My Donkey, My Lover & I (2020) - full transcript

Antoinette, a school teacher, is looking forward to her long planned summer holidays with her secret lover Vladimir, the father of one of her pupils. When learning that Vladimir cannot come...

20, 19, 18, 17...


3, 2, 1, 0!

- It's not too much?
- No!


Whatever you do, don't speed up, OK?

Stay nice n' calm.

There's no rush.

Like the rehearsal earlier.

It was perfect.

You're beautiful.


You're beautiful. You're magnificent.

Thank you!

We have to get in position.
Come on.


Stay here till they've finished, OK?

OK, our turn.

And now, grade 5, Mrs. Lapouge's class.

One night I fall asleep with him

But I know it's forbidden

And I feel the fever biting me

Without a shadow of remorse

And the dawn brings me sleep

I don't want the sun to come

When I take his head in my hands

I swear I feel sorrow

And I'm wondering

If this love will have a tomorrow

When I'm far from him

When I'm far from him

I'm no longer

in my right mind

And I'm no longer from here

I'm no longer from here

I feel the rain from another planet

From another planet


You're completely crazy!

Didn't the kids do great?

- Where's your wife?
- No idea.

- Alice must have realized.
- Yeah, I know.

Like my dress?

Yes, you look marvelous.

What's that smell?


- Can't you smell it?
- No.

Yes, it smells...


vacation time!

In 3 days' time!

We could go to the Grand Palais.

Should I book it?

If you like.

We'll go out, won't we?

We won't stay in bed for a week!

I want us to do lots together.



I'm not here next week.

The 3 of us are going
to the Cévennes.

The 3 of us?

Not you.
Me, Alice and Eléonore.

She isn't going to the seaside.
She just told us.

You're joking?

- Tell her you can't.
- I tried.

But you're working.

Why not go in August?

Everything's set up in August.

10 days with her friends,
10 days with our families...

Alice is so excited
about hiking with a donkey.

I know.

My love...

How long for?

A week.

It's usually 12 days.
We'll do half.

I'll be back in a week.

Yes, and so will she.


She's coming.

When do you go?


I know.

See you tomorrow afternoon?

Can you open the door, please?

Wait for me!


My Donkey, My Lover & I

Next stop: Chasseradès.



You can pick your room.

- See you later.
- OK.

Now then...


Antoinette Lapouge.

Lapouge! You phoned yesterday?

It wasn't easy.

Next time, book earlier,
Mrs. Lapouge.

Well, I managed to book everything.

OK, let me explain.

A 6-day hike, right?

That's right.


We're here: Chasseradès.

OK? Day 1:

Chasseradès to Le Bleymard,
20 kms.

Day 2: Le Bleymard

to Pont-de-Montvert, 18 kms.

Day 3: a longer hike.

Pont-De-Montvert to Florac, 26 kms.

Day 4: Florac to Cassagnas,

19 kms.
Day 5: Cassagnas

to Saint Étienne, 22 kms.

Day 6: Saint Étienne
to Saint Jean-du-Gard, 19 kms.

I tried to even it up.

Bed and board is booked.

You get your own lunch.
Do you know how it works?

Not really.

It's easy. You book a packed lunch.

You pay in advance.
870 euros, cash or check.

Oh, 870 euros.

I told you on the phone.

A 6-day hike: 870 euros.

Donkeys cost money.



itinerary, map, garbage bags.

There are 2. Let me explain.

Put your things evenly in them.

Leave your case here for now.

- Alright?
- Right.


Dinner at 7, breakfast at 8.

The dormitory's that way.
There's room upstairs.

Need a towel?

Oh, yes, please.

- Towel.
- Thanks.

See you later.

Come eat. I'm hungry.

Ah, the latecomer!

She phoned yesterday to book.


You're lucky
we still had a donkey.

You have a donkey?

Yes, I do.

Don't you?


It's optional.

We don't have to copy
everything Stevenson did.

No, thanks. We're not crazy!

He didn't do it for fun.

They hadn't invented
the backpack, the pop-up tent...

They couldn't carry everything.

They hadn't even invented
the sleeping bag.

He had to get one made.

So, I'm the only one
walking with a donkey?

It'll be great.

- Are you alone?
- Yes.


Ever walk with a donkey?


- It's your first hike?
- Right.

That's good.

Well, actually...

I wasn't going to be alone,

I was meeting someone, but...

he's not here.

Were you meeting him here?

Yes, well...

He said he was doing
the Stevenson trail.

You know it doesn't start here?

It starts much further up
at Monastier-sur-Gazeille.

Did he say
he was starting from here?

Yes, well...
I think he's only doing half.

You mean he doesn't know
you're here? Is it a surprise?

In a way.

I said "he".

It is a "he"? It's a man?

Yes, it's a man!

Your lover?

Sorry, but it's a habit.

Things are very friendly here.

We don't stand on ceremony.

Well, yes, he's my lover.

That's good.

Call him.

Yes, but no.

What are you?


Oh, no, but...

Use mine.

No, that's very kind, but...

I can't, actually.

Actually, he's not alone.


He's with...

his wife?


Well, that's...

Better not call him, then.

I'd have liked to see it.
I adore love stories.

No, but nothing would have happened.


Why did you come, then?

An impulse.

Right. That's exactly it.

No, but in any case...

I'm happy to be here.

And it's fine that he's not here.

Maybe he's in another hostel.

- There are 3 here.
- Really?


I see.

What'd you have done?

I don't know.


Does his wife know you?

Yes, a bit.

Actually, I'm their daughter's teacher.


You're right.

Shame on me!

- She'd work it out.
- Stop it.

Now you be quiet.

Know what you should do?

You should go home
and find a single guy.

It's up to you,
but we won't refund you.

It's too late.

Don't go back to Paris
now you're here. Stay.

Come on.

The hike will do you good.

Have you trained for it?

No need. She's so young.

Look, she's in great shape.

It's pretty hilly, though.

No, it's not hard.

And maybe you'll run into him, eh?

I'm sure you will.


Which one do you want?

That one.

The grey one?

OK, good choice.

Hold this.

Come on, then.

- Heavy, isn't it?
- Yeah.

Hello, Missy.

Hello, Patrick.

You're Patrick?

No, I'm Jacques. He's Patrick.

It's Irish.

Go on.

Say hello.

- Hello, Patrick.
- That's it.

Start on the right foot.


The saddlebags.

Close them.

Come see.

No, nice n' close.

I'm scared.


This is very important.
When you stop,

don't let him roam.
You always tie him up.

Can you do a slipknot?

OK, don't panic. It's simple.

I'll show you.

Make a loop.

Pull it through.

Easy, see?


if he goes too fast... helicopter!

He's scared.

He stops. OK?

That's it.

And to make him move?

Be assertive, show him who's boss.
Don't let him eat the first day.

Be assertive, OK?

And if necessary...

He's thick-skinned.

Huh, Patrick?

Enjoy your vacation.

I'll just put this down.


which way?

Follow the markers.

That thing?

Even he knows.

Let's go, Patrick.

Move, Patrick.

Pull harder.

I'm pulling as hard as I can.

Move, Patrick.

Go on, Patrick.

- Have fun.
- Bye.

No, Patrick, move. Come on!


Come on, big boy, move! Come on!

I've had enough.

Come on, sweetie.

What's going on? What's wrong?

Look, I'm right next to you.

With me.

Let's walk.

There you are.

So I have to be by your side.

My donkey

Has a very sore head

Madam made him

A hat for his head

And some shoes

Fuckin' move.

You want to piss me off?

You stay if you like.
I'm going, OK?

I'm going, Patrick.

Bye, Patrick.


I don't think you realize

we'll never make it!

We haven't even done 2 kms.

It'll take 20 years
to do this leg of the journey.

Do you realize?

OK, you win. Picnic break.

Fuck this!

I'm sick to death
of that shitty mule!

I'm having a pee.


OK, I can't even piss in peace!

I won't stand for that!

Stay here, dammit!


You're a fuckin' idiot!


Come on.


I didn't see you this morning.

I left early. I had a break.

Going OK?

Yes, thanks.

Have you seen him?


Well, what you said yesterday, your...

Oh, no.

Maybe he's not here.

In the Cévennes, I mean.

Have you considered that?


- Move!
- No. Sorry.

I don't approve.

Let me handle this.

- OK.
- I'd rather handle it.

C'mon, Patrick.

Let's go.

Why are you in love
with a married man?

I mean, looking at you...

You should be spoiled for...



Look, stop shouting at him like that.

I think it scares him.

It's counterproductive.

Just walk on...

I couldn't do it.

I'd be too scared
of getting into trouble.

Come on.


I'm not judging you.
I'm just saying it for you.


That's enough, dammit!


No, I'm sorry. I was trying to help.
I thought...

Well, I don't need help.

I need to be alone with Patrick.

See you tonight.


See you tonight.
I'll let you go on ahead.



Don't move, Patrick.

Patrick, look.
I think we're nearly there.

I've had enough.
Move, for pity's sake.

That's it.

Oh, thank you.

I'm begging you.

You'll see,
I'll give you food and drink.

I'll take all that off.

You'll see, we'll be fine and dandy.

Oh, yes, Patrick! Yes!

That's good, yes!


Come here.

Come over here.

Make room for her.


Shoes off, please.

I wondered where you were.

You're hot gossip.

Whose donkey is that?


Let's put it in the field.

Ah, at last! Mrs. Lapouge has arrived!

Let's go to bed.


'Night, everyone.


If you don't find him,
he's not Mr. Right.

That's all. OK?


Come on, honey.

It's a long hike tomorrow.

- I'll take this for you.
- Really?

I dealt with it all.

I'll put these here, OK?


Here's something to eat.

And another bottle of wine.

- Thank you.
- Enjoy your meal.

No, you carry on.

What's wrong?

Did your donkey give you a hard time?

Which one is her donkey?

It's Patrick!

We know him well.

He won't move, will he?


Always the same.

It takes time to get along with him.

I give up.

I'm going back to Paris.

No, you're not.

Tomorrow is the best bit,
the Mont Lozère.

Do you have a phone?

I can't get a signal.

It'd be a real pity.


I didn't come for the right reasons.

So we heard.

Know why Robert Louis Stevenson
came to the Cévennes?

Because of a woman.

Fanny Osbourne.

An American with 2 children.
An extraordinary woman.

An adventurer.

A cowgirl who came alone
to France to study painting.

She met Stevenson
while studying in Barbizon.

She was 10 years older than him.

Just think, in the 19th century!

A free woman.

Love at first sight.
They want to marry.

But Fanny must first get divorced.

After several months, she returns
to the US. It was a long journey

in those days.

Cross the Atlantic...

then the whole country

all the way to San Francisco.

Stevenson has no news of her.

He's disappointed, miserable...

He feels abandoned.

To forget,

he decides to set off alone
with a donkey.

A she-ass.


But he didn't forget.

Upon his return,

he decides to join Fanny in California.

After several months' traveling,
when he arrives,

Fanny has divorced.

They get married.

And they never left each other

until Robert's death in Samoa.

No matter what,

you know what they say?
What counts

isn't the destination - it's the path.

I'm going to Paris.

You really need to rest.

Thank you for everything and...

That's it.

The dormitory is upstairs.

- Thanks.
- 'Night, Miss Lapouge.


- Are his hooves nice n' clean?
- Yes.

OK, I think we've finished.

Some chocolate for you.

Oh, thanks, that's nice.

Go on.


Come on.

Come on, move!

Just move!

Move, you goddam pigheaded ass!

You're starting to really piss me off!

You piss me off!
I'm sick of the sight of you,

d'you hear me?

Fuck this!

You piece of shit!

Watch out.

Just watch out!

Come here!

C'mon, move!


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, Patrick.

Forgive me.

I'm sorry.

I don't know where he is.

Maybe he made the whole thing up.

Maybe he's not even with his wife.

I don't know where he is.

Or who he's with.

I'm here with you like a fuckin' idiot.

My poor Patrick.

No, he's here.

I'm sure of it.

Why would he have lied?

He's out there somewhere.

I don't impose on him.

Why would he hide the truth from me?


You're walking well.

Is it 'cause I'm talking?

Oh, I see!

So I have to really talk, is that it?

Well... I don't know.

I don't know what to say.

Well, that's how it is, I'm unlucky.

The first time I kissed a boy

was in a cemetery.

Steven Leclou.

I have a gift
for falling for the worst guy

at the worst time and place.

The one before Vladimir was perfect:

single, good job, intelligent,

handsome, not a pervert,

but his parental model was so bad

that he couldn't form a relationship.

With me, anyway.

He's doing better now.
He met a fat girl,

they bought an apartment
in the 15th district.

Ah, a marker.

The guy before that...

We met on the stairs.

He was renting the Airbnb
below mine.

It lasted 2 weeks. 2 crazy weeks.

Then he had to go back to Mexico.

We Skyped every night till 4 AM
due to the time difference.

I didn't sleep.

I had the little kids,
so I could take catnaps.

The teacher's aide took over.

When I finally got a ticket
to go over there,

he'd disappeared.

I never heard from him again.

Before that, there was Emmanuel,
an activist. I adored him.

But he didn't want a family

so he couldn't be pressured
the day the revolution came.

I didn't like Vladimir.

He wasn't my type.

I didn't see it coming.

When I realized that I was waiting

all day for when I'd see him
at the school gate,

it was too late, I was done for.

I went away at Easter.

All day, I said to myself:
"Antoinette, that's enough. He's married

and he has a child.
And she's your pupil."

I couldn't help myself.

When I got home,
I couldn't wait.

So, I called him in.

He understood at once.

He wanted it, too.

There was no-one in school
but the janitor.

I locked the door.

It happened in my classroom.

Well, we didn't...

Almost but not quite.

I'm so confused.

What'll I do now?

With him, I'm not ashamed.

I feel free.

And I love the way he looks at me.

And we laugh. We laugh all the time.

He loves that I don't ask for anything,

that I'm not jealous.

He's jealous though.
He imagines all kinds of things.

He's handsome, you'll see.

Oh, I love his hands, his skin,

his shoulders, his belly,

and his dick! It's magnificent.


I love all of him.

My cellphone!

There's a signal!

It's him!

"Where are you, love?
I'm worried."

What should I answer?

"Hello," ever so casually?

I'll send it. There!

Let's go, Patrick. We're off!

Come on!

It's so simple!

That's all it took: disappear!

Thanks, shitty network!

Thanks, crappy country!

Hang on.

It's him!

Hang on.

I won't answer.

What's wrong now?

Don't start that again.

You want to know, is that it?

"You're punishing me."

You like that?

Wait a minute.

There's no marker.

Did we miss the path?

No signal.


Come on.

Come on, Patrick.

Wait up.

Patrick, a marker!

Oh, no!

I don't believe it!

Miss Lapouge is back?

How are you today?

Fine. I think we've come full circle.

- You slept outdoors?
- Yes.

I'll give you a room
so you can rest.

No room. It costs a fortune.

Sleep in the dormitory tonight,
but there's no-one here now.

That's fate.

"The journey in this little book

was very agreeable for me.

After an uncouth beginning,
I had the best of luck to the end.

We're all travelers
in the wilderness of this world -

all, too, travelers with a donkey:

and the best that we find in our travels
is an honest friend."

- It wasn't too hard?
- No.

We're here now. It's fantastic.


There's my teacher.

My teacher's over there.

Can I go see her?

Her teacher's here.



Well, say hello.

She can't believe it!

Nor can I.

How about that?

Hello, ma'am.

- Cat got your tongue?
- Hi, Alice.

A teacher has a life
and goes on vacation too!

What a shock!

- Are you hiking?
- Yes, you?

- Yes, with a donkey.
- Me too.

How extraordinary.

Is yours in the field?


Come see.

Excuse me.


Crazy! Hello, sir.

- How are you?
- Fine, and you?

- She's hiking with a donkey, too.
- OK.

Are you in a group?

No, I'm on my own.

Have you recovered now?


Would you like a drink?

How about a kir?

- No, thank you.
- Oh, yes.

- I'd like a kir.
- Me too.

- Apple juice for you?
- Yes, please.

2 kirs and an apple juice, please.


It's nothing. I got a bit lost yesterday
and slept outdoors.

No way! All alone?

With my donkey.

Hear that? How awful!
I admire you.

Setting off all alone!

I couldn't do it.

What's his name?


- Isn't it funny?
- Yes.

Where to, tomorrow?


It's so beautiful.

If I don't get lost!

We are, too.

Not that far.

- You're staying at Mario's?
- Yes.

- Say hello.
- OK.

Same route.

Well, let's walk together.

Right, Alice?

I'd love that.

Come see my donkey.


He's over there.

- Incredible.
- Crazy.

- You OK?
- Yeah.

- Sure?
- Yes.

I can't go so fast in these shoes.

You're not sporty.

Don't talk like that!

I didn't say anything!

- Watch out.
- I didn't hear a thing.

It's that one.

That's Rabbit.

Hey, he's beautiful!

He's more handsome from the front.
Turn around.


Well, this is Patrick.

Nice to meet you.

Patrick - Mrs. Loubier.



- And... I'm sorry...
- Vladimir.

Dad, what's wrong with him?

Maybe you know each other?

Want to take a shower now?

You go first.

That way.

Thank you.

What're you playing at?
You're crazy!


Look, let's try to do damage control.

I ask one thing of you. I'm begging you!

Don't come with us tomorrow.

Do you understand?

When did you set off?

On Monday?

Not Monday?

- No, Tuesday.
- There we are!

I set off on Monday.

I got lost or I'd never have found you!
It was those texts.

It was your texts! Incredible!


I'm so happy!

Don't come. You can't do that to me.

It's not for my sake.

Don't do it to Alice!

It's nothing to do with her.
She doesn't deserve it!

It's crazy!

I said yes to your wife.

Sorry. You're angry.

- Sorry you're not happy to see me.
- Calm down.

You looked very happy
before you saw me.

You were having a nice vacation.

Make up some emergency.
A death, I don't know...

- I want to finish my hike.
- Stop it.

- I love it.
- Sure you do!

I get on great with Patrick.

Who's Patrick?

You met him 2 minutes ago.
My donkey.

Look, never mind. That's life.

We had the same idea.
It's chance. It happens.

Why didn't you wait for me?

1 week.

It's a long time.

For me, too.

What'll you do?

I'll walk with you.

Excuse me.


Yes, I'm OK.

1.95 kgs, that's all.

Well, what I'm wearing:
pants I can turn into shorts,

socks, underwear,
a spare T-shirt, and slops.

What are "slops"?

Well, for the shower.
You wear them on the beach.

Oh, flip-flops!

You call them "flip-flops"?

Oh, OK!

What's heavy

is the food and stove.

You can't do without it.

So you have to wash
your clothes every day?

That's easy. I wash it on me.

On you! How do you mean?

I shower, fully dressed.
Socks, underwear, T-shirt.

Then I get undressed

and clean myself.

And no hair means no shampoo.

Clothes, body,
all with the same soap.

That's great. Well done!

But your clothes

have to dry.

It dries overnight.
Or I tie it to my backpack.

And if it's raining,

you put it in your sleeping bag
and sleep with it.

You sleep with it? Oh, boy!


You can't beat body heat.

I agree!

If you like hiking, I have an app.

You're exhausted. Time for bed.

It's late.

I'm going up as well.

It finds the nearest hike.

Oh, great.

- It sure is.
- So, it's...

Oh, goodnight.

So, it's...
But there's often no signal.

You don't need a signal.

You take it with you

and you find a hike nearby.

It's great. It's really good.

- Visorando.
- Visorando, you say?

- Right.
- Fascinating.

- It's the best.
- Great.

- I'll show you how it works.
- Oh, yes.

What time tomorrow?




It's a long day. Very hard going.



Sweet dreams.

Patrick, it's me.

Are you asleep?

Keep quiet, OK?

He won't bray again?


He promised.

- You're not mad at me?
- No.

You see, so little happens around here

to overlook something like that!

I understand.



I wish you lots of strength
and courage, Miss Lapouge.

Thank you.

See you soon.


- You weren't going without us?
- No, I was waiting.

We're lucky, it's a beautiful day.

- Want a hand?
- No, it's OK.

I'll catch you up.

It starts over there.

I'll catch up with you.

- See you in a while.
- Yeah.

No, wait, Patrick.

Wait, sweetie.


Come on, Rabbit.

Hey, Patrick, stop that.

Here, take this.

Go on, Rabbit. Go on.

Are you OK?

Hey, Patrick, what's wrong?

- Wow! Everything OK?
- Yes.

He's temperamental, isn't he?

That's Patrick for you.

Don't worry about me, I...

We'll take our time.
You go on ahead.

I'll stay with you for a while.

There's no need.

- I'm embarrassed.
- Don't be.

He's very slow.

That's OK.

We're lucky, our donkey is obedient.

Have you ever hiked alone before?

No, it's the first time.

How did you get the idea?

Did you know about this trail?

I don't know...

Yes, Mr. Huchet told me.
He loves hiking.

He did it last year
and he told me about it.

- It made you want to.
- Exactly.

Friends of ours gave us the bug.

But setting off on your own...

It's unusual.

Really? Why?

No, it's...

Yeah, why not?

How long has it been going on?


I see
you didn't plan to meet up.

I know my husband.

The poor thing.

He's in such a state.

Look at him.

He has good taste.
You're nice n' pretty.

What about you?

I barely know him.

Do you like the situation?

If I said: "He's all yours,"

would you still like him?

Come on, Patrick.

You like him not being free?

It transports you.

You like waiting for him,

meeting him,

that he never stays long.

I imagine it must be intense.

I must admit...

I hoped we were past all that,
but if it amuses you...


Did he say we no longer fuck?

- Come on...
- It just happens.

If it was up to him,

it'd be every night.

In 10 years,
he tried to jump me every day.

he has a big sexual appetite.

Have you noticed?

He just has to fuck.

I'm grateful to you really.

You and the others.

You're not in love, are you?

I don't know what you're thinking,
but I've never seen him outside school.

He won't leave me.

Do you know that? He won't.

Well, that's great.
I'm pleased for you.

We're so different, we never agree,
but we have a bond.

If ever we're apart,
we call each other non-stop.

We tell each other everything.

We're a loving couple, dammit!

I'll go back to them.

I'm pleased to spend the day with you.

All the best with Patrick.


We are the kings of the world!

Alice is having a pee with my wife.

We'll picnic here.

I keep thinking of last night.

That's all you're interested in?

Where are you going?

Stay here.

C'mon, Patrick.

I've noticed that you can't stand him.

I should trust you.
You've got intuition.

Seen those lunar landscapes?

And the sky is just crazy.

Aren't you eating with us?

"Aren't you eating with us?"

No, I'm not eating with you!

OK, I never imagined...

I mean... But still, we had a lot...
I don't know.

It wasn't just sex.

You saw how tender he was
last night.

Do you think it's true?
That there are others?

Come on, Patrick.


Yes, good, Patrick!


Do something!

Stop, Patrick!

Stop, Patrick!


Are you OK?
Are you hurt?

Leave me alone!

Can you walk?

I don't want to see you again!

What a fall!
Nothing broken?

No, I'm OK. I'll catch you up.

Up to you.


Well? Are you coming?

Hang on...
Are you sure?

You coming?

Oh, you...

I'll block you!


Oh, fuck!


I can't walk!

Very good, Patrick, nice n' slow.

I think this is it.

Yes, this is it.

Hang on.

Hi there.

Is there a rail station here?

I want to go back to Paris.

No, only buses.
You have to go to Alès.

Antoinette, right?

I'm Britney.

- Want a hand?
- Yes, please.

You don't look too good.

What are the times?

Go sit down. I'll be right there.
We'll have a look.

- OK?
- Yes.


Hurt yourself?

I didn't manage to stop my donkey.

I slipped.

Motorbikes are less risky!

I'll take this upstairs.

No, I'm going tonight.

There's no train now.

Go tomorrow morning.

Is it a sprain?

Yeah, I think so.

Let me see.


- That hurts.
- OK. Sorry.

- Sorry.
- Gently.

Can you move it?


It's swollen.

He's a veterinarian!

It's not broken.

OK, thanks.



It's you?!

Guys, it's Antoinette.

So? Did you find him?

Found and lost, period.

I'm fine.

I feel relieved.

Well, good.

But it'll be hard to walk right now.

- I'm going back to Paris.
- No!

There's Shérif.

He has room on the back.



I forgot to tell you.
There's no dinner.

Eat in the village.

Come with us.

No, I can't walk.

Giddy up!

On my steed!

Giddy up, on my steed!

I didn't know it was you.

You're a local hero.

I think you're amazing.

- You're so brave.
- No...

You are. I think you are.

Alright, then!

And you're so pretty.

Isn't she?

She sure is.

Well, cheers.

I thought you'd be
more into Motörhead.

Come on.

That's so cliché!

- No...
- What?

Hey, it's just a kiss.

Where do we put Patrick?

We'll put him over by the rings.

Come on.

- Do I tie him up?
- Yes.

Goodnight, then!

He's well-behaved with you.

Alright, alright!

- Come on.
- Hang on.

- On my back.
- No!

Yes, come on.


Bye, Patrick.

'Night, my boy.

Hang on, this is no good.

I have an idea.

It's agony!

How's that now?

- Are you in the dormitory?
- No, I hate the smell of dirty socks!

Want to come to mine?

Oh, OK.

Sure you won't come with us?
You wouldn't have to walk.

Got a spare helmet?


No, I'm going home.

Up to you.

Well, so long.

- Take care.
- Don't worry.

You too.

Who has a sprain,
you or him? You?

Don't move.

Don't be scared.


Look at Patrick.

He's watching us.

He's wondering what I'm up to.

Is he your donkey?

I'm traveling with him.

I brought him into the world.

His mother died giving birth.

She bled out.

We couldn't do a thing.

Look at him.

He's brave.

Huh, Patrick?

- How far still to go?
- To Florac.

You'll make it.

Today you rest.
Tomorrow you'll walk.


You two have real chemistry.

Can you feel it?

It's strong.

Anyone here?

It's me.

Antoinette Lapouge.

André Barrascut. Hi.

I booked a room.

Say again?

Lapouge. Antoinette.

Ah, Lapouge.


Is that your case?

Oh, yes, it is.

You're late.

I know. The thing is...

It's OK, I have room.

Number 27.

2nd floor.

It's ready.

Oh, great. Thank you.

Sleep well?


Care to write something
in the book?


Love exists


- I'll say goodbye to him.
- Be quick. He's going soon.

Really? Where?

He's not on vacation.
He's going back.

I see. Where is he?

Over there.

OK, thanks.

Excuse me.

Where's Patrick?

A donkey.

Wait for me!


My Patrick!

Sorry. I didn't know
you were leaving.

I thought I'd never see you again.

Thank you.



I'll return him to you.

You're lucky to travel with him.
He's the best.

Have a good trip.

Bye, my Patrick.

Get home safely.

Come on.

This way.

Come this way, Patrick.

Come on, Patrick. Move. This way.

What's wrong?

Hey, be nice, huh?

Don't let him win.

Come on. I have to be going.

I'll help you for a while.
Come on.

That's it.

- Is it your first hike with a donkey?
- Yes.

Well, it's hard at first,

but don't worry.

Where are you going?

Today, to Pont-de-Montvert.

It's beautiful there.


you're going backwards?

Do you start work tomorrow?

Not just yet.

I'm a teacher. I still have 6 weeks.


No! I can't.

Why not?

Because... I have lots to...

He'd like you to.


I won't go to Monastier.

You can go whenever you like.

Well, while Patrick
gets used to you, then.

OK, great.

Subtitles: J. Miller, a.s.i.f.

Subtitling: HIVENTY