My Father My Lord (2007) - full transcript
Abraham Eidelmann, an old ultra-orthodox rabbi, has a young wife, Esther, and a young son, Menahem. He spends all his time praying, studying the Torah and preparing his sermons. Abraham has not much time to devote to Esther, who craves affection, nor to Menahem, who is awakening to life. But today Menahem is happy. His father has accepted to go to the Dead Sea for their holidays.
- Menahem Eidelman -
Dad Wanted to speak to you.
Have you spoken already?
Is he in the living room?
- I think so.
Go on.
Go on then!
- Deeds of our sages -
Menahem, are you sleeping?
"I gratefully thank You,
eternal king
"for You have returned my soul..."
"You Who cling to the Lord,
you are all alive today..."
"May the Words of Your Torah
be pleasant in our mouths
"so that We
and all our descendants
"may all come to knoW
Your name..."
"Blessed are You, Lord,
"Who teaches Torah
to His people Israel."
"My Lord, the soul
You have given me is pure.
"You created it,
You formed it,
"You breathed it into me,
You guard it Within me,
"and one day You Will take it from me
and restore it to me in life eternal.
"As long as this soul
is Within me,
"I thank You, my Lord,
Lord of my forefathers,
"Master of all creation,
Sovereign of all souls.
"Blessed are You, Lord, Who
restores souls to dead bodies."
"I gratefully thank You,
O living and eternal King..."
You naughty boy.
That's it.
Finish your chocolate milk,
and let's go.
We don't Want
to keep Dad Waiting.
- Dead Sea Minibus Service -
Let's see if you knoW.
The arm Tefillin correspond
to the heart
and the head Tefillin
to the brain.
Which do you start With?
The arm Tefillin
or the head Tefillin?
The arm Tefillin
and then the head Tefillin.
What's the blessing
for each one?
The blessing for arm Tefillin is
"To put on Tefillin,"
and for head Tefillin is
"The commandment of Tefillin."
If We Want you to have proper,
fancy tefillin
We have to order
several years in advance,
even 4 or 5 years
before your Bar-Mitzvah.
Everyone together.
(HebreW) "Abraham built there."
- (Yidish) Abraham built there.
"The altar"
The altar.
"The altar"
The altar.
"And arranged the Wood"
And arranged the Wood.
"And arranged the Wood"
And arranged the Wood.
Everyone together...
"He bound Isaac his son"
He bound Isaac his son.
"He bound Isaac his son"
He bound Isaac his son.
"And placed him on the altar"
And placed him on the altar.
"And placed him on the altar"
And placed him on the altar.
"Atop the Wood"
Atop the Wood.
"Atop the Wood"
Atop the Wood.
"Abraham stretched out his hand"
Abraham stretched out his hand.
"Abraham stretched out his hand"
Abraham stretched out his hand.
"And took the knife"
And took the knife.
"And took the knife"
And took the knife.
NoW it's good.
"To slaughter his son"
To slaughter his son.
"To slaughter his son"
To slaughter his son.
ShoW me the card
you shoWed me before.
WoW. HoW many do you Want?
- 4.
I'll give you more than 4,
and you'll be my partner.
There you go.
Keep this.
Put it in your pocket.
Lady, What's your name?
Give her some oxygen.
What's the dog doing here?
- Open the pads.
Go out.
Go out. Out!
Do you knoW the lady?
- Did you...
We took her
from the second floor.
Will you take the dog?
- Yes.
Want some more cereal?
Are We going to the beach
this year, Mom?
Did Dad speak to you?
- No.
He didn't tell you When I sent you
to talk to him yesterday? -No.
Here's the phone number of a
minibus service for the Dead Sea.
Do you prefer the Dead Sea?
I have an idea. Why don't We
hire a private transport?
Hi, Menahem.
Menahem seggested
We go to the Dead Sea.
That's a good idea.
Why don't We take
a private transport?
You knoW What?
I'll inquire about that tomorroW.
Menahem, What blessing
do you say When you see the sea?
"Whose poWer
and might pervade the World."
"Who makes the Wonders
of creation."
Most people actually agree that
you don't bless the Dead Sea,
only the great sea.
Do dogs have souls?
Absolutely not.
Why do you think so?
Do you think
dogs are like humans?
Why do you ask?
Even good animals don't
have a heaven to go to?
Menahem. They have no Will.
No sins. No commandments. Nothing.
Someone's playing the drums.
- Are they Worshipping an idol?
I don't knoW.
Dad, can you come here?
Say, is this idolatry?
It is idolatry.
It is.
They're Worshipping an idol?
Menahem, I don't knoW
if they're Worshipping,
but it is idolatry.
It should be torn up.
Tear it up, Menahem.
Tear it up, Menahem!
Tear it up, Menahem.
Do you Want to have idolatry
in our home?
Do you?
Tear it up noW!
Do you understand?! -Dad.
I Will have no idolatry
in this house! Tear it up!
maybe Menahem
Will tear it up and...
We'll get you another picture
instead of it.
A reWard for tearing up idolatry?
Next, you'll be reWarding him
for observing the Sabbath.
Tear it up, Menahem.
Are you sleeping?
Have you recited
the "Giver of Sleep"?
Good night.
Women aren't alloWed in here.
- Alright.
I Won a lot of jacks.
- Lovely!
Come and see
What I got you.
Hey, here are the beach sandals.
NeW bathing suit.
I got you fruit.
I'm very busy, so... I've got
a couple of things I have to do.
I'll come and pick you up
and We'll go back home together.
Quick. Women aren't
alloWed in here. -Alright.
Not here.
Not here.
Okay. Goodbye, Menahem.
See you.
16 and 16.
- 32.
32 and 32.
- 64. -Good!
What are you looking for,
Menahem? -The Water Wings.
There they are.
Is that too tight, Menahem?
- No. -Great.
You don't have to knoW hoW
to sWim in the Dead Sea.
You just raise your arms
and legs and float.
Where's Dad's thermos? Do you knoW
Where Dad's thermos is?
I don't knoW.
We can use my thermos.
- Oh, great.
I Want to hold it.
- Careful...
By the Way the Talmud says:
"Had We not been given the Torah
We Would learn modesty from cats."
For cats burroW in the dirt
and cover their Waste.
Rabbi Haim's innovation is that
since the Torah Was given to us,
We have to learn the rules
of modesty from the Torah
and not from the cat,
as the Torah is the only thing
that obliges us.
There's an important
faith issue here.
Our sages have taught us
that the Almighty
has tWo types of providence
When Watching the World:
General Providence
and Personal Providence.
In General Providence,
the Almighty takes care
of all the species in nature,
seeing to their continued
existence as species and kinds,
not as individuals.
God doesn't Watch over individuals
in the animal and plant kingdoms.
When an animal eats another one
or a man steps on an ant,
it's not because
the Almighty decided
that that ant should die
right then.
He instituted natural cycles
in them,
Which proceed
according to His decree
and He doesn't take into account
What happens to them as individuals.
The Almighty provided
Personal Providence for man alone.
The Almighty decrees
an individual's destiny
and What happens to him
every moment.
But here, one must
understand that by "man",
they meant only the righteous man
Who Worships God.
God doesn't Watch over
those Who don't observe the Torah
and, naturally, doesn't Watch over
those Who aren't JeWs
With Personal Providence.
Only With General Providence.
And the entire purpose
of people Who do not Worship God
in this World
is to serve the righteous man.
And they Were created
on account of him,
just like inanimate objects,
animals and plants.
As of themselves, they Would
not have the right to exist
Were it not
for the righteous man,
Who is the purpose
of all Creation.
It is only the God Worshipper,
a man of Torah
that the Almighty protects
With Personal Providence,
Watching over him
every step of his Way
and seeing to all his needs
for it is for the righteous man
that the World Was created.
"Blessed are You, the Lord,
our God, King of the universe,
"through Whose Word
everything came to be."
Why does the Almighty keeps the
species and kinds from extinction.
We don't knoW.
But We do knoW that everything
Was created for the Torah.
And this is Where
the Talmud says:
"Had We not been given the Torah,
We Would learn modesty from the cats,"
indicating that this might be
the reason
Why cats Were created
as they Were.
That is, any reason
that benefits the servant of God
is Worthy
of being part of Creation.
And it is Written: "If not for
my covenant, Which is the Torah,
"I Would have not established the
ordinances of heaven and earth."
"Bless God, the blessed One.
"Blessed is God, the blessed One,
for all eternity."
We're going
to the Dead Sea tomorroW.
Have you said
your last blessing?
Let's say the last blessing.
"Blessed are You..."
"Blessed are You,
the Lord our God,"
- "King of the Universe
"Who created many souls
and their needs,
"for What He created
to instill all lives in.
"Blessed are the lives, eternal."
You're up?
You already recited
the "Giver of Sleep"...
Good night, Esther.
You're tired, eh?
I don't understand.
What are you thinking about?
Are you a little mad at me?
"Blessed are You,
O Lord our God,
"Who casts the bonds of sleep
upon my eyes
"and slumber upon my eyelids.
"May it be Your Will O Lord,
and God of my ancestors
"that you lay me doWn With peace
and raise me up in peace."
Mordechai, come here.
Put the cellophane.
on the fire in the altar.
This one too.
Come, help us.
Put this here.
We've glued Abraham here.
NoW, let's attach the altar.
Who's going to help me?
Come, Mendi, come.
Let me put some glue here...
Go to the table
and get some more glue.
Very nice.
Put this here.
Glue it here. Nice.
So We have Abraham,
the altar With the Wood
and Isaac and here's the ram.
Menahem's gluing the ram noW.
Come. NoW the ram.
Let's glue it strongly.
they've come to pick you up.
See you.
Rabbi Abraham...
"I am ready and prepared
to perform the commandment
"of sending aWay the mother bird
as it says in Your holy Torah."
"You must let the mother go,
and only then take the young."
"For the sake of the unification
of the Holy One,
"by the One Who is hidden and
"in the name of all Israel."
"Blessed are You,
O Lord our God,
"Who has sanctified us
With His commandments
"and commanded us
to send aWay the mother bird."
The dove fleW from the nest.
The dove
from the nest at Torah school.
Does she have young ones?
- Yes. TWo little ones.
"O Master of the Universe,
"our Father, Merciful Father.
"Fulfill my heart and my Wife's
heart's desires to do good,
"to purify our thoughts
and bodies,
"to direct our bodies
"so as to increase Your sanctity
in all Worlds.
"And may We be blessed
With sons and daughters
"Who are alive and Well to Work
You and be in aWe of You.
"May they do Your Will, truly,
all the days of their lives."
Okay, We can go.
Your hand.
Do you knoW the commandment
of "sending aWay the mother bird"?
"Ki Tetzeh" Weekly Torah portion?
"If you come across
a bird's nest along the Way..."
"If you come across
a bird's nest along the Way,
"You must let the mother go,
and only then take the young."
What do you do?
You let the mother go,
and leave the young.
It's a commandment.
- Why?
It's the commandment of
"sending aWay the mother bird"...
It's a commandment
from the Torah.
So What happens to the young ones?
They're there...
And you return them.
So What happened to the mother?
What happened to the mother...
I guess she'll return.
And if she doesn't,
the young ones
Won't have a mother anymore?
Maybe she Will return?
Of course she'll return, Menahem.
Why Wouldn't she?
Do you think anyone can be more merciful
and righteous than the Torah?
I Want you to knoW that mercifulness
that contradicts the Torah
is sometimes an evil instinct
disguised as a good one.
We do everything that is Written
in the Torah Without asking Why,
because those are
the laWs of the Almighty.
In fact...
after sending aWay the dove,
the Almighty sees her sorroW
and his pity is aroused
on account of the destruction
of the Second Temple
and the exile of the JeWs.
And this is the real sorroW
of the World.
It's amazing.
The commandment of "sending aWay the
mother bird" is a promise for sons.
Our Sages of Blessed Memory
said the folloWing:
"Thus said the Almighty:
"'If you don't have sons,
I Will give you sons.' HoW so?
"For it is said:
'Send aWay the mother.'
"And What is your reWard?
Take the young."
Here's the sea.
So beautiful.
"HoW many are Your Works, O Lord."
Where shall We go?
Will We be on the same beach
or go to a separate one?
Mom's going to the Women's beach
and We're going to the groWnups'
beach. You go With Dad.
Menahem, you're a big boy.
You'll have your Bar-Mitzvah
in a feW years.
But Dad, there really Were
fish there. I saW...
Yes, Menahem.
Those are fish from the rainfall
Water, from the springs.
When they go into the Dead Sea
Water, they die. Its salty Water.
I don't Want to go into the Water
With my sandals on.
But Why did We get you sandals?
I Want to go barefoot.
So be careful,
don't slip in this Water.
This Water really stings.
It Will hurt your eyes.
What happened?
What happened?
Get some Water from the beach,
fast. From the spring...
Afternoon prayer!
Out, out of the Water!
Get out of the Water!
Afternoon prayer!
Come. We're late for prayers.
Pants first.
What are you doing?
They're on Wrong.
Okay. There.
NoW it's Okay.
Go on. One. Other leg...
Other leg. One, tWo... Jump.
Good boy. Hold on.
NoW, sandals.
I Want to do the other one.
But We're hurrying to pray.
We've got to get ready
for prayers.
I'll go, Will you folloW me?
- Okay.
Sure? -Yes.
- I'm Waiting for you. -Okay.
Come on!
I'm coming.
I'm coming.
"I Will lift up my eyes
to the mountains,
from Where shall my help come?"
"A song of Ascents.
"I Will lift up my eyes
to the mountains,
"from Where shall my help come?
"A Song of Ascents. I Will lift up
my eyes to the mountains,
"from Where shall my help come?
"My help comes from the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth.
"My help comes from the Lord,
Who made heaven and earth.
"He Will not alloW your foot
to slip,
"He Who keeps you
Will not slumber.
"He Will not alloW your foot
to slip,
"He Who keeps
you Will not slumber.
"Behold, He Who keeps Israel
Will neither slumber nor sleep.
"Behold, He Who keeps Israel
Will neither slumber nor sleep.
"The Lord is your shade
on your right hand.
"The Lord is your shade
on your right hand.
"The sun Will not smite you
by day, nor the moon by night.
"The sun Will not smite you
by day, nor the moon by night."
"God gave
"and God has taken aWay."
"Blessed be the name of God
"from noW to all eternity."
"We have been broken.
Blessed be the Judge of truth.
"With torn hearts, seething, With
hearts broken, in deep sorroW,
"We announce our
premature bereavement.
"Our only,
beloved, dear son,
"Menahem Eidelman,
of blessed memory."
"Let Your affection for him
be sWeeter
"than a honeycomb
or any other delicacy.
"Glorious One, most beautiful
splendor of the World,
"my soul is sick
With love for You.
"Please God, heal it
"by revealing
the delight of your splendor.
"Then it Will be invigorated
and healed,
"enjoying everlasting happiness."
You mustn't cry on the Sabbath.
"...And have pity
"on Your beloved son.
"This is the desire of my heart.
"Have pity and
do not hide Yourself."
Why don't you muster up
some energy and come With me?
I never let him out of my sight.
Suddenly, for a moment,
I Wasn't by his side.
I Was Wrapped
in the hands of the Almighty.
I Was... engrossed in praying.
What could I do? I Was Wrapped
in the hands of the Almighty.
What could one do?
Man can't do more.
If he had been With me...
- Menahem Eidelman -
Subtitles: Cinematyp Ltd.