#Malam Jumat: The Movie (2019) - full transcript

To provide a different experience to his subscribers, Ewing tries something new by exploring a playground called the Wonder Park that had been abandoned for a long time. With his team, Agan...

Hi, my name is Ewing,
and thank you for letting me...

...to accompany you
on Malam Jumat (Thursday night).

A night where all spiritual beings
roams out there.

As you all know, 2 weeks ago,
me, Oji, Agan, Winky...

...and our newest Ewing squad member,

...went to the scariest place in West Java.

The place is called Wonder Park.

This is truly a scary place.

They said that someone died there.

Here's our footage of it.

Playing around at Wonder Park.

Right after these messages.

I want to show you my impression
and the atmosphere of this place.

Yo, Ewing Squad, I am now
at one of the most haunted place.

The Wonder Park.

I'm not alone here.

I'm with my friends. Winky.

- Hello, Ewing Squad.
- And Oji.

I'm Oji.

And our newest member, Lulu.

Hi, Lulu. Say hi to the camera.

Also our favorite cameraman, Agan,
from Son of Dad.

Yo, Ewing Squad!

We came at daytime since we want to check
how was the place with daylight.

Because we will return later that night.

But you know,
the place even looks so creepy at noon.


Ghost mannequin


This is a very good set.

No wonder this place is pretty popular.

"We've been waiting for you.
Come here."

What is that?


There's a jacket here.
With a hat, too.

Maybe the owner committed a suicide.


Don't touch that.



Here, the hat.

Look at that. RH.

If whoever owns this committed a suicide,
they must've left some kind of mark.

Like a suicide note, or anything.

Let me see.

Just look for it.

What's the matter, Wing?


Open it.

- "Forgive me, I can't take it anymore."
- Damn it.


It's real.

- Yeah, but it's a bit funny.
- So guys...

...we found this jacket here, a hat...

...and the suicide note.

So there's a high change that
this person committed a suicide.

But how did he do it?


He hanged himself.

Just put a chair here,
and you stand on it.

And then hang yourself in this rope.

But that's just my guess.

There could be another option,
like perhaps...

- Idiot!
- Careful, Ji!

- That's an offering! Don't step on it!
- Careful, Ji!

What are you doing here?

Inka !

We eventually took Lulu
out of Wonder Park.

And later that night,
we had a discussion.

Should we cancel our mission,
or proceed with any risks?

We're already halfway.

I think we should head back to Wonder Park.

What happened to Lulu is a sign,
that we must not return there.

But your followers will call us
as coward.

Ewing, this is what makes Malam Jumat
different than other channels.

We fought any terrors
and overcome any obstacles.

Okay. Shall we?

Alright, we will proceed.

We're still gonna play hide-and-seek, right?

Guys, we're heading back to Wonder Park.

We're off, guys.

Alright, squad.
We're heading back to Wonder Park.

Oji and Winky will find a place
to hide there.

While me and Agan will look for them.

Wish us luck.

I am still here, with Oji and Winky.

That means, all of us were safe
from that night.

But you won't believe what we found...

...when we were playing hide-and-seek.

What you're about to see
is an edited footage...

...captured by Oji and Winky.

I've put the final clue, here it is.

That means, I'm gonna hide over there.
Come with me.

Okay, guys,
this is my last clue for Ewing.

I've also prepared some surpise for him.

And this is gonna be a lot of fun.

It has been 10 minutes for Oji and Winky
to hide themselves.

Now it's time for me
to look for their clues.

Okay, guys, I will stay in silent.

And hope that if anyone is here...

...please give me a sign.

Either a sound...

...or sighting.

The footage is a little bit shaky.

But I want you to focus
and watch closely.

Did you hear that, guys?

I heard some noise.

It came out from there.

Where is it?

I freeze this video because I want you
to focus at this face behind him.

Winky maybe did not realize it,
but his camera managed to captured it.


This is Winky's glowstick.

This is a clue that says he's hiding
somewhere around here.

It could be in this floor,
or one floor above.

Let's look for him in this floor,
and then we'll continue upstairs.

He should be around here.

But I don't know...

Gan, did you see something move?

- Where?
- Over there.

Winky is wearing white, isn't he?

I think it was grey.

- It's white.
- No, it's grey.

- Are you sure?
- Yeah, you must be mistaken.









He's inside this room.

I think that's not him.

You sure?

But you saw someone entered
this room, right?


You've captured it on the camera?

Yes, but Winky doesn't have a long hair.





Ewing, I guess it's right.

That's not Winky.







What are you doing?

That's not funny.
Let's look for Oji.


You're not fun!

I messed up.

Ewing, here's the clue.

- This means Oji hides around here.
- Okay.

Ewing, that's him, right?

But Oji doesn't wear a jacket.


That's the jacket!

Shit. Then it's a sighting.

Gan, you have to shoot that.

- He disappeared!
- We missed it!

Let's go after him!

He's not here. Empty.



This is not a good sign.

- Let's just look for Oji.
- Let's go.



We've been shouting his name
for about 15 minutes.

I even split with Winky to look for Oji.

But still nothing.

And finally, we agreed to meet
at the checkpoint, waiting for Oji.

How is it?

I don't know, I can't reach him.

Where is he?


There he is...

Are you crazy? Where have you been?

You freak us out!

I blacked out!

I saw you guys calling me.

And also I called you back!

- We didn't hear anything.
- I swear to God.

I swear I was calling you!

- No...
- I swear.

Until I eventually blacked out, because...

Just see this footage yourself.

Let's go after him!

He's not here.


Where is he?

Let's get out of here!

- Ewing, Winky, Agan? Hey!
- Guys!

Hey, I'm over here!

- Oji!
- Yes, I'm right here!

- Oji!
- I'm right here!

- Oji!
- Guys!

- Ewing, Winky, I'm right here!
- Let's go.

- Agan, Winky!
- Oji!

He also said that something
made him he blacked out.

What is it?
Let's take a look at this footage.

- Ewing, Winky, Agan!
- Where is he?

Where are you guys going?

Holy shit!

When we first saw this footage,
we jumped from our seats.

That's a real sighting.

That's a ghost eating an offering.

So for you that's been doubting Edwin HD,
you can see for yourself.

I never mess around with sightings.

Thank you for letting me
to accompany you on Malam Jumat.

Thumbs up if you like this video.

And thumbs down
if you find this video boring.

I'm Ewing and see you
on next Malam Jumat.

How many viewers?

We have 52.543 viewers,
and keep on growing.

There's one interesting comment.
I've captured it.

The ID is Dinda Kemilau.

What did she say? She thinks we're fake?
All of this are staged?

- That's not new.
- No.

It's a whole different reaction.

We didn't expect this.

Look at this.

She said she knew about
the jacket and the hat.

She said it belongs to
her long lost brother.

Rian Haryanto.


Dinda would like to meet you.

Wing, I think we missed this.

I've just review our meeting footage
in the villa.

Look at this.

Who is this person behind the window?

Maybe this is...

Gan, don't tell Oji and Winky about this.


And what about Dinda Kemilau?

Should we meet her or not?

If we do...

This could be a real something
if we follow this up.

Our viewers will love this.

We've hit 1,5 million viewers in a week.

It's a new record!
- Let me see. Seriously?


- Nice!
- That means...

...our next content must be better
than Wonder Park.

- Agreed.
- And...

...there has to be real sightings,
so they won't be disappointed.


I'm Dinda, who want to meet you.

About my brother, Rian Haryanto.

Three months ago, he said
he's on a big project in Bandung.

But he won't tell me what it is.

He finally left...

...and that's the last time
we heard from him.

We reported this to the police,
but they're unable to find him.

He just disappeared.

Until I watched your videos.

There's no way he committed suicide.

This is Ellen, my childhood friend.

- I was her sister-in-law.
- Never.

She thinks that Rian loved her.

We really were together.

That's when you were in elementary school.

Ewing, how can you be so sure
if my brother killed himself?

Actually, I'm not so sure myself.
I just said that out of the blue.

But Wonder Park is known as a place
where people committed suicide.

- The hanging noose...
- Yeah, that's it.

There's a hanging noose
that convinced me...

...that this man committed suicide.

I don't like you kept saying
that Rian committed suicide.


But the body hasn't been found yet, right?

Ewing, I want to ask you a favor...

...to take me there.

I have to find out
what happened to my brother.

You need to bring someone as a medium.

To communicate with the dead.

If you really want to know
what happened to him.

- Can't we just do it from Jakarta?
- No, we can't.

The medium has to come to Wonder Park.

We're here.

Why did Lulu cancel on us?

Ji, if I have ever been possessed like her,
I also won't return to this place.

Being possessed is not fun,
your body would be hurt all over.

You wouldn't come here too if it's not
for the endorsement money, won't you?

Come on.

Let's go.

Who is this paranormal?

Don't you know him?
He's a big shot in YouTube.

- Who?
- Mas Tyo.

- Tyo Pakusadewo?
- No, you idiot.

Mas Tyo is a psych who can talk to the dead.

Dinda want him to talk to her brother.

This place is full of wandering spirits.

Dinda, you don't have to be afraid.

Ghost can't hurt human beings.
They are in a different dimension.

The truth is, human are more dangerous

Shall we?

Yeah, let's go.

Shall we?


It was here, right?

Ewing, the hat and jacket
are not here anymore.

And the noose
was supposed to be hanging in here.

But it's gone!

- Someone might took them.
- But who?

Wouldn't Mas Tyo needs those items
to communicate with them?

Can't you use Ouija or Jailangkung?

Ouija or Jailangkung are children's play.

They are useless.

What should we do, then?

Ewing, where did you find Rian's jacket?

Over here.


As we can see, Mas Tyo is now
trying to communicate...

...by sensing the presence
of Rian Haryanto.



What are you doing here?


- We'd like to help...
- This place is not for public!

You can't enter this place.

Sir, we're here just for a while.


Because of your stupid videos,
people started coming here!

Yeah, we...

But that's a good thing, isn't it?

If people starts coming here,
Wonder Park can have an income.

Income? What income, you idiots!

They only create a mess in this place,
with bad intentions like you all.

Now, please leave.

- Get out of here!
- But...

Get out! Stop the recording!

Okay, but leave this place at once!

- Get out.
- Okay, let's leave.

Yes, we're leaving now.

Calm down, calm down.

- Hey, watch it!
- Damn it!

Sorry, sir.

I didn't see it.

Sorry, sir.

Stop stepping at the offering.
Be careful with that.

- Why?
- That's bad luck.

What... Hey!

Get up, hurry!

What the heck...
How can you drown in this pool?

I saw a ghost!

She pulled me down...

The surface was covered
with the offerings I stepped on!

I swear!
She was right in front of me!

Who is it?








Let's go downstairs.
We're discussing something.

- I heard something...
- Hurry up, okay?

I'll be waiting downstairs.


I don't want to come this far
with no result.

I want us to find out
the truth of Rian Haryanto's death.

And do a proper response
about our last video.

Some kind of clarification.


We'll return to Wonder Park.

Wing, we're not allowed to go there!

Here's the thing.
That place has a huge area.

There's no way it's fully guarded 24/7.

Moreover, if we go inside
through the back entrance...

...no one will notice us.

What do you think, Mas Tyo?

I smell something...

Fear. Death.

What do you mean?

Okay, let's get prepared
and head out in 15 minutes.



yo Ewing Squad!

Hopefully, tonight we will succeed...

...and we can communicate with
the spirit of Rian Haryanto.

Dinda, bring a jacket,
it's gonna get cold out there.


Dinda, what's with you and Ewing?



You two look really close together.

Well, he is really nice to me.

I know he's nice,
but can we trust him?

Don't you trust Ewing?

Well, I think all YouTubers
are assholes, and fake.

They're just being nice on camera,
but behind the camera, they're jerks.

I think Ewing is not like that.

Alright. It's just that
we barely even knew Ewing.

Just be careful,
don't get too emotional.

I know.

Din, did Rian post this on his Instagram?


- And they tagged me!
- What are you talking about?

That's my video when I was taking a bath.

Does it mean he was in this room?

No way.

It's not possible.

I swear I was alone!

Someone must have pulled a prank on you.

But who?

To upload it on Instagram,
someone must access your account.

And there are only seven of us here.

That's the point, no one could've entered
Ellen's room without us noticing.

Yeah, but how can a ghost
upload something on Instagram?

- How can you say it was ghost?
- Well, that's the fact!

Maybe, they gave us a sign
to communicate with us.

Well, then settled it.

Let's talk to him from here.

Wonder Park and this villa
is on the same area.

What do you say, Mas Tyo?

- I can't feel his presence here.
- Yeah, yeah, I know.

Where'se the key?
Okay, we're going to Wonder Park.

- Oji.
- Yeah?

Turn right up ahead
to get to the back entrance.


- No playing hide-and-seek today, right?
- You want to?

No! Are you crazy?

No, thanks.

Someone could actually disappears...

...if we play around this time.

Oh my God!

What's wrong with you?

- Oji!
- What happened?

- What's wrong?
- Let's get out of the car.

This one is from Wonder Park.

- Yeah.
- What is this doing in here?

A warning.

This is a sign of warning.

Everything that happened to us...

...were because of you being reckless.

Hey, asshole,
you know how many of us here?

We are seven...

- ...and you only blame me, jerk?
- Relax.

- You think I'm afraid of you?
- Enough.

- What? You asshole!
- Enough!

Calm down, Ji.

Hey, it's useless to argue here.

- Calm down.
- I am.

I want all of us to focus on helping Dinda.

Because I also want to know
what happened to Rian Haryanto.



We're here.

This is the place.

- Let's get out.
- This is it?

Watch your step.

Authorized Personnel Only.

What's wrong, Wing?

It's locked and chained.

- But we can get in, right?
- How?

Holy shit! A ghost! Damn it!

- What is it?
- There's a ghost inside!

Just look at it!


Shut up!

Mas Tyo?

They greet us.

Quit showing off, okay?

"Show off"?

I saw a ghost,
and what should my reaction be?

Oji, enough!

- Shush!
- Don't shush me!

- Oji, enough!
- Don't you know I was startled?

Oji, stop!

We should keep our voice down!

Asshole, he's just acting!

Can you shut up?

Agan, camera.

Mas Tyo is now trying to communicate
with the spirit who resides here.

Getting a permission.
Let's hope everything went fine.

Mas Tyo?

- We're clear?
- Yes.

Okay. Be quiet.

Keep you voice down. Got it?

Oji, Winky, you stay with Dinda and Ellen.

I help Agan with the camera, understand?

We're clear. Stay quiet, okay?

You want to climb this or...

Hold it, I'll go first, Ji.

You can go through here.

I want all of us to concentrate
and do what I say.

Rian Haryanto, please join us here.

Someone needs to talk to you.

Rian Haryanto, please join us here.

Someone needs to talk to you.

Join us...

- Join us...
- I bet he's just acting.

- Just let him be.
- Let him be?

I'm telling you, he's just pretending.
It's all fake.


We're currently at the same location
as yesterday.

The spot where we found
Rian's jacket and hat.

It's also the place where we suspect
Rian committed a suicide.

However, Dinda and Ellen is not sure
about him committing a suicide.

But he looks so serious.

- Just trying to make it convincing.
- Mas Tyo is talking to Rian...

...to find out what actually happened.

Something's wrong?

Yeah, I can do that, too.

Mas Tyo?

Rian can't enter this place.

I’m distracted by Oji and Wingky.

Please tell them to get out.
Get out!

- Why us?
- We're not even doing anything.

Get out!

- Just do what he says.
- No, we're staying here.

We didn't even do anything.

Please, just this once.

Come on, Wing.

- Do what he said.
- Can't you see that he just hate my guts?

That's why he doesn't want us here.

You said he's a big YouTuber.

How can he be disturbed
by us whispering? Idiot.

- Please just do what he said.
- Should I talk to Rian instead?


Please, just do it.

What a jerk.

I know he's getting rid of us
because we know he's a fake!

You should be more patient.

I just don't like him telling us
to leave the room.

He has no right to do that.

You should've stayed quiet,
don't get upset.

It's all for YouTube's content.

Yeah, but not that kind of content.

We should make a better quality,
not with that stupid act like that!

He's just trying to fool everyone!

- I'm so mad right now.
- Relax.

It's better to make content ourselves.

- Let's go.
- Go ahead.

- Come on.
- Go ahead and make it yourself.

- Fine.
- I can make mine, too.

- You stubborn!
- I don't care!

Guys, I am now at the main yard,
near the entrance of Wonder Park.

Very spooky here, indeed.

As you can see here.

There are a lot of broken down rides.

That's the entrance.

And this is the...

What is it? Maybe the ticket booth.

This is the big sign of Wonder Park.

It should be lit all the way,
with those small lights.

There are other rides here, too.

Okay, guys, welcome to my new channel,
Bloody Winky.

We will talk about
all bloody terror act in this world.

This is for real, guys. I'm shivering.

Is it just me or can you guys hear it, too?

What was that sound?


This is really a creepy place.

And there's a lot of spirits in here.

Okay, now...




Help me...

It's cold...


Rian, what happened to you?

I can't tell you, Din.

I'm sorry.

Please tell it to Mama and Papa.


Are you alright?

I'm not sure if it's him.

Because we usually call our parents,
"mom" and "dad".

Not "Papa" and "Mama".

Mas Tyo...

Please ask Rian to return.

I can't do that anymore.

He doesn't want to be back here anymore.


I know you're still here.

Please show yourself.




- Ellen!
- Dinda, wait! Let me catch her.

No, I should go after her.
Where is she going?

No, wait here with Mas Tyo
and back to villa, okay?

But, Wing...

No, Oji and Winky must be
waiting for you there. Alright?

Mas Tyo, here's the key.

This way, Gan.


Mas Tyo.

Please be honest with me.

That wasn't Rian, was it?

Let's get out of here.

Mas Tyo?

Mas Tyo!

Mas Tyo!

Please tell me the truth.

That's not Rian's spirit, right?

- Let's head back to the car.
- But, Mas Tyo, wait...

Mas Tyo, that is Winky...

We should go back.

We have to let them know,
we must not leave them!

Mas Tyo!





Where have you been?

I really need to talk to you.


Stop, Mas Tyo! We should tell them!

Shut up!

I don't wanna leave them!

We should tell Ewing! No!

No! We can't leave them!
We can't leave Ewing!

No, Mas Tyo!

We should help Ewing!

- Mas Tyo, please!
- Quiet!

If you trust me, then quiet!

- Quiet now...
- That's my brother Rian!

- That's Rian!
- Shut up!

Please, shut up!

I say shut up!

- No!
- Quiet!

Please shut up!



Mas Tyo!

Mas Tyo!

Shut up!

- Open the door!
- Quiet!

- Mas Tyo!
- Shut up!

Open the door, Tyo!



Please open the door!

Shut up.

What about Ewing and Ellen?

Just shut up, Din.

- Open, Mas Tyo!
- Quiet!

Mas Tyo...

Wait a minute, Din.

If you need a medium to communicate
with your brother...

...you can contact this ID and number.
His name is Tyo.

I'm sure he will help you.






I don't know what happened.
He suddenly tried to hurt me.

I think Mas Tyo and Lulu
are working together.

Lulu is the one who inside
my brother's Instagram!

- She's...
- You are a fool, Dinda.

You two...

- Let me go!
- Where are you going?

Come here!

Tie her up.

- Why don't we just kill...
- Tie her up!


This is an important moment.

She needs to know what really happened.

Should I tell her or you do it yourself?

Where's Agan?

He's retrieving the camera equipment
from Winky and Oji.

I'll do the recording.

Alright, but remember.

This is just for our own amusement.
Not your YouTube.

You two are insane.

Let me go!

Let me go!

What did you say?

You are insane!


We are insane.

All right.

Camera roll and action!

Hi, my name is Ewing,
and thank you for letting me...

...to accompany you on Malam Jumat.

Tonight I have a very interesting guest.

She is so special.

She is none other than
the sister of Rian Haryanto.

Let me go!

Don't worry, she's just in a bad mood.

But it's okay. She plays
an important role in this story.

It start from what actually happened
to Rian Haryanto...

...until her reaction.

This is the mystery
of Rian Haryanto's death.

Right after break.


These are my friends.
Ewing and Mas Tio.


Let's get straight to the point.

As the owner,
I want Wonder Park to keep its hype.

I want you to create the scariest content
about this place.

So later I can turn this place
into a mystic tourist attraction.

I believe this is a good enough
for YouTubers like you.

What's the matter? Still not enough?

That's not how this works.


Please, let me do this.

Forgive him, that's how Rian is.

But he can't just do that.
I know he has a lot of money.

I just don't like his attitude.

Calm down.

Your brother was an asshole! A jerk!

He tried raping me.

Ewing helped me.

- Rian, you're drunk!
- Shut up!

How dare you slap me, bitch!

I paid you this entire time!

I can do what I want with you!


What the hell are you doing here?

- Calm down, okay.
- Shut up!

I own you! I paid you!

- Just calm down, you're drunk.
- You dare to fight me?

Rian, don't...

You want to fight with me?

- Calm yourself...
- Come here!



Hold her!


Then we buried Rian and her maid's bodies.

But the maid's spirit is still wandering.

No one ever find out about them.

Your turn, Wing.

And then, I asked Ewing Squad
to return to Wonder Park.

I convinced them with
the ghost of Rian Haryanto.

And I was acting possessed.

You'should see her acting,
she deserves a reward for that.

Everything went according to the plan.

Until one day...

...you wrote a comment on our video
that could mess up our plan.

There was no choice.
I had to make a sacrifice.

Dinda Kemilau's comment
can jeopardize your program.

I'm pretty sure she wants us
to explain where his brother is.

But if she ever finds out what happened...

Your program is at stake.

All your viewers who believed that
we show real sightings in Malam Jumat.

They will call you a fraud again.
We're done.

Then I want to take Malam Jumat
to a whole another level.

What do you mean?

I want this Malam Jumat
to be scarier with more horror.

I want this episode of Malam Jumat
to be their last night ever.


And Winky too?

Let me tell you, I'm so tired with them.

They're just useless parasites,

...and I'm gonna kill them!

You are really psycho, Lu.

I love you even more.

Lu, put your knife down.

Is this still about killing
or getting a girl?

No, honey.

In fact...

...I've prepared Dinda for you
back at the villa.

I saved the best for the last.

Just calm down, okay?

What are you doing, Gan?

This is for behind the scene.

Like "Natural Born Killers".

"A love story
between a pair of psychopaths"

I'm not a psychopath,
I'm a fully-functioned sociopath.


Now, let's do our homework.


You are all sick, you're psycho!



Do you know...

...what sickness is like?

I grew up with violence in my family,
and my parents were always fighting.

I was a victim of their anger.

I can only kept my grudge...

...until one day,
I just couldn't take it anymore...

...and found the perfect moment
to make them pay.

But we don't have anything to do
with your childhood.

Only Lulu understands me.

She helped me savor and fulfil my revenge.

So, thank you, Lulu.

You're welcome.

Hi, my name is Ewing,
and thank you for letting me...

...to accompany you on Malam Jumat.

A night where all spiritual beings
roams out there.

I'm not alone
in this live streaming session.

I'm with one of Ewing Squad, Agan.

Agan, say hi to the viewers.

Hi, guys.

Before we start...

...we wanna thank our viewers
for the likes...

...and become our loyal subscribers.

- Check that out.
- Wait here.

- Good evening.
- Good evening, officer.

Are you Ewing?

I'm not him, I'm Agan.

May I see Ewing?

Please wait, sir.


- Are you Ewing?
- Yes, officer.

You two are under arrest.


So all of this are just for you to watch?

For your amusement?

For your likes?

They did everything it takes...

...even if it hurts other people.

Even if it costs...

...other people's life.

When will it end?