Mark of the Devil (1970) - full transcript

Udo Kier is a witch hunter apprentice to Herbert Lom. He believes strongly in his mentor and the ways of the church but loses faith when he catches Lom committing a crime. Kier slowly begins to see for himself that the witch trials are nothing but a scam of the church to rob people of their land, money, and other personal belongings of value and seduce beautiful women.

There are 500 crowns
to be shared among you.

I need the monk
and the youngest of the nuns alive.

With the others
you can do as you please. Go on!

Come on! Hey!

Hey! Hey!

Faster! Faster!

Hey! Hey!

Hey! Hey!

Hey! Hey!


No, no! Please!

In the name of our beloved master,
the Prince,

I proclaim to you that an attack
from the powers of darkness is planned.

It would be sinful
not to fight violence with violence.

The Devil is in all of you.

Wherever the hand
of the prosecutor points,

you must not hesitate to follow.

In the name of justice

and our secret laws

it has been decided

that the Prisoner No.1

has profaned
the celibacy of the clergy

and defiled
the sacraments of the Church,

and that this person has debauched
and blasphemed against God

and has committed sacrilege
under the eyes of our crucified Lord.

Teach him a lesson!
- He doesn't look so horny now!

Furthermore, out of this union
has issued the Accused No.2,

whose body and soul have
been dedicated to the Devil since birth.

Finally, the Accused No.3 has confessed

to illicit intercourse with the Devil
on Goat's Mountain.

Ever since then
impotence has fallen on our city

so that men and women are not able
to fulfill their marital duties.

The Accused No.1,

who committed sacrilege four times
under the eyes of our Lord,

shall have the fingers
of his right hand chopped off.

Then he shall be tarred and feathered

and chased through the streets
like an animal until he drops dead.

In the name of the Lord,
have mercy!

Strip him. That way
the women will enjoy it too.

Now for your baptism, with tar.

- Give him a nice bath!
- Pour it all on.

Now a good shampoo
for his priestly head.

This will keep your hair in place.

Now a little rinse.

The Lord forgive you.
You know not what you do.

And now the Holy Ghost
will descend on you

in the shape of lovely white doves!

He makes a nice rooster!

Go on, run! Cock-a-doodle-doo!

- Bring Prisoner No.2.
- No! No, please! No!

Now for Prisoner No.3.

Father in Heaven, save me, please.
I have never sinned against Thee.

Quiet, you witch!

Why don't you pray to the Devil?

Maybe he's better at fornicating
than saving souls.

I suppose you think
you'll be canonized for this?

- Or worshiped as a martyr?
- Father in Heaven, save me.


Oh, Father!

Father, save me!

I curse you in the Devil's name.

All of you will burn in Hell.

I swear I've never been
the Devil's mistress.

She's the one who had intercourse
with the Devil on Goat's Mountain.

He took her to his den
in the disguise of a little donkey

and then they fornicated all night long.

She's the witch!

She's the witch!

- The show is nearly over.
- Don't worry.

There'll be lots more
in this town before long.

They say a witch's burnt body
smells of sulfur.

Soon there'll be no one left in town.

Albino will be here any minute, my Lords.
He lives here in my mother's little inn.

He's attending an official function.
He's very zealous.

- Vanessa?
- Yes?

Bring some more wine.

Is he expecting you?

Clean the table.

It's good to see some real authority.

The idea of justice in this town
is like a joke.

There he is.

I am Albino.
You wished to see me.

Christian von Merou,
at your service.

Sit down.

We have an official communication
from His Highness.

Read it.

I can't read.

It's a proclamation
about Lord Cumberland's arrival.

He has been sent here
by your lord and master, the Prince,

and entrusted with the difficult task
of tracking down and punishing witches.

I am the witch finder here.

You are to report to him
upon his arrival.

I am the witch finder in this town.
ls that clear?

Witchcraft has become too widespread
for local authorities to deal with.

You will prepare rooms in the castle
for the three of us.

I shall also want to see
a full report of your activities.

I don't make up the reports personally.

I leave it to my advocate.

She's very beautiful.
A wonderful body, hasn't she?

Who are they?

The attendant and executioner
of Lord Cumberland.

That means we can prepare
for more executions.

Albino, if you got yourself
burnt like a witch,

when the hot flames start
to warm your arse,

you'll act human for a change.

You must come home, Father.

I'll come when I please.
Those fires made me thirsty.

- Well, how are things?
- I heard Lord Cumberland's arriving.

He'll see justice is done.

Like a vulture
who picks a carcass clean.

- May God protect me.
- And me too.

Cumberland is coming,
the new Lord Executioner.

- That's why I'm leaving.
- Say a prayer for those staying.

You have to get hold of documents
on the hearings and confessions.

It doesn't matter where they're from.

We haven't got any confessions.
I can't invent them just like that.

They'll want to see written reports
on the course of the trials.

That's absolutely impossible.

We never had any trials,
at least not publicly.

And there weren't any indictments,
nor were there any confessions.

All we have are the sentences,
sentences of death.

Cumberland will set things right.

When Mary was burning
she swore Rebecca was a witch.

Your last words are the truest.

I always thought
Rebecca was strange.

Whenever I walked by her
I made the sign of a cross.

Me too, and spit three times.

They say a whole town
was wiped out by Cumberland!

And with 50 children!

Nobody could be worse than Albino.

I can't wait for the day
when he burns on the funeral pyre.

Cumberland has a taste for blood.

His executioner
hasn't the best reputation either.

A real butcher.

Have you heard? He's bringing
his own executioner with him.

Yeah, Jeff Wilkens.

He's the most famous
head chopper in all of Europe.

They say he's a real bungler.

When he beheads someone,
he can't even find the throat.

I want those confessions
and I want them tomorrow morning.

But where will l...?

Even if you have to write all night,

I want to prove that those confessions
were not tortured out of people...


Here you are.

I wouldn't like to fall into his hands.

When he finishes with you
the executioner begins.

The Devil has ears too.

I enjoy a good witch-burning
every once in a while.

It's better than a boring sermon.

This town needed
a man like him, really.

Bring us some ham and bread.
I'm hungry.

In a minute.


Well, Vanessa.

So you like the young Baron?

That pansy who stinks of perfume!

I don't sleep with pigs.

I could have you denounced as a witch.

It's the only way
you could get a woman!

You will pay for that!

Stop that witch!

I accuse you
of having trampled on the Cross,

of having ridden to the Sabbath

and thrown the holy Cross
of our Saviour into manure

so that the skies grew dark
and the rain fell upon the Earth.

No, look at his face.
He is the Devil.

I swear he rapes women
before burning them.

Yes, it's true. Look, look!
Look at his face!

He is the Devil, not me.

How can you sit there like that?

I'm not a witch. I'm not a witch.
I'm not a witch!

I tell you, I'm not a witch!

And you all know that.
Why don't you do something?

Just look.

Look, the sign of the Devil
is on her mouth.

She kissed him
to bring impotence to the country.

She is a witch!


Do you hear?
She doesn't scream.

She doesn't feel pain.

Turn her around.

She is a witch!

May I see the indictment?

She's ridden to the Sabbath.

She's made love to the Devil.

She is a witch.

She's mixed frogs and toads
with her own blood.

To poison Lord Cumberland.

The indictment.

The advocate has it.

You're lying.

We found the advocate
searching for written confessions

so that he could forge reports

as you instructed him.

Is this an example of your justice,

arresting someone
without an indictment,

behaving like an animal?

There wasn't any time.
The witch would have escaped.

Ten lashes to remind him
that he serves God

and not his own desires.

Jeff Wilkens, I place him in your hands.
Do your work.



- Are you all right?
- No! No!

No! No!

That painting's nice.

From the Spanish school,

"In the lap of the mother
sits the wisdom of the father."

Do you believe I'm a witch?

Lord Cumberland will know.

Do you think I am?


You are the first person
I've ever seen oppose Albino.

I haven't opposed Albino.
I've opposed injustice.

What a beautiful room.

So this is where
Lord Cumberland will live,

the man I've heard
so many terrible things about.

He is a great man of God.

And you?

He's my teacher.

I've been studying under him
for three years.

It was he who showed me
the way to live.

I can't imagine you being so cruel.

I live to... to serve God,

to free the world from all evil.

That's the highest aim
a man can aspire to.

Suppose they called
your mother a witch, hmm?

Could you really stand by
and see her be tortured and burned?

And still believe you were right?
Could you do that?

May I sleep here?

Just for one night?

I wonder...

what it's like to wake up
in a beautiful castle.

- I'll show you to your room.
- Thank you.

Lord Cumberland will be pleased
to greet a beautiful young guest.

He still has a long journey.

I don't expect him
until the day after tomorrow.

Here. I hope you like the room.

- And where's yours?
- It lies exactly under this.

Please... what is your name?


- Sleep well, Christian.
- Thank you.

Good night.



Halt! Right turn!

- Reporting for duty.
- I am Lord Cumberland's representative.

- Who are you and what do you want?
- Captain Alexander.

I have a message from the Prince.
I am to place my men at your disposal.

I want the castle to be in perfect order
when my Lord Cumberland arrives.

You don't need houses.
The stable's good enough for you.

- Let me go!
- Talk back to me, will you?

Stop it.

Come on, you miserable bastard.

I want the indictment on Vanessa ready.

I'll put it on His Lordship's table
when he arrives.

Here are the accusations
and the sentences, my Lord.

I'll examine them later.

I'm sorry I must go home now.

Will I see you again soon?

Go to the inn, prepare some breakfast
and bring it back to me here.

I'll be back soon.

Vanessa Benedict is charged
with having intercourse with the Devil,

of witchcraft,

and will be immediately
imprisoned and tortured

until she confesses.

Now Vanessa is officially a witch.

There's an old expression:

to make a lie sound right
it also has to look right.

Here are the charges,
the evidence and the sentences,

for His Lordship,
Gadshill Cumberland,

the mightiest challenger
of devils and witches

for his approval.

- Come on!
Oh, I'm stuck!


Here, give me your hand.

- Ooh!

Would you like the same
for breakfast tomorrow?

Precisely the same menu.


It's so lovely here.

This is my truth,
what I can touch and feel.

It's wonderful.

Don't you feel it?

Answer me, Christian!

Why do you run away from me?

I don't like to hear you
talk so frivolously.

Don't you realise
the responsibilities I have?

What's wrong with saying
and doing what you feel?

When I feel happy,
not even the Devil can stop me...

Oh, I nearly fell in!

Do you care?

You know I care.

Sometimes I wish I could bewitch you.
Come here.

- Be happy.
- You mustn't say things like that.


It's so beautiful here.


Do you know you're dangerous?


My Lord.

Let's see how you dance with the Devil.
Go on, show me.

Show me how you dance
with that pansy.

I couldn't find the Devil's mark, my Lord.

Perhaps you didn't look close enough.

I did look, my Lord.

She shall go in peace,

free of the suspicion of witchcraft

and unmolested by those
who believe her to be a witch.

Thank you. Thank you, my Lord.
You're a great man.

- You're free.
- Thank you.


My Lord.

You're late.

My Lord.

Deidre von Bergenstein
has killed an embryo

and then boiled the cadaver
together with snakes and toads

into a witch's brew,
made a sign over the devilish broth

and hid it in the earth under the porch
of the convent that gave her welcome

so that Lucifer's wooden leg
could step over the threshold

and the nuns
who serve God in the convent

may receive large pus-infected swellings

on the arms
as a sign of the Devil.

The accused sorceress has already
sinned in the eyes of the Almighty,

according to my witness,
four times.

Three times.

Oh, I'm sorry, my Lord.

The three looks almost like a four.


As the accused will have to be called
to give testimony in court...

My Lord, you must hear me now.

I was expelled by the priory

because I was raped
by the Lord Bishop

and I bore his child.

Raped by the Lord Bishop?
Fancy that!

For such blasphemies
you shall first be stretched on the rack

until you confess
that this child is the Devil's.

Then you shall have your tongue
torn from your head by the roots.


I know before God
that I am innocent.

I stand before the Saviour.

He and the blessed Mary
are my witnesses.

I am innocent.

- I am innocent.
- Let me go!

Let me go! No!

Take your filthy hands off me.

Where is the indictment?

I can find no indictment.

He's lying!
The indictment is there.


What is her name?

Vanessa Benedict, my Lord.

Speak up.

Vanessa Benedict, my Lord.

And the charge?
What's the charge?

She committed illicit intercourse.
She made a pact with the Devil.

After she let the Devil fornicate with her,
putting a curse on the region,

making the men impotent.

The charge is sufficient.

Take her to a cell until the indictment
can be redrawn and examined.

It's cold in here.

See to it that it's warm tomorrow.

You know, Christian,
when autumn comes, I begin to get tired,

tired of traveling,
tired of people, of noise,

the constant screaming
down in the prisons day in, day out.

I'm getting a little deaf in one ear.

Last week a woman bit my hand.

Ah, well, just one of the hazards
of our trade, I suppose.

I hope one day
I too can possess your strength.

You're a good pupil. I'm well pleased
with your eagerness to learn.

And your intelligence.
They'll lead you ahead.

One day you too shall be
a great witch hunter,

provided you never succumb
to temptation of the flesh.

Take this...
this Vanessa for example...

She's falsely accused.
At least, that's what I thought.

Don't become soft. She is a witch.
A beautiful girl, I grant you, but a witch.

She will confess.

My Lord...

Ah, yes. You may go.

I will take charge of the young Baron.

Young Baron Daumer.

His father was killed
while hunting last year. I knew him.

Since then, it seems,
the boy's been possessed by the Devil.

As representative
of the high court which sits here

I inform you that you are now
in my charge, Baron Daumer.

In the charge of a witch finder?

No one dares accuse me of witchcraft.

It's a plot by the cardinal bishops
to murder me

so that all my estates and goods
are forfeited to the Church.

Be quiet.

You dare to accuse the Church
of murder?

No man of God
would commit such a crime.

There is no doubt about it.

There is no doubt he's possessed.

It will mean the usual:
torture and interrogation,

until he's free of this Devil.

Oh, I can't...

I can't stand it any longer.

We will see about that.

I'm innocent.

Stand up.
No rest for you yet.

You don't look so noble now.

One day these peasants will take over.

See how they delight in seeing
an aristocrat weak and in their power?

That's enough for now.
Take him away!

Get inside!

Baron Daumer, I want to help you.

If you can free yourself of this...
this evil within you.

I can save your life.

But if you continue to rebel
against the will of the Church

then I can do nothing.


you come from a fine family.

I knew your father.

When he died he left his estates
in the safekeeping of the Church...

Only until I learned a trade.

It's my inheritance from my father.

- It's mine.
- Yes, yes, yes, yes.

But you must give up worldly goods.
Surely you understand.

Sign everything over to the Church
and I promise you your life.

Otherwise I...

I must denounce you
as a sorcerer,

and have you executed.

Try. Try hard
to fight the Devil within you.

It makes no difference.

If you are executed as a sorcerer,

your money passes
to the Church anyway.

That's enough.

I said stop.

All right now.

It's your sacred duty to tell us the truth.

Name just one accomplice
and the executioner will stop the torture.

Confess that you have
been guilty of witchcraft.

Who taught you the evil science
of creating impotency?

I'll tell you.

It was the robber who digs up
the corpses at the cemetery at night,

makes oil of the bones
and lights her witch's fire with it.

Go on.

Lets owls and other dead birds boil

and makes her witch's brew out of it.

- Have you drunk from it?
- Yes.

- How many times? Tell us.
- Often, very often, yes.

When and where did you meet the Devil
for the first time?

Yes, yes.

Yes, yes.

No! The Devil, yes, the Devil.

- Pray, my dear. Pray and free yourself.
- In the monastery.

When the Bishop threw me naked

into a rat's hole
in the cellar of the monastery.

- You're lying!
- Yes, the Bishop.

Stretch a little more.

I'm getting tired of this.

The whole responsibility's
on my shoulders.

If I weren't around...

There'd be someone else
to do the dirty work.

- Nice view, huh?
- Yes.

All right, open up, you love birds.

- Nice.

Very nice.

Deidre von Bergenstein,

you stand condemned to death
by burning at the stake.

Confess and save your soul.

I have nothing to confess.

Then you must die.

In front of death...

I thank you for your mercy,

for having me freed
from the terrible agony...

of torture.

May God have mercy on your soul.

We must not let her die yet.
I want confessions, not corpses.

She must confess
that this child of hers is the Devil's,

not the Lord Bishop's.

Get me a confession.

Where is Christian?

You won't let him see me, will you?

He won't turn against God
for you, a mere woman.

- I'll see to it.
- ls that why you pretend I'm a witch?

- I know what you are.
- And I know what you are.

The advocate has come
to tell you something about Albino.

I felt it my duty, my Lord.

I felt it my duty as a Christian
to report the matter.

He burst into a house
to rape a poor young girl.

He'd been drinking a great deal
and one of his soldiers killed the boy.

It was Albino who arrested Vanessa.

Instruct him to come to me this evening.

The man who killed the boy
must be arrested and tried for murder.

Yes, my Lord.

- You're tired already, eh?
- Been here since morning.

Give it another twist.


The sooner you confess,
the sooner your pain will stop.

No confession yet.
She's still talking about the Bishop.

- The tongue.

- Father, how are you?
- Well, my Lord.


We must never weaken
in performing God's work.

Yes, my Lord.

For those
who turn against our Saviour

no punishment is sufficient.


Christian, you know I'm not guilty.

I didn't do anything.

You know I'm not a witch.
I'm innocent.

If you are truly innocent,

then God will show his mercy
by proving it.

I'm not a witch.
Tell him, please!

Christian, please tell him!

What my Lord says is true.
If you are innocent, then he will know.

Can you only see through his eyes?

Can you be so blind?

Why should this girl know you by name?

The girl was falsely accused...

I believed she was falsely accused
and l...

- I felt sorry for her.
- What was that?

I felt sorry for her, my Lord.

- Sorry for a witch?
- Sometimes I find it hard to...

The work of our Saviour is always hard.

Sit down.

Let's talk about it.

You're very silent.

I wonder what my reaction
would have been

had my mother
been accused of witchcraft.

God's will is greater than that of man.

- More wine?
- No, thank you.

Sometimes I feel weak,

confused even.

I hate to admit this to myself.

Now I'm admitting it to you.

We understand each other, hmm?

As long as you confide in me,
I will give you strength.

Come in.

My Lord, you wish to see me.

- I wish you good night.
- We shall talk further about this.

You were drunk.
A boy was stabbed to death.

There's been too much of this.

Too much injustice
through ignorance or lust.

For two years I have been
the witch finder in this town.

Me, Albino.

- Now you have come.
- Yes, I have come.

The day of the local witch finder is over.

As from tonight,
I relieve you of your authority.


You may go.

- I am a man, like you.
- I asked you to go.

I may not be educated
but I'm not stupid.

This Baron Daumer,
I know he's here and why.

We could work together,
divide the money, yes?

I've burnt people in God's name too.

You don't have to pretend to me.

What about the women?

When they're tortured,
don't you thrill to it?

You're a man, like me.

You only use God's name
for your own ends.

We could work together.

We'd share everything,

the women, and the money
from Baron Daumer's death.

I can show you
where there are beautiful women.

- Guard!
- I was witch finder here for two years.

- You can't fool me.
- I can hang you.

I spit on your God.
I am the witch finder, me, Albino.

You have me arrested
and I'll make you the laughing stock.

Tear out my tongue
but before you do I'll make them laugh.

I'll tell them you rape women,
you burn innocent people,

that you kill for money,
that you're impotent.

You're no witch finder.

You're dirt.

Go home and don't dare to come back...

Bury him.

In the sight of Almighty God,

you, Sister Deidre, having confessed
to making a pact with the Devil...

Condemn to death by burning.
May God have mercy on her soul.

We need your signature
on the decree, my Lord.

In the name of Almighty God
and eternal justice

this person stands condemned
for committing blasphemy

and having illicit intercourse
with the Devil.

Confess, save your souls.

Witches, sorcerers, confess!

Confess, confess, confess!

Confess, you scum!

No water!

Forfeit your worldly goods to the Church,
save your soul.

You say I'm possessed of the Devil.

I'm not, you are.


Torture him harder.


Why do you keep me here?

You've no charges against me.

Don't worry, I will have in my own time.

I know a witch when I see one.

And I know what you are.

I Hang the witch on the stake

I Pray the Lord her soul to take

I If the bell strikes the knell

I She will surely roast in hell I

Look here, I've got a mouse.

It has two long ears
and is very intelligent.

- It can even do magic tricks.
- What do you know about magic?

- We know all about magic.
- And witches.

- Try to catch me, I'll tell you.
- Come on, come on!

Children, wait for us!

Where are you going?
- Wait.

What do you want?
You can't break in like that.

I'm the advocate.
Hurry, this way.

I am a great wizard
and if I had feathers, I could fly.

Only angels and witches can fly.

- Then I'll be an angel.
- You're not good enough.

At the most you could ride
on a broomstick like an old witch.

Like an old witch?

But I want to be an angel.

- No, no, you're not good enough.
- All right, then I'll be a witch.

That's impossible.
You're not bad enough for that.

Who's making all that noise?

Who taught you to speak?

The Devil's grandmother
who is sitting behind the oven

spinning witches' socks
on the spinning wheel.

Ahh. Stranger, may I answer
one of your questions too?

Tell me one of the ten commandments.

Thou shalt respect thy father and mother

so that ye may live
long and happily on Earth.

Those puppets not only talk
but can answer questions they're asked.

And they appear one minute
and disappear the next.

They walk on air and have
facial expressions like humans.

I tell you, it's magic.


you haven't asked the gentlemen
what they desire.

I beg your pardon.

I am glad that you enjoy our puppets.

These dolls really can do devilish things.

And because of the quality
of the carving...

they really look like human beings.

Jeff Wilkens, in the name
of His Excellency

I command you to arrest this man
and charge him with practicing magic

through the intermediary of puppets
with voices of human beings.

This Devil's mark will do as evidence.

The best place is on the stomach.


Murderer! Murderer!

- Help him.
- No, leave him.

What do you see out there?

My Lord...


For three years
I believed in nothing else

but you and your teachings.

Because I knew
you were an infallible defender of God.

I have taught
according to my best theories.

I am only a human being, but...

my cause is just.

God is just.


For you or for the murdered Albino?

When you asked me
three years ago to become my pupil

I warned you not to see an idol in me.

"On the difficult path
we are going to go together," I said,

"many innocent people are going to die."
I said that to you. I remember the day.

Well, many have died,
and there will be many more.

I know,

but then... where does safety lie?

There is no safety, anywhere.

Not for me,

and not for you either.


My Lord, the advocate and I
have discovered two witches

possessing human dolls
that speak.

Human dolls that speak?

They're puppets, my Lord,
for entertaining children, nothing more.

We are no witches.

Let her out.

- What is the accusation?
- Consorting with the Devil

to trap human souls in these dolls.

They're wood.

My husband carves them.
I paint the faces and dress them up.

- They are for performing plays?
- What was that?

For performing plays, my Lord.

- What kind of plays?
- Plays of the Devil. She's a witch.

For the children, sometimes stories
from the scriptures or moral plays.

It has nothing to do with the Devil.

- They spoke about flying, like a witch.
- Oh, no!

The play is a moral,

the moral of a proud man
who wants to fly in the air like a bird.

He wishes to be something
no man can ever be.

And when at the end of the play
he wears a suit of feathers

and tries to fly,
he realizes...

He realizes that even though
he looks like a bird,

he's still a man.

Prepare the indictment.

No, I want to go to my husband.
Where is he?


Fools, they are puppets.
Carved wood not machines of the Devil.

And you had no authority to make
a public arrest. Only I have the authority.

Leave us.

- Fools.
- My Lord...

- Why order an indictment?
- Because they must burn as witches.

But they're innocent.
You must authorize their release.

You know they're innocent.

Like Vanessa.

There's no charge against her
yet you keep her in prison.

You know she's just as innocent
as those poor people with their puppets.

- You know that.
- I know nothing.

They have been arrested for witchcraft.
There is nothing I can do.

They're not guilty.
You must show clemency.

That's for me to decide.
You forget yourself.

To release them now
would only show weakness.

- They must die.
- That is murder.

- They are not with the Devil.
- They shall be martyrs.

If they are Christian martyrs,
what does that make you?

The truth.
Confess the Devil has possessed you.

I'm sure the Spanish boot
will convince him.

Take her out.

No water.

No, no water.


Guard, open the door.

Very good.
Looks to be in order.

All right.



We can't stay here. Come on.

- Now I must go back.
- No, no. I won't let you.

Why must you go back?

- I don't want you to.
- I have to free Baron Daumer.

I suppose you're right.

Where is my husband?
I beg you, take me to him.

You're wanted elsewhere.

Mummy, Mummy!

Don't leave me, Mummy.
I want to go with you.

- What's the matter, Christopher?
- The soldiers have taken Mummy away.

I want to go with her.
I don't want to stay here alone.

Those nasty men,
they make Mummy cry.

Maybe she went to get Father
and he'll free us.

Have you eaten?

Some wine?

Are you afraid to die?

To have your head cut off?
Are you?

Show me your neck.

It would be a pity to...

I won't let you die.

I'll set you free,
and your husband and your children.

Oh... my Lord.

You are truly a man of God.
How can I thank you?

How can I repay you for this?

You are truly great.

You knew. You knew
my husband and I were innocent.

I saw it. I saw it in your eyes.

Look again.

What do you see now?

Stop it! Let him down!

If this works,
you will have your freedom back

and I shall be one step nearer mine.

Don't you have any more work to do.

Carry on.

Hold on a little longer.

You can't leave!

Stop them.

The girl, where is she?

You helped her to escape.
Don't lie to me. I know you freed her.

She was innocent.

She was a witch.

They are all witches.

Once I would have believed that.

Not now, not any longer.

I can't believe in your way anymore
because it's not true.

Baron Daumer, he is innocent.

It's not true
that he's in league with the Devil.

You say and preach one thing
while you do another.

You've been kind to me,
good to me.

I believed,
but I can't any longer,

not when you're murdering
innocent people.

You asked me once
where safety lies for any of us.

Remember the answer I gave you?

Take him away.

Cowards, do something.

Cumberland is no man of God.
He's a murderer.

Kill him, torture him.

Yes, he's the Devil.

He kills innocent women
after raping them.

The castle gate is protected
by just a few soldiers.

They can't do anything.
Let's fight them.

Let's break the doors open and fight
and set the prisoners free.

He's a murderer. Let's free
the prisoners he's been torturing.

He is the Devil.
Kill him, torture him.

He's a murderer, a murderer!

He is the Devil. Torture him.

I'm as patient as you are.

- My Lord.
- What is it?

You're disturbing me.
I'm trying to pray. Leave me alone.

My Lord, the townspeople,
they're planning to storm the castle.

We must prepare for a siege.

We must prepare my coach, you fool.
Go! Wait...

You'll ride with all your men into town.

Kill every man, woman and child
who dares to stand against me.

I have very few men.

You'll have even fewer
by the end of the day. Go!

And trust in the Lord.

And the Lord asks us to arm
and protect ourselves against all evil.

Pray, my son,
and God will have mercy on your soul.

Halt! Halt!

I order you to halt.

- Kill him!
- Out of the way!

Throw him over!

Kiss the cross.

Prisoner No.1 is accused
of being possessed by the Devil

and having spoken to the dead.

The prisoner has been sentenced

to have his head cut off
according to the law of the land.

It has been decreed
that his earthly possessions

be delivered to the Church
until disposed of by the Lord Bishop.

The Prisoner No.2 is also
to be beheaded by the executioner.

- Come on!
-You're free! Come on!

- Come on, let's go.
- Come on!

Come on! Come on!

Let's get that devil.

Christopher! Angelina!
Where are you?

Angelina! Christopher!
- Mummy!

Mummy, I'm so glad to see you.
Where were you?


Bastard! Bastard!

There he is!

Kill him!

Kill him!

Kill him! Kill him!

Let me through!

No! No!

