Mizu no tabibito: Samurai kizzu (1993) - full transcript

(The Water Traveller)

Screenplay by Masumi Suetani
based on his own story

Music by Joe Hisaishi

Cinematographer: Yoshitaka Sakamoto
Production Designer: Kazuo Takenaka
Sound Designer: Shohei Hayashi


Tsutomu Yamazaki

(introducing) Ryo Yoshida

Ayumi Ito
Kikunosuke Onoe

Tomoyo Harada

Toshie Negishi
Hitoshi Omae

Jun Fubuki
Ittoku Kishibe

Directed and Edited by
Nobuhiko Obayashi


It's not spring yet.

Go back to sleep?


Find the ball?


Did you hit another home run?

Everybody's gone home!



Help me!


How can you just sit there?

-It's not so big.
-Hosuke is still sleeping.

Fumihiro! Chizuko!
What are you doing?

It's over.

Satoru didn't finish.

And after I cut up your veggies!

Help me with the laundry.

I'm still eating.

You can finish after you help.

It's too much for me alone

Satoru is slow and can't make friends.

I have so much to worry about.
Be sure to look after your brother!


Bring me water!

He talked!

Drink your milk!
It's in the fridge.

No, not water.

You need to drink your milk.
Your body needs the calcium.

-Your bones need it!

-you need water, too.
-you won't grow without milk

-Why are you taking the cap?
-You catching bugs again?

For the toad you had at baseball?

A growing boy like you
shouldn't drink water instead of milk!

You want to get big and strong...

I'm sorry.

You startled me.

It was just a reflex.

Are you alone?

What about you?

I'm alone.

I am, too.

Where I'm staying now...
Those are your things, right?

It must be messy for you.
It's where I keep my treasures.

I'm soaking wet.

You're shedding!

My name is Suminoe no Sukunahiko

I'm Satoru.

Why are you nervous?

You won't hurt Hosuke, will you?


Oh, the cat.

I have no thirst for blood.
I won't cut him.

Thirst for blood?

In other words,
I do not make unprovoked attacks...

but I am constantly on alert.

You don't have to worry.
I'll protect you.

What do you like to eat?

A warrior eats as he pleases.

Oh dear.
That crow is back.

Chizuko! Hurry up and eat.

I wanted us to have our soup together.


-What is it?

Are there people this small?

-Are there what that small?

-Eat your soup.
-I don't want it

People? No way!

-At least have the salad, then!

-You never like what I make.
-Then stop making it!

Eat your carrots!
They're good for you.

"After I cut them up for you!"

Drink your milk, too.

Oh, are you thinking of Issun Boshi?

Issun Boshi?

-He chased away a demon!

How big is one "sun"?

The salad's no good.
It smells funny.

How many cm is a "sun"?

-I think 3.2 cm?
-No, 3.03!

-That small?
-No, he's bigger than that!

Can we visit your hometown this year?

I've gotten very good at finding frogs.

Your bento!

We don't need bento on Saturday!

Where are you going?
Go to school!

Come straight home after!

What an idiot!

I'm cleaning after school today.
Go home alone

Did he really chase off a demon?

Go ask at the library.
They might have a book about him

(South Fukuoka)

Do you have any books about Issun Boshi?

Any other subject headings?

I think demons.

Oh, I see?

I'm sorry, I'm not sure about that.
You should talk to Miss Yuki.

She knows about strange books.

Go look for her.
She's in the room with the old books.

Tastes awful!

Not great water

Excuse me?



Miss Yuki?

Who's there?

What is it?

Umm... do you have any
books about Issun Boshi?

Issun Boshi?

I see.

You like Issun Boshi?

We have Urashima Taro
and Shitakiri Suzume.

We have lots of fairy tales!
Our collection goes back a long way.

Some of them use words that most kids
don't understand today.

I've still got lots
to sort, though.

I really love books from a long time
ago, so I'm arranging them now.

Oh, right!

We've also got Fire-Crackle Mountain!

No good?

Did Issun Boshi really
chase off a demon?

That's right! He did it
with an uchide no kozuchi (magic mallet)


Shoo! Shoo!

What's Hosuke gotten into now?

What a drag!

Things were good back then.

The kids behaved and got along.

I was still young and pretty.

I wish I could go back!

I'm home!

Welcome back!

Are you hungry?


I made some sandwiches here.

Hold this.

Are you alone?
Where's Chizuko?

Are you hurt?

You shouldn't go out!

Did you chase off a demon?

You don't know anything
about chasing demons.

Wow! No poo!

You're an old man

My old man (grandfather)
died two years ago

You smell!

What's taking Satoru
so long in the bath?

Dad's late.

Chizuko, finish this?

Will he be okay on the camping trip?

-I'm going, too.
-Right! You have to look after him?

He's so clumsy,
I'm always worried about him.

Oh right, Chizuko.
This one, too.

Listen closely, will you?

I want you to stick together.

-Be careful not to cut yourself.
-I know.

It could be dangerous there.
You're going swimming, right?


Do you know what
an uchide no kozuchi is?


A no-ko-zu-chi is...

I don't know.

It's not you, then.

So... where did you come from?

-Suigen(river's source)

That river where you found me.
I was riding on it...

from all the way where it started.

Follow it all the way back
to Suigen.

where the water is born.

That's where I'm from.

-My hometown.

What's it like?

It's beautiful...

and there's lots of water.


Hurry up.
I want to show you something.

Chizuko, get the silverware, too.

It's almost dinner, Satoru!
Come down quickly!

The soup will get cold!

It's a song about Issun Boshi.
I found it at an antique shop.

I can tell, you know.

You're hiding something.

It's written on your face.

You can't disguise it.
I did it, too.

When I was your age,
I hunted dragonflies.

I liked the way
they flapped their wings.

I'd search between trees, but
sometimes crows came by.


as soon as our parents called,
we'd always have to go back inside.

Hide things.
Hide lots of things.

Children should have
lots of treasures they hide.

Growing up is lonely.

-Chizuko, take a bath with me?

Ugly bitch!

How do you write "Sukunahiko?"

"Sukunai" ("Few")

"na" ("name")

Satoru is like this!
("spiritual enlightenment"


I bathed you and gave you a towel
but you caught a cold

I can only go in cool water.
I get colds in warm water.

It's perfect for exercise, isn't it?

Why did you spend
money on that old gramophone?

I found a bag with
a new suit you bought.

I thought the flower print was cute.

I was thinking we'd visit
grandfather's grave on Sunday.

A grave visit?
Will you go, Chizuko?

I'll go.
I don't have baseball.

We're going to my hometown.

There are lots of those frogs you like

Did it!

What'd you find?

Cut cockroach!


That's my kimono!

What are you doing?


Throw out that cockroach.

I got the juice you like.

Give it back!

Stop that!

What are you doing?


Where are you going?

Stop running around!

Old man!

You fought well.

Still, I lost.

You ate this?

My cicada?

I was hungry after exercise.

Why else would you put
me next to such a tasty meal?

I caught it last summer.
It was very difficult.

We ate cicadas regularly in my hometown.

Eating it was natural.

It didn't belong to you

Why did you think you could eat it?

I was hungry.
It was the natural thing to do.

Have some.

It tastes like a spider.

You've eaten spider?


But I prefer praying mantis.

Praying mantis?

-You've had earthworm, haven't you?
-Earthworm? Of course not!

It's delicious.

I don't believe it.

What about firefly?
Those are everywhere.

But it takes skill to hunt spiders.

They're always hanging
in dangerous places.

So eating a spider is a rare treat.

There's a spider!

It must seem delicious.

I'm already full.

Do you need false teeth?

My grandfather had false teeth.

This is the first river
I've seen like this.

This is a water garden!

There's rivers, and a fountain, too.

It's not natural. It's not a real river,
and that's no natural water source.

If you follow this river, it takes
you to my grandfather's hometown.

Wanna go home?

Water flows naturally
in only one direction.

So you can't go back?

Where were you trying to go?

-The sea.
-The sea?

What would you do there?


In other words, die.


It's my fate.

But if I evaporate,
I can go to the heavens.

I might even be reincarnated.

Dying is bad.

Everyone dies.

We can't turn back time.


From the bottom of my heart,

I don't think you planned this,
but I'm indebted to you.

You're leaving?

Soon, when my body is healed.

I also need to get my kimono back.

Until then, I will remain in your care.

I'll help you get where you need to go.

Until then, I'll look after you.

So stay a long time.

Leave him alone!

Old man!

Old man!


Excuse us.

She was 96 years old.

We thought she'd live to 100 but I guess
she didn't want to see the town flooded.

We're taking her to the cemetery now.

Go on ahead.

-You made it!


You've gotten big!

-Chizuko's gotten pretty!
-Come inside!

You're so big!

Are you cold?
It's chillier here, isn't it?

You still have that old thing?

Film is antique now.

The photos from my spring
sports are still inside.

-You must be tired.

Are you okay, old man?

How's family life?


Bring that tree stump here

Look at how big it is,

and how many rings it has.

That was an old tree.


We've started playing tennis lately.

How nice

Is this good?

Yes, good spot.

Let's go up the mountain!

Everything you see here...

will be submerged
with the new dam.

The bridge, too?

Even grandfather's house?


All the way to the other mountain.

The whole village.
It's becoming a lake.

That's sad.

On the other hand, it will help
protect your town from floods.

It's going to rain!

That bird is heading east.

And look at that cloud.

If there's a cloud like that,
a big rain is coming.

Look over there.

There's lots of yakimono.

Look over there.

There's an old water mill.

What nice kids.

You must be very happy.

You've got lots of treasures, too.

That feels good!

Is this what you're hometown is like?

Did you play like this
when you were a kid?

I like this place!

I think I'd like to meet
the kinds of people who live here.

It makes me very happy.

Got wet in the rain

We're glad you came back

Everyone from the village loves this
dish. Your papa, too.

Thank you.

It's been lonely
here with just two of us.

And now, the weather report.
It will be sunny in Kyushu tomorrow.

I saw them making these.

-Oh, in the village. You have some?
-No, we don't.

Your food is delicious.

It's just countryside food

Still good though, right?

That's my late grandfather.

Thank you for the meal.

I get hungry when the air is this thin.

The rain came, just like you said.

Come here!


Were these your treasures?

How about you?

Are you collecting some?
You always seem active when it rains.

Hey, over here.

Chizuko, this way!

Over here.
Follow me.




That's no way to face an opponent.

One clean cut,
like this.

You shouldn't cut, though.
Cutting someone is scary.

You do not cut your opponent.
You cut the weakness of your own heart.

It is yourself that you face in battle.

Where is that child?

It's easy to get lost in these woods.

You hear it, right?

That's the voice of rain.

The sound of water...

when it clatters like that

It's happy.
It's singing.

-The water's song?
-That's right.

It's what everyone thinks in words.

The water says it by clattering.

Always listen to its voice.

You'll know exactly how it feels.


You know why children are small?


Actually, the main reason,

is so they can hear
the voices of nature.

That way, they can
make promises with nature.

They try it when they're young.

But as they become adults and get big,
most of them forget about them.

So while you're still a child,
be sure to listen to nature carefully.

It's very important.

Ugly bitch!

I did it!

Me too!

I didn't know you could use boiled rice
for glue.

Too bad I couldn't find a black one.

Why did you make him a new beak?

It would be impolite not to.

It's Issun Boshi!

I found it!

Incredible, isn't it?

This book is more than 50 years old.

Think there might still be little people
who ride down rivers, like Issun Boshi?

I think every river has its own river
god like this. Maybe you can find one!

When I was in college, I decided to
search for them.

-I studied abroad in London.

I thought I'd
look in rivers all over the world.

But I ended up coming back.

I love these old Japanese stories,

so I decided I should look in Japan.

I see.

Then I grew up, unfortunately.

It's no good.
In my whole life I'll never meet one.

You brought it back!

Oh, you too?

Satoru's here.
So is Miyuki.

-Where's Miyuki?
-Over there.

Since she lost to you at baseball,
she says she has to beat you at grades.

It's sad that you're fighting like this.

But how well can she write
before her arm recovers?

What about Satoru?

Little "Issun Boshi"?

He's with Miss Yuki.

She says that students always lose
interest in fairy tales after 6th grade.

-In other words, us.
-That's cuz we're the most logical!



Do you need a book?

No, it's fine.

What piqued your
interest in Issun Boshi?

My... old man

Actually, my grandfather is the one who
piqued my interest in

Want some?

Oh, Kusubayashi!

What's wrong?

Get in!

I got you something.

Do you want to come to camp with me?

You won't go to the sea yet, right?

People who meet
have to say goodbye.

It's the way of life in this world.


You're back, right?

Try it on!

Before long, Hosuke...

We'll have to say goodbye, too.


We're going out tonight.

-What about papa?
-He'll meet us

Chizuko, come down here!

Where's your dress?

-I don't like it
But I bought it for you

I'm not pretty or cute like you!

You're very cute and pretty!

Go put it on.
Get dressed up like a girl.

Okay, I will!


Big sister!

Big sister!

I'm sorry.
I need your whisker.

Sorry for the clatter!

I did it!

What is this?

That way!


Thank you!

We'll meet again in the sea!

What's wrong?

I fell asleep.

Thank you very much for today.

After inner strength,
you learned decorum, too.

Are you okay?

Yes, thanks to the water you brought me.

I'm sorry.
Just when you were healing, too.

Will this delay your trip to the sea?

Are you happy?

Oh, something good!

My camp this year is at
a lake in the mountains.

I think it's close to Suigen.

I can bring you lots of natural water.

It'll be from your hometown.

Maybe if you drink it, you'll get better
and can continue to the sea.

I promise.

So you'll wait until I get back from
camp, right?


Look, everyone!

We're now driving on a salt water lake dam.

Can you tell which side is being
blocked? Show me!

That's right!

So, this dam was comissioned
by the government...

Stop that!
It's dangerous!

-It's dangerous!
-No, no no!

Back in your seats!

Stop that!

Stop that!
Stop it!

There's an old village under this lake.

That's some people's hometown!

Thank you very much!
Sit down, please.

They also gather spring water
from underground here...

I should leave now.

Separating is painful.

Better to avoid it.

Cut the vegetables really small.

They fry more evenly that way.

Put another one there.

Be careful!

I'll take it, Miyuki.

Put it here.

You can take a break, Miyuki.

This isn't good for your injury.

Hey, Satoru!

That was impressive earlier.
It takes guts to stand up like that.

I was moved.

What's the thermos for?

-I'm taking water home

To cure my grandfather's illness.

I see.

Ugly bitch!

Just like me!

Be careful, Satoru!




He's not here!



They went upstream.
Lets call for help.




Big sister!

Are you okay?

I'm fine.
How about you?

Mom, can you hear?
We can't find Satoru!

He took a thermos to
get water to cure grandfather.

A thermos?

Cure grandfather?

Was he alone?


Quickly, mom!

Oh, Fumihiro!

Which way is Satoru?

Let's look for them

We'll have to rescue you, too..

The water's blocked the path.

But... that means...

Just don't get in our way..

The water cycle starts again.

Hold on tight!

Yes, that's right.

Fumihiro Kusubayashi.
Please tell him that.



Oh, Hosuke!

What are you...



This is my fault.

It's because I encouraged
his fantasies.

What did he mean
by grandfather's illness?

Does it hurt?

I'm fine.

But I won't be playing
baseball for awhile

I can go down and find the teachers.

No, don't leave.
It's dangerous!

Maybe you two should go in.

Let me stay.
He's my brother.

Me too.
They're my friends.

I'll go look alone.

Don't worry.
I've got guts, like Satoru.

Hey, look!

That spider's making a web. That means
it knows the water won't come here.

-You're good, Satoru.
-You saved me earlier.

So now I have to save you.

Here, hold this.

I'm going

I'll be back soon.

Be careful!

Sorry to disturb you.
Our car spun off the road.

We're searching for a child

-Let's see what it is
-Please help us!

Oh, Hosuke!

How did you get here?


With or without their help,
I'll go on ahead.

I owe Satoru!

It's bad!

Are you okay?

I'm here!

Come to my voice!

Thank you so much!

-What about the man with you?

See you!

Good luck!


Tomorrow is the
day of the water god.

The water god?

Yes, the water god of this river.

The water god is
reborn, and rides with the morning sun.

Rides with the morning sun?

Since time immemorial, it always
rains the night before.

It's celebratory rain.

But when people try to control the water
it causes problems like this.

The water will break free and retaliate.

It's divine punishment.



It's very sad.

But at this point

it's out of our hands.

Satoru's a nice boy.

It must be nice to
have a little brother like him.

I'm an only child, and it's lonely.

I wish I were an only child.

I've always wanted to be an only child.

So I won't be lonely after this.


I know that's not how you really feel.

It's beautiful!


I found you!

Old man!

Jump in!

Let the water help you.

Use all your strength!

You need the water's help!

Water is life.
Water is nature.

You need water, too!

Hold your breath, jump in deep,
and follow the water's natural flow.

Come on!

God, please...

Big sister...

Come on...

Oh, he's back!

You're so heavy.

Thank you, Buddha!
Thank you Buddha!




There's one more.

He says the girl is still alive

Thank you!

-Let's go!
-I'm sorry


Are you okay?




Got it!

Miyuki saved me.


Thank you.

Drink it!

What's wrong?

So that's why...

I have to take him to the water source.


I saw one!

I finally saw one!

Miss Yuki!

I finally saw one,
thanks to Satoru!

Miss Yuki, please...

bring him to the water source.

I will.

I guess it's better
not to be an only child.

Old man!


Mom must be here!

Thanks, mom!

One of the teachers
made off with a police car!

I shouldn't be doing this.

I kidnapped students,
stole a police car, and now this!

I'll never make a good wife!

I've always wanted to
try driving one of these.

Somehow or other.
Let's see what it can do!

I'm glad I believed.

I've always believed that dreams and
fantasies have infinite power.

You know, people...


have gone to space, made computers...

and made love to each other. I think
it's all possible because of that power.

Is that strange?


Until he rides with the morning sun
Until he rides with the morning sun

We have to hurry!

Old man!

Just when I thought they found him!

They're finally together, but
why is this only happening to our kids?

It's happening
because they're our kids.

In good spirits,
chasing some new adventure.

We're too old to understand anymore.

They must have
found some great treasure.

They're like you.

They're like you, too.

We found the other child!


It's the start of the day of water.

The morning is coming.

This way!


Be careful!

It's over there.




Down there!

Here it is!

We're here, old man!

Do you want to rest here?

Do you want to sleep here?

Old man!

You've gone back, old man!

Thank you.

Thank you for everything.

-Old man!


I am Suminoe no Sukunahiko

Thank you, Satoru.
This is all thanks to you.

I'm glad to see you again,
but I must go now.

Are you leaving?

It's my fate.

What a beautiful morning sun!


I'm indebted to you.

A warrior may never show tears.

Take care.

Thank you!

Well, then...

I promise!

Next time you pass our city, you'll see.

We'll protect the rivers and water
with a warrior spirit like yours.

Old man!

Old man!

Old man!

This is the Kuzubayashi Family photo.

It's a treasure
we've kept all these years,

but no one ever says a word about it.

Subtitles by smilethebeachboysloveyou

Directed by Nobuhiko Obayashi