Malice (1993) - full transcript

A tale about a happily married couple who would like to have children. Tracy teaches children, Andy's a college professor. Things are never the same after she is taken to hospital and operated upon by Jed, a "know it all" doctor.

Little Ricky,
where are you, baby?

Come on, honey.
It's dinner time.

It's your favorite flavor.
Liver buffet. Where are you?

There you are. Hey, what're
you doing under there?


What you doing under there?
What's the matter?


Ricky, baby,
what's the matter sweetheart?





They're ready for you, Doctor.

How is she?
Still in the OR.

We haven't heard
anything yet. (SIGHS)

When did this happen?

He was waiting for her at her
place when she got home from class.

Forensics says it's the same
man who raped Cara Latham.

Did you really need a
forensics expert to tell you that?

Andy. Dana, when
was the last time

I asked your department to beef
up the security and cameras, right?

I mean not the first four
times. Just the last time.

Don't get pissy
with me, Professor.

I don't have the manpower
to break up a frat party.


What's that pressure?

We're under 70. Sixty-nine.
She's sliding down pretty fast.

We're gonna lose her, Doctor.

I would not bet
the ranch on that.

David, drop 0.2 CCs
of epinephrine.

Tanya, give me
the stitch please.

3-0 silk.

We're down at 63.
Epinephrine, Doctor?

No, not yet.


DAVID: Sixty.

Still think it's
a Phenobarb reaction?



All right. Ease up on
that retraction pressure.

Sixty-five and going up.

Don't worry about that.

DAVID: 68.
I don't believe it.


How about some scissors?


80. She's out
of the woods.

Way to practice medicine.
Irrigation please. Irrigation.

Dr. Robertson, would
you please close for me?

You got it. Nice going, people.

By the way, everybody,

it's great to be in Saint Agnes.

That was good work.

Dr. Robertson...
May I call you Matthew?

Of course.


I'm the new guy around here
and I want to make friends,

so I'll say this to you
and we'll start fresh.

If you don't like
my jokes, don't laugh.

If you have a medical opinion,
please speak up and speak up loud.

But if you ever again
tell me or my surgical staff

that we're going
to lose a patient,

I'm going to take out your lungs

with a fucking ice-cream scoop.

Do you understand me?

I'm not gonna like you, am I?

Don't be ridiculous.
Everybody likes me.

Dr. Hill.


I'm Andy Safian. I'm
Associate Dean at the college

and I wondered if you
could tell me anything

about Bridget Kelly's condition.

Well, she has a badly
contused liver,

but I think she's
gonna be just fine.

Great. Thanks to you.

Well, come to the midnight
show, I levitate the next of kin.


It's Jed Hill, right?


"Galloping" Jed Hill?

Excuse me.

We went to high school together.

You're kidding me.

You went to Van Buren?


How long you've
been in Westerly?

Well, I've been here about
nine hours now. Van Buren, huh?

Yeah, yeah, well, we
weren't in the same...

We didn't travel in
the same circles but...

Did I give you a hard time? No.

You didn't know
who the hell I was.

Dr. Hill.

Hi, Tanya.

I just wanted to
say congratulations.

We're all very happy
that you're here.

Well, thank you. It's,
uh... It's nice to be here.

Looks like you're big
man on campus again.


I hope to see you around.

Yeah, me, too.


Oh, that's wonderful, Michelle.

Hey, why don't we try painting
on the paper not on your arm?

Boo! I am a boogeyman.

GIRL: Teacher, teacher! Hey!

Hey, Jason, don't you ever,
ever play with plastic bags

or I'll tie you up
and I'll feed you

to little cape monster. You

Hi. I heard what happened.

Can you go on lunch now?

Give me a minute.

Yeah, the guy got in when
she was out at her class.

She's gonna be all
right? Looks like it.

Turns out that your
hospital has a new surgeon,

this whiz kid from Mass
General who did a great job.

So I went back to
introduce myself,

to thank him and are
you ready for this? Mmm.

We went to high school together.

Oh, no kidding.

Speak of the devil...

And the devil appears.

I was just recounting
all your exploits here. Ah.

This is my wife, Tracy.
Tracy, this is Dr. Jed Hill.

Any high school
friend of Andy's...

This is Dr. Sullivan,
Alan and Tracy Safian.


Andy. Andy works
over the college.

He's associate dean
of students. Fantastic.

I don't leap tall buildings
in a single bound.

But we are very proud of him.

That's well. You should be.

Listen, we're having
a small reception

to welcome Jed to Saint Agnes.

Why don't you come along?

We'd love to, but we
have a lunch appointment.

Maybe some other time.


Nice meeting you, Tracy.

Yeah, nice to meet you.

Well, we got the estimate

from the plumber this morning.


Are you ready for this?

How much?

It's 13,000 and change.

How much change? (SIGHS)

It's 14,000. (CHUCKLES)

All right, forget it. I'm
gonna do the work myself.

I got a better idea. No.

Well, just for a little
while. It'll pay some bills.

We rent it to some visiting
lecturer or something.

I don't want to rent
out the third floor.

I don't want a
stranger in our house.

All right, suit yourself.

Would've been nice living in a
home with running water but...

I'm a simple girl.

Hey, I'm gonna pick
you up after work.

No, it's okay.

Forget it. I'm
gonna pick you up.

There's a maniac
loose in this town.

Helen can give me a ride.

She can? Are you
sure? Yeah. Yes.

All right.

Make sure she waits until
you're inside the house.

I'll have her provide
air coverage if you want.


It's funny. I married
a funny woman.

Goodnight. See you. See you.

You know in street clothes,
Helen looks positively masculine.


Helen. You said you were
getting a ride home from Helen.

Were you spying on me?

No, no. I was just
looking out my window.

Then you were looking
at Dennis Riley, Andy.

He was my mother's lawyer.
He had papers for me to sign.


What kind of papers?

Something about my
mother's estate. What is this?

Your mother's estate? Yes.

You told me she barely got
by on a social security check.

And now she's Lady Astor?

Come on, Andy.

There was a small account. It
handled the cemetery arrangements.

The money's run out. Dennis
wanted to talk to me about.

Now what is it you
want to talk to me about?


ANDY: Hey, listen, would you
think any less of me if I used a fork?

I'm beginning to lose my
strength here. (CHUCKLES)

I can't let that happen.

Lie back. Give it to me.

Lie back. That's
right. All the way back.

Technique, huh? The expert.

It's all in my hands,
see? Open. Open up.

Ah. Mmm.

Good boy. Delicious, huh?

Oh. Mmm.


Ah, yummy. Mmm.


That's good. More.

Look, I think your
strength is returning.

It's a miracle.





He's there again.


He's looking at us.

Sounds like he's playing one
of those electric keyboards.

Jesus, it gives me the creeps.

Oh, be nice. His mother works
at night. I think she's a night nurse.

He's probably lonely.

We gotta get some curtains
up in here. It's a priority.

Curtains are now the priority.

Not until we
decide what to paint.

There is no point in painting

if we are gonna rip up the
floors with the plumbing.

So, really, we're back
to where we started.


Front door was wide open.


You scared the hell out of me.

I should have knocked but...

Oh, no, no.

Yeah. I have been working
with all this paint remover.

Sometimes I get a
headache from all the fumes.

You should be
taking a B complex.

Say again?

Well, a loading dose of a B-12
would help to enhance the cerebral...

Never mind. No, no, no.

Why did you stop?
That sounded great.

Well, no, it just occurred
to me that I was suggesting

you take a jar of vitamins,

when the smart thing to do
would be to leave the door open.

Look at that. I
saved myself $5.95.

I was in the neighborhood
looking at some houses

and I thought I would
take you and your wife up

on that rain check
for lunch. Oh.

Great. Well, Tracy
is out at her class

but I can get cleaned up
and we could go out ourselves.

Sounds good. All right.

Okay, I'll be right back.


So this is a real
Victorian, huh?

ANDY: Yeah, buried under
a hundred years of paint.

It was part of the underground
railroad during the civil war.

What it lacks in comfort,
it makes up for in history.

You know anything
about architecture?

Architecture is my life.

If I hadn't been a
doctor, I'd have been a...

I'd have been a
building. Is this a Degas?

ANDY: Yeah. I
think it's original.

Tracy's father gave it to her.


She's been having
these abdominal pains.

How often? Maybe once
every couple of days.

How long do they last?

Maybe half a minute,
sometimes a little longer.

Is she seeing someone?

Yeah, a doctor in
Boston named Lillianfield.


David Lillianfield.
Do you know him?

I've heard of him.
Lillianfield is a good man.

The thing is, we
really wanna have kids.

Tracy is nuts about it. So am I.

I'll tell you what.


Give it another couple of
weeks and if there is no change,

have her come by and see me.

All right. Hey, Stanley.


Hey, Doc, it hurts
when I do this.

Then don't do that. And
get some new jokes, Stanley.

ANDY: So I told him, "Why don't
you come by and look at ours,

"and maybe it would work out?"

You did what?

You're the one who wanted to
rent it out. I thought you'd be thrilled.

Do I look thrilled?

You're not thrilled.
I can see that now,

but this is better than a
visiting lecturer. Jed is a friend.

He's not a friend. He didn't
even remember your name, Alan.


I mean, come on, the guy had just
been through 12 hours of surgery.

What is it, Andy? You want
to relive the high school,

be friends with the
quarterback this time?

No, he was the running back.
And stop talking to me like I'm 11.

What's your problem with this
guy? I mean he's smart, he's funny,

and he's a brilliant doctor.

I know. I know
he's brilliant, Andy.

I can tell by the way the
nursing staff genuflect

when he walks down the hallway.

I mean, this guy doesn't
have friends, he has subjects.

Well, it's not too
late, we can call it off.

No, no. I'm
leaving it up to you.

If you want to live with
that, it's your decision.

You're gonna get to
like him. You really will.

And you know what else?

We could even ask him to
recommend another doctor for you.

Hold on. What?

If for no other reason, then
it's ludicrous to drive two hours

to see Lillianfield in Boston
when we could just easily...

Andy, please tell me you
didn't say anything to Jed.

Please tell me you didn't
share my problems with him.

It came up.

It came up.

I apologize.

All right.

I will go along with
this for a few months

only because I have my heart set
on a sofa to go with the step ladder.


Oh, my God, is he
moving in tonight?

You're assuming it's Jed?

Oh, I'm quite certain
it's Jed. Open the door.

It could be anyone.

Angels could dance on pinheads,
Andy, but they don't. It's Jed.

What makes you so sure?

You want to bet me?


Because once money is involved,
you take me seriously, right?


Dr. Hill. Please come in.

Hey, Jed.

Uh, Andy just got through telling
me we're gonna be roommates.

Well, that's why I stopped by.

I just wanted to make
sure that it was really okay.

Oh, yeah. Don't be silly.
I'm looking forward to it.

She is. She is really
looking forward to it.


PAULA: The mid-term was at 8:30.

I set my alarm for
7:00 and it didn't go off.

I mean, if Professor Schmidt
wants to give me an incomplete,

then I really don't care.

I can't control everything in
this world. My alarm didn't go off.

That's good. That's
very good, Paula.

That's so much better
than locking your copy

of Beowulf in your friend's car.

Thank You.



WOMAN: Detective
Harris wishes to see you.


I'm amazed she
could find the building.

We'll have to continue this
next week if you don't mind.


Hang on, Paula.

ANDY: Hi, Dana, go on
in. I'll be just a second.

Mrs. Worthington,
I want you to note

all test and exam
times for Ms. Paula Bell.

She's to receive wake
up calls from this office.

Wake up calls?

She can't be expected to control
the world, Mrs. Worthington.

Her alarm didn't go off.

I'll see you next week, Paula.

Sorry. Jesus.

Was she able to give
any kind of description?

All she remembers is her
cat crouching under a chair

and an arm grabbing
her from behind.

Is there any chance
she'll remember more?

I don't think so.


What do we do now? We?

"We" don't do anything, Andy.
Only one of us is a police detective.

Maybe not even that many.

Oh, collegiate wit. Let me search
my mind for a clever comeback.

How about "bite me"?


We have ordered more
"Security Precautions" pamphlets.

More pamphlets? That's right.

Do you know what I see when
I come to work every morning?

I see fathers loading steamer
trunks, suitcases, fichus plants

and daughters
into station wagons.

Presumably to drive
them off to school

so that they don't pose
quite as high a death threat.

See, I don't think I'm being
unreasonable when I ask

what you and your crack-team
of professionals are doing

other than distributing
literature to repress this situation.

I need a list of anyone who had
access to the students' schedules.

Both victims were out of
class when our guy got in.


So you have narrowed it down
to a couple of thousand people.

A list, Andy. I need it, now.


What do you think
he does with the hair?

The hair?

Yeah, he cuts
off all their hair.

What do you think
he does with it?

He makes pillows. Who knows?

Billy, I want you in bed
by 10:00, you hear me?






You scared the shit out of me.

I'm sorry about that.

What the hell are
you doing in here?

Are you all right?
No, I'm not all right.

ANDY: Anybody home?

Up here, honey.


This is ridiculous.

Baby, go to sleep.

Who the hell can sleep
with them going at it all night?

It's been like three hours.

I'll ask him to turn it down.

No, I don't want to
make a big thing about it.

No, no, if you
can't fall asleep...

You think maybe he heard us?

Oh, I hope so.


Where're you going?
To the bathroom.



I know why guys like
you become doctors.

It's not what you think. Yeah?

I think it's so you can make a lot of
money and see a lot of naked women.


Well, then it is what you think.


Hey, pace yourself. I'm
not done with you yet.

I'm impervious to alcohol. Yeah?

We'll see about that.


You all right?


Yeah. I'll be right there.

You had me worried for a second.

No, I'm fine.



Come on, let's go to bed.


Hey, hey. Got to get
out there, old man.

Six miles a day
keeps the doctor away.

You want some coffee? No.

Never touch in the morning.

You okay, Trace?

I'm fine.

Well, I'll grab a quick
shower, fly over to the hospital.

I'll catch you guys later.



Are you sure she didn't call
to cancel her appointment?

Yes, I'm sure. In fact, I called
her yesterday to remind her.

Did you try calling her again?

Nobody's there, professor.

I keep getting her
answering machine.

She's there.

She's dodging the call.




I'm gonna need a statement.


You wanna hear about the
first time I ever saw a corpse?


It was my first year of
medical school, gross anatomy.

The instructor takes a real
saw to the cadavers head.

People were running
out of the room.

They're passing out,
they're turning green.

I tell you, it really didn't bother
me over that much, though.

It's a great story, Jed.

Of course, I'll never look at a
cantaloupe the same way again,

but other than that...

Hey, You'll get over it.

Hey, Stanley, who the
hell is that in the backfield?

Livelle something.
He's off the bench.

What happened to Krakowski?

Flunked the piss test.

That upsets me.

Guy can't stay off of cocaine
even for one million dollars.

Man, I'll give my right
arm for a million dollars.

We cannot afford
plumbing, for Christ's sake.

Would you really? What?

Give your right arm
for one million dollars?


You mean like, literally?


Well, not even an arm.
Let's just say a finger.

One finger, for
one million dollars?


Oh, God, this is a
strange conversation.

What we're talking about
is a surgical procedure

just to the joint.
Would you do it?



Would you?





Oh, man.

I should be getting
back. Here, let me...

No, no, no, no.

Hey, stay and have
one more drink with me.

No. Tracy's gonna be home.

I'll see you. Yeah.



Would you please bring
those two girls a round

of whatever it is
they're drinking?


Bourbon it is.

Got a minute? Sure.


This is the living room.

Have a seat.

I just need you to clear
up a few things for me.

Like what?

Paula Bell came to see
you three times, is that right?

That's right.

It would have been
four times, only...

What is this?

Last night we matched the soil
sample taken from Paula Bell's carpet

to a sample taken
from your yard. (SIGHS)

I went inside, I told you that.

We also matched it to a sample
taken from Bridget Kelly's room.

Bridget came by here to pick
up a letter of recommendation.

Am I a suspect, Dana?

Am I a fucking suspect?

All three victims had been in to
see you before they were attacked.

I found Paula,
for Christ's sake.

What was it that made
you go to her house?

She missed her appointment.

So you went to her house?

Yes, because she was a
screw-up and I have a responsibility.

What's your blood type, Andy?

O positive.

See, as luck would have it,

you have the same blood
type as the perpetrator.

Dana, this is crazy.

In my entire life I have
never harmed anyone.

I believe you. I don't
think you're the guy.

Thank you.

I need you to do
something for me.

It's procedural, I wouldn't be doing
my job if I didn't ask you to do it.

Do what?

I need a sperm sample to test
against the one taken from the victims.

I can't believe this.

It's a simple thing,
take maybe in an hour.

You'll be eliminated
as a suspect. (SIGHS)

What if I refuse?

You get to wear my handcuffs.


WOMAN: Damn.

No, no. That's much better.

WOMAN: No, it's not. No, it is.

At least you're not hitting
innocent bystanders.



TRACY: Andy.





Oh, God.



MAN: 911. Emergency.


The rotator cuff, if you don't
mind, it's right in here, okay.

I pierce that, he can't even comb
his hair, let alone throw a ball.


That thing's been beeping all
night. Are you a drug dealer?

Yeah, you can say
that. (BOTH LAUGH)


Somebody talk to me.

We've got massive hemorrhaging.
It's probably an ovary.

We'll have some more
numbers in a few minutes.

Blood type. AB
negative. We need more.

Tanya, get a hold
of the Mass General,

Boston, and Mercy,
Hartford, in that order.

If they're low, we're
gonna need donors.

I'm sorry we had to put
you through this, Andy.

You can go home now.


MAN: Mr. Safian.


Your wife's name came up on
a 911. It's a medical emergency.

JED: David, what's
the blood pressure?

DAVID: 93 above 57.

Heart rate?

DAVID: 86.

Quick count? DAVID: 27.

Jed, did you see this?

Four to five weeks
would be my guess.

She is pregnant?

Not for long.

Her fetus will abort from
the trauma of the procedure.

Whenever you're ready, doctor.

Dr. Hill.

All right, let's go.

Scalpel. Scalpel.

Mr. Safian. Yeah.

What happened to my wife?

She's bleeding internally.

Dr. Hill will come
and talk to you

soon as her condition
is stabilized. (SIGHS)

Is she conscious? I'm sorry,
Mr. Safian, that's all I know.


We're almost done. I just
wanna have one last look around.

Check for rings and watches.

Suction. Suction.

All right, I think
we've got it all.

It's amazing, it
didn't rupture sooner.


We've got some pathology
in the second ovary.

Let me have a look
in here. Harrington.


It was torsed
when I unpacked it.

Think it's necrotic?

All right I want to do a
frozen section right away,

see if we still get
a viable ovary here.

We can't. Why not?

The pathologist isn't in house.

Well, what do I do
for frozen section?

We can call him in.

How long would that take?

30, 40 minutes.

Hell, I'd better get a
microscope and do it myself.

It'll take at least a half an hour
for the processor to warm up.

What's the pressure? 78.

I don't have that kind of time.

You got maybe half that, tops.

All right. Irrigate and try to get
the BP back up. I'll be right back.

Come with me.

What's going on?

Just come with me.

I had to remove one
of Tracy's ovaries.

It ruptured. A large
cyst had developed

and that what was
causing her pain.

I have to be direct with you
because we're little under the gun.

Is it under control? Not yet.

There is a problem with
Tracy's second ovary.

We discovered it was
torsed or twisted around

in its own blood supply.

If I remove it, I'm simply
removing a dead organ

and in all likelihood Tracy
will lead a normal, healthy life.


She won't ever be
able to have children.

If I close her up now,

she could die of toxic-shock
in the middle of the night.

Do whatever you have to do.

Tracy's gonna be fine.


But what?

I'll tell you later.

No. No, tell me now.

Tracy was pregnant.
Of four weeks.

Tracy is pregnant? No, Andy.

The fetus aborted.

She sustained a lot of trauma.

There was nothing
that could be done.

I'm sorry. Yeah.

Vascular clamp.

Dr. Hill, I think this
might be a mistake.

How do you know
it's not still viable?

This is the wife of
a friend, Matthew.

I'm not taking any
chances. Scalpel.

You could be taking
out a viable ovary.

It's necrotic. Scalpel.

Without the histology,
you can't be sure.

I'm sure.

Tanya, give me the scalpel.


What you got there,
George? It's from pathology.

The Histology report?

We took out a healthy ovary.

Only the surface was necrotic.

Jed, take this.

Look at it.

Then burn it.

That's a nice gesture,
George. Really.

The technician owes me a
favor. Lab won't be a problem.

It'll be a problem for me.

This hospital took
out a healthy ovary.

I took out the
ovary. No one else.

It was a judgment
call and I stand by it.

Are you gonna be all right?

I'll be fine.

I didn't do anything wrong.

I figured you probably hadn't
eaten anything in a while.

We should talk later, okay?

Well, Andy, I wanted to
have a word with Tracy.

Maybe later, okay? Jed...

Hello, Mrs. Safian.

You gave us quite a scare.

Did I?

Tracy, I know you've been
told all about what's happened.


I don't know if there's any point
in telling you how sorry I am.

I spoke with a
lawyer this morning.

I want to make sure you
don't do this to someone else.

LESTER: There'll be some
depositions in about a week.

I think we can bring them down
from the 30 million in a settlement.

Let's not dick each
other around here.

30 million, 25 million, what
difference does it make?

You know anything
over 10 million dollars

and I can't get insurance
in this or any other state.

I say we go to a jury. I
can't recommend that.

Why not?

Let me tell you
what a jury sees.

A jury sees a
beautiful young woman

married to a
mild-mannered teacher.

They buy an old house and
dream of filling it up with children.

Now that is a Norman
Rockwell painting

and you have ripped it to
shreds with your scalpel.

You are my lawyer.
Am I right here?

It's not my job to
hold your hand, doctor.

It's not your job to be an
asshole either, counselor,

but that doesn't seem
to be stopping here.

Maybe if we all calm down.


We could bring in a
private investigator,

dig up something
on her background.

Lester, she volunteered five
days a week in a children's ward.

And baked cookies for the staff.

Looks like you picked the wrong
patient to screw up on, doctor.

I didn't pick her, counselor.
Physicians don't get to choose.

I'll need an expert.
Who do you want to call?

What do you mean?

An expert. Someone
to make a statement.

A statement saying what?

A statement saying that you
are as good as you think you are.

Call Dr. Martin Kessler.
Harvard Medical School.

Is that it, Miss?


How will I get in
touch with you?

You won't.

I don't want you to.

Tracy, why won't you let
me help you get through this?

This isn't a phase, Andy.

I can't have children. Ever.

He thought you
were going to die.

Right about now
he's wishing I did.

Tracy, I love you.

He took my insides out,

and you gave him permission.



Goodbye, Andy.


LESTER: Dr. Kessler, would you describe
your history and relationship to Dr. Hill?

KESSLER: Dr. Hill was a
student of mine at medical school.

Upon graduation I asked
him to serve his residency

under my direction
at Mass General.

And when he
finished the residency,

I asked him to join
our surgical staff.

Dr. Kessler, how long have you been
teaching at Harvard Medical school?

Twenty-one years.

How long have you been
chief of staff at Mass General?

Fourteen years.

LESTER: So you've been
in a position to work with

thousands of young
doctors. Am I correct?


I might add that the doctors I've had
the pleasure to teach and work with

are among the very
best in the world.

LESTER: And how would
Dr. Hill rank in this group

that are among the
very best in the world?

KESSLER: There's
no one any better.

LESTER: Thank you.

Mr. Riley.

Dr. Kessler, your faith in
Dr. Hill's surgical talent is obvious.

And completely deserved.

Dr. Kessler, seven months ago,
the position of Chief of Surgery

became available
on Mass General.

Did Jed Hill seek this position?

Yes, he did.

DENNIS: Did you give
the position to Jed?

Excuse me, my
client's name is Dr. Hill.

Forgive me, did you award
the position to Dr. Hill?

No. Why not?

Well, he was
certainly qualified...

DENNIS: But you
didn't give him the job.

KESSLER: There were
many other candidates.

Surgeons more qualified?

This isn't a trial, Mr. Riley.

Dr. Kessler, during Dr. Hill's
residency in Mass General

you wrote several
quarterly evaluations.

Evaluations to be read and
reviewed by hospital administrators,

department heads.


I'm looking at one right now,

dated June 15th, 1982,
and bearing your signature.

It's coming around.

I'd like to read from page
three, paragraph four.

"While Jed Hill consistently
remains the most skilled

"and the brightest
of our residents,

"we should not ignore what I and
several of his colleagues observed

"to be an indulgence
of the 'God complex'."

"God complex." That's not a
typo, was it? It says "God complex."

That was written a decade ago.

What's a God complex?

How did you get this information?
This was privileged information.

Dr. Kessler, what's
a God complex?

It's a term that has no
clinical meaning at all.

Doctors throw it around...

Sir, with all due
respect, but knock it off.

What did you mean
in this evaluation

when you said Dr. Hill
had a God complex?

The power to heal can be an
enormous thing, an enormous thing.

To save a life, to get blood
flowing into cells and vital organs.

If a person can do that, and if one
can do it as exceptionally as Dr. Hill,

it's not uncommon
for a person like that

to begin to believe
that he can do anything.

The power to heal
can be like a drug.

"Like a drug," you're saying?

Would it be uncommon for
a person with a God complex

to reject the advice of others?


Would it be uncommon for such
a person to proceed on a course

that others might reject if only
out of a sense of a God-like power?

I think now you're
vastly overstating.

Is that why you didn't
give Dr. Hill the job?

There were a number
of other factors.

Is that why you
removed a healthy ovary

without any
scientific diagnosis?

Don't you address
my client, Mr. Riley.

Do you have a God complex?

This is not acceptable.

No, no. Let him address me. Jed.

No, no. It's about time. I got
to give some answers here.

Stop typing. This
is off the record.

The question is, do I
have a God complex?

Dr. Kessler says yes.

Which makes me wonder

if this lawyer has any idea

as to the kind of grades
one has to receive in college

to be accepted at a
top medical school.

If you have the vaguest clue as
to how talented someone has to be

to lead a surgical team.

I have an M.D. from Harvard,

I am board certified in
cardio-thoracic medicine

and trauma surgery,

I have been awarded citations

from seven different medical
boards in New England,

and I am never,
ever sick at sea.

So I ask you,

when someone
goes into that chapel

and they fall on their
knees and they pray to God

that their wife doesn't miscarry

or that their daughter
doesn't bleed to death,

or that their mother doesn't
suffer acute neural trauma

from post-operative shock,

who do you think
they're praying to?

Now, go ahead and read your Bible,
Dennis, and you go to your church,

and, with any luck, you
might win the annual raffle,

but if you're looking for God,

he was in Operating Room
number two on November 17,

and he doesn't like
to be second guessed.

You ask me if I have a God
complex. Let me tell you something.

I am God.

And this sideshow is over.

You got a winner here, Lester.

Call my office in the morning
and we'll work out a settlement.

It gets better.

What do you mean?

We talked to the bartender of a
place called the Prince William Tavern.

Ask God how many shots of
bourbon he had before he cut me open.


The insurance
company will wire a draft

into my firm's account
by sometime next week.

Assuming you sign it right away,

you should get your
money few days after that.

Listen, there are some
things we should discuss now,

like an umbrella policy.

Dennis, this isn't such
a good time for me.

Tracy, we're talking
about $20 million.

Dennis, I think about what I
want for breakfast, I start crying.

TRACY: You can put the money
in a coffee can, for all I care.

It's after 8:30. I'll
see you tomorrow.

You should go home.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Mrs. Worthington.

Mrs. Worthington.


Mr. Leemus.

Mr. Leemus.


You surprised me.

I was working on the furnace. I
didn't know anybody else was here.

I saw the lights...

It's my mother's hair.

She's not alive anymore.
That's her in the picture.


I'm sorry. I didn't mean
to get any of your things.

That's okay. I just, I...

I came down to get a light
bulb. I didn't realize that...


You live down here?
No, no. Just for a while.

My landlady asked me to
leave, put me in a tight spot.

I won't stay here long.
No. I promise, Mr. Safian.

No, you stay here as
long as you want, Earl.

I'll just take this and
I'll head back out.


Good night, Mr. Safian.

Good night, Earl.





Don't worry, you don't
look as bad as the other guy.

So help me God, I
could have killed him.

Junior, have you met the
professor? A very tough guy.

If you want something
done all right,

goddamn it, you call a teacher.

Let me buy you a drink.

ANDY: You know, there is one
thing I realized during all of this.

Jed had just come out
of the OR to talk to me.

He was covered in blood

and he was telling me
what he was about to do

and then he needed
my permission to do it.

And there was a second,
maybe a second and a half,

between him telling me
that Tracy was pregnant

and him telling me that the
fetus was aborted during surgery.

And that second,
that second and a half,

that was the happiest
time in my life.

That is a horrible story. It's
the worst story I've ever heard.

And I appreciate
your words of comfort.

I mean it, Andy.

You're like a fucking Job,
shit just happens to you.

Have you had a lot of success
talking jumpers in from window ledges?

Let me ask you something. Sure.

How well do you know Tracy?

She's my wife. What do you mean?

My brothers, my friends,
and my ex-husband

have all accused me of
wielding my sense of honesty

like a blunt instrument.

I don't want to hurt you
anymore than you have been.


I'm fairly sure I'm
doing the right thing.

What are you talking about?

I want you to come back
to the station with me.

I wanna show you something.

Sir? Sir, can I help you?

I'm gonna see Jed Hill.

What the hell happened to you?

It wasn't my baby.


It wasn't my baby.

Come inside. What the
hell happened to your face?

Doesn't matter. You
know what this is?

This is a police
test. It's a lab report.

I don't understand.

It is a sperm sample I made
after the Paula Bell rape.

I'm sterile.

Can I have a look
at that, please?

I can't have any children,
so it wasn't my baby.

You got to call
your lawyer, Jed.

You call your lawyer, you have
'em tell the insurance company

to stop the presses because
this thing, no, it's not over yet.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Andy, this isn't about me.

It's about both of us, Jed.

She reamed both of us. It's too
late for me, but it's not too late for you.

Andy, I don't mean
to seem indelicate,

but as far as my
situation is concerned,

it doesn't matter if Tracy was
sleeping with the Boston Celtics.

I took out her
reproductive system.

It was a wrong call and
the bill was $20 million.

No. That's where you're wrong.

See, the $20 million is
a big settlement, right?

That wasn't for the fuck-up.
That was for the victim.

The insurance company
settled high and fast

because they thought
they're up against Snow White.

What happens if Snow White is
shacking up with her lawyer, Jed, huh?

You tell me.

Andy, you're hurt
and you want revenge.

And I can understand that,
but I got what I deserved.

And you know something,
as much as this pains you,

no matter what Tracy was
doing behind your back,

she got a hell of a lot
worse than she deserved.

Did I?

Did you what?

Did I get what I deserved?

Bad things happen to good people
all the time, Andy, and for no reason.

Take my word for it.

I'll see you later.

What are you gonna do, Andy?


I'm gonna go out and
get to know my wife.


Hi, Dennis!

He doesn't have an appointment,
Mr. Riley. He just walked right in.

She tried to stop me, Dennis.

See, I can call him Dennis
'cause we're old friends.

We both slept with my wife.

Claudia, call security.

Do that Claudia and then
all the US Attorney's office

and see if conspiracy to
commit insurance fraud

comes under their jurisdiction.

Forget security, Claudia. Sir?

Just close the door
behind you. Thank you.

This... This is a nice office.

What the hell
happened to your face?

I beat the shit out of a
deeply disturbed serial rapist.

Hey, I want an explanation.

An explanation for what?

For how my wife could have been
pregnant when her husband's sterile?

What was it?
Immaculate conception?

If that's the case, Dennis,

I wouldn't have settled
for $20 million if I were you.

Andy, I had no
knowledge of this.

And I wasn't sleeping
with your wife,

if that's what
you're suggesting.


Then what can I
do for you, Andy?

You can tell me where Tracy is.

Telling you where Tracy is would
break an attorney-client privilege,

and I will not do that.

Now there is nothing
more I can do.

Claudia will be happy to
call the US Attorney for you.

Were you sleeping with her?



Can you help me?

Help you do what?
What is it you want, Andy?

I want to talk to Tracy.

Andy... I know I'm
asking you a favor.

I have a professional

I have a legal
obligation to my client.

Your problems, your questions,

cold as this may seem,
are not my business.

And I haven't got
the answers you want.

Even if I did, I wouldn't
be able to give them to you.

Talk to her friends,
talk to her mother,

talk to the people she
works with at the hospital.

What did you say?

I'm saying this is
a personal matter.

Did you say, "Talk
to her mother?"

She certainly knows
Tracy better than I do.

Her mother is dead.

When did she die?
Twelve years ago.

You handled the estate.

No, I didn't.

What are you saying to me?

I'm saying I didn't handle
Mrs. Kennsinger's estate,

and anything outside of the framework
of your wife's lawsuit is not my...

I don't give a fuck
about the lawsuit, Dennis.

All I'm asking you... Then we
have nothing here to talk about.

Is her mother alive?
Where does she live?

Please understand...

Fuck it. I'll find her myself.





Bring her a bottle of scotch.

My name is Andy Safian.

So what?

Did your daughter ever
tell you she had a husband?

Did your wife ever tell
you she had a mother?


You're a liar.

She said you were dead.

What do you want from me?

It's nothing. I just thought...

Nobody wants nothing.

I thought maybe we
could have a drink and talk.

She sure loved her daddy.

Second best confidence
man south of Boston.

He taught her everything.
She was daddy's girl.

I wanted to ask
you some questions.

She tried to do the
smart thing, I give her that.

The smart thing. What was that?

Marry a bank account.
What do you think?

Tracy was married before?

I said she tried.

You got to pay attention.

One of Bill's old partners,
a guy from Newport.

Millionaire with
a heart problem.

He wouldn't marry her though.
Not even after she got pregnant.

Mrs. Kennsinger, I...

This is single malt scotch.

That was so classy, mister.

I haven't had
single malt since '69.

I drink crap. Blended
whiskey is crap,

I don't give what
color the label is.

I need to find Tracy.

Tell me the part again where she
was working at the children's ward.

Like I told you, she
likes kids. So she...




Did I say something
funny? (CHUCKLES)

That girls sure found
herself a live one.

Like shooting
tuna fish in a barrel.

Big one, too.

You're drunk.

And you're stupid.

I can say that to you
because you're my son-in-law.

Want to see something?

I want you to tell
me where Tracy is.

I'm older, I'm smarter. You
can learn something from me.

I know she's been here.

Andy. Is it Andy?

Yeah. Andy.

It's a simple trick.

The statue...

What? This, the Degas.

Yeah. What about it?

It was in my house. It was
Tracy's. So I know she's been here.

Andy, believe me.

You need to see this trick.

Do you get that I'm
serious? Pick a card.

I got it. Pick a card.


Look at it.

Put it back in the deck.

Shuffle the deck.

Mrs. Kennsinger, I don't want...

You can call me

I don't think so.

Shuffle the cards.
And shuffle them good.

Bill and me, we
used to give Tracy

a little bit of the
money each week

so she could buy
candy. Shuffle the cards!

She wouldn't spend
it though, not a penny.

Each week she put
it under the mattress.

I swear I think that kid had maybe
200 bucks under the mattress.

I'll tell you something
else about Tracy.

I don't think it
bothered her a bit

when her father cleaned out the
bank accounts and disappeared.

I think it bothered her

when he took the 200 dollars
from under the mattress.

Jesus. What the hell
kind of a family is this?

Want to bet me a double-C? What?

200 bucks. You wanna give me
200 bucks if I know what your card is?

I'll give you 200
bucks if I don't.


Because once money is involved,
you take me seriously, right?

Look, you said there
was a point here and I...

Why do you give a Frenchman's
fuck who she was sleeping with?

Get into the game. Go
for the 20 million yourself.

Are you saying that
Tracy set this up?

What the hell have I been telling
you? Am I talking to my shadow?

You think you're Sherlock
Holmes with this statue?

You can buy them in any
departmental store for $89.95.

Looks just like the real thing.

The whole thing was
a setup? You're crazy.


Then how come I have the jack
of clubs in my fucking pocket?


Look, kid, I don't
know what the game is.

But you got stung, so did
your friend, the surgeon.

Maybe, it's best to
just take a medicine

like a good little
boy and go home.

Do me a favor.
Leave me this scotch.


Whatever happened to the baby?

What baby? The Newport
millionaire, the baby.

She pocketed the money
he gave her for an abortion.

Went downtown to a clinic. She
ended up working for the doctor.

There's a happy ending, though.

She disappeared with
80,000 of the clinic's money.

How much of that
do you think I saw?

What was the name of the doctor?

How much you think I'm going
to see from this 20 million?

Was the name of the
doctor David Lillianfield?

How much do you think she's
gonna give her dead mother?

Was it? Was what what?

You think you can drink like
this and remember a name?

Was the name of the
doctor David Lillianfield?

Welcome to the game.


Excuse me.

Can I talk to your manager?

Mr. Hearn leaves at 5:00. You're
gonna have to come back tomorrow.

I'm Dr. Lillianfield.

Mr. Hearn wanted me to come by

to fill out a change of
address card for your billing.



Was that Lillianfield?

Yeah. David.

All right. Why don't you just
write it on the back of the old card

and we'll take care
of the rest tomorrow.

Okay. Thanks.



BOY: Where is the key?


I'm soaked.

TRACY: God! I'm freezing.

It's cold in here.

We must do something
about the latch.

We got to get this latch fixed.

TRACY: Oh. This damn
door is driving me crazy.

Ooh, I'm chilled to the bone.

Warm me up, I'm freezing.

Take me upstairs and fuck me.






I should be heading
back to town.

We just got here.

I know, but it's broad daylight.

Relax. It's a done deal.

I'm cutting the check on Monday.

What's wrong with you?

I got a letter today.

From who?

Whom, from whom.
From Dr. Kessler.

What did he say?

He didn't say, Tracy. It was
a letter. He wrote. (SIGHS)

Jed, take a drink, take a pill,
do whatever it is you have to,

but lighten the fuck up.

What did he write?

That he was sorry.
That he was very sorry.

That was thoughtful
of him. (CHUCKLES)

What? That was.

The man put us over
the top. I was in the room.

The bartender was just icing, but
Kessler was the one who closed it.

Come on, what more do
you want from the man?

I want him to know it.

I want him to know that
I was holding the strings.

He's sorry? Let him say he
was sorry about Mass General.

When he says he was wrong,

when he says that I
should have gotten the job,

then you talk about
bygones being bygones.

In the meantime, I think
I'll send him a postcard.

There, that's the spirit.

A picture of me sitting under a
palm tree with $10 million in one hand

and a copy of his God
complex memo in the other.

With an inscription.

What would it say?

It wouldn't say
anything. It would read.

Attagirl, Trace.

What would it read?

"Never underestimate a genius
with a chip on his shoulder."





Shit! What the fuck was that?



Oh, my God!

Where did that come from?



Andy's been here.

What are you talking about?

He knows.

Then why aren't the police
knocking on the door?

Because he's playing with us.

Andy? Yes.

I don't believe it.

Believe it.

How could he possibly...

Well, let's think about that
for a moment, shall we?

What could we have done wrong?

Let's retrace the plan

and see if we can put
our finger on a detail

we may have overlooked.

One of us may have improvised.

One of us may have
decided that to get pregnant

would double the money.

It did double the money.

Now I don't want to hear
about it anymore. It is history.

No, no, no kidding.

It's the present.

It's the here and the now
and the needle in the haystack.

Let me ask you something.

Once he found
out he was sterile,

how long do you think
it took him to figure out

there was no Dr. Lillianfield?

Do you understand
what I'm saying?

There wasn't
supposed to be a baby.

I'll take care of Andy.

Don't get up.

What happened to your face?

I tripped. Oh.

I heard they caught
the guy, the rapist.


Well, that must be
a load off your mind.

Yeah, it's great to finally
have things back to normal.

Andy, they can
be back to normal.

What's that?


Our life.

Remember me?



I think you dropped your shoe.

What can I get you?

We'll have two
glasses of house wine.

Is chardonnay all right?

ANDY: It'll be fine.

Anything else? Some privacy.


Sweetie, I'm going
to talk for a minute,

so it would be better if you
don't interrupt me, okay?

I found a hypodermic
needle in my bed.

I don't know who put it
there, it doesn't matter.

What matters is that I
didn't think it was funny.

And as you well know, I've
a healthy sense of humor.

So what I'm saying is this.

Whoever played that
joke is playing in a league

they're just not ready for.

Now, I came here hoping we
could reach an understanding.

I'm afraid I'm gonna have to
hold a grudge on this one, Trace.

Oh, go to the cops.
They'll call you crazy.

As would Westerly
or any another school

at which you try and
get a teaching job.

Happy hunting, Andy.

Sit the fuck down! What?

I said sit the fuck down.

I'm running the show now.


You're running it with an
empty hypodermic needle?

I'm running it with trace
amounts of Pergonal.

Here you go.

Ma'am, would you
happen to know anything

about a drug called Pergonal?

I'm sorry.

Never mind. That's all right.

It's a fertility drug, Andy. I
was trying to get pregnant.

A fertility drug. That's exactly
what the lab guys told me.

But it turns out that Pergonal,

when it's injected in,
like, massive quantities

will actually create
ovarian cysts.

Thank God there was a brilliant
young surgeon around, Trace,

'cause you gave
us all quite a scare.

The hormone
dissolved in the ovaries,

you wouldn't have a clue
how much I was taking.

That's right.

It's not like I had a witness.

I mean, if I had a witness who
saw Jed giving you the injections,

then you and doctor man

would be spending the rest
of your sexually-active years

in a place where if
you're very, very good,

they'll let you
work in the laundry.

You're bluffing.


Right now, more than
anything else in the world,

don't you wish I had
finally gotten around

to putting up the
curtains in the bedroom?


Are you all right?


You should run that
under some water.

No, I'm fine.

Are you sure? Let me just...

I said I'm fine!


You spilled your wine, Trace.

By the by,

you should know in case
some bizarre, active God

should happen to take my life,

my will's been amended

to direct the police to the 10-year-old
son of our next-door neighbor.

What do you want?

What does anybody want? I want
the Red Sox to win the World Series.

You haven't taken the kid to
the police. What do you want?

I had a chat with your mom.

Not bad looking for somebody
who's been dead for 12 years.


What do you want, Andy?

I want to change my life, Tracy.

I don't think Emma was
stating the case either,

and she knows some
pretty cool card tricks.

Cut the shit! What do you want?

I want half.

What the fuck do
you think I want?

Give him the money.

TRACY: What?

Give the man the money,
and let's get out of here.

Jesus, Jed. Don't fade on me. I
need you to focus on this thing.

I'm telling you
precisely what to do.

Give the guy the 10 bucks
and we leave the country.

I'm supposed to split
the money three ways?

I'm supposed to
just accept this?

Welcome to the land where
you don't have a choice.

Don't fucking turn on
me. I earned this money.

This money is mine.
He's not getting a nickel.

They write the check to me.

Not in prison, they don't.

Without the kid, he
doesn't have anything.

Without the kid, Andy is just a
guy who cracked under the strain.



Do you know what you're saying?

What's the big leap, Jed?

You cut me open,
stuck your hands in,

twisted my ovaries,
so they look all dead.

Excuse me, necrotic.

Now you develop some enlightened
sense of what's right and wrong?

He's a child. No!

He is a little fucking troll who
deserves to be put out of his misery

for fucking up my life!

Now, if you don't
have the balls to...



Don't talk about this again.

Anything happens to the kid,
and I'm the State's star witness.

Give the man the money.

I'm sorry I hit you.

Put it down.

How much blood did you let
me lose before you saved me?

You waited an extra
minute or two, didn't you?

You thought about going the other
way after you saw I was pregnant.

You thought for a second
about letting me die, didn't you?

I'm a doctor. You were a doctor.

Don't overestimate
yourself, Tracy.

Give me the gun.

Come on.







Hello? TRACY: It's me.

I have the money.

Where are you?

I'm at Market Square.

Meet me in the northwest
corner in 15 minutes.









Like shooting tuna in a barrel.



I won't mind shooting you.


What took you so long?

We were waiting for Jed.

Somehow, I don't
think he's going to show.

Don't move. You need a doctor.

You hear that, Trace?

We need a doctor.

WOMAN: Come on,
honey. It's past bedtime.

You okay?

I will be.

You're supposed
to put ice on that.

I don't want any ice.

You need ice.


I'll have mine in a
glass with some scotch.

DANA: Fine.

ANDY: (SIGHS) Single
malt. Nothing blended.

Blended whiskey is crap.

Somebody told me that once.