Marjorie Morningstar (1958) - full transcript

While working as a counselor at a summer camp, college-student Marjorie Morgenstern falls for 32-year-old Noel Airman, a would-be dramatist working at a nearby summer theater. Like Marjorie, he is an upper-middle-class New York Jew (born 'Ehrman'), but has fallen away from his roots, and Marjorie's parents object among other things to his lack of a suitable profession, such as medicine or law. Noel himself warns Marjorie repeatedly that she's much too naive and conventional for him, but they nonetheless fall in love. As they pursue an on-again-off-again relationship, Marjorie completes her studies at Hunter College, and works to establish an acting career, while Noel first leaves the theater for a job with an advertising agency, but later completes a musical he'd started writing before he and Marjorie had first met. Meanwhile, their relationship deepens (though, consistent with '50s Hollywood mores, the more full-fledged sexuality in their relationship is never explicitly communicated). They plan to marry, but after the musical's critical failure on Broadway, Noel runs away. Marjorie finally tracks him down at the summer theater where they first met--and, realizing that this is probably where he belongs, finally gives up on the relationship. Helping her to move on with her life is Wally, once Noel's assistant, now a very successful Broadway playwright, and all along, Marjorie's unrequited lover. The movie ends with a clear implication Wally and Marjorie will finally be a couple.

Excuse me, I'm looking for Mr.
Morgenstern's apartment.

Is he expecting you?

He's my nephew on
his wife's side.

The people who live here,
must be very tired.

They sit down when
they ride an elevator?


Eighteen - D.

Thank you, young man.

Arnold, what are you doing?
We'll be late for temple.

Come on, here.
Straighten your tie.

Straighten my tie, polish my shoes,
brush my coat. Rose, please, let me alone.

Oh, you stop complaining. What's the matter with you?

Look, the few dollars
I don't care about.

But why can't we have just a nice quiet
bar mitzvah with just the family?

Arnold, your son is 13
only once in his life.

Alright, but an ordinary bar
mitzvah isn't good enough.

No. Rose Morgenstern has
to have a confirmation

with hundreds of people
I never saw before.

Ever since we've moved from the Bronx,
I don't know what's come of me.

Uncle Samson!
Come in, come in.

Hello Arnold.

Welcome to the new home.
How are you Uncle?

Thank God as you see me. Health
is everything, the rest is mud.

Have some grapes, Uncle.

Thank you, I'm
having some grapes.

It's a beautiful place.
Beautiful, Arnold.

I always told your papa, of all the boys,
you would be the one we'd all be proud of.

- Uncle?
- Hello, Rose!

Where have you been keeping yourself?
Are you working?

It's a slow season
for night watchmen.

Never mind, Uncle. I'll
find you something.

So don't worry. As long as I've got
good relatives, I'll always eat.

Always, Uncle.

Family. That's the important thing.

A man has a family, he's
a multi-millionaire.

Is that you Uncle Samson.

The Bar Mitzvah boy!

Hello, Uncle Samson!

Seth I brought you this,
just for the occasion.

It's a Tabas. Now that
you are 13 years old and

a man in the eyes of God.
You can pray in it.

Grow up to the Lord.

To marriage, and to good deeds.

Thank you, Uncle Samson.

No, no, no. You are
no longer a boy.

We shake hands, like men.

Arnold, that double-breasted blue suit.
That would look good on Uncle.


What's the matter with this suit you gave me last year?
It's fine.

Come, Uncle Samson. I've already
had it let out for you.

- Where's Marjorie?
- Dressing.

Arnold, wait till you see her
new outfit, it's stunning.

What, another new outfit? That's
what I keep telling you, Rose.

I do a little magic
with a fountain pen...

Oh stop, you know you love it.


Oh, Marjorie, for heaven's sake,
aren't you dressed yet?

I'm sorry Mother, I overslept.

Well it's no wonder, considering
what time you got in last night.

Who were you with?

Oh, Sandy!

That's nice.

- Where did you go?
- We went to the theater.

Theater? Who are you today?
Lady Macbeth,

or Scarlet O'Hara?

- What time did you come home?
- Mother, it wasn't that late.

If it were anybody else except
a lovely boy like,

Sandy Lamm, believe me your father
would hear about this.

You think Sandy's just great don't you?

From a mothers
viewpoint, he's a catch.

It isn't every boy whose father
owns a big department store.

- I know, but, do you like him?
- He's a little young for me.

Did something happen between
you last night?

Oh Mother, one doesn't discuss
those things with people.

I'm not people, I'm your Mother.

What's come over you lately?
You act so... so, oh, I don't know.

I'm 13. I'm growing up.

So you feel you should do
things that grown ups do, huh?

Is that wrong?

It depends upon how you
want to grow up.

What did happen last night?

He wanted to make love to me.

He didn't.

- What do I do about it?
- About what, darling?

Oh, about the way I feel sometimes.

Take those feelings.
Put them in the bank.

Save them for the man who will appreciate
and love you for them after you marry him.

What if I never meet him?

I met your father.

Maybe I'll never be in love.

Maybe I'm just not the type
of person that falls in love.

Listen to the old lady of 18.

Were you in love with Papa,
when you married him?

When I met your father, I, I was
in love with Rudolph Valentino.

Now, hurry up and get dressed,
before your brother is 14.

Perfect! The best fit I
ever had in the family.

Either you're getting bigger,
Arnold, or I'm getting smaller.

I told you, I already had it let out for
you. Wear it in good health, Uncle.


She'll be ready in a second.

I'm all ready, Papa.
Oh, Uncle Samson.


See, our Marjorie is
becoming something. A lady.

A few years ago, you
sat on my knee.

Now you look like a
regular movie star.

Where's my candy bar?

Always a candy bar.

No candy bars, no
Uncle Samson, right?

Right Uncle!

I didn't bring one.

What you want now darling, the Uncle
can't bring you in the pocket.

My goodness!
Come on! Let's go.

Come, Samson!

- Is my hat on ok, Mom?
- Yes honey, it looks fine.

I told you white would
look good with this suit.

Hurry up, we're going to be late.

Poison, I see, hath been his timeless end.

O happy dagger, this is thy sheath.

There rust, and let me die.

Splendid, splendid, very good indeed.

Now, we'll do the Friar Laurence
scene in a few minutes.

You were tremendous,
absolutely tremendous.

But did you think it
really went alright?

I mean, are you sure?

Well, of course I'm sure!
Oh, honey, you're a great actress.

You know, one day I'm going to be
paying money to see you on Broadway!

And I can say, "I was the first
one that ever encouraged her".

Me, Marsha Zelenko!

Hey, what's eating you anyway?


Come on honey, this is Marsha,
the girl with X-ray eyes, spill it!

Well, I don't know, Marsha.

It's kind of a lot of things.

I mean sometimes, I think that I can act.
You know?

And other times, I don't feel
that I have any talent at all,

and the best thing to do is to just
get married to Sandy Lamm...

Oh! Forget Sandy Lamm...

Well, Lamm's is alright, but have
you ever shopped at Macy's?

Hey, what do you
see in him anyway?

- Well, Sandy's very sweet.
- Are you going away this summer?

Well, Mother is planning on all
of us going away with the Lamms.

Don't go!

Why not?

Because you've got to see
what life is really like.

Look, I got a job as a swimming
instructor at a camp for little girls.

Right across from a camp with big boys.

Marjorie! How would you like
to be Dramatic Counselor?

- Well, I don't know Marsha.
- What am I going to do with you?

Honestly, you're sitting on oil
land and you don't know it.

Look by the time you're 21, you're going
to be beating off Sandy Lamms with a club.

Alright now, everyone ready
on stage right away.

Sandy Lamm!

- Oh, Marjorie...
- Sandy, please!

- What is that now?
- Arnold, go to sleep.

- But the bell.
- Sandy is leaning on it.

- Marjorie...
- Sandy, please.

What's wrong with you anyway?

- What are you frigid or something?
- It's wrong to go on like this.

It's not wrong. It's a
biological necessity.

Sandy, You know it's getting
awfully late, and I think...

Marjorie, wait a minute.

Hasn't he got a home?

- It's 2 O'clock in the morning already.
- Arnold, stop worrying.

I don't know. Every time she
goes out it's the same thing.

What do they do out
there in the hallway?

Look, Marjorie can
take care of herself.

Is that so?

Last week she told
me all about sex.

Studied it in Hygiene, she said. Hmm!
Knows the whole business like a doctor.

She talked about chromosomes, tubes and
eggs. The male this and the female that.

I tell you the truth,
I was embarrassed.

What is he doing out there?

Right now, he's probably
asking her to marry him.

Oh, it's beautiful.
But Sandy, really...

It doesn't have to be next
month, or next year even.

Gosh, it cost a fortune.

Well it sometimes helps to have a
department store in the family.

Go ahead, put it on.

I can't.

It only means we're engaged.


I don't know if I want to be engaged.

Well for Pete's sake,
what do you want?

I'd like to know where I stand Marjorie.

We've been going together for 6 months.

Let me think it over.

What's there to think over?

We're in love aren't we?


I'll just have to think about it, that's all.

Ok, Sandy?

Good night.

Where's the ring?
Let me see the ring.

What...? How did you know?

Sandy's mother called me and told me.
Such a lovely woman.

What a summer we're all
gonna have together.

Two families of the
engaged couple.

Mother. It's all
happening so fast.

Everybody is rushing me.

Well, I'm not rushing you.

I do not even know if I'm
in love with Sandy.

And you'll have plenty of time to make up
your mind. You'll be with him all summer.

That's just it. I don't
think I should be with him.

- I should be alone.
- Alone?

What, what is this?
Where would you go?

Oh! I...

I could take a job.

A job! What kind of a job!

Dramatic Counselor at a girls camp.

Where is all this coming from?
That Marsha Zelenko!

What difference does
that make, Mother?

I have to do some thinking, before
I suddenly find myself married.

Settled down with children.

And what is so terrible about that?
Some day you're gonna have to do it.

Mama, I've gotta go away.
Please help me!


Well... if that's what you want.

Good night.

What's the matter, Rose.
You look worried.

There's something to worry about.



Don't forget. I'll meet you
tonight, after the kids are in bed.


- Marsha...
- Hmmm?

- No. I can do it.
- What?

I just don't feel right about it.

Look, I've been sneaking across that
lake every night for the past 3 weeks.

Look at me. I'm as fat
and as sassy as ever.

But it's against the rules.
Supposing Clambert caught us?

What would we do then?

Look, how are we ever going
to meet anybody here.

Why right across the lake at South
Wind, there's a thousand guys.


Look at this.

What have we here?

Bunny costumes. How sweet.

All right girls,
we all ready?

Yes, Miss Morgenstern.

Head toward that cove. We'll beach the
canoe and change these horrible duds.

You told me this was only a 10 minute trip.

I'm freezing.

Oh my honey bunch. You're
actually having beginners luck.

The lake's warm.


South Wind.

Oh! It's fabulous!

Not a sound now.


They don't like non-paying guests.

Do you want to get arrested?

- Arrested!?
- Shh!

Now then, remember, if we run into Mr.
Greech, just

walk right by as though
you're a paying guest.

- There's thousands of them.
- Who's Mr. Greech?

Satan. In white knickers
and a two foot flashlight.

He's the owner.

He's been known to chop up a strange
canoe with his bare hands and burn it.

Now hurry up and let's
change our clothes.

Come on, I've got a date
with one of the musicians.

Ok, sugarbun.

We're safe now.

Marjorie, you're about to see show business.
Real show business.

Hold it!

Karen, ah...

You're throwing everything
around like a burlesque queen.

That's Noel Airman.


It isn't this.

Alright, wise guys...

It's this.

You see what I mean?
Be a Cat!

Now with Bob, with you
it's just the opposite.

Let me show you what I mean. Do you mind?

No, of course not.

He's terribly handsome.

Careful honey, he effects young girls
the way whiskey hits an Indian.

You make him sound dangerous.

Noel Airman is the enemy of every
mother in greater New York.

Come on.

I wanna try the light cues too.

Oh sure.

Kill 5 and 6.

And boys don't rush with me. Take it easy, huh?


You're a good girl.

- Musicians, you can wrap it up.
- Noel, I take it you're right. You're always right.

- Hi ya Marge!
- Hi Carlos!

This is my friend Marjorie.
A siren, from across the lake.

Hi ya kid. Care to join us for a drink?

Oh, no thank you.

- May I stay here and watch?
- Why sure, be my guest.

Well, you're on your own now kid.
Live it up.

But remember, meet me back at the
canoe at 12 O'clock sharp, Ok?


- Hey! What about my job?
- I'm promoting it honey, you know that.,

I'd never let you down.

- Wally, you back there?
- Yeah Noel.

Ok, keep the red.

Bring up the ambers.

Alright, dim down the lavenders.

Bring up number 4.

Wally, number 4!
What are you doing?

Quiet back there!

Who are you?

Mr. Airman, I'm terribly sorry.

Please forgive me.

Are you a guest? I don't allow
guests in here during rehearsal.


My name is Morjorie Morgenstern.

I'm Dramatic Counselor at
Camp Tamarack.


A colleague!

Well, you are entitled to all
the courtesies of the profession.

Please sit down.

Thank you.

What are you doing to yourself?

- I'm terribly sorry.
- Wally!

Get the first aid. We got a casualty.

Coming up, Noel.

I can't imagine why I did that.

Well, you're gonna live.

What show are you doing at
Camp Tamarack this week?

"Uncle Wiggly".

Strong meat, huh?

Dr. Rocket, reporting
to surgery.

Marjorie, this? Wally.

Wally knows about medicine as
doctoring his own bad sketches.

Here, fix up her hand, Wally.

And hold it a while, will ya,
so I can get through.

Sure, Noel.

Don't worry, Marjorie,
I never lost a patient.

It's really nothing.

Hold still.

I'm sorry.

For what?

I don't know.

I've always prided myself
on brittle dialogue.

All I can think of to say right now is...

you're the most beautiful
girl I've ever seen.

What a beautiful song.

It's from Princess Jones. A
show he's writing for Broadway.

Great isn't he?

There's no such person
for heaven's sakes.

What else does he do?

Well, lets see, he knows opera and history,
literature, philosophy, speaks foreign

languages, writes songs with his left hand.
He's the greatest dancer living.

And I'm his assistant.


Well, back to the salt mines, let's go.

Oh, it must be wonderful
to be a part of the theater.

And to work so closely
to a man like that.

Well, it has its moments.

Say, would you like to sit
in for this run through?

Oh my gosh, it's 12 o'clock.
I've gotta run.

Wait a minute, drop a glass
slipper of something.

- Goodbye, Wally. Thanks for the Coke.
- Sure.

- It was brilliant.
- Thank you.

Charlie, make it a
double, will you please?

Sure, Mr. Airman.

You must get tired of hearing
me play Princess Jones.

It's good music.

How many years you been
coming up here, Charlie?

It's my fifth summer.

Why do you keep coming back?

In town I'm a waiter.
Here, I'm the head bartender.

Well, you got a pretty good excuse.
What's mine?

You? You're Mr. "South Wind".

Well, I'm making a little
promise to myself.

Don't expect me back next year.

Ha! You said that
last year, Mr. Airman.




I thought as much.
Camp Tamarack eh?

- Please, Mr. Greech!
- Come on!

Don't do you any
good whining, Miss.

I'm putting an end to
this, once and for all.

Even if I have to bring Klabber
her, with his pajamas on.

Please Mr. Greech!

If you just listen.

Busting into this place.
It's private property.

What's all this?

I caught her red-handed,
Noel, another trespasser.

Aw, come on, Max. Turn off the
two-way wrist radio will you?

You'll give the young lady a bruise,
as well as a lawsuit.

- Lawsuit?
- She happens to be my guest.

There are people paying 50 bucks a day here.
Now look, Noel.

Let's not go inviting armies of little
girls over here, free of charge.

Greech, this little army of one was over
here to audition for a job on the staff.


I'm up to my belly button in staff.

Half of Greenwich village...

You can always cut down
by one, any time you say.



Now wait a minute, Noel.

It isn't as bad as that. If you need her...

- then, you need her.
- Thanks Max.

You're a true patron of the arts.

- Mr. Airman...
- Ah, think nothing of it.

It's the very least I could do for a colleague.

Well, where's the enemy vessel?

- Oh, down there.
- Come on.

Mr. Airman, I'm terribly grateful and terribly embarrassed.


I mean, I am a trespasser.

Well, look, if you're worried about
my little white lie, forget it.

Greech gets away with murder.
And I do need help.

Oh, I wouldn't think of holding you to...

What's this, a sense of honor?

You wanna learn
theater, don't you?

You mean, you are
offering me a job?

I can't believe it.

Well, you won't be playing
Pygmalion of course.

Of course.

I suggest you think it over and let
me know at the end of the week.

- Mr. Airman, I can't thank you enough.
- Nonsense. Come on, I'll give you a hand.


Oh! I forgot Marsha.

I have to wait,
for my friend Marsha.

- Not Marsha Zeleko!
- Yes, went off with your piano player.

I can't understand
what's keeping her.

You can't?

Wow! Well, I'll leave you to your vigil.
Good Night, Miss Morningstar.

Oh, the name is Morgenstern.

Yes I know.


Marjorie Morningstar!

Oh gosh, he's so
wonderful isn't he?

You know what I think?
I think you gotta a case on him.

Oh, that's ridiculous.

Come on! Come on! Get in there!


Now listen!

I am paying them to work around here.
Not to watch rehearsals.

Yes sir.

If want to see the
show, buy a ticket.

Everyone is sneaking
around, using up my paint.

Loveable Maxwell Greech,
Patron of Art.

- Did you say art?
- Aha!

Noel Airman, in "South Wind Follies".

No mention of Wally
Wronkin, the famous author!

And not a word about
Marjorie Morningstar.

Well, you'd better make tracks my boy,
before Greech catches you out here.

Marjorie as a personal favor, would
you please not call me "my boy"?

I'm sorry, Wally!

That's better.

Oh, I happen to be the
bearer of glad tidings.

There's a dance tonight. Why don't you
let me take you out of all this squalor.

Wally, I think by night fall, I'm going
to be much more interested in bed.

We can discuss that too.

Oh, Wally.

Marge, why won't you come with me?

You can't imagine, what capital you're
accumulating in heaven, by being nice to me.


Wally I do like...

Uncle Samson!

Marjorie! How are you?

- I'm fine.
- Big surprise, No?

Your Papa says to me, He says, "Samson,
you look tired. Take a vacation".

I said, "A vacation I've
had all of my life."

What I need, is a job.
So your Papa fixed it.

You're working here?

Yes, in the kitchen. For a change,
I work days, and I sleep nights.

Your Mama, didn't tell you?

Not a word.

So the uncle has to keep an eye on the baby, so what?

You think I'd spoil your fun?

You have a good time, Darling. What
do I know, I'm busy in the kitchen.

Oh, Uncle Samson. Forget about it.
You'd think Mom, was guarding Fort Knox.

Well, Marjorie. To a mother it's
more important than Fort Knox.

- I'll see you later.
- Ok.

Hold it!

You can't do that bit again. They'll
be shouting the punchlines at you.

Ok, Chief. I got a million of 'em.

How about the hotel bit?

Try it.

Good, give me a girl to work with. A nice warm body?

Ok. Marjorie, get up there.

Go on.

Chief, I can't work with them,
when they're all bundled up.

Alright, let's go. Come on.

Oh, here we are at the hotel at last!


Do I want what?

Ice water?

Does he have a wrong number.

I'm sorry, Marjorie. You're out.

Uh, Karen. Take over.

Tough luck kiddo.

Mr. Airman, please give
me another chance.

I can do it right. I know I can.

Go on back there and wait for me.
I wanna talk to you.

Go on.

Alright, let's go.

You were a little rough on the kid, weren't you?

Was I?

She's been hanging around for
weeks, waiting for this chance,

You could have let her
down a little easier.

Wally, get ready for your cue, will you?

Now, look. The reason I took you out of
that skit is because it just wasn't funny.

You're much too young and wholesome.

It just wasn't right with you doing it.

What am I supposed to
be doing here then?

When you gave me this job,

you told me, that I was going to
be able to learn the theater.

All I've done since I've been
here is sweep floors, and

and paint scenery.

I've been here a month,

you don't even know I alive.

Oh no, Marjorie. That's
where you're wrong.

I've noticed you, from the
first minute you came.

You don't belong here, Marjorie.

Why don't you go home?

Go home?


Because if you stay, you can get
into a whole lot of trouble.

What kind of trouble?

That kind of trouble.


Noel, Paul wants to know if that
skit's alright for tonight.

Wally, you wanted more time to
your writing. Well you got it.

What do you mean?

I'm breaking in Marjorie to
work with me back stage.


If she wants the job.

Look, Noel. I don't really
need a replacement.

I can do the lights, and
the props and write too.

I want the job.

Call a break, Wally.
Everybody back in an hour..

Would you care to have lunch with me?

I'd love to.

Wally, you've got work to do.

- Marjorie!
- Huh?

- How did you do it?
- Do what?

Harpoon Moby Dick?

- Oh, Marsha, for Pete's sake!
- What's your secret?

Spare no details, and don't
worry about shocking me.

What's going on
between you and Noel?

Nothing's going on.

You know, I believe you?

Oh, Marsha, I've gotta get this
stuff ready for the fiesta.

Would you mind if I give you one tiny piece of advice?

Promise not to sock me?

Alright, what is it?

Just this. If he ever
does get you cornered in

that rustic little love
nest of his one evening...

Don't bite and scratch too hard.
He's not used to such struggling.

Oh Marsha, that mind of yours.

Don't look so cross-eyed. It's
not a fate worse than death.

Listen. You take a poll of your
graduating class 10 years from now,

and just see how many of 'em clinched the
deal without giving away a few free samples.

There you go. Reacting
like a firecracker again.

- Well, pay no attention to me.
- I'm gradually learning not to.

You stick to your ideals sweetheart.

Lord knows mine have gotten
me exactly nowhere.

But... we'll compare notes, when we're old
and Grey and see who came nearer the mark.

- OK?
- OK!

A little more coffee, Doctor?

Hmmm? No thanks, Samson.
I've had enough.

My Uncle is watching.

Samson won't mind, he likes me.

Please, Noel, not here.

Come to my cabin tonight,
we'll have dinner together.

Your niece is a very pretty girl, Samson.

Better keep an eye on her. She'll grow up fast around here.

No matter what job I get, Doctor...

I'm always a night watchman.

Who is it?

- The waiter.
- Come in.

Would you chill the champagne, please?

Yes sir.

Well, Uncle Samson? I see
they promoted you to waiter.

Just for tonight.

And uh, just for me?

You are special.

The forks go on the left.

Excuse me.

When should I bring the dinner?

I have the feeling
you'll know when.

I'm not very experienced at this.

Oh, you're doing all right.

Thank you.

Thank you.

It's a pleasure to serve
such a gentleman.

Shall I open the champagne?

Not unless you want a drink.

Oh, Mr. Greech has a sign
in the kitchen, that

the help shouldn't
drink on the premises.

I won't tell, if you won't.

- To your health.
- To your health.

Tell me Uncle Samson, how long
have you had this occupation?

This is the first time
it's been necessary.

Tell me, Mr. Airman, since
this is new for me.

What am I supposed to do now?

Right about now, you should
be loading your shotgun.

You know? You can be
a very nice fella.

Nice fellas don't have much fun.

This fun. It's so important to you?


But for how long?

Sometimes it lasts
the whole summer.

Some people want it to
last a whole lifetime.

For me, a summer feels
like a lifetime.

Then you've picked the wrong
person to have supper with.

Maybe my guest won't show up. It's happened before, you know.

She'll be here. She's in love.

It's a pity you can't be.

Good night, Mr. Airman.

Louie, will bring the dinner.

Come in.

Well, here I am.

Oh! Champagne!

That, that's very nice.

Oh, that's a beautiful view.

This is really a lovely cabin.

I like it.

Can I take your coat?

No, it... No, ah, it is a little chilly.

Maybe you better call a cop.

A cop?

What for?

Impairing the morals of a minor
would be the charge, no doubt.

Oh, cut it out.

No Marjorie, no really. This
was a mistake. I'm sorry.

I have no time for another
Shirley in my life.


Yes, Shirley.

It's a trade name for the
respectable middle-class

girl who likes to
play at being worldly.

And that's your label for me?

Darling it's monogrammed
all over you,

the way parents sew caps
initials on a child.

"Hands off", "Decent
girl", "Object matrimony".

I'm not saying your wrong,
and I'm right, Oh no.

All I'm saying is that I haven't got a
chance without the little wedding ring.

And since I have no intention of
marrying you, or anyone like you,

Well then, I haven't got a chance.

You think I'm just a stupid
kid with a crush on you.

Aren't you?

What if it's true?
You won't get me to do anything wrong.

Naturally not. Surely only hugs and
paws on the rigidly graduated scale.

Now look, Marjorie. I'm being
perfectly honest with you.

I just want no part of it.
It's not for me.


Leave me alone.

I haven't quite finished.

Well you have as far
as I'm concerned.

Now, you listen to me.

When I called you Shirley,
it wasn't to insult you,

it was to tell
you, that I know you.

I know everything about you.

I've gone out with
hundreds of Shirley's.

Oh, a different dress,
a different body,

But with that one unchanging look.
The look of Shirley.

You know an awful lot, don't you?

Enough to tell you that you're going
marry some young doctor.

And with your Mother's blessing, help
him develop a practice in New Rochelle.

I am glad, that you've
got it all figured out.

It was figured out
before I came along.

Marjorie, we're an
error in matchmaking,

you're on a course chartered by 5,000 years
of Moses, and his ten commandments.

I'm a renegade.

Why are you telling me all of this?

What are you trying to prove?

If you don't want anything to do with me,
then forget about me. Get somebody else.

I don't want anybody else.

Oh, Noel!

I don't understand you,

me, anything.

Hasta las fiestas!
Senors, Senoritas.

Now commencing in our
vast outdoor amphitheater.

The most glorious summer
event of the season.

It's fiesta time at South Wind.


- Are you a guest?
- Yes.

Cigarettes, beer, all
wrong up, isn't she?

Well, we may as well face it.
Mom. I've gone to the dogs.

How long will you be staying?

Well, we have to be a Seth's camp at 6.
We promised to have dinner with him.


Marjorie, I don't blame you.
He's so handsome.

- Who?
- Who? Noel Airman!

- How did you know?
- I've been here two hours, haven't I?

Why don't you call him over.
We'd like to meet him.



Noel, I'd like you to meet my Mother
and Father, Mr. and Mrs. Morgenstern.

How are you Mrs. Morgenstern?

How do you do. Mr. Morgenstern.

I know how busy you are, but won't you sit down with us?

The Fiesta can wait until I've had a drink.

Bob, may I?

- Are you from New York, Mr. Airman?
- Well, Greenwich Village at the moment.

- Oh! Greenwich Village!
- Yeah.

Do you put on shows in the winter also?

I'm a songwriter, Mrs. Morgenstern.

Oh, a songwriter. Well... what
have you written?

Noel's writing a Broadway show.
Princess Jones.

- You should hear it. It's fabulous.
- Ah, a hit show or something?

I only have one act.

How do you spell
your name again?

- A-I-R-M-A-N.
- Oh, A-I-R-M-A-N, I know a judge Ehrman,

but he spells it, E-H-R-M-A-N.

He's my father.

Judge Ehrman is your father?


For heaven's sake, why
didn't you say so.

Well you've been so
busy asking questions.

Arnold, did you hear that?

Judge Ehrman's son.

A fine man.

I'm afraid a great deal of
my father's charm depends

on which political district
you happen to live in.

We have a great many
acquaintances in common.

Why, I know your mother
quite well, from the UGA,

And don't you have a
sister, Monica, whose

married to the Snow Maiden
dry cleaning people?

That's my sister.

Noel, don't you think we ought to
be getting back to the Fiesta?

Come to think of it,
your mother spoke to me

once about having a
son that wrote songs.

But I should think with a judge for
a father, you would be in law.

Well you see, Mrs. Morgenstern,
I flunked out of Law School

with the lowest grades in the
history of Cornell University.

You sound proud of it.

Well... it is some sort
of a record isn't it?

Ah... tell me, how long have
you been working on this play?

3 or 4 years.

Well, I guess a writer has to
wait for inspiration, doesn't he?

I work in spurts, Mrs. Morgenstern,

sometimes I am more
productive than other times.

Mother, what is all this?

Forgive me for asking,
Mr. Airman, but how old now?


These days, a man who is
33, isn't old.

Not like you, when you
got started, huh Arnold?

Ah! The way this man worked!

But that was business, but
I guess you don't have

much of a head for business
do you, Mr. Airman?

You're perfectly right, Mrs.
Morganstern, I don't.

Not everyone has to be a
business man, Mother.

No, of course not.

Still, a man has to be something.

Social Director in a camp,
must be very interesting, but,

I always thought that
work was more for a boy.

Maybe I'm Peter Pan,
Mrs. Morgenstern.

Peter Pan was a fairy tale, Mr. Airman.

Life is real.

I think I prefer life my way, Mrs.

Well, I really have a lot to do. I hope
you'll excuse me, it's been nice meeting you.

- Oh, Mother. How could you?
- Hmm?


I'm sorry about
the inquisition.

Marjorie, don't go
apologizing for your mother.

She's got me pegged.

- She behaved horribly.
- Not at all.

It's just that mama would
feel better if I wore a

Grey flannel suit and
made 20 thousand a year.

Those are my mother's ideas.

I love you exactly the
way that you are.

Marjorie... you are your mother.

And now amigos, the climax
of our grand fiesta.

The world's greatest Torero, will meet
the world's most ferocious bull.

And here he is Manolito Manolito,
the greatest Matador in all Mexico.









Arnold, what's the
matter with him?


Nothing. He's
clowning, that's all.

Come, Rose!

I'll get the car.

- Wally!
- Tis I, Princess.

A wicked witch has put me in this
form of a bespectacled toad.

One kiss, and I spring erect a handsome
Social Director, in a black sweater.

Wally, getting yourself drunk isn't
go to make you a Social Director.

I am not drunk.

I am a man with problems.

Serious problems.

You too?

It's terrible, isn't it?


Wishing for something you can't have.

Thank you, Margie.

I'll always remember that kiss.

That was the first and last, Wally.

Maybe it won't be the last.
Maybe it'll happen again.


Sometime, when there are
colored lanterns again.

Noel Airman, doesn't need
colored lanterns, does he?

Alright now.

Looks colored lanterns,
talks colored lanterns.

Maybe that's all he is, a
mass of colored lanterns.

You know you've really had 3 or 4 too many.

Let me tell you something,
Miss Morninglory...

you'll come to me when I'm
a successful playwright.

You'll come begging for a job from
Wally Wronkin, famous author.

Do you know something?
I'll give you the part.

I'll give it to you with gratitude
for your one generous kiss.

Under the colored lanterns.

- Marjorie!
- Uncle Samson!

I never knew what a beautiful
niece I had until today.

Oh, Thank you.

- Come dance once with the Uncle.
- I'd love to.

Oh, Uncle Samson, you
waltz beautifully.

We should do this more often.

What we should do in
life, and what we do...

Marjorie... you know? At my age,
give me some kitchen work.

- It's easier.
- Are you all right?

I'm fine, I'm fine. I
just need a minutes rest.

I'm going to take
you to your room.

I'm alright.

I'll sit a little on the steps,

I'll get a little fresh air.

I'll be alright.

- I think I'll sit here a minute.
- Alright.

- I'll get you a glass of water.
- No, no, no.

Stay here with me.

I feel better already.

Do you?

What was the matter Marjorie, when
you came in upstairs tonight?

You looked so sad.

It was nothing.

You know, Marjorie tonight,
for the first time.

I realized you're not a
little girl any more.

I wish my folks would realize that.


- Are you alright?
- Oh, yes I'm fine, I'm fine.

I had a big day.

I'm a little tired.

- Sure.
- I'll put you to bed.

What am I, a baby? Don't
talk to me like your mama.

I'll do it by myself.

- Good night darling.
- Good night Uncle Samson.

Good Night, Noel.

Good night, Samson.

Well, did your parents
convince you?

They want me to take a trip out west.

Yellowstone Park, and the Grand Canyon.

I could have sworn, that deep
down, your mother saw hope in me.

I guess I can't buck your family
and your ancient God of vengeance.

I don't see how God could possibly be concerned
with a pitiful little summer romance.

Do you think I should go?

Do you care at all?

That doesn't solve anything,

Marjorie, what words are you trying to
ring out of me, that I'll marry you?

If it has to happen, it will.

If you wanna be clever,
don't be clever.

I'm not trying to be clever.

Alright then, go out west.
Do what your mother says.

Every American should
see the Grand Canyon.

Why did I ever meet you?

You could be lying when
you say you love me.

I'll probably never know.

But I love you so much!
It's all been a fog, all summer.

Marjorie, darling. The reason you're
so crazily in love, is that I am too.

This happens to everyone once
in lifetime, and it's happened to us.

Oh, Noel.

I love you!

I don't care about anything else.

My whole life will go by, and nothing will change it.

I love you.


Marjorie, don't go.

Don't go.

I can't refuse you anything.

Come with me.

Uncle Samson!

Uncle Samson!

It's Marjorie!

It must have been his
heart, Marjorie.

He's gone.


Uncle Samson!

Come back!

Come back!

Uncle, please!

- Marjorie...
- Go away!

Please go away.



A terrible shock. You have
to do something, Noel!

- Change the activities for tomorrow.
- You do it. I'm leaving tonight.

Well, Sugarbun, we made it.

With this and a man,
I can get myself a husband.

- Oh, there they are. I'll see you.
- Ok.

Doesn't she look wonderful?

- Oh, Darling.
- Hello, Marjorie.

- How you doing?
- Oh, Papa.

- The ceremony was just wonderful.
- My daughter,

the first college graduate in the family.

How does it feel to be
out of school, Marjorie?

Oh, just great. Now I've gotta
go out and face the cruel world.

Well, if you're really serious about a
job, you could come to work in my office.

I could use another girl.

Thank you, Papa, but I hope
to join Actors Equity.

You mean you're really gone
look for an acting job?

I'm gonna get one.

Well that's a crazy way
to make a living, but

at least you'll be out
in the open air a lot.

- Hello everybody.
- Hello, Doctor.

Dr. Harris, so nice to see you.
Marjorie, it's the Doctor.

- Congratulations.
- Thank you.

- How's your mother.
- Oh, fine. She's fine.

Thank you so much
for coming, David.

Well, I wouldn't have
missed it for the world.

You don't know how my aching
feet appreciate this.

Any luck?

I have a speaking part.

Would you like to hear it?

Yes, shoot.

Wait a minute, I have
to get in the mood.

Grandpa, Grandpa! Hawthorne's
back from the war.

My won't it be nice to have a
man around the house again.

- That's all?
- My debut.

So don't forget,

Five o'clock sharp.

Shall I dress?

No, this is just one of those
cocktail parties for a doctor.

Meet me in the hospital lobby.

I'll be there.

- Five o'clock.
- She you later.

- Bye.
- Bye, Bye.

Miss Morgenstern, there's a
gentleman waiting to see you.

Oh! Where?

Thank you.

Got a minute for a long lost friend?

- Oh! Well look at you.
- Do you like the costume?

It's standard Madison avenue,
junior executive type.


20,000 a year, plus expenses.
Not the car, that belongs to.

Rothmoore Sims and Otis

And so do I, body and soul.

Look, hop in and I'll
give you the whole rags

to riches story over
cocktails at the Plaza.

Oh, Noel. I can't.

I have to dress for a date.

He'll love you just as you
are, unless he's insane.

Noel, I really can't.

Marjorie, there are powerful cosmic
forces at work, don't you fight this.

Please Marjorie.
Just fifteen minutes.

Look, I'll keep my watch on the table.
Come one, come on.

Drink up. Here's death to
the old, Noel, that seedy

tramp, and long life to the
man in the Grey flannel suit.


Well, Marjorie you've broken me.

I'm saddled, bridled,
bitted and tamed.

Children ride me in
Central Park for a dime.

I assure you, I never had any
intention of breaking you.

Darling, use your lovely noodle.

Why am I clapped and harnessed
9 to 5, chained to a desk?

Alright, why?

Because I want you to know
me as a solid citizen.

Because of you.

And I'm doing alright to. They're
crazy about me at the agency.

Rothmoore is grooming
me for Vice-President.

Honest. Tell your mother
to put that in her pipe.

I think that's marvelous.

But, what about Princess Jones?

Oh! The theater, that
was all part of my

adolescence. I'll leave
that to kids like, Wally.

Here, here, take off those gloves.
I wanna see your pretty hands.

Ah, you silly fool. Why?

Now go on, take 'em off.
I wanna see your hands.

I've never known such an imbecile.

- Pretty enough?
- Beautiful.

No rings.

I take it Dr. Kildare
isn't making good time.

The heck he isn't.

Noel, I don't want to keep him waiting.
I have to run.

Just one more dance.


Please Marjorie, I may
never see you again,

you'll marry Dr. Kildare
and it'll be impossible.

I do have this date...

Yes, I... I arranged to have them play it.

I really must go.

- I'll drop you at the hospital.
- No. I can get a cab.

Thank you.

Good bye.

You're still, Marjorie.

And I'm relieved.

It does me good to know that last
summer I wasn't in a state over.

Just another girl.

That's really what I am.
Just another girl.

I won't forget you.

Goodbye, Noel.

Calling Dr. Marshall!
Calling Dr. Marshall!

- David!
- Marjorie!

The parties just about over.

I'm terribly sorry. I ran into an old friend, and the time just flew.

Marjorie, let me ask you a
weird question.

Was it Noel Airman?

I didn't plan it, David.

- I'd have hung up if he phoned.
- It's all right, Marjorie, I understand.

I guess I always figured he was bound
to show up sooner or later.

- I'm sorry.
- Can I take you home?

I can get a cab.

Goodbye, Marjorie.

Goodbye, David.


This is...



I thought you'd like to know
I'm back in circulation.

Darling, let's go out and do the town.
I'll come and get you.

No, don't be insane.

Well why not, we'll have hamburgers,
and we'll ride back at 4th

and the Ferry and then you can
come up here and fight me off.

Not a chance.

Do you realize...

you have actually called me for a date?

I told you. You are ruining my life.

I wonder if you're doing it deliberately.

I am in love with you.

I'm in love with you, too.

One of us must crack.

Not me. Good night,
Noel, Darling.

So he's turned up again?

Mother. You'd better get used to him.

Because he's going to
be your son in law.

You really think so?

Oh! I... I know it.
I just know it.

Oh, Mother, I love him so much.

Well, as long as he's going to be in
the family. Ask him up to the house.

Yes, Mother, dear.

Invite him to Passover dinner.

Oh, not Passover, Mother.
Noel isn't very religious.

He doesn't believe in those things?

He do not believe in those things?

You're going to get married. How are
you going to raise your children?

Alright, Mother. I'll invite him.

This is the poor bread, which our
fathers ate in the land of Egypt.

Let all who are hungry,
come and eat with us.

Whosoever is needy, let him come and
celebrate the Passover with us.

This cup, in the center of the table.

Is the cup of Elijah.

Our missing guests.

And this chair, was Uncle Samson's

Noel, I'm sorry you
were so bored.

Ah! No Marjorie, I wasn't bored. I was disturbed.


I couldn't help thinking of all
the things I've missed in life.

Family. Your kind of family.



All the things I've been
ridiculing all the time.

That's why I couldn't take it anymore.

I love you very much,
Marjorie Morgenstern.

- Marjorie! Gee, it's great to see you!
- Great first act, congratulations.

Wally, this is terribly exciting.

Congratulations, Mr. Wronklin.

I'm just thrilled for you.

Holy smoke, everyone in the world is here tonight.

- Where's Noel?
- Oh, he went to get some cigarettes.

I'm so nervous. I had a date when I came
in, but I don't know where she went.

Oh, there she is.

- Oh, she's darling.
- She's unconscious.

I don't know how she finds
her way around the streets.

The only thing I like about her,

Her name's, Marjorie.


Thank you!

Hi ya, Wally, It looks like you
are suffering through a hit.

You really think so, Noel?

My laugh meter registered
100, you're in kid.

I hope you feel that way
after the last act.

Oh, are you coming to the
party after the show?

Ah, not me, Wally. I am strictly a 9 to 5
man, you'll be up till dawn taking bows.

OK! Thank you for coming.

Well, little Wally has a hit.

I couldn't be happier. I
just couldn't be happier.

I, I feel like the old maestro watching
his old protege make good.

I'm glad Noel. I thought that
maybe you'd feel funny.

Nonsense, Wally's doing what he wants
to do, I'm doing what I want to do.

Come here. I wanna show you my hit.

You see that sign up there
towering over Broadway,

proclaiming the
virtues of ice cubes?

Written, produced, and
directed by Noel Airman.

The Shakespeare of advertising.

Oh, these young fellas like Wally, they...
they write ok, but they don't have the...

je Ne sais quoi, for
doing advertising copy.

That takes real creative ability.

Madam... Dear Madam,

Have you seen the new
Deluxe Arctic refrigerators?

Especially compartmented for foul
vegetables, old socks, used razor blades...

Shrunken human heads, hamburgers, beef
burgers, fish burgers. Burger burgers.

Oh, who am I kidding?
Wally Wronkin's got a hit.

A kid I picked up, a boy. He's got a hit!

Noel, darling, you can do
anything that Wally can do...

You can do it better!

With one difference. He always finishes
what he starts. I'm never able to.

I seem to have a fatal lack of
central organizing energy.

You're the most talented
man, I've ever met.

Oh, Marjorie, people have been telling
me that for the last 15 years.

When does the airplane get off the ground?
Where is it going?


No, no, give it up. Give it up,
Marjorie, I'm no good.

I'm never going to
amount to anything.

I'm all surface.

Everything that I have, goes
up in charm and conversation.

And I know it!

Why can't I do anything about it?

Sam Rothmoore isn't paying you
for charm and conversation.

You said he was grooming
you for his job.

Is it what I want?

Well then, quit.

Do something you like.

Anything you do,
you'll do brilliantly.

I can't go back to my
play, I'm sour on it.

I don't care what you do, Noel. As
long as you don't stop loving me.

Ah, darling. You haven't the faintest
idea, how much good you do me.

You're like adrenaline. Do you know what?

I'm going back to the office
right now and work. I'm going to

cook up the most beautiful brochure
Sam Rothmoore has ever seen.

- Come on, I'll put you in a cab.
- Alright.

Do you mind?


Good night, Darling.

Goodnight, I'll call you tomorrow.

Mr. Airman, please.

Have you any idea where he is?

No, I've tried there, too.

Yes thank you.

Oh, excuse me, I'm looking for Mr.
Airman's apartment.

Oh! This is it. Come on in.

I was expecting the boy with the groceries.
Are you Marjorie?

- Yes.
- He's taking a shower.

Hey, your friend Marjorie is here.


I said, Marjorie is here.

Fine. Give her some coffee,
I'll be right out.

Oh, I'm Imogene Norman,
I'll be gone in a jiffy.

Here, help yourself to coffee,
it's just hotting up.

Oh, now don't start throwing
things at him, when he comes out.

You see, I landed in New York
without 5 dollars to my name.

Boy, was I broke.

So, Noel let me park here all week.

Well, I know it sounds peculiar,
but you just have to believe it.

He staying upstairs on the 4th
floor with a sculptor friend.

He comes down here to shower,
because all his things are here.

I'm glad you told me, I was about
to stab him with a bread knife.

You're awfully pretty.

Well thanks.

But you're one girl that
has nothing to fear.

Are you a model?

Well, I'm really more a singer, but
modeling pays the bills you might say.

Hey! Have you drowned, I'm off.


Have any trouble finding your way here?

- Well, bye. Nice meeting you.
- Thank you.

Oh, I've already explained to Marjorie
that you're sleeping upstairs,

so she won't be breaking any
crockery over your head.

Besides, I've got my
reputation to think about.

Well, arriverderci,
as we say in Texas.

Can I offer you a drink?

I think you'd do better
with some eggs or cereal.

Marjorie, cereal is what's poisoning America
and causing the rise in mental disorders.

It's better.
I'm really falling apart, Marjorie.

I guess that's why I
didn't call you all week.

I was so worried, Noel.

I thought you might be sick.

I was sick.

Sick as I've ever been.

Sick of trying to figure out who I am.

Why I'm here, and what it's all about.

Don't you think you should answer
the phone? It might be your office.

You answer it.

Tell them I quit.

Tell them there's no power left on earth
that could turn me into a docile commuter.

Oh oh, that look.

That black-eyed look. Oh, Marjorie!

Do you know the question I've been
asking myself for the last three days?

Who am I?

You're the man I love.

I know.

Darling, you're unspeakably pretty
and bright and you have talent.

You really do. You keep trying and you're
gonna have your name up on those lights on

44th Street, blinking away.


What is it?


I've searched my soul truthfully
and honestly for the first time.

I asked myself.

"Do you want to Marry Marjorie?
You're in love with her."

The answer is no.

Not on her terms.

Then, I asked myself, "Is it money
you want?" The answer is no!

No, not on Rothmore's terms!

Well, is there some other
woman that you want then?

Miss America, Miss Universe? No.

No, no, no. There's no
other girl I ever met

who even comes close to you.

But, Marjorie.

Love of my life.

We're through.

You... you can't mean that.

You're tired.


Yes, I'm tired.

I'm tired of playing the
horse to your rider.

And, believe me Marjorie, whether you know
it or not, you've ridden me mercilessly.

Well, I'm throwing you. I'm running off.

Who are you running away from, Noel?

Don't you understand?

I ache with pleasure right
now just touching you.

That's what's damn near destroyed me.

I've been playing the game
by your asinine rules!

Being faithful to you.

Can you imagine what
that means to me not to

touch you and yet not
to touch another girl?

Believe me, if Imogene hadn't come
along and broken the spell...


What's the matter?

Good Lord, don't tell me you
believed Imogene. What...

I did.

I did.

Oh, Marjorie, I thought you
were pretending to ignore it.

How could you possibly
bel... Imogene and I...

I'm in love with you!
That's why I believed her.

Get out of my way, you rotten tramp!

- Good morning, Mr. Wronkin.
- Hello. Did Mr. Michelson show up yet?

- He's inside.
- Thank you.

- Good morning, Paul.
- Good morning, Wally. Oh, by the way...

How do you like the change in Act III?

I'm sorry, Paul, I don't like it.

It captures the mood in my opinion.

Try capturing it my way, huh?

Ok, just as you say.

Marjorie Morningstar!

What are you doing here?

I came to read for the part of the sister.

Well, sure. Come over here.

Oh, no. I'm just part of a group, Wally.
I'll wait my turn.

I'll be with you in a minute, folks. C'mon.

You look like the orphan in a storm.

Wally, I read your play and I
know all the sister's lines.

I feel the part.

I don't want any special treatment.

I just wanna read.

You look enchanting.

What have you been up to?

Oh, the usual.

Pounding the pavement. I
did an off Broadway show.

Well, I haven't set off any rockets yet.


it's all come true
hasn't it, Wally?


You're the successful playwright, and...

I've come to you, just as you said.

Only, I don't want any favors.

Marjorie, you don't have to read for me.

Oh, but I want to.

I want to prove to you
that I am an actress.

Or maybe I just want to prove it to myself.

The part is yours.

Just like that?

Just like that.

Report for rehearsal Monday morning.
I'll notify the producer.

Oh, by the way, why don't
you prowl around out front?

There's a friend of yours here.
Doing pretty well for herself, too.

Sugar bun! Oh!

- Oh, Marsha!
- Oh, Darling!

Oh, your a sprig of lilac,
just as ravishing as ever.

Same old Marsha.

What are you doing here?

I'm here with my boyfriend.
He's got money in this opera.

Come on. Meet him.

Lou, Honey. Lou.

I want you to meet my
oldest and dearest friend.

Marjorie Morningstar,
Lou Michelson.

How are you, Marjorie?
I've certainly heard a lot about you.

Thank you!

Oh, and this is Lou's lawyer,
Phil Berman.

Well how do you do,
Miss Morningstar?

Ah, are you in our show?

- Well, just barely. One scene.
- Oh! This kid's really got it.

She's gonna set Broadway on fire!

The blaze is hardly noticeable.

Well, you must be excited.

Oh, I'm on cloud seven.

Will you girls excuse us? We've
got business at the box office.

- Sure.
- Come on, Phil.

- It was certainly nice meeting you.
- Nice meeting you.

Lou's a darling. He's no
boy of course, but he's

very sweet and he insists
on buying me things.

You look just great.

Well, I've done the best
I can with the old hulk.

Is it all over between
you and Noel? for good.

Well, I can't say that you
haven't got the right idea.

Lou's a little older
than Wally of course,

but I guess it boils
down to the same thing.

If you can't have what you want

you take the next best.

- There's nothing between Wally and me.
- Same old record, huh?

Marsha, I got this part,
because Wally thinks I can play it.

Sure, sure, baby, I'm with you.

Doesn't matter how the
trolley get's started,

as long as it takes you
where you're going.

I see my master waving.
Honey, come to my wedding.

That's right. Lou and I
are going to get married.

I fought the good fight, but now
I want some of those things,

a trusty checkbook can buy.

Goodbye, Honey.

Goodbye, Marsha.

For crying out loud, Wally,
who is she?

Her name is Marjorie Morningstar,
and I want her to play the part.

She's nobody, she'll hurt the play.

Look, Paul. She won't hurt
it, she won't help it.

There are thousands like her on Broadway.

All she needs is a taste of the
fruit, and then it's over.

I want her to have that taste.

Kid, we can't start doing favors.
This is business.

Look, Paul, we're hung up
on that percentage right?

Alright. I'll give in on that point.

Well, that's different.

That's business,

She's got it.

- Thank you, Wally.
- Marjorie...

Thank you, very much.

There's your second kiss, darling.

For whatever it's worth. I want you
to have the best of everything.


So why don't you get the
best actress for the part.

That's business.

May I give you some champagne?

Pardon me a moment.

- Marjorie, darling.
- Mrs. Zelenko.

Isn't it thrilling? Marsha and Lou leave
for Europe, right after the wedding.

Excuse me a moment. Someone's just
come in, that I want you to meet.


- David!
- Hello.

- I am so glad to see you.
- I'm glad to see you,

- how have you been?
- Just fine.

- You look wonderful.
- David!

I'd like you to come see
the lovely wedding cake.

In a minute. I want
you to meet someone.

This is Marjorie Morningstar.
My wife, Helen.

How do you do?

You're as pretty as
David told me you were.

Thank you.

- Would you excuse us a moment?
- Of course.


I want you to meet Philip Berman.
Lou's attorney.

We've met. How do you do, Mr.

How are you, Marjorie?

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll run in
and see how Marsha's getting along.

Take care of her, Phillip.
She's Marsha's oldest friend.

I will, Tanya.

Would you like a drink?

Thank you, I'd love one.

May we have some?

Thank you.

This is a pleasant surprise.

I dropped by rehearsal
last week, I had a shock.

You weren't in the show.

I gave up the part.


Is it for the reason I think?

Now I'm pounding the pavement again.

I was probably crazy.

Marjorie, please.
Marsha wants to see you.

- Oh, excuse me.
- Of course.

Bridal nerves, I guess.
She's got a bad case of it.

Please talk to her, she's asking for you.
Right in there.

Marjorie, just a few more minutes.
Do I look nervous?

- Mama, how's Marsha?
- Wonderful. Wonderful, Lou.

- We're just going to her.
- Please take good care of it.

- Hello, Lou.
- Hi, Phil.

- Bridal nerves?
- Not me.

- Marsha, darling.
- I just want to talk to Marjorie, Mama.

Marsha dear, please
pull yourself together.

Mama, leave me alone.

27 bucks, shot.

Well now Morningstar,
how do you feel?


I'm not. Calmest bride you ever saw.

Well, sit down for heaven's sake,
don't stand there looking at me.

Well, time for one more cigarette.
My last as a free girl.

The next one I smoke, I'll
be Mrs. Lou Michelson.

Why is it I wonder, I was destined never
to have anything I ever really wanted?

Oh, Marsha look. When the time comes
for me to take the fatal plunge,

I'll probably have an attack
of nerves twice as bad.

Doesn't seem to me like I
ever wanted very much.

A friend, a job, and a fella.

Oh, darling, I'm so alone.

I'm so absolutely alone.

Now I'll be alone forever.

Till the day I die.

You are the last girl in the world, I ever
thought would get maidenly hysterics.

What's the matter with me, I'm
not supposed to have feelings?

I'm some sort of lizard or something?

Marsha, for heaven's sakes.
It's perfectly natural.

Oh sure, natural for everyone
except for Marsha Zelenko.

Marjorie, have you any
idea how infuriating it

is for me to think of you
giving up Noel Airman?

Where did you get the will power?

What runs in your veins anyway, ammonia?

Look, you're madly in love with this man,

and he loves you the way he's
never loved any other girl.

Do you know what I would give for
one hour of such a love affair?

My eyes!

I know what you must think about
my marrying Lou Michaels.

Lou's a fine man.

I could get down on my
hands and knees and

kiss his hands for being
willing to take over.

And be good to me, and give my
family the things they want.

I haven't got a Noel Airman
in love with me.

If I had, I would follow
him around like a dog.

Oh, Marjorie, you fool.

You've got the whole
world's gold at your feet.

Youth and good looks
and a wonderful lover.

And you toss it aside,
like so much garbage.

Marsha, for heaven's sake!

Oh! Oh! Sugar bun, go out there
and hold them at bay, would you?

- Sure.
- Baby, forget everything I said.

I can't tell you why I've always loved you.

Or why I fuss over you so. But you'll
be alright. No matter what you do.

You're God's favorite.
Marjorie Morningstar.

Now. Run along, run along.

27 bucks.

Hello. I had a hunch you might be here.

That's why I'm braving this madhouse.

How are you, Noel?

Never better. You want a light?

I've still got the shakes. I
had the fever in Mexico.

I guess I look pretty awful.

I've seen you looking better.

Well, I'll return the compliment,
by saying, you've bloomed.

You're a woman, that's what.

A lovely beautiful woman.

Thank you.

Well, here's to sweet reunion.

Or maybe I should drink to Princess Jones.
It's almost finished, you know.

Oh, I didn't know.

Oh yes, it's great. Terrific.
Three producers interested.

If it's ever produced, I'll send you a check.

A check?

It's half yours, you know.

Everything about it is you.

The music is permeated by you.

I'm glad you're working so hard.

Marjorie, I thought about you incessantly.

Day and night.

I need you, Marjorie.

I need you.

My friends, we are assembled
here in the presence of God...

to join this man and this
woman in marriage,

let us therefore remember that God has
established and sanctified marriage,

for the welfare and
happiness of mankind.

Do you Louis, take this
woman to be your wife,

and will you pledge your trough
to her with all love and honor?

I do.

Do you, Marsha, take this
man to be your husband?

And will you pledge your trough
to him, in all love and honor?

I do.

The ring, please.

By the authority committed
unto me as a judge,

I declare Louis and Marsha,
are now husband and wife.

According to the ordinance of God, and
the law of the state of New York.

This is the finale.

No dialog. Just a boy and girl under
white lights, on a naked stage.

Their dance sums up the theme of the show.

Man's eternal quest for beauty.

Magnificent, Noel!
Absolutely Magnificent.

Oh! Lou, darling, at last you're going
to be backing a show I can be proud of.

Well, what do you say boys. Are
we gonna get our feet wet?

It's only money, Lou. Whatever you decide.


Let's ask a pro. Do you mind if we
consult with Wally, here, Noel?

Shall I leave the room?

I like it. It's you, Noel.
You've got my 8.30 for a ticket.

Yeah, but's it's gonna cost me
ant the boys here, a lot more.

Now what do you honestly think of
it's commercial chances, Wally?


No, no. Let him talk.

What me and my partners would like to know
is could this be another popular show?

Like the ones you do, Wally.

I mean, cash on the barrel head.

Lou, you are not in the
Fulton fish market.

Give it to me straight, Wally.

The only criticism, I can
offer is perhaps the ending.

I know it's terribly honest, Noel,
but it's a little tough to take.

I think Wally hit right on the button.

You got a great show here kid,
but cut out all that hogwash.

Make that last scene, a
plain honest love scene.

With a nice clinch at the end.

Like Wally ends his shows.

What you'd like to see at the
finish, is a straight love scene.

Boy get's girl. They ride
off into the sunset.

Is that it?

Yeah, yeah. Something like that.

And the rest of the show makes you and your
lawyer, and your associates, very happy?

It's got a big chance, Noel.

Personally, I would be happier if
there were a few more jokes in it,

But you know me, I only
like, what the people like.

What's more important, is what Noel likes.

He should end it, the way
he believes it should end.

Oh, you boys belong to the same union, huh?

Ok, Noel. Do what you like, we're in.

And I have your consent to go ahead?

Oh, you've got more than that.
You've got our money.

Oh, I see, and that's why you think
you have the right to judge me.

Who do you think you are?

What are you people doing
in the theater anyway?

So you can put on a tuxedo
and come to opening night?

How dare you put me on trial like this. Have
you ever created anything in your lives?


You. How do you make all that
money you're patronizing me with?

And what do you peddle?

When was the last time that a girl
made love to you and meant it?

Shut up Noel.

You, counselor. You look
reasonably intelligent,

Tell me, how do you get yourself
to work for these people?

Sit in the same room,
breathe the same air??

Oh! I don't condemn you. No, I envy you!

Tell me how you do it, cause
I'd like to do it too.

You've got it made. You've got it made.
You've all got it made!

Success, oozes from all of you.

It covers you like a
coat of heavy grease.

It's disgusting.

No wait a minute. Don't walk out on me.
I'm sorry.

Michelson, let me do my show.
Everything I've lived for...

I've hoped for, I've poured into this show.

It can't fail. I promise
you, the show won't fail.

The guy is a screwball.

I didn't understand anything
tonight, except he doesn't like us.

The trouble with you
guys, is that you don't

know genius, when it
hits you in the head.

- Thanks, Lou,
- Sure.

There's a lot of good stuff in this show.

You guys wanna pull out, I'll go it alone.

Who's pulling out?
We're businessmen.

We're not touchy.

I hope he has a hit.

He can't lose.

He's got Marjorie.

Well, welcome to the club.

Oh, Papa!

Hello, Darling.

Look, they're still ice
skating in the park.

I was just standing here, watching them.

I... I used to bring here your
mother down here from the Bronx.

- Its, it's a beautiful park.
- Are you alright, Papa?

I'm fine, darling.

You're not worried about business?

Business. It's up, it's down. What
fun would it be if it never changed?

You know, I used to be pretty
good on ice skates myself.

Yeah. I just can't picture
you doing figure eights.

Well, fifteen, twenty years.
It's a long time.

I was just about his age.


Noel's. He, he has fine qualities.
He has a lot of fine qualities.

And if that's it. That's it.
He'll be our son.

- But, Papa.
- And you can have the wedding anytime.

Right now. Next month.
A catered wedding.

From Lowenstein.

With a white dress.

You do not understand, Papa.

What would we live on? Noel
has no income, not yet.

He could live here, can't he?

I mean, who needs all this room?

I don't think that would work.

This won't work either.

I'm not blind.

You've changed. He's changing you.

I haven't changed.

I haven't.

Maybe what I'm doing is wrong.
I don't know.

I'm in love.


Maybe I should have spent
more time with you.

I have been neglectful.

Noel and I are going to be married.
Just as soon as his show is finished.

Will that make you happy?

I want anything that
makes you happy.

You're always giving me things, Papa.

What have I ever given you?

Someone to love.

Good night my Darling.

What did you think?
Wasn't it beautiful?

Sex! You know, I've never
seen sex like that.

And those costumes the girls wore. I
could have sold him the peppers at cost.

Sugar bun!

Oh, Marsha.

Oh darling! What a triumph.
It was absolutely stupendous.

- Marsha, did you really like it?
- Like it? Darling, I was overwhelmed.

Look, why don't you join us?
Noel is coming

over to the house later
with some of the cast.

And we're gonna sit
up for the reviews.

Ok, Lou?

You run along with them.
I'll wait up for the paper.

Well, Well?

Say something.

We were crucified.


I told him to change the ending.

Oh! Those critics, what do they know?

I tell you, it'll run a year.

- Where's Noel.
- I left him, backstage.

- Did he read these?
- Every word.




Marjorie, darling.

I have come to take you home.

Papa, he's gone.

Come home, Marjorie.

I'm not going home.

I going to Noel.

Where is he?

I don't know.

He said, I mustn't look for him.

I should forget him.


Maybe it's better this way.

You don't understand.

Noel's been hurt. Terribly.

He's ashamed. Ashamed to face me, a failure.

- Don't you see. Don't you see that?
- Yes, darling. I see.

Wherever he is. I
have to help him.

But what's the use?

He needs me.

I have to find him.

I have to find him,
don't you understand?

Thank you very much, Sir.

- Oh, good afternoon, Miss Morgenstern.
- Good afternoon.

- Any calls?
- No. Miss?

- No letters?
- No, Miss.

Oh, there's a gentleman
waiting to see you.

- Where is he?
- In the foyer.



Oh, Wally! You don't know what
it means to see a friendly face.

Welcome to London. Scene of the
newest and greatest Wronkin triumph.

Seats available for all performances.

How on earth did you ever find me here?

How does a pigeon find it's roost?

Put me within 50 miles of you, and
all the bloodhound comes out.

I wish I had some of that bloodhound in me.

I take it you're searching
for the elusive Mr. Airman?

Where have you looked?

Where haven't I looked?

Vienna, Paris, Zurich.

I know he came to London.

But I don't know where.

Has it ever occurred to you that
maybe he doesn't want to be found?

I know that.

Why are you so persistent?

You don't have to ask me that, Wally!

So you find him. Then what?

Some more of the same,
all over again?

Marjorie, people in love aren't
always good for each other.

There isn't anything you can tell
me, I don't already know.

Don't you think I've wished a hundred
times that I'd never met Noel Airman?

Oh, stop talking like
you've invented something.

There's a Noel Airman in every girls life.

Most of them are
luckier than you.

They manage to get over
him by the first summer.

Look who's Talking.

How many summers have I
been carrying around the

memory of a girl under
some colored lanterns?

If only it'd been you, Wally.

How simple it all would have been.

Well, nothing ever
comes easy for me.

We're alike, aren't we?

So very much alike.

Marjorie... Noel is at South Wind.

South Wind?

How do you know?

I loaned him the money to get there.

Oh, Wally!

Don't go to him. Let him alone.

He needs help!

Not yours.

Maybe you can take one more swing
around the merry go round,

but Noel can't. It'll destroy him.

What are you saying?

Noel has to find himself.

He do not belong at South Wind.

Marjorie, don't you see,
Noel doesn?t belong there.

He can't rise any higher.
You made him think he could.

He tried to and almost
broke his heart trying.

I like Noel, too.

Without him, I don't know where I'd be today.

That's why I want to see him happy.

- But I'll make him happy.
- He's happy without you.

South Wind is the only place
on earth, where he's somebody.

Where he's important.

If you love him, stay away from him.

I won't listen to you.

Alright, go to him.

I've waited for you to grow up.

I thought you had.

Goodbye, Marjorie.

I will always love you.

Isn't that Noel Airman, simply marvelous?

I wish you wouldn't look at him that way.

How can I help it, when
I'm seeing real genius?


- Marjorie Morningstar!
- Hello, Mr. Greech.

Good to see you again.

Say, You've really grown up, haven't you?


I think I have.