No One Will Play with Me (1976) - full transcript


My name is Martin and I'm always
on my own in my hide out,

because the others don't let me
play with them.

I'm really sad because no one
wants to play with me.

I don't know why the others won't
let me play...

I'd really like to.

He lives in an old house,

we can't play with him...
he stinks.

He only eats popcorn.

Look at his clothes, they've been
handed down by his older brothers.

He stinks, he's got holey socks...

we're not playing with him.

- Can I play with you?
- No, we're not letting you play.

- Go to your pigsty!
- Can I play with you?

- No.
- Can I play with you?

Can I play with you?
I've never played.

Go to your pigsty!

- Can I play?
- No, I'm not letting you play.

Why are you here?
Aren't they coming to get you today?

Yes they are coming to get me!
My mum's coming.

She's at the hairdresser's.
She'll be back in half an hour.

Please come to play at my house.

I'm not playing with someone
like you.

I've got a crow at home.

- His name's Max and he can speak.
- Let's go to your house then.

This is my crow, his name's Max.

- Can he speak even without the TV?
- Yes.

Even if there isn't
a football match.

- Does he shout?
- Yes, he shouts "goal".

- What does he eat?
- Popcorn.

What can he say?

Max is good.

Say "Max is good"!

Max is good.

Max is good.

Say "Max is good".

No one cooks in my house.

I have to eat these
for breakfast and for dinner.

- Why does no one cook in your house?
- My mum's ill.

She can't get out of bed any more.

- What's wrong with your mum?
- Cancer.

Doesn't anyone make you
any hot food?

I only ever eat popcorn.

Martin, it's nice of you to come
and visit us again.

You two have really become friends!

Nicole told me that you have a crow.

- Which can speak!
- Yes.

- Yes?
- Yes.

When the news is on he shouts "goal"
even if there isn't a football match.


Nicole always talks about your crow.
I'd like to look at your foot again.

I want to put a new dressing on.
Let me see.

- I have to change the bandage.
- Is it going to hurt?

Ouch, ouch! That hurt!

A red Indian suffers no pain.

- Does your father still hit you?
- Yes.

My father always hits me.

And no one cooks for you,
you have to always eat popcorn.

- I've heard your mum's ill.
- Yes.

She hasn't been able to get up
for some time now.

I've heard she's not doing too good.


Look at that.

Come and play with us.
Leave that idiot alone!

"That idiot" is my friend.

Max is good.

Max is good.


Nicole said that I'm her friend,

I'm going to give her my crow now,

I'm giving you my crow

because you said I'm your friend.

- Are you really giving it to me?
- Yes.

- But you can't!
- Sure.

I'm very pleased.

- You know what? I've got a secret.
- What?

I've got a secret.

We're collecting money...

for two guinea-pigs.

We'll dress one up in a sweater
and trousers, he'll be "Hardy".

We'll dress the other one up
like a sailor

and he'll be "Laurel".

How much have you got?

- Two marks.
- Three marks.

- And you?
- Ten pfennig.

Have you collected some money?

Have you emptied your piggybanks?

- How much have you got?
- Two marks.

- And you?
- One mark.

- And you?
- I've emptied my piggybank.

This is the sweater and the legs
go here.

These are the braces...

and this is "Hardy".

I have a sailor suit.
This is the collar and the legs...

go through here.

Come here, Martin!

An odd man has brought
a strange box.

- I don't know what's in it.
- We don't know.

- Is it really for me?
- Yes.

We don't know what's in it!

- Is it really for me?
- Yes!

Open it, have a look!

The black one is "Hardy".

He's wearing a sweater and trousers.

The white one is "Laurel"
and he's wearing a sailor suit.

- Are they really for me?
- Yes.