L'étrange Monsieur Steve (1957) - full transcript

Georges Villard is a modest bank employee who dreams of earning more money so that he can live more comfortably. When Monsieur Steve offers him a chance to do just that he accepts without a...



I get it!

What time is it?

Oh God!

Oh, my tie.

My tie.

The key.

My key, my raincoat.

Good morning all!


Hello, Jeanine.
Hello, Genevieve.

You're up early!

- There you are!
- I thought I was late.

You are, by 5 minutes.

What's 5 minutes
in my 8-hour day here?

- Didn't you wake up?
- My alarm clock fell asleep.

What did you do last night
when you left me?

I went straight home.

I murmured your name
as I climbed the stairs.

It gave me courage.

- Is that true?
- I swear.

- What did you think of the film?
- The end...

The culprit's punishment
is included in the ticket price.

It's a shame,
he was so nice.

If you have a nice face,
all's forgiven?

When you're a film hero, yes.

In life,
we aren't so indulgent.

I wouldn't be
if we were married.

If? Come on, Mireille,
we've talked about it for so long...

Precisely! I sometimes wonder
if you're really serious.

Hello, sir.

- You were almost late.
- Indeed.

It's the same every day.
You must be in need of sleep.

Mechin, you can come
and get the cash.

Very well, sir.

- Would you help me, Georges?
- All right.

Here, Mechin.

Take this, it's lighter.

Take the bags.

- Thanks.
- You're welcome.

- Got my receipt?
- Here.

Nothing in your hands,
nothing up your sleeve?

You said it.
Come on, be a pal.

Hey you!
1000 francs, no more.

- You're a brother.
- And a creditor.

I'll remember you
on my deathbed.

Remember me on pay day.

You should try
to make ends meet,

at least once.

With my wages,
it'd be a music hall act.

- We're starving!
- How do you think I manage?

It's 9 o'clock.
Open the door, please.

Very well, sir.

- What can I get you?
- Two orangeades.

- Marcel?
- Right away, Mr Georges.

How much do I owe you?

- 3.80, Mr Georges.
- Here you go.

3.80 from 1000.

By handling all that money,
you've forgotten its value.

Cash is just dirty paper for us.

Whether it's dirty or not,

if you've any to spare,
bring it to me.

- I'll take it.
- I give you enough as it is.

My landlord and the taxman
take care of what's left over.

Every day,
you listen to the same music.

- Are you getting the royalties?
- Mireille loves it. It's our tune.

Why you've hit the jackpot!

- 7 million.
- With an outlay of 20 francs.

- Good investment.
- If only life were as simple.

- How much do you need?
- 10 million.

You're not far off.

3 million with the last ball,
I'll never do it.

Don't be so pessimistic.
May I?

Be my guest.

- Well done!
- There.

Sometimes luck needs
a helping hand.

We've won a game.
Would like to play?

I prefer to see others play.
I'm a manager at heart.

I'm going to be late.
I never win.

Never play to lose.
Lady Luck doesn't like it.

- Goodbye, sir.
- Goodbye.

Sir, would you like a lift?

- I wouldn't want to bother you.
- I've plenty of time.

Yes please.

Thank you.

- Do you go to the bar often?
- Sure.

We can have a drink sometime.

See you soon then.


Is he that great?


If you saw him...

He has such class,
so elegant...

- And you've become pals?
- Yes. We hit it off.

- Is he a bachelor?
- His wife is away skiing.

He has a very good job.

The other night he invited me
to a swanky restaurant.

The maitre d' was in uniform,

and 3 glasses per person.

You worry me,
he'll give you delusions of grandeur.

Not a chance!

Did you go straight home
after dinner?

We went to a nightclub.

With girls, naturally.

Mireille, are you kidding?

We don't go out anymore.

I only ever see you at work.

That's just the way it is.

It's time to go.
Marcel, I'll pay you tomorrow.

You know, we're real pals,

but it bothers me
he always pays.

If you prefer that gentleman's
company to mine, just say so.

- Don't be silly. Are you jealous?
- Maybe!

I'd like to know where I stand.

I'd like to have my balance.

- We go to the cinema every Friday.
- I know.

But did you know it's Friday?

Ah yes, I'd forgotten.

Well, miss?

I hope you haven't planned
to see your Mr...

- What's his name?
- Steve.

And I'm Clanchon,
with a C, like Claude,

and I would like
the balance of my account.


Until further notice!
Emile Clanchon.

So will I see you tonight?

There's a fabulous film on
at my local cinema.

We can eat at home first.

- And your mother?
- She does what I want.

Miss, where's the balance
on my account?

- The very last counter.
- Why didn't you say so before?

All right?

I'd have loved to, but tonight...

I agreed to go out with Steve.


Oh no!

- Hello, Georges. How are you?
- All right.

What are you having?


Do you have problems?

No. I'm dulled by work.

We're very busy mid-week.

To take you mind off it,
we'll have a good dinner.

- Steve...
- Aren't you free?

Yes. But you always invite me.
I find it embarrassing.

Enough of your nonsense.

You're too kind.

But I'll have to invite you soon.

- You'll be my guest.
- All right.

- What's the matter?
- Don't worry about it.

You seem worried.

Georges, I might have
to slip away.

I definitely do in fact.
Do me a favour.

Take the car papers
and key to my wife.

The address is there.

Put it in your pocket.

Well, Steve?

Hello, gentlemen.

What can I do for you?

Can you read?

Indeed. "Police."

Police? What's going on?

Don't panic.
It must be a misunderstanding.

A misunderstanding!
Show me your ID, you.


Show them.

Get a move on!

- Legit?
- Yes, legit.

Take down his address,
you never know.

There's no point
causing a scene.

Definitely not.

But I can tell you, Steve,
I'm no good at racing.

Me neither.

Have I made myself clear?

Come on.

Georges, we'll have dinner
another time.

See you soon.

- What's going on?
- I don't know.


190 francs, please.

- Here.
- Thank you.


- Mr Steve's wife, please.
- Whom shall I announce?

- Georges Villard.
- Do go in, sir.

- Excuse me.
- Thank you.

Sir, forgive me
for not using the lift.

I'll show you upstairs.

It's faster by foot.

The lift has never worked.

When I was with
the Princess de La Tour,

we had the same problem
with the dumbwaiter.

Please have a seat.
I shall get the mistress.

- Mr Villard.
- Show him in.

Sir, please go in.


Come closer, Mr Villard.


- So you're Georges?
- Yes.

My husband talks about you
all the time.

I'm delighted to meet
you at last.

Do sit down.


- Cigarette?
- No, thank you.

Steve asked me
to give you this.

The car papers?

The car keys?

- Has something happened?
- No. Actually, yes, madam.

- What? Tell me.
- Nothing serious. Not an accident.

At the cafe earlier,
two men came up to our table.

Two men?

Well, I mean... two policemen.


They asked your husband
to follow them.

Steve will never change.


Circumventing the law
has become an obsession.

It isn't the first time?

Or the last.

Mind you, until now,
everything has been fine.

- But...
- Yes?

What has he done?

Maybe I'm being nosey.


Come and have a drink.

Come on.

- Whisky?
- Please.

Thank you!

It will calm you down.

Well... here's to Steve.

Don't look so glum.
Things always work out for him.

He knows how to get out
of tricky situations.

- Is it serious?
- No, he's too smart for that.

- I had no idea.
- Of course not.

Mind you, he has an excuse.
His childhood.

Those who do wrong
always have troubled pasts.

His childhood was one of auctions
and bailiffs at the door.

I understand.

He's had an obsessive fear
of poverty ever since.

If you were sweet,
do you know what you'd do?

Tell me, madam.

You'd take me to the car.

I'd be happy to.

- You don't mind?
- Not at all.

I'll go and change.
If you're thirsty, help yourself.


A long time ago.


Yes, she is getting ready
to go out.

I don't know, Mr Denis.

Besides, I have instructions.

Goodbye, Mr Denis.

- Who called?
- Mr Denis.

Ah, Mr Denis...

When we're lucky enough
not to see him, he has to call.

I hope I wasn't too long.

Not at all.

They say women take ages
to get ready. It isn't true.

- You look beautiful.
- Thank you.

Will madam be dining at home?

I don't know yet.

You and Arthur
may have the evening off.

Let me sleep in tomorrow.

If anyone calls for the master,
say he's away.

Very well, madam.

Here it is.

- How much do I owe you?
- 360.

Here we are.
Goodbye, madam.

Thank you for accompanying me.

- I feel so down tonight.
- I understand.

So alone...

The evening in store
frightens me rather.

- Madam...
- Were you going to say something?

- No.
- You were. I can tell.

Maybe you're busy this evening.

I was going to spend it with Steve.

Be thoroughly kind,
don't leave me.

I'd like nothing better.


You look queer.
Are you all right?

Yes. But I was thinking
about Steve.

I'd rather not think
about him tonight.

Life is strange,
don't you think?

Yes. Especially tonight.

Steve's arrest,
our meeting at your house,

and this dinner with you
I wouldn't have dared hope for.

- Are you enjoying it?
- Yes, very much so.

When did you get back
from skiing?

Skiing? I didn't go this year.

But Steve told me that...

He told you he was alone?

Or you wouldn't have understood
why he went out without me.

No, of course not.

Mind you, he is alone.

He drowns his sorrows.

He goes out, he needs noise,
crowds, bright lights.

- And you?
- Me?

I wait for him.

I'm used to being alone.

But I'd like to forget tonight.

I'm counting on you, Georges.

- But, madam...
- No. Call me Florence.

Well then, Florence,
let's order.

You choose.

I don't usually...

Here we are.
Thank you for a delightful evening.

You're reversing the roles.
I ought to thank you.

It's early. Let's have a scotch
and listen to music.

I have some great records.

Sorry. I hate being at home
in my town suit.

I feel as if I'm visiting.

- Why are you looking at me?
- You're a curious boy.

Curious? You're doing me
a great honour.

I'm just an ordinary
Joe Bloggs.

That's what I like
about you, Georges.

When I met Steve,

I lost touch with people
of your kind.

- Really?
- Come sit next to me.

And I realize
what a shame that is.

A man like Steve
has far more character.

But he doesn't have
your nervous little smile

or your troubled
and troubling innocent look.

Are you engaged?


Do you have a mistress?

Just a few casual flings.

It's strange,

but I have the impression
I've known you a long time.

Or at least looked for you
for a long time.

Me too, Florence.

- I have to go.
- Already?

It's getting late.

What a shame. There are men
I don't want to see again

and others I don't want to leave.


say goodbye to me.


Good heavens!

- What is it, darling?
- It's 10 past 9.

It has to be 10 past 9
at some point.

I'm late.

If you'd woken up
with a temperature,

you wouldn't have gone to work.

Yes, that's true.

Aren't I worth a cold
or a sore throat?

- A thousand epidemics, my love.
- Oh, darling...

I love you, I love you.

Nice one!
What a pretty picture.

Just like the movies.
May I?

- Thanks!
- Who said you could come in, Denis?

Isn't this a reception?

I've been rotting in the lounge.

To think I almost forgot my camera.

Denis, get out.

Don't hassle the photographer.
You'll scare the birdie.

Get out at once!

Madam takes a little nobody
when her man is inside.

How dare you!

What a funny little cherub!

Where'd he spring from?
A scout camp?

Not a penitentiary like you!

Cheating on an ace like Steve
with that. Honestly!

I won't ask you again.
My private life is my business.

Your private life?
Read that in Fascination?

Get lost, you!
Off you go.

Go, Georges.

I told you to get lost.
Is that clear?

Put some clothes on!

Mr Villard,
have you seen the time?

Yes. Good morning, sir.

Soon you'll be saying
"good evening"!


Despite your professional qualities,

this is your final warning.

I want my employees
to be punctual.

- Is that clear?
- Yes, sir.

You don't look too good.

These young people...
Alley cats!

Was he clear enough?

You look scared to leave.
Haven't you paid the milkman?

- Don't be a bore.
- See you tomorrow.

- Mireille...
- Leave me alone.

- May I walk you home?
- I've got used to walking alone.

Don't be angry.
I have to talk to you.

About Mr Steve?
No thanks! I've heard enough.

I meant about us.

Didn't you hear the boss?
You're an alley cat.

- He was joking.
- No! He's right.

I only have to look at you
to understand.

You still smell of perfume.

I forbid you to talk to me
outside the office.

I hate you.

No, you don't.


silly thing?

I love you too much
to accept being abandoned.

I'd rather...


What are you doing here?

It's obvious.
I'm waiting for you.

But how did you...?

How did I get in?

You have no idea
how well I get on with locks.

Don't pull a face like that.

With guests,
you should be gracious.

Or you might get this.

So a word of advice,
be nice, all right?


What do you want?

You wanna know?
Make yourself at home!

That's better.

The guy who develops my pics
worked fast.

I brought you a little print...

for the family album.

Not bad, huh?

As a film poster,
it'd pull the punters in.

I'm talented, huh?

You can keep it,
I have plenty more.

If Steve sees it,
you'll be hanging out at the morgue.

But if you toe the line,
we could work things out.

- Really? You think so?
- Sure.

Did you know Steve
was released this morning?

He's a resourceful bloke.

Not easy to corner.

He's been released?

You're worried, huh?

I told him we'd become pals,
the two of us,

and we'd come up
with a little scheme.

What scheme?

Steve will explain.
He's expecting us.

I'm not coming.

- What, young man?
- I'm not coming!

He's going to make me
blow a fuse, this rude kid.

Get going, for God's sake!

And no funny business.

Mr Denis and Mr Villard.

I'm so pleased
to see you again.

Me too.

I shan't introduce you.

- We're already great friends.
- We've made acquaintance.

I apologize for the way
I left you last night,

but it was an emergency.

Could you fix us some drinks?

Do sit down.


I was intending...

to tell you about
my rather peculiar occupation.

Circumstances pre-empted me.
Not too shocked?

To say I was surprised
would be an understatement.

- Understandable.
- Scotch? I believe you like it?

Thank you, madam.

Would sir like
to give me his hat?

Can't you talk normally?

I don't believe
we attended the same school.

Have you two finished?

Your undertaker annoys me.

I believe you had
a chat with Denis.

That's right.

I'm delighted to hear
you get along.

Because we see eye to eye.

- About some things.
- The main things.

I'm thrilled to work with you.

To work with me?

Didn't Denis tell you?

I wanted you
to fill him in yourself.

Right, then.

It's about your bank.

My bank?
What do you want with it?

What do you think?

Firstly, it's full of cash.

And it has 3 advantages:
you work there,

it's not at street level
and it's a private bank.

- You're not thinking of...
- We certainly are.

I don't want to.

Crisis of conscience?

Don't worry about his conscience.
I know all about it already.

- Are you making fun of me?
- I wouldn't dare.

- As gauche as ever, Denis.
- Please, darling.

I'll explain things in detail.

Come over here.

We'll do sketch for you.

Move it.

I've been there a few times.

If my memory serves me right,
this is the layout.

The entrance is here, isn't it?

- It's reinforced.
- I'm not interested.

Just opposite is the till.

It has wire netting
and an alarm device.

We'll discuss that later.

At the back,
the management's offices,

and the service entrance.
All right?

We're talking to you.


And it seems luck is on our side.

You think so?

There are 3 big windows.

Yes, on the 3rd floor.

On Monday, restoration work
starts on the facade.

My men will replace
the workers on the scaffold.

And what will they do?

They'll open the windows,

which you will have left ajar.

Then what?

You're starting
to sound interested.

They'll keep the staff at bay,

and we'll take care
of transferring the funds.

Hey, you're really talented!

Yes. Thing is...
there's a major detail to sort out.

You're counting on me?


You'll neutralize the alarm.

- No.
- You will.

Where are the alarm devices?

How many are there?

Are you deaf?

- Denis!
- What? I'm not hurting him.

How many alarm devices, Georges?


Where are they?

- In the teller's booth.
- Yes?

- Behind the securities counter...
- And?

In the manager's office,
I imagine.


Are they foot-operated?


All three?

Answer the question!

Behind the securities counter,
there's a push button.

Now there's an interesting detail.

I thought of everything.

What is it?

Plastic moulds.

Place them on the foot switches
before the operation.

For the push button,
what have you planned?

Nothing in particular.

We'll deal with the employee.

What will you do to him?

A cosh blow has never
stopped anyone turning 100.

It'll make his head harder!

It seems our little expedition
is taking shape.

Your role is very simple:

open the windows
and neutralize the alarms.

And you'll get 10%
of the takings.

- May I ask a question?
- Be my guest.

What if I refuse?

- Why would you refuse?
- Yes, why?

But he hasn't said he'd refuse.

Have you, Georges?

No, not yet.

But I'm telling you now.

You're mistaken,
I'm just a lowly employee

and we'll never be
on the same side of the counter.

The police have associated
your name with mine.

And it'd be very awkward
if you refused.

You're young and your future
could lie ahead of you.

Please give me time
to think about it.

I want an affirmative answer.

It will be. Won't it?

Good old Georges,
you're in a huff.

I wish I had my camera.

Hey, your key.

Firstly, it's full of cash.

You'll neutralize the alarm.

- No.
- You will.

What if I refuse?

But Georges hasn't refused.

No, not yet.
But I'm telling you now.

- Florence.
- Hello, Georges.

I know it's early,
but I was dying to see you.

Me too. Come in.

This is all I can afford.

- Why are you holding a statuette?
- I thought it was Denis.

- It's an odd way to greet him.
- Perhaps.

He's already been here once.

- I've understood.
- Yes.

It's an unpleasant situation.

I should've hit him the other day.

You must've thought me a coward,
but I was dumbstruck.

You mustn't be ashamed.

It's my fault you've been dragged
into this business.

I refuse to get involved
in their scheme!

What else can you do,
my poor darling?

Go to the police.

That'd make things
harder for us.

- Besides...
- What?

- Informing is wrong.
- We'd be rid of Steve.


But I think
I'd despise you for it.

And that would be awful,

because I love you, Georges.

But what can I do?

Whatever they tell you.

Can you see me
as an accomplice in a hold-up?

Georges, if you refuse,

Denis will show
the photos to Steve.

- He'd do that?
- He would.

And we'd be separated.

I couldn't stand that.

I love you, Florence.
I love you.

My darling...

I'll do what you want,
whatever you want.

Can I help you?

That'd be most kind.

Gosh! What's this?

Have a guess.

Silly me.
It's a Mauser.

That's right. A customary weapon.
It will last a lifetime.

It's bit bulky though.

It's more suitable
for a glove compartment.

In any case,
it's pretty impressive.

- Is it loaded?
- No, but my imagination is.

- That's the boss.
- I'll take him his tray.

Therese, prepare a Weston
for me.

The gentleman's gun.

That must be the mistress.

Good morning, sir.

Hello, Arthur.

Did sir have a good night?

What's the weather like?

It's going to be a glorious day.

Good! It'll motivate us.

Therese and I did the silver.

So I see.

Last time I got grease
on my waistcoat.

It won't happen again.
I saw to it myself.

I hope not to use it.

Sir will not risk
serious complications.

Which suit shall I get out?

Whichever you like.
A neutral shade.

The tweed then.

It's roomy.
Your colt won't be visible.

Does sir think the young man
will be up to the task?

Of course!
Good folk are the best.

And I imagine
he cherishes his life.

Yes, it's his age.

Mr Villard! I don't believe it.
Here already?

Good morning, sir.

Have you made a resolution?

- Yes, sir.
- That's excellent.

Come in.

What is it?

It's about the Catala draft

drawn on our Trouville branch.

It hasn't been paid.

But the account
has been credited.

Simply issue a debit note.

Ah yes, I hadn't thought of that.

Sorry, sir.

Is he here already?

All's well.

Gosh, what's going on?

Already at work?
How zealous you are.


Hello, Mireille.

Good morning.

Could you help me
carry the funds?

The same folk
are always trusted.

Ready to go?

Not just yet.

Very well, sir.

For the push button,
what have you planned?

We'll deal with the employee.

A cosh blow has never
stopped anyone turning 100.

Say, are you annoyed
about earlier?

Of course not!

- I'm sorry.
- Come off it!

- Sir?
- I'd like to open an account.

Could you tell me
what I have to do?

It's simple, sir.

All you have to do...

is fill in this form

and give me
some proof of identity.

An identity card... is fine.

You also have
to deposit 50 000 francs.

Excuse me, sir.

How may I help?

Stand up!
Hands on your heads, please.

Don't be afraid.
You will not be harmed.

What's going on?

Simply a transfer of funds.

If sir would please
put his hands up.

Give me the money.

Move it!

What are you waiting for?
For me to shoot you?

Get a move on!


Can we talk to him?

Yes, but gently.
He had an operation 2 days ago.

We're used to it.

Just a moment, please.

You can go in.

If he faints, ring for me.

We know the score.

- Police. Can you speak?
- Yes.

- We have a few questions.
- All right.

Sorry to bother you so soon,

but it's best to make haste.

What do you think
about the hold-up?

What do you mean?

- Don't you think it's odd
the gangsters shot you? - I do.

They had an accomplice
in the bank.

All the alarm devices
were neutralized,

except for one.

That day you arrived
before everyone else.

You're usually late.

So you think I cut
the alarm bell wires.

The wires weren't cut.

- He just said so.
- I said "neutralized".

There was this on them.

Clever, huh?


- It can't be someone in our bank.
- Why?

Everyone knows
there's a push button alarm too.

So who is it?

How would I know?

Not the faintest idea?


Some men came in the window
at the time of the hold-up.

They could've come in before

and prepared everything, huh?

Not so dumb.

Why did you get shot?


I was looking at the button,
with the intention of using it.

When, all of a sudden,

I saw colleague Mireille
was about to.

Thinking she was in grave danger,

I rushed to protect her.
That's all.

- That takes guts.
- Yes, well done.

Old chap,
you had a narrow escape.

We'll make our report

but as far as you're concerned,
the case is closed.


What did he say?

Just calm down.

He wasn't involved.


There we go,
you're famous!

Come off it.

Look at the old man
giving you the cheque!

He wouldn't miss a chance
to be ceremonious.

He's made for cutting
symbolic ribbons.

In any case, heroism pays.

Two bullets in the chest.

And 200 000 francs.

It'll pay for your bedroom.

I'll let you choose
between the modern and old.

- You're going?
- I've some figures to check.

- Goodbye.
- Get better soon, old chap.

Goodbye, Mireille.

Don't forget
to climb the church steps,

you need to be on your feet.

So long.

What a lovely man.

He's a real pal,
a friend even.

He's very fond of you,
you know.

Mind you, who wouldn't be?

- Listen, Mireille...
- Yes, dear Georges?

- I have to talk to you.
- No. Don't say anything, darling.

It was only a lover's tiff.

You'll soon recover
and then we'll be together.

- Mireille...
- Yes?

You see, in my bed,
I've had time to think.


This business that nearly killed me
has given me a lust for life.

A lust for life?
I should hope so.

What I mean is...
to live another life.

And to live it alone.

It's silly, I know.

But I'm not ready for marriage.

- Georges!
- Don't be angry.

With me,
you'd never be happy.

- Are you sad?
- Yes.

Please forgive me.

My poor Georges,
heroism has gone to your head.

- Goodbye.
- Mireille.


I won't go back to the bank.

Farewell then, Georges.

Room 7, please.

- This way, madam.
- Thank you.

Are you here
to see Mr Villard too?

I am, yes.

Don't stay long.
He's had a lot of visitors.

- Hello.
- Hello.

- It's me, see?
- I do.

My, you've lost weight.

- Lead isn't nourishing.
- You poor thing.

- I know your game.
- Listen...

I'm sick of your dirty tricks.

You treated me like a puppet.

No, Georges, not like a puppet.
Like a kid.

I don't see the difference.

Steve's fake arrest,
what a find!

I fell for it. And Denis
catching us red-handed...

I thought it was normal for him
to turn up with a camera.

Isn't that what you take
when you pay a visit?

And your unbridled passion...

Love at first sight is
the best weapon for patsies!

But it's all over.

When two bullets don't kill you,
you learn to live.

I warned you
Steve hates being betrayed.

I didn't betray him.

I wanted to stop Mireille
activating the alarm.

You did?

It wasn't in my interests
for it to fail, was it?

- Of course not.
- I kept quiet too.

If one of your gang
had been caught,

I bet he'd have talked.

Don't you agree?

Maybe, yes.

To what do I owe
the honour of your visit?

I've been thinking too, Georges,

and I've realized I love you.

No, that's impossible.

- I really love you.
- You can't reinvent yourself.

Sorry, but in my state,
I can't laugh.

- Don't you understand...
- Oh yes.


- Georges...
- Get out of here.

Do you come here often?

Not often.
But I've been before.

- To your love life!
- To yours.

- It could be the same.
- You don't beat about the bush.

- Why stand on ceremony?
- We only met an hour ago.

Where's the fun otherwise?

You're right.

- Besides, I made a vow.
- A vow?

To only be interested
in women I don't know.

The others disappoint you.

You had a hard blow.

Were you jilted?

You're a funny man.

What's the matter?

Is it that man
with the moustache?


- Did you have words?
- Worse. He attacked me.

He looks very nice though.

Hello, Georges.

How are you?

Better, despite
everything you did.

I'm delighted to
see you again.

The lady's coat, please.

- I've plenty to tell you.
- I don't.

And I'm not alone.

- You soon will be.
- What? I haven't finished!

Mr Villard will invite you
another time.

You're going a bit far.

That's the limit!
What a boor you are.

Goodbye, miss.
Have a good evening.

Sorry, but she's a waste of time.

I thought you were
a stickler for good manners.

It's always good
to speak one's mind.

- What do you want?
- To review things.

- I think the time has come.
- Is that so?

I really appreciated
your discretion.

It's very hard not to cave in
during questioning,

especially when bedridden.

I took you for a traitor,

hence my regrettable
fit of temper.

I'm extremely sorry.

What a friendly killer!
This review is over.

- So long. The bill.
- Wait, I'm not done.

I sometimes make amends
for my mistakes.

Now that is worrying.

Having many accomplices
makes you vulnerable.

So work alone.

You can't do great things alone.

- I'm keeping Florence...
- A wife must follow her husband.

Florence isn't my wife.

She's your mistress then.

She's above all a friend now.

We're bound by certain things.

I'm keeping Florence and Denis.
Would you like to join us?

You must be joking!
We've nothing in common.

but we need good folk.

To play the patsies.

No, good folk.

Believe me,
they're the hardest to hold onto.

- I have a fabulous plan.
- Keep it.

Once is enough.

You prefer counting
other people's money?


- Listen...
- Don't insist, Steve.

I refuse.

It's me again.

Still me.

I was expecting you.
You're very well organized.

Steve puts the bait on the hook,
you snare the fish.

I thought this fish
wanted to be caught.

Florence, drop the act.

Can't you see
this isn't an act?

- You shouldn't have come.
- Why?

Because I love you.

It's like an incurable disease.

- Listen, Florence...
- Don't say another word.

Your go.

Yes, I know but I'm thinking.


Mr Denis isn't good at thinking.

Mr Denis hasn't progressed.

Flunky, you're gonna get
this board down your throat!

Sir, I won't allow...

Try to live together in harmony.

With Mr Denis,
I believe that's impossible.

- The mistress.
- Alone?

No, accompanied.

Excellent. Here, Therese,
take the chessboard away.

We won't be needing it.

We're changing games.

Very well, sir.

Georges, what a nice surprise!

Hello, mate.
You're still looking peaky.

I haven't been away skiing!

He sucked lemons in hospital.

I'll leave you to talk,
I'll go change.

She's right, let's talk.
Sit down.

You know
those PMU betting cafes?

Not half.

These establishments
have teleprinters,

which print the race results.

I know.

Between the finish and printing,

there's a 2-minute gap.

At present,
you're allowed to bet

up until the moment
the teleprinter starts up.

That's all.
Have you understood?


Come on, Denis.

A man in the cafe,
who knows the results

before the teleprinter transmission,

- could bet on the winner.
- Precisely.

We'd need to be telepathic
to beat the machine.

We just need a telephone.

A telephone?

Racetracks have phone booths.

Florence will call the cafe
where Georges is.

As soon as the winner
crosses the line,

I'll convert his number
into a letter.

Let's say No. 2 wins.
The equivalent letter is B.


Denis relays the info
to Florence.

And then?

She asks to speak to a man

whose name begins with B,
such as Benoit.

On hearing the name,
George converts it.

He knows No. 2 has won
and rushes to place a bet.

According to my calculations,
it will only take 80 seconds.

- Very ingenious.
- And risk-free.

We'll only bet on one race
per meeting.

How the hell do you
dream up stuff like that?

Hello? Go ahead.

Hello? Roquette 01-26?

Cafe des Platanes?

Hold the line, please.


Hello? Hello?

Some folk have a nerve.


Hello? Mr who?

Mr Francois?

Mr Francois is wanted
on the telephone.

Excuse me.

10 000 on No. 106, please.

Mr Francois, telephone!

Hello. This person
isn't answering.

You're welcome, madam.

- And sir won?
- Lots of money.

- You're lucky.
- I tapped an opportunity.

Mr Steve, what a mind!

Speak of the devil.

- Hello, George. - Hello.
- Hello.

Did it go well?

- Yes.
- Give us the dosh.

- Any problems?
- None.

I called the cafe too soon.
The cashier got impatient.

- Watch the timing.
- Right.

- Let's divvy up.
- See you later.

Here's 20 000.

- Don't you agree?
- Not at all.

- What's wrong?
- You made 200 000 francs.

- 203 000.
- And I only get 10%?

He's getting greedy.

No business will give you
10% of the profits,

and I own the patent.

Let's do it again tomorrow.

Tomorrow, sure.
Don't bet more than 10 000.

Count on me.

What if an old nag wins?

When a favourite wins,
we'll bet on the next race.

I'll be stuck in the cafe.
What fun!

Let's be honest,
you have to earn your percentage.

Hello? Mr Hubert?
Hold the line.

Mr Hubert is wanted
on the telephone.

10 000 on No. 308, please.

Hang on, 20 000.

Thank you.

You certainly don't go in
for half measures.

- Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
- Too much ventured...

Yes? Hold the line, madam.

Mr Durand is wanted
on the telephone.

No. 504.

20 000 francs.

Mr Durand?

- Here, sir.
- Thank you.


- Hi. Am I disturbing you?
- Not at all.

- Nothing broken, I hope.
- Nothing yet.

What does that mean?

With the money
you're earning now,

you could furnish this place
more elegantly.

I have common tastes.

So are your methods.

My methods?

Yes. I mean the way
you hoard money.

According to my calculations,
since we started betting,

you must have amassed
a small fortune.

Your thriftiness is common too.

What are you talking about?

The truth, of course.

On the 16th of last month,
at the Brasserie des Planches,

you bet 20 000
instead of 10 000.

Which brought you in
concealed earnings

of 94 000 francs.

- But... But it's...
- What?

Are you spying on me?

That isn't a very nice word.

Sit down.

I set up checks,
just as all companies do.

I was supposed to bet 10 000.
The rest is my affair.

- On the 19th...
- Stop!

Spare me your
snitches' reports.

In all,
you've amassed a surplus

of 1 810 000 francs,
of which you owe me,

after your 10% has been deducted,
1 629 000 francs.

I think that's right,
but you can always check.

Not a penny.
You won't have anything, you hear?

It's my money.
It was a personal bet.

Don't be so childish.

In our profession,
there are no personal bets.

I have an appointment.
Please give me the money.

- Listen, Steve...
- Now!

Unless you'd rather
Denis came to collect it.

France's nest egg.

Here are your fees.

Your apprenticeship is
more laborious than expected.

The betting is getting risky,

but I have a new plan.

I'll be in touch, common man.

I'm sick of you!
I never want to see you again.

That'd be a mistake.

Florence wouldn't get over you.

- Am I late?
- No. We're both early.

Me a bit more than you
because I love you.

It's no way to love.

Florence, we should go
far, far away.

- I want to escape this life.
- I understand, darling.

But to go far away,
we need lots of money.

By the way, Steve told me
to summon you.

- Those were his very words.
- What does he want?

I don't know.
To tell you about a plan.

- I'm not interested.
- It'd help ours.

Not at that price.

Listen, Georges.

- Do you really want to go?
- Oh yes.

Well then...

Would you take risks
to make a lot of money?

- It depends.
- On what?

On what you mean by "risks"
and "a lot of money".

- It's an armed robbery.
- Really?

I thought you only went in
for low-risk schemes.

How many people do we kill?

We simply intimidate them.

The operation will bring in
one hundred million.

Divided how?

20% for you,
20% for Denis...

Stop! We'd have
to be charitable to you.

You're very sure of yourself.

I've learnt from my mistakes.

Right, listen to me.

100 million is what
we'll find

on a Saturday night
in Forges-les-Eaux Casino.


5km along this road

is the end of the casino's lake.

Leave the car there
and walk back to the pontoon,

where the speedboat is.

Wait for us there.

All right, Steve.

Therese, to the basement.
You know where it is?

Yes, sir.

Hide this.
A torch would seem odd.

- What do I do?
- Sit at a table and play.

Therese, at 2 a.m.,
will cut the lights.

Shine your torch on Denis,
who'll calm folk down.

I've got what I need for that.

Then I'll scoop up the money.

- Understood.
- Go on. And don't panic.

Don't go into the room
at the same time as Georges.

Get ready to speed off
with Denis and Therese.

- When I was a chauffeur...
- Another time.

Very well, sir.

23, red, odd and passe.

20, 17.


Gentlemen, place your bets.

- 29.
- 17.

- 22.
- 31.

- 24.
- 22.

- 28.
- 22, 23.

23, 24.


13, black, odd and manque.

Here, sir, 52, 500.

- Thank you. Here.
- Thank you, sir. For the staff.

- Here, sir, 850 000.
- Thank you.

- Here.
- Thank you, sir. For the staff.

- 0 and 6.
- 32.

7. 8.



22, black, even and passe.

6-1, transversale,
cheval and plain.

Sir, 1 350 000 for you.

- 20 000 on black.
- Thank you.

- 500,000 on even.
- For the staff.

Thank you, sir.
For the staff.

May I play again?

Here. Here.

I've never played before.

10 000 on 16.

- You're tempting fate.
- Excuse me?

You need to have nerves of steel
to risk such an amount.

- Luck is on my side.
- For now.

I'd be surprised
if you didn't lose most of it.

13, black, odd and manque.

- For the staff.
- Thank you, sir.


Thank you.
Gentlemen, place your bets.

- Not so fast!
- Get off, or I'll shout.


- 33.
- 13.

All bets are off.

18 500 000, 600 000,
700 000, 800 000.

Here, sir.

- For you.
- Thank you kindly.

Don't you have...?

Thank you.

Thank you.

Goodbye, gentlemen.

Are you leaving?

Yes. Honesty suits me better.

Don't let him leave.
He won a fortune.

A stroke of luck.

A huge stroke of luck,
that's all, folks.

Don't be a fool.
Go back to your post.

This money is mine.
Take the rest if you like.

Don't you move.

Listen, give me the money
and I'll share it out.

You played on my orders.

But I won on my own
and I'm keeping my money!

Change your mind,
or it's the morgue for you.

Let's get out of here.

I'll have been your patsy
to the bitter end.

No one must leave
the gaming room.

- Go that way. I'll head to the lake.
- OK.

- Hurry!
- And Steve?

I'll explain later.

- Let's go!
- And the boss?

He must be in the speedboat.

Is it the boats
making you so optimistic?

Yes. A boat, for me,
means sailing far away.

But not too far, though.

We have to think of our safety.
Steve escaped the police.

It's always like that.
Foxes are rarely caught by hounds.

Do you think
we'll be able to leave?

Of course.
It all depends where we go.

Anywhere, provided you're
far away from Steve.

Do you still love me as much?

More and more.

Ah, darling...

How lovely it is
to be rich with you.

And by honest means too.

We're rich, my darling.
18 million.

Enough for a complete change.

Only snakes change skin.

What's the matter?

- You've always said...
- Yes. I know.

Come on,
let's organize our departure.

You can't leave the case here.
It'd be risky.

Of course not.

You can't walk around
with 18 million.

- What else can I do?
- I don't know.

Depositing it in a bank
would attract attention.

- I've got an idea.
- What?

The left-luggage office
at the station.

You leave the case
and pick it up whenever you like.

- Are you sure it's safe?
- Why wouldn't it be?

In that case,
let's go right away.

You scared me.

I'll never get used
to your ways.

You're getting old.
Switch it off! It's like an airport.

Factory life isn't for me.
Is the boss here?

The master has gone out.

- Where to?
- We don't know.

But where do you think?

The mistress's departure
has affected him.

If I get my hands on her,
I'll give her a hiding.

It's possible the master
will soon find her.

- Does he have a lead?
- Maybe.

- Did he give you the details?
- No.

But since I met the master,

I've learnt to interpret
his silences.

If he does find her,
it'll be all over the papers.

How's the honeymoon going?

I've things to say to you.
Meet me at the bar.

I don't wish to hear them.

Only the deaf and the dead
cannot hear.

In a quarter of an hour.

You love spending money
and I love giving it you.

We complement each other.

- You're making a bad mistake.
- Which?

Going with Georges.
You're not made for him.

He's honest.
It's a weakness of his.

You're not qualified
to judge him, Steve.

He's the one who's right.

And me... I love him.

Love? But you can't live
on that alone.

What'll you do
when the money runs out?

The washing-up?


Conclusion: it's him or me.

And when I say "him",
you know what I mean.



She can't have...

Hello? Porter?
This is room 92.

Has my wife gone out?
How long ago?

Call me a taxi.
I'll be right down.

Follow that taxi.

What do you want?


Pick it up.

I said pick it up.
