Magic in the Mirror (1996) - full transcript

A little girl's imaginary friends come to life when she goes through her great-grandmother's antique mirror, a la Alice, after she sees it glowing.


[INAUDIBLE] I can't.

But I told her I was holding
Bella's hand with my left hand.

So she told me to take
it in my right hand.

But I told her I
was holding Donna's

hand with my right hand.

So she asked me if I could
let go of at least one

of my imaginary friend's hands
long enough to take the eraser.

And I said, of
course I couldn't,

because that would be rude.

But not quite as rude as calling
my friends imaginary right

in front of their faces.

And that's when she made
me stand in the hall.

That's nice, Daisy.

Why do you always
call me Daisy?


Just in case you forgot,
my name's Mary Margaret.

But you make such
a beautiful Daisy.


Don't touch that book, Daisy.

That's some very
delicate specimens.

Belonged to your great
grandma Margaret--

famous botanist.


Delivery for Mr. Dennis.



Just a moment, gentlemen.


Did you call me, honey?

SYLVIA: Where's
this supposed to go?

Is that the mirror?

That's what it
says in the invoice.

Pretty heavy for a mirror.

It's an antique.

Bring it upstairs, please.

I was afraid you
were gonna say that.

Watch out!

You're stepping on Donna!
- What?



- Mary Margaret!
- Come on, guys.

It's all right.



Where does it go?

We don't have space in
our room for a big mirror.

It can go in Daisy's room.

That's what grandma
Margaret stated in her will.

Go ahead, fellas.




Your welcome, sir.

Grandma bequeathed
it to you, Daisy.

It's beautiful, isn't it?

It's a little much
don't you think?

I like it.

It's a remarkable
piece of work.

All of the plants that
are carved into this frame

are botanically correct.

This is one of my fondest
memories at grandma's house.

I think I became a
botanist because of it.

I thought you became a
botanist because you flunked

your physics entrance exams.

Well, not everybody can be
as brilliant as you, sweetie.

That's true.


I've got to meet
Tuttle at the lab.

I'll be home for supper.

- By, mom.
- Bye, sweetie.

They don't make mirrors
like this anymore.

This is handcrafted
from start to finish.

Well, I have to go to work.

Take good care of it, Daisy.

What do you think, Bella?


You like it?
Me too.


WOMAN: Well, I think
it's a very nice job.

MAN 1: Oh, excellent.

WOMAN 1: Look at
the detail here.

It's excellent.

And you painted that yourself?

WOMAN 2: That's terrific.

MAN 2: Interesting shape.

That's a nice choice
of color there.

WOMAN 2: Oh, I love
the blue on this.

MAN 1: Fascinating.

MAN 2: Well, that's
very interesting.

Good job.

Hm, nice.

was very imaginative.

Very imaginative.

WOMAN 2: Oh, I love this.

WOMAN 1: How does this work?


Oh, look.

That's very funny.

Just like her.

You've even captured that
duck-like squat of hers.

Yeah, and her
green eye shadow.


WOMAN: I doubt that Mrs. Mallard
will see the humor in this.

MAN: Our principal doesn't
see the humor in anything.

First prize in the
sculpture division

goes to Mary Margaret Dennis.

Congratulations, Mary Margaret.



I heard all that.

Let's just see what everyone
finds so funny around here.

That does not look like me!

I understand your mother
is a famous physicist.

Yes, sir.

She invented a ray for capturing
children from other planets.

That's where I came from.


And what planet is that?

They won't tell me.

They're afraid I
might find my way back

and lead and invasion of Earth.


And what does your father do?

Whatever my mother
tells him too.

I see.

Who are Bella and Donna?

Why don't you ask them?

They're standing on your desk.


Is that so?

And why did you make that
statue of our principal

with the body of a duck?

Her name is Mrs. Mallard.

Go directly to
class, you lady.

Don't dawdle.

quack, quack, quack.

Quack, quack, quack, quack.

Well, what is your opinion?

Just be glad your
name isn't Baboon.

I understand that it's
supposedly healthy for a child

to indulge in fantasy play.

But when imaginary friends start
causing problems at school--

that is where I draw the line.
I'm right.

Aren't I Tuttle?


I'm right here.

What did you say?

I said, you agree with me.

Don't you, Lazlo?

Yes, of course, Sylvia.

I quite dislike children.

[INAUDIBLE] Even when I was one.

When I was a child--

and believe it or not, Tuttle,
I played with Barbie dolls--

I didn't have any friends,
real or imaginary.

But when we win
the Nobel Prize,

we will have friends
all over the world.

You're right, Lazlo.

I should just let
her do her thing.


Doppelganger-- ready to fire.


We've got a hot point.

Protoplasmic anti-matter.


Dear, god.

Too hot!

It's too hot.

Take it down!

We did it.

Only for a moment,
but we really did it.

Yes, we did it!

We did it!

Yes, we did it!


We did it!


I won first prize in
the art contest today.



Anybody home?




Are you asleep?

Tanacetum Vulgare.

Podophyllum Peltatum.

Melilotus Alba.


Hey, you guys.


Dad's sleeping.

Do you like these berries?

I can't take them.

Dad would freak.


SYLVIA: Gilbert!


What are you doing?

The Tuttles will be here
in less than an hour,

and you're napping
like a grandpa.


No problem.

I'm awake.

And you, young lady.

This is a very important
night and I expect you

to be on your best behavior.

I promise, mom.



What are they?

Magic or something?


The way home?


Mary Margaret.

Come on!

OK, mom.



Come back.


Here's to the culmination
of five years of research

into the Doppelganger.

And to our
collaboration, Sylvia.



Well, Gilbert.

You must be as proud of
Sylvia as I am of Lazlo.

Yes, I am.

But I have to admit
I'm not exactly

sure what it is they're up to.

It's a Doppelganger.

Use a parabolic mirror to
focus a beam of anti-matter

into a pinpoint of matter.


It's a collision of matter
and anti-matter opens a hole

in a time-space continuum.

Now, that sounds
a little dangerous.

Yes, it is.

It's not.

It only lasts for a
fraction of a second.

Well, with geniuses like you
and Tuttle working together,

I'm sure you'll be able to
improve on that soon enough.


Gilbert's joking of course.

Yes, of course.

But hopefully it
can give us a glimpse

into the dimensions that lie
beyond ordinary perception.

You mean the perception
of an ordinary individual

such as myself?


You seem a bit hostile
tonight, Gilbert.


I saw something weird
in grandma's mirror today.

Mary Margaret, the adults
are speaking right now.

I'm not hostile, Lazlo.

Just a little bored.

I won first prize
in the art contest

today for my sculpture
of Mrs. Mallard.

That's nice, Mary Margaret.

But we're discussing
mommy's work.

Gilbert darling, I'm a little
surprised by your negativity.

Nora is very impressed,
and she has three PhDs.

I would think you would be
a little more astounded.



Now drink your tea.




My dress!

Oh my goodness, Nora.
I'm so sorry.

Mary Margaret Dennis, what
do you think you're doing?

It wasn't me.

It was Bella and Donna.

I've had it up to here with
your imaginary playmates!

But, really, it was.

You march right
up into your room

and take a good long
look in that mirror,

and you tell me if you
see any imaginary friends!

I'm sorry, Gilbert.

But this whole situation is
starting to give me nightmares.

You have to have an
imagination to have nightmares,



First prize!

Big deal!
They don't care.

Nobody cares!





Who are you?

What are you?

What are you doing here?

What do mean what
am I doing here?

This is my bedroom.

What are you doing in my mirror?

But this is my mirror,
my room, my responsibility.

You are the intruder here.

What is this, a dream?

No, no, no.

I wasn't sleeping.

I wasn't.

You can't prove a thing.
- Don't be afraid.

I'm not going to hurt you.

Be afraid.

Be very afraid.

This is a disaster.

a "ca-ta-tastrophe."

End of the world.

Not good at all.

Calm down.

Maybe I could help.


How could you possibly help?

You're the problem.

Why am I the problem?

You're a people.

So, what's wrong with that?

Oh, when Queen Hysop finds a
people has breached my mirror--

oh, I'll be planted for sure.




Peoples can't come through
the mirror unless--

say, you don't have
any berries do you?



Little golden berries.

N-- no.

Then how did you--



That's not a room.

I mean, her room.

What happened?

Where did she go?


The sweet little old lady.

The one that's been
there all those years

and never gave me any trouble?

Grandma Margaret?


She died last year.


Oh, dear.

How terribly, terribly sad.

She passed the
mirror on to me.

My name's Mary Margaret.

I guess I'm you're new owner.





We don't even occupy
the same world.

Why am I even talking to you?

Well, I'll be planted for sure.

We got to find a way to get
you back to where you belong.



Oh no.

Oh no!

That's Melilot.

Well, who's Melilot?

Oh, oh, oh.

My superior.

The-- the mirror master.


H--hide where?


The mirror [INAUDIBLE], Tansy.

A mirror has been violated!

A mirror?


Not here, sir.
- What's this?

A-- a technical malfunction?

- Where are they?
- They who?

Who, sir?

- They who crossed over.
- Not here!

No, sir.

Where is the people?

I'm right here you big bully!

Get off me, Tansy.

This is a violation
of inspection code four,

double eight, two point six.

Tansy, do you realize
what this means?


Let me explain.

You see, I was
here, not sleeping,

when there was-- out of
nowhere, a people in my room.

Mel, it was terrible!


Oh, here we go again.

Is he hurt?


He just fainted.

We constitution [INAUDIBLE]
Three days after my retirement

and now this.

The biggest disaster
in 100 years.

I'm sorry.


That's a peculiar name.

Mine's Melilot--
mirror master Melilot.

No, my name's Mary Margaret.

And I'm sorry if I
caused you any trouble.

No, no, no trouble.

Just the end of the
world as we know it.

Oh, wake up, Tansy,
and face the music.


Oh, Mel.

Oh, I had the most awful dream.

I dreamt that a--

a people came through my mirror.


Now, settle down, Tansy.

I've got to think how best
to handle the situation.

Y--y-- yes, sir-- think.


All right.

Hey, young people!


You can't go out there.

Why not?

Regulation 38, paragraph 7.

You've got to go back
to where you belong.

But I don't want to go back.

Nobody cares about me there.

I want to stay here.


You can't do it
without permission

from Queen Hysop herself.

Then I wish to see the queen.

Oh, nice going, blabbermouth.

Now we've got to take her--

spectrum code 34.7-- no request
for an audience for the queen

shall be denied.

So be it, Mary Margaret.

You want to see the queen,
then the queen you shall see.

But mark my words, you
will live to regret it.

So come along.

We've got a long and
perilous journey ahead.


So long, Mel.

Good luck, Mary Margaret.

Really nice meeting you.

Mirror minder Tansy, under
spectrum code section 358,

I'm required by Her Majesty
to take you back for judgment.

Oh, I was afraid
you'd say that.


What's this?


TANSY: It's Dragora.


No, no, no, no!

Don't touch it, young people.

It's an omen.

It's not an omen.

It's a caricature.

Come along you two.

It's getting late, and
we have a long way to go.

all these doors go to?

Each door leads to a mirror
room, just like Tansy's.

And every mirror
has mirror minder.

Mirror minder?

A guardian to make sure
that no one from your world

crosses over here.

But most importantly
that no on from our world

crosses over there.

But why would any mirror
people want to do that?

It's so beautiful here.

Oh, no, it's not just
mirror minders in our world.

No, no, no, no, no.

There's much more
dangerous creatures.



What's wrong?

Did you hear that, Tansy?

Here what?

What was that all about?

I thought I heard one of them.


The drakes, they can't
resist answering the call.


A society of tea-drinking,
caffeinated brutes,

lead by an unscrupulous
witch by the name of Dragora,

who claims to be a queen--

in strict violation
is speculum code 793.

Everybody knows the right
true queen of Mirror World

is none other than Hysop,
queen of plantings.

Let's just hope that Dragora
hasn't got wind of you.

Or you won't be safe anywhere.


What do they want with me?

You're the people.


Everybody knows that
peoples make the best tea.


Y--y-- you mean they--

Steep them in boiling
water for a good 60 seconds.

Oh, it's far worse
than that, Tansy.

Worse than being
dipped in boiling water?

Dragora will no doubt assume
that you have mirror berries,

and do everything in her
power to get them from you.

Thankfully, she doesn't
have any mirror berries.

- Do you?
- N--n--no.

I told you I don't.

Just the same, I don't think
we'd best vest on our laurels.




Hey, let me out of here.
Let me out of here.

Tea, Swanston!

Bring me my tea!

Just seconds more,
your Downiness.



Somebody help me.


It's getting hot in here.




Mirror minder,
steeped 10 seconds.

Your favorites, my queen.


It has a funny aftertaste.

Feed it to the soldiers.


I grow bored with
mirror minders.

Bring me some new
varieties of tea.

Your Downiest Majesty,
if I may have a word.

Have a tea Admiral Dabble.

It's a rich mirror minder.

Swanston, serve the Admiral!

An excellent,
excellent mirror minder.

Just a hint of nuttiness.

There is a disturbance
in the universe.

A mirror has been breached.


An hour ago,
you're Quackliness.


In the Westies.

They'll no doubt be heading
for Queen Hysop's Garden.


Two mirror minders,
and a people child.

A people child?

We must have her for tea--

steeped 60 seconds.

My thoughts precisely.

If a people is here,
it must have berries.

We must find out
where it came from.

If we can quack through
to the people world,

we'll have free access
to the finest of tea!

Billions of people just
waiting to be brewed.

Like sitting ducks, Majesty.

Oh, pardon my metaphor.

We must find the people
child before it reaches Hysop.

We'll take its berries, and
steep it for a full minute.

A rare treat, Majesty.

A plot most foul,
Your Quackiness.

Mel, you think--

I mean, is it
possible that Queen

Hysop won't have me planted?


Oh, difficult to say.

You know what a stickler
she is for the law.

Oh, dear.

But think on the
bright side, Tansy,

you failed abysmally
as a mirror minder.

Perhaps you'll make
a wonderful drop.

What are you
guys talking about?

MELILOT: You'll see soon enough.

Well, this looks like
a safe place to camp.

But we must keep our guard up.

Tansy, you take the first watch.



Well, it was your
unauthorized napping

that got us into this
mess in the first place,

which makes you the last of
us to get any sleep at all.

That's true, Tansy.

I saw you.

I most emphatically
was not sleeping!

I remember the good old
days when mirrors were

prized in the people's world.

Precious, rare, magical-- now--

now they're made with
such cheap materials

and shoddy craftsmanship.

Mirror minding has
practically become an--

a lost art.


Because only the fines of old
mirrors can be used as doorways

between our two worlds.

Do you know how
crazy this sounds?

Oh, really?

Well, you're the one who
pass through the mirror.

Now, stop your babbling
before you attract someone--

or somethings-- attention.


I'm sorry, Tansy.

It's not your fault.
Melilot was right.

I am an abysmal mirror minder
who deserved to be planted.

No, you're not.

You guarded that mirror for my
great grandmother all her life.

You did a great job.

She never had any
problems whatsoever.

I'll tell Queen
Hysop that myself.

Thanks, Mary Margaret, but I
don't think it'll do much good.

I've brought grave jeopardy
into our two worlds.



I have a confession to make.

I do have berries.


Oh! you do!

Oh, fibber, fibber, fibber!

Shh, quiet, Tansy, you
heard what Melilot said.

Oh, fibber, fibber,
pants a quiver.

I'm sorry, Tansy.

I was afraid to tell
you because I took

them from my
father's study, and I

was already in so much trouble.


What happened to these three?

Oh, the berries are only
good for one cross over each.

One berry, one trip.

After that,

they're worthless.

But I only crossed over once.

Well, that's not
possible, unless, of course,

somebody came up with you.

Oh, dear me.

Oh, you'd better
tell me who it is.

We have to confess
everything to Queen Hysop.

But I crossed over alone.

I swear it.

Berries don't fib.

People fib.

But it's true.

I know I fibbed
about having them.

But I promise I'm
telling the truth now.



Watch out, Mary
Margaret, they [INAUDIBLE]..

Oh, be careful, Mary Margaret.

Bella, Donna, you're real.

Of course we're real.

We're pixies.

Thank you for bringing
us home, people child.

We're forever grateful.

Careful, Mary Margaret.

They tickle.




Oh, Tansy, settle down.

It wasn't me, Mel.

That was the pixies.

Balderdash and piffle.

Pixies were stuck on the
people side eons ago.



You two get to sleep now.

I'll keep watch.

Excellent idea.




There they are.

I saw them just an instant
before you, Your Quagliness.

reconnaissance, my queen.



There's something out there.





They got us surrounded.

Quite right.

Our superior forces make
it useless to resist.

As highest ranking
member of our party,

I shall take the full
brunt of their assault.

Run away you two.

I've got them well at hand.

Come on, people.

Come along.

Come on, you.

Give me your all.

Come on.

Give me-- Help!

Come on, people.

Move your skinny butt!

Hey, people, wait for me.



Ah, Mirror Master Melilot.

What a pleasant surprise.

Swanston, Dabble,
and the fowl, Dragora.

I shall make you a most pungent
and disagreeable [INAUDIBLE]

Shut up!

I look forward to
it, Mirror Master.

But first, where is
the people child?

Deliver her to me!


- Tansy, wait!
- What?

Are you crazy?
We got to keep moving.

They're right behind us.

We have to save Melilot.

You heard him.

He specifically
ordered us to run.

Well, we can't
just leave him there.

He was so brave.

Yes, but that was his job.

What if they hurt him?

We'll feel really bad.

Yes, but if they hurt us,
we'll feel pretty bad too.

Possibly even worse.

Remember, they
steep mirror minders

for 10 seconds, but people,
they steep a good 60 seconds.

Nobody's gonna to steep me.

I'm going back for him.


Oh, well, all right.

But don't blame me
peoples when you find

yourself bumping in a tea pot.

Which mirror did it come from?

What is the people's name?

And who's the funny
looking fellow with her?

Now, now, now, you Drakes.

You're in violation of
speculum code 728.1.

Search him for berries.

With pleasure,
your [INAUDIBLE]..


Oh my gosh.

Poor Melilot.

What are they doing to him?

Oh, they're tickling him.

Tickling him?

Is that all?

Mirror minders
are so ticklish.


There they are.

Chase them!

That's odd.

I'm quite sure we're
not over there.

I can see their
beady little eyes.




Don't let them get away!

Tansy, come on.

Now's our chance.

You fools!

He's gotten away!


Oh, my teeth.

Another fine
operation, Edward.

Mary Margaret?

Mary Margaret?

I want to talk to you.

All right, young lady.

If that's they way
you want it, you

can stay in there until
you're ready to apologize.

We're still on?

I can't believe she's
defying me like this.

Why is it so important
that she give in first?

It's the principle, Gilbert.

She has to know who's boss.

She has to respect my authority.

I think she does
respect you, Sylvia.

Maybe all she's looking for
is a little respect in return.

Meaning what?

Meaning that neither
of us have paid

much attention to her lately.

We've been so wrapped
up in our own worlds,

it's no wonder she's
so wrapped up in hers.

She's such a great kid, Sylvia.

Maybe we should stop worrying
so much about her behavior

and start thinking of our own.

Go to her, honey.


Mary Margaret, honey?

Open the door.

Mommy's not mad anymore.
I promise.


Mary Margaret,
please open the door.

Mary Margaret?

Good heavens, what's
she done to the mirror?




Unauthorized possession
of mirror berries.

Transportation and
concealment of said berries.

Interactive [INAUDIBLE]
of a third-party crossing.

And finally, disregarding the
direct orders of a superior.

A total of 12 violations.

A most ignominious
record if I may say so.

We disregarded
your orders so we

could save you from the Drakes.

Nevertheless, a
violation is a violation

and must be documented
and reported.

You could at
least say thank you.

I bet your pardon.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

We must keep moving.

Dragora will not
give up so easily,

and the Drakes will try again.

Tansy, you'll have plenty of
time to rest in the garden.


Yeah, when I'm sprouting
roots and Lima beans.

We had them in the
palm of our hands,

and you let them slip away.


We fought them, Majesty.

We fought them hard.

There were pixies, Admiral.

My elite squadron fell
by a pair of newts.


Where is my tea?

In a moment, my queen.


Oh, no.



It's soothing mirror minder.

Here, my Queen.



Shall I make you
a tea, Admiral?

Yes, Majesty.


It's been a most stressful day.

Bring the people child to
me, alive and with berries.

Or I shall make you
a fine tea, Admiral,

steeped a full 24 hours.

Yes, I go now to defeat
the people, Majesty.


There they are, in the trees.



What was that?

An egg.

How strange.

I wonder where it came from.

I wonder what kind of bird
you suppose could have laid it.


Mary Margaret, quickly,
quickly, quickly.


I love the smell of
duck guts in the morning.

Oh, my compliments, Admiral.

These new smart eggs give
us a true tactical age.


Look, there's the statue
Mary Margaret made at school.

She must be in there.

But how is it possible?

I don't know.

You're the expert on
alternate dimensions.

Yes, but I never expected to
encounter one in my own home.

Oh, I've got to call Tuttle.

No, don't, honey.

That guy's a quack.

This is the
perfect opportunity

to try out the Doppelganger.

Grandma had some old
poem about this mirror.

Something to do with berries.

Well, well, well,
what have we here?

That's mine!

Silence people.

People is plural.

I'm not a people.

I'm a person.

My name is Mary Margaret.



At long last, I have berries!


Now, if you would be so kind
as to tell us which mirror

you came through.

That's none of your
business, you big ugly duck.

I'm not a duck.

I'm a Drake.


Why you featherless, little--

just for that, you'll
be first for tea.


It's tea time, my
loyal servants.

Prepare yourselves for
the greatest delicacy--

people tea!

And after we've
drunk our fill, we'll

be off to find the mirror.

Steep her, Swanston,
a full 60 seconds.

With pleasure,
your Quackliness.

Do something, Melilot.

What can I do?

I have no authority here.


Somebody help me.

Shut up.





Dear-- She's tea for certain.

MARY MARGARET: Tansy, please.

Steep her and be done with it.

Oh, poor, poor child.

the kind of fate

to be bouncing in [INAUDIBLE]




I knew you'd come back.

You don't need us anymore.

So we're going to leave you now.

Come on, you guys.

I do need you.

You're my friends.

Good bye, Mary Margaret.

You're scaring me.

It's getting hot.

Don't worry about us, child.

We enjoy a nice, hot bath.

Tansy, please.

Melilot, please help me.



Poor Mary Margaret.

Poor Mary Margaret.

People tea for your
approval, Majesty.


Problem, you're Quacktitude?

Not quite the people tea
I remember from my girlhood.

But interesting nonetheless.

Drink, please, my loyal ones.


What in heaven's name?

Mary Margaret
was a sweet child.

But as a tea, she's
a bit intoxicating.

No, I'm not.


Mary Margaret!

Mary Margaret!

You're not [INAUDIBLE]

I'm not a tea.

My friends saved me.

What friends?

You don't have any
friends but Tansy and me.

Melilot claimed it wasn't
our duty to save you.

I mean the pixies--

Bella and Donna.

Bella Donna-- why that's the
name of a plant in our world.

A very powerful plant.

One taste of it and you--

You get knocked out?


How did you know that?

Oh, I see--

Well, we must move quickly.

The effect won't last long.

And Dragora still
as the berries.

Get your [INAUDIBLE]
off my berries!


This is amazing.

A once in a lifetime opportunity
to test our [INAUDIBLE]..

We've been working for.

I don't care
about that, Tuttle.

I just want my daughter back.

Yes, yes, of course.

But there's nothing
wrong with winning

the Nobel Prize in the process.

Oh, Gilbert,
stand back, honey.

Something about
one berry here.

I beg your pardon.

Oh, an old poem.

I see.

Let's get to
work here, Tuttle.

Maximize the matrix dissolver.

Anti-matter the generator 10%.

You guys really think
this is gonna work?

I will stake my
reputation on it.

Remember, Swanston, our
very first cup of people tea.

What was that
people's name again?

Oh, your
[INAUDIBLE],, earl grey.

Yes, that's it.

Queen Hysop's court
is this way, isn't it?

Excellent navigational
skill, Majesty.

Don't make any
sudden movements.

And don't curtsy, just kneel.

And wait till your
turn to speak.

Don't-- don't laugh.

Don't smile.

Don't frown.

And don't defy her.

Just be yourself.

Approach the throne.

Mirror Master
Melilot, Your Majesty.

What say you, Mirror Master?

I regret to report
that we have an--

an unfortunate disruption
between the two realms.

A mirror has been violated?

Yes, Your Majesty.

And two mirror
berries have fallen

into the hands of Dragora--

have they not?

Well, in a way, Your Majesty.

And this people child
is responsible I presume?

Let me just say
that it was my fault.


I have no ear for
pathetic excuses.

You should have brought this
to my attention immediately.

We were on our way when--

Silence, people.

I'm speaking with Melilot.

We'll come to you soon enough.

Mirror Master Melilot, you
have mishandled this situation

from the first moment.

Stand aside to await sentencing.

Thank you, Your Majesty.

Minder Tansy,

step up and plead your cause.

Y--y--yes, Your Majesty.

Could I just say that
I was not sleeping.

You are a very
bad mirror minder.

Stand aside for sentencing.

Your Majesty, can
I just beg for mercy?


Thank you, Your Majesty.

Mirror Master Melilot
and Mirror Minder Tansy--

through your various

you have jeopardized
the existence of life

in both worlds.

I hereby sentence
you to planting.



I beg your pardon?

You can't do that.

It's not fair.

You didn't even listen
to what happened.

I don't have to
listen to anything.

I'm the queen.

Well, in my
opinion, you're not

much better than queen Dragora.

Dragora is not a queen.

I am the queen.

Tansy and Melilot
are the bravest, most

honorable people I've met here.

Tansy and Melilot
are not people.

You should be glad to
have them as your subjects.

They disobeyed orders.

Without order, there is chaos.

Carry out the sentences.

Tansy, Tansy, wake up.

It's time to be planted.



The royal watering can.

Begin the planting.




You're not a queen.

You're a monster.

Harsh words from someone
who has yet to be sentenced.

It doesn't matter
what I say, does it?

You're not listening anyway.

You're a spirited little
sapling, aren't you?

I'm not a sapling.

I'm a people.

I'll strike a
bargain with you.

What kind of bargain?

If you do as I ask, I
shall pardon your friends.


What is it?

Prevent Dragora from
crossing to the people world,

and I shall set
Melilot and Tansy free.


I'll try my best.

Run back to the mirror, child.

Time is running out.

Don't worry, you guys.

I'll be back.


I don't like it here.

I want to go home.

Settle down, Tansy.

It's not so bad.

It will grow on you.

Sylvia, angle the
mirror slightly forward.

We cannot afford any
peripheral reflection.

There's something
written here.

"With one berry, you
may pass into the world

inside the glass."

That's it!

"But ask you must
before you roam--

If what you seek
is found at home."

What is it?

It's my grandmother's
poem she used to recite

to me when I was a kid.

But what does it mean?

Excuse me, Sylvia.

But this is no time for poetry.

The Doppelganger is
reaching full charge.

Berries-- that's it.

Gilbert, where are you going?

Don't do anything
until I get back.

There she is--

the people child.

Wait here, Your Quackliness.

I will capture her for you.

You featherbrain,
leave her alone

and she'll lead
us to the mirror.

Excellent plan, Majesty.

Brilliant and well-spoken,
Your Downiness.

Come on--

Sylvia, projector
is ready to fire.

Wait one more
second for Gilbert.

We must not wait.

The [INAUDIBLE] is charged.

If we don't initiate the
anti-matter generator

immediately, it could incinerate
the entire university.


We're approaching
the danger zone.

Just a moment longer.

Stand back, Sylvia.

It's now or never.

Mary Margaret?

Mary Margaret?

Mary Margaret!

Get out of the way!

We're trying to open
the portal for you.


Oh, no.

Sylvia, get out of the way.

Tuttle, turn it off.

It could hurt Mary Margaret.

It's too late.

I have to fire.



Oh, no!


Are you crazy?

You could have broken
the Doppelganger.

You could have
hurt Mary Margaret.

Doppelganger is only
way to save your daughter.

No it's not.

This is.

"With one berry you
may pass into the world

inside the glass."

This is the key.

You're a fool, Gilbert, to put
your faith in nursery rhymes.

There's only one berry left.

I'm going in for her.

No, Gilbert.

I'm the one
responsible for this.

Let me go after her.

Nobody touches that mirror.

Tuttle, what are you doing?

This is a moment of truth--

the chance to
prove our theories.

We stand on the brink
of our greatest time,

and you would store it all away
for a moment of common emotion?

I can't let you do it, Sylvia.

I can't.

Stand back, or I
incinerate the both of you!

I always though you
were a quack, Tuttle.

Now I see you're
completely insane.

How do you speak to
me like that, Gilbert?

A small-minded man like you
can' be expected to understand

the likes of Sylvia and me.

Spare me the
comparison, Tuttle.

You go first, Dabble.

Subdue the people,
and deliver her to me.

Withe pleasure, my
fine feathered queen.

Stand close to me,
Swanston, and prepare

to defend your queen.

- As you wish, Majesty.
- Shh.

Come on.

You went through
the mirror once.

Please, do it again.



That statue is
not going to do you

a bit of good, little people.

Oh, yes it is.


Stand aside, people.

We're going through the
mirrors in search of tea.

Not if I can help it.

There's nothing you can do.

I have the berries.

One for Dabble, one for
Swanston, one for me,

and none for you.

It's almost time now.

Come on, Tuttle, give us five
minutes to save our daughter.

Your sentimentality-- it's
quite touching, Gilbert.

But the progress of
science cannot be halted.

Swanston, take
hold of the people

while I enter the mirror.


- Daisy?

Tuttle, please!

There must be [INAUDIBLE]
that nothing stand in our way.



Tea anyone?


Mary Margaret, duck!


Roast duck.



Your Downiness, are you there?

Majesty, are you there?


Dabble, wake up.

Wake up.

Dragora's disappeared.


Oh, mom.

More people.


I'm sorry, mom.

I didn't mean to
cause so much trouble.

It's OK.

I'm here now.

But how are you here?

The same way you are.

Berry Express.

Now the question is,
how do we get back?

We can't, mom.

The only way back
are the berries.

And there aren't
any berries here.

But it's beautiful here, mom.

And Tansy and Melilot
are really nice.

QUEEN HYSOP: Mary Margaret--

Mary Margaret--

Your Majesty.

I did it, Your Majesty.

I stopped Dragora
from crossing over--

we did, my mom and I.

Your Majesty.

Of course you did.

I knew you would.

You did?

Yes, child.

You're a strong, bright,
resourceful people, just

like your great grandmother.

You knew great
grandma Margaret?

A good people, and an
excellent mirror minder.

Mirror minder?

So it doesn't surprise
me at all that she

left her mirror to you.

I'm a mirror minder?

QUEEN HYSOP: You are now.

Your great
grandmother's mirror is

one of the few remaining
mirror in your world

that can act as a
portal into our world.

Therefore, it requires
mirror minders

on both sides of the glass--

you in your world,
and Tansy in ours.

You mean I have my job back?

Of course you may.

But in the future,
if you wish to nap,

I suggest you find someone
to assume your watch.

Oh, don't worry, Your Majesty.

I'll take good care of him.


Are you guys all right?

Just ducky!


But Your Majesty, we
don't have any more mirror

berries to get home again.

Dragora dropped these
as she went flying past.

I believe you know
how to use them.

Oh, thank you, Your Majesty.

Take good care of
this people child,

she is quite special to me.

And to me too, Your Majesty.

Very well then, I'm off.

I have an entire world to tend.

Thank you, Your Majesty.

Good bye.




I thought that we'd
lost you in there.

Mom saved me.

She was great.

Yeah, she is great.

I want you to know, honey,
that Bella and Donna are

welcome at our home any time.

Thanks, mom.

But Bella and Donna
won't be coming back.

Oh, I'm sorry, honey.

It's OK.

Every time I look in the
mirror, I'll remember them.

And I'll always have
Tansy right in there.

Well, we won't have to
worry about that anymore.

That's the end of the berries.

I'm gonna keep
an eye out anyway.

It's a big responsibility
being the mirror minder.

The what?

I think that's a good idea.

You don't want to
disappoint the queen.

The who?

It's a long story, Gilbert.

Well, I'd like to hear it.

How about over dinner?
- Yeah.

I'm starved.



What happened to Dr. Tuttle?

Oh, he made an important
discovery tonight--

that love wins out over science.



Melilotus Alba.


Tanacetum Vulgare.


OK you two, dinner's ready.

Hey, dad.

What happened to all
the mirror berries?

They're gone, thank goodness.
Come on.

Dinner is going to get cold.

I made your favorite--

roast duck.

Let's get him!




Where are you?

Your Downiest Majesty.

I must have revenge,
Dabble, on the people child,

on her people mother, and on all
the people of the people world.

But Majesty, before you
can have your revenge,

you need mirror berries to cross
over into the people world.

DRAGORA: Find me berries!

Or find me some other way!