Mohey (2016) - full transcript

The story of a young woman who lives in Iran during the heavy sanctions which were put on the country. For improving the situation of her life she marries a powerful wealthy man but she gains nothing but more troubles after that.

As a consequence of the nuclear

The owners of some companies
took fraudulent action...

In order to establish illegal international

The corruption resulting from their money
and power affected the lives Iranians

This film is based on true stories


I remember in the damp
children's home...

Next to my twin

They taught us about the punishment
of the sins we mustn't commit

You said eye is the entire being
of a human

Humans are just like God himself

So the pupil is God's eye?

If you decide to see the world
you'll see it through our eyes

It was then I found out the person whose eyes
we see, deserves care

We should stop torturing
or killing him

That's why when they want to execute
someone they close their eyes

So we don't see them

Since if we do, we have to stop

So God...

If you see the torture I'm under

Why won't you help me?

Could you put it out please?

-You don't smoke?
-I quit

I don't know you

-You know all your clients closely?
-Not all

When I was a kid, my mother pinned
one of those to my sleeve

She said it drives evil

No one believes this sort of
thing anymore

I do care

-It's a part of me, Nabavi
-That's not me

I know

-He'd promised things
-I sent him to China

I don't think he'll be back
anytime soon

I can give you his address so he can
live up to his promises

We were after you actually

I have a case you can solve
at the moment

I don't remember a case with
your name

A president changes and
nothing happens

How long haven't you been
around for? Things have changed

-How long were you away for?
-67 years

How was Sour?

Have we worked together before?

Releasing products from Nabati

He's the most ignorant person
I've ever seen

I can tell what he's thinking
in his damn head

He pretends I'm insignificant...

But I know exactly how to
get twhrough to him

-Right what do you want Mohey?

We sent money to a French company's account
for medical equipment

Who's half Iranian,
we sent 300 million Euros to his account

As the upfront, we were supposed
to send the rest the following day

On the day the company's account
had 700 million Euros in there

-And the products were blocked
-What do you want from me?

Release it

I can't step forward to resolve it

Or a charitable rich man

-We only release products here
-People say other things

Who Nabavi? Ask him to do it
for you

With what we know of you,
I'm sure you can manage it

What's your product?

-Beauty implants
-Do you have time or not?

We have to release it onto
the market until June

-Will it take long?
-We need other things other than time

-Like what?
-I have to investigate

Your account in France and
so many other things

-Does all the money belong to the company
-It's all in there

How did the money get there?

Where did the money come from,
where did it go?

Do you have a lawyer?
The necessary paperwork

-I have to know all of it
-We're in a hurry

Did I accept for you to ask me
to hurry up?

For me it's like opening
and empty giftbox

I'll ask my lawyer to send you
the details

We'll be in touch

Bye for now

Go through all the files, see if you
find anything on Mehrnia

Outside and here

I want all the legal things

Their contacts

Their limitations, who they've
dealt with

Don't miss anything

He said no at first, then he
kind of caved

He's sent Nabavi to China

I know, he left a message
asking for you

-I blocked him, do you need him?
-So what at the end?

-He said he has to investigate
-Investigate what?

Me, well the case

You didn't do anything when I told
you, what do I do now?

Hold on

Come outside, I'm here

Where are you?

I'm at the vice president's mother's funeral

It's better if they see me here

-Will you come to the office later?
-No I'm busy


The mosque hasn't been finished
all this time?

-The builder fell and broke his leg
-Poor thing

Poor builder

I heard you spent haji Dashti's
money elsewhere

-No I swear, who said that?

The money I'm giving away

I'd like it to be spent for
a good cause

God says

I like the sort of lie that makes
people come together

I don't like the truth that
drives people away from one another

Don't fall for people's prayers

Sometimes people get into the habit of praying
they're too afraid of stopping

Give them this money...

To fight their fears, here

What if the tiny crystals would sit on his
small brain and erased his memory?

To the point where he wouldn't
even remember his own name

Then he wouldn't spend me
on everyone

-It's Nami
-What's he saying?

-He says I'm in 5%
-It's a game

I already said 1%

But if he insists, says I've talked to the doctor,
he's willing to agree on 1.5%

But not like I said...

-In your own way
-I won't do it

You won't?

I've talked to all of them,
they want their money

I'll make you

We can't use a lawyer, I got 2%

Don't give him 2%. 1.5% tops

The 0.5% is for us

-What if he doesn't agree?
-He will

Bring him here

I'm not the 17-year-old teenager
you can boss around

Why do you talk shit?

Who got you out of the house?
I did

-You've forgotten how I paid you out?
-Lower your voice

You leave this place

You deserve to live on the streets.
I'll ask for the car to be collected

Act for others not me

You can't get away with
what I have from you

I'll hand you over to those
who want you dead

This horrible soul separated
you and I

I wish you were the reality
my sister

I had dreamt all of these years

I wish we'd stick together with the
safety pins at grade 7

So I wouldn't leave you behind

If we had a family, none of this
would have happened to us


Wasn't Nabavi supposed to be
the last one?

I asked you in this room on
that spot

I know you didn't notice me

Now I have to hide my tiredness
behind my eyelids...

Wear my 24-hour red lipstick

So this man would notice me
and rescue me

You didn't mention you owned
a gallery

You're so busy

What are all these safety pins
on the table?

If Ann wouldn't invent it
I would

The inventor

When she was playing with
a 20 cm wire...

She twisted the head...

Just like life

-She made it

-Something like a pin...

That stuck to everything

But doesn't cause any harm...

Connects things and people

That's why I love it

I see

Look at the lock

-It's here
-What do you see?

Nothing it's a lock

-It's a woman


This is the hair and
I got it

It's looking at something far away

It's me, don't ask what or who
I'm looking at

I'll pin one to you


What did the doctor say?

Doctor is real stubborn

He's not the only one
calling the shots

He said 1%

Doesn't matter what he says

-What do you say?

Yes, don't you have your share?

I used my share to have asked
for you

I'm willing to ask for 3% and
the rest is yours

There's not much else,
3% isn't possible

But I might be able to get
1.5% for you

Is that any good?

I'd still agree if you said nothing

You tell me...

He talks so calmly it scares me

Months before I meet him

I longed for a mild Alzheimer's

Maybe beyond mild

I wanted it and it happened

Now that I look at him, I've never
seen his smile on anyone else

What do I say? I can't think
of anything

They have worked elsewhere

This isn't our sort of work Mohey
it's too complicated

It's just him who can get hold
of the money in France

Then you marry him

-I would if he'd take me
-You started it, I said we don't do this

You said the country is a mess
we can

Calm down, come here

-I'm not in
-Come here I said

What did you say?

I can't, I'll pay back what I owe
but I can't do this

Fine, I have paperwork against you

The money you owe me and
the company

To you?

How many times do you count it?

You didn't see it

Forget this Mohey

Didn't you want to use this money
to find your sister?

Didn't you say they've found her in Canda?
What happened?

It's fine

-Once I tell him, he'll let me go
-You won't

If you do, you'll lose him, me, the
company and the money

They'll kill us

You don't get what I'm saying

-Are you plain stupid?
-Do you understand what you're saying?

-What if he didn't divorce me?
-You said he'd be engaged

-What difference does it make?
-Everything has its own rules

-Say you want a divorce on a specific date
-What if he didn't do it?

Ask for something that
you could use

I don't know, cheque, paperwork
house, a car

-You know how to get things
-I don't want those things

It'll cost a good lawyer

I'll help you get a divorce
I'll pay for it myself

What are you taking
revenge for?

I have to take revenge on you

It's better if you don't mix up with him,
I can't help

It's a bad country to be stuck in

Turkey is better, we had Reza there

But France...

We have to bribe him all the way

It's not Iran

It takes one year's worth
of time and energy

-You put in the time, I have the energy
-What you're asking me

This job is a break for us

Yes but if it gets out, it'll
contaminate everything

-It's trouble
-I'm asking you to do this

-She's an insider
-It's irrelevant

Who is she to have done
this to you?

Look, you own 3% of my share

If it goes well, I'll hand over 50%
of my share on top

And the money for the transport

-5% of the money in Euros
-Too much

-Your problem
-Make it 3%

You handle the outside
inside I'll take over


For something I don't want to do

It costs a lot, I have to bribe everyone


The company that shopped
in France...

People gathered outside it

I know you paid 2000 before
to import products

Everyone will find out soon

Get yourself out of this
deal Mohey

I know you've shares

They won't pay you a penny

I wouldn't tell you if
I didn't love you

Look Mohey, I'm at
the Pecan airport

I'll be in Tehran in ten hours.
I want to see you

Your stuff

-Can I take these?
-Go on

I think it's doctor

What are you doing here?
Weren't you supposed to leave?

Are you blind?

I said give me the address

I came to get it myself so nothing
went missing

Of this?

You make everyone look like me

Not much left, get yourself together

No one cared for me

Other than my mother

Everyone loved my dad

Since we always held parties

Some of the money he'd earn
he'd share between his people

My mum used to say

My grandfather's dad had seen
a jin

He made her his, by pinning
himself to her dress

Then she became his wife

They had kids together too

She said if your dad is different

It's because his grandmother's mum
used to be a jin

Careful son

If you sin, they'll take
you away

15,000 people have used implants
from the PIP company

The doctor who's representing
the clients says

We begin with 300 female prosecutors

To file a complaint against the
nipple implants used

So they can receive compensation

The implants from France have leaked
and or ripped internally

300,000 have used implants from PIP
in their plastic surgery

Nabavi is lost?

You want me to ask?

He's on the other line
I'll see you tonight



-I just got up
-Did you have fun last night?

Yes? Seriously

You enjoyed yourself?


We'll talk tonight

Bye, see you

Why have you sat there?

-What should I do?
-With what?

-What's the end of this?
-I married you


-Were we supposed to?
-I haven't forgotten how I was the victim at 15

Otherwise you'd murder the
rest of the family

-Was I wrong to have helped?
-You did wrong by me

What did I ever want from you?

-Other than being a man
-Do you have anything else other than some paper with me?

That's fake too

I think it's not serious, I've paid
for it too

-You forgot

You wanted to fill in for
my mother

-You can't
-You brought me here

I paid for you, you only work

Stay if you can otherwise

1 billion 650

It's a unique one, 1.8

1.8 billion

-7 was always my lucky number
-Lucky you

-Thanks for buying me the painting
-It's only small

How much does Dr gain from
selling these paintings?

-What difference does it make for us?
-Just asking

From euro to toman, the paperwork is done

I'm your wife, so I'm on your side

I want you to defend me
will you?

-Of course

I promise

I will, come

Don't say anything

I'll settle on 3% half half

That's nothing Mohey

We'll share, deal?


The table next to us was a teenage
girl's 17th birthday

She was real happy

I pray for her not to have a cursed
17th year like me

-Farzin bought me the painting

I spoke to the shareholders, even if I
agree they won't

They say we'll hire a lawyer,
it'll cost 500,000 Euros tops

-Suit yourself, it's your money

When I spoke to Nabavi euro was
3,200 not 4,200

I killed time, we're desperate now
you say "suit yourself"

I have to pay for the difference now

You talk as if Nabavi is changing
the currency

It's the politics

If you kill more time, it'll go even higher

Then you have to import from China

The country isn't next door for us
to be able to deal easily

It's on the other side, France

I didn't know there are

She said the money is ours
it's the company's

-There are no dealers it's clean
-Isn't it?

I didn't know this is people's investments

I got told it belonged to the company

That's why I lowered Nabavi's
7% to 5%

We paid an upfront

I think it's not right for us
to pay the fines

-In this situation
-What's that mean

So I pay

I've paid a lot so far for my contacts

We all have to pay a price
for the things we want

If the fight is over me, end it

I think 3% is fair for both sides

-Whose side are you on?
-She's my mentor

I want her to be my wife, only

Mr Nami, I can ask for 2%

Go tell whoever it is you
work with

I thought I knew him so well

He's trying to punish himself

A little more, enough!

A little to the left now
keep it there


-You like it?
-Yes, I love you


Is this you?

The skirt suits you

-How old were you here?

We took this photo in Tehran

I was just circumsised

Then my mother took a photo
of me and my dad

My mum had found out my dad
was remarried

He had a beautiful family
the bastard

One day my dad grabbed me...

Took me to my mum and said...

Tavous, she was my mother

Said "boys look like
their mothers"

He meant me, ugly and slim

"Just like yourself", he said

I got a husband for a wife

I'd be so angry not because of
his other son

They never noticed me

He was mean to my mother

He was mean

I never found out why he'd call
my mum ugly

My mother had a stroke in
her sleep

We'll give him 2 billion euros
from our 100 million share

If he cooperates with the French

Was the statement okay?

They want 100 altogether?
HSBC in London

Okay, let me know

Where have you been?
it got cold

It's too bright in here

Sit down, you'll get used
to it

Why won't you eat?

-I don't feel like it
-I'll tell you something to work up your appetite

Our lawyer spoke to them in France

-You don't feel like eating yet?


I want you to know I'm not the type
who'd forget his wife once he has a kid

I'm in love with you Mohey

I'm in love but I want you to
bring me a son

Pretty like yourself

Just like you

Farzin I'm not in the position to

-We'll see what god wants

What's that mean?

-Just said it
-Don't get God in the middle of this

Everything is up to us

God never wanted good for me

-Can we talk about it later? I'm not well
-Put it out

-You've started something I've to end it
-Right go on

I've never been lucky
in my life

You might ask why it all goes
back to damn genes

Who your parents are, where you're
born. What religion you follow

How much money you inherit
and it's always inheritance

You've no control over it
right now a kid starved to death in Africa

Nobody cares, a baby is born at
the same time in a royal family

Everyone has respect for it

You know why? Since it's rich
it doesn't know it either...

Has no control over it

So there's no justice

That's why I want a son. So
I can make decisions for him...

Not God

I want him to look like you,

-Not like me
-What if it's not a boy?

It will be, it's not its choice

I'll tell you what to do

In nine months, not sooner or later

I want someone to own the money
then we'll decide where and how

-We live, is this too much to ask?
-And if I don't accept

There's no pressure for now.
I won't force you

But know this...

The date of release of products will
be postponed according to your pregnancy

Look, postponed

They say they don't rent
it out to private owners

It's been okay so far

-Change their mind and I'll pay you
-Yes sir

I want my son to be born in
a house I own

Ask a few workers to move the stuff

Yes sir

Turn around

What do you mean no kids?
You're his wife

-You've gone half way
-Let's find someone else

-You had others like Nabavi
-What are you saying?

-It's serious
-I want a divorce

He wants a baby, I don't

You're being a kid? He's the
one getting a divorce

He might've said it to
trick you

What if

What if Nabavi has backed down

The bastard wants me for a baby

I don't want to take part in
this game anymore

It's not a game, it's serious.
It's 700 million Euros

With our signatures, they
won't let go

You started it otherwise I'd never
be involved in money laundering

We did everything we could
this is our only way

No one else other than him
can get hold of them

One person can release the products

The ones above Nami, try to
get hold of their details

I don't want me and my baby to
pay for his mother's ugliness

Your mess

I did?

You made me this way

I don't want some beggar
to be the father of my child

I don't want it to turn out
like me

You don't even know about
having kids

You forgot about yours and
washed it off

Look Mohey, it's too late.
He's your husband now

Two months from now it's over

Then I'll tell you what to do
for a normal abortion

You can keep it if you want
or put it up for adoption

I'm telling you, he's driving me mental

You say go along, you only
care about yourself

I wish I was you

I'd say "stay"

You're exactly the same animal


I want the patience

To empty the bad thought that
have infected my mind

There is no way I can get out
of this okay

God I'm tired

So tired

I can't stand so many things

I want to sleep for long

So you and I will both
get used to the dark

It's been a month and 23 days
that we've nothing

You just talked

Look sir we can't go on like this

I pay for the absence of
the products

We need a guarantee from
this point onwards

You think how much I get for
me to pay

I stood by my word

-How much is Mehrnia's debt?
-1 billion 430 million

I'll write a cheque for the 430 million now

I'll pay the 1 billion later

I can't pay for all the loss

Everything is clear

You deal with me now

Face to face

If you consume a dairy rich diet there's more
chance of having a boy

It's a good season for pregnancy

You should consume more calcium
and Magnesium during your pregnancy

More activities, walking...

-5:30 in the morning

A glass of juice and a banana

Don't eat sour things

Either milk or chocolate milk
around 12

-Don't forget fish
-Keep it going for 4-6 weeks

When I look at him

I know he worships me as his
second god for a baby

That's when I'm scared

I thought it's time to make him
look decent

-Did you know sometimes horses eat their own faeces?

They do, I don't want you
to end up the same

I was thinking of the days you were the
driver and I was on the back seat

You learned the tricks and sat on
the backseat next to me

You on that side and me on the other


Gold, 20 tonnes

Turkey with Reza and I.
Here, you

-It needs fake people
-Leave that to me

How long is there left?
We don't do it someone else will

How many came into power

How many companies we started
with fraud

Who got the money?

I need a few months' time

-I'm becoming a father


15th June, it's time

No one cares about us

I like him, he knows what
he's doing

I heard he has adopted children
around the world

He trains them to have safe people
in different places

He calls them a currency family

He keeps track of them all

You do the forging and all
I remember from my dad is...

-He said "don't make money from your own pocket"
-How much do I get?

Enough that you'll be right at the top

Take your blindfold off

Is it good?

It's too big

Not big enough

I want my son to be born here...

To have a rich family

You have to walk a lot
you heard what the doctors said

Hold up your hand

You walk 1 km a day,
the doctors said

That way you'll have a son
I'll track you with this

This place is big enough for
your walks

You'll stay away from the back garden
I don't want anyone to see you

The reality is I've been here before

With someone like him, the project
lasts a few months

I didn't marry him

That's why these houses don't find owners.
No one stays that long...

From a tribe to another

And it keeps going

It's the names of the houses
that change

I remember I wishing I
owned this house

They say "be careful what you
wish for"

Try to think of the consequences
since it may come true

Now I'm here, it's kind of mine

Since I'm his wife

God how many more km
should I run for?

The economical sanctions against Iran began and
the 27 European countries will not purchase oil from Iran

I sent the money

With what's happened...

-It's getting harder
-You're one of them

Leave one here

You talk as if I'm putting Iran
under sanctions

-My Arab shareholders are threatening me
-Keep them doctor

They know we're stuck

Tell them

France is messed up after
the elections

Someone else is running HSBC

Your case has the human rights
stamp on it

Try to get it

If you want to risk everything you have
for fake implants, your choice

Forget about me and my family

So we're safe

Otherwise I'll get you hung


Since when people who make deals
on their wives' pregnancy

Become families?

I love you

I don't want a baby I've
cooperated for too long

-That's why I love you

-I'm being serious, I don't want one
-It's not up to you

-I asked god to help me decide
-Did I?

I wouldn't be pregnant if you hadn't
insisted. What were you thinking?

If I'm his mother, I don't want it
I'll abort it

If you do anything to him

I'll murder you myself

I assure you

What are you doing?
He won't release it till he has your share

-You told him about your share?

-I asked him to take it from you
-Don't start Mohey

Nothing has been transferred
don't make me tell him everything

You're one side of it.
You started it

I thought about it

I want to go to the end
you asked

I know you don't want the baby
you'll abort it

Identical twins

Congrats! You have identical twins

They're 20 g apart in weight

You can sit down

Your husband wants a son

He said he wants them to be
pretty like Mohey

-Is this your first pregnancy?

Did you know our ancestors were fish?

When we're here we breathe
with gills

Our eyes are on either side
like fish

But we beging to grow lungs and
the eyes move toward the centre

Then we're born

The gills turn into lungs

-They're not well?
-One of them

-Kill them both
-It's not up to us

Your husband makes the final decision
whether to keep them or not

Well done or medium

I didn't want to show you now
that she's the mother of your child

Nabavi came here

-He said bad things
-Where's this bastard?

In the fridge, he can't talk

-He told me everything
-What did he say?

He told them everything
he knew

My life as well as yours

That's why I cut his tongue out
it's in front of you

What will you do to the mother
of your child?

I'll sew her mouth

Women can work their way out.
There's three months left

You can wait till then

But if I were you...

I'd do it now

I want to see him

First fridge on the hallway

He reminded me of my father
when he said in the fridge

Whatever I'd hunt, I'd put it
in the fridge

I'd fit in it too, I was used to
the cold

He made me do it

He said you have to do something bad now
so you don't do worse things later

They found Nabavi's body in the boot
of his car in a bin bag

They chopped him up into pieces

It smelled horrible, you get
what I mean?

I'm talking to you

15 years ago the name was
saved in the files

She wanted to become a TV presenter but
she didn't have family and other things

Then she works at a paper and
does modelling

The transported stolen paintings along
side Dr Hamid Abadi

They smuggle medical equipment and
implants now

-Did they work with us?

A few product releases from Sour

-What happened doctor?
-Your children are boys, congrats!

They're boys?

-How are they?
-Unfortunately, they're not well

The placenta is growing

We need to extract some of it so there's
less pressure

They might get better or there
may be no difference

You have to fill the forms

-What forms?
-The consent letter

There's 30% chance they both
may die

And this is the only treatment.
It's your choice

I've a list of things you need to purchase
find those

-Don't go for Chinese needles
-And if we don't?

Both will die, or all three

Let me finish talking doctor

My lawyer talked to the vice president,
they're friends

Yes they're taking a legal route
when they found out

Why? Because of the sanctions

Yes, I'm spending the money

I'm paying the loss, they sign the papers
and you're bossing us around

I have evidence and the bank letters

I have everything I can send them now

They threatened my lawyer
in France

He backed down saying
he won't do it

We have to find a new lawyer

A professional one that costs a lot

Can you pay? I can't anymore

Everything looks good from
where we're standing

Maybe that's why god doesn't see
all the shit down here

He sees it but pretends he
doesn't. Here...

Give this to Abadi

I'll send you his address

I've seen your file, you've had an abortion
before. Does your husband know?


If you abort this time, you'll lose your
womb. Don't take the risk

Do you understand Ms Mehrnia?

Don't stop taking the pills. They're good
for you and your child

Suction is ready

Get ready for the suction

I want to know if we kill one does it affect
how the other one looks or not?

-We can't see them Mr Nami, can you?
-Of course not

What you're saying aren't related
in clinical terms

-We burn the umbilical cord of the weaker baby
-Hold on one second

I'll write a cheque to the amount
you ask for

What are you doing Mr Nami?

This isn't some handmade

It's up to god

You shouldn't bend over
for the next few hours


Ask her to stay till I read them

His heart muscle will beat
automatically for half hour

Then it'll stop

We'll transfer the gold on
the noon of the 15th

This game has one side Nami

Otherwise I can't get hold of you either

They'll take everyone

What happens when I deliver?

As soon as the guy confirms

I'll send you the money into
the account I opened for you

Don't take too long, come as
soon as you can

They'll find out here

No one can find you there

Don't call me on this number

I'll send you the emails

Email me if you need anything

I have to be at the gate in
ten minutes

-See you in Montreal

50 is too little, reject it

I said no

What about lands in Varamin?

I want two, did you get the letters?

Make it legal

Where are you Farzin?

I'm coming Mohey

Where are you Farzin?

Where were you Farzin?

Did you see them? Let's go

-Where to?
-The doctor says these are fake

These are the letters from the bank.
They're not forged

They'll find us

-They'll kill us
-I have my own people

Listen to me, trust me

-I know them Farzin
-Listen to me, trust me

Calm down listen to me

Gather all the paperwork, |'ll tell
you where to bring it

I can't explain more than this

Say yes

They'll come for us if they
don't get their money

They'll kill the doctor then us

Our name is on those papers,
do you get it?

They'd do anything to get
back their money

Abadi isn't alone, he's just
a mediator

He owns 1/4, do you get it?

-Do you get it?

Where are you going?

Stop! Where are you going?



Is this how you'll take care of me?
I'm carrying your child now

-Think of him
-I am I swear, stop

I love you Mohey I do

You don't love me you only love him

-You love him
-Listen, calm down

Let's talk, calm down

You made me do a lot

You said you didn't want anything

You and this baby will be
everything to me

-Now what?
-Calm down

-Calm down
-I've got nothing Farzin

I've lost everything, I thought
you'd save me

I thought you'd get my share

I want my share of life

I want it, do you get me?

She's brought the things I asked for

I've two suits, it's safer this way

You stay here, I'll go over

This one is dead

This one crashed and lost his legs

I don't think we can do anything
about it. Let me see you

What did you do to yourself

Passport and the ownership

The dealer said once we get there

-That's not all the money
-I couldn't change it all

You can never do anything right, damn it

I'll poke your eyes out if you
stare at me like that

-Get out
-I thought you want to see me

In this situation? Can't you see?

Don't you see?

Change the rest and I'll meet you

You said the same last time

It's your share

Okay I'll call back

It's sad for me when people
borrow 10 million

To build a house

A teacher, a builder

When the payments are late
the bank

And takes over the house

But someone else takes
150 billion

And no one prosecutes them

This is against the justice system

These are the problems we

No one would cooperate

Some would say why are you after
correcting the banking system?

Somethis has happened

Fortunately the resposible bodies

Have controlled the situation

Found them

Said nothing until the accounts
and the money

People have been controlled

They did all the work, the central bank

I told the person in charge of
the central bank

I have news on fraud

-Nami shouldn't know about our meeting or
-Or what?

I don't want Mehrnia in Nami's life

You brought her and you make her

Tickets on me the rest is on you

So you get hold of the person
you're after


His name is Bahman

Nami sent him a few emails and
I scanned for you

He's in Montreal, he has a few numbers
I left for you

I should go, call if you need

I made myself do a lot things, I started
the belief system for way before

So I could get my way

I went so far that I started to believe

Like now that I don't know which
ones are mine

But God...

I know one thing real well...

That if this baby is born,
I didn't want it...

You did

What's wrong

Is it time?

Get up, be patient

I'll get you there before
it's born. Get up

Mr Nami

The baby is underweight since he
was born younger

But he's healthy

He has to stay in an incubator

And he's injected to breathe better

He'll be better in a few days' time

Wait here a few seconds,
I'll call you

Come in

Here's your baby

What's blocked?

-What's happened?
-The gold is blocked

This morning

-What are you saying?
-Get here

I can't come to Ankara right now

-I have to go now
-Okay, okay


-What are you doing here?
-I brought the money

-You're watching over me?
-I overheard

You wanted a baby she had it
I'll keep him myself

Let her go

It's yours take it

My family starts with her not
people like you

I never want to see you again

Was Sariyeh here?


-My baby
-He's fine

Can you walk?

Hi the flight is for tonight

I talked to the medical team
it's fine

The cost doesn't matter I want
to leave tonight

I sent you pictures of the woman to see the mother of your
child is fake like yourself

Mohey has had multiple surgeries

You were right

Your family should start with her,
someone like you

Go sir

There are sins that once
they're done...

You can't wipe them off

As if the devil is waiting for me to die
so it could multiply it

My mother had told me...

"They're waiting for you to sin"

I didn't want him to be like me

Now this soul belongs to him,
not me