Murder-Rock: Dancing Death (1984) - full transcript

A series of murders rock a dance academy in New York in which the mysterous directress, Candice, sets out to find the kiler, with a little assistance from a shady male model, named George, who has a hidden agenda for her as does she for him.

One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.

One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.

One, two, three, four...

What have they said?
What are their impressions?

They said it still needs perfecting.

Yes, guys.

You heard me.

So we'll come back for rehearsal tomorrow.

What a way!

Never once does she tell you good job!

Margie, how did it go for you?

What I think doesn't matter.



do you mind if Will and I stay a while?

We want to work on a few steps
that haven't been going well.

Seven hours haven't been enough for you.

Go ahead.

All right.

Are you ready? Bob!

Put the record on.

Just a sec.

See you tomorrow, Bob.

- She makes you work overtime, right?
- Yeah.


You were sensational tonight.

They look so much better than I do.

Oh, come on. You were the best.

You're gonna make it.
They'll choose you.

What a pity.

In two weeks,
they would have been perfect.

Perfect, they are very talented.

I know, but we need them right away.

Only three of them, and we can't wait.

You can't wait?

What does that mean?

Steiner and Morris are enthusiasts.
Since I've put

the kids in your hands,
they've improved a lot.

Don't let Margie hear you.

She'd kill me if she could.

We were telling Dick that we have
a problem.

The show has been moved up...

I got it.

But it isn't fair to do a selection

two weeks before the end of my course.

It is a great opportunity for three
of them.

Don't forget it.

That is exactly what frightens me.

You want them
to tear each other to shreds.

I'm afraid they've already gotten
wind of it.

I hope it's not true,
because we would be in big trouble.

Everyone of us.

Lessons are over.

Leave the gym and the locker rooms.

Monitoring and safety devices are on.

If they find you in the girls' locker room
we'll be in trouble.

Let's go to my house.

My parents are out to a party.


I'll wait for you outside

after a quick shower.

I'll be quick.

Lieutenant Borges.

- Lieutenant Borges.
- Mr. Yale.

- Davis.
- You represent the University for me.

Have you got the kids all together?

Yes, it looks like one of them

was, like, more than a friend
for the victim.

If Iflfl

I've found her.

And where were you?


I was waiting for her to change.

But why her?

She was so sweet.

She was the best one.

Poor Susan...


The killer put her to sleep

with chloroform before she was murdered.

A pleasant death.



where's the school's administrator?

We don't know.

But we're trying to find him.

And then,

we ought to tell Candice.


Our teacher.

She isn't at home.

I've been calling her,
but she doesn't answer.

Keep calling, Janice.

It'd be maddening if she heard it
on the radio.




Dick, is it you?

Yes, it's me, Candice.

You're late.

I've been talking to Steiner and Morris
till now.

Come in.

With Steiner and Morris, huh?
Are you sure it wasn't Janice?


if you think I'm putting up
with the likes of Steiner and Morris

for some school girls...

I'm sure you're not.


No lies between us, right?

Anyway, Janice is your best student,
you know it.

Oh, does that mean little Susan
has lost her position?

Candice, believe me, this is all nonsense.

You'd deny it even on your death bed.

Okay, I'll do as you say.

Whether I get Janice
or one of the other girls into my bed,

I'll see that you are informed.

But just forget Susan.

There's never been anything between us.

Would you answer it?

But...'s probably for you.

What does that mean?

You're really strange tonight.

Hello, Candice?

Bob, is that you?

Something terrible has happened to Susan.

- What?
- At the school.

The police are here.

- I don't...
- Yes, Candice.

What are you saying?

She was killed.

You have to be brave and come here.

Susan has been murdered.

They're waiting for us at the school.

I had told you that it was dangerous.

Stop it!

Stop it!

Just a moment, guys.

Just a moment.

Why should we stop, Willy?

It's inhuman.

You just go on dancing
without giving a damn that Susan is dead.

You don't care about finding out
who killed her or why.

You don't even think about her anymore.

Susan is dead... It's no big deal.

We can't stop dancing,

can we?


do you know why you're all here?

Why you were all accepted in my course?

Because you're the best,

the most talented.

And you're all gonna make it...

Some of you sooner than you think.

I can promise you'll achieve success,

but you've got to pay for it.

You've got to grit your teeth and dance,
even if a friend dies.

You've got to pay with anger,
frustration and sacrifice,

forgetting what's right or human.

Because you can't be human.

Because there's no time for this
in showbiz.

Because you can't stop!

You can't stop, Willy.

And neither can all of you.


Bob, we'll pick it up again.

One, two, three, four, five,

six, seven, eight.

The girl who was killed

was one of the best.

Someone said she was the best.

Everyone said nice things about her.

Everybody loved her, she had no enemies.

And yet she was killed.

That would prove that the murderer
wasn't someone from our school.

But she was killed inside the school,

Mr. Gibson, in the locker room.

You're not saying that anyone can come
and go wondering in your school.

Well... it's not impossible.

No, but it's not very probable either.

No, not very.

Is there a lot of rivalry
between the kids?

Of course, but not enough to murder,
that's out of the question.

And what about you?

About me?

I'd like to know something
about your relationship with the girl.

She was a student, like all the others.


She was the best dancer even for you,
you admired her talent,

and you were... very fond of her, right?



I'm sorry. I still think

the killer is someone who has easy access

to the school.

It's me, Janice.

It's me.

Oh, Willy.

You scared the hell out of me.

I didn't mean to.

I had Susan's keys
from when she was living with you.

I'm so stupid.

Why don't you sit down for a sec?

No, I have to go.

I just felt like talking
with somebody but...'re probably too tired for that.

Let me get something to drink.

It's cold in here, isn't it?
It feels like the heater doesn't exist.

You're right. I've abandoned you
since this morning.

I'll get you something, too.

Poor Titti.

You're so helpless.
Who could possibly harm you?

I know how you feel, Willy.

But why? Why her?

Who had anything against her?

I don't know, Willy.

I don't know.

Killing her with that pin in her heart.

What does it mean?

Please, calm down.

I'm glad you've come.

I need to talk with someone, too.

I don't know if I want to anymore.

Willy, I want to show you
a photo of yours.

I'll go fetch it.


Did you start smoking again?



The picture is gone,
did you take it already?




Has anyone else seen it besides you?

No, nobody else.


I've got the feeling that this is just
a sick joke of our friend,

and I'd prefer to keep it to ourselves.

What do you think, Mr. Yale?

Davis, please.

You're right, the reporters
usually thrive on details like this.

Photograph it.

Then pull out that pin and file it away.

And... make sure

that no one sees you, okay?

You don't look very surprised
for this meeting.

'Cause I'm not.

- Why not?
- Janice is dead,

and so is Susan.

I think the murderer would have to be
one of us.

You're right, Willy.

But you were Susan's boyfriend...

...and since everyone said Susan
also liked Janice...

I'll kill you!

You, damned cripple!

Easy, kid!

Give the others their chance to speak,

as you just did.

There's a sort of competition
going on here...


Only three of us will be chosen
by Steiner and Morris,

and it's our chance to achieve success.

- Do you know what that means?
- Yeah.


Why don't you ask
which girl would have been chosen?

Susan, for sure.

And who would have come next after Susan?


So the murderer should be me or Gloria.

Or your darling cripple brother.

Second year course starting

in hall number 9.

Graduate students

in hall 24.

You're a bastard.

Why? Everyone knows
he's your guardian angel.

He'd hold up your ass while you're dancing
if he could.

That's enough, Willy.

Now stop it.

What's the matter?

You don't like what he said?

If the kids are ready to kill themselves,

it's because you put that insane rage
inside them.

Anything else, Margie?

Why don't you just say
that I'm the murderer?

Is that your way to cut me out?

That's exactly what I was going to say.


I see that you love each other
very much...

...don't you?

Margie can't forgive my taking over
her course.

If I may, Lieutenant.

What Willy just said is absurd.

- You cannot even consider it.
- Of course.

Willy is forgetting that...
Susan and Janice

used to hang out with their own crowd.

They had a lot of friends outside.

What do you mean by that? You bastard.

Everyone knows

how those little angels
used to make a few extra bucks.

I'll kill you.

Are you trying to say
that those girls were killed

by someone outside the school?

If you didn't have one track in mind,

you would have looked into it
instead of bugging us.


But I have to consider the possibility
that there's some paranoid

among you that has decided

to kill you all.

You know, I'll tell you something.

He would have my heartfelt approval.

What a bunch of snakes!

What would you call that in criminology?

A vipers' nest.

See what college is for?


What the hell is that for?

I've recorded the whole bit.

What were you hoping for?

A confession?

Thank you, sir.

What's the matter?

That billboard...

So? What's so special about it?

I had a nightmare...

...that man wanted to kill me.

You probably saw him on the billboard.

God knows how many of them are around.

He has a face that makes an impression.

I want to know who he is.

Oh, come on. It's ridiculous.

It's just something
you have incubated subconsciously,

and now you're seeing it in your sleep.


...I have to know who he is.

I've got no vacancy, lady.

I would like to speak to Mr. Robertson.

He's not in.

I have an appointment with him.

May I wait in his room?

No. You can wait outside, if you want.

It's so cold outside.

I don't want to catch a cold.

You should have told me
that temperature's dropped.

Room 96.

What's the matter?

Haven't you ever seen a drunk before?

You can't go away now!

Wait up!

Wait up!

Damn bitch.


Candice Norman.

You're a hack, Borges.

You're just going around in circles.

Why don't you throw in your badge?

You're a hack.

You'll never get me.

Oh, I forgot...

...I've called to tell you a secret.

I've got that urge again,
I want to kill one of those girls...

Oh, I forgot...

...I've called to tell you a secret.

I've got that urge again...

...I want to kill one of those girls...

The oscilloscope gives
a visual representation of one's voice,

like fingerprints.

Because each voice
gives us its own particular pattern.

As you know, Lieutenant,
there are no two voices exactly alike.

First, we cleared
all the background noise.

I've called to tell you a secret.

I've got that urge again...

We have to clean all that camouflage,
so that the original voice

- comes through.
- Why

don't you throw your badge in?

We do this by testing the thousands

of possible combinations.

- Like this.
- ...tell you a secret.

I've got that urge again,
I want to kill one of those girls...

You're a hack, Borges.

You're just going around in circles.

You can't even tell
if it's a man or a woman.

Yeah, that's true.

That's because of the whispered tone.

But we'll manage to define
the vocal pattern,

and you'll be able to match it up
with the suspects.

Okay, I got it.

Give me your thingy, Yale.
Maybe our voice is there.

Right here.

Have fun, Sergeant.

It took some nerve to call me up
like that.

I wanted my purse back.

Is that the only reason?

I also wanted to see you.

Unusual to say the least.

You dreamed that I kill you and... actually go out looking for me.

Maybe you saw me in some old films.

I worked in the movies once.

I don't think I've seen
any of your movies.

How can you dream a face
that you've never seen before?

Just like I did.

And now I'm sure that you were that man.


...have you liked me as a murderer?

You acted the part perfectly.

My best performance.

Maybe I should get
into the dream market... that cinema has nothing
to offer me.

You should never give up, George.

Maybe I can help you.

I've got a friend who's big
in advertising.

Tomorrow you won't even know
who I am anymore.

You're wrong.

Let's go.

- Look here.
- Make room.

- Wait...
- Out of the way!

You're a hack, Borges.

You're just going round in circles.

Why don't you throw your badge in?

You're a hack.

You'll never get me.

Oh, I forgot...

I've called to tell you a secret.

I've got that urge again,

I want to kill one of those girls...

Has got a familiar sound, uh?

I don't know. What about you?

Can you give us an explanation?

He told me that

whatever I say here
can be used against me.


And he probably...

...told you that you have the right
to remain silent.

That's right.

But you're forgetting
that we already have your confession.

- So?
- No court is going to accept that.

Don't make me laugh.

So you'll stop laughing.

Son of a...

Watch it.

I'll give you another one.


What do you want to know?

- Why I killed them?
- Yeah.

Well, because...

...Susan drove me crazy.

She was fanatic.

And Janice...

...she was a half-blood.

And I hate the half-breeds.

And I can't stand

the bastards like you, who think they

can fool me.

Do you understand?

You've got your confession. What else

do you want?

Lock him up.

Let's go.

Don't worry.

You'll stay there for a long time,
since you're so eager to go to jail.

Little idiot!

He'll tell you everything, you'll see.

For that matter, he already has.

- But it wasn't him.
- It wasn't?

- Don't be stupid.
- That phone call...

He knew well that we'd record everything,

and that he would have been spotted.

Yet he called just the same...

Sure... anything to make the headlines.

'Cause he's an artist.

He'd sit on his mother's head for fame.

Then he'll find an alibi.
He's a born liar.

You mean he's a psycho.

No, he's not a psycho. He's an asshole.

Yeah but...

But what?

I know of a case where a shrewd killer

who... murdered someone

and drew all the suspicions upon himself.

And our colleagues believed
he was a maniac.

No, no.

That idiot couldn't hurt a fly.

And so?

We begin all over again, Mr. Yale.

I'm sorry, Dick.

Do you want to come in?

I don't think it's the right moment.

Of course, tomorrow you would have told me
about that.

No, Dick.

This time I wouldn't have.

It must be pretty serious then...

...more than

a one-night affair.

Don't make fun of me, Dick.

One can't explain everything.


No, of course.

Especially if it can't be understood.

You're thinking I'm a slut, just admit it.

And you think I'm wrong?

Was that him?


Did he understand?

It was pretty obvious, don't you think?

What did you tell him about me?


You're just someone on a billboard

who I dreamt about.

Does he know you came looking for me?

Yes, but I told him

I haven't found you.


Because I didn't feel like talking
about us.

You have to believe me.

It's true.

What are you gonna do now?
You'll have to decide.

I'm free to do whatever I want.

I have nothing to hide.

You'll see it tomorrow,
if you come to pick me up.

Four, five, six, seven, eight.

two, three, four, five, six,

seven, eight. One, two, three,

four, five, six, seven, eight.

Not bad. That's it for today.

Bye, kids.

Good bye.

Give me a minute to change.
Wait for me here.



You... are Gloria.

Yes! Oh, George!

It's been such a long time!

Why haven't you ever called me?

You've disappeared. How are you?

Do you know each other?

Yes, we...

...modeled together in a fashion show.

Yeah, well...

...I used to model to make a living.

That was about...

...six or seven years ago.

Bye, George.

Gloria was a baby.


...there are also child models.

Not that I'm jealous...

Who's that?

You're so funny...

The murderer.

You're funny.

Lieutenant... you believe in dreams?

No, not a bit.

Well... ought to.

Candice dreamt that man...

...dreamt that he murdered her.

There I was, ready to take on Broadway,

when someone on a motorcycle
slams into me,

and ended my career
before it even started.

But after, you recovered.

There was nothing I could do.

Not on the same level.

A trauma like that

leaves deep marks.

You did pretty well for yourself.

- You should feel satisfied.
- No.

It's just a fallback.

I wanted to dance.

Now I create the talent
that ends up on Broadway.

I live in their shadow.

My place is definitely behind the scenes.

You leave home and someone unknown to you

changes the whole course of your life
in an instant.

And there's no coming back.

Have you ever found out who it was?

No. It was a hit and run affair,

no witnesses.

Now let's talk about you.

What was your accident?

Your life has also changed.

My accidents...

I've had many.

And I'm not very lucky.

I spoke with Phil today,

the advertising agent.

He promised he'll call me up soon.

Two dollars. I'll read your fortune.

For two dollars I read your fortune.

It's the ancient magic

of the Eastern prophets.

No, don't send him away.

Please, just for fun.

Let's see what he says about Phil's job.

You won't have that job.

And this is about... death.

It says you are a murderer.

That bloody Chinese guy...

He ruined our evening.

He didn't ruin mine. I don't believe

in all that nonsense.

Then why did you want me to do it?

It was just for fun.

We shape our own lives day by day.

You can't read what hasn't happened yet.

But maybe you can read
what has already happened.

- Hello?
- Hi, Candice, it's Phil.

Oh, it's you.

Sorry to bother you this late,

but tomorrow I have a plane at dawn.

We'll be late.


for that friend of yours,
I don't know how to tell you, but...


But what?

I had inserted him right away
in the production

that we are filming in 10 days.

It's a nice series.

You know I'd do anything...

Yes, go on.

When we gave his name to the agency,
it turned out that

a couple of years ago, Webb

had an affair with a young kid.

The girl died and nobody knows

how or why.

They arrested him,
but later he was released

for lack of evidence, do you understand?

Look, Candice,

in our business we're more Puritanical
than others think.

I'm sorry.

Whatever you want...

Sure, thanks anyway.

Sorry again.


- Kisses.
- Bye.



What happened?

Who was on the phone?

Was that Phil?

Don't want to talk about it?


Are you sure
you don't want to talk about that?

No, please.

I need to be alone tonight.

It's okay.

It can happen.

See you tomorrow?


See you tomorrow.


I hate her!

I hate her!

I wanted to kill her.

I wanted to kill her
the way the murderer killed the others.

They never would have suspected me.

I couldn't do it.

I could never do it.

My babysitter is late again tonight.

Sorry, Molly.
It's because of rehearsal.

My mother pays you

to keep me company.

But don't worry, I won't say anything.

Only, you have to look
at my insect collection,

and insects disgust you.

Look, Jill.

It's a praying mantis

that is going to eat its mate.

You're a talented photographer.

Why don't you choose something
less gruesome than insects?

You never showed me how you dance.

How can I? I need music.


You okay with this?

I can't do it, Molly.

There's no room in here.

You don't do it

because you feel uneasy in front of me,

because I'm paralyzed, right?

Don't you think
it's time for you to go to bed, Molly?

No. Go downstairs.

I'll call you if I need you.

Now I want to be alone for a while.



Hello? Who is it?


Did you call before?

I can hardly hear anything.

Do you want to talk?

Sure, as usual.

Oh, it's you.

I have nothing to do with it,
I would have told you.

She was dead.

She was already dead when I got inside.

I warn you, don't pretend to be shocked,


or broken. I could play

this part, too.

Spare me this show.

I'm not acting.

If Iflfl

When I arrived,

she was there...

...dead on the floor.

And what did you do?

Did you scream? Or faint?


did you decide to run off?

You could have got in touch
with me or someone else.

I was shocked.

I lost my head.

That's not a good excuse.

You've got to believe me.

I didn't kill her.

Yeah, you already stated that.

Now, tell me

why you went to see Jill.


...we had an appointment.

Oh, well...

So Jill was...

...something more
than just another dancer for you.


Yes, she was.

I had only heard about

you and Susan... you and Janice...

Everyone assumed it was them.

But none of it is true.


...was my lover.

Nobody knew... not even her brother.

Sorry, but didn't you...

...didn't you feel weird

meeting her where she was babysitting?

Look, Lieutenant.

Jill was killed like the others.

How do you know?

If Iflfl

...I just assumed that she was.

I could smell the chloroform.

I have nothing on me.

No pin,

no pad... Go ahead, search me!

Everyone could...

...get rid of it.

Find anything?

No, nothing.

It's no use searching here. It snowed.

All you're going to get out here
is pneumonia.

Okay, I'll go to talk with that kid

- in the wheelchair.
- Good.

So you can stay out of the cold.

Watch out, Davis.


Lieutenant Borges.

Lieutenant Borges!


What's incredible, Mr. Yale?

What just happened to me...
It's incredible.

What happened to you?


She has been fooling me
for more than two hours.

And you're complaining?

I have a woman who has done that

for more than 20 years.

What can you do?

You have to be careful with ladies.


I'm talking about the paralyzed kid.

She photographed Jill's killer.

She photographed what?

- The killer.
- Really?

Here are the transparencies.

I'll go get a projector.


That's in the advanced course.

Yes, her name is Gloria.
She's as good as dead.

All kidding aside, there's some crap

going on there.

I was about to give up
when she handed them over.

She kept teasing me.

Sure it was a stroke of luck.


...let's see.

It doesn't look right.


Let's see the next one.

The killer's nephew?

Well, there's another one.

It looks like someone has lost his head.

Yeah, she cut it.

Well... if nothing else,
the shot clears Gibson,

the administrator.

Yeah, because he always wears a suit.

Okay, set the guy free.


Wait, wait a minute.


You scared me.

I'm sorry for Jill.


Even though now... without her...

...I'm the only one
who'll audition for Morris and Steiner.

But they would have chosen her.

Because she was the best around.

You're kind, Gloria.


Wait, don't go!

What should I wait for?

I've come here for the last time.

The last time!

I'm never coming back to this hell!

I've got nothing to do here without Jill.

You can keep working with us.

I don't give a damn about all of you!

You disgust me!

I'd like to see you all dead!

Poisoned by your ambitions!

Professor Spiegel is waiting in hall 24.

All lessons are over.

Leave the gym and the locker rooms.



Haven't you found them yet?


They are not in these drawers.

Never mind.

Why are you searching there?

I told you there's a pack
in my jacket pocket.

I have to go now anyway.

But you just got here.

I don't feel too well.

Then what did you come here for?

But you're shaking...


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Oh, Christ.

I opened a drawer looking for cigarettes.

The pin was there...

...and a bottle of chloroform.

A long needle, almost like a dagger,

with a gold lion head on top.

I had already seen it in a dream...

...where a man

killed me with that pin.

And he was that man,

George Webb.

And he killed me with a needle
like the one I found.

Just like the one he stuck
into the Canarian.

He's the murderer.

You have to stop him.

Sorry, what did you say
the name of the hotel was?

Fulton Hotel.

He's registered under Robertson.

Fulton Hotel... I think I know it.

I must have been there.

Thank you, Miss, you were very helpful.

He'll kill again.

Please, make haste!

Don't worry. He's finished.

What do we have about George Webb?

Many things.

Some years ago,
a girl was found dead in his bed.

A minor.

I don't know how he got off.

Well, if you think that Al Capone

went to jail for tax fraud,

you'll understand that everything's

So this is it.

Maybe... but we're going to get there.

Lieutenant Borges.

No, I don't think so.

I don't think so.

Yes, I'll wait for you.



Go away!

Go away!

Go away!



You're through, George.

I went to the police.

I turned you in.

And now I've called them.

They're coming for you...

...because you're the murderer.

They know it, there's nothing you can do.

Borges told me on the phone

that he's certain it was you.

They went to your room

and found all the evidence.

Is this the evidence?

You killed all my hopes and ambitions...

You were the man who hit me

with that motorcycle.

The man who nobody saw.

But I found you, George Webb.

How many nights
I dreamt that you killed me.

And now you have to do it!

Go on, do it!

What are you waiting for?

You killed those girls

'cause you're ill.

I want to help you, Candice.


You're a murderer.

Even though you didn't kill the others,

you have to kill me.

I swore revenge.

Now kill me, George.



You have to pay.


You have to pay.

Don't let anybody in.

Well, well...

I didn't expect this.

And to think that I came here
to arrest you.

I didn't kill her.

I let her kill herself.

I doubt there's a jury in the whole world

that wouldn't send you straight to jail.

Maybe it's only right.

I'm the one who changed her life

a long time ago.

She didn't achieve the stardom,

the fame,

so she killed

those girls who were to become famous.

Sounds like a neurosis

due to frustration.

It could be, Mr. Yale.

Exactly when did you realize
that she was insane?

When I found the pin in my drawer,

together with the bottle of chloroform.

Only a sick mind could have thought
of putting them there as evidence.

I thought the exact same thing
when she came to tell me

to look for that stuff in your room.

But what put me on to Candice
was that photo,

where the jacket was buttoned like
a woman's jacket.

It seemed a man's jacket 'cause the slide
was put around in the projector.

And when she came to me,
she gave herself away.

I mean,

she might even have dreamed up a pin,

but she couldn't have known
it was exactly like

the one stuck in Janice's Canarian.

Because only Davis and I

knew about that pin.

Nobody else knew what it looked like.

Just us two, and the murderer.

Subtitle translation by Letizia Vaglia