Mitzi... What's Hot, What's Not (1978) - full transcript

(match crackling)

(firecracker sizzling)

- Hot, that's what this
special is all about.

You're gonna see the hottest of the hot,

the hottest fashions, the
hottest crazes, indoors and out,

the hottest people, the hottest places.

So just stick around for one hot minute

because the excitement
is going to be humongous.

That's the newest hot word!

Oops, I'll see ya later!

(explosion booms)

- [Announcer] "Mitzi...What's
Hot, What's Not,"

starring Mitzi Gaynor and her guest stars

Gavin MacLeod, star of
the "The Love Boat,"

John McCook, star of "The
Young and the Restless,"

and special guest star Benny
Goodman, the King of Swing.

(siren blaring)

(groovy music)

(explosion booms)

(audience applauding)

(Mitzi snaps fingers)

("A Hot Time in Old Town Tonight")

(audience applauding)

(zipper buzzes)

(man whistles)

- That's hot.

(men whistling)
("Hot Time" continues)

(sign clanks)

Hey, that's not!

("Hot Time" continues)

Does your husband prefer
potatoes or stove-top stuffing?

(reed whistles)

(audience applauding)

("Hot Time" continues)

Is it soup yet?

(audience laughing)

("Hot Time" continues)

(audience applauding)

(audience cheering)
(audience applauding)

("Hot Time" continues)

(audience applauding)
(audience cheering)

Hi, hot is back, and the
newest thing you can say is,

(clicks tongue) it's
hot, which means, well,

it means what it always meant.

You remember hotter than a pistol

and hot stuff and hotsy-totsy?

Well, we here at hot central
have surveyed news editors

all over the country to
find out what's the hottest,

what's the latest, and what's
the most up-to-datest, eh, uh?

(audience laughs)

Now, here's what's hot
in politics. Sadat's hot.

And in fashion, Halston's hot.

And in sports, it's jogging.

Seems like everyone's hot to trot.

(audience laughs)

(clears throat) In posters,
Farrah is still the hot Fawcett.

(audience laughing)

You know what the hottest dog is?

It's the French poodle, but
cats are even hotter than dogs,

and hot dogs aren't that
hot, hamburgers are.

(audience laughs)

But in foods, the absolute
hottest is frozen yogurt.

(audience laughs)

Now, let me think. What
else made the hot parade?

Ah, yeah, there's a
men's full-length minks,

high-protein drinks, and Leon Spinks.

And what's this?
(audience laughs)

Just happens to be the hottest
pair of knees on television.

- Mitzi?

- Hmm?

- Can I ask you a hot question?

- Let it happen, Cap'n.

Well, when is the rest of
me gonna be on the show?

- Soon, Gavin.

- Good, I'll go warm everything up.

(audience laughing)

- Let's see, what else is hot? Uh.

(panting) Lance.

- Mitzi.

- Oh, John, you're so
young and so restless.

- I know, I know.

Mitzi, it's really a
pleasure being on your show.

- Oh, well, John, you know, soaps are hot,

and besides, I had to see you.

- Meaning?

- Well, it's been bothering me

that even though you're
happily married to Lorie,

now your sister-in-law Leslie

has fallen madly in love with you, too.

- I know, I know.

I've done a lotta thinking
about that myself,

and actually, there's only
one explanation for that.

- What is it, John?

- When you're hot, you're hot.

- You're so (laughs), oh, John,
please don't joke with me.

I worry about these things!

(dramatic music)

♪ Morning ♪

♪ Afternoon ♪

♪ The Edge of Night ♪

♪ Every daytime star's my Guiding Light ♪

♪ Will love win like Ryan, I'll hope ♪

♪ Stay tuned in, for life is a soap ♪

Shall we?

(upbeat music)

♪ It's great to be Young and Restless ♪

♪ To Search for Tomorrow all day ♪

♪ Though the future looks bleak ♪

♪ Five days a week ♪

♪ Love will find a way ♪

♪ They vow For Richer, For Poorer ♪

♪ But in between how they play ♪

♪ Through each tragic affair ♪

I love what they wear!

- Oh, yeah.

♪ Love will find a way ♪

♪ It's Another World on my TV ♪

♪ Filled with heartbreak,
stress, and misery ♪

- It's all so sad, I get the blues,

but then I'm glad, 'cause
it's only the news.

♪ The Doctors acting romantic ♪

I'm glad you're not a doctor.

♪ And the patients dying to stay ♪

♪ What's a malpractice
suit when love's so acute ♪

♪ But at General Hospital, that's okay ♪

♪ 'Cause love will find a way ♪

Lance, does your mother,
Vanessa, still wear the veil

to cover up all her scars?

- Oh, yes, she's had two operations.

- Two.

- She'll need about nine
more, I think, yeah.

- By the way.

♪ Did Hazel drown in her coffee ♪

♪ Mm-hmm, when Fred got married to Kate ♪

♪ The baby's been due ♪

♪ Since '72 ♪

(audience laughs)

♪ Love didn't find a way ♪

♪ Old Harry's hitting the bottle ♪

♪ On the head of his best girl, Faye ♪

♪ She wants a divorce ♪

♪ Ah, when they get married, of course ♪

(audience laughs)
- Oh, that's right, yeah.

♪ Love will find a way ♪

♪ As the World Turns ♪

♪ We've One Life to Live ♪

♪ There is only so much one can give ♪

- I gotta know, do you rehearse?

- We do the show, For Better, For Worse.

- Did you say nine more operations?

- Mm-hmm.

- That's sad.

- I know, I know.

♪ Love All My Children forever ♪

♪ For the Love of Live don't dismay ♪

♪ Let bluebirds go by ♪

♪ We need a good cry ♪

♪ In the Days of Our Lives come what may ♪

♪ For love will find ♪

♪ Though it's blind ♪

♪ Love will find ♪

♪ A way ♪

(audience applauding)
(audience cheering)

(cheerful music)

- What's the absolute hottest
pastime in America, hmm?

It's eating out.

You know, the number of
restaurants in this country

has doubled in the past couple a years?

And you wanna know why? I'll
tell ya in just three words.

Women got smart.

We finally figured it out, right, girls?

A menu weighs a lot less
than a double boiler.

(audience laughs)

That's James Joseph Murphy.
He's not an actor, honest.

He the proprietor and maitre
d' of one of the hottest

new restaurants in Beverly Hills,

a humble little million-dollar
cafe called Jimmy's.

(whimsical music)

- Oh, Jerome, everything is so expensive!

- (chuckles) Well, of course
it's expensive, Emily.

This isn't the Pop 'N Taco.

- Oh!
- This is the in place.

- I get it.
- Now look, I told you, babe,

you go with a guy like me,
it's gonna pay off. (chuckles)

(Jerome grunts)
(spring boings)

- Jerome, are you all right, sweetie?

- Oh, uh, yeah, it's
a, it's, it's my neck.

It's, it's a little stiff.

First menu ever gave me whiplash.

(audience laughs)

- May I be of service?

- Where's your small loans department?

(audience laughs)

- Well, you, I, you have,
I really need a lotta help.

You see, this is all in French,

and I don't speak French at all, I'm-

- These are our appetizers right here.

- Thanks, okay.
- The salmon fume

is excellent tonight,
it's the smoked salmon.

- Smoked, oh, like lox!

- Yes.
- Oh, yeah! (laughs)

That's, oh, caviar aux
blinis, that I understand!

(audience laughs)

- 18 bucks, that I understand!

She eats this, I gotta sell
six pairs a wedgies tomorrow.

(audience laughs)

- Canard au citron is one
of our specialties tonight.

- 14 bucks! Look, uh
(clears throat), excuse me.

Do you have anything that
isn't so, uh, French?

- Our busboys. We cater to the gourmets.

(audience laughs)

- The Gormes? Steve and Eydie?

I wonder if they're here tonight.

(audience laughs)
- Now, look, look.

I am not exactly a gourmet.

I'm more of a Quarter Pounder person.

(audience laughs)

- Here's something we could split!

- Ooh, you wanna split something? Sure.

- The chateaubriand for two.

- That's 34 bucks.

- That's sorta like a,
um, a steak, isn't it?

- Exactly, it's the best one we've got.

- I do just fine with French menus.

You just gotta plunge
right in there, Jerome.

- Oh, yeah.

- I think I'll have the salad mason.

- Salad maison? The house salad, yes?

- And les goomies.

I, I think I'll have some, I just love,

since I was little, I love les goomies.

I'll have some les carrots
and some les string beans.

(chuckles) And Jerome.

- Hmm?

- Could we order some wine?

- Oh, sure, sure. Go right ahead.

- Would you like the house red?

- Oh, no, I think it's
stunning just the way it is!

(audience laughs)

But, uh, getting back to the wine,

you just bring whatever you'd have.

- Very good.

- Oh, this is gonna cost a hundred bucks!

- '59 Mouton Rothschild.
- Look, I gotta think

of some honorable way
- I think I had

one of those one time.
- Of getting out of this.

- I'm not too good on-
- I know, I'll faint.

- But I think-

(head clangs)

(audience laughs)

Jerome! Excuse me.

Jerome! Oh, my goodness, he's faint!

Oh, Jerome, he's fainted!

He said he was hungry,
but he must be starving!

- No, I'm not!

- Oh, Jerome! Just double
the order, and hurry!

Oh, hurry, please!
- No! Oh!

- Oh, oh, now listen,
don't you worry, Jerome.

Oh, Jerome, don't you worry!

Everything is gonna be all right.

Oh, darn it. I forgot to order dessert.

(audience laughs)
(head thuds)

(whimsical music)

(calm orchestral music)

(Mitzi clears throat)

(light orchestral music)

The dance is hot and always has been.

From the dawn of civilization,

dance has been hotly controversial.

Take the early Greeks, please. (laughs)

(audience laughs)

They were famous for a dance
done with complete abandon

that paid tribute to the
lusty fertility of the grape.

(audience laughs)

(whimsical music)

(audience laughs)

(whimsical music continues)

(audience laughs)

(audience laughs)
(audience applauding)

(audience laughs)
(audience applauding)

(calm orchestral music)

(clears throat) Yes, well,
dance moved from Greece,

and one can plainly see why.

It then hopped and skipped
across the centuries

until it became the
rage of the French court

during the reign of King, um, King,

well, (chuckles) one of those Louis, yes.

(audience laughs)

(regal minuet music)

(pannier thuds)

(audience laughs)

(pannier thuds)

(audience laughs)

(head clangs)

(audience laughs)

(audience applauding)

(calm orchestral music)

(clears throat) Then one
steamy summer night in Vienna,

a dance was introduced so scandalous

men dueled at the mere mention of it,

so I shan't mention it. (chuckles)

Suffice it to say, ladies were touched

at the waist for the first time.

Ah, need I say more, ladies?

(audience laughs)

(fanciful music)

(audience laughs)

(light-hearted waltz music)

(audience applauding)

(audience laughs)

(audience applauding)

(audience laughing)

Next, it was America's turn to be shocking

with a dance so hot those who dared it

were branded flaming youth.

What's a mother to do?

(audience laughs)

(lively ragtime music)

(audience applauding)

(audience applauding)

(dramatic music)

(gong reverberates)

(audience applauding)

And now, thank heavens,

we have finally returned to the classics.

(audience laughs)

(groovy Western music)

(audience laughs)

(disco-style Western music)

(audience applauding)

(dramatic music)

(lively music)

(audience laughing)

(audience laughing)

(dramatic music)

(lively music)

(audience laughing)

(audience applauding)

(dramatic music)

(audience laughing)

(dramatic music continues)

(audience laughing)

(audience laughing)

(dramatic music continues)

(audience laughing)

("Roll Out the Barrel")

(audience applauding)

(audience laughing)

(audience applauding)
(audience cheering)

(calm jazz music)

♪ Mm, cigarette holder, which wigs me ♪

♪ Over my shoulder, he digs me ♪

♪ Out cattin' this satin doll ♪

♪ Well, baby, shall a-we go out skippin' ♪

♪ Careful, amigo, you're flippin' ♪

♪ Speaks Latin, this satin doll ♪

♪ I'm nobody's fool ♪

♪ So I'm playing it cool as can be ♪

♪ I'll give it a try ♪

♪ But I ain't for no guy catching me ♪

♪ Switch-a-Rooney ♪

Jazz, jazz has always been hot,

and now it's warming up
a whole new generation.

And don't forget, jazz
musicians invented words

like it's hot and man, it cooks,

which means, of course,
when jazz gets so hot

that it cooks, well, it's cool.

♪ I'm groovin' a lot ♪

♪ When the jazz gets as hot as can be ♪

♪ But when I hear that swing ♪

♪ It don't mean a thing till I see ♪

♪ Benny Goodman ♪

(audience applauding)

(light swing music)
(audience cheering)

(Mitzi scatting)

♪ I'm hip, I'm no square ♪

♪ I'm alert, I'm awake, I'm aware ♪

♪ I'm on top of every scene ♪

♪ Makin' the rounds, diggin' the sounds ♪

♪ I read Downbeat magazine ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm hip ♪

♪ I dig, I'm in step ♪

♪ When it was hip to be hep, I was hep ♪

♪ I don't blow, but I'm a fan ♪

♪ Look at me swing, ring-a-ding-ding ♪

♪ I even call my girlfriend man ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm hip ♪

- Every Saturday night
with my suit buttoned tight

and my suedes on.

- Yes.

- I'm gettin' my kicks.

- Uh-huh.
- Diggin' arty French flicks

with my shades on.
- Uh-huh.

♪ I'm hip ♪

- Oh, yes.
♪ But not weird ♪

♪ Like you notice, I don't wear a beard ♪


♪ Beards were in, but now they're out ♪

♪ They had their day, now they're passe ♪

♪ Just ask me if you're in doubt ♪

♪ I'm so hip, like, you'll flip ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm hip ♪

(lively swing music)

(Mitzi scatting)

♪ I'm hip, I'm alive ♪

♪ I enjoy any joint where there's jive ♪

♪ I'm on top of every trend ♪

♪ Look at me go, vo-dee-o-do ♪

♪ Sammy Davis knows my
friend, I'm so hip ♪

You're cool!

- I know.

- As a cuke.
- Really?

- You're a cat, you're
a card, you're a kook!

♪ I get so much out of life ♪

♪ Really I do, skoo-ba-dee-boo ♪

♪ One more time play, that's a plan ♪

♪ He let her rip, I may flip ♪

- He's so hip, and so hot!

(lively swing music)
(audience applauding)

(audience applauding)

(lively swing music continues)

(audience applauding)

(audience applauding)
(audience cheering)

(calm jazz music)

♪ I don't know why ♪

♪ But I'm feeling so sad ♪

♪ I long to try ♪

♪ Something I've never had ♪

♪ Huggin' and a-kissin' ♪

♪ Ooh, what I've been missin' ♪

♪ Lover man ♪

♪ Oh, where can you be ♪

♪ I could teach the world how to smile ♪

♪ I could be glad all of the while ♪

♪ I could turn the gray skies to blue ♪

♪ Oh, lover man ♪

♪ If I had you ♪

♪ I could leave my old friends behind ♪

♪ Leave all my cares ♪

♪ I'd never mind ♪

♪ I could start my life all anew ♪

♪ Lover man, if I had you ♪

♪ I could climb the
snow-capped mountains ♪

♪ Sail the mighty ocean wide ♪

♪ I could cross the burning desert ♪

♪ If I had you by my side ♪

♪ I could be a queen, dear, uncrowned ♪

♪ Humble or poor, rich or renowned ♪

♪ There is nothing I couldn't do ♪

♪ If I had you ♪

♪ I could save money or spend it ♪

♪ Go right on livin' or end it ♪

♪ You're to blame, honey ♪

♪ For what I do ♪

♪ I could be a queen, dear, uncrowned ♪

♪ Humble or poor, rich or renowned ♪

♪ There is nothing I couldn't do ♪

♪ It all ♪

♪ Depends on ♪

♪ You ♪

(audience applauding)

(lively swing music)

♪ Holding hands at midnight ♪

♪ 'Neath a starry sky ♪

♪ That's nice work if you can get it ♪

♪ And you can get it if you try ♪

♪ Strolling with that one guy ♪

♪ Sighing sigh after sigh ♪

♪ Nice work if you can get it ♪

♪ And you can get it if you try ♪

♪ Just imagine someone ♪

♪ Waiting at the cottage door ♪

♪ Where two hearts become one ♪

♪ Who could ask for anything more ♪

♪ Loving one who loves you ♪

♪ And then taking that vow ♪

♪ Nice work if you can get it ♪

♪ And you get it ♪

♪ Get it all while you can, have a ball ♪

♪ If you like romancin' ♪

♪ And you don't want no dancin' ♪

♪ Then check this groove
out, baby, you'll ♪

♪ It is the sweetest
sugar you'll ever taste ♪

♪ You gotta chase those
blues, get over 'em ♪

♪ Don't stop now controlling 'em ♪

♪ And you'll find you're shaking 'em ♪

♪ Get it all while you can, have a ball ♪

♪ There's a feeling, and its catching ♪

♪ Look what's happenin' ♪

♪ Take a trip, make it hip ♪

♪ And you'll dig holding hands ♪

♪ 'Neath a starry sky ♪

♪ That's nice work if you can get it ♪

♪ And you can get it ♪

♪ Get it all while you can, have a ball ♪

♪ If you try ♪

(audience applauding)
(audience cheering)

- Gavin, what do you
think makes a girl hot?

You know, uh, desirable,
intriguing, special?

- Well, that is not easy to answer, John.

It depends on a lotta things.

- Well, like what?

- Like if my wife's watching.

No, I'm just kidding,
Marsha, I mean, Patti!

(audience laughs)

You know, it's a cinch, John.

I mean, I can spot my kinda woman

the moment she enters a room.

(fanciful music)

She has to have a worldly,
sophisticated look.

And I love long legs,
the longer, the better,

you know, statuesque.

- Now you mean, you mean
the fashion model type?

- Yeah.

- You can have 'em.

Now, to me, a girl is hot
when she's cute and petite,

you know the cheerleader type.

(audience laughs)
And I like a girl who's curvy,

the curvier, the better,
with a tiny little waist.

(audience laughs)
- What you want

is a Barbie doll!

I like a woman!
(audience laughs)

Mysterious, yet mischievous.

- [John] Nah, those kind drive me nuts.

(audience laughs)
I like a clean, simple girl,

the kinda girl who likes sports,

you know, gets along with the guys.

- But who needs a tomboy?

A woman who is classy,
reserved, yet underneath it all

is sultry vixen, that's hot.

- [John] Nah, forgot it.

Now, a girl who's a wild, free,
cute, curvy, unpredictable,

perky, passionate, young,
modest, sultry vixen,

now, that's hot.
(audience laughing)

- Hey, wait a minute, you guys.

You better make up your
mind about hot women

because I'm getting steamed!

- Great, I like a girl with a temper!

- I got a temper.
- Oh, you do? So do I!

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

- Well, that's a start, anyway.

- Well, there, you see?

Mitzi as the kinda girl
I was talking about.

- Were you talking about-

- No, statuesque, sophisticated, sultry.

- No, Gavin, you're not. She's
the girl I was talking about!

She's cute, she's curvy, she's wild.

- Oh!
- Mitzi, tell him.

- Mitzi, straighten him out.

- No, I don't wanna
get into this argument.

I really do not want, I
just, but don't stop either.

(laughs) You were saying?

- [John And Gavin] Well, we were saying.

♪ That if one day ♪

♪ You had us come to call ♪
- Singing!

♪ We'd have a ball ♪

Oh, that's great!

♪ 'Cause you're sensational ♪

- So sophisticated, so worldly!

- I know, I know!

♪ Sensational ♪

- So natural, so you're like a star.

- I know!

♪ Sensational ♪

(dramatic music)

That's all?

(audience laughs)

(audience applauding)

Oh, but don't go!

I was only kidding! You know me, I mean.

(dramatic music)

Well, I guess you noticed I saved

the hottest for the last, Tut-mania.

Everyone's got it.

I've never seen such
ginormous lines at a museum,

and not just Egyptologists,
all kinds of people.

Everyone from stockbrokers
to, uh, skateboarders,

they all have Tut in common.

(gong reverberates)

(audience laughs)

Excuse me!

(audience laughs)

Wow, what a hot civilization he had,

the beginning of everything.

Wouldn't it have been exciting
to have lived back then

in the Valley of the Kings
along the banks of the Nile?

(bell dings)

(wind howling)

(dramatic music)

(chimes jingling)

(dramatic music continues)

(wind howling)

(asp tail rattles)

(bell tinkles)

(bell dings)

(mysterious music)

(dramatic music)

(chimes jangling)

(wind howling)

(calm music)

(dramatic music)

(gong reverberates)

(sultry music)

(bell dings)

(bell dings)

(audience laughs)

(sultry music continues)

(bell dings)

(audience laughs)

(sultry music continues)

(bell dings)

(audience laughs)

(sultry music continues)

(bell dings)

(audience laughs)

(wind howling)

(mysterious music)

(torches hissing)

(gong reverberates)

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Come on and dance, come on and dance ♪

♪ Let's make some romance ♪

♪ You know the night is fallin'
and the music's callin' ♪

♪ And we've got to get
down to the Spinxtown ♪

♪ We've been workin' so hard ♪

♪ We've been workin' so hard ♪

♪ Come on baby, come
on baby, let's dance ♪

♪ Bom, bom, bom, bom, bom, bom ♪

♪ Bom, bom, bom ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Come on and dance, come on and dance ♪

♪ We may not get another chance ♪

♪ You know the night is fallin'
and the music's callin' ♪

♪ And we've got to get
down to the Spinxtown ♪

(lively rock music)

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, uh-huh ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, uh-huh ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, uh-huh ♪

(gong reverberates)

(audience applauding)

(lively orchestral music)

♪ Blue heaven and you and I ♪

♪ And sand's just a-kissin' ♪

♪ A moonlit sky ♪

♪ A moonlit sky ♪

♪ The desert breeze keeps on whisperin' ♪

♪ A lullaby ♪

♪ Only stars above you, darlin' ♪

♪ To see how much I love you ♪

♪ Oh please give me ♪

♪ That night divine ♪

♪ And let my arms in yours entwine ♪

♪ And blue heaven ♪

♪ The desert song is callin' ♪

♪ That desert song is callin', yeah ♪

♪ It's voice enthrallin' ♪

♪ It'll make you ♪

♪ The desert song is callin' ♪

♪ It's gonna make you ♪

♪ That desert song is callin' ♪

♪ It's gonna make you ♪

♪ That desert song ♪

♪ Make you mine ♪

♪ Yes, it's callin' ♪

♪ The song is calling ♪

♪ The song is calling ♪

♪ The song is calling ♪

♪ The song is calling ♪

♪ This song is calling ♪

♪ Blue heaven and you and me, babe ♪

♪ Blue heaven and you and me ♪

♪ Blue heaven and you and me, babe ♪

♪ Blue heaven and you and me ♪

♪ Blue heaven and you and me, babe ♪

♪ Blue heaven and you and me ♪

♪ Blue heaven and you and me, babe ♪

(audience applauding)

(gong reverberates)

♪ Dance, dance, dance, dance ♪

♪ Keep on dancin' ♪

(bells ringing)

♪ Dancin' to the beat, feel the heat ♪

♪ I'm movin' my feet ♪

(audience applauding)

♪ Headed towards the
floor, gonna get down ♪

♪ And get down some more ♪

♪ Rumba and tango ♪

♪ Latin hustle, too ♪

♪ Yowza, yowza, yowza ♪

♪ I wanna boogie with you ♪

(lively disco music)

♪ Dance, dance, dance, dance ♪

♪ Dance, dance, dance, dance ♪

♪ Dance, dance, dance, dance ♪

(audience applauding)

♪ Dance, dance, dance, dance ♪

(lively disco music)

(audience applauding)

(gong reverberating)

♪ Oh, Tutankhamun ♪

♪ Oh, Tutankhamun ♪

♪ We'll be back to stay ♪

♪ Oh, Tutankhamun ♪

♪ Oh, Tutankhamun ♪

♪ Will you come back someday ♪

♪ If I had everything I dreamed of you ♪

♪ What you had done would
be the thing to do ♪

♪ Oh, Tutankhamun ♪

♪ Oh, Tutankhamun ♪

♪ Don't let me go away ♪

(audience laughs)

(audience applauding)

♪ Oh, Tutankhamun, boy ♪

(audience applauding)
(audience cheering)

(gong reverberating)

(audience applauding)
(audience cheering)

♪ You know I can't smile without you ♪

♪ I can't smile without you ♪

♪ I can't laugh, I can't sing ♪

♪ I'm finding it hard to do anything ♪

♪ You see, I feel so sad when you're sad ♪

♪ I feel glad when you're glad ♪

♪ If you only knew what
I'm going through ♪

♪ I just can't smile without you ♪

♪ You came along, just like a song ♪

♪ You brightened day ♪

♪ Who'd have believed that
you were part of dream ♪

♪ Now it all seems light years away ♪

♪ And now you know I
can't smile without you ♪

♪ No I ♪

♪ I can't smile without you ♪
♪ Can't smile ♪

♪ I can't laugh, I can't sing ♪

♪ I'm finding it hard to do anything ♪

♪ You see, I feel so sad when you're sad ♪

♪ Oh, I feel glad ♪

♪ I feel glad when you're glad ♪

♪ If you only knew what
I'm going through ♪

♪ I just can't smile ♪

♪ Now some people say ♪

♪ Happiness takes so very long to find ♪

♪ But I'm finding it hard ♪

♪ Leaving your love behind me ♪

♪ And I can't smile without you ♪

♪ No, I can't smile ♪

♪ I can't smile with you ♪

♪ I can't laugh, I can't sing ♪

♪ I'm finding it hard to do anything ♪

♪ You see, I feel so
glad when you're glad ♪

♪ Oh, I feel glad ♪

♪ I feel sad when you're sad ♪

♪ If you only knew what
I'm going through ♪

♪ I just can't smile without you ♪

♪ I can't smile without you ♪

♪ Can't smile without you ♪
(audience applauding)

♪ I can't dance, I can't sing ♪

♪ I'm finding it hard to do anything ♪

(audience cheering)
(audience applauding)

I really did have a hot time tonight,

thanks to Gavin MacLeod, John McCook,

and of course, Benny
Goodman, the King of Swing.

I hope we kinda warmed
things up for you, too,

because I love you very, very much.

♪ You are the sunshine of my life ♪

♪ Forever you'll stay in ♪

♪ My heart ♪

♪ Stay in my heart ♪

Thank you.

(audience applauding)
(audience cheering)

(lively music)