Les Misérables (1934) - full transcript

The lives of numerous people over the course of 20 years in 19th century France, weaved together by the story of an ex-convict named Jean Valjean on the run from an obsessive police inspector, who pursues him for only a minor offense.

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Pity for the wretched

but indulgence for the happy.

Film Three


Long live the Revolution!

Pop Mabeuf,
going to Lamarque's funeral?

- Go home.
- Why?

- There'll be a ruckus.
- All right!

With lots of gunfire.

- And cannons!
- All right! You're not going?

Sure. Then we'll overthrow
Louis Philippe.

All right!
Long live the Republic!

Ma Whosit,
I'm borrowing your whatsit.

My pistol!

Don't push! There's nothing
to see for 20 minutes yet.

Where's your neighbor, Miss Eponine?
Get him down here.

- Mr. Marius isn't with you?
- No sign of him.

Tell him to meet us later
on the rue de la Chanvrerie.

I'll go find him.

What is this? That's the third
group of dragoons to go by.

Didn't you read the papers?
It's General Lamarque's funeral.

But why all these dragoons?

They expect trouble.

He was the Emperor's general
and a republican.

So it's a bother for the King.

- It was in the paper.
- The times we live in!

First it was cholera,
now it's the Republic.

- What do you say, greenhorn?
- Pretty calm for a riot.

Just wait till the cortege reaches
Faubourg Saint-Antoine

and it starts raining paving stones.

Mr. Prefect, we mustn't rely
on the war minister.

Mr. Soult isn't eager
to lend us his troops.

we shall prevail over any rioting.

You have four carabineer
squadrons on Place Louis XV,

the National Guard at the Tuileries,

the 6th Dragoons at the Halle
aux Vins, the 7th at the Célestins,

the 12th Light Cavalry at Place
de la Grève and the Bastille.

And the artillery at the Louvre.

We won't need Mr. Soult's regiments.

The disturbances won't last long.

I agree.

I've informed the King.
He arrived at the Tuileries.

See to these gentlemen.

Just a moment.

Police report.


Sir, I've just learned
that the students of the ABC Club

plan to meet
in the Saint-Merri district

after the cortege passes
the Faubourg Saint-Antoine.

Keep an eye on them

and liaise with Captain Lasalle
of the 2nd District.


- Where do we get cartridges?
- At the Montreuil toll gate.

- The password?
- Insurrection.

- Got your pistol?
- Under my smock.

Wait till the cortege passes
and things heat up.

If he nabs you, punch him
and yell, "Long live the Republic!"

This won't lower prices none.

Business is bad.
Even the trash is empty.

Folks eat everything
and throw nothing away.

What do you old frumps
know about politics?

Your nose is running.
Wipe your whiffer.

They've reached the Bastille.

- Here's Grantaire.
- But still no Marius.

You coming?

Mr. Marius wasn't home.
I left the letter.

Where can he be?
Didn't you ask around?

He must be at the funeral
like everyone else.

The city's abuzz.

There was even market talk
about barricades in Saint-Merri.

So I stocked up on everything
I could find, just in case.

You see? He'll never come back.
He went to fight. I'm scared.

I'll go see Mr. Gillenormand.

He won't know where he is either.

He turned him out. Like you did!

If he doesn't get my letter,
I've lost him.

Toussaint, who did you give
the letter to?

Mr. Marius's door was unlocked.

I left the letter in full view
on his table.

"Your friends are waiting,
rue de la Chanvrerie -- Eponine"

See the fellow with the beard?

He'll give the signal to open fire.

Get that woman
and her baby out of the way.

Honor to General Lamarque!



Did you drop these?

Get ready!

Not yet!

The guardsmen
are shopping for furniture.

Already? The fun was just starting.

Don't come. Sparks will fly.

You can't overthrow
the government without me.

Rue de la Chanvrerie!

The situation is out of hand.

There's fighting at the Arsenal
and Saint-Antoine.

Don't lose your head, Mr. Soult.

This isn't a revolution.
It's a riot, at worst.

By tomorrow at the latest,
order will be restored.

I'll personally
visit the boulevards.

Yes, two lumps.

You, Sire?
That's no place for a sovereign.

It's the place for a citizen king.

Out of the way, boys!



- What's going on?
- It's a riot!

- I'm going home.
- Come with us.

I hear they took over the bank.

There are 600 of them
holed up at Saint-Merri church.

They even have a cannon
on rue Aubry-le-Boucher.

The Republic calls out to us

Let us learn to vanquish or perish

A Frenchman must live for her

For her, a Frenchman must die

- I have reason to emigrate.
- Then let me go.

I have to find Marius.

I don't want him to die...

to die thinking
I don't love him anymore.

If he loves you,
he'll come say good-bye.

He's too proud.

You drove him away.
He won't come again.

Cosette, my child...

are you sure of your feelings?

Yes, Father.

Sure you love him above all else?

I don't know where he's fighting.

Toussaint says the students
built a barricade in Saint-Merri.

All right.

I'll go.

You stay here.

If I don't return...

read this letter.

Good-bye, Cosette.

Where have you been?

You told me to meet you here.

I got here five minutes ago.

Listen to him!
His head's still in the clouds.

Wake up.
Today there are no more women.

There's only the Republic!

Who do you think I am?

So what if I'm in love? I'm here!

Calm down, my friends.
Man the barricades.

Stand guard at rue Saint-Denis.
Password: Insurrection.

No bystanders!

If you're not with us,
clear the street now.

My furniture!

- Don't worry, Mrs. Huchelot.
- The Republic will return them.

Hey, don't go. Stay with us.

What? Won't lift a finger
for your country?

My bed! Where will I sleep?

At the Tuileries!

We can use the sheets
to dress wounds.

Hurry up.

Marius, there's work outside.

Mind lending a hand?

Keep those stones coming.

Hey, how about an omnibus?

Great idea! Let's get the omnibus.

Strengthen the foundation
and bring the stones.

End of the line!

Get down if you value your life.

Republic! Everyone out!

Get out or I shoot.


It's the end of the world!

I know the password: Insurrection.

No women. We're going to get killed.

The chief won't have it. Get going!

Long live the Revolution!

Is it your heart or stomach
that's bothering you?

Hey, you!

What are you doing here?

You think
they could attack our flank?

Our friends on rue Aubry
have got us covered.

Still, you have a point.

Give me some men here.

Tear up the stones
for a small barricade here.

Courfeyrac, you're in charge.

Some stones over here.
And take those casks.

More barrels! More stones!
More everything!

Throw it on!
Shove it on! Pile it on!

Bring down the house.
It's gotta be higher.

You loafer. Can't you help out?

If you came to bill and coo,
go find your turtledove.

We don't mind getting
our hands dirty.

- Leave me alone.
- What's that?

That's enough. Get out.

What is it, Marius?

What's on your mind?

There are no women,
parents or mistresses here.

Our cause is all that matters now.

If you doubt it, why did you come?

Look, Enjolras, my life is yours.

I'll prove it soon enough.
Just don't ask for anything else.

Don't waste ammunition.
There's not much.

We'll kill a few guardsmen
to get their cartridges.

And don't shoot
until Enjolras gives the word.

It's a real holiday,
and you look so sad.

I warned you about women.

- Gavroche!
- Coming.

You're small.
Slip along the house fronts.

See what the Guard is up to.

Sure, but I want a musket.
This thing doesn't cock.

- A musket for you?
- Why not?

I had one in 1830,
when we took on Charles X.

- Wait till the men are all armed.
- If you die, I'll take yours.

- Squirt!
- Greenhorn!

You'll get one
if you fulfill your mission.

Be careful.

As soon as you see something, sing
"My Friend Bugeaud" and come back.

My nose is running tears
O my friend Bugeaud

Will do, cap'n.

Gentlemen, here's the situation.

The crosses indicate
what we've recaptured.

The circles, what they still occupy.

We've flushed the rebels
out of the Arsenal,

Place Royale, Château d'Eau,

Place Maubert,
and Place des Victoires.

The insurrectional zone
has been contained.

In the Halles district,

there are still 27 barricades.

Only four of them are important:

rue Maubuée, rue de la Chanvrerie,

rue Montdétour,
and rue Sainte-Avoye.

We'll wait for nightfall
before attacking.

Within 30 minutes, the troops
will surround this quadrilateral.

I want a total blackout
throughout the district.

Residents know we will fire
on any lights after 9:00.

We'll launch a coordinated attack
on all four points at 10:30.

By midnight, gentlemen,
order should be restored.

My nose is running tears
O my friend Bugeaud

Lend me your gendarmes
I'll tell them what I know

In their blue coats
And feathered shako

Make way for the people

It's Gavroche! That's the signal.

Here they come! Stations, everyone!

- Here they are! My musket!
- Wait.

After the first volley,
you can take your pick.

Who goes there?

French Revolution!


I'll watch your musket for you.

Don't waste gunpowder.

Wait till they're in the street.

But first, put the flag back.

Who will plant the flag?

No one?

- What're you doing, Pop Mabeuf?
- All right!

Long live the Revolution!

Long live the Republic!

- Get back!
- Long live the Republic!

I used to know him.
We called him Pop Mabeuf.

A bit crazy, but quite a fellow.

Take him inside.

May each of you fight
for this dead old man

as he would
for his own living father.

Here they come!



Watch out!
They're coming around the side!

Back off!
Or I blow up the barricade!

- And yourself with it!
- Myself with it!

Nice work. You drove back the Guard.

- But I'm left holding the torch.
- Still, it took nerve.

We won't last till morning.
We're short on ammunition.

I'll get some.

Watch out for that guy.
He looks like a snitch.

This is pointless.

Send for an eight-pounder.
Three shots will do it.

Who are you?

I've done my duty.

I've reported you all.

Who are you?

- Police. Inspector Javert.
- Tie him up. Don't kill him.

Don't waste cartridges.
We'll deal with him later.

- What are you doing?
- Filling my basket.

- Not afraid of bullets?
- If it rains, we'll see.

- Get back here.
- In a minute.

- Not going to kill me now?
- We won't forget you.

You see him?

Gosh! Shooting the dead now?

If you're ugly in Nanterre
Blame it on Voltaire

And stupid in Palaiseau
Blame it on Rousseau

Good humor is my care
Blame it on Voltaire

Poverty is my trousseau
Blame it on Rousseau

The cheeky brat! I'll get him!

I fell I know not where
Blame it on Voltaire

Face down in the gutter's flow
Blame it on...

Poor kid. He collected
at least 400 cartridges.

Distribute them.

We're in for it now.

- Where's my musket?
- Here, Mr. Marius.

Aiming at that sergeant
you can't see?

These young artillery officers
are well educated.

He has a father and mother.
He can't be more than 25.

- He could be your brother.
- He is.

And mine too. Let him live.

Leave me alone. We have to.

Dumont, take command.

Get ready. After the first shot,
they're sure to attack.



Spies? None of that!

What a shot!

But why not just kill them?

He must be an eccentric.
Charity by musket fire.

Who is he?

I don't know.
A man who saves others.

Mr. Marius.

That's me.

Don't you recognize me?


How did you get here?
Why these clothes?

I had to see you.

They wouldn't let me through,

so I disguised myself.

Is it just a hand wound?

Here too.

Small world... Mr. Fauchelevent.

It's all so simple.

You exit over a wall
and enter around a barricade.

Nice work.

Anyway, you can rest easy now.

You'll probably be the one
to execute me.


You thought I was ugly, didn't you?

You're here because of me, you know.

I wanted you to die too.

But when I saw them aiming at you,
I put my hand over the barrel.

Strange, I wanted to die before you.


I don't want to cheat you.

I've had a letter for you
in my pocket all day.

I kept it.

I didn't want you to get it.

But you'd be angry later
when we met again.

We will meet again, won't we?

Take your letter.

But in return, promise me --


- Promise me.
- I promise.

Promise to kiss my forehead
when I'm dead.

I'll feel it.

You know, Mr. Marius...

I think
I was a little in love with you.

"I spoke to my father.
He gives his consent.

"Forget his anger.
He's expecting you.

"Come back quickly.

"I love you -- Cosette"

Come, sir.

- It's too late.
- Come. She sent me.

I can't now.

It will kill her.

We're surrounded!

They're coming down rue Saint-Denis!

They've taken rue Aubry-le-Boucher!


The rue Aubry barricade has fallen.

You'll be taken from the rear.
Your sacrifice is in vain.


He makes no vain sacrifice
who fights for a cause.

All here are ready to die so that
our brothers may live free.


sweet liberty...

come fight
with those who defend you.

Come fight
with those who defend you

Under our flag, may victory

Rush to your manly strains

So that in death your enemies

Witness your triumph and our glory

To arms, citizens

Man your battalions

March forth, march forth

So that their impure blood

May drench our furrowed fields

Ten men with Grantaire
to rue Saint-Denis!

Quick, a small barricade here.

Your powder keg here.

And that witness.
Who'll finish off the informer?

Me. I'll do it.


So, come to finish me off?

You're smart when it comes
to saving your hide.

Dear friends, we're going to die
down to the last man.

But our deaths will stop nothing.
Our example will serve the cause.

Others will finish what we've begun.

Long live the Republic!

Fire when I give the signal.
Then I'll blow up the barricade.

I love fireworks. Let me set it off.

You're the leader.
You have to stay to welcome them.

If you like.

A knife.

Good idea.
That's more like a convict.

- You're free.
- What?

You're free.

I may not come out of here alive.

But if I do,
and you want to arrest me,

I won't resist this time.

7 rue de l'Homme Armé?

Get going.

I'm warning you,
because this time --

Get going.


That's it, my friends.

Sell your lives dearly
or run for it now.

And thank you all.
You've served the Republic well.


He shot our artillery officer.

Shoot him on the spot.

Shoot me.


May I, Enjolras?

I doubt you people will mind.



Sir, he won't escape now.

He may lose his way or drown.

But if he gets out, we'll nab him.

The only other possible exit
is at the Arsenal.

The grating is open.
We have it under watch.

You can go.

Jean Valjean,
there are two carriages waiting.

You take the first.

You can escort
your wounded man home.

I'll follow you.

What's that?

You're not arresting me here,

Thank you.

Mr. Marius!

Tell Mr. Gillenormand
I brought his grandson.

He was wounded on the barricades.

Sir, come quick.

Mr. Marius was wounded
on the barricades.

What's that?

Mr. Marius?

Firstly, how dare you yell
for your master, scoundrel!

- Mr. Marius was wounded.
- Wounded?

He fought against the King!
It was bound to happen.

He asked for it.

So this is how
the bloodsucker returns.

He went to get himself killed
just to spite me.

Why, it's true!

And you said nothing.
Out of my sight!

You're dismissed.

- Get a doctor.
- Right away.

Who are you, sir?

Did you bring him home?
Did you save him?

Consider my house your own, sir.

Where was he hurt? Is it serious?

Good Lord, why did he do this?

Won't you stay, sir?
You'll lunch with me.

You may be for the Republic too,

but we won't talk politics.

Marius... my child.

It's me, your grandfather.
Open your eyes.

I forgive everything,
if you forgive me too.

Marius, my child.

I've waited so long for you.

Call me father like you used to.

I've had your room prepared.

In my own room,
at my bedside I have your portrait

from when you were little.

Speak to me, Marius.

I don't want you to die.

His wound isn't serious.
He'll recover soon enough.

But his happiness depends on you.

What's that?

Have this letter delivered

to Miss Fauchelevent.

Are you Mr. Fauchelevent?

My dear sir,
I am your devoted servant.

I know all about you.

My grandson spoke of you
at some length.

Are you sure
you won't stay for lunch?

No, thank you.
Someone's waiting for me.

I'm your prisoner now.

I won't try to escape.

I just have one favor to ask.

I want to stop off at my home.

7 rue de l'Homme Armé.

Are you hurt?

Why did you spare me last night?

Why did you spare me?

Why do you stalk poor devils?

Each man has his own notion of duty.

Just because your duty
is to pursue the wretched,

doesn't the wretched
have the right to save you?


I'll wait here.

He's a convict, after all.

So why don't you arrest him?

What's stopping you?


Hey, watch where you're going!

Think you're some kind of a snitch!

Excuse me.

They found him drowned?
Was it an accident?

A suicide, sir.

They found a note on him.

"I am no longer blameless.
I let a convict escape.

"I am unworthy of the police.
I must disappear."



He was a good element.

Yes, but a bit blinkered.

- We need men like that.
- Maybe so.

At last, I'm Madame You.

It's so sad
that he couldn't be here.

Yes, it upsets me too.

But you know we have
to respect his wishes.

He's always been a bit strange.

Pour me some champagne.

You won't be spared my sermon.

This morning you heard the priest.

This evening
you'll hear the grandfather.

I raise my glass to beauty,


and love.

Ah, fun-loving virtue!

How charming women are in our times.

But admire first of all
our adorable little fairy

in her ballroom gown.

With a slip of my slippered feet,

I shall now open the ball
with a cachucha.

Yes, ladies, a cachucha.

That's my idea of a revolution.

And I'm going to dance
with Mrs. Marius Pontmercy

without your permission,
you scalawag.

Music, maestro!

Mr. Pontmercy may not be up yet.

I'll go see.

We retired late.
They danced till 4:00.

Don't tell him it's me.

Tell him it's someone

who'd like to speak to him
in private.

I want to surprise him.

It's you, Father?

And that idiot Basque acted
so mysterious. Feeling better?

You're early. It's only 12:30.

Cosette is still asleep.
Have a seat.

Mr. Pontmercy,

it was best
that I not attend your wedding.

I stayed away as long as I could.

I never left Paris.

I made up that trip

so as not to render
your marriage contract void.

To avoid having to sign,
even as a witness.

I came to tell you
that I'm an ex-convict.


I'm an ex-convict.

Meaning what?

That I was sentenced
to forced labor,

and that even now
I'm a fugitive from justice.

What did you do to deserve prison?

What did I do?

I stole a loaf of bread.

And how do you know Cosette?

Ten years ago
I didn't even know she existed.

I saw her mother die.

I was able to save the child

from some scoundrels,
the Thénardiers.

I don't think you can call that
a good deed.

But if it was,

let's say I did it,

and put it down
as an attenuating circumstance.


Cosette leaves my life.


Why this confession?

Who's forcing you?
You could have kept your secret.

What's forcing me to tell you?

A very curious thing:

my conscience.

Obviously, remaining silent
would have been easier.

But there were
two things I could never do:

break the bonds of the heart
that kept me here,

and silence that voice

that whispers to me
when I'm alone.

Mr. Pontmercy,
I'm going to leave you now.

You offered me
a place in your family.

You didn't know who I was.

I have no family.

I'm a convict.

Will you allow me to say good-bye

to Cosette?

Well, really!

What is this?

"Say good-bye to Cosette"?

What's all this about?

You're leaving again?
What have I done?

No, child, no. Don't.


What's all this about?
He's scaring me.

Why won't you kiss me?

Yes, Father, why won't you kiss her?

What have we done to you?
Your absence changes nothing.

We're still your children.
Our hearts remain the same.

Why won't you take Cosette
in your arms?

You heard him.
You've no right to be so cruel.

You seem angry at me
for being so happy.

My darling child,

your happiness...

has been the sole purpose
of my life.

That's the father I know.

Hold me tight...

like you used to.

What's the matter?

You're white as a sheet.

It's nothing.

My wound may have reopened.

And you said nothing.

You see?

I had to say good-bye.

Don't cry.

It's nothing to die.

It's terrible not to live

or to go astray.

Come closer.

I want you to have

the two silver candlesticks

that Monseigneur Myriel gave me.

I lit them myself.

I hope...

that he who gave them to me...

is satisfied with me.

I did the best I could.


I'm a poor man.

Don't forget.

I want to be buried

in the first plot of earth
that you find.

That is my wish.

A headstone.

No name.

If you should visit
from time to time...

I'd be very happy.

Do you want a priest, sir?

I have one.

Farewell, children.

Be happy.

Live in peace.

God is just.

It is man...

who sometimes...

is unjust.

Subtitles by Lenny Borger