Like Dogs (2021) - full transcript

A behavioral experiment treating humans like animals goes awry when a University Student manipulates the research with deadly results.

Hey! What the fuck?

Get the fuck off me!

What the... What the fuck?

Seriously, get the fuck off me!




What's going on?

Where are you taking me?

Wait! Wait, stop!

Help! Help!

Who are you people?

Watch out.

We're gonna have our
hands full with this one.

Stop. Stop, please!

No, please! What do you want
from me?

What do you want from me?

Just talk to me, please!




Hey! Hey, wait, come back!

Can, can I-



How am I supposed to go to the



Not hungry, girl?


Hey, whoa, whoa! Wait, please!

No, come back! I'll eat!


I can't reach it.








Son of a bitch.



Naughty, naughty.

Naughty dogs don't get

What a mess.

What the fuck?

Is this supposed to be a bath?

What do you people want from me?

What do you want from me?

Be good.

Walk only.

Be good.

Walk only.


Bad dog!


Bad dog!


Bad dog!

Son of a bitch.



I can hear you.

Do you know you snore?

I do not snore.

You do, actually, but
it's okay.

Listening to you these past
few days, it's been the first

time I haven't felt alone
since this whole thing began.

Uh, the past few days?

I was out that long?

Did you know there's
other rooms like this?

At least two of 'em.

I saw them when they wheeled me
in here.

They thought I was
unconscious, but I wasn't.

Did you know that they also drug
our food?

Stopped eating that shit days

I know that must sound
crazy, but it's this place.

Do you know where we are?

Looks like some
sort of slaughter house.

What do you think they want
from us?

I'm not planning
on sticking around

long enough to find out.

I'm with you there.

What's your, uh, what's
your name, crazy boy?



I'm, I'm Lisa.

And no offense, but I'm not 100%

that you're not some
figment of my overactive

and possibly chemically-altered
imagination right now,

so I'm gonna need some
proof of your existence.

I just wanna see you.

I'm at the end of the aisle.


I'm real.

You have no idea how nice it
is to see a friendly face.

No, I guess you do.

Don't eat it!

It makes you compliant.
It makes you hallucinate.


I need you to be lucid.

I don't wanna go through this

Number one.

I'm as lucid as it gets.

Number two. You really
should eat something.

You're only making yourself

And number three.

It appears we are in this
together, so we're not alone.

You're right.

We're not alone.

How long has he been there?

I don't know, but this isn't
the first time I've seen him.

There's three, maybe four of

All they do is just stand there
and watch.

Well, fuck them!

I'm not gonna give them
anything worth watching.

How can you be so chill about
all this?

Look, these fucking people
abducted us off the street,

are forcing to live in these
shitty concrete cubicles

and are treating us like god
damn dogs.

I don't give a fuck what they



Yeah, okay, I have a
bad feeling about this.

You, you should eat.

Eat, now!

I won't.

Bad dog.

No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no!

Hey! Leave him alone.

Shut it, bitch!

You've been a very bad dog.

No! Please, please, please,

Do not fuck with me, boy.



Help! Help!


You curse a lot.


They moved us.

Are you okay?

I'm all right.

Hey, look, I'm sorry they tased

You didn't have to do that.

You don't have to help me, but
thank you.

Where did they take you?

I don't know.

It was like a room smaller than

Like a solitary confinement.

I had the weirdest fucking

I saw my ex-boyfriend
from like three years ago.

How long was I gone?

I don't know.

Was it more
like an hour or a day?

I can't remember the last time
I ate.

I feel like I'm starting to lose

and when you're not here, I

- Adam.

We're gonna be fine.

I promise.

Tell me about your family.

I'm the youngest of three

By about eight years.

My oldest brother was the worst.

I remember sneaking into his
room one day after school.

He just bought himself
this brand new PlayStation

with all the money he saved
up from working all summer.

I knew he wasn't gonna
be home until after dark,

so I snuck in, lost track of

and heard his angry voice at the

He got home early from football

and beat my kneecaps so
hard that I could not walk.

I had to grip the carpet
and claw my way out.

It was worth it.

Brothers are the worst.


My mom worked a lot.

And my older brother would
watch me when I was young.

Once he got his license he'd
tell her he was babysitting me,

but really he would
lock me in the basement

so I wouldn't get into
trouble while he was gone.

One time, my mom was away all

and my brother went out, Friday

and didn't come home until late,

She didn't find me until the
next morning.

My brother convinced her

that I locked myself in the
basement during the night.

She continued to let him watch
me for the next few years.

And every time, I ended up
locked in that basement.

I can't shake the feeling
that I'm still waiting

for someone to find me.

You sure you still wanna eat

He literally just touched
that with a 10-foot pole.

Aww. You almost made a joke.

I'm serious.

Yeah, so am I.


That's not bad.

- Right?
- Mm-hm!

All right.

It could just be that
we've been in here so long

that we're delusional, but...

It isn't nearly as bad
as it looks.




Turns out you snore, too.

Hell, I could've told you

How do you feel?

Pretty good, actually.

Me too.

This is the best I've
slept since I got here.

I don't care if
they are spiking our food,

I'll definitely have some more
of that.


I can't believe I just said

Wait a second.

What was the first thing
I said about the food?

Something about hallucinating?

Look at my eyes. Are my pupils

Your pupils look fine.

Okay, but let's not ignore
the elephant in the room.

They moved us in our sleep

If we whisper, they can't hear

Now is the time to plan our

Yeah, great. What you got in

Okay, well don't hit me
with all your ideas at once.

I've got an idea. I just
need to work out a few details.


Keep your secrets.

Just, relax.

You know, let it come to you.

Rome wasn't built in a day.

What about you? You got any

First thing, we have to
take off these collars.

I mean, as long as we have
these on, they can take down.

Come here, let me see.

You feel so warm.

You too.

Look, I wouldn't wish this on

but I'm so glad you're here.

Me too.

- Promise me, if we get out-
- When we get out.

When we get outta here,

we find the son of a
bitch that did this to us.

Uh, uh, uh!

No touching!

Hey. You don't have to hide,

Fuck this guy!

Just go to sleep.

We don't want him to separate

You will not ignore me.



Lisa, hey! Are you okay?

Shut it off!

Shut if off! Come on, please!

What are you doing?

Getting out of here.

We'll never make it out right
now, okay?

Look, they're watching us!

Trust me.

This was my plan.



May day.

May day! Pineapple pizza!

What the hell happened in

Are you trying to make
our lives more difficult?

I thought you had this under

I do!

I mean, I did. It just,
it happened so fast.

I told you this was a bad

Adam is an unknown variable.

That makes him
unpredictable and dangerous.

Lisa, this is not what we had
in mind

when we developed the

Yeah, let's talk about that.

I mean, since when did
this behavioral experiment

involve electric shock
and psychotropic drugs?

Fine, fine.
We'll deactivate the fences.

But I'm keeping the cattle prod.

Who said anything
about psychotropic drugs?

We're administering a mild

to keep the subjects obedient.


How do you explain what I saw in

Look, I'm not gonna say
you didn't hallucinate,

but you're probably just
malnourished and dehydrated.


Look, you don't have to

if you feel like you're
putting your health at risk.

There are plenty of other

Room three is particularly

We're integrating two alphas-

- From rival fraternities on

And once we introduce a female
in there,

it's gonna get primal.


It might be for the best
if we pull you two out

before anyone else gets hurt.

And how exactly

are you gonna explain
this to Adam anyways?

I mean, at least everyone
here is getting paid for this.

I told you. I have a plan for

What're you gonna say?

"Oh, sorry I kept you chained

Uh, thanks for not calling the

Or were you hoping to get
him so sexually aroused

that all the blood runs
to his little dick,

and he forgets everything
that happened here?

- Stop.
- What? That shit's funny.

- It's funny.
- Yeah, laugh it up.

But if Fischer finds out about
any of this

off-the-record shit, she's
gonna have our asses.

You know, she demanded to be

the moment anything out
of the ordinary happened.

Where is Fischer now?

Home, asleep? It's almost
three AM.

Why the fuck are you feeding
us at three in the morning?

Shh! Quiet!

Hey, what're you doing up?

Yeah, well, the power just went

so the cameras are offline
until we can reset the router.

The network in this building is

You know, if you had just
let me hard wire this...

No, you do not need to come down

We'll have the cameras back up

and running within five minutes.

10 minutes, tops. Okay?

And she hung up.


You're welcome?


For killing the cameras,

when your boyfriend
pulled his little stunt.

You're lucky the livestream
is on a 10-second delay.

I could kiss you right now,


I have to go back in.

I have come too far to quit now.

Fine. I just bought you 10

Do what you need to do, then
you're going back in your cage.

Did you see me, how I
just handled Fischer?

Oh, shut the fuck up.

That's macho.

You know, I really wasn't
expecting you

to kidnap me right off the

We wanted to give
you the same experience

we give the others.

I'm doing my part.

Playing it up for the
cameras and the interns.

You were very convincing, by
the way.

Especially with Adam.

Erika, let me borrow your
phone for a few minutes.

No! No tech for you.

You know the rules.

I made the rules.

Social media deprivation

is a huge component of the


Besides, I don't want your poop
fingers all over my screen.

Okay, fine.

Well, how about letting me close
the door?

Come on, you know we have to
keep watch

to make sure you don't take
any contraband back with you.

Yeah, Fischer will know.

Okay what the fuck, guys? Can
I get a little privacy here?

Well, you do always say
I'm just one of the girls.

Jesus, George,
I can't go like this.

Bitch, please.

Do you really there's anything
these cameras haven't seen?

Besides, this is
technically the men's room.

All the other rooms are doing

You two are the only problem so

Look, Adam's not there
yet, okay? But we're close.

I just need another day or two
with him.

I don't get what makes
him worth all this trouble.

You could have any other guy you

Okay, that's the point,
George. He's the one I want.

You know, you're
lucky that this happened

in the middle of the night
while Erika and I are here.

Do you have any idea how much

- Or weed.

Or weed we're gonna
have to give these interns

to keep them quiet about this?
Okay, hey! Get off my dick!

It was an accident, okay? Fuck!

I'm sorry! I just, he can't-

- I get it. You're agitated.

Probably exhausted.

Shit, I can't imagine my mental

if I spent two weeks in there.

Wait, is that how long it's

Fuck. I'm sorry, just
forget I said that.

George made that himself.

Calls himself the Kennel Master.

It's creepy as fuck.

I hate it. I mean, I'm
seeing it in my dreams.

Well, then it's having
the desired effect.

At least something is
working the way it should.

Fuck. I am so close to
phase two with Adam.

Just relax. Let it happen

Well, as much as it can in

And try not to sabotage

the rest of the experiment
in the process, okay?

60 seconds. I gotta
get you back in there.

Hey. What's really in
the food you're giving us?

It's not just a sedative, is it?

I mean, it's 99-cents
store chipped beef,

so it's barely a grade above
dog food, but that's it.

Nothing psychotropic.

- Are you sure?
- Lisa.

Honey, you are the closest
thing I have to a real family.

Why would I lie to you?

Thank you.

For what?

For being my light in the

I need you.

Okay? I won't be able to get
through this without you.

Stay strong.

And we're streaming.

That should keep Fischer out
of our asses for a few hours.

Do you mind if I got lay
down for a little while?

I've got a splitting headache.

Yeah, I've got this covered.

I don't think we'll have
any more problems tonight.

What do you wanna do about the

Barter some of our
edibles for their silence.

Just a handful each, okay?
I want that bag back.



What the fuck?


I had the keys.

We were gonna get the
hell out. What happened?

You, you must have been

Maybe you were right about the

It felt so real.

Well, you're my hero.

You're the only man who's
ever wanted to rescue me.

To be fair,

you probably haven't needed
much rescuing, until now.

You'd be surprised.

It's good to see you smiling

I'm just glad you woke up before

Lights out.

♪ Die, die ♪


Don't eat too many,

and don't tell anyone what
went on here tonight, got it?

♪ Die, die ♪

Let's go over the rules one
more time.

Be good.

Walk only.

Be good.

Walk only.

Why do you suppose
they let us out together?

We are being integrated.

Trust through familiarity
and repeated exposure.


Uh, I studied animal behavior.
Be good. Walk only.

Before realizing there
was no money in it, so...

Is there a scientific name for

or are you just making it up as
you go?

It's one of the -ologies.

I didn't realize you were so

Well, there's actually a
lot you don't know about me.

Just as I'm willing to bet
there's a lot I

don't know about you?


I used to think
this fence was electrified.

So I never touched it.

After being in here for a
while, I started to hope it was.

- Walk only.
- Imagine my disappointment.


You can't mean that.

You're not the suicidal type.

I just figured, might as
well go out on my own terms.

I don't know.

I think I'd try to take out

as many of those bastards as I

If I had to go.

See that old tire over there?

This one time, I hopped the

before anyone knew what was

I told myself if you could
just make it past that tire,

you'd be home free.

Be good.

How far did you get?

I don't know.

The tire was the last thing
I saw before I blacked out.

I didn't even make it
past the fence.

Yeah, that's because you're

I am?

You gotta go all-in when
they're expecting you to fold.

Like right now.
Be good. Walk only.

They don't think we're
gonna make a run for it.

That may be.

But as long as we have on
these, what's the point?

The point...

Is showing them we're not giving

Be good.

Walk only.

Then I'll race you to the

On three.




You don't like
to follow the rules? Fine.

We'll do things my way.

Why are you doing this?

Why are you doing this? Please!



Make all the noise you want.

These rooms are designed to

the barking of bitches like you!


What do you want from me?

I don't want a god damn thing
from you!

No! No!

What am I gonna do with you?

Little Miss

"I made the rules."

Why do you have to make things
so fucking difficult, huh?

Hey. So, what have you been up

I came in to relieve you
about half an hour ago,

but I haven't seen you
on any of the monitors.

Well, you know.

Just had to take care of
a couple troublemakers.

Lisa again?

They both made a run for it,

when I let them out this

Why would they try to escape?

Why the hell does Lisa do

And I had to administer a

I hate when you do that,

Hey, someone has to
keep the subjects in line.

And why can't I access

any of the cameras from the east

Huh, they must've gone down,

but I'll get them back online
when I come back from lunch.

Do you want me to, uh,
pick you up anything?



Oh, and Mark and Sara didn't
show up for their shifts,

but I wouldn't worry, things
should be pretty quiet.

What about Fischer?

In a meeting all afternoon,
we're good!

What are you up to, George?


You better not be fucking

Hey, guys.

I know this is a little off

but I feel like something
strange is going on,

and I hate walking around
this place by myself.

Yeah. Okay.

I need a break anyways.

I found the other one.
I'm gonna need a hand.

It took four shocks to get this
guy down.

What the hell are you
dosing them with now?

I don't know.

But I know who does.

I understand.

Thank you.

Is that live?



Looks like you've been
busy while I was at lunch.

Not really.

It was pretty quiet, like you

I just had Joel and Preston
move 'em back into the kennels.

I figured if all you did was
sedate them,

they could sleep it off back
in familiar surroundings.


What did I tell you about the
east wing?

You told me not to
worry about it, George,

but that's what I do, I worry.

Erika, I specifically-

- And Fischer's on her way here.


Why didn't she call me?

Wait. Did you call Fischer?

What did you dose them with,

That is not a sedative.

I think we're losing sight

of what this experiment
was supposed to be about.

Maybe she can get us back on

She's here.

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

No, no, no, no.

You have five minutes to
explain to me

why I shouldn't pull the
plug on this project.

Please, we're only halfway

If you cut it off now,
we'll have learned nothing.

And think about all
the wasted grant money.

Why are they sleeping?

This is not a scheduled sleep

I had to sedate them. They
tried to escape earlier.

This is a behavioral

You have no medical training.

I am the only one authorized

to administer any kind of drugs.

You've crossed the line this

Go pull Lisa out.

I'm telling her this is done.

What about the experiment?

Forget the experiment.

Forget about school.

Just be thankful no one got

or you'd be going to prison.

No, no! I'm not
going to fucking prison!

It's okay, it's okay, it's okay.

Leave us.

I told you it was ill-advised

to be a subject in your own

Now, this...

Is the good stuff.

A spike in adrenaline
should be all we need

to get Sleepy Beauty talking.


Damn it.

She locked us out.

Fucking prison. She said
we were going to prison.

Well, if those
sedatives are as harmless

as you say they are, you have
nothing to worry about, right?

Professor Fischer.

I pulled you out because I
need answers.

Who authorized the use of

and other drugs to the subjects?

I don't know.

I have release forms and

for every one of the

except the one you call Adam.


I'm sure it's in there
with the rest of them.

He's not.

I checked.

Maybe, you should check again.

Do not presume to tell
me how to do my job!

I could help.

I'm shutting this down.

Do you have any idea the kind of

the university assumes
with a project like this?

What if he gets hurt?

What if he dies?

There would be a lawsuit.

It would be your fault,
but it would be my ass!

Professor Fischer, can
we talk about this later?


What are you hiding?

I, I just think I'm gonna be

Where is that document?

I know you.

I know you are not sloppy enough

to miss a detail like that.

Unless he doesn't know.

Please tell me he's a willing

I took the liberty of having
the university pull your file.

No high school transcripts.

No emergency contact numbers.

No public record of a Lisa
Green before three years ago.

Now you're taking hostages?

I'm reporting this to the

Bet you regret that spike
of adrenaline now, huh?


Fuck, shit! Shit, fuck!

The good stuff, huh?

Let's see

how you like this shit.

That's the thing about

A little bit brings you up,

but a whole fuckin' lot
takes you straight down.


You don't have to do this.

God, look at you.

Where's the stone-cold bitch
persona now?

Please, help me.

Help me!


We've been drugging
them for three weeks.

Why the fuck did you call
Fischer now?

No, I've been sedating them.

You've been drugging them

Fucking Fischer! This
is your god damn fault!

Listen to yourself, George!

- Fischer's done!
- Fuck!

I'm ready to go back in!

Well, you heard the lady.

Let's get her back in there.

Where's Fischer?

So, Fischer just fucked off

and left without saying

I guess?

I mean, she bitched and moaned
about liability and paperwork

for a couple of minutes, but
then I just reasoned with her.

You reasoned with her?

I mean, I pretty much had to
promise her

the soul of my firstborn, but
she agreed.

Gave me a few more days.

All right, wait here.

I'm gonna suit up, just in case.

I don't know what kind of
voodoo you used on Fischer,

but you got lucky.

It's only a matter of time
before it all falls apart.

Don't worry about Fischer.

Look, Adam came back for me.

Okay? Phase two is done and
the end game starts tonight.

I need to know what your plan

You keep saying you have one,

but I don't see a clean way out
of this!

It ends the same way it began.

Just drop us off in
the middle of the night

with bags over our heads, okay?

He doesn't know any of you.
He doesn't know where we are.

It is perfect.

I just need to prep him tonight
and then we'll disappear.

- Disappear?
- You know what I mean!

Drop off Fischer's radar.

What about the rest of us?

Remember, I need you.

Okay? You're my light in the


Just keep the light burning

a little while longer.


No, this doesn't feel
right. I'm calling Fischer.

But everything else up to this

has felt just fine, huh?

Give it back!

If Fischer comes back here,
we're all going to jail.

Is that what you want?

Just go outside, get some fresh

and mellow out a little bit,

You'll feel better.

I'll do the rounds, all right?

And if you still wanna
call her when you get back,

then I won't stop you.


I don't know what's happening
to me.

You're awake.

Look, it's this place,
okay? It is getting to us.

Just think of a pleasant memory,
you know, from the outside.

I can't think of anything.


You must have had some
joy in your life. Just...

Just think of a happy memory.

Got ya.

Fischer's done!

I'm ready to go back in.

Ah-hah. What have we here?

What the fuck, George?

Oh, fuck!

Help me.

What happened?

Lisa's dangerous.

She, she's not who she says she

Oh, I know.

You don't know Lisa the way I

Nobody does.

I would do anything






Tell me about your first love.

Love is just one of
those words, you know?

I love my parents, I love my
dog, but-

- Come on.

Look, maybe you've never said

but you must have felt it.

Yeah, sure, but it
wasn't anything serious.

What about you?

You ever been in love?


It was one of those moments.

He was standing there, in the
quad, and,

our eyes locked as he was
walking towards me and...

And in that instant, I saw
our whole future together.

I mean,

a wedding and kids and
vacations and growing old.

I mean, everything. Like,
all from a single glance.

He kept walking.

And I just stood there.

Like hypnotized, just waiting
for him to

turn around, you know,
expecting him to turn around and

for that last look.

I mean, that's what guys do,

That's, that is
what every guy has done.

Just, just not him.

I didn't even know his name.

And that I loved him.

Then I lost him in 30 seconds

And there hasn't been a day

that I haven't thought about him

I bet that sounds silly, huh?

That's not silly at all.

I get it.

Sometimes you just connect.

Yeah, exactly.

Yeah, like, like the
way I connect with you.

- Something's wrong.
- What?

The bell didn't ring before
lights out.


Did you hear that?

- How did you-
- Shh.

What're you doing? Is that a


I am going to remove your chain,

but you have got to be keep
quiet, okay?

Look around. Not a single light
is on.

There is no power, okay?
This is our chance.

Lisa did this.

I, I just found her like this
and I was gonna come tell you,

but the, the power went out

I don't believe it.

She wasn't gonna let Fischer
pull the plug on this thing.

- We've gotta call the police.
- Now, hold on!

Don't you wanna see how
this is gonna play out?

Like you said, no one's
gonna miss Fischer.

- I can't pretend this never-
- Shh!

Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.


Damn it.

What am I gonna do with you?



I know you don't know me,
but you have to listen to me.

I know who you are.

You're one of them.

I was.

I was one of them, but now I'm
one of you.

I'm friends with Lisa.

And we have to get out
of here. Where is she?

Where is Lisa?

You tell me!

Where did you people take her?
I don't know!

This whole experiment got out of

and now people are dying!

What experiment?

What experiment!

Tell me!

This whole thing is a
behavioral experiment,

treating humans like animals,
funded by the university.

Lisa dragged you into it
because she's had this

mad crush on you from the
moment she first saw you.

She's been fixated on
that for over a year now.

That story she told me.

That was about me?


No, no, no, no, no. No, stop it!

You're trying to get inside of
my head!

Fuck you!

I get it.

Fuck me, fuck this place and
fuck this shitty situation!

But I know the way out of here
and you need me to get there.

Why should I trust you?

You still don't believe me?

Okay, uh...

You tried to escape
when I was feeding you.

You hit me over the head and
took my keys.

That was you?


Lisa, she told you you were
hallucinating, but you weren't.

It really happened and you were
drugged to forget about it.

We almost pulled you out, then
and there,

but Lisa wanted to keep going

she wanted more time to wear you

That story she told you about
her brother

locking her in the basement?

Yeah, she told me the same

but she said her shitty mother
did it,

'cause she knew I'd relate to it

That's what she does.
She gets in our heads.

That crazy bitch.


No. No, you bitch, you're
ruining it!

How's the view from under that

So emotional.

It's a bitch losing trust in
the ones you love, isn't it?

This must be a hallucination.

This is very real.

She is ruining it, okay?
Just get him out of there.

I can salvage this!
You heard what he just said.

Why can't you just let him go?


George, I... Let me fix


Okay, okay, okay.

But first, there's a couple
things I wanna show you.

Look familiar?

They should.


My ex-boyfriends.

Not just your ex's.

This is a collection of every
man who has ever wronged you,

and they're here to be punished.

But here's the interesting part.

The recent ones call you Lisa.

And more than a few years
back, they call you Natalie.

And further still, they
know you as Ashley.

So I guess you could say that

I'm the only one who knows the
real you.

That's the difference between me

and every other man in this

I know who you really are.

I know what you've done
and I'm not scared.

See, you think I haven't been

but I've heard everything
you've ever told me.

And I see how these men
treat you and I understand.

I understand why you wanted
to do this whole damn project

in the first place.

But your mistake was Adam.

He's not right for you.

I'm right here.

I thought you were gay.

I might as well be, in your

You were never gonna see me as
any legitimate love interest.

Okay? I've been stuck in the
friend zone since day one.

But I couldn't bear the thought
of being invisible to you.

And I couldn't bear the
way you look at Adam.

I needed to make you see.

The same way you were gonna make
Adam see.

I have one more thing to show

When I say I'll do anything
for you, I mean it.

All those alpha male jock types?

I mean, you know they're
just gonna use you

and use you up until there's
nothing left.

That's not love, Lisa.


This is love.

I finished what you started,

and I know you're no stranger to

but we did this, together.

And I'm in this with you now,

and it feels...

It feels amazing.

And now...

Our final destination.

Would you like to know
what they're saying?

Well, don't be a wallflower.
Get in there and dance.

George, stop.

This experiment is over!

Fischer is dead.

Get these collars off.

There's been a lot of talk
about losing focus and I agree.

I don't like the direction
this shit-show is going.

So, Lisa is gonna help me turn
it around.

What is this?

It's a choice.


What the fuck is goin' on?

It's clear one of these
two is just a distraction.


This is crazy, Lisa.

You don't have to play his game.

You're my best friend.

Is this part of the

What am I doing here?

Are you playing me?

No. Hey, don't say that.

Adam, you know me better
than that, okay? You...

You know me.

I know you're all fucking

Talk, talk, talk, talk. Choose


You were right.

George is drugging you.
This isn't your fault.

No, you know what? It is your

It's your fault!

I mean, I heard everything that
you said!

What, you're turning him against

You've done that yourself.

You're obsessed and you can't
even see

how many people are
getting hurt because of it!

Fischer was right.


Make it stop!

I can't do that, Lisa.
The choice has been made.

Though it was never really yours
to make in the first place.

But I didn't choose Adam.

To be fair, you really
haven't displayed much prowess

in the decision-making
department lately, have you?

So, maybe it's for the
best that I step in.


I'll do anything you want.

I know you would.

I am willing to give
myself to you, okay? That...

That's what you want, right?

Jesus, George, you're a
fuckin' lunatic.

That's what you wanted, wasn't

I mean, you did press her

See? This is us coming up with
a solution together, okay?

I chose Adam and you chose

And no one's gonna miss her.

She has no family, no
friends beyond this room.

And no one even knows he's here,

Just make his body unidentifiable
and we're in the clear.

This is always how it
was gonna end, wasn't it?

Burn it down, disappear
and do it all over again.


He doesn't have to die.

Did you hear that?

She said "he doesn't have to

She doesn't give a shit about


She doesn't give a shit about
me, either.

After all of this.

That is not what I meant!
Look, just...


Think about what you're doing.

Once you put Fischer in the

you passed the point of no

Now we finish this.

I will give you what
you have always wanted.

There's nothing you could
offer me

that I haven't already taken.

"I've not taken."

That sounds inappropriate.

Let's just say

you are very, very generous

when properly dosed.

That may be.

But what about a real

Burn it all down

and disappear with me, George.

Do you... Do you mean that?

I do.

Don't, don't
toy with my emotions.

I wouldn't.

You are.

You are, you're, you're, you're
using sex and relationships

like a currency and you're
weaponizing them against me!

God! Let's just talk about

Just deactivate his collar!

I'm done talking!

All we do is talk, and talk, and

and talk, and talk, and talk!

Talking doesn't get us anywhere.

It's never gonna get us

So I'm gonna tell you something

in the only fucking
language you understand.





You petty bitch.

All this because he was the
one man who didn't want you.


You pushed my fucking button!

You were my best friend, my

You and George really are
perfect for each other.

Two sadistic peas in a fucking

Look, I know that you
hate me right now, okay?

I fucking hate myself,
but the only way that we

are getting out of this
is if we work together.

What can we do like this?

What did I miss?


That's on you, princess.

Some damsels aren't in distress.

They cause it.

And remember, I did say
every man who wronged you

was here to be punished, didn't

And how much heartache did
Adam here provide you with?

Come on.

Let's turn that frown upside

Just push this button,

and all of this will be over.

I understand your hesitation.

Last time I asked you to press a

it didn't do anything.

But I guarantee this one does.

It's good.

It's good, it's good.

This will heal you. Make you
whole again.

And we can't have a room
full of witnesses, can we?

What're you... Wait, what're you

No, no, no, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no!

No! No, no, no, no!


No, no, no, Lisa! Wait, hold on!

No, no, no! Fuck.

Fuck, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no! Fuck!

Oh, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

No, Lisa, wait, wait, wait!
Wait, wait, wait, wait!

No, no! Lisa, Lisa!

No, no!


Okay, no!

Shit, shit!

All I wanted was to love you,

You fucked it up!

We've gotta get that collar
off, okay?

He still has your remote.


I know all your secrets!

I devoted years to you, Lisa.

Your Mom blamed herself
when you sister drowned,

but it wasn't an accident, was
it, Lisa?

Okay. Go, come on.

And your roommate never killed

You got rid of her, then
fucked her boyfriend!


You can't run from your past
this time!

I fought for you!

I sacrificed for you!

Unlike the rest of these
fuckers, I will not die for you!

Look at me, Lisa!

Don't ignore me!

I would've been good to you,

I loved you, and you wasted it.

You fucking wasted it,
Lisa. You fucking wasted it.

You fucking... You fucking
wasted it!

Why couldn't you see me?

Why couldn't you love me?

I don't wanna do this!

I didn't wanna do this!
You made me do this!


Look what I found.

Oh, wait.

You know, you really shouldn't

your toys laying around.

Wait, wait, wait. Please,
let's talk-

- Shh!


You're right. Talking
never got us anywhere.


We're gonna tell you

in the only language
that you'll understand.

Please! Please, please don't!

No! Oh, my god, no!

No! Wait, I'm sorry!

Don't worry!

No, no, no!

It's just the tip.

Don't turn away.

It's okay to look.

The son of a bitch is
never gonna hurt us again.

I almost left.

I made it to the door,
but I couldn't leave you.

You need help.

And I love you.

I didn't want this to
be painful,

but you know, we've gotta
make your body unidentifiable.

You know, dental
records, fingerprints, all that.

It wasn't lying, you know,
when I said I needed you.


It's true. I consider you
family, too.

But that's the thing about

They make sacrifices for each

Thank you for your sacrifice.
