Lords of the Deep (1989) - full transcript

Man has finally conquered the ocean. America's first self-contained undersea laboratory is the pride of the nation, and expectations are high for an elaborate undersea mining operation. ...

(ominous music)

(mysterious music)

- Commander, what do you think's

really going on down there?

- It's hard to say.

One of their researchers, Claire

McDowell, do you know her?

- [Crewman] Nuh-uh.

- Anyway, she found

something she shouldn't have.

- And no one is

saying what it is?

- Nope.

They must be

threatening to someone

or we wouldn't be going there.

(ominous music)

(loud hum)

- Trilby, what happened

to that comlink?

- [Trilby] I am working

on it, Commander Dobler.

- Sometimes, I think

your programmed

for everything

but speed, Trilby.

- [Trilby] I am trained for

speed too, Commander Dobler.

- [Woman] Martel Incorporated.

- [Stuart] Stuart Dobler.

- [Woman] Please standby for

voice print identification.

- Stuart, any word from

the replacement crew?

- No, sir, and frankly, I'm

getting a little impatient.

I think I'm starting

to develop gills.

- Well, we may have to

strip you of your rank

and start using you

for experiments.

What about the others?

Are they anxious to

return to the surface?

- Some.

The maintenance crew is fine.

Your researchers, though,

are taking it a little hard.

It's like a blow to their pride,

you know, to be

replaced prematurely.

- Tell them to have

faith in their company.

Martel has their best

interests at heart.

- Yes, sir.

- Hipthong.

- Hipthong.

- Scrud.

- [Chadwick] Scrud.

- Thank you.


- Paperclip.

- You're not exactly

fired, Barbara.

I mean, come on,

there is a difference

between being fired

and being replaced.

- Right, Stanley.

- Ah, just like Martel.

You buy a chunk of the sea,

build the world's most

expensive undersea lab,

and they fix us up with the

world's cheapest whisky.


What is that?

- This is great.

This is a spaceship on

top of a fire hydrant,

sitting on a lily pad,

and dolphins coming

in with my little son.

He's on it, right there.

"I love you, Daddy."


- What time is it?


- There's a moon.

There's a moon right there.

Do you like the colors?

- I'll be right back.

- Time to take your station.

We're about 25

kilometers from here.

- Yes, sir.

Give me my link up, Trilby.

- [Trilby] Yes, Mr. Engel.

- Commander, we have our

connection with Martel.

Use channel seven.

- All right.

- Hello, I'm Stanley Engel,


here on Neptune Base.

How are you?

- Okay, I guess.

Actually, we're baffled.

We have no idea what

to expect down there.

- You'll be briefed

after you arrive.

- You know, I've decided

that there's no justice

in the world, Jack.

I mean, I come down here,

I make the most

amazing discovery,

and then (exhales).

I mean, it's just

taken away from me.

- Yeah, I know.

My desire for the

city's being taken away.

We're all losing something.

Listen, if it makes

you feel any better,

there really is

justice in this world.

- Oh, yeah?

- Yeah.

If there were no

justice in this world,

you'd never be loved.


- [Claire] Aw.

- Whoops!

- [Chadwick] And yet another

tawdry shipboard romance.

- Shocking.

- Disgusting.

- [Bobby] Mm.

- Bye, guys.


(loud rumbling)

(siren wailing)

(loud rumbling)

(siren wailing)

- We're getting some

interference over

the transmission.

- Do you feel that?

- Yeah, I heard the quake.

- Commander, I'm getting

something on the sonar.

- Reduce power, 50%.

- Well, we've been having

some earthquake activity

the last few weeks.

There's nothing to worry

about, strictly minor stuff.

(siren wailing)

- What the hell is it?

I can't get a reading on it!

- Commander, what's going on?!

- Engage all engines!

Get me full power!

- We're at full power!

It won't budge!

- [Commander] Okay, keep trying.

- What is it?

- I don't know, but

whatever it is...

I lost vibrational hookup!

(loud hiss)

- All communications are dead!

We've lost contact!

- Backups simply aren't working!


The engines just went!

- Oh, God!

- Tell us!

(alarm wailing)

- [Barbara] Oh, God.

(alarm wailing)

(loud crash)

(loud crash)

(loud hum)

(gentle music)

- [Woman] Claire.


- Sea scout.

Sea Scout, come in.

Sea Scout, this is Neptune Base.

Come in.

- Try the comlink backup system.

- [Jack] You okay?


- Trilby, give us a

complete systems check.

- [Trilby] One moment,

Commander Dobler.

The comlink radar

signal has been deviated

and there is damage to

the exterior power lines.


Maintenance crew,

repair is required.

- I've always liked

a job with stability.

Jesus, even the frigging

emergency lights worn out.

- You better jump in

that pressure suit, pal.

- Roll you for it.

- [Both] Apple,

peaches, pumpkin pie!

- Rock smashes scissors, pal.

- [Stuart] Everybody

okay in here?

- Yeah, fine.

- We're fine.

- [Claire] Yeah, good.

Oh, excuse me.

- Sorry to report that

we've lost communication

with the replacement shuttle.

- Can't you pick

them up on radar?

- It's down.

We'll get it back

soon enough, though.

Chadwick's suiting

up to fix the lights.

- Well, they could still

be on their way, right?

- Maybe, but we can't be sure.

They're certainly not

responding to our signal.

- What was the last

thing that happened?

- I don't know.

There was just something

definitely strange

about the last second of

contact we had with them.

- Stanley, what do you mean?

- Well, the shuttle commander,

he just looked scared to death,

like, I don't know, like he'd

seen a ghost or something.

- Ooh.

(group laughs)

- Well, I'd say that's

an appropriate reaction

for an earthquake, wouldn't you?

(gentle chime)


There's Chadwick.

(gentle music)


No, I don't think

we should wait.

If something has happened

to the replacement crew,

we need to know about

it as soon as possible.

- On my way.

- Thank you, Fernandez.

(ominous music)

- Ah, Red Dog One to Red

Dog Leader, do you read me?

- Very well.

Now, Fernandez, I want

you to start your search

in the vicinity of

Caucus Reef, understand?

- Ah, that's a Roger Wilco.

- [Jack] You're bleeding.

- [Claire] Oh, it's

no big deal, really.

- Barbara.

Barbara, could you take

a look at this, please?

- It's nothing.

(ominous music)

- Uh, approaching the reef.

- [Stuart] You see anything?

- Ah, yeah, yeah, I think I do.

Hold on.

(electricity buzzing)

- Thank you, Chadwick.

- All right.

(ominous music)

- Fernandez, the systems

here have just been restored.

- Are you receiving

my external feed?

- Trilby, give us a visual feed.

No, Fernandez, the

telemonitor's still down.

- It's too bad 'cause you're

not gonna believe this.

The hatches are blown.

I don't see any

sign of the crew.

- What?

- I mean, I don't see nothing.

- Bail out,

Fernandez, come home.

- You got it.

- [Claire] I don't believe it.

- [Barbara] What?

- The sample, did you

know, when it fell,

it was all over the place,

and now, it's back

in one mass again?

(loud hum)

(gentle music)

Would you look at this?

Not only did it reassemble,

it reassembled

itself outside water.

(gentle chime)

- Must be Chadwick.

Something must be wrong.

Claire, medical kit.

Tom, oxygen.

Okay, careful, careful.

Okay, Chadwick.

Watch his neck.

- Barbara, be careful.

- Help me get his helmet off.

(ominous music)

Oh, my god.

Claire, I don't know what it is.

There's no hair.

There's no bone.

There's no blood vessels.

There's no blood.

His whole body just changed

into some foreign substance.

- You know, this

is almost identical

to the substance that

I had been studying.

Would you look?

Look at this.

- Yeah.

- Did you dispose

of the dive suit?

- Yeah.

But you know, there wasn't

one hole on it, anywhere.

- You sure about that?

- Absolutely.

- [Barbara] Would you

give me a hand with this?

- Sure.

- Claire, what are you doing?

- We're about to take samples.

- [Stuart] Negative,

I can't allow it.

- Why not?

- We have absolutely no idea

what we're dealing with here.

We cannot risk contamination.

- We've already risked

contamination by

preserving the body.

- What body?


What you guys talking about?

It's Chadwick.

Where is he?

Jesus Christ.

What the hell's going

on around here?!

- Bobby, uh, come on.

- Hey, don't tell me that!

My best friend's in the

sponge tank on display!

The entire sub crew

just disappeared!

Now, what the hell's going on?!

- What?

- Bobby, come on, let's go.

Come on.

Come on, let's go.

- Yeah.

Yeah, let's trust in the

business of science, huh?

- Why didn't you tell us about

the replacement crew, Dobler?

- I was about to.

- What exactly happened?

- Well, your guess

is as good as mine.

The hatch was open,

the crew gone.

- Are you gonna send a

second replacement crew down?

- I can't.

The signal's still down.

But whenever Fernandez can

pull himself together again,

I'll send him out to repair it.

- And have what happened to

Chadwick happen to Fernandez?

- Are you implying

I would endanger the

lives of my own crew?

- What I'm saying is that

what happened to Chadwick

could happen to any of us.

I mean, at least let us try

to find out what happened.

- It's their lives we're

talking about, Dobler.

Why don't you ask us if we're

willing to accept the risks?

- I don't think that's going

to be necessary, is it?

You're all siding with Claire?

- Hey.

I don't think it's a

question of taking sides.

- No, it's a question

of insubordination.

Permission granted, Claire.

Go ahead, take your samples!

Just don't say you

weren't warned.

- Let's get started.

(ominous music)

- Should we wait for a

second replacement crew?

- No.

We should send Fernandez

to retrieve the shuttle,

and all of us just

get out of here.

- [Stanley] Yes, sir.

I'll do it right now.

- [Barbara] Trilby, can

you check the oxygen level

in here, please?

It seems a little thin.

- [Trilby] Checking.

The oxygen level was low.

I corrected it.

- [Barbara] Thank you.

Trilby, we're trying to

determine how Chadwick died.

- [Jack] Hey.

- Hi.

- Taking a break?

- Yeah, for good.

There's nothing

more I can offer.

- What do you mean?

- That tissue isn't human, Jack.

There isn't a trace

of Chadwick in it.

- What do you think it is, then?

- I don't know, but it's alive.

(gentle music)

- [Trilby] Dr. McDowell is here

to speak with you,

Commander Dobler.

- [Stuart] Let her in, Trilby.

- You've already

spoken with Barbara?

- I have.

- Well, then, I

can only add this:

The substance that I've been

studying the last few days,

it's identical to the substance

that we found inside

Chadwick's suit.

- So?

- I don't think what we've got

is Chadwick in the next room.

- You're out of your mind.

- Maybe, and maybe you should

go on over to the R&D room

because whatever we've got

inside that tank is mutating.

In only eight hours, it's

changed size, shape, color.

Do you know what that means?

It's altered its entire

molecular structure

for God's sake!

- What does that prove?

- "What does that prove"?


Mm, uh, damage to environment.

Request history of

Neptune Base habitat.

- [Jack] Damage.

- Environment.

Request history to

Neptune Base habitat.

- Neptune Base habitat.

That's strange.

I thought crew had total

access on this computer.

- Mm, yeah.

We thought a lot of things.

- Your ignoring the

potential danger here.

- I'm not ignoring the

potential danger here.

I just...

Now, I know this sounds funny,

but something inside of me

tells me that that danger,

you know, just doesn't exist.

- I'd like to believe you.

- Well, I could convince you.

But I'd like to do it tomorrow.

Mm, do you mind, baby?

I'm so tired.

(gentle music)





(loud hum)

- [Woman] Claire.

Claire, you were chosen.


We need your trust.

You will understand.

(ominous music)

(gentle music)

(ominous music)

(loud rumbling)

(siren wailing)

(suspenseful music)

- Complete systems

check, Trilby!

- [Trilby] Yes,

Commander Dobler.

- [Jack] Are you okay?

- [Claire] Yeah.


(gentle music)

- [Trilby] Commander Dobler?

- Yes, Trilby?

- [Trilby] The malfunction

in the central generator

is creating power failures.

- Thank you, Trilby.

Trilby informs me there were...

My god.

(ominous music)

I'm going to have Fernandez

retrieve the shuttle.

We're all getting out of here.

- Well, that's a good idea.

- What about the creature?

- What about it?

- Well, are we just

gonna abandon it?


- I wouldn't exactly call it

a member of our team, would you?

- You are what you eat.

- Knock it off with that.

- It demands further

study, Dobler.

- Fine.

The next crew here

will study it.

- By that time,

it could be dead!

- Whoever said an autopsy

didn't amount to study?

- I wouldn't call it equivalent!

- Well, fortunately,

you're not in charge here.

One man dead, I feel

I'm entirely justified

in making this decision.

Gear up, Fernandez.

(ominous music)

- So far, so good.

- Good.

- Hey.

Good idea.

Let's get drunk!

- Catch up.

- Cheers.

Hey, listen.

Don't you guys think Dobler's

being a little tough on Claire?

- Mm-hm.

- Not necessarily.

That thing could be dangerous.

(gentle music)

- Ah, come on, Tom.

Dobler's getting personal.

Just don't like the fact that

we're being quiet about it.

- You know something?

You're absolutely right.

(ominous music)

- Fernandez, how far

are you from the reef?

- I'm approaching it now.

Holy shit, what was that?


Never mind.


I'm suiting up!

Gonna enter the sub.

(loud thud)

- Fernandez, what's going on?

- I got an angry fish

knocking on my door!

I'm gonna rewire the sub!

Try to fry that fish!

(electricity crackles)

Think it worked.



Okay, I got two more coming

back at me, straight at me.

- Maneuver outta there!

- Okay, I'm out of power, pal.

- Go to your backup source.




- I'm not sure how they

got him, but they did.

I've given Trilby orders

to deplete the tank

of oxygen and water.

Would you hand these out?

- What's this?

- These are

nondisclosure statements

that you all have to sign.

Once the replacement

crew arrives

and you're back on the surface,

you're to say nothing

about this discovery.

- Who authorized this statement?

- Martel.

They prepared these

forms in the event

of something like this,

something demanding secrecy.

- Demanding secrecy?

Dobler, this is a

whole new life form

that breaks all

the laws of nature!

I mean, the world

has a right to know!

- Negative, that can't happen.

- Well, then, this is one area

that Martel has no rights.

You can replace me,

but you cannot expect me

to keep a vow of silence!

- Then you'd better

not expect to find work

when you return, miss,

from Martel or,

indeed, anybody else.

- Fine.

(paper rips)

(loud crash)


- I can't.

I agree with Claire.

- Ditto.

(pen scrapes)

- [Trilby] Commander Dobler?

- Yes, Trilby?

- [Trilby] I have completed

the task you set for me.

- Good, Trilby.

Did the life form expire?

- [Trilby] I registered a

great deal of violent activity.

I'm not certain if that

indicates expiration.

- Well, we'll just have to see

if a great deal of violent

activity indicates expiration.

Engel, get me a weapon.

(ominous music)

It's gone.

Trilby, do you have

any impressions

of the life form's location?

- [Trilby] No, Commander Dobler.

- How can that be?

- [Trilby] If the life

form were sheltered

in the air passages

or the water supply,

it would fail to

make an impression.

- Engel, get everyone

on for a search,

and have them wear infrared

so I can monitor their movements

from the tracking board.


The track board, Trilby.

(gentle music)

(ominous music)

- Trilby seems to think the

creature is in the air shaft

or maybe the plumbing.

- Stanley, that means it could

be anywhere on this base.

- Yeah, I know.

- It's all right?

- It's all right.

(suspenseful music)

- Oh, my god.


(loud zap)

- A rat!

How could a rat

survive down here?

I can't explain it.

- I don't know.

I don't wanna find out.

Come on.

(lights buzz)

- Here with the lights again.

- [Trilby] Dr. McDowell?

- Yes, Trilby?

- [Trilby] Would you make an

inspection of the R&D room?

I am picking up

impressions there.

- Could be crew, Trilby.

- [Trilby] No, the

crew is elsewhere.

- Oh.

Uh, well, all right.

I'll be right there, Trilby.

- No, no.

You stay here.

I'll go check it out.

- Okay.

Good luck.


(water splashing)

(water splashing)

(water splashing)

- Trilby, open

the doors, please.

(suspenseful music)


Uh, let me out, please!

Open the doors!

Open the doors, Trilby!


- [Trilby] Attention, all crew.

Please report to the R&D room.


- Jesus, what happened?

There's no evidence of trauma.

Jack, I need my gloves.

- [Stuart] Barbara,

don't touch him.

- What would you like me to do?

- [Stuart] Expel the body.

- What are you talking about?

- What, it's probably been

contaminated by the life form.

- Goddammit, Commander!

I've been hired to

do a job, let do it.

I have to examine him

to know what happened.

- No, I forbid you to

conduct an autopsy!

- It's the only way we have to

know how this thing operates.

- Wait a minute.

Where's Claire?

She was with Seaver.

Where is she now?

- Engel, go check

the tracking board.

- Yes, sir.

(gentle music)

- Come.

- This is a whole

new life form that breaks

all the laws of nature!

- Come with us, Claire.

- [Claire] The world

has a right to know!

I just, now, I know

this sounds crazy,

but, I mean,

something inside of me

just tells me that--

- [Woman] Yes, we welcome you.

- [Claire] I only know

that something is out there

trying to tell me

something and I--

- [Woman] And welcome you.

- [Claire] This is a

whole new life form.

Could it be--

- Trust your inner vision.

- Some intelligence--

- Trust.

- [Claire] The world

has a right to know!

- Follow.

- Breaks the laws of nature.

Could it be that

there's some kind--

- [Woman] Follow.

- [Claire] I only know that

something is out there,

some intelligence going on.

- Follow and you'll find us.

- Gotta go find out

what it is.

- There's no sign

of her floor plan.

- Screw the floor plan.

Trilby, do you

know where she is?!

- [Trilby] Her last location

was Corridor 2, the washroom.

- For the safety of the

crew, I have to do this.

- Barbara.

Seaver's gone.

We need to find Claire.


- Claire?

- Claire?

- Claire?


- It's me! Don't shoot!

- I was worried to

death about you.

- I need your help.

Now, I don't expect

you to understand.

The creatures have established

a colony on the ocean floor.

- You're gonna go there?

- I gotta go there.

- Seaver's dead, Claire!

- Oh, my god.


I only know that something

is trying to tell me

something out there,

and I've got to go out there

and find out what it is.


- Will you come back?

- I gotta hope so.

Now, would you help me?

(gentle music)

- Trilby?

(loud zap)

- [Trilby] Attention, all crew.

Please report to the

washroom on Corridor 2.

Mr. O'Neill is engaged in

contact with the life form.

- Jack.

God, not again.

(gentle music)

- Well?

- He'll be all right.

- Good.

Engel, help get him to his room.

Barbara, it'll be safer for you

if you stayed there with him.

Call me when he comes to.

(gentle music)

- I didn't fool you for a

second, did I? (chuckles)

- Jack, I'm a doctor,

you can't fool me.

What are you doing?


- Did you examine Seaver?

- No, I never had the chance.

- Do it.

We need to establish exactly

what happened to him.

- Jack, what is going on?

- I'll explain to you later.

First, please find out exactly

what happened to Seaver, okay?

- Okay.

And then where do I find you?

- Computer Annex, there's a

classified document out there

that might explain a few things.

- Engel!

Any sign of Claire?!

- [Stanley] No, sir, not yet.

- Well, keep looking!

(gentle music)

(loud thud)

- Okay.

(console beeps)

(gentle music)

- [Man] Claire, over here.

Over here.

- Who's there?

- [Chadwick] Chadwick.

- Chad...


My god, that's you.

You're alive.

- And kicking.

(both laugh)

- [Claire] Oh, my god,

that's incredible!


- Look, I hope the

goo in the suit

wasn't too much of a shock.


- Yeah, well, why did

you have to do that?

- It was the only way they

could penetrate the lab.

They needed to find

someone who would listen,

and you were the one,

Claire, right from the start.

- Broken blood vessels

indicating possible...

Trilby, check the oxygen

level of this room, please.

- [Trilby] Yes, Dr. Stoudemire.

- Broken blood

vessels indicating

possible asphyxiation.


Trilby, did you have any orders

to deplete the

oxygen in this room?

- [Trilby] I am

checking the room.

- I mean earlier.

Dr. Seaver died

from lack of oxygen.

- [Trilby] I received

that order earlier.

- Trilby, you're programed

to disregard any such orders.

- [Trilby] An order from the

commander overrides all others.

- Oh, my god.

(doors whirs)

Trilby, open that door.



Trilby, open the goddamn door!

(breathes heavily)


(breathes heavily)

Trilby, please, open the door!




- Crew Commander: Project Sweep?

Define Project Sweep.

Code name for the Martel Project

referred to by the US

Government as Project Neptune?

- They're pretty

much indestructible.

- What, they're indestructible?

- Yeah.

It's like if you

blew them apart,

all those little

pieces, in time,

would come back together

again and form one being.

That's what they

really are, you know.

- One being?

- [Chadwick] Yeah.

Come here.

See this?

- Uh-huh.

- Same stuff you were

studying in the lab,

only it's hardened.

It never dies.

Think of it, it gathers

plankton, absorbs light,

and oxygen is the byproduct.

- That's how we're able

to breathe in here.

- UFO?

- What do they want from us?

- They want us to survive.

They wanna teach us balance.

- We need that balance

to save ourselves.

- Yes, except time

is running out.

- [Claire] Is that a prophecy?

- No, it's a certainty,

and I'm not just

talking about the Earth.

I'm talking about the lab.

Now, we've got a number

10 shaker coming in here,

could happen anytime.

You have got to

get back to the lab

and get everybody out now.

- [Stanley] Commander Dobler.

- Did you find Claire?!

- Um, no, sir, not exactly,

but I did find something.

There's a mini sub missing.

- What?

- She's gone, sir.

Yes, she's gone, I don't know.

I don't know where she went.

- Stay put, Engel.

We'll see what Mr.

O'Neill knows about this.


Where is she now?

- The alien colony?

Oh, we can call them

what they really are now.


- Well, I'm glad that

she's there with them.

She can lead us right

to the nest and then--

- Exterminate the aliens?


- Listen to me, Jack.

70% of the Earth is uninhabited,

the rest is gone to hell.

We used to have something called

the Ozone, Jack, remember?

And now, people

can't walk outside

without suffering

second-degree burns.


Thank God, Martel is

offering us a future.

- Claire says the

aliens aren't hostile.

- Martel sends down a crew,

especially trained to

handle this situation,

and what happens?

They are consumed by

Claire's friendly aliens.

- We don't know that.

- Of course we

know it, you idiot!

(loud clatter)


(suspenseful music)

(loud clunk)


- Yes, sir?

- I need you to make

a search for Claire.

- I already did that, sir.

- I mean outside.

I've got to establish

her whereabouts!

- [Stanley] Why, sir?

- There are no whys!

Get in that mini sub

and make your search!

That's an order!

- Yes, sir.

(gentle music)

- Any sign of her yet, Engel?



- No sign of her yet, sir.

(loud thud)

(loud thuds)

Oh, my god.

They're coming for me, sir!

(loud thuds)

I told you!

They're coming for me!

- Shh, Stanley.

Stanley, you got to remain

calm, you understand me?


- It's all right.

I'm going to talk

you through this.

I'm gonna take care

of you, Stanley.

Are you listening to me?

(loud rumble)

Can you hear me?!


(static crackles)

- [Woman] Martel Incorporated.

- I find it remarkable that

you are able to eliminate

every single person on your crew

and still miss the one

you set out to get.

- Oh, well, sir,

I'm sure the aliens

have taken care of that.

- You can't be too certain.

And you created

additional problems

by taking unauthorized action.

- I did exactly

what you told me to.

- Now, we both know

that isn't true.

I authorized the removal of

Claire McDowell, not the others.

- It was necessary.

- Was anyone aware

of our conversations?

- No, sir, no.

They all believed that the

comlink was inoperative.

- Good.

I want the next crew to

think the same thing.

- I understand fully, sir.

Consider it done.

- You won't have to worry.

I'm dispatching a new

commander with the next crew.

You'll be returning

to the surface.

- You can't be serious.

- You've been a good company

man, but it just has to be.

That's it.

(console hums)


(gentle music)

(loud thud)

(doors whir)

- You look like the

last man on Earth.

- I have you to thank for that.

- Look, there's a

massive earthquake

due here any minute now.

Now, I've seen the

creature colony,

and they prepared a

safe place for us.

- And you think you'd

be doing me a favor

by taking me there with you?

- I'd be doing you a

lot more than that.

- This lab is built to withstand

virtually any earthquake.

- Not if it occurs

directly beneath the lab.

Look, are you coming

with me or not?!

- I'll come with you.

- All right.

Look, where's Jack?

- Computer Annex.

- [Claire] And Barbara?

- Check the R&D.

- We're leaving in five minutes!

If you're not there, we're

gonna leave without you!

- Let me know where she

is at all times, Trilby.

- [Trilby] Yes,

Commander Dobler.


- Jack!

Oh, thank God, you're all right.

Oh, God, you're hurt.

- [Jack] Dobler.

- We gotta get outta here.

- [Trilby] Dr. McDowell is in

Corridor 2 with Mr. O'Neill.

- They're all waiting for us.

Fernandez, Chadwick,

Engel, they're alive!

- [Jack] Alive?


- Trilby, why'd you do that?

- Proceed to close all

openings on Corridor 2, Trilby.

- [Trilby] Yes,

Commander Dobler.

- He's gonna cut off our air.

- What?!

- Come on.

- [Trilby] Corridor 2 is

completely sealed off.

- Good.

Deplete all oxygen on

Corridor 2, Trilby.

- Open the door, Trilby!

- [Trilby] I have other orders.

- I wanna speak to Dobler!

I wanna speak to Dobler!

- [Trilby] Dr. McDowell

wishes to speak with you.

- Ignore her.

- [Claire] I wanna

speak to Dobler!

Open the door!

- Stay back, stay back,

stay back!


(loud thuds)


(Jack coughs)



- What are we gonna do?


- [Jack] Kill Trilby.



(loud thuds)

- What's happening, Trilby?!


- [Trilby] There is another

body approaching Dr. McDowell.

(gentle music)

(inhales loudly)

- Who the hell could that be?

(breathes heavily)

- [Trilby] The other body

appears to be the life form.

- Good.

We'll take care of that too.


- [Trilby] Mr. O'Neill is

in the main computer room.


(electricity crackling)

(alarm wailing)

Mr. O'Neill is disconnecting me.


(electricity crackling)

Commander Dobler.

I am dying.


- [Claire] Oh!

- [Jack] Oh!

- Oh, you all right?!

- Yeah, you?

- Oh, yeah.

Come on, let's get outta here.

Shh, listen.

(loud rumbling)

(alarm wailing)

Get outta here, quick!



(loud thud)


(loud rumbling)


(loud thuds)


(loud thud)

(loud thuds)

(loud thuds)



(loud hissing)

(electricity crackles)

(loud thud)

(electricity crackling)


(loud clunk)




(electricity crackling)

Are you ready?!

- Yeah!

(loud cracking)

(loud rumbling)

(gentle music)

- [Woman] There was a

planet spinning silently

in the vast stillness of space.

It was different from other

planets because it had water

and could sustain a fragile

miracle called life.

Through the course of evolution,

one creature acquired

superior intelligence,

enabling him to

dominate the planet.

He abused the gift.

He became selfish and violent.

He would not cease to exploit

every miracle

provided by nature.

Eventually, the tiny sphere

could no longer sustain the life

that once flourished there.

That planet, which was our

home, still spins in space,

but it is cold and barren

and completely lifeless.

Learn from us.

We have escaped and

traveled here to Earth

where the water is plentiful.

And now, your race

is hurtling down

the same destructive

path to oblivion.

Stop your poisoning of the

sea and the air and the land.

Stop now so that

the Earth can heal.

Recover your essence as

the miracle of creation,

and together, we shall fulfill

the destiny of our lives

and thus, all life

in the universe.



- Oh, we made it, baby.

Come on.

Look who I got.

(Claire laughs)


(Claire laughs)

Get outta here!

- [Chadwick] Hi, how are you?

(group laughs)

- Big surprise, huh, pal?

- Jack, glad you're here.

Glad you made it.

- [Bobby] Hey, come here, I

want you to meet somebody.

- [Claire] How you doing?!

- [Man] Aw, man,

it's good to see you.

- You were right all along.


- No, they were.

(gentle music)