My Twentieth Century (1989) - full transcript

Separated identical twins ride an Orient Express unaware of each other: a feminist anarchist and a hedonistic courtesan, living under the powder-keg Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. Separate families adopted the impoverished orphans. At the dawn of the 20th Century the double-blind experiment hits crescendo for Dora & Lili, born the evening Edison unveiled his incandescent bulb. In 1900, technology was accelerating, could women's rights and national self-determination keep pace?




Dire?t?r ?f ph?t?graphy:
Tib?r Mathe

Dire?ted by
Ildiko Enyedi

Like in the fairy tale.

Be ?areful. D?n't ??me ?l?ser.
Magnetism will attra?t y?ur hairpins.

- It w?n't break.
- It gives n?t ?nly light, but als? warmth.

- Be ?areful. D?n't t?u?h it.
- Marvell?us. I ?an t?u?h it.

Never have I seen
su?h a beautiful thing in my life.


Give way, please.

L?ng live Edis?n!

- Let's hear Edis?n!
- W?nderful ?enturies are awaiting...

Hey, you...

Hey, you...

Hey, you...

This way.

Can you see us?
Here. Up here.

- Look.
- Hey!

Look, how sad he is.

He's not sad.

- He has not yet perceived us.
- Jump up and down then.

Why am I the smallest?

You! Look!

Quickly, quickly,
look over there at Europe.

- Which way?
- Which way?

- Budapest.
- What?

Budapest, Budapest.


Buy mat?hes.

Buy mat?hes.

Help tw? ?rphans.


Buy mat?hes.


Help tw? ?rphans.

I need a v?lunteer f?r
the next e?periment.

The essen?e ?f it is that v?Itage
?f several milli?n V?Its

whi?h was ??ndu?ted earlier
thr?ugh Mr. Tesla's b?dy

will n?w be ??ndu?ted thr?ugh the s?le
?f a brave v?lunteer and int? the gr?und.


Are y?u ready, y?ung man?

Stay where y?u are.

We ?an begin.

The d??r, please.

Can y?u imagine what it's like?

Wait a minute.

What shall I ??mpare it t??

Imagine a l?ng lasting thunderb?It

whi?h is s?ft and silky.

Or a ?ampfire

whi?h d?esn't burn y?u,
n?t d?es it emit sm?ke,

it d?esn't ?h?ke, d?esn't s??t,
d?esn't flash.

It ?an be a???mm?dated

in y?ur palm ?r needs
the wh?le w?rld t? a???mm?date it.

It's like the sun, but is als? gives
light during the night, understand?

- Yes, sir.
- It's tame and gentle

yet str?ng.

Infinitely str?ng.

- If y?u want t? see ele?tri? light, ??me
with me ?ver t? Ameri?a. - Yes, sir.

But we ?an ?nly leave if y?u
sh?w me that reedy stret?h.

We must take reed t? Mr. Edis?n.

D? y?u hear?

Travelling by sea is always
the m?st pleasant.

Tell me s?mething ab?ut Edis?n.
Y?u met him pers?nally, didn't y?u?

Of ??urse I did.
But ?nly a ??uple ?f times.

Be ?areful.
Y?ur ??at will get wet.

We'll have plenty ?f time bef?re we
land in New Y?rk t? speak ab?ut it.

They say in L?nd?n he's g?t n?
inventi?n. He uses mass hypn?sis.

Y?u ?an de?ide wh? is right,
in New Y?rk.

Sir, y?u're German, aren't y?u?

N?. I'm Hungarian.

- Hungarian?
- Yes.

What are the Hungarians?
A nati?n?

Are y?u making fun ?f me?

Oh, n?. Up?n my w?rd:
they're a nati?n.

- And where d? they live?
- In Hungary.

- Where's that? - It's b?rdered by Austria,
B?hemia, Rumania and Serbia.

D?n't be kidding. Th?se lands
were invented by Shakespeare.

It's New Year's Eve.

I should get drunk at least.

I came over to the dining car
too early.

It'll now be difficult to make friends.

Never mind.

Dame Fortune always smiles at me.

Here's her gift.

Y?u kn?w, it's als? my first trip
t? the Orient.

I'm in?redibly lu?ky that y?u're
als? g?ing t? C?nstantin?ple.

I was re??mmended
an e??ellent h?tel there.

All Eur?peans stay there.

It's quite a danger?us pla?e
f?r a Eur?pean lady.

They say the males g? ??mpletely wild
if they see a w?man with?ut a veil.

How enthusiastic you are.

- And how boring.
- But d?n't w?rry.

I'm an e?perien?ed traveler.

His face is almost handsome.

Though it's somewhat soft.

D? y?u kn?w that the m??n is
p?siti?ned there quite differently?

He's got a nice uniform.

And so is his moustache...

I could perhaps
have a good time with him.


It's horrible when these honest
bourgeois persons

get into a romantic mood.



He seems to be taking courage at last.


Hell?, there.

- Hell?!
- Hell?!


- D? y?u sm?ke ?igars, Miss?
- N? I ?nly sm?ke a pipe.

- G??d evening.
- G??d evening.

Feed them twi?e a day.

Send ?ne ba?k right after
the missi?n is ?ver.

Here y?u are.

Here are the d??uments
and the train ti?ket.

Mem?rize the data.

Let me see...

The Orient E?press will arrive here
in ten minutes.


I was instru?ted t? tell y?u
there's n? need t? play the her?.

The passw?rd's still "r?se-water".

Well, y?u d?n't believe it?

- D? y?u think I'm lying?
- The two of them get along quite well.

T? put it mildly, I'm skepti?al.

I'll get off at the next big city.

I r?de ?n its ba?k up t? the se??nd fl??r
?n the steps. It was quite a h?rse.

- Or shall I try to squeeze something
more out of them? - Certainly.

- C?uld y?u d? it?
- I've got plenty of money.

I t?Id y?u earlier.
There's an elevat?r in ?ur h?use.

This is Austria.

But I know Vienna far too well.

Oh, I g?t frightened.

Can I fill y?ur glass?

Thanks, en?ugh.

N?, I'll sti?k t? wine.

E??use me.

Here's t? y?u, Miss.

Be ?areful, it spills ?ver.

G??d evening.
Where'd y?u ??me fr?m?

G??d evening.

Listen, it'll s??n be midnight.


Get s?me ?hampagne.

Take y?ur vi?lin.

A Happy New Year t? y?u all.

N?, please!

See y?u!

Can I make y?u a ??mpany?

A fine dish.

This way, please.

Where's my candy?

Here, in my muff.

A brave child.

Can you still blush?

That's it.

Peek-a-b??... peep b??

Well, still innocent.

1/8th sulphur, 6/8th potassium nitrate,

1/8th charcoal, mix them in a lead pot.

A silk scarf to act as tamping.

If only I could see the site beforehand...

I've got to survive
till tomorrow night somehow.

I can contact them only
right before the operation.

Who knows how experienced
they are here.

Perhaps they're working
with dynamite?


If the clockwork is too loud,
it will reveal me straightaway.

Although it's easier
to make my escape with it.

The principle in mutual
assistance in Nature.

Captain Stansbury observed a blind
pelican which was fed by the others.

And how well they were feeding it.

With fish they had to bring
from at least 30 miles away.

A person who knows
the habits of rabbits

described them as passionate players.

Playing makes them so intoxicated that
they think the fox is a playmate.

The whole nature of the animals
is filled with the need

to communicate their emotions
with others.

They play, bark or meow
to make the impression

that friendly beings are around.

And all this is as necessary a component
of life and awareness

as any other vital function.

Hey you,


Good evening.

- Can you see, it's paying attention.
- Let's screen something for it,

perhaps it likes
the cinema. Right?

It hasn't seen anything of the world.

Except the laboratory.

Now, pay attention.

Come this way.

Come here, doggy, come here!

What on earth are you doing?

Not that way.

Come here, doggy, come here.


Come, come, come...

I'm hungry.

- There you are.
- Thank you.

I'm greatly honoured madam...
Thank you for coming.

Good morning.

I'd like to have a nice necklace,
something special, you know.

Very well, madam. There are some
exceptional pieces in the safe.

How very nice of you...

Any problems, madam?

All of them are so wonderful.
I find it impossible to choose.

Just a moment.

Yes, madam.

Would you send it to my place
in the afternoon?

Of course.

Most recently he's been demanding
a necklace from everyone.

Worse than that, he imagines
that he's a necklace himself.


- Otherwise my younger brother is
a shy boy, poor thing, but... - I see.

- I've found myself in several uneasy
situations in his company. - I see.

- Well then, in the afternoon.
- Very well.

- Good bye.
- Good bye.

- Madam, I've brought the...
- How very nice of you. Just in time.

Oh yes.

They are the ones.

- Wait a minute, I'll show them
to my husband. - Very well, madam.

- Wait here.
- Yes, of course.

Excuse me, Professor, I just want
to know which necklace you chose.

Come here, my boy.

Oh, he's staring at me.

What shall I do now?

I won't look at him.

I won't look at him.
I won't look at him.

He's coming down.

Is he coming here?

Well, then, I' pull myself together.

If he gets here,
I'll cast an icy look at him.

He's going away.
Where is he going?

He sat down.

What is he doing now?

He's grinning.

I've been to many parts of the world.
I never stay long anywhere.

I heard in China...

Unfortunately, I've never been to China,
I've only been to India, but...

I'm going
to a very interesting place tonight.

- Are you in the mood to come with me?
- Well, no. I'm afraid, not.

Don't be afraid, there will be
some ladies and children there.

And you can see wonderful things
you can't even think of.

- What are they?
- That's a surprise.

I can't go. But what are they?
Tell me.

Not worth it.

Come, I implore.

Where do you invite me to go?

I'll tell you.

But I can't describe
why it is beautiful.

Is it impossible to describe?

I'm sorry, I've got no time tonight.

Shall we walk for a while?

I see.

You'd like to appear
to be mysterious.

Oh, no. You misunderstand me.

You see, I don't even ask
why you can't come.

- Haven't you got time tomorrow?
- I have. I mean...

Well, I can find time.

- Can we meet?
- Well, after all... yes.

- At the zoo?
- At the zoo. A brilliant idea.

- But why not come now?
- I can't tell you the reason.

- That's as far as you can come.
- I'll go with you till the next block.

- "Rose water".
- "Lily".

- Do you know how to render it
operational? - Yes.

- If it works with dynamite.
- You can have it over there.

No, I'd rather wait here for you
to come back. I'm in a hurry.


If only it were over.

Well, are you bringing it?

What if the minister doesn't come?

A bomb was thrown at the minister!

- I almost failed to show up to meet you.
- What do you mean?

Imagine, a bomb blasted in the room.

And you?

- What happened to you?
- Nothing at all, as you can see.

Oh, good.

They wanted to kill the Minister of the
Interior, but he also escaped unhurt.

The villain.

He also escaped, if you have
the assailant in mind.

- The minister was not even injured?
- He's alive and kicking.

Why didn't you tell me
you were going there?

- Right there? - You speak as tough
you'd known what would happen.


But what's the good of going
to such silly places?

To the cinematograph?

- No use going there, it's no use...
- Curiosity is difficult to repress.

- Nonsense.
- Excuse me,

may I interfere
with your conversation?

- Good morning. - The words
the lady said are very noteworthy.

I'd be only too pleased to tell you a story
which can be instructive. Shall I?

You'll see how silly I was.

A stupid fool I was.


It happened in Africa

when I was young.

I lived there in the middle
of a beautiful forest.

One day I noticed a funny,
hairless animal in the foliage.

It looked straight into my eyes
and was making terrible grimaces.

The three of us, my younger sister
and elder brother and myself

appreciated his performance.

Even our grandmother was unable
to come up to his art.

We couldn't stand it for long
and though we were afraid,

we moved closer to the white hunter.

After all, we were three against one.

First we looked at him surreptitiously
not to scare him.

He didn't run away.

Instead, he began to make
even more terrible grimaces.

I tried to make contact with him.

My sister cast an inviting look at him.

Believe me, I'm not biased
but my sister was indeed very pretty.

Then I caught sight of a rope
in his hand.

I realized immediately
that it was a bad omen.

I followed the rope in the foliage
with my eyes.

And up there, high overhead,

I saw a net.

It was a trap after all.

We had been shown such a thing
by father.

And then, rather unfortunately,
I made a big mistake.

I sent my sister and brother
into the bush behind us

and I went up to the strange hunter.

I hoped if I'd be friendly to him,
he wouldn't hurt me.

Perhaps he would even play
with us.

But most important of all
I cherished the hope

that I'd be able to learn his trick
of making such fantastic grimaces.

I was more interested in them
than in anything else.

Since then, I've been living here.

It's not such a cheerful story, is it?

So much about curiosity.


It's only a simple sapphire,

worth nothing.

This place is
not particularly convenient.

Now let me see that man.

Got him.

Quite handsome.

Perhaps I could try...

How serious you are...

Very often you can get along
with this brand better.

His suit looks fine but he doesn't
really seem to be a man with money...


A lecture by Otto Weininger

Hungarian Feminists' Association

As you probably know,

the topic I'm going to discuss today
is women's right to vote.

Besides, I'd like to make
my distinguished audience

acquainted with my research results.

I had the opportunity
of subjecting them to tests

using the strictest and
most thorough scientific methods.

And from them I could draw
some general conclusions

concerning the fair sex
and the character of women.

First of all I'd like to assure you
that I deem it necessary,

moreover indispensable,

that women be given the right
to vote under any condition.

Hear, hear! Bravo!

Over and above the right to vote
they must be given equal rights

in all areas of everyday life.

Hear, hear!

Please, stop it, ladies. After all,
this is a scientific lecture.

A scientific lecture.

We want voting rights!

Thank you.

I think the right to vote is
by all means essential.

But emancipation of women can be
demanded even without believing

that men and women are on equal footing
in moral and intellectual terms.

What do you mean?



Aren't you ashamed?
Ladies! Listen to him!

Silence, please, ladies.

Aren't you interested to hear
what he wants to say? Let's listen.

Let's lend him our ears.

Get out!

Silence. Silence, please.

Thank you.

Thank you very much indeed, ladies.

Although I doubt the extent to which
my words will be effective.

I'll tell you the reason immediately.

Women should be beings capable
of thinking in a logical fashion

to be able to follow
the train of my thoughts.

This is one requirement, you know.

The other is that they must have
a moral acumen.

It is quite obvious, however,
that it would be wrong to assert

that they possess either of the two.

Throw him out.

It's easy to see that women's being
dissolves in sexuality.

In the sphere of multiplication
and coupling.

No doubt, man is also a sexual being.

But he is more than that.

A woman is rendered very much uncertain

if her thinking must be subjected
strictly and exclusively to logic.

Man is committed to logic
but a woman is not,

because she doesn't have
an intellectual conscience.

A woman is characterized directly by
"logical insanity". A woman has no logic.

Distinguished participants,

the being that cannot recognize or,
presumably, cannot even understand

that A and non-A mutually
exclude each other,

this particular being can by no means
be prevented from lying.

Consequently, an independent ego
cannot be assumed,

meaning neither more nor less
than an absolute woman has

no ego.


Women can be divided
into two basic types:

the mother and the bitch.

A woman possesses the bent for

and aptitude of being a slut
ever since her birth.

The same applies to the bent
for motherhood.

The fundamental identity
between the two lies in sexuality.

I can already hear your protest,

but this is true.

A proof of it is the pleasure a mother
can feel when breast-feeding her baby.

The anatomical fact
that erotic tissues lie

under a woman's nipple

is an additional evidence.

Physiologists have discovered

that irritation of those spots

can bring about the contraction
of the womb muscles.


Have you ever had the courage
to confess to yourselves

what the man's sexual organ can
mean to a woman, virgin or not,

from a psychological viewpoint?

I mean the predominant role it plays
in women's life

from the first moment to the very last?

Even subconsciously.

Look here, ladies.

What's he drawing?

I cannot really imagine...

What a shame!

...that a woman can find the man's sexual
organ beautiful or even handsome.

She feels about it the same way
as a bird about a snake.

Or as a man feels about a jelly fish.

She is enchanted by it.

She is brought under the hypnosis
of its hideousness.

Because a woman feels
that the phallus is her lot.

Even if she fails to name it.

This is the male's part that can excite
her most deeply the moment

it offers the most unpleasant
and disgusting sight: during erection.

This is the final proof of the fact

that instead of seeking beauty, a woman
seeks something else in love.

A woman is not a being of deep
or lofty reason,

but she is unreasonable altogether.

She is simply inexplicable.
A nothing.

She has no contacts with ideas.

She doesn't deny them,
nor does she need them.

Because a woman is
neither illogical nor logical.

She is a-logical.

A- logical.

And consistently amoral.

That is why

she has no sign -
to speak in mathematical terms.

A woman is directionless.

She's neither good nor bad.

She's simply non-existent.

There's no such thing as a woman.

She doesn't exist.
She's simply non-existent.



Here's the back gate.

- No dog inside?
- This place will do.

No one in sight.
Give it to me.

In exchange for a kiss.

Give it to me.

Only for two kisses now.

Give it to me.

Let me go!



Are you leaving?

Good guess.

But I can't climb over the wall alone.


Will you help me?

It's most kind of you.

What if I throw you off?

You'd better look around to see
if there's anyone near.

What about the bundle?

Guard it.

You leave it behind?
Don't you need it?

I'm not going to climb after you.

Don't you need the bundle?

Don't wait, throw it inside.

If I only knew why they are
so self-assured.


You believe a woman is completely
resolved in the sphere

of multiplication and mating...

I mean...

- You must realize...
... just...

...women's anticipation will go beyond
the acquisition of the right to vote.

I can assure you.
A woman is no object to a man.

You mean you didn't enjoy it?

I don't think you are that much
of a hypocrite.

A woman is...

- What?
- She has a life of her own.

Tyrants of your brand
will soon be swept away, too.

- Are you around?
- Yes.

The time is not far when mothers
will handle dynamite

instead of making coffee. Sure.


Don't talk. Someone's coming.

Keep silent.

- Good evening.
- Good evening.

- Give me a light, please.
- I don't smoke.

I'm here. He's gone.

You can speak now.

Look here.

I didn't mean to hurt you.


I think you're too young.

Am I right?

Why are you silent?

At your age one tends to take
principles too seriously.

Am I right?

You're such a nice girl.

This doesn't suit you.

What are you doing?

Are you crying?

Why are you silent?

I'll tell you something.

I love you.

Hey, you, up there, stop!
Come down at once.

Call the police.

He's up there on the top.

Come down immediately.


Don't touch them.

Leave them alone on the ground.

Do you remember the way I separated
the plate, knives and forks?

It was still impossible then.
He was active in Piraeus then.

But he never calms down.

- My boy!
- Yes, captain.

A real Havana.

I still have dozens of them.

Believe it or not, I was sitting on a knot
on the rope and smiled all the time.

Thank you.
Excuse me, please...

Go ahead.

- Will you have some, sir?
- No, thank you.

Do you want to try it?

- Number of your cabin?
- 22.

Is it you?

- It's a bit too late, don't you think?
- Keep silent.

What a face you are making!

What did you say?

- Unbutton it in the back.
- Excuse me.

That's it.

- Oh!
- That's the way.

How complicated.

At last.

Where were you?

You're ridiculous.

- I'll make you tell me where you were.
- Leave me alone.

- Tell me where you were.
- Nowhere. Don't be cruel.

- Leave me alone.
- Let me go.

Oh, my darling.

Please, release me.

That's it.


- Hey, Lily!
- Lily!

Lost your way?

Where are you running from?

- Lily, can you hear us?
- Lily!

We're here, behind you.

- What happened to you?
- Your dogs ran away from you?

You're moving in the wrong
direction, towards China.

Europe's in another direction.
Do you hear?

- Can you see us?
- She doesn't understand.

She's too tired and cold.

Here we are. Lily!

What would you like us to do?

Shall we sing for you?

Are you listening, Lily?

This way. Come this way.

How much is it? Tell me.

Only five pence.

Thanks, Miss.

What an encounter.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

Good morning.

Shall we go to my place?



Does it meet your expectations?

How do you like it?

A very pleasant place.

Not very luxurious, as you can see.

You'll find the washbasin there.

You can have towels, too,
over there.

I cook here, too.

The bedroom is to the left,
take a look.

A very comfortable bed. You'll see.

Go and see.


The window looks on a small garden.

Birds awake you in the morning.

And cats prevent you
from sleeping at night.

Just go ahead
and take a good look around.

By the way, I keep my money over there,
in a box on the dressing table.


"The principle of Mutual Assistance
in Nature. "

"Birds are in the habit of getting
together to dance.

Rabbits get so
intoxicated by playing

that they tend to regard foxes
as their play-mates. "

Now, my duty concerns the points
here in this environment,

and then...

Are you bored?

As I can see you don't feel
uneasy at all.

Or do you treat everyone in the
same way as you treated me?

I came to regret it.

Believe me,
I paid a heavy penalty for it.

But I've changed since then.

I'm not so self-willed any longer.

Believe me, I've often
thought of you and...

I'd like to compensate you.

I mean it.

It will be difficult, you know.

Too late to light a cigarette?

Go ahead. We've got time.

- You seem to have lost some
weight, right? - Don't know.

Why are you short of words?

Me? Well, I...

Never mind.

You can now start undressing.

Yes, that's it. Good.

You're doing it quite authentically.

Almost like a real innocent girl.

Although you overact a bit,
don't you think so?

All right.

You can accelerate the pace a bit.

You see, I'll assist you.

But no need to hurry.

Excuse me,
but I'm very much embarrassed.


It seems you didn't lose weight
after all.

Well, let's get down to work.

That's it.
Where are we going to do it?

- Over there in the kitchen?
- Oh, no.

Or here on the floor?

It's dusty, very different
from a luxury cabin of a liner.

I found a better place.
In the armchair. That will do.

Try to lift your backside.

That's all right.

That's it.


Evening Herald!

Evening Herald!
Late edition!

Hot news!

Evening Herald! Late edition!
It carries sensations!

No. Please don't. Help!

What is it?

Give it to me, please.

She ran that way, catch her!

Is that you?

Yes, of course.

Hey, you!

Hide yourself.

Here he is, he came in.

I saw. Speak to him.

Got no courage.

Nor have I.

Then wait a minute.
I'll pull myself together.

Hey, you.

What's your wish?

- He can't answer your question.
- He's frightened. Word it differently!

Wait, I'll listen to his heart.

Hide yourself.


Yes. Can you hear?

Even faster.

How fast?

- How?
- Faster and faster.


Tell me,

which woman do you think
you'd be happier with?

Tell me. We'll help you.

- What did he say?
- I didn't understand what he said.

Be silent.
I can't hear in this confusion.


I think he prefers Dora.

I think he wants Lily.

- He wants Dora. - Lily!
- Dora! - Lily!

I'll hit you. I'll hit you.


If he's a bit sensible, he wants Dora.

- Lily. - Dora.
- Lily. - Dora.


- Right! Ask him about it.
- Fine.

Tell me, do you want both?

He wants two women?

He wants two!

Why not three?
That's more interesting.

But now...

Now I understand.

He wants one.

- Only one?
- Only one.

Mr. Edison. Just one word
about your invention.

Gentlemen, calm down.


As you know, following the establishment
of our Tokyo office,

it has been made possible for the human
word to race round the world.

There are our employees sitting
at the wireless telegraph stations,

waiting for messages which are
forwarded at the fastest possible speed.

A telegram you send
can reach us here in New York

in exactly five minutes,

spanning oceans, Europe and Asia.

The text of the telegram is this:

"... It's a wonderful world created by God

and so is man,

who has now learnt to mould it. "

And now let's set out watches.

At eight o'clock sharp, in 14 seconds,

the experiment will begin.