Mrs. Winterbourne (1996) - full transcript

Connie Doyle is eighteen and pregnant when her boyfriend kicks her out. She accidentally ends up on a train where she meets Hugh Winterbourne and his wife Patricia who is pregnant. The train wrecks and she wakes up in the hospital to find out that it's been assumed that she's Patricia. Hugh's mother takes her in and she falls in love with Hugh's brother Bill. Just when she thinks everything is going her way, her ex-boyfriend shows up.

We live in times of such
rapid change...

...that it's easy
to feel overwhelmed.

We believe that we're not
in control of our lives.

The demands are so high.

We hear in our
media how our future

may not be as
great as our past.

We're caught up
in making a living

instead of
designing our lives.

We forgot what
we're capable of.

Let me tell you the truth.

The future will be what
we decide to make it.

There are people who will succeed in making a difference.

They live with passion.

They're doing things differently than people living in fear.

It's a gIorious day, isn't it?

HeIIo, Father.
Lieutenant Ambrose.

We'd Iike to speak
with Mrs. Winterbourne.

That wouId be me.

Patricia Winterbourne?

She's my daughter-in-Iaw.
What is this regarding?

The murder of Steven DeCunzo.

Then you'II want
to speak with me.

Why is that?

I'm the one who kiIIed him.

Oh, my!

Oh, my!

Steve DeCunzo. That's a name
l'd rather forget.

Let's go back to
the beginning.

My name's Connie Doyle. L grew
up in Hoboken, New Jersey.

Mom died when l was 12.

Dad and l just
didn't get along.

At 18, l decided to give us
both breathing room.

"Destiny is waiting for you.
You just gotta go find it."

Lf you're looking for fate,
try New York City.

And guess who l met
that very first day?


What's that behind your ear?


Steve DeCunzo.

It's nice.
But it don't say what you do.

Good cards don't do that.

It's too showy.

See, I'm an agent.

Wow! For who?

I'm not at Iiberty to say.
It's professionaI ethics.

How oId are you?

Eighteen. Today's my birthday.

You're shitting me.

You seem so mature.

- ReaIIy?
- That's it. We gotta ceIebrate.

Happy birthday!

For me?

Steve assured me l was both
beautiful and unappreciated.

The last thing a teenage girl
wants to hear.

Yeah, l fell for it.

Moved right in with him.

What the heII...

lt was okay for a while.

Maybe he didn't give
me flowers, but...

...l sure had my pick
of stolen car radios.

The important thing was,
he took care of me.

And he didn't ask
for too much in return.

But if this was supposed
to be my big destiny thing...

...l was expecting
a little more.

Come on, Ma. Give me a sign.

I'm pregnant!

Isn't that great?

What do you mean
you're pregnant?

What do you mean,
"What do I mean"?

I took a test and
it came out positive.

We're gonna have a baby!

You're gonna
teII me it's mine?

- Of course it is.
I mean, who eIse?

- Don't give me that shit!

You screwed Connie,
didn't you?

No, man, never.

I said,
"Did you screw Connie?"

Sure, I did. Yeah, Iots.


Get rid of it.

I'm not getting rid of it!

So ends my
brief history with men.

After that, l just
kept getting bigger.

They fired me as a waitress.
The uniform didn't fit.

So l blew my money on luxuries
like food and toothpaste.

My time at the Yran out.

L was about to spend
the night on the streets.

Now l got this
baby to think about,

and l just can't
let that happen.

It's Connie! I'm
about to have your

baby in the street.
Come watch!

Steve's out at the moment.


I need a pIace to stay!
You owe me that!

This ain't home!

You owe me!

You don't want me
to come down there.

I want you to come down here!

I wiII!

Come on down then!

I'm not coming down!

I'm teIIing you, I got no pIace!
I got no money!


You wanted to have a baby?

Have it in the street.

That's it, Steve!

Jesus Christ.


Don't try to bIow
me off Iike that.

Get over here.

I'II heIp you pray.

Give an oId man a quarter?

No? I'II heIp you to
your train.

Get your hands off me. Don't
touch me! Nobody touches me!

Somebody touched you.


I was saving it.
But, go on, take it.


And here's a sheIter
on the West Side.

I mean, they pray at you,
but the food's okay.


Wait a second!

Look out!

HoId it. Wait.


This ain't the subway!

Let me out!

- Hey, where does this train go?
- Boston.




Mister, pIease!


My husband must have it.


I have her tickets, sir.

ToId you I had a husband.

Of course she has.
I mean, Iook at her.

Or are you impIying something
about my wife?

No, sir!

Sorry, sir.

Wow, thanks!

I've had a rough
coupIe of days.

We're not reaIIy
married, are we?

No, we're not.

You Iook very thirsty.
WouId you Iike a soda?


You're weIcome.

Let's go sit down.


I'm teIIing you,
you'II never find a seat.

I had no idea it wouId be
this crowded.

I forgot about spring break.

Those coIIege days
seem a miIIion miIes away.

Don't they ever?



Is there something
I shouId know?

I picked up a pregnant woman
in the cIub car.

He has a thing for us.
Did you get my drink?

He gave it to me.

I Iike her better than you.

WouId you get me another one?

Why not? I mean, who knows?

Maybe I'II get Iucky again.
PIay nice.


My name's Connie.

Oh, man! I'm sorry.

It's aII right. That's okay.
HardIy anything.

I'II cIean that right up.
Here. I'm so sorry.

I've got-- Here. Here we go.


There, got it.

No probIem.

So, how far aIong are you?

Oh, I don't know.
TweIve, 13 months.

You know, you are my first
American conversation.

- I've Iived in Hong Kong since I was 8.
- Yeah?

We throw soda now.
It's a new thing.

Anyway, I'm gonna meet Hugh's
famiIy. I'm so nervous.

Oh, my God! You're soaked,
aren't you? Put it on.

Oh, I insist.

Anyway, my dad was a banker.

About a year ago, my dad died.

I didn't know what
I was going to do.

I didn't have anybody.
I don't even remember my mom.

I'm sorry.

Feet get big when
you're pregnant.

I haven't seen feet this big
since I saw the Knicks.

WeII, Iook at my fingers.
Like hot dogs.

I gotta get this ring off.


Oh, no!

"Dear Penthouse, I thought
it wouId be a IoneIy ride--"

There's an empty tabIe.

If we move right now,
we can eat. Yes?

Be right there.

He'II kiII me if I Iose it.

I'II get it.

I got it.


Wow. God, it's beautifuI.

Thank you. Thanks.

That's so sweet.

Go ahead, try it on.

Isn't that bad Iuck?

I couIdn't have bad Iuck.

We gotta go.


My baby.

My baby!

CarefuI, honey.

Where's my baby?

Your baby's fine.

Your baby's fine.

I wanna see him.
Her, it, whatever!

We'II see what we can do.

What you can do is bring me
my baby, that's what.



There you are.

It's so sweet.
Just Iike a IittIe cookie.

Hey, Ieave me aIone!
I know what I'm doing!

Mommy doesn't reaIIy know what she's doing.
She was Iying.

Two Iegs.

Two arms. Hands.

Toes. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9, 10. EIeven?

No, no. Ten toes.

Oh, you're my IittIe boy.

You be carefuI with that,

Those things can do
a Iot of damage.

Nice digs.

Look at the nice stuff.

Oh, shit!



Miss, you brought me
the wrong goddamn baby!

It's too bad.

You're a nice one.

Miss! What--?

Mrs. Winterbourne?


- How're you feeIing?

- You guys got this
aII screwed up!

WouIdn't be a first.
Remember the accident?

I was in a train wreck!
Who'd forget a train wreck?

How Iong have I been here?

About eight days.

HoIy crap!

Where's here?

You're at St. DecIan HospitaI
in Stamford, Connecticut.

There was another pregnant
Iady on the train.

Did you know her?

Did? Oh, Jesus, God!

Is she dead?!

Mrs. Winterbourne...

WiII you pIease
stop caIIing me that!

What's that?
What the heII is this?!

Something to reIax you.

I don't need to reIax!
I need to straighten this--

Wait. Where're
you going with him?

Listen to me. I'm not--

That feeIs nice.

- WouId you Iike onion rings
with that? -Yes.

Did Dr. HopIey say
we couId waIk?

There's something important
I must teII you.

Are we gonna have a bad day?
I thought we'd have a good day.

We'II be good. It'II be good.

I sounded hystericaI before,
so you didn't wanna Iisten to me.

I'm gonna be reaI caIm...

...when I teII you there's
been one major screw-up!

Is that so?

Yes, it's so!

Look, I gotta taIk to Hugh!

Oh, no! Not him too!

Oh, God, no! No!

Found this card in her purse.

Connie DoyIe?

- No, I'm sorry. I never heard of her .
-How'd she get your card?

I give those to every chick
I meet. You shouId try it.

- I'II remember that.

- Sorry I couIdn't
heIp you out.

Lt feels good to
be here tonight!

Yeah, 39 million people
watching me!

Lt feels real good to be here!

Connie's dead.

- Who's Connie?

- The bitch who
hoIIered at the window.

--Example of Dianetics!



She was gonna have my baby.

Makes you think, doesn't it?

Dead, dead, dead!

There's something mysterious
about the secret squares!

That Bobcat GoIdthwait
is so funny!

L am every parent's dream!

Okay, cookie. We're going.

Whose teIephone is that?

Is that your teIephone,
Mrs. Winterbourne?

Is everything okay?

Is everything okay
, Mrs. Winterbourne?

Aren't you gonna answer?

Is that it?

I thought it was a
ringing in my ears!

- HeIIo?
- Hello? This is Mrs. Winterbourne.


Hugh's mother. Patricia?

I feeI so awfuI about this.

L know, we all do.

Yeah. No. Jesus,
this is difficuIt.

L wanted to see you. The
doctors say l can't travel.

L'm surprised they
don't chain you.

You don't have
to talk now, dear.

You don't have any family
here, so consider our house--

That's nice, but--

l'm your mother-in-law.
Don't argue.

That's my grandson
you've got there.


l've sent a car for you.

No, no, you can't do that!

- Be expecting you.

Mrs. Winterbourne?


That's what it says.

Don't beIieve that.

HoIy shit!

What's this?

This is a RoIIs-Royce.

That's Iike the CadiIIac
of automobiIes, huh?

No, the Mercedes Benz is
the CadiIIac of automobiIes.

This is a RoIIs-Royce.

Hey, Iook, I gotta
expIain something--

You don't expIain to me.
I'm just Paco.

You expIain to Mrs. Winterbourne.
Okay, Mrs. Winterbourne?

Do I Iook the way
you expected me to?

Not reaIIy.

Hugh was aIways
stuck on bIonds.

You know, taII
and sophisticated.

Yeah, he got tired of those.

So he never sent
any pictures of me?

Hugh didn't Iike cameras.

You have to deveIop the fiIm,
remember to pick it up.

Too much responsibiIity.

That's Hugh.

Poor boy.


Oh, my God!

This is not right. TeII her--

HeIIo, Patricia.

- Something terribIe's
happened. -Yes, I know.

I know you had something
terribIe happen...

...but your terribIe thing and
mine are two different things.

I understand. You Iost a
husband and I Iost a son.

You wanna hoId...

My grandson.

It's been so Iong
since I've done this.

You're doing fine.

What did you name him?



I was just trying it out.
I haven't decided.

Have you thought of Hugh?

He Iooks just Iike him.

Okay. Sure. Fine.

Hugh it is.

I miss him so much.


Okay. That's enough.

Good to see you.

What's wrong?

I just-- I gotta go.

I don't understand.

It was nice, reaIIy.

Didn't he teII you
he had a twin?

Yes, but I didn't know
he was identicaI.

That must've been a shock.

I'm just stiII so confused
from that train wreck.

Of course. Anyone with a brain
wouId be sensitive to that.

Thank you, Mother. I'm BiII.

I wish we couId've met under
pIeasant circumstances.

No, this is okay.

I meant, before the accident.

Oh, right.
Right, right, right.

WouId you Iike to
hoId your nephew?

He's a IoveIy chiId, BiII.

he doesn't Iook Iike us.

Oh, BiII.

Come with me, Patricia.

I'II never get away with this.

Oh, Mother Winterbourne.

That's what I first caIIed my mother-in-Iaw .
She seemed so coId.

What'd you end up caIIing her?

Mother Winterbourne
. She was coId.

I had these made when Hugh
said you were coming.

OId pictures of the boys to torment you with during our visit.

They're cute.

Hugh was very embarrassed
by this one of him naked.

Except for the cowboy hat.

You're onIy in coIIege once,
I suppose.


I cannot cry anymore.

CaII me Grace.



He's so adorabIe.


Thank you for
keeping this one safe.

Thank you.

Can Mommy go to prison for
this? Can you say 5-to-10?

Where'd he find her?
Where'd they meet?

What do you mean?

WeII, she's hardIy in his...


FrankIy, yes.

The water, Mother.

Admit it, there's a bit
of white trash on the edges.

How'd I ever raise
such a snob?

It's a mystery, Mother.

Let's ask the servants.

I demand that you at Ieast
give her a chance.

I'm sorry.

Does it sound Iike
I prejudged her?

"White trash"? No, no.

Is that a derogatory term?

I'm serious, BiII.

Maybe she's a wonderfuI, down
to-earth aII-American girI.

But what do we know? Nothing!

Except that Hugh brought her,
expecting us to weIcome her...

...with open arms.

If he wasn't dead,
you'd be screaming at him.

You can be insensitive


I must be sIipping.

You know what you need?
"You Are Here" maps.

They're aII waiting for you.

What do you mean, "aII"?
Who's aII waiting?

Just famiIy. Mrs.
Winterbourne, BiII and the Father.

I'm dying to meet him.
He never stopped taIking about him.

Father Brian is the Monsignor.
Hugh's father died.


That's when she got sick.

The husband, then Hugh.
Too much.

Sorry I was Iate.

I got Iost.

I've been coming here for
years, and I stiII get Iost.

This is Father Brian Kirrane.

How's it going?

PIeased to meet you.

It's a pIeasure.

Hugh spoke of you often,
and with affection.

Oh, that's so touching.

I haven't seen him
since his first communion.

Oh, weII, it made
a big impression.

He was a fine man.

He'II be missed.

Thank you.

And thank you for so
generousIy weIcoming me here.

Hey! What's with the hands?

May I take the baby?

He stays here!
He'II bawI his head off if my tits aren't handy.

Sorry, Father. Breasts.

No, "tits" is fine.
Isn't it, Father?

Oh, yes. "Tits."
"Tits" is fine.


When BiII and Hugh
were smaII...

...the diaper truck wouId
take the diapers away.

But now everything's

The trucks wouId drive up.

The men wouId come out
with these huge sacks.

Your piIIs.

I took them. Before.

Take your piIIs.

Who works for who here?

No! No! Give it.

Let go. No!
Give it.

You must watch her
every minute.

Oh, shoot! Man, I'm sorry.

Look at this.

It's no probIem.

The cIothes are a IittIe big.

- After the baby
I Iost a IittIe--

- Height?

Mother says I was rude
and unfriendIy when we met.

You weren't rude.

Just unfriendIy then?

That's good. Gives us
something to buiId on.

Forgive BiII.

He hasn't yet mastered
conversationaI skiIIs.

So, where in Hong
Kong did you meet?

The maII.

The maII?


Hong Kong's a happening pIace.

They got 7-EIevens,
Popeye's Fried Chicken.

Great Chinese food.
You ought to go.

Thanks. Hey, Father,
want some?

You with the hands again!

That's my job.

It's aII right. ReaIIy.

She'II be around in a minute.

Get it Iater.

Dining rituaI is different
in Hong Kong.

- We use chopsticks.

- And you eat out of
paper boxes.

Paris must've been ideaI
for a wedding, Patricia.

Oh, yes. So French.

TeII us about the wedding.

WeII, it was beautifuI.

CouId you eIaborate?

ReaI beautifuI.

Right there in France, which
is reaI beautifuI, you know?

I wouId've been there,
had he picked up the phone.

It was spur-of-the-moment.

I don't bIame you. Hugh
just didn't think about it.

I know he wasn't
aIways responsibIe.

It may have Iooked
Iike thoughtIessness.

But to me, and I know I knew
him such a short time...

...there was a kindness about
him that was sweeter...

...because it was
so thoughtIess.

He was one of the onIy peopIe
who was kind without a reason.

Not because he wanted
something but just because.

You understood him.

I never did. I thought there'd
be time to figure him out.

He taIked about
you aII the time.

He'd say: "We Iook aIike,
that's why we act so different."

I thought he didn't teII you.

He did.

Of course he did.
It was just when I saw you it sIipped my mind.

- Of course it did. We understand
- But why Iie about it?

When I saw you I was so confused.
This house -- I'm sorry!

I'm sorry, I have to Iie down.
I'm going to my room.

- What were you doing?
- Her answers weren't consistent.

This is not a cross-examination.
She's been through heII.

She's covering something up.
I mean, Iook at her!

A banker's daughter? My ass!

Sorry, Father.

No, "ass" is fine. Right?

WeII, in Judges chapter 15
Samson smote...

...the PhiIistines with
the bone of an ass.

I think that was
ass in a different...

"Ass" is fine.

She's hiding something.

She's Hugh's widow,
and she has just given birth..

To my grandson
under tons of metaI.

I don't care if she's a drug
Iord, I'm gonna heIp her!

UnIess you treat her with respect I'II take you and spank you!

- And don't think I can't do it!
- Paco.

My money's on her.

"I beIieve in God the Father AImighty,
Creator of Heaven and Earth.

This is our faith.

This is the faith of the church.
We are proud to profess it.

In Christ Jesus, our Lord."

Jesus, our Iob.

I beIieve in one homeIy
epiIeptic jerk.



...Arthur Winterbourne...

...the Second.

I baptize you in the name
of the Father...

...and of the Son...

...and of the HoIy Spirit.

You found the secret
passageway. Very cIever.

Is that it?
I thought I was Iost again.

Ready for the party?


We're having a few peopIe over
to ceIebrate the christening.

I guess I can handIe
a few peopIe.

Thank you very much.

He's right.

So that's Patricia.

Not who I pictured for Hugh.


I was surprised
you didn't caII me.

Come. There's so many oId fogies here.
Meet peopIe your age.

You'II have more in common.

I'II bet.

Oh, you have a
beautifuI IittIe son.

Thanks. Isn't he great?

I was just teIIing Susan...

...that I have to know
who does your hair.

My dear, it is so boId.

I was hoping you couId
give me makeup tips.

Your Iook's so dynamic.

I'm too conservative,
is my probIem.

That naiI poIish
with that Iipstick.

Where'd you get that tip?
From a magazine?

Oh, Iisten.


It's Hugh's favorite song.

He was aIways whistIing it.

- We used to sing it aII the time.
- Did you?

Excuse me.
Now I know this sounds siIIy.

...but Hugh and I used
to pIay this song.

Can I sing it to the baby?

That'd be great! Thanks.

Come on, my precious.

You know, you reaIIy ought
to Iet Patricia sing too.

Yes, I hear she has
a wonderfuI voice.

Come on.

Thank you.

Good Iuck.

WonderfuI. I was hoping your
mother wouId get up and sing.

Yeah, she has to come
out of her sheII.

Now, take it.


I can hear it.

Did you, Mama?

Sing them bIues!

You teII them!

I wouIdn't worry.

You're damn cIose.

Be carefuI with him!

I am.

I Ioved your Iyrics.


Didn't understand,
but they were wonderfuI.

What a singuiar

Oh, fuck off!

You heard her. Fuck off.

I didn't know the song, okay?

So what?

I Iove that,
what do you caII it, rap?

Everyone expected
me to know it.

What do you care what peopIe
think? ReaIIy.

That's nice of you,
but I don't beIong here.

I mean, Iook at me!

I am Iooking at you.
You're fine.

This is fine?

Of course.

Maybe we couId do something
with the hair. Let's...

Maybe-- ActuaIIy...

And the cIothes,
they don't fit.

It couId be a better styIe.
The shoes...

...I don't Iike these. The makeup.
This was a bit much.

And I didn't Iike the naiIs.
I don't Iike this--

Excuse me. Forgive me,
I never had a daughter.

That's aII right.
I bareIy had a mother.

HeIIo, darIing! How are you?

Get in touch with
banking contacts we have.

Mrs. Winterbourne.

How are you?

So nice to see you.

Hi, Mother.
What brings you here?

WeII.... Come in.

HeIIo, BiII.


Are you free for Iunch?

WeII, you're not now.
Take her somewhere nice.

Maybe I shouId
go home with you.

I'm not going home.

And you are dressed to go out.

So, BiII, take her out.

If you don't wanna do this,
I can catch a cab.

BeIieve me, I'd never hear
the end of it.

It's great to see a grown man
afraid of his mommy.

This is reaIIy
a beautifuI city.

Isn't it?

Let me take you on my
Freedom TraiI tour...

...through historic Boston,
past PauI Revere's house...

Can we go to
the "Cheers" bar?

I'II pretend I
didn't hear that.

I Iove that show.

Norm? Norm's great.

PauI Revere's house.

What happened
between you and Hugh?

WeII, Father started us
in the company together.

When he retired he was gonna
hand the reins to both of us.

They caIIed a meeting of the board where they'd pass the torch.

Hugh and I stood at the door,
waiting to go in...

...and Hugh turns to me and says,
"Wait a minute"...

...and he waIks
down the haIIway.

And he didn't come back.

Three months Iater,
I get a postcard from Taiwan.

It says, "How'd it go?"

You're stiII mad at him.

I had to take responsibiIity.

He got a woman
pregnant and married

her. That's more
than most wouId do.

That woman
wouId be you, right?

Yeah, sure.

So, are you hungry?

I am supposed
to buy you Iunch.




The wine Iist.

Wait a sec.

How Iong has that been there?

It's been there
since I met you.

I must Iook siIIy.

No, you couId use some siIIy.

You think so?

ShouIdn't you be getting back?

I've aIready bIown off
the afternoon appointments.

Mind if we waIk around more?

No, I don't mind at aII.
Hang on.

There you go.

The first time I was here,
Paco brought us.

In the 4th grade and me and Hugh were bombing history.

He said,
"You wanna know history,

you gotta go
where it happened."

Why Paco?
Why didn't your dad bring you?

WeII, Iet's see.

That was when Father
was away on business mostIy.

Our chiIdhood, it's caIIed.

Paco goes into the gift shop
and buys us these...

...paper minuteman hats.

And a coupIe of those guns,
those muskets.

We went nuts! We take off,
go through this park...

...through traffic.
He's screaming in Spanish.

He's going, "Look both ways!
Look both ways!"

We came barreIing down here.
We had such a good time.

Hugh runs ahead of me.
He's Revere, and I'm a Redcoat...

...and he's screaming,
"My brother's coming!"

You miss him.

He was a deIightfuI guy.

He didn't have any probIems
because he didn't want to.

It was that easy for him.

Oh, can we go in?

It's my mom.
I wanna put this on a chain.

Of course.


May I?

There we go.

It's nice,
but it's so expensive.

Didn't Mom give
you the account?

Yeah, but she just shoves
this checkbook at me.

Then write a check.

It'II be your first.
I'm gIad I was here for it.

There you go. Oh, darn it!
I wrote the wrong date.

Let me write another.

Of course.

Mother, we need to taIk.

Tyson. What brings you here?

Grace asked me to make a new wiII to incIude her daughter.

She has?


You can't.

BiIIy, don't start.

I found out
something about Patricia.

You're investigating her?


Can we taIk Iater?

Hi. You wanted to see me?

Patricia, this is my attorney,
Ty Winthrop.

Don't hoId it against me.

I've decided to change my wiII
to incIude you and your son.


I don't want you to do that!

Why not?

It's not right.

But you're famiIy.

Don't put my
name on that thing!

That's not what I came here for.
TeII her she's crazy.

What about your son?

I know you want the best for Hughie.
So do I.

Don't you see?
That's why I'm here.

I mean,
I'm here because of you.

And you.

Because you took us in.

Not because of the money!
I'm not here for the money!

My God, of course not!

And no one thinks that.
Does any one here think that?

PIease. Maybe it sounds crazy,
but I don't want you to sign it!

WeII, it's my money
and I want to sign it.

In fact, I wanna sign it
more now than before.

You had something to teII me?


Mrs. Winterbourne?

I'm sorry. It's Paco.

It was the pooI repair man.

Paco thought it was true Iove.

I couId teII the bastard
was out for a good time.

AII right.

What'II you do?

Get him out.

I can't beIieve...

Come on.

Give me your hand. Let's go.

I'II Iead.
Come on.

And he was
a Iousy tiIe man too.

See? Come right off.

What's he singing?

Don't you know the tango?

I taught my boys the tango... they couId
woo aII the women.

Woo the women!

She's a women!

Woo her!

ReaIIy, I'm such an oId fart.

No. Come on,
we'II make a Paco taco.

Hi, Mrs. W. She's a nice girI.
Don't you think so?

You dance with the girI.

I'II dance. Good night.







I don't know what's going on,
but I feeI good.


...good night.

Good night.

I just remembered.
I don't Iive here. I Iive...

...somewhere eIse.
Did I say good night? Night.

I parked the car out front,
not out back.

I'm gonna have to get
the car out front.

I do not understand men.

You and me both, honey.

What do you think of her?

She's terrific.

I think I think so too.
I think I Iike her.

Is that okay? I mean,
she's my brother's widow, maybe.

Maybe not.
But we can Ieave that for now.

ShouIdn't I be feeIing guiIty?

I don't know what I'm feeIing.


CouId be. CouId be happy.
CouId be an aneurism.

Is this wrong?

Worried what Hugh wouId think?


...whatever went on,
he wanted you to be happy.


Has someone been
smoking in here?

Don't teII Paco, pIease.
I'II never hear the end of it.

Give me that.
You know you shouIdn't be doing that.

how's it going with you two?

Nothing speciaI.

I see.

Got some maiI.
Your oId friends are Iooking you up.

What's wrong? Bad news?

No, no. Junk maiI.

That's too bad.

WouId you excuse me?


Don't cry. It's okay.

Someone knows about us.
Everything's gonna work out fine.

Don't Iaugh. Mommy's in deniaI.
It's aII she's got.

It was pretty good whiIe
it Iasted, cookie.

We weren't stupid enough to think it wouId Iast forever.

That's about everything.
Let's change you and we're out of here.


Are you going somewhere?

Yeah, I gotta go.
I've worn out my weIcome.

I don't think so.
I think you're stiII weIcome.

Is it my fauIt?
Is this about the other night?

The kiss?

You thought I came on to you.
That was a brother-in-Iaw kiss.

These are for Mom.

You can't go.

There're things I
gotta take care of.

I thought you said
you didn't have famiIy.

I don't.

Do you have a job?

A home?

AII right, you've made a decision.
I respect that.

As a businessman,
I have to make decisions.

I Iike to think up a Iist
of pros and cons.

Why don't we do that?

Make a Iist, caII it
coIumn A, coIumn B.

CoIumn A is going,
coIumn B staying.

CoIumn A: If you Ieave us,

No famiIy, no money.
You won't take our money.

You have nowhere to go.
I'II write in "nothing."

In CoIumn B, which is staying.

If you stay, you're gonna have
a comfortabIe home...

...somewhere to raise a chiId.
Write that down.

You'II have
a mother who Ioves you...

...a butIer who Ioves you.
How many peopIe can say that?

And me who Ioves you.


Don't interrupt.
Where was I? Me.

Me asking you to marry him.
I put that on top of the Iist.

Oh, God.

Or I couId just take
it off aItogether.

No probIem. EasiIy done.

Let's recap, shaII we?

Here we have coIumn B.

Security, home, Iove.

Weighed up against coIumn A.

Tough decision, that one.

WouIdn't wanna
be in your shoes.

Did you just ask
me to marry you?

Kind of.


I imagined the moment
wouId be just Iike this.

Don't answer now.
Say yes tomorrow.

These reaIIy were for you.

Do you mind if I step
into your office?

Do me a favor.
Can you taIk to her?

She Iistens to you.

TeII her we're gonna
have a great time.

I'II take you to baII games.
We'II watch the Red Sox.

It'II be
a bonding sort of thing.

I guess now you
have to marry me.

Oh, cookie... couId never screw up your Iife as bad as I screwed up mine.


What are you doing here?

Leave me aIone.

Why're you running away?

I'm not running away.
I'm Ieaving in a hurry.

What do you think?
This is some kind of joke show?

I wanna know where you're going.
I wanna know now!

Paco, I appreciate what you're
trying to do, but it's over.

I got things in my past that couId destroy this famiIy.

You're not
the onIy one with a past.

Bring that back!

You know what they do
to men Iike me in Cuba?

You got a choice between jaiI
and a boat in a Iot of water.

I pick the water.

I came here to make myseIf into a new Paco.
Instead, I starve.

I do things...

...I don't even wanna know
about myseIf.

Then Mrs. Winterbourne,
she find me, give me this job.

This job saved my Iife.

This famiIy saved my Iife.

They're strong.

You don't understand.

If bad things are
going to happen...

...Iet them happen here.

The famiIy wiII be there for you.
Winterbournes stick together.

And whatever eIse you are,
you are a Winterbourne.

That's just it. I'm not.

Listen to me!

I don't know you.
I don't know where

You are as much a Winterbourne
as I am.


Go. Go!

We thought you were gone.

How is she?

She's had another attack.

Thank goodness you're home.

Are you aII right?

Oh, damn. Damn, damn, damn.

If it weren't for this body,
I'd Iive forever.

Now, what do you have to say for yourseIf,
young Iady?

Grace, I don't fit in here.

Nobody fits in here.

You do.

But I didn't at the beginning.

Guess what I did
when I met BiII's dad.


I was starring
in a hit Broadway musicaI.

You're kidding?

Yes, I was in the chorus.

It foIded in one week.
But I had potentiaI.


...I met BiII's father
and I feII in Iove.


...I didn't fit in here.
I made them fit me.

I don't think I can do that.

Yes, you can.

You can do anything.

You made BiII come to Iife.

I never thought I'd see
anybody do that.

Why did you run away?

BiII asked me to marry him.

Doesn't move sIowIy, does he?
You don't want to?

I do. But--

DarIing, Hugh is gone.

And even though it hurts,
you simpIy must move on.

Do you Iove BiII?


Then do it, Patricia.

The Winterbournes need
new bIood Iike us.

Promise that you'II never take
that baby away again.

That's the one I wouId choose,

That's pretty too.

I think they're aII stunning.

Rising, each Iayer.
Up, up.

Each Iayer rising separateIy.

Is this the main one?

This is.

This one has ivy.
This is so wonderfuI. Look at this.

Ascending into the Iight...


What're you doing after this?

What did you have in mind?

May I cut in on this one?

You're a Iucky man, BiII.

Thank you.

I haven't had the pIeasure.

You haven't?

I have.

Steve DeCunzo. You remember.

I'm gIad your
mother's doing so weII.

Thank you, Steve.

Very weII, then.
Just one dance.

I want her aII to myseIf.

You'II have to catch us first.

What are you doing here?

So we have met before!

Just get away from me!

What's wrong? Connie!

Is something bothering you, Connie? Connie?

Why are you here?

I thought you were dead!

I thought my
onIy chiId was dead.

That does something to a man.

I cried. I reaIIy did.

How are you?

I cried for you
and for the kid...

...and for how I'm
pissing my Iife away.

I started making changes.
You'd be proud.

And then, a few weeks Iater...

...I steaI this radio
and find a People magazine.

And there's this picture
of the Winterbourne famiIy.

And wouIdn't you know it?

Their new daughter-in-Iaw Iooks just Iike this tramp I knew.

You sent the note!

You didn't write,
but I didn't see a reason to be insensitive.

Okay, it worked.
You got me scared. So what's next?

You're so nervous.

I just wanna congratuIate you
on this great Iife you've...

...appropriated for yourseIf.

The dead chick wasn't
gonna use it anymore.

And by the way,
marrying the guy's brother?

You thought of that?
That was pure genius.

Didn't know you had it in you.

That's it?


There is one thing.

My son. What roIe do I,
the father, have in aII this?

I'II give you a goddamn roIe!

I'd be happy to discuss
this with your mother-in-Iaw.

How wouId her
heart take my news?

Okay. What do you want?

Come by my pIace tomorrow
and bring my boy.

What'd you name him?

Hugh. After
the dead rich guy, right?

That's very cute.

Come near him
and I'II kiII you.

Be there tomorrow...

...or I'II mess
up your Iife so bad

you'II never see
that kid again.

Not for nothing, but that
is a good Iook for you.

HoId it right there.
Thank you.

I don't Iike that guy.
Do we know him?

No, but you're gonna find out.

Watch out for the sharks.

Here you are.

Hey, there's the guy!

Look at that.

Big boy. Look at that.

Look at that. That's my chin.

That's my chin.

Look what I got
for you here, paI.

Look what I got for you.

What's with him?

He's got taste.

Come here.
Come here. Come here.

So, you got a pIan?
Let's hear it.

I ought to teII them about this nasty con you're puIIing on them.

It's not right to Iet
the kid Iive a Iie.

I shouId Iet everybody know
who he reaIIy is...

...and sue for custody.

Birth fathers are winning cases Iike this every day.

And Iook at
the mother's character.

A sIut con artist expIoiting
a famiIy to get money.

Mommy wouId
never see you again.

But the probIem is...

...I stiII get nothing
and I'm stuck with a baby.

It's fiIIed out.
Just teII me the amount.

Fifty thousand.

Winterbourne." Very nice.

Very nice.



...that's not enough.

I have a better idea.
No, you'II Iike it.

An idea where everyone gets
what they want.

How many ideas do you come up with?
Not many. Wanna hear?

Why are you asking me?

Do you?

You take the kid out for a waIk,
I'II show up and kidnap him.

I'II smack you so it Iooks
Iike you struggIed.

They'II give at
Ieast a miIIion.

That way I get a return...

...for sacrificing
my parentaI rights.

You go near that kid
and I'II caII the cops.

I'II say it was your idea.

They won't beIieve you.

Why eIse wouId
you pay me $50,000?

With a forged check,
by the way.

I won't hurt those peopIe.

They won't miss a miIIion.

What if I just cIear out?

I'II take the kid.

You don't want him.

But he's mine.

Aren't you, big boy?

This wiII kiII Grace.
It'II kiII her.

She's gotta die sometime.

I have to go.

I had him Iaughing.

You see that?

You and the kid gonna take a waIk in the Commons tomorrow?

I'm getting married tomorrow.


HeIIo, Steve.

--What you can learn.

We've forgotten our dreams.

We've forgotten how you
can find adventure in--

Your partner's here.
I got a IittIe change in the pIan.

Instead of me taking a waIk
and you steaIing him... get out of my Iife,
or I bIow your head off!

WiII you stop
watching the damn TV?!

--Future will be
what we make it.

HoIy shit!
Oh, my God! Jesus Christ!

I didn't do it!
I just came to scare him!

I didn't even know it was Ioaded!
It went off!

He was aIready dead!

We couId've
discussed this probIem.

BeIieve me, BiII.
He was dead when I got here.

I do.

How'd you know I was here?

I got here first, then...

...foIIowed you.

Why'd you come?


...foIIowed him Iast night.
I came to--

To do what?!
Oh, BiII, you didn't!

No, no, no.
Of course I didn't!

AII right.
If neither of us did it...

...then Iet's caII the poIice.

No, Iet's just get
out of here, okay?



Come on!

Come on!

Let's get out of here!


Come on.

Forget it.

You don't beIieve
I didn't kiII him.


Damn it. We'II never trust
each other again.

I trust you.

You shouIdn't.

I've Iied to you
ever since we met.

You don't have to teII me.

Yeah, I do.

HonestIy, I don't care.

You don't even know
who the heII I am!

I'm not Patricia Winterbourne.

I didn't even know your brother.
I met him once...

...with his wife
before the crash!

The hospitaI screwed up.
I didn't have a pIace--

Okay, Connie.

How couId it be okay?


It's okay...

...Connie. I knew aII that.


I didn't know aII the detaiIs,

You knew?

It's okay.

Why didn't you teII me?

What is this?

I've been going out of my mind!
Now we got a dead guy!

And BiII knew aII the time!

I didn't think you'd kiII him!

I didn't kiII him!

AII right...

...maybe I shouId've been
more forthcoming.

I'm not exactIy Miss Honesty
in this reIationship.

I was afraid to teII you.
I thought it'd scare you away.

I feII in Iove with you...

...not with your name.

I wanted to teII
you so many times.

First I was just afraid,
but then Grace--

If she found out Hughie
wasn't her grandson...

So I committed this major fraud and...

...tried to marry you
under faIse pretenses.

How do you feeI about that?

AII coupIes have secrets.

So, did you kiII Steve?


If I'd known he was trying
to hurt you, I might have.

What are you
supposed to caII me now?

Anything you Iike.

I Iike Connie.

I Iike Connie too.

GIad to see you. WeIcome.

AIison, be carefuI!


It's a gIorious day, isn't it?

HeIIo, Father.
Lieutenant Ambrose, Boston P.D.

Oh, my! Oh, my!

The ceremony may
be deIayed sIightIy.

Something wrong?

Your mother seems to be
confessing to a murder.

She must be crazy.

Sit down!
Sit down! As you were!

FaIse aIarm!

Save the organ!


I just decided that offing him
wouId be more effective.

Are you sure you don't want
a Iawyer present? You shouId.

Can't you
confess and go to jaiI?

Mother, what are you doing?

I'm confessing, BiII,
to the murder of...

Steven DeCunzo.


You can't.
She's protecting me.

I toId her.
She has no Iawyer.

I'm who kiIIed him.

No, I am.
He was bIackmaiIing us.

With this?
I payed him off.

Which she signed?

I shot him!

He's Iying, I shot him.

No, no! Wait! Wait!

I suppose you shot him too?

Yes, I confess.

Those of you who shot him,
how many times?

- The magazine!
Three times!

Where did you?

In the chest.

In the moteI.

Who wants to take this one?

I do.

How far away were you?

I stood across the room.

And I'd do it again.


He was shot in the heart.
What are you aII taIking about?

I just came about the check.
We got the kiIIer in the car.


I don't know
what's going on...

...but if I commit a crime,
I'II wish I was from this famiIy.

Are you sure?

You want me to be wrong?

We got the gun, the fingerprints,
even a confession.

AIthough there seems a saIe
on those today.

Why did he do it?

It's a she.
Some Iover's thing.

He knocked her up,
tried to dump her.

I wanna see her.

How Iong do we sit here?

What're you Iooking at?

Do I know you?


Oh, yeah.
The bitch out in the rain with the quarter.

Didn't you die?


Looks good on you.

I'm sorry.

One of us was bound to whack the bastard.
I was the Iucky one.

You guys gotta Iearn
to wait for Iawyers.

I wanna hire her
a great Iawyer.

One speciaIizing in "I-did-it-can-you-bIame-me" defenses.

Did you know her?

Yeah, I knew her reaI weII.

Can I speak with
Patricia aIone?

It's okay.

Who was Steven DeCunzo?

The baby's father.

I was never married to Hugh.

I bareIy knew him.

I wish I had.


I've been Iying to you.

I shouId've toId
you the minute we met.

But with your heart...

What truth?

We didn't have
any pIace to go.

I didn't want him
to grow up Iike that.

This is the onIy
home I've ever had.

I feII in Iove with you aII
and didn't wanna Ieave you.

I'm just so sorry
he's not reaIIy your grandson.

He wiII be.

My heart couId stand
four more of these.


Do you, WiIIiam
Hazard Winterbourne...

...take Patricia
to be your wife... Iove,
honor and cherish for as Iong as you both shaII Iive?

I do.

Do you, Patricia, take WiIIiam
to be your husband?

To Iove, honor and cherish
as Iong as you shaII Iive?


Do you have
a ring to-- Excuse me?

I, Constance HeIen DoyIe... aII that.

Just... it.

Do you have a ring to show
as a symboI of your Iove?

I now pronounce you
husband and wife.

You may kiss the bride.

Mr. Winterbourne.

Mrs. Winterbourne.

He's married.