M. Butterfly (1993) - full transcript

During the Cultural Revolution in China in the mid-1960s, a French diplomat falls in love with a singer in the Beijing Opera. Interwoven with allusions to the Puccini opera "Madama Butterfly", a story of love and betrayal unfolds.

The expense reports from Intelligence.

I don't believe it.

Did they give you any trouble?

No, not at all.


"Documentation attached."

Well, I couldn't be happier.

So how are you settling in?

Well, fine. Fine.

The apartment's a bit earnest

and Sovietic, but it's very comfortable.

Yes, well, we all have

the same furniture, you know. Mm-hm.

It comes from one small factory

in Clermont-Ferrand.

Oh, my God.

Things certainly are different here.

You find it different

from your days with Renault, do you?

Well, yes, I do.

You know,

never mind the license to kill...

...those boys certainly have a license

to spend money.

Well, at least it breaks the routine.

- I started in transportation this morning.

- Good.

I'm up to 57 windshield wiper blades

in the past six months.


What are they driving through,

sulfuric acid?

I expect it's all the locals,

spitting on the windscreens.

My God, is it the Swedish

or the Swiss Embassy holding this soirée?

I think it's the Swiss.

No, no, no, you're...

No, you're right,

it's definitely the Swedish.

Well, then, we're over here.

What are they planning

to inflict on us tonight?

Not those Chinese acrobats again,

I hope.

There's a limit

to the times I can watch...

...a man trying to get his leg

around the back of his neck.

Oh, Frau Baden says

there's going to be an opera performance.


Is there some diva

passing through town?

No, it's a local singer.

We're going to hear excerpts

from Madama Butterfly.

I'm embarrassed to admit

I'd never seen Madame Butterfly.


Don't tell anyone though.

I've got one or two people around here

thinking I'm profoundly cultured.

She will fall in love

with an American sailor.

A big mistake.

Why is that?

He will marry her, but he's not serious.

Her American sailor has now left her.

He's not coming back.

Mademoiselle Song is very striking, yes?

But she simply has no voice.

There she is. Excuse me.

Wonderful performance.

Thank you very much.

I really enjoyed it.

She's so wonderful, isn't she?

Oh, she's a nice lady.

Mademoiselle Song.

- It was a beautiful performance.

- Thank you.

I've always seen opera singers

as overweight ladies...

...in too much bad makeup.

Bad makeup is now unique to the West.

I've never seen a performance

as convincing as yours.


Me, as a Japanese woman?

Did you know the Japanese

used thousands of our people...

...for medical experiments

during the war?

But I gather such an irony is lost on you.

No, no, what I...

What I meant was,

you made me see the beauty of the story.

Of her death.


It's pure sacrifice.

I mean, he's not won'thy of it,

but what can she do?

She loves him so much.

It's very beautiful.

Well, yes, to a Westerner.

I beg your pardon?

It's one of your favorite fantasies,

isn't it?

The submissive Oriental woman

and the cruel white man.

Oh, I... I don't think so.

Consider it this way.

What would you say

if a blond cheerleader...

...fell in love

with a short Japanese businessman?

He marries her

and then goes home for three years...

...during which time

she prays to his picture...

...and turns down marriage

from a young Kennedy?

Then when she learns her husband

has remarried, she kills herself.

Now, I believe you would consider this girl

to be a deranged idiot, correct?

But because it's an Oriental

who kills herself for a Westerner...

...you find her beautiful.


Well, I see your point.

The point is, it's the music, not the story,


Gallimard. René Gallimard.

If you wish to see some great theater...

...come to the Beijing Opera sometime.

And further your education.

You know, the Chinese

are an incredibly arrogant people.

They warned us in Paris about it,


Hmm. There's a switch.

Parisians calling the Chinese arrogant.

There's no use fussing about it.

Whenever I see one of them

blowing his nose onto the pavement...

...I always remember

what my father said.

"East is East and West is West,

and never the twain shall meet."

And then I feel much better.


So tell me...

...did you get a chance to meet

Lars Hammer's new wife?

Oh, no.

You know, she's the one

really running that embassy these days.


I hear she's quite homely.

I left early.

Oh, dear,

are you coming down with this cold too?

No, I'm fine.

It's just...

Well, it...

It's silly, but...

I met the Chinese equivalent of a diva.

She's a singer with the Peking Opera.

Oh, where they sing like cats wailing?

She sang the death scene

from Madame Butterfly.

Actually, it's a funny thing

about Chinese.

It sounds more like singing

when they're just speaking normally.

Do you know

that the Chinese hate Madame Butterfly?

She hated it,

but she performed it anyway?

They hate it

because the white man gets the girl.

Sour grapes, if you ask me.

Why can't they just see it

as a piece of beautiful music?


Thank you.

Um... Uh...


It's... It's...

Um, opera.

- Oh.

- Um...

Oh, thank you.

Monsieur Gallimard, come in.

You knew I was in the audience.

It was easy to spot you.

So you are an adventurous imperialist.

Well, I thought it was time

to continue our education.


It only took you three weeks.

I've been busy.

Well, education has always been

undervalued in the West, hasn't it?

I wouldn't say that.

No, of course you wouldn't.

After all, how can you objectively judge

your own values?

I think it's possible

to achieve a little distance.

Do you?

Be a gentleman, will you,

and light my cigarette?

The Oriental woman

has always held a certain fascination...

...for you Caucasian men.

Is that not true?


But that fascination is imperialist.

Or so you tell me.


It is always imperialist.

But sometimes...

Sometimes it is also mutual.

This is my home.

Come another time...

...and we will continue

the process of education.



What are you doing?

Oh, I had the most amazing dream.

I'm surprised

you had the time to dream at all.

When did you get in last night, anyway?

Oh, I went to the, uh, Koenig's.

You know what's it like

when they get in a new shipment of beer.

I shart go back there in a hurry.


Song Liling?

That is my father.

It was very good

that he did not live to see the revolution.

They would, no doubt,

have made him kneel on broken glass.

Not that he didn't deserve

such a punishment.

But he was my father.

I would have hated to see it happen.

There is an element of danger

to your presence.

You must know that.

It doesn't concern me.

It doesn't concern me either.

Well, perhaps.

I am slightly afraid of scandal.

What are we doing that's scandalous?

I'm entertaining you in my parlor.

Where I come from

that would hardly be construed as...

You come from France.

France is a country

living in the modern era.

Perhaps even ahead of it.

China is a nation...

...whose soul is firmly rooted

2000 years in the past.

What I do,

even pouring the tea for you now...

...it has implications.

Please, go.


Monsieur Gallimard.

I never invited a man to my home before.

The forwardness of my actions

makes my skin burn.

Please, go now.

If I go now...

...what assurance will you have

that I'll ever return?

You are cruel.


Shall we skip the Frisches' party?

No, you mistake the whole situation.

You're not going to bore me

with political talk.

It's most important

that you don't worry about it.

- No, no.

- Me, worry?

The Chinese masses

have accepted Communism...

...but they're used

to following their warlords.

No, it would never work.

Don't waste your time

even thinking about Frau Baden.

That womars built like

the Forbidden City.

Everyone can look,

but no one gets inside.

I'm sorry, am I disturbing something?


We have to say,

we're not at all pleased...

...with the way you've been sending back

our expenses for further documentation.


Well, I'm sorry to hear that.

Because I found

two more questionable items tonight.

Is there something

you're trying to prove?

It's not a case of trying to prove anything,

I'm just doing my job.

I mean, if you...

If you really thought you could get away

with your indiscretions forever...

...well, then, you were mistaken.

You listen to me.

You're nobody.

You're worse than nobody.

You're an accountant.


If you're not careful...

...we'll break all your pencils in half.

I played with my father.

- You did?

- Yes.

- Was he a choirmaster?

- Ha, no.

- He wasrt?

- No, we were living...

No, for a while in India.

- Was it Punjab?

- Yes, how did you know?

- I've been to Ceylon.

- Really?

We visited India years ago.

But China is quite a transition, isn't it?

Yeah, do you miss Paris

as much as I do?

To tell you that truth,

I don't even have the time.

- No, but, I...

- We're still unpacking.

I have things to do.

And it's really, really very different.

I'm still trying to figure out, you know,

what the...

Did we fight?

I do not know.

Is the opera no longer of interest to you?

Please, come back.

My audiences miss the white devil

in their midst.

It has been six weeks since we last met.

And still I have not heard from you.

Sometimes, I hate you.

Sometimes, I hate myself.

But always, I seem to miss you.

Your rudeness is beyond belief.

Don 't bother to call.

I'll have you turned away at the door.


René, I think we've located

that diversion we were...

I am out of words.

I can hide behind dignity no longer.

What more do you want?

I have already given you my shame.

Look, if you're so certain

I'm overstepping my bounds, then fine.

Take it up with Ambassador Toulon

for all I care.

Funny, I already have.

Monsieur Gallimard.

The ambassador has been trying

to locate you for the past half hour.

The ambassador?

Look, Gallimard,

there's not much to say.

I've liked you from the day you arrived.

You were no leader,

but you were tidy and efficient.

- Thank you, sir.

- Don't jump the gun.

But over these past few months...

I don't know how it's happened.

- You've become this new

aggressive, overconfident thing.

The reports I've been getting on you...

Well, sir, I... I...

Well, I take my job, uh...

I take it seriously.

Well, well.

You see...

...our needs here in China are changing.

It's still an embarrassment

that we lost Indochina.

We are going to be doing a lot more

intelligence gathering in the future.

Some people...

...are just going to have to go.

Vice Consul LeBon is being transferred,

as is most of his staff.

Sir, if there's, um...

But not you.

Not me?

Scared you?

Mm. I think I did.

Cheer up, Gallimard.

I want you to replace LeBon

as vice consul.


I need a new man to coordinate

a revamped intelligence division.

Paris is demanding something more

than the same old photos...

...showing Chinese cadres

screwing peasant girls in the rice paddies.

And if anyone can shake those boys up,

it's you.

You already have.

So congratulations, Gallimard.

Thank you, sir.

Mademoiselle Song?

Are you mad?

Coming here at this hour?

I've been promoted.

To vice consul.

And what is that supposed

to mean to me?

I came tonight for an answer.

Are you my Butterfly?

What are you saying?

Are you my Butterfly?

- Don't you know already?

- I want you to say it.

I don't want to say it.

I do know one thing.

I have already given you my shame.


It's enough that I even wrote it.

Well, if you admit that,

why not answer my question?

I don't want to.

Are you my Butterfly?

I want honesty.

No falseness between us.

No false pride.


I am your Butterfly.

René, please, gently.

I've never...


René, please let me keep my clothes on.

It all frightens me.

Modesty is so important to the Chinese.

My little treasure.

I don't want to be cruel.

I want to teach you.


Know now, that we embark

on the most forbidden of loves.

I'm so afraid of my destiny.

There is no destiny.

Except the one we make for ourselves.

You think because we live in houses

with electricity...

...that we are suddenly Westerners?

The Chinese are an ancient people.

We cling to the old ways of life and love.

Though inexperienced, I'm not ignorant.

They teach us things, our mothers...

...about pleasing a man.

Clearly, I have a great deal to learn.

Should you refuse

to help me learn it, of course...

...we'll be constantly at odds

with one another.

Uh, but I would ask you, please,

to bear one thing in mind.

Our world is changing.

We French lost our war in Indochina...

...because we failed to learn

about the people we sought to lead.

It's natural, therefore, correct, even...

...that they should resent us.

How could they do otherwise...

...when we refuse to treat them

like fellow human beings?


There is a mystery

you must clarify for me.

What mystery?

With your pick of Western women...

...why did you choose a poor Chinese

with a chest like a boy?

Not like a boy, like a girl.

Like a young, innocent schoolgirl...

...waiting for her lessons.

There's an old Chinese proverb

which says:

"To waste teaching on a girl

is just like tossing rice into the wind."

The Chinese men,

they keep women down.

What, even in the New Society?

In the New Society,

we are all kept ignorant equally.

That's one of the exciting things

about loving a Western man.

I know you're not threatened

by your slave's education.

Mm. Certainly not.

Especially when my slave

has so much to teach me.

Tomorrow afternoon, at 1700 hours...

...we will detonate six atom bombs

over the Forbidden City.

That's the last of the bugs, sir.

That should give those Reds

a thing or two to worry about.

Thank you.

You remember the Americans,

don't you?

Since they don't have an embassy here,

they asked us to be their eyes and ears.

Say Lyndon Johnson signed an order

to bomb North Vietnam, Laos...

...how would the Chinese react?

Well, they'd squawk.

But, you know, in their hearts,

the Chinese don't even like Ho Chi Min.


Deep down, they're attracted to us.

They find our ways exciting.

Of course, they'd never admit it.

But the Oriental will always submit

to the greater force.

So if the Americans demonstrate

the will to win, the Vietnamese...

Mark my words.

- They will welcome them

into a mutually beneficial union.

You really believe that?

Sir, with all due respect,

you don't really think those little men...

...could have beaten us

without our unconscious consent, do you?

There are fewer things I understand

than I care to admit.

That's why I have men like you.

I'll note your opinions in my report.

The Americans always love to hear

how welcome they are.

Yes, well, I certainly...

Comrade Chin.

Forgive me, I didn't expect you.


Decadent trash.

He's begun to tell me about Vietnam.

The Americans plan to increase

troop strength to 170,000 soldiers...

...with 120,000 militia

and 11,000 advisers.

Don't you understand how degrading

those images are to women?

And why do you have to behave this way

when he is not even here?

Comrade, in order to better serve

the great proletarian state...

...I practice my deception

as often as possible.

I despise this costume.

Yet, for the sake of our great helmsman,

I will endure it...

...along with all the other bourgeois

Western perversions.

I'm not convinced that this will be enough

to redeem you in the eyes of the party.

I'm trying my best

to become somebody else.

So I say to the Americans, Diem must go.

I mean, the U.S. Wants to be respected

by the Vietnamese...

...and there they are propping up

this seminarian nonentity as a president.

A man whose only claim to fame

is his sister-in-law.

A woman who imposes

fanatical moral order campaigns.

The Oriental woman, when she's good...

...she's very, very, very good.

But when she's bad, she's Christian.

Still playing the

missionary, are you, Gallimard?

Or are there other positions

that interest you as well?

You seem awfully shy, Gallimard.

Don't say this is the first time

that you're doing this.

Well, you could call it

my first extra extramarital affair.

I called room service for a bottle of wine,

but I think they probably...

Don't you think we have had enough

to drink for tonight?


You look exactly as I imagined you would

under your clothes.

What did you expect?

So come and get it.

You've been drinking.

I've missed you.

- You expect me to give up my career?

- Of course not.

I am your slave.


You toss words like that around

as if you really meant them.

But I do.

Well, let's test this obedience of yours.

Take your clothes off.

Come on.

I'm a man.

I want to see you naked.

But I thought you understood

my modesty.

I thought you respected my shame.

I believe you gave me your shame

some time ago.

And it is just like a white devil

to use it against me.

White devil, so?

I'm no longer your lord and master.

So your obedience has limits, I see.

Why are you treating me like this?

Because all this rubbish...

...about me being faithful

and good to you and...

Well, I'm not what you think I am.

Even the softest skin

becomes like leather...

...to a man who's touched it too often.

I confess.

I do not know how to stop it.

I do not know how to change my body

into the body of another.


Strip me.

Our love, in your hands.

I'm helpless before you.


I'm pregnant.

- What?

- I'm pregnant.

Oh, Butterfly.


I've betrayed you in so many ways,

but I'll love you.

Mm. I'll rescue you.

And save you, and protect you, and...

You have.

Tonight, my beautiful master.

Believe me, you have saved my life.

I wish I were coming with you.

Dream of me and of your son.

I will return with him

from my parents' village...

...when he is 3 months old

as is our custom.

I've told you I'll be perfectly happy

with a daughter.

I am certain it will be a son.

I need a baby.

A Chinese baby with blond hair.

Ha, ha, ha.

This is wonderful talk.

You really are mad.

Trading babies?

The ministry will never approve

such a thing. Ha.


You tell the ministry

we can no longer provide them...

...any more information

on American troop movements in Vietnam.

I've done my best.

Tell them you personally have decided

the revolution...

...is not won'th any more sacrifice.

I'll wait here.

We will struggle with this in committee.


Why, in Beijing opera, are womers roles

traditionally played by men?

I don't know.

Probably a remnant of the reactionary

and patriarchal social structure.


It's because only a man knows

how a woman is supposed to act.

In short, gentlemen,

the report stresses that:

"The fanatical student movement

known as the Red Guard...

...has emerged as a genuinely potent

reactionary political force...

...which will seize upon any excuse

to justify the expulsion...

...of all foreigners from China.

It is, therefore, incumbent

upon all Western diplomatic personnel...

...to maintain

the lowest possible profile."

Gachot, that means

no more dim sum in Fuxingmen District.



I promised you a son.

You see?

Your son.


Oh, my God.

He's so beautiful.

Oh, Butterfly.

What you've done for me.

I've thought about this over and over

while you were away.

I swore to God, if you came back safely,

I'd never let you go again.

I want you to marry me, Butterfly.

I want us to live together.

I want to...

I'll take you to Paris.

I can't marry you, René.

It's all right, I'll divorce my wife.

I can get you out of China.

I can't.


I'm so sorry.

The Red Guards now say

all artists are criminals.

I had to beg them

for just a few moments.

Promise me:

Never forget what our love

has brought to life.


René, whatever happens,

the days I spent with you...

...were the only days I ever truly existed.

Not if you examine them carefully.

No, I don't think it's likely to happen.

- Don't you agree?

- Hmm.

Don't you really?

- Morning.

- Morning.

Back to the abacus.

It's nothing personal.

I'm being sent home because I was wrong

about the American war.

Of course not.

We don't care about the Americans.

We care about your mind,

the quality of your analysis.

All right.

You said China would open up

to Western trade.

The only thing they're likely to trade

out there are Western heads.

And, yes, uh, you said the Americans

would succeed in Vietnam.

You were kidding, right?

You are all here

because you do not know how to dig...

... into the flinty soil of China

and discover its revolutionary future.

We shall teach you how to dig.

You are all here because you are artists,

writers and intellectuals...

... and, therefore, are the enemies

of the great cultural revolution.

We shall rehabilitate you and

teach you how to serve the revolution.

You are all here because you have

alienated yourselves from the people.

We shall redeem you

and send you back...

... to serve the New Society

which you have abandoned.

You are all here

because you represent the four O 's:

Old thoughts, old culture,

old customs and old habits.

Hard labor will cleanse you

of these evils...

... and transform you

into citizens of the future.

You shall now meditate

as you work on today's quotation...

... from Chairman Mao.

When I left China, everything fell apart.

I live alone now.

One more round for my friend.


Now, in China, it was different.

I was different.

Why, sure.

You were white.

No, it was her.

It was her.

Goddamn it.

Must be those fucking students again.

Talk about China.

I'll bet if you go out that door,

you'll think you're back in Beijing.

Every damn leftist student in Paris

has Mao's Little Red Book in his hand...

...and a red firecracker up his ass.

They're all playing at being

Chinese Communists with white skin.



Please forgive me.

After all these years...

...I have no right to even hope...

...that you might remember.


I knew you'd come.

But where's your wife?

She's here.

She's right here in my arms.


Monsieur Gallimard, I am Henri Etancelin

of Domestic Intelligence.

Will you please come with us?

That was 1968 when I arrived in Paris.

For the next two years,

I lived a very comfortable life.

I did some demonstrations

around the country...

...as part of my cultural exchange cover.

And the spying?

Not much at first.

René had lost all his high-level contacts.

The Chinese intelligence wasrt too happy

with parking ticket statistics.

Finally, at my urging,

René got a job as a courier...

...carrying sensitive

government documents.

Did he understand what you planned to do

with the documents?

I told him the Chinese

were holding our son...

...and expected a few favors

before we would be allowed to see him.

He cried and said nothing.

And then one day, he returned

with his first diplomatic pouch.

In his own small way,

René was the perfect father.

Your witness.

The prosecution claims Mr. Gallimard

was fully aware of the implications...

...of his espionage activities.

Is this your opinion, Mr. Song?

I have no opinions.

Then let's approach the matter

from another angle.

Was Monsieur Gallimard aware

of other aspects of your relationship?

Say, the fact that you are a man?

Well, he never saw me completely naked.


But, surely, he must have...

How shall I put this?

Put it however you like.

In all our years together,

René never explored my body.

Monsieur Song, please.

In all your years together...

...he never even once?

He was very responsive

to my ancient Oriental ways of love.

All of which I invented myself

just for him.

You haven't really answered

the question.

Did he know you were a man?

You know, Your Honor, I never asked.

What do you want from me?

Are you my Butterfly?

You still adore me, don't you?

You still want me.

Even in a suit and a tie.

You're not.

You're nothing.

You're nothing like my Butterfly.

Are you so sure?

Come here, my little one.

I'm not your little one.

Ah. My mistake.

I am your little one.


What are you doing?

Helping you to see through my act.

- Stop doing that.

- But that's what you always wanted.

Well, I...

I don't want it now.

Oh, stop that. Stop that.

Look at me.

Look at you?

I fail to see what's so funny.

Oh, well, you never had much

of a sense of humor, did you?

I just think it's ridiculously funny...

...that I've wasted all this time...

...on just a man.

I'm not just a man.

Don't you remember

that theater in China...

...where we met so many years ago?

The place where you gave me your heart.

The skin I remember.

The curve of her cheek.

The softness of her mouth.

I am your Butterfly.

Under the robes, beneath everything...

...it was always me.

Tell me you adore me.

How could you,

who understood me so well...

...make such a mistake?

You've shown me your true self.

But what I loved was the lie.

A perfect lie...

...that's been destroyed.

You never really loved me.

I'm a man who loved a woman...

...created by a man.

Anything else simply falls short.

Special delivery.

Pay the postman.

Big performance for you tonight,



The biggest of my career.

You know me, yes?


Because I'm a celebrity.

I make people laugh.

I made all of France laugh.

- Yeah.

- Oh, yeah, yeah.

But really, if you'd understood,

you wouldn't laugh at all.

Quite the contrary, men like you

should be beating down my door...

...begging to learn my secrets.

For I, René Gallimard...

...have known and been loved

by the perfect woman.

There is a vision of the Orient

that I have...

...of slender women

in cheongsams and kimonos...

...who die for the love

of unwon'thy foreign devils...

...who are born and raised

to be perfect women...

...who take whatever punishment

we give them and spring back...

...strengthened by love unconditionally.

It's a vision that has become my life.

My mistake was simple and absolute.

The man I loved was not won'thy.

He didn't deserve even a second glance.

But instead, I gave him my love.

All of my love.

Love warped my judgment,

blinded my eyes...

...so that now

when I look into the mirror...

...I see nothing but...

I have a vision of the Orient...

...that deep within her almond eyes,

there are still women.

Women willing to sacrifice themselves

for the love of a man.

Even a man whose love

is completely without won'th.

Death with honor is better...

...than life with dishonor.

So at last...

...in a prison far from China...

...I have found her.

My name is René Gallimard.

Also known as Madame Butterfly.