National Theatre Live: Peter Pan (2017) - full transcript

Captured live at the National Theatre, a recorded performance of JM Barrie's much-loved tale screens in cinemas.


All children grow up.

They soon know they will grow up,

and the way that I knew was this. One day when I was

two years old I was playing in the garden.

And I plucked a flower and I ran with it to my mother. And I suppose

I must have looked rather delightful, for she put her hand to her heart and cried

"Oh why can't you stay like

this forever?" And that was all that passed between us on the subject.

But after that I knew that I must grow up.

You always know after you're two.

Two is the beginning of the end.


In this house, at number 14, there used to live

my mother. George, Darling? I can't find my pearl earrings anywhere,

I do loving so. My father. Mary Darling,

it's 20 to 7. I don't mean to rush you. I'm just telling you what the time is.

My brother John. I just got a shilling for eating all my dinner!

And my youngest brother Michael.

Teddy! Teddy, we are under attack!

And reigning above us

all was… Nana. Come on

(inaudible2:25). Come on Nana. Nana!

What? What do you want? Oh, would you look at this place.

Oh, this place was tidy half an hour ago! Right, it's bedtime. Come on. Bed!

Nana! Sit! Wendy, I don't have time for this I… Nana! Sit!

All right, all right, all right, I'll sit and then it's bed time okay? Look I sat,

aren't I a good girl? Come on, bed, bed, bed, bed, bed. Now Nana, beg.

Beg? Beg Nana. Beg? You really want me to beg?

Are you serious? I do not beg for anyone.

John, give me the biscuit. Nana! Oh for crying out loud.

Do you like a nice little biscuit? Oh, you know, I'll do anything for a biscuit.

Let's take Nana.

Oh, I like it, I like it, I like it. I don't like it! Bed time!

Come on now my Darling. Mother! Mother! It's time for you to get some sleep.

Daddy and I have got to go to this silly party.

But I suppose there might just be time for a little more of the story. Yes! Come on Nana, and where did we get to? Cinderella was at the ball. No, she was dancing with the prince.

No, no, no, no, she was leaving the ball. Oh, no, that is it. The chimes of midnight had struck.

Pong! Pong! Pong!

Cinderella's glass slipper fell off as she hurtled down the steps of the palace.


Argh! Stupid tie! Is something the matter dear?

Matter? The matter is that this tie will not tie. Not round my neck,

no, no. Round the bedpost, oh yes. Twenty times I have made it up round the bedpost,

but round my neck, no. Mary if this tie does not tie around my neck,

we don't go to CJ's party tonight, and if we don't go

to CJ's party to night, we never go to the office again. And if I never go to the office again,

you and I shall starve and our children will be thrown

in to the streets. There, I've done it.

Oh, she's done it. Look, she's a marvel!

Hoopla! Hoopla! Hoopla!

Shoes off the bed… shoes off the bed, George. Off the bed Nana. Shoes off the bed. Nana off the bed. Shoes off the bed. Nana off the bed.

Shoes off the bed. Nana off the bed. Shoes off the bed. Off the bed Nana. Shoes off the bed. Nana off the bed. Nana! Shoes off the bed.

Nana! Nana! Nana, shoes! Nana, sit! Sit!

Sit! Sit! I do not like the noise that dog is making.

Oh, she's covered me in hairs. Let me brush you dear.

I sometimes think Mary that it was a mistake having a dog for a nurse.

Where is my shoe? No, no. No, George. Nana is a treasure,

we must keep her and I will tell you why. I'm listening.

My dear, tonight when I came into this room, I saw a face at the window.

It was the face of a little boy. It's not the first time that I have seen him.

Three floors up? Of course you did dear.

Now cufflinks would you mind? Please of course, Darling. No, the first time that

I saw him, it was about a week ago. I was drowsing by the fire when I looked round and I saw that boy

standing in the room. In the room? I screamed, the boy escaped,

but his shadow, his shadow it didn't have time to get out, down came the window

and… and cut it clean off.

And here it is.


well, it's no one I know, he look a scoundrel.

George, I think the boy is coming back for his shadow. Oh, that's Seven o'clock, Mary?

We're going to be late! Silly me. I forgot Michael's medicine. No I won't take it.

Come on, be a man Michael. You can have a very nice chocolate afterwards. Oh, stop mothering

him mother. I take my medicine without a murmur. Well then why don't you take a spoonful yours

now as an example to Michael. I'll fetch it for you Father. Wendy! Wendy! Wendy!

Oh, John! John, it really is disgusting,

sticky, sweet kind. Be a man Father, it will soon be over.

I was as quick as I could. After you, Michael. Father's a cowardy custard.

Well, if you're so brave then you take your medicine.

No you take it. No you take it. Why don't you both take it at the same time?

What a good idea, sit down. Are you ready?

One… two… three!

It was delicious. No! No, no, no. Father hasn't taken his!

Oh John!

Have a chocolate. Oh, okay, okay, okay. That's right (inaudible). That's it you coddle him!

Next, you coddles me! Nobody wants to coddle me. I mean, why would they?

I am only the breadwinner of the family, why me? Why should I even watched to be coddled?

Why? Why? Why? George! Apologize to Michael.

I don't see why I should.

Will you do as you're told, George? Please?

I'm sorry Michael Div. Now take your medicine.

Oh, is that really necessary? One…two…three.


Oh, this is really bad. What I disgust (inaudible) I need a chocolate.

Oh! No! No! Oh, please!

Please, will you all just get into bed?

Come on, bed. Oh you listen to her?

Is she the master of this house or am I?

Well, proper face for you young lady. Is outside

in the yard. Oh, no, no, no!

George, remember what I told you about the boy.

And now listen, Nana's going to be quite all right,

a bit of fresh air is going do her the world of good.

When daddy and I come back from the party, I'll bring her in again, huh you don't have to worry.

Be brave my darlings. Nana!?

Oh, she sounds really unhappy. Nana! No, that's not her unhappy bark.

That's her bark when she smells danger. Danger! Are you sure, Wendy?

Oh yes. Is anything there?


Nothing at all, only the moon and the stars. I wish I wasn't going out tonight.

I'll light the nightlights. That is what I'll do.


Mother? Can anything harm us,

once the nightlight is lit? Nothing at all my precious. It is the watchful eye

a mother leaves behind to guard her children. Oh, I'm glad of you, Mother.

Mother, what about the story? We'll finish it tomorrow night.

Go to sleep


Close your eyes and


Safe in your

home, I

will be

always here

for you.

Goodnight my darlings.



Hey, Tink of your fairy!


Tinker Bell? Tink, where are you?


Shadow, there you are.

I missed you. Come on,

we have to go. What's wrong?

Well, come on.

Stop it! Stop it!


Shh you'll wake the children.


(inaudible12:50) at last.

Ah, I missed you. We've to go

so (inaudible13) ready! Here we go.

What's wrong,

huh? If you don't want to do,

be on your own too long, you have to stick.

Stick, stick, stick. Ready,

hold on tight. Here we go! Oh!


Boy, why are you crying? I wasn't crying.

It looked like you were crying.


What's your name? Wendy Moira Angela Darling.

What's yours? Peter Pan. Didn't your mother give you any middle names?

I don't have a mother. I wonder you were crying? I wasn't crying. You seem to be having a problem with your shadow?

Yes. You have tried sewing it? What's sewing? Don't you know what sewing is?

Yes, of course. I was given this last Christmas. I opened it once, but only so they'd think

I like it. I don't, I hate sewing. What color thread would you like?



Dead. En garde shadow! Are you trying to be funny?

No. You don't know how to sew at all, do you? Oh, yes, I do. You just watch me sew.

Oh I can see I'll have to do it.

Give it here.

On the bed. Oh, sit on the bed.

With your shadow. Shadow.

Have you ever had something surgically re-attached?

No. Feet. I dare say

this will hurt a little. I'm not frightened.


Cock a doodle doo!

Oh the cleverness of me!


I am such a cocky lad!

Sometimes I'm good and sometimes I'm bad!

Cock a doodle doo!

Did you see that Wendy? Moira?

Angela? Darling? Cock a doodle doo, cock a doodle wotsit. You're so full of yourself.

You're exactly like John when he manages to squeeze another shilling out of Mother and Father

by pretending to be nice and you ask him what he's going to spend it on and he says, "Only silly people spend all their money

all at once but sensible people set it aside in a savings account." And Father says, "Oh, well,

that's exactly what the government would say." And then sometimes I hit John and then I'm the one who gets into trouble, which is so unfair

because it was all John's fault in the first place and now you're behaving exactly like him, which is such a shame

because in my dreams you were always so much fun, but you've spoilt it now.

You're a real disappointment.

Wow. Wow. Wendy,

I can't help cock a doodle dooing every now and then.

That is what I do. I'm Peter Pan. Wendy,

I think 1 girl

is worth more than 20 boys.

Do… do you really think so? Yes, I do. Thank you, that's very nice of you to say.

If you like I'll give you a kiss. Oh, yes please!

Surely you know what a kiss is?

Well, I will when you give it to me. Yes. Yes, yes, yes, I know. Yes, yes, yes.


Its finger armor. Shall I give you a kiss?

Yes, yes please. Close your eyes.

Close your eyes really tightly.

Now you can open them.

Oh! Oh, thank you.

Well, I'll put it in my chest pocket.

Yes, I'll put mine in my chest pocket. Tink? Hey, Tink?

Have you seen a little tiny fairian here anywhere? Tink!

A fairy! Tinker Bell. Oh, don't be so ridiculous. Nobody believes in fair… Don't… No, no, no. Don't say that.

Don't ever say that. Do you know every time

a child says I don't believe in… There is

somewhere that drops down dead.

Tink! If you want to see a real fairy in action,

clap your hands like this. She likes this. Peter, you're not trying to tell me there is a fairy in my room?

Bride O la. Bride O la.

Hand it, hand it. Ready, three, two, one, out!

[non-English narration]

Calm down, Tink. Peter, what is the matter with her?

(inaudible). She's upset, she's been under the plank.

No! Peter, I want her! (inaudible). Tinker (inaudible).

What did she say? Are you sure you want to know? Yes.

She says, she thinks that you are a… Geeb. …big.

Fleecy. …hairy. Pusty. …ugly. She bore! She bore! Girl.

…well I rather expected she would be a good deal prettier.

Paleet? Paleet? (inaudible).

[non-English narration] Tinker, what have I told you about using language

like that. No. (inaudible20) we're leaving. Come on. Where are you going?

Back to the Lost Boys. Who are they? Oh, they are the boys who fell out of their prams

when their mothers weren't looking. If they're not claimed within seven days,

they're sent far away to Neverland, I'm Captain.

Aren't there any girls? Of course not. Girls are much too clever to fall out of their prams.

I think it's lovely the way you talk about girls. If you like you may give me a kiss.

Oh! Yes, I knew you'd want it back.

No, no. No. I… I don't mean a kiss, I mean a thimble.

Who? What's a thimble? I'll show you.


It's funny.

Shall I give you a thimble?

Yes, please.

(inaudible). Tinker, she says that she's going to do that to

you every time you try to give me a thimble. What have I ever done to you?

[non-English narration]

Yes, that's right Tink. Yes, we just need to know the end of the story. Your mother was

telling you a story, about… La-la, la-la, la… …a lady who turns into a pumpkin.

Oh! Oh, you mean Cinderella. Yeah, that's the one.

Oh, well, she marries the prince and lives happily ever after. The prince and lives happily ever after.

Now I must get back before I forget that. Don't you know that story?

Oh, no. I don't know any stories.

No, none of us do. And that's why I've been coming here. When the window is open

I sit on the ledge and listen to the stories and then take them back to the lost boys.

Only the last time your mother closed the window halfway through. This time,

I only came back to get my shadow. Don't go Peter. I know such lots of stories.


You know stories.

You know stories. (inaudible) You know stories.

Come on. Come on. No. no, no. Let me go.

No, let… let me go. You rather spend all night in your silly little bed

when you can be out there flying with me?

Fly? Yes. You can fly?

Come. Come with me. But I can't fly. I'll teach you.

Would you teach John and Michael too? Why not?

John! Michael! Michael! Wake up dear. Wake up! Wake up! John, wake up you (inaudible).

This is Peter Pan and he has come to teach us how to fly.

Can you really fly? Oh, yes. Go on then. Oh, John don't be such a doubting Thomas.

I haven't see him doing anything yet. Patience! Patience! He's getting ready. Right. Well, are you ready?

Take your own time. Off you go.

once we fly!


Wow, how did you do that? Simple really. All you have to do

is just think of a wonderful thought in your head

and you will need fairy string.

Oh, I want a go. So think of a wonderful thought!

Mother's ginger biscuits.

and what would you need? Fairy string. Yes, and a wonderful thought in your head

that will help, it will lift you off the ground.

I'm flying my kite on a windy day in the park.

Look at me I'm flying!

So think of a wonderful thought. A wonderful thought?

Playing football till tea time… And what would you need?

Fairy string. So give me your hand in, wonderful thought. A wonderful thought?

How did how much money I got in my savings.


Beating Father at chess.

Beating Wendy at chess!

I think I'd like a go now, please. So shoes on. Yes, yes, shoes on.

Now you need to think of a wonderful thought in your head

and you'll need a… A fairy string. Yes, yes, I know, I've been watching you.


Sitting on John's head in the garage until he passed out…


When Mother spent two months sewing me a dress and everyone said it was the prettiest…


When giant slugs came over the garden wall and ate all of Father's prize cucumbers.


When my pet wolf walked out of the forest and asked if it could sleep at the end of my bed.


Peter how far can you fly?

Oh, further than you can imagine. Let's fly out of the window!

Yes, let's fly out of the window! Let's fly out of the window! No, no, no.

We're not flying out of the window.

So Wendy, you don't want to ride on the wind's back? I couldn't.

Think of Mother. Oh! So you don't want to see pirates then?

You don't want to see mermaids swimming

in the lagoons?

Mermaids? With tails? Oh, such long tails. Oh, I would love to see a mermaid.

Wendy out the window. Wendy out the window. Wendy out the window.

Wendy out the window.

Wendy out the window. All right!

Let's fly out the window! Yes! Yes!

So first things first. We've to open the window.


and now walk to the ledge,

but don't look down. Ready? Ready.

Second to the right and straight on till morning!


There it is! It's just as I imagined.

John there's your lagoon. Hey, look Michael, there's your cave!

Wendy there's your wolf. Where? There just across the mysterious river.

Wow, who is that girl standing in the water?

That's Tiger Lily. Is she your friend? She lives with the wolves.

So you want an adventure or do you want go down and have your tea first?

Tea first. No, what kind of adventure? Pirates! Shall we go down and kill one.

Have you killed many? Oh, tons. And their captain is Hook.

She is the deadliest pirate of them all. She is the only that Blackbeard was afraid of. I'm the boy

who cut off her hand. You're very brave Peter. Yes, I know, that's why I am Captain.

Now there's one thing that all those who serves under me must promise.

If ever we meet the pirates in open conflict, you leave Hook to me,

you understand? Yeah, We promise. If you promise too Wendy. Oh, all right.

Oh, look, the pirates are loading their cannon. Six more meters. I'll meet you now on the island,

hurry. Michael!



Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls

welcome to Neverland.


We are the Lost Boys we live in Neverland, We got here some time ago, we fell out of our prams,

We are the Lost Boys, brave soldiers all, Ready to do battle when we hear our Captain call,

We are the Lost Boys, best of friends to some, We're as tough as leather but we really miss our mums.

Really miss our mums… Really miss our mums…

Really miss our mums…


Boys, you've got to get out of here. They're coming.


They are here.

Everybody hide!


He's close. I can smell him.

I can taste him.


Peter Pan!


If we only had Peter Pan here right now, with us in our grasp,

what we do with him? What would we do with him,

my beautiful, barbaric


Pull his little jacket off…

Dismember with precision and keep all the buttons. Bite his little fingers off…

Chew with care! No noise! Hush (inaudible37) Tear his arms and legs right off…

Slice not tear, I want them whole.

Hang him up and let him rot… Like a good steak for 28 days.

Tasty! Peter… Paaaan…

We're gonna get ya…

That's exactly what we're going to do.

Peter…We're gonna get ya…

And you will be so dead. Pull out all his baby teeth…

One by one and very, very slowly.

Create some pretty jewelery… You need a new bracelet…

I do. Make a cut from north to south… You're very partial to that method…

Rip all of his innards out… You could wear them like a scarf. Dainty.

Peter… Paaan…

We're gonna get ya…

That's exactly what we're going to do.

Peter… Paaan…

We're gonna get ya… And you will be ashamed. Crack him like a boiled egg…

Oh, yes with a very soft yolk. Cut the top off of his head… Like a (inaudible38:25) we can hang it from the mast.

Pretty! Make his eyes into a broach…

Oh, now you're talking my hearties! That is Captain Hook's approach…

To sum up, how will it end for Pan?

Badly. Peter… Paaaan

We're gonna get ya That's exactly what we're going to do.

Peter… Paaaan… We're gonna get ya…

And you will be so dead.

You are the meanest crew of treacherous, tyrannical cutthroats who have sailed the high seas.

Show me your killing faces.


So remind me what are we here again?

To get Peter Pan! Yeah, indeed.


Skylights! What is it? It's nothing.

But you're sniveling why? It's… it's just that….

Oh, you can tell me. It's just a toy.

Oh, it's going to be all right. It's just I always liked teddies.

I used to have one myself and I used to cuddle him at bedtime.


Pirates don't have


Do you all understand?

Yes, Captain. Get this mess cleared up. Back to the ship and splice the main brace, if you please!

Splice the main brace! Splice the main brace!

The way you dealt with Skylights

was very good, Captain. Sniveling over a teddy!? What kind of pirate is that? That's no pirate at all. No pirate at all.

Very well put Smee. If only they all had your attention to detail…

How do I look? Oh, you look an absolute

picture, Captain. A picture of what?

A picture of menace. A picture of malice.

A picture of malevolence.

I have Pan to thank for this hook. I've waited a very long time to shake his little hand

with it.

Oh I will tear him. And yet I have often heard you say

that a hook is worth a score of hands, for combing the hair

and other homely purposes.

Ay, if I were a mother I would pray to have my children born with this

instead of that. And it does come in handy for killing.

Because we need a plan. Well, you're very good at plans, Captain.

Every time we get near them, they scatter like little mice. We need to find that hideout, find the mouse

(inaudible42) and we can trap the mice. Oh, it is the wickedest,

prettiest policy I ever heard of. Shake on't, Smee. Sorry.

Sorry, do you hear something?

Crocodile. I've often moved (inaudible42:15) dread of being

crocodiles fictional. As not of the species in general Smee,

just… just the one that swallowed my arm after Pan cut it off. And your watch with it.

Hey, which… which still goes tick tock and I'm warned whenever the monster is nearby.

It liked the taste of me so much it perused me ever since. In a way it is a soft compliment.

I want no such compliments, Smee.

I want Pan.

You should, Captain.

That no pirate will rest until we have (inaudible43) that little worm

out of Yo ho.

Yo ho. Yo ho! When I say "claw,"

by fear they're overtook.

Naught's left upon your bones when you,

have shaken hands with Hook.

Yo ho. Yo ho! When I

(inaudible) both brave and bold are shook,

I'll pierce a hole in every vein

for I (inaudible) I'm Captain Hook.

Come on, Smee, this way.


Is it all clear? I'm checking!

All clear definitely. Definitely. Are you sure?

Yeah. I wish Peter was here. He always knows what to do.

I don't like it when Peter's not here. Especially with those scary pirates so close by.

Oh, I'm not scared of pirates. That's why Peter leaves me in charge when he's away.

No, I'm in charge. Don't be stupid. Peter told me I was in charge.

When? When? When no one else was looking. You're a liar, Nibs.

I am not. Yes you are. All right then, if Peter left you in charge you tell us what we should do if the

pirates come back. Umm… Should we stand and fight

or shall we run away? Hey, look at that…

over there in the sky…what is it? It's coming this way over. It must be a bird.

It's coming this way. It must be a bird. It's very big for a bird, (inaudible).

Tootles. Chunka Tootles!

Tinker Bell! Peter must be nearby. Wendy cuckoo. Wendy cuckoo.


Peter says what? Ping, ping, ping!

Boys, a message from Peter.

That thing up there is a Wendy bird. What's Wendy bird?

Very dangerous. Peter wants us to shoot it down.


Yes!! I did it! I shot down the Wendy bird. Peter is gonna be so proud of me!


This is no bird. Birds do not wear pajamas.

(inaudible) confirm! Confirm! We've no beak, over.


I think it must be a lady. A lady?

Tootles what have you done? I always dreamed of seeing a lady. A lady to look after us at last.

Finally a real lady came and I have killed her.

Peter is not going to like this.

Don't get too close. Boys, I'm back.

Why aren't you cheering? (inaudible).

I've great news. Great news, boys.

I've brought us back a lady, who is going to tell us



Has anybody seen her? She would have flown this way.

Here she is Peter.

She's dead.

Perhaps she's frightened of being dead.


Whose arrow

is this?

Tootles! I didn't know she was the lady, Peter.

I'm disappointed in you, Tootles.


The lady! Owww!

I think she's saying.

Owww! Poor Tootles. The Wendy lady lives.

What? Oh! Look, the poor she lives.

The arrow struck against this. The kiss

that I gave her. It has saved her life.

I remember kisses. Let me see. Let me see. Let me see.

Yeah, that's a lovely kiss, all right. That's a lovely kiss.

Oh, look! Oh, look! Tinker Bell is angry the Wendy lady lives.

She was the one that told me to shoot her. Tinker Bell!


I'm very disappointment in you, take him. Boys, get the banishment pram.

Oh, no! peter.

Yes. Tinker Bell (inaudible).

Tinker Bell, I don't ever want to see you ever again. (inaudible).

Twinkle Twinkle little Tink (inaudible).

All right, (inaudible).

I won't see you for a whole seven days then. (inaudible).

Yes, take him away.

We should put the Wendy in the den. Very, very carefully.

Yes, she'll die if she stays here. No! No! No! You must never ever move

a lady. She'll die then.

What shall we do? We must build her a house.


John! Hello Wendy, hello Peter. Stand back, you boys.

May I know who are you? It's me John.

Remember? Who's the other one?

I'm Michael. We flew out of the window together.

Oh, John, Michael, Wendy, yes, welcome.

We're building a house for Wendy. Why? She's only a girl.


What did you just say?

I said she's only a girl! Snake bite!


Don't ever talk about girls like that again.

Let's get the roof on.


Now we can play mummies and daddies! Yes!

Let's play mummies and daddies! I'm daddy.


Hello Mother. Hello Father.

Oh, there is somebody at the door. Come in.

Hello, Mother, we're the Twins. We got you this hairdryers.

For your beautiful hair.

Thank you. Come in. Hello Mother.

Wendy, we're playing mummies and daddies, and I got you this oil to make your bath smell nice.


Oh, the… Oh, the lavender, my favorite. Come in.

Hello Mother. My name is Nibs and this is my favorite telephone.

Hello Mother, can you hear me? Yes… (inaudible).

Yes, loud and clear thanks!

Call me. Come in.

Hello Mother, I'm actually Curly and I've got you this story book so you can read to us you're welcome. Oh!!Oh,

I love thrillers. Oh, yes.

Hello Wendy. Get out John!

Play the game. I am playing the game Peter. Snake bite! Oh, Yes, yes, yes. All right, all right,

I'll play the game. I'll play the game. Hello, Mohter.

I haven't said come in yet.

Oh come on! (inaudible).

Come in. Hello Mother, I got you a gun.


Come on! No.

Oh! I'm sorry.

My name's Tootles. Hello Tootles. What have you brought me?




No! No! Will you please, please just all stop singing? I can't be your mother.

I just wanted you to be our mother

and now you're saying that you can't

and it's not fair…


All right, would you please, please just stop crying. Just stop crying.

I can't be your mother. But…

but if you promise to call me by my proper name, which is Wendy…

Wendy! Then I'll at least read you

a story. Hey, mother!


Very nice. Night, night, good night.


The cooky little Peter Pan has been here.

Oh, my parch. Peter!

There's no way you can fly to.

I'm not flying anyway, Tiger Lily.

There you're you stupid little boy. What is this?

It's a house and I've built it for my new friend Wendy.

It's rubbish. I'm gonna smash it down.

Well, we're gonna have to smash me down first.

You want to take me on? I dare you to a death match.

I accept your challenge.



What are you doing there Wendy? I'm hunting for squirrel

to feed the Lost Boys Peter, but you seem to be often busy playing with who's this?

Who's this? Who's this? Who's this?

Oh, don't get away. How rude. Would you like a (inaudible) help here?

Yes, please. Come on, I've got you. Yes, yes, I've got you.

Yes I've got you. I've got you, thank you.


Wolves. Hey, you wanna come and play with us sometime?

Oh, yes, please. Right now we're going to build a massive bonfire.

Then let's (inaudible) pirates.

No, Tiger Lily, we (inaudible) build that.

Oh, Wendy, come on. Come on, let's go and find some skulls and animal bones, come on.


Peter! Yeah. How many adventures have you had Peter?

More than you can count. How old are you Peter?

I'm not sure. I'm very young. I… I ran away the day I was born.

I ran away and I never went back.

That's Tiger Lily's wolves.

They sound really unhappy. No. No. No, that's not they're unhappy howl,

that's the howl when they smell danger. Are you sure, Wendy?

Yes. Yes, yes, yes.

Tiger Lily… … has been…

captured by… ri pats…


Yes. oh, we must rescue her at once. Now the pirates

always take their captives to Marooner's Rock and that's where they down them.

But the lagoon that's a very dangerous place for mortal in the turn of the moon.

Then we must cast our lives to fate Peter. For Tiger Lily is our friend.

So I am Captain and you must follow my instructions at all times.

Oh, all right. Let's go.

Oh, hello, Wendy, hello, Peter.

Wait for me. Why are we running? We're on a rescue mission!

It's going to be very dangerous. Oh, great! It's not a joke, John. Who are we rescuing? Tiger Lily. The pirates

are going to drown her at Marooner's Rock. We have to get there before sundown.


Oh, no it's a giant slut.

Oh, let's wash it out in the waterfall.

This is disgusting.

Oh, here.

Don't look down. Don't look down. Don't look down.


Look over there. What are they? Popping in the water.

Mermaids. Follow me. Come on.


Wow, real mermaids!


They are the most beautiful things I have ever seen. I wish we could play with them.

Oh look, it's Peter. Hi Peter. (inaudible).

Evening Mermaids. Haven't seen you for a while, Peter. Where you been Peter?

He's been how do you say all over. You get around, don't you Peter? I don't have time to tell you now.

It's a very long tale. Naughty Peter.

Who are your friends, Peter?

Are you coming in for a swim? The water's lovely.

Yeah, you bet. Here I come.

Hello, ladies.

You're so young. Oh, I'm John.

Hi, John. You're very strong swimmer John. Oh, thank you very much.

John! John!

John! John!

what happened?

The mermaids are very beautiful but very cruel creatures. They like to lure little boys

and girls like you into the water and then drown them. Right, let's go home.

I told you this was a dangerous place.

Pirates! Fly!


There is Marooner's Rock,

you final rescue place, Tiger Lily. Let's get her on the rock quickly and get out of here.

Why the hurry Starkey? I always rather liked it here.

The spirits of dead sailors haunts this place.

Everyone knows that. So they say. I sometimes think that you can feel

their little fingers rafting at your ankles as you dangle your feet in the water.

Well, let's get back to the ship this place gives me the willies.

I've always enjoyed our little chats Tiger Lily,

but I fear this will be our last.

This is what happens when you get catch snooping around

on our ship?

Soon my dear, you will be food for the fishes.

Peter, do something. What's that?

Ahoy there you lubbers! It's the Captain. She must be swimming out to us.

Captain? What does the Captain want? We've done exactly she was commanded (inaudible1:8) is singing a version of Hook'S shanty. We have done exactly as you commanded. Tiger Lily is tied fast to the rock.

Set her free. Set her free Captain? …

But if we… Set her free, I say or I'll plunge my hook in you!

Yes Captain. Do as the Captain orders!


Captain! Captain,

you must be (inaudible) half a mile from the ship. Let me help you.


Oh, she's going.


Smee! Smee!

[music] Smee! What's up, Captain?

The boys… The boys…

Hang for a sec. Let's just get some breath.

The boys found a mother! A mother?

A mother! What is a mother, Captain?

Doesn't not know what a mother is, Starkey?

Well, a mother is…

a mother… A mother is…

Ah! There, there!

There is a lesson in mothers for you. The nest must have fallen

in the water, but would that bird desert her eggs?

(inaudible) evil day.

If Peter Pan has found a mother, how will I ever get to him?

Now or never I get to him! Now or never I get to him!

It's a very particular echo

in the lagoon tonight. Echo,

why do you taunt me so? Because you are a codfish.

A codfish? A codfish?

A codfish who's going to get battered when I get my hands on you!

Tiger Lily. Where is she boy? We let her go, Captain. Let her go?

'Twas your orders Captain. You called out to us to let her go. Brimstone and gall, what cozening is here?

I gave no such order.

O spirit that haunts

the lagoon tonight, who are you?

I am your echo.

Have you another name? Yes. Can you guess?

No, I couldn't possibly.

Its very your Peter Pan! No,



Come down here and fight like a woman.


This is hardly a fair fight.

No, Peter. Not to be trusted. Not to be trusted.


Oh, my God!




John, Michael, Tiger Lily, scramble up the rocks and get out of here.

What about you? I'm going to stay with Peter.

Okay, be careful. We should get back to shore.

Yes, we should.

Shall we swim or fly? Wendy, do you think you could swim

or fly to the island without my help?

No, I am too tired.

I am wounded. Peter. Oh, Peter.

Ah! Oh!

The water is rising.

Yes. So we shall

both be drowned. I think. Wendy, look.

Look, it's Michael's kite. Oh, well, that could carry both of us back to the shore?

No. It could not carry both of us, but it could carry one.

Oh, then you must go Peter. No way. You are the one who's wounded. No Wendy. You must go.

So hook up tightly… No! No! That's it.

I… I won't go without you. (inaudible) don't let go.

Peter (inaudible). No. Hold on tight…

No, Peter! That's it.

No, Peter! Peter! Peter was alone at last

and soon the rook would be submerged.

And by and by he heard

the most melancholy sound of the mermaids calling to the moon.


Peter was not quite

like other boys, but he was afraid at last. Ah!

A tremor cuts through him,

like a shudder over the water. But on the sea one shudder follows another

till there are hundreds, but Peter there was one!

(inaudible) U.S. Army

(inaudible) again.

With a smile on his face.

The drum beating inside of him.


And it was saying;

and it was saying to die

will be an awfully big adventure.



Minutes like arrows,

hours become too many moons,

scorched by the sun. Once I was youthful,

I too had wings,

all that I wanted were childlike things.




The hands spin like scythes,

the face laughs and leers, I'm drowning

in seconds and minutes and years.

Shadows they clothe me, like parchment my skin,

all your subtractions tattooed

within. Peter…



Now I am bitter,

broken with badness, now I am darkness

twisted with madness.

I am brutality, I am battered, I am blood,

And I will break you.



Anchors and serpents, I will wrap

around your ankles, and your milk teeth,

I'll make into jewels, You'll adorn me, I'll kiss you sweet body

like a fish on the hook

and you'll hang like a worm and it won't be game.

That will end, you will know like there is no more pretend,

when your heart breaks like mine

and you hear!


Find the (inaudible) me.

This time, its Pan

or me. You heard, Captain.

Playtime is over for the lost boys.

Operation root out and destroy is go.

(inaudible) bunny

found in the northeast quarter. Space hop attracts on the beach

by the lagoon. Suspect secret hideout

is underground. Repeat., underground.

The trails of sharbat

lemons just all the way

to the old quarry.

The captain will be delight.

The waves were crashing against Marooner's Rock.

The wound in Father's chest was gushing

with blood and he was growing as pale as death.

But he wasn't afraid. To die…

Would be an awfully big adventure!

The black waters of the lagoon were rising slowly to his neck.

Dark, blubbery creatures were slithing up from the fathomless depths,

circling the rock ready to devour Peter, snapping at his toes.

And it was then good fortune made

her intervention. A magnificent

Neverbird! A Neverbird!

Her nest had fallen into the rocking waves heard Peter's desperate cries/

Save me, save me! She steered way against the tide, her tail moving

as a rudder, and moored her nest against the rock. She called out to Peter.

"Get in Peter, the water's rising." Peter was too tired

so she shook her beak at him and cried. "Peter! Get in the nest

or you'll drown!" So with his last trace of strength Peter threw himself

from the rock and tumbled into her warm comfortable nest lined with

feathers and moss. They drifted on the waves

and circled the lagoon for a night and a day

until the nest washed back on to the shore, where Peter,

hauled himself up onto the rocks and crawled all the way back across

the island until he reach the loving bosom of his family,

where, safe at last, he cried!

Father! (inaudible).

Cock a doodle doo! Oh the cleverness of you!

Hello Father. Yes, I love this game.

Hello Mother.

So how have the children been today?

Oh, well, they've been deliciously naughty as ever. Oh, did you have a terribly

difficult day at the office, Dear? I had a terribly difficult day at the office,

Darling. I was out hunting with the Twins.

Did you catch anything? I did, I caught an orange

Spoty-Liffy-Doctipus, so I ripped it's head off and brought it home as a trophy!

Wow! Incoming. Incoming.

Permission to land? Over. Permission granted.

What's for tea Mother?

We're starving, over. Yes I'm really hungry. I'm actually famished…

All right! Let me take your orders once, if you make your way to the table then I'll take your orders.

I'd actually like fish finger sandwiches with hundreds and thousands.

A creamy chicken thing. With jelly babies, over. Ice cream on toast.

Pasta with bananas. Sausages and jam. "Baked beans and chocolate fingers!"

"Vanilla fudge masala!" Fried potato… "Potato smiley faces!" Mud pattie!"

A nice piece of fruit from the fruit bowl?

That has been used to create a delicious banoffee pie.

Now, sit up nicely at the table.

Tuck your napkins in, elbows off the table

and tuck in.


My compliments to the chef!


You know, Mother,

I think we should be setting good example and giving our children healthy nutritious food

and just because it healthy nutritious, it doesn't mean it has to be boring.

It would be pink and fishy like this.


Cucumbers actually tasty, boy.


No. No, I (inaudible) the children just become the (inaudible)

subordinate whenever they not even exactly what they want to eat, so I'm going to have to reintroduce

the diet of high carbohydrates and sugar with immediate effect!


(inaudible) that would be the best flavor.


John actually just spat in my food!

Curly didn't eat his ice cream. Actually! Father stole my fish finger!

It was my fish finger in the first place! But you took it from our from plate.


Right! If you've all finished,

you may get down from the table and go and sit nicely by the fire

until bed time.


Oh, Father isn't this lovely

all of our wonderful family, all together.

It's pretty as a picture. I know, I should take a photograph!


Lovely. Ready? Three, two,

one. Cheese!

That actually burn by retina.

I love cosy nights. No, hang on a minute,

its not a cosy night, is it? What night is it?

Saturday night. And Saturday night is dancing night!


And that was "Saturday Night"

by pop sensation Wet Denim. Now we're gonna slow down a bit, so grab yourself a partner.

Here's one for all you lovers out there. Over.

Are you gonna dance, Father? No. No, Nibs, I have to read newspapers.

I'm sure you'd like to dance, Mother? Oh, No. Oh, no, I haven't got the right knickers on.

No! No! Well I suppose

we could give it try? I suppose we could always give it a try.

Well, I will if you will. Well, I will if you will. Well, I will if you will if I will.

Well, if you want to. Oh, just get on with it!



I haven't danced like that

for 79 years.

Not bad for a couple of old timers. I must rest my weary old bones

by the fire.

Father. Yes. I know that after the children I'm not quite as springy

as I used to be. Well, may be

that in some ways I'm a little past my best, but well,

you wouldn't want to change me would you?

No darling. Are we still playing the game, Wendy?

It's sort of a game, Peter.

It's only pretend. But they really are our children,

Peter, yours and mine. No, they're not.

I'm not their father and you're not their mother. If I was their father I would have

to be grownup. I don't ever want to be grownup.

I always just want to be a little boy and to have fun.

Play the game, Wendy. Peter, what are your

true feelings for me?

Tiger Lily does this.

And Tinker Bell too. Just when we're having the best fun.

And I don't suppose you have any idea why, do you? Perhaps they want to be my mother.

No they don't want to be your mother you silly boy. What is it that they want?

There's no point explaining to you, because you just wouldn't understand.

Now come on everyone, wake up!

Wake up! Let's have a story. What story shall we have?

I think we should have your favorite story. Oh, Wendy, please I hate that story.

Well, then you can just cover your ears like you usually do.


There was once

a very nice lady… Oh, there is a lady in the story.

She isn't dead is she? No. No, no. Oh, I am very glad to hear that. Are you glad Michael?

I am very glad. There was also a very nice gentleman.

And their names were Mr. and Mrs. Darling.

Oh, I think I've heard of them. They were married

and what do you think they had? Oh! Oh, white rats?

They had three children and a faithful nurse called Nana.

Now one night Mr. Darling was very angry

and he chained Nana up in the yard, and all the children

flew away out of the bedroom window, past the moon and the stars

till they reached a magical world where they met

the Lost Boys. Oh, is one of them called Tootles, Wendy?

Yes, he is. I'm in the story. Nibs, I am in the story.

I want to be in the story? Yes. Yes, you are all in the story.

Now they lived with the Lost Boys for many, many moons.

And they had such a lovely time. But think,

think for a moment about the poor unhappy parents. Oh!

Left at home with the empty beds! Oh!

Their hearts broken. It's a very sad story. I don't think I'll be happy when it's over. Over!

I'm actually feeling very anxious.

If you knew how great was a mother's love then you

wouldn't feel anxious. I do like a mother's love.

One day, the children all flew back to their old house

and the window was still open and they threw their arms around the huddled figures

and their parents leapt with joy,

and they danced and they sang and they ate chocolate

pudding until they were sick. And

they all lived happily ever after!


Is something the matter, Peter?

You are wrong about mothers, Wendy.

I had a mother once. I had a nice warm bed

and a nice soft blanket, and the window was open

and I went for a little fly, I was flying amongst the clouds

and the birds. And when I wanted to go back to my nice warm bed

and my nice soft blanket, the window was closed

and it was barred. And there was another little boy

sleeping in my bed.

Mothers do not leave the window open.

Yes they do. You are wrong about mothers.

Wendy, I want to go home.

Yes, I want to go home too. Yes, all right, collect your things,

we're going home. You can't leave Mother, we actually need you.

Don't leave us. Please. You can't go. We won't let you. We'll tie you up.

No. no, no, leave her alone. All of you!

If she wants to go then she can do. And if any of you that try to stop her…

I'll kill you. Understand?


Thank you, Tootles. That was very brave.


Now look, if any of you would… would like to come with us,

then I feel sure I can get my parents to adopt you all.

But won't we be rather a handful? No of course not. I can't promise that

you may not all get a bed, but you will at least each have your own pillow.

Oh, Nibs and Curly can sleep in our bed. Yes! And everyone can share my blanket.

Peter, shall we go?

Yes, the Twins, find Tiger Lily she'll take you to the edge of the island

and then Tinker Bell can show you the way back to the mainland. That's right. Now collect things that you would like to take with you that's it.

No. No, jut small things.

Now you must all take your medicine

before we leave.

Peter, collect your things.

I'm not coming.

We will find your mother. No.

Peter isn't coming. And if you find your mothers,

I hope you like them. In that case, I must advise you

never to go without a boiled egg in the morning, wash your flannel

on a regular basis, and to make sure you take your medicine

every single day.


Goodbye, Peter.


Get them, Smee! Oh, my little chicken

all tied up. Oh, and here

is the mother and how terribly rude of me, I'm not even introduced myself.

Good evening, my name is Mr. Smee.

I'm delighted to make your acquaintance.

I'm sorry I can't return the compliment. You've hurt my feelings!

Oh, the Captain won't like that one little (inaudible).

Perhaps she will kill you all.

Take them away!

Oh, Peter Pan. Sound asleep.


Look at you

there, all tucked up under your little blanket,

(inaudible). I could eat you.


Oh, Peter! Oh, we've had fun ever we.

Do you remember Skull Rock, the ambush. When I was ah! And you were oh!

Good times.

To shame at your den really (inaudible). Still nothing lost forever, does it?

Always in the silence of the night here hear the tic tok. You know the end is coming.

Hey, what do you care, huh?

You and your smug little grin, as (inaudible)

teeth glinting in the moonlight, even your sleep is cooky.

Oh, what have we here?

Ah, Peter, Peter, Peter! May I leave you

a partying gift.


Now, Peter be sure to drink up all of your medicine.

Goodnight, Peter Pan.


Oh no. Peter!

Peter!… Wake! Tinker Bell, what are you doing?

I just want to sleep. Oh no. Oh no…

What about her? (inaudible).

Hook has kidnapped Wendy and the Lost Boys. (inaudible). Then we must rescue them at once.

But fist I must take my medicine.

Oh no. Tink, give it back to me.

Tinker Bell, we don't have time for this.

Tink! Hey, Tink,

(inaudible). (inaudible).

Twinkle Twinkle little… Twinkle Twinkle little… Oh, no! Give it to me. Let go me, please.

Tink, its mine. Peter.

Oh, no!


(inaudible). That's poison.


Oh, no! Oh, no, Peter!


Twinkle Twinkle… Oh, no!


Oh, please don't die, Tink.

I believe in fairies.

But I know Tink that there are still children in this world

who believe in fairies.

Probably if you grown up too and right at this moment they're all clapping their little hands

like this and…

Tinker Bell did you hear that.

Louder. Tinker Bell

(inaudible) come on, Tink.

Come on. Come on, Tink! Come on. Come on.



Tinker Bell! Tinker Bell! Don't you ever do anything like that again, will you?

Oh, no. Come on, let's go and rescue Wendy and the Lost Bosy!

La, la, la!


It is done.


bring up the little mother. Of course, Captain.


How still the night is. Nothing sounds alive.

Now is the hour when children in their homes are a-bed,

their lips bright-browned with the good night chocolate,

their tongues drowsily searching for belated crumbs housed insecurely on their shining cheeks.

Compare them with Peter Pan,

now just a little lonely dead boy!

"It is Tis my hour of triumph!"

Up you come little mother. Watch the top steps literally.

Welcome! Ah! Welcome! Welcome!

Welcome aboard the Jolly Roger. Won't you sit down?

Let's have some tea. I'll be mother.


How are all the little ones?

Getting some rest I hope. After all it's a big day for them.

Walk the plank day.

It must be simply awful to be as… as lonely as you.

Lonely? Uh… I am surrounded

by a crew of obedient dogs who will do anything I say. They obey you but they don't really love you.

My name is known throughout the world. Of course I am loved.

If my mother were here she'd soon put a stop to all your nonsense.

What you need is a jolly good bath

and to be put to bed and to hear a jolly good story

and then all your nightmares would fly away like little birds, back to

where they came from. I suppose they would all and happily ever after

would we, is that the kind of story you like?

What other kind of story is there? Because you're so young and you're so innocent. You… you're

about to embark upon your last chapter, entitled "Wendy walks the plank."

If you… if you think Peter will leave us here to die then… then you're in for a very rude awakening.

Peter! Peter! Peter! I don't know! Oh Peter Pan! Oh Peter Pan is dead,

quite dead! Bring out the Lost Boys!



All of you miserable children

are going to walk the plank to death, except one.

I'm in need of a new cabin boy. I lost one quart something rather nasty.

That put on something rather nasty that put on my… I said, I killed him with my hook.

You boy, you there! Would you like to join our gang?

I don't think my mother would be very happy if I became a pirate. What about you think, Curly?

I actually think she'd be very disappointed. How about you Nibs?

Yeah, my mother wouldn't like that. How about you… Stow your gab! You there! You with a stuffed carnivore,

you look like you've got some pluck? Will you join us?

What would you call me if I joined? Barnacle McGee. Barnacle McGee?

Would I be able to visit home for the holidays?

There are no holidays, this ship will be your home. What do you think John?

Here John, what do you think? Will able to see my mother again?

I will be your mother and you can see me whenever you like.

Then I refuse! Then I refuse!

Then you die now. Starting with this one!

Silence for a mother's

last words to her children.

Be brave boys. And remember your mothers

always loved you.

Is that it? Something of a disappointment.

And now I've lost my chain of thought. What happens next anybody? Anybody,

what is it (inaudible). Walk the plank!


there is none can save you know, missy!

There is one! Peter Pan! Alive? You leave her go Hook,

this is just between the two of us. Proud and insolent boy,

prepare to meet thy doom. Dark and sinister woman, say your farewells.

Pirates tear them to pieces!

Kill them all! And you…


I'll get you Peter Pan What you said now?

I'll get you. I'll get you Peter Pan…


Cock a doodle doo!

[sil.] So what are we

going to do with her, boys? Walk the plank! Walk the plank!

Walk the plank!

Walk the plank! Walk the plank!


Stand back you pewling spawn,

I am the greatest pirate that ever lived.

Do you think I am not going to be sent to my death

by a bunch of whining children!


Oh, no! Oh, no!

It is who, you have come

to show me the road to the dusty death.

It is time.


I care for no one on earth

and no one cares for me.

But one thing I do know, the basest of all things

is to be afraid.


Hello, old friend. Fear will not stifle me.

I am ready to depart.


(inaudible) set a course for the mainland. Aye, aye Captain. Second to the right.



I blame myself George. I should never have left them alone. What was I thinking?

No, I… I am responsible for it all.

I, George Darling, did it.

I chained Nana in the yard and all because I was annoyed about the medicine.

Oh mea culpa,

mea culpa.

John, I think I have been here before.

Of course you have silly. Look there's our old bed.

Hold on, there are people in it.

It's Father and Mother.

So it is!

So Wendy, you weren't really our mother then?

No. Mother!

Oh, Wendy! There you are. Mother! Oh, John. Mother! Michael.

Mother! Mother! We're all home! George, wake up!

George, wake up! Our darlings are home!

Wendy, we can't hold on to the drainpipe much longer.

Oh, yes. Come… Come in everyone.

Oh, no, no! It's… it's alright Mother, it's just a few motherless boys

that we've brought back with us.

Yes, Mother and Father, these are our new friends, Tootle, Curly, The Twins,


Please, please, say you'll have them!

I must say Wendy, you don't do things by halves.

Do you think we… we should be too much of a handful, sir?

Because if so we can actually go away. I can't get…

Of course we'll have them, won't we George? Of course, we will. You can all sleep in the drawing room,

if you fit in. We'll fit in.

We don't actually have a drawing room,

but we pretend we do, when it is much the same thing.

So who is for some chocolate pudding?

Me! In that case, follow the leader!


Cock a doodle doo. Hello, Wendy.

Hello, Peter.

Goodbye, Wendy. You don't have to go

you know. Hello, Peter. Why don't you come in?

You can join our family.

Would you send me to school?

Yes. And then to an office?

I suppose so. Then should I be a man?

Very soon. No way lady!

Nobody is gonna catch me and send me go to school

and make me learn solemn things. What if I was to wake up one morning

and I'd grown a beard! Oh, Peter, I should love you in a beard.

Come! Come with me.

Mother may I?

Absolutely not. I've just had you back, I'll not let you go again. But he does so need a mother.

So do you my love, so do you.

Goodbye Wendy.

And remember always be waiting.

Goodbye Peter. Don't forget.


And the last words that he ever said to me

were "Always be waiting,"

which of course was complete nonsense, because he promptly

forgot all about me. Now come on, Jane its bedtime.

But Mother, why did you just fly off and visit him? Because I can't.

I've forgotten how to fly. But why have you forgotten?

Because I'm not young, and innocent, and heartless.

You have to be young, and innocent, and heartless

to be able to fly. I wish I was young, and innocent, and heartless.

Mother, what did Peter's crow sound like?

Oh, I think it sounded like this…

Cock a doodle doo! No it didn't, it sounded like this.

Cock a doodle doo! All the cleverness of me.

How do you know that?

I hear it sometimes when I am sleeping.

Many girls hear it in their dreams,

but I was the only one to hear it awake.

Lucky you. Now come on! It is long past your bed time. But Mother, I'm not tired. Well, that's just tough luck.


It's not too late,

take these wings and fly,


to your home.

It's not too late.

Take these

dreams and see


to your


Cock a doodle doo! Hello Wendy.

Peter! Where is John?

John isn't here. Is Michael asleep.

This isn't Michael.

Is it a new one? Yes. Boy or girl?

A girl. And you like her.

Yes. Peter, you haven't come to ask me to fly away with you, have you?

Yes, come on. Come on, I'm Captain. I can't Peter.

I've… I've forgotten how to fly.

What's wrong? I will turn on the light.

No, don't turn on the light. I will turn on the light. Don't turn on the light.

And then you can see for yourself. Don't turn on the…


I grew up. You promised not to!

I did it long ago

and I wanted to. And now I have a child.

Oh, no you don't. Yes I do. The little girl in the bed

is my baby. No she isn't. Yes. Yes, she is.

And what does she call you?



Peter! Oh, Peter!

Boy, why are you crying?

I wasn't crying. It looked like you were crying.


What's your name? Jane.

I'm Peter Pan. Yes, I know. I've been waiting for you. Oh, come. Come and fly with me.

If you'll teach me how to fly, Peter. I've been practicing,

but I can't quite do it yet. All you've to do

is just thing of a wonderful thought in your head

and put your shoes on. Oh!

And you'll also need fairy string. Fairy string? Yes.

What's that? It's Tinker Bell's secret. Now the wonderful thought

in your head that will help to lift you off the ground!

Mother, watch this!


Mother, look I'm flying.

Now try this.

Easy. Oh!

Oh the cleverness of me! Oh the cockiness of you. So try this,

the back, ready?


Are you ready?


Jane, the window will always be open!

