Little Women (1933) - full transcript

Little Women is a "coming of age" drama tracing the lives of four sisters: Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. During the American Civil War, the girls father is away serving as a minister to the troops. The family, headed by thier beloved Marmee, must struggle to make ends meet, with the help of their kind and wealthy neighbor, Mr. Laurence, and his high spirited grandson Laurie.

-So you're going to Washington?
-Yes, ma'am.

My son is sick in a hospital there.

This will be an anxious Christmas for you.

l think this one will do. Let's try this.

-ls it your only son?
-No, ma'am.

l had four, but two were killed
and one is a prisoner.

You've done a great deal
for your country, sir.

Not a mite more than l ought, ma'am.
l'd go myself if l was any use.

Thank you for the overcoat.

Wait a minute.

l hope you find him better.

Thank you, ma'am. God bless you.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

Mrs. March,
will you sign this so l can get it off?

Why, what's the matter?

When l see things like that poor old man... makes me ashamed
to think how little l do.

But, my dear, you're doing all you can here,
and your husband is there.

Yes, l know.

His last son is lying ill, miles away...

...waiting to say goodbye to him,
forever perhaps...

...while l have my four girls to comfort me.

And a real comfort they are, too,
aren't they?

l couldn't bear it without them.

-Meg and Jo are working, you know?

Meg is a nursery governess.

-Merry Christmas.
-Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

Remember, Lily,
Santa Claus is watching you.

Come on, Tony.

''We know as well,
what are the baneful fruits of selfishness...

''...and self-indulgence.
Bad habits take root with fearful rapidity...

''...even in the richest natures.

''They grow...

''...and ripen and bear their fruit...

'' southern vines and weeds...


'' a single day and night.

''Crush them, pluck them out pitilessly
from their very first appearance...

''...and do not weary...

''...of the labor of plucking them out...

''...again and again.''

Goodbye, goodbye!

Hold your tongue,
you disrespectful old bird!

Go on, Josephine.


Where are you off to, Miss?

l didn't think you'd mind.

lt was nearly time to leave
and the girls said they'd be home early... we could rehearse my play
for Christmas.

Never a thought about my Christmas.

Flying off without a word of cheer
or greeting for your poor old aunt.

l'm sorry, Aunt March.

-Merry Christmas.
-Merry Christmas.


lt's a dollar for each. Well, take them.

Thank you, Aunty.

Never mind thanking me.
Just spend it wisely, that's all l ask.

Although it's more than l can expect
when you're so much like your father...

...waltzing off to war and letting
other folks look after his family.

There's nobody looking after us.
And we don't ask favors from anybody.

l'm very proud of Father
and you should be, too.

-Don't you be impertinent, Miss.
-l'm sorry, Aunty.

lt isn't preachers that are going
to win this war. lt's fighters!

Yes, Aunty.

-Can l go, now?
-Yeah, go on.

-Did you clean Polly's cage today?
-Yes, Aunty.

Did you wash those teacups
and put them away carefully?

Yes, Aunty.

-You didn't break any?
-No, Aunty.

-What about the teaspoons?
-l polished them.

Yes. Very well then.

Wait, just a minute. Come back here.

Look at this. You haven't dusted properly.

l want this stair rail dusted and polished
before you leave here.

Yes, Aunty.


Thank you very much, ladies.

And now l wish you all
a very merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas!

School is dismissed.

Amy March! You may close the door.

That'll teach her not to cut up didoes.

-lt serves that stuck-up Amy March right.
-What's he going to do to her?

l can see there's nothing for me to do
but to stop by and show your mother... instead of doing your sums,
you cover your slate with sketches.

And most uncomplimentary sketches.

Please, Mr. Davis, l'll never do it again, sir.

And she'd be so disappointed in me.



Well, l should hate to spoil her Christmas...

...and for that reason alone, young lady,
l shall overlook it.

Thank you, Mr. Davis!

You may go.

Thank you, Mr. Davis.
Thank you very much indeed.

Thank you, sir.

Here she is.

-What did he do?
-What did he say?

Come on, tell us. What happened?

l just said that if l ever told my mother
the way he treated me...

...she'd take me out of his old school.

She's never been ''reconciliated'' anyway...

...since my father lost his money
and she's had to suffer the ''degaridation''...

...of me being thrown in
with a lot of ill-mannered girls...

...who stick their noses
in refined people's business.

Little tiny pussy, l'll tell you a long story.

-Hannah, is it teatime?

-l'll set the table.
-Thank you, Beth.

lt'll be a help to me
'cause my bread's raised.

The girls are getting home early.

-Are they coming?
-Just passing the Laurence house.

-Christopher Columbus!
-Jo, don't use such dreadful expressions.

Here comes old Mr. Laurence.
What if he heard you?

l don't care. l like good strong words
that mean something.

Oh, bother.
Now we're going to have to speak to him.

How do?

lt makes my knees chatter
just to look at him.

l feel sorry for that poor boy, shut up alone
with such an ogre for a grandfather.

-Look, there he is.

Don't point, Jo.
He'll think you're waving at him.

He's gone anyway. Well, what if he does?

Jo! Come along, Amy.

-How's my Beth?
-lt's cold outside!

Jo just did the most terrible thing.

Beth, come over here.

-He waved at us.
-ls tea ready yet?

Merry Christmas from Aunt March.

-For me?
-Yes, darling, for you.

We got one, too.

-What are you going to do with it, dear?
-l don't know.

Marmee said we ought not
to spend money for pleasure...

...when our men are suffering so
in the Army.

A dollar couldn't do the Army much good,
so l'm going to buy Undine and Sintram.

l've wanted it long enough.

l'm sure Marmee would approve
if l got some new gloves.

l've darned my old ones
until l can hardly get them on.

She always says a real lady is known
by her neat gloves and boots.

l shall get a nice box of Faber's
drawing pencils. l really need them.

Then l'd like to spend mine
for some new music...

...that is,
if you don't think Marmee would mind.

Let's each buy what we want
and have a little fun.

l'm sure we work hard enough.

l know l do.
lt's not the work l mind so much.

lt's having to tell Flo King
how pretty she looks... things l know would look
as well on me.

What would you do if you were shut up
all day with an old crosspatch...

...who flies off the handle
every move you make?

Jo, don't use slang.

Besides, don't forget
she gave us the dollar.

l'm sure neither of you suffer as l do.

You don't have to go
to that nasty old Davis' school...

...with impertinent girls who laugh at you
and ''label'' your father 'cause he isn't rich.

''Libel.'' Don't say ''label''
as if Papa were a pickle bottle.

l know what l mean
and you needn't be ''statirical'' about it.

lt's proper to use good words
and improve your ''vocabilary.''

Aren't we elegant?

You'd never be thought so with your slang.

l hope not. l don't want to be elegant.

-You needn't whistle like a boy.
-That's why l do it.

-l detest rude, unladylike girls.
-And l hate affected, niminy-piminy chicks.

Birds in their little nests agree.

Really, you're both to blame.

You're old enough to leave off boyish tricks
and behave better, Josephine.

Now you are so tall and turn up your hair,
you must remember you're a young lady.

No, l'm not. And if turning up my hair
makes me so, l'll wear it down till l'm 100.


As for you, Amy, your absurd words
are as bad as Jo's slang.

Your airs are funny now,
but you'll grow into an affected goose...

...unless you take care.

lf Jo is a tomboy and Amy's a goose,
what am l, please?

You're a dear and nothing else.

We're three ungrateful wretches
who don't deserve you.

Wait until l become a famous author
and make my fortune.

Then we'll all ride in fine carriages,
dressed like Flo King...

...snubbing Amy's friends and telling
Aunt March to go to the dickens.

Let's rehearse.

We'll start with the fainting scene.
You're as stiff as a poker in that, Amy.

Well, l can't help it.
l've never seen anyone faint...

...and l don't intend to make myself
black-and-blue tumbling as flat as you do.

lt's easy if you'll only watch me. Come on.

-lf l can drop gracefully, l'll....
-Now, when l come in...'ll see the horrible look in my eyes
and you shrink back trembling.

Go ahead.

Get into the mood, Amy.

Now, when l start toward you,
with wicked intentions....

Oh, Amy, you...

...draw back in horror,
covering your eyes with your hands.

''Roderigo, Roderigo!

''Save me, save me! ''

There, now you see? Now, it's easy.

Now, here l come.

''Roderigo, Roderigo!

''Save me, save me! ''

-You were marvelous.
-That was lovely.

Glad to find you so merry, my girls.


-How is your cold, Meg?
-Much better.

Beth, dear, kiss me, baby.

Thank you, Jo. Thank you, dear.

-You look tired to death, Jo.
-No, Marmee, l'm not tired.

-Your slippers are all ready now.
-That's my Bethie, dearie.

Did you have a hard day, Marmee?

No, very pleasant, dear.
But it's good to be home.

-l have a treat for you.
-A letter from Father?

Three cheers for Father.

''Give them all my dear love and a kiss.

''Tell them l know they will remember
all l said to them:

''That they will be loving children to you...

''...they will do their duty faithfully,
fight their bosom enemies bravely...

''...and conquer themselves so beautifully...

''...that when l come back to them,
l may be fonder and prouder than ever...

''...of my little women.''

l am a selfish girl...

...but l'll truly try to be better
and not waste my time in school... that Father
may not be disappointed in me.

l'll try and be what he loves to call me,
''a little woman''...

...and not be rough and wild,
and do my duty here at home...

...instead of always wanting
to go to war to help Father.

l'm not going to be envious anymore,
if l can help it.

Now, we'll save the rest till after tea...

...for it's such a lovely long letter.
l know everybody must be hungry.

Let's get something for Marmee
with our dollar...

...instead of for ourselves, shall we?

That's like you, Beth. What shall we get?

-l'll get her a nice pair of gloves.
-New slippers, best to be had.

Some handkerchiefs, all hemmed.

A beautiful little bottle of cologne.
She'll like that, and it won't cost much...

...and then l'll have some left over
for my pencils.

l've finished with Asia.

And here is Europe.

-Three stitches and you can have Africa.
-Not too long stitches, dear.

lf you pass me the scissors,
l'll give you America.

There, you see? You did finish it after all.

You wanted to put it off until tomorrow.

But we never should have
if Jo hadn't made a game of it...

...and thought of talking
of the different countries as we worked.

lt was a nice idea, Jo.

Do you remember how you used to play
Pilgrim 's Progress when you were little?

l can see us all now with your ragbags
tied over our backs for burdens.

You have real burdens now,
instead of ragbags.

According to what l heard before tea,
except Beth.

She didn't say. Maybe she hasn't any.

Yes, l have.

Mine is dishes and dusters
and being afraid of people...

...and envying girls with nice pianos.

A piano is a burden.

Good night, my precious.

Good night, Marmee.

-Good night, Jo, my girl.
-Good night, Marmee.

-Good night, darling.
-Good night, my baby.

-Good night, Marmee.
-Good night, Bethie.

-Merry Christmas, Hannah.
-Merry Christmas!

Where's Marmee?

She just went down the street,
but she'll be right back.

She wants you to have your breakfast
when l can get it dished up.

Come round here.

Hide them. Get close.

-Where have you been, Amy?
-What have you been doing?

Don't laugh, Jo.

l only changed the little bottle of cologne...

...for a big one.
l gave all my money to get it.


That was unselfish of you.

You're some pumpkins, Amy.

l felt ashamed, thinking only of myself.

Amy, my prettiest rose.

And l'm so glad,
because mine is the handsomest now.

-Where is Marmee?
-She'll be back any minute. Breakfast!

-Hannah, l'm so hungry.
-Hannah, what is it?



They are my favorites!


Oh, Hannah, you've beat the Dutch.

No need to make such a fuss about it.

l remember when l used to serve it
on your father's table every day.


-Hannah, were we really that rich?
-How was l dressed?

l'd like to tell Jenny Snow
all the pretty clothes l used to wear.

-l can tell her. Diapers!

Two each.

-lsn't this marvelous?
-Look at all the popovers.

She's coming!

Hurry, Beth, strike up.
Amy, open the door.

Come here, Meg. We'll cover these up
and it'll be a surprise.

Enter, Marmee.

-Merry Christmas, Marmee!
-Merry Christmas, my....

Oh, darling!

Oh, Meg, dear! Thank you!

And handkerchiefs from Bethie. Thank you.

Hannah, did you see?

Amy, my precious, thank you!

These are from me.

Jo, my girl.

Thank you, darlings. Thank you.

Oh, my girls.

l can't tell you how happy l am.

Well, l can tell you how hungry l am.
Come on, everyone. Pass me those plates.

-Sit down, Marmee.
-Marmee, look! Sausages.

Wait a minute, girls.

l want to say one word before we begin.

l've just come from a poor woman
with a little newborn baby...

...and six children huddled into one bed
to keep from freezing, for they have no fire.

They are suffering cold and hunger.

My girls, will you give them your breakfast
as a Christmas present?

l'm so glad you came back
before we started.

l knew you would.

May l carry some things?

We shall all go. Take the coffee, Hannah.

-l'll get some firewood.
-l'll take the cream.

l'll take the bread.

l'll take the popovers.

Here we are, Mrs. Hummel.

Gott in Himmel. Good angels come to us.

Funny angels, in hoods and mittens.

Do you want some bread to eat?
Here, l'll give you some bread.

Strange that Roderigo is not here.

His note says ''promptly on the hour.''

''And why....''

And why Black Hugo's castle for the tryst?

l am afraid.

Who comes here?

Your Highness, 'tis Mona the hag.

Black Hugo hath betrayed thee.

l must fly.

Zara will be waiting.

My proud beauty!

She will be mine!

Black Hugo approaches.

Withered crone, begone!

Roderigo, Roderigo!

Save me, save me!

And now to carry out my fell design.

What a fake.

Well, l told you
l wasn't going to make myself--

Have pity. Oh, have pity!

Bring not upon me the worst of shame!

Silence, else you'll rue the day
you spurned Black Hugo's love.

Make thyself ready for the wedding.
l shall return within the quarter.

Ah, me!

Heaven protect the helpless!

Zara ! My beloved!

Roderigo, durst l believe my eyes?

''The pale stars are twinkling

''The fair moon is rising above

''My guitar is tinkling

''But the notes are not sweet
Till they bring me my love''

Courage, my fair.

The good padre waits
at yonder gate with the horses.

See, the ladder. All is arranged.

Liberty! Fly with me.
Fly with me, my love.

l will assist you. l will....

lt's all right, everyone.
Stay where you are.

Young ladies.

Will you all please come in to supper?

Christopher Columbus! What's this?

ls it fairies?

-lt's Santa Claus?
-Mother did it?

-Aunt March had a good fit and sent it?
-All wrong. Mr. Laurence sent it.

-Who is Mr. Laurence?

The Laurence boy's grandfather.
He lives next door.

He heard what you did
about your breakfast...

...and sent me a nice note...

...saying he hoped l'd allow him to express
his friendly feeling toward my children...

...and send them a few trifles
in honor of the day.

The boy put it into his head, l know he did.

He looks like a capital fellow
and l'm dying to get acquainted.

l'm going to, too.

l wish Father were here.

l'm afraid he isn't having
such a merry Christmas as we are.


How do you do?

l wanted to thank you.

We did have such a good time
over your nice Christmas present.

What's the matter? Are you sick?

Just a little cold, but grandfather's
made me stop indoors for a week.

That's too bad.

Can anybody come to see you?

lf they would.

Wait, l'll ask Marmee.
Close the window now.

-How do you do, Miss March?
-How do you do, Mr. Laurence?

Mother was so sorry to hear
that you'd been ill.

My sister, Meg,
sent you some of her blancmange.

lt's soft and will slide down easily
without hurting your throat.

Thank you.

And Beth lent you these until you're well.

l know boys don't like kittens,
but she was so anxious l couldn't refuse.

Maybe they'll help to liven things up.
lt's as dull as tombs over here.

Won't you come in?

No, l'm not to stay.

Please. Just for a few minutes.
l've ordered tea.

Christopher Columbus!

What richness!

lt's just like summer!

This is marvelous!

lt's so roomy.

How many, please?

Two, please. Three.

How do you like it here after living
in Europe so long, Mr. Laurence?

l'm going to Europe.

-Really? When?
-l don't know.

My aunt has rheumatism
and the doctor thought the baths....

Not that she hasn't a bath.
She has a very nice one.

Did you take any baths
while you were there?

-l mean, for rheumatism.
-No, l'm not troubled with rheumatism.

Neither am l. But she thought
that baths wouldn't do me any harm.

l mean, that is to say, while l was there.

You see,
l've always wanted to go to Europe.

Not for the baths, of course,
but for my writing.

You see, my aunt....
But you don't know Aunt March, do you?

Well, never mind.
What were you saying, Mr. Laurence?

l'm not Mr. Laurence. l'm only Laurie.


How do you like it here after Europe?

lt's strange
after living in schools all my life...

...but it will be all right
when l get used to Grandfather.

You know, he....

Yes, you should have seen him
before you came.

-lsn't he a holy terror?
-You ought to see Aunt March.

lt's too pretty to eat.
l wish we had things like this over here.

And l wish....

lt is nice, isn't it?

My little sister put on the geranium leaves.
She's very artistic.

-Yes. How do you know?

l often hear you calling to one another...

...and when l'm alone over here....

l beg your pardon for being so rude...

...but sometimes you forget
to put down the curtains...

...and when the lamps are lighted,
it's like looking at a picture... see you all around the table
with your mother.

You always seem to be having
such good times.

We'll never draw that curtain anymore.

And l give you leave
to look as much as you like.

l wish instead of just peeping,
you'd come over and see us.

We'd have jolly times together.

Would you let me be in a play?
l saw some of it the other night.

That was terrible.

l want to put on Hamlet
and do the fencing scene.

l could play Laertes.
l took fencing lessons at the academy.

-Yes, look.

Look. En garde!


''Come, for the third, Laertes,
you but dally.''

''Say you so? Come on.''

-''Another hit; what say you?''
-''A touch, a touch, l do confess.''

What is this? What on earth?

What's going on?

l don't know, sir.

''Have at you now! ''

l say....

-Are you hurt?

-No, nothing ever hurts me.
-l'm sorry.

l forgot you were a girl
and l'm afraid l got a bit too rough.

What are you talking about?
l had you bettered if l hadn't slipped.

That's a good picture of your grandfather.

He looks pretty grim,
but l shouldn't be afraid of him.

Though l can see how his face
might frighten some people.

l'll wait upstairs, sir.

His eyes are kind and l like him
even though he does bark at you so.

Thank you, ma'am.

So you're not afraid of me?

No, sir, not much.

But my face will frighten some people?

-l only said ''might.''
-And l bark, do l?

No, sir, perhaps not all the time.

But with all that, you like me?

Yes, sir. l do.

l do.

And l like you.

Grandfather, you should see her fence.
Come on, let's show him.

-No. l've been here too long now.
-l'll see you home.

No, you stay indoors, young man.
l shall see Miss March home.

l want to pay my respects
to your mother...

...and thank her for the medicine
she sent my boy.

l can see it's done him lots of good.

You get upstairs and do your sums.
Brooke is waiting for you.

And see that you behave yourself
like a gentleman, sir.

Goodbye, Jo.

Here they come.

All dressed up
and looking as pretty as pictures.

Amy, how dainty. You look lovely.

l wish Laurie hadn't asked me to his party.
l know l shall be frightened.

You wouldn't want to hurt his feelings
when he's been so kind.

Meg, the dress is lovely.

Thank you, Marmee.

Jo, you look splendid.

l feel perfectly miserable with 19 hairpins...

...all sticking straight into my head,
but, dear me, let us be elegant or die.

Does the patch show much?

lt does a little, Marmee.

But she's going to sit down or else stand
with her back against the wall.

Jo, where are your gloves?

l've stained them, so l'm going without.

You wear gloves or l don't go.

l tried to clean them,
but it only made them look worse.

l'll carry them
and hold them crumpled up in one hand.

-Nobody will see them.

l'll tell you.
We'll each wear one of your nice ones...

...and carry one of my bad ones,
then the effect will be fine and easy.

All right, only be careful of it,
and don't stretch it.

And, Jo, dear, do behave nicely
and don't put your hands behind your back.

Good night, Marmee.

Above everything, don't say:
''Christopher Columbus! ''...

...and disgrace us all.

Hold your tongue, Miss Baby.

l'll be as prim as l can be and not get into
any scrapes, if l can help it.

May l engage you for this dance,
Miss March?

No, thank you, l'm not dancing.

-There's that Kitty Ford.

There in the pink dress and blue sash.

l don't see why she's allowed with
the grownups and l have to stay up here.

That beautiful piano.

lt's as big as our kitchen.

What's this? Why aren't you young ladies
downstairs dancing?

Mother said we weren't to go down
with the grownups.

But can you see anything from here?
How about you?

She just likes to listen to the music.

You just come down with me
where it's playing.

-No, sir, please. l....
-Why not? What's the matter?

She has an infirmity.

She's shy.

l see.

lf it weren't for that,
she'd be simply ''fastidious''...

...because she plays beautifully.

She must come and play for me sometime.

No, she never would.

lt wasn't that l wanted to hear her.

But that piano down there
is simply going to ruin for want of use.

l was hoping one of you young ladies
would come and practice on it...

...just to keep it in tune.

-But if you don't care to come, never mind.

We do care. Very, very much.

So you're the musical one.

l'm Beth. l love it dearly...

...and l'll come if you're quite sure
nobody will hear me and be disturbed.

Not a soul, my child. Not a soul.

You come, too, young lady...

...and tell your mother l think
all her daughters are simply ''fastidious.''

Beth, isn't he elegant?

This is the German, and l'll be hanged
if l'll let you refuse me all of them.

Don't you like to dance?

Yes, l love to dance, but l can't.

-l mean, l promised l wouldn't.

-l may as well tell you. You won't tell?
-Silence to the death.

You see, l have a bad trick
of standing in front of the fire...

...and l scorched my frock
and l burned this one.


You can laugh if you want to. lt is funny.

l'll tell you how we'll manage.

There's no one in the hall.
We could dance there without being seen.

-You're a trump.
-And l think you're just perfectly splendid.


What are you doing up there?
Come on down.

No, they can't.

Have you had refreshments?

No, thank you, we really don't care for--

We'll bring some right up. Come on.

Then when Laurie goes to college,
what becomes of you?

l shall turn soldier as soon as he is off.
l am needed.

l'm so sorry.

l mean, l'm so sorry
for all the mothers and sisters...

...who have to stay home and worry.

l have neither and very few friends
to care whether l live or die.

Laurie and his grandfather
would care a great deal.

And we all would be very sorry
if any harm came to you.

Would you?

Here we come.


Now you've done it!

-Look at me.
-lt's a shame.

What a blunderbuss l am.

What are you going to do?

l'll ask Marmee.

Have you two been hiding? l've been
looking all over the house for you.

Hannah's here.

-ls it that late?
-Time slips away.

-Good night, Mr. Brooke.
-Good night, Miss Margaret.

Miss Margaret?

-Goodbye. l'm glad you came.
-We had an elegant time.

Good night, Amy.

Good night.

-Good night, Laurie.
-Good night, Miss Margaret.


Good night, everybody.

-Don't forget your ice skates tomorrow.
-l won't.

-Good night.
-Good night.

There, l've done my best.

lf that won't do,
l'll have to wait until l can do better.

Why, what are you up to?

lt's a pair of slippers
l worked for Mr. Laurence.

He's been so kind about letting me play
on his beautiful piano.

l didn't know any other way
to thank him, Jo.

-Do you think they're all right?
-They're beautiful.

And l think you're sweet.
Hey, isn't that Amy's hair ribbon?

Yes, but l think
she was going to throw it away.

You think?

You'd better vamoose
before she catches you.

Now l'll find out why you come
to this hole every day.

ls that why you never have
any time for me anymore?

Laurie Laurence, give that to me
or l'll never speak to you again!

All right, take it.

You're a fine one.

l thought we weren't to have any secrets
from each other.

Well, this is altogether different.
l beg your pardon.

Of course, it's different. Just like a girl.
Can't keep an agreement.

Oh, bilge!

You'll be sorry.

l was going to tell you
something very plummy.

A secret.

All about people you know, and such fun.

-lf l tell you, you must tell me yours.

-You won't say anything at home?
-Not a word.

-You won't tease me about it in private?
-l never tease. Fire away.

l sold my story to the Spread Eagle.

Hurrah for Miss March.

Hurrah for Miss March!
The celebrated American authoress!

l didn't want anyone to know until it's out.

-Won't it be fun to see it in print?
-Now, what's yours?

-l know where Meg's glove is.
-ls that all?

-Wait till you hear where it is.

-How do you know?
-l saw it.


-All this time?
-lsn't it romantic?

''Romantic''? Rubbish!

l never heard of anything so horrid.
l wish you hadn't told me.

Of all the sickly sentimental....

Why do things always have to change
just when they're perfect?

Meg always used to tell me everything.
Now she keeps things to herself.

She thinks brown eyes are beautiful
and John is a lovely name.

He'd better keep away from me
or l'll tell him what l think of him...

...trying to break up other people's
happiness and spoil their fun.

lt doesn't spoil any fun.
lt makes it twice as good.

You'll find out
when someone falls in love with you.

Soft summer day.

Sun setting through the trees.

Your lover's arms stealing around you.

-l'd like to see anybody try it.
-Would you?

l'll get you!

Now l've got you.


Look out, look out! Let me in, let me in!

-Hey, look out, Laurie. Don't act like that.
-l'm sorry, Meg.

l'd have beaten her though
if l hadn't tripped and fell.

You should have seen....

-lt's been a most enjoyable afternoon.
-Thank you.

Paying visits has never been
quite so much fun before.

l hope we may do it again very soon.

Goodbye, Mr. Brooke. Come along, Meg.

-Good afternoon, Mr. Brooke.
-Goodbye, Miss Margaret.

-Good afternoon, Laurie.
-Goodbye, Jo.

-Coming, Laurie?
-All right. See you tomorrow, Jo.

l've never been so embarrassed in my life.

When will you stop
your childish romping ways?

Not until l'm old and stiff,
and have to use a crutch.


-Hello, Bethie.
-Hello, Jo.

How's my girl?

There's a surprise.

-Come on and hurry up.
-Come on, Jo.

What is it?

Stop yelling. What is it?

Christopher Columbus!

For me?

lsn't it the most beautiful piano
you've ever seen?

Look, this came with it.

-Quick, read it. See what he says.
-l'll read it.

''To Miss Elizabeth March. Dear Madam.''

How elegant.

''l've had many pairs of slippers in my life,
but none that suited me as well as yours.

''l like to pay my debts, so l know
you will allow me to send you something...

''...that belonged
to the little granddaughter l lost.

''With hearty thanks and best wishes...

''...l remain your grateful friend
and humble servant, James Laurence.''

Oh, Bethie!

-lsn't he a really sweet old man?
-Look at these lovely brackets.

Look, it opens!

-You'll have to thank him.

l'll go right now.

Well, l wish l may die!
She'd never have gone in her right mind.

Come in.

l came to thank you, sir.

''But when the piece began, the dogs,
the dames and private ends went mad...

''...and bit the man.

''Around from the neighboring streets
the wondering neighbors ran...

''...and swore the dog'd lost his wits
to bite so good a man.

''The wound seemed sore and sad
to every Christian eye...

''...and while they swore
the dog was mad--''

Look, Marmee.

Ms. March!

Ms. March. lt's one of them
telegraph things, ma'am.

lt's Father.

He's in the hospital.
l must go to Washington at once.

Put those in the corner, dear.

What on earth is keeping Jo?

This is all packed, Marmee.

-l don't believe l've forgotten a thing.
-Thank you, dear.

While l'm away, don't forget the Hummel's.

-We won't.
-We'll do our best, Marmee.

Here we are. Here's some excellent port
for your husband.

-Thank you. How generous.
-l hope you find this dressing gown useful.

Everything's arranged
and Brooke will go with you.

There's no need. l'll be fine.

He's all prepared.
He has commissions for me in Washington.

-He'll be of help to you on the journey.
-How thoughtful of you.

lt's such a relief to know that Marmee
will have someone to take care of her.

Thank you, very, very much.

Not at all, Miss Margaret.

My kind friend, l can't thank you....

Laurie's outside with the carriage.
We'll wait for you.

The train leaves in an hour.

Here, ma'am, you'll need this.

-l couldn't.
-Please, Marmee, take it.

Where is Jo?

-Jo, what kept you?
-Jo, whatever took you so long?

Here's the money from Aunt March.

And there's my contribution.

$25. Where did you get it?

-My dear!
-lt's mine, honestly.

l only sold what belonged to me.

Your hair!

Jo, you shouldn't have done it.

Aunt March croaked, as she always does,
when asked for nine pence.

Marmee, she only sent you
just money enough for the ticket.

l knew you would need more... l happened to be going past
a barber shop...

...and l saw some tails of hair
hanging in the window...

...with the prices marked on them...

...and l thought it would do my brain good
to have my mop cut off.

And so l did.

Thank you, dearie.

Are you ready, Marmee?
We'll have to hurry to catch....

Christopher Columbus!

Well, it's boyish, becoming,
and easy to keep in order.

-Marmee, you'll miss your train.
-Yes, Marmee, come on.

-Now, girls, go on with your work as usual.
-We will, Marmee.

Can't we go to the train with you,

No, l want you all to stay here
and comfort each other.

Meg, dear, watch over your sisters.

Be patient, Jo.

Jo, don't do anything rash.

Beth, dear, help all you can.

Amy, be obedient.

No, l want you to stay here.

l want to carry away a picture in my mind
of my brave little women to take to Father.

-Goodbye, my darlings.
-Goodbye, Marmee.

God bless us and keep us all.

Jo, are you awake?

Jo, you're crying.

No, l'm not.

Don't cry, dear.

Father will be all right
and Mr. Brooke will take care of Marmee.

l'm not crying because of that.

What then?

My hair.

''Yet 'tis whispered that when the gondolas
glide through those fatal waters...

''...they still run crimson with the blood
of Lady Viella and her gallant lover...

''...slain by the phantom hand.

''The End.''

lt gives me the shivers.
l'm pins and needles all over.

lt's so exciting and so sad. Who wrote it?

Your sister.

-Really, Jo?

Let me see.

-And l knew it all the time.
-lsn't that wonderful?

Here it is: ''By Miss Josephine March.''

Oh, Jo! l can't believe it!


Jo's written a story and it's in the paper.
lsn't that marvelous?


Don't come near me.

Something's wrong with Beth.

What is it?

-l don't know.
-Where is she?

ln Marmee's cupboard.

What's wrong? What's going on?

Darling, what is it?

Bethie, what is it?

-What's wrong, Bethie?
-What is it?

The baby's dead.

-What baby?
-Mrs. Hummel's.

lt died in my lap...

...before she got back with the doctor, Jo.