Militant Eagle (1978) - full transcript

The forces of good and evil clash in this martial-arts picture, as personified by warriors and overlords from the Orient's past.

(Multicom Jingle)

(ominous orchestral music)

(swords clanking)


(horses neighing)

- Wang Chi Er.

- Marshal.

- You have been with
me now for three years.

But I never realized you
were so expert at Kung Fu.

You're a skillful fighter.

- Thank you, Marshal.

I'm just a country fellow.

I know nothing.

You shouldn't flatter me like that.

- You're too modest.

I've sent in an application

for your promotion.

- I appreciate that, sir.

I'm just doing my duty.

I'm only a soldier,

and I've been proud and
happy to work with you.

But now that the war is
over, and peace is here,

with your permission, I'd like to leave

and to return home to see my family.


- All right, of course.

You have worked hard, asking nothing.

You've earned my respect.


Out of all the officers under my command,

I must say I will be sorry

to see you leave the army.


(grandiose orchestral music)

(hooves thumping)

- [Man] Attention all citizens,

by imperial decree,

in order to restore order and commerce

after such a long period of war,

all taxes and tariff duties
are temporarily suspended.

- Sir, welcome back, come in please.


- [Waiter] Sir, right away, sir.

Here's the food.

- Come on, what do you
say to another drink?

- [Man] Cheers.

- Shut our home, it's not
often that Mr. San visits us.

You should drink a
toast to his health, eh?

- Mister, to you.

- All right.

- Hey, hey, hey, hold it, hold it.

Mister, don't you know that
when you drink with a lady,

you should use a bigger cup (chuckles).

- All right, then get me a bigger cup.

- Yes, sir.

- Oh!

It isn't fair.

When I was drinking to your health,

you didn't use a big cup.


- All right, then I'll
drink it all by myself.

Will that satisfy you?


- Yes, of course.

- Good, good, cheers.

(man yelling)


Where's Wen Pao and Tien Yin?

- They've gone to make their report

that we're back in town.

(beating gongs and drums)

(all clapping)

- Ah, good to see you.

- You come as well?

(beating gongs and drums)

(all cheering)

(all clapping)

- Right away, cut that noise.

Who gave you permission to perform here?

- Sergeant, we're strolling
players just passing through.

We need some money so that--

- I couldn't give a damn.

Don't you know the rules?

- What rules?

- Kao Po, your time.

- Listen, anybody doing
business in this town,

has to pay $5 a day, otherwise,

they can get out of town.

- What?

Five bucks, but sergeant,

I don't have that much money on me.

- No money?

Then get out of town.



(all laughing)

Leave me!

- [Man] Dumb sergeant.

- Get out right now!

Oh, ow, ow.

- Come on, kids, you heard the sergeant.

We gotta go.

(playful orchestral music)

(dramatic orchestral music)

- Nobody will stand here.

Come on, get lost!

Ow, oh.

- Damn it, you bastard.

- Ha?

Pai Jung Chi, what do you mean?

- I got a right to say what I like,

none of your business!

- What's up, you son of a bitch!

You haven't paid, so you
haven't got any rights.

And now you dare insult me.

- What haven't I paid?

- The insurance.

- Shit!

In the imperial decree,
it said there was no tax.

I got eyes, I can read,
I saw what it said.

- Okay, damn you, Kao Po, arrest him!


(punches thudding)

(water splashing)

(punches thudding)


(metal clanging)

- Jung Chi, Jung Chi, Jung Chi, stop it.

Jung Chi, stop it at once.

- No!

I'm not gonna let them do this.

I'm gonna get even.

- Oh, no, you can't.

- Get away!

- Have you gone crazy?

- No way.

- You can kill me if you want.

You kill me, kill me, Jung Chi, Jung Chi.

- You can't.

- Don't forget,

you've got a family.

We're always there if
you should ever need us.

But what are we gonna do without you?


(woman crying)

(dramatic orchestral music)

- Let's go.

- [Man] Yes, sir.

- Oh, Jung Chi.

Jung Chi.

- [Jung] Damn!

(knife clanks)

- What's the matter, Cha Lai Su?

- Hmm, if the master wasn't here,

we'd soon sort out--
- What do you know?

Master's obviously keeping quiet.

He doesn't want us to find out.

- Why don't you shut up

or you'll wake master.

- It's your fault.

(leaves rustling)

- Who's there?

Hah, my friend, come out here.


And it's you.

Hmm, I'm gone.

- Hold it.

You're not going anywhere.

You can't get away.

- Lady, there's no quarrel between us,

so why do you insist on
making trouble for me here?

- Why not?

I can do anything I want to.

And I don't give a damn what happens.

- All right, but that's very unreasonable.


(metal clanking)


(quirky orchestral music)

Hold it, look there.

(mellow orchestral music)

- I'd rather die, don't insult me.

Mr. Hsu, I...


- Mr. Pai, be patient.

You mustn't go looking for trouble.

You've got to learn to be more patient.

- All right, be patient,
but I can't take anymore.

They go around bullying
the people, squeezing them,

and they don't have any
respect for the law at all.

- Ah, those goddamn police,

and they've gone too far this time.

- But I don't reckon that it's so simple.

There has to be somebody else behind them,

otherwise, they'd never
dare to be so brash.

They'd be afraid.

- Mmmm.

- Wait till my daughter returns here

and gets the evidence we need
to take before the court.

- [Pai] Oh, will your
daughter be back soon?

- [Woman] That's right,

she's been learning Kung Fu at El Rey.

Now she's finished.

In two days, she should be back here.

- Oh, congratulations.

- [Woman] Thank you.




- No, no, no.

Please, no.


Let me go.

Let me go.

Let me go, Shang Ching.

(ominous music)


- Ma!

Who could have done this to you?

Who could be so cruel?

Ha Ma.

(somber music)

Shao Lu, Ah Lu.


(suspenseful music)

Shao Chin!

I'll revenge you.

I'll revenge you.

I'll revenge you!



- [Man] No, don't hit him again, please.

- Get out!

- Sergeant, please stop him.

Sergeant, please.

- Get out.

Don't stop.

Carry on beating him
till the fool is dead.



(suspenseful orchestral music)


- I'd like to know what he's guilty of.

- He has money and he refused to pay.

- Oh, so you kill him?

The new imperial decree lifted taxes,

yet you still collect privately.

That's going too far.

- What's up, I'll pay it, damn you.

You can't say that.

I'm an official man.

Arrest her.

- Quickly, you go get her.

(punches thudding)



- No, oh no, please spare me, lady.

Spare, aww.



Please, don't hit me anymore, lady.

Don't hit me, please don't hit me.

Don't hit me, lady, please don't.

- When they were begging you for mercy,

did you listen to their pleas?

- No, please, it's my fault.

It's all my fault.


It's all my fault.

- Get out.

- Sergeant, you all right?

- I'm all right.

Come on!

(all chattering)

- Dad!

Mom, I'm here.

(ominous music)







(somber music)


(punches thudding)

- Hold it, Yun Ju, it's me.

- Uncle Pai.

- Yun Ju, you're back at
last, but what's happened?

- My parents.

- What's that?

(somber orchestral music)

Those bastards have gone too far.

This is cold-blooded murder.

- Even so, who could have done this?

- Wen Pao and San Yeng, they
killed my entire family.

They've become maniacs.

- I see.

And those darts?

Do they belong to them?

- I'm not sure.

But two murders on the same night,

there must be some connection.

- I'll soon find out.

(ominous music)



- Pai Jung Chi.


So we meet again.

I'm looking for you.

- Yuen Wen Pao, so what are you?

Did you kill my family,
you murdering swine?


- That's right.

And now it's your turn to join them.

- I'll get my revenge.


(punches thudding)

(suspenseful orchestral music)

(heavy kicking and punching)

- Ah, ah, leave them be.

(ominous orchestral music)


- Instructor, in my opinion,

if the guy is ready to stand up to us,

he can't be an ordinary man.

So that, we had better
check into his background

before we move against him.

- I don't think that's necessary.

He's only a beggar.

There's nothing special about him.

You gonna send your men after him or not?

Don't make any excuses.

- Well, um, I...


- You have to understand.

I'm a good friend of your master.

I'll do whatever I can,

but these are very
troubled times we live in.

- Hey, Mr. Kau, don't be so worried.

Whatever happens, our
master can handle it,

you'll see.


(suspenseful orchestral music)


- [Man] You were defeated

and now you try to use master's name.

(all yelling)

(suspenseful orchestral music)

- Nice to see you, sir.

- [Man] I was ordered by master

to come and tell you something.

- [Kau] I'm listening.

- [Man] We've had news
that envoy Lu Hung Chi

will come here to make an inspection.

The master asked you
to lie low for a while.

Don't let the envoy
know what's been going.

- [Kau] All right, I understand.

- [Man] Goodbye.

(fire crackling)

- Is that right?

Envoy Lu Hung Chi is arriving here soon?

- That's right.

Envoy Lu Hung Chi is coming.

He's a fair man.

He's bound to be looking out

for all the people
involved in this affair.

- Wonderful!

This is what we've been waiting for.

We'll make an official complaint.

- Mmm.

- But he'll be well-guarded.

If we want to see him, it won't be easy.

Besides, Magistrate Kao and his men

are bound to try to stop him.

- All right, I've got an idea.

- Oh.


(beating gong)

(grandiose orchestral music)

(hooves thumping)

- [Hsu] Grievance, grievance!

- [Pai] Grievance, grievance.

- How dare you!

You can't cause trouble here.

The envoy is passing by.


- Hold it.

Who are they?

- Excuse me, sir.

A man and a woman,

they seem to have a grievance.

- Oh!

Tell me who you are.

- I am Hsu Yun Ju.

Greetings, your excellency.

- I am Pai Jung Chi.

Greetings, your excellency.

Please hear us.

We have come with a grievance.

- Against whom is it?

- The magistrate, Kao Ping
Chun and his police force.

- Submit your letter.

(pensive piano music)

(gavel banging)

Kao Ping Chun, what do you say?

- But what am I being charged with?

Can't you tell me that?

- You are an officer of the law,

so it's your duty to keep the law,

but instead you break it by raising tax.

What do you have to say about that?

- Your excellency, I'm innocent.

I'm innocent.

- Innocent?

Then tell me who is responsible

for these recent murders.

- Huh?


- You have committed treason.

(gavel banging)

On my journey here, I turned away no one.

I have letters here that all accuse you

of crimes against the state.

Take a look.

What's your explanation this time?

- Well, sir, it's nothing to do with me.

Please forgive me.

- [All] Forgive us, forgive us.

Please forgive us.

- [Man] Forgive our sins.
(dramatic orchestral music)

- There's no excuse.

You are all guilty.


- [Soldiers] Yes, sir!

- Place them under arrest.

Take them to jail and lock them up.

- [Soldiers] Yes, sir.

- Hold it, sir.

Hold it, sir.

Sir, I have some information
for you about all this.

I can tell you everything
you want to know, sir.

Excellency, the fact of the matter is--

(metal clanging)

(punches thudding)

- Chi Er!

Chi Er.

So it is you.

- General.

- It's been 10 years.

We've a lot to talk about.

- Yes, sir.

(suspenseful music)

- Kneel down.

- My lord, your excellency.

- What is it that's so important?

- Well, my lord, it's a bad news.

- Hmm?

What's happened?

- Envoy Lu has sent Magistrate Kao

and the entire police force to prison.

He found them all guilty

and they're to be executed tomorrow.

- Then why weren't you captured?

- I could see what was going on

so I hid in a pig sty
until I could get away.

And then I came straight here to you.


- That's fine.

You may not be much good at Kung Fu

but you're smart.

When this is all over,


I'll see that you're well rewarded.


- Thank you, my lord.

Thank you, my lord.

Thank you, my lord.

- Yen Chi.

- Here, my lord.

- Take care.


- My lord!

Oh, please, my lord, don't, save me.

No, my lord.

- Yeah!

- [Man] No, please, stop, stop.

My lord, save me, save me.


- Take him out, take him out.

Hsiao Chu Lang.

- My lord.

- This has got me mad.

What the hell is Lu up to?

I had defeated him earlier during the war.

And now, he dares to go against me again.

I hate him!

- No need to get mad.

My dear.

My dear.

A smart man understands
first the situation.

I know that you have strong ambitions.

But the Kang control the countryside.

If you go against them,

you'll only ask for trouble.

You can't change that now.

- Shut your mouth!

What do you women know about it?

- My dear, we're married so long.

I know what I'm talking about.

Don't just do--

- That's enough!

- Sister.

You shouldn't talk too much.

- You don't help your brother-in-law.

You just take him all in these games.

But you're all mad.


If you two carry on like this,

you're both going to end up in jail.

- Shut up!

- [Woman] Let's go.

- Hsiao Chu Lang.

- My lord.

- Go and chop up the envoy's head

and bring it back here.

(suspenseful music)

- Yes, sir.

- Are you sure you're right,

Fang Shih Kung is still alive?

- Yes, all my reports confirm it.

Fang has put out some false information

that he is dead, but it's not true.

He changed his name 10 years ago.

And he hates the present government.

That's why he has been doing
business with Magistrate Kao

so he could get at us and destroy us.

- Oh, how dare he do that.

- He's an evil traitor, the bastard.

- But where is he hiding?

We gotta find him.

- I haven't found that out yet, but

my informants are looking everywhere.

I think I'll be getting
word from them very soon.

- Come quickly!

Assassin, assassin.

(suspenseful orchestral music)



- Who has found the assassin?

- I did.

- Did you get to see his--

- No, sir.

- Too bad, they don't ever give up.

(glass shattering)


Huh, you again!



- Uncle Pai.


Uncle Pai.


He is the one who killed my father.

- Miss Hsu.

(punches thudding)


(metal clanging)

(ominous music)

- Yun Ju, leave him be.

- Get away.

He is the one who killed my father.

- Hold it.

- Since they now know
that I'm still alive,

there's no point in hiding any longer.

Yen Chi.

- My lord.

- Tell all the men to stand by.

We'll be moving out in three days.


- We're going to war again?

Yes, sir, I'll go now.

- Kao Po.

- Yes, sir.

- Call all the company commanders.

I wanna see them here.

- Yes, sir.

- [Master] Yuen Wen Pao.

- Yes, sir.

- See the guard is doubled.

No one can go without my permission.

- But, well--

- Hrmm?

- But Miss Wat, well--

- What about her?

- Well, my lord, she still
hasn't come back here.

It's been three days.

- Huh?

How 'bout that.

You'd better go and find her.

- Yes, sir.

(somber orchestral music)

- I heard the poison was so deadly

that there's no cure.

How come you have the antidote?

- Come and have a closer look

what's the difference.

- How come you have two of them?

- One of the two is my own
secret dart that I use.

- What's that?


- That's right.

We both worked for the same man

but we've never met before.

- Well, what's the matter?

- My master, Kung Sung Bu,

used to have two pupils before.

But brother Chu was banished by my master

before he took me on,

because he was too quick to kill.

So, maybe he is my big brother.

- If you did find out that
he was your big brother,

what do you intend to do about it?

- The rules are quite clear.

I would have to punish him.

I'd have no other choice.

(light orchestral music)

(bowls shattering)

(upbeat orchestral music)

(bird chirping)

- I hit it.

(birds chirping)

I found it, I found it.

- Attention!


Kids, watch them.

Too bad, I gotta go now.

- Hey, what's happened to master?

- A headache.

- Oh?

He was all right two minutes ago.

- You fool, the tiger is here.

- Everybody out.

Where's the other one?

(quirky orchestral music)

You beggars, where's your master?

- I don't know.

- Don't lie to me.


- Miss!

Miss, my lord would like to talk to you.

Ah, miss.



(percussive music)

Prepare yourselves, men.

Charge the lines.

Right way.

Left way.

(gongs thumping)

Begin, hold it.

(metal clanking)






(metal clanking)


(metal clanking)



Hit the way.

(bugle blowing)

(man yelling)


(grandiose orchestral music)

- Sit down, sit down.

Hsiao Chu Lang.

- My lord.

- Allow me to introduce you.

These four men are my company commanders.

They're all well-known.

This man is Blue Tiger, Chen Yi Chen.

- Nice to meet you.

- [Lord Fang] Dragon Yu Hua.

The Snake, Chao Chen.


The Wolf, Chao Yu.

- I hear that you're a
very good at Kung Fu.

- You flatter me.

(suspenseful orchestral music)

- Thank you for the
demonstration (laughs).

We're one family.

Hsiao Chu Lang,

you will have to learn
from them from now on.

You four are appointed to teach him.

- [All] Yes, sir.

- Hsiao Chu Lang.

(suspenseful music)


- My dear.


- I am confident that I will succeed.

Hope you stay loyal to me,

and I'll march at the head of my troops

against Yu Chu's army,

and then we can march on the capital.

- My dear.

Maybe you'll be defeated instead,

and then they'll send you to prison.

- What?

- My dear,

the Emperor's always been so good to you.

You should think about it first,

but instead you--
- Shut up!

Don't mention the king.

I hate him with all my heart.

When he asked me to surrender,

he promised me my land.

But he broke his promise

and sent me into exile.

I can't forget and I can't forgive.

- But they killed all the prisoners.

Only you escaped.

- [Hsiao] Sister.

- The Emperor agreed to save your life.

You should be grateful to him.

- You bitch, you should
keep your mouth shut.

- Sister, you have said too much.

- No, not enough.

My dear, you mustn't be so stubborn.

Aren't you aware of how things stand?

You aren't getting any younger.

Even if you became emperor now,

you aren't going to enjoy it.

- Shut up!

Shut up, shut up!

- My dear.

- Get up!



- [Hsiao] Sister, sister!

- Fang Shih Kung,

he's so heartless.





- [Kid] Terrible, it's awful.

- [Envoy] What's the matter?

- Fang Shih King is rebelling.

- How do you know that?

- Because I saw the men all busy training.

They're preparing for battle.

- How dare they do that.


- Yes, my lord.

- Put the men on alert.

- Yes, sir.

- Hold it.

Envoy, since we now know
where their headquarters are,

why not let me go and check them out?

We can send soldiers later.

- I'll come with you.

- No, Uncle Pai.

You're still not better, you mustn't go.

- What do you mean?

I took Mr. Wang's antidote.

I'm much better now.

- I know you two are good,

but it is my opinion

we would do better to wait for them

and we'll discuss.

- No, the longer we wait,

the greater the danger.

- She's making sense, we should go now.

- I'll take you.

- All right.

(suspenseful music)


(metal clanking)


- What's been keeping you in?

- You think we'd be surprised.

We've been expecting you for some time.

- We're betrayed.

(metal clanking)



(suspenseful orchestral music)

- Pai Jung Chi,

if you refuse to talk,

you'll suffer a great deal.


- Goddammit.

(skin sizzling)


My lord, the prisoner's fainted.

- He's no more use.

Take him outside and kill him.

- Hold it.

My lord,

we can't kill him yet.

- And why the hell can't we?

- 'Cause he's our bait.

We'll use him to catch the big fish.

- Mmm.

Sergeant, take him down to the dungeons.

- Yes, sir.

Come on, take him down.

- [Man] Sir.

- Hsiao Chu Lang.

- My lord.

(ominous orchestral music)

- I'm afraid I have hurt your sister.

Do you hate me?

- No, I don't.

- Really?

- Married couples have their quarrels.

I know you didn't mean to hit her hard.

So I've no reason to hate you.


- Good.

If what you say is true,

then I know at least I
can rely on your loyalty.

- I'll always be loyal to
you for the rest of my life.

- Hmm, that's fine.

Hsiao Chu Lang, I'm
starting to get worried

because Yen Chi still hasn't returned.

Better go and have a look.

- Yes, sir.

(ominous music)


(breathing heavily)

- Lady, you--

- Someone's after me.

Please help me.

Can you let me come in?

- Oh, Buddha's name be praised.

Come in quickly.

Quickly now.

(suspenseful music)

- [Hsiao] Mr. Yen.

- Brother Chu.

What are you doing here?

- My lord was worried about you.

He sent me to find you.

- [Yen] I'm okay.

Chased the girl here
but she's disappeared.

Let me search inside.

- Hold it.

Brother Yen.

My sister's here convalescing.

You mustn't disturb her.

- Hah, I forgot that.

- Don't worry, I'll take a look for you.

- Good, I'll go search elsewhere.

- Mmm.

(suspenseful orchestral music)

(knocking on door)

- [Woman] Who is that?

- [Hsiao] Madam, it's me, Chu Lang.

- Mr. Chu, you.

- [Hsiao] I've got medicine for my sister.

Quickly, let's go in.

(door creaks shut)

- Mr. Chu, where is it?

- Forget it for now.

I know an injured lady just came

and you let her in.

Madam, I already stopped the soldiers

from coming in here to search,

so don't you fool me,
'cause if they do come,

we'll all be in trouble.

Madam, you must believe
me, I wish you no harm.

- All right, follow me.

(suspenseful music)


- [Hsiao] Sister.

- Buddha's name be praised.

This lady has been very seriously wounded.


(dramatic orchestral music)

- [Sister] Chu Lang.

- Sister, I have a question for you

that only you can decide.

- What is it?

Then tell me.

- One month ago, I used a poisoned dart

to kill a man and a woman.

Now their daughter is
here seriously injured.

She's in danger, so I--

- Do you want to save her?

- [Hsiao] Yes.

- It's your duty to do it.

- [Hsiao] But sister, if I do save her,

then I can't save--

- Do you mean--

- If I want to save her life,

it means using the last pill I've got.

Once I've used that, there are no more.

And your wound--

- You've said enough.

You must do what your
conscience tells you.

You are to save her.

- [Hsiao] Sister.

(knocking on door)
(suspenseful orchestral music)

- [Man] Open up, open up!

Open up immediately.

Open up, open up.

- Search.

- Yes, sir.


- Search.

(suspenseful music)

- My lord--
- Hold it.

Don't say a word until we have searched.

- Oh no.

- My lord, we found nothing.

- My lord.

(suspenseful music)

- Wen.

- My lord.


(metal clanking)

- My lord.

I'm innocent.

You mustn't believe
any lies they tell you.

You know you can rely on me.


- What's that?

- It is a sarcophagus

We buried the late Abbas.

- How long has she been dead?

- 10 years.

- And that one?

- Abbas Lao Yen.



(wind howling)

(intense orchestral music)

- [Fang] Let's go.


- Mothers, give her this pill,

and see she shallows it.

But when she comes to,

you mustn't tell her I saved her.

- [Woman] Mr. Chu, you--

- I've led a sinful life.

Maybe this will atone.

- [Woman] Buddha's name be praised.

Bless you, bless you.

(somber music)


- What's that?

You're sure they're away?

- They face great danger, an emergency.

- All right kids, let's go.

- [Kid] Right.

- Chi Er.


- Yes, my lord.

- Make sure all your men are at the ready.

We're moving on, right away.

- Yes, sir.

- [Shang] Dad.


- Shang Ching.

You've been away for over four days.

Where on earth have you been?

- Dad, answer me.

Why did you have to kick poor Auntie Fu?

- Because she had it coming to her.

- Dad, if it wasn't for her,

we wouldn't have gotten this far.

- Well, it was sort of
an accident, really.

- I don't care!

(vase shattering)

- Shang Ching.

Shang Ching.

(gong banging)


- Shut up.

Where are the man and the
woman that you captured today?


Or I'll make you spill your guts.

- Hey beggar, there's no
need to be so rough on me.

- You!

What are you doing here?

- So what?

Do you think only you can help?

- Oh, my God.

Woman, we're not playing a game.

Do you realize where you are?

- I don't care what happens.

- Hush, quick!

(suspenseful music)

All right, you better go, come on.

- Go?

But where do I go?

Aren't you gonna help them?

- It's none of your business.

- Oh, but I know where
they're being kept locked up.

Follow me.

- You!

- Come on.

- Hey.

(all chattering)


(suspenseful music)

(punch thudding)

(suspenseful orchestral music)

- Who was that?

The horn!

(blowing horn alarm)

- Hold it.

- Oh, Miss Fang.

- Don't come near me.

I've been taken as prisoner.

- And you dare make a move,

she's as good as dead.

- You.

- Don't ask questions.

I'm here to save you.

- Uncle Yen, he's using me as a hostage.

You have to release the prisoners.

- Huh?


Now quickly.

- Sir.

- Next time, you gotta come.



- Terrible, terrible!

Quick, the prisoners escaped.

- What's that?

(suspenseful orchestral music)



(man yelling)

- Run for it.

- [Hsiao] Let me go.

- You've asked for it.

I'm gonna give you
something to remember me by.


- Wang Chi Er, you
shouldn't talk like that.

You think you're that good?

- You'll find out very soon.


(punches thudding)

- Run for it now.

I've already saved her.

- I won't be taken in by you.


(punches thudding)

- Miss Hsu is at the temple.

She's still recovering.

Go and save her.

- You shut up.

- It's up to you now.

Believe it or not.


(suspenseful orchestral music)


- Dad, dad!

- Shang Ching.

Shang Ching, Shang Ching.

Here, men.

- [Woman] Buddha be praised.

My dear, you've been asleep a long time.

- Thank you for saving my life for me.

- No need to say that.

You see who is here?

- Miss Hsu, Miss Hsu.

- Brother Wang, Uncle Pai.

How did you find out I was here?

- Somebody told us you
were here, badly hurt.

- Oh?


- Chu Lang.

(suspenseful orchestral music)

- You?

- Chi, I'm getting worried

our master still hasn't come back here.

- We can't just sit here doing nothing.

I think we should go and find him.

- That's what, right.

Chi, give us the order.

- [Man] Chi, excuse me, sir.

I've got some good news.

- Well, what is it?

- Mr. Wang has been rescued, he is safe.

- Ah, where is he now?

- Don't worry, he's quite safe.

- [All] I'd like to go.

- How do we go and meet them?

- No, Mr. Wang expressly said

that only I and the chief can
go out there and meet him.

- Ah, he gave a reason?

- Mr. Wang is convinced
that there is a spy

right here in our own camp.

(suspenseful music)

- Where is he?

- There he is.


- Mr. Yu, you...

- I'm the spy you want.


(punches thudding)

(punches thudding)

(suspenseful orchestral music)


- Too bad.

The marshal's been trapped.

- Oh, so Mr. Yu's a spy?

- Let's hurry, we've
gotta save the marshal.

- General, start moving your men out.

- Yes, sir.

Time to go!

- [Man] Time to go!

- Let's go.

(percussive music)

- Bring your hunted!

- Lu Hung Chi, what a surprise.

Who could have possibly
thought that the imperial envoy

would end up as my prisoner?

Such a waste, such a pity.

- I don't mind losing
my life for my country.

It's much better than being a
filthy turncoat and traitor.

- I see you still like to talk.


Let's see how keen you are
after I cut out your tongue.


- Hold the prisoner.

(percussive music)

(metal clanking)

(suspenseful orchestral music)


Mr. Chu, I knew I couldn't rely on you.

(weapons clanking)


- My lord.


(metal clanking)

(heavy kicking and punching)

- Uncle Pai.

(ominous orchestral music)

(metal clanking)


(heavy kicking and punching)

- Stay up.

(wind whistling)

(metal clanking)

(metal clanking)

- That way.



(wind whooshing)

(metal clanking)

(metal clanking)


(all clapping)

(heavy kicking and punching)

(all clapping)

- [Yen] You better wait here.

(all shouting)

- Thank you.

Come on.

(suspenseful orchestral music)

(metal clanking)


(heavy kicking and punching)



- Help me, help me.

Please, help me.

Help, help, please, help me.

Help me, help me.


(metal clanking)


(metal clanking)


(suspenseful orchestral music)

(heavy kicking and punching)

(heavy kicking and punching)


(hog squealing)


(heavy kicking and punching)

(rock thuds)

(heavy kicking and punching)


(heavy kicking and punching)


(mellow orchestral music)

(rock thudding)


(rock thuds)


(rock thuds)

(rock thuds)



(rock thuds)

(rock thuds)

(rock thuds)

(rock thuds)




- You ripped off my hair.

(all giggling)


(all giggling)






- Hey, over here.



(bees buzzing)


(rock thudding)


(suspenseful orchestral music)


You go first.

- [Fang] No, you're going nowhere.

(suspenseful orchestral music)

- At last, the time has
come to settle our score.

(punches thudding)

- Hold it.

I know I've done wrong,

but I'm not ready to die yet.

(punches thudding)

Listen to me.

We have a battle to fight,

so let's not fight among ourselves.

(punches thudding)

Miss Hsu, after we've won the battle,

I'll tell you everything.


- [Girl] Little sister, little sister.

- [Boys] Sister, sister.

- Fang Shih Kung, you beast.


(punches thudding)



(heavy kicking and punching)

(dramatic orchestral music)


(heavy kicking and punching)


(suspenseful orchestral music)

(heavy kicking and punching)


(heavy kicking and punching)


(intense orchestral music)

(heavy kicking and punching)


- Dad!






(dramatic orchestral music)


- Miss Hsu, if you still wanna kill me,

now is your chance.

- Buddha's name be praised.

When will all this killing end?

Miss Hsu.

Although he confessed that
he did kill your parents,

he did save your life even
at the expense of his sister.

Hasn't he had to pay enough
for the bad that has done?

Besides, he has seen the
error of his past ways now.

My lady, why don't you forget
all thoughts of revenge?

(dramatic orchestral music)

- Miss Hsu, thank you.

- Bless you, bless you.

Buddha's name be praised.

All else is an illusion,

except for the path of Buddha.

Buddha's name be praised.

- Nana, I'll come, too.

(grandiose orchestral music)

- Your excellency, the
rebels are defeated.

(Multicom Jingle)