L'ultimo padrino (2008) - full transcript

A TV movie focused on former Mafia boss Bernardo Provenzano and the policemen who tried to catch him.

Many are the trials

we are subjected to.

The best solution

is not always the easiest.

But tell him he should turn a blind eye.

before we close both of his.

What’s he doing?

That's where he hides the notes!

- It's time.
- Great!

- Fly. Giant.
- I’ll fly.

Pull it up!

- Can I make a call?
- Dial 0 first.

live done everything you said. I photographed it and put it back.

There’s a girl carrying a blue bag on her way out.

The note says they're taking someone to see Uncle this evening.

It seems Uncle is expecting visitors.

We have to find out who’s passing the information on to him.

That's where
the exchange takes place.

- She's left the bag there.
- She's passed the note on.

- To that guy? What do you think?
- It’s possible.

Let’s follow him.

- Alfiere. Africa, you go after him.
- Message received, boss.

The guys inside are starting to get edgy.

WhaUwith the tough jail regime and no sign of their retrials yet.

Do the,^ think we don't give a damn?

We see to all their needs, and their families.

We promised them they'd start to release them after ten years.

- But nothing’s happened.
- The 10 years aren't up yet!

- So what?
- With your permission

would like to say something too.

Shuteye, you're right.

I promised I’d have things sorted out in ten years, but instead

it’s taking longer. What do we do? Start with the bombs again?

Have we achieved anything with this truce with the state?

This truce has enabled us to get back on our feet.

We’ve started to grow again, without being noticed.

If we start fighting the state again, they'll tear us to pieces again.

The day our wonderful organization becomes invisible

and ceases to scare them.

then we will have the retrials

and the end of
the tough prison regime.

But we still have a long hard road to undertake, like that of Moses.

Our Promised Land gets closer every day.

And I will take you there.

Look in your pockets and tell me

whether you have more money now. or 10. 20 years ago.

War costs, and peace profits.

Explain that

to those who complain, to those in jail.

to those in need.

Tell them that Uncle always keeps his promises.

God bless you.

Slow down, don't get too close.

We were right. He's been driving around for three hours.

- Right. Don’t lose
- Don't worry.

Get a move on. Giant! Let's get closer to him.

Be careful.

Don't get worked up. Uncle.

It's for tonight.

o one must know about it.
No one.

He’s pulling over.

He's stopped the car.

There's a distinguished-looking man with a bag getting into his car.

He's taken his glasses off. he’s passing him something.

Africa, get closer. I can't see.

- What’s he doing?
- Putting something over his face.

A blindfold. So he won't know where he's taking him.

He's the man Uncle's waiting for.

I'll alert the others.

This is it. boys.
Keep your distance.

This way. doctor.

- Is everything okay?
- No hitches.

Excuse me. doctor.

Go inside.

We're all ready, sir.

What are we waiting for? He's only 150 mts away, boss!

Let's go and get him.

- Freeze!
- I’m unarmed!

Stay where you are! Didn't you hear us. you shit?

No! No! Don't shoot!

It's got nothing to do with me!

- Fiore!
- There's no one here.

- No luck!
- He's not here!

- Tell me where he is! Where is he?
- Who are you talking about?

• Get your hands up!
- On your knees.

Look in the hen-coop!

- I don't believe it.
- Too good to be true.

The doctor came here to see Uncle.
He should have been here.

Perhaps he's still in the area, he may be nearby.

Send me all the men you can. we’ll comb the area.

It's me.

Yes. Sanna wants reinforcements. All you have, the helicopter too.

Mister Prosecutor.

They come for you at night, blindfold you. and you think that's normal?

- Calm down. Roberto!
- I won’t fucking calm down!

Get him out of here.

- He knew who the patient was.
- That's possible.

It's possible.

But he’ll never tell you. so calm down.

I'm innocent! I’m innocent!

They're all innocent here!

Take him away.
Take him away, come on.

The innocent man was carrying these notes addressed to Uncle.

- What are these?
- It's a drug for the prostate.

There are six boxes of it.

Good day. Uncle. What's up?

-Something went wrong.
- Something, or somebody?

Someone who wanted to take Benedetto Faro's place.

and not only that.

Is there any proof?

No proof, just beliefs.

I know it was Shuteye and the Schisa brothers, that's what I believe.

And if you give me permission. I'll take care of it for you.

There's a time for everything.

I need to see a doctor.

Leave it to me.
We can get hold of the best doctors.

It’s not that easy.
it's more complicated than that.

The cops were there waiting for me.

They know now.

These are all doctors involved in or suspected of Mafia activities.

There are important names there, even urologists, like the one with Faro.

We have to check them all out. particularly the urologists.

We need reinforcements.

Know why the man we are looking for has been at large for 40 years?

Have you ever wondered why he's the only one of the old guard

to have survived
the Mafia wars and the arrests

that followed the murders of judges Falcone and Borsellino?

Or why he's the only one no Mafia turncoat has ever talked about.

and who has left behind
a trail of murders yet no trace?

Because he’s more intelligent, more wily and more cautious.

He’s the only man we only have one photo of. and that's an old one.

We don't even know what he looks like.

If we treat him like any other fugitive, we'll never catch him.

So you're telling us not to check out the doctors?

We’ll do that too. we can’t leave any stone unturned.

but I think I’ve worked out
how he thinks.

He won’t approach any doctor connected with the Mafia.

He’ll look for someone who's clean, like that doctor with Faro.

He might even refuse to see a specialist

because he knows we can check them out much easier.

He needs these. Letts c-hec-k the chemists as well as the doctors.

and record all the names of those who buy these drugs, especially in bulk.

Anything else?

Yes. We'll check the sales and rescriptions of the last few months.

Good hunting.

Well, doctor?

- Look. Mr...
- Caruano.

Mr Caruano.

I don’t feel I can make a diagnosis.

The only thing I can tell you is you’ll need further tests...

and rather urgently too.

Jjfapu need a’specialist.
- Why’s that?

- You need a specialist.
- Why’s that?

Because this isn't my

I treat more trivial diseases.

Is it that serious?

Mr Caruano.
it's not very professional of me.

But you’re a doctor. You know.

You have a tumour.

A tumour?


How long have I got?

couldn’t tell you that.

I don’t know this kind of carcinoma.
I don’t know how aggressive it is.

I don't know whether it’s operable, or curable, if there's any treatment.

The only thing I can do is give you the name of the specialist structures

and the names of two specialists, two brilliant surgeons.

• You're as sweet as sugar. Really.
- Thanks.

You know I'm happy to help.
See you Sunday. Annetta.

- Yes. see you Sunday. Bye.
- No luck. As always.

-Were you hoping she'd say something?
-No. but...

How did she sound?

ormal. same as usua

Either she doesn't know her husband's ill. or she thinks it’s not serious.

- Keep listening in.
- Sure.

I listen, look, follow. Other people's lives are my speciality.

- What do you mean?
- Nothing.

- Shall we talk about your life then?
- No. I know even less about that.



can talk about your life.

I know you well. And I know what you need in order to be happy.

- It’s under your nose.
- Go away! Get back to work!

- I have a list of suspect chemists.
- Have you found anything?

There are two chemists in Ciminna.

Altieri, don't keep me waiting all day.

Yesterday two different people went to buy

three boxes of this drug.

Ciminna is thirty kilometres from where we arrested Faro.

- Well done.
- Do you know who they are?

We have their names, we’re checking them out.


Hurry up.

Hurry up!

I don't need these any more.

What did he say?

I took the results of the scan you had done to a specialist in Palermo.

He said it's serious.

->How serious?
I \
- It's very widespread.

• How serious?
- It's very widespread.

Uncle, you need to undergo an urgent operation.

- Yes. but we’ll have to go abroad.
- Where to?

Abroad, the cops are watching all the hospitals here.

Somewhere far away, you take care of it.

It’ll take some time to find the right contacts.

Time? Do you know how much time I have left? I don’t.

Only Our Lord knows that.

But I have faith, you know, a great deal of faith.

Ciccio. no one must find out about this. No one.

No one will.

But to make sure no one suspects, we’ll have act quickly.

Now the cops have arrested Faro the mice are playing.

- What mice?
- The Schisa brothers.

They've contacted Shuteye. He's convinced he can branch out.

And you know when people branch out

some people get tempted to take it all.

If you give me your blessing..

Only the Pope
can give his blessing...

- I want to see my wife.
- I'll arrange it.

Your servant. Uncle.

Don’t forget.

Good man.

Don Peppe.

Good morning.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

- Good morning. Don Peppino.
- Good morning. Everything okay?

- Good day. Don Peppino.
- Good morning.

- The usual?
- The usual.

Where are you going, you son of a bitch?

Where are you going?

"The sun will be darkened, the moon will not give her light

and the stars
will fall from Heaven.

Watch therefore.

for ye know hot
what hour your Lord doth come."

Let me through.

Let me through.

Peppino Schisa. a businessman.
Connected to Benedetto Faro.

Peppino Schisa. a businessman. Connected to Benedetto Faro.

-His brother Salvatore was killed on the road to Palermo shortly after.

It’s a settling of accounts, they want Uncle's protection.

They're after Faro's place.

And someone’s probably already won.

The men who bought the medicines in Ciminna appear to be clean.

- What do you'mean, "appear"?
2 shepherds with prostate problems.

- They had prescriptions.
- Who are they?

Who are their relatives, their friends? We need to know everything.

Whoever carried out these crimes is probably Uncle's right-hand man!

"They appear".

It’s easy to kill.

A man. an animal.
it makes no difference.

And after your first killing, it gets easier and easier.

The Schisa brothers were traitors.

They;d been conspiring with Shuteye for some time, and he's the worst.

But I want to talk to Shuteye.

With all due respect. I think Shuteye is taking advantage of you.

That’s why I want to talk to him.

Why are you doing this to me?

The Schisa brothers were connected to Faro.

Now he’s in jail they wanted to get on someone else's side.

They "were looking for another point of reference

in order to carry on their trafficking alone.

Oh. hell..

According to rumours

they had gone over to Shuteye’s side.

Someone who wants to make his way up. but that's all I know.

What if I ask you about a sick old man?

- Very sick.
- Look after yourself, mister cop.

They’ve spotted us.
They left some flowers on the car.

Let’s get out of here.

Uncle knows it’s not worth his while to kill cops.

• Since when?
- The last few years.

- Chrysanthemums are for the dead.
- Precisely, we're alive.

Take it easy.

We're just normal cops investigating a murder, okay?

Bloody hell!

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

- Where is she?
- In there. She's been waiting hours.

Are you crying?
You haven’t seen me in a long time.

You've lost weight.
Are you tired?

Come in here.

Sit down.

How are you?

What is it. darling?

I'm happy, happy to see you again.

Nothing troubles me as long as you're all right.

- I want you to tell me.
- I'm fine.

'm fine. I’m fine.

How are the kids?

Fine, they're fine.

Did I ever tell you you did a good job of bringing them up?

You've been good to me too.

And in exchange
I have given you a hard life.

- Why are you talking like this?
- Like what?

As though this was a farewell.

I've only just got here, and you want me to go already?

You’re not well, my darling. Tell me what's wrong.

—Nothing, it's nothing. I've walked for miles, that's all.

Tell me the truth.
Tell me!

Uncle wants an answer straight away.

■ What do we tell him?
- Can we refuse Uncle?

Then tell him yes.

Let's go.

Nino Morra. known as Shuteye because of an old scar from 30 years ago.

Fugitive for the last 7. Area boss of Alcamo.

another farmhand, another of the old man’s tight circle.

- Is he behind these murders?
- No.

He wanted to be his right-hand man. but someone's stopping him.

They killed the other two to weaken him.

I can confirm that.
’ve got the code for Faro's notes.

They’re numbers in place of letters.

"A" corresponds to 4. "B" to 5. It's a coarse method, but a fiddly one.

The real problem is their grammar. They consider it an optional.

Shuteye isn’t in a good position, he's branched out too far.

He had one of his cronies elected area boss in Agrigento.

saying he had Uncle's go-ahead, but it wasn't true.

- So he’s in trouble?
- Yes.

- He might talk if we find him.
- If we find him.

- Alive.
- Let's start looking.

Th is is Nino Morra. Come and get me. I'm at the Tropical Bar.

• Nicola, give me a prosecco.
- Coming up.


- Nino Morra. Carabinieri!
- Let me pay for my drink first!

- Come with us!
- Easy!

They got there before us. Someone wanted Shuteye out of the way.

He'd worked it out. he let them catch him.

- I think he'll talk.
- He already has.

The evening you arrested Faro. Uncl was 100 metres from the farmhouse

The evening you arrested Faro. Uncle was 100 metres from the farmhouse.

- The doctor was there to see him.
- It's in the Carabinieri's hands now.

It would've been better not to know.

- Does he know where’s he hiding?
- No.

■ Does he know where’s he hiding?
- No.

- Uncle is on his guard now.
- They’ll never catch him.

The last contact Shuteye had was through the shepherds from Ciminna.

- Ciminna?
- Yes. Why?

We caught two guys from Giminna after investigating the medicine lead.

Here, eat up.,you're thin. But if it's them, the inquiry stays with us.

Shuteye’s wife has disappeared.

They came for her at night. Her brother and cousin have vanished too.

And-we've not heard fr or seen him since.

Shuteye’s sold himself out to the cops.

That's why I found you another hideout.

I didn't trust Shuteye.

Now we liaverfo keep an eye on Shuteye's buddies

and be very careful.

Remind everyone not to talk, especially in enclosed places.

hotels, restaurants, cars, homes. It's better if they keep quiet.

Anyone who receives information

must know only who brings it. and who he has to pass it on to.

He mustn’t know who had it before, or who’ll have it next.

Then if someone sings, they only know their own song.

- • Haye you found
- Yes.

- -The.yire the best specialists in Europe and the contact is reliable.

But I need time
to get it organized.

I trust you. Don't make any mistakes.

Uncle, making a mistake is like betraying, and I won't betray you.

But we have another problem.

The Runaways have decided to come back.

Someone's waiting for them, they say they can't change

the decisions taken by the commission twenty years ago.

Living in America or dying in Sicily.

Times were different then, there was a war on. and we won it.

Things have changed, we have to reason with those boys.

Maybe you should explain it to us. Some in Palermo don't want to reason.

- Who doesn't want to reason?
- Several people. Mainly the Lopanes.

They said the decision was taken twenty years ago

and you can't go back on decisions, that promises aren’t enough.

I have always kept my promises.

But now I need a bit a peace. I need...

Another war would be the ruin of us all.

Arrange a meeting with the Lopanes.

I want to talk to them.

Morra. you told us about two shepherds from Ciminna.

They delivered Uncle’s note to you. Is that right?

Yes. That's all I know about the boys who are taking care of Uncle.

- These men?
- Yes.

How did you do that?
This is them.

We want to know everything about him. everything you know.

What do you mean?

The way he talks.
the way he moves, dresses and eats.

the way he shakes your hand, or looks at you.

I don't understand. If I tell you how he eats will that help you catch him?

-I want to know who we’re up against.
-What can I tell you?

- Everything you know about him.
- Everything I know about him...

I noticed his hands most of all. They’re large and white.

He likes honey.
but it has to be a certain kind.

He likes music, he likes
Claudio Villa. Mina, he loves Mina.

He likes the sound track from "The Godfather".

When the film came out a few years ago.

he had someone take him to the cinema five times, to see the same film.

And everyone knows Uncle is very religious, he's a believer.

He’s always got the Bible open.
He reads it. writes in it.

and he wears three crucifixes around his neck.

He kisses them, touches them. That's what he's like.

That's what he's like, he says everything he does

is the will ohOur Lord. That’s what he says.

Who are the men he trusts most?

He has lots of men.
I've told you all the ones I know.

Trust! He uses them all. but he doesn't trust any of them.

- What frightens
- Nothing.

Or rather, he is frightened of something: a war.

When it was up to him. he waged war.

He never had any qualms when it came to shooting politicians.

But now he says a war could ruin his plan.

What plan is that?

To make Cosa Nostra invisible, like himself, who lives off nothing.

He’s filthy rich. He doesn’t even know how much he's worth.

He could emigrate to South America, but he prefers to stay here.

He lives in one room, he sleeps in a blue sleeping-bag.

He never takes his shoes off in case he needs to make a getaway.

He lives hunted down, he never treats himself to anything.

Why d oes he I ive I ike that?
What's the point?

Why are you doing everything to arrest him?

Don't you have a family? You live in Naples.

Why don't you enjoy your family? What's keeping you here?

- I have to catch him.
- And he has to give orders.

You know very well that giving orders is better than screwing.

• But I'm on the right side.
- He says the same thing.

Thank you for agreeing to see me.

We still haven’t lost our heads completely.

This madness we fell prey to. that has cost us much blood and tears.

can be put an end to. then we can get back to business.

What's the point in waging wars? It makes mothers weep.

wives, children, that’s a

Forgiveness is a rare thing in this world.

am willing to forgive.

Not to forget, because that is impossible, but I will forgive.

I’m ready to ask for forgiveness if I have done wrong.

Here they are!

Where are they going? They're carrying fishing-rods.

■ They're going fishing.
- You don’t say!

Let’s go.

These shitheads are fishing. They go fishing every day.

- I thought they were shepherds?
- Fishing shepherds!

• What do we do?
- What do we do? We wait.

We wait.

Giant, are we sure we'll get somewhere with them?

Or was Mister Shuteye just taking the piss?

Her voice has sounded muffled these last few days, not as natural.

As though it's an effort to talk about the more trivial things.

And a few days ago it sounded like she was weeping.

Perhaps she’s found out her husband is ill. If that is so. he's very ill.

Perhaps she’s just sad because she never sees him.

Roberto, the Giant says the shepherds are moving.

They’ve not gone fishing today.

First they pretended to fish, then they headed for the fields.

I wouldn't get any closer, there’s a sheep pen.

• Have you got the number plate?
- Yes.

We have to get out of here.

The meeting with the Lopanes is arranged for tomorrow.

We have to go there prepared.

If Uncle can't convince him with nice ways.

then we’ll have to offer them another solution.

Lopane is a rogu

He might just decide to surprise us.

- Understand?
- We’ll take care of it.

Francesco Manara. known as Ciccio.

We arrived at him by following the two shepherds from Ciminna.

He has a conviction for drug smuggling

..and Mafia association.
- Peasant Mafia. The type he likes.

We have to keep a close eye on him.

Palermo spends more money than any other Italian city on wiretapping.

- Not that again!
- The Ministry has protested again.

• Do you want to read the letter?
- No. thanks.

- They want us to make cuts.
- Do we catch them with breadcrumbs?

- That’s a good idea.
- I'll talk to the Minister.

They want to limit the bugging evices. If they cut the Mafia crimes

..then we can all go home!
-You must take it into consideration.

- Tell them to fuck off!
- What would that solve?

Nothing, it'll just make me feel better. Let's go. Altieri.

Just think if he quits smoking!

Yes. okay. Manara’s home and car are bugged. It's up to us now.

- That's sorted.
- The dogs?

They’re sleeping like logs.

How are things here?

Be careful with that, that stuff costs a fortune.

Don’t worry.

Africa, take your time, we've got all night.

Be careful, these guys notice if a roof tile is out of place.

They’re cutting bugging devices, and we're putting solar panels in.

It’s not my fault there's no electricity.

Come on!

Can you hear me?
One. two. three, testing.

• Can you hear me?
- She's so beautiful!

- Can you hear me?
- The boss is here.

Listen to the way she says "oh"?

I like listening to her when she's testing the bugs.

Do you think I've got a problem?

- Put this out.
- Right.

Can you hear me? They can't hear me.

Can’t you hear me?

There’s a problem with the bug. they can't hear me.

What’s that?

Nothing, just an idea.

What a nice catch!

We have to make sure the fish is good for Uncle.

But tell us something.
Will the Lopanes like the fish?

Who knows!

But the fish will like Lopane.

Manara's picked Patricolo and Cicero up. They're heading for Bagheria.

Don’t let them out of your sight.

Africa, the traffic-light! Go through on red!

- We're behind them.
- Be careful.

Not so close.

- Are you turning right here?
- I have to check something out.

- Are they turning right?
- Keep your distance.

- All we needed was an Ape!
- It's hiding us. not so close.

• We’re going to lose them.
- Slow down. Africa!

What are they doing?

I was right then!

They’ve turned the radio up. perhaps they want to say something.

- What are they doing?
- It looks like they're turning back.

• To throw you off?
- Perhaps.

Let them go.

The first time he’s made a move, and we have to let him go?

- Let them go!
- We've been after them all day!

Let them go!


'm starving.

Why don’t we send your boys to pick up something to eat?

Don’t you trust me? I’ll pay.

Good heavens, no!

But all these people coming in and going out...

The least movement the better. Understand?

All I know is
we've been waiting four hours.

You'll have to be patient.

Uncl e can’t just leave the house.

get in a car and make his way here.

Uncle has to take... How can I put it?

- Certain precautions.
- Why doesn't he leave earlier?

Uncle leaves when he has to leave.

and arrives when he has to arrive.

Here he is now.

- Everything okay. Uncle?
- Fine. fine.

I'm sorry I'm late.

It’s all right. Uncle.
It's nice to see you.

- You're looking well.
- Thank God.

- Good day.
- Good day.

Come and sit down. Uncle.

tell you what.

We'll leave these boys here.

We had decided that if
the Cappellos wanted to go on living.

they had to remain in America. But now these runaways are coming back.

• Who gave them permission to?
- Time.

Twenty years have gone by.

With all due respect. Uncle, the commission sentenced them to death.

And the word of the commission is not like cheese with a sell-by date.

Cosa Nostra has had... too many dead bodies.

We need

we need hand

Hands to work.

heads to think with.

Dead bodies attnaGtjpther dead bodies, and traitors too.

they're the worse traitors of all.

• They're Totuccio Cappello's blood.
- So?

It doesn't change from father to son. or grandson.

And you're telling me that? Me?

Who was here twenty years ago? Who was here, who gave the orders?

I gave the orders, and Toto did. and we made war on the Cappellos

with these hands! Do you understand, or have you forgotten?

We did good things in the past.

Good things, things that were right.

But we did stained things too. terrible things.

There was a lot
of trouble between us.

Then with the state...

It cost us a great deal.

It cost US

to get the whole organization back on its feet.

We had to hide our heads in the sand.

Now. thank God.
we can pull our heads out again

and look at the world.

It's no longer the world of yesterday, it’s a new world.

And in this new world

we have to live in a new way.

But I...

There's something I have to do first.

I'll explain when the time is right.

Our cause doesn't need any fresh bloodshed.

And you're not to touch the Runaways.

I'll catch you...

I just know I'll catch you.

• Which one is it?
- It's Uncle's home.

- What's wrong?
- We’re losing the signal.

- It was a miracle we got in there!
- Before it’s empty again...

- It's impossible in daylight...
- We'll have to do it somehow.

- We have to wait.
- Wait! We're always waiting.

Waiting for Manara to talk, waiting for his wife to leave the house

and waiting for him to put a foot wrong. Waiting!

That's Manara’s farmhouse, someone's gone inside.

- How many do I take?
- Take two for now.

One of them is Manara.

- Don Ciccio!
- Don't say a word.

- What are they doing?
- Moving things around.

- They’ve gone outside.
- We've lost them.

Maybe not.


My son!

Good day. Don Ciccio!

You're so handsome! What will you do to women dressed like that?

- What everyone else does.
- If only I were your age!

It's nice, eh?

Sit down.

Let's talk about serious matters.

- Do you mind?
- Sorry. Don Ciccio.

- How far have you got with it?
- It’s almost done, don't worry.

But I am worried.

It means a lot to Uncle, he can't wait long.

Of course, we're practically ready. You can tell Uncle to be prepared.


We’re meeting that person the day after tomorrow, then we're set.

Good. Good.
Uncle will be happy to hear it.

Now let’s have a nice hot plate of pasta with sardines!

We have to find out who Manara's talking to.

There are only two roads he can take out of there. The right or the left.

We’ll place Africano here and Giant here, he can't get past us.

- Film this Matteo's number plate.
- We’d have to cross Palermo first.

Get off your arses, take a motorbike. I want that number plate!

- A motorbike? I'll drive.
- You can't even touch the floor.

You're crazy!
I have a family waiting for me!

Matteo, one other thing.

Keep quiet.

In the car. at home, on the phone. Keep quiet.

Forget all about this thing.

I'll keep quiet, don’t worry.

Don’t forget I trust you. Don't let me down.

Here he is now. get a move on!

Who is he?

Matteo Canistra. the son of the Villabate boss. Surprised?

Yes. The Canistras have nothing in common with Uncle.

They're different, they like spending money and flashing it. women, clubs.

even drugs.
Wh ere do they fit in?

I'll have his mobile checked out.

We'll make up a list of his friends.

He said he's meeting someone the day after tomorrow.

It's the boss's 70th birthday the day after tomorrow, he's planned a party.

Half the people who count in Palermo are going.

And we’ll be going to that party.



Canistra has taken a man to one side, he's given him an envelope.

He's leaving the room.

- Describe him.
- Tall. thin, balding.

You'll spot him straight away, he's the only one not in party clothes.

You'll spot him straight away, he’s the only one not in party clothes.

- Got him. Where's Canistra?
- He's talking to his brother.

Don't lose sight of him. We’ll try and work out who this guy is.

Look at this dickhead!

Listen, come here.

Are you stupid or something?
I told you to keep to the right side!

■ I’m sorry. I'm not feeling we - Then why did you come?

• I've a family to support.
- Who are you? Where are you from?

- I'm new. it's my first time.
- And your last.

Finish the evening and vanish!
Now take that tray around.

You're too tall, you stick out!

Giant, congratulations on your Sicilian accent. It was awful!

- Go fuck yourself!
- Self-control.

- Wh ere the fuck are they?
- Who?

- I’ve lost the Canistras.
- What do you mean?

They’re all crowded around the old man. but his sons aren't here.

Bloody hell!

Long live Santuzzo!

- Well? Did you find them?
- No.

They've got to be somewhere.

- Is this him?
- Yes. Who is he?

He works for Villabate Town Hall.
We had him on record

for embezzlement.
His name's Calogero Lopresti.

It all fits. The call
the Canistras received at 22.30

..was made from the Town Hall.
- Wait! That's important news.

So Calogero Lopresti stays in the office until 22.30.

He calls the Canistras and joins them at the party. Right?

He only stays for a few minutes, just long enough to hand over an envelope.

What the fuck was in that envelope?

Something connected to his work.

Something he couldn't do in working hours.

- Matteo, have you ever seen him?
- No.

What is it they called him?

- The Tractor.
- The Tractor.

No grass grows where the tractor's been.

How many has he killed?
50. 100. 200? How many?

It might just be a legend, or it may even be more.

• But it’s an old story.
- It might be old.

but there’s got to be a reason he’s still in command.

He uses it to keep the balance.

He's like the Italian President.

..lots of honour, but little power.
- Then why are we here?

Because if you do Uncle a favour, a big favour, you profit from it.

It means commanding respect and lots of money.

I know, but he decides who’s going to live and who’s going to croak.

who gets the money and who doesn't.
What do you call that?

Isn't that power?

Giuseppe, you're busting my balls! Just relax.

Uncle, this is a great honour for us.

My respects. Uncle.

- Are you Giuseppe?
- Yes.

- Matteo?
- At your service.

We need three cars.
Two on the road in front of us.

Yes. they're waiting down the hill.

Let’s go.

Hurry up!

Look how talented I am. sir.

But breaking in like this...
Does the magistrate know?

He knows we’re not in Trento.

What are you insinuating? We're not all crooks in Sicily.

One's enough, and there's always one in the right place.

Asking for the keys here is like putting posters up.

- So we need Africano to do it.
- No. we need you to get a move on.

There's nothing here, it looks like he did his normal job.

He must have done something.

He's an executive, he could have used any computer.

Boss, these look ordinary files to me.

But if you want to study them.
I can make photocopies.

- All right.
- Here we are.

At 21.08 Lopresti opened the births and deaths register.

- And?
- Whatever he did wasn’t official.

He's deleted everything.

Take it easy, nothing can be deleted without leaving a trace.

There’s always a solution. Catch!

This is a Ghost boot pen.

And like a ghost it enters the afterlife to decipher the impossible.

- Go on.
- Wait.


He printed out an identity card in the name of Pasquale Spada.

born in Cinisi on February 26th. 1933.

Seventy years old. just like Uncle. See if this man really exists.

He's already in possession of an identity card.

- So this Spada’s got two now.
- Except one was for him.

So he needs an identity card.

Uncle, do you mind if we put some music on?

- Go ahead.
- What music do you like?

Have you got anything?

We have.

Don Ciccio Manara told us to take good care of you.

It’s Vito in the first car.
Tell me.

- All right.
- What did he say?

There’s a police patrol car ahead. What do we do?

We turn off straight away, right?

- Are these guys of ours clean?
- They're immaculate.

Drive on then. Phone the second car and tell them to do what I say.

He's talking to them. Good.

You drive on. nice and calmly.

Good boy.

You see. Uncle? The boys would get themselves killed for you.

There’s no need to get killed for me.


I have reconstructed the calls made by Canistra over the last 3 years.

There are some contacts with minor characters on the Mafia scene.

But there's a strange relationship with a French girl. Aude Dufey.

Tiwo^years ago they exchanged a lot of calls, then nothing more

until last week.

Perhaps the passion for this French girl has returned.

I don't know.

It’s strange he’s connected to these kind of people.

He mustn't have had any choice.

This is a drug for prostate problems.

And two different people bought three boxes of it.

Two shepherds with prostate problems.

Her voice sounds muffled, not as natural.

He's frightened of a war. He uses everyone and trusts no one.

He works for the Town Hall.

He needs an identity card.

The old man’s sick.
Very sick.

His wife knows, that's why she's so sad. Fiore was right.

He needs an operation, but it’s too risky in Italy.

That’s where the Canistras come in.

That's where
the Canistras come in.

They get hold of
an identity card that's valid abroad

and they have the right contact abroad. Aude Dufey.

She is the connection we’re looking for. They’ll have used her as base

and she’s probably
the one who found the right hospital.

In Paris. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

We don't know it's Paris. The French girl works in Lyons and Marseilles.

Canistra called Paris. Fiore, we need the first flight out to Paris.

The light's here.

You use this to call the nurse if you need anything.

And this is for raising and lowering the bed.

They’ll be bringing you something to eat soon.

Don’t worry. Mr Spada.

It’s one of the best clinics in France, you’re in good hands.

We're all in the Lord’s hands.

Thank you.

Wait outside for me.

- Are you sure she can be trusted?
- 100% sure.

• Really sure?
- Don't worry, everything's fine.

Do you need anything else?

I need to rest.

Then if it’s all right by you. we'll go and get something to eat.

These are our mobile numbers.

And Aude's number too. If you don’t understand something, you can...

My respects.

Leave me alone!
Leave me alone!

• Let go!
- Calm down!

What does he mean 've used up my credit?

- That you've lost enough. Matteo.
- Does he decide that?

- Why are you taking it out on him? - Who else do I take it out on?

Whoever put a limit on your credit card!

The manager!
I'll teach the bastard!

- It’s 5 in the morning.
- Who cares!

Get her out of here!

- Hello. Maria.
- Matteo, it’s 5 in the morning.

Give me the number of the bank manager.

- What's going on?
I need some money, hurry up!

All right.

Yes. Where from?

Okay. Canistra called his wife from the Casino at Aix en Provence.

- That's near Marseilles.
- We'll change our plan.

- They won't refund these now.
- We'll fly to Marseilles from Paris.

- And pay for it ourselves?
- Of course.

I’ve worked for free before, but never had to pay to work.

to be okay. Uncle.

You’re going to be okay. Uncle.

Don’t worry, we'll wait here for you.

Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done.

on Earth and it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

and forgive us our trespasses.

Turn left at the next road, straight on and we'll come to her home.

- You speak good French.
- They're waiting for us there.

All went well. The doctor says you're as strong as an ox.

You're a lucky man.

Our Lord saved my life.

I have to get out of here.

I have to complete my mission.

You’ll have to be patient, you can’t leave here yet.

You need to get your strength back. The surgeon said a few more days.


There's nothing in the kitchen.

We might have something here.

This is the receipt from a bar. and this is from a car park.

Same day. same street, almost the same time.

Let me see.

It doesn't take two hours to drink a cappuccino.

Here's another one.

Same car park, two days earlier.

I need to get in there

Wait for the French police, or there'll be trouble.

They're right in front of me! Put your foot down!

don't do anything stupid
