Mythica: The Necromancer (2015) - full transcript

When Thane, her most loyal friend is taken hostage by Peregus Malister, the cruel master of the Thieves Guild, Marek must embark on a corrupt mission to serve the Thieves Guild with her team of would-be heroes. But when the mission leads them into the clutches of Szorlok - their greatest enemy - Marek must sacrifice her ambitions and perhaps her own soul before her friends are killed, to stop Szorlok from obtaining the Darkspore.

Otianas ol mines.

Continue it, hurry.


Out of the way!

There is!
There is!

The neckoihancer,

The neckoihancer,

The neckoihancer,

The neckoihancer,


Your mind should be as sharp and
focused as the tip of that arrow.

When you are not distracted by fear
and desire, pierces all things.

Conversely, you pierces you.

I pierce me?

What does that mean?


Concentrate '.

As I can concentrate when these.

Teaching and speaking in proverbs
circle 7.

I 're holding.

You have faced certain death before.

And you have defeated your courage
and bravery.

The next voice purge someone's life.

It will be difficult for you to

Many years.

I had a team.
We ilamâbamos red thorns.

And we were good.
The best we had.

We had the favor of the gods.

And we were rich and powerful.

The envy of the kingdom.

And you were a hero.

What happened?

I had to stop corlok not to meet the
dark seed.

And sacrificing a dear friend.
There was no other way.

Others never forgave me so that was
the end.

Red thorns.

Heroes do what others can not.

Not because I want.
Not for themselves and their

They choose the path that nobody
More dark roads.

You can do that?

Yes I think so.

All right.

For you.

Thank you.

Adescas not me.

Marek, you curse the day I met pyo
go jun.

Now, focus!

Possessions, feelings.
Friends, even enemies.

You must cut all ties and be free of


When you said you were going to
delay, I did not believe you'd say
so literally.

The more I 'll fight me here.

Less energy you have to fight me

What is it?

What is it?

It 's just a feeling.
He's gone.

We 've done enough for today.

I'll be here before dawn to start

Before dawn!

Gentlemen, music, please!


Another round of drinks for us!

On account of the red thorns.

Thanks, red thorns.

We are the red thorns!
We are?


I like it.

No, red is not my color.

Two against one.
Dagen. We are red thorns.

We are red thorns.






Look to you.

I'm fine.

I'm glad to see you, thane.

You glad to see me.

And if the other side that we yearn
to see is mine?

Heavens, I 'm famelica.

Let me get something to eat.



Do not.
No no. Do not fall. Do not fall.

I have to go.
One more.

I told Jun Pyo go 'd see him

You promised that old gray Skete you
preferred to see him.

To stay with this.

Calm down, dagen.

I 'm sure there are old mysteries

With which you can seduce so you get
a discount.

Wait wait.

Stop joking.

We go somewhere, get out of here.

You and I.
We're going for a walk. Only the

Do not.
I have to go.

Red thorns.

Another beer.

You must have lost its sense if you
do not quit.

Hello, Teela.

I should be going.

I have to pray at dusk.

God, forgive us.
You have not prayed enough?

Insurance gods know not as
desperately as I pray.

Please quitame hands off me.

Did you think would happen?

She is unobtainable.
You can look but not touch.

It is pathetic enough.

Do not.
I will not stop. It's pathetic.

Frankly, you ruin our scent of

Smells flaccid, unmanly.

Smells falls balls.

It's okay.

I see you in the cave.

Goddess of light.
Hear my prayer.

I'm at a crossroads.

Forgive me.

I have not finished praying.

This will not delay.

I just want to say that I was a good

That7 never fell asleep in a guard.

I never received any complaints.

I got up every morning before touch.

I know what it means to take an

And I know what it means breaking


I just want to tell you.

I respect your vote.

You do not have to ever get away

Now I am your brother in arms.

Nothing more.

It is more or less the reaction I



Good timing.

We must close the laptop before they
pass over them.

Closes the portal.

As I close?

Antimagic test.

That will not work!


Not good.

I 'm about 30 seconds.

To kill them all.

I can not fight them all.

As soon as I get 10 seconds 'll

You teach me that.

Yeah, of course.

Once you find enough strength.

Now, seriously.

I need to heal my wounds.

Pye '.

I am sorry.

I'm not sure.
You may need to burn the whole body.

Sorry, PANIC.

Just be glad you passed out before
it started to burn.

I am not complaining.

I'm here.
Do not?

Where am I exactly?

Near where coaching my team.

What happened there?

And the portal, these creatures.

That night was having a vision.


This assembling an army in drylands.

That night I went to see for myself.

It was a trap and went straight to

Hundreds of his troops were waiting
for me.

I tried to use the portal.

As a last resort to escape if you
follow me here.

And good.
You know the rest of the story.

Corlok has.

Two pieces of dark seed now.

So it has begun work to encourage
the dead.

If you join the four pieces.

His legions of dead esparcerân and
turn everything into a tomb.

Be unstoppable.

You never told me the whole story.

How you stop to sherlock the first

It was 21 years ago.

And sherlock was digging deeper into
the hidden magic.

The invaders were on our doorstep.

Intoxicated with a new source of
power that sought to expand with
dark seed.

Joining would become the lich king,

The teacher, death is itself.

I turned against him before the end.

Sherlock stopped.
Although the kingdom cost him

9 now.

Corlok need the last two pieces of
dark seed.

Then you need a necromancer.

I need you.

Well, you can not have you.

And you do what you say now.


Stay here and do nothing.


Do nothing and stay here.
You can not just expect me.

Corlok you 're looking but you
should not find you.

Not until you're ready to face it.

Risking to meet him now risk the
fate of the world.

You understand that?

Then you want to just hide.


Where are you going?

Stay in your hideout.

And when I return.

If you go here, I'll show any spell
you want.


Stay here.

Nizet, goddess of light.

Hear my prayer.


Goddess of light, hear my prayer,

Teela, what happened?
Goddess of light, hear my prayer.

What happened?

Teela, calm down!

What happened?

They have thane.

You can not just be a man, right?

We will go to his majesty.
No no no.

Thane is a condemned man.

Convicted before you release it.

Battalions only released him to
carry out his execution.

Everything is my fault.

Peregun was behind me.

We should go guild.

Negotiate with Perego, use all the
money we have left.

Maybe we can pay for their release.

I can not go.

He should not even have come so far.

I am sorry.

To 9.

Thane and I may have our rivalries.

And the gods know I wanted a couple
of times to die,

But I Perego.

Peregun Mallister is a notorious
vicious torturer.

Thane and constantly suffira every
minute until it is released or die.

This is all the money I have.

Take it.

Thane you need.

Happily take your place if your
situation was the same.

Is that what you want?

I take your place?

If it arrives.
I will, you know.

I can not.
Everything is my fault.

Nonsense, how can it be your fault?

Dagen, are most familiar with the
union than any of us.

This is enough to free thane?

Maybe I do not know.

Could at least gain some time.

You should come with us, marek.

That only angered more to Mallister.

Maybe, but I just think you should

If nothing.

If nothing works, then you must say
goodbye to him.

Hurry up, before it is too late.

Not often a man in my position.

Get all the pleasure of having a
fighter in his hands.

A is a very special occasion for me.

And I would like you to know.

My friends will come and find me.
Mallister. For real.

I'm anxious to hear from your peers.

When your body dies and hang from
the walls of the city.

All know how serious I am.

I have a reputation to uphold.

If you were not afraid he would not
have sent your friends about me.

We can make a deal, Mallister.

It can work for you.

Keep it alive as long as you can.


They hurt one more of my men and
killed thane.

Thanos kills and will be none to
protect us.

I guess who come here to save your

Not to watch us die both.

We brought money.

But your man would not let us out.

I say the word, tile.

These worms have a clean shot.

Later, matame.

And let loose the rope and crushed
his skull.

It not, gives No.

All right!

Now we all know our options.



These mercenaries.

Solve our problems with the supply


If, eel.

Do you say, marek?

We should do other business?

Do not listen to him.

Kills his men tear out the heart as
it beats.

And teach them.

Wait wait.
Which is the work?

A smuggler north of the border to us
a large cargo.

All you have to do is bring the
cargo to me.

And I forget all the offenses that
made me thane.


If they fail.

Only need to MONR.

Because not only do we pay what we

You have 20,000 gold coins in that
bag of yours?

Because that's what a load of
ilistrium it!

And it is four times less than it is
worth my reputation!

A reputation that was tarnished when
fucker put a knife to her throat.

And forced me to give freedom of
that bitch.

That bitch that I possess by right!
Whether! Whether.

That is the price of your freedom,

That's what you looked like.

North of the border is a great area
to look for a man.

I need to thane for work.

That's impossible.

Betilla the acomparïarà on your

While receiving correspondence from
your progress.

Keep my hand is this rope.

We agree?

We agree?

We go at dawn.

Cloth, fabric, enough.

Do not regret.

While perego Mallister receive one
of these every evening.

Your friend will live to see another

20,000 Leagues will travel by road
north to the trente the wall.

To find Captain James Purio.

Mallister believes they have what it

Mallister is a vile creature.

And if it touches thane, I
personally would slice her throat.

For you.

His comrade lives to suffer another

Where you keep these creatures?

It was not easy for you to come with

I was wrong to accuse.
Really was not myself when I said

Forget this.

I owe more thane anyone else.

You 're not wearing your collar.

I am no longer worthy to use the
image of Nizet.

You were not able to heal thane, but
that goes for the rest of us?

Maybe your goddess only removes the
blessing to thane.

No, it is different the heavens are
closed to me.

She may bless your way.

No I can not.

I do not want.

I can not bear load so sad and cold.

Take it.

OK, but you need to win back their

We need our healing.

Thane made his decision.
You took yours. It's done.

I'm sure your goddess has nothing.

You feel like you whine and feel
guilty now.

You chose to love.

And now you're here working to save
thane for love.

That is brave and noble.

And any diosa_decente know.

Love, strangely you speak so highly
of him.

I seem so callous?

You have never taken seriously Dagen
affection for you.

Purio have business with the

The Purio captain is a little busy
today fighting.

Only matters of war pass this point.

CAPTAIN want to see me.
I assure you.

You can spend.
But only you. Do not.

I'm with you.

But only you.

Purio where is the captain?

It is in the third column.

Wait, you can not be serious!

Up there if he dies before we get
there, our track ran out.

Along with the Mission.
Along with your friend 's life.


So thirsty.
Purio Where is the captain?




In the shop of the wounded.

What brings you to this hell?

It is a friendly visit?

Where is it?

Wait, eel is my friend.

To share the secrets of their
wanderings to require accounts.

If I give you to the eel, he cut me
out of the supply chain.

Please, Captain.

You kill me?
Morire plague anyway.

If the worms do not kill me first.

I need to find eel.
It is the key to saving a dear

He makes a sweet girl like you
working with a slug like betylla?


The truth is I have not heard of

Is a moon, at least.

But you might know where he is.

Get close.

Eel is in love with a whore called

Which is in the brothel rose

Onken just outside the south eastern

If the eel is hiding from the world.

That's where it is.

Thank you.

Leave it alone.
Bastard. What 've you done?

No witnesses.

I'll kill you.

Take off.

Take off!

You want your friend to die?

You do obey.

Or you will not be sent another

You 're a vile man!

As you live with yourself?

You could ask the same.


You found it?
What happened?

We know where eel.
Let's go.


Perhaps half a mile away.
We make a fire.

And soon.

And if a hawk would corne?
So what?

Nobody runs my beetles.

Which it is what you give them 7.

Only the nutrition they need.

TALE makes you have them with you?

None of these has more than two

But I have kept his lineage since he
was a child.

I like to hold it?

Do not.
Could not.

They are clean.

They are friends of the farmer and

They are ideal organisms.

What you whisper when you send them

A word.

Ho ar.

BINUB wildebeest mmm I'll guard.

Nü BINUB mmm.

Nü BINUB mmm I can not sleep anyway.

Nü BINUB mmm.

Nü BINUB mmm Yeah, me neither.

Nü BINUB mmm.

As Jun Pyo go training it?

He wants to be something I'm not.

Which refined?
Elégante even?

Gentile, perhaps?

It's not funny.

He wants to devote myself

Because that would make you more
like nine.


I do not know.


As a hero, I guess.


You are nothing like the other

You are unique.

I do not want to be different.

There is great power in you.

And I do not mean your magic.

Know what you want and go in search,

No doubt.
That's unique.

I not always know what I want.

I can not.

I want.
But I can not.

Good morning dear.
How did you sleep?

I know.
We act as if nothing had happened
last night.

Of course nothing happened last

Was nothing.

I am sorry.

You feel that?

To have something that could ruin
our friendship.

Any chance that something better
happen in the future?

Thank you.

You really are a perfect gentleman.

Not a perfect gentleman.

Something is better than nothing,
that's all.


It must be this.

The Rose.

I have better frequented.

I have frequented worse.

Battle soldiers can make it worse.

Get your hands up.

Wait outside.

I do not like to be touched by so
sick and vile creatures how are you.

Très you look for eel and his wife.

If they find me either they bring
them immediately.

All right.

It is understood.

Hello and welcome, travelers.

Good lady rose.
We have traveled far for this.


Will and pleasure.

We are looking for a woman named

I'm sorry, there's a woman here
called yuliya?

We see it.
Do not. Please.

Three silver coins.

No no.
Do not. We just want to talk to her.

She is a very popular girl.




I love your ears.

Hardly are my best feature.

Ok, let's go.

You brought friends?
We can play.

We are not here for your services.


I mean, no.
Not initially.

Well, I have more sniff.

So tell your vendor who gave them
information old.

I am sorry.

We are actually looking for a

Called eel.

He is your friend?


We should not carry with Betilla?

I will not let you near him.

Why not?

Thane killed if he finds out you

Betilla us as much as we need him.

We will be fine.


Where is the?

I find it could save a valuable

I have not seen for two moons.

He said he was bringing a shipment.

He was more than just a friend.

That is all?

They want more from me?

Do not.
Do not. Thank you.


Where is the eel?
He went!

He went!

Much appetite for a whore.

How long you wear sm SMFF?

A moon, perhaps?

He has told us all he knows.

Eel should already be away.

I can explain it.
This is not my fault, just hear me

You owe Peragus guild Mallister five
loadings best ilistrium.

Where are they?

It 's a funny story, actually.

Quiet, Betilla.
Mine was confiscated by soldiers

You lie.

I'm not sorry.
He was caught only because they know
that mine is better.

And they should be contributing to

If you do not have and can not get

Then you are not of any use to the

I can get it!
I can get it.


The golgosianos have a mine and a
whole shipment.
Worth at least three stones.

And where it is, I can get it.

Will you take us up there.


Goodbye my love!

It was lovely to meet you.
Come on.

Do not ever betray us like that

Hare whatever it takes, marek.
I'm surprised you do not do the

You see?

This is full of them.

And what do golgosiano so far from
your country?

They have discovered the power of
voluntary slavery.

They dominate all this themselves.

It is running out very fast and very

There will be an explosion if the
demons of the caverns not reach them

Then you better start.

You see that ridge over there?

It is where the cargo shed.

Who is he?

The man in charge.
His name is tokora.

I do not think golgosiano.

I should not have come this far.
I am looking me. Just calm down.
What happened?

I am looking me.
Who you looking for?

You are scaring me.

You know I'm here.

You're talking about the man with
the cape?

He is not even looking this way.
He got into his tent.

Golgosiano signifies dark art.

What's going on?
Is Sherlock.

Can not be.

Because the ilistrium you mind?
It is not what is here.

The h.

There is the ilistrium we talked

That's not even know that pyre worth
a fortune?


We have to go.
Marek think is right.

You are here by dark seed.

My only concern is the cargo.

It is the only thing that saved her
precious Armgo.

The cargo is what matters most.

It is a good day for you, fighter.

I received another Betilla beetles.

I guess I can not get you killed by
one more day.

I'm disappointed in you, thane.

I thought I 'd better meat.


She Loves Me.

And there is nothing you can do
about it.

Oh, gods!

I'm having fun before you put a
finger on.

That's something you never know.

Never tell your enemy what you value

It is after this tunnel.

Now is our chance.

He can not have gone far.

It is not here where you left off?
It's here.

What are we looking for exactly?

A brown bag that big.

Separate yourself.

Do what he says.

Is the now.

Watch out.

Demons cave.


I told you.

That was a stupid move.

Marek, go!

You have to save thane!

Do not.
Do not!

It's stupid, it runs!

We can not just keep spinning.

There must be another way out.

Il istrium.

Its beautiful.

It is so pure.

By the gods, that's nice!

As they assume that worth?

I knew it.

What's up?

Your precious mold.

It comes all from a more corrupt

The dark seed.

That thing?
The source of all ilistrium?

It is an evil thing with a dark

I have it.

You could build an empire.

It was supposed to be lost forever
in this mine.

But the darkness will eventually
come to light.

It 'll take to go pyo jun.

The hides or destroy it.

Do you know who I am.

You know what I'm looking.

You never will have the dark seed.
The gods will take care of you fail.

You choses them?
Gods can do to stop me.

When I have viday power over death?

I'm not afraid of dying.

This amuses me.

Those willing to die, even marek.

Although eventually it will be the
cause of your own destruction.

You know this is true.

And still you can not help but serve
their purpose.

She never.

It will help you.

But it has already done.

And he brought me two pieces of the
heart of Amakna.

And surely I will bring the third.

You can not escape your destiny.

She can not escape me.

I never thought it would end like

Too young to die.

I'm still in my 70s.

I am sorry.
This was not your fault,

Nor your fight.

Please, come on.
You know me better than that. I'm
here for the money.

For loot.

If I know better that.

Marek came by.

My strength is my weakness.

M and star.
Efl is gtn iii and w e a k e s s

M and sti'length is diy wiki.

M and s t r.
G t h e fl 1s weak today. Hi.

All have strengths and weaknesses.

No no no.



Where are they hiding?

Does not matter.
I do not want to know.

Never have another scandalous
thinking about you, I swear.


You manage to save thane another

I did not send him to thane.

Nü BINUB mmm.

Ho ar.

Time to leave.

Marek, is a trap.
No Please.

Thank you.




Then you come to face as you know
you would.

Liberate my friends.

Free them yourself.

They are surrounded by enemies.

They are surrounded.


Surrounded by enemies.

Unleash your power over him.

It takes its life force.

It takes its life force and free
your friends.

There is no other way.
Liberate your friends.

I will give the dark seed, just let
them go.

The piece is mine for the taking.

Take what you want most.

Take your place next to me.

Take your place next to me.

See suffering?

And you can save them, marek.

I'm nothing like you.

I'm not a killer.

No, you're not like me.
You do not look like anything to me,
insolent NiRia.

Now you must suffer the fate of all
who defy me.

Take my life and use it.

Dagen saves.

Not, Teela.
I give my life freely.

It is a sacrifice freely.
This well take it.

Do not.

I will not do it.

It's okay.


Give me your glory.


Do not.
You did everything right.

You did everything right.
Okay, are you okay.

You did everything right.
Go Go.

Its okay, have a rest.

We stop.
Rest well.

We do what is from here.

I am sorry.

I am sorry.

The mate.
No no no.

Not, Marek, no.

Look at me, Teela sacrifices for
thane and for us this well?

But if we do not hurry his blood he
is on our hands.

So I need you to walk, okay?

You can walk?

Good girl.
Come on. I need to walk.

Go Go.
Okay, okay.

Okay, together.
Is good.


Come on!

I did not receive my beetle today.

I think that means that your friends
are dead.

Why not talk loud?

I'll kill you!

Yes, I think you would.

Is why we must die, fighter.

Let it go.

At good Time.

Where is she?

We talk about that when we're out of
here, my friend.

Not let anyone leave here.

I'll kill thane and then I'll kill
you both.


Where is Teela?

It is difficult, my friend.

She is wounded?

I am sorry.

I'm so sorry.

Teela sacrificed himself to save,

To save you.

You were right.

I should not go.

I know where lies the fourth piece.

Sherlock has no way to find it.

So we see, we fight if it comes to

Until then.
You prepare.

You packed light.

It is a long journey.

Which is the plan sherlock then?

He is a mortal man.

Breathe, corne, sleeping.

If breathing.

There is no place in the world where
you can hide.

By. Sf nasty.

By. Sf nasty.

By. Sf nasty.

By. Sf nasty.