Love and Four Walls (2018) - full transcript

Raised by his grandmother, Owen lives the entirety of his life in the shadow of his parent's abandonment. Owen endures many relationship struggles with both his family and romantic partners...

(jazzy piano music)

- Forward march.

(feet stomping)

About face.

Forward march.

(feet stomping)

About face.

Come here.


You wanna know what I wished for?

I wished for you to

come back to me safely.

(Matthew laughs)

Heads or tails?

- [Matthew] What's heads mean?

- It means you're gonna

come back to me, safely.


- Then heads.

- Tails means you come

back safely. (laughs)

- What is it?

- No, don't look!

♪ La dah dah ♪

♪ Dah dah dah ♪

♪ Dah dah dah ♪

♪ Nah nah nah ♪

♪ Nah nah nah ♪

♪ Nah nah nah ♪

♪ Dah dah nah nah nah ♪


- I know, it's just--

- What is it?

- I'm scared, Matthew.

I just want you to come back.

- Then let's get married.

Marry me.

- What?

- Marry me.

- Matthew, are you serious?

- I don't have a ring,

but I'll get you one.

- I don't know what to say.

- Say yes.

- Okay.

- Okay?

- Yes, I'll marry you!

- Okay!

- [Scarlett] Oh my gosh!

- Let's do it now.

- Right here?

- Right here.

Right now.

- Are you serious?

- Yes.

- No, really?

- Dearly beloved, we're

gathered here today

for the union of Matthew and Scarlett.

Matthew, do you take Scarlett

to be your lawfully wedded wife?

I do.

And do you, Scarlett, take Matthew

to be your lawfully wedded husband?

- I do.

(upbeat jazzy music)

- Scarlett, I will protect

you and provide for you

from this day forth through

sickness and in health,

through the good times and the bad times,

for richer or poorer,

from today until death do us part.

- Matthew, I promise to care for you

and to love you through

sickness and in health,

through richer or poorer,

for the rest of my life

until the day I die.

- Well, kiss the bride already!


- Oh!

Give me your hand.


There you go.

Now you are officially my husband.

- I'll never take it off.

I have something for you.

- You do?

- Turn around.

- Okay.

- Don't look.

- I won't, I won't.

You have one minute, Matthew.

(snapping and clapping)

Are you ready?

- [Matthew] Turn around.

- What's this?

- My grandmother loved red ribbon,

and whenever I see it I think of her,

so I made you this so

that when you wear it

you can think of me.

- I love it.

- Don't take it off.

- Never.

(Scarlett laughing)


- Woo!

- We're married!

- Woo woo woo woo woo!

(upbeat jazzy music)

(guitar chord humming)

(gentle instrumental music)


- [Amy] Scarlett?

It's Mother.

Why is this door closed?

- [Scarlett] Just a second!

- [Amy] What are you doing

up in your room all day?

Open this door.


- I just...

It's open.

(door bangs open)

- [Amy] I don't know why

doors are closed in my house.

- [Scarlett] Hey.

(Amy sighs)

- Ooh.

My shoulder, it hurts so much.

You know, that rivet gun,

it just vibrates all day.

It's more than I bargained for.

- I could get you some water.

Or some milk with, would

you like some milk?

- Milk would be lovely.

- I'll be right back.

- What have you been doing

with yourself all day?

- [Scarlett] Oh, you know, just,

(dishes clinking)

the usual.

- You know, the men are down at the front,

the women have to go down

to the factories and work.

The more of us that pitch in,

the sooner the soldiers will be back.

- I know, Mom.

- There's nothing in this.

What are you thinking?

- I'm sorry.

I'm, I'm not thinking clearly, okay?

I really don't feel well.

I just have these headaches, and nausea.

- Well, maybe you have the flu.

- It's going around, right?

- So I hear.

But we all need to do our part.

If you haven't heard, there's a war on.

- Mom,

that reminds me.

I have a question.

- I'm your mother.

You can ask me anything.

- Okay, well, it's kinda personal, okay?

It's about my period.

- Menstruation, Scarlett.

Women menstruate.

- Right, menstruation.

Okay, I don't really know how to ask this.

When you're on your menstrual cycle,

are you supposed to

start every month, like,

on the dot?

- I'm sure there's a book at the library.

You can look up--

- Mom, I really would rather just ask you

than go all the way down to the library.

- Yes, a woman menstruates every 28 days.

Next subject.

- Okay.

So what if they're late a couple weeks?

- That's not a problem.

- A month?

- Well, I would go to the doctor.

Why are you, who are you talking about?

- A friend.

- What friend?

- Just someone that I've been

friends with for a while.

That's all.


- I would not associate with

this loose girl any longer.

(soft, tense music)

It's like Nicole across the street.

Her boyfriend and her decided

to have premarital sex

and he went off to the front

line, got himself killed,

and now she's at home

with a baby, not married.

How is she gonna afford that?

You're lucky you're not her.

Why are you so upset?

How old is this girl?

- Her birthday's next week.

- Is this some roundabout way to tell me

that you're pregnant?

- Yeah.

- I did not raise you like that.

- I didn't plan this!

- Apparently not.

- Look, I know you're disappointed,

but I am so scared.

- Who is this boy?

What's his name?

- His name's Matthew.

- Matthew.

And where is this Matthew?

- He's at the front line, Mom.

(bells chiming faintly)

- Well, we're gonna take care of this,

and what we're gonna do

is we're going to send you off to a home

for unwed mothers--

- What?

Mom, no!

I'm not gonna give my

child up for adoption.

- You'll have the baby there.

Some nice family will give it a good home

who can afford a baby.

- This is my child we're talking about.

Your grandchild!

What, are you honestly telling me

that you'd be okay with me having a child

and giving them up for adoption?

And you never knowing your grandchild?


never knowing how they grew up to be?

Would you have done that with me?

- We'll go to the pastor and we'll see

if he has an answer for us.

It's different now, because

the boys are at war.

We'll figure out what to do together.

Get dressed, honey.

We're goin' to church.

(guitar chord humming)

Go practice your guitar, Owen.

30 minutes.

(gentle instrumental music)

Pick the guitar up.

Let's get moving.

- 20 minutes?

- You know the drill.

We do this every day.

- 21 minutes?

- (sighs) Well, if you

wanna get good at something

you need to practice.

Practice makes perfect.

Thank you.

- But Grandma, I'm tired.

- You practice your guitar, please.

Grandma has all this sewing she has to do

for Aunt Milly.

(guitar chord humming)

Play me that song that they taught you.

You remember.

(guitar strings twanging

(gentle instrumental music)


(string twanging)

What's that?

- I can't play the guitar.

The string's broken.

- Honey, I told you, you need

to take care of your things.

- [Owen] I have some money.

- It's a really valuable

instrument in this family.

- Oh, Grandma, can you read

this letter from my teacher?

- A letter from your teacher?

What did you do this time?

This is all Grandma needs today.

Well, I hope it's good news.

Dear Owen and family, you and

all your family and friends

are cordially invited to join the school

for cookies and photographs,


Well, isn't that nice.

We can go have a family

photo together, all of us.

- All?

- (sighs) All is you and me.

That's all.

But what I think they

meant is all your family,

your mom and your dad,

and your grandma, you.

(somber piano music)

- Where are your parents?

- (sighs) Well,

they're in heaven.

- Is heaven fun?

- It's a very fun place.

- Then why don't you go to heaven?

- (laughs) Well, then I would miss out

on raising you every day, wouldn't I?

- Are my parents in heaven?

- No, Owen.

I don't know where they are, honey.

- Then why don't they come to see me?

- I don't know where they are,

but I'm sure they wish they were here.

And someday, they might come here

and just surprise you,

and surprise me too.

They will come in the door,

and we'll see your mom.

And your dad.

And they're gonna give you a big hug.

- Why don't they just come now?

I don't want a surprise.

I just want them to be here.

- I would do anything I could

to get them here for you, Owen.


What are you doing?

- Mom?

(Amy inhales sharply)


Are you there?

I really miss you.

Are you there?

If you can hear me, please say something.

- [Amy] Get down.

- Dad?


Why won't you pick up the phone?

- Oh, Owen.

Owen, get down.

Owen, your parents aren't in a place

that you can reach them.

Now, enough of this.

We need to stick to the plan.

- Grandma, I wanna see my parents.

- Owen, please.

You need to go take a bath.

- Please, I just wanna

stay up a little later.

- You have to get up early for school.

Please, Owen!

You are giving me a

really hard time tonight,

and you know what,

I'm gonna go give you

a hard time tomorrow.

I'm gonna go to that school

with my biggest funny red hat

and my biggest funny red shoes

and I'm gonna walk in there

and I'm gonna have a big sign

and I'm gonna yell that

I'm Owen's grandma.

- Okay, I'll take a bath.

- Goodnight, Owen.

I love you very much.

My sweet prince.

When you wake up,

Grandma's gonna have a surprise.

(somber piano music)

I'm gonna go find your mom and dad.

And I'm gonna bring 'em back to you.

And I'm not gonna let

you down one day more.

I love you, sweet Owen.

(door clicking shut)

(guitar chord humming)

(soft chiming music)

- Grandma's been gone for one day,

two days, three days, four days,

five days, six days, seven days,

eight days, nine days, 10

days, 11 days, 12 days,



- Owen!

It's me, Zoe.

Coming in.



I wonder where Owen could be.


Well, if he's not here,

I guess I'll just leave.

- [Owen] Zoe!


(Zoe laughs)

- What are you doing?

- I was hiding 'cause

no one comes to see me.

- No one comes to see you,

what are you talkin' about?

Be careful.

Come here.

(Zoe grunts)

- Woo!

(Zoe laughs)

- Oh my goodness!

- Again, again, again!

- Okay, this way.

- One more.

- Here we go.

- Okay, one more, one more, one more.

- Okay, woo!

One more.

Ohh, okay.

Ooh! (forceful exhaling)

You are heavy!

Wow, you've grown.


Oh, come here.

I missed you.

- I missed you too.

- Merry Christmas.

- Merry Christmas.

- I'm going out with my friends tonight

for a little special thing,

but I did get you a present.

Merry Christmas!

- Thanks!

Wait a minute.

This is the exact same wrapping paper

I got last year from Santa.

Are you Santa?

- No.

Maybe he has the same wrapping paper.

- Let me check.

- Okay.

- It's gone.

- Well, I'm not Santa Claus, so.

I mean, do I look like an old man to you?

- No.

- Mm-hm.

- Is it okay if I go out

with your friends tonight?

- No.

I'm kinda having a special

night with my friends.

- Your friends meaning, like, a boyfriend?

- Kinda, yeah.

- And have you kissed him?

- Yes. (laughs)

- So, if you kissed him,

are you gonna marry him?

- Probably, (laughs) yeah.

- Are you gonna have kids?

- Yeah, I think so.

- You gonna abandon 'em

like my mom and dad did?

- Oh my God, no, sweetie.


- (sighs) Well, since I can't go,

at least I'll give you a few pointers.

- (laughing) Okay.

Go ahead.

- Okay.

Put your hair back.

Put your hair back.

- Okay.

- And now just loosen up

your dress a little bit.

- [Zoe] All right.

- There you go, perfect.

- [Zoe] Do I look presentable now?

- Yes.

- Okay.

Well, I wanted to talk to you

about what you said

earlier about your parents.

I know that you've been having

a little bit of trouble

with your parents being gone

and everything, right?

Even though they don't

come around very often,

they're going to come back eventually.

They miss you.

They just have things to do, okay?

- Okay.

(sighs) Are you sure

I can't come with you?

'Cause you know,

I am a man.

- (laughs) You know, maybe next year

you can come with me and my friends

'cause I'm sure you would fit right in.

- Okay.

- Do you want me to stay a little longer?

- Nah, nah, you can go.

- Oh, I can go?

- Yeah.

- You're a big man,

you can hang out here by yourself?

- Yeah.

- Okay.


Do I look okay?

- You look fine.

(Zoe laughs)

- Ooh, I love you.

- I love you too, Zoe.

- There's a little somethin' on your face.

Got it.

Okay, have a nice night.

- You too.

(door clicks shut)

(soft chiming music)

(guitar chord humming)

(muffled crowd shouting)


(static crackling)

(upbeat music)

(garbled speech)

- [Man] The country, it

doesn't mean anything.

(garbled speech)

(upbeat music)


(soft humming)

(door clicks shut)

- [Sarah] Owen!



- Oh!

Who are you?

- Who are you?

You're not, you're not Owen.

- You're looking for Owen.

All right.

Makes sense.

Oh, wow.

Okay. (laughs)

- Wait, wait, wait.

- Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

It's okay, okay.

Hi, my name is Zoe.

I am Owen's Cousin.

- Really?

- Mm-hm.

Yeah, do I look 18 to you?

- Maybe Owen likes older women.

- (laughing) Have more

confidence, sweetie.

I didn't know Owen had such

a beautiful girlfriend.

Here, how about I get you something

other than wine to drink, maybe milk?

- I don't normally drink, I promise.

- I believe you. (laughs)

Let me go get you some milk.

- No!


Milk, milk makes you so fat.

- Oh, but it'll help your tummy.

I'm going to go get it for you.

- Okay, okay.


- [Zoe] Okay.


- I'm okay.

- Okay, let me, here we go.

There, a little bit.


- Where is Owen?

- He's out.

He'll be back shortly.

He's just getting a box.

- But when will he be back?

- Oh, well,

when he gets a box.

He's been out for around two hours.

He should be back any minute.

You can stay here until he gets back.

- You are so nice.

- So.

How long have you known Owen?

Or, where did you meet Owen?

- I met him on a street

playin' the guitar.

- Hm, lovely.

Yeah, wow.

Well, how long have you two been together?

Ooh, careful.

- Only one year.

But, I, I can't find him.

- Yeah, yeah, he's been

kind of on his own recently.

Poor guy.

- Why does he need boxes?

- He had this lovely idea

to take his guitar and

move to some random village

and live with the locals to get away

from modern society and the

environment, major cities.

- Ah!

I can go with him!

- Oh, oh!

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

No, no, no.

No, no, no, no.

Maybe you can play that

when Owen gets back.

Maybe you can talk him out of it.

I don't think it's a very good idea.

- It's a great idea!

Get to play with animals

and lie in the grass,

and I can be with Owen.

- No, the hippie, rebellious phase thing

is just not very good for Owen.

- All the kids do it.

- The style, the short skirts,

it's not very proper.

I don't know.

- Owen loves my skirt,

says it looks really cute.

- I'm sure he does.


Owen needs someone to take

care of him right now.

- I care, I care so much.

I love, I love Owen.

I love him, but, I don't know

how to get him to love me.

- Well, sometimes boys,

boys just can't see

when a girl likes them.

Sometimes the girl has

to put effort into it

and make some effort and

show him what he's missing.

You could do what you did to me. (laughs)

I'm sure he'd love that.

(Sarah hiccups)

(laughing) Ooh.

Here, let's lay you down.

(guitar strings twanging)

- Owen, is there something

you'd like to tell me?

(soft guitar music)

(Owen humming)



Is there something you wanna tell me?


- No.

- Where have you been?

- A habitat village, McGonagall Commune.

- You're lying.

I went there and you weren't there.

- Maybe you went somewhere

else that I've been.

- Where?

- I don't know, State Dayton Commune.

- State Dayton.

Owen, tell me, how many secrets

are you keeping from me?

Dayton Commune, Route Commune,

I went to all of them

and you were at none!

I mean, where did you go?

- Where do you think I went?

- I don't know, maybe to see another girl.

- (laughing) Yeah, what girl?

- I don't know, you tell me.

- Well, there is no girl.

- I think you're lying.

Did you just push me?

- You know, you asked for it.

I never wanted to get married.

- Do the words I love

you mean nothing to you?

- Grab the keys, get your stuff, and go.

- No!

We can make this work.

We can just start over.

- No, it's done, it is over.

- No, just break it off

with the other girl.

We can still be together.

- No.

I don't want to.

- So there is another girl.

- Yeah.

- I can't live without you.

- Well, I don't need you.

- Look, I know you need your space,

but you need to take responsibility.

You need to grow up!

- Just go.

- No, I--

- Leave!

I don't usually fight women.

Leave before I change my mind.

- [Sarah] You're sick.

(door bangs shut)

(slow-tempo, jazzy music)


- Who are you?


What, what, you wanna fight?

Bring it.

- You think that's what I want?

I'll tell you what I want.

I want you to show Sarah some respect!

- How do you know Sarah?

- Do you love her?

- No.

- Why not?

- I, I don't know.

Is there a law that

says I have to love her?

Oh, Jesus!


- No.

- Guy, you're Guy!

Guy, how are you?

It's good to see you.

How have you been?

- Fine.

- Yeah?

What's it, five years?

- Yeah, man.

- Oh my God.

Where have you been?

- Whoa!

- What?

- Owen.

- Oh, when we were kids!

- Yes, of course.

- Oh my, I forgot about that.

That's disgusting.

- Yeah, I know.

- That's a nasty...

- No, thanks, I'm tryin' to quit.

- (laughing) Yeah?

- Yeah.

- How long's that been lasting?

- It's been a week. (laughs)

So you and Sarah, huh?

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Where's she again?

- What's that?

- She's gone?

- Yeah, yeah, well, we got in a little--

- Ooh.

- Yeah, a little tussle.

- A tussle, yeah, she said that, yeah.

- Yeah, yeah, it's all right.

She'll come back.

- Okay, great, so you talked to her

and she'll be back, that's good.

- I mean, she always does.

She loves me.

- She loves you.

- Yeah, of course.

- Of course, yeah, you

guys love each other

so she'll be back.

- [Owen] No, I mean, well she loves me.

- You don't love her back.

- I don't know.


- What's not to love?

I mean, she's beautiful,

she's kind, she cooks.

Oooh, so good.



- All right.

- All right, I'll hold it.

- Hey.

- No, you know what, no, no, it's okay.


- You're just gonna hold it?

- Yeah, it's not--

- (laughs) All right, sure.

- I'll hold it like this.

- Okay, sure.

- Where was I?


Imagine, you come home, your wife, Sarah,

is in the kitchen cooking you some dinner,

and your boys are out

front mowin' the lawn,

playing some ball.

It's a dream come true.

- A dream until, you know,

your wife and kids leave you,

and then what are you gonna do?

- Well, why would they

leave you if you love them?

- Hypothetically, you know.

Like, what if they leave

you, then what do you do?

- So you're gonna cut out

that entire part of your life

because of a what if?

- Well, I mean, if love's a tragedy

why even start?

- Owen, you're only gonna

get the life you want

if you take the risks.

- (laughing) Okay.

- And she loves you.

And you leading her on like this is,

it's not right, man.

- Well, don't tell me what to do.

- Yeah, well...

I'll tell you what, pal.

Since you're too much of a pansy,

I'll do it, so you don't have to.

- You'll do what?

- I'll live the dream.

I'll have the girl, I'll have the kids.

I'll marry Sarah.

- You'll, you'll marry Sarah.

- Yeah, I will.

- There's gonna be a problem there,

is that Sarah loves me, so--

- I guess I'll have to take that risk.

- All right, get out.

Get the fuck outta my house.

- Oh, come on, Owen, you don't wanna--

- Get the fuck out, get out of my house!


- Fine.

(soft instrumental music)

- Hey.

(lighter clicking)

(lighter clattering)

(forceful exhaling)


- Hey, Linda.

- Hi!

(Linda laughing)

Ooh, look at you!

- You look great.

- [Linda] Thank you, you too. (laughs)

- So what do you think?

- Oh, I love it, yeah.

- Great.

- It's perfect.

Thank you, so much--

- My pleasure.

- For letting me stay here.

- Owen is out of town right now

for a couple of months,

and you can stay here

while he's gone.

And when he gets back, I promise

I'll help you find somewhere else to live.

- Okay.

Well, if I can't,

do you think I can maybe stay with you?

Look, I promise I will pay rent.

- It's not that, it's just, my fiancee.

- Oh.

- Yeah.

I wouldn't want her to, you know,

get the wrong idea about who you are,

how we met, how we know

each other, stuff like that.

- You're afraid of your fiancee?

- I am not afraid.

I respect her.

- Okay.

- Okay.

- Well, it was just

'till I can find a place.

- Okay, we'll see.

So where you been?

- Oh, traveling.

Got a little caught up in the

whole hippie culture thing.

So, I got a little lonely.


Thought I'd go back to my

roots and maybe settle down

and start a family.

- Well, you're lucky.

There's a lotta great guys in this city.

- Are they like you?

- [Guy] (laughs) Yeah, I'm

sure they are pretty similar.

- I thought maybe I'd go

back to being a nurse,

or maybe a therapist.

- Ooh, a therapist is good.

Yeah, I could use a therapist.

- What, who is this?

- Oh, this is a picture of Owen's parents.

- His father was a soldier?

- Yeah.

- Oh.

What happened to his mom?

- She was so heartbroken,

she went and got married

to someone else right away.

Left Owen.

- How did Owen cope with that?

- Not well.

That's probably the reason why

he hasn't gotten married.

- He never married?

- No, not Owen.

- Huh.

Well, maybe he's just

looking for that special someone.

- Or maybe he's just,


Maybe he just doesn't wanna be abandoned.

- Yeah, well...

Look, either way, it looks like

he's just tryin' to find

someone to fill the void.

- Well, I better go.

- Wait, no, Guy.

It's been so long since I've seen you.

Why don't,

why don't we just sit and talk?

(soft instrumental music)


- I'm gonna go.

- Guy, look, I'm sorry.

I didn't--

- Here, it's the key.

It was good to see you.

Bye, Linda.

(rain pattering)

(door squeaking open)

- What the?

Oh my God!

- Whoa, no, no, no, no, no!

Oh, I'm sorry.

I, I,

I'm Owen, I used to have,

this is my old room.

- Owen.

Yeah, but what--

- I'm sorry.

No, I'm not gonna harm you or anything.

I just, this used to be my,

I have a key.

- I know who, I know your name.

What are you doing here?

Oh my God.

- Oh my God.

I completely forgot that

this place was rented out.

- You think?

- [Owen] I'm sorry.

- Cou...

Well, I have this place for two months.

How did this happen?

I don't--

- Yeah, no.

- Can you turn around please?

- Oh, sure.

(door bangs shut)

Okay, just--

- Am I okay?

Can I turn back around?

- Yeah, just--

- [Owen] And let me

formally introduce myself.

I'm sorry, yeah, I'm Owen.

- Hi, Owen.

- Pleased to meet you.

And your name again?

- Linda.

- Oh my God, Linda.

- Gus has said some nice things about you

so I know you're not a

ax murderer or anything.

- I am not, promise.

I mean, the only ax I

got is my guitar, so.

- Yeah, I heard you are quite the player.

- Yeah, I mean, it's kinda what I do.

You wanna hear somethin'?

- Sure.

- Yeah?

- (laughing) Yeah.

- Why not?

(mellow guitar music)

You know what?

This is weird.

I am soaked.

I gotta, I feel awful.

I gotta get goin'.

I'll leave you to get back to sleep.

I am sorry for waking you up.

You have a nice night, okay? (laughs)

- Look, I'm not sending

you out in the rain.

That would make me feel really bad, so,

this is your,

you can spend the night tonight

until you figure out.

- [Owen] Yeah?

- I can't believe I just said that either,

but sure.

- Oh my God.

That would,

that would be great.

- Okay.

- I can sleep wherever.


The floor is perfectly fine.

- All right, I'll grab you a blanket.

- And I am harmless.

- Yeah, that's what

they all say. (laughing)

- Don't you worry.

- Okay, well.

- Thank you, again.

- You're welcome.

(rain pattering)

- Mom?


No, no, no, no, no!

- Owen, Owen.

Shh, shh, shh.


You must've had a nightmare.

- Ooh.

(guitar chord humming)

(birds chirping)

Good morning.

- Good morning.

- I had a nightmare, huh?

- Yeah, you had quite the nightmare.

- Sorry about that.

- That's okay.

- That's embarrassing.

- Oh, come on.

Feelin' better?

- Yeah.

Yeah, thank you.

- Cold.

- There we go.

I'm not warm enough for ya?

- I'm gettin' there.

- (laughs) Oh yeah?

(soft piano music)

(Linda gasping)

- Scooch over.

Ooh, great.

That was wonderful.


(Owen moaning)

Can I play you a song?

- Please do.

- Yeah?

- Mm-hm.

- Okay.

(guitar chord humming)

Yeah, baby. (laughs)

(upbeat guitar music)

(Owen humming)

♪ La dah dah ♪

♪ Lee dee dee dee dee ♪

♪ Lah dah dah dah dah dee ♪

♪ Dee dee dee ♪

♪ Dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dee ♪

- [John] Sounds good.

♪ Lah dah dah dah ♪

What's up, John?

- Hey-o.

- What's goin' on?


What are you doin'?

- [John] Just dancin'.

(Owen laughs)

- Yeah, how about you have a seat?

- [John] All right.

- Pick up that.

Yeah, hold that.

It's easy, just follow me, all right?

- All right.

- Okay.

♪ Lah dah dah dah dah dah ♪

♪ Dah dah dah ♪

♪ Lah dah dah ♪

♪ Lah dah dah ♪

♪ Lah dah dee ♪

♪ Dah dah dah ♪

♪ Dah dah dah ♪

♪ Dah dah dah ♪

♪ Dah dah dee ♪

♪ Dah dah dah ♪

♪ Dah dah dah ♪

♪ Lah dah dah ♪

♪ Dah dah dee ♪

♪ Lah dah dah ♪

♪ Dah dah dah ♪

- Stop it, John!

- Okay. (laughs)

♪ Dah dah dah ♪

♪ Dah dah dee ♪

♪ Dah dah dah ♪

♪ Dah dah dah ♪

♪ Dah dah dah ♪

♪ Dah dah dee ♪

♪ Dah dah dah ♪

♪ Dah dah dah ♪

- Ahh, John!

- What, man?

- [Owen] Stop that.

- All right.

- You want somethin' to drink?

- Yeah, I'll take some milk.

- Hey, come on.

- [John] (laughing) Hey,

I'm just playin' around.

- Yeah.

We've been playin' all day.

- We have.

So, you and Linda.

That was quick.

- Yeah, man.

She's beautiful, attentive, funny.

It's everything I've

ever wanted in a woman.

- Do you really think

you love her, though?

I mean, she's, like, 10

years older than you.

- Yeah, but if you truly love someone

age shouldn't matter.

You know what I believe is I

believe she's a gift from God.

(John laughing)

Laugh it up.

(both laughing)

Stupid, but...

- So you think she loves you

the way that you love her?

- Yeah.

Why are you questioning our relationship?

Let me tell you somethin',

we're going to get married.

- Okay.

- Mark my words.

- [John] Does she know you

don't want children, though?

- I'm not gonna lie to her.

She loves children, but,

I don't know.

I mean, she understands

where I'm comin' from

and she's told me before that

she's not gonna get pregnant,

so, yeah, yeah.

Hey, whatever's goin'

on between Linda and I,

you would never understand.

- Ouch.

Well, speaking of Linda,

I've got somethin' for you.

- [Owen] From her?

- [John] You'll see.

- See, she's always doin' these

surprise things and whatnot.

This is awesome.

Now see, this is what I'm talkin' about,

a hand written letter.

Who does that?

Who does that?

- Okay, okay.

- And she could've given it to me herself

but instead she had my best friend do it.

- Just read it.

- Come on, that's romantic.

Okay, Dear Owen.

I should probably call you Mister by now.

There's a misunderstanding

between you and I.


You know what?

You're bein' a little bit

too touchy feely today.

- Sorry about that.

- I feel that the love

you have come to desire

is the motherly love you never had.


I need someone who will love me

and build a life together as a partner

and not someone who thinks of me

as some form of mother.


(somber piano music)

I cannot be with you any longer.

I wanna live the way things are now.

- Owen.

- Is she breaking up with me?

- Stay strong.

Okay, other women aren't

different than her.

- Why would she break up with me?

Everything's been going good.

There is no reason for this.

- I don't know.

Hey, no matter--

- Is she breaking up with me?

- No matter what, I'm here for you, okay?


- Why would she do this?

- Ever since we went to Vegas,

when I first saw you, I knew.

We were the best friends

when we were in the band,

and in life.

- Why would she do this?

- Hey.

We can start our own band

together, go on a world tour.

I can take you away from all this.

- Oh, God!

- That sound good, Owen?

(soft piano music)

(Owen sobbing)


Come here.

You can be with me now, okay?

What's wrong?

- Did you just kiss me?

- Yeah.

- Did you just fucking kiss me?

- I thought you liked it.

- No.

Did I just kiss a man?

What the fuck is going on?

- Hey, it's okay.

- You need to leave.

You need to leave, you need

to leave, you need to go.


- You don't mean that.

- Leave!

Now, leave.

(door creaking open)


(guitar chord humming)

♪ Dah dah dah dah dah ♪

♪ Dah dah dah, uh ♪

♪ Dah dah dah dah, yeah ♪

♪ I love, uh ♪

♪ I love you, yes I do ♪

I'm glad you invited me here. (laughs)

It was the right choice.


- Hi, John.

- Father Charlie.

- Thanks for the roses.

- You're welcome.

- Sit.

So, Owen's gone to the hospital

to be with his grandma.

He asked me to wait here to talk with you.

- I don't understand.

- In the eyes of the

Lord, you are a sick man.

- There's some sort of

misunderstanding here.

I don't need to change for anybody.

- Oh.

I've always wondered, why

did Linda give you the letter

and not Owen?

- She gave it to me because she found out

about Owen's mother fixation.

She was disgusted.

And she didn't wanna

argue with him about it,

so she wanted me to give it to him.

- You are a liar!

Linda came to me.

She came to pray together.

She told me that you

approached her about Owen.

- So?

She made her own choice.

- A choice based on your lies!

You lied to her, and told her

that you and Owen were lovers.

- This is between me and Owen.

- This is between you and the Lord

and he has final judgment,

and so far he has found you lacking!

Owen has made a decision.

He does not want you in his life.

- Nothing you can say can change my mind.

I don't regret anything.

- You need to leave.

Don't forget your flowers.

(guitar chord humming)

(somber vocalizing)

Your grandmother is no longer suffering.

She has been lifted up

to the Kingdom of Heaven.

- Her own daughter didn't

even come to the funeral.

She's gonna regret that forever.

- There are no regrets in

heaven, only salvation.

Death is just the beginning.

Yes, it's the end of our earthly toils,

but it is the start of living

in the light of our Lord.

Are you hungry?

Your grandmother would want you to eat.

I've known your grandmother

for a very long time.

She sacrificed for you.

She did everything to give

you the life you deserve,

the life she wanted for you.

But without the Lord in your heart,

you will not find that life.

- I know, but...

I just don't know what to do.

- Your grandmother wanted

me to give this to you.

Open it.

(gentle instrumental music)

(Owen sniffling)

- What is this?

- Your grandmother spent years

looking for your mother and father.

This letter, the books

and notebooks in that box,

they have the details of where she went,

who she talked to, what clues she found.

Now, she didn't tell you about it

because she didn't wanna disappoint you.

She was gonna give this to you

when she found one of your parents.

That never happened.

And now she wanted to

make sure that you got it.

- All this time she's been

looking for my parents.


I've been searching for them for years.


(Owen sniffling)

- She knew about that hole in your heart,

but she didn't wanna give you false hope.

She thought it better to

keep it a secret from you

what she was doing.

She didn't wanna cause you anymore pain.

- Can I show you something?

- What's all this?

- Everywhere I've been over the years,


It's good to,

it's good to finally get to

talk to somebody about it.

It's just been such a lonely thing.

I tried to tell Linda about it once or,

I don't know, maybe twice.

But I could never find the

right time or the right words.

And it just, I guess it...

She just couldn't wait.

She left, too.

- Linda loved you.

We talked.

She never felt like that she

got a place in your heart,

for when you truly love someone

you share everything, you

share your dreams and desires,

your fears, your losses.

And she never felt like

you were open with her,

and that's why she had to leave.

- I know.

I know it wasn't her

fault, or anybody's fault.

It was mine.

This was my mom's.

- Not until you accept the

love of the Lord in your heart

will you be able to see

what you are searching for

with your eyes.

- Father, look at this.

Look at these places.

My grandmother's journal is full of...

Look at this.

Branson, Missouri, 1951.

I was there in 1963.

Look, here, Christmas 1952, Carmel.


Christmas, I remember that Christmas.

I got so mad at her for,

for leaving me all alone.

It's down there.

- She must have really loved you

to be willing to sacrifice time with you

on such a holy day, and such

a special day for a child.

- It was,

just a long search

through so many different places,

and talking to so many different people.

I just feel like,

this is a waste.

- I feel I have failed you, my son.

I never have believed in you.

I thought you going around

to all these different towns

with different women and not

letting someone love you,

I thought you were lost.

But now I know.

You were just looking for your parents,

looking for that love you need.

I beg your forgiveness

for not supporting you.

- No, I,

well, I was searching for a long time.

But it...

I don't know.

It just seemed like it

was all for nothing.

I was just always so alone

and without anything.

The only thing I really ever had of him

was my father's guitar.

I don't know.

I just, (sighs)

I just really felt alone.

- You're wrong, my son.

You were never alone.

Your mother gave birth to you.

She nurtured you.

She made sure you were with

someone that loved you,

someone that would take care of you,

give you the opportunities and the chance

for a happy life, that she couldn't.

Your mother was always

with you in your heart.

Her love was always there.


what are you gonna do now?

- I don't know.

Maybe I'll get a dog.

- (laughs) That's wonderful.

Someone you could love and someone

that could love you unconditionally.

I think that's a great idea.

- I thought I might leave.

- Where would you go?

- My father's hometown.

I thought about maybe starting over.

But until then,

I don't know.

- Would you ever come back?

(Owen laughs)

- I don't know.


No, maybe.

I suppose if my parents

miraculously returned home,

then so would I.

Until then,

I'll just keep this with me.

- Well, I know a few things

about miracles, my son,

and I will pray that you find the answers

that you're looking for.

And I always will be

there for you, my son.

- Thank you, Father, thank you.

(guitar chord humming)

How you doin'?

You know,

I figured out that there's pretty much

two paths in life.

This is my wisdom, listen up.

Everything I've learned up until now.

One, is that for some people

life is a complete circle

and comes all the way

back to the beginning.

And for others, we exist in

some constantly wandering path.

And the thing is,

you don't really know which one you are

until you get out there.

I think it's time for us to get out there.

(jazzy, upbeat music)

I didn't tell you before,

but I've been lookin' for my parents,

for 40 years.

I've stayed here in

this place for 40 years,

and I think it's time for us to move on.

So, I'm gonna write down our new address

and hopefully if they ever return

we'll all get to be a family again.

What do you think about that?

Are you excited?

'Cause you look very excited.

I know.

You're cheering on the inside, aren't you?



Come here.

You ready for a little adventure?

(laughing) Yeah, I think

you're pretty cool too.

Hey, can I play you a song?

Play you a song?

Anybody ever tell you

you're a good listener?

(uptempo guitar music)

(Owen vocalizing)

(exhales forcefully)

Well, it's a work in progress anyway.

You're a good boy.

(gentle instrumental music)

(camera clicks)

(Owen laughs)

(camera clicks)

(Owen laughs)

(camera clicks)



Don't look at me like that.

You thought I was gonna leave you?

I'm not goin' anywhere without you.



No, I'm not, I'm not goin'

anywhere without you.

You ready?

Let's get outta here.

(light clicks off)

- Remember this?

Do you remember living here, Spence?


Okay, I'm gonna set you down.

Okay, good boy.

Do you remember?


What do you think?

(dog barks)

Ooh, such a mess.


(gasps) Oh!

It's a gramophone!


Do you think it works?

Let's try this.



(upbeat, jazzy music)

(dog barks)

(laughing) It works!

All right, let's get busy.


(furniture scraping)



Hi, sweetheart.

No, it's a big mess.

Yeah, I know, they have

to come back, honey.

But tell 'em I love the color. (laughs)

All right.

Yes, we found the gramophone.

Yeah. (laughing)

I wanna keep it, it's gorgeous.

The TV?

Nah, that's gotta go.

No, we'll bring mine.


All right, love.

All right, we're comin' to get ya.

We'll see ya soon.

Bye bye.

All right, let's go bring Owen home.

(dog barks)

(guitar chord humming)

Sorry to wake you up.

- Ooh, it's a pleasure.


You wanna do somethin' fun?

- Yeah.

- Yeah?

- (laughing) Let me close the curtains.

(Owen sighs)

(Owen humming)


You meant music?

- Yeah, what did...



Ooh, you!

- I thought...

- Later.

- Okay.


(TV chattering indistinctly)

- [Owen] Yeah.

- [Man On TV] From the US military,

soldiers missing in action

back to their homes.

- Oh, and you know I

don't like war pictures.

What are you watching?

- I don't know, I fell asleep.

- I lost half my family in the war.

No, I'm turning it off, Owen.

- Please do.

(slow-tempo guitar music)

- Owen, do you know somebody

at Belleview Hospital

in Seattle, Washington?

- Belleview Hospital?

- [Eva] Do you know somebody

in Belleview Hospital?

- Dear Owen.

- Oh.

- Linda.


Dear, dear Linda.

- I'll give you some privacy.

- No, no, no, no, no.

There's no secrets here.

Sit, I'll share the letter with you.

It says dear Owen. (laughs)

It's been quite a long time.

Hope everything is okay.

Now I hope you haven't moved yet.

Either way, I truly hope

these words find you.

The reason I wrote you is that I believe,

I believe I found your mother.

Influenced by my father, I, too,

became a doctor, a psychiatrist.

I came across a patient

who, unfortunately,

has 60 years of mental illness,

she can't even remember her name.

It's a miracle she survived at all.

I recognized her heart-shaped pin.

She doesn't let anyone touch it

to the point that she

completely loses control.

It takes two nurses to calm her.

According to my father,

the man who brought your mother here

was a kind-hearted man who

found her after she fainted.

It's heartbreaking that

there hasn't been much

we could do to improve her condition,

but when I said your name,

a subtle smile grew on her lips,


and when I said the name of Matthew,

tears streamed down her eyes

while she grabbed my hand.

They found a map in her possession

which I'm sending you a copy of,

and I, along with a photo of her.

Could that be you?

- Owen, are you sure it's her?

- No, I'm not.

I'm not.

I'm not certain.

It could be.

I do, I do recognize

that face in my grandma.

That's the one that has the pin heart.

I found it in grandma's picture in here.

It's, it was in there.

There's that pin.

And see?

The jawline.

That may be Mom.

- Owen, here's a picture of your mom.

- Yes, I believe it's her.


It is!

- Oh, Owen!

- It's my mom!

- Owen, it's your mother!

- Mom!

(Owen sniffling)


Grandma taught me this.

Used to sing this to

me when I was younger.

Can I share a song with you?

- Sure.

(Owen mumbles)

I'd love to hear it.

- Grandma played this to me.

I can hear it in my head.

(slow-tempo guitar music)

♪ Years flew by, grieving deep ♪

♪ Holding time until we meet ♪

♪ Pictures fall, memories fade ♪

♪ Don't forget all we've made ♪

♪ Take my hand, feel my heart ♪

♪ In my arms, never apart ♪

♪ From above, we stand tall ♪

♪ Built on love and four walls ♪

♪ Now we have peace of mind ♪

♪ Holding you for all time ♪

♪ From above, we stand tall ♪

♪ Built from love and four walls ♪

♪ Here I am, by your side ♪

♪ See myself behind your eyes ♪

♪ You came back next to me ♪

♪ Now my life is complete ♪

♪ Finally we are free ♪

♪ No more ties binding me ♪

♪ From above, we stand tall ♪

♪ Built from love and four walls ♪

♪ Give us strength, we will stay ♪

♪ Safe and sound another day ♪

♪ From above, we stand tall ♪

♪ Built from love and four walls ♪