Left in Darkness (2006) - full transcript

A young woman, whose mother died giving birth to her, is facing eternal life in either Heaven or Hell. She must make the choice who to listen to, her guardian angel, whom she met when she was a child, or the evil ones.

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Celia. What's yours?

It's nice to meet you,

I can't.
I'm not allowed.

Hey, where'd you go?

Hey, where'd you go?

Where'd you go?

Where'd you go?


Where do you think you're going,
little lady, huh?

I have to find him.Find who?

The boy.
He's gonna get away.

Come say hi to Mom,
and then you can go play, OK? Come on, honey.


Say hi to Mom.

Hi, Mommy.

I was just telling her
all about your new tooth

and how you're excited about starting volleyball practice next week.

Go on, sweetheart.
You can talk to her.

Just like you talk to me.
I know she's listening.

Pay attention, Celia.
We're here to see your mommy.

Tell her about your week.I don't want to.

What did you say? I said I don't want to.


I just don't.

Honey, your mother loves you.
She loves you very much, baby.

I won't.
You can't make me.Celia, honey!

Celia, no!

It's OK. She's OK.
It's OK, it's OK.

What are you doing?
Don't dothat.

It's OK, Grandpa.
He protected me.

He's always gonna protect me.

What if I would have
lost you, too, huh?

Don't do that, baby,


Out here.

One for the road.

Are you ready yet?

Hey, you can't rush

Still have to find
my keys.

What would I do
without you?

You sure
you wanna do this? Do what?

I know what this day means.
I know how you get.

So we don't have to go
if you don't want to.Justine, it's my 21st.

I'd like to actually
enjoy my birthday for once.

You sure?
'Cause I'm totally fine just staying here.

Yes. I could use a party.

OK, then, let's go.
This afternoon,

several people were seriously injured in the accident...

Damn. I'm glad you didn't
get caught in that

on the way up here,

especially in that
piece-of-crap car.


Stop it.What?

Your birthday's
not cursed.

Accidents like that
happen every day up here.

I know.

I-I... we'll have fun

...and recommends
alternate routes.

Yo! You hotties wanna be
in a movie?

You wish, losers!

Aren't you glad you came up here to share in this cultural experience?

Hey, I wanted
to do something different.

This is different.

I do my best to deliver.

Stay away from the froshies,
and you should be fine.

Just promise not to ditch me
five minutes after we get in

for some idiot.Scout's honor.

You'll be too busy
making it with Dougie Fresh,

and I'll be left alone
by the keg-erator.

OK, there's not gonna be any "making it,"
at least not by me.

Uh-huh. You came
all the way up here

for a little hand-holding
and friendly conversation.

I came here so I could be with my best friend in the whole world.

And the hot guy she promised
to hook you up with.

That's really
the cherry.

You gonna be OK?

If you ask me that
one more time, I'll kill you.

Come on.



Hey, you made it.

Hi. Follow me.

Corby, this is my friend Celia.
She's up from San Diego.

Pleasure to meet you,
pretty lady.Hi.

Can my boy Terry here
offer you a cocktail?

You two should try
the famous Terry Bomb.What?!

One shot
from each bottle.Huh?

One shot
from each bottle.

Uh, just beer,

I want
a Terry Bomb!

So, where's Doug?
I want him to meet Celia.

He's upstairs. I think
you're gonna like him.


Let me see
if he's in here.


All right.

Are you sure?

Cool. All right.

Well, I just -
you know, I missed my guy.

He's weirded out

What's up, brother?

Hey, you seen
Doug around?

No, haven't seen him
since Jell-O shots.

Wow. You and your
fine companions

care to join us for a little
otherworldly excitement?

Yeah. What are we in,
third grade?

Hey, now, you dare mock
the great Ouija?

Jesus, Gopher,
put that thing away.

How you doin'? Don't listen to him.

He's really just a D& D geek
under that shaved chest.

It's true.

Oh, my God.

Who's doing that?

It's not me, I swear.

Well, quick,
grab a pen and paper.

"Go home, Celia"?

It didn't say that.

Who the hell's Celia?

Um, she is.

Very funny.

I didn't--Oh, please.

You cannot punk me.

Hey, whoa, whoa, ladies,
let the man of the house...

Hey, bee-atch.

You chicaswait in here.
I'll be right back.

That was kinda weird, huh? Oh, stop.

I swear it wasn't me.Whatever.

OK, believe what you will.
Don't trust your number one girl.

He's kinda cute, huh?

Who, Corby? Uh-huh.

I think I might
hook up with him tonight.Really?

What, you don't approve?I'm not here to judge.

It's not for sure or anything.
There might be something better out there for me.

You wouldn't want
to miss out.

Look who I found.


I've been looking
all over for you.

This is my friend Celia.
It's her birthday.

Oh, yeah?

Happy birthday.


Am I allowed
to ask the number?

The big 2-1.

Nice. Well, we'll have to
make tonight a special one.

Get the fuck
out of here.

Two beers!



Do it!


♪ ...all right

♪ They're comin' out here

♪ Spread our wings,
all right

♪ All right

♪ Ain't got no woman

♪ Ain't got no wine

♪ Ain't got no spice
to get me by

♪ Ain't got sugar

♪ Ain't got no 'caine

♪ Ain't got no honey
to get me high

♪ Oh, when the music's over

♪ Oh, when the music's over

♪ Aha

♪ Oh, when the music's over

♪ Oh, when...

♪ There's a hole
in Mother Earth...

Oh, thanks.



What's wrong?

Nothing. Why?

You just seemed a little
- I don't know - distant back there.

No. I'm sorry.

for getting me this.

It's no place for a girl
over there right now.

Naked keg stands.

No place for a guy,
either, really.

So where's your girl?

She ditched me
for a meathead.


Come on, I wanna
show you something.

Go home, Celia.

What was that?



It was probably the music.

Come on.

♪ Television child,
your mind is

♪ Freakin' out

♪ But you know nobody
wants to see it

♪ Does anybody wonder

♪ Oh, what's goin' on
round here...? ♪

Ohh. You guys
have a make-out room?

Of course.

What kind of frat house
would this be without one?

I think you're getting a little ahead of yourself there, buddy.

No, over here.

Come on, I wanna
show you something.

What is it?

You'll see.

Come on.

What is this?

This was an old wine cellar
back in the day,

back before
this was a fraternity.

It's probably, like,
hundreds of years old.


I like to come down here
and think about, like,

who came through that door,
you know, what they wore,

what they talked about,
what they drank.

I guess that makes me
kind of a huge geek, huh?

No. No, I think
it's really cute.

There it is.


That look.
Why are you so sad?

It's your birthday.

I'm sorry.
I-I didn't mean to.

It's OK. You can tell me.
I'm good at keeping secrets.

It's not even a secret,

I really hoped that this
wouldn't affect me this year,

but birthdays have never
really been great for me.

Well, my mom died
on my birthday.

She actually died
giving birth to me,

so every year, my birthday's
kind of like a reminder

that I killed her.

Shit, that - that's rough.


And apparently my dad hit the bottle and disappeared,

so I was raised
by my grandparents.

Which was great. I mean,
my grandpa was so amazing.

But he died last year,

Well, I...

I just really miss him
so much.

No doubt.

Every year, I'd spend
my birthday with him,

and he just missed my mom
so much, but...

...he would always remember
to remind me that -

that her death
wasn't my fault.

That's - That's
some heavy shit.

And it was 21 years ago,

and I never even knew her.

Still, it's hard to eat cake
and ice cream, you know?


I'm sorry.

I'm just really sorry.

It's like baggage central.

I don't even know why I'm talking to you about this.

Then let's not talk.

Go home, Celia.

What's wrong?

I just heard it again.


I feel really weird.

I need to get out of here.
I need to get some air.

Wait, don't go.

I'm not feeling -

What did you do?

Come on, Celia.
Just relax.

Come on, man,
hurry it up.

Hey. Hey, what the hell
is wrong with her?

Oh, dude,
I think she's OD'in'.


Please help me!

This isn't real.
This isn't happening.


Please! Get me
out of here!

Somebody get me out of here.

Please! Somebody, please.








Holy shit!



Is anyone here?

You guys, come on.

If this is a joke,
it's really not funny.


Justine, are you here?



Hey, little lady.

Happy birthday.

What's going on?

It's OK, Celia.
Everything's OK now.

No, no, no.
This is a bad dream.

Don't be scared.

But you died.Yes.

Then how...?

You died, too.

Those boys,
those filthy boys.

But they can't hurt you now.

You're safe now.
You're safe with me.

I'm dead?


That stuff they put
in my drink.

I wanna wake up now.

This is not a dream, Celia.Yes, it is.

This is a terrible dream.

I just must have passed out somewhere,
and I'm gonna wake up.

I know how you're feeling.

I'm not dead!
This is crazy.

I don't have time
to explain it all,

but we have to
get out of this house.

Why? Listen to me, Celia.

Do as I say,
and nothing bad will happen.

But, please, we've gotta go.

You cannot stay here.


Where are we?
What is this place?

Stay with me,
and you'll find out.

Celia, you must go.

You must get out.

I will meet you out there.

Where are you going?
Don't leave me.

I promise you,
I will find you. Go.

Whatever you do,
don't look back.


What the hell?










Go back to the house,
Celia. Who is that?

Go back to the house, Celia.
It's the only way. Who's there?

Come on.

Come on, come on, come on.


come on, let's go.

Go away!

It's OK.

What is this?
Where am I?

It'll all be over soon.What do you mean?

Aah! Aah!



Is anybody here?

Hello, Celia.Stay away from me.

It's OK.
I'm not gonna hurt you.

Stay back. Get away.

Celia -Stop calling me that.

You don't know me.
I don't know what you guys put in my drink.

I'm not one of those guys,

and this isn't
some bad trip.

I'm not dead.
Don't you tell me that I'm dead!

Look, I know you've had a tough night.
You're upset.

So let's just calm down
and talk about this, OK? Calm down?

Just invite me in.
I'll explain everything to you.

Oh, yeah, sure. Come in
so you can just kill me.

That's not why I'm here.

Now do you remember?

Oh, my God.

I'm your friend, Celia,

and I always have been.


What's your name?

Celia. What's yours?

They call me Donovan.

It's nice to meet you,

Can you come and play,

I can't. I'm not allowed.

Don't worry.
I'm here to protect you.

I'm always going
to protect you, Celia.

The cemetery.

You saved me from that car.

And countless other times,
I might add.

So what are you,
like my guardian angel? Not exactly.

I died, too, just like you.

I was only eight at the time,
so I understand how scared you must be.

This might be easier
to explain

if I wasn't out here
freezing my ass off.

If you think you're coming in here,
you're out of your mind.

You don't have a lot of time.
Two hours, give or take.

Come 2 a.m., it's lights out.

And then I suppose
I turn into a pumpkin.

No, then you become
completely vulnerable

to these nasty things
out here.

So I'd can the sarcasm,
because I'm trying to help you.

I'm not letting you in here
just so you can turn into

one of those crazy,
psycho demon things like my grandfather just did.

You see, that wasn't
your grandfather.

It was the soul eater
that ate him.

So now he can appear,
act and sound like your grandfather.

This is crazy!

So what you're telling me

is that I wasn't only raped
and murdered tonight,

but that my grandfather
was eaten

by one of those things?!

I don't know what to believe.

Well, do you believe
that I am who I say I am?

Yes, I do.

Well, that's enough for the time being.
Let me in.

Well, it's not locked.

You actually
have to invite me in.

You see,
this white light around is called your sanctuary.

People can't come in
your sanctuary

unless you invite them,

and once in,
they can't touch you unless you touch them first,

so don't touch them.

That would be bad.


Come in.

Come with me.

I have something
to show you.


Wait. Hey!

Well, come on.

I'm not going out there.
I'm not really good with heights.

You're already dead.

Are you really afraid
of falling?

Take a look.

We're the only ones here.

Exactly. It's just
you and me now.

That's why
you gotta stick by me.

Wait. I just saw
something. Look!

What is that?

That is a soul eater.


A soul eater
is exactly as it sounds.

It needs to feed, constantly,
or else it goes to hell.

They're all just waiting
for the perfect moment

when you step
out of the light.

That's when it can attack.

You're my imaginary friend.

I must just be imagining you.

I'm as real as can be.

In fact,
I'm a little offended

that you stopped
believing in me.

But you were the one
that stopped coming around.

I haven't seen you
since I was, like, eight.

Yeah, but I've been there
the whole time.

Like when your grandfather Joe
was in the hospital

or when you got drunk and crashed
your grandpa's car into the Dumpster.

I was there when you lost
your virginity.You were there for that?

I needed to make sure
that you were paying attention.

You really never left?


I wish I had known that.

Uh-oh.What? What is that?

Well, that flicker means
that the light is dying.

We need to move to a place
where the light is strong... Why?

...fast.What happens
if it runs out?

You don't want to know.
Come on, let's go inside.

Celia, come on.



Celia, help.

You've got to help me.Oh, my God.

Don't listen to her.

Something's after me.
It's trying to kill me.

She's not who she says
she is, Celia.

Don't listen to him.
He can't be trusted.

He's not like you and me.
I'm your friend.

Listen to me.
Listen to me.

Celia, please,
you've got to help me.

I don't know.

Celia, look at me.

Do you remember?


You came here
the night I died.

It was different.

I always liked playing
with you.

Yeah, right. I sucked.

You were always
so much better than me.

Well, I was tougher
than you.

Is that why
you stuck up for me

when everybody else made fun?

I knew it wasn't about you.

You were worried
about hurting someone else.

Do you remember the night
my grandfather died?

That was a terrible night.

I never really thanked you.

I was all alone.

You barely knew me,
but you stayed with me all night.

I wouldn't have made it.

After that night,
we were connected, weren't we?


I helped you then, Celia,

and now I need you
to help me.



Aah! Aah!


What the hell
just happened to me?

Gee, I don't know, genius.

Maybe it's the fact you ignored everything I told you.

I was confused.There's no time
for confusion.

They will do whatever it takes to get into your head,
to get you out of the light.

You have to be smarter than them.
You have to think.

OK, but - but if she -
if itwas not Rachel,

then how did it know all those
personal things about me?

Because when it feeds,
it takes everything -

memories, feelings,

We have to get
to the basement.




Try to stick by me
from now on, all right?

No problem.



Are you seeing this?

I see everything.
It's a gift.

You'll find
I have many gifts.

You can only see your old world through mirrors.

So this is what's happening
right now at this exact moment?


I guess they haven't
found my body yet,

else the party
would be over.

Once your body leaves the sanctuary,
your soul goes with it.

Then it's open season
on your ass.

Oh, come on now,
don't start that.

I could never stand
to see you cry.

I'm scared, Donovan.

Well, it doesn't
have to end this way.

I'm listening.

I'll show you, but you're
gonna have to be brave,

and I know that's not
your strongest suit.

I guess
you have been watching.

Come on.

What are you doing?

This will lead you to a place
without soul eaters.

That's where this
all started.It's OK.

I can't.

Sure, you can.

No. Donovan, please.
I have a really bad feeling.

I've been through this
a few times.

I think I might know
what I'm talking about.

That place is evil.

I'm the guy who's protected you from evil your whole life.

I can't.

So you'd rather let them out there tear you to shreds?

That's what
you'd rather have?

There's still more time.

Please, let me see
if I can figure this thing out.

If we run out of time,
we can come back here.

All right.

Thank you.

Remember - don't look them
in the eye.




She got me.

You need to cover that.

They're like sharks. They smell blood,
they know the source, they'll come.

Is that the right time? Oh, yeah.

We don't get much power here,
but enough for a few lights,

clocks, that sort of thing.

It's 1:08.

If that's accurate,
your time is halfway gone.

What's he doing?

Isn't it obvious?

That asshole.

Justine, no!

Keep your hand on the mirror.

As long as it's on the mirror,
you can hear everything they hear.

...cannot find her,
and it's been hours.

You know what?
I think I saw her in the backyard.

It's cool. You wanna
go dance or something?

No, I don't wanna dance.
I wanna find -

I don't want your beer.
I wanna find my friend.

I wanna - I don't want
your beer!

Are you sure? Yes!

Can't I just stay?

No. It may appear that you're in this room,
but it's just perspective.

It's not reality.Stop!

They can't hear you,

I don't want beer.
I wanna find Celia.

Why? Why do you wanna
interrupt the magic?

She didn't just run off and get naked with Doug.
She wouldn't do that.

Neither would you,

Don't be a jerk.
I just wanna find Celia.

Would you stop freaking out.
She's a big girl.

I think she can
take care of herself.

Look, it's her birthday. I don't
want her to think I ditched her.

I promise you, she's not
thinking about that.Asshole.

She's off with my boy,
having a great time.


I tried to tell you.

I have to get back.
That's the stuff they put in my drink.

It'll kill her.

You can't affect living things
anymore, Celia.

You need to understand that.I have to help her.

It's out of
your hands now.

Whoa. Let's think about this
for just one second, all right?

Your light is dying
as we speak.

If she drinks that,
she creates a new sanctuary.

That gives you more light.

And plus, you two
get to be together... again.

I can't just
let her die.

It's kind of
the order of things.

Fuck you.

There's no need
for the f-word.Shh!

Seriously, baby, why don't we
give 'em another half an hour?

I swear,
she's gonna walk through the door with this huge smile on her face.

You clearly have a lot of confidence in your friend.

Hey, my bros know how
to get it done right.

Obviously.Justine, walk away.

He's a dick.

Stop! No! No!

Did you just see that? Nice one.


We gotta go.

Hey, wait. You lied to me.

I did not.

Yes, you did. You said
I couldn't affect things.

You said there was
nothing I could do.

Technically, you can't affect living things.
That's true.

Cup of beer does not
have a heartbeat.

Why would you
want her to die?

Because I'm here
to protect you, Celia.

We could've had her light,
had her sanctuary.

Look, I would never sacrifice my friend's life for my own, ever.

It's that kind of thinking that's gonna get you sent you-know-where.

Don't listen to him, Celia.

You're perfect
just the way you are.

I'm very proud of you.

Don't do anything
stupid here, Celia.

Shut up.

He's one of them.

How was he in my sanctuary?
He was in the living room.

He was in the light.
I was talking to him.

I don't know.
Because you called him, let him in.


Fortunately for you,

he can't come back
without another invitation.

Don't listen to him, Celia.
Listen to me.

He is not
your grandfather.

I know that,
but there's a part of him that is still in there.

Isn't there?

I'm here,
and you can be with me.

Listen to me, Celia.

I can take you to your mother.
I know she wants to meet you.



Just look at me, Celia.
Look at me.

It's OK, you can go.


I can't believe
you're standing here.

I don't know where to start.

I know most of it, anyway.
I've watched you your whole life.

You're so beautiful.

So are you. More than
any of the pictures.

I'm so sorry, Mom.
I'm so sorry.

You have to stop blaming yourself, please.

You didn't kill me. It was my time.
It was supposed to be that way.

But it's so unfair.

It was your death
that was unfair.

It was far too soon.

Celia, come now.

What, now?

You must find your way.But I don't understand.

I'm here with you now.
Why can't we just stay like this?

You have no idea
how I wish you could,

but you must
earn it, Celia.


Celia, come now.

What's happening?

I can't say any more.
You have the answer inside.

You must stay in the sanctuary.
The door is there.

What door? What answer?

You can do it, Celia.

You belong here with me.
Remember that.

Aah! Aah!



Get inside.

He's gone.

Are you all right?

I'm sorry.

Sorry's not gonna cut it
anymore, Celia.

I've about had it
with you.

There are others
that I can help,

others that listen to me,
pay attention to me.

Wait. I'm sorry. It's just
that she was my mother

that I've never met
in my entire life.

How was I
supposed to say no?

Because it's not real.

That place that you went
is a lie.

Everything is a lie.

Are you trying to tell me those things ate my mother's soul

and sent her to hell?

No, not you mother.
She made it to heaven.

My grandfather and Rachel
- they were good people, both of them.

And good people
go to heaven.

Your grandfather wasted away
after your mom died.

That's not true.

It is true. He might as well
have died along with her.

No. He looked after me,
he took care of me.

Yeah, I'm sorry.

I don't mean to yell at you.
I don't wanna hurt you.

I don't wanna lose you
to them, you know?

The fact is, Celia,
your grandfather just went by the motions,

like most people these days,
after your mom died.

In the end, he lived
a mediocre life at best.

So did I.

No, don't say that.

Sure, you were timid
and held back by guilt,

but you had depth,
and that counts.

Yeah, a lot of good
that did me.

I'm just sitting here,
waiting for these things to eat me.

Well, I told you about
another option, didn't I?

Not yet.

You have half an hour,

A half an hour -
that's all you've got.

Don't look at me like that.

I just wanna go home.

I know, sweetheart.

I wish you could, too.

But it looks like you're
just shit out of luck,

so you're gonna have to
learn how to deal.

What was that?

I think there's something
that I can do for you.

What are we doing here?

You'll see.


What's wrong with this guy?

Besides being a rapist
and a murderer? Plenty.

I don't wanna be here.Wait, don't let go yet.

You'll wanna see this.

Don't stop.

Do it. Be free.

Who's there?

That's good, Doug.


It's what he wants,

If he didn't, I would not
be able to do this.


Goddamn it.

You can't just kill him.

After what he did to you?
He deserves to die.

What about not playing God?

Celia, he wants to die.
I'm just helping him along.Aah!


You're no better
than he is.

You're a monster.
I don't need you.

Get away from me!

OK, fine.

I wish you all the luck
in the world on your own.


Damn it.

What are you doing?

Stay back.
How did you get here?

Uh, I drove.

No. No, this...

You shouldn't be here.

What are you talking about?

This isn't your light.
This is still mine.

You son of a bitch.
You used my light.

My sanctuary saved you.
How is that fair?

You are seriously
tweaked, lady.

Whatever. I'm out.

Stop. It's moving
too fast.

You're fucking crazy.

This sanctuary
won't last.Sanctuary?

You're dead, Doug.
You rapist.

You're dead, and that stuff you put in my drink
- it killed me,

and you're going to hell
for it.

You're out of your mind.


Ho... Holy shit!
What the fuck is happening?!

Oh, shit! Get back. Shut the door.

What the hell
was that thing?

It's a long story. Do you have
your car keys on you?

Where's it parked? In the lot.

Well, we have to get to it.I'm not going
anywhere with you.

What does your watch say?


All right, come on.
I'll explain on the way.On the way to where?

To the hospital. The light
will be strong there.

There was an accident on the freeway today.
A lot of people were hurt.

What now?

We jump.

Oh, no, no, no.
I'm not jumping that far.

You're already dead.

Where? Which way?

It's around the corner.

Where is it?

It's the black one.

All right, let's go.

The car won't start.

What's going on?
This shouldn't be happening.Oh, my God.

Let's go.

Cars don't work out here.
There's not enough power.

What are you talking about,
there's not enough power?

Aah! Aah!





Oh, God. Oh, my God.

Oh, shit.

C, it's me again.
Where are you?

I'm getting kind of
freaked out here.

Corby's being a jackass.

What happened to us
not ditching?

Hold on, it might be you.


Hey there.


Recognize me?

From the pictures.
You're my father.

I'm sorry I wasn't there
for you.

You were sick.

This is my house.

Yeah. I wanted you
to feel more comfortable.

Wanna sit down?


I'd like to get to know you.

Well, it's too late.

Celia, come give
your grandmother a hug.

How did you get here?

I came to see you.
I was so lonely for you.

You must hurry, little one.
You must find the source.



What did she say to you?

What are you gonna do to me? What do you think?

You cannot stay here. Celia!

Just relax.We were connected.

"Go home, Celia"? Now do you remember?


Where am I?

Help! Help!

Somebody please help me.


What seems to be
the problem?

I can't take this anymore.

I'll do whatever
you want me to.

Just please, please,

please make them stop.

It's for the best.

Go ahead.

Somebody help me! Oh, God!

Help! Somebody help!

Help me! Aah!
Somebody help me!

Help! Help!

Help me! Help!


Who are those people?

You promised
you'd do what I say.

And you promised that things
would get better.

It's better down there
than being eaten

by those creatures,
don't you think?

And my guess is, much better
than eternal damnation.

I'm not going down there.
I'm not going to be one of them.

You have to trust me, Celia.

I know what I'm talking about.

No. I trust me,
and I'm not going down there.

Why can't you see

that I'm the one
with the power here?

Get away from me.

No. This is my house.

You will do what I say,
and you will like it.

What do you want from me?

What would you get
if I go down there?

Your soul.

You're one of them.

No, I'm not one of them.

I'm something more,
something different.

Their rules
don't apply to me.

I have sophisticated tastes,

Refined, you might say.

They're just sheep in my flock.

I'm watching them.

For who?

Looks like your sanctuary's
almost gone.

Pretty soon, you're not
gonna be safe anywhere.

Stay away from me!

I would, but I think I'm gonna
hold on to you for myself.

Just a little secret between you,
me and the big guy.

Watch your step!


Why do you run, Celia?

Celia, I'm going to find you.

Why don't you save us both
some time here?

I miss you, Celia.

Find her. Now.


Keep your hands
on it.

We better get the pen
and paper ready.

Oh, my God,
it's moving again.

Are you guys
writing this down?

Don't miss any letters.

No way.
Are you feeling this?

Stop it, Goph.
I know it's you.

Honey, it ain't me.
What's it say?

Rear b-a-t-h?



This can all be over,
you know.

It won't be over.
I'll be stuck down there with those people.

At least
you won't be lonely.

Why didn't you
just kill me?

Because, Celia,
you weren't ready.

I consider the culinary experience an art form.

I nurture the souls until they're just the way I like them.

Those people in the cellar?

All carefully cultivated,
just like you.

You're disgusting.

Am I? You know, it's a shame

that you died when you did.

I had so many places
to guide you,

so many things to acquire.

True love,

motherhood, pride.

Pride is my favorite.

So you were just
protecting me

so you could create
a perfect meal?

But now I'll just have to
work with what I've got.

How about we start
with your laughter?

Not much to laugh about
these days, anyway.

Such a small thing
to trade.

And how about your loyalty?

Loyalty is quite a delicacy.

And what need do you
have for it here? I will give you nothing.

I'd be careful
about what you say.

This can be painful,
or it can be easy.

That is your only choice now.

I will give you nothing!


Maybe I should be done
with all of this,

hand you to them,

cut my losses.

What have you done?

Once your body leaves the sanctuary,
your soul goes with it.

Goodbye, Donovan.

We're losing her.
Get the defibrillator.


You must hurry.
You must find the source.

You must stay in the sanctuary.
The door is there.

You were right here
this whole time.

Celia, you've almost made it.
I'm so proud of you.

But you must prove yourself...
...know you can do it.

You're supposed to
be here with me.

Mom, what's happening?
I can barely understand you.

The link is weak...
...must hurry.

But you must first
save your grandpa.

I know you can do it.

Mom, wait.


One more test.

One more test.

Shit, six minutes.

There's no one here.

There's no one left
for me to save.

What do you want me to do?

1, 2, 3.


Grandpa, no!
You don't need to do this.

Grandpa. Papa.



Poor little soul

wanting so badly
to get into heaven.

OK, I'll give you
what you want.

Really? What's the catch?

No catch. A deal.

Keep talking.
I'm listening.

I want you to free
my grandfather.

Take a look.
Your grandfather's gone.

No, no, he isn't.
I can see him in there.

Stop lying to me.

All right,
suppose it is true.

Suppose I really can
free him.

What do I get
in exchange?


All of me.

Ah, that's tempting,
but it's unorthodox.

I'm not a man
who makes deals.

Please, just this once,
for me.

You can take
anything you want.


Oh, that is nice.

First free my grandfather.All right.

Stay there, Gramps.
She's mine now. Walk away.

Shall we begin?

Hey! Yaah!

Stay away from her!

That's definitely
a deal breaker, Gramps.


Come on, come on.

Get in. Trust me.

What about your -No. You're the only father
I've ever had.

We have to go.

Celia... Go, go.


This is my house, Celia.

Celia, come on.

I'm your protector, Celia.

No, you aren't,
and you never helped me.

Come on.

Goodbye, Donovan.

Are you sure
you wanna do this?

I mean, you know,
the last time we used this thing...


All right.

Yeah, you know, it probably
lost its power or something.

Holy... Shit.

Are you getting this? Yeah.

"When you die,
I will come for you. Celia."