Mahabharat (1965) - full transcript

Pandu and Dhirtrashtra are two brothers who rule Hastinapur. Pandu gets married to Kunti, who conceives five sons and names them Yudhister, Bhimsen, Arjun, Nakul and Sahdev, while Dhirtrashtra, who is blind, gets married to Gandhari, and gives birth to a 100 sons, including Duryodhan and Dushasan. Gandhari's brother, Shakuni, also resides with them. After Pandu passes away, Dhirtrashtra decides to bequeath the empire to Yudhister much to the chagrin of Duryodhan, who plots with Shakuni to kill them in a palace made of wax, but the brothers and Kunti manage to escape and live incognito in a forest where Bhimsem meets with, Hidimba, slays her demon brother, Hidimb, gets married to her and sires a son, an illusionist, Ghatotkach. The brothers do reveal their identity when Arjun wins a competition at Panchal to wed Draupadi defeating Duryodhan, Dushashan, Jarasandh and others. Kunti unwittingly asks the brothers to share Draupadi, as she had in a previous birth as Devi Maa Parvati, prayed to Bhagwan Shri Shivji five times for a husband. Dhirtrashtra acknowledges the enmity between the cousins and asks five brothers to re-locate to Khandavprasth, which is subsequently transformed by Bhagwan Shri Indra's aide, Vishwakarma, and re-named Indraprasht. Duryodhan is then humiliated by Draupadi, who mocks him and tells him that sons of a blind man are also blind, when he stumbles in the Maya Mahal, and he takes a vow to humiliate her. Shakuni then invites the five brother to gamble at Hastinapur where Yudhister ends up losing Indraprasht, his brothers, his wealth as well as Draupadi herself. Bhagwan Shri Kishan comes to her aid when Dushashan publicly disrobes her as no one comes to her defense. The Pandavas are then sentenced to 13 years in exile, which will be extended by 12 years more if they are discovered during the 13th year. The 13 years pass by, Arjun also gets married to Subhadra and sires a son, Abhimanyu. When the Pandavs return to claim Indraprasht, the Kauravas oppose and challenge them to a war in the Kurkshetra. Duryodhan chooses Bhagwan Shri Kishan's armies, while Arjun chooses Kishanji, who decides to only be the charioteer for Arjun. And it is here that Kishanji who shows his true self to Arjun when he hesitates to kill his relatives, cousins, and gurus. It is here that Gandhari will bless Duryodhan with a body of steel, Kunti will go to plead with Karan to show mercy to her five sons, and Bhagwan Shri Hanuman, the elder brother of Bhimsen, decides to make an incognito appearance, in this epic battle between Good and Evil. - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
You Tube - Video Running Time 02:39:46

You Tube search name - Mahabharata (1965)
[French-English subtitles]

The great poet VedVyas...

be praised

VedVyas penned...

this epic poem MahaBharat

It all happened
a long, long time ago.

Yet, the story is told
again and again.

Hastinapur was once a great city...

of riches and splendour.

The Dynasty of The Moon
ruled Hastinapur.

King Pandu was much loved
by his subjects.

This is a story about power.
About the tussle for power.

You will hear the story of
the mighty Bhim and Arjun.

And you will hear
Draupadi's miseries.

This is the story of the struggle
for the throne of Bharat (India).

That is what MahaBharat is about.

The sons of Pandu were Pandav
Dhritarashtra's sons were Kaurav

Their subjects swore by one,
and they hated another.

Duryodhan took to the way of sin.

And he was jealous of his cousins.

Yudhisthir, the eldest Pandav
was very righteous.

He would never have brother
pitted against brother.

Lord Krishna's teachings are also
enshrined in The MahaBharat.

Lord Krishna's teaching are
still revered in India.

You will hear the story of
the mighty Bhim and Arjun.

And you will hear
Draupadi's miseries.

This is the story of the struggle
for the throne of Bharat (India).

This is the story of the heroes and
the legends and land that is India.

This is MahaBharat.

Bhim, I'm going to smash
your mace!

Boast not, Duryodhan.
Thunder clouds bring no rain.

For mothering one
as mighty as Duryodhan...

your womb must have
been blessed, Gandhari.

Your son Bhim is no less
than my Duryodhan, Kunti.

They fight like
elephants in musth.

They have been trained well
by the Lord Preceptor.

Your test is done. Now pay
your respects to your elders.

Bhim! Duryodhan! Will you
ignore the command of your Guru?

Bhim! Duryodhan! Stop!

Else you will burn to ashes in
the fires of Guru Dron's anger!

- Stop it, I say!
- Disengage!

Now you will witness Arjun's
proficiency in archery.

I am certain that no one...

can equal Arjun in archery.

Lord Preceptor, Dron...

You speak in misplaced confidence.

- Who are you?
- I am Karn.

He is Atirath's son.
Atirath, the charioteer.

I shall not compete with
a charioteer's son.

- Only a royal can compete.
- This is unjust.

If he cannot compete with Arjun
just because he isn't a royal...

then I shall give him
the kingdom of Ang.

- What says Emperor Dhritarashtra?
- I concur.

I am grateful to the Emperor
and Prince Suyodhan.

This favour I shall repay in time.
I shall repay with my life.

This I vow.

May I now have the match?

You may, but remember,
this is a friendly contest.

The sun is about to set.

It will be difficult to decide
which one of you is better.

Glory to the brave Arjuna!

Glory to the archer Karn!

On this happy occasion, I would like
to request Emperor Dhritarashtra...

to declare the late Emperor Pandu's
son Prince Yudhisthir...

our Crown Prince.

I respect the wishes
of my uncle, Prince Bhishm.

Sanjay, have Prince Yudhisthir
pronounced Crown Prince.

Not as long as Shakuni is alive.

- Did you say something, Father?
- Silence, you fool!

I have told you never to speak
during the day!

On behalf of Emperor Dhritarashtra,
The Lord Protector of Justice...

I pronounce Yudhisthir,
the Crown Prince of Hastinapur.

- To Crown Prince Yudhisthir...
- Glory be!

- To Emperor Yudhisthir...
- Glory be!

(Mama: maternal uncle;mother's brother)

Mama, Yudhisthir was proclaimed
crown prince.

And you spoke not a word?
Do you want me and my 100 siblings...

to be reduced to beggars?
We have nowhere to turn to!

Worry not! My ivory dice
are loaded in your favour.

- Mama! This is ruination!
- What happened, Dushasan?

My father the king, is having
a palace built in Varanavratt!

The Pandav brothers
and their mother Kunti...

are travelling to see
the fair in Varanavratt.

To cater to their comforts,
a palace is being built there...

- by the architect Purochan.
- If Purochan is the architect...

the palace is going to be built
just as I want him to build it!

Shellac, magnesium and spice oils
will be used in the mortar.

Sticks of sulfur, phosphorus will
be concealed inside the structure.

History will name it
The Shellac Palace.

This palace exudes a fragrance!

Purochan, is it?

This palace has been constructed
for your pleasures, my Lords.

- You are a good sculptor.
- And wise too.

Wisdom is a necessity for ones
who deals with the Kaurav.


Your art is par excellence!

A small reward recognition.

You are magnanimous, Your Highness.
Deign to rest, please.

The dark clouds gather.
A storm comes.

Deign to rest, my Lord.

Well, Purochan?
A palace fit for The Gods?

Mercy! Mercy Lord Bhim!

- Forgive me, Bhim!
- Be not afraid.

You are about to
succeed on your mission.

You have lit a sacrificial fire.
The sacrifice, I shall make.

Pleasure be to Agni,
The Lord of Fire!

Rise! Run!

- What gives?
- Purochan set the palace on fire!


The inferno is raging all around.
How are we going to escape this?

Sahdev, use your knowledge
of structures.

Tell us, is there a tunnel
secreted somewhere?

Think hard!

There should be a way...
somewhere over there.

Come on.

Uncle Vidur...

Thank God that you are alive.

Were it not for Sahdev,
we would be burnt alive.

- Yudhisthir, I had hinted as much.
- Sorry, I didn't pay attention.

As far as Duryodhan is concerned,
all of you are dead.


Was Duryodhan responsible
for this incident?

Shakuni bribed Purochan
to ensure that...

Duryodhan becomes the Crown Prince.

I am no warrior unless I have taken
revenge for this low cunning.

I will pound Hastinapur to rubble!

This is no time to put up
a display of strength.

The enemy is still mighty,
powered by wealth.

The subjects and the armies
still favor them.

You and Arjun will have to wait
for the opportune.

Do we bow before the enemy?

We'd rather be destroyed
than bow our heads!

I'd rather you used discretion.
Venture forth in disguise.

Make more friends,
enlist their help.

Vidur is right.

Mama, have you heard the good news?

The Shellac Palace was gutted.

Nothing remains but the remains
of the six dead, right?

- Isn't it right?
- Six Pandavs! But how do you know?

What knows not your Mama?

Purochan died too.

That's just as well.
The lone witness vanishes.

After the Emperor is done with
the last rites for his nephews...

we will find reason
to celebrate.

- Did you not like my performance?
- Who are you? Are you a sorceress?

- Are you trying to bewitch me?
- I'm Hidamba, the cannibal princess.

Your masculinity entices me.
I have taken you as my husband.

What if I refuse?

It's my brother Hidamb!
He's a ferocious cannibal!

He will eat you and your brothers
and your mother alive!

Are you trying to scare me
into submission?

Bhim isn't going to fall
for any ploy.

Run! Run away from here!
Look, he's coming!

I'm going to have a feast today!

My brother is coming!
Why don't you run away?

Get up!


The cannibal is dead.
But you're hurt too.

I warned him.

My brother was very cruel!

- But he wouldn't listen!
- That's him.

Your son has killed my brother.
Now I'm orphaned.

- I have no one in this world!
- You have us.

Then you must ask your son
to marry me.

What are you saying?!

I have already accepted him
as my husband.

- She's a cannibal!
- A woman, nevertheless.

And she warned you about Hidamb.
This obligation you ought to repay.

- This I wish of you, Bhim.
- Your wish is my command.

Mother... brother...
You talked me into this?!

Who are you?

Quintessentially none,
yet all-pervasive.

- What do you mean?
- You cannot comprehend.

- What is your name?
- Ghatoth-Kach.

- I am the prince of the forests.
- Whose son are you?

The mighty Bhim.

the son of Bhim...?

But Bhim perished in the inferno...

Vidur must have helped the Pandav.

- What are you thinking.
- Nothing.

- You happen to be my nephew.
- What is your name?

Lord Krishna! No wonder you were
able to counterr-work my spell.

My obeisances, Kaka.
(Kaka: paternal uncle;father's brother)

- Deign to give me your blessings.
- Bless you.

None but I may repel your magic.

Kaka, where are you going?

To attend Draupadi's Swayamvar.
(Swayamvar: Contest for suitors)

So you will get to eat
all the goodies!

How about getting some
for me too, Kaka?

The only thing I ever stole
was butter. Nothing else.

On behalf of my father,
the King of Panchal...

I proclaim this before
the assembled royals.

One who pierces the fish
hanging above the rotating wheel...

taking aim by the reflection
cast upon this trough of oil...

him, my sister Draupadi
shall wed.

Draupadi, here is Sisupal,
the King of Chedi.

The one who couldn't protect
his fiancee Rukmani?

You I shall!

King Jarasandh.

Him I have heard of... the one
who colluded with the invaders.

- He brought our motherland to shame.
- That's what politics is all about.

The Crown Prince of Hastinapur,
the mighty Duryodhan.

- Of the Shellac Palace fame?
- And your Lord-to-be!

Karn, who is famous
for his magnanimity.

He may not be allowed to contest.

- Why?
- Forgive me...

but you were born
a charioteer's son.

I can't marry you.

He is the King of Ang.

A King by an act of charity?
Him I do not consider a King.

Had Karn been born of royalty...

he would never have accepted
your charity.

Now I am certain that my daughter
will stay a maiden for life!

Forgive me, Your Majesty.

Fathers are none to decide
the fate their daughters beget.

What are you waiting for?
Step forward!

No beggar will take a princess away
while we royals look on!


Mother, look what we have brought!
You'll be surprised!

As always, you will share whatever
you have with your brothers.

Without as much as a look?!
How could you say that?

A woman's voice...?

Oh what have I said?!

Mother, this is Draupadi,
your daughter-in-law.

Arjun won her hand
in the Swayamvar.

Oh no! How could I have said
such a thing?!

I am a woman too!
I'd never do this to a woman!

- I take my word back.
- No, Mother.

Words once spoken,
cannot be taken back.

My sons, in doing what I have said,
you will be fulfilling your duty.

- But I have committed a sin!
- You need not atone.

Destiny has spoken
in your words.

I do not understand
what you mean...

Simple. In her last life,
Draupadi worshipped Lord Shiva.

When Lord Shiva appeared before her
she iterated her wish five times.

Five times, she asked
to be given a husband.

Lord Shiva was pleased. He said:
Your wish is granted

In your next lifetime,
you will be given five husbands

These are the five.

Fire consumes all that is unholy,
yet fire is never desecrated.

So also Draupadi, who was born by
the grace of Agni, The Lord of Fire.

Forever she shall remain pure.

Understand? Now you must
do the needful.


Rise and perform your duty
as befits a soldier.

Draupadi belongs not to a hut.

Her place is in the palaces
in Hastinapur.

You must demand what is
rightfully yours.

Never did I imagine that the dead
would rise for a honeymoon!

You regret their escape, don't you?

As if regretting wasn't enough...

Bhishm Pitamah rubs salt into
our wounds! (Pitamah: Grandfather)

- How come?
- He sends Vidur to welcome them!

- Purpose being...?
- To give Yudhisthir half the empire!

Then I shall play my loaded dice!
Have nothing to worry.

I am thrilled to see you alive!

- To Emperor Dhritrashtra...
- Glory be!

Your Majesty Emperor Dhritarashtra
and my Lords, the courtiers...

we all know that the Pandav brothers
are brave, and they are proud too.

Should they rise in arms
to claim their share...

of the kingdom of
their deceased father...

Emperor Dhritarashtra would be
accused of being unjust.

Peace preferable,
and thus desirable...

that they be given
half the Kuru Empire.

- Justice would deem so.
- Justice I have always endorsed.

- My father is justice personified!
- Silence, you fool!

I accede. The Pandav brothers
be given half the Empire.

To maintain harmony between
the Kaurav and the Pandav...

their respective capitals
should be far apart.

Mama is right. Distance breeds love.

The Kauravs have Hastinapur.

The Pandav capital should come up
in a place where the air is clear...

the water fair, the breeze cool
and birds sing in sweet melodies.

As far as I know, there is
only one such place.


Then to Khandavprasth
we concede.

Behold our capital, Khandavprasth!

Where nature manifests herself
in everyday surprises!

Imagine a palace of caves!
And crags for our thrones!

- Granted. But what about courtiers?
- We'll have a monkey for a minister.

And a lion for our general;
an elephant for our treasurer.

And a fox for an ambassador!

- Are you losing heart?
- I'm regretting this.

This is what we get
out of the bargain?

I wouldn't dream of getting anything
else but venom from the snake.

So also from Shakuni Mama.
Expect nothing but duplicity.

But in the might of my brothers
I bestow my faith.

Toil and man may even create
a heaven on earth.


Lord Krishna...!

You are conscientious, you are
brave and you are truthful.

By dint of hard work, you may yet
create a heaven in Khandavprasth.

Heaven is where you are.

Here comes Vishwakarma,
the architect of The Gods.

Lord lndra, the King of The Gods
sends me here to build for you...

- your capital city and a palace.
- The earlier the better.


Vishwakarma has been inspired
by Lord lndra to build this city.

Be then the Pandav capital named

- Noble idea, and noble choice of name.
- Welcome to lndraprasth.

Why, you look pale.

Khandavprasth becomes lndraprasth!

Jarasandh slain by the Pandav
and ninety nine kings liberated!

The Pandav assumes oligarchy!

And now the Rajsuya Yagna!

- Rajsuya Yagna, indeed?
- Yes, Mama.

They hold sway over all Aryavartya.
(Aryavartya: land of the Aryans)

They do whatever they wish to!
They get whatever they wish for!

- Fate favours them greatly.
- Which was bound to happen.

- They are honest and fair at heart.
- Silence, fool! A thousand times...

I have told you not to
speak during the day!

Not fate, Suyodhan.
Intrigue is supreme.

The intricacy of which lies lost
in your games of the dice?

Practice hones perfection!

Will the Pandav enjoy the fruits
of their Rajsuya Yagna? Who knows?

Lord Krishna...

of the Yadu dynasty cometh...

accompanied by his
brother Balram...

the bearer of the plow.

Deign to accept your seat, Lord.

May peace reign forever!

His Majesty Emperor Yudhisthir
may now anoint...

the master of ceremonies.


The scum does not deserve
to be anointed!

Yudhisthir, your choice of master
of ceremonies is worst ever!

King Sisupal of Chedi, do not try
to disrupt this holy ceremony.

This is an insult.

The insult is what you do to us,
inviting us here...

to denigrate us in public?!
To rub our noses in dirt?!

So Sisupal of Chedi is smeared!

For this arrogance of yours,
I shall teach you a lesson!

And I will make sure that the Pandav
repent for this mistake of theirs.

We repent the mistake of inviting
one as great as you are.

Mistaken you are indeed!
You discard personalities like...

Bhishm, Dron, Karn, Dushasan...

Duryodhan, Mama Shakuni, Balram...

and you choose this cow-herd
as your master of ceremonies!

This scum!

- Peace.
- You clown!

All you ever did was
to sing and dance with milkmaids!

Beasts cannot appreciate music.

You lowly drover!

Do not incite me!
Do not invite your death!

Do not try to disrupt
this holy ritual.

Or is it the promise of handsel?

Is your mouth watering already?

Sisupal speaks such
flowery prose!

Not flowery prose.
It's fire, you coward!

- A fire fueled by thoughts of sin.
- To be sated only after...

you are consumed in the fire!
Come down if you dare!

I cannot stoop to your levels.

You impostor!
How dare you talk back to me?!

Sisupal has transgressed
all limits of decency.

- And you are still silent?
- I swore to Sisupal's mother...

that I would forgive him
a hundred trespasses.

He's hiding behind words!
Coward! Fraud!

What are you waiting for?

- Five more trespasses.
- You call me a trespasser?!

You scoundrel! Bastard!

Three left, Sisupal.

Rascal! Cheat! Cad! Rogue!

No more am I bound by
my promise to your mother.

How did you hurt yourself?

Now you must let us leave
for Hastinapur.

What's the big hurry, Mama?
Stay back for a few more days.

- We haven't even dined together yet.
- But we can't, can we?

We cannot partake any foodstuff
that contains salt.

Silence fool! I've told you
not to speak in the day!

Say Shakuni Mama, did you like
the Palace of lllusions?

- Palace of lllusions?
- One of the greatest pieces of art!

Is that so? Then we must see it.
Say what Duryodhan?

Sure! Your son Ulup would love it.

- Oh yes, father!
- Silence!

- Arjun, you will guide them.
- As you please.


Goodness! Is this a palace of ghosts?!

Silence! I told you not to speak!

Why have you stopped?
Come in.

But it's raining here...?

Look, I'm dry. Not a drop of water
will fall on you. Step in.

Strange! We walked through water!
And we're as dry as the lotus.

- But Arjun is dry!
- Silence!

Sure! I'm not talking.

Beware! Fire!

Is this an illusion too?

Watch flowers blossom out of
the fire as you step through it.

- You expect us to jump into fire?
- Do not be apprehensive.

Follow me.

Fire, in so many colors?

Now watch, the fire will die down.
And a floral pattern will emerge.

This is what you call
a twist of fate!

Let us move.

Father... wonderful!

What is inside it?

- I've never seen anything as magical!
- We'll build ourselves one too.

- But where'd we find girls like those?
- Silence! Never speak in the day!

Shall we...?

Excuse me...

Your wife is looking
very beautiful today!

Born of a blind father
are blind sons!


And you will know for sure the
day I pay you back for this insult!

Did you mind it?
I was just joking.

- By rubbing salt into his wounds?
- Let us leave, Mama.

Suyodhan, do not go away.

An invitation from Hastinapur.
The Emperor wishes to bless us.

Prepare for the journey.

A grandelusion overcomes our cousins
at The Palace of lllusions...

- and Suyodhan leaves in anger.
- Why?

- He walked into the pool.
- Draupadi laughed at him.

- He thought he was being insulted.
- How foolish.

Reserve your comments
till you know all.

Words gouge deeper wounds
than arrow or sword.

Draupadi comes with us to Hastinapur.
She must apologise to Duryodhan.

Draupadi's laughter haunts me!

Mama! When will you
settle the score?

Very soon. The ground has been laid.
They should be here very soon.

- Who...?
- The Pandav.

You have invited them
to a game of dice.

- Just let them sit down...
- Goodness!


Emperor Yudhisthir cometh...

with his mother Kunti, his brothers
and Her Majesty Draupadi.

Let us welcome the foe.

- My obeisances.
- May you be happy.

- Gandhari...
- Kunti, my sister...


You left after the altercation with
your sister-in-law. I regret it.

The Princess of Panchal has come
to make amends with you.

It was just good-hearted sparring,
I assure you.

I have nothing against her.

- At heart, Suyodhan is clean.
- Now don't we know that, Mama?

- Cousin Suyodhan is not...
- What he seems to be!


- So what are you up to?
- Honing my skills.

Carrying on with tradition.
Say what, Cousin Bhim?

- Well-intentioned, I presume?
- Only well-intentioned!

- Waiting to don your father's mantle?
- Only my father is taking too long.

Silence, you fool! I told you not
to open your mouth in the day!

- How about a few rounds, Mama?
- You have just arrived.

- Take some rest.
- Dice is all about leisure.

- But it is an evil game.
- Here we are to dabble in evil...

- at your invitation.
- Not mine. Duryodhan's invitation.

Duryodhan is all praise about
your game. I am incensed!

So I thought, why not a few rounds
between nephew and uncle?

- Then why wait?
- We're going to play in public.

Accepted. Who plays me?

Mama Shakuni. He plays for me.

- One playing the other's game?
- I wager my wealth. And my kingdom.

Play, Mama.

The dice favour me. You have lost
your kingdom. And your wealth.

Mama, ask the Pandav brothers
to surrender their jewelry.

This is not a game being played.
This is ruination!

Whatever is being done, is being done
at Yudhisthir's instance.

- What have you to wager now?
- We have lost everything.

What have we left?

The Princess of Panchal!

Mention her, and I will
rip your tongue out!

One wager with Draupadi...

and Yudhisthir could
win it all back.

- Then I wager her too.
- Brother!

Cast the dice, Mama.


Victory to Shakuni Mama!
You've won me this one too!

- Enough for me, Mama.
- One last game, nephew.

The loser will be banished
for 12 years.

During the 13th year, the loser
will live in anonymity.

During this year of anonymity,
should the loser be identified...

the 12-year banishment
will begin again.

I accept.
Cast the dice.

We win again! Dushasan,
drag that vain woman out!

Leave me!

Scoundrel! Leave me!

See, Princess of Panchal? It is not
only the blind who sire the blind.

These men who can see, will turn
a blind eye to you!

No more the Pandav Queen! You are
a slave. You belong to the Kaurav!

Yudhisthir gambled himself,
and his brothers, and he lost.

- Then he staked you.
- What right to wager...

- has the man who has lost himself?
- It works either way.

When he lost himself he also lost
his right over you as his wife.

Now we own you.

Dushasan, disrobe her.

Stay calm!

Pitamah, a woman of your family
is being insulted in public!

Yet you are silent!

Lord Prelector Dron!
Has loyalty to the Kaurav...

destroyed your conscience?

You are the men who have started
bloodbaths for a woman's honor.

Am I not a woman?
Speak! Why do you not speak?!

No one here to hear your woes.

Dushasan, disrobe her,
and make her sit on my lap!

Duryodhan! I shall smash your hips!

Someday I will! This I vow!

And you hear me out too, Dushasan!
You dragged Draupadi by the hair!

Those hands you have used,
I shall rip off!

And in your blood,
I shall rinse her hair!

Only after I rinse my hair in his
blood, will I plait my hair again!

What are you waiting for Dushasan?
Disrobe her!

Lord! Protect me Lord!

Yudhisthir! Bhim! Arjun!
Nakul! Sahdev!

Have you turned to stone?!

Lord Krishna, should you too
have fallen silent...

then let the skies be rent apart!
Then let the Universe collapse!

Krishna! Where are you?!

- Krishna! Protect a helpless woman!
- Pancahali, the wife of five husbands...

There she stands disrobed,
in Kaurav court...

In despereration she cries out
to her brother Krishna.

Yudhisthir the just emperor,
gambles his wife away.

The Pandav brothers
watches dumbfounded.

In lust, the Kaurav sinned.

Thus the seed of an apocalypse
was sown.

He tries and he tires,
yet wicked Dushasan...

can never reach
the end of her dress.

Man he is who stands up
for the sake of justice.

Coward, the man who brings
a woman to dishonor.

Bring not a woman to dishonor
for she is the mother of mankind.

The Lord protects womankind.

When all had laid down their arms
when all had fallen silent...

Lord Krishna protected Draupadi
in her hour of misery...

This is the legend of our land

This is the epic of MahaBharat

After happiness comes sorrow;

and happiness follows again.

But the Pandav lived...

all their lives in sorrow.

The writ of destiny cannot be changed

And the best fought of wars are lost.

When the Pandav
family was banished...

everyone was in tears.

The righteous Emperor Yudhisthir...

thus bereft of his riches

Draupadi roams the forest now,

Her home, her palaces now gone

Not Arjun's bows and arrows...

could save the day

The mace spelt devastation once

Now rests lazing on Bhim's shoulder.

Blue sky, a roof for their home.

The earth they have for beds

Royals once, they now nestle...

among the thorns in the wild

They carry on, relentlessly

When the Pandav family
was banished...

everyone was in tears.

Happiness comes at last.
Sorrows of yesteryears forgotten

Bhim is bringing a golden lotus
for Draupadi.

Whom does he meet on his way?

He resembles a monkey.
But he is mighty.

He is mighty Hanuman.

What monkey-business is this?
This is uncivilised!

- Get out of my way.
- I'm eating, don't you see?

- Take your tail back!
- Stay right where you are.

- Let me finish stuffing myself first.
- I'm going to beat you up!

Why are getting angry?
Are you hungry?

Try some bananas.
Sweet bananas.

Get your tail out of my way.
Else, I'll kill you!

Why get worked up over my tail?
Just step over my tail.

Had stepping over living beings
not been taboo...

I would've stepped right over you,
your tail and all.

- Just like Hanuman did.
- What's this Hanuman?

You don't know the mighty Hanuman?
When he went in search of Sita...

he jumped over a hundred leagues
of the sea.

- A hundred leagues over the seas?!
- Yes. I am his brother. Bhim.

I have been born by his grace,
of my mother Kunti.

Well all right, now listen to me.
I'm old, and I cannot move.

You can lift my tail if you wish,
and then you can go on your way.

You should've said that before.

Wipe your sweat, eat some bananas
and then you can try again.

Who are you?
You aren't any ordinary monkey.

Please tell me who you are.

I am Hanuman. Lord Rama's servant.

Forgive me, brother!
And bless me.

A man needs confidence in his might.

But he must not be proud of it.

I give you half my
might for times...

when you may wield your mace.

Come war, I shall be Arjun's mascot.

Arjun's standard will be named

Who are you?!

The Princess of Panchal!
I'm lucky I found you here!

- I'll make you my queen!
- Let go!

The Pandav are beggars!
What can they give you?

Soundrel! Leave me!

Come on, Draupadi,
I'll make you my queen!


Leave me!

That's Jaydrath!
Duryodhan's brother-in-law!

Enough! Spare him!

A scoundrel he is, but you'd make
a widow out of an innocent woman.

Duryodhan's sister is your cousin!

- Spare him, please!
- If you say so.

But I'll give him
his flight of fantasy.

Mama, it's time the Pandav family
went to live a year in anonymity.

We should try to find them.

Father! A horse without chariots
has fallen out of the sky!

- What nonsense...?
- I mean a chariot sans horses...

- just fell out of the sky.
- Where?

- In the courtyard.
- Come on.

- Jaydrath, who did this to you?
- Bhim.


So where are they now?

Let's see you roll out a two.

Here... two

- Kank you are a pro!
- Yet you win, Your Majesty.

This is victory for us, Father!
Mama Keechak has won the war!

Then my son Uttar, you will go
and tell your mother...

- to give Keechak a rousing welcome!
- Yes, father.

Cyrindhri, what a lovely hairdo!
I'm looking beautiful.

- Glory to Queen Sudarshana!
- Congratulations, Your Majesty!

Mother! Your brother Keechak
is the victor!

- Really?!
- Yes!

Cyrindhri, you bring us luck!
No sooner than...

you step into our household,
my brother Keechak wins a war!

Your brother after all
brave, he must be.

Now go and tell Vallabh
to lay out a feast.

Eating is easier than cooking.
Don't you agree?

You're eyes are streaming.
The smoke?

And no smoke without fire.
Have you come here to mock me?

The Queen wants a 36-course feast
laid out today.

Why? Anyone dead?

Her brother is back
after winning a war.

- So there's a feast on order.
- Will be done.

- Like some help with the spices?
- Help the Queen with her hairdos.

If you touch anything over here
the food will reek of aromatic oils.

Now begone, and let me do my work.

By the way, here's the menu.
Puris and Kachoris.

Halwa and sweets. 5 kinds of Raita.
50 dishes with Shaak.

And the dessert is
condensed milk.

- Greetings, Brother-in-law.
- You have made me proud.


Keechak, my brother!
This country is indebted to you!

- Who is she?
- Cyrindhri. She is my handmaiden.

Make sure you send her to me!

The ecstasy of beauty!

What holds this liquor for me?

Why have you shut the door?

That I may open my heart to you.
Do you realise what you are?

You are the elixir of the grape.
The wine!

And I... I seek your pleasures!

Let me drink in your beauty!
Come into my arms.

You think of woman as
an object of desire?

Then you have not seen
the fire in a woman!

What am I doing?! There are
only a few days to go...

before we're done with
life in anonymity.


When in anger...

You look prettier!

Like gold! Made pure in fire!

You must not speak like this
to a servant girl!

Not a servant!

You are the queen
of Kichak's heart!

Then tonight I shall come
dressed like a queen.

To the theater.

The dance theater!

Why are you crying?

Keechak! He grabbed me!

Keechak! And you spared him?!
Despite the indignation...?

Only a few days now, and
we will have done our 13 years.

Were I to have reacted,
I would've been exposed.

Discretion, the better part of life.
But tonight...!

Tonight, he waits for me
in the music hall!

He awaits his death!

Waiting for me...?

Yet you hide behind the veil?

Cast aside the veil.

And smile at me.

Oh for that smile through
lips parted...

Oh for the desire in your eyes!

Strange, you are hard-muscled.

Possible? Maybe.

The sliver of moon comes full circle.
Why not the maiden harden?

Son of a gun!

What is this I hear?

- How come your voice thickens?
- I'm nervous.

Don't be. We're just
the two of us here.

- Swine!
- What did you say?

- My dear...
- My jasmine blossom!

- Blind as a bat!
- My eyes thirst for you, my love!

Come, quench my thirst!

No, do not be shy.

No, don't hide that beauty!

No, you mustn't put it off.

Won't you massage my feet, dearest?


Harder, please!


How hard, my love?
I'm in a sweat already.

- My Venus!
- Adonis!

- You're the cook!
- Yes. Vallabh.

My general is dead.

And my cattle robbed.
By Duryodhan.

Be not anxious, Your Majesty.
Brihannala will protect your cattle.

You are all praise for Brihannala.
Is my son Uttar any less?

The prince is still young.
He might play with arms.

- But he cannot wield a weapon.
- You I feed! And you praise others?

For this you shall pay!

Forgive him!

Father! Duryodhan's bandits fled
like the deer before Arjun's arrows!

What is this I behold?!
Brihannala, alias Arjun...?

Yes, father. And Kank is
Emperor Yudhisthir in disguise.

And Vallabh, our cook,
is the mighty Bhim!

The cowherd is Nakul.
And Sahdev is the ostler!

And Cyrindhri is Queen Draupadi.

The brave may also forgive.

Grant me that I do not
have to live in fear.

King Viraat,
in times that bode ill...

you were the one
who gave us shelter.

To you, we are grateful.

You have embraced me as a friend.
Now embrace me as your kin.

- Kin?
- Yes.

I wish to give away my daughter
Princess Uttara in marriage...

to the brave Arjun.

But the Princess is my disciple.
To her, I am like a father.

- You may have your wish, King Viraat.
- What are you saying?!

- Uttara is like a daughter to me.
- Arjun's son Abhimanyu...

will marry Uttara.

Bhishm, Karan, Dron, Dushasan...

you have the greatest of soldiers.

And you come home after losing
a battle? This is regrettable.

That he has come back alive
even after losing a battle...

- is no mean achievement!
- Silence!

This loss benefits us more than

We have identified
the Pandav brothers.

Now they will have to put in
another 13 years.

We are mistaken. Sudama says that
they have come out in the open...

five months and 17 days,
after the expiry of 13 years.

If that be true, then the Pandav
will come back to claim...

half the kingdom from me.
And when I refuse...

they will elicit the support
of their friends...

- and they will make war on us.
- To every attempt of which...

- we shall reply in kind.
- Before we do that...

we must win Krishna over.

Arjun... at this time?
Is everything all right?

- Say, what brings you here?
- I was here before him.

Prince Suyodhan.
What may I do for you?

Kaurav and Pandav are going to war.
You must support the Kaurav.

- Do you know the outcome of war?
- Very well. That is why...

- I have come to seek your support.
- Arjun is younger to you.

Being younger to you, he has the
first right to ask for any favours.

Arjun, I have two things to offer.

One, my three legions.

And the other, just me.
Say, what do you desire?

Armies I do not want.

I shall not take up arms.

What did you say?
You won't take up arms?


Then I will not make Arjun unhappy.
You can go over to Arjun's side.

- And let me have your armies.
- Accepted.

Thank you.

- Duryodhan has taken everything.
- Except you.

But I will not join in battle,
I have already told you.

Then take the reins of my horses.
Be my charioteer.

So you want me to take
the enemy's arrows?

No archer can put an arrow in you.

The great Himalayas cannot fall.

Blind faith?

What can the five Pandav brothers
not achieve with the help of Krishna?

Have you forgotten the sixth Pandav?

- The sixth?
- Abhimanyu.

May the day never dawn upon
our nights, Uttara.

And tell the Moon..

To stay with us tonight.

Lord Krishna cometh.

My obeisances to Emperor Dhritrashtra.

What comes this beggar asking for?

In askance I come not.
I am here to give.

Yesterday, I gave you my 3 legions.
Today I come to give sound sense.

Time, let us not waste.
Let us talk.

I propose a treaty.

Give unto the Pandav
what is theirs.

In their foolishness, they have
forfeited what was theirs.

And in other words, you cheated
them out of it.

The perpetrator, you are.

Was it I who gambled?

Am I to be accused of
wagering Draupadi?

And Duryodhan was ridiculed
as the blind man's son!

And I am at fault?!

Who was it who built
the Shellac Palace?

Who was it who invited
them to gamble?

Who is to blame for
disrobing Draupadi?

No man will ever point
a finger at himself.

Go and tell the Pandav to stop
dreaming about palaces.

- Tell them they'd rather become monks.
- Else, let arrows and swords...

seal their fate on the battlefield
of Kurukshetra. Come, make war.

War! Do you know the
implications of war?

Maybe you will cast new light?

War destroys countries,
war makes ruins of palaces.

War makes widows.
War breeds epidemics.

I have heard enough.
Have you anything else to say?

Give to the Pandav
what is rightfully theirs.

Not without war.

If not the kingdom, just give them
five villages. Five for 5 brothers.

Five villages is a lot of land.
Not without war shall I cede...

even as much land
as the tip of a needle will hold.

After the war, you might not even
have as much left.

You may not violate the protocol
of the emissary.

I came here, an ambassador of peace.

But words you make me speak are the
words of the archangel of destruction.

Far is not the time when...

there shall not burn a single lamp
in all the palaces of Hastinapur.

Ere such times come, your life
will have been extinguished!

Hold this conspirator!

Duryodhan, I have sworn not to
take to arms against the Kaurav.

And Bhim is sworn to kill
you and Dushasan.

So I shall spare you this day.

Else I would despatch you
as I did Sisupal!


Be seated here, Your Majesty.

On the battlefield are arraigned
the warring armies, ready for battle.

Arjun rides his chariot...

inspecting columns on either side.

Lord Krishna, King of Dwarka,
is Arjun's charioteer.


- This war I shall not fight.
- Why?

See you not what I behold?

Am I to make war on
my elders, my kin?

Am I to spill the blood of my cousins
for lust of kingdom?

My grand uncle, Bhishm Pitamah!
On his knees I have played.

To walk, he taught me!

The Lord Prelector Dron!
Taught me the art of warfare.

Kripacharya, my father's cousin!
Shalya, my mother's cousin!

Duryodhan and his hundred brothers,
my cousins!

And these thousands...
my kinsmen!

Were they born immortals?
Never to die?

Die they may, but why be I,
the cause of their deaths?

Because they will it unto themselves
to be the cause of your death.

No reason of your refusal to
take to arms, this war will stop!

Will arrows shot, stop short of
piercing Yuidhisthir's bosom?

Will maces be willed to spare Bhim?

And swords scythed to spare you?

That done, will Kunti and Draupadi
and Subhadra and Uttara...

not have to take their lives
to protect their honor?

If Duryodhan could make
passes at Draupadi...

Subhadra and Uttara
he might even disrobe!

Yet vivid in my
memory lies etched...

your dire warnings to Duryodhan.

Not the sin of war shall I allow
my life to be tainted with!

Nor I want coming generations
to speak my name in hatred!

You, you are the one who spoke
of warmongers as cruel demons!

And you... you incite
me to make war?!

This war is not your making.
Duryodhan it is.

Cruel he is. The demon is he.
Not you.

- What of killings at my hand?
- To take to arms...

to protect oneself, one's rights,
to uphold justice and morality...

is not being cruel.
Courage is what it takes.

Will you be rememebered a coward?

The cowards and the courageous
that is what the world is made up.

But for the love of life
why should I be committing sin?

Death becomes us all.

But cowards die a hundred deaths
where the hero dies only one.

Worthless that life of the worm,
cringing, breathing, lived in fear.

Live life in dignity.

Live to be proud of yourself.

Live this life and do your duty.

Through these acts will you
have lived a fulsome life.

In every turn of life,
act you will have to.

In life and in death
act you must.

Act then, and you shall have the
greatest victories among humans.

Do what I command you.

For I am cause of action and
unto me floweth fruition.

I am the Genesis,
Apocalypse I am.


Witness that I am

(The Bhagavad-gita is
a chapter of the Mahabharata
containing 700 verses.)

(The Bhagavad-gita are the instructions
given on the battlefield of Kurukshetra...)

(by Lord Krishna to Arjuna.)

(The text of the Bhagavad-gita
are Lord Krishna's instructions.)

(The Bhagavad-gita contains
the essence of all philosophy.)

(The Gita describes Karma, Dharma,
and devotion to the Supreme Lord...)

(explains the relationship between
cause, action, intent and purpose...)

(describes techniques of
yoga and meditation...)

(and devotional service.)

(Lord Krishna also explains
the significance or real
renunciation and devotion.)

"Whenever and wherever there is
a decline in religious practice,"

"O descendant of Bharata,"

"and a predominant rise of irreligion,"

- "-at that time I descend Myself."
- Bhagavad-gita As It Is, 4.7

(For the soul there is
never birth nor death.)

(On the battlefield of Kurukshetra...)

(Lord Krishna urged Arjun to
perform his duty as a warrior.)

Now nothing can stop my arrows
from missing their mark.

The world will reverberate to
the sound of ricochets from my bow!

My obeisances to my elders

May victory be yours

I cannot see through
the maze of arrows!

Pitamah Bhishm's arrows!
We're going to annihilated!

Deign to accept Bhishm's
obeisances, Lord.

Ones whom you protect,
no one can bring to harm.

But I would not like to see you
recant your promise.

My word is infallible.
I hold the wheel of a chariot.

- I have not taken up any weapon.
- Your ways are inexplicable, Lord.

In nine days, Pitamah Bhishm has
massacred millions of our warriors.

- Not any more.
- How?

Tomorrow Shikhandi leads
the Pandav armies.


Shikhandi is a hermaphrodite!
He will not touch a eunuch.

And you will hide behind Shikhandi
and you will use your arrows.

- That would be immoral!
- And what is moralilty?

Your grand uncle casts his lot with
the evil Kaurav. Is that moral?

When Duryodhan was disrobing me,
I begged of him!

But justice he would give me not,
nor he stood up for his morality!

So long as your grand uncle lives,
you Pandav can never win this war.

For he is blessed with
the death wish.

But to put him out of action,
Shikhandi will have to be used.

Amba committed suicide because
I would not marry her!

In this lifetime, she is Shikhandi,
born a hermaphrodite!

Born to have her revenge on me...

Arjun! Are there no men left
in the Pandav army?

A eunuch leads your armies?

Must be Krishna's ploy!

Begin battle!

Anyone who can save you
from this missile?

Arjun, this is your chance.
Win this battle...

and you've won the war.

Shoot now.

Will someone give me something
to rest my head on?

What are you waiting for?
Go and get pillows. Hurry!


Would it not be better were
this enmity between brethren...

to end with my life?

I have brought pillows
for you, Pitamah.

You would not know what
kind of a pillow I want.

- Arjun, where is he?
- Command me, my Lord.

My head is hanging.
I want a head-rest.

- What more do you wish for?
- Only death.

Until the summer solstice...

this body I shall
have to preserve.


Fetch water! Hurry!

Water, Pitamah.

Not just water...

for the soldier...

dying on the battlefield.

Sacred waters... the water
of the sacred Ganga.

Arjun will give me my wish.

Arjun, my son...

As you wish, my Lord.

With the fall of Bhishm...

dark days have
befallen the Kaurav.

And Arjun happens to be the dearest
disciple of The Lord Prelector.

Him to protect, our Lord will
take to arms. Not to kill him.

Loyalties misplaced?

Surely the preserve of
the Lord Prelector solely?

This collective insination tests
the very limits of my patience!

Keep your command of your armies.
And here, take my bow and my arrows.

Have you taken amiss
our fervent prayers?

You are the one who can
steer us through.

You are to us what a twig
is to a drowning soul!

Yet it is Arjun he loves.
More than all of us?

Say that not. Or will you
accuse me of being partisan?

To lay your accusations to rest,
I swear that in battle today...

one Pandav heavyweight
shall surely fall.

Arjun is holding his own
against seven platoons.

Lord Dron has drawn him
into a vortex.

None of the 4 of us here know the art
of penetrating a vortex formation.

I know, my Lord.

Who taught you?

I heard it when I was still
in my mother's womb.

Once, when my mother Subhadra
was having a sleepless night...

my father began telling her
how to penetrate...

the seven layers of the vortex.
By the time he reached the 7th...

my mother fell asleep.

So I didn't get the entire lesson.

Not to worry about it.
I'll break through the 7th!

- Then allow me to ride into battle!
- You're still a child, Abhimanyu.

Since he has the skill, I vote
Abhimanyu our general for the day.

And we will be his bodyguards.

So be it as you wish.

Uttara, I come with good news!

First, my good news.


Tell me.

I feel shy!


My love, you are going
to become a father!

Am I glad to hear this!
The mother of my son!

Now, the ritual to bid me
godspeed. Go, get it.

This be the luckiest day
of my life!

This day I ride into battle
as the general of the Pandav!

What happened to you?!

No! Do not go!
I am so afraid!

Wish me the best with
all your heart. Hurry!

Hear! The bugles play!
Bid me godspeed!


Bless me mother.

Your son has vowed to break
through Lord Dron's vortex.

- Tears in your eyes, mother?
- Tears of joy!

Fortunes be mine, and
have faith in your son.

Your Abhimanyu carries
a sword of slaughter...

through the enemy ranks!
Their shrieks you shall hear here!

Fare me well, mother!

The Kaurav have mounted...

a vortex attack.

Today young Abhimanyu...

rides into this vortex.

Jaydrath, the first rider
into the vortex.

He falls to Abhimanyu.

On first thought, Abhimanyu
wanted to kill him.

But then he thought killing
a fallen foe is immoral.

The battle was fought by trickery.
It was a sad day.

This is the story of a little boy
who put up a fight against...

seven mighty warriors.
This is the story of MahaBharat.

There standing front of him
was the proud Karn.

One arrow from Abhimanyu...

and Karn's bow was broken.

Dushasan was unseated.

He ran for his life.

No one could face
this volcano of fury.

Then came forth...

Mama Shakuni.

But his art with the dice
never paid off.

Then there was Shalya, the archer.

He too fell like a leaf.

Not even Duryodhan would be spared.

The boy wanted old scores settled.

Then they realised...

that the boy could not be tamed.

Only a ploy could kill him,
they decided.

A lone boy, pitted against
seven mighty warriors.

Yet he fought to the last
like a true warrior.

Then Duryodhan sang praises
of Abhimanyu...

and he praised Abhimanyu
for his skills.

Then Duryodhan expressed his desire
to embrace Abhimanyu.

This was Duryodhan's ruse.

He deceived his nephew on
the pretext of embracing him.

Abhimanyu was shot in the back.

What is the matter?

What is up?

Why are you silent?

What is it?
Why do you not speak?!

Your Abhimanyu...

he died like a hero!

Abhimanyu, dead? How?
Who killed him?!

Into the battle he rode like a lion
to pierce the vortex.

We tried our best...

but we couldn't get to him
in time. Jaydrath held us.

Abhimanyu! He pierced the
The Lord Prelector's cordons?

Duryodhan and six of them!
They were seven!

They closed in for the kill.

Jaydrath? So he stood
at the mouth of the vortex?

Then he is the cause
of my son's death!

Lord Krishna!

Abhimanyu will be avenged!
I swear it!

Before sunset tomorrow,
Jaydrath will be dead!

- What if you do not succeed?
- Then I shall immolate myself!

This I swear too!

Lord! Save me Lord!

Arjun has sworn to avenge
Abhimanyu's death!

Before sunset tomorrow,
he has vowed to kill me!

Arjun is foolish.
If he kills you...

As soon as your lifeless head falls
on the ground, your assasin will die.

You have a boon.

But that might not be
enough to save Jaydrath.

How do we save Jaydrath
till sunset tomorrow?

If he fails, Arjun will
immolate himself tomorrow.

Help me Lord!

Rest assured, Jaydrath.

I will hide you
till sunset tomorrow.

The sun has set.
Come out now, Jaydrath.

The sun took its time
going down today.

But I have been lucky.

Now let's go and see
how fortune favours Arjun.

He's about to immolate himself.

My son!

You should be proud.

I am going to keep my vow.

And the sooner the better.

You went into hiding
the whole day like a rat!

If the foe is foolish enough
to kill himself, why fight?

Right, Mama?


Do not forsake your bow.

That is the way of the warrior.
Right Mama?

So the cowherd knows too
the ways of warriors?

If you insult Lord Krishna,
I shall break my word!

No Arjun, you must do what
you have vowed to.

And what will you do? Will you
play your flute while Arjun dies?


The sun is yet to set.

Arjun, fulfill your vow.

My obeisances, Lord.

I apologize for requesting
your presence.

But my conscience is troubled...
my spirit drained of all strength.

- Why?
- Had I not lied about...

Ashwatthama's death, Dhrishtdyumn
could never have beheaded Lord Dron.

You said: Ashwatthama has fallen
Then Lord Dron had asked you...

Ashwatthama, my son?
Or the elephant?

You said: The elephant
Clearly implying thereby that...

it was the elephant named Ashwatthama
who had fallen.

- Not his son.
- But just as I was about to speak...

you blew on your conch,
and you sounded the trumpets.

- In the din, he couldn't hear me.
- Why should you regret that?

It was I who did it.
For which, I shall suffer.

Another one of those assassins
who killed Abhimanyu...

will be punished tomorrow.

Karn, who was born of The Sun
leads the Kaurav armies tomorrow.

Glory to Karn, the magnanimous king!

Gold I seek not.

What is it you seek?


Today you lead
the Kaurav armies.

But let not your arrows find
their mark on my sons.

- My five sons. Assure me that.
- Your sons? Who are they?

Yudhisthir, Bhim...

Arjun, Nakul, Sahdev.

So, a beggar you aren't!
You are Kunti!

Yes, my son!

Your mother comes
begging to you!

My mother you are not.

Radha. She is my mother.
I am Adhirath's son.

They have fostered you.
But you, I bore.

Then I was a maiden and
prospects of the scandal scared me.

I gave you up to the Ganga.
Adhirath found you.

The Sun is your father.

Have I lived to see this day?!
Never had I imagined this!

I was thrown into a river
for fear of a scandal!

Not even my mother's milk
was given me!

Now she knows her five sons
live in the shadow of death...

and here she is, my mother
asking for a sacrifice!

No! I want no sacrifices!
I only seek kindness!

Kindness! Kindness is
a mother's gift!

When her son is born,
a mother gives to him...

her waking hours,
her sleepless nights...

and her blood... her milk.
The mother's gift.

A mother I have failed to be!

The biggest failing
of a woman's life!

Your mother has failed, my son.

Should the son fail his mother too?

My duty as a son, I will surely do.

That'd change the course of the war!
The land of the Aryans...

will be cleansed of the scourge
of the evil Duryodhan!

Be he whatever,
Duryodhan gives me respect.

He has anointed me a monarch!
The King of Ang!

And you ask me to betray him?

All I want is life for my five sons!

Speak! Why do you not speak?!

Speak Karn, speak!

Sun! My Lord!
Will I be turned away?


You have my vow.
Five sons you will have.

Either I shall die at Arjun's hands.

Or him, I shall kill.

Five of your sons,
you will always have.

This day I have eagerly awaited!

My arrows thirst for your blood!

Then take aim.

Bravo Karn!

Not a word of praise for me?

And all praise for Karn?

Krishna sits on your chariot.
And Hanuman protects you too.

No mean achievement it is
to push your chariot back.

Remember Karn, you killed my son
when he was unarmed!

So it is that you
shall be slain too!

- Shoot Arjun, shoot.
- No.

It is not just to kill
an unarmed man!

Losing a war is not just.
Victory is the virtue of war.

Like Jaydrath, Karn too was involved
in slaughtering Abhimanyu.

Avenge Abhimanyu!

Karn, I avenge Abhimanyu!

He was magnanimous.

With this very hand,
you tried to disrobe Draupadi.

Now I shall do what
I am vowed to.

You have made me so happy!

Happy I shall be...

the day when
I have broken Duryodhan's hips!

Are you here with another proposal
for a truce...

now that I am the only one alive?

I have no time for you.
I am going to see my mother.

- To seek her permission?
- No.

I do not know why
she has called me.

- She wants to see me naked.
- Naked? Will you go naked?!

Now that would be indecent.
Take my advice.

Cover yourself in a banyan leaf
at least.

That way, you would have done
your mother's bidding.

And you will have kept within
the limits of decency.

After Mama Shakuni, you are the only
one who has given me sound advise.

- May I be of any other service?
- You may leave.

Mother, my obeisances.

Is that you, Duryodhan?

What have you done?
Why did you disobey me?

- Why have you covered yourself?
- It'd be indecent otherwise.

- And who gave you that idea?
- Krishna.

99 sons of mine, he has already had.
And now you! He will kill you.

- I do not understand...
- But Krishna did.

After all these years,
I have removed my blindfold.

To give you the powers
I hold in my eyes.

- You would have become invincible!
- I feel the surge in my arms!

But the parts hidden from my sight
will remain weak.

Run away from here, my son!
Run for your life!


- Am I to run like a coward?!
- Yes!

- No! That can never be!
- Your mother begs of you!

Your mother commands you!

Go! Go away from here!

- No!
- Begone, I say!

Yudhisthir, the just king
and all his four brothers...

come here to kill me!
Five against one!

Seven warriors surrounded

But Bhim alone will
fight you, Duryodhan.

Come fight me, all five of you!
And I will not be scathed!

My mother has blessed me!
I am invincible!

Lord Krishna!

To Emperor Yudhisthir
- Glory be!

For protecting the good...

For the destruction of the evil

For justice, I shall reincarnate
myself in every age to come