Midnight Madness (1980) - full transcript

Leon planned "The Great Allnighter" by picking college students to participate in his night long scavenger hunt. The five teams, each designated by colors white (nerds who hate green),green (meat machine who hate red), red (sorority sisters who hate green), yellow (good guys who play fair), and blue (cheaters who hate yellow) are given clues to solve, leading them to the next clue site hidden in the city. Michael J. Fox plays Scott,the younger brother,in his movie debut.

Come see how good
a night can be

Are you ready
for the brand new game?

A brand new game

Come take a chance
and play with me

And you're never
gonna be the same

When midnight madness

Starts to get to you

Doesn't matter what you say

Doesn't matter what you do

You gotta play

Just when you think
you've had your fun

And you're ready
to say good night

Don't say good night

You'll find the fun
has just begun

'Cause the game's
gonna last all night

When midnight madness

Starts to get to you

Doesn't matter what you say

Doesn't matter what you do

You gotta play

When midnight madness

Starts to get to you

Doesn't matter what you say

Doesn't matter what you do

You gotta play

Just when you think
you've had your fun

And you're ready
to say good night

Don't say good night

You'll find the fun
has just begun

'Cause the game's
gonna last all night

When midnight madness

Starts to get to you

Doesn't matter what you say

Doesn't matter what you do


When midnight madness

Starts to get to you

Doesn't matter what you say

Doesn't matter what you do


If you can't get
the class you want...

Just keep at it.

Sit on the teacher's desk
and camp out on his porch.

Do whatever you have to.

No. I couldn't do that.

Look. Flynch.
I know you can do it.

-Adam Larson?

We've been asked to deliver this
to you at this time.

Who's it from?

He prefers to remain
anonymous at this time.

Hi. Won't you come in?

What is this?

What does this mean?

The most challenging
adventure of my life?

Please be seated.

And we'll get started.

Since the dawn of time...

man has sought amusement
and intellectual stimulation...

in the form of games.

For centuries man has...
improved and perfected

countless varieties of games.

But there has not been
a major breakthrough

until tonight.

You have been invited
to participate

in this glorious event.

And now it is time
to meet the person...

who has made
all of this possible.


Please! Hold your applause.

Allow me to explain why
I've gathered you all here.

The five of you are invited--
more accurately. Challenged--

to compete
in my latest creation--

The Ultimate Game...

which I call
The Great All-Nighter.

Each of you will act
as a team captain...

and select your own crew
to participate in the game...

which will be played
in the following manner--


At the onset...

each team will be given
a complicated clue...

which, when solved.
will lead them...

to a location
somewhere in the city.

Once there, the team must use
its skill and wit...

to obtain the next clue.

That clue leads them
to the next location...

and so forth.

The game will begin
Friday at sunset...

and continue
on through the night...

until one team
is the first to arrive...

at a final location.
the finish line.

There the winning team
will receive a trophy...

and, more importantly.
prove to the other teams...

that theirs
is the best group of all.


Well, I'll see you all Friday.

Are there any questions?

I can't believe this.
I can't believe that I sat...

I've had enough of this.
I'm getting out of here.

-We wasted a Thursday evening.
-This whole thing is silly!

Oh, Leon. You poor thing.
After all that work...

They're not interested.
They won't to play your game.

Girls, do you think...

I would've spent a year
designing this game...

without taking every possibility
into account?

Those five team captains
were selected...

after months
of careful research.

Believe me, by Friday night...

every one of them
will be dying to play.

And furthermore.
this frivolous pastime...

is designed
for mindless apes to play.

And then there is
the question as to whether...

football players belong
in an academic institution...

in the first place.

Let us be frank.
It is certainly no secret...

that these mentally deficient.
giant, uncivilized vulgarians...

care nothing
about the nobler pursuits...

such as art, music.
and library science.

I think I've made
myself quite clear.

And if there are any comments
from the audience...

Just feel free
to toss them right up here.

Who threw that?

Hey! You see? This is just what
I was talking about!


Here, take that one.

I want to get rid of mine.
You take that one.

You got a full plate.

Berle, I think we'll finally
have more than four members...

if we can just pull this off.

Let's party!

Lavitus, that's it!
I'll get even with you!

No! Don't leave!

that's the last straw!

I was going to camp out
on the teacher's porch...

but my mother said the night air
would be bad for my asthma.

I can never do anything.

Aw, look. Flynch...

is there anything else
bothering you...

besides schoolwork?
You can tell me.

Well, yeah. I guess so.

This is kind of hard
for me to talk about.

Well, it's about girls.

Here it is,
my first year in college...

and I...well...

Flynch, are you trying
to tell me...

that you're,
well, you know, a virgin?

Oh, no.
That is, not exactly.

You see.
I've never had a date.

Look, Flynch...

you could be
a regular Burt Reynolds.

No, I can tell.
You've got that look about you.

You go out and
get yourself a date...

and I guarantee your schoolwork
will improve, too.

Gee, I don't know.

Come on, Flynch.
you can do it.

You stand up and face life.

You go for the gusto.

Remember, never walk away
from a challenge.

And when it comes to women.
there's nothing to it.

You just be confident.

Hi! Adam.

Hi! Laura.

Adam, I've been meaning to
talk to you about something.

How long have
we been working together?

Oh, heh. I don't know.

Five or six weeks.

And in all that time.
I think you've been doing...

a really terrific job
as a counselor.

But what I want to know is...

why don't you follow
your own advice?

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about Leon's game.
The Great All-Nighter.

It sounds like fun.
Why don't you do it?

I don't know.
I've been pretty busy.

Adam, are you really
that busy...

or are you afraid
you just won't do well?

What about going for the gusto?

What about never
walking away from a challenge?

If you really believe all that.
why don't you prove it?

If not, it would be
like letting down...

all the freshmen
you've ever advised.

Hey, what am I doing
sitting around here?

The game's only three days away.

I gotta get transportation.
get up a team, and...

I thought you'd never ask.

stop stuffing yourself!

You don't need all that.




Cleano up-a messo. OK?


Stop teasing the maid
and get in there!

I want to talk to you!


Harold, you lazy slob.
you never do anything.

Why don't you get off
your lazy butt and do something?

But, Dad...

Come on.

I want you to enter...

that Leon's Great All-Nighter.
you hear me?

But, Dad...

Don't "But, Dad" me!

You know.
Bill Larson's boy Adam...

is going to be competing
in the game...

and I don't want you
upstaged by him again.

Why, that boy--

Harold, look at me
when I'm talking to you!

Adam is such a successful
enterprising young man!

Why can't you be more like him?

Dad, I'm not Adam.

Why don't you just
look at me for what I am?


Now, you're entering
Leon's game and that's final!

But, Dad!

No, thanks. Adam.

I was planning to work
on my jeep all weekend.

That's OK, Marvin.

I mean.
now that I think of it...

we need to find someone
with a really hot car.

Hey! What do you mean?

What do you call this?

Oh, your Jeep?

I'm sure it was all right
in its day...

but I don't know.

My jeep can outclass
any new car on the road!

Pick you up on Friday at 5:00.

And not only that...

but the game's a perfect chance
to get back at Adam.


It's because of him
that my dad's always on my case.

Sounds good...

but what makes you so sure
we can win?

Just a little present
from my father.


It's got
a turbo-charged engine...

observation bubble, telephone...

everything we need.

And best of all,
this baby right here!

Solve any clue
in five seconds flat.

Your dad bought you
all this stuff?

Boy, if you don't win that game.
he's gonna kill you.

Don't worry! We'll win!

You guys just meet me here
Friday night.

And in conclusion, this can be
our chance to finally show...

those football gorillas
how real men compete!

Wesley is right!

Especially after what those guys
did to us at the debate!

-All in favor?

Motion carried!

I don't know, Lavitus.

I think we have better things
to do on a Friday night.

Yeah. Just why the hell
should we bother?

Well, gentlemen.
I'll give you one good reason.

What a nerd!

We're in!

And that's why
we've got to enter that game!

If Lavitus and his animals
decide to play...

I want to be there
and beat them!

Oh, count me in!

I'd like to get back
at those moron jocks!

Right! Peggy and Lulu.
how about you?

What you doing, Harold?

Ah, Lucille has an idea
I'm supposed to be...

on a new diet
starting tomorrow.

Oh. An all-marshmallow diet?

Come on, Melio.

You know I can't go
all night without food.

Just need an emergency stash.
that's all.

Come on, Melio.
Give me a break, huh?

Don't tell Lucille.

My lips are sealed.

Well, buddy...

Getting kind of late.

-Oh, yeah.

I think you should go home.

I mean.
thanks for stopping by.

-Sweet dreams.



Marvin'll pick us up
at your house in half an hour.

Come on, let's go!

Yeah, but, you know.
having four or five people...

on our team
would be a lot better.

I just wish we could
find one more guy.


You'll never believe it!
I finally got a date.

She's right outside the door.

Hey, no kidding, Don Juan.
That's great.

Did you get the date
all by yourself?

Not exactly.
My mother fixed me up.


Super, Flynch.
but we got to get going.

I just stopped by to see
if you had any ideas...

of where
we might be able to go.

You're coming with us.
Come on!

But what about my date?

Believe me, Flynch.
you'll thank us in the morning.


Now that we're all here.
we can begin.

Candy and Sunshine and I
will be running the game...

from my apartment.
henceforth to be known...

as "Game Control."

We'll be plotting
your progress on the game map.

You must phone in
from each clue location...

so that we can keep track of you
at all times.

It is now sunset.

Candy and Sunshine
will distribute the first clue.

LEON:: "The sea is reversed:

"S.S. Itari is mixed up
and blind:


Well, teams, good luck.

I'll see you at the finish line.

Wherever that may be.

All right, men, huddle up.

OK. Blaylak, Cudzo.
Gerber. Armpit...

we've always been the best
offensive line there is...

and tonight we're going
to uphold that tradition.

Because who are we?

M-e-a-t M-a-c-h-i-n-e!

Meat Machine! Meat Machine!

All right, break!

All right, men, let's go!


Come on! Get in, get in!

Figure out that clue!
Get in!

Come on, we'd better go.

Hey, wait a second.

Hey, come on, Flynch.

But my mother's
going to kill me.

-Will you come on?

Let's take this clue
one piece at a time.

What's the first sentence?

"The sea is reversed."

Well, OK, that could be
the ocean or the beach.

But it says the sea is reversed.

Maybe that means we should
go away from the beach.


I've got it! I've got it!

"The sea is reversed"...

means to take the words
"the sea" and reverse them.

That way you get...

"Sea the!"

Yeah, but what's
the second part of the clue?

"S.S. Itari
is mixed up and blind."

-Mr. Chairman...

regarding the portion
"S.S. Itari is mixed up"...

I move that mixed up means
the letters in the word...

"S.S. Itari" are scrambled up.

Very good.
but the clue says...

"S.S. Itari
is mixed up and blind."

What does he mean by blind?

Well, that's the simple part.

Blind means to...

To take out its eyes.
"I's!" You get it?

-You get it?

There are two I's
in the word "S.S. Itari."

Take the I's out!
Take the I's out!

She's right!
That leaves s-s-t-a-r.

And that unscrambles
to form the word...

Uh, stars?

You're right!


Blaylak, way to go!

Put everything together.
the clue reads...

"Sea the stars."

And there's only
one place I know...

you can see
every star there is!

The Wax Museum!

A map to the stars' homes!

The stars on
Hollywood Boulevard!

The Stargate Disco!

Come on, Harold.
Let's go!

All the other teams
are way ahead of us!

Yeah, Harold!
What are you waiting for?

Well, I suppose
we may as well get going.

We don't want to make it
too late of a night, do we?

Let's see...

Now, watch this.

The weather sevice
forecast for all of...


Traffic situation
for Los Angeles 6:00 report.

There has been
a serious accident...

involving a tomato truck
and several smaller vehicles...

blocking the freeway...


I thought
it was coming from here.

When all of my tenants
started to complain...

I knew it had to be you...


Now. Mrs. Grimhouse. I--

Don't give me any of
your fast college talk, buster.

I'm sick to death
of your mess and your noise.

You know what I have here?

Your eviction papers.

And I intend to use them...

if I hear
one more complaint about you.

So you just better
watch your step.



Hey, you know.
maybe the numbers are addresses.

The names
are numbered on this map.

Maybe it means
longitude and latitude.

Oh, come on.

This is a little map.
It's just the streets here.

I don't see any longitude.

Yeah, but why don't
we try La Cienega?

Hey, Armpit!

What were those numbers
on that clue again?


36, 37, 38!

Let's see, this started exactly
38 feet from the corner...

it's the 22nd from the east
and the 23rd from the west.

You guys think
that means anything?

Perhaps it's in code.

4, 5, 6, 7, 8...

-9, 10...

Eleven! Hey.
how'd you like to--Ooh!

Where were we?

I don't know, I lost count.

I wonder if Peggy and Lulu
are having any better luck.

What can I say?

I need someone new

Someone who's not
afraid to love me

I pray
to the stars above me

That someone
will come along

But it's you, baby who...

Hello, Leon ?
This is Hanrold.

Just thought
I'd let you know...

that I already solved
your difficult clue.

We're already
at the Observatory.

Game's too easy, Leon.

We'll be at the finish line
in about an hour.

Well, sure is
a clear night anyway.

You can even see the stars.

What did you say?

I said you can
even see the star--

Hey, that's it!

We've been thinking about
the wrong kinds of stars!

Ha ha ha!

Marvin, you sure those numbers
are telescope settings?

Yeah, but
where's the telescope?

Hey, you guys, look!
In the periscope!

Aw, great.

Come on, you guys.
over here!

There it is.

Excuse me, but do you mind...

if I take a quick peek
through there?

No way, Jos?!
I was here first.

I'm sorry.
but this is very important.


What's the matter with you?
My kid's studying Venus.

It's for his term paper.

Come on, keep looking.

That clue's got to be
around here someplace.

If I'm lucky, I may be able to
get a view of Venus' two moons.

They're getting closer!

Come on, guys.
Let's check out that other room.

Hey, Lavitus!

Come take a look
at this thing, will you?

Hey, Armpit, be careful!

I am being careful, OK?

Hey, Einstein.
Isn't Venus over there?

Well, son, you want
to let me have a look?

Dad, let's go look
at the magnetic exhibit.

Magnetic exhibit.

Hey, Flynch, remind me
to bring you back here...

when we have more time.

Marvin, would you turn this
to the right setting?

OK, go ahead.

Now, 22-43-68.


Easy now.

Hey, I found it!

"To unlock the next clue...

"find the 8800 keys!"

-Hey, all right!
-Ha ha ha!

Hey, what are you doing
with that telescope?

Telescope? Oh, this?

Don't waste your time, you guys.

We've already checked out
everything in this room.


Listen, why don't you
go check downstairs?

-And we'll meet you--
-I got a better idea.

Why don't you guys
go check downstairs?

OK. Lavitus, if you insist.

After you, Marvin.

Who do you think
you're dealing with here?

Out of here!

Meet you down there.
See you downstairs.

Go! Go!

This is it!

I never looked through one
of these things before.

This here's big, isn't it?

You see the moon?

Hey, Lavitus, what is it?


Hello? Game Control.

-Hi. Donna!

Thanks, Leon, the Red Team's
at the Observatory.

I'll get it.

we can hardly hear the TV...

with all the noise
that's coming from up here!

Just what's going on?

Mr. Thorpe! I'm very sorry
about all the noise.

Won't you come in?

Welcome to Game Control.

I don't know what this is.
but you'd better--

Look! A strategy board!

Wally, Edna, it's just like
I was telling you!

During the war, when
I worked for the government...

I worked on the strategy board.

Leon, what is going on?

At this very moment,
there are five teams...

what are you doing?



Harold, are you eating?

Are you sure you don't have
any food in there?

Come on!

You know Lucille
just can't wait...

for her wittle Harold to
lose his wittle spare tire.

Then maybe this summer...

Harold can take his shirt
off at the beach! Huh?

Hey, Harold.
look what Melio can do!


Would you idiots get up and
help me find the stupid clue?

Hey, Adam, doesn't that kid
look like your brother?

That is my brother!

Hey! Hey, Scott.
what are you doing out here?

Trying to get me in trouble?

It's a good thing Mom and Dad
are still out of town.

They'd really be mad at me
if they knew you were out here.

I'm responsible for you.

San Francisco?

If I weren't right in
the middle of something...

I'd take you back home
this minute.

But for now, you'll just have
to come along with us!

Where the hell is the clue?

I found it!
I found the clue!

Well, what's it say?

This note's an "A"...

that's a "B."

Then there's
an A-A-G-F-E-F-E-E!

Oh! It's all scrambled up.

What's it mean, honeybuns?

How should I know?

That's why my dad
gave me a computer!


Oh! Excuse me, Adam.
My hand must have slipped.

Ha ha ha!

Come on, we'd better hurry!

Aren't you coming, Scott?

This game is stupid.

Who cares about it anyway?




There! There! There!

-Gimme that!
-Aah! Harold!


Hey. guys! Look!

Wait a second.
I'd know that song anywhere.

I got Pabst Blue Ribbon
on my mind

It's the Pabst
Blue Ribbon beer song!

The next clue must be
at the Pabst brewery!

Thanks. Blaylak!

Pabst Blue Ribbon


Pabst Blue Ribbon

It's beautiful.



Come on, guys. Let's go.

Whoo! It's getting cold.

Adam, are you sure minors
are allowed in there?

Flynch, sometimes
I don't believe you.

Are you going to be like this
all your life?

The only way to get anywhere
in life is to have confidence.

So, come on, let's go in there
and win this game.


-Ha ha!


There's fun stuff!

And eating!


Oh, no, there they go!

That's it!
This is the last time...

we're going through this
with the two of them!

Harold, how long do you
intend to keep driving around...

without knowing
where we're going?

Barf, have you unscrambled
those letters yet?

Faga beefe?

Faga beefe.
Melio, faga--

Shut up!

Ladies and gentlemen.
welcome to the cool...

refreshing world
of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer.

Watch your step
and follow me, please.

The very first step
in the brewing process...


Come on. Over here.

P.A... Got Blue Ribbon
on my mind

2.4 million bottles
a day are filled...

with refreshing, ice-cold.
frosty Pabst Blue Ribbon.

No! Unh!

No, please!

And I'll be your tour guide
for this evening.

We're very pleased to have
you here at the Pabst brewery.

As soon as we're all here,
we can begin.

Now, is everyone ready to go?

Berle, look!

They must have gone that way!

Now, down below us
are the refrigeration tanks...

and each vat contains
60.000 refreshing gallons...

of cold, foamy, delicious...

Pabst Blue Ribbon beer.

In these mighty vats...

the beer is in
its most delicious state.

This way, please.

Ha ha! Waa-hah!


Hey, sir.
I said it's not for me...

it's for my brother
and his friends.

Hey, mellow out.

It's Scott!

What? Let me go!

-I'll handle this.
-Let me go!

Hey, what's going on ?

Hold it a second!
Hey, wait a minute!

Excuse me, Officer...Palmer.

I'm sure
we can work this out.

You see,
that's my little brother.


Well, Scott.
I hope you're satisfied.

Now we'll never find the clue.


It's Leon.

It's the clue!

"Mr. Carson's
obese male child"?

What kind of clue is that?

Mr. Carson?

Mr. Cars--Who's Mr. Carson?

Johnny Carson?

Johnny's obese male child?

Hold it a second.

Johnny's obese male child!

-Fat boy!

Johnie's Fat Boy Burgers!

-Oh, yeah!
-It's on Wilshire Boulevard!

You guys are never
gonna fix that computer.

The other teams
are way ahead of us!

We're never gonna win!


Hey, Harold...

can I have the van
after your dad kills you?

There they are.

All right, that's enough
fooling around, you guys.

Let's go!

You guys never
want to have any fun!


-Hey. Blaylak!

Oh. Jeez.


-I don't see him.
-Come on!


Pfft! Ha ha ha ha!

Ah ha ha ha! Ohh!

Gee, thanks, Candy.
Ha ha ha!

Wally, this is much more fun
than watching television.

It sure is, honey.

Isn't this better
than watching TV, Mother?

It's so exciting!

And it's right here
in our own apartment building!


Leon, this has got to stop!

The walls here
are very, very thin!

You can't--Hi. Wally.
You cannot--Wally?

Hey, Jerry,
come on in and sit down.

You won't believe
what's going on in here.

Come on in, everybody!
Ha ha ha!

I'll tell you all about it.
Get yourself a stool.

Get a stool
and come on over here.

They're playing
this terrific game...

with all these teams...

and the teams keep going
from place to place.

-How many teams are there?

I did it.


Melio, wake up.

Are there any cookies left?

No, Harold,
there aren't any cookies left!

Harold, you big, fat sneak!

I can't trust you
for five minutes!

It's a good thing you have
a good friend like Melio...

to help you stay on your diet!

Hey, look!

Oh, no!

Hey, what's going on here?

Why. I'm a little elf...

and Santa says your truck
needs some work...

so I'm taking it back
to the North Pole.

We're really close, man!
I know it!

That little snot!

Just look at him
and his team--so happy!

Come on, you guys.
I've got an idea.

Think I'll just keep this
for a little souvenir.

Let's see how far
he gets on four flat tires...

and one gallon of gas.

Just follow me!
I know exactly where we're--

Spread out!

It's gotta be in here some--

Come on, you guys!
What are you waiting for?

Ha ha ha!

Let me see it!


"Look between
the two giant melons."

Damn you, Leon!

What I want to know...

is what does Leon mean
by "two giant melons"?

Now, let's go
over this one more time.

He said. "Look between
the two giant--"

I got a feeling
we're overlooking something.

What could
the two giant melons be?

Oh, miss?
Can we have some more coffee?

Miss! There's a cockroach
in my water!

We had a little accident.

Oh, miss?






-The necklace!

Hurry! Come on, get it!

Get off of me! Wait!

"Hug me"?



Keep the change!

Buy me a doll!


He reminds me of you,

I'll call him Little Harold.


You big cheapskate!


One doll?

OK. "Hug me." "Hug me."

It might be scrambled.
What can we make of it?

-He mug!
-Gum he!

Mehug! Muheg!
Mehgu! Mughe!

Meguh, mhuge, meghu, mughe...

gumhe, gehmu, guhem, gehum...

hegmu, humeg, hugme,
hugem, hegum--

Wait a minute!

Say that last word again.



Huge M!

Huge M?

What's the one place
in this city...

that has a giant huge "M"?

Wait a minute!

There's a huge letter
"M" on the top...

of the sign at
Miniature Golf World!

-That's it!
-Ha ha ha!

I can't believe it! We got
all of that from "Hug me."

We'd better get going.


Not my poor tires!

Who would do
such a rotten thing?

Oh, my! What have we here?

Four flat tires?

Ohh, how unfortunate.

Hope this doesn't put you
out of the game.

Harold, you beached whale...

Oh, my goodness!

Are we losing our temper?

Ha ha ha!

Adam, you all right?

Who, me?

I never felt better.

OK, now we can't let them
get away with this.

What we need is a plan.

We'll split up.

Marvin, go find a phone.
You call the Auto Club.

Flynch, you and I
will try to hitch a ride...

-to Miniature Golf World.

Laura, will you watch the Jeep
until Marvin gets back?


And please
keep an eye on Scott...

make sure he doesn't
get in any trouble?


Scott. did you hear that--


There he is!

Oh, I've got
a taste for livin'

I'm drinkin'
cold Blue Ribbon

Blaylak! Blaylak!
Are you all right?

Wait a sec!

I got a taste for livin'

This is the happiest day
of my life!

I've got Pabst Blue Ribbon

On my mind

Well, ladies. I've certainly
enjoyed your company...

but I'm afraid it's time
for me to bid you...


Oh, have a nice walk!

Ha ha ha--Unh!

Come on!

Let's go!



How you doing? Come on.


Some people are so mean.

How could they
lock him up like this?

It's the pits.

You shouldn't have
disappeared like that.

You really had me worried.

Your brother, too.

My brother?
Huh. Tell me about it.

Scott, Adam cares about you.

Yeah, sure he does.

He doesn't even know I exist.

Forgot all about my birthday.

When's your birthday?


Look, there it is!


Look who's here!

Hi! How are you, everybody!

OK, everybody!

The odds on the green team
now are eight to one...

that they won't even finish.

Who wants to bet an exacta
on the first two teams...

to reach Miniature Golf World?

OK, thank you, Donna.

Good-bye...is right.

Say good-bye to your
apartment, Mr. Wise Guy.

I told you if I had
one more complaint...

I'd use these eviction papers.

Well, there's the complaints...

and there's the door.

Excuse me.
Mrs. Grimhouse, but...

Does anyone have
any complaints?


And I'm tired of making
poached eggs every morning.

Other husbands like
their eggs scrambled...

or soft-boiled.
but no...not you!

Let's stop
kidding ourselves, Flynch.

We might as well give up.


I can't believe
what I just heard, Adam.

You give up?

You've been my inspiration.

What--what about having
a positive attitude?

What about never walking away
from a challenge?

Unh! Come on,
this is getting us nowhere.

Flynch, what are you doing?


-Where you going?
-Miniature Golf World.

Sorry, we're not
going that way.

Don't worry. You'll love it.


Over here!

"Play a round of golf.

"Somewhere you will
find the clue.

"No cheating.
You must play the entire round.

"Do not go directly
to the 18th hole."

Come on!
Let's go to the 18th hole!

You moron!
Can't you follow instructions?


Listen, you want to win,
don't you?

Now, come on!

Oh, well, guys,
we played a good game.

Even if we never did
find that clue.

I think I'm gonna be sick.

I'm gonna be sick!

Get him off of me!

I think I'm gonna be sick!


Hey! Look who's here!

All right, men,
halftime's over.

We're back in the game!

Ha ha!

M-e-a-t M-a-c-h-i-n-e!

Meat Machine! Meat Machine!

-Ha ha ha!

Come on, will you?



Thank you, ladies.



Like you said,
when it comes to women...

you have to have confidence.

Come on.

Give me some room!

Told you so.

Read it out loud.

"Dear team.
I told you not to cheat.

"Now, if you want
to f-find the clue...

"you have to go back
and start all over.

"Love, Leon.

"P.S. You lost your ball."

-Get out of my way!
-Ha ha ha ha!


I--I thought
we'd never get here.


I'm glad you did.

Leon says we have to play
a round of golf.

Don't forget. You have
to pay again, honeybuns.

Hey, Harold. Look over there.

Come on, Adam. You got it.

Good. Come on!

Oh, great!


Oh, Adam.
I've played this hole before.

There's three tunnels
up on the top.

Now, you don't want
to put it in the left one...

because the ball will
come out on the side.

If you put it down
the right one...

it goes down
this curved thing and--

Scott, will you
please be quiet?

I'm trying to concentrate.


Scott! Why do you persist
in making my life miserable?

Will you please
just stay out of my way?

Fore! Hoo hoo hoo!

Out of my way. Poindexter.
We're playing through.

All right, let's do it now.

Let's go!

You got it! Ha ha ha!

-Come on, man!
-You got it now!

That ball's in our way.

I'll get rid of it.

Hey, wait just a minute!

I object!
Is this the only way...

you slabs of meat
know how to handle anything?

Can't you guys
ever act civilized...

and work things out
on an intellectual level?

Hey, you know, fellas.
Wesley's absolutely right.


I mean, we should be
ashamed of ourselves.

Sir, may I have the floor?

The chair recognizes Armpit.

I move that we refer this matter
to another committee.

-Ha ha ha!
-All in favor?



-Ha ha ha!

Aw, those guys!

Where the hell is that clue?

God, I wish there was
some way we could win!


You're two under par.

If you keep this up.
you get a free game.

You idiot.

Come on, Lavitus! Send it down!


Look at that!


All right!

Got it!



All right!

What is it with Leon
and musical instruments?

First it's pianos
and now xylophones.

"Look at xylophones initially."

That's it!


The secret to this clue
is the word "initially."

You have to look at the initials
of the words.

that's the abbreviation...

for the L.A.
International Airport.

-Come on, Marvin. Let's go.
-But what about 5:30 A.M.?

We'll figure it out on the way!

We're out of gas!

Hey, you guys,
stop following us!

That's not fair!

Aw, shove it, you big ape!

OK, guys, we gotta figure out
the rest of this clue.

Now, what's 5:30 A.M. mean?

5:30 in the morning?

Nah, it's only 2:30 now.

"Airport info, 5--"

Shut up, Barf, and help me
figure out the clue!

Of course, 5:30 AM!

We found it, men!
Turn on your radios!

And there is
limited five-minute parking...

in the green zone.

Bus service is available
near the west entrance--

Greetings, teams.
This is Leon!

In case I've got you
running around in circles...

you might want to know
that the clue can be found...

in terminal number three.

P.A... Flight 711
now arriving from New York.

Please, gentlemen,
accept our humble literature.

Leave us alone! What's
the matter with you lunatics?

Please, take a brochure.
It is free.

We don't want any
of your humble literature!

You guys better
get out of our way!

Stand back, men!

All right, we'll take one!

Come on, men!

Hello, Leon? This is Irving.

Your first team
was just by here.

Yeah. Bunch of skinny kids
with glasses.

How's everything
at Game Control?


Nah. Nobody else
has shown up yet.

Flight 713
now arriving from New York.

Let's go!

Come on.

Blade, will you come on?

Please, sir,
won't you accept our--

Get out of my way!

Flight 713 now arriving...

OK, let's try splitting up.

Laura and I'll go this way,
you guys try that way.


Adam, there's something
I want to talk to you about.


It's about your brother.

Adam, he's not such a bad kid
once you get to know him.

Scott? You haven't been
living with him...

for fifteen years
like I have.

All he ever does
is cause trouble...

and do things
he knows will make me mad.

That's just the point.
He's only doing all that...

so that you'll give him
some attention.

Get away, get away.

Please, sir,
won't you reconsider...

-Leave me alone!
-and accept our literature?

It is said.
"he who does not--"

I said, leave me alone, Kojak!

Boy, Harold,
have a cow, why don't you?

Hey, look,
it's a picture of Leon!

"His holiness says:
'you're off your rocker...

"'if you don't look
inside the locker."'

It's a locker!

Look out!

Look out!


Will you give me that?

Heh. It's easy.

Well, what is it?

It's a lookout off some road
or something.

It means...

Cherry Point.

How'd you get that?

Well, there's one of a chair.

That's a chair.

One of an "E."

That's "E."

Now, the pin--
that's "point."


Cherry point.

What about the ball?

You idiot!

Of course.



Pinball city!

All right!

Hey, everyone! Over here!

Hey, come on!

What's up, Flynch?

The bearded lady.

Cute, Leon. Very cute.


Now...now! Fire now!

Move it up!
Up, up, up, up!

Oh, come on, get it!

Adam, come on!


Change, please.

I scared you, didn't I?

Ha ha ha!

Harold, where are you going?

We can't just keep driving
around in circles all night.

Let's see, "E"...




Ha ha. Easter bunny.

Easter parade--

-Shut up!
-Ha ha ha ha!

Come on, Flynch.

Slow down,
you're going too fast.



Here. Marvin, give it a shot.

OK, I'll try.

Take it real easy.

OK. Scott, what's so funny?

You guys are lame.

What do you mean?

I played that machine
every Saturday of my life.

-I can win it in one try.
-You can? Well, come on.

No way. What do I look like,
a nerd or something?

I got some pride, you know.

Scott, I saw what happened
at miniature golf.

I'm really sorry.

But now's your chance
to show Adam your stuff.

Nobody here can play that game
as well as you can.

You can show Adam.
You can show all of us.


Great, come on.

Nice try, Marvin.
We got four quarters left.

OK, team. We're saved.

Meet the "Star Fire"
world champion.

Laura, this is important.

Hey...go to it, champ.

OK. Ahh!

Fire your laser.

You got him! All right!

That's fantastic!

You got him!


Hey, look!

Greetings. Earth people.


The finish line
is somewhere...

in the Bonaventure Hotel.

All right! We got it!

-Come on!

Come on, you guys.
We gotta get going.

Let's go!



Every five minutes.
he's gotta cause trouble.

Well, if he wants
to leave, let him.

I've had it. Let's go, Marvin.

Adam, don't you realize your
brother swallowed his pride...

and helped us win that game
just so you'd notice?

What are you doing?

I'm going after your brother.

He'll be all right.

Come on.
We can still win the game.

I'm not driving.

Hey. Flynch. Th-they--

You guys are crazy.

After all the work
we've done...

We can still win the game!

Adam, the game doesn't matter.

Don't you see? Scott's
always causing trouble...

because that's the only time you
ever pay any attention to him.

Right now,
your brother needs you.

Needs me?

Scott? The only thing
he needs me for...

is so he can have
someone to bother.

And I suppose
it's too much bother...

for you to remember
Scott's birthday!

We won!

Greetings. Earth people.


The finish line
is somewhere...

in the Bonaventure Hotel.

-The Bonaventure!
-The Bonaventure Hotel!

Well, men, think we can keep 'em
from beating us to the hotel?

All right!
The Bonaventure!

Get out of our way,
you big slugs.

Girls, you're looking
at the Meat Machine.

No one's been able
to penetrate our front line...

for the last 22 games.

Ha ha ha ha!

-Take cover!




All right! I think it's time...

we all started acting
like adults!

Let's all sit down
and discuss this calmly...

rationally, and intelligently!



All I want to know is
where's the damn finish line?

I know where
the finish line is.




Scott, where are you?

It's no use.

Pizza man's here!

-Hey, pizza!

Hey, pizza!

Pizza's on me!

That's him!
Arrest him this instant!


What's going on here?

13-L-21, come in.

Hey, isn't that an old 240-B?

They used to use these
in all the old squad cars.

Does it still work?

Uh, yeah. In fact.
I just used it...

for one of the clues
in my Great All-Nighter.

Great All-Nighter?

Uh-huh. Allow me to explain.

This is the city.

I'm sorry, Laura.

Come on, you guys.
Let's go find my brother.

-All right!
-All right!

Come on, kid.

You were gonna tell us
where the finish line is.

You don't owe
your brother anything.





I'll handle this.

The situation requires
a delicate touch.

Hey...ha ha!
Tell you what, tiger.

You tell us where
the finish line is...

and I'll let you drive
the van there, OK?


The Bonaventure Hotel!

Barf, Melio!

Show the little fellow
our gratitude.



Aw, Scott.

Adam, I told Harold's team
where the finish line is.

They're gonna win.

It's OK, Scott.
I'm just glad you're back.

-Scott, oh!

Come on, men!

Hey, here it is!
Hey, who's the wise guy?

Quick, give me a nickel!

How do you like that, Lavitus?

Ha ha! Those stupid
imbeciles can run around...

behaving like wild barbarians
all night for all I care!

we'll get the clue!


Oops! Ha ha ha!

-Let's go, men!

Come on, men,
let's get outta here!

Ha ha ha!

Little Harold!
Little Harold!

We have to go back
for little Harold!

No way, Lucille!
We're finally in the lead.

I'm not going back
for anything.

Oh, but, honeybuns,
that doll means a lot to me!


No way! Uh-uh!

You big meanie!

Yeah! You big fat meanie!

All I wanted was a doll...


Listen, let's go back
to my house for some coffee.



You know, there's just
one thing that bothers me.

What's that?

Out of all the other teams,
Harold's team's gonna win.

Let's go.

Oh, really?

I'm sure he missed you,
too, Harold.

To the Bonaventure Hotel!

And you did all
the rewiring yourself, huh?

Yeah, he did. Show him, Leon.

It was great.

It's really a nice Job.

You big ape! Do your duty!



arrest this woman.

All right, lady. Let's go.

You and your debaters.
I can't stand them!

This is all
your team's fault, Donna!

Now the "Star Fire"
game's destroyed...

And my squad has no way
to get the clue!

Oh, yeah? Well, at least...

your stupid squad
has your stupid mopeds!

We may have the clue.
but our truck is ruined!

Yeah? Well, you deserve it!

We deserve it? Who calls
anybody a squad anyway?

One of these days, Donna.
you're gonna push me too far!

I beg your pardon!

Excuse me, but there may be
a logical solution here.

If our team and their team
were to make a deal...


Yeah, they make
a smaller moped...

but there's nothing like having
one of these mean machines...

between your legs.

Come on, Mother!
We're moving Game Contnrol...

down to the Bonaventure Hotel
for the big finish!

Hey, follow me, everybody!

I know the quickest way there.

You have the right
to remain silent...


Anything you say can and will
be used against you...

in a court of law.
You have the right...

to have an attorney present
during questioning.

Hey, we'd better
check this out!

Come on! Come on,
let's follow them!

What about the old bag?

Dump her in the back seat.
We'll take her along.

OK, come on, lady.
Move it, move it.


All right! Aah! Aah!

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

I believe you have
a room reserved...

for a Mr. John Smith and party.




It's only a double.

The teams'll be
arriving pretty soon...

so let's set up
right over here.

Yeah, it shows even
a level to the lobby.

This is where we are.

Oh, boy, look at that!

Doesn't it look terrific?

Let's go!

-The clue!

Do you have
a reservation?


I'm sorry. Are you guests
at the hotel?

It's not here. Come on.

Please, no, Gentlemen...

Here, try this on.

Your team's gonna lose.

Oh, yeah?
We'll see what happens.

Bikers. Hell's Angels--
they're taking over the lobby.

There they are.

Code 6.

Get 'em out of here.


I'll get my lawyer on this!

Will you stop it?
Leave me alone!

And don't let them back in.

Good morning.
Mrs. Killingsworth.

So nice to have you
with us again.

And, Pierre, he's always
such a perfect gentleman.

Your usual room, 2341.

Front, please.


Aw, we don't need that.
Give me these bags.

Give me the little ones.
All right.

-Boys, you need the key.
-All right, move along, lady.

-Move along, move along.
-Who hired you?

Young man,
what's the matter with you?


Ohh! Ohh!



Thank you very much, ma'am.
Enjoy your stay.

They're dressed
as maids and bellboys.

Go get 'em.


-Come on!

Ha ha! Ooh!


Oh, cut it out.

Come on, you guys,
use your passkeys.

Let's check all the rooms.


Oh, sorry.

Excuse me.

Hurry up!
Faster, faster, faster!

Over this way!
Get out of the way, lady!

Hello, Leon?
I can't believe it.

All of the teams are here.
every one of them.

The teams showed up.

Thank you for your report,
Mr. Thorpe.

You're doing a fine job.

What's going on?

Details which
might be a little trouble.

I don't know
what's happening here.

Hold the fence.


Would you page someone
for me, please?


Paging Mr: Players.

Mr. Game Players...

please pick up
a hotel courtesy phone.

Move it!

Look at the pool area...

and I mean this expressly.

Hey, come on, you guys.

All of the teams are now
on their way to the pool area.

Would you be so good
as to point that out to them?

Oh, sure, Leon. Right here.



There--there's a bunch
of hooligans up here...

ruining your hotel.

If you want to catch them.
you come up to room 2704.

Thank you.
I'll round up my men.

Adam, what's the matter?

"And I mean this expressly."

Expressly--that's it!
Come on!

They must know something.

This has got to be it.

Here it is.


Hey, get off it, Donna.
We were here first.

We were here first!

Let me have a word with Donna.
Heh heh heh!



- Huhh!
- Aah!

Aah! Aah!






What is it, Adam?
What are we looking for?

I don't know...

but I know it has something
to do with this elevator.

Look, Room 2704. That's it!

-That's it!

We did it, we did it!
All right!

Room 2704. That's it!
That's the finish line!

Barf, press the button
for the 27th floor.

There isn't one.

Good morning.

Heh heh heh.

Room 2704.

We'll throw them all out.

Over here.

Come on!


All right!

-We did it! We're going to win!
-I don't believe it!

Nothing can stop us now.

-Oh, no.
-Oh, no! Wait a minute!

What's going on?

Hey, come on, now.

Well, pull the doors open.

Get them open.

Open these doors!

Ha ha! I'm a genius.


Let us out!

They can't hear us!

We're stuck
in this elevator! Help!

What are we going to do?

There's got to be a way out.



this is the manual override.


I might be able to jimmy it...

if we had some wire.

But we don't.


Hey, wait a minute.


-All right.

Come on, come on.

That's good.

Why'd this have to happen?

All right!

-We did it!

You really shouldn't
have gone all night...

without eating, Harold.

It takes away
all of your energy.

Ha ha! Whoo!

Going down?


Back off, Adam!

There's no way in this world
I'm gonna let you win this game.


Turn on the water.


Blaylak, that was funny.

Hey, Blaylak.
let me buy you a drink.


Hey, I thought
you liked to drink.

Get 'em all.

Yeah, all right!

Yeah, all right!

Yeah, if you ever want
to go for another spin...

just let old Wesley know.

Can I have
everybody's attention, please?

May I please have
everyone's attention?

Adam and the members
of your team...

it gives me great pleasure
to award you with--


Yeah, and we're going to have
to call your father.

Oh, officer.
his number is 347-1347.

Let me jot that down.

Aah! Aah! Aah!


Harold, your diet!

Harold, your diet!

Harold, your diet!

Harold, your die--


Come see
how good a night can be

Are you ready
for a brand new game?

A brand new game

Come take a chance
and play with me

And you're never gonna
be the same

When midnight madness

Starts to get to you

Doesn't matter
what you say

Doesn't matter
what you do

You gotta play

Just when you think
you've had your fun

And you're ready
to say good night

Don't say good night

You'll find the fun
has just begun

'Cause the game's
gonna last all night

When midnight madness

Starts to get to you

Doesn't matter
what you say

Doesn't matter
what you do

You gotta play

Just when you think
you've had your fun

And you're ready
to say good night

Don't say good night

You'll find the fun
has just begun

'Cause the game's
gonna last all night

When midnight madness

Starts to get to you

Doesn't matter
what you say

Doesn't matter
what you do

When midnight madness

Starts to get to you

Doesn't matter
what you say

Doesn't matter
what you do