Noch v sentyabre (1939) - full transcript

The enemies are again trying to prevent the Stakhanovists from working in a new way. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food

A Night in September

Screenplay by Igor Chekin

Directed by Boris Barnet

Director of Photography N.Naumov-Strazh
Artist V.Balluzek

Orchestra of the
Film Production Department
Conductor G.Hamburg

Director of Photography

Alexey Stakhanov


Ordzhonikidze - E.Abkhaidze

Stepan Kulagin - N.Kryuchkov
Pavel Lugovoi - D.Sagal

Dunya - Z.Fedorova
Anton Kulagin - A.Antonov
Sokolov - A.Zrazhevsky

Miner Zaika and Dr. Starkovsky -
N.Konovalov Poplavsky - V.Batalov

Sliva - P.Savin
Vavilov - A.Herr

Dunya's friends -
A. Karavaeva, M. Klyucharyova

T. Barysheva, V. Okuneva, A.Nabatov

The year 1960

In one hour and 30 minutes,
I'll be back on the night shift.

Just like that distant September night.

More than 20 years
have passed since then.

And how everything in our lives
has changed beyond all recognition.

It's been hard for us.

The enemies of Soviet Russia prevented us
from working and creating.

But we believed in our dream.

And now that dream has come true.

And everything happened in Donbas.

Grigory Konstantinovich Ordzhonikidze
paid a visit to Donbas that year.

One September night, a
simple miner, together with

the party leader of the
mine went down into it,

to increase coal production
with the help of a new working approach.

- Let's go?
- Let's go!

Agniya Konstantinova,
what's the last name of this miner?

Stepan, uh...

I think Shapiro knows,
but Shapiro is gone.

- How come you don't know his last name?
- Find it out, please.

Let's put an ellipsis there for now.

- Okay.
- Breaking past the coolness...

and sometimes direct opposition
from some of the old specialists...

- Some letter.
- ...a miner... Semicolon...

...went down into the mine... order to prove themselves
the possibility of increased...

...efficiency of the jackhammer.

Stepan Kulagin.

Instead of an ellipsis... Stepan Kulagin.


What's with the leaking of the air?

New hoses. Just got 'em!

What? This mine face in particular?

That's great. Thank you.

What do you mean, "What to do"?

Stay where you are, wait for orders.

Engineer Sokolov.

- Is the material breaking down?
- One minute.

- Vladimir Nikolayevich.
- I know, I got a call.

But that's murder!

Comrade Ordzhonikidze
was promised a ton of things.

They made a lot of promises.
But what actually materialized, huh?

Why would you lie to a man like that?

What man?

Why did you cheat comrade Ordzhonikidze?

Spat in the miners' faces.

We chop the coal the wrong way.
Don't keep up with the standards.

Chop the coal the wrong way.
Don't keep up with the standards.

That mine's filled with water,
who's been pumping it out?

You did.

Who took it from the whites
with the skin of their teeth?

You did.

Who fought for this Soviet life for you?

Your father, if you want
to know, was a great hero.

And you're a brat.

Well, for that matter,
let's talk about my father.

My father fought through
the whole civil war. That's right.

He fought the whites.

I thank my father for that,

I bow at his feet. All I ask:

Daddy, let's try it the new way.

We're happy to be stuck at 12 tonnes.

We send our reports
to comrade Ordzhonikidze:

'100% there!' There's the lie.

So it turns out that you are
offending comrade Ordzhonikidze.

He never lied
to comrade Ordzhonikidze!

And I did not say anything to
comrade Ordzhonikidze.

Because there was
nothing yet to talk about.

So, how is it?

- Not good, Grigory Konstantinovich.
- Tell me about yourself first.

- How are you?
- Thank you...

I'm good, Grigory Konstantinovich.
It is what it is.

- And Vladimir Nikolayevich?
- Sokolov has become quite old.

- How so?
- He got a little tired.

He's all right no matter what happens.

He'll grumble, and then he'll calm down.

No more squabbling.

So he's getting old.

We thought he was
the kind that never gets old.

- But he's healthy, at least?
- Healthy.

Give him my best.

I want to talk to you
before the meeting.

I'll ask for advice
since we're old friends.

- You'll probably scold me.
- You're getting ahead of yourself.

Not enough coal?

If you only knew, Pavel,
how much our country needs coal.

- We know, Comrade Sergo.
- Gorlovka is short of coal.

Your Irmino is in last place.

Makiivka is in the breakthrough.
And how does "Artem Ugol" work?

It is as if we extract
coal with dead hands.

I convene people, leaders.
I consult with them.

We're looking for a way out together.

Some people just shrug.

Others cite objective reasons.

And others are just too lazy to work,

to create, to think of something new.

And the fourth kind are,

the terrible saboteurs and scoundrels,

who are ruining the work of millions of
dedicated people of the Party.

You're a tough guy, a miner yourself!

Our job is to find people,

smart heads, hot hearts,

good hands. And set an example!

Are there enough hammers in the mine?

Are there enough tools?
Tell me what you need.

Everything is there, Comrade Sergo.
Our own souls are hurting.

There're a few of us on Irmino.
We're thinking, we're looking.

Your eyes are red. You're shrinking.

Didn't sleep on the train.
I kept thinking about your call.

Am I that scary?

Let's go home. Get some rest,
spend the night.

I'm embarrassing you,
Grigory Konstantinovich.

Well, come, come. Come.

And Zinaida Gavrilovna will see
how much of a party leader you are.

- Sergo, you?
- Yes..

Only I'm not alone,
I brought a guest.

You're welcome.

- You're up again.
- Grigory Konstantinovich,

- Please don't worry.
- There's nothing I can do now.

Now, brother, you're in the hostess' hands.
Come, come.

- How about I go with my comrade?
- Am I not your comrade?

Good night, Grigory Konstantinovich.

Good night, brother. Sleep.


Hello Mikoyan.

Sergo speaking. Listen, Anastas.

They're opening a new
department store in Irminka.

I want you to promise me that you will
send them new samples for the opening.

What do you mean, to the watermen?

So you give half to the watermen
and half to the coal miners.

The watermen are not
doing a good job so far.

And the coal miners will do well. Yes.

I dreamt of a garden,

wearing a bridal gown.

In this garden,

the two of us together.

Stars in the sky,

stars in the sea,

and stars in my heart.

The rustling of leaves,

- How is it, Sonya?
- Rustling leaves, gusts of wind.

...gusts of wind.

- Who's there?
- It's me. Hi, Sofya Kasyanovna.

Hello, dear Pavel.

- Ah, dear Pavel!
- Hello, Vladimir Nikolayevich.

Hello, hello. Have a seat. How's life?

- Here we go again, Vladimir Nikolayevich.
- Well, yes, here we go again.

Well Sonya, I asked...

I need your help and advice,
Vladimir Nikolayevich.

The first attempt failed, we know that.

The people have been stirred up.
The idea is half compromised.

And what is required
of Engineer Sokolov?

Nothing is required of him.

Stepan Glebov and I

want to be with you
in the mine during the night.

Eh, at my age, with me being 70,

I should be retiring
instead of crawling in mines.

Mining is a science.

I dedicated 40 years
of my life to this science.

Wrote a trunkful of books on it.

What he proposes
does not contradict science.

What he proposes is ballet.
It is not science, it's blather.


Ah, leave it, please.
I know what I'm talking about.

I won't go, dear Pavel.

Then forgive me,
Vladimir Nikolayevich.

I forgive you.

- Goodbye, Sofya Kasyanovna.
- Goodbye, dear Pavel.

And if you only knew,
Vladimir Nikolayevich,

how much the country needs coal.

Not for the plan.
Not for the interest.

But simply for the happiness of people.

- Stepan goes to work at what site?
- "Nikanor-East".

- The site manager is Glebov?
- Yes.

Break down some scaffolding.

- How?
- Well, you can't go after hoses again.

Throw in the faulty, rotten ones.


And more gusto, Vasily.

- Stepan!
- Here.

Let's go.

- And Sokolov?
- He said no.


Let's go!

Pavel, the wood is rotten.

Put a double fastener in the gaps.

Come on, Stepan!

Pavel. Pavel!

Stop working!

- Don't go, Andrei Semyonovich.
- Let go...

Who brought the wood down?

Andrei Semyonovich, I
gave my instructions to Kovun.

I am interested: who is
the site manager, Kovun?

- Or engineer Glebov?
- Well, you know it yourself.

You're a communist and you don't give
a damn about the lives of miners.

Comrade Poplavsky,
how could I think...?

You will think in the fresh air.
Leave the coalface!

Pavel, stop working!

Work is rescheduled.

Pavel, I order you to stop working!

In the morning.

Give me money for flowers.

- Comrade, close the door behind you.
- I'll close it now...

Give us the money.
We'll bring flowers.

- What flowers? What is this panic?
- He mined 102 tonnes!

- Who?
- Kulagin.

- How much?
- 102.

Bring me a note.

- Comrade Serdyukov.
- My last name is Serdyuk.


I give the floor to Stepan Kulagin.

Speak up, Stepan.
Speak in your own words. Go ahead.

What's there to say?

I knocked out 102 tonnes this afternoon.

Well, that makes 14 norms.

And tomorrow the whole working class
may do the same.

You just have to want it, guys!

Want it for the whole Soviet Union.

I didn't do anything special, fellas.

Fill it up, mother.

- Hello, Aunt Masha.
- Hello, dear Pavel.

- Is everyone home?
- Everyone. Sit down to dinner.

- Come on, sit down.
- Hold on.

- Sit down.
- Thank you, I'm full.

How was it, Anton Mikhailovich?

It's okay, he'll understand.

- Hello, Anton Mikhailovich.
- Hello.

- Take a seat, for dinner.
- I'm full, thank you.

Why are you resisting?

Guests are coming to see you,
Anton Mikhailovich.

Aunt Masha, is Stepan home?

- He is. Come on in.
- Come in, boys!

- Hello, Marya Yefimovna.
- Hello.

- Hello.
- Hello.

- Hello.
- Hello.

Hello, Aunt Masha.

- Hello.
- Hello.

- Hello.
- Hello.

- Hello.
- Hello.

- Hello.
- Hello.

Come on, come on.

Stepan, do you know "Almaz-South"?

I do. Why?

Well, they're thinking about it too.

Okay. You gonna mine it
on the Krutoy or the Pervyy?

I'll be on the Krutoy
and Andrey will working the Pervyy.

We want to outmine you.

- Outmine...
- Or die.

When are you guys coming?

- The seventh.
- Well, the seventh it is.

All right, fellas.
Come on in and talk to me.

The word is spreading
across this vast country

about Stepan Kulagin's record.
And it's getting a warm response.

Dear comrade Kulagin.

We salute your achievement.

And we're proud of such a son
of the working class.

We'd like to inform you
that what you started...

the very high level of socialist work...

we shall can carry on.

And we will be able to show
the whole Soviet people,

from the government to the party,

the way the Uralian
blast furnace workers work.

Hello, Maria Trofimova.

Be ready to the receive
the goods, ma'am.

Where's the old man?

Maria Trofimovna, we're having a party
at your place tomorrow night.

- Go get it, Taras Ivanovich.
- Open the door, open the door!

- Help!
- It's stuck.

On such an extraordinary occasion,

the people would like a drink,
Maria Trofimovna.

Congratulations on your great achievement,
Maria Trofimovna!

Our warmest congratulations
to you, Maria Trofimovna.

This one belongs to the people.

Trofim, come here.

Don't be shy, don't be shy, fellas.
It does belong to the people.

You've got to keep up, old men.
Get hard.

You gotta outmine the others.
One from the others, two from us.

That's the idea, yes.

- Well, cheers, fellas.
- Cheers.

Hello, comrades.

- Vladimir Nikolayevich.
- Vladimir Nikolayevich.

- Hello, hello.
- Hello, Vladimir Nikolayevich.

Our beautiful, dear
Vladimir Nikolayevich.

Tell me, is Stepan at home?

Stepan's not here.
It's just us, old timers.

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Hello, Vladimir Nikolayevich.
- Hello, hello.

Is that what you...
About the record?

Yes, our dear Vladimir Nikolayevich.

So, they've screwed us, eh!

- Yeah, I guess we got screwed.
- Did you hear that?

Vladimir Nikolayevich, dear, sit down.

Have a taste. Tell me:
do we really have to surrender, eh?

Shall we really surrender? Tell me!

You see, facts, according to science,

- are binding and insurmountable.
- Hear that?

- Vladimir Nikolayevich! - After all,
you and I spent 40 years, you know...

It's no joke to say:
Vladimir Nikolayevich Sokolov!

A enormous soul, a great mind.

- Where's Stepan?
- Stepan?

And who taught Stepan?
You did, didn't you!

Yes, I did.

But it would be nice
to learn from Stepan, too.

Did you hear that?

For those words, drink with the
working class, Vladimir Nikolayevich!

Pour it!

To the health of
Vladimir Nikolayevich! Hooray!

So, Vasily, there's a solution.

"Central-Irmino" is out of commission.


And the directive is to die but do.

How much time do you need
to prepare and execute it?

- Me?
- Who else?

My friend, you know the mine by heart.

No, Andrei Semyonovich,
it's a deadly matter.

Get to the point.


- Two days to think.
- To think?

Others will do the thinking!

We have a job to do.

- A month.
- A week.

September 7. Night shift.

You put dynamite in the mine bed.

"Almaz-South", "Ivan-East",
"Ivan-West", "Beral-North".

Well, goodbye.

Always welcome, Vladimir Alexandrovich.

- So, September 7th, night shift.
- I heard.


- Ten.
- Five.



The location of the dynamite nests?

"Almaz-South", "Ivan-East",
"Ivan-West", "Beral-North".

On this night, hundreds of miners

decided to support
Stepan's great cause.

They were ordinary miners,

who were going against
the old norms and calculations,

and against pseudoscience.

What a thing a little man could do!

And there's thousands
more coming after him.

- Coming, you say?
- Coming.

They're coming, but
not all of them will return.


Did you get the wood down?

- Inspected myself.
- All right, then.

You should say something
about Glebov, Vasily.

He's being asked, and you're the one
who got the rotten wood down.

The mistake is yours
and Glebov's to answer?

No way! Got it?

Did you see that?
He's getting at me.

- Who's getting at you?
- Rushing around, like a dog.

- If you're guilty, don't say anything.
- What's it got to do with me?

What's it got to do with me?

You sit there.

Don't go anywhere.

No, it's the other way around.

- Why aren't you at the mine?
- Really, what's the matter, why?

I can't, Andrei Semyonovich.

- He's crying across the entire mine.
- Who's crying?

Stepan. Rushing around,
like a dog.

"You brought the wood down.
So you answer for it."

- Why aren't you at the mine?
- I can't be.

So what is it, Vasily?

Indeed, it was you who
brought down the rotten wood.


You did.

- You told me to!
- But you did it.

Shh, shh. Sit down.

Go on, then.

Sit down. Sit down, don't be afraid.

Take it. Write.

- Write what?
- I'll dictate it to you.

To the party committee.

To every miner.

To every man in town.

He's stopping me from breathing.

He keeps me from living.

That Stepan Kulagin is bullying me.

And I have nowhere to go.

That's why I'm dying.

What are you doing, fellas?!

- You write that.
- How can I?

Don't touch me, fiend!

Write, you bastard!

Oh, what are you doing!

- Let go! Let go!
- Please keep your voice down.

Quiet! Why are you doing this?
Give me the phone.

You chickened out, you bastard!

Oh, we're gonna perish!
Stop being so fussy! For God's sake!

All right, all right.
I can't even joke with you.

That was a good one.
So we're good as artists.


You understand, Vasily,
it takes an attempt.

You see? A suicide attempt.

Well, I don't know. I mean, you

were about to hang yourself.
- Oh, okay.

Well, are we...
I think we're just in time...


- ...and saved you.
- We came up and saved you.

- Yeah, saved you.
- Saved you.

- And you wrote a note.
- We read the note.

- the note...

- "Bullied by Stepan Kulagin."
- You know, "Bullied by Stepan Kulagin."

- Don't you get it?
- Here we go.

So I shouldn't write the letter?

I should hang myself, right?

- No, Vasya, you need to write the letter.
- You have to write it.

- Is this it?
- That's right. In crooked handwriting.

You can't take a joke.

No sense of humor.

He's gonna betray us.

Oh, he's gonna betray...

Oh, Poplavsky...

- Cut it out, Starkowski. Knock it off.
- Kill...

Kill him. Kill him!

- I can't do it. No, no, no.
- Just get it over with.

- Cut it out, Starkowski.
Otherwise, we're done for.

- I'll kill him. I'll kill him.
- Cut it out.

What are you doing here?

Oh, comrades!



Nikolai Zakharovitch, raise the alarm!

- The wires on "Beral-North" have been cut.
- What's that?

The telephone wires
on "Beral-North" have been cut.

Sound the alarm! I saw it myself.

Raise the alarm quickly. Hurry up!




Follow me, to the "North"!

Stop the work! Stop the work!

Stop the work!

Comrade manager.

Comrade manager.

Comrade manager!

What do you want?

Comrade manager, come now.

- I found dynamite in the mine.
- You what?

What dynamite?

There's a guy trying
to blow up the mine.

- Who?
- Some bastard!

- Where?
- "Beral-North".

- Hurry, there's an alarm.
- Stop.

- What?
- Wait.

Sit down, deary. I'll
get dressed in a moment.

You're wanted there.

- What do you want?
- It's urgent.

Comrade manager.


There he is.
He showed up himself.

Take the key.

Ask him what he was doing
at the mine. Ask him, ask him!

Tell me, what were
you doing at the mine?

I wasn't there.

Hah, he's kidding no-one.

He's lying, he's lying.

Hold him down.
I'm gonna call the police.

- Idiot.
- Now.

All right, all right!

Stop the work!

Stop the work!

Everyone out!

Stop the work!

- Where are you going?
- Dunya's missing.

Get me Stepan Kulagin.

Close the door, please.

Sit down.

That's okay, I'll stand.

Ask the plant foreman.

Andrei Semyonovich,
as a matter of fact,

the foreman of this plant is Kavun.
But he didn't go out to work.

Some time to get sick.

Find out why Kavun
didn't show up for work.

- Now?
- Yes.

Who was the foreman
instead of Kavun?

- Anton Kulagin.
- Anton?

Who was the foreman
at your station on this shift?

My old man.

Don't you think it's possible,
Comrade Kulagin,

that the explosion
at the mine occurred

due to a lack of signals from the foreman
about the accumulation of coal dust?

Let's try, Comrade Kulagin, to look past
warm feelings of kinship.

My father's been working
at that mine for 45 years.

- That's not what I'm asking you.
- What are you asking then?

Ask for the foreman Anton Kulagin.

Be seated.

- Vladimir Nikolayevich.
- Yes, yes. Who's there for me?

Anton Mikhailovich.
Did something happen?

- I'm on trial.
- You're on trial? - Yes.

You're what?

Misjudged, I'm told.

Oh, yeah? Let's go!


I know what I have
to do, my dear. Let's go!

All right.

The commission has come
to the conclusion

that the explosion
could have occurred as a result

of an excessive build-up
of coal dust in the mine face...

- There was no dust.
- We'll find out.

...and also because of

sudden accumulation of gas.

- In both cases...
- Andrei Semyonovich.

Andrei Semyonovich, here.

Is that a fact?

It's a fact, Andrei
Semyonovich. I saw it myself.

Did you have anything with Kavun?

Did you two have a fight or something?

No. I didn't have a fight with him.

Is he complaining about me?

Unfortunately, yes, he's complaining.

To the party committee
and all the fellow miners.

I was bullied by Stepan Kulagin.

He won't let me breathe.
Keeps me from living.

That's why I'm dying.

Goodbye. Vasily Kavun.


Poor Vasily.

Very sad news.

I told him about the wood.
That's all there was to it.

You may go now.

No, let me stay.

Well, let's get on with it.

More documents...

on the possibility
of a sudden occurrence...

of gas at the mine face...

will be presented
to the judicial investigation...

immediately after the completion
of the commission's work.

I think we should consider the new regime
in the mine and the state of ventilation.

Of course,
that's part of our direct duties.

Your question, Comrade Glebov,
there is no time to deal with it now.

It is not about my dismissal.

It's about something else.

It's about the explosion in the mine.

I was in the mine.
And as an engineer, I'm telling you,

that there was no excess
coal dust or gas in the longwall.

The conclusion will come
from a fairly reputable commission.

I demand, however,
that my words be put on the record.

And I demand that
you stay out of our way!

Please leave.

- Hello, comrades.
- Hello Grigory Konstantinovich.

Hello, Comrade Glebov.

Come here,

where do you have him?

Here he is, Grigory Konstantinovich.

There you are.


And we in Moscow
thought he was a giant.

No. He's a giant indeed!

Hello, Grigory Konstantinovich.


Nonsense, gentlemen.
The devil's work.

Unspeakable nonsense!

Agniya Konstantinovna,
I want all the foremen now!

The chief engineer has a meeting.
Announce it to all at once!

This is more than a crime.

This is illiteracy! It's illiteracy!

You hear me, I'm...

publicly willing to review
all 40 years of my work.

And you, damn you!

Those sticks you jam
into the wheel of history,

history will erase them, gentlemen.

Please, please, put me on trial.

Me! And no one else, no one else!

- Judge me, please.
- Pavel.

And you said he was getting old.

You made him young!

Ah, excuse me, excuse me.
When did you get here?

- Hello, Vladimir Nikolayevich.
- I didn't notice you'd arrived.

Grandma, why are you crying?

- Your Dunya sent me.
- How's Dunya?

- Grandma, what is it, Grandma?
- She's in the hospital.

Went mad.

You're not allowed in there.
Where the hell do you think you're going?

- Just tell me, where's the head doctor?
- You can't go to him either.

- What? What's the big deal?
- Oh, just...

- Listen, doctor. Can I visit a sick woman?
- What woman?

- Dunya Velichko, our miner.
- He's got some nerve.

Comrade, what's with
the banditry? She's sick.

How can she be?

- She's healthy as hell.
- That's it, comrade. Clear the room.

Vasily Grigorievich.

Vasily Grigorievich,
please show the man out.

And please don't let anyone else in!

Listen, maybe you could
pass on a package, huh?

Yes, sure.

Let's sit here.

Stepan, how could this happen?

Put that in there too.

Party committee of the mine.

Comrade, this phone is
only for the patients to use.

All right!

- Ask for Lugovoi.
- I'm here.


- Pavel. There's a miner here.
- I know, I know.

Ivan Nikolayevich, this way.

- Comrade Kulagin?
- Yes.

- Hello.
- Hello.

Hello, doctor.

I didn't expect to see you here,
Comrade Lugovoi.

Tell you what, doctor.
There's a patient here.

Our miner, Dunya Velichko.

So, I brought a neurologist.

We'll set up
some kind of a consultation.

You know, two heads
are better than one.

How do you get to the room here?


Hello, colleague.

So you wanted to know
about the patient? Have a seat.

So, my colleague...

Suspected Delirium tremens.

Perhaps, the explosion triggered it,

but the schizophrenia is clear:
the delirium is very typical.

All the party members
at the mine are saboteurs.

Stepan Kulagin.
Poplavsky, the boss of the mine.


All of them are the masterminds
of the mine explosion.

- Let's go to the room.
- Yes, let's go.



What is it, Dunya?
Dunya, how are you?

Calm down, Dunya.
What's the matter?

Come on, darling,
calm down, Dunya.

Untie her. Well, that's it.

Calm down. Easy now.
Quiet. Quiet.

- Dunya, calm down.
- The hands! - Come on, Dunya.

Why don't you come in, Doctor?
Come in, please.

Patient, here's another doctor.
Are you from the region, colleague?

- Yes, from the region.
- Now what did you say about the explosion?

If you may, doctor,
without any leading questions...

- I'm sorry.
- Please.

If you can, tell me how you're feeling.

Nurse, get out of here.

We could use a nurse.

In fact, say whatever you want.

- Can you talk?
- I can.

- Is it easy for you to talk?
- Yes.

Go on, then.

I'm running down the drift.

I see the new one,
with big ears, cutting wires.

Take your time talking.
When was that?

September 7, on the night shift.

He saw me, got scared,
ran and dropped the dynamite.

I told the foreman, of course.
Then I ran to Poplavsky.

- Poplavsky's the head of the mine.
- That's where the big-eared one came in.

They both jumped on me there.
Then I don't remember a thing.

Woke up here.

And the doctor says I mentioned you
along with them, Comrade Lugovoi.

That's the doctor speaking, not me.

Well, Ivan Nikolayevich?

- This seems the speech of a normal person.
- And in my opinion, not normal.

Now, Doctor, may I come to
your office to write my report?


Nurse, help her. Calm down.

What are you--? Go, go to her.


Calm down.
It's all right. It's all right.

I was involved.

I was tricked.

I can make it, it's okay.

And he wouldn't let
the nurse come near me.

Let's get out of here!

Well, Vladimir Nikolayevich,
shall we continue?

Sure, let's try.

- Is the doctor in?
- Yes. I'm sorry, you can't.

- Who can't? - No one's allowed in.
- Are you out of your mind?

- Jackass. - That's an awkward way
to put it, Grigori Semyonovich.

- Go report that it's me.
- They didn't tell me to report.

- Are you for real?!
- Grigori Semyonovich...

Let me in, you idiot!

What a mess you've got in here!
That guy almost punched me in the face.

Hello, Pavel.
Almost punched me in the face!

He should have.

What's going on?

Put your weapon on the table.

Did this one trick you?



Yes, me.



So what time is the next
mine explosion scheduled?

Today, at 12 o'clock.

- You're lying. It's at 10:00.
- 10:00.

Ivan Nikolayevich!

Comrade Lugovoi, let's go to the mine.

One hour to go.

Pavel, the phones
in the drifts are down.

Vladimir Nikolayevich,
come up to the face.

Please do not interfere.

Vladimir Nikolayevich,
I ask you not to go any further.

Vladimir Nikolayevich, I forbid you!

Don't lecture me, young man!

Foreman! Foreman! Foreman!

I know many of you.

We've shared hunger and cold.

For the future.

For a wonderful new life,

for the life of a communist society.

Stepan Kulagin and his comrades

gave us the first sprouts
of communist labour.

That's why the enemy tried to strike

at the back of this new movement.

But let the enemy know,

that our country is invincible!

Our working class is invincible!

Our party is invincible!

What did Stepan give us?
What did his comrades give us?

An incredible fact.

It's a fact of the utmost importance.

Who knew these people?

Who knew the ordinary miners...

and humble party organisers...

of an inconspicuous mine?

Does Stepan know
that the blow of his hammer

was heard all over the country?

That he and his comrades

are raising a mighty
new movement for our homeland?

There they are. That's them!

And it's not just coal.
Beyond the coal, there's oil, ore.

Behind ore is the high productivity of
weavers, steelworkers, blacksmiths.

What have these comrades done?

They did what they
were called upon to do

by the greatest of the great men,

the organizer of our party,

our teacher, comrade Lenin.

You shed your blood for Donbas, father!

For this place!

So be sure:

We will not let it fall
into the wrong hands!

We had a hard time.

But we have come to today's work,

work that is breathtaking.

To the life you've been dreaming of.

And still with me...

is my friend Pavel,
our mine's party leader.

And my Dunya.
She's always with me.

All right, time's up.
Time for our shift.

The End

Subtitles by mammame
Russian transcription + timings by lemicnor