Long Lost Christmas (2022) - full transcript
Interior designer Hailey sets out to surprise her mother Patricia with an unexpected gift related to the extended family for which she has long yearned.
I dream of Christmas
Snow flakes in the air
I dream of Christmas
Here we go.
I am so glad you've joined me
for my favorite time of year...
the Christmas holiday.
If you've been following me
you know I've got great hacks
for holiday design but today
I wanna talk about embracing
the heart of the season.
The personal touch makes
all the difference
and Christmas is the time
to fill your space
with family traditions.
Felt stockings from second
grade... check.
Homemade cranberry
popcorn strings... perfect.
And of course... the smell of
Christmas cookies.
Today I am baking
our family favorite...
candy cane cookies.
And last... the Christmas tree.
My dad set ours up the day
after Thanksgiving.
Though if it was up to him
he would've started around
Labour Day because...
Oh... wow...
My regular followers know
I lost my dad
six months ago, but he is...
such a part of what Christmas
means to me.
Every year, uh, we would put
together a train under the tree.
Now, it wasn't fancy.
It ran off the tracks
half the time,
but it is everything
I'm talking about.
Personal and filled
with memories.
Now you know what to do.
I'm Hayley Brandt signing off
with a few holiday tips
and some unexpected emotions.
Mrs. Peterson's designer
showcase house,
Lolly Peterson speaking.
Mrs. Peterson, hi.
It's Hayley Brandt.
Oh, wonderful.
I've had a designer fall out
of this year's showcase.
How busy are you?
Say you're not busy at all.
I'm sorry, are you asking me...
To take over one of the rooms.
It's an impossible timeline,
our doors open
on New Year's day, but
it's fantastic exposure...
and it's for a good cause.
Say yes.
Yes. Yes.
How did you find me?
Well, everyone else is
on vacation or booked.
And then someone showed me
your... what's it?
Uh... live thing.
Vendors are in
short supply so you will
need to find resources.
Still a yes?
I will be there in half an hour.
Oh! Merry Christmas to me.
The showcase house
is incredible.
You know how it works, each
designer gets assigned a room
to decorate in their own
distinct style and then people
buy tickets to see the house
and the proceeds go to charity.
Sarah, I got the study.
It's huge!
But the other designers
are all really well-known,
it's gonna be hard to stand out.
No, you're gonna nail it
like you nail every other gig.
I hope so.
Anyway... still on for later?
Uh... yeah.
I'm just dropping off food
to my mom.
I can't wait to see
what your mom's house looks
like this year.
Me too.
Hi Mom.
Oh... I didn't realize
how late it got.
I'm sorry, I had to stop by
this work thing.
Hi sweetheart.
Uh, have you been home all day?
I took the car to fix
that headlight.
I thought you were gonna get
out some Christmas decorations
and get started inside.
I thought so too.
Well, I brought you some dinner.
And candy cane cookies,
your favorite.
It sounds like quite
an opportunity.
It's launched all sorts
of big names.
It could really push me
to a whole new level.
Your dad...
would be so proud.
Let's do the tree.
Maybe even get a few garland up.
You're so supportive.
I just can't find it in me yet.
Well, we have to try, right?
For Dad.
Hmm... who's Gordon?
Got some more good stuff.
Where'd you find that?
It was under some
storage shelves.
Was it yours?
I thought we lost that
in the last move.
That's you in the picture.
It says Gordon on the back.
Who's Gordon?
He's my brother.
You have... your...
I knew that you were adopted,
He was older than me
by seven years.
He looked out for me
the whole time
we were in the group
home together.
He aged out when I was 11.
And then what happened?
He had a hard time
finding his way.
He'd come back
and see me at first.
But he got into some trouble
and eventually he just...
never came back.
When's the last time
you saw him?
A few months before your
Grandma and Grandpa adopted me.
He would've been 19.
And no contact since, at all?
We could find him.
It's so much easier to find
people now.
We could start
with a name search
and if he has a business...
Hayley, stop.
Too much time has passed.
I made my peace
with it long ago.
Let it go.
I can't believe you still do
handwritten notes
in all your Christmas cards.
Well, you know what
I always say...
The personal touch...
is everything.
Listen, with the showcase...
You're gonna be busier
than ever.
Yes, but I don't wanna leave
you alone.
Especially during the holidays.
I'll find my way.
I understand you need time, Mom.
But... can you try to just get
out a little everyday for me?
I'll try.
Just for my girl.
How about a cookie?
Yes. Just for you.
She has a brother?
So I have an uncle
all this time.
How's that possible?
I don't know.
How does someone never mention
they have a brother?
His name is Gordon Renton
and I have an idea.
I mean, how many Gordon Renton's
could there be?
Uh... think for a second.
If you take this step
you can't go back.
She reads all day
in my dad's sofa
and has barely decorated
for the holidays.
Maybe finding her long lost
brother is what she needs
to get moving again.
Or maybe this Gordon guy
stayed away for a reason.
Maybe he's a bad person.
Okay... or they lost
each other too soon
and he's dying to find her.
If I could bring them together
over Christmas
wouldn't that be the most
amazing present?
Let me... let the expert
go to work.
Uh... what was the name of
your mom's group home again
and where was it located?
Right. It was, um...
Braithwaite and it was here
in Denver.
And the nearest high school
to Braithwaite is...
- East Barrington High.
- Okay.
Six names on one page?
Hayle? You okay?
Yeah, it's just...
Well, it's been me and my dad
and Mom for so long.
Now I could have more family.
There are phone numbers.
- Here.
- Yeah?
Oh boy. Okay, this is happening.
This is really happening.
Here we go.
Hi. I'm calling from
the East Barrington High
reunion committee.
Is this the same Gordon Renton
who graduated in '78?
Oh. Sorry.
Thanks for your time.
Next one.
Hi. May I please speak
to Gordon Renton?
Oh... I'm so sorry
for your loss.
Scary how easy this is for you.
Three are in Maine,
Seattle and... Germany.
Only one other with
a Colorado area code,
a business called Timber
Grove Cabins.
Wanna try?
Oh. Uh...
It's ringing.
Timber Grove Cabins,
Gordon speaking.
Uh, hi. Is this, uh,
Gordon Renton?
Who's calling please?
Mr. Renton I'm calling
on behalf of
East Barrington High School
reunion committee.
Uh, next year is your...
I'm sorry ma'am
but I got my GED.
Good luck to you though.
- He got a GED.
- Oh.
You know, but...
he didn't deny going
to East Barrington High.
He just said that he didn't
graduate from there, right?
I mean, come on, look.
Do you think they look the same?
Uh... that picture's
from 50 years ago.
Okay. Well his business says
that it's in a town called
Silver Valley.
Isn't Silver Valley
right near Aspen?
I think so.
It's, like, four hours away.
I mean, I could take a day trip
there and meet him in person.
There are three other Gordons.
Yeah, like in... Germany
or wherever.
This one is in Colorado
where my mom grew up
and maybe where he grew up.
And this is something you have
to ask in person, right?
What are you gonna tell
your mom?
Nothing, until I know more.
Won't she wonder why
you're taking a road trip?
I'll say that I'm sourcing items
for my showcase house, right?
I have to do that anyway.
Look... if it's not him, I come
back, no harm done.
But if it is him...
maybe I come back with her
long lost brother.
I think I can do this.
Oh, no.
I... I can't do this.
I can't do this.
I'm doing this.
I'm going to do this.
- Hi.
- Hi. Hello.
Uh... are you... you're not
Gordon Renton.
No, I'm not.
You must be from out of town.
I... I am.
And of course you're not him,
Gordon would be much older.
So, um...
I'm so sorry, can you...
can you just give me one sec?
Uh, yep. Yep.
One sec.
Of course.
I'll be there, yes.
Yeah. We'll be open.
Okay. Great.
Oh no! I am...
Okay, bye.
I am so sorry.
I am not usually this clumsy.
I mean, I am.
But usually people get to know
me first and then it's okay.
It's fine.
And just so you know,
the cabins we actually build
are much more sturdy than this.
Um... so, is Mr. Renton here?
You just missed him.
He left right before
you came in.
He's heading up
to the model cabin.
Can I help you with anything?
Are you... interested
in building a cabin?
No. I'm... looking
to rent a cabin.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
Uh... next spring actually.
A large cabin for a week.
Do you wanna head up
to the model cabin?
You can look around.
Gordon will be up there.
Yes! Gordon... perfect.
At the... at the cabin, that
would be... that'd be great.
- Great.
- Yeah.
Follow me.
The road up can get pretty icy,
I'll take you in my truck.
Oh. Okay, great.
- Okay.
- Thanks.
Yeah, we just
finished decorating
for our annual
Christmas fundraiser.
Gordon started it years ago.
It just keeps getting bigger.
Sorry, I'm an interior
I couldn't help but notice
this table.
Where did you get it?
Oh, my friend Brianna
designed it.
She's got a workshop in town.
I could see if I've got a card
if you want.
That'd be great.
Yeah. Let me see.
My late wife carved that.
Here we are.
Brianna at Meadowlark Designs.
- Hey.
- Nice. Thank you.
I have it on good authority
she's the best furniture
maker in Colorado.
Gordon, this is Hayley.
Hayley is an interior
decorator from...
Sorry, I didn't ask where
you're from.
Oh, Denver.
City girl. I spent
some time there.
She's interested
in renting a cabin.
Uh, yes.
For a reunion in the spring.
What better place
than Silver Valley?
You've spent time here?
Uh... well, not since
I was little.
Well, you drove a long ways.
Why don't we go get lunch
and I can tell you more
about the area?
Yeah, that would be great.
Gordon, any chance
you're free to join?
I'd love to hear more about
Timber Grove Cabins.
I could eat.
Great! Alright.
How long have you had
the company?
Forty years this May.
Wow! And you...
you grew up here?
Sorry. I...
I ask a lot of questions.
I started my own business
two years ago
and I love hearing how
other people got started.
I built my family
in Silver Valley.
First place that felt like home.
How about you?
Is it a big family reunion?
Uh, the... the reunion is of,
um... neighborhood friends.
Yeah, we were all really,
really close.
So, Gordon...
Oh, what are you flagging
down reindeer
from the sky in that thing?
We have an ugly sweater contest
at the festival committee
meeting later.
I... am winning.
You're definitely a shoe in.
Brianna, this is Hayley...
Hayley, Brianna.
Hayley is an interior decorator
from Denver and...
Hayley Brandt?
I... watch your livestreams.
You're kidding?
Well I am crazy
about your table.
Like I said, best furniture
maker in Colorado.
Dad... stop.
Are you okay?
Yeah... yeah. I'm good.
Well, it was so nice
to meet you.
I will definitely stop by.
Sounds great. I gotta grab a pie
for that meeting.
- See ya later.
- Bye! See ya.
So, um... how old were you
when you left Denver?
Sorry. Um...
I forgot to ask Brianna
about that hutch she's making
for the Harrison cabin.
Personal touches are everything.
You guys have a good day.
He's a very private guy
so don't be offended.
Hey, listen, I can definitely
help you find
a nice, big cabin for your
neighborhood reunion.
Oh, also there is a Christmas
festival tonight.
The whole town turns up.
You should stick around.
It might be a good way to get
a feel for the place.
Well, I do need more time.
Can you suggest a good B&B?
Yeah? Looks like I'm staying
the night.
So now you have an uncle,
a cousin and a potential
dating opportunity?
That's pretty fast work
for one day.
Okay, can we get back
to Gordon please?
Tell me you did more research.
The GED...
there was a Gordon Renton
with a GED transcript
and it was the right year but...
it was in Kansas.
There was an army vet sticker
on the back of his truck.
There are two army bases
in Kansas.
Sarah, there are these
small things that he did
that are just like my mom.
You know how she folds
her towels?
He did it too.
What if it really is him?
Could be.
Ellen... hi.
Oh, we haven't seen you in...
Oh, honey, I was so sorry
to hear about Henry.
What a terrible loss.
He was such a lovely man.
Are you holiday shopping?
I've got a few new novels
I could recommend.
Actually I was looking
for a Christmas card.
I remembered you have the
most beautiful selection.
Just one special card?
Oh, here.
How about this?
It's perfect.
Hayley! You made it.
Jake, hey.
You were right, everyone
really does turn out for this.
- It's a pretty tight community.
- Yeah.
You'll see in the spring at
the arts festival as well...
for your reunion.
Uh... yes, right.
Spring reunion, yes.
Are you cold?
Yeah. It's, uh...
it's a lot colder than
I thought it would be.
And I didn't actually pack
for an overnight, so...
Kind of a spur of the moment
gal, aren't ya?
Why don't we get you a hat?
- Oh... great.
- Okay.
What the heck is that?
You've never seen cookies
on a stick before?
Tell me you buy cookies
on a stick.
What kind of Christmases
did you have?
The best, actually.
My dad dressed up
like Santa one year.
He rented a sleigh
and delivered presents
around the neighborhood.
My friends referred to him
as Santa Henry from then on.
What's he gonna do to
top it off this year?
Oh... wow.
It is actually freezing.
Okay. Come with me.
I love hats. I love these hats.
I don't know how to choose.
How about this one?
Always a fashionable
holiday choice.
Perfect, but only if you go
for this one.
Oh, cute.
So cute.
Oh, somehow not quite you.
It's not me?
No. Maybe more
of an elf look.
Ooh, I'm not really much
of an elf guy.
- No?
- But I think you could be.
Oh, I could pull it off.
Let's see.
Oh, it's fun.
It's maybe a bit over the top.
- It's not over the top at all.
- No?
It's actually perfect.
Could we get the two
hats, please.
Oh... there it is.
Right there.
Oh wait!
No. I... I've got this,
I'm the cold one.
No. I'm the one that asked you
to stick around, so.
Do you know what we should do?
We should get
some hot chocolate.
- Absolutely.
- Yeah.
- Yes, but only if it is on me.
- Okay.
Hey. Isn't that Brianna?
Yeah. Let's go say hi.
Hey. You stuck around.
Just got her a new hat,
she was a little cold.
I would've got you one
but they didn't have one
ugly enough for that sweater.
Hmm, you mean my
award-winning sweater?
You won?
What'd you get?
- A really ugly trophy of course.
- Of course.
You made all this?
This is amazing.
I'm a one-woman outfit.
Wow. You must be crazy busy.
The Christmas stuff goes fast.
It's the rest of the year
I'm trying to bulk up.
I keep telling her it's only
a matter of time.
You two are cute together.
Thanks. I...
Wait, what?
What? Are you two not together?
- No.
- Oh?
No, no, no.
Are you kidding?
We've known each
other since forever.
- He's like my... brother.
- Sister, yeah.
He's all yours...
if you want him.
Oh, no... I'm not...
Of course, you must have
a boyfriend-
Looking. Just like...
Welcome everyone to the Silver
Valley Christmas festival!
Have a jolly time and win toys
to donate to the fireman's
toy drive.
Plenty of elves here to help
gather the toys.
Merry Christmas!
Hey, why don't you go
win some toys
and I'll get us some
hot chocolates?
- Deal.
- Great.
Oh, try again.
Oh, hey.
Well, hello. You stayed.
Yeah, well Jake mentioned this
festival and I couldn't resist.
I used to kill in this game.
Team up, win a toy together?
You're on.
Alright, let's go.
- Ready?
- Mmhmm.
Fifty points, yes!
Okay. Ready?
Yeah, yeah.
Two chances left.
We got this.
Okay, we got this.
Alright. No pressure.
Here is your prize.
He reminds me of one I had
as a kid.
What about you?
You must've gone to a lot
of carnivals as a kid
in what, Kansas did you say?
I never, uh, never really
made it to anything like this
when I was a kid.
Thanks for the game.
- Hey, you won!
- Hey. Yeah.
Sorry that took so long.
I had to jump in front
of the line
and bribe a couple
of 10-year-olds.
You okay?
Yeah. You know what?
I'm just gonna drop this toy off
in the donation bin
and head back to the B&B
if that's okay.
Yeah. Do you want a ride?
I can give you a lift.
Yeah, I'd like that.
Dad, I got it. You're not
supposed to lift heavy things.
I know what my doctor said
as well as you do.
But in case you forgot, I run
a construction company,
I lift heavy things
all day long.
Well, maybe you should stop
doing that.
Ah, not this again.
I'm fine now.
I worry about you.
I know you do, honey.
But you shouldn't.
Maybe it's time
to start thinking seriously
about retiring.
You have Jake, you know?
What would I do with myself
all day long?
I'd be bored to tears.
You are the most stubborn man
on the planet.
I know... but you still love me.
Your work looks amazing,
by the way.
Thanks Dad.
Have you been in Silver Valley
all your life?
Mostly, yeah.
Spent a little bit of time
in Chicago.
I hear it's a wonderful city.
It wasn't for me.
But I came back here
and found my feet.
Is that when you started
working for Timber Grove?
Actually Gordon kind of
saved me.
I know he seems tough
on the outside but...
once you get to know him
and get past all that, he's...
probably the most kind man
I've ever met.
He sounds incredible.
Hey now, come on.
Did he hurt you?
Are you sure?
- Wow.
- Wow.
So... are you gonna swing
by tomorrow
and finalize your reunion plans?
Sorry, not that I was selling
you on all this tonight
or anything, like... this wasn't
about that, I just...
I'll definitely come by.
Hi sweetheart.
How was today?
I went to the bookstore
and saw Ellen there.
Great. Did you buy out
the whole store?
Not the whole store.
Mom, uh... I know it's
a touchy subject, but...
could I ask you more
about Gordon?
Sweetie, I just don't wanna talk
about this.
Yeah, I know. I know,
you know, what could be so
terrible about more family?
Tell me how your day went.
Um... actually...
I met a fantastic
furniture designer.
You would love her.
You know, anyone you
find will be lucky you did.
I love you Mom.
Love you more.
Hey, you're up early.
I just wanted to get
the shop cleaned up
in case Hayley comes by.
She's not gonna care if your
workshop is messy.
Workshops are supposed
to be messy.
- You're such a guy.
- You're such a girl.
I just want it to look nice,
that's all.
You do think she'll stop by,
Yes. Why are you so nervous?
She's gonna love your work.
I owe you a lot, you know.
I know. Wait, why exactly?
I never would've left Timber
Grove to start my own business
if you hadn't been there.
I think you're underestimating
your dad.
He would've shoved you
out the Timber Grove door
if it meant making you happy.
I'm concerned about him.
Since Mom died he seems lonely
and a little distant.
I know.
I'm trying to take more
of the workload
and I wanna talk to him
about some of my new ideas.
Jake... don't talk,
just show him your cabin.
Not ready yet.
Ah... now who's nervous?
Not me.
Nope, not me.
Right, okay. Bye.
Hey there.
You came! Welcome.
Mind if I look around?
Make yourself at home, please.
Your stuff is beautiful.
How long have you been at this?
My mom was a sculptor.
My dad gave me her tools
and told me to go for it.
My dad was the same.
He passed six months ago.
I'm so sorry.
Was he an artist, or...?
An attorney actually.
But he'd totally say
he was an artist.
At Christmas he went all out.
He's the one who encouraged me
to start my business.
Well, we come from
the same family.
Creative and encouraging.
Um... you know what?
I actually have a project
coming up in the next few weeks.
Something along the lines
of this desk and chair
would be perfect.
It's a showcase house in Denver.
Wait, are you talking about
Mrs. Peterson's designer
showcase house?
I'd love to be involved.
And if these aren't exactly
right I can do sketches.
Would you?
Because I've got assigned the
study and it is all last minute.
Of course. It's such
a cool event.
I could get you sketches
by tomorrow.
That fast?
I'll run the sketches
over to you in the morning.
That is if you're staying in
Silver Valley another night?
Sounds like I have to.
Okay. Why don't I meet you
at the café at 9:00 tomorrow?
We can have a cup of coffee
before you go?
Thank you.
Oh, and hey, if I'm staying
another night,
could you tell me where
I could get some clothes?
Yeah, absolutely.
I will, um... I'll text you.
Sounds good.
- See ya. Bye.
- Bye.
Every year we would make a train
to put under the tree together
and it wasn't fancy.
It ran off the track
half the time,
but it is everything
I'm talking about.
You're back.
Did you need to make a return?
No, no... I was thinking
about your story hour.
I remembered from teaching
that not every kid can come
with their own stuffed toy.
I wanted to donate one.
That is just like you.
So thoughtful.
We're just about to start.
Do you wanna join us?
I'll just listen here.
Of course. You're welcome
to listen any time.
I'm telling you,
if Brianna lived in Denver
we would all be friends.
A new bestie!
The three musketeers.
What if she is my cousin?
What if this is the real Gordon?
I want this so much
for my mother.
Just for your mother, huh?
Oh, hey, can I call you
back later?
Hey! I was wondering
when I'd see you.
You get a chance to drive by
those properties I emailed you?
Oh, yeah, the whole morning
got consumed.
Right, working with Brianna.
I... just, I was,
you know, research
on my, our... potential
customer, so...
Are you coming in?
- Yes.
- Alright.
Actually I dropped by to say
thank you for walking
me home last night.
We had a little run in
with a snowman last night.
It all happened very fast.
Yeah, it attacked
without warning.
Yeah, I had to fend it off
with my bare hands.
It was terrifying.
Jake is a... is a hero.
I'm glad the both
of you survived.
Hey, I noticed your truck
outside had a vet sticker on it.
Did you serve?
Uh... my dad was in the army,
he never stopped talking about
the buddies he made in basic.
Where did you do your training?
Uh, Kansas.
But that was a long time ago?
Uh... cookie?
Whoa, no!
I am so sorry.
You know what?
I've got this, don't worry.
Oh look! One that didn't break.
Five second rule?
Sorry. Doctor's orders.
So, are you determined
to just destroy this office
or every office that you come
in contact with?
I, uh... I warned you.
Plus, I did bring cookies.
To make fun of me.
To make you smile.
Uh, so, uh... that stuff
with Brianna...
does that mean that you're
staying til tomorrow?
'Cause there's a bunch of us
we are gonna head up
to the lake tonight and
watch the meteor shower.
I could pick you up
if you wanted to come?
Yeah, it sounds fun.
I'll see you later then.
Thank you for these.
- Those little faces.
- They just light up.
Especially this time of year,
so much magic.
Do you miss teaching?
I didn't when I retired.
But Henry and I had
such big plans.
Now, I just feel kind
of rudderless.
You know, the store has
a tradition
leading up to Christmas Eve.
We partner with a local shelter
and read to children
who don't have a traditional
home over Christmas.
For a long time, growing up,
I didn't have a traditional home
at Christmas.
I lived in a children's home
called Braithwaite.
We need readers.
You might be the perfect person
for these kids.
Closing papers on
the Schollander cabin.
We are scheduled to start
right after Christmas.
You did a good job
in this last sale.
Thank you.
Fact is, bringing you
into Timber Grove
was one of the smartest things
I ever did.
Actually, you know, there are
a few new ideas
that I kinda wanted
to run past you.
Well, I'm pretty happy
how we're doing things now.
But I would like to talk to you
about something.
What's that?
I'm... I'm not one to pry
into your personal life,
so you can just tell me
it's none of business
and I'll shut up.
But I think you really like this
Hayley girl.
And if you do...
I'd really hate to see you
just let that go by.
She lives in Denver, right?
I learned the hard way
that uprooting myself
for someone else
doesn't work out.
I'm not convinced that's what's
holding you back.
I know you got hurt big time
but at some point you've got
to decide to try again.
It's not that easy.
Life isn't easy.
Take that from someone
who came up the hard way.
And so... love isn't easy.
But it's the one thing
that makes life worth living.
You invited her up to
the lake tonight, right?
I was being polite.
She's your client.
Come on.
You were smiling at that gal
like your jaw was gonna bust.
How long are you gonna keep
your heart shut up?
Even if I was ready
to open my heart...
To her, I'm just
a construction guy.
Something wrong with that?
she brought you cookies.
In my day that was a date.
Maybe it's time to take
a risk, huh?
Hey, I can't talk long,
I'm gonna check out a meteor
shower with Jake.
Wait a minute, now you're going
stargazing with this guy?
It's not like that.
And besides...
Besides what?
Well, I mean, he is kinda fun.
This is like pulling teeth.
Who is this guy?
What does he look like?
Is he cute?
Is he smart? Funny?
Okay Sarah, we just met
a day ago.
But he is tall, dark
and handsome.
Always a good start.
And he makes me laugh.
Even better.
Okay, but back to Gordon,
because I do have news.
Gordon was in the army
in Kansas.
Why didn't you just ask him
then and there
if he had a sister named
Because you were right.
When I first came here
I thought I was just doing this
for my mom, but...
now the stakes seem
so much higher
and I could see what it would
be like to have more family.
You really like these people,
don't you?
I really do.
What if it turns out Gordon
is not really your uncle?
Yeah, I'm trying not to think
about that right now.
You need to ask him, Hayles.
I know.
Are you still open?
I was just closing up
but come in, come in.
For your Christmas reading
program for disadvantaged kids.
I thought maybe you could use
more books?
This is so generous of you,
Let's put them in the hands
of children who need them.
They're not doing anyone
any good stored in my garage.
Shall we put them out
so the kids can find them?
Yes. Yes, let's do that.
This is fantastic!
Oh, my goodness.
Look at this.
I've always loved Christmas.
How about this Christmas...
how you doing?
To be honest, it's been awful.
So sorry, Patricia.
Henry was my whole world
and now I have to create a whole
new world for myself.
Any ideas on what that might be?
I need to find a sense
of purpose again.
Your reading program
feels like a baby step
but in the right direction.
So, I take it you'd like
to be a reader?
Yes, I would.
Very much.
So, meteor shower.
Yeah. It's the last
no moon night of the year
which is when it's best
to view them.
There's a bunch every
hour til, oh, 5:00 AM.
I'm staying up til 5:00 AM?
I'm game if you are.
Silver Valley is definitely
showing off.
Is that why you're
sticking around?
Actually your pal Brianna's
making it impossible to leave.
She's gonna make my next
project amazing.
There you go.
We're all ready.
Should be any minute.
We're ready!
Yeah, I don't know.
I don't see anything.
It's all dark and...
Oh... wow.
Isn't that beautiful?
I've never seen anything
like it.
Come here.
You've got snowman
cookie icing on your hat.
Of course, I do.
How is that possible?
How did it get there?
You really have to make a mess
out of everything, don't you?
Hey, so... do you wanna
hang out tomorrow?
After you get the drawings
from Brianna, or...
do you have to, like...
head back?
Yes, you have to head back
or yes, you want to hang out.
Yes, I... I would like
to hang out tomorrow.
Hey, so I think there's
a hot cider stand around
here somewhere,
I could go get us a couple.
- This one is on me.
- No.
- Yes!
- No, no!
Not a chance!
- Stay here, I'll be back.
- Alright.
I hear we're a lot alike.
You built your business
from scratch
and I built mine two years ago
definitely from scratch.
Please, have a seat.
Can I ask what made
you take the leap?
Well, I guess I finally found
something in this world
I was good at.
How about you?
Oh, I went the traditional
College design program,
worked for a big designer
and then I started
my own business.
Who's idea was that?
My dad's.
He's been gone now six months.
I'm sorry.
Just me and my mom now.
My dad didn't have siblings.
I always wanted more family.
Did you ever feel like that?
It's hard when the ones we
think will always be there
are taken from us.
Families torn apart
by circumstance.
Did that happen to you?
When I lost my wife,
Brianna's mom.
Oh, I'm... I'm sorry.
I guess we have that
in common too.
Surviving parent and only child.
Were you an only child, Gordon?
I didn't really have anyone.
No brothers or sisters?
Oh. That's too bad.
Ah, I'm sorry.
Um... I told Jake
that I was gonna grab us
some hot cider, so...
Of course.
It was good to see you.
It was very nice to see
you again.
Hey! That took longer
Oh! I'm sorry...
- Are you okay?
- I just couldn't. I just...
Hey, did something happen?
No, it's fine.
I just... yes.
The thing that I was hoping
for just...
The truth is...
The reunion I was planning...
Isn't real.
You haven't looked
at any properties
and your stories have been
a little vague on details.
There was a reunion I was
planning, I was hoping for
but it's just... it's just
not gonna happen.
Can we just head back?
Yeah, let's go.
I, uh... I misled you
and I shouldn't have.
I'm sorry.
No. No harm done,
You know what, I'm...
I'm gonna grab Brianna's designs
in the morning
and then head straight home.
I'll admit, I was looking
forward to hanging out tomorrow.
Yeah, I just...
I just think it's better
that I leave.
I like you. A lot.
I like you. A lot.
I just... it's complicated.
Can I help?
Is there... something I can do?
Jake, you are such
an amazing guy
and I'm... I'm so lucky
to meet you but I just,
I can't do this right now.
- I'm sorry.
- Ok.
Jake said you made the decision
to go a little abruptly.
Oh... I'm... I'm sorry,
I should've...
I just wanted to say...
the first Christmas is so hard.
I remember feeling so lost.
No matter how old you are,
losing a parent makes you feel
so small and alone.
So if that's why you're going,
I know what you're going through
and you can call me any time.
Do you mind?
No, of course.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Oh, wow.
These are even better
than I imagined.
Yeah. Elevated and stylish.
I can use this desk and chair
as a centerpiece in my room.
Get out.
And the showcase posts the names
of the artisans in every room.
You are gonna get so much
traffic from this.
It's Mrs. Peterson.
Mrs. Peterson, hi.
I am actually here
with a wonderful new
furniture designer.
Wh... What was that?
Err... but I thought... Oh...
What happened?
The showcase got this big
name designer to do a room
but he would only do it
if he could have the study.
Wait. They... they fired you?
No... they gave me
the hallway.
It's a... small mudroom
at the back of the house.
But, I guess, I only got
the study in the first place
'cause there wasn't any more
established names available.
Hey... stop.
It's not right, what she did.
But you'll design the heck
out of this space.
Anybody can decorate a study.
But when you make
hay outta this,
everyone will remember
who you are.
And Merry Christmas to all.
How come you're such
a good helper?
When I was your age I lived
at a place called Braithwaite.
I had a teacher who read
Christmas stories to us.
She helped us learn to write
by writing Christmas cards.
So when I grew up,
I became a teacher
so I could help kids learn
how to read and write.
I want to be a teacher too!
I'm gonna get another book.
What a gift you are to them.
No, it's they who've
given me the gift.
I was so wrapped up
in being sad.
Well, of course you were.
It's only natural.
But Hayley was right, I needed
to get out of the house.
Being here with these children,
it's given me back a sense
of purpose.
- Where do you want this?
- Yeah, just right over here.
Oh, I can't believe
how great it is
to work on a project
with someone else.
Running your own business
is so...
- Like being an only child.
- Lonely.
Hey... I'm not the story.
Yes, you are.
And if you want people
to know you, you have to...
Wait, I have an idea.
What are you doing?
We are going live.
- We are?
- Uh-huh.
Can you even do that from here?
As long as Sarah's free
to run it.
I am a complete beginner.
Oh, so was I.
Jump in feet first.
Sarah's in. Are you?
I guess.
Here we go.
Ready? Great.
Live in three... two...
Hey everyone, it's Hayley Brandt
coming to you
from Meadowlark Designs here
in Silver Valley, Colorado.
We're working together
to design a room
for Mrs. Peterson's designer
showcase house,
where you can support a great
cause and see work
from incredible designers like
my new friend Brianna here.
Now, you know what to do.
Say bye to everyone.
Merry Christmas!
That was so much fun.
Oh, and you are about
to get really busy.
Meadowlark Designs,
this is Brianna.
Who wants to go tree shopping?
Yes, that does come
in other colors.
Hayley. Unfinished business?
Uh, you could say that.
Jake, I don't think I'm going
tree shopping.
Um... this is unbelievable.
What am I gonna do?
You're gonna stay here and keep
answering that phone.
And since your livestream
is responsible...
Oh, you saw that?
Oh, I...
You could make it up to me
by going Christmas tree shopping
in Brianna's place.
- Go.
- Okay.
Wait a minute, you don't have
a Christmas tree yet?
Are you just doing the math
on that now?
It's just, it's December 7th.
You seriously don't have a tree?
No, I don't.
Okay, well we are gonna
fix that.
Yes, we are.
That's actually why
we're here, so...
What do you think of this?
Ah, it's a little small.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
So, was construction always
your thing?
I had no clue that this was
gonna be my future.
I feel really lucky actually
to have found Gordon
and Timber Grove.
Yeah, before you said
he saved you.
Yeah, I was a bit of a wild kid,
I guess.
I felt like I never really
fit in anywhere, so...
Well... after college I got
into a relationship
and moved to Chicago and when
the relationship blew up,
my life kinda collapsed, so...
I came home and joined
Gordon's construction crew.
He saw how hard I
was working and...
kinda took me under his wing.
Well, he seems pretty great.
He can be tough
but it's because he sees
something in you.
Now you're his right-hand man.
Yup. I mean, we do have
our differences, you know.
I wanna move the business
with the stuff you're
really good at.
You know, creative promotions,
social media,
but Gordon doesn't see it.
Well, it's just another way
for people to get to know you
and your story.
Exactly! Yes.
- You really love your work.
- So do you.
I guess we both just have big
visions for how things could go.
I think I found the one.
Tree. What do you think?
Oh, right. Yes.
- That is the one.
- Yeah.
Wow. This isn't on the Timber
Grove website.
I'm still renovating it.
I love it.
You did all this?
Well, with a lot of help
off hours
with the Timber Grove crew.
But yeah, I've been working
on it for a while.
It's almost finished.
Obviously, I still need
some furniture.
I thought you were living here?
I am but it's also doing
double duty as a prototype.
I'm hoping that this will be
the company's new direction.
You see the future.
I see the future.
Open, airy, glass...
Of course, this sculpture.
Yeah, of course, I remember it.
Sort of a... a symbol
for the company.
So, has Gordon seen this place?
Nope, not since I started
the interior.
What if he sees all the work
you've done
and he's just not interested
in changing?
Well, then...
I guess I just built a really
big house of my own.
And a house of my own
needs a Christmas tree,
so what do you say we go grab
that tree and get it decorated?
So cute!
I totally should've gone
through these
before inviting you over.
No, I'm leaving.
I never would've seen your tree.
Well, you say you're leaving
but you never go.
Okay, I mean to.
I have to... tomorrow.
I think Silver Valley
has won you over.
Everybody gets sucked back in.
Like you did?
Well... that's different.
Brianna and Gordon...
I owe them a lot.
You're lucky to have each other.
You have a train for your tree?
Oh, right.
Yeah, that's taken a real
beating over the years.
I think... yeah.
I'm missing a caboose.
- What?
- Yeah.
The best car.
In the movies all
the important stuff
happens around the caboose.
Tearful goodbyes.
The heart is in
that little red car.
Hmm. I never thought of it
like that.
So... you're heading back
to Denver tomorrow?
Yup. After I see Brianna
in the morning.
I don't know...
I don't know when I'll be back.
Thank you so much for helping me
with the tree and...
Oh yeah. Um... sure.
And you have my email
if you wanna...
Okay, um...
I'll grab my coat.
I wish you could stay for
the fundraiser tonight, but...
I understand.
Well, we will celebrate
after the showcase.
Oh shoot.
I must've left my snowflake hat
at the thing the other night.
Oh, yeah.
Take the access road to the
highway, you'll pass the lake,
it's on your way.
Where are you headed?
Oh, to the model cabin.
Gotta finish decorating
for tonight.
Well, I hope you and your dad
have a Merry Christmas.
Same to you and your mom.
Oh, no.
Hm. Let's see.
Ah, there you are.
Hey! Hey, I came back
to get my hat.
You're just out here walking
in this cold?
Have a seat.
Enjoy the fresh air.
This really is a beautiful town.
I can see why you found
yourself here.
Oh, you'll be back.
You and Brianna are gonna
take the design world by storm.
And Jake obviously likes you.
Yeah, I don't know about Jake.
Well, if you're interested...
be a little patient.
I'm not known for my patience.
I get it.
But you know who you are.
And I suspect you always have.
It's been a bit of a longer
road for Jake.
He's still finding himself.
But he's...
he's doing it on his own.
Sounds like you know
something about that.
I never really had a guide
in my life.
But it sounds like you've been
really lucky in your upbringing.
I was.
Gordon, I... have
a confession.
When I came here I had
this crazy idea.
It was far-fetched really,
that you were...
Gordon? Gordon!
No. Gordon...
Hang on, hang on!
Hang on just a second.
I'll get help. Okay.
I need an ambulance.
Thank God you were here.
I... I... I can't imagine
what would've happened.
Is he okay?
I don't know, they haven't said.
The doctor should be out
in a few minutes.
Come... sit.
Renton family?
Thank you, Hayley.
Someone wants to see you.
My guardian angel.
You look a lot better
than when I last saw you.
Thanks to you.
Hey doc, you ready
to check me out?
Not so fast.
From what Hayley said
when they brought you in,
you had a low blood
pressure event.
I just bent down
to pick up my gloves.
Well, if your head was anywhere
close to being below your heart
it can trigger low
blood pressure.
And given your previous
heart attack,
we're keeping you in a little
longer to adjust your meds.
I can't!
My fundraiser's tonight.
You wanna go to a party?
I can't disappoint the kids.
Look, I... I promise
to take it easy
and I'll keep my head
above my heart.
Come on, doc. Please.
If your numbers stay solid and
we can adjust your meds in time.
Then I'm trusting you.
Okay. Thanks doc.
How are you doing, Gordon?
I hear the fundraiser
is still on for tonight?
- Absolutely it's still on.
- Great.
Okay, yeah, about that.
We have a problem.
The heat is off
in the model cabin,
the pipes are frozen and there's
water everywhere.
You mean you need another place
to hold the party tonight?
Jake... has a place
that you could...
Oh, just the cabin
I've been working on.
I mean, it's not quite
finished yet,
so I don't know if we could...
It's not just a cabin.
It is a beautiful space
that you have to see
and it'd be perfect for tonight.
Okay. We'll do it there.
I'll blast out an email to
the guests with Jake's address.
What did you just do?
It's the ideal opportunity.
You'll save the day for Gordon.
What's the problem?
Well, the problem is maybe
I wasn't ready
and you just volunteered me.
It's a remarkable space and...
if Gordon's open to expanding
the business at all,
tonight is the night
to show it off.
And if not then
I've just blown my shot.
Yeah, you're...
you're absolutely right.
I'm... I'm sorry, I should've
asked you first.
Since you volunteered me...
you can help me present it
in its best light.
You mean stage it for you
by tonight?
You've got seven hours.
You up for it?
You have no idea who you're
dealing with.
Okay. Let's go get my jacket.
So we'll do a donation table
along the side here.
And then conversation spaces
over here and here.
A couple tall tables
for drinks there.
And of course, more
holiday decorations.
Right. You think we can get
all of that done?
A beautiful space
for party guests
to donate all their money
with a holiday vibe in...
six hours and 35 minutes?
You bet.
- Yeah.
- Mmhmm.
You know what to do.
I do not know what to do.
Do you?
No clue.
Okay, so I'll...
Wow. I'm not gonna lie,
you're really good at this.
I just need a few more
small candles
so I'm gonna head back
into town, see what I can find.
Okay. Great.
Hey listen, I just wanted
to say I was...
a little upset before
and I'm sorry about that.
You only get one shot.
I heard you.
I just wanna make it the best
shot possible, right?
Also I, um...
I wanna make Silver Valley
a place I come back to,
if that's something...
Yeah. That's...
Hey, you two.
I could use a little help
in here.
Alright, what's going on
in here?
Oh, these are all candy
cane cookies.
They're the only ones
my dad likes to eat.
They come out the easiest
and you can hang them
off your finger
when you eat them.
My mom always said that.
My dad is obsessed.
Your... your dad had a heart
attack before today.
It must've been so scary.
I was with him when it happened
four years ago.
It was... terrifying.
I've been trying to get him
to scale back
but he's so stubborn and
protective of his business.
I guess it makes sense
after having such a rough start
in life.
Yeah, he mentioned that.
He was in foster care and...
never got adopted.
I just want him to enjoy
his golden years.
Foster care?
He doesn't like to talk
about it.
But I wish he'd let
Jake partner with him
and then take over Timber Grove.
Yeah, that would be
the ideal solution.
Jake knows the business
inside and out
and he'd be perfect for it.
Alright, well I am gonna
head into town.
Can you think of anything
else we need?
No, you have already thought of
everything else.
- Alright Jake, you're up.
- Okay.
Who wants to party?
Hey Dad.
Oh... decent feel.
Very airy.
You'll take a hit on
your heating costs
with those high ceilings
and all that glass though.
Well, there's extra insulation,
energy efficient thermostats,
lights, security...
and it can all be controlled
remotely from a phone.
And of course...
the heart of the home.
It wouldn't be a Timber Grove
cabin without it.
Truly, it's... it's...
it's spectacular.
Well done, Jake.
Thanks Gordon.
Now, how about a drink?
You look... lovely.
You like it?
I do.
You were right.
Silver Valley worked its magic
on me.
Why? You thinking of sticking
around... again?
I just can't seem to leave
no matter how hard I try.
Dance with me.
This is...
You go.
No, you go.
Don't worry about it.
I was just...
I was gonna say...
I can't believe what you did
with this place.
It's better than I ever
could've dreamt.
It was easy.
I believe in you.
Are you sure you gotta
go tomorrow?
May I have your
attention please.
Thank you for taking time out
of your holiday season.
All of your efforts will help
Braithwaite's mission
to pair foster kids with homes
for the holidays.
And, of course, the times
in between.
Did you say Braithwaite?
That's what this fundraiser
is for?
All this time you've been
raising money for Braithwaite?
Hayley, stop.
Was she too much of a burden
to straight up abandon her
and let her believe...
Let who believe?
Who are you?
Patricia Renton's daughter.
The sister you left
at Braithwaite
and never came back for.
Did she... did she
send you?
No. She doesn't know anything
about this.
And I'm glad now that I see
what kind of person you are.
What kind of a person
pretends to rent a cabin
just to get close to people?
You know, you could've asked.
Instead you just lied.
You said, "I don't have
any siblings" right to my face
but you did.
And you broke her heart.
What's the bigger lie, huh?
Dad? What's going on?
Go back inside.
I'm fine.
My mother Patricia is amazing.
She is the kindest, best,
biggest-hearted woman I know.
You said you had no one.
But you had her...
and you just left her.
I'm sorry.
Thank you for everything.
I have to go.
Dad, who's Patricia?
What is going on?
Patricia is my sister.
Dad, can we please
talk about this?
There's nothing to talk about.
I made a decision
a long time ago
that I honestly thought
was the right thing to do.
What about Hayley?
Hayley left.
We gotta move on.
Move on from family?
Look, I don't expect you
to understand.
But I need you to respect
my decision.
You kept family from me, Dad.
Look, Brianna...
There's stuff about your past
you don't wanna talk about...
Fine, that's your choice.
But you chose for me too.
Goodnight Dad.
Then she gave me the mudroom.
I'm gonna make the best
of it, but...
You are.
You always do.
But something more than work
is going on, isn't it?
I'm just happy to be home
with you.
That's what family does,
stick together,
especially during the holiday.
And the place looks...
What changed?
Well, I finally figured out
you were right.
Staying home and mourning
didn't alter the fact
your father was gone.
When I started volunteering,
some of that pain began to lift.
I needed a push
and you gave me one.
When I was little I used
to write a Christmas card
to Gordon every year.
But this year I wrote a new one.
It won't reach him...
but I finally feel like
I've closed the door
on him being gone.
So... thanks for helping me
do that.
I can't believe it.
When they took away the study
and gave me this room
I was so upset.
It's called turning a lemon
into lemonade.
Life is so funny, isn't it?
This was so much more
challenging than the study
and so much more fun.
I told you you'd knock
it out of the park.
- You ready?
- Let's do this.
Hey everyone.
Hayley Brandt coming to you
live with advanced peeks
from Mrs. Peterson's designer
showcase house.
I can't show you the whole room,
you'll have to wait
until opening day,
but I can tell you I have never
been prouder of any design
I've worked on.
And just wait until you see
the incredible furniture
I've included from Brianna
Renton at Meadowlark Designs
located in beautiful
Silver Valley.
If you like what you see
I'd love to hear from you.
Merry almost Christmas, friends.
Can we stop pretending
nothing happened?
I hope Santa makes all
your wishes come true.
Merry Christmas Eve.
Your mother's really made
these kids' holiday.
I think that maybe
they've made hers.
Want a teddy bear?
Patricia? Patricia.
We're about to lose
a staff member.
Our community partnership
person is leaving
at the first of the year.
- Merry Christmas.
- Oh...
Now can you think of anyone
better for the job
because I certainly can't.
Oh... that's great.
Thank you.
Who's car is that?
Mom, there's something
I need to tell you.
Um... uh, the reason
that I went to Silver Valley
wasn't for furniture.
That's what I was trying to say.
Hayley found me.
She found all of us.
This is your niece.
Brianna Renton.
And this is Jake Pierce,
my business partner.
Could we, uh...
I got in a lot of trouble
after I aged out.
I knew if I was a part of your
life, no one would adopt you.
I didn't care about that.
I only wanted to be with you.
I could barely take care
of myself.
How could I take care
of an 11-year-old?
At my hearing a judge
gave me a choice...
Jail or the military...
and I enlisted.
You could've found me after.
All these years I thought
you must've died
or you would've come back
for me.
I am so sorry.
I thought I was doing
the right thing.
And I did...
I did come find you.
I learned that you had been
adopted by a wonderful family
and I didn't wanna screw
that up.
And I thought after
all this time
you wouldn't wanna
see me anyway.
I did.
I always did.
I missed you so much in my life.
And I have missed you.
Will you stay?
Spend some of the holiday
with Hayley and me.
Thank you.
I hear you're a wonderful
furniture designer.
Best in Colorado.
Look Dad, peppermint candy cane
cookies, your favorite.
Old family recipe.
Maybe we could have some
for dessert.
I wanted to call.
Me too.
But the way I handled
things, I...
No, you did what you needed
to do.
But the thing between us...
that felt real.
A smart man made me realize
that closing myself off
was a terrible way to live.
And you listened to him?
So, if, uh... you're gonna be
working with Brianna
and you and your mom wanna
spend more time with Gordon...
and the distance between
Denver and Silver Valley
won't seem so far, if you
know... you're interested.
It's about time.
It's time for dinner!
I have something for you.
This is the last Christmas card
I wrote to you
after you disappeared.
And this is the one I wrote
to you this year.
After Hayley started asking
questions about you,
I never thought I'd be able
to give it to you in person.
And I'm so very grateful
that I can.
One second.
I wrote one by hand every year.
I never sent them to you
but I thought about you
and I missed you
every Christmas.
To family.
To family.
Merry Christmas.