My Last Mistress (1943) - full transcript

François Bressolles is a sculptor. He meets Catherine, falls under her spell and offers to pose. Shortly after, he proposed to her in marriage. From a model, Catherine becomes his wife. Suddenly, she notices that the character of her husband is changing and souring. Indeed, the latter becomes cantankerous and brittle, the complete opposite of the man he was just a short time ago. One day, François provokes a scene, which degenerates into a rupture. Catherine realizes that he is losing his sight.

Give Me Your Eyes

It'll be fascinating
to meet all these people.

A dream come true.
Provided they let me in.

Leave it to me.
Here, put my card in your bag.

They know me, but they might ask you.
Look, there's one!

Just a second.

You're the first one.

I don't know if I'm the first,
but I think I'm too late.

There's not a single spot left.

It makes quite an impression.

Yes, but imagine what this
will look like tomorrow.

Fancy for a moment that these
painters have suddenly disappeared.

Imagine 1000 people
crowding into the exposition...

... milling about, murmuring,
going from piece to piece...

... sometimes making stupid remarks.

But bubbling with enthusiasm too,
and trying to spot best things.

I've always thought that an intelligent
man is less intelligent...

... than 1000 fools who band
together to understand.

No, the exposition is tomorrow.

No admission today.

- But what about them?
- They're the artists.

They're mounting their artworks.

What about those women?

Artists' models;
they're allowed to come today.

- Is that gentleman a painter?
- No, that gentleman's something else.

He's the president
of the C.N.O.S.T.I.S.T.L.C.S.A.C.R.

- I see. Things are still in rough form.
- Obviously.

It would be so interesting to watch
them hanging their canvases.

Yes, but they don't like
to be watched when they do it.

- Artists aren't exotic animals!
- Sure they are!


Well, what can you do?
Too bad! Goodbye.

- Models.
- Your cards, please.

Show your card.

- And yours?
- That is mine.

- What about hers?
- I've lent her mine.

That's no good.
You each have to have a card.

I swear I'm a model.

I can see you are.
But your friend isn't.

What do you mean, she's not a model?

She seems like a perfect example.

And yes, she is a model.

She's posing for me right now.
Without knowing it.

I have her card in my pocket.
May I ask your name?

Catherine Collet.

- Your address?
- 27, impasse du Cadran.

- Do you have a telephone?
- Yes.

- The number?
- Montmartre 05 72.

Do you live with your family?

Yes, with my grandmother.

- You don't have to put all that down.
- Thank you.

May I phone you tomorrow morning?

- Of course.
- Around 11:00?

I won't forget. Here is your card.

And if you'll allow me...

... here is mine.

Until tomorrow. Make yourself at home.

You work fast.

I've no time to waste.

- François Bressol. You know him?
- No.

- He must be an artist.
- What do you think?

What else, with that appearance?

Plus, he has a sculptor's hands.

- She's just a kid.
- I'm very fond of children.

Come on.

How does he strike you?

- Not bad.
- I think he has lovely eyes.

I wouldn't know; he only looked at you.

- So he didn't see you?
- Oh, he saw me.

But he didn't look at me.


Here it is.

- I love his work! Do you?
- It's gorgeous.

As lovely as Yanset's work.

Yes, it's sensitive. Exquisite.


- Montmartre 05 72?
- Yes?

- Miss Catherine Collet?
- Speaking.

This is François Bressol.
You remember me?

Yes, very well.

Would you care to pose for me?
I'd like to do your bust.

- I'd love to.
- We'll start tomorrow at 11:00?

- With pleasure.
- Until tomorrow.

- Until tomorrow.
- Goodbye.

I knew it!

I knew you'd exhibit my portrait!

I didn't make it to keep it at home.

I understand your point of view.
But I beg you to take it down.


Something extraordinary
has happened to me.

- And I think it should be obvious.
- Yes, you're very well dressed.

Remember the little dress
I wore to your place 2 months ago?

Hello, Mr. Brianchon.

I've met a boy from a rich family.

He's crazy about me,
and thinks I'm practically a virgin.

If he sees me hanging here
in the nude, I'm done for.

Don't move.

Don't open your eyes so wide.


So put a dress on me, or take it down.

You're completely nuts, my girl.

First of all, what you call
your portrait is just a picture.

You're portraying Leda.

Well, this Leda's wrecking my chances!

Don't yell, people will hear!
Come over here.

It's so interesting to see
all these famous painters.

You know them well; tell me their names.

There's Dunoyer de Segonzac
and Vlaminck going off together.

There's Utrillo by himself.

Too late.

There's Henri de Waroquier...

... with the head of the Tuilleries
gallery, Mr. Othon Friesz.

I think they're talking about painting.

Andre Lhote must be discussing it with
Touchagues, Brianchon and Calvet.

Say, did I put it right side up?

No, but it's fine the way it is.

Oh, what a lovely girl!

What a marvel!

Isn't it?

It's magnificent.

And no bulkiness.

There's a slimness there
that appeals to me.

And you believe that there exists
a woman as shapely as that?

Here's proof of it, sir.

Hello, Mr. Derain.

This young fellow gives me
15,000 francs a month.

What do you want me to do?

You were a model.
You charged 80 francs per session.

I paid you. We're even.

Even? You're about to ruin me.

Hello, Mr. Dignimont.

30,000 francs! I'd pay 30,000 francs...

You will?

Would you like me to speak to him right away?

- You'd do that?
- Absolutely!

You're a nasty little man!

A man's offering 30,000 francs
for your painting.

I'll admit that the lady's body
is worth something.

Let him take it.
Not my body, the picture.

Hello, Mr. Guernou.

My friend tells me you like my painting.

- To tell the truth...
- It's really the model--

I admit it.

As I said, for a man like myself...

... such a lovely body it seems to me...

... is certainly worth 30,000 per month.

What do you mean, per month?

And if you could put me
in contact with this person...

Well, here she is!

Heavens! Can this be?

Forgive me for enumerating
your beauty out loud.

I hope I haven't offended you.

Not at all, sir.

Could you envisage
a possible realisation...

... of the promises I made just now?

Well, I...

I'd feel equally obliged
to buy this portrait.

Would 50,000 francs be acceptable?

With pleasure, sir.

- Then we'll leave - what's your name?
- Floriane.

We'll leave Floriane up
for the exhibition.

And in a month
we'll take her from this salon...

... and hang her in yours.

Shall we leave together?

Would you mind wearing
lower heels in the future?

Of course!

Now that I think of it, here is my name.

For payment for the picture?

There's a financial office.

What will your boyfriend think of that?

Forget about him. That's his father.

Goodbye, sir.

Thank you.

30,000 francs a month isn't much,
but I have a family to support...

... and I'm sure you understand...

Have you seen
the retrospective in room 5?

- Not yet.
- Let me show it to you.

They have an idea that's not bad.

They chose certain masterpieces.

- A very good idea.
- Wait.

Masterpieces of a certain type.
You'll see.

Incomparable splendor.

Come along.

Fantin-Latour, so beautiful, so clear...

Cézanne's La Maison du pendu.

One of his great masterworks,
scorned by the critics, of course.

La Vague by Courbet.
Yet another masterpiece.

And this Daumier. Incomparable
and argued over by so many idiots.

And here the adorable smile of Carpeaux.

- And now I'll tell you--
Admirable Sisley...

... what's so special
about all these pieces.

La Loge by Renoir; one of the world's
most amazing paintings.

And this sublime Corot.

There's one special thing
about all these masterpieces.

Millet, and Le Prince imperial
by Carpeaux...

All these masterpieces...

... Pisarro, this phenomenal
Claude Monet...

All these masterpieces
were made in 1871.

- All in 1871?
- Yes, my friend.

Here's what these geniuses were doing
while we were losing the war.

Le Balcon by Manet,
yet another masterpiece.

And to finish, a marvellous
portrait by Degas.

And Rodin's imperishable
bronze, L'Age d'airain.

What impression does the sight
of these marvels make on you?

That what we lose on one side,
we win on the other.

Precisely. And we may consider that
such works take the place of victory.

Yes, but...


People argue about him
the way they did about Cezanne.

Fortunately; a good sign for him.

Othon Friesz, Derain...

... Dunoyer de Segonzac...

- Marie Laurencin...
- Renard...



- Madeleine Lucas...
- Dufy...

- Finally, Matisse.
- Maillol.

And Despiau.

- 1943, it goes on.
- Yes. France goes on.


Hello! I was sure it was you,
I recognized your painting.

- I know your handiwork. How are you?
- Fine, and you?

- Fine. It's been a year since we met.
- Yes, in 3 weeks.

A long time to be away
from your best friend.

That might be the best
way to stay friends.

- Your entry?
- Yes.

- You like it?
- I love it!

- That's your style.
- A year's work.

I wanted it to have the feeling
of a tossed-off sketch.

It took me ages.

You're hanging it? Let's see.

This is your spot? Very bad. But what
can you say? You're under Touchagues.

- You've changed
- I've gotten younger.

I was 20 years older a few minutes ago.

- 20 years?
- Would you like to see them?

They're strolling about with a friend.

My painting! These wretches.

There she is.
The one in the check coat.


- I'm starting her bust tomorrow.
- Her bust?

You look like a man
who won't stop there.

"How I regret them, my shapely thigh,

My well-made arm

And the days gone by!"

- Hello, dear grandmama.
- Hello, darling granddaughter.

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Yes. When it is on both sides.

On both sides?

If only one of the two is struck,
I believe it's very dangerous.

- What if both are struck?
- Then beware all the same.

I'll tell you why.

A boy and a girl meet.

They want to fall in love.
They gaze into each other's eyes.

When you gaze into each other's eyes,
you don't see the eyes.

You just see the gaze.

And as the gaze is passionate...

... they have an excellent physical
impression of each other.

And the following phenomenon occurs:

Since they want to love,
they imagine they are in love.

Each one at that moment
is just a pretext for each other.

Don't suppose I could answer you
so precisely on just any subject.

It's just that your grandfather
and I met in just that way.

One day we met.
We looked at each other.

We had 41 years between us.

And since we were crazy about love,
we told ourselves we were in love...

... and we got married 6 months later.

- That's very encouraging.
- Let me finish.

After a year we realized
that we were both mistaken.

And for 35 years
we kept on being mistaken...

... but separately.

Yes my dear. What you've just heard
isn't very pleasant...

... but it's even more
unpleasant to say.

And since you've lost
your mother and father...

... and I'm your last living relative...

... I have to warn you
about the many dangers...

... lying in wait
for a beautiful girl like you.

What's your young man like?

He's not a young man.
But he doesn't look his age.

- Do you know his age?
- No.

And yet he doesn't look it. Good.

In principle, it's not a bad thing.

When you marry a man
much older than you...

... it reduces the length of
unhappiness you must endure.

Anyway, remember this:
my younger sister, your great-aunt...

... when she was 19 felt duty-bound
to marry the Count de Chamisso...

... who was 30 years older than she was.

Six months later, he cheated on her.

- What if I tell you he's an artist?
- I can tell you this:

My mother, the second time around...

... married a member of the Academy of
Fine Arts, who beat her non-stop.

On the other hand, take comfort.

Three of my cousins
married 1) a hunchback...

... 2) a blithering idiot...

... and 3) a hopeless alcoholic.

And they were the happiest
women in the world.

- Dinner is served.
- Thank you, Emilie.

And I would add,
if there were an infallible recipe...

... for married happiness,
humans would stop marrying.












You could not be more perfectly on time.

I didn't want to be late.

- You could have been early.
- I didn't dare.

- Come in.
- Oh, I want to see everything!

Then follow your guide.

Fountain, stove; water and fire,
the cure next to the illness.

The abominable little Zamor,
who had du Barry killed.

- This little black fellow?
- Yes.

I won't whitewash him.

Fragonard. Curtsy.

Door, hall, pedestrian crossing. Guardi.

I love it!

Now, we do a crabwalk...

... so you can have the sudden surprise.

You'll see the best thing I have.

Now one, two, three.

Oh, Notre Dame!

Yes, Notre Dame.
You could say Paris, too.

Or you could just
say nothing, it's so beautiful.

Let's leave heaven and
come back down to earth, alright?

- Is that going to be me?
- Yes, I'll sculpt you in clay.

It isn't much like me yet.

- But I already see you.
- You have good eyesight.

A little short.

I'm not very tall, so it works out.

You're even prettier than yesterday.

I can't wait for tomorrow.

- Shall I take off my beret?
- Yes, please.

If I were Rodin
I'd ask you to lend it to me.

He wore a beret?

Yes, when working, but that's not
the only difference between us.

He was a genius, right?

Yes, nothing seems more obvious to me.


- Beautiful.
- One should fall down and worship.

What do you think of people
who don't understand Rodin?

I don't understand them.

And that?

I'm prying.

No, Michelangelo's Moses.
Speaks for itself, doesn't it?

- Shall we begin?
- I like you said 'we'.

Well, posing is work.

If this is going to look
like you, how depends on you.

Come, sit here.

- On a pedestal!
- Nearly.

Just remain still, if you please.

Could I ask who you are?

- Isn't it obvious?
- Yes, but I daren't believe it.

Do you know what
you're doing right now?


You're letting me gaze at you
without saying anything.

Is it my fault if you
can't think of anything to say?

You're not saying anything either.

Either we're angry, or we're in harmony.

- You've pulled back.
- I don't want to blush.

It doesn't show in sculpture.

- Shall we get to work?
- Yes.

Let's get back to it.

- What expression shall I take?
- None.

Let yourself go. Just be yourself.

Seriously, what should I think of?

- Try to think of nothing.
- Why? Is it impossible?

- Do we always think of something?
- I think so.

We don't always know it.

It's what we mean by
"Think of something else."

- Think of your childhood.
- My childhood?

Such a great effort to remember.
Where were you born?

Right next door to Sacré-Coeur.

But I was raised in Rémalard.

- Is it pretty there?
- Yes.

What was it like?

Many flowers.

- Think of it.
- I am thinking of it.

- Were there animals?
- It was a farm.

Think of it.

And now, suddenly
think about the present.

- You've lost your balance.
- No.

- I'm settling into it.
- Yes?

Now, suddenly, think of the future.

I was doing it myself.

- What is it like?
- There are no words.

Keep thinking about it.
This is very good for me, go on.

- You have me?
- Yes, I have you, don't be afraid.

- What is it like?
- The future?

- No barriers.
- Yes?

- Go on.
- Stop me if I go too far.

- Shall we meet at the church?
- Oh, stop.

If we've no right
to speak seriously now...

You're posing well today.

I'm starting to know you a little.

What do you mean by that?

If you don't say a word
for 10 minutes...

... it means the work
is going well, and I can move.

Insolent creature! I respond thus:

Is it my fault if I don't dare
to stay silent with you?

When I'm talking,
I don't give you an opportunity...

... to form a poor opinion of me.

She doesn't believe me.

The day I know
exactly what you think of me...

... I'll have the audacity
to remain silent.

It's true I'm not dissatisfied
with what I've done today.

That's the most important thing.

What would you think of an artist...

... who doesn't value his work
above everything else?

I wouldn't think less of him.

Fine. But you wouldn't
think more of him either.

True, there's work
and then there's work.

Exactly. And I understand
the love involved.

Are you jealous of an artist's work?

I feel he'd only take me in his arms...

... when he feels
his art has betrayed him.

It would be an act of mercy
to console him for it.

I wouldn't be the first.

No, but you could be the best.

- What are you working on now?
- Your lips.

- I knew it.
- I'm not surprised.

But I'd like to see them from closer up.

- May I?
- Please.

Don't you think my lower lip protrudes?

- Let it.
- I'll be like those African women.

Yes, who serve up
their kisses on platters.

You're not like that.

May I?

You're confusing me with my bust.

- Does this bother you?
- No.

It's as if you're sculpting me.

If I touch you, it's so I won't
have to touch you up later.

Do you feel like adding
clay to your models?

Sometimes I do, to make them resemble
the bust I'm making more closely.

- Goodbye for now.
- You're leaving?

I was speaking to your lips.

- Have you made a date with them?
- Don't meddle in our affairs.

But tell me something...

Does a man have to tell
a woman he's in love with her?

- Certainly not.
- She'd never miss such a thing.

- The stupidest would know.
- And you're intelligent.

- No worse than the next.
- Suppose a man were in love with you.

I love suppositions.

- A man who's 28 or 29--
- That's very young!

Let me finish.
28 or 29 years older than you.

- That makes a difference.
- Yes indeed.

It's worth the trouble
to point out, if not the regret.

- So we have a man--
- In the prime of life.

Who's in love with you.

- It starts like a play.
- Yet what drama!

So this man has a certain obsession.

He's afraid of displeasing.

- So he's shy.
- Almost: he's proud.

- He suffers from a superiority complex?
- Exactly.

He'd like a bit of encouragement.

- I can't throw my arms around him.
- No?

It's indelicate. What if he slapped me?

That's unlikely.

- I'd need a pretext.
- "A pretext."

Is an anniversary a pretext?

A wonderful one!

February 18.
An unforgettable anniversary!

- You were born on February 18?
- No, April 15.

Then what anniversary is this?

It's the anniversary
of the first kiss you gave me.

No, that's very bad!

- That's cheating.
- Seriously?

Then the kiss I stole from you,
I must return.

Oh no! I'd meant to give you
an account of our adventures...

... nicely highlighting my exploits.

Now it's ruined.

You know everything. It's really too bad.

- I beg your forgiveness.
- Fine, I forgive you.

Jean Laurent, the painter:
my best friend.

Catherine Collet.

- A sort of dream.
- Isn't she? Hello.

Now I can save face by telling you...

... what I haven't yet dared to tell her.

So I came at a good moment.

Not bad.

Jean, I won't beat about the bush.

- I love this person.
- Good.

- You ask me "Why?"
- Not at all.

- Good. Otherwise I'd have killed him.
- Just to start off.

I love her, and I want to ask her
if she'll agree to share my life.

It's an important business.

And it's better to inform her
via an indirect method.

I wouldn't have the impudence to ask
her to give me her answer today.

So this is how things will be.

We'll continue to see
each other every day.

We'll take most of our meals together.

- With me?
- No.

Next Sunday we'll spend
the day at Versailles.

The following Sunday
at Chantilly, I suppose.

In one month, on March 18,
amid various topics of discussion...

... she'll tell me if
the idea of marrying me...

... doesn't seem too ridiculous.

- March 18.
- March 18.

March 18.

Look at him!

In case you two forget.

Do you mind that I spoke to Jean
to bring up the matter?

Not at all.

It was easier, you understand.

There are things one
doesn't dare to say face to face.


Right now, I prefer to speak
to you to let him know...

... that I'd be very happy if he left.

He's a very shrewd, intelligent fellow.

He can take a hint.

He understood.

- So you agree?
- To wait a month?

Fortunately, it's February.
The shortest month.

Let me gaze deep into your eyes.

Give me your eyes.

They're yours.

- I want to come closer.
- Do I have to ask you?

- Why are you closing your eyes?
- To savor every drop.

Come in, Miss. Sir will be right back.

He threw his back out last night.

This morning he felt bad
and ran to see his doctor.

- Ran?
- He hobbled off.

It won't be long now.
He was to come back by 10:00.

- I'll wait.
- It's him.

- Well?
- She told you.

There's nothing stupider
than throwing your back out.


Suddenly you're an invalid.
Hello my little pet.

The doctor gave me a vibrating massage
which fixed me up at once.

I've got a pain!
Even though I don't feel it anymore.

- How did you sleep?
- Very well.

That's the main thing, my love.
Clotilde, I'm thirsty.

- What would you like, sir?
- I don't care. Water.

I don't feel like working today.

Let's go for a walk.
I want to go to the Louvre...

... and see all the sculptures
and paintings.

Good idea.

We'll go across Paris
and eat in Montmartre.

I have to let grandmother know.

Tell her right away.

Hello, Grandmama?
Do you mind if I go out for dinner?

Well, of course!

You're a love. I adore you.

See you tonight.

You seem very able to bend down...

... for a man who threw his back out.

I hate what you're doing right now.

I hate it when someone
questions my word.

I hate it when people
don't tell me the truth.

My child, if there's
a truth that I'm hiding...

No. Let's leave it at that.

I prefer it.

I said the doctor gave me a massage
that fixed me up completely.

You didn't say "completely."

It's not just the movement you made...

... or your desire to go across Paris
despite your back that worried me.

- "Worried?"
- Well, made me think you'd lied.

What makes you think so?

- Your eyes.
- My eyes?

The look in your eyes
contradicts your words.

You're wrong.

I can tell.

Could we discuss something else?

We could try.

Let's try.

Let's try.

And that's been going on for a month?

Yes. I'm supposed to give him
my answer today.

- You're hesitating?
- No. I'm going to say yes.

I take no pleasure in meddling
in things that don't concern me.

I've never said you're wrong
to marry whom you like.

But your enthusiasm seems...

... suddenly chilled.

- Am I wrong?
- No, you're not wrong.

Then I have to meddle.

No, don't!
Fortunately, it's not serious.

We had a little spat a few days ago,
but it was my fault.

I questioned his honesty. It was stupid.

Yesterday, we argued like 2 fishwives...

... and this time, he was at fault.

So now we're even.

He said so himself, and 5 minutes
later, it was all forgotten.

- Provided you remember.
- What?

That you forgot it.

I wouldn't have remembered it...

... except that it was the day
before I'm to give my answer.

As for his irritable outburst...

... I'm sure he was
the first to regret it.

He really has the most
wonderful character.

- Do you know what time it is?
- 3:00?

No, 3:20. You were supposed
to be here at 3:00 sharp.

The metro was so crowded.

The metro's always crowded.

You should have left earlier.

We don't have anything special to do.

Maybe you don't. But I had
a meeting at 3:15 with my lawyer.

I can't make it now.

- Phone and ask...
- No. I've missed the meeting.

It's not a disaster, but if you could
break this deplorable habit...

... of being late, I'd be very grateful.

God knows how much I love you...

...but I'd be remiss
if I didn't warn you.

Your sloppiness could one day
be a source of friction between us.

Of course, my obsession with
punctuality could be exasperating...

... for a person of your young age.

One of us will have to change.

Unfortunately, I'm set in my ways,
so it would be better...

If I were to change.

Of course.

You're to give me an important
answer in 2 or 3 days.


I'm supposed to give my answer today.

I'm sorry.

You wrote it down while joking.

Since it slipped my memory,
and I just spoke a bit harshly to you...

... as punishment I give you
3 or 4 days grace...

... before telling me your response.

Isn't it tonight we're going
out with Jean?


We'll see that new film at the Colisée.

It's supposed to be excellent.

Then we'll finish up at
a nightclub to entertain you.


Turn your profile.

Look straight ahead.

No. Turn your back.

Maybe I should go.

I need to see you
from the back for a moment.

You don't want to see me anymore.

Please don't move.

- No. It's no good.
- No good?

It doesn't work.

This has happened a few times.

You start off a project
with enthusiasm...

... then somewhere
along the way it goes wrong.

In such cases,
it's better not to persist.

I'm afraid of making things worse.

It's just a draft, but I wonder
if it wouldn't be better...

... just to leave it as it is.

Yes, as a draft.

A face is like a memory.

I'm afraid of erasing it
by working more on it.

Let's leave it at that.

- Do you want me to go?
- No.

- I pose badly, perhaps.
- No, I'm not blaming you.

I have no complaints.

That's the awful thing
about our wonderful profession:

We don't always see what we're doing.

Unfortunately, it's not
always what we see.

She's really wonderful!

You're too kind.
I appreciate your compliments.

But impressionism
is the most deceiving of skills.

We're chatting now;
I'm not nervous, I'm myself.

But the drama of my life
is as soon as I get excited...

... I stop being myself and
I become one of the people I imitate.

If I talk about interest or business
I take on Michel Simon's voice.

If I tell a pretty woman
that she's attractive...

... and I'd like
to see her again...

... in spite of myself
I have Jean Tissier's voice.

No champagne, it doesn't agree with you.

I didn't come here to nurse my health.

I didn't say it to be unpleasant.

I know, but with the best will in
the world it can be irritating.

Nine hundred francs a kilo?
That's not much.

Twelve hundred francs a meter?
That's nothing.

A thousand francs a dozen? Done!

- I'm talking about a whole porker!
- A porker?

- A big pig, you know.
- I sure do.

Tell her from me if that if she'll--

Are they playing or tuning up?

I don't know, papa.

- Shall I announce you?
- Please.

Fabulous and versatile.

Incredible and phenomenal.

Dear public, I wish to present
our national impressionist.

I swear, it's absolute torture.

You're exaggerating
your martyr act a bit.

Watch out, you'll end up
by imitating Jesus Christ.

A quatrain dedicated to thin women...

... in the style of Louis Jouvet.

"What matters your scanty bosom,
O my beloved?

The flatter the chest,
the nearer the heart

And I see like a blackbird
enclosed in its cage

Love between your bones,
perched on one foot."

He really is a phenomenal mimic.

I'm not asking you to do it.

I know, this isn't that kind of place.

And you know me. I'll share
a drink with a trucker if I like him.

But I won't drink champagne
with a black marketeer.

They bore me to death.

Like a blackbird enclosed in its cage

Love between your bones,
perched on one foot.

No, I'm not in a bad mood.

Don't always fuss over me.

"What matters your scanty bosom,
O my beloved?

The flatter the chest,
the nearer the heart

And I see like a blackbird
enclosed in its cage

Love between your bones,
perched on one foot."

He told me if he could spend an hour
with you, he'd give you a porker.

Tell the pig I don't want his porker.

Or tell the porker I don't want his pig.

You can't expect
to appeal to the artistic set.

Why not?

As fair as she is beautiful, now
she'll enchant you with her voice.

They call her Gildas.

It's artists I want to appeal to.

"Alone Tonight"

Now there's a beautiful girl!

Yes, very beautiful.

I'm alone tonight

With my dreams

I'm alone tonight

Without your love

What a captivating voice she has!

Evening falls

My happiness ends

Everything breaks

In my heavy heart

I'm alone tonight

With my sorrow

I've lost hope

That you'll come back

And yet

I love you still and forever more

Don't leave me alone

Without your love

I've closed the window

The falling fog is icy

It finds its way into my room

Our room

Where the past dies

Life is so unfair. Does a girl
like that belong in a nightclub?

I'm alone tonight

With my dreams

I'm alone tonight

Without your love

It's not just her singing;
she has real flair.

Her movements are very precise.

- Don't you agree?
- Yes.

Everything breaks

In my heavy heart

I'm alone tonight

With my sorrow

I've lost hope

That you'll come back

And yet

I love you still and forever more

Don't leave me alone

Without your love

Could you lend me your pencil?

Thanks. Excuse me, darling.

You don't find it unusual
that one artist to another...

... I'm complimenting her
on her voice...

... and I'm asking her if she'd agree...

... to pose for me sometime?

Not at all.

- It's quite understandable.
- Good.

Excuse me.

Could you please pass this to...

Please make some excuse
to leave. I can't stand it any more.

Thank you.

- Shall we go?
- Already?

Catherine's exhausted.

And I have to get up
very early tomorrow.

- It's not late.
- No, but we'll miss the metro.

Alright. The bill, please.

Do you want to wait
for the lady's reply?

Not at all. Besides, she has
my phone number.

No straggling departure.
One, two, three.

They're leaving. Get their coats.

Where is this gentleman? Show me.

The grey-haired man, paying his bill.

I see him. Who's the lady with him?

I don't know.

Male and female?
Watch out there's no mischief.

Perfect timing! Look.

Read that.

Now that makes me happy.

The metro - are you joking? It's 11:20.

And it's pitch black tonight.

I'll say goodnight.
We're going in different directions.

- You'll see her home?
- What a question!


Sleep well. Now, let's grope
our way blindly home.


Take my arm, my dear.

It's in God's hands now.

Forgive me for behaving
badly tonight, Catherine.

I behaved badly and impolitely.

I apologize and am ashamed.

I must have said something
to displease you.

Yes, perhaps.
But I shouldn't have reacted to it.

Because I did; it was mean.

Just as I shouldn't have
given my card to that singer.

I did it to annoy you.
I'm telling you this...

... because I don't want you
to have any regrets about that.

My little pet.

Forgive me.

You can see that I'm not happy either.

Life isn't always easy.

Now our eyes are full of tears,
which is bad when it's hard enough...

... just to keep going.

- Give me your flashlight.
- Yes, that would be safer.

It's funny, this little circle
of light we're walking in...

... and which accompanies us.

We should have turned left.
Now let's go right.

I think we've both made a wrong turn.

Our midnight wanderings
are like our story together.

I see that I'm letting myself
be blindly guided by you...

.... even though I'm slowing you down.

Don't you feel that
we're both making a blunder?

But let's not say anything
definite tonight.

We won't make a decision,
but let's each think about it.

This is your house.

Good night.

- I'll see you tomorrow.
- About 5:00, alright?


I love you.

Thank you.

- Which way are you going?
- To Saint-Philippe-du-Roule.

That's very near my way.

Could we go together?
I can't see anything in this darkness.

- Of course.
- Thank you.

What do you think about current affairs?

That's the general opinion.

Would you like some sugar
at 210 francs a kilo?



Hello, Catherine.

- What are you doing here?
- Waiting for you.

What? François isn't here?

- No, he's gone to Vendôme.
- Vendôme?

His brother died in an accident there.

He had a brother?

They had a falling out 20 years ago.
He seldom spoke of him.

Let's sit down.

He received a telegram
and took the 3:10 train.

- Were you with him?
- Yes, we were having lunch.

I went with him to the train
and he asked me to tell you.


I'm sorry this happened to him.

Losing a brother
you're not on speaking terms with...

... that must be even sadder.

Will the funeral be there?

I don't know.

- Does he have family in Vendôme?
- No.

The accident happened
10 km from Vendôme...

... where his brother
was going on business.

- Did anyone go with François?
- No.

- You should have gone with him.
- He didn't ask me.

Why didn't he phone me?


When is he coming back?

The end of the week, I think.

What do you mean?

Today's Saturday.

Is he staying a whole week in Vendôme?


Doing what?

I wonder myself.

He didn't give you any message for me?


- Doesn't that seem odd to you?
- Yes.

Do you believe this tale of
his brother's accidental death?


What? You know it's false?


That's very serious.


Do you know it's a lie,
or just think so?

I know it's entirely made up
just to deceive you.

- To deceive me?
- Yes.

- He told you that?
- Yes.

- Why are you telling me this?
- Because I think it's abominable.

Abominable, unless...


Unless you've also grown tired of him.

- Tired of me?
- I've put it badly.

Maybe he's realized it would be
a mistake for you to marry him.

Maybe he thought
you've realized it yourself.

So you approve of
his behavior toward me?

Yes. Suppose he just meant
to give you an out.

Then it wouldn't really matter
what the excuse was.

If he thought you'd been looking
for an excuse to back out...

... he'd provide you with one.

The main thing is to know
if you'd take advantage of it.

There's no question of that.

Then he did the right thing.

Five minutes ago
I was disgusted by his behavior.

But now I realize he was right.

You approve of a man of
his age being this evasive?

Yes, if he thought you were looking
for an excuse to break up.

He seems to be the one
looking for an excuse.

I agree.

Since you wouldn't give him one,
he provided one for you.

I never allowed myself
to mention it to you before...

... but now I see through his behavior.

So this was all an act?

By a man tormented by the thought
you might be growing tired of him.

- It's not nice or courageous.
- No, but effective.

I've come to this conclusion
since our dinner together.

It was not only unpleasant, but painful
for a delicate creature like you.

His excessive enthusiasm,
sincere or not, for that singer...

... sending her his card.

It was very unpleasant.

So much so I avoided seeing him again.

Could I ask you an indiscreet question?


- Are you his mistress?
- No, not yet.

- What are you smiling at?
- Your answer.

It's exquisite.

You quietly accept breaking up, and when
I ask if you're his mistress...

... you say "not yet".

It suggests you still could be one day.

My dear child.

You came into his life too late.

- He's not old.
- No.

Not enough to need you.

- It could be him.
- Perhaps.

Don't answer.

- I'll answer.
- You shouldn't.

I don't care.


It's the maid.

Yes, ma'am, I'll write it down.

"Miss Thomassin informs
Mr. François Bressol...

... she can't come
to his house before 6:00."

Yes, ma'am. Thank you.

- Will you take me home?
- Of course.

- Do you think it looks like me?
- Not today.

There! Now it does!

Dr. Perrera on the line.

- Doctor...?
- Perrera.

Oh yes!

Yes, this is Dr. Barral.

I have the information you wanted.

Yes, I saw your patient,
Mr. François Bressol this morning.

As far as I could, I set his mind
at ease regarding his situation.

Yes, very impressionable,
typical of artists.

I told him he could expect
his eyesight to diminish...

... though it could
subsequently improve...

... and then recur.

This wasn't quite true,
as I discerned neuritis...

... with fading of the pupil...

... and permanent amaurosis.

Yes, that's what
I suspected in his case.

And no treatment possible...

No treatment.

Of course.

It could happen at any time.

I don't envy you
the sad task ahead of you.

I'll leave it to you to tell him now
or wait until it occurs.

There are 2 schools of thought.

It's up to you the take the course
you think best for your patient.

Once again, I'm grateful
for your actions.

Our colleagues
aren't always so delicate.

Goodbye, doctor.

Could you tell Mr. Bressol that
Miss Gildas would like to see him.

A Miss Gildas is here.

- Gildas? I don't know her.
- Neither do I.

What's she like?

Tall, blonde, and beautiful.

I can't see her.

Ask her what she wants.

Here. He'll remember with this.

Oh yes! I'd forgotten her name.

Show her in.

- Was I wrong to come?
- Not at all.

Since you're here, come in.

- Hello, sir.
- Hello.

- Am I disturbing you?
- Not in the least.

You weren't expecting me.

True. I was expecting
to get a phone call from you.

I meant to, to thank you for your card.

You can't imagine
how happy it made me.

Just as well.

Frankly, if it weren't that my
laundress is 50 meters away...

... I would never have rung your bell,
but with such a coincidence, you see?

Yes, indeed.

- Killing 2 birds with 1 stone.
- Exactly.

As you were coming
to get your laundry--


Since I was coming to see you, I decided
to pick up my laundry at the same time.

It's fun to tell the truth
when it isn't hurtful.

I prefer to tell it to you face to face.

What you wrote me was adorable.

It was a trifle.

- A trifle? If you only knew!
- Knew what?

Before I went on to sing last night,
you know what the manager told me?

"If you were a real artist,
you'd appeal to artists."

That stung! I went out to sing,
seething with fury.

I came offstage
and I was given your card.

I called him over
and shoved his nose in--

- You get it.
- Yes, very well.

He was so bowled over,
he signed me on for another month.

Don't say your card was a trifle.

I'm delighted to have such an
influence. I believe what I wrote you.

You're very good.

I'm not so good.
I'd like to get closer to you - may I?

So you're really a sculptor?

Yes, really.

That's funny; I was wondering
if that was just a pretext.

- A pretext?
- Yes.

To get me to come here.

You came.

- Do you blame me?
- No, but I'm surprised.

You could flatter yourself,
because I knew what you'd be like.

You're very brave.

A man doesn't frighten me.

What do you mean?

It all comes down to
whether I like him or not.

If I don't like him,
I can defend myself.

If I like him, I can give myself.

With me, you'd defend yourself.

You're fishing for compliments!

How would you rate me?

As a lover?

No. In years.

I'd say you turned 40 a dozen years ago.

- Did I hurt you?
- No.

But you were right. It was a pretext.

- The card?
- Yes.

But not the way you think.

It was to annoy someone?

Better than that.

No, no, no. I don't want
to be used to do something bad.

Who says it's bad?

- There's a funny look in your eyes.
- I'm glad you find me funny.

- Goodbye.
- No, stay.


Because I want to look at you up close.

For four seconds.

- Do you need a magnifying glass?
- Almost.

Can you keep a secret?

- Yes.
- I believe you.

You're going to witness
something very unusual.

Look straight into my eyes.

Not like that!

More sweetly.


You are gazing into eyes
that right now are ceasing to see.

As for that child, I adore her.

That's the secret.

- The secret?
- Yes.

Keep it well.

Why are you telling me this?

Because you're a tasty morsel...

... and I'd like you to hold on
to a memory of me...

... which is pure and unadulterated.

This is important for you?

Oh yes.

Think of the memory of you
that I'll hold on to.

Someone's at the door.

I'll go.

You have gone.

Sir isn't alone.


You're abominable!
You'll never see me again!


I thought the young lady was here.

Sir, are your eyes troubling you again?

You should see an oculist.
Don't fool around with your eyesight.

Shall you wait for the young
lady to pour the tea?


Pour it for me.

I can't stand to see you like this.

Neither can I.

I'd prefer to see myself differently.


Are my eyes red?


Anything unusual about my gaze?



- Shall I give you your cup?
- No.

Miss Thomassin, sir.

Show her in.

- Hello, sir.
- Hello.

- Ah, already.
- Yes, already.

Just a few minutes ago.

A first little attack,
probably caused by some stress.

- A strong emotion?
- Yes, rather.

A small thing will do it.

But it's possible that
it will improve in a few minutes.

It seems to me I can
already make out some objects.

I'm not surprised.
It will come and go 5 or 6 times.

Then suddenly, it will stop.

- Permanently.
- Yes.

Please sit down beside me.

- You wanted to see me, sir.
- Yes I would.

You're already starting
to play with the word "see".

- Everyone does it.
- Really?

You get some enjoyment from
embarrassing us for having said it.

Would it be prying to ask
where you got my address?

From Dr. Perrera's secretary.

She gave me your address and
told me that you were one of a kind...

... when it came to
retraining the blind.

She exaggerated a bit.
There are several of us...

... involved in this fascinating work.

You told me you'd consulted
Professor Berger.

- Yes.
- You couldn't do better.

- Do you know his precise diagnosis?
- Yes.


- Of the pupil?
- Yes. And--

- Permanent amaurosis?
- Yes.

Perfect. Why are you smiling?

The word "perfect" slipped out.

It didn't slip out.

I said it because it's perfectly clear,
which is much better.

You're not one of those cases where
eyesight weakens day by day...

... month after month...

... and you wonder if and when
you'll stop seeing altogether.

In life, the thing that kills is hope.

But most people don't realize it.

How many claim to live in hope,
yet simply die of it.

I want you to understand me.

When I used the word "perfect"
you were surprised.

You'll soon understand that
it's not surprising I say that.

I've seen nothing but blind people,
morning to night for 20 years.

I'm so used to them that
when I'm with people who see...

... I'm at a loss.

I feel useless.

You wouldn't believe how
quickly people who see can bore me.

To me, they're kind of scatterbrained.

They all talk at once.
No one listens to anyone.

And 8 out of 10 times, their looks
contradict what they say.

Whereas the blind
converse with intensity.

The intelligent ones, of course.

It doesn't take them long
to become more so.

Many things escape them,
but they're not disadvantaged...

... because they understand things
which escape everyone else.

When the sighted talk,
they think, generally speaking.

Whereas the non-sighted reflect.

- Have I wasted all my time up to now?
- No.

Now you'll be able to profit
from everything you've seen.

Excuse me, I was checking the time.

- I didn't notice.
- I let you know to be polite.

There's also that, sir.

You'll have to train
the people around you.

What about those who make fun
of me behind my back?

Such idiots or boors
really wouldn't matter.

- I see the time is 5:45.
- Thank you.

I have to go to the boulevard
de la Tour-Maubourg.

Tell me, what do you expect of me?

Not much else, right now.

Later, perhaps some advice.

Practical questions?

What advice do you want me to give you?

Busy yourself creating a little world
which will be all your own.

Don't move anything around.

- Are you married?
- No.

What did you say?

I didn't say anything.

Should I be sorry?


- Yes. It depends.
- Exactly.

It depends on the woman.

And the man too.

The night will seem long.

You won't have to count the days.

You'll soon find out
you have a fantastic memory.

Without knowing it, you've recorded
a hundred thousand memories...

... which would have
dropped into oblivion.

I'll leave, but I remain
available at any time.

Call me any time.

May I ask you something indiscreet?

You have every right.

What do you look like?

I was going to ask you.
This will be interesting...

... since you don't know me.

And I daresay I'm the first
person you've seen...

... since you lost your sight.

Well then, what am I like, physically?


That's one of the reasons
I've dedicated my life to the blind.


And you haven't seen him since?

François? No, I swear.

As fair as she is beautiful, now
she'll enchant you with her voice.

- It's Gildas...
- Shall we go?

It'll hurt you to see her again.


It'll do me good to get my revenge.

I'm alone tonight

With my dreams

I'm alone tonight

Without your love

Evening falls

My happiness ends

Everything breaks

In my heavy heart

I'm alone tonight

With my sorrow

I've lost hope

That you'll come back

And yet

I love you still and forever more

Don't leave me alone

Without your love

What a little bitch!

- I'll go tell her off.
- No!

Yes; tell her exactly this:

"Miss Gildas wants to talk to you."

Don't be scared!

- And be nice about it.
- You know her?

Yes... no... Just bring her here.

I got involved in a dreadful situation.

Would you kindly come with me?
Miss Gildas wants to talk to you.

- Don't go.
- Why not? She doesn't scare me.

- You've nothing to fear.
- I never imagined I did.

Leave us alone.

Have you seen him again, since the
day we encountered each other?


That's too bad.

Go to him tomorrow, without fail.

He adores you. He needs you.

I don't blame you
for what you've done to me.

It's normal, even if it was unfair.

Completely unfair.

Singing is how I earn my living.

I'm sorry.

Obviously, young and
pretty as you are...

... it's appalling.

What's appalling?


I have to go, excuse me. Goodbye.

Who was that, Clotilde?

It was the mail, sir.

Read it to me tonight.

Oh, why did you come back?

So I'd never leave again.

My little one, don't say such things.

It's the truth.
I've come to offer myself to you.

Make me your mistress or your wife,
it doesn't matter which.

You're mad.

Take me as I am.

You said to me once,
"Give me your eyes."

Today I bring them to you.

So all those cruel things...

All those lies... it was for this?

Of course. Believe me,
it was a terrible struggle for me.

A battle between two feelings.

The desire for you to break away
from me, and leave forever.

And the mad desire
to tell you everything...

... and beg you to stay.

Understand, if I'd said to you,
"Let's part because I'm going blind"...

... either you'd have left
and I'd have been inconsolable...

... or you'd have felt obliged to stay.

"Obliged"? How can you have
imagined such a thing?

You never could have
proved to me it wasn't so.

And when I've come today
of my own free will...

... what feeling has driven me, in your eyes?

"In my eyes?"

In your heart.

Don't say "pity"; it's not true.

If your pride prevents you
from saying "love"...

... then say "curiosity".

I find this insanely interesting,
fascinating for a woman...

... to be next to you, to see for you.

My child, you don't realize what
a sacrifice that would be for you.

It's no sacrifice.

I daren't admit
that I feel a kind of joy.

And also, you should be able to tell
by my voice I'm not unhappy.

I understand the enthusiasm
that your youth can be feeling now.

But some day you'll blame me.

But now, since I'm here.

And anyway, who can blame
a man for being loved?

Remember the first time
I told you I loved you.

You didn't want to believe me.

You even said
you didn't ask that of me...

... and you loved me enough for two.

Your look was so ironic, it worried me.

Now that you can't see me anymore,
I challenge you to make me blush.

I wasn't strong enough before.
I wasn't anything.

You were everything.

You were so clever and intelligent,
even your age was an advantage.

I understood very well. For you
I was just someone pretty to look at.

And I saw very well
that I couldn't even be useful to you.

Now I can be necessary for you.

And just think--
tomorrow I'll be indispensible.

It's exquisite for a woman
to feel herself indispensible.

Very well then.

Enjoy yourself.

Let me say the words I want to say.

The words that come from my heart.

- I love you.
- Alright.

Enjoy yourself loving me.

But swear to me one thing:
the day you stop enjoying it...

... read the word "enjoy" as you wish...

... that day you'll stop living with me.

Because I want to tell you,
there might be other women...

... who'd enjoy it too.

You mustn't take their place.

And you will if you stay with me...

... once it no longer makes you happy.

All sacrifices are possible
and acceptable...

... until one of the two notices
that there is a sacrifice.

I'm just telling you what's going
through my head right now.

So many things...

I know.

And you've already made
so many observations...

I make them by the thousands, every day.

Every one more fascinating
than the one before.

The proof is
that I've been working furiously...

... haunted by the feeling
of a new life beginning.

Every event produces
deep and unexpected feelings.

Do you remember
that wonderful drawing by Daumier...

... I spoke of recently?

Yes, I remember.

Well, this morning, Clotilde broke
something here while cleaning.

Just now, she was rummaging
around here again.

What if she'd ruined this drawing,
if it had been lost forever?

Suppose she'd replaced the Daumier
with another drawing.

Don't say anything.

What if it had happened like that?

You'd never see
the Daumier drawing again.

And I'd still keep seeing it.

The truth is, we don't learn
to profit from our misfortunes.

That's the most important point.

If we manage to consider ourselves...

... the privileged spectators
of our misfortunes...

... we'd stop being the victims of them.

Yes, we must show ourselves worthy
of the misfortunes that come to us...

... to deserve this divine reward:

... to have the one we love.

- Is it still daylight?
- No.

Why did you turn on the lamp?

Take me in your arms.

Turn it off.

Let us be equals.