Nail in the Coffin: The Fall and Rise of Vampiro (2019) - full transcript

A rare glimpse into the legendary career of wrestling icon, Vampiro, as he grapples with his demons and life after fame. Straight from one of wrestling's most outspoken characters, this is a candid look beyond the ring.

I got to give you this

'cause I don't want
it to get broken.

What the fuck
are you waiting for?

Jesus Christ, get him
the fuckin' microphone.

He's got it, he's got it.

He doesn't have shit.

- He does!
- It's not turned on!

Not yet, not yet, not yet!






♪ O' my little one

♪ This is how it's done

♪ You play your part

♪ And I'll play mine

♪ O' my little one

♪ It'll be just fine

♪ Your bruise will fade

♪ And your bones didn't break

♪ O' my little one

♪ It'll be just fine

♪ Your bruise will fade

♪ And your bones didn't break

♪ But your love drags me down ♪

♪ Like the clothes
when you swim ♪

♪ Down, deeper down

♪ Like the roots of old trees

♪ I shiver 'cause I'm cold

♪ But you don't wanna know

"CTV News"

with Leigh Chapple.

Well, sometimes, life can
be stranger than fiction.

A man from Northwestern
Ontariobecame an unlikely superstar

in the world of
Mexican wrestling.

CTV's Eric Longley
has the story.



He was born Ian
Richard Hodgkinson

in 1967 in Thunder Bay, Ontario.

Now, he is known
simply as Vampiro,

a superstar in the
world of Lucha Libre,

professional Mexican wrestling.

How he got there is a
tale almost too unreal

to be believed.

in three, two, one.

Tell our fans how long
you've been in the business

and how you got your start.

I've been in the business
two years and six months

and I never wrestled before.

I'm not a
traditional wrestler.

I like going out
thereand being real wild.

I like fighting.


I like the Ramones
and the Sex Pistols.

Yeah, punk rock music.

I was like
20 years old,

21 years old.

Guns N' Roses had just broken

and Vampiro showed up.

The heroes were
beating him up

and he had that long, braided
hair with the vampire makeup

and the women would go crazy.

He was like a rockstar.

Vampiro became famous
in wrestling not because

'cause I was a really
horrible wrestler.

I couldn't do a wrestling hold

if you paid me to do it.

I never learned to
be a pro wrestler.

I was a rock-and-roll kid.


But I'm a
strong mother fucker

and you feel my presence,

when I turn up the
energy, that's that.

Being that
I had no guidance,

I relied on charisma or
the ability to connect

with the audience and whatever
the audience would give me,

I would return it energy-wise

and that was part of
the allure of Vampiro.

Wow, thanks a lot.


How old are you?

All the girls
startedfollowing the Vampiro character

because he was this
rock-and-roll type

rebellious young man.

That was the boom and that's
kinda the way it went.

Vamp, all those
years ago,

leaving Canada and
goin' down there

and learning a second language,

it's literally the cornerstone
of what he does now.

He not only knows
the wrestling side

and he knows the
Lucha Libre style,

but he's bilingual and he
can get on the headsets

and he can communicate
with wrestlers.

And not just wrestlers,
the production people.

And so, me watching him
work the TV side of it,

hats off to him.

We're in Mexico City.

We're in a stadium,
there's 22,000 fans,

and there's about 90 wrestlers.

It's the biggest
showin the history of the company,

for many reasons.

Of course, nobody ever thought
it would get to one show,

let alone 25 years.

The thing that I'm
seeing that's the biggest

is the company investment-wise
and sponsorship-wise.

They've never had
such a cashflow

going into promoting
this product.

How many people are you thinking

are gonna watch this
on your platform?

Hey, Dash.

- Hi.
- Hi.

I'm in a meeting with
for wrestling, a big,

a Pay-Per-View thing.

Can I call ya in a bit?

- Okay.
- Are you okay?

- Yeah.
- I'll call ya right back.

- All right.
- Okay, bye.

Sorry, man, my
daughter called me

and I had to take
my daughter's call.

Hell yeah, man.

It's gonna be a good
day for everybody.

So I think focus
on the 25th anniversary,

just the generic stuff.

The importance of Lucha
Libre being the influence

that it is worldwide.

Pro wrestling started in Mexico.

Pro wrestling is not
an American invention,

nor does it come from Europe.

It is a thing that
started down here.

In the golden age
of movies in Mexico,

when masked wrestlers
came out as Santo

and he started doing these
superhero-type movies

in the late '50s,
early and mid '60s,

that put wrestling in
that iconic status.

That was our Superman,
that was our Batman,

that was our Deadpool,
that was our Avengers.

And the way that it worked
is you can actually go

and see these superheroes live,

and you can touch them.

It was something that
came to your town

and you could actually
see your superhero.

That's what made Mexican
wrestling so important

because the hero would
fight for the commoner.

All that kinda
shit you need to know

so if you're a first time
person watching this insanity,

you gotta have that
little heads up, right?

All right, take care.

Thank you, guys.


Could you do that
interview outside?

- Yeah.
- Okay

So tell me about your job.

No, nothing.

I'm just talking to a guy.

So you got your job,
you start work tomorrow.

That's good.

What about school?

Did they call you?

You go to school next week.

Okay, well good.

What time do you work?


Okay, well text me after
your boxing class, okay?

You have boxing tonight, right?

Okay, did the gloves work?

Punch like I told you to.

Hit with the top
two knuckles, okay?

All right, well I'm veryexcited
that you're doing that.

I'm glad.

K, I love you very much, and
I'm very proud of you, okay?

Do you miss your dad?

I remember when I
first got here in 1989,

and I walked into the
gym in the Arena Mexico

to try to understand how
to become a pro wrestler.

To where I am today, to
seeing everybody here.

I feel very small.

I remember when
I first got here.

The Señor Fantasma, he
used to take care of me,

make sure on the road that
nobody would beat my ass.

You know, 'cause I was
handsomeand stole all the women.

It was a tough thing
when I first started out.

And to be with everybody else
that I shared the ring with.

Jeff Jarrett, you know.

We spent a lot of time together

when we were working
together in WCW,

and I remember, he used to say

Why are you doing all that shit?

Why are you flipping and flying?

And I said hey, man.

That's Lucha Libre in Mexico.

This is something that
only happens in one place.

Every other company in the world

tries to copy what goes on here,

but they can't.

They can't because
this is a family.

It's only in Mexico and
in AAA that this happens.

And it's a pleasure and an
honor to grow up with you,

to live with you,
to share with you,

to bleed, sweat, travel,
live, eat, sleep, dream.

And to reach our goals.

It's the best place to be.

I call it my family,
and I'm very grateful

that you're all
here to be a part

of our 25th anniversary

because it's just the start.

Muchas gracias,
thank you very much.

Everybody, it's
truly a pleasure.

The best wrestling
is behind the scenes.

That's true.

It's me who tells the story.

Editing, guiding the TV cameras.

Shoot this angle.

Go back, go frontwards, look
at his face, watch his eyes.

So now, my roll,
everybody's like

don't you wanna get
back in the ring?

And I'm like

Fuck, of course I do, but

I'm in the ring now
more than ever because

I'm the guy guiding the show.

Now when I'm behind the camera,

and I'm in front of my TV board,

I have the headphones on
and I gotta adjust things,

and I'm talking to thereferee,
and I'm watching this,

and I'm listening
to the announcers,

and I'm like fuck!

I'm the guy guiding the show,

and that is such
an awesome feeling

because it's
powerful and it shows

'cause when I'm directing,

I'm not sitting there
hoping to go by the script,

so I'm more intense
as a director

'cause I'm still wrestling,

but from a different
point of view.

Don't you fuckin' drop him!

Get that camera ready!




When I produce TV, they're like

why do you punch the screen?

The fuckin' screen costs $5000.

Why are you throwing chairs?

Well, that's to inspire
you to turn it up.

For somebody like Ian, who
has to manage all that talent,

who has to make sure that
the whole thing runs,

who has to make sure
everybody shows up on time,

and can actually do the job,

I don't know how he does it.

I really don't.

That's what makes him valuable.

There's major
heat going in.

They beat Sexy
Star up on purpose,

and she's arrogant just like
anybody else in this business,

and she lost her cool,

and, uh,

do I think that
she lost her temper?

Watch the match.

If anybody knows anything
about this business

you can tell.

I watched it.

I rewatched it.

I was there.

She had it on very
snug and didn't let go

when she was supposed
to, and I think

the other girl loosened
up just a bit too much,

and was too naive.

She popped the elbow.

Is it an unfortunate

Of course it is.

Accidents can happen,

but when you deliberately
try to hurt somebody

that means you're taking
money out of, potentially,

their spouse's pocket,
or their kid's,

or who knows?

They may have something
going on where they're

supporting their
extended family,

but when you deliberately
try to hurt somebody,

that's when things get sideways.

We know what we're doing,

and so when you cross that line,

that is a cardinal
sin in our business.

Ah, fuckin' threw
a fuckin' snake.

Jesus Christ!

He fuckin power
bombed the snake.

The fuckin' sname can bite you.

Who brought a snake out there?

Dude, he fuckin' threw a python!

Get out there with the snake.

You saw it, and you saw it!

And you saw it.

Whoever rematches
gets the snake.

See that thing out there?

I'm in the profession of
makingpeople feel uncomfortable.

Jeff, you gotta
go in the ring, c'mon.


Jeff, fuck, for Christ's sakes.

Get your shit, c'mon.


Brother, he was about
to get fucked up.

He fuckin' pushed
the wrong people.

You're going in the ring
now you stupid ass, c'mon!

I've been fighting with
that guy my whole career.

The reason I didn't break
in the United States

and become the
mack-daddy mega champion

is 'cause he said I
wasn't famous enough.

He ruined my career
in the United States.

I quit wrestling until
Reach Underground

because of that fucker.


You fuckin'


Here we go!

Oh my god.

What's this fuckin'
stupid fuckin' guy doing?

Pro wrestling
in general,

when you mix drugs and alcohol

and steroids and stupid
people who have egos,

that's common.

The match, the match
got out of control.

I got it!

In our industry...


The worst drug in
professional wrestling

is believing your own hype.

So how am I supposed to
calm down 97 steroid-filled

people addicted to ego?

What's going on?

It's fuckin' bullshit,
is what it is.

Get the fuck out of here.

Fuck you, motherfucker.

I haven't
seen that, I dunno.

I haven't seen that,
probably in about 15 years,

where the whole dressing
room was ready to go.

It got intense back there.

It doesn't matter if
it's Lucha, a movie,

or a rock concert.

Nobody has the right to
threaten anybody else.

Fuck that!

You don't wanna talk to me!

Come here, you little cunt!

Go ahead!

You're a fucking ball-less cunt!

It's really difficult,
for example,

when the people has
some alcohol problems

or drug problems,
even in the company.

How to manage all
that situations.

You okay?


I knew you were about to go.

I know.

That's why I

I don't know what else to say.

It's okay.

No, it's not okay.

You okay?

Yeah, what the hell?

I know.


You run the show,
you run the show.

I am!

You know what?
Can we talk here?

'Cause I gotta make sure
this guy does it right.

If you say again,

I'll do the scene where...

I'm gonna say like or something.


Pendeja is female.



Maybe give me the slap,
and give me your, like...

And when I grab you here,
I'll go one, two, three, down.

You good with that?


This fuckin' phone.


I gotta give you this 'cause

I don't want it to get broken.

What the fuck are
you waiting for?!

Jesus Christ, give him
the fucking microphone.

He's got it, he's
got it he's got it.

He doesn't have shit.

- He does!
- It's not turned on.

Not yet, not yet, not yet!

I put so, I have
a lot of injuries

from the years I
was in the ring,

and I take a lot of
strong medicine for that

so I can get by.

And I put so much
heart and soul into...

I've been working on this
show for about nine months.

And every match that goes
on, I'm in there, you know?

And when the medicine wears off,

and I got 86% of my body
has chronic arthritis.

Broken neck, broken back.

So right now, of all
that happened today,

I feel like I got
hit by a truck.

I feel so messed up.

How am I feeling?

I want to go home.

I want to have ice cream.

And I want to play
Playstation with my daughter.



I got a young girl
who depends on me.

My daughter needs love.

My daughter needs to
know her dad is there.

So, even though
we're doing a movie,

and we're doing this,
and I'm talking to ESPN,

and I'm running the show.

Are you okay?

Did you eat good?

I straighten my hair,
look at my makeup.

You look beautiful.

I will put my
daughter before god.

I will put my daughter
before anybody.

My daughter comes first,
and if she needs dad,

or if I need to say
hey are you okay?

Did you clean your room?

Tell me, show me your eyelashes.

Show me what you just did.


I'm there for her, and
that's what a dad should do.

I fuckin' hate wrestling.

I know, but
this is not the message

I'm getting from you.

You keep coming back, right?

With all these injuries.

I just don't know
how to do anything else.

I'm dying to get
away from wrestling.

They keep fuckin' booking me.

How many
concussions have you had?

I think 24.

Be that producer, man.

Produce the good shit.

Do your talkshow stuff, right?

Whatever you wanna do, but

start living that lifestyle
where you're not in the ring.

Get you out now, maybe
you're not a quadriplegic.

Get you out now,
maybe your daughter

has a dad to walk her
down the aisle, like fuck.



Yeah, you haven't seen him.

How are you, okay?

Yeah, I'm okay.

It's cold though.

- I see that.
- It's friggen cold.


She was gonna
leave home one day,

so I kinda built
this to my liking.

You know, everybody
puts this kinda stuff

on the outside of the house,

but I don't live on the outside.

I live on the inside,

and I always wanted to
live in a mausoleum.

Everything is kind like
witch's brew and bat wings.

Like for spices.

Do you unplug it.

This was supposed to
be my place for when

my life plan was
just to be here.

I built it like I built
this big, concrete slab.

Just like a morgue.

You know, put the
body on a slab.

That was the idea.

Try to keep it in that
vein of horror movies

and things like that.

'Cause I thought this was
gonna be it for me, forever.

But it's not.

Not right now anyways.

I wanna put my black
leather chair on my stage

and play video games
for the rest of time

and live in my mausoleum.

That's exactly what I...

That's where I would be happy.

I don't want anything
else in life.

But, yeah, that's my plan.

How do
you feel about that?

I mean, that's the way he is.

I agree with it.

I like it.

There's nothing, like I mean.

That's just the way he is.

When I lived in Mexico, I
barely had time to see him.

I would see him every second
week for a couple days,

maybe a weekend.

I have a bunch of
my dad's pictures,

when he was a wrestler.

My first memory,

actually, it was in the airport.

And I remember a lot of
people just were asking

for him.

They were just taking pictures.

I didn't even know my
dad was a wrestler.

I really didn't.

It didn't click in my head
that that's what he was doing.

The one time that
I do remember was

I was at one of his fights,

and he was trying to
get me out of the crowd.

So I didn't really get
to see him or connect

with him at all.

You know, I had
a couple memories

and I always had good
times when I seen him

but I never really
had the chance to

connect with him
the way that I did.

We're at my
daughter's school,

her gymnastics school.

She's been coming here
for three years now,

since she was two.

This is probably what
I look forward to

the most out of anything.

When I'm on the road or
whatever, I always call home

and I ask how she did in class,

and I'm always the
first parent here.

The last one to leave.

This is a real big deal for me

to share this with
her, you know?

It's something athletic.

We play together.

We practice together.

She always asks me
if she does okay.

It's a pretty important thing

between me and my daughter.

Big time, yeah.

I thought to myself,

this would probably be the best

place for her to
finish her high school

where I can kinda
keep control of things

and work and be at home.

I needed to learn
real quick to be

a stay-at-home dad.

He's never lived with
a teenager before.

He's never lived with
a woman before, really.

So, it's like, he got me
at a really difficult age.

I think that's the worst
age he could have decided

to move in with me.

That's like 16-15,

when you're a teenager,
that's not the age

that you really wanna be
living alone with your dad.

I didn't really trust him.

I didn't really open up to him,

but then, once we moved here,

obviously we were
gonna have to learn

to communicate together,
so we can live together.

And that was a really hard part

'cause I'm not used to him yet.

I'm still trying to
figure out how he works.

Just like he's trying to
figure out how to be a parent.

drive like I drive.


Don't break all the
rules and drive too fast,

and all the things that
you're not supposed to do.

You have to go on the 16th
and pick your courses.

Your classes.

I would rather you
just go out there,

and see what happens.

I know you'll make
something happen,

but I did that and I'm paying
for it now even though...

At least you're living your
life, doing what you want.

But it's not easy, Dasha.

It's tough.

I know it's not easy,
but at least you're doing it.

I think the question is

the fact of why you keep
on going back to wrestle

if you don't like it.

When I started wrestling...

I had a mission

to become an iconic
person in my industry,

but I also...

How did you become a wrestler?

You know,
my mom was divorced,

and there was myself,
my mom, and my sister.

I was a hockey protegee.

This is Ian in 1979.

So that was the
greatwhite hope of the family,

that I was gonna...

I was kinda destined to make it.

That was where everyone
was pushing me to go.

When I baptized my
kids, I said this is it.

I brought my kids
into the world,

they're baptized.

They belong to God now.

Whatever happens,
happens, and that's it.

There was
something burning, building,

and it was getting bad.

I was getting into fights.

I was picking fights.

I went to a catholic
high school.

I put my faith in God, and
I went to see the priest,

and there was a sexual assault
incident that happened there,

and uh,

I didn't know
how to talk about it.

I couldn't tell my mom.

I didn't know what to do.

So I started taking drugs.

To understand what was going on,

and try to hide the shame,

and deal with the pain.

We went on this
hockey tournament,


I stayed with an
older guy from Sweden.

He said "have you ever
heard of the Sex Pistols?"

And I saw a photo of Sid
Vicious with the blood

and the spiky hair, and I said

that is who I
wanna be right now,

and I was getting
into fights at school,

and people were pissing me off,

and I had this look,
and I was ready to go,

and I was just
fuckin' depressed.

It was a Saturday night.

I remember it was seven o'clock.

I'll never forget it.

And I looked, and
I watched the TV,

and it was AWA wrestling
from Minneapolis.

And all of a sudden, the
Road Warriors came out.

There were these two
guys, full of steroids,

painted up, tattoos.

And they came in the ring.

They fuckin' hit the guys.

They pressed 'em,
they slammed 'em.

And it was over.

It was like a punk rock song.

It was a minute, minute
and a half at most.

And I was like

what I just saw was a mix
of punk rock and sports,

so I took my desire
and my passion of music

and my ability to be an
athlete and Vampiro was born

in 1984, right at that moment.

I found out that there's a
wrestling promotion in Canada,

in Montreal.

Wrestling Alliance.

They were gonna do a tour:

Sudbury, North Bay,
Sault Ste. Marie.

To all these bullshit
little towns.

And I told my mom I gotta go.

We don't have any money,

and I sold my hockey
equipment to get a bus ticket,

and I waited for two
days outside the arena.

I begged the ring guy,

I said may I please work.

When I was in Montreal,
and all this wrestling

stuff was happening,

I would train at World Gym

'cause that's where all the
wrestlers would come and go.

My friend Robert, he was
training there too, my friend,

and we met.

We started just
working out together.

You know, we started
hanging out more.

And I started introducing
him to different shit.

He was involved
with people who sold things,

did things, saw things,
made things happen.

And I would go along with him,

and one of the major
mafia families in Montreal

liked me because I would
never ask or never talk.

I would just be quiet,

and they would always
say he's a good kid.

He understands.

So they would start
to bring me along

to other types of jobs.

We had a little thing going on.

We used to love
going out at night,

sticking up and robbing pimps.

You know, sometimes, we would
have to go collect money,

and there was drugs
involved, things like that,

or stolen goods.

I said to myself, to my mom,

to anybody who
would listen to me,

I gotta get out of here.

Because if I don't,
something's gonna happen,

and I'll probably get killed.

When I first got to Los Angeles,

I think I was 18.

I mean, I was starving.

I had no money.

I came here because
I was invited

to watch somebody's
house while they went out

and did a movie.

And all around here, right here,

everybody looked like a vampire.

White skin and skinny
and leather jackets

with studs and the jeans
tucked into the cowboy boots.

Just like the beginning
of Guns N' Roses

and all that kinda stuff.

This area of town at that time

was where everybody hung out.

Was right here.

I was floating
around Los Angeles,

trying to figure out what I
was going to do with my life,

and I was working for
different music artists.

The big one I worked
with was Milli Vanilli,

and I spent a year and
a half with those guys,

touring the world.

This was before
their scandal broke.

This was before everybody knew

that they didn't
sing on the album,

and it was all playback
and it was fake

and all that kinda stuff.

But what that did to me was
give me this education of

fans and artists and then
the people in the middle

who were the machine.

I lived with those guys.

I lived in their house
in Beverly Hills,

and I knew everything.

And their manager, the guy
who made the songs in Germany,

Frank Farian.

He did Boney M. And
all these other bands,

these disco bands.

And he was like you tell
those two fucking guys

that if I don't get
my share of the money

from this MTV world tour

that I am going to
expose the real singers,

and I'm gonna tell
everybody that it's fake,

so they would, every
time they'd say

okay, yeah, tell him
we'll meet him in England.

So we went to England
and there was like

soccer stars from Manchester
United and all these

people and all this stuff,

and I would look
at Milli Vanilli,

and they were trying
to steal a watch

and they were
taking these things,

and I was like what the fuck
are these two guys doing?

And they were just two
gang bangers from Europe,

and we would wait 'til
all these famous rockstars

and celebrities at the
time would get high,

and well, you know, uh...

One of the things
one guy taught me

you wouldn't even
know who he is,

but he was a very
famous wrestler,

Rowdy Roddy Piper.

And he told me that when
you're done wrestling,

never go to the guy who makes
the matches or the promoter.

Never go and say how did I do.

What I'm trying to say
is I'm so confident

in everything I do, I don't
care what anybody says.

I know I rocked it.

You're that way.


Don't ask for applause.

Don't ask for hey,
did I do good?

You did good because you're you.

Yeah, I think you
should get braids back.

Like dreadlocks.

They look so mint!

If you look at the
early version of Vampiro

with the suits, and
the cowboy boots,

and the braided hair, that's
where all that came from.

You know, I stole everything
from Milli Vanilli.

They came to
watch him in Mexico

when they were playing.

I was kinda torn
because I look at,

I used to hang it up
in my locker at school.

Well, no, it's The

Who cares about Ian?

It's The Ramones, c'mon!

You know,
Montreal, mafia, wrestling,

Los Angeles, Hollywood,
rock n' roll.

It was time.

I graduated.

Hollywood was just too much,

and I literally didn't
even call Mexico.

I just showed up
to Arena Mexico.

When Vampiro hit,
and it hit right away,

I was wrestling six
and seven times a day,

seven days a week.

'Cause everything was
very nice, very safe,

very mom and dad.

And that was wrestling,
and then all of a sudden,

you know, the devil comes.

It was pretty cool.

You know, every show
was either between 4000

would be the small ones,

and up to like 18, 19,000.

Six, seven times a day, every
day, all over the country,

and it was just this blur.

And there was just this
excess of no sleep,

alcohol, drugs, girls.

You know, at 23 years
old, I was fucked.

Couldn't walk, my knees were
shot, my shoulders were gone.

I remember I blew my knee
out in a match in Monterey.

A guy did a moonsault
off the top rope,

and I didn't know what
the fuck was going on,

and I couldn't catch him.

My knee just popped.

My leg went out to the side,

and there was three more
matches to do that night,

and I was crying in
the dressing room.

My knee was the size
of a basketball,

and it was in pain,

and they didn't care.

They were stunned.

They were like "so?"

You have to go do
the other shows.

There's a total of 40,000
tickets sold tonight.

And I remember the
promoter got a doctor.

He got a veterinarian
guy, came in,

and he injected
my knee with, uh,

I don't know what
the fuck it was,

to freeze my knee up.

They drained my knee right
in the dressing room,

and they wrapped me up,

and they filled
me full of Nubain

which is like
synthetic morphine,

and I don't even
know what happened,

but I just remember at
the end of the night

I was left alone in
the dressing room.

Didn't even have
money for a taxi

to go to a proper hospital,

and I just remember
saying to myself

I'm probably gonna
die doing this.

I tool about 50 muscle relaxantsso
I could move my head today.

I used to have a straw made
out of sterling silver,

and I'd wear it on my ear.

And my friend, he would
be standing on the stairs,

and I'd come in the barn.

I'd fuckin' pull that
out, and I'd go like that

and I'd point at the stairs,

and he'd know exactly
what it meant.

And it would just be.

Oh, it was like a snowblower.

Used to do an ounce
every weekend.

By myself

We had this running
joke, you know.

That there's a stretch
of highway from Mexico to

a city called Puebla.

It's a straight shot.

We would make lines
like, not that long,

but long as a fuckin',
'bout 10 feet long.

We just put all the tables
and dressers together

in the room.

One big line, and we'd call
it the highway to Puebla.

I'm surprised we didn't die.

I swear to god.

I'm surprised we didn't die.

Just look in the news, man.

Last 5, 6 years.

How many pro wrestlers
have they found dead?

All of them.

I would do so much,
it wouldn't stop.

I had no limits.

It was kinda scary.

It was free, so.

But I was addicted to
sleeping pills and pain pills.

For about eight years.

Pretty bad.

Lotta fun though.

But I've been clean
for about 11 years.

We have to present
ourselves as these

muscular superhero dudes

Where we're gonna go and fight.

And they travel in shitty cars,

sleep in shitty hotels,
eating restaurant food.

Never recovering.

Then there's the depression
and the loneliness

and the insecurity
of not being at home,

and you know, not having contact

with your family, and
your wife, your kids,

and it's a fucked up cycle.

Oh, here he is with his rival.


we are from the

hero of the ring
program, and we've come

to ask you if you can set up
our cameras and microphones

to get in your house
and have a little

talk with you.

Can we talk?

Yeah, sure why not?


Is it real?


Konnan was the enormous,

the Hulk Hogan, if you will,

of Mexico, but then
there was this character

known as Vampiro.

As I started watching and
understanding the story,

that a guy got
into this business,

and came up the hard
way and went to Mexico,

and didn't just have
a short stay there.

He became iconic, and his
main rival was Konnan.

do you have horses,

pretty good horses?

Yes, like I told you before,

I do have 'em in the back.

You are a very good
lover of the human

and the animals?

When I got to Mexico,
Konnan was the guy, right?

Konnan was fuckin' Hulk Hogan.

He was just Konnan.

He was extremely muscular,

and here's the new
kid on the block.

He had all the heat,

and all of a sudden I came in,

had no physique.

You know, and I
was doing my thing,

and I started, and I became
the new sensation over night.

I think when you're creative,

and you're into
what you're doing,

and you're as
passionate as you are,

as some of us get.

I think he was really
easily manipulated

by guys in the office.

And you had asked were there
guys in the dressing room

jealous of you?

Of course there were, and
they were jealous of him too,

so they would play us
against each other.

He said this, he did that.

You see what he's doing?

He's getting one over on you,

and that really
fuckin' ate him alive,

a lot more than it did me.

To the point where I
think he wanted to kill me

at one time, apparently.

But he hated me, bro.

He fucking hated me.

When he finally went to WCW,

he was there for two
years before I went.

Well, Mike.
Here's a newcomer to WCW.

Well, this is El Vampiro.

Known in Mexico as
Vampiro Canadiense.

He had
the ear of Luger,

Hall and Nash, and every
other slingin' dick

up there that was in charge,

and he was like bury
this fucking guy,

and they made my life
hell for two years.

I worked against Rick
Flair in Nevada one night,

and that was the icebreaker
for the younger guys

starting to get
into major programs.

And out of that came, I
worked with Hulk Hogan.

I just had this idea.

How cool would it be,
me being a musician,

man, let me play with a band.

It was a Monday
Night Nitro, man,

and The Misfits were
across the street.

God works in strange ways, man,

and I went over, and
it was like 11 o'clock,

and they were Misfitted out.

And I met Jerry Only.

You know, Mike.

This ain't no debut.

Being a Misfit basically meaning

you're an outcast from society.

This is a lifestyle.

This is something
that happens to you

when you go against the grain.

Kids picking on you in school.

Parents yelling at you.

Just being different
from everybody else.

You wrestling
rednecks don't get it.

But the kid at home
who's on a skateboard,

who lives in his basement
and who's picked on at school

is gonna say oh my god.

The Misfits and Vampiro
are on national television.

They didn't, those older
guys, didn't get it.

There's just too many
prema donnas here in WCW

and I don't like anybody here,

and I really don't care about
the win and loss record.

I just wanna get
into some good fights

and keep breaking the rules
and setting a good example.

Russo took a lot
of flack about it.

I think Russo's big
downfall was his

favoritism to Jeff
Jarrett at that time.

That rubbed a lot of
people the wrong way.

Are you listening?

This could be as good for you

as it's gonna be for me.

What was it like
working with Vamp?

During the Monday Night wars?

He came in and had the dreads,

but he had the white
face pain, black hair

and just that sort
of Vampiro vibe.

And Sting who was the
biggest star in the company,

sort of the franchise name,

who had the Crow persona,

had gone from the
flat-top, blonde hair,

blue eye, California kid Sting

into the Crow persona
which was black and white

face paint, black
hair, trench coat.

There was an immediate
resemblance of the two.

There's a lot
of slogans being used.

Everybody was all steroided
out of their minds.

There was stupid
amounts of money,

and there wasn't a lot of
room for a new guy like me

to come in and light a fire

under a lot of people's asses.

'Cause I was gung ho, man.

I was at my peak.

I was ready to rock.

You know, me and Vampiro's,

especially in the early days.

You know, I think sometimes
he likes to remember it

as being abrasive.

I don't recall it that way.

It was the business.

My first marriage,
I was, unfortunately,

at the height of being Vampiro.

Even though I was devastated,
I can only imagine

how horrible it must
have been for my wife

to be around somebody who wasn't

accessible as a human being.

with social media,

people would have
known who he was

walking in the door.

In that era, Vampiro walkin' out

to that Monday Night
Nitro audience,

a lot of 'em immediately went

is this a Sting storyline?

Is he supposed to
be Sting's partner?

All the questions that came out,

which is okay.

Had we had the
ability, and I say we,

the wrestling business
had the ability

to truly show here
comes an icon,

it'd been really cool.

But he didn't get
that opportunity,

and neither did the
wrestling business.

How 'bout if I say it like this?

The company, WCW, ruined
three years of my life.

How's that?

Strong statement.

Well, it's true.

Fuck 'em.

This stuff
almost crushed him.


Spike, nail in the coffin!

Vampiro, nail in the coffin!

What in the world
is gonna happen now?

Oh my god!

Oh my god!

One, two, three...

When I
broke my neck in WCW,

I had a three year, six
million dollar contract.

I let it go.

I came back to wrestling.

I went to Japan,

and they offered me a nineyear,
$600,000 a year contract.

I turned it down 'cause
it was 30 weeks a year.

And I did not want to
be away from my wife

or my daughter.

I put them first.

You said I should
be a millionaire.

Yeah, well, fuck.

I should be.
I was.

But when I broke my
neck, and this business

just threw me out the door.

And she left me.

I don't even blink
an eye about doing it

'cause I...

It's for her, you know?

So that's that.

Once I accomplished that, I
didn't wanna do it anymore.

'Cause I did it,

And I couldn't go any higher.


You were born.

You were a baby, and I
remember telling your mom,

I didn't wanna be a dad
who was on the road.


I wanted
to be there for you.

And I did everything to be
as close to you as possible.


When I was injured, there
was nothing I could do,

I couldn't make a living,

so I had to continue
fighting, wrestling,

and I think one of the
things that I don't like

about myself is that...

I use Vampiro to make a living.

You know, I don't kno.

I just wanna give the
fans good matches,

and leave 'em on a high note.

That's about it, you know.

Stay healthy.

Do some more traveling.

I try to keep control
of my character.

'Cause my character is
really not a character.

This is the way I am 24/7.

I just wanna keep
control of that.

I also wanna meet the
people that I've offended

over the years.

Fans and wrestlers and whatnot.

And just apologize and
set a lot of things right.

'Cause I'm sure
when I was younger,

over time, due to
circumstances, I was a real

person, and I'm sure

I was rude to some people,

and I'm sure I offended many,

and I wanna set
that straight too.

I wanna punch the guy
in the fuckin' balls.

Yeah, come over here.

Fuckin', fucking asshole.

I don't care who likes me.

I wanna get paid so
she goes to school.

I don't give a
fuck who likes me.

'Cause I don't like anybody.

I like one person.

see that, your
father likes you.

I did what's right.

I took care of my family.

I took care of my mom.

I love my wife.

I love my daughter.

I don't hurt nobody.

I fuckin' hate people so much.

I hate them so much.

And I say this affectionately,

so it's not misconstrued
from anyone ever hearing it.

Please don't fuck
this up this time.

He takes on,
sometimes, too much,

and his energy, where he
needs it in one direction,

he inadvertently divides it.

Okay, do not fuck up this match.

And when he's having to deal

with so many different
types of personalities,

it disrupts his energy,

and it makes him nuts,

and he's not always the
most pleasant person

to deal with.

I was always
depressed that I would

never get to say
goodbye to the ring

the way I wanted to.

How was I gonna be a dad,

work, and be Vampiro,

and still avoid
my horrible past?

So I think I had to
realize that I needed

therapy for me and for her,

and this was kinda
the only place

that was secluded enough.

I wasn't gonna hear
Vampiro every time

I turned around.

My daughter had to
go to high school.

I had to drive her to school.

I had to go home, live
on a small budget,

and cook, and clean.

I was rock
bottom in Mexico,

and I know that if I
didn't move to Thunder Bay,

I literally wouldn't
have made it.

I wouldn't be talking here.

I had a lot of
issues with bullying

that just wasn't really healthy.

Mentally, emotionally.

I didn't tell anyone, really.

I didn't and then
my dad was the one

who was just like
what's going on?

What the hell?

If it really wasn't for
him then I don't know.

And I absolutely
think it was something

I needed for my
sanity and I think

it was the right
thing for my daughter.

Going to Thunder Bay, Ontario,

the town that I
literally did everything

under the sun to escape from.

Going back there, and
opening a Krav Maga school,

a self-defense school
in that little town

that only has 90, 000 people,

and saying to myself

this is what I'm
gonna do with my life.

His weeks go by crazy.

He's working 24/7.

And then when he comes home,

he goes and works even more.

He comes home and
then he's working

with the Guardian Angels.

It's like, he patrols all night.

I was a counselor for
the city of Thunder Bay,

and when Ian got back here,

he looked me up and wanted
to introduce the concept of

Guardian Angels, so I
took him to city hall

to meet the Mayor,
and through that

we had discussions about
the Guardian Angels

coming back to help
our city through Ian.

I'd like to say hello.

Thank you Mr. Mayor, council.

For circumstances
that really don't

have anything to do
with this meeting,

I had to make a life choice.

When I joined the
Guardian Angels,

I called Curtis
Sliwa, New York City,

and I told him my
story from Mexico,

and I said I want
to do something with

this fame.

I don't wanna just ride
off into the sunset.

I have this energy.

I know who the
Guardian Angels are.

I'll never forget the day.

I was nine years old.

I saw it on the
news, guys going down

in the subways in New York City,

martial arts guys
to fight crime.

I just knew one day that I
wanted to ride the trains

of New York City with
the Guardian Angels

and just be a volunteer.

I said but unfortunately I live

in Mexico City right now.

Can I bring the
project down there?

They gave me the ball.

I ran with it.

And Mexico
embraced Vampiro.

And now, instead of just saying

oh, I want to max and
relax and retire off

my past laurels as one
of the great wrestlers,

you know, in the tradition
of great wrestling

in Mexico.

I wanna give back
to my community.

All right, brother.

Thank you.

You good?

No, I'm not.

Come on, man.

If, when I have
kids or something,

if I have a boy, I'm
gonna name him Ian.

I'm gonna name him Ian.

And, honestly, if I have a girl,

I might even name her Dasha.

'Cause that's his
daughter's name, you know.

He's just, it could be
a little weird, I guess,

the more I talk about it,

but it inspires me so much.

My dad leaves every
Thursday to Monday.

First week, he will
go to Mexico City.

Then he comes back, and
then he goes to Los Angeles

and records his actual TV show.

Comes back, leaves on
Thursday again and then

leaves on Monday again.

And that's what
happens every week.

This desk is what
brought me back into

the wrestling industry.

So like, do I still got a job?

There's been an
invitation for us

to return to the temple.

But it's not like it was before.

I couldn't have
done swithout anybody else.

It's with him that I
have a second career

in this wrestling industry.

People see that
mask, and they know

that that's Lucha Underground.

We brought it over from
Mexico with the goal of

introducing this key
piece of Mexican culture

to folks here in the States.

So our two main
executive producers are

Mark Burnett of Survivor
and Robert Rodriguez,

famed movie director
of From Dusk 'til Dawn,

El Mariachi, Sin City, Spy Kids.

We went searching for
a color commentator,

and decided that
Vampiro would be great.

In Mexico, his
familiarity with the moves

and the talent and the stories.

And that he would be
perfect from that.

When this
company first started,

I was hired to be the
color commentator.

But then I saw that
there was so many holes.

They didn't have a guy
to get in the gutter

and get his hands dirty.

So I became an agent
which is basically

the one who puts
together the matches

so they make sense and it
translates on television.

And I coordinate the
camera operators with

the in-ring action.

He's a great commentator.

But then, he goes the extra step

where he's really
a part of the show.

I've seen him get in
the ring and perform.

You just never know.

I never know when he's
gonna, all of a sudden

get in the ring
and do something,

and, of course, me,
I'm looking at it going

oh, I hope he doesn't get hurt.

I hope he doesn't get hurt.

I hope he doesn't get hurt.

Because if he gets hurt,

you lose somebody who's
doing two other jobs.

So, he's gotta stay safe.

Everyone has
something to say

when they've met Vampiro.

You know, whether he's
got these tall tales,

or this legendary
stuff about him,

but the one thing that
no one understands

that underneath all this

he's a dad.

And I'm sorry but to see
theway that he loves his daughter,

to see all of the
machismo and the bravado

just melt away,

that's the person
I'm friends with.

The Vampiro that the world sees?

You can have him.

It's the guy that's here.

That's what, to me, is
the measure of a man.

They say anyone
can have a child,

but not anyone can be a father,

and I tell you this
all the damn time.

You're a good dad.

You do good things.

You talk about how old
you're about to be,

and what have you
done in this world?

You made a daughter
that's gonna grow up

to be a beautiful woman.

You've spread positive
energy to people.

Even though you're
definitely insane,

you're a good dad.

I'm in this
scenario which is Hollywood,

working for two of
the biggest names in

cinema and television today.

As great as all of this is,

the greatest part
of all of this is


Somebody loves me.

Right here.

I can't
sit in that chair.

- I can't get in it.
- Why?

Dad, just go to bed.

Okay, so what now?

The altercation
between Ian and I

in Monterey left me a
little bit concerned.

When he broke it down to
me, he basically told me

I wanna take your suplex.

He asked to take
it, and I am aware,

to a very large degree
of his health history.

We talk a lot about that.

I suggested to do other things.

I said, for the
moment, for the people,

I thought it was unnecessary.

We went out there.

We did business,

and the moment his
body hit the canvas,

I knew that something was wrong.

I could just tell.

So, very discretely, I
tried to stand over him,

my finger in his face,
and behind my teeth I said

dude, are you okay?

Tried to be as
discrete as possible.

I was asking him are you okay?

And he didn't answer me.

And he was hurt.

I got a lot of issues,

and I can't deal
with a lotta people.

I get panic attacks.

I freak out.

I just, fuck, you know?

I don't know what it is,

but this whole celebrity
thing, it drives me crazy,

and I'm a nice guy,

But it just makes me insane.

I'm not complaining,
but it's just like

I hate people who fuck around.

I hate seeing it.

I fuckin' hate it, you
know, this celebrity.

And we do everything
possible to not let

me be around her publicly.

To keep Vampiro away from her,

but now, the whole
world knows it.

I wasn't joking.

I fuckin' don't want it.

I wanna come here every day.

How cool would that be?

I could wake up, I could
make her breakfast,

and take her to
school, and come here,

and just be dad, man.


But I'm gonna be
Vampiro for a while.

I can't walk.

Thanks for
seeing me again.

Yeah, no problem.

Did you just get back?


I'm dying to get
away from wrestling.

They keep fucking booking me,

but I did something on purpose.

I told one of the guys
in the back, I said

when you go out there,
grab me and suplex me.

But Japanese style which means

just drop me on my
head, basically.

No, no, no, no!

Ian was damaged when he
come to see me, right?

All those years of wrestling,
all those concussions.

The way I remember,

I don't know if Ian
remembers the same way,

but we had done
a bunch of x-rays

because he was just
hurting all over.

I remember walking in
there and I was like

how are you even
fucking walking?

It's like
Vamp, you're 50,

you got arthritis,
you can't walk,

you can't even do a pushup,

you can't comb your
hair, you body's fucked.

You got, 86% of your body's
got chronic arthritis.

You got 25 concussions.

You've broken your
nose 16 times.

Your eye socket four,
your back, your neck.

Every fucking thing
on you doesn't work.

Why are you doing this?

'Cause I just need to see
if I can one more time.

Did you lose
consciousness on this thing?

No, but I couldn't
close my hands.

I couldn't put my shoes on.

I couldn't pull
my pants up, fuck.

Yeah, no no.

You can't be doing that.

The older you get, the
less you bounce too.

You have to think about it.

The more brain injuries
or bone injuries

in general that you get.

You're not gonna
recover from them.

I think, probably, he's
a couple concussions

away from dementia
if he keeps going.

And I don't want him to do that.

All of the years
of damage and abuse

that his body's taken.

It could be anything
that happens to him.

It could be the very last bump

that guy's taking in the ring.

He has a great life.

He has people that
care about him,

and he has a lot to live for.

And it would be a shame
for that to end over

something so trivial
and petty like that.

I mean, it's
just a matter of time

until he gets hurt badly,

and that's something
that I'm not ready for.

That's something that I don't

ever want to see
or witness at all.

Wrestling's your life, I know.

I get it.

But you gotta fucking stop.

He had cancer,
and he has arthritis,

and you can see him
hurting, you know?

It really hurts because
it was to the point

where I literally thought
that I was gonna be like

pushing my dad in a wheelchair.

Like I really was.

He'd be crying on his
bed 'cause of the pain,

and I really wouldn't
be able to do anything,

and he didn't want any help.

He would complain
about it every day,

and like, to the point
where he literally

wouldn't be able to
do anything at all.

I can't continue to fight.

Well, yeah, no, you
definitely can't.

But I do...

But I'm making
myself look stupid.

I'm embarrassing myself.


'Cause I look horrible.

I can't compete with
the younger guys.

It's just not my time,

and it's not because I'm
afraid or they're better.

It's just my heart
and soul are not

in the ring anymore.

When I go to the ring, I'm
thinking about other things.

I'm not focused.

- I don't concentrate.
- Yeah.

I don't want to be there.

I love producing.

I love being behind
the camera, and writing

and moving the cameras,

but when I have to put
the wrestling gear on,

and I've gotta go into the ring,

it kills me.

It kills me because I
don't love it anymore.

And that relationship's over,

and it breaks my heart,

and I love the fans,

and I love my industry,

but I don't love
being Vampiro at all.


I don't wanna be
this guy anymore.

I don't want it,

but I'll continue to
go until I just can't.

Like we come through this life,

and we relive our lives
like a thousand times

until we get that purpose right.

Until we come here, and we know

what the purpose is.

I don't know.

I don't know what my
purpose is either.

I thought it was wrestling, but

You just
gotta go with it.

I don't even know.

Too young to know.

I don't think you
will ever know.

I don't think you're
ever gonna find it.

I haven't but if you don't worry

about the destination,
but you enjoy the journey.

You understand that?


what it's all about.

You gonna
be okay when I go?


I know it's
hard, but I hope

I have the house in
good order for you.

I'll get all the stuff you need,

all the supplies, so just

with the money that I send you,

do your best to budget
with your food and that.

Make sure you call that
person for that job.


He's never gonna stop
being a wrestler.

He enjoys doing it.

That's something he's
done his whole life

which is something that
I completely accept

because that's who he is.

But, do I agree with it?

Do I like it?

No, I don't.

I really don't.

It's funny
how it changes.

The analogy I always
tell people is

they're your little girl
until about 11

and then it becomes
90% your a little girl

and 10% I don't know
who this person is,

and then for the next two years

it starts to switch

where they become 90% I
don't know who this person is

and 10% your little girl.

And then suddenly, one
day, around 13, 14,

the little girl is gone,
and they're this person.

And all of a sudden,
you have to have

a completely different
dynamic and relationship

because they are now a
complete individual person.

Still your little girl.

Always will be your little girl,

but not, you know?

So now, all of a sudden,
you'rein an adult conversation.

And that creates a completely
different relationship.

For me, it's just
amazing to see her.

'Cause she's been in
this park her whole life.

And now she's, just recently,
this is her big thing,

she's got her little
purse with money.

She's buying things
on her own and,

to most people that's like...

But for me to see that
is, my god, you know?

Instead of us going
into a state of panic

that I'm on the road again,

I actually kinda said this
is a great way for me to

help you learn how to
manage your finances,

your house, your
life by yourself.

It's like use this time to
see what's going to happen

later on when
you're on your own.

I wish I was there
to be the parent,

but I think where I'm
at with the relationship

with my daughter right
now, there's so much trust.

She's actually teaching me

to start to learn
how to let her go.

She's kinda like let me grow up,

and it's, fuck, I was
never ready for it.

You know, I don't know.

I'm trying to be a good
dad, and it's tough.

It's gotta be tough for her
to have Vampiro as a father,

I think.

Oh, man.
This is the fuckin',

the best news all day.

She's like
stop calling me.

Leave me alone, and I'm like

I'm just trying to, you know,

just trying to, you
know, send her a message,

and she's like
fuck, dad, I'm fine.

See, yeah, but I'm not.

So you gotta understand,
this isn't for you.

It's for me too, you know?

All this fucked up
stuff that I do,

it's so you're gonna be okay.

She goes well let me be okay.


It's weird.

It's weird.

You know, I thought it
would be harder for her,

and it's not.

It's real hard for me.

I don't know what's going on.

- Okay.
- Okay.

- Proud.
- Okay.

You good?


I'm fine, thank you.
How are you?

I'd love to chat sometime.

We're debating going
to an extra city.

But when are
you thinking of going?

March break, next year.

I mean, there's a lot to see.

I guess I shouldn't
punch that, huh?

Don't make me give
you detention.

It's just awesome.
I remember,

I was right there
with the doctor,

and she came out, and there
was just this little thing,

and it was a girl, and I just
remember taking her home, and

I wouldn't let anybody
near my daughter and,

I wouldn't let
anybody changer her diaper

or feed her.
I did everything.

I prayed so hard that
this day would never come

because I just knew that
this was the end, you know?

She's gonna be gone,

and uh,

I don't know if I'm gonna cry

'cause I'm proud or...

Dasha Hodgkinson.

Confederation college,
general arts program.

Thunder Bay was a
turning point in my life.

There's just things that I
had to learn the hard way

that I'm so grateful
that I learned them here

and that I learned
them by myself.

I guess that's why
he brought me here.

I don't know.

I don't know why
he brought me here.

Maybe he just knew
that it was gonna be

a good place for
me to find myself.

Wow, they did it.

The relationship that
me and my mom have

is way different than what
me an my dad would have.

I think I've got the best
combination of parents though.

It's like they both
gave me specific things

for me to be able to be
the way that I am today.

I literally wouldn't be who I am

if it wasn't for them.


This is it.

This is all they're gonna do.

- You proud?
- Yeah.

I was so bored.

- Holy smokes!
- Well you did good.

- I'm very proud of you.
- Thank you.

I started to cry.

Did you?

And that's it.

18 years in the making.

One hug, and off to the races.

This is the
intense part 'cause

where things have
evolved to now is

I convey the message
from the directive

to the talent.

In between that, there's
a huge gray area.


You can't do that
unless you were a wrestler.

'Cause wrestlers have
a different mentality,

a different mindset, a
different temperament.

And I feel zero pressure.

I feel calm.

I absolutely get it.

I love it.

And it's the only thing
I don't have to try at.

It's just there.

This is exactly where I'm
supposed to be right now.

This is home.

The beautiful thing
about pro wrestling

is it has a great entrance plan,

but it has a shitty
exit strategy.

Let's go, bitch!

Let's, you and me, now!

Let's go!

I need my music, right now.

I need my music, right now.

C'mon, man.

And all the production aside.

Where's the fucking music?

At this point in the trip,

I don't know if you
need your music.

You're being called out.

♪ Someday, you'll remember me

♪ And picture my face

♪ Someday you may
smile at me ♪

♪ And I'll walk away

♪ Yesterday I needed a buck

♪ Today I need a bank ♪

♪ But I know who was
always there ♪

♪ It's me I have to thank

This is what I do.

This is what I know.

This is where I feel at home.

All of this is so
that I can have her

have a chance.

As much as I wanna
get away from it,

where am I gonna go?

♪ Yesterday I needed love

♪ Today I need some hate

♪ But I know who was
always there ♪

♪ Now baby it's too late

♪ I wanna say

♪ Picture my face

♪ I gotta say

Vampiro! Vampiro!