My Reputation (1946) - full transcript

Tongues begin to wag when a lonely widow becomes romantically involved with a military man. Problems arise when the gossip is filtered down to her own children.

- Good morning, Mr. Everett.

- Good morning, Anna.

Is Mrs. Drummond ready to see me?

Mr. Everett, I let her sleep late.

I hope you don't mind.

As long as I can get back to Chicago

by 12.

You go in and sit down.

I'll take her breakfast up right now.

Fine, fine, thank you.

Oh, Anna, there's such a lovely piece

in the paper about poor Mr. Drummond.


"The funeral yesterday

of Paul Drummond...

...prominent young business executive,

saddened many...

...especially those who remembered

his brilliant athletic career... Northwestern."

- Where's the bacon?

In the warming oven.

"Of late years,

he was prominently connected...

...with the Indian Hill Hunt Club...

...which is noted for its splendid

athletic records."

Good morning, Anna.

It's about time.

I thought you'd forgot.

- How's the missus?

- She's all right.

Think she'll want anything

special today?

I think she'll want us to go on

just the way we always do.

Good morning, Mrs. Drummond.

Good morning, Anna.

How nice the tray looks.

It's cooked just the way you like it.

You will eat some, won't you?

Thank you, Anna. Put it on the table.

All right, Mrs. Drummond.

I better put some cold water

on my face.

Oh, my eyes feel all gritty.

Mr. Everett's downstairs.

It's after 10. Oh, Anna, you shouldn't

have let me sleep so long.

There's such a lot to do...

But there isn't, is there?

Nothing to do at all.

What shall I tell Mr. Everett?

I'll eat my breakfast downstairs

with him so we won't waste his time.

All right, Mrs. Drummond.

Mrs. Drummond will be right down.

- Where are the boys?

- I kept them out of the house.

You know how noisy kids are.

Hello, Frank. I'm sorry to be late.

Only a few minutes.

Anna, let's not have quite so many

flowers in here.

Makes such a sickly smell.

Yes, Mrs. Drummond.

Oh, please, don't stand, Frank.

It's just that I don't feel like sitting.

- Would you like some coffee?

- No, thank you, Jess.

How neat you are, Frank.

That's what comes

of being a bachelor all your life.

Paul never picked up anything.

That was always one of

my wifely duties...

...hanging up his clothes.

Jess, do you feel equal to going over

these papers?

Of course I do. Please don't baby me.

Is everything all right?

Well, in the main, yes.

Paul left things in as good shape

as he could...

...considering he was ill for so long.

Can the boys still go away to school

as Paul planned?

Paul took care of that

with a trust for their education.

Of course, that money could be used

for other purposes.

No, I wanna do it the way Paul planned.

The only thing I'd hate

would be giving up Anna.

I feel responsible for her.

She's been with me so long.

Well, you can keep Anna,

but I suggest you let Dave and Mary go.

I'll do whatever you say.

Jess, this has nothing to do

with the money end of it.

But don't you think you'll find it

difficult to keep on here?

So many memories.

Memories aren't as painful

as people say.

This came four days ago.

Paul sent it special delivery.

It's for you.

Frank, I...

I wanna read it to you.

You were fond of Paul.

"My darling Jess, it seems strange

to be writing this to you...

...for you will be reading it

when I am no longer with you.

We've shared so much together

all these years...

...that I can't think of you without me.

Bring up the boys to stand alone.

Don't let people dictate

what you shall do or shall not do...

...because it would be impossible

for you to do anything...

...which is not fine and decent and true.

As far as my part of your future

is concerned...

...I read a poem somewhere once

that said:

Better by far you should forget

and smile

Than you should remember

and be sad

Thanks, Jess, for being my wife.

Your loving but unpoetic husband, Paul."


All right, leave it there.

You wanna race?

- Beat you to the door.

- Bet you can't.

Beat you, beat you, beat you.

- Oh, hello, Uncle Frank.

- Good morning, Uncle Frank.

Hello, Kim.

- Keith.

- Hi.

Oh, hello, Mother, we didn't know

you were here.

We thought you'd still be asleep.

Not much chance of that

with you two in the house.

We expected you down

to watch us swim.

I had some business to talk over.

Going to the ball game

this afternoon?

When do I have a chance to go

to a ball game?

- I'd sure like to see it.

- Me too. Cubs are playing the Dodgers.

Now, now, boys, not today.

Gee, I forgot. We're sorry.

Why don't you go if you want to?

Today? Well, Grandmother said...

That you should stay with me?

We like to be with you, Mom.

Thanks. I like to be with you too.

But we have lots of time to be together,

and ball games don't happen every day.

Go on. Tell me all about it afterwards

the way you did with Dad.

You? Why, you don't even know

what team Joe DiMaggio played for.

You see? Say, can we go pretty soon?

You better start right now.

There's not enough gas to drive.

We'd rather go on a train anyway.

Come on, if you're coming.

Okay. You sure you don't mind, Mom?

No, run along. Have fun.

- Come on, Keith.

- Okay, I'm coming.

You've done a fine job with those boys.

It was two-thirds Paul.

Couldn't you please stay for lunch?

I wish I could, Jess, but I have a board

meeting at 12. I must be getting back.

Could you join me

for supper tonight?

I'd be happy to come out here

again if you wish.

Thank you.

This is our regular night at Mother's.

- Promise me you won't worry?

- I'll try not to.

If you have any problems at all,

no matter how trivial they might seem...

...please call me.

I'll call you anyway, Frank.

By the way, what about a cab?

Oh, no, thanks, I think I'll walk.

The exercise will do me good.

It's Mother.

Oh, dear, I'm not dressed.

Well, you look perfectly dressed

to me.

Oh, not to Mother.

Bye, Jess.

- Good morning.

- Good morning, Mrs. Kimball.

- How is my girl?

- She's fine.

There she is. Jessica, come out

and see Mrs. Thompson for a moment.

I see Frank got you up.

I know. Anna let me sleep too long.

Good morning, Mrs. Thompson.

Good morning, my dear.

I hope you don't mind my telling you

what a lovely service it was.

Dr. Burrows spoke beautifully, I thought,

and the church was simply exquisite.

Yes, it was very well-arranged. Stella,

you might recall, it's only yesterday.

Thank you for telling me. Wouldn't

you like to come inside with Mother?

No. Ralph is going to take her

to the Ration Board.

She's having a fearful time.

Her car only gets nine miles

to the gallon.

They're doing everything they can

to break our spirit.

It's pure class prejudice.

Are you leaving now, Frank?

Ralph will take you down to the station.

Ralph, drop Mr. Everett at the station.

- Yes, ma'am.

- Mary, I don't have to go to the Board.

Now, Stella, don't be spineless.

Stick to your rights.

This is still America, I hope.

I'll call you later

about my income tax, Frank.

Come, dear.

My poor child,

you look simply awful.

You'd have done better

to have remained in bed.

Speaking of bed, you shouldn't

wander about in a dressing gown.

- What must Frank think?

- Mother, I am fully clothed.

It's the idea of it.

You're so innocent, you don't understand

others' minds don't run the same.

Frank is a gentleman,

but he's also a man.

- But, Mother...

- I stopped by for more black stockings.

And I got the perfect veil for you.

You'll need several, of course.

- Where are you going?

- We can talk while I'm dressing.

You allow Anna to walk over you.

There's dust on this banister.

Really, Mother, what time

have any of us had to dust banisters?

Hello, Grandma.

We've gotta have some money, Mom.

Go ask Anna for some change.

- Where are you going?

- Ball game.

On this day? I should think

you'd be ashamed, boys.

Mother, please don't.

It's okay, Mom. We're sorry.

Come on, Kim, let's feed the dogs.

Allowing them to go to a ball game.

They like it, they always went

with Paul.

People like to do a great many things

they don't do, Jessica.

I could see they were dying to go.

It isn't a question of their wanting.

It's the way it would've looked.

They're too young to have

their lives changed by their father's death.

They've adjusted themselves very well

so far.

Going to the ball game

was part of that adjustment.

I would call it

wanting in feeling.

You don't know boys,

you only had a girl.

I'm sure I never interfered

with the normal pattern of your life.

Well, this is the only black thing

in here.

It's wool. You'll have to hurry

and decide...

...which of your summer things

you want dyed.

I don't wanna wear black.

Not wear black?

- But you must. Have you forgotten...?

- Don't say that, Mother.

My dear child, you are a widow.

Nobody understand better than I

what that means.

You must learn to accept it.

People don't have to wear it anymore.

Our kind of people wear black.

Please don't insist on it, Mother.

I know you've always worn it.

I suppose you like it...

Like it? Why, how can you say

such a thing?

Have you no respect for the memory

of your father?

It has been 25 years.

I shall wear it until the day I die.

I don't understand you at all...

...knowing how deeply I feel

about a thing like this.

Quarreling with me on this day

of all days.

I see.

I'm sorry, Mother. I can't wear black.

I'll do anything you want,

but not that.

- Giving in to whims.

- All right, call it a whim.

A psychologist would call it a phobia

because that's what it is.

I've learned to loathe it.

The very thought stifles me.

It's right for you, perhaps,

but it isn't for me.

Please, let's not discuss it anymore.

I'm sorry I blew up, Mother.

Won't you stay here for lunch?

I think not.

Getting angry over such a small thing.

Obviously, I'm a disturbing influence.

Naturally, I expect you and the boys

to dinner tonight at the usual time.

Yes, Mother.

Good afternoon.

What can I do for you?

Hello, Al. Have you any weenies

and cold ham?

Weenies at this time of day? Oh, no.

Oh, Kim is so crazy about them.

We're having a farewell picnic.

They leave for school tomorrow.

Will he settle for bologna

and cold ham?

All right, a pound each.

Pound? You'll have enough leftover

for a regiment.

You don't know my boys.

Think the boys'll make the team

at Northwestern like Mr. Drummond?

- Kim will, I think.

- Twenty-four points, a dollar 38.

There you are.

Thanks, Al.

Oh, just a moment.

I'm in this for a living, you know.

Oh, I'm terribly sorry.

Thank you. Tell the kids goodbye

for me.

I will.

- Why, Jess, hello.

- Hello, Riette.

- Yes, dear. How are you?

- Hello, Baby.

What have you been doing with yourself?

I've been giving my extra time

to Nurses Aide.

Have you heard the latest dirt?

I'm in an awful hurry, Baby.

I have to pick up the boys...

Oh, you've got to hear it. You'll die.

Come over here, dear,

and let me tell you.

Phyllis is back from Reno

and she's playing around like mad.

None of us will speak to her

if she keeps it up.

Poor Phyll. She's on the rebound.

Poor Phyll, my eye.

She was a fool to divorce Jack.

She's going to find herself a drug

on the market with those two kids.

Tactful Tillie, we always call her.

I'm in an awful hurry.

I'll see you soon.

Hey, Jess, you come right over here

and let me have a good look at you.

Hello, George.

I just saw Riette in the market.

That's right.

Bring my wife into the conversation.

- You're a sight for sore eyes.

- I'm a sight, all right.

I'm in a hurry.

I have to pick up the boys.

Oh, you've got a second to talk

to an old friend.

The gang misses you, Jess.

- I've missed you all too.

- There's a remedy for that.

Stop by for a drink.

It'll be like old times.

- I can't tonight.

- You haven't changed.

I look a thousand years old,

but you're sweet to say so.

You always look good to me, baby.

Come on, George, let me go.

I really have to run.

All right, but you call us real soon

or we'll call you.

All right, George.

Guess what we're having for our picnic.

Bologna and cold ham.

Oh, boy, I could eat a bear.

- Angel cake too?

- With frosting.

I fixed you some baked summer squash

with cheese on it.


The point of having a Victory Garden

is to eat what grows in it.

I wish it had been the squash that died

instead of the peas.

Look, there's somebody

in the driveway.

Hey, look.

Hi, everybody.

Hello, Mrs. Drummond.

We've been waiting here for ages.

We wanted Kim and Keith to come

to the club for a party.

Hello, Kim. Hello, Keith.

I've got a houseguest with me.

She's cute.

You'll be nuts about her, Keith.

She's a little older than I am,

but she'll be just exactly right for you.

I know you don't mind

having Bill Hawks, Kim.

We're using the Hawks' membership.

Dad said...

...I've been running up such awful bills

for ginger ale.

Gee, it sound terrific, Gretchen, but

we're having a party here with Mother.

Oh, nonsense. Run along if you want to.

- What's her name?

- Penny Boardman.

She's absolutely darling and she's gonna

stay a whole month. Oh, please come.

Well, maybe we can ditch Droopy

after supper.

- Is it okay, Mom?

- Go ahead, have fun.

Gosh, that's marvelous.

I mean, it's just super.

Thanks, Mrs. Drummond. Come on, Kim.

Sure it's all right, Mom?

Of course. I'll go to a movie.


- Bye.

- Bye.

- Bye, Mom.

- Bye-bye.

- Goodbye, Kim. Don't forget to write.

- Fat chance of me forgetting.

- You'll be home for Christmas?

- Oh, sure.

Bye, Penny.

So long.


- Wasn't it swell?

- You bet.

Oh, Mom, we thought you'd gone

to the show.

No, I was too tired.

- Did you have fun?

- I'll say.

Boy, we sure pulled a fast one

on Droopy.

Yeah, but he's gonna be here

and you're not.

I bet you wish you weren't going away.

Droopy? Gretchen thinks he's a pill.

Oh, yeah?

You're not sorry to be leaving them,

are you?

Who's sorry?

Because it's still not too late

to cancel your tuition.

Gee, I'm glad we're going

to Dad's old school.

What's the matter, Mom?

Nothing. Go on, go to bed.

- You have to be up bright and early.

- Okay, Mom, bright and early.

Good night.

- Good night, Mom.

- Good night.

Say, Mom, did you say

there are winter sports?

- Oh, yes, it's in Massachusetts.

- Boy, I can hardly wait to get there.

How much you wanna bet

I make the hockey team?

Now, don't forget, boys,

Dad got good grades too.

He wasn't just interested in athletics.

- I haven't forgotten.

- Don't worry. He won't be ashamed of us.

- Here's your car, gentlemen.

- We'd better get on.

Oh, no, don't go yet, there's still time.

Remember your promise?

- About writing? Sure.

- How about you?

Oh, of course, Mom, I'll write,

but, gee, a fella has a lot to do.

All aboard!

Bye, Mom. Come on, Keith.

All right. Give me a chance, will you?

Goodbye, Mom.



Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

Wait, wait!

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

For the two little boys.

Okay, lady.

Well, there they go.

The birds have left the nest.

Oh, Mother,

please don't start sentimentalizing.

Can't a person say anything

to you these days?

Will you have tea with me?

I want to talk to you.

- I'm meeting Ginna at the Blackmore.

- This is most unpleasant.

Having to catch my daughter

on the run on a station platform...

...of all places, when I have

something important to say.

- What is it?

- Now, you needn't sigh.

It's a thought for your future.

Frank had dinner with me last night.

He's such a sweet fellow,

such a genuine, splendid character.

What are you getting at, Mother?

Before I go south, since you refuse

to go with me...

...I want to know

that my child's future's assured.

And I think that next to Paul,

Frank is by far the best man for you.

Oh, really, how can you bring up

such a subject at this time?

I have a feeling that Frank

would like nothing better.

What I think apparently

makes no difference.

May I remind you that at your age,

you can't afford to be particular.

I don't wanna discuss it now. I mean it.

We'll continue in the taxi.

I'll drop you at the Blackmore.

I'd rather walk. It's a lovely fall day.

Honestly, there are times

I could shake you.

- Of all the stubborn...

- All right, Mother, I'll ride with you.

Jess. Jess.


I just wanna get my bearings

a second.

You look tired, Jess.

- I needed that. Two more, please.

- Yes, ma'am.

Well, did the boys get off

all in one piece?

Yes, they've gone.

Ginna, isn't it awful the way things happen

between parents and children?

You bring them to the world,

they're yours.

They depend on you for everything.

But so soon, it changes.

They start to pull away

and you have to sit tight and let them.

If you don't,

it ends up like Mother and me.

You were certainly a model child.

I've been rotten to her lately.

I could kill myself for snapping at her.

I know how Ionely she is, but...

She's got to accept it, just as

you've had to accept the boys leaving.

I'm accepting it.

But I'm not liking it.

I can tell you that.


I haven't seen her since she got back

from Reno.

I'm afraid Phyllis is taking her freedom

a little too seriously.

Baby told me about her.

Oh, Ginna, women on the loose

can be such a mess.

I know.

How do I know I won't be like that

in a year or so?

Ever since I was 17,

Paul's been my entire life.

Before that, it was Mother.

Recently, it's been the boys.

Now what do I do when I have to

start out from scratch?

I'm scared, Ginna.

Scared to death.

Well, look who's here.

- Hello, George.

- Oh, hello.

I saw you two jabbering away.

You need a man to liven up the party.

We were discussing serious problems.

I'll see that you get over that.

- Going back to Lake, Jess?

- Yes.

I had to drive in town today.

I'll give you a free ride out.

You know what Riette says

about your driving.

I promise you on my word of honor

I won't go over 30 miles an hour.

If you can't take the word of honor

of an old friend, what's the world come to?

Why don't you, Jess? Anything's better

than the train, even George.

- You see, you're safe, no bones broken.

- Thank you, George.

Oh, you don't wanna go in yet.

Have a cigarette.

- Going to be in later on?

- Yes, I suppose so.

Riette's laid up

with one of her headaches.

I'll have to be home at dinner,

but I can say I have to go somewhere...

...on business later on.

- Well, George...

- I've always been crazy about you.

Don't be silly, George,

you must be tight.

Come on, grow up,

you're a big girl now.

Let me go, I mean it.

I promise you,

nobody needs to know anything.

They wouldn't suspect you anyway.

Let me go, George.

No hard feelings, Jess.

Lincoln, 24571.

Lake Forest, 31966.

Hello, Ginna?

Ginna, can I come in and see you?


I've got to. I can't stand it here alone.

Thanks, Ginna.

Come in, Jess.

I hope you didn't mind my phoning.

Of course not. Cary was asleep,

I was reading.

I have the kettle boiling for some tea.

You want some?

I don't know what's the matter with me.

I seem to be going to pieces.

Oh, what am I gonna do, Ginna?

What am I going to do?

I've tried, you know I have.

I've done everything.

I worked every day at the hospital.

But when the day is over

and I go up to that empty room...

...the house is closing down on me.

Everything's closing down on me.

Mother and having the boys gone.

Oh, what's the matter with me, Gin?

I can't seem to stop this crying.

Drink this, Jess.

I'm sorry, Gin,

it's awful to come here like this.

I'm so sorry.

Stop saying that.

If you don't get out of that house

and away from your mother... will end up in the sanitarium.

Oh, Gin, I've never been that ill

in my life.

It isn't only the body

that breaks down, Jess.

The mind can go too, you know.

It just makes me sick the way you've

let everyone manage you all your life.

You've got to start being yourself

for a change.

Circumstances have altered

your whole life.

You're no longer Mrs. Paul Drummond,

you're Jessica Drummond.

But your life's not finished.

It's happened to thousands

and thousands of women...

...all through the ages.

And now it's happened to you.

Listen, Jess, Cary and I are going

to Los Angeles on business...

...and you're going with us.

After the business part is over...

...we have the loan of a cabin

at Lake Tahoe.

There'll be snow by then.

It'll do us all good.

If I go anywhere,

I should go south with Mother.

All right, go south with your mother.

I, for one, am not gonna make

any decisions for you.

Nobody's asking you

to make decisions for me.

I'm the one who has to face Mother

with it, you don't.

Well, I'm glad to see you can stick up

for yourself.

I've been a beast to you, Ducky,

but I'm crazy about you.

Please go with us.

We could have such fun.

- All right, I'll go.

- Good.

Now let's put you to bed

before you change your mind.


Hey, you.

Hey, come here.



- Well?

- I...

Anyone who can do that to a ski

hasn't any business...

...wandering alone in the woods.

I know, sorry to bother you.

It's stupid of me.

But I've been going around in circles

for a long time, I just don't know...

Just one thing at a time, please.

I'm staying in the Grant cabin and

I know it's somewhere around here...

...but I can't seem to get my bearings.

- Not so fast, please.

Now, to begin with, you say

you're staying at the Grant cabin.

- Yes.

- All right.

Now, take a look

down through those trees.

No, further over to the right. Way over.

Now, I can see that you're a tenderfoot

all right, I can see the cabin.

Oh, I do see it now.

Well, good. Lesson number one.

Now, lesson number two

is how to get there.

Oh, I can get there now... Sorry.

Now that I have my directions.

I'm sorry to have spoiled

that wonderful hill for you.

Now, just a moment. It's a good mile.

In half an hour,

it'll be too dark to see.

You'll end up wandering in circles again.

I'm perfectly able to go straight down

through those trees.

Really? Well, you appointed me

your guardian.

And I intend to stay so

until I see you safely inside that cabin.

Now, the first thing is to get rid

of those skis. Hurry up.


Now, you can ride on the back of mine.

I can't, I'm learning.

I'll upset your balance.

Don't be frightened, I'm not exactly

an amateur. Come on, hurry up.

Get on.

Now, hold on.

No, no, I said hold on.

This way. That's right.

Now, just relax and let me

do the thinking for a few minutes.

Lesson number three.

When it's a question of breaking a leg

or losing a hat, just forget the hat.

Now look at that.

Now I know it's going to be dark

before we get to that cabin.

Cary. Cary, I think I see someone.

Ginna! Hiya, Ginna!

Jess, oh, Jess!

Oh, Cary, thank heaven she's here.

- No need for you to get pneumonia.

- I'll be all right.

I knew she'd turn up.

Oh, honestly, Cary,

sometimes I could brain you.

- Darling, I've been frantic.

- We had a slight accident.

I was gonna send Cary to find you

no matter what happened to him.

Oh, by the way, this is...

Oh, I'm sorry.

- I don't even know your name.

- Major Landis, Scott Landis.

- Cary Abbott. This is my Frau.

- Glad to know you.

- Hello.

- How do you do?

Come on, sit down, let's all have

a hot rum. You look frozen.

Thanks, I will.

- Stationed around here somewhere?

- No, I had a 10 days' leave.

I headed for the mountains

to catch up with my skiing.

- You'd spent the last 10 years...

- I didn't say the last 10.

They got me sitting

behind a desk. I'm not used to it.

My tongue's hanging out.

My winter sports are intimately tied up

with hot rum. Excuse me.

Now, just for the record,

what's your name?

Jessica Dru...

Drummond, but they usually

call me Jess.

I like Jessica better.

Jess reminds me

of a particularly stubborn mule...

...I once had trouble with in Texas.

You seem to have been around.

Oh, yes, we mule skinners get around

quite a bit.

Allow me, it's...

Thank you.

And now shall we start all over again,

Miss Drummond?

Mrs. Drummond.

- Is your husband here with you?

- My husband passed away this spring.

I'm sorry.

Well, here they are.

I hope they're good.

Well, thanks.

- Major.

- Thank you.

To Jess' safe return.

And to the St. Bernard who found her.

Wake up, lazy bones,

you're a punk hostess.

- I was only resting my eyes.

- Never will admit she's been asleep.

- Come on, let's go to bed, huh?

- All right.

Don't get up.

- Good night.

- Good night.

You're not gonna try to get back

to your cabin tonight, are you?

If you don't mind, I'd like

to bunk here on the couch.

Swell. Jess, see that

he has plenty of blankets.

- See you in the morning. Good night.

- Good night.

- Well...

- You're not sleepy, are you?

I ought to be, I haven't had

so much exercise in weeks.

Did you good.

I hate to think of leaving here

in four days.

No, I shouldn't say that.

Why not?

I have responsibilities.

I have two boys, 12 and 14.

Well, I suppose that's my cue to say... look too young to have boys

12 and 14.

You have an odd way of catching people

on everything.

You expect stock phrases?

- No. No, I don't at all.

- Oh, confess it.

You've been hermetically sealed

most of your life, haven't you?

Well, I suppose I have in a way.

Do you like it?

No, not entirely, but...

- When you're used to a thing...

- It's time to change.

You are very self-sufficient,

aren't you?

Well, I never even gave it a thought.

You see, I've never had much chance

to express me.

Even when I went to Europe,

I went with Mother and...

I know.

You stayed at all correct hotels

and spoke French religiously...

...while you were in Paris.

Oh, yes. I've seen hundreds of people

like you all over the world.

Guide book in hand, walking ruthlessly

from cathedral to cathedral.

Yes, I'm afraid you're right.

You know, I like you very much.

Now I suppose you're going

to rush off to bed.

Yes, I will.

Good night, Jessica.

Good night, Major Landis.

In case you're cold, Major Landis.

Well, we're all packed.

I hope Jess finishes hers in time.

It must be 30 below zero.

Wasn't it wonderful

that Scott happened along... give Jess such a good time?

He's very attractive.

I think he really likes her.

Jess really is the wife type.

She needs someone.


Do you suppose

he's the right man for her?

Talk to me.

What are you mumbling about?

I was thinking about Scott and Jess.

Oh, now, listen, my pet,

stop thinking about them.

For once, keep your fingers

out of the pie.

You're a hard-boiled mug.

And you are a matchmaking nuisance.

Good night, my pet.

Good night.

Oh, they turned out their light.

Oh, this nice warm room makes me

realize how cold it is outside.

- Me for the fire.

- And me for that bottle of bourbon.

Wasn't it a wonderful day?

I've never seen a ghost mining town.

That view of Donner Lake

through the trees.

No, my favorite was Donner monument

by the moonlight.

Why do people live in the city?

I could stay here forever.

- Oh, yeah, I forgot all about them.

- Here.

Just enough for a nightcap. Cheerio.

You know, you've made a new woman

out of me. I feel like a kid.

You look like one.

Why did you do that?

We were getting along so well together.

Because I thought it was a very fitting

ending to a swell four days.

I meant what I said.

I don't think you did.

How many times do you have to be told?

Just exactly what is your game?

Does everyone have to have a game?

Well, I don't know what it's all about.

You admit that we get along well...

...and we've spent most

of our days together.

You're grown up, or aren't you?

I'm afraid we don't understand

each other.

I guess we haven't from the beginning.

You better go.

All right.

Goodbye, Jessica.

Be sure and lock your door.

Oh, Mrs. Drummond, I surely thought

you'd eat something tonight.

Anna, bring in a plate and eat with me.

Why, Mrs. Drummond,

what's the matter?

Please, I want you to.

All right, if you want me to.

I'll answer it, Anna.

Why, Frank, how nice to see you.

I was out this way, I took a chance.

Thank you,

you're just in time for dinner.

- You needn't bother with me.

- Oh, nonsense, take off your coat.

I'll put these in water after we eat.

They're lovely.

- You're lovely too.

- Anna, Anna, look who's here.

Sit down.

Good evening, Mr. Everett.

I certainly am glad you came.

Thank you, Anna.

It certainly is nice having you make

a fuss over me like this.

Well, I'm terribly glad to see you.

You have a way of making people

feel at home.

You really look better, Jess.

I'm glad now you went away

on your trip.

Didn't you want me to go?

I suppose I wanted you to stay here

so I could look after you myself.

That's sweet of you, Frank.

You've no idea how nice this is,

sitting here with you.

It's nice to have you here.

It's no secret how I feel about you.

You and I know the same people,

we like the same things.

I think the boys like me.

Excuse me. I'll go.


Hello, Ginna.

Cary and I are at the Georgian Room.

Guess who's here?

Scott Landis.

He's with some other people.

Not really?

Frank's here.

I'd love to.



That was Ginna. She and Cary

are in the Georgian Room.

How are they?

Haven't seen them for some time.

They're fine.

They suggested we join them.

Well, would you like to?

- Lf you'd like to. It might be fun.

- All right.

You finish your dinner.

I'll hurry and change my dress.

Well, you look fine.

Oh, this old thing?

Oh, no, I wanna look glamorous.

Listen, Jess,

if you'd rather not dance...

I'm sorry, I guess

I'm just a little out of practice.

Let's sit down.

- Any success?

- No, not yet.

- Don't give up hope.

- What are you two up to?

Private monkey business, no doubt.

She has something on the fire,

but it isn't definite.

Oh, don't pay any attention to her.

Well, what would you like to drink

with dinner?

I said, what would you like to drink?

Anything you want to order.

- Hello.

- Oh, hello.

- Hello, major.

- Hello.

This is like old home week.

Nice to be back.

Major Landis, I'd like you

to meet Frank Everett.

- How do you do?

- Won't you join us?

No, thanks. Won't you sit down?

I'm entertaining an old girlfriend

and her new husband.

Sounds a little complicated.

On the contrary, I get along well

with the husbands of my old girlfriends.

And by the way, if we hadn't parted

so hurriedly at Tahoe...

...I could have explained to you

I was gonna be stationed here.

I'll give you a ring. What about

giving me your telephone number?

It's in the book.

Well, thanks, nice to have seen

you again.

- Goodbye.

- Bye.

Well, here's...


No, really, I subscribe

to so many magazines already.

No, thank you, I'd have no use

for another cookbook.


That was somebody trying

to sell something.

Why don't you let me go on with this

and you go to the Hawks' for bridge?

Oh, Anna, it's no fun going around

with the old crowd anymore.

They're all very much married

and I feel dreadfully out of it.

Well, you ought to go out more.

All work and no play

makes Jack a dull...

You go this time.

It's never anything important.


Yes. Yes.

This time it's a Major Landis.

Yes, he's the man I met at Lake Tahoe.


Well, I never thought

you'd take the trouble to look for it.

How are you, Scott?

I'm working for the Red Cross.

What are you doing?

Well, don't work too hard.

Yes, I...

I can meet you tomorrow night.

At the Lakeside? Six.

I'll be there. Goodbye, Scott.

Well, what did he want?

I'm having dinner with him

tomorrow night.

- Are you going someplace fancy?

- I'm meeting him at his apartment.

Oh, and of course,

we'll go directly out somewhere.

Now what are you grinning about?

I'm just thinking

what Mrs. Kimball would say.

Is Major Landis in?

Mrs. Drummond calling.

- What's the name?

- Mrs. Drum... Mrs. Drummond.

Oh, yes, he's expecting you.

Room 503.

Thank you.

Five, please.

Jessica, what a surprise.

How are you, my dear?

Good evening, Mrs. Thompson.

I haven't seen you for months.

My, but you look well.

What have you been doing

with yourself?

- Oh, I went away for a while.

- Has mother returned yet?

Oh, yes. I mean, no, she's still south.

But I expect her back any day.

- Hello, Jessica.

- Hello.

I just stopped to say hello

to Mrs. Thompson.

Well, it's lovely to see you again.


Going down?

What a nice place you've...

It isn't mine.

It belongs to a friend who's loaning

it to me while I'm stationed here.

- Who was that dragon?

- A friend of Mother's.

Now I can understand

that startled-fawn look.

Quite a coincidence my seeing you

the other night.

- Did you have a nice time?

- Very.

I rather liked that Frank Everett.

He seems like a nice guy.

- He's not only a nice guy, but...

- But a gent.

I can't imagine you having

anything in common with him.

I don't mean that

the way you took it. I mean...

You know, you're what my old mother

would have called a caution.

How is that?

You know, if you hadn't been poured

into that icy mold of conventionality...'d be a good egg.

You're gonna hatch one of these days.

Anybody ever tell you

you had a nice grin?

Let's sit on the couch.

It's by far the coziest place.

Sit down. It's not a booby trap.

I thought perhaps it was.


Tell me, what did you do today?

The usual thing.

- How could it possibly interest you?

- Oh, but it does, very much.

Well, I went to the Red Cross

and rolled bandages.

And then I did my shopping

and then I had lunch with some friends.

Lunch? What did you have for lunch?

Consomm? and chef's salad,

that's all.

That's all?

- Well, black coffee.

- No dessert?

No, I never eat dessert.

I notice you haven't finished

your martini either.

Well, I would if you'd let me go.

Oh, well, that's very easy to remedy.

One, two, three, and drink.

Landis, make a note of this.

You mustn't waste your good

prewar gin on Mrs. Drummond.

Now, let's see.

What were we talking about? Oh, yes.

You were having lunch

with some friends.

I guess I've said all there is to say

about that.

Why don't you sit back and relax?

You're not a very relaxing person.

- Are these a family heirloom?

- No. I mean, yes.

They belong to my mother.

They do? Your mother. Well, well.

She's south.

She goes every year.

I usually go with her, but...

I'm looking forward to meet

your mother.

Why, I'm not sure you'd like Mother.


- Old school.

- Well, I couldn't have imagined that.

It's a cute hat.

I like the way you do your hair too.

Warm in here, isn't it?

Is it?

Well, with all this talk

of chef's salad and consomm?...

...I'm beginning to get a bit hungry.

- Would you like your dinner now?

- Oh, yes, I'd love it.

All right.

Any special place you'd like to eat?

- No. Any place. Any place at all.

- Any place but here.

I'm amazed at you. Have you gone

completely out of your mind?

Please don't use that tone with me,


- I'm no longer a child.

- You force me to treat you like one.

You refused rudely to go on a trip

with me.

Then you rashly drew

on your bank account... go on some sort of a junket

with Ginna Abbott.

And with what a result.

The whole town is talking.

A few gossipy old women

led by Mrs. Thompson...

...who ought to know better.

- She did it for your own good.

The idea of going

to a strange man's apartment.

Not even someone we know.

And from what I gather, a man

with a somewhat unsavory reputation.

Major Landis is a gentleman.

Frank met and liked him,

so did Ginna and Cary.

Ginna and Cary would.

Birds of a feather.

This is too ridiculous.

I'm 33 years old and I've done

nothing to be ashamed of.

- Naturally. You're a Kimball.

- What are you so upset about?

It's the principle of the thing.

You're a woman alone.

You have to be twice as circumspect.

The world allows considerable liberty

to wives it has never allowed to widows.

I notice, for instance,

you're no longer wearing black.

- Nor do I intend to wear it again.

- That's entirely your affair.

If you won't think of yourself,

at least remember your duty to Paul.

Keep his name out of this.

I've had enough.

I'm sick to think

I've taken it as long as I have.

- Jessica.

- You talk about duty.

It's your duty to tell them to shut up

instead of listening to gossip.

You talk about wanting to help me...

...but what you want is to drag me

into your ivory tower.

I won't allow you to, ever.

Jessica, come back here.

Where are you going?

To give those old biddies

something to gossip about.

- Is Major Landis in?

- Just a moment.

- He's in, but he's very busy.

- I'll go up anyway.

But, madam, he doesn't wish

to be disturbed.

- Five, please.

- Yes, ma'am.

- Hello, Scott.

- Well, hello.

I'm out of breath.

- I hope I didn't disturb you.

- No, not at all.

I happened to be going by the hotel

so I thought I'd stop in.

- What's this?

- Martini, of course.

- Expecting somebody?

- No, took a little time out to have one.

- Do you mind?

- Help yourself.

You know, it's amazing

how one can learn to like martinis.

It's an acquired taste, like anchovies.

Well, here we are, aren't we?

Yeah. What's next on the program?

I don't know. I suppose it's your move.

All right.

As long as I'm supposed to be

a partner in the crime...

...supposing you tell me

what it's all about?

Or don't you want to tell me?

Not particularly.

I suppose you know anyway.

You know almost everything.

The chicken's beginning to hatch,

maybe, huh?

Well, good.

I know I'm acting like a fool.

I hope you'll forgive me, Scott.

You're going home. Right now.

Yes, Scott.

As a matter of fact,

the reason I stopped by...

...was to ask you to drop in

Christmas Eve.

Oh, sure, sure.

Well, honestly, I mean it.

I want you to meet my kids.

- I'd like to.

- You will come?

- Yes, but I'll be a little bit late.

- That's all right.

We don't start trimming the tree

until after dinner.

Well, that's fine.

I'll be there, reindeer and all.

- Goodbye, Scott.

- Goodbye. No.

Oh, yes.

Oh, stop grinning.

Going down.

Well, I see I'm in the right place.

I'm Major Landis.

- Glad to know you. Come in.

- May we take your hat and coat?

- Thanks.

- Mom, it's Major Landis.

You just missed a swell dinner.

Roast goose.

Maybe I can get a drumstick later,


With Uncle Cary around, fat chance.

Hello, Scott. Merry Christmas.

I'm sorry I'm late,

but they ran in a meeting on me.

At last I see the gem

in its proper setting.

Do you like it? I guess the boys

introduced themselves.

I'm Kim and he's Keith.

Hello again. Oh, I almost forgot.

I've got something for you.

Why, Scott. Presents?

You're slipping.

Isn't that what people do at Christmas?

Give presents?

And it's straight from the five-and-dime.

- Merry Christmas, major.

- Merry Christmas to you.

Glad to see you again.

You missed the first round.

- Thank you.

- This is Anna.

- How do you do?

- Very happy to meet you, I'm sure.

I always say there's no fool

like an old fool.

Well, I must get back to my kitchen.

Oh, Anna, let me help you.

All those pots and pans.

Nobody's gonna be messing around

in my kitchen.

- Not while I'm in it.

- Anna's a little high.

She even forgot her presents.

Hurry, drink her down

so you can catch up.

This tastes better than

the hot buttered rum at Lake Tahoe.

How about another one

for your long-suffering wife?

You know what happened to Anna.

Let's turn off this canned music and

get some of the real stuff from Jess.

Oh, no. I haven't touched

the piano for a year.

Go ahead, Mom.

Play "Silent Night, Holy Night."

That was Dad's favorite.

All right, Keith.

But I'm not sure I can get through it.

Come on, Jess, please.

It'll sound good to me.

- I hope so.

- This is like old times.

We're gonna all sing, aren't we?

I hope my pet carries a tune

better than last year.

Well, you asked for it. Here it is.

- Hello, Grandma.

- Hello, Grandma. Merry Christmas.

- Hello, nice boys. Merry Christmas.

- Why don't you come inside?

No, I've no intention of going in there.

I can't stay.

- Here are some presents for you.

- Thanks a lot. Swell.

You can exchange them.

I see so little of you

I don't know what you like.

We'll like them.

Why don't you come inside?

- We're having fun.

- No, I can't stay.

- Major Landis is in there.

- Major Landis?

- Not really.

- What do you mean, Grandma?

- Never mind what I mean.

- Are you coming in after all?

Well, since it's Christmas Eve,

perhaps I really should go in.

Okay. Come on.

- Look what Santa Claus brought.

- Mother, Merry Christmas.

- Hello, Mrs. Kimball.

- Merry Christmas.

I just drove by to deliver my presents.

Don't let me disturb your fun.

Merry Christmas, Virginia,

and you, Frank.

Merry Christmas.

- And you, Cary.

- Merry Christmas.

Mother, this is Major Landis.

Scott, my mother, Mrs. Kimball.

- How do you do?

- How do you do?

- I've heard about you.

- Isn't it time for the presents?

- I'll say it is.

- Remember, kids, just one apiece.

Now, Jessica,

I want to talk to Major Landis.

Yes, Mother.

I understand you met

my girl in California.

- Just where are you stationed?

- Chicago. Temporarily, of course.

Isn't that rather a coincidence?

First in California and now in Chicago.

Entirely a coincidence, I assure you.

In fact, I might be out of the country

next week. Who knows?

- Are you a friend of the Abbotts?

- Oh, no, no.

Your daughter introduced me to them.

And where, may I ask,

did you meet her, then?

I can't divulge that information.

- Why? What do you mean?

- Secret business.

- Are you joking with me?

- Oh, no, no.

Your daughter can tell you

if she wishes.


Just what did you go to California for?

Are you keeping something from me?

Let's not start that.

Not on Christmas Eve.

- Come, I have a gift for you.

- It's my fault.

- Can't we all start all over again?

- No, we cannot.

I can see that you're a thorough-going

scalawag, young man.

- I'm delighted to hear you say so, madam.

- Mother...

- And kindly stop calling me madam.

- Mother, please.

Now, Jessica, I know what I'm doing,

if you don't.

- Young man...

- Please, not young man.

I think you're in league with the devil.

Good night. Good night.

- Mother...

- Don't leave your guests, Jessica.

There went the spirit of Christmas.

Well, shall we try

and go on with the party?


Good night, Jess.

Goodbye and thanks

for the lovely present.

- I wish you'd let me call a cab.

- Nothing doing.

After that dinner, a walk

to the station will do us good.

In these shoes?

You may not know it, my darling...

...but after the first block,

you're carrying me.

- We'll see you later. So long.

- Goodbye.

- Hi, Mom.

- Good night, Mom.

Good night.

- Good night, boys. Sleep well.

- On Christmas Eve?

Don't dare you wake me up until 7.

The rest of the presents

can wait that long.

- Okay, Mom.

- It's nice to be home again, Mom.

It's nice to have you home.

Merry Christmas.

- Merry Christmas, Mom. Good night.

- Merry Christmas.

- Merry Christmas, Major Landis.

- Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas, boys.

Well, Scott,

now you've seen me as I really am.

Home, children, Mother.

Of course, Mother was more

than I bargained for.

On the contrary.

I thought she was a wonderful

museum piece.

- Did you like my kids?

- Of course I like them.

They're yours, aren't they?

It was nice to have you here tonight.

You didn't invite me here on purpose

by any chance, did you?

Well, now that you mention it,

perhaps I did.

Jessica, I've got to talk to you.

Sit down, please.

Jessica, we simply cannot

go on like this.

You want to stop seeing me?

Of course I don't want to stop

seeing you.

But I know myself

and I'm beginning to understand you.

It'll only make you unhappy.

It's inevitable.

Go ahead, Scott.

Well, seeing you here tonight

in this house...

...that you once shared

with your husband...

Don't talk about that now, please.

Don't you see,

I've got to talk about it?

You expect a love affair

to lead to marriage and...

Scott, are you trying to tell me

you're not the marrying kind?

Well, I've never felt

that it was right for me.

Dutch courage.


Frank Everett's the type of man

for you.

- I don't love Frank.

- But there are others.

As long as I'm hanging around,

you won't find them.

Suppose you let me think for myself.

But don't you see?

There's no future in this for you.

I'll cross my bridges

when I come to them.

Well, women are funny.

- I guess I'd better be going.

- Don't take it so big, Scott.

I know what I'm doing.

I wonder.

You're not the only one

who can give Christmas presents.

Thank you, Jessica.

Shall I open it now?

I thought it would be nicer

if I gave it to you when we were alone.


It's kind of silly.

Apparently, we had the same idea.

Wait till you see yours.

- When am I going to see you?

- I'll call you tomorrow.

Good night, Jessica.

Good night.


Hello, Jessica.

Yes, I know.

I got in about a half an hour ago.

Sure, our date is still on.

A Landis would never renege

on a thing like that.

Do I sound funny?

What a woman.

You worry about the darnedest things.

You get dressed

and make yourself beautiful.

Yeah, I'll be there

as quickly as possible.

By the way, how are the boys?

They've gone to a party?

All right, kids, go out in the hall

and have some sandwiches...

...and cider if you want it.

I'm as hungry as a bear.

Isn't this a fun party?

I love to come to Gretchen's.

This is my first New Year's Eve party

with all the trimmings.

- This apple cider's good.

- Try one of these. They're super.

Let's sit over here.

I wanna talk to you.

All right, Keith.

Say, Penny, are you my girl?

Well, I kind of thought so.

You see, I have to go back to school

in a few days...

...and I wanna get things

sort of settled.

I mean, whether

you're gonna write to me regularly.

You know, a guy likes to know

where he stands.

You know I'll write.

Kim. Kim Drummond,

you come back here, Kim.

I don't see why you can't tell me

what happened.

I had to ask Droopy to the party.

After all, his mother and father

are here.

- Let's go home.

- What's the idea?

Keith, make him stay.

He's mad because we asked Droopy

to sit down with us.

That's not it at all.

It's because what people say

about your mother.

They've been saying that

all during the holidays.

Wait a minute.

Kim, what were they saying?

L... I'll tell you on the way home.

Your mother always came here

for New Year's.

All of a sudden, she doesn't.

No wonder people are talking.

If that's the way you feel about it,

I'm glad we're going home.

Don't come back here ever.

I never wanna speak to you again

as long as I live.

Come in.

Boys, you're home so early.

Keith, dear, come and hook me up.

I'm in a dreadful hurry.

Are you going to the Van Ormans'

after all?

No, I'm going to Chicago.

Well, everybody expected you

at the Van Ormans'.

Who's everybody?

Well, everybody at the party.

Your friends.

Oh, no. I told Mrs. Van Orman

a week ago I wasn't able to come.

But I'm terribly flattered.

I didn't know I was so popular.

Mom, did you go to the fights

with Major Landis?


Boys, if you have anything

on your mind, I wish you'd tell me.

You never went to the fights

with Dad.

Dad never asked me.

Well, you came home on the train

from Chicago at 4:00 in the morning.

They made a lot of jokes about that

at the party.

And all that stuff about Lake Tahoe.

And you running after Major Landis.

Have they been telling you

these things?

Not us, but everybody else.

I didn't believe it.

Mom, none of it's true, is it?

Not their interpretation of it.

We kind of hoped you'd say

that they were all liars.

Listen to me, boys.

There are two sides to everything,

even gossip.

I've done nothing whatever

you need be ashamed of.

I don't wanna discuss it anymore.

One of you answer the door.

Anna's out.

I'll get it.

Mom, you ought to see it

from our side.

I don't wanna discuss it, Keith.

- Good evening.

- Good evening.

- May I come in a minute?

- Sure.

- Is your mother ready?

- I'll tell her you're here.

Coming, Scott.

- Hello, Scott.

- Hello, Jessica.

- Anything wrong?

- No, nothing.

I'm sorry about this, boys.

There's nothing more I can say now.

- Good night.

- Good night, boys.

Scott, do you mind stopping by

the Van Ormans' with me...

...for a few minutes?

- Lf it won't take too long.

They won't hold that reservation

after 11:30 in Chicago.

It won't take long.

201 Lakeshore Drive.

Yes, ma'am.

- Happy New Year, Johnson.

- The same to you, Mrs. Drummond.

- May I take your coat?

- No, thanks. We can't stay.

Good evening, children,

Happy New Year.

Mrs. Drummond,

I'm so glad you came.

Thank you.

- Hello, everybody.

- Hello, Jessica.

Darling, so you did decide

to come to the party after all.

How sweet of you.

I want you to meet Major Landis

of whom you've heard so much.

- Hi, major.

- Mrs. Van Orman, our hostess.

How do you do?

So nice to see you at last,

Major Landis.

Mr. And Mrs. Hawks,

Mr. And Mrs. Hanson.

Mr. And Mrs. Moore.

All very old friends of mine.

I'm surprised you could remember

all our names.

Hello, Jess.

Come on over and have a drink.

We're way ahead of you,

but come and have a drink.

Scott, this is Mr. Van Orman.

- How do you do?

- How are you?

What will you have to drink?

You soldiers can hold your liquor.

I started with bourbon.

Might as well stay with it.

- What will you have, Jess?

- Nothing. We can't stay long.

The boys told me you missed me

so here I am.

Well, of course we miss you.

New Year's just doesn't seem to be

New Year's without the Drummonds.

George, will you see

that Major Landis is kept amused...

...while I speak to Riette?

- Well, can't it be said here?

No, I'm afraid not. Come on.

- Didn't I see you at the fights, major?

- Oh, yes, last Thursday.

- Good fights, weren't they?

- Swell. Happy New Year.

I'll get this off my chest in a hurry.

The boys came home from the party

upset by some things they overheard.

- Why pick on me?

- Because it happened in your house.

I don't wanna know who did

the talking...

...but I'm asking you to put

a stop to it.

I did the talking.

Since we're letting our hair down,

I think you're behaving abominably.

Is being seen with a man

such a dreadful crime?

It's the way you're seen

which we don't like.

What is this nonsense

about Lake Tahoe?

You don't expect us to believe... went there

for a pleasant little rest cure.

No wonder the boys distrust me if

that's the kind of thing you're saying.

How can you do it, Riette?

What right have you?

The right of a friend who hates

to see you make a fool.

A friend should come to me and not

allow gossip that even children hear.

I'm terribly disillusioned.

I don't mind saying so.

Well, how do you suppose we feel?

We thought you missed Paul


But it's obvious that you forget

pretty quickly.

Oh, I see.

It isn't on account of Paul

you're saying the things you do.

You resent me for being able

to make a new life for myself.

Then you admit you're guilty?

That's all you got out

of what I've been saying?

Really, Jessica, I'm giving a party.

I haven't got time

to go into a discussion of ethics.

Don't look like that.

Let's join the others.

And I won't embarrass you

in front of your handsome friend.

I'm afraid I don't care enough


Then why did you bother

to come here at all?

Because I was still coward enough

to want to save my reputation.

How quaint.

You know, I've been a coward

all my life.

And I'm not going to be one anymore.

No matter how hard it is

to strike out on my own...

...I'm gonna do what I think

is right for me.

Even if it means breaking

with everything in the past.

That includes you

and these so-called friends of mine.


I'm afraid we're going to be late.

Yes, Scott.

Good night, Riette,

and a very happy New Year.

- Good night.

- Come on, Scott.

Let's go to Chicago

before we lose the table.

- We don't have to.

- No, I wanna celebrate.

It's wonderful to get something

off your chest.

Come on, we'll see the New Year in

with bells on.

All right.

- Chicago.

- Yes, sir.

Happy New Year!

They say that the person you're with

as the New Year comes in... the person you'll be with

all during the coming year.

I know it's going to be true.

This place has a particular

sentimental value for me.

- Do you know why?

- I think I can guess.

Suppose I hadn't been here

that night?

- I don't like to think about it.

- Jessica, l...

Don't ask me if it was coincidence

that brought us together again...

...because, well,

I might tell you the truth.

Well, I think we should be

getting home. It's rather late.

I have one bottle of good champagne

in the ice chest.

Shall we have it

when you take me home?


I'd like to have a last glass with you.

That is, the last glass on New Year's.

Kim, are you asleep?

- No.

- I'm not either.

Did you hear a noise downstairs?

I guess Mom's home.

What time is it, anyhow?


Maybe she didn't have

such a good time.

- You know what I'd like to do?

- What?

When we hear her coming down the hall,

let's yell "Happy New Year."

- She'd like that.

- Okay.

- Hurry up, Jessica.

- Coming.

- Here's luck to us, Scott.

- Luck.

This is by far the best.

I wish now

we'd stayed here by ourselves.

Do you realize we didn't even know

each other three months ago?

Jessica, there's some...

I suppose it's foolish of me

to make plans for the future...

...but I don't know,

I can't get out of the habit.

- Plans?

- Of all the things we can do.

It's so lovely here in the spring.

We can swim in the pool

and have picnic suppers.

Maybe you don't care for picnics.

Not particularly.

No. I guess you're not the picnic type.

I'll see if I can borrow Mother's

cottage at Lake Geneva.

And you and Cary and Ginna and I

can go there for a weekend.

I don't know whether or not

the canoe is working...

Listen, Jessica.

I've got to give it to you straight.

This is our last evening together.

I've got my orders to go to New York.

Seven o'clock this morning.

That's why I brought you home

so early.

I suppose I should've told you

when I got the news...

...but I just couldn't bring myself

to do it.

You were having such a good time.

I knew it would be sudden,

but I didn't expect it to be this soon.

- Is this it?

- Yes. I'll be shipped out.

- Can you tell me how soon?

- I don't know.

All I know is that it will be sudden.

I think I always knew

it would be like this.

I'm going to New York too.

I don't care how little time there is.

All that matters is

that I can be with you.

Oh, darling, I knew I'd lose you


You warned me and I accepted it.

But now that the time has come,

I can't let you go, I can't.

You don't think I want to,

do you?

I don't know anything except

I love you. I was afraid to admit it.

I thought when you did go away

I could pick up my old life again...

...and forget you, but...

- You still need to do that.

- Now I don't wanna forget you.

Don't talk like that.

Don't you understand?

I'm happy loving you.

You would've been better off

never to have known me.

Don't say that. Don't think it.

All I wanna hear is you want me

in New York... much as I wanna be there.

You know that I want you

more than anything in the world.

Then nothing else matters.

Maybe I can get a reservation.

I'll keep on trying until I do.

- Don't worry, please.

- Jessica.

You must hurry and pack

and so must I.

I'll meet you at the station

at 7:00 on the dot.


Mom, are you going away?

- We heard what you said on the stairs.

- Yes.

I'm going to New York. I have to hurry

and pack and be at the station before 7.

- Why?

- Major Landis is going away.

I want to see as much of him

as possible before he does.

You'll be leaving in a couple of days.

Anna will see you off.

I'm awfully sorry to have to go while

you're still on your vacation, but...

...try to understand.

I have to hurry.

Kim? Keith?

Hello? Yes?


They are?

I'll be there as soon as I can.

Come in, Jessica.

- Where are they?

- They're in the drawing room.

- How long have they been here?

- Only about 10 minutes.

Just a moment, please.

I haven't asked the boys

what has happened.

They have never been close to me.

For that reason, I know there must be

something very wrong at home...

...for them to have come

to me for help.

All I beg is that you think carefully

before you go into that room.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that you'll regret

this bitterly all the rest of your life.

Now, go to your boys, my dear.

Boys, I don't know what to say

or how to begin.

What good did it do to run away?

We don't wanna live at home anymore.

- Keith, what an awful thing to say.

- You lied to us.

- We don't know what to believe.

- I told you the truth, always.

They all said things about you

and Major Landis.

And now you're going to New York

with him. It proves they were true.

We'll never believe

anything you say again.

Mom, don't you remember Dad at all?

Don't say that, please.

You know I remember Dad.

You've forgotten him.

Nobody remembers Dad but us.

That isn't true.

Can't you understand that I might

learn to care for someone else...

...and still have a place

in my heart for Dad?

But you belong to Dad.

It doesn't make any difference

whether he's dead or not.


Will you try for a few minutes... think of me as someone

other than your mother?

How can we? You are.

All right.

Then just sit down and listen.

I don't know whether or not

I can make you understand.

You know how terribly ill Dad was

for almost two years.

He didn't want you to see him suffer.

I knew how he felt

so I kept things from you.

Dad always liked life.

It wasn't life for him

to have to stay in bed.

Especially with so much pain.

After he died...

...I tried in every way I could to forget

the two years of his illness.

You see...

...I wanted to be able to remember

the good times with Dad...

...when we were all together.

But I was so terribly Ionely...

...all I could think of was Dad

toward the last.

Remember the night

before you went away to school?

You went out with Gretchen

and Penny.

I had to bite my lips to keep

from asking you to stay with me.

And with you gone away, I...

I got so I dreaded coming home.

If I hadn't gone away with Ginna

and Cary and met Major Landis...

...I don't know

what would have happened to me.

Does he mean

as much to you as Dad used to?

Don't say "used to," dear.

Dad still means just as much to me,

only in a different way.

I can't explain it.

Someday, when you're older...'ll understand that

one can give all one's heart... more than one person...

...and still remain sincere and loyal.

The first time you fall in love,

it's all so exciting and wonderful.

It can only be like that once.

But second love can be just as true

and just as deep.

Boys, I lost Dad.

And now I'm losing Major Landis.

He's going to be sent away.

I'll probably never see him again.


It's very hard to lose someone

you love.

Don't cry, please.

Oh, Mom.

I want you to be happy.

I try to understand,

but, golly, it's so hard.

It's so hard.


...can't we go home now?

Oh, Keith.

I'll say good night to Grandmother

for you.

- We're going home, Mother.

- I'm glad.

- I knew you'd do the right thing.

- Thank you for helping me.

Oh, my dear child, I did nothing.

It had to come from you.

And I know how much it's taken

out of you.

It's hard to do what is right


- I know.

- Funny.

I never thought you could do

anything else.

I haven't always been old, Jessica.

Young people resent conventions.

But as you grow older, you realize

that conventions were established...

...because there was need for them.

Now, go home and get some rest,

my dear.

- Good night.

- Good night.



Oh, darling, I can't go to New York

with you. I can't leave my boys.

They ran away.

They don't understand about us.

- Ran away?

- I got them back.

I tried to explain,

but they're too young to understand.

If I go now, things will never be

the same between them and me.

Scott, please try to realize

why I'm letting you down.

- Please forgive me.

- There's nothing to forgive, darling.

You have to face responsibility.

You wouldn't be you if you didn't.

I'll always love you.

Nothing will ever change that.

- Board!

- Oh, Scott, this is it.

- We have to say goodbye.

- No, Jessica, not goodbye.

I haven't enough time to say

what I'd like...

...but you know how I felt

about being tied to anything.

Well, I've changed.

And, darling, when I come back,

and this time I know I'm coming back...

...will you be waiting for me?

Oh, Scott.


- Yes or no?

- I'll wait, no matter how long.

- I'll wait.

- Bye, darling.

- And you won't be too Ionely?

- I'll never be Ionely again.