Mang quan gui shou (1979) - full transcript

A well-to-do villager decides learning kung fu is the best way to protect himself and his family from the local gangsters. But the mentor he visits is a conman who is only after his money.

[music playing]


What is this?
Who are you?

We want to talk to your Captain!

I'm here, talk to me.

You got no business here.


Boss, they think they're tough.

Well, let's show them.

Hold it!

I'm the Captain,
what do you want?

Oh, we've come a long way,
just to see you.

[music playing]

Over here!

[speaking Chinese]


Vegetables, vegetables!

Here we are!

Hey old fella!

Stop staring so hard.
You'll get into trouble.

I know why they bother me,
not like your wife.

My wife does not bar me.
I can do whatever I like too.

And I can have the company
of that young chick any time.

Miss Hung.

That's a 120 ounces,
I'll get a receipt.


Your bank
is doing good business here.

Well, we have good clients.

What is another fight?

Oh, oh.

The gold! Hurry up! Come on!
Hand it over!

Oh, oh!
Come on now!

I will kill you!
You heard him!

Come on! Hurry!
Come on, come on!

Hey, how dare you bust in here,
and try and rob my bank!

All we want is a little loan!
Come on now!

Not so easy.

Our master here fights very well,
a Kung Fu expert.

Hmm, you've made
a big mistake here.

You're going to die!

Just give us the gold!

It's all right.
He's no match for you.

You fight great.
You take him.


He fights very well.


[glass breaks]

Master, those guys
are only small fries.

Let them go.

Yeah, don't bother with them.

They're not worth wasting
your time on.


Miss Hung, you weren't hurt?

No. Mr. Yi, you fight very well!
Those men never had a chance!

Ah, well, that's thanks
to my two teachers here.

Ah, too kind, too kind.

We often go along
to Miss Hung's place, very nice.

Master, tonight?

Oh, that's a good idea.
We'll go tonight, have a party.

[everyone laughs]

[Chinese music playing]
[people laughing]

Hey waiter!

Well, you're a man of your word!

You promised you'd come,
and you did, too!

I keep my word, always.

Come on, come on!
Go on!

I like some tea!

Ah, well, we're here
to celebrate tonight!

Oh! Celebrate what?

Oh, our master,
he beat some robbers today!

Oh, that's really wonderful.
I know!

Come on, drink up
and enjoy yourselves!

Have a good time.
Come on, drink up now!

Thank you very much!

Hey, tonight I only want
to have the best dishes.

Cost doesn't matter,
I'm treating my teachers.

Don't you worry, I'll take that.
Hey, I'll go to the kitchen

and fix it myself!

Now listen, you look after them.
Go on now!

Mr. Yi, as your bank is so reliable,
I'll put more money in.

Oh, very good, and your money
really will be quite safe.

Safest bank in town.

Su Cheng!

Go on and bring my purse here,
will you?

Hey, not now, better to
bring it over tomorrow.

Oh, all right, then I shall ask
Su Cheng to bring it.


She's extremely loyal,
a very good girl.

Hey, it's a really nice place here,
I'm really enjoying myself.

Well, that's what you came for.
Hey, eat up!

Thank you.

Ah, master, don't waste
too much time.

It's getting late.

Hey, Miss Hung.
When we finished eating.

You take the Master upstairs!

To do what?

Bedside Kung Fu!

You'd better know,
I serve the tables, not beds.

Oh, come now, just relax, huh?

Hmp! Tell you what, Su Cheng
will do Kung Fu,

and if you can do what she does,
you may get lucky.

Ah, whatever she does,
we can do, too.

Yeah, we're the experts.
There's nothing that we can't do.

[men laughing]

All right, go ahead then.

Good. No problem.


Well now teachers, go ahead.

Oh, you're the senior man,
you go first.

Oh no. I have faith in you,
you go first.

Ha! it wouldn't be right
for me to go first.

Hey, one of you go, otherwise,
you'll lose face.

Right, right. You're quite right.
You go first, go on.

Go on.

Go on.


Go on.

Oh God,
how did I get into this, huh?

[girls laughing]

Well anyway, I've been trying,
which is more than I can say

for some people, huh?

Hey, let me.

Put here, put here,
come on, let's eat.

He-he! Cheers!

Teacher Tsu,
someone wants to see you.

Think it could be your wife?

No, it's not, it's a man.


What do you want?

Some money!
I paid you!

But not enough.
We did get some cuts and pains.

So a bit more money is reasonable.
No, we agreed the price.

Huh, if you refuse,
then I'll tell your boss

how you bribed us to rob the bank,
and run off.

Oh, oh, all right then.
I'll pay you.

There, but no more!

That seems fair.

[music playing]

[music continues]

[music continues]

So what do I practice today then?
Oh, like yesterday, huh.

Oh, not the Cross Fist
and the Five Fist.

Something new!

Master, you have anything in mind?

Well, sure I have.

Drunken God fist,
and maybe Sparrow Fist, too.

Oh sure, but I think we can teach
you something quite unique though.

Come on.

Chen Lo.

You're learning Kung Fu again.

Why aren't you working
in the bank now?

Ma, Kung Fu is useful,
to protect the bank.

Oh, that boy,
crazy about Kung Fu.

Today, teach me something new,
so I have something to show her.


[music playing]
[cat meows]

Right, today I'm going
to teach you the Cat Fist.

Cat Fist?

Why sure, you've heard
of the Tiger Fist.

The Cat Fist is similar to it,
except that it's faster.

Really good.

Right, I'll learn it.
Teacher Tsu.

What about you?

[puppy barks]

[music playing]

I'll teach you Dog Fist.
Dog Fist?

Right, now, Dog Fist
is really fierce

and there's not many men
who can stand up to it.

You have to learn it.
It's a great style.

Right, well, let's see
what it's like.

Both of you demonstrate.


Meow, meow.

Meow, meow.

Meow, meow, meow, meow.

Warf, barf, barf.
The Dog pees.

Dog gets food
Cat cleans whiskers.

Cat cleans its paws.

Sea sick rolls.
Very unsteady.

The cat cries.
Meow, meow, meow, meow.

Cat washes.

Master, Master, we got trouble.
What's wrong?

Ah, the bank, it's been robbed.

Okay! Stop stalling! The money!

Ah, sorry, we don't have much cash.
I'll call the boss.

Hey, and no tricks.
You need help?

Nothing scares me.

Not a thing!

If I don't get the money,
I'll smash this place to bits!

That's bad.

Hey, are you the boss?

What do you want?

I'm Ho Fu Wei!

And these are my men.
We've come here to get a loan.

We need a thousand dollars,
so hurry up.

Let us have the money.

Hmp, and just like that, huh?

You see these fists?
Well they're famous.

I'm the Leopard champion,
I get what I want.

It's all right. I'm ready.



Oh! Master, master.
Come on!

Come on!

Hey, hey, hey!
You'll get your money.

Leave him alone.

Quick, quick,
Go and get the money.

Hey, hey, right, I'll go!

You fool, try to fight me.

Let me help.

Hey listen.

Please come inside
and have something to drink.

Good drink, please.
Yeah! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.

Hey, come on, come in,
please, please, come in.


Master, easy.

You'll get your own back on them,
there'll be other days.


Well now, I'm setting up
the Fu Wei School.

And I'm hoping that you all
will become members.

I'd be very honored.

We intend to keep order
in this town,

and stop people having accidents.

And where is the boss
of the Chen Yi then.

Sure you invited him?

Sure, I did it myself.

I see, so he won't give me face.

Well, the rest of us
have come to welcome you.

We have all heard of you,
and of your skill.

We're hoping
you'll teach us something.

We'll do whatever you suggest.

If you cooperate,
we'll get on well.

[speaker altogether]
Thank you, Sir.

Ha-ha! That's all right.


[everybody chatting and mumbling]

Good to see you.

Thank you for coming.
Sit down, please.

Thank you, thank you.

Mr. Fu, the fame of your skill
has spread before you.

You robbed the bank in Chin Kai,
so I'm here.

Oh, that was just a mistake,
I wanted a loan to give to you,

but those idiots,
they tried to make trouble.

All a mistake.

Sure, my boss is respected,
and rich.

He'll do good for this town,
I'm quite sure.

Well now, what do you want?

Oh why, nothing,
just to be left alone.

Really, you have my word.

Ah, really?

Ha, of course, you trust me.

Well, anyway, if I can help you,
don't hesitate to let me know.

You'll have my full support here.

Yes, and mine as well.

Well, that's great!
I'm sure we can all profit.

We can talk some more
about it tomorrow.

I'll be there.

[music playing]

You get out,
all you think of is gambling.

Your loses,
they nearly ruined us!

Well, stop nagging, you old goat.

Some tea?

Nice tea.
Fresh tea!

Buy your tea, very reasonable.

Hey, are you paid up to date?
Come on!

Hey, why haven't you paid?
I have.

Well, come on, you pay again.

I know a pretty girl

who lives on the hill.

Her name is Chin Chung
and she is in love.

She wants everyone
to hear from her boy

Hey you, you got a license?

And she hopes he'll come back.

Where is your license?
Well now, well it's on the dog.


Ah, well why shouldn't it be,
it's a dog's license.

Oh, comic huh, you like jokes?

Oh, sorry.

I'm an old man, I don't know
the rules, forgive me, huh?

Leave him.

Hmpf. Next time,
you have your license.

Come to us. We sell them.
you got it?

Yes, yes, yes.
Let's go.


Hey, since they came here,
life's been terrible.

They're taking all of our money.

And the Sheriff let's them do it.
He approves!

Well, of course he approves.
He's getting half of the money.

Never knew my Kung Fu was so bad.
I thought I could fight.

Hey, hey, master,
it's not your fault.

He's simply too good.

Hah, huh, but don't you worry,
we'll think of something

that can beat him,
oh yes we will.

But how can I, he's too good.

Hmm, he uses the Tiger Fist.

And to beat that one,
you'll learn Hungry Dog Spear.

What sort of style is that?

Ah, it's a very fierce technique.
Even the name will scare him.

Ah sure,
it's a very fierce technique.

Now, you watch.

Now, this technique is fatal.
Beats anyone.

and that includes him.

Got it, huh?

Ah, you got something.

Watch for the return stroke.
Got it? Oh!

Uhum. He-he-he.

Who's so kind as to give
a blind man a new stick,

but I'm afraid it's too long.

Huh, hey you, give it back.

You better be careful.

Yyou might kill somebody
with this thing.

Ha, you bastard, give it back.
Come and get it.

Hmp! Huh

I'm finished playing now.

Bite hard.

[laughing continues]
[music playing]

[music continues]

All right now.

Where are you, huh, huh?

So Won, So Won. Ahh.

Hasn't been a good day for me,
nothing's gone right.

Nearly got myself beaten up.

Please have pity on me,
I'm blind, I'm blind, I'm blind.

A poor blind man. Oh!
[girl chuckles]


Well, all right, it's time to eat.

It's very strange,
where has she gone to now?

Here, I'm here!
Well, have some goose leg, huh.

Can't, sister will scold.

But you're only helping me out,
why should she scold you?

I don't know.
Take it, and eat it.

I can't, my sister said
that I'm not allowed

to take your food.

Huh, and so what,
huh, why should you listen to her?



But then on the other hand though,
she's a nice girl and very pretty.

I guess you should listen to her.

All right, that's enough of that.

Oh, so it's you, eh.
Have something to eat, huh.

No thanks, mother wants So Won
to come home now.

Well, all right.
Good bye.

And come again soon.

Ah, So Won does
what her sister says.

And the sister does
what her mother says.

Ah women, they're a mixed up lot.

[music playing]

[music continues]

[music continues]


Hey Miss, we frightened you, eh?

Hah, where you going then, ah?

Sister, don't talk to them.

Hey. Come on, don't be scared.
Just want to be friendly.

Leave me alone!

Hey, don't be so standoffish.
Let's be friends, huh?

Just let us go. Ah, ah, ah.
Come on.

You let her go.!
Oh, oh, oh.

Hey, why don't you go first!

[girl screaming]

Let me go!
Let me go!

Hey, Uncle, Uncle.

Uncle, Uncle, Uncle, Uncle!
What's wrong?

Men have got Sister.
Well, didn't she go home with you?


Oh, ah. It's raining?

No. Come and help sister,
or those men will hurt her.

Where is she?
Umh, I'll take you, come.

[girl screaming]

No! No!

[screaming continues]

There, those are the two men!

Damn you, what do you want?

Heh, you two bastards,
attacking helpless girls.

You dirty scum.

Huh, well that does it.
I'll teach you a lesson now.

That will teach you a lesson.

So Won.

You go home now.
What about you?

Ah, I must talk to them.

Come on.
Come on.

You old fool, you know who we are?

Behave yourselves!

Hey, you watch it.
That was very close.

I can get closer than that.


Damn you! You were lucky!
But next time, we'll finish you!

Come on.Yeah.


Forward, left foot, follow
Ruff, ruff, ruff.

The dog fist, dog fight down.
Oh, oh, oh.

Not bad, that's not bad.

My back's broke?

What was that stroke?

Ah, that's the Three Dog Strike.

Hey, let me teach you
the Elephant Trunk.

Huh. Whooo whooo, the ants attack
in great force.

They itch, they itch.
He-he-he. Right.

The trunk, big spray.

woosh, wooosh
And sway!

Great, great.

This is Elephant Flying.
Here I come, here I come.

Teacher, are you all right?
Come on.

Are you all right?
Of course.

My foot just slipped.
Elephant slip?

Ah right, that's the name.
You're very clever.

When you've learned this Kung Fu now,
you'll be able to beat us.

And that bastard Ho Fu Wei, too!


We can practically guarantee it.
Don't you worry.



[men laughing]
We're on to a good thing here.

We're making a fortune.

Of course, it's Wei's idea,
he's smart.

Oh, sure.

Ah Fu Wei.

I'm here to settle things,
and this time, I'll fix you.

Huh! Well, all right, come on.

Ah, Master, don't worry,
use the Elephant Trunk.

Use the Hungry Dog style.


That's the Hungry Dog Kick style.

Master, master.

Listen, it doesn't work.
Then we'll fight.


Let me!
And me.

Hmp. No need!

For all the trouble
that you've caused,

you're going to pay.

Write an IOU for $10,000.

No, I won't, why should I?

Because you tried to attack us,
you must pay compensation.


I haven't got it.
Sign over the bank.

I won't.
You won't?


Then you won't be
leaving here alive.

Master, I think it's best
you sign it!

Yeah, he's right.

[music playing]

Master, don't worry,
you'll get your bank back.

Just you wait.
You'll beat him.

Sure, we'll teach you,
you'll get revenge.

Sure, you're both useless,
you know nothing.

Get out of here!


[speaking simultaneously]
Are you firing us?

You're dead right.


Within three days, leave town.

What's been going on here, Mr. Yi?

I lost the bank, your money.

Put your gold in the Fu Wei,
it's a lot safer there.

The money doesn't matter.

Money comes easy,
there's no problem getting it.

Just forget it.

It comes easy.
Where does she get it?

Ah, well now, she just ah.

She's just lies in bed!

[boisterous laughing continues]

The seasons all pass by,

one after one.

Winter, and summer,
then another year.

There was a scholar
once named Mr. Lu.

Who's had the examinations
seven times through.

It's him again. Let's get him.

God damn you.
I'm going to kill you.

But why though,
I haven't harmed you.

You've no license, have you?


Huh, what's wrong?

This guy won't buy a license,
what will we do?

Beat him up.

He's a poor blind man, leave him.
Stay out of this.

Get him!

That old man's Kung Fu
is quite terrific.


I'll talk to him.

A gift for you, Sir.

That's $50.00.

Too small? All right.
Name the amount and I'll pay it.

The money doesn't matter.

It's just that I want
to learn Kung Fu.


It won't take long,
it should be easy money.

And it'll be a lot easier
than singing and playing

in the streets of the town.

Uncle, you nearly burned
the man's clothes set.

Oh, did I? I'm so sorry.

Ah, I learn pretty quickly,
ah Final Crane Wing,

Feimei, Wudang, Lama,
also Dog Style, Horse Style,

Cat Style, Elephant's Trunk,
lots of them.


Uncle, you made the man's clothes
all wet now.

Oh, did I?

I'm so sorry,
that's very clumsy of me.

Here, I'll wipe it off for you.
It's no problem.

No, Sir. Stop.
I'm so sorry about this.

[little girl giggling]

Where are you? Come on now.

Stop it. No. No!

Don't worry, ha-ha-ha.
Come on.

There we are, ha-ha-ha.
All dry now.

Ah, ah, ah!

Master, master.

Well I must say, you aren't
too steady on your feet.

Why do you want to learn Kung Followup
when you can't even stand.

Why don't you go home now, huh?
Hold it!

What? Are you going to teach me?

Just take your things,
don't forget them.

Take them.


These two idiots,
what do they want?

Huh, they're out of a job now,
the idiot finally fired them.

All right then, what do you want?

Ah, like he said,
we're out of a job now.

We need your help.

Eh-he-he, we think of the possibly
we could be useful to you.

Ah-ha-ha. Yes.

Oh, we do know a secret
that might be useful to you.

Yes, an introduction.

What secret?

Oh, well now, Mrs. Ye,
has an antique hidden away,

and we know where it is.

It's really old and valuable, too.
It's a white jade Goddess.


I never realized
they were still rich.

Ah, they still have
a few bits and pieces.

Ah yes, we wouldn't try
to kid you.


Boss, let's go there.

Right. Huh.

[piano music playing]

And you two, come along.

Sure, ha-ha.


What do you want?

We come to collect
your white jade Goddess.

And a very nice piece too.

You can't. You can't.
Come on.

Chen Long! Oh, give it back!

Chen Long, they're taking
my white jade Goddess.

That's an old family heirloom.
You give it back to her!

Get lost!
I'm taking it.


Master! Master!

Oh, oh, oh.

I'm taking it!

Oh, oh, oh.




[boisterous laughter continues]

Chen Long, Chen Long,
are you all right?

We better leave this town
and find somewhere else to live.

I have to stay right here,
for revenge.

But you're not their match.
Forget it.

We don't need revenge,
the gods will help us.

But up to now though,
they haven't helped.

I should do this myself!

[music playing]

Why are you here?

Well, I'd like to be his pupil.

No good, he says
he'll never take pupils.

Hey, hey listen. You talk to him.

Uh, you hurt your hand?

Oh, helping you.

Well, what do you mean, though?

I'll tell you, those two guys
who grabbed your sister,

I tried to punish them,
but they fight too good,

and they just beat me up.

But if I learn Kung Fu,
then I can take revenge on them.

So then you're a good man.

Of course!
I'm good, they're bad.

If you won't help me,
then you'll be helping them.

Oh, well let me think
about that now, hmm.

So Won, come out.
I know you're hiding here.

Uncle, how come
you're not working.

You're getting lazy!

Oh, it's those rogues
from that Hu Wei school.

They just won't let an old man
earn a living in peace.

Will you teach me Kung Fu?

After that I can help you
to beat them up!

Ah, you're a kid, it's no use.

How do you know
until you've actually tried.

Maybe I might be real good,
so don't look down on me.


You may be small, yeah
but you're quite sharp.

All right, I'll teach you
a few basic tricks,

just to start you off, at least
you'll be able to defend yourself.

Thanks, Uncle.

So Won.

What are you doing?

Ah, nothing, I'm just warming up.

[music playing]


We'll get started then
with the basic essentials.

Feet well apart.
Breathe deeply.

A firm stance, good balance.

And with both hands,
you strike at me.

Who's there?
Ah no one, it's just a dog.

Who is that?

It's me.

It's you again. Huh.


Old man, listen,
those Hu Wei bandits,

they've ruined me, and they took
everything I had.

There was nothing I could do.
And now, I've got no home.


Right. I'll take you as a pupil.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

You see. I said I could help you.

Eat up then, Chen Long?

Yes, teacher.

Well, take some food, huh?

Yeah, I will.

Teacher, why did you cut
my chop sticks?


In Kung Fu, you got to be fast,
or you'll die.


You'll have to be
a lot faster than that,

or you won't survive very long.

[music playing]

[music continues]

Ah, think of nothing else,

Come on.
That's no good.

You got to use more strength.
Push harder.


[music playing]

[music playing]

Teacher, I've been studying
Kung Fu here for three months,

tell me, how much longer,
'till I'll fight properly?

You know, I don't even know
your name yet.

Ah, does it matter?
Names are not important.

Tell me, where do you come from,
what do your folks do?

I think you really like So Won,
so then, I'm surprised

you got no children.

Tell me, you got any family?

Well then, I guess at least
you were married once.

Ha-ha! All these questions,
you do nothing but talk.

I'm 71 years old now,
and I don't talk as much.

Go to bed.

You got to be up real early
to practice.

[music playing]

[music playing]

[music playing]

I'll tell you what, my maid here,
if you can beat her at Kung Fu,

I'll consider it.

Huh, beating a maid,
that's a new one on me.

Huh, we're different here.

Our boss is a very powerful man,
would you disobey?

If it's money,
just name your price.

I don't care about money,
doesn't interest me.

You beat Su Cheng,
then we'll talk.

Huh, some women are too cheeky
for their own good.

Boss, teach her a lesson.

[ladies screaming]

Well now, thought maybe
you had become a monk.

It's not your business,
better leave now.

I've come for revenge.

Revenge? Hah. Think you can?

We'll see. Worry about yourself.


Well come on now,
practice kicking.


Are you ready?

Ready, teacher.

Blow out the candle.

If I do that, I won't see.
I'll be helpless then.


Now I'm training you,
so that you can concentrate

all your powers on one thing.

Left side.


Well now, not bad.

You two are fairly smart.

It hasn't taken you long to earn
quite a lot of money, huh?

Uh, yeah.

I'm very happy without Dili here.
We're doing very nicely.


Right, where has the boss been
all day?

Oh, he's been down with
the Sheriff, making a new deal.


Hey, let's drink, huh?
Oh yeah.

Ah, it's you, huh.
What do you want?

Call your boss out, because today
I'm going to settle our account.

There's no way that you can
beat the boss.

Haven't you learned that yet?

Huh. Today will be different.

If you've got any sense, at all,
you'll leave here fast,

otherwise you're going to die.

Don't think so,
I've come prepared. You'll see.

You idiot, you need a lesson.

Where did he learn that?
Never mind that, let me.


Where's your boss?
You better talk.

Ah, ah, well now,
he's gone to the Sheriff's.

He coming back?
Ah, ah, he ah, he'll be back soon.


You again?

What is it?
You want revenge?


You bet.

Ah Fu Wei,
I want my bank back

and I want that jade figure.

[altogether laughing]

You have big ideas, it's a pity
that you can't fight.


Uh, we'll soon see.

Hey boss. Leave it now.
We'll settle him.

Right. Go.

Huh, idiot!

So I can't fight, huh?

Listen, please have mercy on me,
I'm sorry.

Know what I want?

Yes, sure.
The jade, you'll get it.

And the bank, that too. Honest.

I'll give you three days,
to get out or I'll kill you.

Ah, sure, of course, I will.


Come on.

Ma, those bandits are all gone now,
they won't come back here.

So then, from now on
we'll live in peace.



You useless bunch.
Letting a kid beat you.

Tiger, I know it sounds bad,
but he's tough

and so we need your help.

When things were good
you didn't need me.

Huh, but when you're in trouble
then you need me.

Tiger, you were so busy though,
you didn't have time

but we thought of you.

And now when we need you,
you suddenly arrived.

You've got to help us.

Huh, I'll think it over.

Tiger, if you can beat this fellow,
this town can be yours.

Well, where is he?

I'll take you there.


You're all very kind, thank you.

In the future, we're going to put
all that money in your bank.

That's right.
Thank you.

Why don't you come inside
for a drink?

Ah, thank you.

Mr. Yi, I'm so glad
everything worked out so well.

I came to bank some money.

Thank you.

Chief Ho.

Give Miss Hung a good rate, huh.
Yes, yes.

Tai Fu Yi!

Well now, me here.
I don't leave so easily.

I've beaten you once.
Want some more?

Huh, today my friend's
going to finish you!

All right, that's enough talk.


[everyone laughing]

[music playing]

Ah. So he's come here, has he?
Teacher, you know him?

[music playing]


His name is Chin Tai Sung,
better known as Tiger.

A vicious killer.

When he fights,
he uses hidden drugs.

They're acid and give off vapors.
You were lucky you ran.

If you hadn't, you'd be blind now.

Oh. Teacher, how do you know him?

Ahhh. Well, it's a long story.

Years ago I had a school,
and that man was my pupil.

Tai Sung, you've been
getting into trouble,

and coming here late.

I've warned you.


Your behavior
has shamed this school.

Get out of here!

All right, but listen,
one of these days,

you're going to regret this.

Huh, threaten me?

Right, but you wait,
you'll be sorry.

At that time, he wasn't so good.
Hadn't learned snake style.

So I could easily beat him.

Hah! But two years later
he came back again.

[music playing]

Well now, I said I'd be back.

Right, now what do you want here?


Ahhh ahhhh ahhh!

Oh, oh, what has he done?!
What has he done?!

Never mind, just get out!


He killed her
and he left me blind for life.

And he destroyed my home
and the school.

He ruined me.
And now he's come to this place.

It's strange, the way fate works.

Teacher, some tea?

But still, this time,
we'll get him!


You want a game?

Hey, now please eat up.

Where is Ms. Hung?
She should be here.

Oh, she's out right now,
but she'll be back.

Oh, my friend wants some company,
I think he liked Ms. Hung,

no one else, huh?

Oh, it's all right,
then I'll go tell her,

I'll be back,
she's right here.


Oh, she's here!

Listen, she's the one.
Pretty, huh?

That man, he's Mr. Ho's
good friend,

you take care of him tonight,
and don't make trouble.

I'm too tired.
Oh, come on, come on in here.

She's here!

Be nice to Mr. Chin.

You're very pretty.


Listen, let's drink a toast,
here's to a nice night

with Tiger and Miss Hung!

Here, here!

Only if he can beat
Su Chen at Kung Fu.

Then I might.

What is all this?
I'm not used to conditions.

I'm not used to selling my body,
so we're even.

Sorry, I'm tired.
Hold it.

You come here, and I'll
show you my Kung Fu.

Oh, oh, oh. Ouch!
You bitch.

Oh, no! Put me down!
Put me down!

Oh, no! Put me down! No! No!

Hey, what's wrong, what's wrong?
She made trouble.

Oh, sorry. She's head strong.


You stupid.


Any good?
No damned good.

It's most important
to have a firm stance

or how you'll never make it.

Yeah, I know.

Now you must keep practicing,
you're still a long way to go yet.


Ah, ah, ah, ah.

Su Cheng, what's wrong?

Oh, oh, oh.

[music playing]

Hey Tiger, since you've been here,
we're on top.

Yeah. Yeah, cheers, cheers.

That's very kind of you.
Thank you.

That stupid young kid,
he is just no match for you.

Ah, he's warm potatoes.


Listen, you have any idea
where he's hiding?

I know.
Really? Where?

He's in an old temple
in the woods.

[music playing]

[music playing]

Ah Yi, come on out, or you die.

Teacher, Tiger is here, too.
Huh, well that's good.

So it's you, is it?
Well I'm glad.

Remember me?
How could I forget you.

You come at the right time.
Now I will settle things.

You mean, you'll take revenge?

Right, and this time you'll pay.
I'll see you do.

Shut up. Come on, old man.

Now don't you be too rush.

I'll do it. We'll fix him now.



Now, I'll show you something!

Don't worry.

Well all right,
I did spare your life once.

Huh, but this time,
you're going to die.

Huh! Well, go ahead and try,
I've been waiting for this chance!

You're old and blind,
you got no chance, you know that.

Teacher, let me.
Hold it, I'll do this myself!


They sound good now!
You can't hear anything!
