Mark of the Vampire (1935) - full transcript

After Sir Karell Borotin is found dead in his study, drained of his blood, the local doctor determines that he was killed by a vampire. The coroner and police Inspector Neumann dismiss the suggestion but a year later, Sir Karell's daughter is attacked and bite marks are found on her throat. Neumann calls in the eminent Professor Zelin who thinks the story of vampires is true. The locals are convinced that Count Mora and his daughter Luna are the perpetrators of the crime, creatures of the night that can turn themselves into bats. There may be another solution however and the Professor sets a trap.

[Villagers singing
mournful tune]

[Praying in
foreign language]

Hyah! Hyah! Hyah!

Hyah! Hyah! Hyah!







[Wolf howls]

I'm sorry,
gentleman and lady,

but it will be best
for you to stay here

Come now, my good man.
You can't frighten us.

We've been over
your foul roads before.

Please, you do not

It is not the road.
It is the darkness.

Here our doors

are protected
with bat thorns.

What is all this
bat Thorn business?

It keeps them out.

They're afraid of it--
the demons of the castle.


[Knocking furiously]

Oh, uh, good evening.

It's a lovely


Well, doctor,
for one who is not
afraid of the dark,

you have been pushing
your horse pretty fast.

you know horses.

Once they get
started for home,
there's no stopping them.

Oh, I admit, I was
a bit impatient--

I mean, hungry--for one
of your wonderful meals.

Yes. The vampires
are hungry, too,
for their supper.

Oh! Tut-tut.
Nonsense. Rubbish.

Vampires. Nonsense.

I won't keep you waiting.
I'll be right out
for my supper.

He can tut-tut
all he likes
about vampires,

but I'd hate to be
on a farm needing
his help tonight.

What is all this
about vampires?

and this castle?

where they live--
in their coffins,

and they come out
at night and drink
people's blood.

Ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Silly superstition.

You would not laugh
if you lived
in these mountains.

Fancy, Ronny,
vampires in
the 20th century.

Ripping. They'll
never believe that
at the club.

foreign language]

She says please
do not mock

if the vampires
should hear you,

they will take
their revenge

on all of us.

[Speaking foreign language]

Woman: Did you find out
what was the matter?

Man: Baron Otto
is coming.

Baron Otto: One minute.
I have something to say to you.

I'm the bearer
of very sad tidings.

Last night your master,
sir karell, was murdered.

[Servants murmur]

There's no cause for alarm.

Get up on your feet.

Police inspector neumann
from Prague

is upstairs now
with the body.

He'll be down here shortly
to question all of you.

Now, tell him the truth,
and nothing can happen to you.

That's all. You can go back
to your work.

In the university
of Prague,
there are records,

documents that prove
the existence
of these creatures.

Dr. Doskil, I'm not
interested in your
old wives' tales.

I'm trying to find
the cause of
sir karell's death.

But you have it
right here--

little wounds
on his throat

are the bite
of the vampire.

Jan, you said--

I have seen such marks
in these parts.

Sir karell dismissed you
at 9:15 last night.

Yes, Mr. Inspector.

Then what were you
doing down here
this morning at 3:30?

I don't know.
I couldn't sleep.

A bat was fluttering
against my window,

and I felt
something was wrong.

A bat made you
feel that way?

Yes, sir--no, sir.

I don't know.

Now, you...

Why didn't you come
to the castle at once
when jan telephoned?

Because jan told me
sir karell was
already dead.

Does your
medical license
admit jan

to certify
to the death
of your patients?

No, no.
Of course not.

But it was night,
and I realized there
was nothing I could do.

Oh, I see. You're
no moonflower.

a morning glory.

Now, if there's
enough daylight

to bring out
the physician
in you,

make a thorough
examination of the body

for the cause of death--
real, not supernatural.

Here, jan, give
the doctor a hand.

Why, the idea!

I'll get your wrap,
my dear.

We'll step over
to my place.
You've eaten nothing.

Oh, the very thought
of food. I couldn't.

But, irena, you must
conserve your strength.

Man: Yoo-hoo!

It's fedor.

I'll tell him.

No. No, thanks.

Fedor: Yoo-hoo!


Oh! Where have you been?
I've been making enough
noise to raise the dead.

Oh, don't, fedor.

Well, what's wrong, dear?
What's happened?

Fedor, father...


Oh, you poor darling.

This young man,
tell me something
about him.

Who? Fedor?
Miss borotyn's fiance,
Mr. Vincenty from Prague.

His family--wealthy?

Moderately. Why?

With sir karell
out of the way,

miss borotyn
will come into quite
a bit of money.

Surely you can't
suspect fedor.

What are
miss borotyn's
immediate plans?

Why, naturally she'll
be moving next-door
to my place,

I being her guardian.

Oh. Her guardian.

Why, yes.

And being
her guardian,

naturally you'll be
the sole executor
of her estate.

Yes. Why?
What's wrong?

Oh, I see.
I'm under
suspicion, too.

In such cases,
under suspicion.

The idea of
talking to me

as though I were
one of his common

Old wives' tales!

Look for
the cause of death--

not supernatural.


Aah! What?


Well, doctor.
What have you found?

the examination fully
confirms my diagnosis.

Those marks are
the only sign of violence.

Had sir karell
been ailing of late?

No. On the contrary,
he enjoyed good health,

except for a slightly
sluggish heart.

You prescribed
for that?


Ah. Well, I shall
want an autopsy.

Of course
that will be done,

but I am positive
the cause of his death

is told by
those little wounds.

Surely, doctor,
a man of your

does not believe
in vampires.

Then how do you

for his body being
drained dry of blood?

Yes, Mr. Coroner,

and tonight farmer narotni
was found dead in the road.

Count mora and his daughter
were seen again near
the castle.

Oh. Piffle!

Dr. Doskil.


You have
examined the body
of this farmer, too.

I did. Ahem.
The corpse was
drained of blood.

There were the same
marks that I found
on sir karell's throat.

And you have seen
this count mora
and his daughter?

No, sir.
When I saw them,

they was in form
of bats.

These poor, deluded
creatures believe

that vampires change
themselves into bats

and back again
into human form.


Really, Mr. Coroner.

deluded creatures."
Oh, I must protest.

I hold a degree from
the medical faculty

sit down.
Of the univers--

do you want to
make your township

and this court

Forget your absurd
old superstitions.
This is 1934.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I think that under
existing circumstances,

the decision of
this inquest must be

that sir karell borotyn
met his death

from cause or causes

[Women singing]

Darling, they're doing
all this for you.

Doesn't it make you


Why, dear,
you're crying.

please drive on.

I'm sorry, dear.
I didn't mean
to make you sad.

Forgive me, fedor,
for being so moody,

but seeing them
all dancing

suddenly brought it
all back...

How father
used to tell me that
at my wedding feast,

all the villagers
and peasants

from miles around
would come,

and they'd
sing and dance.

Oh, fedor...

He had it
all planned.

Now he isn't here.

Darling, I'll always
try to make you

as happy as your father
wanted you to be.

The villagers and peasants
would be quite satisfied
with wine of the country.

It is just
what sir karell
would have done.

Yes, sir,
but for one thing.

What's that?

He would have had
the wedding feast
at the castle.

Come, jan.
Do you think
miss irena could bear

to go back there after
that dreadful tragedy?

I suppose not, sir,

but it's
heartbreaking to see
the place neglected,

rain and sleet
entering through
the broken windows.

I know how you feel.

Recheck your list.
Be sure we've got
enough of everything.

But you must remember,
life goes on, my dear.

Your father wouldn't want
these days of all days
to be clouded for you.

I know. I feel ashamed
of the way I acted
with fedor last night,

but it all seemed to
sweep over me again.

Well, no more of that,
young lady.

If I remember correctly,
we have a wedding
to prepare for.

Irena: Fedor!

Fedor! Oh, darling,
what's the matter?
Annie, some water, quick!

What is it, fedor?
What happened
to you?

I don't know.
I can't remember.

I was running
to the train,

and then
by the castle
I fell.

I...i must have
struck my head.

Oh, you poor dear.
Here. Drink this.

Fedor, you say you
fell by the castle?

When I came to,
it was dawn.

I was too weak
to move.

I just lay there.

It seems...

It seemed hours
before I was able

To drag myself here.

Irena: Annie,
the doctor, quick.
Dr. Doskil.

Fedor, those wounds--
like father's!

Annie: Aah! Vampires! Vampires!
Let me out of here!

[Soft, ghostly moaning]

[Bats squeaking]

Man: Hyah!


Aah! Slow down!


Are you trying
to kill me?

Let go. Let go.

Slow down! Slow down!
I'm not going to be
upset in no ditch!

And I'm going to tell
the baron how you've
been beating his horse.

It's all your fault,
taking so much time
over your beer.

I told you
we had to get home
before sunset.

Why afraid
of the dark?

The darkness
won't hurt us.

If you wake up
dead in the morning

your body drained
dry of blood,

you'd be afraid
of the dark.

Afraid of the dark.

[Woman screams]

Oh! Oh!

protect us!

Oh, heaven!
I've been a good girl.

I've been a good girl
all my life.
Don't let her get me.

[Branch cracks]


Woman: We must see him.
Jan: But you can't
disturb him now.

Woman: He must be
told what we saw!
Jan: Once and for all,
you cannot disturb him now!

What is this?!

The castle, sir!
It's haunted, sir!
Dead people.

Shh! Jan,
close the door.

We saw them.

we did, sir.

Keep quiet.
I'll explain.

Some real-estate
from Prague--

no, no. We saw a woman,
a dead woman in her
grave clothes.

That's enough.
What you probably
saw was

one of the brokers'
clients inspecting
the castle.

The place is being
shown for rent.

Excuse me, sir.
I'm new here.

Otto: I want no more
disturbances in
this house, understand?

Yes, sir.

Miss irena
has gone through
enough excitement.

No, sir. Yes, sir.
I'll keep my tongue.

[Clock striking]

[Woman screams]

Jan: What is it?
What is it, sir?

[Woman screams]


Otto: What
happened to her?

Woman: I don't know.
I couldn't find her.

What happened?

I don't know!

I felt her deadly cold
breath on my throat.

I must have fainted.

I knew no more.

your diagnosis
is correct.

Professor zelen.

Gentlemen, I've spent
my life in the study
of, uh...

Uh, miss borotyn, will
you excuse us, please?

May we continue our talk
in another room?


Yes, sir? Yes, sir?

Go to miss borotyn.
Stay with her.

Under no circumstances
leave her.

No, sir.

Professor zelen,
why all this secrecy?

I broke off my sentence
for miss borotyn's sake.

There is no more foul

or relentless enemy of man
in the occult world

than this dead-alive creature
spewed up from the grave.

True, true.

This attack
by a beautiful woman
on miss borotyn

goes far to confirm
the legend of the castle.

Who else could it
have been but--

the daughter
of count mora.


My very own

is your advice?

We can't undo
what's been done.

Miss borotyn
is in danger
of repeated attacks.

[Knock on door]


Come in, please.

It's inspector neumann.
Excuse me.

Uh, baron Otto, I must speak
to inspector neumann
before he leaves.

Maid: Please. You
should be lying down.

Miss borotyn! [Gasp]
You must come away
from there.

I'm afraid
you treat me
like an invalid.

Maid, quick,
the doors. The windows.

I want everything closed
and fastened securely.

Every moment counts.
Run along, now.

Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.

Oh, Dr. Doskil.

There's a certain
thorny weed that grows
in these parts.

Yes, yes.
Bat Thorn.

That's it.
That's it.

I want you
to get me some,
if you will, please.

We'll have to
work fast.

The sun
will soon be down.

Very good, sir.

With my permission,
a broker in Prague
leased the castle.

Look. Look
at the signature
of the tenant.

Karell borotyn. Hmm.
Some relative, no doubt.

No, no.
It's karell himself.

What's wrong
with you, man?

Sir karell's been
dead for a year.

It's his signature,
I tell you. I know it
as well as my own.

Zelen: Ah,
inspector neumann!

Your arrival
is providential.

Baron, we need his help
in the worst way.

Inspector, miss borotyn
has been attacked
by a vampire.

Well, I suppose
coming from you
this is no joke.

But you know
I don't believe
in such things.

Why have you sent
for me?

Why were you
in bringing me
down here?

Please, professor.
No argument.

I can't stand
any more of this.
I'm too excited.

I beg your pardon,

Sorry, baron.

I'll tell you why
I brought you here,

I thought you'd
help me uncover
the truth.

Why, the facts speak
for themselves.

There have been
3 attacks.

Sir karell is dead.

Miss borotyn
and her fiance lie
within the shadow

of worse than death.

The vampire
is a pestilence
that grows.

Each victim
that it kills

itself becomes
a vampire.

A corpse by day,

at night it leaves
its coffin

to sustain
its unnatural life

on the blood
of the living.

Inspector, we must
protect this house
with bat Thorn

to prevent
their entrance.

Baron, I have sent
for a supply.

If you
will pardon me,

I'll see if it's

Inspector, do you
really think--

zelen: Miss borotyn,
you should not be
down here.

You must not disregard
my warnings.

But I heard a voice...
Outside, calling me.

It's your weakened
condition, child.

No. No, it sounded
like father.
Father's voice.

Come. I'll take you
back to your room.

Did you hear
what she said?

Her father's


I place
no stock in it.

His signature...

His signature
on that lease.

Now, don't you
start believing
that nonsense.

Dead people don't
leave their graves.

But, inspector,
we must make sure

that sir karell's
body is still
in its coffin.

Irena: Fedor, you're
not well enough. You promised me
not to come tonight.

Fedor: What are you trying
to keep from me?
Who is this man?

Oh, I'm sorry.

Professor zelen.

Mr. Vincenty.

You've been so ill, dear,
we thought it best
not to let you know,

but now that
you're here--

please, please.
You'll overtax
your strength.

Mr. Vincenty,

miss borotyn
must be spared
all excitement.

She's passed through
a terrible ordeal.

Like you,
she was attacked
by the vampire.

The vampire?!

She must have rest.

Fedor: She'll get rest.
I'm taking her away
from here tonight--now.

Mr. Vincenty,
if you interfere
with my plans,

if you disobey me,
my work will
be destroyed,'s not only
your lives,

your souls
are at stake.

We must all die.
There's nothing
terrible about death.

But to live on
after death,

a soul earthbound--

a vampire--

you don't wish
any such fate
for your beloved.

Fedor: No.
Of course not.

Of course not.
Then you must
leave with me.

I'm not
leaving here.

Please, dear.
Do as he says.

I'm so tired.

Good night.

Zelen: Maid! Maid!

Come here, please.

Yes, sir? Yes, sir?

I want you
and the Butler

to place some
of this bat Thorn

in every room
on this floor,
you understand?

Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

Go along.

Come, young man.

Aah! Don't do that.

He wants
some of this put

in every room
in the house.

Yes. You.

No. We.

The vampire's
power prevails
during the hours

between sunset
and sunrise, when it
leaves its coffin--

[door opens]

Otto: Professor...

We've just come
from sir karell's tomb.

The coffin was empty.

[Jan babbling]

[Maid screaming]

[Banging on door]


Irena! Irena!

Fedor! Fedor!

Fedor: Darling,
what happened?

Irena: Oh, my dear!

Stop gibbering.
What are you
trying to say?

Maid: It was terrible!
It was awful!

Zelen: Quiet, please.
One at a time.

Speak up.
Tell me
what happened.

Yes. We were told to put
some of the bat Thorn
in every room.

We'd just come out
of that door and
started down the hall...

It's a horrible

I wish he'd hung
the beastly stuff up

We'll get it
over with--

[Maid screams]

H-he was there,
coming towards us!

Yes, yes! He had
a white face...

A dead-white face

with burning eyes

and a ghastly wound
on his head.

Zelen: It was
count mora.

Yes! Yes!

Have you been

No. No, sir.

If I have,
I hope to choke
on the next one.

This is no time
for levity.

The vampire,

he is still somewhere
within this house.

Young man, place some
bat Thorn at this door

and lock it securely.

Fedor: Yes, sir.

Maid, Butler,
search the rooms

at that end
of the house.

You mean...
G-go into those rooms?

Yes, you idiot!

Inspector: Hurry!

Baron Otto, we must
drive him out of here.

Quick, inspector,
we must search
the rooms at this end.

Zelen: In that room, baron.

Quick, inspector.
We've no time to lose.


Jan: Maria,
don't leave me!


Otto: Inspector,
what is it?

He got through
the window.

Zelen: Baron! Inspector!
Come here.

Please. Quick.

Inspector: What
is it, professor?
What is it?

Zelen: Look.

Was that he...

The last one?


Sir karell--
her father.

Her father?

Why, yes.
Didn't you find
his coffin empty?

No, no. I can't
believe that.

I won't
believe that.

Inspector, please hurry.

Place this at these doors.
I'll attend to the others.

Otto: Professor.

Baron, a moment.

Baron, there are
things going on
in this house

that I don't like.

What do you mean?

This weed. The way
the professor's

I don't like it.

And I'm bewildered.
I no longer know
what to think.

Irena: I'm afraid, fedor...
Afraid to close my eyes.

Fedor: There's nothing
to be afraid of.

We'll be here with you
watching over you.

No, no, no.
We must go.

We can't remain here.
She must have quiet.

She must have sleep.
Her exhausted body
demands it.

Miss borotyn, the maid
will be here with you.

But I dread
every moment between
now and morning.

Dismiss all fear
from your mind.

The room is quite
safe now.

[Bats squeaking]

[Somber organ music playing]

The organ.
That music. He was
always at the organ.

Sounds like it comes
from the dead.

This window.

It's sir karell.

Are you sure?
Are you sure
it's sir karell?


Midnight will soon
be spent and nothing

Are we going to
sit here and think,
or are we going
to do something?


Inspector: Oh!

If sir karell--

I still maintain
miss borotyn's
the only one

who can influence
her father.

Are you mad?

Good heavens, no!
Can't you

She mustn't
even know
her father's there.

Of course not!

or no vampires,
I'm going to--

what are you
going to do?

Call headquarters
for help.

Yes. Surround the place.
Set fire to it.


An army of police,
a hurricane of bullets
would do no good.

You seem to forget
that during the hours
of darkness,

the vampire
can't even be harmed,
let alone destroyed.

If they can't
be destroyed, then
we're wasting time.

I didn't say they
couldn't be destroyed.

They can.

By day, the vampires
must return

to the ground in which
they were buried--

or else find shelter
in some accursed retreat.

It is then
they are powerless.

Otto: Then we must leave
at daybreak.

It's our chance to
get away from here.

What? And leave
these monsters here

to continue their work
of destruction?

It would be cowardice.

What else
is there to do?

Search for them.
Find their
corpselike bodies.

It is in that state,

and that state only,
they can be destroyed.

Their heads
must be severed
with one clean stroke

and a sprig of bat Thorn
placed within
the gaping wound.

Otto: We would be crazy
to attempt what you're planning.

I'll never do it.

In the morning,
we're leaving.

I agree
with you.

Yes? Yes.


In 3 hours,
it will be daylight.

Oh, thank heaven
the house

is well-protected
for the night.

Come, gentlemen,
let's go to bed
and get some rest.

[Door closes]

I had gone to bed
as you said.

I laid here
for hours trying
to go to sleep,

but I was restless.
I couldn't.

Then I heard Maria
leave the room.

Why did you
leave the room?
You had your orders.

To get some coffee
to keep me awake.

Ah, you fool.

But after Maria
left the room,
then what happened?

I heard a sound,
like wind
at the casement.

I felt a draft.
Then I saw her,

just as she was
on the terrace.

I fought to keep
my eyes open,
but they closed.

I felt again
that deadly cold breath.

The horror of it...

Made me feel faint.

There, there,
my child.

That young man--
go to him. Hurry.

That cross
I told you to wear.

Maid, get it

Put it about
her neck.

Wake up!
Come on!

What? What's the matter?
What's wrong?

Fedor, are you
all right?

Something's wrong. Irena!
What's happened to her?

Mr. Vincenty,
quiet, please.

Fedor, irena,
she's been--

zelen: Shh!

Miss borotyn
is asleep.

Quick, inspector,
close that door,

Fedor: W-why
are you here?

We've been watching
through the night,

but now the dawn
is here.

We wanted to be sure
that you were safe
before we retired.

I--i feel drowsy.

I must have
fallen sound asleep.

Sound? You were
in a stupor.
We had to shake you.


Tell me.

Uh, this deep sleep,
did it refresh you?

Why, yes.
Why do you ask?

What are you doing?

I just wanted to
look at the wounds
on your neck.

That deep sleep
was unnatural.

he wasn't harmed.

When the maid
screamed out to us,

it must have frightened
the monster away.

Gentlemen, we must face
the truth,

the horrible truth.

Miss borotyn
is in their power.

To save her,
we must break the spell.

If we don't succeed
in destroying those monsters
by sundown,

we may be too late.

get into your clothes.

Come, baron!

Otto: Professor?

Professor zelen.

Uh, in here, inspector!

Have you searched


Not so much
as a Mark on
the dust-covered

It's the same
over there at the organ,

where you saw
sir karell playing.

The dust lies thick
and undisturbed.

That's what makes it
so difficult to find
the vampire's hiding place.

Well, don't let's
stand here talking.

Let's go on
looking for them.

You're quite
right, inspector.
Have you some matches?


Oh, look.

No, no, no, no, no!
Up there on the rod.


Stop, you fool!
Would you destroy
what might give us
a clue?

Inspector: Smash it!
Take no chances.

No, that would do
no good.

It's only in its own
corpselike state

that it can be


We must search
the vaults beneath
the old ruins.

Come. We have not
much time left
before sunset.

You have the matches,

Yes, professor.

[Animal squeaking]


[Door closing]


Professor zelen,
are you all right?

Otto: Professor!
Professor zelen!

Here. Please, hurry!

Quick, inspector.
Get the candle.

We must find the others.

No, no. Don't leave!
Destroy him first!

Inspector: Drop it!

Zelen: Have you
gone mad?

One more stupid act,
and we'll be lost!

Otto: Please! Please
don't leave him like this.

And expose ourselves
to the vengeance
of the others?

Why, their fury
would follow us to
the ends of the earth.

No. We must destroy them
all together.


Inspector, put
a Mark on that door

so we'll know
his hiding place.


Oh, quick. Matches.

Right here.

Zelen: Ugh!

We'll be trapped
in here. Hurry!

The sun
is going down.

I'm staying here
until you come with me.
I won't leave you.

you must go.

If you love me,
please do as I ask.



Ah! The fool!

Oh, fedor,
we're being silly.

Don't let's argue,

We'll just forget
all about it.

Now, you run along

I want to get out
of this negligee.

I haven't had
a dress on for ages.

Irena, i--i don't
understand you.

Silly boy.
What's wrong?

Last night
you were terrified,

and tonight
gay and cheerful.

Are you sorry
because I'm happy?

[Knock on door]

Yes? Come in.

Maid: Those doors! Those doors!
They shouldn't be open.

They should be closed.
The bat Thorn!

Oh, miss, you know
the professor said
that you--

go away, Maria.
Leave us alone.

It's all right,
Maria. You can go.
I'm with her.

Maria: But, mister--

Run along.

What's the matter
with everyone,

worrying about
a silly weed?

Irena, I've got to
know why you're
acting like this.

What are you hiding
from me?

Don't ask me, please.

But I have
a right to know.

There's something
wrong with you.
You're not yourself.


Look at me.

Irena, I...I feel
that I'm losing you.

Fedor, forgive me.

Forgive me
for what I'm doing.

Darling, tell me.
Tell me.

Fedor, I...

No, no. No! No!




Inspector neumann!

Inspector neumann!

Be brave, my child.

I'll try.

Man: Then go with Luna.

[Somber organ music playing]

Otto: No, no!
Don't go up.

But don't you see,
if sir karell was, in life,

the kindly, benevolent person
you describe--

your lifelong
and devoted friend--

you could go to him.
You could appeal to him.

No, no. I can't!

[Glass shatters]


Irena: Go away, fedor!
Go away! Go away!

Fedor: Irena!



is getting cloudy.

Getting cloudy.

You understand?

Getting cloudy.

You're going upstairs.

You understand?

You're going

No, no!
I can't do it.

But, miss borotyn.

I can't go on!

But you must.
You wouldn't
fail us now.

Miss borotyn!

Inspector neumann.

I can't
go through with it.

He looks so much
like father--
even his voice.

I've been willing to do
all the other things
you've asked of me,

but this...This is more
than I can endure.

But don't
you see this is
our last chance?

Everything else
has failed.

But you both said
baron Otto would
break down and confess

if we confronted him
with this gentleman
pretending to be
my father.

I know.
We all thought
our vampire scheme

was so simple,
so certain
of success.

We never thought
we'd fail.

I'm sorry.

But, miss borotyn.

After the attack
on Mr. Vincenty,

it was you who first
suspected the baron
of the crime.

We're positive
you are right,
but we lack
definite proof.

If you fail us now,
we will never know.

But to live through
those moments again,

to act as if
you were my father

alive and with me.

Don't you see
the horror of it?

It's one year ago.

One year ago.

You understand?

One year ago.

You're going to see
sir karell.

You understand?

You're going
to see sir karell.

[Door opens]

Miss borotyn,
get ready.

Baron Otto will
be here any moment.

I'm afraid you can't
count on me.

Oh, no, no, no,
my dear child.
You must be courageous.

I admit what
we're trying to do
is only an experiment,

but I feel certain
now that we have
the baron hypnotized,

he will reenact
his crime if he's guilty.

Jan: Baron Otto's
at the door, sir.

Zelen: Oh, please.
Without you
we're helpless.

I'll do my best.


Jan, I want you to do

exactly as you did
the night of the murder.

You understand?
Omit nothing.

Let him in.

[Organ playing]

Good evening, jan.

Good evening, baron.

How is
your rheumatism?

It's gone, sir,
thanks to the fine
weather we're having.

Otto: That's good.

Now we'll soon know
if my theory
is correct.

I hope you're right.

I'm anxious to know
how he drained
that body of its blood.

I've never seen you
more lovely.

Irena: Thank you,
dear baron.

No, karell,
I'm only staying
a moment.

It will do me good
to stop for a smoke.

Speaking of smoke,
that reminds me.

Those pipes I ordered
from London have come.

Yes, they came
this afternoon,
and they are beautiful.


Any 3 of them are yours.

3? I'll be
satisfied with 1.

That's like the one
you gave me
2 years ago.

Now, father,
don't work too late,
and don't forget your medicine.

I won't.

She knows you,

I know you both.

Good night,

Good night.

Good night,

Put it here
on the desk, jan.

Jan, 3 drops of this
in a glass of water.

Now, what about
the third one?

There, there, there.


Karell, I was surprised
when irena told me
this afternoon.

I thought you weren't
going to consent to
a marriage to that boy.

Now, if I weren't here,
you'd be her guardian.

What would you have done?

I would have said no.
I never would have
given my consent.

I've always hoped that
we had other plans.

What do you mean,
"other plans"?


That she would marry
someone more
worthy of her,

someone nearer
her station in life

who could give her
what she's
accustomed to.

Why, you know
she'll always have
more than enough.

Haven't I arranged
for that?

How soon
is the wedding?

Within a fortnight.

A fortnight?

Karell, will you
let me have irena's
Ruby necklace?

There may be time
to have

and earrings
made to match.

And you would have
said no?

Why, you...

You've spoiled her
since the day
she was born.

Jan, help me here.

Now, where
did I put that...


There it is,
my good friend.

Thanks, karell.
I've been keeping you
from your work long enough.

No. I'm glad
you came over.

Good night.

Good night.

Good night, jan.

Good night, sir.

Quick, get through
one of those rooms

and watch the window
on the terrace.


He thinks he's
drugged your wine.

I know. I saw him.
Jan, come here.

Tell me, did sir karell
drink the wine
before he dismissed you?
No, sir.

You're positive?


Drink it, collapse,
and then we'll see
what happens.

All right.

Put these pipes
in my room, jan.

I don't think I'll
be wanting anything
more tonight.

Very good, sir.
Good night, sir.

Good night.

Inspector: Cut!
Don't move, baron!

Look at me. Look me
in the eye, baron.

That's it.

Everything is
getting cloudy.


You understand?

You are returning...

to the present.

You understand?

You are returning...

To the present.

Zelen: Baron Otto, you're
under arrest for the murder
of sir karell borotyn.

You were very clever
in concealing the motive
of your crime.

We never dreamt it was
miss borotyn you were after.

Franz, take him out
to the car.

I don't get the idea
of his heating
the glass.

Why, to cup him with.
To cup him of his blood.

That hot glass
over the wound creates
a powerful suction.


Forgive me, fedor,
but they wouldn't
let me tell you.

They were afraid
that you wouldn't
let me go through with it.

This vampire business,
it has given me
a great idea for a new act.

Luna, in the new act,
I will be the vampire.

Did you watch me?

I gave all of me.

I was greater
than any real vampire.

Luna: Sure, sure.
But get off
your makeup.

Yes, and help me
with some of
this packing.