Magnat (1987) - full transcript
Film traces the fascinating saga of princely Polish dynasty in years 1900-1935. In 1900 Prince Hans von Teuss entertains Emperor Wilhelm II with a bison hunt at his palatial residence. He ... - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
The Emperor arrived
with imperial relief
As this has been
an imperial hunt
You had a lot of surprises
in store for us...
capped by a super finale
You have a great talent
for the chase
It mustn't go to waste
Your efforts deserve
a reward
Do you wish to become
my Master of hounds?
Or would you like
an embassy?
In London, for instance,
as your wife would wish?
I feel privileged to be
so honored
I wish to serve
Your Imperial Majesty...
as Master of Hounds
I refuse to stay here
It's some kind of plot
Why couldn't my husband
simply say...
he would prefer to be
ambassador in London?
Does the Emperor think...
you cannot be both
ambassador and master?
But you can! You can be
one and the other
You will never leave, Madam
Since you hunt,
your presence here...
will be expected
by hunting parties
And by the Emperor
Heinberg, it is your turn to choose
Would you rather have the
woods in which we hunted...
or be made a director...
in my coal mines?
I believe you also know
about mining?
I do, but I'd rather have
the woodland
Not the mines?
No more than you wished to
become an ambassador
Choice, Your Highness, is
a great privilege
The woodland's yours
But take good care of it...
and guard its secrets
"I am part of the part
that once used to be,
"A part of the darkness
from which light arose”
The bison's head
for His Majesty!
I can explain things to the Emperor
I'm sure I can persuade him
I shall have to dismiss
my adjutant
No doesn't know
I'm here either
No one does
I don't understand
That's hard to believe
Your Majesty displayed
such acumen today...
in granting people's
hidden wishes...
that I am sure
you can see to it...
that this little episode
also has a happy ending
If events are allowed
to take their couree...
you will never leave
this place
You wanted me to
alter my decision?
You thought I'd give way
to a woman?
At last I've got
what I wanted.
What did you promise me?
What price your word?
Got anything in writing,
Your Highness?
You're destroying woodland!
Starving trees of water!
Frightening the game away!
I'll buy it back
You'll a man of my word
It would cost you too much
You're in financial trouble.
New palaces are expensive
Name your price!
Your mines are not
doing well
One day they'll cave in
and you'll be ruined
You seem to be an expert
on coal
No worse than on timber
Whoever went into cal here
a von to his name
in ten years
I mean to that too...
and gaze out from my own
palace windows at yours
How much,
Herr "von"
I don't want anything
My father and grandfather
served you as wuntsman
I do not intend to-
at any price
One question
Who did better out
of that imperial hunt?
Listen to me, Highness
Did I, by ceasing to be
your huntsman...
...or you, by becoming
the Emperor's?
Are you any closer...
to your dream of becoming
regent of Silesia?
I, Highness,
have what I wanted
I have received sad news
Our employer...
owner of all the mines
Prince von Teuss...
is on his deathbed.
Why is it so quiet?
Why is it so quiet?
When a soldier lies dying
there should be noise!
The Emperor's adjutant
is dying
The sirens should be
Why?... No!
Leave that!
What's going on?
Run for it!
Yes, sirens
Does that mean I've died?
What did that alarm mean?
Are you afraid to tell us...
there's no work for us?
Don't threaten us.
A lad's been killed.
Say something.
They mean business
I'm the one who
switched on the sirens
The Prince is dying
There can't be.
There can't be
Hans, tell me...
that it's not my fault,
that it's not my doing
I beg you! Say it's not me
Her Highness would like to know...
if her husband is any better
I can't speak for
my Polish colleague...
but I am certain
all will be well
I share that view.
The crisis is over
I know... It was Nelke
One should think twice
before sounding them
Maybe my sons will hear?
Hear the sirens!
Can your
crystal ball tell your Director Zbierski
I wonder what will
come of this
Here's Bolko
Last month's business...
and a draft of
the French contract
You work so hard for me,
von Teuss
I'll raise your salary
and make you...
of all my mines
It will crown the history
of our families
I'm afraid I must refuse
Family duties are
calling me...
and the go back to
the 12th century
That's a long time
I find it hard to know
what to make of you Prince.
I can't return
the compliment
I've always know what
to make of you...Count
A telegram, Count. Urgent
What are you gawking at?
What's this?
I haven't seen him
for ten years
He disowned me
for becoming a Catholic
He played God with
our lives
For five days I was kept
locked up in a room
Outside - an uprising,
machine guns firing
My mother out of her wits,
and me incarcerated
To this day I still can't
get out of that room
We shall see
Welcome. Prince
Our younger sister
If you should see Mother...
Silly of me - I forgot
Can he also have come
to make his peace?
Franzel has changed
You think so?
Hens still lay eggs
Would you believe it!
The world wasn't fated to end
with my death
I see, Yurek, that you too...
have come to attend my funeral
Please forgive me
my faux pas
I have no intention
of dying
Not yet at any rate
That's not all
As I lay there in my bed...
dying my little death...
it occurred to me that I ought...
to have another child
At my age that could be
an achievement
"I will hold out for twenty more years
on the virility front"
Who said that?
You don't know,
you Prussian numskulls!
If the press gets hold
of your joko...
Heinberg and Krupp
will die laughing
You've a subject...
for a new farce, Zbierski
That's right. A farce.
I think you gentlemen
wish to be left alone
Is it you who are going
to give him this child?
Sit down Conrad!
You no longer count
Your conversion has
made you a Pole...
and that weakens
the family
I am Franz Friedrich XVIII
Old Heinberg
bought himself his title...
and is laughing at us
because he knows
we're not a danger
So you believe the family
is all-important?
It's like a nation.
While it acts together...
it is strong. It grows
effetes if it yields...
to individualist urges
As you do, Father!
I daresay. Now and then
You want proof?
You marriage to Marisca
You chose a woman
reeking of scandal
And Conrad's parties?
Nude chorus boys cavorting
on the lawn...
Or Bolko's notorious plunges
at all of Europe's gaming tables?
It's my free will
Free will belongs
to mythology
In real lift what counts
is strength of will
You're citing Nietzsche
-Am I? I didn't know
-Look it up!
Are you talking about
family or fortune?
Property and family
Only I can put both
back on their feet
Properly managed,
our property...
...could make us one of
Europe's foremost families
But we already are
As far as debts go,
no question
Maybe you'd like to try?
I would, but I'd have to
be given power of attorney
How broad?
Very broad
In that case I'll be
begging for my bread
It's for the good of
the family and so yours too
And yours
He's forgiven him his orgies!
- For your good too
- Mine?
You'll get
your power af attorney
Such youthful enthusiasm
does the heart good
But consider one thing
I gave Heinberg a forest
what he got was a coal field
Instead of regent...
- I became...
- Master?
A cuckold!
You were so wrong...
believing that absurd
pack of lies
Then why does the Emperor
make so much of you?
All those courtesies,
pretty speeches?
that clutching of
little hands?
Because he's able to see
these things differently
Not the way you do,
you Prussian numskulls
Because you were his lover
I was not
Yes you ware- after the hunt
Know why he treats me
differently from you?
Not because I'm a woman...
but because I tell him
the truth...
instead of just agreeing
like you sycophants
You can't see beneath
the surface of things
That's why you were denied
a diplomatic career...
not because I was
the Emperor's mistress
-So you ware!
-l wasn't
-You just said so!
I said something else
- I heard you say it!1
- Because you wanted to!
You admitted it!
1 did not
- You were!
- No!
You were!
Yes! I was!
If it helps you
justify our failures...
I was the Emperor's
Is Franzel my son?
At last you're not
certain of something
When the war is over...
1 will find myself a new wife
A bad woman.
with the touch of evil
But I will know that...
and be in command
Come on!
Where's the fire?
At this hour I go to bed provided
it's a good town with a good hotel
Where are we going?
One of ours, at a standstill
We'll move on
There's no work for you!
"Piast", also ours
Working every other day
It was meant to be working
The men reported for work
They're being turned away
There's no market
for our coal
There's a slump
Look at that, dammit!
How I love good old Silesia!
All of this is yours
Plus the mines "Barbara"
"new Hope", "Princeling" and "Szadok"
A cementworks in Ligota
Briquette factories,
brickyads and breweries in Tychy
Very impressive
Itis and it isn't
We'll now pay a call
at the office
So they don't want
to buy our coal?
I see you've locket up
the siren
To prevent careless use
Who has the keys?
Leave us gentlemen
Two days ago! A week ago!
Two weeks ago! A month ago!
Get rid of this fountain!
This isn't a palm court
It's been following us
since we left
Gangsters, no doubt. From Chicago
Planning to hijack us to Singapore.
Step on it!
They don't have wings
What is it?
Nothing, nothing...
Have they gone?
Oh no!
Someone's telling me
to make up my mind
Trying to force me
to join them
- But who?
- Who? Who?
Now I need
you two more than enver
- Bolko!
- Leave it.
Get in
Thanks, but screw all this
Get in!
I don't want to know.
I'm leaving
This isn't my thing
I'm not cut out for it.
What's the matter?
Can't a man walk in front of a car?
Apparently not
What scared you so?
I'll represent the family
above ground
-Not coming?
-It's unnatural
And cheap propaganda anyway
Your first descent?
All the best...
to you and your families...
from my family
Cheers, foreman
- Cheers, foreman...?
- Grela
Which level are you
Foreman Grela
Output — 30 tones
It's a low drift
We have to work
on all fours
Why are you so small?
He hasn't grown
Get your mother to feel you better
You'll get machinery
when sales recover, Grela
The market's tight now...
You've laid off 400 miners
Merry Christmas!
Get the herrings?
I had no alternative, Grela
They're all Poles
Not now, Grela
Come and see me
and we'll talk it over
I shan't be visiting
Your Highness
It's you who've come to see us
Thank you kindly!
What on earth?
What did you say?
- Is this a breakdown or..
- Or what?
You're learning fast
Got any matches?
You have a candle?
As an offering to
Saint Barbara
A candle?
So light it
If there's gas here
we'll be blown sky high
Assuming it's coincidence
This is the kind of place
that if there's gas here...
if there's gas here
you'd better start praying
You'll be ging to feel faint,
to throw up...
Stop it!
It's all thanks to
your gracions gestures!
His Lordship dispensing
champagneto the miners!
It's part of the job
I should have stayed home
Then I would have had to
suspect you as well
Of what?
You mean to say you don't
suspect anybody?
Think, Conrad
What are you doing?
We're in luck. It stopped
at a gallery
Mind the step
Give me your hand...Come on
I wouldn't count the steps
We're fixing it
Please keep calm
You're in no danger.
We're fixing it
There's no need to panic
We're fixing it
Please keep calm
We're perfectly calm
Forgive me, Prince.
Forgive me, Count
Those responsible will be
punished. It was sabotage
I see
Director Zbierski — you're fired
You're awfully suspicious.
People should be
open and sincere
Not in business matters
I have to know who's
stabbing me in the back
That's why I can't leave?
Exactly why
You've dropped your last
bundle at Monte Carlo
I believe you have
an appointment in Warsaw?
Keep me out of this
He's afraid of us, Conrad.
I wish I'd studied you
more closely as a boy
You could have,
being the oldest
That's the pity of it
But why can't I leave?
I'll explain. Our family...
is facing a great, historical task
I have to be certain that
it won't be impeded...
by you, Conrad or Marisca
Otherwise the whole thing
is pointless
I came to say goodnight
to Conrad and Franzel
I've already said it to you
Very well. I'll stay here
as long as you wish
Let's see you lead the family to greatness
I like it in Poland
But I'm not sure if your
stand to win by this
May 1?
I can't be sure...
but if what I think is correct...
I ought to be in Germany
as soon as possible
It is of course secret
It concerns out family, father
The point is that Heinberg...
might well resort to skullduggery
I've known that
Well... good luck
But if I were you
I'd remember...
......that one of the sources
of our greatness...
was a casual attitude to
what politicians call...
making history
A rising?
Yes, a rising!
Arising !
My congratulations on
a well executed assault
In Polish?
I provide for
every contingency
Please resume hostilities
Might you Piast ancestors
not be telling you...
to adept Polish citizenship
when the time is right?
Draw up the naturalization
As you wish, Highness
What are you doing, Conrad?
Your Protestant God is
looking for you everywhere
You don't understand a thing
It's only now that I can leave
I'm free at last
Unpack the boys' things
You think I'd lot you
take them with you?
You don't have the right
to dictate to me
There's a rising
I do have the right
I'm in my backyard
Unpack the boy's things...
What's that?
Are you a Catholic , my son?
Yes, father
Do you have any idea at all
what that means?
IT means that I feel Polish
You can feel Dutch
for all I care
- So it's all right?
- Not quite
There is no more important
decision in life...
than choice of faith You have taken it
without confiding in the family
It was a personal decision
It cannot be
a personal decision
Religion is a family affair
It's a question of rules
which you have to obey...
because they are what
what bind us and protect us
Bring Count Conrad his trunk
He is leaving with
his mother
- Bolko!
- Mama!
Mother's left you a letter
"My dear Hans...
You once said you wanted
an evil woman to succeed me
I believe I've found
the very person
Her name is Baroness Marisca della Botega
and she is related to us through the Anhalten
I met her a year ago
in Cap d'Antibes
Von Sutzpold, her husband,
committed suicide...
from, by all accounts
Since then she has been
"I very much recommend, her
Remember, Highness
Take no nonsense from them
It's they who need you
not vice versa
He owns a beautiful slice
of Silesia
Very good coal
The Prince's position
is known to you?
Of course
But we don't know what
he expects from us
I must show you something
I'm sure you'll understand me
I'm glad you came.
Not a moment too soon
It was high time
But now you must be patient.
This may take time
That is why I have
come to you, Count
I trust you completely
I know
You did the right thing but...
who told you I had
anything to do with them?
I guessed
You're no goof
A brick was thrown
into your car...
and later you got stuck
in a mine cage?
It's incredible
What barbarians!
The Poles,
as usual, made a hash of everything?
You're alive
that's the main thing
Whenever you came near
I had a feeling...
you knew everything
about me
When I realized I'd marry you
I had to, didn't I?
You always want to
know everything
I not only want to, I do
Don't think you can compare
with your father
You don't stand a chance
I'm trying to tell you
not to get your hopes up
If I care to I'll use your legs
as billiard cues
If Icare to!
If I ever catch you
eavesdropping again!
Damn! The key's gone
It must have been Franzel
He' been abroad
since Cristmas!
But he gave me
these funny looks
He looks at everyone
like that
Look at me!
I'm all poppyseed
Look! I'm all poppyseed
I'm all poppyseed
I'm all poppyseed
All poppyseed
You shouldn't have come here
- I'm all poppyseed
- You shouldn't have come!
Go on! Go on!
You shouldn't have!
Why not? Our claims to you
are about equal
We met you at the same
time, didn't we, Bolko?
Come on now, come here
That's my boy!
Don't laugh
- I love you
- Shut up!
Is Jolanta my daughter?
- How can you
- I most certainly can!
And the one you're now carrying
will be my grandchild, right?
Come here, shy!
What you were to report to Franzel
you'll tell the press
You will, you will!
There's going to be...
scandal among the nobility!!
I wonder how Franzel
will react...
to this example of...
how did he put it?
yielding to
individualist urges?
Things aren't so simple
with us, are they, Bolko?
I'm pleased you've
joined us, Highness
Look at those lads!
There's your money
Live money.
Dr Goebbels will thank you
in person
He'll be pleased to hear
you accepted our invitation
The peasants of Lippe...
are directly descended
from the Cherusci...
the German tribe that crushed
the Romans in the Teutoborg Forest
These journalists are a rabble
of Jews and Masons
Is that any way to write of
an illustrious old family?
I understand the Fuehrer
was outraged
Tonight, at the palace
Dr Goebbels believes...
it would be ill-advised...
to hold your meeting here
He'll see you at
Schloss Vinebeck
He's outraged by the press
attack on your family
Attack? What do you mean?
"Scandal at Von Teuss Seat"
"Footman's Revelations"
"Prince Finds Youngest Son
in Bed with Stepmother"
Anything else?
Youngest son!
Another scandal!
Prince catches
youngest son!
Catches son!
Catches son!
I have talked to Hitler
He is shocked... such vilification
of an illustrious family
How could it come
to that, he asked
Is there no one capable
of taking charge?
Yes, I replied, there is
such a man
He is Franzel von Teuss
Hitler has not yet retired
Life twists...
but also sets straight
Let's drink to that
- Bolko! I can't!
- Dance!
- can't!
- Dance!
All these strangers
I don't know anyone
And you won't...
We won't be coming back
Why didn't we get
married abroad?
Why not? Let's ask
our pet artist
Why didn't we have
a quiet wedding abroad?
Because Franzel suffers
from a dangerous disease
It's called normality
A normal wedding had to
take place here
He couldn't bear the idea
of something as abnormal...
as a union between
stepson and stepmother...
becoming splashed
all over the newspapers
That's why he agreed to
a wedding...
which is the most normal
and hallowed of customs
Beautifully put!
Do you think Franzel
has gone mad?
I don't know
but here's hoping
You've given...
You've given me
three splendid sons
Very splendid...
Och, Daisy, Daisy,,,,
Laugh, and the world
laughs with you
Weep, and you weep alone
Is that an English proverb!
No, my dear
How I wish it were!
was a toddler
and was hungry...
I lay in my cot
and went like this...
When I became a soldier
I carried myself so...
And when I'm a decrepit
old prince...
I'll take to my bed and
be ignored by one and all
I'll just lie there begging:
water, water, water...
I feel like really
making you suffer
One day you will yourself
claim what's coming to you
That's a possibility that
I've also allowed for
Let me go!
I wish to see the Prince
His Highness is indisposed.
He is seeing no one
He is not at home only
to the wedding guests...
who, sadly, also include
my son
But I am not here to
attend the reception
Feeling better?
It was so strange
What a beautiful tree
I'll see we're buried here
Be good to me
From the first moment...
that I set eyes on you...
I laid a course for you
And got there!
Heinberg! Is he here too?
I'm so glad you could come
Franz Friedrich Hochberg von Teuss!
I fancy we know each other
inside out
Me brother, Count Conrad
I believe you've become
a Catholic?
He's the Ruberg agent
May God bless you
I wanted to tell you
that if what I'm thinking...
You won't! You're not going
across to greet them!
So many people have stayed
away from our wedding...
that something is due
to those who have come
My sister-in-law
I understand the son
and the father too
You'd have done better...
to as Yurek
to organize this party
He'd have provided you
with even odder guests
I see
He's not eating
Amazing single-mindedness!
Will he refuse a pineapple
as well?
The pineapples took off...
but there's a storm...
and the plane had to
return to Warsaw
A storm?
Quick! Wheel me over
to the window!
Director Zbierski
would you come over here?
Recognize him?
What's he doing here?
That's one thing
I didn't foresee
You have the floor
- At last!
- Why the dramatics?
Please proceed
I haven't come here
to complain
Oh? Just to look at me?
Nor do any of my three
Polish colleagues...
whom Prince Franzel has
dismissed wish to complain
Certainly not.
Why demean one self?
I wonder if
they've prepared everything?
Your Highness!
my reason for coming here
is to warn you
To communicate
our misgivings
We have worked for you
for so many rears
We know and respect you
and your family
So it pains me to have to
warn you that things...
are in a bad way
Very bad!
Continue, continue
Very bad!
You have no funds
in Poland or elsewhere
You have tax arrears
running into millions
But what's dos
Prince Franzel do?
Gets involved in some kind
of hanky-panky abroad!
Mysteriously withdraws
what's left...
of his working capital!
There' nothing in the bank
the money's evaporated!
Director Zbierski...
I no longer deal
with such matters
You're in danger of
into receivership
What's that mean?
The Polish government appointing trustees
to administer the property
For how long?
Until you have paid off
what you owe in taxes
Now old are you?
I am seventy
How many more years
do I have? Five? Six?
So I'll still be protected
by the Geneva convention
or I can appeal...
to the Hague Tribunal
You could change everything
with one stroke of the pen
The question is,
do I want to?
Would it also surprise you...
that your funds are financing Hitler?
Lies, lies!
Is Heinberg's presence here
also a lie?
Close all the doors!
The wedding was to be
held outdoors
Let no one inside!
Look the doors!
Let no one in!
We'll settle up now
Your allowance will be
remitted by Conrad...
to Munich
Aesthetically speaking,
this party can't be faulted
This cloudburst harmonizes
rather nicely...
with the way Bolko was
softened up for marriage
How exactly did Franzel
twist his arm?
By plain speaking or
more subtel persuasion?
Whatever you may say,
however you try...
to poison my mind
against my family...
I won't go away with you.
Is that clear?
Very clear. What Franzel's arguments
lacked in subtlety...
they no doubt made up
in computablity
That's business
And you accept that now?
I learned the hard way.
It was business...
that got me stuck
in that cage
What a ghastly place!
That I once sacrificed
our friendship for a doxy
Now you're running out
on me for money
What happened?
I have a search warrant
In the name of
the Polish Government I am attaching
this plane as a pledge...
for the taxes owed by Prince von Teuss
Let them whistle!
In Poland more steam goes
into whistles than engines
No wonder.
Polish miners
laid off,
Zbierski fired
Father did business differently
Which is why we now owe
nine million in taxes
I know.
For you, Count
Listen you shit,
don't send me money
to an account...
on which I can1t draw!
Not now, Bolko, not now
Stopping my allowance?
- I'm not stopping anything
- Good...
By the way...
Marisca's a super wife.
Are you pleased?
Did you send Bolko
his allowance?
Of course
Using the Ruberg account?
That's right
And giving the number?
In a Polish bank?
Didn't you realize a check's being kept on
our financial operations?
Then go outside and see
what you've done!
By the door!
Come to watch a strike?
You get a thrill from the power generated
by a crowd, do you?
Even more from the sight of
an owner chased by one
Rear can also be exciting
Yes, fear
I made it...
I can doit!
I can doit!
Conrad? I've gotten a hold
over Franzel
Made your day, have I?
You don't say?
Conrad? I don't believe it!
Thank you, Casimir
thank you!
Conrad deflowered!
How's that for news!
I bet tongues are wagging
in the kitchen!
Go on, let's have it!
The whole min's been
surrounded by the police
Director Zbierski
has come back....
and joined the stay-down
They've even seized that
consignment of pineapples
The plane's been grounded
in Warsaw
Fancy confiscating
Maybe they need them
as proof?
- Go on! Proof of what?
- How would I know?
Yes, Your Highness?
Have the pineapples arrived?
Not yet.
Why the delay?
The weather
Weather, weather
How curious!
You know what?
I'll go to the airfield
and collect them myself
Of course. But...
No buts! Get Joseph
to bring the car round
Of course.
But it's years since
you motored
Stop philosophizing..
or you'll catch it
Yes. Your Highness..
Tell me, Casimir, how is it...
that you've stayed on with me so long?
Isn't Poland calling you?
So why?
I've never plumbed the depths with Poland
but with you, it's been known
Plumbed the depths...
What do you mean, who?
Does it do at your age
to be organizing strikes?
I'm coming down!
My dear friends!
We are one big family
As head of that family
it is my duty...
to look after those
who are in trouble
So please, speak out.
Say what's on your minds
We want...
fair working hours
We want meal breaks
and a rest period...
at midday
We want honest rate-fixing
We want a full week's
work and pay
The percentage of profits
set aside per worker...
is too low
Coons beat us up.
We're called "Mangy dogs"!
Is that any way
to treat kinfolk?
You go to them.
I've had enough
What shall I say?
That I have to think
all these new things over
Or perhaps I should
call out the hussars?
Why? They're behaving
peacefully enough
You should be more afraid of
of directors who've never
seen a coal face
Who are you?
Zbierski, mining engineer
No such engineer is employed in
His Highness's mines
Did you hear what
the miners said?
They ware right
All you have to do is
install steam power...
and put up wages.
It's as simple as that
He's right,
but he doesn't know...
that Your Highness
has no money
I own all this
and I have no money?
It's a ticklish subject
to discuss...
but vases full of flowers
don't mean
Of course... Go and see them
I don't want them there
when I leave
You're are a very shrewd fellow
We'll install your
steam engines
But I expect you want
a job, which I don't have
Is the pressure here
always like this?
I don't knonw...
What does it mean?
That there's seepage
The ground's subsiding...
If I were Your Highness
I'd leave this place
Look at the blotter
Well I'll be damned!
Mister Zbierski
You think I have to credit
your crystal-gazing?
You'd have to be mightier
than God Himself...
and you certainly don't
like Him
Good day!
Give me your hand!
I name you crystalgazer...
Director Zbierski
What are you doing here,
my good fairy?
Lost your reason?
Adventures at his age!
- I did warn you
- Piss on warnings!
I want to know the facts.
Director Zbierski
The assets securing
the government's claims...
in respect of taxes
have been...
disappearing from
a Polish bank...
and surfacing in Munich
credited to Ruberg
They then used to
replenish Hitler's funds
You have it in for Franzel
for dismissing you
Old men outlive their usefulness
They should withddraw gracefully
Like you?
Yes. You should follow
my example
Well, Your Highness,
it's the receiver for you
And that won't be
the half of it
Not the half of it!
Give me a cigar
Go on!
"I, Franz Friedrich XVII,
acting on behalf of...
my father, Polish citizen
of German nationality...
hereby lodge a complaint to the League of Nations
against the Government of Poland..."
You read it. You wrote it
"...of Poland which is
seeking by unlawful means...
to Polonize the preorty
of Prince von Teuss..
in order to recover
taxes wrongly assessed...
for the years 1925-29.
This discriminatory action
which is a reprisal...
for employing Germans
in managerial posts...
must be discontinued...
and incitement of workers to action
contrary to the law forbidden.
On behalf of my father
I demand...
discontinuance of
all distraints...
placed on the property
of the Prince...
compensation for losses...
and an end to
government interference...
in personnel policy...
as well as declaration
of the Government...
to be in violation of
Articles 67,68,75 of the Convention"
Why should I sign this?
If and when I withdraw
your powers of attorney...
then I'll start signing
How long will I go on
signing on your behalf?
I never ask you questions
But if it proves to be true
that one mark of mine...
has paved Hitler's way
to power...
you will stop signing
So much as a single mark!
I look forward to
seeing Granddaddy
He won't let you in
Then I'll sneak in
Will we land in Germany...
or Poland?
Then Casimir will
drive us into Poland
- It's very near
- There'll be no car
He won't even see you
I can tell him what I have
on Franzel...
in writing
I feel as if were
carrying a bag of diamonds
You are pleased
Franzel made me look silly,
arranging our marriage
It's me he wanted
to humiliate
Did you ever notice the way
he used to look at me?
He'd have liked to be
in your shoes...
but lacked the nerve
Makes no difference
Prince Bolko von Teuss?
Please with us.
No fuss, Countess.
It's vulgar
Step back.
I'm loaded!
I won it at roulette
At roulette!
The Gestapo...
arrested him...
as soon as we got off
the plane
He knew everything
about Franzel
What's the use of hiding?
I can see you anyway
She's right
Franzel and Heinberg
formed a company
Account number: 00033
The only other people
with access to it...
were two senior
NSDAP officials
Is that Polish deputation
still waiting?
So we meet again...
Mister Grela
The Grela you once met...
was my father
"1, Hans Heinrich XV
Hochberg von Teuss...
hereby consent...
to, assignment of
all my property.
The mental illness
which has affected...
my son Franz Friedrich...
incapacitates him
for managing my affairs.
all power of attorney
is therefore transferred...
to my son Conrad...
who will act as my proxy...
on the control board".
Signed: Hans Heinrich XV,
Prince of Pszczyna
That still leaves
the sacked directors...
and Polish miners,
and the pit floodings
But, gentlemen, you have
a board of trustees!
Discuss that with them
and with Count Conrad
You heard?
The Prince has agreed!
I only asked you...
to prevent my brother
from going to Poland
And how did you expect us
to stop him?
By turning him back
at the frontier
We did so
But why has he also
been put in prison?
Reichsminister Goebels
would reply...
that in this case...
there is more at stake
than your family interests
What will you do with him?
I understand he has run up
large debts in Munich
That will have to be
I can settle all his bills
You can't do anything, Prince
Are you aware...
that your father has
all your powers
on the grounds...
that you are of
unsound mind?
You're lying!
Am I also to conclude
that you're deranged?
The Reich Government...
for your petition to
the International Tribunal
All that's left to you is
to remain in Germany...
and await better days
When they come
as they soon will...
von Teuss will return
to his palace
Like a young god!
Can I see my brother?
It all went wrong
You were to be sent back
to Munich
I wanted you to...
It all went wrong
You were to be sent back
to Munich
I wanted you to
understand everything
It all went wrong
Whatever I've done has been
for the family
For us, you understand?
For the family!
They want to destroy us,
to strip us of everything
Tell Father that they have
a precise plan
They intend to
take everything
Cur mines, our woodland,
our breweries, our palaces
I know. It's Heiberg's doing
Tell Father that I'm the only one
who can save everything
Only me.
Got that? Only me!
Don't look at me like that
I've done you no harm. It was them
Them! Will you tell him?
I won't tell him anything.
I'm here for good
They keep me doped
I'm given injections
to make me beter, they say
I had an abscess. They say
they're treating me
What are they doing to you?
Treating me, they say,
but in fact poisoning me
You'll get out. And go home
Tell Father...
You won't forget?
They have a plan.
Heiberg's behind it all
You'll tell Father?
You won't forget?
I'm sorry, Franzel, but you
really have gone mad
Don't ever say that to me.
Don't ever say that to me.
I first noticed when you
proclaimed your plans...
and ranted about
the greatness of the family
You'd already become unhinged
I saw you going
from bad to worse
I saw the way you looked at us
How you began to suspect us,
to spy on us
Everything had to be
absolutely normal...
because you'd become
obsessed with being normal
When you arranged cooked up
that marriage of ours...
that nightmare it was another
exercise in being normal
Normality's unhinged you
Did you think you were
the most normal of persons?
Or the strongest?
That no one could wring
your secrets from you?
Drop your voice. These are
things no one knows about
It was a little ulcer,
a pimple really
Take a look
Keep away from me!
I can't hear a thing!
That wasn't nice.
not nice at all
You tried to escape
by the back door...
but we're here too
The bastards!!
They said
there'd be no problems
If they ever cross
this border...
it's goodbye to Poland!
Poland is the only country...
which doesn't believe
the stronger man has to win
He's half-dead. What have
you been giving him?
What was needed
Lay her on the bench!
Fetch some water!
Halt! Stop him!
Piss off!
Bandits! Bandits!
They're here!
Can you...
Can you forgive me
I can
How did you know...
I wanted to see you?
I was told
I've always been curious
to know...
who passes on
such information?
You'll see
Am I dreaming?
Your Highness!
Your Highness - here?
Are you the director here?
That's right. In charge
of the slippers
My God! Your Highness!
You are in the vestibule...
leading to the oldest
part of the palace
- Are you happy here?
- No, no!
Please, Your Highness
There's ornamentation
that's Baroque, Rococo...
and finally Regency.
A complete hotchpotch
In 1946, in accordance
with the will...
of the people's regime,
concerts began to be hold
So ended the aristocratic
annals of this place
Father, but what year?
That miner was called Grela
What are you laughing at?
What was that dog called?
I don't remember
It was Franzel's favourite...
I'm afraid not,
Your Highness
I don't remember either
I don't remember anything...
The Emperor arrived
with imperial relief
As this has been
an imperial hunt
You had a lot of surprises
in store for us...
capped by a super finale
You have a great talent
for the chase
It mustn't go to waste
Your efforts deserve
a reward
Do you wish to become
my Master of hounds?
Or would you like
an embassy?
In London, for instance,
as your wife would wish?
I feel privileged to be
so honored
I wish to serve
Your Imperial Majesty...
as Master of Hounds
I refuse to stay here
It's some kind of plot
Why couldn't my husband
simply say...
he would prefer to be
ambassador in London?
Does the Emperor think...
you cannot be both
ambassador and master?
But you can! You can be
one and the other
You will never leave, Madam
Since you hunt,
your presence here...
will be expected
by hunting parties
And by the Emperor
Heinberg, it is your turn to choose
Would you rather have the
woods in which we hunted...
or be made a director...
in my coal mines?
I believe you also know
about mining?
I do, but I'd rather have
the woodland
Not the mines?
No more than you wished to
become an ambassador
Choice, Your Highness, is
a great privilege
The woodland's yours
But take good care of it...
and guard its secrets
"I am part of the part
that once used to be,
"A part of the darkness
from which light arose”
The bison's head
for His Majesty!
I can explain things to the Emperor
I'm sure I can persuade him
I shall have to dismiss
my adjutant
No doesn't know
I'm here either
No one does
I don't understand
That's hard to believe
Your Majesty displayed
such acumen today...
in granting people's
hidden wishes...
that I am sure
you can see to it...
that this little episode
also has a happy ending
If events are allowed
to take their couree...
you will never leave
this place
You wanted me to
alter my decision?
You thought I'd give way
to a woman?
At last I've got
what I wanted.
What did you promise me?
What price your word?
Got anything in writing,
Your Highness?
You're destroying woodland!
Starving trees of water!
Frightening the game away!
I'll buy it back
You'll a man of my word
It would cost you too much
You're in financial trouble.
New palaces are expensive
Name your price!
Your mines are not
doing well
One day they'll cave in
and you'll be ruined
You seem to be an expert
on coal
No worse than on timber
Whoever went into cal here
a von to his name
in ten years
I mean to that too...
and gaze out from my own
palace windows at yours
How much,
Herr "von"
I don't want anything
My father and grandfather
served you as wuntsman
I do not intend to-
at any price
One question
Who did better out
of that imperial hunt?
Listen to me, Highness
Did I, by ceasing to be
your huntsman...
...or you, by becoming
the Emperor's?
Are you any closer...
to your dream of becoming
regent of Silesia?
I, Highness,
have what I wanted
I have received sad news
Our employer...
owner of all the mines
Prince von Teuss...
is on his deathbed.
Why is it so quiet?
Why is it so quiet?
When a soldier lies dying
there should be noise!
The Emperor's adjutant
is dying
The sirens should be
Why?... No!
Leave that!
What's going on?
Run for it!
Yes, sirens
Does that mean I've died?
What did that alarm mean?
Are you afraid to tell us...
there's no work for us?
Don't threaten us.
A lad's been killed.
Say something.
They mean business
I'm the one who
switched on the sirens
The Prince is dying
There can't be.
There can't be
Hans, tell me...
that it's not my fault,
that it's not my doing
I beg you! Say it's not me
Her Highness would like to know...
if her husband is any better
I can't speak for
my Polish colleague...
but I am certain
all will be well
I share that view.
The crisis is over
I know... It was Nelke
One should think twice
before sounding them
Maybe my sons will hear?
Hear the sirens!
Can your
crystal ball tell your Director Zbierski
I wonder what will
come of this
Here's Bolko
Last month's business...
and a draft of
the French contract
You work so hard for me,
von Teuss
I'll raise your salary
and make you...
of all my mines
It will crown the history
of our families
I'm afraid I must refuse
Family duties are
calling me...
and the go back to
the 12th century
That's a long time
I find it hard to know
what to make of you Prince.
I can't return
the compliment
I've always know what
to make of you...Count
A telegram, Count. Urgent
What are you gawking at?
What's this?
I haven't seen him
for ten years
He disowned me
for becoming a Catholic
He played God with
our lives
For five days I was kept
locked up in a room
Outside - an uprising,
machine guns firing
My mother out of her wits,
and me incarcerated
To this day I still can't
get out of that room
We shall see
Welcome. Prince
Our younger sister
If you should see Mother...
Silly of me - I forgot
Can he also have come
to make his peace?
Franzel has changed
You think so?
Hens still lay eggs
Would you believe it!
The world wasn't fated to end
with my death
I see, Yurek, that you too...
have come to attend my funeral
Please forgive me
my faux pas
I have no intention
of dying
Not yet at any rate
That's not all
As I lay there in my bed...
dying my little death...
it occurred to me that I ought...
to have another child
At my age that could be
an achievement
"I will hold out for twenty more years
on the virility front"
Who said that?
You don't know,
you Prussian numskulls!
If the press gets hold
of your joko...
Heinberg and Krupp
will die laughing
You've a subject...
for a new farce, Zbierski
That's right. A farce.
I think you gentlemen
wish to be left alone
Is it you who are going
to give him this child?
Sit down Conrad!
You no longer count
Your conversion has
made you a Pole...
and that weakens
the family
I am Franz Friedrich XVIII
Old Heinberg
bought himself his title...
and is laughing at us
because he knows
we're not a danger
So you believe the family
is all-important?
It's like a nation.
While it acts together...
it is strong. It grows
effetes if it yields...
to individualist urges
As you do, Father!
I daresay. Now and then
You want proof?
You marriage to Marisca
You chose a woman
reeking of scandal
And Conrad's parties?
Nude chorus boys cavorting
on the lawn...
Or Bolko's notorious plunges
at all of Europe's gaming tables?
It's my free will
Free will belongs
to mythology
In real lift what counts
is strength of will
You're citing Nietzsche
-Am I? I didn't know
-Look it up!
Are you talking about
family or fortune?
Property and family
Only I can put both
back on their feet
Properly managed,
our property...
...could make us one of
Europe's foremost families
But we already are
As far as debts go,
no question
Maybe you'd like to try?
I would, but I'd have to
be given power of attorney
How broad?
Very broad
In that case I'll be
begging for my bread
It's for the good of
the family and so yours too
And yours
He's forgiven him his orgies!
- For your good too
- Mine?
You'll get
your power af attorney
Such youthful enthusiasm
does the heart good
But consider one thing
I gave Heinberg a forest
what he got was a coal field
Instead of regent...
- I became...
- Master?
A cuckold!
You were so wrong...
believing that absurd
pack of lies
Then why does the Emperor
make so much of you?
All those courtesies,
pretty speeches?
that clutching of
little hands?
Because he's able to see
these things differently
Not the way you do,
you Prussian numskulls
Because you were his lover
I was not
Yes you ware- after the hunt
Know why he treats me
differently from you?
Not because I'm a woman...
but because I tell him
the truth...
instead of just agreeing
like you sycophants
You can't see beneath
the surface of things
That's why you were denied
a diplomatic career...
not because I was
the Emperor's mistress
-So you ware!
-l wasn't
-You just said so!
I said something else
- I heard you say it!1
- Because you wanted to!
You admitted it!
1 did not
- You were!
- No!
You were!
Yes! I was!
If it helps you
justify our failures...
I was the Emperor's
Is Franzel my son?
At last you're not
certain of something
When the war is over...
1 will find myself a new wife
A bad woman.
with the touch of evil
But I will know that...
and be in command
Come on!
Where's the fire?
At this hour I go to bed provided
it's a good town with a good hotel
Where are we going?
One of ours, at a standstill
We'll move on
There's no work for you!
"Piast", also ours
Working every other day
It was meant to be working
The men reported for work
They're being turned away
There's no market
for our coal
There's a slump
Look at that, dammit!
How I love good old Silesia!
All of this is yours
Plus the mines "Barbara"
"new Hope", "Princeling" and "Szadok"
A cementworks in Ligota
Briquette factories,
brickyads and breweries in Tychy
Very impressive
Itis and it isn't
We'll now pay a call
at the office
So they don't want
to buy our coal?
I see you've locket up
the siren
To prevent careless use
Who has the keys?
Leave us gentlemen
Two days ago! A week ago!
Two weeks ago! A month ago!
Get rid of this fountain!
This isn't a palm court
It's been following us
since we left
Gangsters, no doubt. From Chicago
Planning to hijack us to Singapore.
Step on it!
They don't have wings
What is it?
Nothing, nothing...
Have they gone?
Oh no!
Someone's telling me
to make up my mind
Trying to force me
to join them
- But who?
- Who? Who?
Now I need
you two more than enver
- Bolko!
- Leave it.
Get in
Thanks, but screw all this
Get in!
I don't want to know.
I'm leaving
This isn't my thing
I'm not cut out for it.
What's the matter?
Can't a man walk in front of a car?
Apparently not
What scared you so?
I'll represent the family
above ground
-Not coming?
-It's unnatural
And cheap propaganda anyway
Your first descent?
All the best...
to you and your families...
from my family
Cheers, foreman
- Cheers, foreman...?
- Grela
Which level are you
Foreman Grela
Output — 30 tones
It's a low drift
We have to work
on all fours
Why are you so small?
He hasn't grown
Get your mother to feel you better
You'll get machinery
when sales recover, Grela
The market's tight now...
You've laid off 400 miners
Merry Christmas!
Get the herrings?
I had no alternative, Grela
They're all Poles
Not now, Grela
Come and see me
and we'll talk it over
I shan't be visiting
Your Highness
It's you who've come to see us
Thank you kindly!
What on earth?
What did you say?
- Is this a breakdown or..
- Or what?
You're learning fast
Got any matches?
You have a candle?
As an offering to
Saint Barbara
A candle?
So light it
If there's gas here
we'll be blown sky high
Assuming it's coincidence
This is the kind of place
that if there's gas here...
if there's gas here
you'd better start praying
You'll be ging to feel faint,
to throw up...
Stop it!
It's all thanks to
your gracions gestures!
His Lordship dispensing
champagneto the miners!
It's part of the job
I should have stayed home
Then I would have had to
suspect you as well
Of what?
You mean to say you don't
suspect anybody?
Think, Conrad
What are you doing?
We're in luck. It stopped
at a gallery
Mind the step
Give me your hand...Come on
I wouldn't count the steps
We're fixing it
Please keep calm
You're in no danger.
We're fixing it
There's no need to panic
We're fixing it
Please keep calm
We're perfectly calm
Forgive me, Prince.
Forgive me, Count
Those responsible will be
punished. It was sabotage
I see
Director Zbierski — you're fired
You're awfully suspicious.
People should be
open and sincere
Not in business matters
I have to know who's
stabbing me in the back
That's why I can't leave?
Exactly why
You've dropped your last
bundle at Monte Carlo
I believe you have
an appointment in Warsaw?
Keep me out of this
He's afraid of us, Conrad.
I wish I'd studied you
more closely as a boy
You could have,
being the oldest
That's the pity of it
But why can't I leave?
I'll explain. Our family...
is facing a great, historical task
I have to be certain that
it won't be impeded...
by you, Conrad or Marisca
Otherwise the whole thing
is pointless
I came to say goodnight
to Conrad and Franzel
I've already said it to you
Very well. I'll stay here
as long as you wish
Let's see you lead the family to greatness
I like it in Poland
But I'm not sure if your
stand to win by this
May 1?
I can't be sure...
but if what I think is correct...
I ought to be in Germany
as soon as possible
It is of course secret
It concerns out family, father
The point is that Heinberg...
might well resort to skullduggery
I've known that
Well... good luck
But if I were you
I'd remember...
......that one of the sources
of our greatness...
was a casual attitude to
what politicians call...
making history
A rising?
Yes, a rising!
Arising !
My congratulations on
a well executed assault
In Polish?
I provide for
every contingency
Please resume hostilities
Might you Piast ancestors
not be telling you...
to adept Polish citizenship
when the time is right?
Draw up the naturalization
As you wish, Highness
What are you doing, Conrad?
Your Protestant God is
looking for you everywhere
You don't understand a thing
It's only now that I can leave
I'm free at last
Unpack the boys' things
You think I'd lot you
take them with you?
You don't have the right
to dictate to me
There's a rising
I do have the right
I'm in my backyard
Unpack the boy's things...
What's that?
Are you a Catholic , my son?
Yes, father
Do you have any idea at all
what that means?
IT means that I feel Polish
You can feel Dutch
for all I care
- So it's all right?
- Not quite
There is no more important
decision in life...
than choice of faith You have taken it
without confiding in the family
It was a personal decision
It cannot be
a personal decision
Religion is a family affair
It's a question of rules
which you have to obey...
because they are what
what bind us and protect us
Bring Count Conrad his trunk
He is leaving with
his mother
- Bolko!
- Mama!
Mother's left you a letter
"My dear Hans...
You once said you wanted
an evil woman to succeed me
I believe I've found
the very person
Her name is Baroness Marisca della Botega
and she is related to us through the Anhalten
I met her a year ago
in Cap d'Antibes
Von Sutzpold, her husband,
committed suicide...
from, by all accounts
Since then she has been
"I very much recommend, her
Remember, Highness
Take no nonsense from them
It's they who need you
not vice versa
He owns a beautiful slice
of Silesia
Very good coal
The Prince's position
is known to you?
Of course
But we don't know what
he expects from us
I must show you something
I'm sure you'll understand me
I'm glad you came.
Not a moment too soon
It was high time
But now you must be patient.
This may take time
That is why I have
come to you, Count
I trust you completely
I know
You did the right thing but...
who told you I had
anything to do with them?
I guessed
You're no goof
A brick was thrown
into your car...
and later you got stuck
in a mine cage?
It's incredible
What barbarians!
The Poles,
as usual, made a hash of everything?
You're alive
that's the main thing
Whenever you came near
I had a feeling...
you knew everything
about me
When I realized I'd marry you
I had to, didn't I?
You always want to
know everything
I not only want to, I do
Don't think you can compare
with your father
You don't stand a chance
I'm trying to tell you
not to get your hopes up
If I care to I'll use your legs
as billiard cues
If Icare to!
If I ever catch you
eavesdropping again!
Damn! The key's gone
It must have been Franzel
He' been abroad
since Cristmas!
But he gave me
these funny looks
He looks at everyone
like that
Look at me!
I'm all poppyseed
Look! I'm all poppyseed
I'm all poppyseed
I'm all poppyseed
All poppyseed
You shouldn't have come here
- I'm all poppyseed
- You shouldn't have come!
Go on! Go on!
You shouldn't have!
Why not? Our claims to you
are about equal
We met you at the same
time, didn't we, Bolko?
Come on now, come here
That's my boy!
Don't laugh
- I love you
- Shut up!
Is Jolanta my daughter?
- How can you
- I most certainly can!
And the one you're now carrying
will be my grandchild, right?
Come here, shy!
What you were to report to Franzel
you'll tell the press
You will, you will!
There's going to be...
scandal among the nobility!!
I wonder how Franzel
will react...
to this example of...
how did he put it?
yielding to
individualist urges?
Things aren't so simple
with us, are they, Bolko?
I'm pleased you've
joined us, Highness
Look at those lads!
There's your money
Live money.
Dr Goebbels will thank you
in person
He'll be pleased to hear
you accepted our invitation
The peasants of Lippe...
are directly descended
from the Cherusci...
the German tribe that crushed
the Romans in the Teutoborg Forest
These journalists are a rabble
of Jews and Masons
Is that any way to write of
an illustrious old family?
I understand the Fuehrer
was outraged
Tonight, at the palace
Dr Goebbels believes...
it would be ill-advised...
to hold your meeting here
He'll see you at
Schloss Vinebeck
He's outraged by the press
attack on your family
Attack? What do you mean?
"Scandal at Von Teuss Seat"
"Footman's Revelations"
"Prince Finds Youngest Son
in Bed with Stepmother"
Anything else?
Youngest son!
Another scandal!
Prince catches
youngest son!
Catches son!
Catches son!
I have talked to Hitler
He is shocked... such vilification
of an illustrious family
How could it come
to that, he asked
Is there no one capable
of taking charge?
Yes, I replied, there is
such a man
He is Franzel von Teuss
Hitler has not yet retired
Life twists...
but also sets straight
Let's drink to that
- Bolko! I can't!
- Dance!
- can't!
- Dance!
All these strangers
I don't know anyone
And you won't...
We won't be coming back
Why didn't we get
married abroad?
Why not? Let's ask
our pet artist
Why didn't we have
a quiet wedding abroad?
Because Franzel suffers
from a dangerous disease
It's called normality
A normal wedding had to
take place here
He couldn't bear the idea
of something as abnormal...
as a union between
stepson and stepmother...
becoming splashed
all over the newspapers
That's why he agreed to
a wedding...
which is the most normal
and hallowed of customs
Beautifully put!
Do you think Franzel
has gone mad?
I don't know
but here's hoping
You've given...
You've given me
three splendid sons
Very splendid...
Och, Daisy, Daisy,,,,
Laugh, and the world
laughs with you
Weep, and you weep alone
Is that an English proverb!
No, my dear
How I wish it were!
was a toddler
and was hungry...
I lay in my cot
and went like this...
When I became a soldier
I carried myself so...
And when I'm a decrepit
old prince...
I'll take to my bed and
be ignored by one and all
I'll just lie there begging:
water, water, water...
I feel like really
making you suffer
One day you will yourself
claim what's coming to you
That's a possibility that
I've also allowed for
Let me go!
I wish to see the Prince
His Highness is indisposed.
He is seeing no one
He is not at home only
to the wedding guests...
who, sadly, also include
my son
But I am not here to
attend the reception
Feeling better?
It was so strange
What a beautiful tree
I'll see we're buried here
Be good to me
From the first moment...
that I set eyes on you...
I laid a course for you
And got there!
Heinberg! Is he here too?
I'm so glad you could come
Franz Friedrich Hochberg von Teuss!
I fancy we know each other
inside out
Me brother, Count Conrad
I believe you've become
a Catholic?
He's the Ruberg agent
May God bless you
I wanted to tell you
that if what I'm thinking...
You won't! You're not going
across to greet them!
So many people have stayed
away from our wedding...
that something is due
to those who have come
My sister-in-law
I understand the son
and the father too
You'd have done better...
to as Yurek
to organize this party
He'd have provided you
with even odder guests
I see
He's not eating
Amazing single-mindedness!
Will he refuse a pineapple
as well?
The pineapples took off...
but there's a storm...
and the plane had to
return to Warsaw
A storm?
Quick! Wheel me over
to the window!
Director Zbierski
would you come over here?
Recognize him?
What's he doing here?
That's one thing
I didn't foresee
You have the floor
- At last!
- Why the dramatics?
Please proceed
I haven't come here
to complain
Oh? Just to look at me?
Nor do any of my three
Polish colleagues...
whom Prince Franzel has
dismissed wish to complain
Certainly not.
Why demean one self?
I wonder if
they've prepared everything?
Your Highness!
my reason for coming here
is to warn you
To communicate
our misgivings
We have worked for you
for so many rears
We know and respect you
and your family
So it pains me to have to
warn you that things...
are in a bad way
Very bad!
Continue, continue
Very bad!
You have no funds
in Poland or elsewhere
You have tax arrears
running into millions
But what's dos
Prince Franzel do?
Gets involved in some kind
of hanky-panky abroad!
Mysteriously withdraws
what's left...
of his working capital!
There' nothing in the bank
the money's evaporated!
Director Zbierski...
I no longer deal
with such matters
You're in danger of
into receivership
What's that mean?
The Polish government appointing trustees
to administer the property
For how long?
Until you have paid off
what you owe in taxes
Now old are you?
I am seventy
How many more years
do I have? Five? Six?
So I'll still be protected
by the Geneva convention
or I can appeal...
to the Hague Tribunal
You could change everything
with one stroke of the pen
The question is,
do I want to?
Would it also surprise you...
that your funds are financing Hitler?
Lies, lies!
Is Heinberg's presence here
also a lie?
Close all the doors!
The wedding was to be
held outdoors
Let no one inside!
Look the doors!
Let no one in!
We'll settle up now
Your allowance will be
remitted by Conrad...
to Munich
Aesthetically speaking,
this party can't be faulted
This cloudburst harmonizes
rather nicely...
with the way Bolko was
softened up for marriage
How exactly did Franzel
twist his arm?
By plain speaking or
more subtel persuasion?
Whatever you may say,
however you try...
to poison my mind
against my family...
I won't go away with you.
Is that clear?
Very clear. What Franzel's arguments
lacked in subtlety...
they no doubt made up
in computablity
That's business
And you accept that now?
I learned the hard way.
It was business...
that got me stuck
in that cage
What a ghastly place!
That I once sacrificed
our friendship for a doxy
Now you're running out
on me for money
What happened?
I have a search warrant
In the name of
the Polish Government I am attaching
this plane as a pledge...
for the taxes owed by Prince von Teuss
Let them whistle!
In Poland more steam goes
into whistles than engines
No wonder.
Polish miners
laid off,
Zbierski fired
Father did business differently
Which is why we now owe
nine million in taxes
I know.
For you, Count
Listen you shit,
don't send me money
to an account...
on which I can1t draw!
Not now, Bolko, not now
Stopping my allowance?
- I'm not stopping anything
- Good...
By the way...
Marisca's a super wife.
Are you pleased?
Did you send Bolko
his allowance?
Of course
Using the Ruberg account?
That's right
And giving the number?
In a Polish bank?
Didn't you realize a check's being kept on
our financial operations?
Then go outside and see
what you've done!
By the door!
Come to watch a strike?
You get a thrill from the power generated
by a crowd, do you?
Even more from the sight of
an owner chased by one
Rear can also be exciting
Yes, fear
I made it...
I can doit!
I can doit!
Conrad? I've gotten a hold
over Franzel
Made your day, have I?
You don't say?
Conrad? I don't believe it!
Thank you, Casimir
thank you!
Conrad deflowered!
How's that for news!
I bet tongues are wagging
in the kitchen!
Go on, let's have it!
The whole min's been
surrounded by the police
Director Zbierski
has come back....
and joined the stay-down
They've even seized that
consignment of pineapples
The plane's been grounded
in Warsaw
Fancy confiscating
Maybe they need them
as proof?
- Go on! Proof of what?
- How would I know?
Yes, Your Highness?
Have the pineapples arrived?
Not yet.
Why the delay?
The weather
Weather, weather
How curious!
You know what?
I'll go to the airfield
and collect them myself
Of course. But...
No buts! Get Joseph
to bring the car round
Of course.
But it's years since
you motored
Stop philosophizing..
or you'll catch it
Yes. Your Highness..
Tell me, Casimir, how is it...
that you've stayed on with me so long?
Isn't Poland calling you?
So why?
I've never plumbed the depths with Poland
but with you, it's been known
Plumbed the depths...
What do you mean, who?
Does it do at your age
to be organizing strikes?
I'm coming down!
My dear friends!
We are one big family
As head of that family
it is my duty...
to look after those
who are in trouble
So please, speak out.
Say what's on your minds
We want...
fair working hours
We want meal breaks
and a rest period...
at midday
We want honest rate-fixing
We want a full week's
work and pay
The percentage of profits
set aside per worker...
is too low
Coons beat us up.
We're called "Mangy dogs"!
Is that any way
to treat kinfolk?
You go to them.
I've had enough
What shall I say?
That I have to think
all these new things over
Or perhaps I should
call out the hussars?
Why? They're behaving
peacefully enough
You should be more afraid of
of directors who've never
seen a coal face
Who are you?
Zbierski, mining engineer
No such engineer is employed in
His Highness's mines
Did you hear what
the miners said?
They ware right
All you have to do is
install steam power...
and put up wages.
It's as simple as that
He's right,
but he doesn't know...
that Your Highness
has no money
I own all this
and I have no money?
It's a ticklish subject
to discuss...
but vases full of flowers
don't mean
Of course... Go and see them
I don't want them there
when I leave
You're are a very shrewd fellow
We'll install your
steam engines
But I expect you want
a job, which I don't have
Is the pressure here
always like this?
I don't knonw...
What does it mean?
That there's seepage
The ground's subsiding...
If I were Your Highness
I'd leave this place
Look at the blotter
Well I'll be damned!
Mister Zbierski
You think I have to credit
your crystal-gazing?
You'd have to be mightier
than God Himself...
and you certainly don't
like Him
Good day!
Give me your hand!
I name you crystalgazer...
Director Zbierski
What are you doing here,
my good fairy?
Lost your reason?
Adventures at his age!
- I did warn you
- Piss on warnings!
I want to know the facts.
Director Zbierski
The assets securing
the government's claims...
in respect of taxes
have been...
disappearing from
a Polish bank...
and surfacing in Munich
credited to Ruberg
They then used to
replenish Hitler's funds
You have it in for Franzel
for dismissing you
Old men outlive their usefulness
They should withddraw gracefully
Like you?
Yes. You should follow
my example
Well, Your Highness,
it's the receiver for you
And that won't be
the half of it
Not the half of it!
Give me a cigar
Go on!
"I, Franz Friedrich XVII,
acting on behalf of...
my father, Polish citizen
of German nationality...
hereby lodge a complaint to the League of Nations
against the Government of Poland..."
You read it. You wrote it
"...of Poland which is
seeking by unlawful means...
to Polonize the preorty
of Prince von Teuss..
in order to recover
taxes wrongly assessed...
for the years 1925-29.
This discriminatory action
which is a reprisal...
for employing Germans
in managerial posts...
must be discontinued...
and incitement of workers to action
contrary to the law forbidden.
On behalf of my father
I demand...
discontinuance of
all distraints...
placed on the property
of the Prince...
compensation for losses...
and an end to
government interference...
in personnel policy...
as well as declaration
of the Government...
to be in violation of
Articles 67,68,75 of the Convention"
Why should I sign this?
If and when I withdraw
your powers of attorney...
then I'll start signing
How long will I go on
signing on your behalf?
I never ask you questions
But if it proves to be true
that one mark of mine...
has paved Hitler's way
to power...
you will stop signing
So much as a single mark!
I look forward to
seeing Granddaddy
He won't let you in
Then I'll sneak in
Will we land in Germany...
or Poland?
Then Casimir will
drive us into Poland
- It's very near
- There'll be no car
He won't even see you
I can tell him what I have
on Franzel...
in writing
I feel as if were
carrying a bag of diamonds
You are pleased
Franzel made me look silly,
arranging our marriage
It's me he wanted
to humiliate
Did you ever notice the way
he used to look at me?
He'd have liked to be
in your shoes...
but lacked the nerve
Makes no difference
Prince Bolko von Teuss?
Please with us.
No fuss, Countess.
It's vulgar
Step back.
I'm loaded!
I won it at roulette
At roulette!
The Gestapo...
arrested him...
as soon as we got off
the plane
He knew everything
about Franzel
What's the use of hiding?
I can see you anyway
She's right
Franzel and Heinberg
formed a company
Account number: 00033
The only other people
with access to it...
were two senior
NSDAP officials
Is that Polish deputation
still waiting?
So we meet again...
Mister Grela
The Grela you once met...
was my father
"1, Hans Heinrich XV
Hochberg von Teuss...
hereby consent...
to, assignment of
all my property.
The mental illness
which has affected...
my son Franz Friedrich...
incapacitates him
for managing my affairs.
all power of attorney
is therefore transferred...
to my son Conrad...
who will act as my proxy...
on the control board".
Signed: Hans Heinrich XV,
Prince of Pszczyna
That still leaves
the sacked directors...
and Polish miners,
and the pit floodings
But, gentlemen, you have
a board of trustees!
Discuss that with them
and with Count Conrad
You heard?
The Prince has agreed!
I only asked you...
to prevent my brother
from going to Poland
And how did you expect us
to stop him?
By turning him back
at the frontier
We did so
But why has he also
been put in prison?
Reichsminister Goebels
would reply...
that in this case...
there is more at stake
than your family interests
What will you do with him?
I understand he has run up
large debts in Munich
That will have to be
I can settle all his bills
You can't do anything, Prince
Are you aware...
that your father has
all your powers
on the grounds...
that you are of
unsound mind?
You're lying!
Am I also to conclude
that you're deranged?
The Reich Government...
for your petition to
the International Tribunal
All that's left to you is
to remain in Germany...
and await better days
When they come
as they soon will...
von Teuss will return
to his palace
Like a young god!
Can I see my brother?
It all went wrong
You were to be sent back
to Munich
I wanted you to...
It all went wrong
You were to be sent back
to Munich
I wanted you to
understand everything
It all went wrong
Whatever I've done has been
for the family
For us, you understand?
For the family!
They want to destroy us,
to strip us of everything
Tell Father that they have
a precise plan
They intend to
take everything
Cur mines, our woodland,
our breweries, our palaces
I know. It's Heiberg's doing
Tell Father that I'm the only one
who can save everything
Only me.
Got that? Only me!
Don't look at me like that
I've done you no harm. It was them
Them! Will you tell him?
I won't tell him anything.
I'm here for good
They keep me doped
I'm given injections
to make me beter, they say
I had an abscess. They say
they're treating me
What are they doing to you?
Treating me, they say,
but in fact poisoning me
You'll get out. And go home
Tell Father...
You won't forget?
They have a plan.
Heiberg's behind it all
You'll tell Father?
You won't forget?
I'm sorry, Franzel, but you
really have gone mad
Don't ever say that to me.
Don't ever say that to me.
I first noticed when you
proclaimed your plans...
and ranted about
the greatness of the family
You'd already become unhinged
I saw you going
from bad to worse
I saw the way you looked at us
How you began to suspect us,
to spy on us
Everything had to be
absolutely normal...
because you'd become
obsessed with being normal
When you arranged cooked up
that marriage of ours...
that nightmare it was another
exercise in being normal
Normality's unhinged you
Did you think you were
the most normal of persons?
Or the strongest?
That no one could wring
your secrets from you?
Drop your voice. These are
things no one knows about
It was a little ulcer,
a pimple really
Take a look
Keep away from me!
I can't hear a thing!
That wasn't nice.
not nice at all
You tried to escape
by the back door...
but we're here too
The bastards!!
They said
there'd be no problems
If they ever cross
this border...
it's goodbye to Poland!
Poland is the only country...
which doesn't believe
the stronger man has to win
He's half-dead. What have
you been giving him?
What was needed
Lay her on the bench!
Fetch some water!
Halt! Stop him!
Piss off!
Bandits! Bandits!
They're here!
Can you...
Can you forgive me
I can
How did you know...
I wanted to see you?
I was told
I've always been curious
to know...
who passes on
such information?
You'll see
Am I dreaming?
Your Highness!
Your Highness - here?
Are you the director here?
That's right. In charge
of the slippers
My God! Your Highness!
You are in the vestibule...
leading to the oldest
part of the palace
- Are you happy here?
- No, no!
Please, Your Highness
There's ornamentation
that's Baroque, Rococo...
and finally Regency.
A complete hotchpotch
In 1946, in accordance
with the will...
of the people's regime,
concerts began to be hold
So ended the aristocratic
annals of this place
Father, but what year?
That miner was called Grela
What are you laughing at?
What was that dog called?
I don't remember
It was Franzel's favourite...
I'm afraid not,
Your Highness
I don't remember either
I don't remember anything...