Namu, the Killer Whale (1966) - full transcript

Robert Lansing and Lee Meriwether star in this warm and compelling family drama about a compassionate scientist who forms an unlikely friendship with a magnificent killer whale. In HD.

The sea,
mother of life on
our planet.

The sea, where floating
microscopic cells

evolved into giant creatures

that ravaged and
terrorized the Earth
for millions of years.

The dinosaurs have
long since passed
into history,

but the largest creatures
of all, the whale, survived.

And among them, one,
the most feared and
most dangerous

of all the world's animals.

Wherever its mast-like
dorsal fin cuts water,

it becomes a beacon
of fear for all who
see it.

The only chance to
survive is to run,

to retreat, to escape its path.

Even the giant sea elephants

refuse to venture into the sea

where these killers are present.

All the oceans of the world
are home for this legendary
killer of the deep.

♪ Come all you good people
and hear my story ♪

♪ Concerning Namu
the killer whale ♪

♪ I'll tell you some things
that are bloody and gory ♪

♪ And thereby hangs a tale ♪

♪ Live and let live let
nature be your teacher ♪

♪ Respect the life of
your fellow creature ♪

♪ Live and let live
whatever you do ♪

♪ And always remember
the killer whale Namu ♪

♪ It happened one time in
the northwest waters ♪

♪ Two fishermen some
whales they spied ♪

♪ They shot one whale
a six ton female ♪

♪ She swam to the
shore and she died ♪

♪ Live and let live let
nature be your teacher ♪

♪ Respect the life of
your fellow creature ♪

♪ Live and let live
whatever you do ♪

♪ And always remember
the killer whale Namu ♪

♪ Her mate swam behind
her trying to find her ♪

♪ And oh how he cried
and he mourned ♪

♪ Until Hank Donner he
happened upon her ♪

♪ And upon her mate so forlorn ♪

♪ Live and let live
let nature be your teacher ♪

♪ Respect the life
of your fellow creature ♪

♪ Live and let live
whatever you do ♪

♪ And always remember
the killer whale Namu ♪

The hale made noises
all night long.

I listened. I was
understanding what he
was trying to say.

Did he try to tell me
about his sorrow for
his dead mate,

about his loneliness
or with these meaningless

I had
a strong feeling
that this big whale

was an intelligent being
with a man-sized brain

and didn't speak man's language.

It'd come up from
the depth of the sea
to confront man

and the day may come
when man will confront
different looking creatures

on other planets,
the problem will
be the same.

How are we going to tell
whether it's a beast

or something like we are,
with passion and compassion.

I wished I knew.

It was only two days ago
that my work led

unexpectedly to our
first encounter.

Hank! Whales, Hank!
Whales, right out there.

All right, let's move!

Grab it!

Let's go.

There, straight ahead.

Look, mother and calf.

She's charging us.

She's just protecting her calf.

She's just pushing us
away from it!

They're shooting at whales.

They know better than that.

Gray whales are
protected by law.

Those aren't grays.

Come on, let's get over there.

Hold there.

Watch out, they're coming in.

You all right?

Two of them, they're
heading for shore.
Let's follow them.

One is a female or a calf.

That's our cove
just beyond them.

Wouldn't you say
we're close enough
to them?

Come on, stop dragging
your feet, we don't get
this chance every day.

That's okay with me.

They're headed
right into the cove.

If they're not careful,
they're going to
beach themselves.

One of them did.

That's the female.
She must have been shot.

The big one followed her in.

You hear that?
Is that him?

I don't get it, what's going on?

I don't know,
unless she's dead.
That's a male.

You can tell by
the height of his fin.


Well, family ties
are pretty strong,
like that gray whale

that tried to push
our boat away from
the calf.

Are you trying to tell me
that he followed her all
the way in here to help her?

Why else did
he attack
Joe Clausen's boat?

What's on your mind, Joe?

What's on my mind?

You're not going to
kill that whale.

Not going to what? The whale's not
bothering you now.

Just leave him alone.

Doesn't he know what
a killer whale...
Deke, will you tell him?

He's not a fisherman,
like you and me, Joe.

But he knows
about killer

Besides, I'm not paid
for giving advice.

I just get paid for
driving his boat
and helping him.

Oh, Joe, I leased this cove,

the cove is mine,
the whale's in the cove,

the whale's mine, that's all.

He's right about that.

What's in a man's
fish pen is his.

That's a killer.
It scares the
fish off.

He wasn't anywhere
near your nets.

Eats our salmon.

Your salmon?
That's open sea
out there.

It just tried to kill us.

Of course he did.
You provoked him,
you killed the female.

Now, sir, there ain't
nobody got more respect
for the law

than we have in this
neck of the woods.

We never even see a sheriff

except during election time.

I know that.

Nobody's more law
abiding than me.

Now, if you don't mind.

Now, wait a minute,
wait a minute!

I think you're crazy.

All right, maybe I am.

Just go back to your boat.

I'll send the gun
back with Deke.

What about Deke?
Why didn't he speak
up? He's one of us.

What are you gonna do, Joe?

Joe Clausen is a man
who usually gets
what he's after.

Anyway, tomorrow he'll be gone.

I'm not too sure of that, Deke.

Estimated weight of
the bull, nine to
ten thousand pounds.

Length over all, 25 feet.

Height of the
dorsal fin,
five feet.

Fish and Game
Department will haul
away the dead female.

They promised
me a complete

- and will furnish me
with photographs. - Hi.

What's the matter,
has he gone? No, he's still there.

He just went under again. I told you to
stay with him.

Oh, he's all right.
He's just going up
and down, you know.

Deke, I'm gonna...

I'm gonna try
and keep him
here if I can.

Keep him here?
In what kind
of a bottle?

Deke, try to understand
something, will you?

For 15 years,
I've been doing
marine research.

I can tell you anything
that anybody knows about
gray whales, blues, humpbacks.

I can tell you what
they eat, how they
sleep, how they breathe.

Okay, so you know about whales.

Nobody, nobody in the
world knows anything
about that animal.

Look, you just
can't put him
in a laboratory.

The killer whale is
completely unknown
as a living creature.

Nobody has ever had
a chance to study
him alive.

Well, that's understandable.

If I can keep him...

That's my laboratory
right there. That cove
could be my laboratory.

Maybe a net would hold him.

A net?

You're gonna try to
keep him in a net?

Well, whatever you say.

Good night.

Good night, Deke.

See you in the morning. Yeah.

♪ While Namu, he was crying ♪

♪ Hank Donner was trying ♪

♪ To understand what the whale told ♪

♪ Would Namu soon be leaving
or stay on there grieving ♪

♪ For his poor mate so silent, so cold ♪

Good morning. Morning.

Well, I see they
took the dead
female away.

Yeah, but he stayed.

You should have heard
him when they started
to move her.

Have you been here all night?

Yeah. Can you hang around
for a while? I've got to
go into town.

For a net? Yeah, for a net.

I think I know
why he stayed,

He told you.

He's crying for his dead mate.

I thought you'd say that.

Turn on the tape recorder.

Bill, grab a line.

Good morning, Ben.

Psst! Sam! That's
the man they've
been talking about.

You mean that guy?

Hey, Nick.

Where's Joe Clausen?
Go find him.


Morning, Mrs. Rand.

It's kind of chilly
out there. How's the
weather in here?

Well, you can hardly blame them.

I mean, after all,
a killer whale in
your cove.

Now, this is a very
quiet killer whale

and he's not bothering anybody.

How would you feel
if your neighbors
in the city

brought home a wild
timber wolf and kept
it in their back yard?

A timber wolf?

Hi, Mr. Donner. Hi, Lisa.

What do you want, honey?

Are there more
veins or arteries?


Veins, honey. Thanks, Mom.

She's full of
questions like that
I can't answer.

Thanks for the assist.

I hope I'm right
about the veins.

Well, how can
I return the favor?

Morning, Kate.Morning.

Morning, Kate. CHARLIE: Good morning,
Miss Kate.

I want a net to
close off the cove.

Say, that whale
is still in there.

Yeah, Burt, I guess he is.

A net to keep the whale in?

Well, let's say as
a boundary marker to
keep Mr. Clausen out

and maybe keep the whale
in so I can study him
for a while.

Kate, don't you sell him no net.

We want that killer
whale out of there now,
that's all of us.

About 200 yards
will be fine,

We said no net.

With cork floats
and weights, so it'll
hang to the bottom.

Kate, you better listen to me...

Joe, be reasonable. Now, look you.

We got nothing against
you science fellas coming
up doing your work.

I got nothing against
rockets going up there
to the moon,

but down here in the
sea there's hard fact.
We make a living off of it.

You don't know what
kind of killer fish
you're dealing with.

Mister, there ain't
no fish in the world
like that one.

Blowing and a jumping
right out of the water
at you.

He's pure killer!

Any of the old timers
around here are gonna

tell you the
same thing. Charlie.

Charlie, come here.
You tell him, will ya?

That's right, mister.
I've seen the big ones,
all of them, the sperm,

finback, bowhead
and plenty of killer.

Heard tell of a man
fell over the side once

with killers down below,
only half a man came up.

They're bad, mister, real bad.

And I heard tell
of a fellow cut one
open one time,

and he found ten
sea lions and a dozen
porpoises in the belly.

You saw what
one of them killers
did to our boat.

It's a miracle we're
here and not eaten
alive by that monster.

You'd feel different if
you'd been near them teeth
ready to tear you apart.

Donner, you
read books,
don't you?

Well, just now
and then, Joe,
nothing serious.

You read books
written by your
own kind of people,

you know what they
say about your whale?

He's a real monster!
A man-eater.

All right, all right.

Charlie, did you ever
see a man who had been
chewed up by a killer whale?

I mean, actually,
did you ever see one?

Heard tell this, heard
tell that, you heard
tell, right, Burt?

That's a lot of nonsense.
Nobody knows anything about
killer whales.

They never had
a chance to
study them.

All right, I think
it's about time
they did.

Two hundred yards
will be fine, Kate.


Kate, you know
this town gives you
a pretty good living.

Joe, you have no
right to threaten me.


Kate, I'm just trying to
point out to you how this
town feels about...

All right, all right,
wait a minute. Wait
a minute, will you?

I don't want
you to do anything
that's going to

get you into trouble, Kate.

There won't be any trouble.

This town gives me
a living because I
give it 12 hours a day.

And Saturdays, Sundays
and holidays, if they
come knocking at my door.

Which includes you, Joe.
Last Sunday at 6:00 a.m.
for 200 feet of wire.

You'll have your net by morning.

You sure you want
to do this, Kate?

I'm sure.

Thanks for the assist.

Well, he just ain't
gonna let us do
this a nice way.

You been down at the
cove yet? We're all
going. You want to come?

We want to see
that killer.
He's a man-eater.

I'll bet he could get
a whole man down his

Hey, that day your
father went diving
for abalone.

My mother said the
kelp tangled him.

He never did come up.
They never found him.

The current took him away.

Everybody knows something
swallowed him, something
big with teeth.

can swallow
100 sea lions
and 100 porpoise.

There's no such
thing. Let me go.

We're all going down
to see him, up close.

You want to come,
don't you? No.

What are you afraid of,
if there's no such thing?

I'm not afraid. You know what?

You want to know
where your father
really is?

In his belly!
That's where he is.

If you really
want to know where...

No, he's not.
He's not!

I guess our net marks
the boundary to the
cove pretty clearly.

Yeah. Now, when he
decides to leave,

he can either
go over it or
through it.

Thanks a lot.

If I can get him
to eat something.


He hasn't taken
a single one yet.

He's a wild
animal, Deke,
it takes time.

Maybe he just
doesn't like
frozen fish.

Why don't you go see
if you can get us
50 pounds of fresh salmon.

Yeah, the anchor
line to the net
is coming loose.

I'll have to tighten it.

Where is he?

He's here someplace.
You'll see.

There he is.


Leave me alone.

Hey. Hey, there.

Although the whale
has made no attempt
to cross the net,

he has refused
to take food
for five days.

There was one variation
in his behavior today.

The whale repeatedly
swam towards the dock
where I was standing,

he stopped, facing
me and before

made a kind of
a soft whistling

apparently in my direction.

Why not?
He likes you.

Yeah, well, this is
a very intelligent whale.

He's got good taste.


Well, I'll tell you
one thing, smart buddy,
one thing we do know,

that whale out there
has a brain in relation
to his size,

about 40 percent
larger than yours
and mine

and is just as complex, too.

I mean, maybe he was
trying to tell me

Deke, you heard him
the other morning,

Those were distress
sounds he was making,
now weren't they?


Yeah. All right, now.

If he can make one kind
of a meaningful sound,
then why not another,

a different kind of
a meaningful sound?

From a whale to
a man, like talk?

I don't know, I'm just guessing.

But I'm saying, there's
reason to guess, you

I suppose so.

Like the dolphin,

the sounds the
killer whale makes

seem to vary according
to circumstances and
outside stimulus.

I intend to use an
underwater microphone
to record these variations

and to try to
decode their

Hi, Lisa.

Come on out.

It's all right, come on.

Well, hi.

Is he in there?

The whale? Yeah,
he's in there someplace
underneath the water.

What's he doing?

What's he doing? Well,
I guess he's taking a bath.

Hear those sounds?
That's him, that's
whale talk.

Do whales talk?

Kind of. Most animals
talk to each other,
some way.

Were you over there
the other day and
ran away?

There was a big thing.
It came at me.

It tried to get me.Uh-huh.

Was it something like...

Something like this?

That was me, Lisa.
I was in my diving suit.

I was fixing the
anchor line on
the net.


If you were so scared,
why did you come back

The kids at school,

they said it
was a monster.

I just had to see.

Well, now come on,
I think that's kind
of silly, don't you?

Look, there he is right now.

Isn't he beautiful?

Do you want to
talk to him? Talk to him?

Sure, people talk
to dogs, come here.

Now, he's underwater,
so this helps him hear.

All you have
to do is just
talk in there

and you push that down, see?

What'll I say?

Say "hello."

Hello, whale.

This is Lisa.

That's silly.
Whales can't talk.

Well, he has
a very big
brain, Lisa,

and he makes sounds.
Maybe we just don't

understand what he's saying.

He's after me!

He's after me. Lisa, what's the matter?

Honey, that's just
the way he breathes.

Lisa, I have to take
this tape recorder
up to the trailer,

would you help me?
Here, you take this.

♪ Live and let live let
nature be your teacher ♪

♪ Respect the life of
your fellow creature ♪

♪ Live and let live
whatever you do ♪

♪ And always remember
the killer whale Namu ♪

Want a piece of gum?

Did you ever hear
of the Umatillas?


Did you?

Indians. They used
to live on this

Did you know
there was a story
about them?

Well, there is.

It was like a long time
ago, there was a great
big earthquake,

and it split the Umatilla land.

And it left half
of the tribe on
the mainland

and half on an offshore island.

And it was their
hope to get back
together again.

There were whole
families that were
split up.

And brothers and sisters, and...

Daughters and fathers?

Hmm, daughters and fathers.

But they couldn't get
together because there
was this great big monster,

who lived in the ocean,
between the mainland
and the island.

Now they called him
"Namu," which meant

And this was
the biggest,
most ferocious,

the ugliest monster in
the whole wide world.
Everybody said so.

Except there was a prince.

Well, no, not this
time, but there was
an Indian princess.

A little girl. Well,
one day the little
princess went for a walk.

Down to the seashore.
See, she was thinking that

the monster would
let her people
get together again.

She went all by herself?

Yeah. She was
a very brave
little girl.

But when she
got there, all
of a sudden,

right in front of her,
the big monster came
right up out of the water.

Well, now she was scared.

I mean, she was
so scared, she
couldn't even move,

because she thought,
well, this is gonna
be the end of me.

He's just gonna eat me right up.

Did he? No.

He spoke to her, very quietly,

in a language
that only she
could understand.

What did he say?

He said, "Get on my back

"and I will take
you to your island."

Did she? Mmm-hmm.

He was so slippery.
Didn't she fall off?

Well, no, because

she hung on real
tight to his top fin.

And besides, he swam
very, very carefully.

And he took her to the island

and he put her
gently on the shore.

He wasn't fierce at all.


But everybody said
he was a monster.

But nobody had talked
to him except the
little girl.

Did he turn into
a handsome prince?

Well, I guess he
just about had to,
didn't he?

And then when she grew up
they were married and they
lived happily ever after.

You mean, he's Namu, don't you?


Hey, I think that's
a good name for him.

Let's call him that, all right?

I have to go home now.

Will you come back and visit us?

You come any time you want to.

Come on, I'll walk you home.

♪ Live and let live
let nature be your teacher ♪

♪ Respect the life of
your fellow creature ♪

♪ Live and let live
whatever you do ♪

♪ And always remember ♪

♪ The killer whale Namu ♪

Well, I guess that
gap's getting wider
by the second.

I'm gonna have to
go under water and
splice some net.

Say, but he'll be
able to get at you.

Oh, I'll stay on
my side of the net.

The net? Now, come on,
don't argue, Deke.

If that thing gets any
wider, he's gonna
be able to get away.

Here come our friends.

Oh, boy, that's great.

If he gets out now,
he's a dead whale.

Well, better they
get him than he
gets you.

Whales have a kind
of natural radar, Deke.

He's not gonna touch
that net. It means
danger to him.

Now, let's go.

You're risking your
neck just to save
a whale.

Oh, no.

Come on back over here.

What do you think you're doing?

Get back on
the other side
of the net.

Don't you remember
what he did to
Joe Clausen's boat?

Look out.

He's coming for you!

Deke, be quiet.

Hang on.

Don't be in a hurry.

Fish food. You were
almost fish food.
Did you see him?

He chased you,
he bumped you,
he rammed you,

he spun you into
the drink, he tried
to finish you off.

That's what he was doing.

Wait a minute.
What'd you
just say?

I said he dumped
you into the drink.

He spinning, spinning
and spun me around?

Yeah, he spun you around.
He was trying to finish
you off.

Well, that doesn't
make sense, does it?

What doesn't make sense? His spinning me around.

He could have
had me anytime
he wanted me.

Well, sure he
could. And he
almost did, too.

You want to hear
something crazy? What?

I think he was playing with me.

Playing with the boat.

Playing with you?
Playing with the boat?

Look, that's 10,000 pounds
of killer whale.

He could have
dumped me in
the drink,

he could have had me
for lunch anytime
he wanted me.

Well, so?

That's a beginning, Deke.

That's a beginning.

"Killer whales are
without a doubt

"the most terrible
flesh-eating creatures

"on this planet, surpassing
even the great white shark
in fierceness."

Did you fill this bottle today?


I must have left the valve open.

"The killer whale has
been reported to have
battered ice flows

"to get at marooned men."

Did you finish that cheese?

I'm talking about
whales, not cheese.

Did you finish
the cheese that
was on the plate?


"Gray whales will attack
almost anyone or anything
molesting them.

"They are agile,
powerful and

"There is one creature,
however, that scares
them into a frenzy.

"This is the
killer whale."

Did you read these books?

Sure, I read the book.

You stole it out
of my library,
didn't you?

Well, this is the
intelligent pet you've
got out there in the cove.

Look, Deke, I've got
a lot of other notes
to make tonight.

I've got to be up early,
so, I'll see you in the
morning, all right?

Come on, Namu.

Come and get it.

Honey, are you sure
that he said it
would be all right

if we came down here? Sure. Anytime.

Honest, Mom.

Well, okay.

Do I look all right?

Yeah. You look fine.


Come on.
Come and get it.

So much for try number 551.

Hi. Hi there.

So that's Namu, huh?

I see it's lunchtime.
Is that the first or
second course?

Well, that's the appetizer
and I'm afraid he isn't
going to take it.


If he doesn't eat in
the next couple of days,

I'm going to have
to let him go.
He'll starve to death.

Is he sick?

No, he's just stubborn.

Deke, let me
try that again,
will you?

What are you doing?

Well, sometimes when
I do this, he comes
to me, hon.

Here he comes.

Whales like to have
their backs scratched,
you know.

Would you like to help me?

All right. One hand
here and one there.

All right, come in, Namu.

Here, Namu.
Here, Namu.

Just talk to him, Lisa.

Tell him that he's
your friend, that
you like him.


Talk to him now.

You like to have
your back scratched,
don't you?

Mommy says you're
an animal, not a fish.

That you breathe
air like us or
you'll drown.

You have babies.

That you're warm inside.
You feed them milk.

Now just keep talking
to him. Hold onto it.

Nice, Namu. Doesn't
that feel good, Namu?

Lisa, here, take this.

Now call to him. And
when he comes, you feed
him his lunch, all right?

Namu. Here, Namu.

Here's your lunch.

He took it.
He took it.

Oh, God!

Give me another.

Now, it's my turn,
honey. Come here.

Come on, Namu.

Come for me.
Come on.

Come on, here's
a nice, nice little
tidy tidbit.

Come on up.

Come on, baby.

Hey, give me another one.

This time he's gonna
take it out of my hand.

He's liable to
take it and
your hand.

Let's hope he knows
the difference.

Come on, big boy.
Come on, just be gentle.

He does, Deke.
He knows the difference.
He knows it.


Oh, brother!

I'm right.
I know I'm right.

I just know I'm right.

All right, all right,
maybe I'm losing my

scientific objectivity.

But whenever I'm
near that animal,

I feel I'm...

In the presence
of an intelligence

and a mystery.

Namu, I wish I can
understand your

And you mine.

Well, maybe one day
we'll find a way.

Maybe it'll be something
more direct than what it
has been.

Something as simple as touch.

A language of
mutual trust and...



I was going to knock you out.

You were going to do what?

I've been arguing
my head off all

It just wouldn't
listen. So I figured
it was the only way.

But I guess, sooner
or later you'd go ahead
and do it anyhow.

It's going to be okay, Deke.

Good luck.



Hi, Deke. Lisa, go home.


Never mind.
Just please
go home.

I always come down.
I just came to visit.


Hi. Hi.

They're playing.

They're having fun.

Well, is he a monster
or is he a prince?

He's a prince.

Namu, I love you.

Mommy, I feel so good tonight.

Into bed.
Come on.

Oh, boy, this mattress
is gonna be flat as
a pancake

inside of a week.

Is Mr. Donner
still here?

Yeah. He's
still here.

Can I say good night
to him again?

Sure you can.

Night, night.

I'm impressed.

This is a good collection.
You had to go pretty deep

for some of these, didn't you?

Mmm-hmm. My husband
and I did quite a lot
of diving

when he was alive.

It seems that
you made quite
a conquest.

I hope you don't mind,
Lisa wants to say
good night to you again.

Oh, good, I planned it that way.

Well now, let me see,
you're all tucked in
here, huh?

Good night, sweetie.

Oh... Oh, I get
a hug, too.

Sleep tight.

What's the matter?
The door?

No, no, leave it shut.


That's the first time
she's gone to bed

without being afraid
of the dark, I don't
know how long.

She's really afraid of
monsters. Sea monsters.

I know. Deke told me
about your husband.

And I am very grateful to you.

Well, maybe you
ought to thank Namu.

Maybe you're right.

I want to thank you.

Oh, for what?
The dinner was easy.

You helped with the dishes. No, listen.

For an old bachelor
who lives alone in
a trailer...

You know, she gave me a great,
big hug in there.

I understand.

Good night.

Good night.

We ain't selling no
more salmon. Not to
him, we ain't.


What's on your mind, Clausen?

I'll tell you what.

Word just come down that
salmon are running off
the Cape 100 miles north.

Three days they'll
be here. Now that
killer whale of yours

has gotta he out of
these waters by

Fred, you better
start working...

The whale is eating
my salmon, not yours.

He's in my cove.

How do you know
he's gonna stay
in there?

The net keeps him in there.

Well, I ain't taking
that chance.

You're gonna have to
take that chance.
The whale stays.

Well, then, Fish and Game
is gonna haul him off
like the last one.

Because I'll tell you what.

I'm gonna kill him
and every other one
I see.

Every last one of them.

I know you, Clausen.
I've known you all
over the world.

You killed the whales,
you killed the elephants,
you killed the birds.

Senseless destruction.
You don't know what
to kill.

You don't even know
what you are.

Where can we get
some salmon for Namu?

Just up the coast.
About half an hour.

Salmon are coming in.

That killer whale's
gonna be out of here
by noon tomorrow.

Come on.

Now you'll see.

Mr. Donner not only
swam with Namu, but he
played with him, too.

Aah! My grandpa knows
better than you.

He said that whale's a killer.

You're a liar.

Some day, Nicky Wilson,
I'll slap your face.

Oh, yeah?

I'll even feed Namu.
Your grandfather
doesn't know everything.

Come on.

Watch this.

You see?

Can I throw one in, too?


Isn't he nice? Uh-huh.

Look, he's eating it.

But will he take
one from anybody.

Sure. Go ahead.

What happened to him?

Namu, don't.
Please, Namu, don't.

Look at this.
I told Joe Clausen
he was a fool

for not shooting that whale.

It's a wonder we
weren't all killed,
or mangled,

or chewed alive.

Somebody get Joe Clausen.

Listen, we need
big caliber rifles.

Andy, you bring mine.

Mommy, Mommy.
Mommy, Mommy.

Lisa, honey, what
is it? What is it?
What happened?

Namu is sick. He
sort of went wild.

Come on.

What happened with this?

I don't know.

Deke, there's something
wrong with Namu.


All right, let's go.

What's going on? What do you people want?

The whale.
Where is he?

There. There's
the beast.

All right, let's not
get excited. What's
the complaint?

He tried to kill all our kids.

Just look at this.

Did anybody see it happen?

Half a dozen kids saw it.

Now, look, Donner,
we're gonna finish
off that whale

and we're gonna do it now.

This is my property,
Burt, there isn't going
to be any killing here.

We're only saving
the state police
the trouble.

Lisa, come here.

Were you there?

Lisa, what happened with Namu?

We were feeding
some fish to him.

Nicky threw one.
He ate it, then
started jumping.

Now are you satisfied?

Wait a minute.

Wait for what? For that
whale to come jumping out
and get somebody else?

You stay here.

All right, I'm
right at the edge.

Is he coming after me?
Is he gonna jump out
of the water and get me?

Deke, give me a piece of fish.

Lisa, which one is Nick?


Did you throw this to the whale?

Did you throw this to Namu?

Did you? So what?

Look what it did to those kids.

It's all right.
It's all right.

The boy's right.
What if he did?

What do you think
any animal would do

if he hooked his
mouth like this?

That whale will kill
anything he can reach
with his teeth.

I'll show you how
dangerous he is.

Deke, bring me the gear.

Bring me the gear.

Hank, uh-uh, not this
time. He's already
acting strange

and not with this crowd
here. Don't do it.

Come on, it'll
be all right, Deke.

Just a bunch of tricks.

Soon as he gets out
of there, I'm gonna
finish off that whale.

Can't Mr. Donner
stop them?

He's trying, sweetheart.

Mommy, don't let them.


There's nothing
I can do.
Look at them.

Oh, no, I want
you to watch
Lisa for me.

I'll be right back.

All right, now
who's willing to
put a bullet in him?

I am, Donner.


Don't, don't.

You think Namu's a killer.

Hank says he's friendly
and won't hurt anyone.

And we believe Hank, don't we?



Hi, Mom.


You still want to
shoot him, Burt?

Joe! Joe, don't.

Don't shoot my Namu.

Just like shooting
fish in a barrel.

Deke, cut the net.

Did he shoot Namu?

I don't think so, honey.

All right,
now, go on.
Save yourself.

Come on,
you big dummy,
get out of there.

Well, he could
have killed you, but
he saved your life.

There he goes.

Who would've figured
a thing like that.

There's another one.

That's a smaller fin.

Probably a female.

Hank! Hank!

All right, Clausen.

Is Namu all right?

He's fine, Lisa.

Is he coming back?

Well, no, I don't think he is.

But he's out
there with his
friends now,

and you know something?
He might even have a
brand-new family.


If he wants to, I mean,
if he really wants to,

he can come back.

♪ But Namu he did save
Big Joe from the waves ♪

♪ And the whale heard
the great ocean call ♪

♪ Then everybody knew
that the killer whale Namu ♪

♪ He wasn't a killer at all ♪

♪ Live and let live let
nature be your teacher ♪

♪ Respect the life
of your fellow creature ♪

♪ Live and let live
whatever you do ♪

♪ And always remember ♪

♪ The killer whale Namu ♪