Marie Krøyer (2012) - full transcript

At the beginning of the 20th century, Marie is married to Denmark's world famous painter P.S. Krøyer. They are among the country's most admired and famous couples. All the great men of the time - politicians, businessmen, noblemen, scientists, writers and royalty - wish to be depicted by Krøyer, and he can ask any price he wants. To be painted by him is a great honour and comes with great prestige. Marie, who adorns several of Krøyer's paintings, is considered to be "the most beautiful woman in Europe". Together with their daughter Vibeke they experience all the best life has to offer: parties, champagne and luxury. However, this is only the polished surface. Beneath it is living hell. Krøyer suffers from manic depression and syphilis. He can change from being cheerful and upbeat, to a foaming crazy monster without any boundaries, also within his relationship to Marie and Vibeke. Marie has struggled to keep up appearances for a long time, but the situation is wearing her down. She is caught in an impossible situation between maintaining the bright social life and the hell unfolding behind closed doors. She feels that she is being suffocated and that she is disappearing. After another of Krøyer's violent fits of insanity and rage, Marie decides to leave for Italy with their daughter; to go away for a while and recuperate. In Italy she meets the younger Swedish composer Hugo Alfvén. He falls head over heels in love with her and she finally yields to his unreserved and unrestrained emotions. However, their union is not a happy one. Marie is caught between a new life on one side and her love for Vibeke and Krøyer on the other. In the first place, she was not even searching for love, she was searching for herself. It is this painful road, the road towards your own true self, which Marie is following in The Passion of Marie. And she succeeds - but it all comes at a cost.

In the early 20th century
a colony of artists settled in Skagen -

a remote place in Denmark.

The exceptional light attracted the
artist couple S?ren and Marie Kr?yer -

who stood out thanks to S?ren's
expert talent and international fame.

Based on a true story
inspired by -

Anastassia Arnold's biography
"The Passion of Marie Kr?yer".



Take a look at it, please.

Of course.

It's nice.
Very nice.

But even though it's light -

it doesn't light up.
Look at my hand.

See how the light makes it glow?
So full of life?

You must see the life in the colors.

Thank you.


Tell Mom that Tannh?user beckons.

- Tannh?user.

Dad says that Tann...
- Ha?ser.

Tannh?user beckons.
- I heard your naughty dad.

Want to try Mommy's brushes?

Tannh?user mounts
the mount of Venus.


I'm not worthy of soiling the beauty.
- S?ren...

No. Oh, well...
The belly rumbles.

Could you see to it
that lunch is prepared?

Aren't you excited, Vibs?

All the posh Copenhageners
are coming to see Papa's paintings.

Your cab is here, Mrs. Kr?yer.
- Thank you. My husband is coming.

All the ladies are wearing
their most beautiful dresses.

What's the matter, Vibs?

Tell Mommy.

I'm afraid Papa will act all strange.

Dearest, don't worry.

Papa has been well for a long time.

Don't worry your head about that.

I understand it scares you
now and then.

But it's his illness.
He can't help it.

Most of the time he's sweet and good
and the nicest papa.

And I'm there to look after you.

You and I have to stand together.
Right, Vibs?

Here you are.
Thank you.


One of the men called you
the most beautiful woman in Europe.


I don't know if I'm me
or the woman in the paintings?

Poor Marie.

Who's that?
- Lachmann, the attorney.

Ladies and gentlemen.

As a member of the board -

I am honored and delighted -

to welcome you to this
the great event of the year.

Were it not for my personal friendship
with our dear master Kr?yer -

and his enchanting wife Marie -

we'd never have lured them to
Copenhagen from their windy Skagen.

I hereby declare the exhibition open.

Excuse me.
Do you know the works?

I've read about the exhibition
and Kr?yer's works.

"The essence
of sensuality and beauty. "

I must say he has succeeded.

The sensuality comes out
in the most sublime way.

It's far easier to paint
a businessman than a fisherman.

And I'll tell you why.
The fisherman is complicated.

A businessman struggles
with stocks and bonds.

The fisherman's struggle is one
of life and death.

I can paint a businessman
in a cigar's time.

The fisherman...

Well, he takes an entire day.
Excuse me, gentlemen.

May I invite you for a cup of coffee?

Yes, please.

Do you know the woman?
- Yes. We're good friends.

Vibs, take this.

Hold on to the tail.

I'll run ahead, you follow
and let go at my command.


Vibs, would you like to try?
Hold on tight.

Dear friends.

Thank you for coming to celebrate
my beloved S?ren's birthday.

Cheers and congratulations, S?ren.
Three cheers.

Congratulations, Papa.
- Thank you.

My dear, dear friends.
I'm the happiest man in the world.

Look at me.
I'm a prince.

It's raining oranges down on me -

like sorrows rain down on others.
I am so very happy.

Words can't describe
how happy I am. Cheers.

The Copenhagen exhibition was
a huge success. Orders are pouring in.

Kr?yer is more popular than ever.
You must be very content.

get up and follow me.

Come along.

Hurry up.

Agnete, let's clear the table.

Marie, don't stand out there.
Come and join in the fun, darling.

What a pity.

What a pity, little Vibs.
- Come here, little Vibs.

Henny, no cheating.

Oh dear, Marie.
Away with your chair.

I'm worried about him.
He's always like this before he snaps.

Maybe you should call Dr. Lange.

And you know
you can always turn to me.

Thank you, dear Lachmann.


Wake up.

Wake up.
Come, Marie.

Don't tell anyone.
Promise, darling?

They've put a price on my head.

Nobody is out to get you.
- Yes. They blame me.

They've offered a reward.

Where are we going to flee?

I'm not mad, Marie.

It's all the... creatures inside me.

I know, S?ren.

Where did he go?
Your prince?

He's right here.
- Is he?

Do you still see him?
- Yes.

He's dressed in white.

His eyes shine like crystal.

Do you see his mouth?
It's so beautiful.

Soft to the touch.


There's a snake in Paradise.

Hold the snake, my Queen.
Hold Tannh?user.

Bite the apple.

I'm no man anymore.
- It's your illness, S?ren.

You think you know it all.

But you don't know anything.

You're just an untalented
little wretch.

But they've put a price
on the big whore.

They will catch her and cut her up
like a pig to the slaughter.


I'm going to kill you, Marie.

That will make the illness go away.
- S?ren, you're making all this up.

Dr. Lange wrote
that you need to rest your nerves.

This is best for all of us.
For me, Vibeke and for you.

Can you forgive me?

How do you do, Mr. Kr?yer.
And welcome back.

Don't leave me.

You must be brave for us all.
- I love you, Marie.

Please don't visit Mr. Kr?yer
until there are signs of progress.

I'll write and keep you informed.
- Thank you.

We've been very pleased with your
work lately. Here's a little bonus.

I trust Mr. Kr?yer's little bad spell
will remain within these four walls?

Thank you.

How are we going to manage, Vibs?
- Its arm is broken.

We'll put it back on, then.

"Suddenly, through the window
came a burst of song. "

"It was the little live nightingale
who sat outside on a spray. "

"He had heard of his Emperor's plight
and had come to sing of hope. "

Would you like to sleep
in my room tonight?

I want to go home.

I want to go home
because they're going to kill my wife.

I want to go home.
They're going to kill my wife.

I don't want her to die
before I've spoken to her.

I want to go home.
Stop the execution!

Stop the execution!
Stop the execution!

I demand to see the king!

Tell His Majesty -

that P.S. Kr?yer wants
to talk to him.

I was with you, Marie.

I heard how those brutes dragged
your body across the prison floor.

I was with you.
I saw your eyes -

when the bullets tore your body
apart. I was with you in death.

I was there when the worms
dug into your beautiful body.

I was with you in the coffin, Marie.

Marie, we died together.

We died together.
- I'm not Marie, Mr. Kr?yer.

Dr. Lange says it may take weeks.
Months even.

How are you coping?

Would you like some more cocoa?

Why is everyone staring at me?
- Because you're famous.

Famous for nothing.

It's true. All I'm famous for
is being S?ren's beautiful wife.

Don't smile.
- Sorry.

What's the matter with you?

You've met someone.

- A Swede. I think I'm in love.

Can I have more cream?
- Yes.

I don't even know if he loves me. I've
never experienced anything like it.

Like what?

He is an extraordinary lover.

Not in front of a child!
- Is S?ren good in bed?

One doesn't ask questions like that.
- I do.

I'm sorry.

I thought I was married to a strong
man who could take on the world.

But our life is a living hell.
- Marie.

If you and Vibs need a vacation,
come with me to Sweden this summer.

Nobody knows you there.

I can't.

How is he?

Dr. Lange says he's making progress.

It's no joke when the breadwinner
goes mad. Can you eat a lobster?

Lobster is for festive occasions.
I'm not feeling very festive.

You're making too big a fuss.

I'm sure all your problems
will find a happy solution soon.

I assure you I will do anything
in my power to help you.

And Mr. Kr?yer.
- Thank you, my dear Lachmann.

Mr. Kr?yer has made great progress.
His condition is much better.

I think it will do him good
to come home.



Is that you, Marie?

It's me, S?ren.

But you're alive?

Yes, my darling Marie,
you're alive.

Let me touch you.
It really is you?

It's me.

Yes, it is you.

My poor Marie.
You're so fair and fragile.

I will look after you.
- I know, S?ren.

Do you know what day it is?
- What day is it?

Our wedding day.

I've been in a horrible darkness.

Everything disappeared.

But that didn't matter.
I could bear it.

It didn't get to me
until they killed you.

They didn't kill me, S?ren.

I know that now.
But I didn't then.

It's over now.

Are they going to let me out?

I'm here to take you home.

You won't leave me?
- No.

You're still young and beautiful.

What do you want
with an old wreck like me?

I love you.

Can we rediscover...

What does Ibsen call it?
- "The wonderful".

The wonderful.
Do you think we can?

Drink your lemonade.

I've made a mess of everything.

It's not your fault alone.

I have a large exhibition in Paris.

I've been recommended for
La L?gion d'honneur.

No Danish artist has
ever received that order.

Our dreams have come true,
haven't they?

I'm tired.
I need to go inside and rest.

Will you give me a hand?

I saw it.
I see everything.

What did you see?
- I saw you crying.

Just now in the garden.

Why were you crying?

Because it was so sad.

About me?
- About us.

You're lying.
- I never lie.

No, but...

You said: All the things that have
come between us and our dreams.

But you really meant:

All the things that have come
between you and your dreams.

Isn't that so?

Aren't those the thoughts you keep
when my back is turned?


In my bright moments
at the asylum -

I thought about you.

About you. Your life.

I know I've ruined a lot for you,
but not on purpose.

It's because God has cursed me
with a monstrous talent.

And I do understand
your artistic yearnings.

No one understands better than me.

How do I put this
without hurting your feelings?

I love you as a woman
and as a human being -

but I see your desire
to become an artist, too -

and I understand your torment.
But art is easy. Life is the hard part.

There's so much more to you than art.

I can paint like nobody else.
It comes easy to me.


I have it in me, but...

Marie, you don't.

Even if you worked until
the end of time, you'd never get it.

God hasn't breathed on you.

Your life would be much happier,
if you gave it up.

Will you fluff my pillow for me?

Vibeke, sit still.
Don't move.

She's tired. It's been two hours.
- Spare me the pettiness.

No pettiness, please.

Marie, I see you.
Damn, do I see you.

You can look now.


What do you think?
- It's beautiful.

It is. We're beautiful.
Don't we look splendid?

Why am I not in it?
- But you're the dog, little Vibs.

See? You look like the dog.
- It doesn't look like me.

It's much prettier than you.
You'll never be as pretty as that dog.

Be quiet, S?ren.
- She loves me. Don't you, Vibs?

You love me!
You love your old Papa.

Stop it, S?ren.
It's too much.

Welcome, Lachmann.

Welcome, Your Excellency.

Thank you. Happy to see you.
Charmed, I'm sure.

How do you do, Kr?yer.
- Henny!

Nice to see you again.
- Give everyone a glass.

There we are.

Let us drink to the world.
Let us drink to... life.

Let us drink to art.

The Ambassador can't wait
to see your works.

Well, I've never been better.
And that's saying something.

And now, the paintings.

Vibeke, come along.
Marie, inside.

Take it easy, S?ren.
There's no rush.

You, inside.
Please wait here one moment.

You may enter now.

It will cause a sensation.
- And so I ask you:

Does art surpass reality,
or does reality surpass art?

Reality is art!

More champagne!

The world must know that we exist!

A true artist.

I got it!

Vibeke, fetch!

Come along. Fetch!

Over there.
Fetch, Vibs!

Very good. Heel!

Get down on all fours.

You call yourself a hound?
Hold it by your teeth!

There you go, Vibs.
Yes, fetch!

Is she happy?
- She's beautiful.

Don't you see how unhappy she is?
The woman in the painting?

What have those two got in common?

Why is there a distance
between them?

I thought we were going to fight
to rediscover the wonderful.

I'm suffocating.
Don't you understand?

Are you leaving me?

Are you leaving me?

I can't.
I would if I could.

What is holding you back?


He was horrible to Vibs.

It's not the first time.

Is everything this bad?

I can't go on.
Not like this.

But what can you do?

I'm considering going to Sweden
this summer to visit a friend.

Me and Vibs.
- Do it.

But I can't leave him on his own.
- Do it, Marie. I'll look after S?ren.

Who are you?
- Hugo Alfv?n.

Hugo Alfv?n.
You're Swedish.

Swedish as hell.

Am I bothering you?
- Say something.

Why don't you say something?
- My name is Hugo Alfv?n.

I already said that.

I'm a composer.
Swedish, well, obviously.

I'm sorry.
- Say more.

I've written two symphonies -

chamber music, songs,
choral works.

Marie Kr?yer is my name.

I've never met a woman who doesn't
open her eyes in front of a stranger.

I would like you to walk again
while talking.

I just arrived at the hotel.

I'm a composer from Stockholm.

I already said that.

I'm sorry. I can't be spontaneous.
- Just say what enters your mind.

I've never seen
a more beautiful woman in my life.


You, Marie Kr?yer, are the most
beautiful woman I have ever seen.

I see you've met
and spared me the introductions.


He's so nice to her.

S?ren said something that stung.
- What did he say?

Art is no comfort.

S?ren and I tried to live up to
a picture postcard that didn't exist.

The talented artist
and his beautiful, happy wife.


Whenever we failed,
I found comfort in painting.

In my dream of becoming an artist.

He didn't say it to be mean.
He just told me the truth.

I don't have it in me, Anna.

It was just an excuse
not to face up to it.

I've given up painting.
- What do you have to face up to?

All the things that aren't there.

Do you think I can find my way back?

To what?
- Myself.

A woman shouldn't find herself.
She should find a man.

That will make her happy.
- You do hold yourself in low esteem.

I hold men in low esteem.

Excuse me.
I have to go to the bathroom.


Marie Kr?yer.
- I don't want to disturb you.

You aren't.

Did I wake you?
- Thank you for the music.

Call me Marie.
What were you playing?

A new piece.
- Called?

Nothing... yet.

Thank you for playing with Vibeke.
She hasn't slept this well for a while.

Let me be honest.
- Haven't you been so far?

I've had an affair with Anna.
But it's over now.

That's none of my business.
- I didn't mean it like that.

What do you mean?

The first time I saw you,
I was swept away.

Aren't you a married man?
- No.

There's... only me.

But I'm a married woman,
and my child is asleep upstairs.

So is Anna.
- But I love my husband.


This is for you.

Thank you.

Vibeke and I are so happy to be here.
We needed it.

Anna, you and...
- Hugo.

What is between you?
- Something we've regretted.

Is that all?
- He came to end the affair properly.

- Yes.

Am I hurting you?

Beware of Hugo.
- What do you mean?

More wine?

- No thanks.

Vibeke, more ice cream?
- I have a tummy ache.

Do you want to go to the room?
- Soon.

I'll go with Vibeke. You can stay.
- No, I don't think so.

But I do.

Come along.
- Sure?

Yes, I'm sure.
Let's go.

I want to stay with Papa Hugo.

I'll tell you a bedtime story.
Wouldn't you like that?

Good night.
- Good night.

Good night.

Did you hear her?
She called me papa.

I ought to go with her.

This is no coincidence.
I've seen you before.

I gave a concert in Copenhagen -

and then I went to an exhibition and
saw your husband's paintings of you.

I hate those paintings.

They don't do you justice.
- That's not why I hate them.

I know why you hate them.
- You do?

They only show your outer beauty.

No, Hugo. I can't.


There's only us.
Only you and I.

I saw you too.

What do you mean?

At the Copenhagen exhibition.

I saw you.

Well, how do I look?

Don't I look splendid? Have you seen
my L?gion d'honneur?

I was presented with it yesterday
at the embassy.

Magnificent event.
The French have style.

The ambassador sent his regards
to my beautiful wife.

How was Sweden?
- Fine.

You'd better get changed.
- I can't go on.

All of Copenhagen is waiting for you.

S?ren, don't you understand?

In the two hours I've been here you've
done nothing but talk about yourself.

I'm sorry. You're right.

I haven't had anyone to share it with.
I've missed my Marie.

Tell me all about Sweden.
Did you find yourself there?

Horrid thought, really.
To find oneself.

Who the hell wants to find oneself?

To be confronted with the
naked cadaver in all its misery.

I'd never let you down, S?ren.
- And I love you for that. I love you.

Something happened in Sweden.
- We're late.

I lose myself in my love for you.
- I'm condemned to drag myself about.

What did you dream of?
- Love.

And you didn't find that with me?

Is he Danish?

What does that mean?
- Will I be the laughing-stock or not?


And what is this Swede called?

Alfv?n. Hugo Alfv?n.

And what does this Hugo do?
- He's a composer.

I've never heard of a Swedish
composer named Hugo. Is he famous?

Does it matter?
I'm not interested in his music.

That will benefit your relationship.

Is he old like me?
- You're not old.

Like you?

And what is the point
of this little confession?

I can't go on.
- How do you mean?

Do you want a withering wife?
- Should I cry over this gift of grace?

You should understand that painful as
it may be, it's our only chance to... find the wonderful?

We love each other,
but we can't find it.

Isn't itjust a hollow dream?
- That we can't find it?

No. This your new love.

Only now do I understand
what love is.

And it's Hugo.

Just a moment!

Forgive me.

Divorce is out of the question.

If you insist on living in sin
with hopeful Hugo, know this:

Vibeke is staying with me.

You can't take her away from me.
- It's not revenge. It's for her sake.

Don't go!
- Why this sudden maternal feeling?

Stop it!

If you don't leave tonight,
do me a favor and find another hotel.

Thank you.

Thank you.
- One moment, Mrs. Kr?yer.

Oh, Marie. There you are.

I haven't slept a wink.
Are you intent on leaving me?

We can't talk here. Let's go.
Thank you.

My darling Marie.

I thought it was a fantasy, a whim.

Forgive me.
Now I know you're serious.

I'm going to fall apart. What am I
going to do, if my life disappears?

I can't live without you.
I'm going to fall apart.

I need you by my side.
I need to feel that life is there.

Real life.
Please forgive me.

I promise to change.
I'm going to change my life.

You don't understand a thing.
- I understand everything.

For once I didn't enjoy being
the center of attention.

I could only think of you.

Now I understand, Marie.
- What do you understand?

The Gordian knot.

You love him.
I love you.

And I can't... be without you.

I didn't understand that
until last night.

I'm going to invite Hugo to Skagen.

I'll rent a house for him in the dunes.

You can visit him when I work.
What you do when I'm not looking -

I don't want to know. And I don't
want anyone else to know either.

Nobody can bear that.
- I'll bear anything to keep you.

One can't give such huge gifts.

I'm not giving.
I'm receiving.

I love you.
- I love you, Marie.

I love you.

Will you come with me
back to my hotel?


Smile, Marie. Smile.

Smile all the time and be happy.
Remember that we're...

We're here to pick up our house guest.

And what's his name again? Hugo.
I must try to remember.

Hugo! My dear friend.

Look happy to see me again,
damn it. I'm S?ren.

S?ren. Brother.
- Hugo!

- Hugo, my dear...

Come along, dear friend.

Thank you for your magnanimity.
It's almost embarrassing.

No. I'm rich and famous.
You're not.

Hugo didn't mean wealth and fame.

You can spend the days together,
but not the nights.

And I won't be offended
in my own house. Understood?

Papa Hugo!
- Little Vibs. I've missed you.

How are you?
- Put her down.

Be careful.
- This is my bicycle.

Can you ride it?

I've furnished it.

To live here is like living in you.

Everything I compose here
I will dedicate to you.

Oh, there you are.

Where's Vibs?
- Inside. I fell asleep.

I've been working all day.
Come and sit down.

I have to prepare dinner.
- No, don't worry about dinner.

I found it impossible to work.

Henny looked after Vibs,
Vibs loves her dearly.

She has prepared dinner for us.

Seeing as
you don't have time for that.

Look what we've made.

Vibeke is such a clever girl.

Isn't life marvelous?

I toast you, Hugo.
My life's savior.

Well, Hugo, my friend.

Are you getting
any composing done in the dunes?

I'm working on a piece called
"Midsummer Vigil".

"Midsummer Vigil".
"Midsummer Vigil".

Sounds awfully Swedish.
Play it for us.

- Hell, let's hear some music.

Play for us.
Play your "Midsummer Vigil".

Now, sweetheart.
Tell me -

who do you like best?
Papa or Papa Hugo?

Tell me. Where are you going?
- Outside with Vibs.

Stay here!

Mr. Kr?yer...
- Shut up! It's my house, my wife. Sit!

Answer me. Papa or Papa Hugo?
- You're scaring her.

You're not scared of me, are you?

So tell me. Which one of us?
- None of you.

That won't do.
You have to choose.

I know a Swede by the name
of Persson. Do you know him?


Answer me. Who do you love
the most? Me or him?

Give me the gun.
- Nobody talks like that to me.

Are you scared, Marie?
Love's sister is afraid, eh?

Give it to me!
- Damn you, Swede!

Well, let's have some dessert.

Sit down, Mrs. Kr?yer.

I told you,
your problems will be solved.

How is your painting coming along?
- I haven't got it in me.

I'm sure you do.
- It's not a necessity anymore.

Your presence in this room
makes me realize how drab it is.

What can I do for you, Mrs. Kr?yer?

You know how conscientious I am.
- As I've told Mr. Kr?yer many a time:

He doesn't know how grateful
he ought to be for your endurance.

He threatened me and our daughter -

with a loaded shotgun.

I've never been more scared. He
hadn't a shred of humanity left in him.

I was sure he was going to kill us.
- Poor thing. Would you like a brandy?

I can't go on.
- Do you want me to call Dr. Lange?

When he's discharged,
hell will start all over again.

It will never end.

Have you and Kr?yer discussed...
- Divorce?

Yes. I know how hard you have
struggled to preserve your marriage.

I know how brave you've been.
No one knows it better than me.

Please don't think me forward, but
I have a large house in here in town.

I live there on my own.
You're welcome to move in with me.

With your child, of course.
- It's nice of you, Lachmann.

But S?ren won't hear of divorce.
Will you talk some sense into him?

I'm sure Mr. Kr?yer and I can have a
sensible man-to-man talk about this.

I'm not on my own.
- What do you mean?

I didn't intend to tell you.
- Tell me what?

I've met another man who loves me.

And I love him with all of my heart.

It is a complicated matter.

But didn't you say
you could talk some sense into him?

I can, and I'll be happy to.

But I also know
how much Mr. Kr?yer loves you.

He won't give you up without a fight.

Mr. Kr?yer is a great man,
a famous and highly decorated man.

Whom will people believe? Him or
a woman leaving him for another man?

I thought you wanted to help me.
- I will. But it will be difficult.

You will be seen as a treacherous
woman and judged harshly.

Thank you for your time.
- Wait.

You're right.
I've been na?ve.

In my primitive lawyer's imagination
I thought that maybe -

when things were different,
if they were to become different...

Under different circumstances...

Forgive me my improper thoughts.

Let me at least help you at a distance.

Let's be sensible.
You're going away.

Someone has to take care of S?ren's,
yours and Vibeke's interests.

Let me at least help you with that.
- And talk some sense into S?ren.

The law is on his side.

Your position is weak...
In the eyes of the law.

No child can live in a loveless home.
- The law doesn't understand that.

Do something, Lachmann.

Do something.

Vibs can't live alone
with her sick father.

During his bad spells...
He loses control.

Help me.

I could ask the district doctor
in Skagen, an old friend -

to keep an eye on S?ren
and call me, if he suffers a relapse.

Then I could ask
the authorities to remove the child.

But such a measure requires you
to give me a power of attorney.

A power of attorney?
- Yes. Make me her guardian.

Is that the only way you can help?
- I see no other.

Very well. Draw up
a power of attorney for Vibeke's sake.

I'll have my head clerk
do it right away.

I could do with a brandy now.
- I'm sorry. How selfish of me.

Excuse me one moment, Mrs. Kr?yer.

Marie, is that you?
Won't you come inside?

I just came to thank you for looking
after Vibeke during our hard times.

Why of course.
- I have a bigger favor to ask of you.

You know how things stand -

and she is awfully fond of you.
It almost makes me jealous.

She's fond of you too.
She's confused, that's all.

Hugo and I have to leave.
There is no other option.

The sight of us torments S?ren,
and I don't blame him.

But it doesn't change how I feel.
Not anymore.

Do you understand, Henny?

I think so.
- S?ren needs security. A home.

You're such an affectionate woman,
Henny. Not a bad bone in your body.

I say that in admiration.
- What do you want to ask of me?

The law forbids me
to take Vibs with me.

I don't think I can live without her.

Will you take care of Vibs
while I'm gone?

Oh, dear God.
- Why are you crying?

I've always wanted a child.
I haven't been this happy in years.

Thank you for your trust, Marie.

I've never worked this well before.
I've never been this happy before.

It's just like the first time we met.
- My eyes are open now.

Yes, your eyes are open now.

Nothing inspires a composer more
than silence.

And here, in the middle
of the Swedish archipelago.

My new symphony.
It isn't about anything.

It is something.

What is it?
- Light.

Light and joy.

Light and joy.

Why are you looking so secretive?
- Am I?

Will your inspiration vanish,
if the silence is broken?

Not if you break it.

And if it were a child?

A child?

I'm pregnant, Hugo.

Are you sure?
- A woman knows.


Our real life starts now.
The life we've been dreaming of.

- Look under your plate.

Read it.

He has agreed to the divorce.

Isn't it wonderful?

We can finally live as man and wife.

We don't have to live in sin
with our little child.

Let's get married right here in
the wild. Wouldn't that be beautiful?

And where are we going to live?
Let's stay here.

In Denmark I'm the unfaithful wife.
Here in Sweden we can start over.

It would do Vibs good, too.

Are you listening?
- Yes.

What do you think?
- About what?

You're not listening.
- I am.

Are we going to live here or there?
- I don't know.

You sound as if you don't care.
- I do.

I'm sorry.
Where do you want to live?

I already said.
Aren't you happy?

I'm happy.

You don't seem happy.

I'm nervous.

For me?
- For you and the child.

It will be fine.
I've tried it before.

And we'll find the best doctor to bring
our child safely into the world.

I'm an artist, Marie.
I need my freedom.

If I can't create, I'm useless.
- Will a child hinder your creativity?

I fear that.
- I'm there to give you that freedom.

I don't want you on my conscience.

You don't sacrifice yourself.
You give yourself and get love.

What you call a calling from God
is also an obligation.

God demands it, art demands it.
- Do you regret all this?

- Is it the child then?

- Is it because I talk of marriage?

- Then what is it?

Why all this talk of obstacles?
Aren't you at all happy?

I can't.
I can't get married.


I should have told you earlier,
but I couldn't.

I'm engaged.

I was engaged when we met.

But the sight of you
drove me crazy.

Made me reckless.

I promised to marry her
as soon as she left her husband.

And she has left her husband now.
- I left my husband, too.

I never asked you to.

I love you, Marie,
but I can't let her down.

But you can let me down.
- I told you. I need my freedom.

Without that I'm nothing.
I need boundless...

You don't fear for your freedom.
- So what do I fear?


What about the child?

I will never forgive you for this.

Marie? You're back?

May I come in?
- Why of course. Come in.

Aren't you going to greet your mother?

Let's go and sit down.

How is S?ren?
- He tries to work.

But his poor eyesight is making it
almost impossible for him to paint.

So he sleeps most of the time.

And Vibs is such a clever girl.
Show your mother all you've learned.

Show her your exercise books.

You've made such progress
while Mommy's been away.

Do you want me to wake him?
- Will you?

S?ren, Marie is here.


Marie, you've come back?
- It's too late.

Is it his?
- It's mine.

I thought you were happy.

So why don't you come back?

We'll say it's my child.

No one will point fingers at you.
You will still be Mrs. Kr?yer.

After I've let you down,
I should hide behind your name?

We've let each other down.

Your hands are cold.

Please put them on my forehead.

You know I love you.

No one on earth will ever
love you as much as I.

And no one understands you
as well as I do.

That's true.
- No one understands me like you.

But there is an abyss between us.

We could try.
- Haven't we tried?


But where will you go?
- Where?

What with the child and everything?
- I'll find a way.

We're still married. On paper.
I'm obligated to provide for you.

I'll have Lachmann transfer
some money to you.

That will make everything...
a little easier.

Thank you, S?ren.

Marie... Say something.

What do you want me to say?
- Say something about yourself.

You never talk about yourself.

Do you know
what your first word to me was?

No, what?
- Champagne.

Damned right.

Damned right.
Oh, Marie.

Aren't we the happiest people
in the whole world?

Aren't you and I the happiest people
in the whole world?


It's a beautiful little girl.

Look, Mrs. Kr?yer.
She's smiling at you.

Merry Christmas.

Come in.

It's so sad to think of you sitting
all alone here on Christmas Eve.

You must know many in Copenhagen.

I prefer to be alone.

You're welcome to join my wife
and me. The more, the merrier.

Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.

Come in.
- A gentleman insists on seeing you.

A Mr. Alfv?n.

I don't want to talk to him.
- Marie, I need to talk to you.

I have to talk to you.

You know where you can find me.

I've traveled all day and all night.

Christmas Eve is not
a night for traveling.

Why did you come?
- I love you. I can't live without you.

I can't work. I sit down at the piano,
and I see you and hear your voice.

I've broken off the other engagement,
so there are no obstacles now.

Please forgive me.
I've been such an idiot.

A bastard.

Forgive me.

Too much love isn't suffocating?
- I'm all the wiser now.

I know that under no circumstances
do I want us to be apart.

What about your freedom to create?

A man can't live by art alone.
You taught me that.

I realized too late
what a treasure I held in my hands.

Don't you want to see your child?
- Yes.

It's beautiful.
- It's a little girl.

May I?

She's looking at me.

Hello. It's your father.

Can you say father?

She spoke to me.

What is her name?
- I haven't decided on a name.

What are we going to call you,
little girl?

You are both so beautiful.

Please believe me, Marie.
You hold my happiness in your hands.

I love you.

Our love comes before anything else.

Marry me, Marie.
For our sake.

For Vibeke's sake.

If you only knew
how much I miss Vibeke.

Not a day goes by
that I don't...

I will never let down a child again.

As long as we aren't married,
she's mine alone -

and no one can threaten me.

Is that how you perceive me?
- No, not now.

Now I love you.

And I can feel that you love me.
I believe every word you say.

Every bone in my body cries out to me
to give myself to you.

To feel you inside me.
To be together as only we can.

But everything can soon change -

and then no one remembers
the bliss. Only evil remains.

I will wait for you, Marie.

Today we lay to rest
one of Denmark's great sons.

The greatest painter
Denmark has ever known.

The financial side of things
will soon be settled.

I presume you have
no objections to his will?

That leaves
only one problem unsolved.

The child.
- The child?

- Oh, but I've rented a house.

But I'm obligated to think
of the welfare of the child.

I don't understand.
- You gave me a power of attorney.

That was to protect her.
- Which I'm doing. I'm her guardian.

Don't forget, my dear.
You had deserted your family.

I demand to see her.
- You will.

Where is she?
- Let me outline your options.

- Vibeke is to determine her own fate.

What do you mean?
- I have no offers for you, only terms.

Sit down.

As you wish.

Sit down.

Vibeke is on her way.
I will ask her a very simple question.

Do you want to live with your mother,
or do you want to live with Henny?

She's my child.
- As her guardian I can do as I please.

A woman who betrays her husband
and has an illegitimate child -

has not got much of a say
in this world. Nor in the legal world.

I decide. You are not to speak
or gesture to the child.

Are we agreed? Good.
I will fetch the child.


I want you to answer me
truthfully and sincerely.

Will you promise me that? Good.

Don't be afraid. No one is going to get
angry with you. Do you understand?

Who are these people?

My mother and Henny.
- Yes. Do you like them?

You like your mother?

And you like Henny?

But you can't be with both of them
at the same time. You do understand.

So you have to choose
whom you want to live with.

Would you prefer to live
with your mother or with Henny?

They both want you, you see.
But you get to decide.

I've decided that.

So I ask you, Vibeke.

Who do you want to live with?

Would you prefer to live
with your mother or with Henny?

You have to say something.

Go to her then.

I'm sorry.

I'm sure you can visit her
as often as you like.

I do understand
how hard it must be for you.

Just as hard as it is for me.

You must think I've been horrible.

That I've let you down
and done everything wrong.

I have let you down.

And I don't blame you
for being angry with me.

I really wanted to be a good mother
and give you love and comfort.

But I couldn't.
Do you understand me, little Vibs?

I haven't been happy.
Yes, I was happy that I had you.

But I haven't been happy in my life.

And an unhappy person
can't make another person happy.

I know I should have stayed with you.

And taken much better care of you
than I did.

But it wouldn't have done you any
good to see your mother so unhappy.

No matter how much you missed her.

If all you see are unhappy adults, you
think that's what being an adult is.

But life isn't like that.
One can be happy.

And that has nothing to do
with one's parents.

It's all up to oneself.

You've taken the first step.

And that step leads away from me.
So be it.

I just wanted to say
that I hope -

you will become a happy person
in your own opinion.

Only your own opinion
of yourself matters.

You can always knock on my door.

Goodbye, Vibs.

Mommy and Papa hope with
all our hearts that you will be happy.