- Greg'll bring it.

Around 3:30.
It'll be there when she comes out.

What do we do with the leftover Semtex?

Omar hides it in the storeroom.

We can get to it
if things screw up.

- What time do we meet?
- Just after.

At 7 o'clock. 7 p.m.

No calls.
You all dump your phone, ok.

We meet up at the store.

It's still open at 7.

We blend into the crowd.

Go on.

Hello, I've booked...

I've booked a room for Sophie Baroud.

No, too stressed.
Say it more calmly and simply.

Step back, then walk up to me.

I've booked a room for Sophie Baroud.

Again. Say it like you've repeated it
ten times at home.

It's no good?

No. Look me in the eye,
like you're used to doing it.

It's the safest place going.

Going home is risky
if we're identified.

It's not likely, but you never know.

If it goes well, we head home at 6 a.m.

Omar will handle security
and the alarm.

- How?
- It's dead easy.

There are about 60 cameras.

All linked to security HQ.

Hello, I've booked for Sophie Baroud.

Cut them all
and the cops get an alert.

We leave 5 recording to avoid that.

The other cameras keep filming,

but only in the security centre.

- Is it fail-safe?
- I know the system inside out.

I've booked a room for Sophie Baroud.

That's better.

Look me in the eye
and sound confident.

I stare?

I'll cover you from the tower.

Even with empty floors,
people can be there.

Can we smoke it?


4:50 p.m.


Freeze! I'm security too.

I'll put my gun down and go.

Freeze, I said.

I know you. I'm security too.

- Shit...
- Move and I'll shoot!

Mr Devaux...

That's right.


Have a good day.

Are you ok? Sorry, I didn't see you.

Are you ok?

7:15 p.m.

7:16 p.m.

7:15 p.m.

7:53 p.m.

There's nothing to worry about.

This way, please.

Madam, please...

Move towards the exits, please.

Move towards the exits.

Let's go now, please.

It's a shit storm out there.

- Any news?
- No connection.

A tower blew up.
The Interior Ministry too.

The city's on fire.
It's war.

What else?

No idea.
The network's saturated.

- How many dead?
- No idea.

See you after the rounds.
I'm not going out.

What's going on?

I found it open.

Forget it. Carry on.

8:30 p.m.

Still no connection.

Lights out. Put the news on.

All clear! I'm down here!

Did anyone screw up?

- Not me.
- Sure?

No hitches.

No one was spotted or followed?

Omar? Is the alarm off?

No sweat.


All set too.

You tied them up?

I trained a gun on them.

Then I gagged them and tied them up.

No worries, you can trust me.

Stay off the lighting aisle.

The cameras and sensors
are still recording there.

It's off limits. The rest is ok.

The shift change?

We let them work.

The security centre is only used
in the evening.

The cleaners never go in.

It's secure.

Omar, sure no one can see us?

There's no street view.

Weird, it's dead quiet.


Outside, I mean.

You can't hear much from here.

Fred and Greg are missing.

Fred's dead.

What do you mean?

He got shot in the tower.


I didn't see it.

I heard it from the corridor.

I don't know who opened fire first.

Then another guard arrived.

He tried to stop Fred

but Fred tried to talk.

The guy shot him anyway.

And why isn't Greg here?

He should be.

Fred's dead anyhow.

You saw Fred get iced?

I heard.

You heard?

Maybe he wasn't the one killed.

I feel rough.

What's up?

Dunno. I feel rough.

I want to puke.

Drink or eat something.

- I think my arm's broke.
- What?

A car knocked me down
and my arm really hurts.

Anywhere else?


We'll get you something.

Come on.

How did it happen?

I crossed without looking.

What did you do after?

Nothing. I got up and ran off.

No one followed you?

No, I swear. I ran off fast.

Come with me.

Show me.


Can you move it?

Ok, it's not broken.

Just a nasty blow.

What did we say we do now?

We stay holed up here.

It'll be madness outside.

We go out tomorrow evening,
not before.

If everything's ok,
we head home.

You dumped your phones?

Even new, unidentified ones
are dangerous.


- Omar, where is it hidden?
- In the storeroom.

Show me.

What happened?

We blew everything up.

Where were you when it went off?

I didn't hear a thing. I came out
and got here as fast as I could.

- It's here.
- Great.

We can blow this place up too.

It'll be fine.

If no one screwed up
or got spotted, it'll be fine.

Show me your gun.

Your phone's off?

No, I have to stay available.

You told Mum
you wouldn't be home?

I said I'd be at Mika's.

And you?

At Katia's.

I screwed up with the card.

How come?

When I handed over the card,

the woman went into an office.

She said it was 'cos I hadn't signed it.

She didn't need to go to an office
for that!

I bet the bitch ratted on me.

It's just a piece of plastic
with a fake name.

Your prints aren't on file anyway.

You're being paranoid.
Don't worry about it.

I dunno.

This quiet's freakin' me out!

The place must be soundproofed.

Think we can smoke?

No, they must have detectors.

It's huge here.

Yeah, mind-blowing.

We should've set a bomb here too.

It's weird doing nothing.

What can we do?

Dunno. What time is it?

10 p.m.

Where are we?

I need to move.

Hold on, I'll come with you.

Are you there?

Anybody there?



How about some light?

Will someone see?

No, there's no windows.

The guys working here must go crazy.

Start the escalator up too.


I'm sick of wearing this.

Don't watch me change.
Get lost.

Get lost.

Why the knives?

This may come in handy.

Greg missing freaks me out.

How'll he get in?

He'll work something out.

Careful, please.

What was that?

I broke something.

Fucking watch out!

Are you there?

Think we killed many people?

No idea.
We tried not to. Forget it.

We know nothing. It's crazy.

I use this one.

Why do you do this stuff?

It's ok. Are you scared?

No, I'm not scared.

But I never thought
I could do such a thing.

You're beautiful.

Help yourself to clothes upstairs.

Not too loud!

Don't worry.



Can we turn these on?

I guess.

I don't know how though.

I'll check.

- Are they working?
- No.

Hold on.

And now?


It's wild, seeing it for real.

Simultaneous attacks in Paris

Eric Estrosi, CEO of HSBC France

City on red alert

What's that?

- What?
- The music.

Willow Smith.

She was 10 when she sang this.

Seen the video?

It's totally sick.

Who cares? Check the sound.

It's awesome, huh?

I'm fucking locked out.

Still no connection.

Won't the cleaners find the guys
in the security centre?

They don't go in there.

Won't they suspect something?

Nah, I'll be around.

They don't give a shit,
it's every man for himself here.

Can I smoke?

No, not here.

You'll set off the detector things.

Where did you find it?

The toy aisle.

And this one?

It's Omar's.

- Sure it's real?
- Yeah.

Don't screw up, ok.

Screw up? Are you serious?

The others screw up
with music and clothes.

It's all bullshit.

10:40 p.m.

We'll put it all back.

And these?

What's after men's clothing?

Dunno, we didn't go there.

Good evening.

How's it going?


What's going on?

It's panic stations.
I don't really know.

Bombs, but I don't know where.

Want to come in?


Inside the store. It's open tonight.

What are you doing in there?

It's my dad's store.
He said I could invite some friends.

If you're cold.
There's plenty to drink.

Good wine.
If you feel like it.


What's your name?


Well, Jean-Claude...

I'm waiting for my wife.

When she arrives, come in.
I'll put a wedge under the door.

Just pull it open.

Where are you?

Where are you?

Where are they?

Watchin' TV.

Are you ok?


You asshole.

A day of total terror.

You heard the President earlier.

In a short but intense speech,
he spoke several times of horror.

He has promised the implementation
of unlimited resources.

This afternoon, near the Louvre,
an explosion started a fire...

Turn it off.

Wait to see if there are any dead.

Turn it off. They'll only talk crap.

We did what we had to.

Don't go on the Net at home tomorrow.

There'll be shit comments.
We don't need that.

The connection's back.

The police say the attack
may be linked to the others,

but was carried out
by different people...

Nothing much on Facebook.

So change friends
and turn this off.

We should've blown up Facebook.

And the Employers' Federation.

I'm ready to die.
After my death, carry out an autopsy

to see if I was mentally deranged.

What do we do?

I dunno.

What time is it?

Quarter past midnight.

Another ten hours to wait.

I'm going for a cigarette.

It's wild. Want to try it?

Excuse me...

Got the time?

No, sorry.

Do you know what happened today?
I'm a bit lost.

I don't know much.

Several simultaneous bombs,

It seems calmer now.

Some people are over the moon.

And then you see others in tears.

They say it's war.

But I think it's over now.

Do they know who did it?

They'll be found.

No one's claimed anything.
The PM says there are serious leads.

But he won't say more.
He just said they may not be foreign.

But, quite frankly...


It was bound to happen, right?

I dunno. I guess.

You bet.

It had to happen.
It really had to happen.

And now it has.


- Freeze!
- I'm security too.

I'll put my gun down and go.

Freeze, I said.

I'm security too.

- Fuck.
- Move and I'll shoot!

I'm famished!

- Got a euro?
- Back in my jeans.

Got a euro?

Great job getting to the store room.

I told you I'd make it and I did.

I just had to reach the back stairs.

- It was tough.
- No, it was easy.

Turn round.

- What?
- Some makeup.

Cut it out.

Just relax.

Don't move.

My handsome warrior.

And I'm not a warrior?

Your turn next.

You're handsome.

Got plans tomorrow night?

Me? I told my mum I'd be home.



Where were you?


He can't get in.
All the doors are locked.

Stop worrying.

Maybe, but it stresses me
not knowing where he is.

Maybe he's dead,
maybe he's talking...

What do you mean?

What time is it?


Not eating?


Not hungry?

I just don't like it.

What's wrong?

I'm ok, I'm just a bit tired.

Tired, all of a sudden.

To Fred.

And to us!

I don't want any trouble, ok.

We were told we could come in.

It's ok,
she was just surprised to see you.

There's food and drink.

Make sure you're not seen
if you go back out.

You realize what you're doing?

Yes, I know exactly.

They'll eat some stuff
and we'll never see them again.

Think they'll rat on us'?

They're homeless.

What is this?
Are you kidding?

You're totally sick!

Look around, Yacine,
before you get mad like that.

You're a nutjob.

Don't let them out of your sight.

Only let them go
if someone takes over.

Or we shoot them.

Cut it out, you dumb jerk.

2:15 a.m.

What time is it?

David, I'm starting to freak out.

Because of them?

I dunno. No, it's...

It's the idea of going out tomorrow
and seeing it all.

Don't worry, baby.

Come with me.

3:30 a.m.

We're all going to die.

- We're all going to die
- We aren't.

We are.


A cop watched me on the cherry-picker.

He left but followed me.
We're all going to die.


We're going to die.

Holed up in the heart of Paris



Come and see.

No information yet
on the number of terrorists

or their identity.

A crisis meeting is underway
at the Elysée...

How did this happen?


- How is it possible?
- No idea.

Don't tell the others.

Why not?

It'll only panic them.

The cops won't just turn up.

We might've rigged explosives
or have hostages.

We stay calm.

I never set the bomb.

I left the tower before.

Too bad.

- Where're you going?
- The storeroom.

Everything ok, Omar?

Great sound, huh?

Seen the news?

Nothing new.

Wake up.

I fell asleep.

Come on, get dressed.

What's wrong?


Want a wedding dress?

Take one.

I don't care.

Come on.

- What's wrong, David?
- Nothing.

Wait here for me.

Everything ok?

Yeah, I'll store the rest opposite.

- Need a hand?
- No.

Talk to the others.
We'll use this to negotiate.

Want to get in with me?

No, thanks.

Think we'll get caught?


- I don't give a damn.
- You don't?

No, I don't.

We did something wild
that no one had done before.

Do you realize?

Nothing will be the same again.

Know what?
We'll go to heaven.

Not just me, you too.
And all the others.

What're you drinkin'?


Let me try.

You know,

our history teacher...

she told us this totally crazy story.

During the Iran-Iraq war,

the Iranians used old folks and kids
to clear mines.

They sent them out as scouts.

They promised them heaven.

So the kids went to clear the mines.

Loads blew up.

- So they're in heaven?
- No.

That's not the crazy part.

Just before sending kids,
they sent donkeys.

But the donkeys refused to move
after a while.

So they sent kids instead.



Give me your phone.

- Who'll you call?
- Forget it.

Hi, Mum, it's me.

I know it's early,
but I had something to tell you.

The garage door is still broken.

I'm worried you may end up locked in.

Get it mended, ok.

I'll come to lunch on Sunday.

Just make sure you don't get locked in.

Lots of love, Mum.
See you Sunday.

I love you.

Where are the others?

Get in with me.

I said I don't want to.
Where's Mika?

No idea.


Shit, Greg!

What time is it?

4 a.m.

Where the fuck were you?

I ran.

I didn't stop.

When I left the guy's office,

I ended up on the street.

In the confusion,
I still had my gun.

I forgot to hide it.

I fucking forgot to hide it.

I had the gun in my hand.

I started running like crazy.

I kept thinking,
"You won't get into the store.

"It's too late. You won't get in.

"You won't get in."

So I stopped running.

I just stood there.

So I blew my brains out

rather than end up in jail.

Wouldn't you have done that?

Tell me the truth.

Wouldn't you have done that?


Wouldn't you have done that?

Lots of love, Mum.
See you Sunday.

I love you.

I had a horrible nightmare.

Want to see a real nightmare?

...which means the police operation
is all the more complex.

The Interior Ministry
has limited us to studio broadcasts.

These images
won't be shown again for now.

What will happen now?

How will the police go about this?

Given the selected targets,

these aren't terrorists
but enemies of the state.

Officially, it means
negotiation is no longer obligatory.

The President has simply ordered
an end to the operation...

- There's a full sound system?
- Yeah.

Put music on, please.

I'm gonna fuck you...

What's up?

We have Semtex, but no detonators.

How come?

We never planned on using it.

Take some and look for an exit.

Enjoying yourself?

What time is it?

Time for coffee

and buttered bread.


It's over.

- What's over?
- It's over, ok.

I love you.

Where the hell were you?

I'm here.

You like this, right?

I love it.

Where're you going?

To find coffee.

Frankly, man to man,

isn't this look totally wild?


You like this, right?

I love it.

I always watched it as a kid.

Where're you going?

To find coffee.

Frankly, man to man,

isn't this look totally wild?


Police! Drop the gun!

I'm going to die.

What do we do?

- What the fuck do we do?
- No idea.

I have this.

Take the gun.
Give me that.

- Be right back.
- Where're you going?

I didn't tie the guards up.
I killed them.

- Why did you do that?
- Dunno.


On three,

we run for the stairs.

You go first.

Hold on, not just yet.

Hold on...






Help me...

Help me.

Help me!

Help me.

For Anna