Night Nurse (1931) - full transcript
Lora Hart manages to land a job in a hospital as a trainee nurse. Upon completion of her training she goes to work as a night nurse for two small children who seem to be very sick, but something much more sinister is going on.
Car smash?
Cement truck
hit one of those baby austins.
Fractured skull, I guess.
You know, a man's a fool
to ride in those miniature cars.
Be yourself.
This is the guy that drove the truck.
Little girl.
Ah. Ahem. Uh-huh.
Gee, I hope my baby's a boy.
I'll do my best, Archie.
Man: Attagirl, mumsy.
Why can't my son have a screen
around his bed?
It's against the rules.
But this man has one.
Yes. He's dying.
Oh, nuts.
What makes you think
you want to be a nurse?
Why, nursing people has always seemed
sort of a second nature with me.
This is your only recommendation?
Who is this gentleman?
What's his business?
He's a grocer.
A grocer?
I'm afraid he knows more about groceries
than about hospitals.
What does he mean
"the time you were at high school"?
Didn't you graduate?
No, I had to leave when my mother died
in the third year.
Probationary nurse
must be a high school graduate.
I can make it up easy.
I can go to night school.
You'll have neither the time
nor the strength with work here.
Oh, I'm sure I would...
besides, it wouldn't be allowed.
But I'm sufficiently well educated.
There must be some way.
Not here.
Oh, I'm sure I can make good if...
my decision is final.
Oh, I'm sorry.
You are in a hurry, aren't you?
Did I catch the name?
Hart. Lora Hart.
Hart. That's a good name for a nurse.
Sturdy instrument, the heart.
Hello, Miss Dillon.
Oh, good afternoon, doctor.
Now, what can we do
for this young lady?
My dear,
why didn't you mention the doctor?
Of course, doctor, anything you say.
Well, now, suppose you telephone
the principal of Miss Hart's high school...
...and if everything is satisfactory,
we'll waive the rest.
Oh, thank you, doctor.
I hope you realize
what you're letting yourself in for.
Nothing can be too hard.
Now, you take care of her,
will you, Miss Dillon?
I've gotta be going.
This lady will take care of you.
By the way, Dillon, you're doing
something wonderful with the hospital.
Everything runs like a clock.
Thank you, doctor.
I'm sorry you didn't mention Dr. Bell
in the beginning.
You'll find life here pleasant enough.
But there's one thing
you must understand thoroughly:
Rules mean something.
I understand.
You'll be told about them later.
You'll have one hour to yourself
each afternoon...
...and your evenings after 7.
But you're to be in bed
and lights out at 10.
There are no exceptions.
This decision is final.
I, ahem, see.
You have one night out a week
until 12...
...and quite a severe penalty
if you're out later.
Miss Maloney, this is Miss Hart.
How do you do?
Take Miss Hart to the wardrobe
and help her select some uniforms.
She hopes to be a probationer.
Miss Maloney will show you.
Thank you.
Miss Maloney,
you have no one sleeping in your room.
Miss Hart may go with you.
Yes, ma'am.
Yes, Miss Dillon.
Yes, Miss Dillon.
Hype, the new probationer.
Heads or tails?
Heads. Life is going on for you
in the same old way.
Say, I was afraid the hospital would
burn down before I could get into it.
Now I have to watch myself
with matches.
Well, if you hate it so, why do you stay?
It's the only job I know
where they pay you to learn.
Oh, I'm sure in your heart you love it.
Says you.
Yeah, says me in a big way, sister.
Oh. Goodness. Isn't there a smaller one?
If you don't like it, buy your own.
I can't. I haven't any money.
In a big way, sister.
Any advice?
What were you doing with the big shot?
Dr. Bell. Say, are you kidding me?
No, why?
You don't know bell?
He's the chief of staff.
One of the biggest surgeons in america.
Why, he just stopped me in the hall
and offered to help me.
For a beginner, you're not doing so bad.
We'll see if we can find one that fits.
Here, try that.
Oh, that's much better.
You better slip off your dress.
Oh, it's okay.
Oh, I suppose so.
I guess everybody around here
has seen more than I've got.
Oh, don't be embarrassed.
You can't show me a thing.
I just came from the delivery room.
What are you doing here, baby-frightener?
I come on behalf of this big institution
to welcome the new sister to our midst.
You'll find we're just
one big, happy family here.
Beat it, eagan.
You're not sore, are you?
Maloney: I'm not laughing, veterinary.
How'd you like to go back
to your sick horses?
Sometimes I don't like you, Maloney.
If only I could make that permanent.
What do you say, newcomer?
The score is 2-0, favor of the lady.
Take my tip and keep away from interns.
They're like cancer.
The disease is known, but not the cure.
There's only one guy that can do a nurse
any good, a patient with dough.
Catch one with a fever and a low pulse,
make him think you saved his life...
...and you'll be getting somewhere.
Will i?
And doctors are no good either.
Oh, no?
What for? They never marry nurses.
And the trouble with interns is they do.
All a wife means to an intern is someone
to sit in his office when he starts practice...
...and play nurse the rest of her life
without pay.
Oh, I shouldn't like that.
Thing to do is to land an appendicitis case.
They've all got dough.
Gee, you look like an ad
for sloan's liniment.
I don't care. As long as it means
I'm not gonna be a probe anymore.
Oh, dear.
Don't cry.
Yes, it's a shame.
Yes, it's a shame. There, there.
Gee, it's half past 1.
I was afraid old hatchet-face would see us.
You sap.
She'll be in here to see if we're in bed.
Oh. We better get in
with all our clothes on.
No, no. Slip your dress off,
put it on the end of the bed here.
If she sees that, it's okay.
Gee, if she switches on the lights
and sees my makeup, I'm sunk.
Well, turn your face to the wall.
Oh, don't get funny.
My makeup goes around
the back of my neck.
Hurry up, kid.
If we're caught this time,
it means a month of no nights off.
Oh, some of that goofy eagan's comedy.
Jump in bed.
I bet hatchet-face heard you.
Oh, I can't. Not with that.
Psst. Get in.
Come in.
Miss Hart, is it possible
you have a man in here?
You worm. I hope you get caught
in the nurses'quarters.
You know what you'll get for that.
Eagan: Boo!
Here he is again.
Let him have it, and make it a bull's-eye.
Come in.
Who threw that slipper?
What, ma'am?
What, Miss Dillon?
What, Miss Dillon?
Dillon: Did you throw that slipper?
I don't know what you're talking about.
Dillon: Well, Hart?
Well, you see, I...
Dillon: Take two weeks on the night shift
at the emergency clinic.
I thought so. You've both just come in.
We had to walk home.
This isn't your first offense, Miss Maloney.
You'll take four weeks
on the same night shift.
Thank you.
And take two more for impertinence.
See what you get for yelling?
Say, suppose you found a skeleton
in your bed.
Maloney: If I could dodge that night shift,
I'd live with one.
Oh, quit your trembling, kid.
It can't walk around.
Dillon's face took all the pep out of it.
Well, at least he can't clear his throat.
[Lora clears thro at
and giggles]
Just a scalp wound.
Man: Oh, doctor.
Hold tight to my hand when it hurts.
You're certainly charitable
with that hand of yours.
Was he hit anywhere else?
Sorry, but that's all.
Just put a bandage on him.
Give him a shot of anti-tetanus.
What's that for?
Prevents lockjaw.
Ask Miss Maloney about it.
She's been fighting it off all her life.
Grit your teeth, prisoner.
Just two more smart cracks
and Dr. Mayo is through.
Policeman: Shall I take him
to the station house?
Oh, I don't think we'd better.
Let's keep him here tonight.
Yeah, prison ward.
Come on.
Come on.
Policeman: Hey, hey.
Maloney: The tougher, the softer.
Better get us a lift, lunkhead,
he's fainted.
Oh, all right, Florence Nightingale.
Could a guy bum some bandages
and iodine in here?
Are you hurt?
No. It's a friend of mine.
He got a little cut on his hand.
Come in, I'll see what I can do.
Oh, maybe I better wait here.
Come in.
You're the one that's hurt.
All right, I'll come in.
Let's see your hand.
You'll have to get up earlier
than most bootleggers to fool me.
Huh? How do you get that way?
We get many like you in here.
Oh, give us the iodine, will you?
I'll fix it.
Say, I could do it myself
if you'd just give me the...
I guess I better sit down.
Hey, what's the idea?
It's the arm, isn't it?
Oh, all right.
This one here.
Say, that's silk.
That's how I know you're a bootlegger.
You win.
That looks like a bullet wound.
Well, it's a cinch
it ain't a vaccination mark.
I'll have to make a police report of this.
Yeah? Why?
It has to be done
on all bullet-wound cases.
Oh, say, that ain't necessary.
I have to.
Oh, listen, sister,
what's the difference to you?
I could get into trouble if I didn't.
Listen, just give me some bandages
and forget you ever saw me.
How did it happen?
Well, a guy was cleaning a gun
and it went off.
Oh, nonsense.
Well, that's my story, and a couple of cops
with rubber hoses can't make me change it.
Where was this man cleaning the gun?
In a limousine.
It hit a bump and the gun went off.
Why did they wanna get you?
Oh, because I won't buy
their bum alcohol.
I don't poison people.
Why don't you tell who these men are
and have them arrested?
For the same reason you don't squeal
about half the raw work you see down here.
What do you mean?
Well, do you?
Why, we have professional ethics.
Yeah? That goes for my line too.
The things my profession keep quiet about,
we believe it's for the public's own good.
Yeah? Ditto.
Well, it's gone clear through.
You've lost a lot of blood.
What's up?
Say, that's a bullet wound.
Hey, nobody sent for you.
Go rustle your hot-water bottles.
This is no hot-water bottle.
Did you get this bird's name and address?
I don't think that's necessary.
Maloney: Don't you know that you're
supposed to report all bullet wounds?
You didn't see any bullet wound.
I didn't?
Say, what's the idea?
Friend of yours?
Thanks, pal.
He'd have to be hot
before I'd take a chance like that.
You said something, sister.
Hold quiet, will you?
Hey, are you really taking a chance?
I'll say she is. All a nurse needs to do
is to get into one jam and she's through.
Bootlegger: Yeah?
Oh, don't talk so much.
You might as well turn in
your uniform and quit.
Maybe 56 bucks a week isn't much,
but it's 56 bucks.
Hey, is that all they pay you?
Better than selling apples.
That's probably what she'll be doing
if she loses her diploma.
There you are.
It's a nasty cut, but it'll be all right now.
Dump this.
Thanks, sister.
My pal.
What's his trouble?
He fell down stairs and cut his shoulder.
Eagan: Walks like he'd lost a lot of blood.
Lora: No, just drunk.
Hey, Maloney,
don't forget to wash that bedpan.
And make it shiny.
Yes, do that.
Oh, calm down, Lora.
You've seen blood before.
Just because this is your first
don't make it worse.
I know...
heaven's sakes...
...if you get dizzy or feel faint,
keep an eye on me.
Remember, this is the final test.
And if you pass out this time,
you don't graduate.
Wait a minute.
I almost forgot this.
A man left this here.
He said it was to be given to you
before you went into your big test.
He seemed to think
you'd know who he was.
Well, of all the...
that's what I call a pal.
What'll I do with it?
Put it away for her.
But you're not allowed to drink.
What's it good for?
It's swell for cleaning teeth.
Boy, are we lucky
to get in on an operation as big as this.
Well, I hope Dr. Bell gets away with it.
He's got one chance in a hundred.
Does that happen often?
No. But when it does, it's bad news.
It's horrible.
Well, come on, let's get out of here.
My teeth need cleaning.
Now, young ladies... who are about to graduate
to the noble profession of nursing...
...will recite
the Florence nightingale pledge.
I solemnly pledge myself before god...
...and in the presence of this assembly... pass my life in purity
and practice my profession faithfully.
I will abstain from whatever
is deleterious and mischievous...
...and will not take
or knowingly administer any harmful drug.
I will do all in my power
to elevate the standard of my profession...
...and will hold in confidence...
...all personal matters
committed to my keeping...
...and all family affairs
coming to my knowledge... the practice of my calling.
With loyalty will I endeavor
to aid the physician in his work...
...and devote myself to the welfare...
...of those committed to my care.
I'm the new night nurse.
Oh? For the two little girls?
Yes. I had them at the hospital
some months ago.
Poor little kiddies.
It's a long time since I've seen them
toddling up these stairs.
Good night, kiddies.
Girls: Good night, Miss Maloney.
Lora: Hello there.
Well, it's about time you showed up.
I'm dying on my feet.
How did you wangle me into this job?
I told Svengali the kids knew you
at the hospital and were crazy about you.
Thanks. Who's Svengali?
Dr. Ranger. He's a new one on me.
He's not on any hospital staff I know of,
but he's sure the boss around here.
Why did they take Dr. Bell off the case?
That's what I'd like to know.
Certainly seems funny to me, replacing
a man like Dr. Bell with an unknown.
Say, there's something screwy about this.
What do you mean?
Since those kids got back from the hospital,
they've been living on nothing but milk.
That's no cure for anemia,
or malnutrition either.
I'll say it isn't.
They were all right at the hospital.
Dr. Bell said they were getting along great.
Aren't they improving?
No, they're getting worse.
And I'm beginning to wonder why.
But why should anyone.?
Oh, you're crazy.
Maybe. I don't know a thing.
I just work here.
Any more instructions, Miss Maloney?
No, Miss Hart.
Oh, yes, there's a chart pinned up... the kitchenette
beyond the children's room.
Kitchen, bathroom, sitting room
with every bedroom.
This dump's a palace.
But not for those kids.
And, say,
keep your eye open for old eczema.
Mrs. Maxwell. She's the housekeeper.
Wait till you see her.
Well, so long, honey. I got a date.
With whom?
Oh, you don't know him.
A gorgeous new boyfriend.
I should say not.
I'm not all crazy.
Children, what are you doing?
Miss Hart. Miss Hart.
Stop it. Lie down, both of you.
Nanny, you silly little girl.
You shouldn't try things like that.
You're not strong enough.
I tried all I could, Desney.
Of course you did, nanny.
Poor little baby.
I didn't mean any harm.
I know you didn't, Desney.
But now you must both be quiet.
We will, won't we, nanny?
Yes. We will.
Lora: That's good.
Desney: We like you. Don't we, nanny?
Nanny: Mm-hm.
What's your other name?
You didn't tell us at the hospital.
It's Lora. Lora Hart.
Lora? We had a sister named Lora.
But she's dead.
Oh, poor little baby.
You mustn't talk about her anymore.
She was runned over. She was all cut.
Cut in lots of places, wasn't she, nanny?
All over, here and here and here.
Oh, you ought to seen her.
You mustn't think about her.
You must go to sleep, both of you.
We didn't see her, but they told us.
Nick told us, and he showed us too.
Who's Nick?
Nanny: He lives here.
That's not your father, is it?
Daddy's up in heaven too.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Now, come on, both of you. Into bed.
Nick's not like daddy.
Daddy was a nice man.
Isn't Nick a nice man?
No. He's a horrid man. Isn't he, nanny?
Oh, nanny, darling, don't cry, honey.
Such a nice home, lovely things...
...and you're going to get well real soon.
It isn't a lovely home.
We didn't wanna come home.
Did we, nanny?
Nick scares us.
Doesn't he, nanny?
He says the most awful things.
Lora: You should tell your mother.
Desney: We can't.
She won't come and see us anymore.
Why aren't you two asleep?
They shouldn't be kept awake like this.
I've been trying to make them go to sleep.
Desney: That's true.
Then why didn't you?
We were hungry. Weren't we, nanny?
Hungry? Don't be absurd.
But we are hungry. We're always hungry.
I want to speak to you.
Lora: Are you Mrs. Maxwell?
Yes. I have charge of the children.
I don't want to hear another word
out of you, either of you.
I wish we had something to eat.
Shh, or she'll come back.
Miss Hart, I must warn you not to be upset
by anything the children may tell you.
They've been very sick.
Yes, I know.
I had charge of them at the hospital.
Since they've been home,
they've had bad dreams. Nightmares.
Dr. Ranger says
that's all part of their illness.
But they're too young to know
the difference between dreams and facts.
You must realize that
whenever they tell you anything.
I see. Thank you.
That's all I had to say.
Who are you?
What do you want?
A lady needs a little assistance.
What lady?
Shh. You'll never guess.
Lora: What happened?
Mack: She passed out.
Who is it, Mrs. Ritchey?
The children's mother?
Hm? What did you say?
Are you going to be decent and leave?
I've got to undress her.
It's all right.
Just the type.
What did you say?
Come here.
Cut that out.
Lora: Leave me alone.
Mack: I want a kiss. I want a kiss.
I tell you, I want a kiss.
Stop it!
Let me alone.
Thank you.
Never mind that.
Get busy, give her a stomach wash.
I'll call a doctor.
Listen. You'll do what I tell you.
You trying to do what he did?
No, but you're not gonna call.
You're a nurse. You give her the wash.
I can't, except under orders.
Oh, yes, you can.
And what's more, you will.
I can't very well with a broken wrist.
Operator, get me a doctor, quick.
End that or I'll break your neck.
What right have you to?
Hello, big boy.
Oh, shut up.
Oh, don't be sore, Nicky. Kiss me.
Get busy.
I can't without the proper authority.
I give you the authority.
Who are you?
I'm Nick, the chauffeur.
Operator? Operator? Operator?
Don't be sore, big boy.
Where you going?
You dirty, lousy...
Lora: And I tell you, I wouldn't go through
another night like that again...
...for all the money they could pay me.
Well, then what?
I locked the doors and windows and sat up
until morning expecting that brute back.
Well, did he?
No, but...
I see. It's unfortunate, Miss Hart, but not
much likelihood of its happening again.
I'm going to make sure it doesn't.
Forget it.
The police.
What'll that get you?
You don't...
who'd believe you?
Believe me?
The Ritcheys
wouldn't let you get away with that.
Blackmail's a pretty dangerous game.
You heard me.
Well, then, you don't believe me?
Why should I?
But, Dr. Ranger...
I visited that house daily for months.
And I see no evidence of all this rot.
Oh, yes, you have. You know you have.
I thought you were a reputable physician.
I came here to ask your advice.
You shall have it:
Mind your own business.
You're in that house to watch two patients,
not to oversee the conduct of its members.
Am I to take blows from its servants?
I've said that wouldn't happen again.
You guarantee that?
That'll do, Miss Hart.
You've forgotten your place long enough.
Quiet down, now,
and I'll see that you're fully compensated.
Is that all?
It isn't.
Something's gotta be done.
You speaking of my patients?
You are the doctor.
The way things are going,
those babies won't last.
Well, that's news to me.
Dr. Ranger, they're slowly dying
of undernourishment.
Aren't my instructions being followed?
I suppose so. Here.
See about...
yeah, quite correct.
But I know starvation symptoms
when I see them.
I take it you don't approve...
no, I don't.
It's your first case, isn't it?
Well, what of it?
You've been on one night.
It's only natural...
...that you should get excited
about something that puzzles you.
You know, Miss Hart, you talk too much.
You've picked up half-baked
medical knowledge around the hospital.
All nurses do.
I wouldn't air it quite so freely.
You'll talk yourself out of your profession.
Don't think you can muzzle me.
I'm not trying to. I'm giving you advice.
You don't wanna take it, get off the case.
I resign.
I warn you, if you do,
you're through as a licensed nurse.
Oh, a threat?
Exactly. Your kind is too dangerous.
I have no doubt of it,
to your kind of doctor...
...but I'm gonna find someone
who will listen to me.
Riverside 12468.
Uh, Nick, this is Dr. Ranger.
Now, listen carefully
and I'll tell you what I want you to do.
I know it's my first case.
And I know Dr. Ranger's a big man,
but I've got to do something.
You got me the job, that's why I came.
But, my dear child...
I'm sorry to drag you into this.
But those poor little kids are starving.
Anybody can see it in their faces.
And if somebody doesn't do something,
they won't last.
Don't get so worked up about it.
Don't you think I know
starvation symptoms?
Yes, I suppose you do.
Well, then, won't you do something?
You know I can't interfere
in another doctor's case.
Why can't you, when things like this
are going on?
Why? It's about as unethical...
oh, ethics, ethics! That's all I've heard
since I've been in this business.
Isn't there any humanity in it?
Aren't there any ethics
about letting babies be murdered?
Steady. You need proof
when you talk that way.
What more proof do I need
than what I've already got?
Well, why don't you cool down a bit?
Those kids were getting along
when you had them.
Why were you taken off the case?
I don't know.
Ranger's a rotten doctor.
You know his reputation.
I can't discuss that.
It isn't ethical.
Well, I can. Why doesn't he belong
to the medical association?
Why hasn't he got a job
on some decent hospital staff?
Because he's shady, and you know it,
as well as every other doctor in this city.
I know a lot of things inside
the profession that I can't advertise.
I also know that Dr. Ranger
has a tremendous practice.
And that alone
can keep him out of trouble.
If I stir things up, if I go to the authorities,
what does it look like?
Argue yourself out of your responsibility.
I'll see this through.
Will you be reasonable?
No! I won't see this
go on another minute.
I'm going to the police.
Don't you realize
they'll only laugh at you?
You, a nurse on her first job, trying to pit
your opinion against a man like Dr. Ranger.
Oh, what'll I do? It's maddening.
Two little babies being murdered.
I could go out and yell it on the street.
Listen, you've got to convince people
that what you say is true.
Hysterics won't do it.
I'll calm down,
if you'll only tell me what to do.
My advice is for you to go back on that job.
If you are convinced of malpractice... can do more good there than
you can shouting around on the outside.
Go back and watch those kids.
We've got to play Ranger
at his own game.
It's a risky business,
and it's right under Ranger's nose.
But if he wants to murder those youngsters,
we'll make him use a gun.
I came to apologize
for the way I acted this morning.
So you've thought it over?
Yes, I'm terribly sorry.
I hadn't gotten over
the shock of last night.
I didn't realize what I was saying.
I hope you'll overlook it.
Who were you talking to?
Why, I didn't discuss it with anyone.
I just sat in the park
and thought things over.
I realized I was simply
throwing my career away.
And I can't do that.
I thought you'd come around.
You're not the first
hysterical nurse I've seen.
You'll forgive me, then?
Entirely forgotten.
On both sides.
That little business of last night?
Oh, yes, of course.
I understand that such occurrences
are all part of a nurse's experience.
That's it exactly.
Let me give you
a little friendly advice, my dear.
The successful nurse
is the one who keeps her mouth shut.
You see, we doctors have to do it.
It's part of our professional ethics.
So naturally, we want nurses
whose discretion we can rely upon.
I realize that now.
Good. Come on, run along, now,
back to your case.
I'm sure everything's going to be pleasant.
You're generous to keep me on.
Ranger: Since we understand
each other, Miss Hart...
...I shall probably have
considerable work for you.
Oh, do you think so?
I like your spirit.
Just put it to use in the interest
of your doctor, can you?
I think I can.
Good afternoon, doctor.
Good afternoon, Miss Hart.
How do you do?
I was told you wished to see me.
Oh, yes, I have wanted
to talk with you...
...but, oh, my head hurt so.
I hope it feels better now.
You know, if people only knew
the tortures of neurasthenia...
...they'd forgive us everything.
You see, Dr. Ranger
forgot to send my bromides.
I do hope you weren't too upset
by the conduct of the chauffeur.
You know...
now, listen, poochie, stop that.
You know, we discovered,
for some strange reason...
...that Nick seems to irritate me
less than any of the other servants.
So as far as feasible, Dr. Ranger
wanted him to be my personal attendant.
Well, we'll just forget about it.
I'm sure you understand
how much I'm depending upon you.
I'll do everything I can
to help the children. Is that all?
Oh, I want you to have this, Miss Hart.
Why, I...
just a little appreciation
of your tactful conduct.
Oh, thank you very much. Is that all?
I'll be sending for you soon.
Well, poochie,
now we can have a drink, huh?
Well, what'd she want?
Gee, a hundred bucks.
Yeah, isn't that a scream?
Hey, don't handle it like it's rubber.
I won't get very much kick
out of spending it.
Listen, belle, for a hundred bucks,
I'd take a couple of socks on the chin.
Funny what people think money will do.
Keeping our nose out of patients'private
affairs is part of our professional ethics.
I'll kill the next one
that says"ethics" to me.
Says you.
Yeah, says me in a big way, sister.
Will you make this up for me?
For the little girls, eh?
Are they any better?
I wish I thought so.
My pal.
Well, of all the places.
And drinking a soda too.
Why not? Have one?
Why not?
One of the same.
Man: Yes, sir.
How's your friend's hand?
Oh, fine.
Good as new.
Say, you're looking pretty hot yourself.
Hey, where'd you get that?
Looks like somebody took a swing.
Oh, a chauffeur
at the place where I work got fresh.
He socked you? On the level?
Well, not exactly on the level.
From a way down here someplace.
Why, the dirty...
I'll get him.
What do you mean?
Say, listen. I know a couple of guys
who'll do it as a pleasure.
You wouldn't do anything like that?
I don't do a thing...
...but tell a couple of guys
I don't like this bozo.
Anyhow, you don't know who he is.
All you gotta do is tell me.
I should say not.
I don't want you getting in a jam over me.
There's nobody
I'd rather get in a jam over.
Well, maybe there's nobody
I'd rather keep out of a jam.
I tried to get you at the hospital.
Oh, I'm on private duty now.
Then how about a buggy ride
some afternoon?
Nurses have reputations.
Oh, I see.
What would you say if I told you
I'd quit the racket?
I'd say I didn't believe you.
Well, I did.
A month ago.
So how about a ride some afternoon?
Tomorrow afternoon.
What do you say?
I'd like to, but I hadn't better.
Oh, come on. I've been crazy to see you
ever since that night.
When I go riding... isn't gonna be with anybody
that's liable to get shot.
But I tell you I'm all washed up.
And I tell you I don't believe you.
On the level, sister.
Hey, you.
Those two mugs won't wait forever.
Okay, I'm coming.
Say, we're just going to see the fights.
I'll find you sometime
and prove I'm on the level.
So long, sister.
How is she?
She dozed off at last.
Oh, thank goodness.
Say, when did you take
to worrying so much?
I didn't realize it was so serious.
It's sort of gotten on my nerves lately.
It's about time.
And I heard something yesterday
that I didn't like.
Well, I'll tell you about it
when I'm sure it's true.
Lora's late again. She would be.
Every time I've had a decent date.
I think I'll blow
and let you watch the kids till she comes.
Oh, you mustn't,
with nanny as low as she is.
I wouldn't know what to do.
Keep your chemise on, I didn't mean it.
If she wakes up,
hadn't we better try paregoric?
A lot of good that'll do
if she can't retain a murphy drip.
Oh, I wish Dr. Ranger would come.
He'd know what to do.
Yeah. He would, all right.
I wish you'd try a milk bath.
My sister edna saved her baby that way.
She did, I tell you, I was there.
Well, let's not go into that again.
But if it worked once...
it was a mistake.
Well, it's about time.
Good evening.
Maxwell: Good evening.
Where've you been?
That rich boyfriend of mine is waiting again.
Is that so? I just saw eagan downstairs.
He tried to duck, but I saw him.
I thought you was out delivering gin
with that crush of yours.
I haven't seen him but once
since that night in the drugstore.
Say, look, won't nanny love that?
Not the way she was feeling today.
Is she worse?
Yeah, took a nosedive.
I had to send Desney
to Mrs. Maxwell's room.
Nanny can't keep anything down or up.
Did you try a murphy drip?
Oh, the poor little baby.
Have you called Dr. Ranger?
Yeah, I can't get him.
He's in jersey on a case.
Well, I've done all I can do
without orders.
You could give her a milk bath.
My sister saved her baby with one.
You've got her started again.
Well, good night, kid.
And good luck.
And if you need me, give me a ring.
All right.
Why won't you try a milk bath?
Lora: She couldn't absorb nourishment
through her pores.
But she might. We could try.
Oh, I didn't realize it was this serious.
Poor kids, the way we treated them.
Lora: Shh. You'll wake her.
Nanny. Nanny.
Look what I brought you.
Pardon me.
Could you tell me where Mrs. Ritchey is?
Say, what's going on here?
A costume party?
Well, as I live and breathe.
Now, wait a minute. Hold on...
control yourself, big boy.
You don't know her.
Yes, I do.
One time, I had a pain and the doctor
put a big cone over my face...
...and told me to take a deep breath.
And I did and I floated right up
through the cone...
...and when I came out the other end,
there she was.
What have we here?
Why, it's little miss iodine herself.
Do you know where I can find Mrs. Ritchey?
It's important.
Well, if you're soliciting for a hospital,
you're too soon.
Mrs. Ritchey won't need you till morning.
Woman: Do you belong here?
Yes. Do you know where Mrs. Ritchey is?
She's the latest innovation.
All the newest household bars
have attachable sick nurses.
What's known as
the morning-after pickup.
Pickup, yeah, whatever.
Mack, go back and be barkeeper.
Mack: Ah, shut up.
Ritchey: Go back and be barkeeper.
Tishy wants a drink.
Oh, tishy wants a drink, mack.
Mrs. Ritchey. Mrs. Ritchey.
I wanna speak to you.
Yeah? Well, go back of the bar
and give tishy a little drink.
Nanny is very ill. You must come up
to the nursery with me.
Nanny is dangerously ill.
Oh, you're crazy.
Oh, Mrs. Ritchey, I wouldn't come here
if it wasn't absolutely necessary.
Don't you understand?
Nanny is almost dying.
It's my duty to make you come.
Dr. Ranger is a grand...
...splendid, magnificent doctor.
He's a magnificent doctor.
Says she's almost well.
Don't be silly.
Dr. Ranger hasn't been near her
for two days.
She's sinking very low.
You've got to come with me.
Utter confidence in Dr. Ranger.
He's a magnificent doctor.
A marvelous doctor.
Says you're an alarmist, an alarmist.
[Ritchey speaks indistinctly
and laughs]
He says that I can't see the children...
...because it makes them so nervous
and so upset.
Oh, don't you understand?
Nanny is dying.
Oh, go back of the bar
and give tishy a little drink.
Mack, give tishy a little drink.
Who says I am?
Oh, hello. I remember you.
What are you waving at?
You get out of here. He's mine.
You get out of here.
Dr. Ranger's a stupendous doctor.
And I love my big boy.
Don't stand there staring at me like that.
I'm a dipsomaniac and I'm proud of it.
You hear?
I'm a dipsomaniac and I like it.
I like it. How do you like that?
You're a cruel, inhuman mother.
I'm a dipsomaniac...
you're a rotten parasite, that's what.
Don't blame it on the booze. It's you.
Why do poor little children
have to be born to women like you?
How can I.?
Shut up!
Mack, don't let her hurt my feelings...
you're going up in that nursery
if I have to drag you by the hair.
Let go! Mack, stop her.
Here, here, here. Just a minute, now.
Don't you realize that
you're getting poor little miss all upset?
Oh, yeah?
Say, you can't...
come on, now.
Stop it, let go of me.
I say stop it. Stop.
Oh, snap out of it.
Stay on your feet.
Let me alone.
You mother.
Say, you can't do that.
Grand 2311.
Hello, is Dr. Bell there?
Oh. Well, do you know where I can
find him? I'm Lora Hart, a nurse.
It's very important.
Will he be at the hospital?
When does he come in, tell him
Miss Hart wants him to come at once.
Tell him it's vital, because I can't
find Dr. Ranger. Thank you.
Hey, sister, where can I find Nick?
Where'd you come from?
I'm delivering.
I thought you quit.
Oh, well, I guess I kind of exaggerated.
Say, are you working here?
And one of my little patients is dying.
Say, you might help me.
Well, if I can do anything...
come with me.
Say, is this the dump
you got the crack on the chin?
That doesn't matter now.
Was Nick the guy?
I've got to think of this little child
and you've got to help me.
Okay, sister.
Dr. Bell wasn't in.
Oh, what'll we do? What can we do?
Just wait for Dr. Bell, that's all.
No use sending for an ambulance,
nanny couldn't be moved.
Say, who is this bell guy?
Lora: Arthur bell, the surgeon.
Maybe I can find him.
I know a couple of guys...
How could you find him? Nobody can.
I wish for once you'd stop acting
as though you knew everything.
Can't we try a milk bath?
Lora: Oh, that wouldn't do any good.
That's what saved my sister's baby.
It's a crazy idea, but we'll try anything.
Maxwell: Oh, thank god.
But I'll need milk.
Ten, 12, 15 quarts of it.
Can you get it?
Why, where do you buy milk?
Lora: In a grocery, a delicatessen.
Oh, I get you.
Lora: Now, hurry, bootlegger.
This has gotta be
the fastest delivery ever.
Okay, sister. I know a couple of guys...
Come in here, will you?
Where are you?
Where's he gone?
Where's our bootlegger?
He left 10 minutes ago. He won't be back.
That's what's wrong with prohibition.
Oh, I wish I could find
one of those doctors.
Don't get Ranger. I don't like him.
You don't?
No more.
Why not?
Had my suspicions confirmed.
What suspicions?
What suspicions?
I heard, on the telephone...
what did you hear? Tell me.
I heard what I heard.
Oh, talk to me.
What did you hear? What about Ranger?
Not talking about him yet.
It isn't time.
Oh, it is time, if it concerns those kids.
Will you talk to me?
It's about Nick, isn't it?
I heard him talking to Dr. Ranger.
All right, you heard him
talking to Dr. Ranger.
What did he say?
To Dr. Ranger.
Oh, will you pay attention to me?
What did Nick say to Dr. Ranger?
Nick don't want people to see her
when she's drunk.
Judge will take away the trust fund.
Trust fund?
I had my suspicions.
Is Mrs. Ritchey in charge
of the children's trust fund?
So that's what they're after.
What's all the noise?
Maxwell: Nick, you let us alone.
Nanny's terribly sick.
Ah, shut up.
What are you up to with that kid?
I'm keeping her resting easily
until a doctor comes.
Have you anything to say about that?
Depends on how you're doing it.
I'm giving her a milk bath.
Dr. Ranger tell you to?
No, I can't find Dr. Ranger.
Strange, isn't it?
Nothing's gonna be done
without orders.
Then you get Ranger here so we can
place the responsibility where it belongs.
I'm responsible when he ain't here.
I'll say.
And I want Ranger's orders carried out.
You'll be responsible for a lot more.
Oh, yeah?
They use electric chairs
for the kind of things you're responsible for.
Hey, just what's the idea
behind that crack?
Don't you think I know
deliberate malpractice when I see it?
You're speaking right out, ain't you?
Yeah, and I'll make it even plainer.
In your case, I'm talking about murder.
Why, you little...
keep your bean. If you don't like
what Ranger's doing, talk to him.
Don't bring me in.
Lora: You're in already, plenty.
If this baby dies, you're in with Ranger.
Spill it, now. Come on.
How long did you think
you could get away with this?
You think because you strong-arm women,
you have the brains to put this over?
I had your number
the minute I stepped in.
And I've reported my suspicions
on the outside.
Oh, yeah? Spit them out.
You want those kids to die.
You want what their father left them.
That's why you keep the mother
full of booze all the time.
You'll take her out and marry her
and grab the trust fund.
You're not gonna get away with it.
Who said there was a trust fund?
So you've been shooting off
your nutty ideas, huh?
Get out.
Nick, you be careful, now.
Get out!
I'm not afraid of you anymore.
No, Nick.
Now I'll tell you a few things.
Beating me up won't get you any place.
Poor little nanny.
Nobody cares whether you live or die.
Gee, if you could only hear me.
I can. And I'm certainly glad I'm here.
Doctor, you did get my message.
No, I didn't get any message from you.
But from a strange man,
a most extraordinary fellow.
What man?
He said if I couldn't
see my way clear getting here...
...he'd call around some evening with
a couple of friends and take me for a ride.
Did he say that?
Yes, he did.
And I didn't like
the way he said it, either.
Now, what's the trouble here?
Oh, she's low, doctor.
Very low.
Do you think there's anything we can do?
Only one thing.
A blood transfusion, and in a hurry.
Take mine.
I'm type 4a. I've been typed.
But we don't know the baby's type.
I know it, it's 4a.
Oh, doctor, we've got to hurry.
Who's got to hurry?
Who are you?
It's Nick, the chauffeur.
Oh, yeah.
I'm Dr. Bell.
We're about to give a transfusion
and I ask you to keep out.
You're not on this case.
You better get out.
Now, listen,
this is a matter of life and death.
I'd run along if I was you.
Oh, I can't be bothered with you... oh!
Oh, you dirty, lousy...
Hey, you.
Yeah, I mean you. Get out of here.
Come on, and make it snappy.
That's a good girl. Splendid.
Oh, I... did I wake you? I'm sorry.
How do you feel?
Lora: All right, I guess.
How's nanny?
She's responded beautifully.
She'll pull out of it this time.
Hello, nanny.
Hello, Lora.
Lora: Daylight. My goodness,
have I been asleep that long?
Yes, and a good thing too.
You better go right home
and go back to bed.
Losing all that blood
can make you feel pretty miserable.
I can't. I have to hurry and get dressed.
I'm going to the police station first.
Bell: Police?
Can't you see?
I've got all the proof I need now.
And I'm going to the bat for you.
Gee, doctor, you're swell.
No, just sleepy.
Oh. You.
Ah, go on, let me in, will you?
You know me, I've been here before.
Tony knows me too.
Hey, what are you trying to pull?
Only, you make any joint
look like a speakeasy.
Oh, Dr. Bell.
Take good care of nanny, Maloney.
She's had a blood transfusion.
Keep in touch with me every hour.
Well, how about Dr. Ranger?
I'm going to settle with him once and for all.
I'm going to engage a new night nurse.
A night nurse?
What's the matter with you?
Well, it's a certainty Mrs. Ritchey
will not want Lora around...
...after she learns what Lora
has decided to do.
Are you gonna sign a warrant?
If it's the last thing I ever do.
Don't be a fool.
You'll never get another job.
One jam like this
and even the patients are leery of you.
Will you give me a lift downtown?
I'm in a hurry.
Give you a lift?
I've been waiting for the chance.
Well, how about a date tonight?
You're not much to look at, but you do have
a way of showing up when you're needed.
Come here.
By the way, what's your name?
Glad to meet you.
Mine's Lora Hart.
It's the last name I like.
You won't be able to drive with one arm.
Sure I will. When I say shift, shift.
Hey, stupe, look where you're going.
Try again.
But there's one thing.
I hate to think of Nick being arrested
and that dirt coming out in court...
...on account of those little kids.
You know, I've just been thinking.
Maybe Nick won't be arrested.
Why not?
I ain't seen him around since last night.
Think he's run away?
Well, what do you think?
I ain't got an idea.
Only, I happened to be talking
to a couple of guys...
what difference does that make?
Only, I happened to mention
I didn't like Nick so good.
What is it, for us?
Nope, for the morgue.
Some guy got taken for a ride.
No, he was wearing
a chauffeur's uniform.