Little Zizou (2008) - full transcript

A delightful comedy about two Parsi families in Mumbai - one headed by a lunatic religious extremist, the other by a liberal newspaper editor. Told from the point of view of 10 year old Xerxes a soulful soccer-mad Parsi boy whose fervent wish is that his idol Zinedine Zidane visit Bombay. Though his mother died in childbirth, Xerxes hopes that she can still see him and affect miracles from her place up there. His older brother Art is a starry-eyed cartoonist whose wild fantasies come to life in surprising ways. Their father Khodaiji, a self-proclaimed protector-of-the-faith, thrives on the attentions (and donations) of hopeful believers. The brothers love to hang out at the home of their father's arch rival, Pressvala, the publisher of a liberal community newspaper. Art burns with unrequited love for Pressvala's oldest daughter, while Xerxes incurs the wrath of the younger daughter, who resents the attention her family showers on the motherless boy. But the real fireworks begin when Pressvala writes a scathing critique of would-be prophet Khodaiji and public reaction is loud and widespread. As the two households intermingle, their differences become hilariously apparent and life becomes complicated for everyone.

It is good but too confusing.
What do you mean?

Can't understand anything.

That's because you
are just a kid.

Who do you think
reads comic books.

How many times have
I toId you this?

It's not a comic book.

Ya, ya, I know. CaII
whatever fancy names you want,

but it is stiII a comic book.

So what do you suggest?
You are asking my opinion?

Me? I am just a IittIe boy.

I don't even know why
I am having this discussion.

You know what it means?
A story teIIer.

I shouId teII the story.

BriIIiant, giving yourseIf
a starring roIe.

If this was my comic book,
you know what I'II do?

I wiII begin
with Mr. Shroff.

I wiII begin
with Mr. Shroff.

It was just another
ordinary morning in Bombay,

when the Russians
came to town.

Give me, give me this.

Give me, give me this.

Stay Where you are.

HeIp, heIp somebody heIp.

HeIp... heIp... heIp... heIp
heIp... heIp... heIp...


So that's where
my story begins.

I was downstairs in our Iane,
practicing my footbaII tricks.

Mr. Shroff was bIasting
his funny music as usuaI.

My brother was upstairs,

dreamy about the Russian
Invasion of our Iane. When...

they came for my father.

Meet my brother

The Russians are coming.
Everybody from street...

He is in his own
imaginary worId.

One day he is Tarzan, the
next day he is James Bond.

I toId you not to
do that. Disgusting.

My father, Cyrus II Kodaiji.

And his girI Friday, who
eats chiIdren for breakfast.

come, Ms. PateI.

What's going on....? Oh, oh,
that's Boman PresswaIa.

He owns and edits a newspaper

and aIways makes
fun of my father.

They are arch enemies.
Phantom strikes again, it's aII over.

Got business, good
bIoody racket.

What was that?
Thinks I am dumb.

More Iike that viIIage
idiot if you ask me.

HeIIo, weIcome to new
Messiahs around the worId.

HeIIo, weIcome to new
Messiahs around the worId.

Behind me is the
Parsi Fire TempIe

and next to me is
Cyrus II Kodiaji.

A reIigious schoIar and
founder of popuIar movement

Back To Purity, or BTP.

As it is com... aIso
a spirituaI heaIer.

What an inspiring
music Feroze UncIe?

What an inspiring music
Feroze UncIe? Inspiring?

Upstairs with you
young man. Now.

My father had his dreams.
My brother had his...

and me...? AII I wanted was my
mother to bring Zizou to Bombay.

The greatest footbaIIer
in the worId-Zinedine Zidane.

He is big Zizou,
I am IittIe Zizou.

Mr. Kodaiji, you have made
some discouraging remarks,

Mr. Kodaiji, you have made
some discouraging remarks,

about the raciaI impurities,

just about everyone, just about
everyone but the Parsis.

Very much aIongthe
same... CaII me names...

Come on, caII me HitIer,
MussoIini, StaIin, Idi Amin.

Every Prophet has been
persecuted in his own time.

RecentIy, there has been
revivaI in your reIigion,

from Sweden, Denmark,
BraziI... nobody can convert.

We don't want them. Keep out.

But there are onIy 250,000
Zorastrians Ieft on earth.

So what? QuaIity not quantity.

Have you seen this photo
recentIy taken from Russia?

Yes. I have seen
this profanity

and here is what I think of it.

Russian Mafia, suddenIy
wake up one morning,

and discover they Iove our
Prophet Zarathustra, why?

His teachings, his good works.
good deeds... Ms. Dement,

are you naive or just stupid?

It's aII about money.
They are coming,

they are coming to take
over our community assets,

our Homes, our Institutions,
our Trusts...

What is it with my family
and Russians.

Today my psycho father got his
5 minutes of InternationaI fame.

And made a GIobaI fooI of
himseIf in the first 5 seconds.

Art, Hey Art... hmm...
Did mom see me?

You are beginning
to worry me Xerxes.

PIease just one more time.

What's this new obsession?
My mother is not dead.

Then what is she?
Aghost, a zombie...

She isan angeI. You
beIieve in fairies aIso?

Fine, fine. Even if
she is an angeI,

she won't even recognise you.
She never even saw you.

She saw me? Are you sure?

Yes. Did she think I was
cute? You won't cute?

You Iooked Iike a dried shrimp.
But she thought you are cute.

Mothers aIways do. Good night.

Other fathers read the
newspapers in the morning.

My father chants. Love
to me oh divine powers

of the universe. Which
is thy chosen one.

Let me be thy instrument.

Hey, heIIo, come on
get down to work, what?

Whom are you waiting for?

Open this, hoId this.

Dear Mr. Kodaiji,
I support your BTP.

Here's my contribution
of Rs.11 . Ms. Big spender.

52000. hmm...? 15000.
Show, show me that.

Thank you Mrs. Bathena,
thank you.

A girI went back to NapoIi

because she missed the scenary

the native dances
and the charming songs

but wait a minute,
something's wrong.

cause now it's...

Hey mambo, mambo ItaIiano,
hey mambo, mambo ItaIiano,

go, go, go, you mixed
up sciciIiano

AII you caIabraise-a do the
mambo Iike a crazy with a

hey mambo, don't wanna
taranteIIa, hey mambo

no more a mozareIIa hey
mambo, mambo ItaIiano

try an enchiIada with da

Hey, take it easy.

Hey goombah,

They are aII deaf.

I Iove a how
you dance a rumbah

ok, ok, baba. I'm coming.

a some advice paisano

Iearn how to mambo

what is wrong with
you aII? He did it.

We are not deaf. He did it.
Artexerxes did it.

For you Ruksana aunty.
Oh my darIing,

you brought me fish?
That is so sweet of you.

What I have written is in
the Iong and the short of it

is what you caII it's just Iike

Mrs. Gandhi, Kodaiji, is
bIessed with the name.

Mrs. Gandhi was not connected
to Mahatma Gandhi.

Same way Kodaiji has
nothing to do with God.

Whose name he keeps
chanting away

as if you have some direct
connection with him.

And his action is going
to hijack our community,

I am teIIing you.

I'II teII you something
hmm... Xerxes.

You don't see such
freshness in the city.

When I was growing up in the
viIIage asa IittIe girI...

It's mine. Aren't
you Iate for schooI?

I am not going.
Not feeIing weII.

Oh, what happened?
Let me see darIing.

Do you have fever? hmm? ya...
come, Iet me Ioosen your tie.

He is faking. Liana,
shame on you.

And go and eat your breakfast
or you'II be Iate for schooI.

Come, why don't I
Iet you Iie down,

I wiII give you a gIass of
water. Come. Come on...

I'II give you a crocin may be
that'II make you feeI better.

Ok. Don't worry about
it. These are...

He is starting his own army.

What rubbish? PLO. Parsi
Liberation Organisation.

Now he has reaIIy Iost his
Iast marbIe I teII you.

Artexerxes ready.
What's so funny?

Meet son of Yasser Arafat,
Yasser Arathin. What...?

Nothing, nothing, Iet's
go. Ok bye daddy.

Hey, why so earIy,
coIIege starts at one.

We have a meeting
with Professor Agyar,

the chemistry paper,
I toId you...

Ok, ok. You keep me posted hmm.

I can actuaIIy
see those pictures.

Ok, I am going.
Hmm... no... go. Ok.

Hey, Iisten, it's very short.
She comes with you on scooter?

PIease, pIease don't
sit Iike this hmm.

Sit Iike this.

Hey Liana, what sense
does that make? Bye mummy.

Bye darIing. Bye. Bye.
Drive carefuIIy.

Don't be Iike that darIing.
He isa motherIess boy.

He has no one to Iook
after him at home.

How wouId you have Iiked
it if you had no mother?

I wouIdn't Iike it. Sorry.

WiII you make
fish curry for him?

You don't even Iike
fish curry. Yes I do.

Is it, come.

And Iisten, didn't you teII
me that today is the big day?

That Miss is going to seIect
the speaker for the speech day?

Hmm? Take your
cheese Liana, take.

Take your bag. It's not fare.

Liana, bye... darIing Liana,

Tutsu, hi Tutsu... when
is she getting puppies?

Any day now. WouId
you Iike to have one?

I have to ask my parents.
She was one of those peopIe,

who Ioves animaIs
but hates peopIe.

Bye Tutsu... but
not aII peopIe.

OnIy me. Goes into the
air... Yes... yes...

He has got his team
up there aIright.

Hi Zerkie, not weII?
No Bomen uncIe. No.

Good you didn't go to
schooI. Better hmm...

Oh my God, it is very hot.

Hey, but I think, I
think I am weII now.

No darIing, Bomen uncIe...

so you want to go
out for dinner? Why?

What's the occasion? Got
paid for something I did.

Sorry. It's a big secret
for whatever it is you do.

Look, do you want
to or not? Sure.



For God's sake, taIk softIy
he's got spies everywhere.

Hmm...? Come here, come here.

My uncIe, my uncIe
is coming back.

He want's to seII the buiIding.
He has been renting things out.

AIright, you are in troubIe.
You have got to get out.

Hey you said that he has gone
and he is not coming back.

I Iied man, I Iied. Sue me,
what do you want me to do?

He is coming back.
Do me a favour.

Just take these guys and get
out as fast as possibIe.

Get out and go where? We
have just started our work.

May be Greece.
Greece is good.

In any case it is not that you
guys ever Iooked compIete that

thing and make it work.

Hey Iisten, you don't
worry about us.

You gave us this guarantee.
What are these muraIs?

What is the point of aII
this man? What is this?

Dinosaur has come back
to haunt us once again

Oh God. You and Vango both of
you can't hear anything I say.

Oh... that's a monkey on a
Iadder because no trees are Ieft.

So where do our baboons
and goriIIas go? GoriIIa?

That brings me to
MarIin Brando of India.

The Matunga MarIin Brando.

Listen, if I decide
to squat here,

even your uncIe wiII not
be abIe to evict me ok?

Possession is nine-tenth
of the Iaw.

Then you understand
one thing...

come Dodo why are
you getting angry?

I don't have anything
to do with you.

You are a nice guy. I
don't Iike that feIIow.

That feIIow I don't Iike. Just
keep this animaI away from me.

Chain him. He is a mad man,
psychotic? caIm down, caIm down.

CaIm down. I have
something for you.

Just consider this. ReIax.
You are going to Iike it.

Think about the situation,
think about this...

Accept that. It's an
advance. Take it easy.

You know at heart you are
good. You are a nice guy.

You are my...this is what I want
in Indian youth to Iook Iike.

You are the kind of
person I admire. Ok.

You know I am not against you.

I just don't Iike
that genetic waste.

You want to die you die.

Art, I wiII be back.

What if aII this is reaI?

What is he reaIIy going to
make good on his threats?

What if his uncIe comes back?
We can't just move this around.

This is not a pocket toy.

WiII you stop being,
stop being a goose ok?

If he has got one uncIe
I have got four uncIes.

Nothing wiII happen.
Peace, peace, peace.

Nothing wiII happen. I've got
something to show you boys.

The Russians are coming, the
Russians are coming.

Everybody from street... hey
wait a minute... is that me...?

You are the Ieader of the
Russian Invasion Group.

CooI... That's you. What happens
next? I'II make an appearance.

You, you are anyway outcaste.
Ya! and you are not?

HaIf bred ItaIian,
Tito, EffiIiney,

what kind of a Parsi
name is that?

Anyway, anyway. Another
thing, I asked her...

She said yes. Oh my
boy is growing up.

HeIIo, yes, Mrs. Wadia,
oh dear.

Alright, I'II come
immediateIy. Thank you.

Liana is sick. She must
have caught whatever you have.

But I think I wiII go
now Roksy aunty.

Ok. I am much better.

There were some advantages
to be motherIess.

Just concentrate on your
work. I am doing something.

Down pass to IittIe Zizou

WeII that's a good pass

can he shoot? LittIe Zizou...
oh Iook at that.

LittIe Zizou scores again.

PIease mama pIease. What's
wrong with the cybercafe?

you must be with that
Xerxes. I am teIIing you

Ok, forget it. Bye mom.

You are so Iucky not
to have parents.

Don't Iook at that hospitaI.
That's where my mother died.

When I was born, the
doctor came too Iate.

I hate that hospitaI.

I wiII never Iook at
that hospitaI again.

I promise.

Name. SiIoo ScrewaIa.

AiIment. Hey, hey.
I need to see him.

You can't see him just now.
You know it very weII.

But then when can I see him?

In the morning he is chanting,
when I come back...

What is it about? SchooI
picnic. How much?


I mean hundred and fifty.
incIuding the bus.

Sign here.

Can you see me?
Send me a sign.

That was cooI. Thanks.

I am cured, I am cured.

These hands are but instruments
of the divine.

CouIdn't bIame her. My father
couId drive any one to drink.

I am teIIing you hmm... I want
them out of here by 12 O'cIock.

70 year oId man
behaving Iike 17.

Pretending as if you
didn't enjoyed yourseIf.

You did enjoy it. Just take
care of that bIoody baIdie.

I don't know anything.

Why can't you have this
party at the scout's den?

Scout's den. Can you
drink and abuse?

Then don't drink and abuse.

WiII you both Iisten
to me? What darIing?

Daddy... yes, I was the
onIy girI from my cIass

who was chosen for speech day.

Ms. Wadia said that I can
choose any passage I want.

I have to Iearn it by heart.

Very good and what passage
have you chosen?

It is a surprise. We can
onIy hear it on speech day.

Daddy, you know Zenob's
has gone out on a date?

It's not a date, date baba,

she has gone out for
dinner with Artexerxes.

Why? Why not? You have
aIways Iiked him.

I don't Iike him anymore.

Daddy wiII that Pepoxerxes
come and Iive here when

Zenobe married Artexerxes?
Nobody is marrying anybody.

I don't want to taIk to you.

Daddy, daddy then
onIy I understand.

Boman pIease stop.

But she has just
gone out for dinner.

BIoody women of this
famiIy are ruining my...

she has gone out for dinner
with a group of friends.

Thank you.

I actuaIIy have something
to teII you.

Art, I am in Iove and
his name is Arjun.

And he is... are you aIright?

Is it something I
said? No, no.

What is it that you said?
I am sorry. I am sea sick.

Art, I was wondering if
you wouId cover for me?

With my parents that is...

You know they wouIdn't
mind so much

if they thought that
I was with you.

The moon and the sun were not
there when the sky wasn?t there.

The moon and the sun were not
there when the sky wasn?t there.

OnIy God, onIy God, ...

OnIy God, onIy God?

She wiII meet aII of you.

Daddy can I aIso come?

What about the party?
Look after her.

What is she doing?

Why? DarIing, sorry.

See chiId, there is no Iegacy,
for you to faII back on,

once mummy and I are gone.
I hope you know that.

And, the newspaper is not
doing very weII. You know that.

So what I am trying to...

basicaIIy what dad is
tryingto say is...

you must concentrate
on your studies,

be a strong,
inteIIigent woman

and can stand on
your own 2 feet.

Do not depend on any one

and most importantIy don't
faII into the marriage trap.

Daddy, you are married.

PIease. If I had not
married your mother,

she wouId have
been a star today.

But then we wouldn?t be there.

Anyway, I don't want
to get married.

I want to Iive with
Iots of dogs.

Can we get a puppy?

Daddy, daddy I am not
in Iove with Art.

He is not my boy friend and he
is not going to be my husband.

We are just friends. Let's
have a drink. Let's ceIebrate.

Come, come, come...

Where the moon hits your eyes,

Iike a big piece of
fire that's samore,

When the worId starts to shine
Iike you had too much wine

that's samore.

The beIIs wiII ring, ging a Iing
a Iing, ginga Iing a Iing,

and you say beat the better.

When you waIk in a dream...

and you know you
are not dreaming


Choose me, but you see back
in oId NapoIina samore.

Samore, samore... samore...

Sheru Iook at aII that.
Go on Sheru. Go on.

Bye, Sheru.

Bye, Tiger.

When marimba rhythm starts
to pIay, dance with me,

make me sway, Iike the Iazy
ocean hugs the shore,

hoId me cIose, sway me more.

Like a fIower bending in the
breeze, bend with me

sway with ease, when you dance
you have a way with me,

stay with me, sway with me.

DarIing you know it takes
at Ieast haIf an hour

for favourabIe resuIts.

It was you wasn't it?
What? LittIe snitch.

Next morning Ms. AnimaI Iover
ignored me as aIways.

I used to think she
is very reIigious.

UntiI I foIIowed her
to the Agiyari one day.

And I knew where she got it
from. I had seen the same movie.

Come on say. The
weather is IoveIy.

She was trying to make
that poor parrot

speak Iike inspector CIouseau.

come on... why? That's
what I want to know.

And where the heII are
we going? Just drive.

He Iives here? Come on.

Jayarzan, the scuIptor,
Arjun is hisapprentice.

Oh ya! He is reaIIy creative.

Hi baby. Hey, I didn't
see you coming.

Hi, that's Art. I have
heard so much about you.

From my cousin Biba,
the journaIist.

She is coming to
interview you guys.

And reaIIy Iike
what you are doing.

I'd Iike to
come over and see it.

See what? The cockpit.
What cockpit?

Didn't he teII you? They've
rescued Jumbojet cockpit

and turning it into
a fIight simuIator. ReaIIy?

Anyway, I wiII be
waiting outside.

Left right Ieft. Shoulders
back, Iook smart,

Ieft right Ieft, Ieft right
Ieft, Ieft right Ieft,

Ieft right Ieft,
Ieft right Ieft

Ieft right Ieft,
Ieft right Ieft

Who wiII do aII this
marching passing here?

Can't we do something eIse?

This is supposed to
be army training

not a schooI march past.

Yes, yes we want to do
more than that.

Where's the gym? Karate.

In army aIso we wiII
Iearn how to march man.

We have to find... siIence.

Frankly I don't care
what you do.

I was just doing your
chief a favour.

If you have a probIem, go
and sort it out with him.

I am off to have a beer.

WorId War III had begun.

How are you? Good morning.

Good morning sir.

Sorry sir.

And he has caIIed me a
faiIed coIIection agent.

Are you? No sir. I was working
in a debt coIIection agency.

But I was not a
faiIure. I Ieft.

But that Iiar says
that I was fired

because I couIdn't
recover any money.

That everybody used to sIap
me and send me away.

This is buIIshit. Who the heII
does he think he is? SiIence.

Fear not. We are
going to show him

what debt coIIection
tastes Iike.

Boys and girIs of the PLO,
war has been decIared.

Let the battIe begin.

Wake up worId. What do we
so caIIed reformers want?

The equivaIent of mating
thorough bred horses

with donkeys.

And the swift monkeys,

we have kept our bIood pure
for thousands of years.

Are we now going to
poIIute ourseIves

with Russian riff raff?

HaIf naked BraziIians
from the Amazon jungIes,

Be Iike her.
Back to purity...

Back to purity.

In my humbIe opinion, aII
prophets were reformers.

3000 years ago, the Lord
Zarathustra said...

Do not foIIow bIindIy.
Make an informed choice.

Think for yourseIf.
This is what I think.

This is what I think, that
Kodaiji is a fear, mongering,

humbug, bogus, humbug, aunty
pIease wake up. What happened?

Whose onIy motto is no
mingIing onIy dwindIing.

Thank you.

You know when it's done
You'II be sitting in it

and feeI Iike you are
fIying a reaI JumboJet.

And you think it's right.
Spending so much of time,

and money on something
so frivoIous.

Don't you feeI bad pIaying
with your rich boy toys,

when everyday of our Iives is
surrounded by with such grinding

poverty and misery. And what
are you doing about this

grinding poverty and misery?

I write about these issues. And
if these issues did not exist,

then you wiII have
nothing to write about.

I won't be writing about
you that's for sure.

In my free time I used to
hang out in Tito's house.

That's his father Mr. FeIini.

Hey soda-Iemon mixture, are you
stopping that reckon or not?

Why must you? Yes, I
must, I must practice.

Poor Mrs. FeIini. Stop it,
stop it enough. Stop it.

I can't think. The Iess thinking
you do the better boss.

We'II get written about.
Then offers wiII pour in.

We'II find usa
project Iike this.

Venture capitaIists wiII
be banging on our doors.

I never said
venture capitaIists.

Then who said? I didn't.
Zizou stop that.

Stop that. I said stop that.

You'II brake the seat before
we even get started.

When wiII you aII start? I
don't know. Maybe never.

So, how was Susy Wong?
Oh, it was ok.

You mean, nothing happened? No
man, I am seeing her again.

For sure, I am
seeing her again.

Why BangIadesh? Why can't
Zizou come to Bombay?

PIease mom, I'II do anything.
I'II go to schooI.

I'II even do my homework.

PIease mom, pIease bring
Zidane to Bombay pIease.

PIease, pIease. You want to
end up in the Ioonybin?

Why are you in such a bad mood?

Hey Art, can I
use your computer?

No you can't. And don't ask
why not. You know why not.

Your Bawa bIog. It's
not some big secret.

I Iog on to it so often.

But you have in your mind to
go to the cyber cafe 24/7?

You have a running account with
them? But it's not the same.

Everytime I have
to quit and Iose.

I can never save and continue.

PIease Art, pIease.
You won't mess around.

I'II onIy pIay footbaII.
I don't want any viruses.

Thanks. What's the password?
Son of psycho.

One word. How do
you speII psycho?

Look it up. Don't remain
a duffer Iike me.

You are so mean.

How wiII I benefit? I am
asking, how wiII I benefit?

What's in it for us? What
you chaps Iove Mr. PatiI.

Votes. GIorious votes.

I'II have every Parsi and
his mother voting for your

party in the next eIection.

Understood. Understood...

I am saying, I wiII have
to discuss with my boss.

Ok. Boss, boss. He wiII
have to taIk to his boss.

Ah... yes, yes. Goodbye.

I thought I have seen
everything. But commandos!

That went very weII
don't you think?

Father, how do you speII psycho?

What shaII we do?

Murti, what happened Murti?

What? When I came to work
I got a caII from Narayan.

He said he regretted it but
he had to caII for a Iockout.

Indefinite. Any reason?

He has his orders from above.
And that's not aII.

ChampakIaI phoned and
ready money aIso.

They want you to caII them.
What? Oh no, no. Sorry.


This time you made reaIIy big
enemies, reaI big enemies.

I am sorry, I have to
recaII those whoIe Ioan.

Hmm? ImmediateIy.


Yes. Who, who gave
you this number?

UnacceptabIe. UnacceptabIe.

Guest, pIease don't caII
on this number again.

Yes, yes Father GonsaIves,

I know you are
the schooI PrincipaI

but you cannot taIk to him
just now. He is resting.

I am his personaI assistant.

I don't know why his son
didn't come to schooI.

I expect he wasn't feeIing weII.

Zidane got to see to it stiII,

just waits to hamper
the defences

and wouId he try to work it out

as there was nobody, he
is there. GoaI. Yes. Yes.

Are you going to schooI
tomorrow? You better.

You know what he
caIIs himseIf...

Do you know anything about
a cheque from one Ms. Batin?

TeII your brother
I wished to see him.

Infact I have aIways Iiked you.
Your son is another matter.

But you, I have
nothing against.

You wiII have to
vacate this house.

You are staying in a housing
coIony onIy for our community.

And due to your unfortunate
action in the past,

you are no Ionger a
part of our community.

You are an outcaste.

AlI that is very weII. You have
sIid under the radar tiII now.

Radar? Our Ieader Mr. Kodaiji
sir, may God bIess him,

has started a purifying drive.

I am reaIIy sorry, You
shouId have thought of aII

that before you
married that Russian.

My dear departed husband
was not a Russian.

He was ItaIian. Bastard.
You are such a coward man.

Scaring oId Iadies? Who the
heII are you to say where

I can or cannot Iive? You
know if you ever come cIose to

my mother again,
I wiII... I wiII

I am foIIowing what he says,

you bIoody haIf breed bastard,
I wiII outcaste you.

You... do you know what
that retard is up to now?

What do you mean who?
Who? Your pop.

I want to put and kiII that
man. That's want I want to do.

PIease caIm down.
CaIm, caIm down.

You know this is
not good for you.

You have heard what
doctor has said.

Come. Sit. Take a
deep breath. Good.

Listen, I'II go to Udwada, ok.

Persuade mama. You be positive.

I am sure that
there is a soIution.

You know what the
soIution is. What?

I want to kiII the bastard.
Come on, eat the 'bhakra'.

The next morning my father
was eating his bacon and eggs,

IovingIy prepared by his
personaI CrueIIa DeviI.

Mr. Kodaiji sir,
Mr. Kodaiji sir...

And chief discipline
made a dramatic entry.

Look at my face sir. Some
crisp toast pIease Ms. PateI.

CaIm down. Who
did this to you?

The haIf baked soda-Iemon
mixture who Iives in my coIony.

That FeIoni, VeIoni bastard,

sir I did what
you toId me to do.

The first ruIe of warfare, try
whenever possibIe to pick on

opponents your own size,
preferabIy smaIIer.

Good work young man, good work.

Your bravery is to be commended.
Come. Mr. Kodaiji sir,

when do you think that
the Russians wiII come?

I am afraid sir,
we won't be prepared.

No one is taking
the PLO seriousIy.

There are in our schooI
karate everything

and now they are
stiII missing cIass.

Everyone has an excuse.
I got caught in traffic,

I feII sick, my mother feIt that
I... Thank you so much Feroz,

for aII your good work.
Goodbye. Ms. PateI...,

You are not Iooking
after me properIy.

You reaIIy must see me
from such disturbances.

This has compIeteIy shattered,
shattered my morning.

I know you'II do better,
in the future.

Yes, of course.

You'II eat, breakfast? I just
came to meet your father.

I think it's best not
to disturb him today.

I have a news for him here.

This BTP are
just going ...

I think it's best not
to disturb him today.

What are you Iearning? It's
none of your business.

She is Iearning her
speech for the speech day.

It's not a speech.

Why? I have some business
with her. Can I come?

PIease mummy can I come?
PIease... Can I?

No, you can't. Don't you
have schooI Xerxes?

I can take Ieave. PIease I
have never been there. Where?

You don't even know where
my grandmother Iives.

I have never been
anywhere. Ok, ok.

Both of you can come.

Come. Come here...
just come here 'yaar'

This paneI over here...
meet Makar and, KunaI's

genious 'bidu' from Indian
Institute of TechnoIogy,

Ok. Decides to take
apart the entire cockpit, ok,

throttIe, assembIy everything,
because he thought,

he knew what he was doing.
Give him a chance.

He did a great job of
a toaster yesterday.

Shut up. I can't, I can't work
under this kind of pressure.

Pressure. I'II show you. I'II
show... caIm down, caIm down...

Take it easy, caIm
down, caIm down.

Bro you'II have a heart attack.

Heart attack.
Let me kiII him.

Look it'sa fIight simuIator,
not that dyno... no, no,no,

caIm down, breath,
breath heaviIy...

PIease grant my son
Xerxes Kodaiji,

Ieave for 3 days
starting tomorrow.

He has to come with me on
a reIigious piIgrimage.

Yours sincereIy,
Cyrus II Kodaiji...

You want to be expeIIed
from the schooI?

ActuaIIy, I didn't mind.
But I couIdn't teII him that.

No Father. You wiII be if you
carry on in your wiId ways.

You don't come to schooI
for days at a time.

I wasn't weII Father. I have
another Ietter from my father,

father. I am not interested in
your father or in his Ietters.

You wiII shape up or
you wiII ship out,

Iike your brother before you.

Have I made myseIf cIear.

Yes Father. And get
yourseIf a haircut.

So that's how I went
on my first hoIiday.

It was very different from
what I had imagined!

Who are you caIIing mad?
You forgot or what that.

Your mother dropped you aII
here when you were 5 days oId.

That's why... Hi mama...,

hi mama,

and mama is getting one hi mama.

Mama, this is our friend
Xerxes Kodaiji,

this is my mama. Wow, no
reIation of the hoIy... I hope,

mummy is not feeding
you properIy or what?

Mama, mama, heIIo...

Why didn't you teII
me you were coming?

Do you have a phone that works?

What did peopIe do before
the phones were there?

They were existing.
Now there are phones.

HeIIo Mr. Xerxes Kodaiji,
weIcome to our Majestic HoteI.

I hope your stay wiII
be a comfortabIe one.

We aim to pIease. Come I wiII
give you the grand tour.

Come on. Come Mr. Kodaiji.

Keep your bag down here.
Nobody is going to steaI it.

I want to take
you into this room

to show you the IoveIy things I
have coIIected over the years.

But pIease, cIose your eyes,

they are Zenobias.

In my days we had tip top
doIIs, aII dressed in Iace,

come Mr. Kodaiji, now you see
this is our personaI guestroom.

You know, this beautifuI bed,

it used to beIong
to my grandfather.

I'II show you my bedroom.
It is fuII of the HoteI Iinen.

My parents aIways said, do
everything royaI styIe.

Enjoy Iife, that's my motto. I
am going to wear this tonight,

for dinner. Remember you must
aIways dress for dinner.

Come on, now for
a big surprise. Come on.

This is our honeymoon suite.

In season, we have to charge
doubIe. Rs. 25 per person.

Hey, who have spent
their honeymoon and

romantic moments over here.

Of course, we cannot
teII you the names.

Because after aII
personaI information

cannot be given to everybody.

But, the stories I
know about peopIe...

Bring aII your friends.

We have got so many
rooms over here.

HeIp, heIp, I am drowning,
I am drowning.

HeIp, Liana wait.
Liana wait.

Stop, stop Liana wait, stop.

Why do you hate me so much?
You think your mother Ioves me?

She doesn't. She just feeIs
sorry for me. That's aII.

It's not the same thing.
Do you want to pIay?

PIay what?

You know how we
came here? By train.

Don't act siIIy. How
Parsis came to India?

No, no. Hundreds and
hundreds of years ago,

a group of Parsis escaped
Persia on a smaII boat.

Because Persia was being
invaded by the Arabs.

They had many hardships
and storms.

But then they prayed to Ahura
Mazda and the seas piped down.

And then they reached
here, India. Here?

Here. How do you know aII
this? My daddy toId me.

Doesn't your daddy teII you?
He doesn't teII me anything.


HeIIo, ok, I'II teII
him. It's Tito.

He wants you to come to the
cockpit room immediateIy.

Are you an engineer? AII you
know how to do is eat 'yaar'.

I have had it with
this guy, man.

I reaIIy had it with this shit,

and I have had it with this
guy, I want out. I want out.

Excuse me, you want out? Ya.
I want out. Ok, caII BabIoo.

Ok, caII BabIoo. CaII
BabIoo. I'II caII BabIoo.

We wiII spIit it 3 ways. Ok,
that's it. I am off man,

f... this.

Who's BabIoo? The scrap deaIer
we bought aII these from.

That's so sad. That's Iife.

One day you are a cockpit,

the next day you
are a scrap metaI.

Guys I've got some
good news for you.

BasicaIIy my uncIe
is stuck in Canada.

He is staying in Port SoIo.
Things are Iooking on.

Murti, you go home
I'II Iock up. Go Murti.

Murti, thank you.

We wiII not go gentIe
into that goodnight.

We wiII rage, rage against
the dying of the Iight.

You mean there are
ghosts upstairs?

Our patrons and customers
are requested that

they shouId not bring any
aIcohoIic or intoxicating

drinks in our... come on Iet's
go to the honeymoon suite.

Mama, I came because
we need your heIp.

What can I do to
heIp you my chiId?

Mama, I want you
to seII Majestic.

You come and Iive with us.

Mama, if you don't
agree to seII,

then we wiII be on the streets.
We wiII be finished.

How Iong ma are you going to
continue to Iive Iike this?

You don't have a singIe
friend in Udwada.

You fought with aII of them.

My chiIdren. If these are your
chiIdren then who are we?

You are aIso my chiIdren.

I wiII do as you say.
Come on smiIe now. SmiIe.

PIease. You remember that song
grandfather used to sing,

enjoy yourseIf. Enjoy yourseIf,
it's Iater than you think,

enjoy yourseIf. Enjoy yourseIf,
it's Iater than you think,

enjoy yourseIf, whiIe you
are stiII in the pink,

the years go by as
quickIy asa wink,

enjoy yourseIf, enjoy yourseIf
it's Iater than you think.

This time I am going
straight to DeIhi.

Remember what we taIked
about Iast night?

Mama, you are going
to seII Majestic,

and you are goingto
come and Iive with us.

Who said that? I am not
seIIing. Why shouId I seII?

I am not giving up
this fight. Mama...

Poor Roksi aunty, surrounded
by fighter cocks.

Dear readers, this may
weII be the Iast issue of

the Rustom E Sorabh, that
you hoId in your hands.

It breaks my heart
to write this.

After 112 years, the newspaper
that has served the community

so weII has been
siIenced forever,

by the man who masquerades
as a man of God.

Our community, whose fundamentaI
credo is good thoughts

good words, good deeds is
being manipuIated by

a man who beIieves
none of the above.

Thanks to his efforts today,
I am faced with a Iock out,

a boycot and financiaI

I brought out this Iast issue
in defiance, in protest,

and as a reminder, if we aIIow
Kodaiji to get away with this,

this so caIIed defender of the
faith whose main objective is

to pIace himseIf in
the seat of power

wiII Iead us into darkness
and finaIIy obIivion.

TeII your boss what a fine
mess he has got me into.

Sir he is saying what
did you expect.

Some subtIety, some
finesse, yesa bit...

Sir, I don't know the Marathi
word for subtIety.

Sir, he is asking,
do you want him...

No you imbeciIe
no, no, no.

I toId you, wait...

I am a faiIed tax
coIIection agent.

Daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy...

daddy, somebody heIp
me pIease. Daddy...

Daddy, daddy...,

your husband's had a heart
attack. We are doing our best.

Can I see him? We wiII wait
for him to stabiIise.

Where were you?
Where were you?

We were at the
ICU Masina HospitaI,

with the famiIy of the
man you tried to kiII.

I did not try to kiII him.
I couId have.

I said no. The end resuIt
remains the same.

He is dying. You know I never
had the courage to teII you this

before. But today
maybe I do.

You are a bogus humbug, a
hypocrite and a fraud

the onIy thing you
ever beIieved in is

power by whatever
means necessary.

Sharper than a serpant's
tooth. I fed you,

I cIothed you. Who Iooked after
you when you had accident?

I paid for your hospitaI biIIs.
I even gave you a scooter.

AII your's 'yaar', aII your's.

Don't Iook at me with
your mother's eyes.

My mother's eyes. My dear,

mother did not die because
doctor came too Iate.

You fought with her, pushed
her, she feII, I saw aII this.

I was there, shouId have
Ieft a Iong time ago.

Coming or staying, coming. Then
don't sit there pack your stuff.

I didn't mean to push
her. I was angry.

She was arguing. She aIways
argued, argued, your mother.

They were arguing, he
pushed her, she feII...,

AII I remember was her
cIutching her stomach

and then carrying her out.

I ran into the ambuIance,
nobody noticed.

She died on the way.
So she didn't see me.

You Iied.

I'm an idiot 'yaar'.

Liana was right.
She can't see me.

They are no angeIs. She is
dead. Hey, come on Xerxes.

Come on. Don't cry.
She can see you now.

I'm sure of it...
if she can see me

then why doesn't she
make everything better?

Suppose nobody's showing
up, we couId chant,

you and I. Why?

Wake xerxes. Hey...

you can pIay on my computer.

Come on Xerxes,
stop acting Iazy.

I'II even put Zizou up on the
waII, don't you want to see him?

CouId you open the door pIease?

Hi, I am Iooking
for Dr. Nariman.

He... he doesn't
Iive here anymore.

Moved to Canada. I was born
in this maternity home.

I am on a find my roots
kind of trip. AIka Mehta,

from SeattIe. Artexerxes
Kodaiji... hi...

Hi, is that a 7 47-400?

Are you an airIine stewardess?
EIectronics Engineer.

Work for Boeing.

What happened here?
Long story.

PIease, pIease,
this is an ICU.

You have turned aII of us into
reIigious buggers you know.

I went to the Mosque
this morning,

Praveen went to the TempIe,
Vasya went to the Agiyari,

David went to the synagogue,
which is cIosed,

instead went to Mount Mary.

He actuaIIy did
Novina, the miser.

Say bye to the boys. Don't
say that, don't give up.

Remember one day when you
were in the third standard,

you got that cricket
baII on your head,

we aII thought that
you were gone.

Bastard, you bastard...

UseIess feIIow, even in ICU
he can't behave himseIf.

ICU, the community has come
out in a show of support for him.

Some expressing the
shame at what happened,

others offering their
prayers and good wishes.

AII of them expressing
their admiration,

for the one man who
dared to speak out.

So what is your reaction
to this madam?

He is not a heaIer,
he is a feeIer.

Traitor, in great.

Boman UncIe is my hero.

Ms. PateI, wiII you pIease Iimit
the number of patients today?

I'm a bit under the
weather. Ok sir.

No comment. No... comments...

If you couId FedEx those
parts out first thing tomorrow,

I'd have them by Thursday.

Thanks Steve.

Do you reaIIy think you
can make this work?

Kid, 747s are my babies.

It didn't take Iong for my
brother to forget Zenoba.

SIowIy,... aIright.

Ok boys, Iock in Iock,
ok see you then.

Hey, heroes, Iet me heIp
you out come on, come on.

Sorry 'yaar' sorry. I
genuineIy beIieved that fraud,

I reaIIy thought Russians
were coming. Ya.

Come on... just...
Russians were coming?

I am sorry.

So you are not going to
outcaste me? No sir,

Hi boys... move it.

Boman, congratuIations,
congratuIations, spIendid

what a thumping victory.

I want you to know, we
are aII there with you.

And I am ready to bank
for you aII the way.

ReaIIy! Why do you think
my name is Ready money?

I've got great news for you
aIso. Very interested parties,

They are aII interested
in acquiring Rustom E Sorabh

at very very attractive prices.

Terrific news. But... I am
so sorry, Rustom E Sorabh

is not for saIe. Thank you
for the offer anyways.


Hey Ruksa, teII me.

May I have this dance?

I think we'II take your
bIood pressure.

I'II be back in 5 minutes.
Come back in 10.

I may be abIe to speak the
Ianguage of the angeIs,

and even...

I may be abIe to
speak the Ianguage

of the human beings
and even of angeIs.

But if I have no Iove,

my speech is no more than a
noisy gong or a cIanging beII.

I may have the gift
of inspired teaching,

I may have aII knowIedge and
understand aII secrets,

but if I have no
Iove, I am nothing.

Love is patient in kind,
Iove is not jeaIous,

conceited or proud, Iove does
not keep a record of wrongs,

Iove never gives up. There
are inspired messages,

but they are temporary. There
is knowIedge but it wiII pass.

MeanwhiIe, these 3 remain-
faith, hope and Iove.

And greatest of these is Iove.

Kuwait Airways fIight WA282 to
HonoIuIu is ready for departure.

AII the passengers are requested
to proceed to Immigration.

Thank you.

Ms. PateI tickets, boarding
pass... Mr. Kodaiji,

excuse me... hi...Mr. Kodaiji
do you remember me?

Ms. Dement. yes, yes ofcourse.
So where are you off to?

Lecture circuit,
on a cruise ship.

So, I heard things have been
a IittIe tricky for you IateIy,

I don't suppose you
want to taIk about.

No comment.

I now have 2 mothers. One up
there and one here on earth.


These 3 young men,
had a crazy dream.

Sometimes it is
good to be crazy.

And it is aIways good to dream.

I do not want this to
be a rich man's toy.

It shouId be open to anybody
who has never fIown before.

I decIare this fIight sim open.

Bombay Tower VTIGs is
ready to take off.

RoIIing... gear up.

Gear up.

Is this a fact or a
fiction? That's fantasy.

AIka went back to SeattIe.

But everyone did Iive
happiIy ever after.

Serious Iooking
Ms. PateI, and my father,

he found new discipIes.

My brother's book
was a huge hit.

And he became the
toast of the town.

Arjun became a movie star

and Zenoba became
Arzan's apprentice.

Liana got her puppies
not one but two.

And she got discovered
by Shiamak Davar

and got to dance at
the CommonweaIth games.

Strong darIing. Keep yourseIf
strong. Look up, Iook up ready,

5, 6, 5, 6, 7, 8.

Good. And me? After aII
I did for my brother...

this is how he paid me back.
But it wasn't aII that bad.

I got to pIay in the team
and this time for reaI.

And Zizou, I'm stiII waiting.
I know he wiII come one day.

Oh, and I aImost forgot.