Mommy's Little Princess (2019) - full transcript

After 12 year old Lizzy find out that she's related to a German royal family, she is determined to make her adopted mother join such family; Stopping at nothing to get rid of her mother's boyfriend and travel to Germany, including murder.

- Mom, we're out of cereal.

- "Mom, we're out
of cereal."

What am I supposed
to do, Lizzy?

You know, you act like
you're some little princess

that I'm supposed
to wait on hand and foot.

Newsflash: you're not special.

So get your ass up
and go to the market.

- Well, I need money.

- You need money? Right.

The sun rises and sets
for money, doesn't it?

Well, I don't have
any damn money!

What? You think you're special?

You're nobody.
- This is Unit 514.
Code 3 affirmative.

- You'll always be a nobody.
- Female,

25 to 35 years old,
possible overdose.
- Patient is nonresponsive.


- Twenty, thirty, thirty-five,

thirty-six, thirty-seven.
- Stealing from your mom?

- No.

- Sure looks like it, thief.
- I'm not a thief.

Why are you even here? Go home.
- Maybe you should go home.
Oh, that's right, you can't.

- This is my home, Allie.
Go back to yours.
- What is going on?

- Lizzy was taking money

out of your purse.
- No, I wasn't! She's lying!

- Then why is
her purse unzipped?
- I was just making sure

it was still there.
- Well, it's fine now.
- Look,

I'm not worried
about the wallet. Allie,
what are you doing here?

Is everything OK with your mom?
- No. I can't deal with her

She's literally the craziest
person in Philadelphia.
A complete bitch.

- Like you?
- Lizzy! That's enough.

Come on. Let's get back to bed.
Greg and I need to talk
to Allie.

- Don't use that kind of
language in front of Lizzy. And
don't call your mother names.

- You called her a lot worse
when you were going
through the divorce.

- I was angry at the time.
- Well, I'm angry now.

- OK, so,

Allie, are you
staying here tonight?
- Is that a problem?

- No. No, of course not.
I just... I didn't know
that you were here.

- She texted me around midnight.
I told her to come on over.

I didn't want
to wake you.

- Mom is seriously out of
her mind. I can't live
with her anymore.

- Let's talk about this tomorrow
when we all have a little
more energy.

- Yeah, OK.

Goodnight, Allie.

- Hey, Dad?
- Yep.

- Lizzy really was stealing cash
out of Julianna's purse.
Just FYI.

- I know it looks like that,
but she wasn't.

She has these nightmares
about her biological mother.

They didn't have money.

It makes her feel better
to know that Jules has
some in her purse.

- Huh?
- She never steals any of it.

- That's bizarre.
- Lizzy's been through a lot.

Just go to bed, sweetie, please.

And don't worry about
what Lizzy does.

- Oh, honey...

Come here.

Did you have
another nightmare?

Is that why you were downstairs
checking the money?
- I didn't take any, I swear.

- I know you didn't.

- Why does Allie
hate me so much?

- Oh... Allie doesn't hate you.

She's just got problems
of her own and she tends to
take them out on everybody else.

- She's not really going to live
with us full time, is she?

- Well, I can't really see
her mother agreeing to that,

but... Look,
while she's here,

I want you
to be nice to her, OK?

I don't like seeing you two
at each other's throats.

- I love you, Mom.
- I love you too.

Come on,
let's get some sleep.

[dog barking, birds chirping]

- Good morning.
- Hey, morning.

- I have some great news.
There was an email from Laura

this morning. A lady
in Baltimore wants to
commission me to do a painting.

- Apparently, she saw
one of my pieces

at the art show in New York
and wants something similar.

- Greg, that's fantastic!
Oh, I'm so happy for you!

- Unbelievable.

[sighing happily]
Maybe, maybe this dry spell
is finally over.

I was starting to think I might
have to take that job
with my brother.

- You at a desk job?
You wouldn't last a week.
- Mm-mm.

- Well, now you don't even have
to consider it. Told you that
art show was gonna pay off.

- You were right.
- Will you buy me Guitar Band?

Last time I asked, you said
you didn't have any extra money.

- Al, we talked about this.
It'll wait till your birthday.

Hey, how about "Congratulations,
Dad, that's great"?

- Finish up, Lizzy.
It's time for camp.

[bell ringing]

- Cody said he heard
you were adopted.

Is that true?
- Three months ago.

- Where d'you live before that?
- In a foster home
for two years.

Before that, I lived
with my real mom.

- Did your real mom
die or something?

- Yeah.
- What happened to her?

- My, uh... my real mom
was really rich

and we had our own airplane.
One night in a storm,

the plane crashed. She died
and they never found her body.

- That's so sad.

- A lot of people
wanted to adopt me,

but I couldn't find one I liked,
so I tried to live
in a foster home.

Finally, I found my new mom.

- So... do you like
your real mom better,

or your new mom?
- My new mom. She's perfect.

- Did you know my mom's from
Trinidad? She moved here to
Philadelphia when she was 3.

We're going there
in October.

My dad's from California,
but his grandfather

was from Serbia. Where
are your parents from?

- Hey, Mom? Where are you from?

- Chicago. I moved here
about ten years ago,

when I took the job at
the firm I'm at now. Why?

- My friend Finley,
her mom is from Trinidad

and her dad's family
lived in Serbia.

She asked where we were from,
but I didn't know what to say.

- Lizzy, did your mom ever tell
you anything about your dad?

- She...

She didn't know who he was.

- I thought Iworked late.
- Not working.

I wanted to get those genetic
tests, you know,
"My Genes and Me"?

Where they find your genealogy,
medical history...

The pharmacy next to my office
carries them.

- Everybody in our neighbourhood
is doing those tests.
- Yeah, everyone's doing it.

Just... I don't know.

Lizzy doesn't even know
who her biological father is.

I thought maybe this could help
me answer what her mother

- Well, don't mention it
in front of Allie.

She'll just add it to her list
of reasons why the world
is unfair.


[dramatic music]

- Mmm!

Smells good. Hey.

So, what's the verdict?

- She's staying with us
for the summer.

Now, Allie promised
not to go back and forth,

and back to Heather's
when school starts.

I think we can make this work
for everyone. I really do.

- OK.

What'd you make?
- Chicken.

- Hey, Lizzy!

I have a surprise for you.

- What is it?

Is it one of those tests
they show on TV

where you can find out
stuff about yourself?

- I thought it'd be fun
if we did it together. You know,
learn about our genetics.

That way, when your friends
ask you where your parents
are from, you'll know.

- That's so cool!
Thanks, Mom.

What do we have to do?
- OK, it says here

that we take the swab and put
the saliva in the tube and...

then we just put
the label on and send it.

I will pay for it to be rushed,
so we'll get it back next week.

[dramatic music]

- Can't believe the whole week
has already gone by.

I think it's progressing
really well.

- So, I am gonna go take
Lizzy shopping with me

and then to her first swim
lesson. I invited Allie,

but she's going to the lake
with friends.
- Ah.

[phone chiming]
- Oh!

Hey, Lizzy!

The results to our
genetic tests are in!

So, no predispositions
to any serious illnesses--

which just means that you're not
at a higher risk for things
like cancer or diabetes.

- That's good, right?
- Mm-hmm, yeah. It's very good.

And... on to your ancestry...

- What? What's it say?
- It says

that you are a little French,
a little Italian,

and you are 65% German.

And... your maternal great-
great-grandmother was...

No, wait.

- She was what?

- It says that your maternal

was... a Wittelsbaum?

- What's a Will... Willsbaum?
- Wittelsbaum.

It's the last name

to a German dynasty
of, uh, nobles.

You're a descendant
of German nobility.

- Nobility? What's that?

Tell me! Is it good?

- Yeah, it's good.

Uh, nobles are kind of
like a royal family.

And it's said here they
controlled territories

in Bavaria up until
about 150 years ago.

This is amazing!

Who would've guessed?

- Does that mean
I'm a royal princess?

- It means that you have
some royal blood,

but we have to study
the lineage.

- What's lineage mean?

- It's like the line
to the throne.

- The throne? That's amazing!

What's yours say?
Are you a princess too?
- Well, let's see.

Ah, nope. No royal
blood for me.

But I am...

part British, Irish
and Spanish heritage.

Oh, and look at that!
I am 2% East Asian.

Well, I can see why everyone
at work is doing these things.
Pretty interesting, huh?

- You're nobody!
You think you're special?

You're not special.

- I'm not a nobody.

Not anymore.

I'm a princess.
A real live princess.

- Hey, Lizzy!

You ready?
- Yeah, Mom. Let's go.

What are you looking for?

- Just some books
for the summer. You can
get one too, if you want.

[whimsical music]

- Mom,

how do you spell Wittelsbaum? I
wanna look it up in my new book.

- Uh, W-i-t-t...


- Oh my God!

It's in here! It's in this book!
A whole page!

And there's a castle!

- Really? Read it to me.

- "The House of Wittelsbaum
is a royal family

"which reigned as princes and
princesses, dukes and duchesses,

"through patri...

patrilineal descent."

What is that?
- It just means passed down
from father to son.

- Oh.

"Several members also had

non-reigning titles
including baron and baroness,
count and countess."

[whimsical music]

- Hey, your mom says
it's time for...

Whoa. What the hell is this?
- Get out of my room.

- Is this in Dutch?
- German.

It's all related to my family.
Now get lost.

- Your family?
- Get out.

- Don't cop an attitude. Trying
to take an interest, here.

How does this have anything
to do with your family?
- Well,

we got the results from the
"Me and My Genes" tests back

and I found out I'm a princess.

- What? What are you
talking about?

- My maternal great-great-
grandmother was part of
the Wittelsbaum family.

That's a noble family that ruled
in Bavaria. That's in Europe.

- I know where Bavaria is. And
just because you have ancestors

that are from some noble family
doesn't make you a princess.

- Ask my mom.
- Listen to me, OK,

because I'm trying to help you
right now. If you tell people

you're a princess, you're just
going to embarrass yourself.

- It's true, though. You don't
know what you're talking about!

Now get out!
- Gladly, Your Highness.

- Hey.

Oh, Lizzy, what is all this?
- They're pictures of my family.

This is my room and I'm not
going to take them down.

- I never said you had
to take this down.

- I finally have a family.

- Hey... come here.

There's nothing wrong with this,

OK? But we're your family.

Me, Greg and Allie.

- Greg isn't. You're not
even married to him.

- Well, we plan on
getting married someday.

- I don't want you
to marry him.

If he's here,
then Allie's here,

and I can't stand her!

She said I shouldn't
tell people I'm a princess.

- Well, we don't know that
you're a princess, sweetie.

You probably shouldn't
tell anyone

until you know
for sure.

- Then how can I find out?
I wanna know.

- A 1% chance she's even got
some sort of title?

She's bound to be disappointed.

- Well, until I find out,
she's just gonna believe it.

- When Allie was little, she had
an entire wall in her room

devoted to Hannah Montana.

That's how they are at that age.
Very singularly focused.

- Yeah, I suppose.

I'm just worried
about Lizzy, you know?

I mean, she already has a hard
time relating to other kids,

and... this princess thing,
it's just...

it's a target on her, you know?
I'm worried she's gonna get

- Lizzy can hold her own.

And trust me, she'll let go of
all this princess stuff

Do what you want. If you really
think that getting a genealogist

is a good idea, to check
on her status, go for it.

I just think

that sometimes, some things
are better left unknown.

[dramatic music]

- So you really
are a princess?

- Yep. From Germany.
- That's so cool.

- Lizzy... Wattels...

- Wittelsbaum.
- That's not your last name.

- It will be when my mom
marries Daniel Wittelsbaum.

He's the baron in Germany
that's related to me.

- So you want your mom to marry
someone in Germany?

- Yep. That way, she can be
royalty too and we can go
live in a castle.

- I thought your mom
was already married.
- Greg just lives with us,

and so does his
stupid daughter now.

I just have to find a way
for her to meet Daniel.

- You should email him.
- He's royalty, duh!

It's not like he's just
going to email back.

- Oh, I know what you should do!
Go to Germany

and find out where he eats lunch
and then accidentally bump
into him at the restaurant.

I saw that in a movie once.

- Can I have everyone's
attention, please?

If any of you are interested
in our overnight arts camp

next week, I have brochures.

Take 'em home
to your parents.

It's one full week
at the Steadman House.
We'll have painting,

drawing, sculpting, music,
and of course, theatre.

As always, we'll be putting on a
play at the Sherwood Playhouse
near the camp on Saturday.

This summer, it's Cinderella.

Yes, Lizzy?
- How do I go to overnight camp?

- The fees are listed
in the brochures

and your parents can
sign you up online.

But know that we can
only accommodate 14 kids

out of everyone who belongs
to this community centre,

so the spots are
very limited. Yes?

- Ms. Mila, is a TV crew
going to be there

to film the play again?
- Yes, they will.
- Ms. Mila,

I wanna play Cinderella!

- At the camp,
we'll have auditions

and that's how
we'll assign the parts.

- But you don't understand.
I'm a real live princess.

[all laughing]

No, really, I am!
[all laughing]
I have proof!

- Like I said,
we'll hold auditions

on the second day of camp.
Now everyone follow me
to the bus, please.

- If people know
what's good for them,

they'll stop ignoring me.

- OK, thanks, guys. We'll come
back to this next week.

So, Bethany, you were saying
that you think I should
find someone

who has access to German
family records?
- Yes.

My uncle Donald
is really into that stuff.

He's not a professional
genealogist or anything,
but I'm sure he'd love to do it.

- Really?
- I can ask. I mean,

he researched our family
back 26 generations.

- Oh, please.
And I will pay him.

I just... I need someone
to do it sooner than later.

- Sure. I'll give him
a call today.
- You're amazing.

Thank you.

- Mom, look!

- Overnight camp?

- One week. And we're going to
put on Cinderellaand they're
going to show it on TV!

- Oh, honey...

You do realise that
you have to sleep there?

What happens if you have
a nightmare? I won't be
there to talk to you.

- That's OK. My friend Finley
is going too. If I have a
nightmare, I'll just call you.

I really, really,
really wanna go.

- Are you sure
you're ready?


We'll try it.
- Thank you, Mommy!

- This one's from
the bridal store.

- My stuff is here!
- What is all this?

- You tell me. It's been
arriving all day.

- The castle!

- Holy crap.
- Lizzy, did you order
all this stuff online?

- How did you pay for it?
- With Mom's credit card.

Greg, can you help me
put this together?

Pretty please?
- Lizzy,

you can't just take my credit
card and buy anything you want.

- But it's all my princess
stuff. I need it.

How else are people going
to know I'm royalty?
- Honey, listen to me closely.

You can't buy whatever you want
with someone else's money.

- I didn't use your money,
I used your credit card. And
I put it back when I was done.

- It's the same thing.

A credit card is like
a promise to pay it back.

Honey, I know that you're
excited about being a part

of a royal family, but...
you may not be a princess.

- Then what am I? A duchess?

- You're nothing.

- I'm not nothing! I'M SPECIAL!!


- Lizzy!

- I didn't mean it
like that. I just meant

that she doesn't have
some royal title, is all.

- Why are you so bent
on antagonising her?

- Me? What about her?

She steals Julianna's
credit card

and buys $1,000 worth of stuff
and it's "Oh no, poor Lizzy!"

Poor Lizzy gets everything she
wants. She wants a genetics test

and she gets it.
But what do I get?

If I want something, it's
"No, Allie, wait until
your birthday".

The problem is Mommy's
little princess,

it sure as hell isn't me.

- I'll talk to her. Even
if Allie's jealous,
she has no right

to antagonise Lizzy.
- Maybe it was a mistake

to do the genetic tests.
- No, no. You did
the right thing.

It's an exciting thing
for her. Would be for
any ten-year-old girl.

- Yeah, it's just... all this...

because she's so desperate
to feel important just
breaks my heart.

Can I come in?

- I'm sorry for using your
credit card without asking.

- Please don't ever
do that again.
- I won't.

- That's not actually why
I came up here, though.

Look, I wanna talk to you
about what you said to Allie.

You said
you were special.

- I am, right? Because
I'm related to a royal family?

- Oh, honey, you...

you were special long
before we took those tests.

As a matter of fact,

you are so special that...

I could've adopted any child

in the country
and I picked you.

- My mom always said
I was a nobody.

- Your mom was wrong.

You're an amazing
person, OK?

It doesn't matter who
you're related to, honey,

you... you are special

and terrific
because you're you.

And I love you more than
anything in the world.

- I love you, Mom.

Can I keep the stuff
I bought, though?

- You mean the stuff I bought?

Just this time.

- Here.

It's $32.
- No, honey, you keep your money

and you spend it on something
you really, really want.
- OK, Mom.

- OK.

Why don't you come down
and get something to eat?

I'm sure Greg
has dinner ready.

- I know what I want.

I want you to marry my mom

and we can all live together
in your castle.

[glitzy music]

- ♪ So dangerous inside
When it all goes down ♪

♪ All I really want is just
to be another girl ♪

♪ Pretending to be nice
So dangerous inside ♪

♪ And I won't stop

- The problem is,

she's not a regular kid.
Growing up,

she had no boundaries,
no discipline. In fact,

she's more mature because
she basically raised herself.

- Yeah, and then there's Allie.
- Ugh, Allie...

Aside from the divorce,
she had a normal childhood,

and she is just this giant
ball of teenage angst.

- I'll let you in on a secret.
There's no normal when it comes
to parenting.

- How do you do it
with three kids?

- Being a member of
a few wine clubs helps.

- Bethany!
- I'm just kidding.

But you're right,
they're all different.

- What if I'm doing it wrong?
My fear is that...

Lizzy's life will end up
being screwed up and
it'll be all my fault.

- No. You are doing
just fine.

And I will bring you
a very good bottle

of pinot tomorrow.
- Thank you.

[footsteps approaching]
- This is taking a lot longer
than I thought it would.

I need to get to work
on that painting.


- Isn't this a bit young
for her? She's ten.

- Well, Lizzy never had a single
toy since she was put in foster
care at eight, so...

I guess she still likes things
other kids her age are
growing out of.

- I can't believe she's letting
her keep all this stuff.

If I had done that, you would've
made me send it back.

- Can I ask you a question?

Why are you so angry
all the time?
- I'm not.

- Yeah, you are. Honey,

the world is not against you.
I am not against you.

So why d'you go into any
conversation swinging a sword?

- If I tell you
I don't like something,
it's not gonna change.

You're just gonna say:
"Sorry, Allie,

but you'll have to deal with
that" just like you always have.

- Like I always have?
- Yeah.

- Sorry, Lizzy, the camp's been overbooked. Unfortunately,

there's no spot for you.
- You mean I can't go?

- Well, I can create a wait list

so if someone cancels,
you can have their spot.
- No.

I don't wanna be on any wait
list. I'm going to that camp!

- Lizzy, I understand
you're disappointed,

but I don't like the way you're
speaking to me right now.

- I can talk to you any way I
want. Don't you know what I am?

- Lizzy, there are rules. They
apply to everyone including you.

This discussion is over.
Everybody line up to go
to the pool, please.

- Ms. Mila? Can I use
the bathroom first?

- You can go when we get
down to the locker room.

- I don't think I can wait that
long. Seriously, I need to go.

- Fine.

Go now and
meet us down there.

[dramatic music]

- Now onto stupid Bronwyn.


"Penicillin and its derivatives

"belong to an antibiotic group
called beta-lactam.

"Available by prescription
only, it includes

the following drugs."

Right there.

Sorry, Bronwyn.

I guess you're not
going to arts camp.

[crickets chirping]

I love it!

This colour is my favourite,
too. Pink!

- Daniel Wittelsbaum
has asked me to marry him.

I'll soon be a queen!
Oh, there's so much to do!

I have to plan a wedding--
and we have to move into
the castle, of course!

Oh, Lizzy,
isn't it exciting?

- This is exactly what I wanted.

- Who needs to use the bathroom?
- I do.

- Sure, Bronwyn.
Be quick, please.

- I need to go too.
[dramatic music]

Oh, hi, Bronwyn!
I likeour shirt.

- Thanks!

- This is the best fruit punch
ever. Wanna try it?

- No, thanks.
- Are you too good or something?

- No, I just have my own fruit
punch in my backpack, is all.

Well, see ya.

- I'm a princess.
People need to start doing

what I tell them to do.

Let's sit with Bronwyn today.
- I thought you didn't like

Oh, I brought this for you.
- What is it?

- That castle you like is going
to be open to the public.
- What?

- Yeah. They open the castle
one week out of the year

for a garden party.
People bring picnic baskets

and sit out on the lawn.
It's kinda cool. It's
happening in two weeks.

Oh, and you could even meet
members of the royal family.

- How did you find this?
- My mom gets these emails
all the time

from a travel company. They
always talk about the things
you can do in Europe.

- You're the most amazing friend
in the world.

I absolutely, 100%
have to go to this.

- Can I go with you?
- Maybe. I'll ask my mom.

Um, can you do me a favour?
Go get me a tissue

from Ms. Mila. She keeps
them in her bag.
- Sure.


Um... Ms. Mila?

Something's wrong with Bronwyn.

- Bronwyn, are you OK, sweetie?
Are you choking?

I think it's an allergic
- I'll call 911.


- Don't worry,
she'll be OK.

Here you are. Thank you
for coming to our garden party.

Yes, we only hold it once a year

so people can see
how beautiful it is inside.

- Sorry I'm late.
- Oh... that's for you.

- Aww, thank you, honey.

I needed someone to give me a
flower today. How was day camp?

- Great. Guess what?
- What?

- The Wittelsbaum family castle
will be open to the public.

They're having a huge party
and we can actually meet
my relatives. Can we go?

- This is in two weeks.

- Yeah. Finley found out
about it. Can we go?

- It's kind of short
notice for work.

- Please. If we miss it,

we have to wait a whole year
before it happens again.

- I'll think about it, OK?

- Alright.
- Come on, let's go.

- I think it's a great idea.
A family trip is exactly
what we need.

- I'm still waiting to hear back
from Bethany's uncle

about Lizzy's... title.

- What difference does it make?
Even if she's not related
to that family at all,

it would still be fun. Too bad
it wasn't during Oktoberfest.

- You really think we should go?

- I do. The timing's perfect.
I'm done with the painting,

and besides, doing something fun
and relaxing with the girls

might show them that they have
more in common than
they realise.

- That's true.

Alright, I'll book
the tickets.

- We're going to Europe?
That's awesome.

- So, I was looking at travel
reviews online last night

and everyone says the garden
party is so much fun. Lizzy!

What's the matter, honey?

Aren't you excited?

- Yeah, of course.

- You don't seem all that happy.
- I am. I really am.

I better get ready for day camp.

- You don't seem that happy
that we're going to Germany.

- I'm super happy. I just...
didn't know that Allie
was going to go with us.

- Oh, I see. Well, Greg and I
thought it would be more fun
to go as a family.

And besides, if Allie sees the
castle, maybe she'll understand
where your ancestors come from

- I guess.
- It's gonna be fine.

We're gonna have
a fantastic time.
[dramatic music]

- I want to give you all
an update

on Bronwyn's condition.
I spoke to her mother last night

and she was released from the ER
around 9PM and she's going
to be OK.

- Do they know what caused that
to happen to her?

- It was some sort of allergic
reaction, but they aren't sure

what she ate or came
in contact with just yet.

- Is she coming back to camp?
- No, I don't believe so.

- How about overnight camp?

- No, she won't be.
Why do you ask?

- Just wondering.

Maybe we can all draw pictures
of flowers and send them to her.

- That's a pretty cool idea.
- Sure,

we can do that. Right after
we finish our volcanoes.

Right now, I need everyone
to measure one cup of vinegar.

Be sure to not spill it

on the outside of your volcano,
because it will ruin the paint.

- Ms. Mila, does vinegar
always ruin paint?
- Pretty much,

because vinegar is very acidic.

Also, let's try to not get it on
our shirts, please. Thank you.

what are you doing?

We're not painting right now.
- Sorry.

- Since Bronwyn won't be
coming to arts camp,

you're next on the waiting
list... so I guess you're going.

- OK.

- OK.

I'll call your mother
to let her know.

- I'm going to paint
Bronwyn a sunflower.

- OK.

- So, it's finally ready to go?
- Yep. I just hope the client
likes it.

- Oh, how could she not?
She hired the best painter
on the East Coast.

- Oh, the courier
will be here

between 8 and 10 tomorrow, so I
won't be able to drop Lizzy off

at the overnight camp.
- That's OK. Where's Allie?

- At the mall, getting her dress

for the garden party.
She's really into it.

- You guys are all coming
to the play on Saturday, right?

Don't forget, the TV station
is going to be filming.
- Don't worry, sweetie,

we'll be there.
- OK, I'm gonna go
get dinner started.

Lizzy, why don't you go to your
room and lay out your clothes
you want for camp, OK?

- Sorry, Greg. Looks like
you'll be too busy to come
to Germany with us.

[dramatic music]

n, Lizzy, let's go!We're gonna be late!

- I'm so excited for camp!
- Come on,

get in!

Well, here we are!

- This is where I'm staying?

- You know, this place used
to belong to a famous artist

who lived here 100 years ago.
His family donated it.

- Hi, Drew.
- Hey, Lizzy. Uh...
you're in room number 4.

- Great.
- You can sign her in here.
- Oh!

Thank you.
- Enjoy camp.

- Thanks.
- Let me take that.

- Hi!
- Finley!

- Wow, you guys, this place is
amazing! You two are gonna
have the best week.

- I can't wait!
- Me neither!

- I can do this by myself, Mom.

- Oh, uh...

Are you sure you don't want me
to stay a little while
until you get settled?

- No, I'm good.
- OK, well,

I am just a phone call away

if you need me.
- OK.
- I love you.

Bye, Finley.

- Finley, guess what? I brought
two of these shirts

so we can be twins.
- Thanks!

[girls giggling]

- Hey, Dad.
- Hey.

- What do you think?

For the garden party.
- I like it.

- And it didn't cost $200
like the dress Lizzy bought.

- Come sit for a second.

I wanna talk to you about Lizzy.
- Oh God, please no!

- Come on.

Come on, sit.

When I met Julianna,
she told me about how much
she wanted to have kids

but couldn't have any. But at
some point, she wanted to adopt.

- OK?

- When the agency
called about Lizzy,

they said they had
a ten-year-old girl

who'd been severely neglected.

Had a mother that OD'd.

All she wanted
was to adopt

and help that little girl who
had lived so much of her life

with absolutely nothing.

It's hard for any of us
to understand what that's like,

to grow up that way,

to see your mother die
right in front of you.

She could really use
a big sister.

It's not easy
for any of us.

Julianna's doing her best.

So am I. All I'm asking is
that you put in some effort.

Your mom and I made
a lot of mistakes.

Neither one of us
handled the divorce well,

and you were definitely
caught in the middle of it.

I'm sorry about that.

I want us
to be a family,

a strange sort of stitched-
together family,

but one that functions.

I want us all to care
about each other and...
be civil to each other.

A year from now,

you... you're off to college.

There won't be a lot
of time to build that.

Will you
work with me?

- Yes.

I'll do my best with Lizzy.
- Thank you.

- I didn't know that, about
Lizzy seeing her mom OD.

- I think there's still a lot
we don't know about what
she went through.

I try to remember that
when she's walking around
the house in her tiara.


- I love you, Dad.
- I love you too, sweetheart.

- Lizzy's first ten years
may have sucked, but...

she's really lucky to have
you and Julianna adopt her.

- Thank you.


[dramatic music]

- Girls, did you read the sign?

It says you're not allowed
to go past it.

- We just wanted
to pick some flowers.

- It doesn't matter. Rules are
rules. From now on, you stay

where Drew and I can see you.
It's dangerous out there.

There's coyotes and poison ivy
and all kinds of things.
- I had poison ivy once.

It was horrible. All I could do
was lay in bed super still

'cause it hurt too much to move.

- Exactly. That's why
we're not allowed

to go past the sign.

- We're sorry, Ms. Mila.

- OK.

Go get cleaned up and
come down in ten minutes.

We're gonna talk about
auditions for the play.

- I really think that
I got through to Allie.

- That's great.
- Yeah.

[phone ringing]

Who's this?

It's the lady that
bought the painting.

This is Greg.
- [Hi, it's Ellen.]

[I got the painting, but
there's a streak on it.]
- What?

- [Two inches wide down the
front. It reeks like vinegar.]
- Vinegar?

- [And the bubble wrap's
been cut.]
- Are you sure?

- [Yeah. It's a mess.]
- That's impossible.
I packaged it myself.

- [Well, I hope so.]
- All I can say is
that I'm sorry.

- [OK.]
- I can drive out there tomorrow
afternoon and pick it up.

Whatever it is, I'm sure
it can be fixed.

- [OK, if you say so.]
- Yeah.
- [Thanks.]

- Thank you.
- What happened?
- She says it looks

like someone poured vinegar
under the box. She could
smell it

when she opened it.
- Well, is it ruined?

- It's one long streak
down the front, so it doesn't
sound like it, but...

I need to see it.

- How did that happen?

- So you can audition for
any part that you want,
but keep in mind

Ms. Mila might give you
a different part, OK?
Everyone will get to play

something, and every part's

- Mr. Drew, I was Cinderella

in my school play last year,
so I already know the lines.

- That's awesome, Madison.

So, everyone try and memorise
as much as you can tonight,
but don't worry,

you don't have to be off-script
or anything. In the meantime,

if you want to come and see the
horses, we're gonna go to the
barn in about five minutes, OK?

- So there's no way it could've
happened during shipping?
- No. And definitely vinegar.

- You don't think one of
the girls did it, do you?

- Allie and I are sort of
on good terms again,

so I can't imagine it'd be her,
and there's no reason
for Lizzy to do it.

- Well, how bad is it?
- [Not as bad]

as I originally thought.
I should be able to fix it
in just a couple days.

- Good. Hey, babe, I gotta go.
Someone's at the door.

- I'll see you at home.

- Hey, come in.
- Sorry for interrupting.

I spoke to my uncle at lunch.
He said he's working on it.
Progress is slow.

- Thanks for the update.
- No problem.

- How can I go to the ball
when I have no dress?

I can't possibly wear these
rags. How can I go to the ball,
how can I go to the ball?

- I hope you're not trying out
for the role of Cinderella.

- Actually, I am.
- Well, I'm a real princess
and I can have

whatever I want, so you need
to pick a different role.

- I guess we'll see who
Ms. Mila thinks is better.
- If you try out for Cinderella,

even if you don't make it,
I'll hurt you.

- Lizzy, why are you
being so mean?
- You're a psycho!

- No, I'm royalty.
Don't you forget it.
- Get away from me

before I call Ms. Mila!
- Too bad there's no wicked
witch, you'd be perfect.

- That girl, your friend--
she's weird.

- So, everything's going well?
No nightmares last night?

- Nope! I'm having a great time.
We're auditioning tomorrow
for the play.

[How are Greg and Allie?]
- They're good. Allie bought
the cutest dress for the trip.

- Did that lady like
Greg's painting?

- [Well, actually, something
happened to it during shipping.]

[Greg has to fix it now,
but it should only take
a couple of days.]

- So Greg and Allie

are still going
to Germany with us?
- [Yeah, of course, honey.]

Everything's confirmed.
Don't worry. Listen, Lizzy,
I really have to go,

but you can call me
later if you want, OK?

- Yeah. OK.

- [Bye, baby.]

- No! They can't come with us.

They're going to ruin
the whole thing.

Do something! If you want
to marry my mom,

we have to make sure
Greg and Allie don't go.

- I had poison ivy once.
It was horrible.

All I could do was lay
in bed super still

'cause it hurt too much to move.

- And then she said she'd
hurt me if I tried out.
- She actually said that?

That she'd hurt you? Alright.

Thank you for letting me know.
Why don't you head outside
with the others?

- OK.

- "Poison ivy has three leaves,

"which is why children are
often taught the rhyme

'Leaves of three, let them be.'"
[door opening]


Remember when you got
poison ivy?
- Yeah?

- How long did it last?
- It was like...

two weeks, I think.
- Does it leave permanent damage

like scars or anything?
- No, but I had to take
baths in oatmeal

and put ice packs all over me
until it went away. Why?

Did you go out there after
Ms. Mila told us not to?

- No. Just wondering.

- OK.

[dramatic music]

- Perfect.

- Lizzy?

What the...

- Leaves of three. Sorry, Allie,

you're not gonna feel
like going to Germany
when you have poison ivy.

I'm sure your dad will stay back
to take care of you.

- Lizzy? What are you doing?

I told you this area
is off-limits.

- I-- I was just--
- No, that's it. You've broken
too many rules now.

You're going home.
- No, you can't send me home.

- Lizzy, just threatening
Madison was enough to expel you.

Let's go.
I'm calling your mother.
- Please don't. I'm sorry.

I'll be good, I promise.
- It's too late. Back
to the house, now.

- I'm not going.

- And I'm not leaving you
out here by yourself.

Fine. I'm calling your mother

from right here.
- I have to be on TV.

That way, everybody
will know I'm a princess.

- Lizzy! Lizzy,
what are you doing?

Lizzy! Lizzy, stop!

Lizzy! Lizzy--
- No! Give me that!

- Lizzy! Lizzy, stop! No!


[dramatic music]

- Are you gonna use
the same courier?

- No. No,
this time around,

I'm gonna deliver it myself.
- You can't go to the ball,

- Yes, I can!

- No, you can't.
- But I must!

- Um... Oh, uh...

No, you don't belong
at the ball.

Where were you?
- In the pottery room.

Are you still wasting your time
practicing for the role

of Cinderella?
- Come on, Finley,
let's just go somewhere else.

- That's a good idea.

- Hey, girls. Have any of you
seen Ms. Mila around?

- No.
- Me neither.
- Lizzy?

- I haven't seen her. Have you
tried calling her cell phone?

- She's not answering.
- Maybe she's just busy.

- Do you want us
to help you look for her?
- No, Madison. Thank you though.

If any of you see her, let her
know I'm looking for her, OK?
- OK.

- OK.
- Sure.
- Come on, Finley.

- Hey, look what I got
for Lizzy for the trip.

Whoa, what happened
to the painting?
- Was like this when it arrived.

- Are you kidding me? How?
- That's the question
of the week.

- I'm sorry.

- Wait a minute. You bought
something for Lizzy?
- They were on sale, but yeah.

Don't expect it to happen
every time I go shopping.
- I wouldn't dare.

- It's just strange, you know?
She wouldn't just leave.

Her car's still parked here. Her
purse is still in her bedroom.

I just... don't know
where she could be.

- You're in trouble.

- Trouble over what?

- I know what you did.

- What did I do?

- You know what you did.

You stole Ms. Mila's flashlight.
- No, I didn't.

- Yes, you did,
and I have proof.

You're never gonna find it.
And I'm gonna tell on you.

- Go ahead.
Tell them you stole it.

- You're such a liar.

- Drew!

Finley stole Ms. Mila's

- What?
- I didn't steal it,
I found it in her bed.

- One of you has
Mila's flashlight?

Where is it?

Where did you find it?
- She had it.

- That's a lie. You brought it
in this afternoon and said
you found it by the pond.

- Which trail?
- I have no idea

what she's even talking about.
- You said you found it

out by where we were playing
the first day. She said Ms. Mila

must have dropped it, and then
she said "finders keepers,

losers weepers".
- I did not.

- Yes, you did.
- I don't care who found it, OK?
Ms. Mila is missing.

- You still haven't
found her yet?

- Just tell me exactly
where you found this.

- It's hard
to describe.

I can show you.

Is this where you found it?
- I told you, I didn't
find it here.

- You're not going to be
in trouble. Right, Drew?
- She's right.

If you just tell me
where you found it, you
won't be in any trouble.

- Over there.

- OK, girls, let's go
back to camp, OK?


- If something bad
happened to Ms. Mila,

the cops are going
to think you did it.
- Me?

- 'Cause you had the flashlight.
- No, you had the...

How did you...?

How did you...
get the flashlight?

- You're looking
in the wrong place.

- Oh, my God!

Mila's here! She's down here!

- What happened to her?
- I don't know.

- Maybe she had
a horrible accident.
- You're so creepy.

Get away from us.
- Campers,

I have some bad news.

Ms. Mila has had
a terrible fall.

She's in a coma right now and...

they just took her to the
hospital. We have another
counselor coming to replace her

for the rest of the camp, but
she was in charge of putting on
the play. We have to cancel it,

so there's gonna be no auditions
tomorrow morning.

- What?!

This is a load of crap!
- What?

- I can't believe
you're cancelling the play!

That's not fair!
Just because of Ms. Mila?

- Lizzy,

Ms. Mila's in very bad shape
right now. She can't put
the play on.

- Then have someone else do it!
Don't just cancel it!

I can't believe
you'd do this to me!

[phone ringing]
- Allie, can you get that?

- Yeah.

Hello? Just a minute.

Um, an administrator
from Lizzy's camp

says you need to come pick up
Lizzy first thing
in the morning.

[dramatic music]

- Hello?

Hi, sweetie.
- They're kicking me out!

- I know, honey, I know. Hey...

Let's get your stuff and we'll
talk about it in the car, OK?

- I just don't understand.

Why cancel the play?
- Maybe they just...

felt like they didn't have
anyone else who could do it.

Plus, I'm sure no one
was in the mood

after Ms. Mila
got hurt so badly.

- When my mom died,

nothing was cancelled.

I went to school
the very next day.
- Honey, this is different.

I know that you're disappointed,
but there will be other plays.

- But I was going to be on TV.

- I know. I know. But,
you know, things happen.

Hey, Lizzy...

Did you really threaten another
girl who was trying out
to be Cinderella?

- I wasn't really going
to do anything to her.

- On another note,

Allie got you a really cute
pair of sunglasses for the trip.

Wasn't that sweet of her?
- Mom, I don't want them
to come with us.

They're not part
of the royal family.

- Neither am I!
- But you will be, once you meet

Daniel Wittelsbaum and he falls
in love with you and you guys
get married.

- What are you talking about?
- He's going to be there. This
is your one chance to meet him.

If Greg and Allie go, it's going
to ruin everything.

- Honey, I have no interest in
marrying into the royal family.

I love Greg.
[cell phone ringing]

Hey, Bethany. You're on
speakerphone. I have Lizzy
in the car with me.

- Hi, sorry to bother you guys.
I'm looking for the Louden file.

- Oh, I forgot to give it
to you, I'm sorry. It's
in the inbox on my desk

in the green folder.
- Great. Thank you.

Oh, by the way, my uncle finally
got some information back

[on the Wittelsbaum family.]
- What is it?

- If you want, I can tell you
when you're back

[in the office?]
- No! No, I wanna know now!

- Uh, it's OK, Bethany.
What did he find out?

- [Um, Lizzy is indeed]

a member of the
Wittelsbaum family.

But she's too far removed
to have a title.

- You mean...
I'm not a princess?

- No, honey. I'm sorry.

- What about a duchess
or a baroness?

- The closest member
with a title was your

[He was a Lord. It didn't
extend past him.]

- So...

I'm nothing?

- Thanks, Bethany.
Tell your uncle thanks too.

- [I will. Bye for now.]
- That's not possible!

He has to be wrong!
- It doesn't make a difference.
You're still a member

of the family.
- I know, but...

I just... I wanted
to be special.

- You are special.

Do you hear me?

You are special.

- But I'm not a princess.

- What just happened?
- Lizzy just found out
from a genealogist

that she's not a princess.

- Well, I mean, we all kind
of suspected that, right?

- Lizzy didn't.
She's devastated.

I'm gonna go talk to her.

[breathing heavily]

- It's not fair! I never get
anything I want!

- Lizzy? Sweetie,

what are you doing?
Oh, honey, don't cry.

Hey, hey... shh... it's OK.

- No, it's not. I wanted
to be a princess so bad.

- I know you did, baby.

- I wanted to show her
that I'm not a loser.

I wanted to prove it.

[phone ringing]
- Baby, you are not a loser.

Not at all.

- Julianna?

- Allie, can you please
take a message?

- Um... it's the police.

[dramatic music]

You OK?
- This is Julianna Mathis.

I'm sorry, who?

Oh, Ms. Mila,
her camp counselor.

She's awake?

Yeah. Yeah, sure,

we could come down and
do that. What station?


We'll be there
as soon as we can.
- What's going on?

- Apparently, Ms. Mila
woke up from her coma.

The police just want
Lizzy and I to go down

and talk about what happened
before she fell.

- I don't know what happened.
I don't know anything about it.
- That's OK,

sweetie. They just want us to go
down and give our statements and
answer a few questions, is all.

- But there's no reason to go

if I don't have any information.
It's a waste of time.

- They're the cops,
it's not like you can say no.

- Honey, it'll only take
a few minutes, OK?

And they said that we can go
right down here to the station
on Vernon Street.

- If you don't know the answers,
just say you don't know.
- Exactly.

- We have to go right now?

- Today.

- Can I, uh...

take a shower first?
Wash my hair?

- Yeah, of course.

I'll go get it

- I've had to talk
to the cops before.

Just be honest with them
and you won't have a problem.

They can tell when you're lying.

Oh, and...

I'm sorry that
you're not a princess.

But life as a civilian
isn't so bad.

I should know.

- They're wrong.
I am a princess.

If I can just get to Germany,
I can prove it.

The police are going
to arrest me,

and then I won't be able to go.

- Where's your dad?
- He finished fixing that
painting so he's driving it out.

- Already?
- Yeah, it didn't take him
that long to finish it.

[dramatic music]

- I don't know what they wanna
talk to Lizzy about, though.

- Probably just to say that
they did a real investigation.

- I'm gonna go hurry her up.





Oh, God!


- What's wrong?

- Lizzy just took off
in a black coloured cab.

I couldn't get the plates,
I... Oh God, she... she...

she took the envelope from
the travel agency. I think
she's going to the airport.

- By herself? Why?
- I don't know, I have no idea.

I'm gonna call the cab company
now. You get your car, I'll get
mine. Let's just go find her.

- Going to the airport
all by yourself?

- I'm meeting my mom there.
She's waiting for me.

- You can hold on to that

until we get
there, OK?

So, going someplace fun?

- Germany. I have family there.
- Cool!

I've never been there.
Someday, though.

- I've never been there either.
It's my first time.

But I might not come back.
I mean, if I like it.

- [Will, did you pick up
a fare at 2213 Magnolia?]
- Yup. On our way to airport.

- [Is it a little girl?]
- Yeah.

- [Need you to return to
that location immediately.]

[Her mother's frantic.
She ran away.]
- Copy that.

- No, keep going to the airport!
- It's not up to me.

- I don't wanna go back home!
- Like I said, it's not
up to me.


She just jumped out of my car
and took off. She's heading west
down Piper just past the bridge.

- Hello?
- [This is dispatch
for the cab company.]

[I just spoke to the driver. He
said she jumped out of the car]

[at 46th and Piper. She left
her suitcase in the trunk]

[and started running west.]
- Thank you.

Thank you so much. Call Allie.

- Hey.
- [OK, I just got off the phone
with the dispatcher.]

Lizzy jumped out
of the cab at Piper

[just past the bridge.
She's headed, uh...]

She's headed west.
- Alright, I'm like
two blocks away.

- [OK, go. I'll meet you there.]

Please be OK. Please be OK.

- Excuse me, can I have
the number for...

Never mind.

- Hey. She just went inside
a pizza place on McNutt.
- I'll be there in two minutes.

- Lizzy!

Lizzy, come out!
Lizzy, come out!

- Go away!

- I'm not gonna go away!
Your mom is worried sick!

Lizzy, it's too noisy out here.
I'm gonna call you.

[phone ringing]

- Please, just leave me alone.
- There's no way in hell

I'm leaving you at a pizza shop
by yourself. Your mom's
on the way.

- I don't want her here either!
- Why did you leave?

- Because the police are going
to arrest me.
- For what?

- It's all my fault.

Ms. Mila fell down and hit her
head. She was going to call Mom
and send me home

and I was just... trying to get
the phone away from her.

I didn't mean for
anything bad to happen.

- Oh my God...

- I'm in so much trouble.
And I think I'm going crazy.

I don't know what to do.
- It's gonna be alright.

Your mom and my dad and I...
we're all here to help you.

- I don't want help.
I just wanna leave.

- Well, you can't run away
from your problems, sis.
It just makes them worse.

- If I can just get to the
castle in Germany, they won't
let the police take me.

- But then you'd be a fugitive
and you could never come home.

And we would all miss you.

- You wouldn't miss me.
- I would completely miss you.

Who else would I have
to fight with?

- Everyone hates me.

- Nobody hates you, Lizzy.
We all love you.

- Even after you find out
all the bad things I've done?

- Like what?

- I'm the one who put vinegar
on Greg's painting.

- Really? Why?

- 'Cause I didn't want you guys
to come to Germany.

I was going to put poison ivy on
your pyjama so you couldn't go.
- You were?

That's pretty nasty.
- See? I knew it.

I knew you'd hate me
if I told you that!
- Nice try,

but I still don't hate you.

And I'm pretty sure Dad
knew that you were the one

that did the vinegar.
- He did?

- He never said, but... yeah.

- He wasn't mad?
- Of course he was mad.

Just like I would've been super
pissed about the poison ivy.

But... we still want you
to be in our family.

I wish you liked us
the way that we like you.

Just, like...

you think this family in Germany
is so much better than we are...

And it kinda hurts my feelings.

- Sorry.

I didn't mean to hurt
your feelings, I just...

I just wanted to be a princess.

- What's wrong with being
like me and your mom

and our dad?

Just normal people
who... wake up

and go to work and go to school
and wear clothes from The Gap?

It's actually
pretty cool.

- Will you come with me
to the police?

- Of course.

That's what big
sisters do, right?

- And Mom, too?
- I'm right here, honey.

I'll be by your side
the whole time.

I love you, kiddo.

I hope you're not sitting
on the floor of the public
bathroom, by the way.

- Are you coming out?
'Cause if so,

I'm gonna order
a few ice-blended mochas
with chocolate syrup.

Plus, I think that there's a guy
out here who really has to pee.

He's dancing around
with his legs crossed.

- Yeah.

I'm coming out.

- Oh, God...

You scared me to death.

Are you OK?
- I'm sorry, Mom.

- You're such a pain
in the butt.

- So, three iced mochas
with extra whipped cream?

- My treat.
- I'm sorry, Mom.

I'll never do that again.

- Good.

Hey... come.

- I think the tassel goes
on the other side, right?
- No, Dad.

It stays on this side
until after I graduate.

- Are you sure? Alright.

- Hey, you all set?

Oh, don't forget to take your
pill. Dr. Harmon says it's your
last bottle and you're all done.

- I know, I'm doing good, huh?
I don't even have bad dreams

- I know. Your therapist says
you're making great progress.
What's that?

- Just something for Allie.
- Come on.

- Alright, it's
all set, guys!


[shutter clicking]
- You ready, honey?

- I wanna give Allie
something first.

- "Love, Lizzy".

I think this card
is meant for somebody else.
- No, silly. It's for you.

- Alright, let's get going
before we miss it!

Closed Captioning by SETTE inc.