Murderous Intent (1985) - full transcript

A writer who has to achieve success becomes suspicious of his beautiful young wife. He dreams about a bizarre musician and a suspect serial killer who's stalking women in the city.

(ominous ambient music)


- Shit!



It's all a crazy dream is what it is.

A crazy...

Crazy, dream.

It's gotten so I can't
be sure what's awake

and what's a dream.

Sometimes I think man...

This is unreal, gotta be
somebody else's nightmare

that I'm inside of and...

I wish the son of a bitch would wake up

and put me to sleep.

Go ahead, scream your head off.

Did you heard me screaming
for 30 years, my dear mother.

She saw to deny me much as her family

had denied her for having a half-breed.

She kept me.

Her shame caged until her
own isolation drove her...


So now...

I keep her caged.

This cage was once the family great house.

The parting legacy.

She weathered the inevitable
decay by taking in borders.

Partners in the sordid sexual
deceit, she came to blackness.


Hey wait a minute, wait a minute.

Is that your kid?

- [Mom] Oh no, get out of here!

I've told you never to come in here.

And don't glare at me.

Only animals glare, that's
what you are, like your father.

An animal!

- [Newscaster] Psychologists
advising the police

are also speculating that these killings

might not be by an animal
as was earlier suspected.

Last night's animalistic
mauling brings the total number

of blondes killed in this manner

within the past month to five.

In a related incident equally bizarre,

the city zoo reports than an old lioness

was discovered this
evening mauled in her cage.

Zoo officials are baffled by the...

- [Man In Suit] Hey, you.

You, smoking beauty.

(phone ringing)

(loud gasp)

- Hello?

- [Detective] This is
Detective Chuck Ward.

Can I speak to Irene?

Mrs. Pritchard, please?

- I've got it, Tom.

- [Detective] Good morning.

Just calling to see if you've recovered

from your ordeal last night.

What, with that long haired
animal trying to scalp you.

Can we talk?

- I'm all right, thank you.

Please hold on.

How did you get my home number?

- [Detective] A good
detective never tells.

- [Irene] Look Chuck, I
can't talk to you right now.

I'll try to call you later.

- [Detective] Call me in the club.

- [Irene] Okay, bye.

- When's Mom getting home?

- As per usual, Mom gets home when

she's finished working.

- She was all dressed up.

Do women work at night all dressed up?

- Some women do.

I wish you wouldn't interfere with my work

whiLe it's in progress.

(somber piano music)

- All that bread and sitting around

is going to your waistline.

Did you sleep well?

- Ah, sleep is so gentle
from pole to pole.

Samuel Coleridge, "Rime
of the Ancient Mariner".

Yes, I slept like a log.

Didn't even hear you come in.

- It was pretty late.

Entertaining clients.

Always a drawn out affair, event.

- Ah, they must be
working you pretty hard.

You've even lost your voice.

- Oh, is that supposed
to be concern, Thomas?

- I am concerned.

I am the concerned husband.

I do the best I can.

- [Irene] Well...

- The good man does
things not for applause,

overpowered by arms he
deserts not the cause,

but steadfastly carries on
and does the best he can.

- [Irene] Well--

- Dryden.

- Well your best just isn't good enough!

As a matter of fact, I
am working very hard!

Earning $70,000 a year
that keeps you at home

writing that junk is hard work!

- That junk?

That junk is called pot boiling.

- I am the one keeping the pot boiling.

I have been doing it
for the last five years.

And from my contribution I get the honor

of constantly being
greeted by unwashed dishes

and piling garbage.

- [Thomas] I didn't
notice, I was busy writing.

- No, you think you were writing.

I wish you would write.

I did marry someone who was
supposed to be a serious writer.

- You married your English professor

for the wrong but very
pregnant reason, my dear.

I was a very serious
writer on that joyful event

but that's all academic now.

No one bought my three serious novels.


- What I remember are real things, Thomas.

Like car insurance and mortgage
and Kathy's dental bills.

Speaking of Kathy, is
it too much to expect

that our seven year old not be entrusted

in the care of neighbors while I'm out?

- Babysitting her every day
all week long and overtime

to compensate for your long
hours and business trips

is a Herculean task.

And I'm sure you'd readily
agree, I am not Hercules.

- I don't even know who you are anymore.

You haven't sold one journalistic piece

in the last six months

and ever since your last book was rejected

you've taken to submitting
these garbage novels.

"Samurai's Revenge".

What is that?

And now you even dress to suit these

adolescent fantasy worlds
you choose to create.

If the word can be so abused.

- The tongue biteth like the serpent

and stingeth like the adder.

Virginia Roth.


Kathy simply was staying at Mrs. Fields

slumber party for Sarah.

You were out entertaining,
I was busy writing.

I'm doing the best I can.

- No, listen Thomas--

- The heights of great
men reached and kept are

not attained by sudden flight

but they who while their companions slept

were toiling upwards through the night.

Can't even remember who said that.

- I'm visiting corporate
headquarters tomorrow.

Reporting on this counterfeiting thing

for a couple of days.

I need some personal time to go through

all this stuff today, okay?

So after you pick up
Kathy from the playground

you just keep her with
you for a few hours.

- But you know how she
hates having to hang out

in that playground.

She considers herself too adult for it.

- [Irene] I'm taking a bath!

(ominous ambient music)

(suspenseful instrumental music)

- [Thomas] Where's your father?

- We're not selling fathers,

would you like to buy a hot dog?

- Yeah, two.

Just the meat.

- Well, do you want your book?

- Yes.

- How embarrassing.

(funky reggae music)

You look so funny.

- [Thomas] What are you doing?

What do you want?

- Dad and mom are going to get hot dogs,

and I'm having one too.

- But you just had one.

- But I want another.

- Well, all right.

But don't you be gone for long.

Your mother finds out I
came home without you,

she'll have a fit.

(strange ambient music)

I slept like a log.

Didn't even hear you come in.

- It was pretty late.

Entertaining clients.

Always a drawn out affair...


- I've been there.

I've been there!

I've been there!

(ominous ambient music)

- I'm sorry, were you talking to me?

- I went there.

I crossed over to this place.

Have you been waiting long?

- I'm waiting for my daughter.

- That's the city over there, right?

- Why yes.

- [Man With Dreads] So I've crossed over.

- It would seem so.

(strange ambient music)

- [Man With Dreads]
Let's talk, do you mind?

- Why no, no.

- [Man With Dreads] Yes you do.

- No really, I don't mind.

- [Man With Dreads] Yes you do!

- No, I don't mind at all.


I can't understand where
everybody's gone to.


- While you were asleep...

There was a lion scare.

You aren't leaving, are you?

- I must be getting home.

- What about your daughter?

- What about her?

- You said you were waiting for her.

- Well, I...

I think she's gone home.

- But will she return?

She is blonde, isn't she?

- [Thomas] Why yes.

Yes she is.

- I hate blondes.


I've been there.

(creepy ambient music)

- [Lady On Phone] Hello?

- Anita...

How could you?

- [Anita] What time is it?

- You've been there.

And you've said it several times

that you've been there.

- Now don't tell me you're still sleeping.

- [Anita] What's with you guys?

Waking me up to ask if I'm asleep?

I don't feel my headache
anymore, I'm dead.

- Yeah.

When did you give Chuck my home number?

- [Anita] I don't know
what time he asked me,

I was asleep.

- All right, I didn't get his number,

give me his number again.

Hang on.

I couldn't get it before,

so just give it to me now.

The 23rd Precinct.









- [Anita] Tell me the gory details.

- No, you're still sleeping.

- [Anita] So how did it go?

- Bye.

- For a while I let you have it.

The whole story, that is.

But first we'll talk.

I'll tell you, I'm a musician.

Not much of a talker.


Except to say...


I used to...

Oh, screw you.

- [Thomas] How long have you been there?

- All your life.


This the end of our talk?

- [Thomas] No.

Not unless you have to go.

- Wait until he realizes.

- What?

Realizes what?

Is this something about that place?


I have to wait here until
my daughter shows up.

So if you need to talk
with somebody, well...

Well I guess I'm willing to listen.

- [Man With Dreads] About what?

- Well.

How about where you've been.

- Where's that?

- I don't know, you keep mentioning it.

- Oh yeah.

I was there.

- [Thomas] Where?

- First I'll tell you why I went there.

I did tell you about my great house.

It's like a lion's den at the zoo.

I visit there over and over,
you know, I don't know why.

I just do.

But anyway, there's this lion and lioness,

pretty strange couple too.

He's much older than she is, I know he is,

he's got no fur on the genitals.

Moreover, she struts around a lot.

Leaves him alone in the corner

and tries to make contact with the humans.

Whatever she's looking for
he knows he doesn't have.

No, not anymore.

Intimidated by her madness, her freedom,

her success of dealing
with the real world,

he remained intellectually
caged in his little world.

And here he got closer and closer

to his real animal nature.

She strutted her vitality, you know.

The quality which makes only her gender

capable of childbearing.

Of course, all the time
reminding him of his

only too apparent incapabilities.

Do you know he was never
able to father a male cub?

Something to do with the
way he walks, I guess.

Anyway, she ignored him,
independently moving

in and out of his world as she saw fit.

But not without some care,

after all he was still a lion,

hopelessly caged in all this.

He was forced to eavesdrop
on what's happening outside.

Of course, this brought him
closer and closer to the edge.

You know what I mean,
the proverbial deep end

we've all heard about and fear.

So anyway, as the little
cage closed in around him,

he tried to shut it out.

He turned away from the expected,

or more precisely, what's expected of him,

he created his own reality, so to speak.

If the word can be so abused.

Not to be slighted, however,

she came along still strutting.

Mind your mood, into his own reality

and tore it apart.

And why not?

She was finally about to make contact

with the outside world,

so what's a lion to do, I ask you?

He knew he was incapable of anything,

so he turned to me, his shadow,

I've always been their eye.

Like I said, I go to the zoo regularly.

I know he was asking me,
I saw it in his eyes,

he wanted her dead.

Mangled in her cage.

An express.

This was desire.

He released the true animal self.

(relaxing piano music)

- [Chuck] Hey you.

You, smoking beauty.

- Look what I'm picking up.

- [Chuck] Want to go watch the

street parade with me, honey?

- Okay, wiseguy.

You're under arrest for
soliciting one tired cop.

- [Chuck] Easy now go-getter,

you know, you and not me should be

heading this investigation.

Then I could go get my real date.

It's a shame to keep a classy
dish like that waiting.

- [Undercover Prostitute] Look Chuck,

don't you think you
should call it a night?

I mean, how much longer can a date wait

waiting on you?

- [Chuck] These married ones?

Forever baby, ain't lost one yet.

- [Undercover Prostitute]
Well, on a wild, crazy

party night like this, even you might lose

a married date here or
a married date there.

- [Chuck] What am I doing out here

with you crazy perverts
when I'm in such demand?

- Oh, brother.

Yeah, except us guys out
here are working all night.

- [Chuck] You're having fun, aren't you?

- I mean after all, it's after midnight

and we haven't had a
bust since nine o'clock,

I mean what's the story, Chuck?

- [Chuck] Okay.

The Captain just let me know

you can wrap it up for the night.

- Hear that guys?

We're off duty.

- [Chuck] Hey.

Come on Detective, I've got
a hot one going, let's go.

- [Undercover Male
Prostitute] Gotta catch a ride

with you, Lieutenant.

We're parked at the precinct house.

- [Chuck] Okay perverts, let's go.

I've got something cooking.

- Me too, you go ahead.

(ominous ambient music)

(motorcycle revving)

- I don't believe this.

At least I've got someplace
else to do my thing.

What a night.

(relaxing synth instrumental music)

Mommy's home.


Shit, damn fan.


♫ Yeah, I seem like just a child

♫ But my name feels like a curse

♫ And I see it in the distance

♫ And I've made the obsession worse

♫ The sun is ready to toiling

♫ And now I clearly see

♫ That I made my heart the victim

♫ But I played the enemy

♫ And now I have so many
storms and I can't see the sun

♫ And it's raining out on me

♫ And I've got the run

♫ You can blame it all on me

♫ If there's no legitimate one

♫ But when you learn how to lose

♫ And you see how it's done, you will

♫ Yes, you will

♫ Yes, you will

♫ Yes, you will


- Come on, come on.

Whoa, where you going with
the funny money firend?

- What are you talking about?

- I wouldn't wipe my ass with this.

- I don't wanna hear about your face man,

the bill's good.

- Good as shit, just like you,

now get the hell out of here.

- Hey, I'll go when I get my bill.

- I confiscated it, I
confiscate shit like this.

- Man, whatever.

- Get the fuck out of
here, get out of here!

- What the fuck are you
talking about, buddy?

What are you talking about, man?

- Get out of here, you heard me.

- What the fuck are
you talking about, huh?

I want my bill, man.

- Drop the knife.

- You asshole.

- [Cop] Drop the knife, I'm a cop.

- [Man With Red Shirt] Man,
what are you talking about?

- [Cop] Drop the knife.

- Okay, it's okay man, here's your knife.

- You got any ID on you?

You got any ID on you?

- [Man With Red Shirt]
Yeah, I've got some ID.

- Let me see it, get it up.

[ Man With Red Shirt]
I've got some ID, buddy.

It's okay.

- [Cop] You've got some ID?

Dig it up.

Dig it up.

- I got ID.

- Way to go, Mr. Ward.

Nice having a cop for a boss.

My partner's not back yet.

There's some classy
broad in there up front

looking for you.

- Just trying to protect the investment.

- Thanks.

Jesus Christ, you're
going on in five minutes.

How many times have I
told you music freaks.

No smoking out here, come on!

♫ We've been traveling
along the road much too long

♫ And you just can't seem to find

♫ A way back home, yeah

♫ Roads take me to Babylon

♫ Got to get away before the Armageddon

♫ We've got to move

- Poor baby.

- I keep telling you, I'm not your baby.

- [Female Guitarist]
So then, what are you?

- [Man With Dreads] I'm sorry.

- Well.

You're forgiven.

- I don't need your forgiveness.

I got all the forgiveness
I need right here.

Burns away the deceit,
and uncages the animal.

You asked me before what I am.

I'm caged.

And you know what I need right now?

I need to get out of this costume.

- Poor baby.

- [Bouncer] Hey Angeldust, you're on.

- And I'm not your mother.

- I've been there.


And that's really why I went there.

That old lion, he
practically begged me to go.


- Now, really...

Yeah, well.

- Don't give me any of
that dear young fella shit.

- I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, I...

I didn't mean to say it all flippantly.

Nevermind when I talk.

I'm really a person of the written word.

- [Man With Dreads] Of the written word?

- Yeah.

A writer.

- [Man With Dreads] So
what do you write, jokes?

- What?

Oh, because I smile?

No, no, no.

The truth is as my writing
is regarded by some as

something of a joke.

- [Man With Dreads] By some.

- Yeah.

Prophet is without honor in his own land.

Well, his own household.



And then she infects my daughter with her.

No honor.

I don't think my writing is a failure.

People just don't read
as much as they used to.

At least that's what my publisher says.

So it's not the Great
American literature I taught.

But it's entirely readable.

The promise to love and honor

does not depend on
career success, does it?

She struts her success like a peacock.

I know what's going on.

It's a kind of, kind of deceit.

And it brings out, well...

An animal in me.

I watch her closely now, I
follow her around to be sure,

and like the patient samurai, I wait.

(catchy dance music)

- [Chuck] Will you be joining us?


- Hi darling.

- Hello, darling.

Oh, I think these would go
wonderfully with that earring.

Hi sweetie.

- Hey girls, look, I've got some bad news.

I can't take you to the club.

- [Anita] Oh.

- I have to work, but I
promised you a good night,

and I'm gonna keep my word.

I'm gonna walk you out to the cab...

And I'll follow you over
there, it won't take long.

- Okay.

I'll go put on something
more appropriate for dancing.

(catchy club music)

(catchy club music)


- [Chuck] You having fun?

- Well, some of us are.

I thought you forgot about us.

- It seems we public servants
never get the night off.

- Well, we were just about to go home.

- Oh, wait a minute.

We can't spoil Anita's
night off like this.

- I don't know.

I really don't want to do anything.

- [Chuck] What you need is a drink.

Let me go get you something.

- No, come on Chuck.

(catchy club music)

So how was your evening?

- Well, I busted my ass
to get back here for you.

- [Irene] Oh yeah, why?

- I've never met anyone like you.

No, this is no lie.

I've been saying so lies so long,

I don't know how to make one sound real.

I gotta admit, something
funny happened to me

the day that your company asked us in

on this investigation thing.

There you were, a beautiful broad...

An executive, giving out
orders and organizing

an investigation better
than any detective I know.

I couldn't keep my eyes off of you

and I knew right away you
were feeling something too.

- I was curious.

When I agreed to meet you
in the club, I was curious.

- [Chuck] Curious?

- In seven years of marriage, I have never

looked at another man.

But you were different,
you were self assured

and businesslike...

And energetic, and I wanted
to see your new club.

Yeah, but you know I think I'm
a little out of my element.

The decibel level, I'm just
not used to this and the smoke.

- Oh, come on.

We don't want to spoil
Anita's night off now.

- I don't know what I want to do.

No, no really Chuck,
the smoke is killing me.

Let me just go out and get some air,

and meet me outside, okay?

(loud gasp)

What do you want?

(catchy dance music)

- [Chuck] What the fuck
are you doing hairbrain?

- What the hell is going on here?

- [Chuck] I've just
fired this one partner,

I'm gonna make him walk
his ass out of here

before I make this a bust.

- Hold on a minute, Chuck.

What's this about firing, bust?

- [Chuck] This hairbrain's
giving our business

a bad time, let go!

- Look, David.

I don't know what you problem is man,

but we have a business
to take care of here.

Your act is great,

but your attitude gets in the way.

Let's work together, that way we can all

be rich and famous.



I know how you feel, man.

But the word cannot
get around that we have

a resident cop in the
place, you understand that?

I thought we had a deal.

You're a silent partner, Chuck.

A silent partner.

Look, I needed the capital.

You brought the money.

I don't know where you
got it from, I don't care.

Just enjoy the club, reap the profits.

But do me a favor, don't fire anybody.

Don't bust anybody.

- I'm just trying to
protect my investment.

- But you're going about
it the wrong way, man.

If you want to get into the business,

you have to learn to deal with the kids.

Look, I tell you what Chuck.

We'll be auditioning some
groups here tomorrow.

Why don't you come down,
mingle with the kids,

at the roots level.

- Hey you guys.

So you're up to your
dirty tricks alone, huh?

So you got all the guys fighting over you.

Honey, you little bitch you.



Check in with you later, sweetie pie.

(speaking in foreign language)

So you're Paul, huh?

So you're Chuck's partner.

I want to be his partner too, but...

He's only interested in my
girlfriend, my neighbor.

Well, I always give my best
boyfriends to her, you know?

- [Paul] Paul.

- Hi, I think you have a
really great thing here.

- [Paul] Thank you.

Not a bad investment for a cop I guess.

- Yeah, pretty smart move for a cop, huh?


Hey, wanna dance?

Mister club boss man here.

(catchy instrumental music)

♫ I go to sleep, I see the trouble

♫ And when I stop, it seems much later

♫ I go to nightclubs

♫ I go to parties I don't remember

♫ Heart of the lion

♫ A mating call for you

♫ The sign of a lion

♫ I wake up early

♫ Take care of business

♫ And all my friends
think I'm shy and timid

♫ But they're not real

♫ I can't escape

♫ And it's jumping out of me

♫ Heart of a lion

♫ A mating call for you

♫ The sign of the lion

♫ Mind's sunken

♫ Trying to find my place in this world

♫ Dream walking

♫ Dream walking


(calming ambient music)

(ominous instrumental music)

- What happened?

What's a matter?

- I thought I...

No, must have been too much free booze.

- If you guys are gonna keep waking me up

I'm going in the backseat to sleep.

- Are you okay?

Are you okay?

Listen, Chuck.

I really do like you, but...

- I know.

You're sorry for being such
a wet blanket, I forgive you.

- You forgive me.

- Sure I do.

Would I let one screwed up night

spoil the start of
something new and exciting?

- Hey, wait a minute.

If you guys are gonna start making out,

I think I better go inside.

- I think we better both go inside, love.

- Hey, wait a minute.

All right, all right.

I'll cut the bullshit.

Can we walk a bit?

I want to talk to you.

- Come on, give the guy a break.

You know you want to.


I'm no good at being a
chaperone at this stage.

Ciao, see you later.

(calming piano synth music)


- [Irene] Oh Chuck, not now.

Oh stop, I'll be late for work.

(ominous instrumental music)

- To have dreams of
violence towards our mates

is human, isn't it?

I mean, animals don't do that, do they?

I'm only human, I guess.

You know, sometimes I wish...

I shouldn't say this, but...

It's only natural that man would

want to have a son.

Isn't it?

- [David] But you can't
have a son, can you?

- Why do you say that?

- [David] Oh, I don't know.

Maybe something in your
voice, or perhaps...

It's the way you cross your legs.

But you can't have a son now, can you?

- That's none of your business.

I mean...

That's something I'd
rather not talk about.

I don't know that I can't have a son.

It's just that my wife, well she's...

Career oriented and...

She's gone and, well you know.

With her tubes.

- [David] You can't have a son, can you?


- Yeah.

Guess you're right.


Do you hear kids playing?

- [David] Nobody's
playing, it's your reality.

Now what do you write about?

- I'll tell you.

I've been living on the threshold of some

pretty exciting stuff, David.

Found myself give into plights of fantasy

for the past six months or so.

You might say I've been
wearing a variety of masks.

My imagination has been
literally picking me up

and carrying me into
new voices, new worlds,

and these new perceptions of reality

sometimes last for weeks at a time.

Why, for the past few weeks
I've been living the reality

of a samurai warrior.

And it's all so real.

It becomes my creative impulse.

I've decided to write
about this experience.

My first attempt at this new departure

is an adventure novel
about the famous samurai.

Now, from the way I see it...

What I experience is true reality.

Rediscovery of what has
become obscured by living.

We have all become
animals of our perception.

We wear masks which illustrate
what we'd like to be.

But these masks are
really only caricatures,

so we become caricatures
of our perception.

Lived reality is therefore
caricature of reality perceived.

You see...

- [David] Double talk...

Is like a woman with a
hard-on, now how real is that?

- What?

- [David] She came into
the club one night.

Tall blonde.

All woman, you know what I mean?

And we started making
out in the dressing room.

And she got a hard-on.

An angel in a uniform.

- I...

- [David] They're never
really the way they seem

now are they?

Talk is never straight or simple.

Things are never black or white.

People are never fully
loving, fully hating,

full female, full male.

We're not just humans,

we're also animals.

I'm caged by this deceit.

I must be free of this deceit.

I must destroy this deceit.

(ominous ambient music)

- [Policeman Behind Desk] Yeah,
yeah, go get him I'll wait.

- [Policeman Holding
Suspect] We got him, Sarge.

This is the guy who was terrorizing...

(muffled speaking)

- [Policeman Behind Desk] Huh?

What's your name, kid?

(phone ringing)

- Detectives.

Hey, kid.

Get down off of there.

Yes, can I help you?

- Sergeant.

- [Sergeant] Yes, Captain?

- Well?

- Well, they're lost.

- [Captain] And you've found them.

- It's a damn zoo out there, Captain.

Kids from upstate, on a
trip, walking off together.

Peeping in pawn shops.

- What are they doing in there?

- I ain't no babysitter, Captain.

The counselor's on their way down here

to pick them up now.

In the meantime, I can't have
them walking around here,

running around here like
a pack of wild animals.

I figured...

This is the best place
for them, the safest.

For them and for us.

- They're kids for Christ's sake.

Get them out of there.

- Hey Moorehead!


There's that pack of Indians
in the interrogation room.

- Good morning, Captain.

- Lady, don't whistle, I can't hear you.


- Hey Ward, have you heard
from Detective Burke?

She wasn't at roll call,

I haven't heard from her all morning,

what the hell's going on?

- I just work with her
Sarge, I don't live with her.

- I suppose she ain't married, right?

- Okay, I'm sorry Sarge, look.

She was supposed to going
out with these guys.

I've got the day off
today and I've got plans.

She didn't even call in?

- This is for you.

- [Chuck] Ah, this better be her.

- A whispering lady, husband must be

still sleeping beside her.

- Shit.



Hey, your lucky day baby.

I was just about to head out the door.

What do you mean?

I thought last night
meant that we were on.

I thought you wanted it as much as I did.

Can I come over there?

- [Irene] That's not a great idea, Chuck.

I do have some work to do and...

I'll try to call you at a better time.

Give me the number of the club

and I'll call you later, okay?

- I'd rather not discuss.

Get involved.


- What's your name?

- I'm...


- I'm David.

I expect you'd rather talk about the cage.

You know.

I mean, I've mentioned it several times.


- Thomas?



Who's there?

(ominous ambient music)


- I...

I really should be on my way.

- Now, Thomas.

You don't wanna leave right now, do you?


- Tom!



- I...

I really should look for my daugh...

- Come on, Thomas.


(phone ringing)

- Hello?


Who's there, Irene?

- Yoohoo.

You better stop what you're
doing, you've got company.

Irene, darling.

Knock, knock, knock.

You left your door open, you know.

Okay, I guess I'll just walk in then.

Irene, it's your favorite
little girlfriend.


Is that you?

Where could you be with your door open?



(ominous ambient music)

♫ Free up your mind and seize the time

(singing in foreign language)

♫ Takes more than words for us to be free

(phone ringing)

(relaxing saxophone dance music)

(phone ringing)

(ominous instrumental music)

- Hello?

Anyone home?

Mrs. Pritchard?

Mr. Pritchard?

Hello, anybody here?


(ominous ambient music)

- [Thomas] Oh my gosh!

What do you want?

- [David] Your women, your
wallet, your park bench,

your freedom, whatever.

- Oh man.

You're stark raving mad.

You're gonna kill me.

- [David] Now you pick it up and fight,

like a man, that'll make us even!

- No!

- [David] Get up, get up!

- [Thomas] Somebody help, someone help!

- [David] Get up!

- [Thomas] Help, let me go!

- Get up and fight for your word, huh.

Get up and fight for
your damn bitch, will ya?

Pathetic excuse for a man,

you miserable little vegetable!

Why you couldn't even

give your wife a man, child!


- That's a matter of
genetics, not manhood!

You animal!

Now I'll give you one more chance

to get away from here and leave me alone.

- I warned you!

- You eunuch!

(somber instrumental music)

- Oh my God.

Oh my God.

(loud yell)

- Why did you scream,
people are looking at you.

- [Thomas] Oh nevermind
that, where were you?

- We were only gone for a few minutes.

(catchy dance music)

♫ I come up from a sad land

♫ To the land that's always nice

♫ Where the girls who
are blind have vision