No Place to Run (1972) - full transcript

An adopted boy's parents are killed, and to keep him from returning to the state's custody, he and his grandfather run away.

Okay, Sam, What is that? Hyper watching

Nicole? Why? What do you want to know

for? You really care? Of course I care

But you don't want to tell me. I

won't press you. You're pressing yourself hime. You're

gonna press yourself right into a heart attack. A

bad one. We sit down, please. So

I don't have to smoke. You don't have to

do a lot of things. Like work. What

for you 73 years old? Not yet. You're

73. You said that you didn't hear me.

73 is a nice age to shoot for when you're

my age. But once you're there, once you've

made it, it's too young not to enjoy.

You know what I mean? Enjoy, Sam.

I'm a businessman. I've been a businessman all my

life. I take great pride in it. I

find it very enjoyable. A lot more enjoyable than

playing checkers in the park and a lot more dangerous

You talk about danger? Did you have a

play Checkers with those old thieves in the fire?

Like Barry, Cougars will pick your arm over the

over. You stay away from them. So Ally

What? What are you writing? What's that

bills only if you need it. All right,

We'll find a nice, cool flesh of them with

I'll keep a long, long time. Will

you do me a favor? I'm when you take

care of yourself. You don't watch out that King

is gonna jump your men in the corner, Max

Every day you combine, stick your nose in

and ruin a perfectly good checker game. Now stop

once and sit down and play a game with us

I don't trust you. Older people. I

know you'll take advantage of me because my grandson's taken

care of the store. If I sit around here

I'll be out of business by two o'clock.

Wait. From the roaring crowds in the War of

city faces, who they carry on when they found

that way, they better schools. Wait, Leave

way! What they do, if they're found a

way in the downtown way traded way for a quiet

country day way to share. Would they try to

find out where way? Wait. What would they

say if we are? Wait. Here comes the

old man again. Hi. I'm going to see

again. What can I do for you today?

I want you to move that machine out of there

blocking your side again. You have a permit

to build here. Not in front of my store

Look, I'm I've explained all that to you

before. It's just not that easy to move those

things. Where would we put it? Don't ask

I'm warning you. Next time I call the

police. What about my office? Come on.

What do you say? What I always say to

you, Remus? Nothing. What? It I'll

be the last time. 25,000. Making 26.

Alright, Twist my arm. 26 5 What do

you say to that? Get your lousy crane away

from the front of my store. Be reasonable,

will you? We both fill that place of yours

is doomed way. Haven't seen four people walk in

there today. You and the boy at least my

way. You'd be getting something out of it.

Relax. Begin to enjoy life a little. What

makes you think I'm not enjoying life? Okay,

okay. We've been all through that, but I

just wonder how long this masquerading youth will go on

You're no spring chicken. You know, one

of these days you're gonna wise up like the rest

of the people around here who sold out when they

had a chance. We'll talk about it. That

my boy, you have a lot to learn.

Someday you're going to sell this place to a conglomerate

and they're going to put you away in a

big, plush office with nothing to do and then

mandatory retirement at the age of 64 years, 11

months and 28 days. And then, you know

we'll look tonight. Old age is a state

of mind, something to which I have not yet

allowed myself to fall victim. That will happen in

the day when I finally do so. My place

Or when I failed to enjoy the look on

your face. Every time I turn you down,

I am. I'll see that the crane stays out

of your way. All right, put it someplace

convenient. Like across town didn't help. What are

you offering? What do you bath tiles? A

fast care. All right. See? 360 just

wanted to see you do it. You. That

was business. While I was gone booming, three

construction workers came in to use the phone. That's

good. Now I'm running a telephone service. Did

we get any calls? No. But Remus was

here already had the pleasure of being with Mr Rina's

You told him off again. Did you?

Next time you let one of those robots in here

I'm going to stick. An oil cannon is

here. Two dozen cotton twill. I don't understand

you. Hi. This'll Place is dying a slow

death, and you pass up a chance to get

out with a bundle. It's a matter of the

principle involved. But principal, what's the difference?

As long as there is a principle involved, I

don't understand. I'll take this thought. For instance

It's not exactly Macy's, but it's mine.

It makes me a living, makes me feel.

But Macy says the same thing about his store.

Three dozen domestic. How do you compare yourself to

him? Why not? It makes me feel,

but I'll make you feel good, so I'll compare

you to Jerry West. My jump shot's not as

good as Jerry West. My story isn't as good

as amazing. These people. You don't know a

thing about how these people feel you're tearing Doug and

time apart. Don't you understand that I'm not tearing

anybody apart? Mr Fox. Mr. Mulch did

not adopt the boy legally. Has no claim on

done. When his son and daughter in law were

killed, he should have notified us immediately. He

didn't. The adoption proceedings weren't finalized. When they

died, Doug automatically became our responsibility. I understand

that. I've written to him three times. He

hasn't answered me yet. I wanted to the files

and I found your name. So if it was

an inconvenience for you to make this trip But we

thought his lawyer should know we're gonna have to take

the boy away. Just like that. Just like

what? The agency should have been notified a year

ago. I told him to after the accident,

I I thought he did. I thought it was

all settled. Unfortunately, it's not so, but

I'm was wrong. Made a big mistake. Now

what are we gonna do about it? Nothing

I don't say nothing. We're talking about something

very important here. I'm very well aware of that

Has made a home for the boy a good

home, Mr Fox. A man cannot just walk

in here and take one of the Children, no

matter what kind of a home he intends to give

him. That's why we have an adoption agency.

There are hundreds of environmental and sociological factors to be

considered. I'm quite well, the least of which

of the standards of age and health and Mr Moore

scores very poorly on both. And how do you

score emotion? What's he accepted standards on Doug's feelings

when you take him away? I'm not trying to

suggest that this is easy. It never is.

But all of this doesn't change anything. We are

taking the boy away and returning him to the custody

of the agency. Hopefully, we'll be able to

place him again very soon. I'll expect to see

them at the home on Saturday. I'm sorry it

had You made your point. So what if it

sticks a couple of people? Let's little blood run

Look at that. Robots. 10 men.

Oh, brave. No, not even any brains

Not just store way. The whole thing is

handled. Look at them. No room for a

gentlemen. A person with feelings, Chris. With

manners. This is what our friend remiss lax eminence

Lousy cranes. Uh, enough of my problems

What about you? Huh? Tonight is your

night. Wednesday. What do you want to do

And why don't we just go home? What's

at home? Let's go someplace nice. Bowling,

Miniature golf. I'll tell you what. We'll take

a boat at MacArthur Park. All the things you

would put it do. It's my night, but

it's always what you want to do. I can't

help, but I like post. All right?

It's your night. All right? Don't forget.

Okay? I said it's your night. Oh,

this calls for a little strategy, right? Excuse

me. Wait. What? You walk out for

the best part's role in the second half, but

the best part is in the second half. I'm

glad I'm sitting out here. We'll go back.

Enjoy. I can't enjoy it with you out here

And I can't enjoy it with me in there

Six people. I counted them. Six people

shop in the 1st 20 minutes. Don't they make

pictures anywhere where nobody gets killed? But it's real

You call that Really? It's authentic. So

where's the Chicago Fire? But I'm glad I wasn't

there. I gotta go. My night. Remember

I remember. All right. All right.

Well, how about some ice cream? No,

it's a pop star, but you're still stalling.

You're right. What we get? Just the usual

bills. So shopping coupons in a magazine. Throw

them up. Can I keep the magazine? I'd

like to see what's going on on the outside.

What do you mean, the outside or you're George

Raft. After 13 years in an orphanage, almost

You begin to pick up certain ways to talk

where you can drop in. George, you're out

now. Okay. Hello, J, Is that

you? J O J. How are you?

You're here in town. What a pleasant surprise.

Well, sure, it's pleasant. Whatever you have

to say, just talking to you was a pleasure

Nonsense. Nothing could be that serious. Why

don't have to hear it now? Look, J

if there is a problem, there's an answer,

and you'll come up with it. Oh, now

I'm not alone. Doug is here because he's here

All right. Tomorrow is fine. You'll you'll

drop around and tell me what you come up with

Good. All right. All right. Don't

worry. Will you stop worrying already? Fine.

It's a legend. What do you want? Nothing

important. You know lawyers. There's no problem.

They'll invent one. Getting ready for bed. Something

the matter then come here. Tell me in here

No. Hi. Listen. And you talk

if you want. Doug, when you want to

tell me what's wrong, I promise we'll find an

answer for you. No, I You wouldn't happen

to be a customer by any chance. Are you

just looking around? That's right. Sorry. You

remind me of somebody I used to know. J

Fox. Not too good looking. Moved to

Seattle. Doesn't even call anymore. You been,

uh, find the stadium in shape, like already

knew. Well, I'm in trouble. That's what

I think. You try to tell me on the

phone like I told you. I just wouldn't listen

I was listening. I just didn't think there

was any sense and crying wolf when you didn't have

to not interfere with a good brain of yours to

work. Great. You get any mail from the

adoption board? You know what they supposed? They

sent three letters. I didn't see him. I

could tell you what they said. Okay. If

you want, go ahead. They want done.

I want that. You didn't notify anybody when Cheryl

and Joe were killed. It was nobody's business.

I could take care of Doug I didn't take care

of that time. It's not that simple. Why

not? Because legally, he's not yours. The

boy lives here. That's possession. So you know

the percentages are in my favor. Will you stop

that? They're gonna take the kids. No,

you stop it. Better yet, tell them to

stop. But the boy lives here just like me

J you tell them that it can't be that

hard. And stop acting like a pull bitch.

Please, j do it for me. God knows

what's right is right. So, what's the problem

Nope. I'm Doug. You're home here?

Back here. What's this? What's it look like

going on a cruise to Hawaii? Who told you

so? This explains why I haven't been getting my

mail. You must have known. I would have

found out sooner or later. I guess I thought

that as long as you didn't know that it really

could be true. Pretty stupid and stupid. All

right. So now we both They say you don't

have to be back until Saturday. What's your rush

I'm not going back, Period. What do

you want to accomplish? Nothing. Then why?

It's a matter of principle involved. What principle?

it doesn't matter as long as there's a principle involved

Doug. You want to read some of the

garbage in these letters looking out for the child's best

interest. Ah, proper environment. You got any

idea what that place is really like? I mean

really, where you planning to go? Oh

boy, Canada. I could pass for 18.

Most. I'll find work. Why not Mexico?

It's closer. I can't speak Spanish. Canada's a

long walk. This will get me there. You're

sure? What about at night when it's cold?

What about food? What about money? What do

you expect to eat? Roots. Don't worry.

I'll manage. Don't worry, It's a pole order

Don't worry. Why don't you tell me?

Don't laugh. Don't sleep. What about me?

Don't I get a chance to see what I can

do about it? There's nothing anybody can dio.

How can you be so certain? Well, what

can you do? Do I have a vision?

How long tomorrow? Same time is now. Okay

If it's a question of a home, boy

even has his own room. There's no lock on

the refrigerator. Even Picks will be watching TV and

clothes. He has a whole store full love,

understanding, discipline. Maybe too much. Except this

Now you understand? There's no reason to move

the boy. I would have thought you'd already explained

it to him, Mr Fox. No, you

tell him. No, please let me hear from

your own lips. Why? I'm not fit to

raise the boy. What? Essentially it's this Mr

Mold. Suppose we did authorize the adoption. What

if you became ill and couldn't provide for the boy

Or worse? What if he had to provide

for you? Why should that happen? Because you're

over 70 years old, sir. And that makes

you prone to certain disabilities. Just being alive puts

you in danger. I don't understand this attitude that

judges a man on the probability of the years in

front of when the years behind is what really counts

They really represent him at the time. He's

talking to you. Which would be a valid case

if you were 40 but not when you're over 70

Exactly 73. It's all written down there.

Why can't you say it 73 in good health,

Not in good health. What do you mean?

Because you still run a business and you refuse to

fall in your doctor's orders, increasing the very risk

time talking about. You've been listening to Sam.

He exaggerates everything. Well, he's your doctor.

You listen to him. Everybody's ready for a wheelchair

Unfortunately, we have to listen to him.

Well, don't listen to me. I feel fine

I know how I feel. I feel good

Mr. Marsh, we've examined your case quite

extensively. You could have a heart attack become an

invalid ID any time, even die. I'm sorry

but we simply cannot justify placing any child in

your care. I'm not your enemy, Miss Howard

You see, the boy trusts me. He's

been happy for over a year. Tell me the

truth. Can you guarantee anything better? I'm sorry

See, with the boy we do all right

Together. We, he and I, we

make out all right. We do things our own

way. I have a lot of years left with

him if you leave us alone. But if you

take him away, I don't know what's left.

There's reality, Mr Moore. Afraid you gonna have

to accept it. Tell me something. How old

are you? Well, I don't see what that

No, please. I'm 27. you have

Children, maybe? No, Miss Howard, I

have lived through enough reality to fill your life three

times. The worst kind ward Death, depression,

old age. Now I would like something else.

It's a medicine. A little easier to take.

Do me a favor. Of course I would.

The boy gets here. You explained how to make

him understand why he's better off without good. All

right, let me give you a ride home.

No, I'll walk. You go. We'll go

someplace on a couple of beers. Turn back clock

Little what you say? No. Well,

when you heard me Yeah, sure. I'm not

sure about anything. 12. 60. Hey,

mister. What is this, the place? Yes

my place. Please. Please. That's the

world. Have to be helped up like an invalid

Thank you very much. But it's unnecessary.

Ramos, You can save your breath, Mr Mulch

I'm gonna move that crane now. You save

yours. Let's get down to business. Now you

know what I'm talking about. You mean you want

to sell? I turned you down yesterday. I

can assure you I won't be back tomorrow. Well

I'm not even going to ask the reason for

this sudden changes don't. All right? If I

remember correctly, our firm offer was 26. Doubt

for the store in the land, I ts It

was 26 5 I'll take 30. Not a penny

less out of the question. No, no.

Maybe 27. But that's my last offer. Don't

trifle with me. Remiss. Yours is not the

only slaughter house in town. 28,000. That's very

no. All right. Agreed. 30,000 in cash

by three o'clock today. Impossible. The papers have

to be drawn up. The papers have been sitting

in your office for a long time. Three o'clock

Oh, hi. Um, you realize this

is highly impractical. An unorthodox way of doing business

My father was orthodox. My mother was practical

I am neither one. You'll have the money

by three o'clock. I'll see you then. It's

been a pleasure doing business with you. No,

I understand, Mr Walsh. Something that will run

and give you good service. I'm sure we'll be

able to find something around here. Something with style

Little power under the hood. Listen, don't

try to sell the sales. And would you couldn't

sell a yokel. This one here. Just what

I had in mind. Sure, Sure. What's

that seat, though? Uh, C notes.

Here you are. Who drove this car? Last

Houdini. It's automatic. Automatic? What was the

last car you owned? Studebaker 1937. I'll take

it. I'm sorry to bother you. It is

not enough hot water, Is that it? Oh

no. Too much water. Too much.

And this? What? What for? It's two

months rent. You going somewhere? Somewhere. But

But you're coming back? No. Listen, I'm

sorry about you know. No, it's all right

It's just that I don't like having new people

come in. You know, I I don't know

if they're gonna be friendly. I I don't know

if I'm gonna like them. They're gonna like me

you know? I know you. Nice of

you to say that. It's just how I feel

I think I never know that all these years

maybe I should have taken a trip a long time

ago. I am Good luck. Hi. I

am. What are you gonna do with dog?

Your stuff? Give it a old friend. Oh

you Well, thank you. What do you

want to do? I told you already. I

don't blame you. for anything? No, no

Blame me for all of it, But some

other time. Now, just tell me. Is

this what you want? Really major mind. There's

no talking you out of it. You've thought about

this? Yeah. Yeah. Give me your grip

Unless you want to hold it on your lap

all the way to the border. What's this?

In some circles, it's known as an automobile.

Is it yours? Where'd you buy it? Can

you drive it? It's for us to traveling men

I like. The thing of it is a getaway

I don't think you should do it. Why

not? It's different for you. You got responsibilities

Two to be exact. You and me.

Only now I've been involuntarily relieved that my responsibility for

you And given enough time, I'm sure they'll want

to relieve me of my responsibility for me. I

don't think I want that to happen. How do

you open this thing? Oh, what about the

store? What store remit? It wasn't exactly Maggie's

Well, we have time enough for me to

pack a few things, get rid of a few

things. I am. What you thought about this

Sure. This is really what you want to

do? Made your mind up. No talking you

out of it. That's very well put, Wiseguy

Listen, if you really want to go,

what are we driving for? Why don't we fly

with my age? My house would get tired.

All right? I'm scared. Sure. You know

how to drive? Of course I can. What

do you think I'm doing? Terrific, Mr Fawlty

I know you're sorry. You didn't understand.

You have no idea what kind of a man he

was. And if there's anything you could do,

you'd be only too happy to make a minute.

May I come in, please? Where are they

Mr Fox? You know perfectly well who I

mean. Mr. Marsh was to have the boy

the home five hours ago. I've been calling all

morning and no answer. Oh, my God.

The man's uncontrolled. Well, don't feel bad.

He doesn't listen to me that you call the police

No. Good. Not good. I was

supposed to report in three hours ago. If we

don't find them, I met a lot of trouble

Okay. Okay. Come on. I'm hungry

We're gonna stop for dinner. What's this?

Dr. Provisions Dry Provisions Way have a long trip

ahead of us. That stuff lasts a long time

Look at this. Dried fruit. Powdered milk

dry P. I'll never go to the bathroom

again. That'll get us to Canada a few minutes

earlier. Can I look? Sure? Is this

a lot of money? It's a lot of money

You had the store your whole life. Maybe

you didn't get enough. You see, that is

my whole life. No. If you never.

For a long as you live measure a man's life

by how much money he makes, then you'll be

a lot better off when it comes time for making

friends. I haven't done too bad habit. That's

what we're going to find out. I'll be right

back. I am, I am. It's made

J Thanks. You're welcome. You know, Mr

Certainly. He's a lovely man. He gave me

this chair. Why? Because he couldn't get it

into the station wagon. So what? The station

wagon station work? Yeah. I just said that

you can't even drive. You could have fooled me

Have any idea where he's going? I don't

know. Nothing. Well, he's got a lot

of other stuff in there. Maybe he wants to

give it all to you. He already did.

Maybe I want to take it away. Huh?

You try. What you gonna do about tell?

Hi, M. You don't even know where he

is in Cana. Thank you. Today, John

It's a great sound, huh? Sure.

You're tired and that's supposed to keep you awake.

If it'll work for the dead, I suppose it'll

work for me. I could drive you. No

no, no. It's too much of a

risk. I'm fine. Don't worry about me.

I'm fine. Wide awake. Way to turn off

the music. It's distracting. Wait. All rights

Anybody wake up. You're not at the world

Offers over. No dried food again for breakfast

No, No special today. Okay, We're

going to take a chance and get a real breakfast

You looked like you can use some nutritious food

You feeling okay? Never better. You sure

I just said so. Didn't you hear me

The answer is no. Hey, I got

enough trouble just catching the people you're putting back on

the streets. Bill, I'm not asking for a

favor. I'm pleading. Look, you don't understand

I'm desperate now. What do you want me

to do it? Get on my hands and knees

Yeah. All right. It's an old man

and a boy. They're not criminals. I repeat

they're not criminals headed for Canada in a station

wagon. They could be in the Seattle area any

time now. I want you to keep an eye

out for Yeah. Yeah, Bill, I'll make

it up to you Drums. Okay. Thanks.

Either you catch him nicely or we do in our

way, which is not so nice. You're doing

him a favor. Some favor. He couldn't start

over. You're not. You're doing the right thing

I could have taken him across the border,

helping get set up. You'd be disbarred. Ruin

your career. My career would have been a career

in the first place if it wasn't for hi.

He put me through law school. We're getting a

store. Do you believe he could start a new

life, you know? Now what do you think

I guess he could You know the aspirin.

Sure. You're not simpler if I just looked for

another kind of war? How much? Don't have

to agency finds out. I didn't really Mr Morse

That probably fire me. Listen, there's an old

manage about being sorry for saying too much on occasion

and thanks. You know what? I yeah,

I think you're finished. Done. My guess is

the bloodhounds are out already for one kid and one

old man. You really think they're looking for us

to go back for this? No. What's the

first thing we're gonna do when we get keep from

freezing to death? Get someone clothing, get a

house? Maybe with a fireplace near a lake near

a school? I thought I was gonna get a

job. You finish school. What you want to

do count towels the rest of your life. How

fast you go, 50. I got a confession

to make. My license just expired. When did

it just expire? 1940. Good morning. Good

money. I couldn't help but notice how loaded the

back your wagon is. I wonder if you can

see through your rear view mirror. 00 you're right

I can't. It's foolish. Why don'tyou redistribute

the load so you can get a clear line of

it. Of course, Officer Doug, go on

back there and see if you can lay things out

a little better. I see your license and registration

please. Lies. No, It has to

be in the glove compartment. It's gotta be.

There is the ownership. I haven't had it very

long. Long enough to know I was stuck.

Your license, please. I think it's in my

well, The three just here. This is a

terrible picture. I wanted to have it taken over

but they wouldn't let me. They said the

trouble was in the face. Not the camera.

Your license. Wait a minute. Though. I

am afraid I left at home. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry to you, mister. You wait right

here. I'm gonna check. What did you do

Know? What did you do? Go.

What are you doing? He hasn't touched his radio

What do you do back there? For God's

sake, I could His gas. You what?

I think you mean you don't even know I'm not

a mechanic. What you expect? Okay. Okay

Mr George Graft. Now really into it.

Up to our necks. We had no choice.

I had to go run away with a regular Dillinger

A gangster all of a sudden, on the

bad guy. You know, I was traveling with

Jack the Ripper. So what was I supposed to

do, Stand there while he discovered that you haven't

driven a car since Hitler invaded Poland. All right

all right, all right. No sense.

That's arguing. Let's just hope way make a border

before they find this. I am. What?

I think I'm getting scared. Yeah, I think

maybe we better get off the main roads. It'll

be fun. Yeah. Huh? I think maybe

you got a little cold starting there. No,

I'm okay. But you look tired. We need

a good rest. No, I feel fine.

I just don't want you catching cold. Not now

We'll get you bundled up, get you someplace

nice and one. I won't be called, but

you could use a good night's sleep. You'll need

your strength. No, I feel great. Me

too. Okay. Excuse me. We would like

to rent the captain. You got eight bucks.

You got a cabin pay upfront. $8. We

were planning the camp out tonight, but I didn't

realize it was so tough to find this place.

Besides, I need a warm place for the boy

He's got a cold coming. Thank you.

Well, it's pretty lucky for you. It's going

to rain like crazy. So what can you tell

What's an old old Indian trick? I watched the

10 o'clock news. Here's your key. You have

cabin number 16. That's the one where the roof

doesn't leak. Thank you. We'll be leaving very

early in the morning. I hope you like wet

road. I better call it. This is 468

control suspects. No, let me see. Uh

star of some kind mining supplies. Mr.

Lining up, We'll make. Well, maybe we'll

buy it by the ton and will Fresca. I

can get along with anybody. I get along with

this most no money. Take back first. We're

in the fur business. It's nice feeding one people

clothing in it. That's what I call being is

a little money coming in. Maybe have some time

to look at him. Go. Always wanted to

look for gold, shake hands with people. Get

to know them better. Maybe even run for mayor

one day. Turn out the light that we'll talk

again in the morning. Grandpa, I love you

Good. No, you owe me. I haven't

even started. Figure how you gonna pay this back

Whatever I can, we found a small cap

motel a couple of hours away. Come on that

way. Come on. What was that? What

Here. It's a train. Doug, listen

to me. It's up to you. Whatever you

say, hop a train. That's all we have

left more. All right, You start running about

the fourth car from the end, and soon as

your hand gets on the ladder, put your feet

up off the ground. As soon as you can

your hands will do the rest. Don't let

go. Don't come out to California in a limousine

obscured. So my we're right behind you, right

Hi. Am I right? Wait, wait

They say every weight from the roaring crowd in

the war not city faces, would they can agree

on and wait. Hi. Am I thought you

were dying. Don't be. It was only a

resting my eyes. Hi. Hi. How are

you? At least I don't have the ways to

die. I'm calling my lawyer. He'll be okay

I think I'll get an ambulance. Yeah,

Good. She's going back. I am all right

We'll go back. We'll give him a fight

like they never saw. Listen, I got one

in a bundle and this one in a few years

will be a man you'll be able to do whatever

he wants to there. Jay, do you honestly

think anybody would ever adopt him from that home?

Not it stands. Look at him. Skinny.

A bag of bones and a bum to who would

want? That's right. A bum. Can't even

think inventory. A real bum. Every weekend.

It could come down and help out around the store

on weekends. Help me. No, no.

Let's wait for the end. Come on. Please

help me up. Come on. That's better.

Thank you, Sarah. Get money. In a

few years, you'll have all the in the world

Do whatever you want. Everything. In the

meantime, that would give me a chance to start

things rolling for you. That that deal, which

is only my pleasure. Because it is. Wait
