Le Petit Prince (2003) - full transcript

A Little Prince falls from the sky and finds a friend in a lost aviator.

I ask the indulgence of
the children for dedicating

this story to a grown-up,

but this grown-up is the best
friend I have in the world

I have another reason, this
grown-up can understand all

even books about children.

Besides he lives in a country
where I know he's hungry and cold.

If you only knew how
much this person needs

to be comforted...

If I can comfort him a
little with these words...

I hope you understand

but if these reasons aren't enough,

I shall dedicate this book to
the child that this man was.

All the grown-ups were once children.

All the grown-ups were once children.

All the grown-ups were once children.

All the grown-ups...

All the grown-ups were once children.

Were once children...

All the grown-ups were once children.


All the grown-ups were once children.

Although few of them remember it.

Few of them remember it.

Broken engine. Plane
stranded in the desert

maybe a thousand miles
from any inhabited region.

December 30th, 1935

The repair will be difficult.

Enough water for 8 days.

Well my dear...

You wanted to be a pilot,

here you are.

I wish I'd kept drawing boa snakes.

Do you know what that is?

Oh... It's a hat.

And that?

What is that?

It's a boa.

Did you do your maths homework?

Where are China, Japan and Arizona?

You'd better play something
else: golf, bridge...

Be sensible.

- One has to be sensible.
- It's a hat.

Don't forget to turn off the light.

He said "turn off the light".

My God, this child is hopeless...

You'll get a cold. Watch out for
draughts and put on your scarf.

Did my drawing frighten you?

Why should a hat frighten us?

I don't know why nobody sees

the elephant inside the boa.

So I lay aside all my pencils,

I put my strange drawings in a box

and finally found my vocation:

I learnt to pilot airplanes.

Grown-ups are tiresome

they don't understand,

they need explanations,

explanations all the time.

After meeting many people

I haven't changed my mind

I don't talk about stars anymore,

or about boas and tropical flowers.

Yet sometimes I still test them

with my drawing,

but the grown-ups answer

every time: "It's a hat!"

Then I talk about politics,

neckties, golf and horse races

and the grown-ups are pleased

to have met such a sensible man.

Did my drawing frighten you?

Why should a hat frighten us?

I don't know why nobody sees

beyond things, beyond themselves.

It's a hat! It's a hat!


never understand anything by themselves.

And it's tiresome for children

to be always explaining things to them.

If you please...

draw me a sheep.

Draw me a sheep.

What are you doing here?

If you please, draw me a sheep.

Oh! You know, I have studied geography,

history and arithmetic?
I don't know how to draw.

That doesn't matter. Draw me a sheep.


the only drawing I can make is that.

Come, come? Have a look.

No, I don't want an
elephant inside a boa.

Boas are very dangerous, and
elephants are very cumbersome.

Where I live, everything's small.

I need a sheep.

Draw me a sheep.

It looks sick. Make me another.

That's not a sheep,
that's a ram, it has horns.

It's too old.

I want a sheep that will live long.

This is a box. The sheep
you asked for is inside.

Oh! That's exactly the way I wanted it.

But do you think this
sheep will need much grass?

- Why?
- Because where I live everything's small.

Don't worry,

it is a very small sheep
that I have given you.

Not small enough.

Look, it's gone to sleep?

What is that object?

It is not an object,

It is an airplane. It flies.

It's my airplane.

What, did you drop down
from the sky as well?

Why, where are you
from, my little fellow?

The good thing with the box you gave me,

is that at night it
can use it as its house.

And I will give you a rope
to tie it up during the day.

- And a peg.
- But where do you think it would go?

Anywhere, straight ahead of it.

Do you also come from the sky?

Do you come from another planet?

Is it true that with those funny wings

no one can go very far?

Straight ahead

no one can go very, very far.

Straight ahead

I can't even go up to you.

What a strange idea to tie up

my sheep to your peg.

But if you don't,

it will wander off somewhere.

Straight ahead

no one can go very, very far.

Straight ahead

I can't even go up to you.

But where do you think it would go?

Anywhere, straight ahead of it.

It will never get lost

Where I live, everything's so small...

Straight ahead

no one can go very, very far.

Straight ahead

I can't even find my way to you.

Straight ahead

the road won't teach
us anything. One has to

get lost to be found.

I've made a friend!

He comes from another planet.

- How old is he?
- Has he got siblings?

- How much money does his father make?
- How much does he weigh?

But why don't you ask me

what his voice sounds like,

what games he loves best,

- if he collects butterflies?
- What do you mean?

Where does he live?

On a planet,

a small one,

with two active volcanoes,

which he cleans out carefully

because they're convenient for
heating his breakfast in the morning.

and an extinct volcano,

which he cleans out too.

- One never knows.
- One never knows.

He does that to avoid
volcanic eruptions,

which are like fires in a chimney.

What's this story? You
made it up, didn't you?

On planet Earth

the grown-ups are too small to
clean out their own volcanoes,

That's why they cause
so much trouble to them.

Third day in the desert.

The proof that the
little Prince existed,

is that he was charming,

that he laughed?

and that he was looking for a sheep.

If anybody wants a sheep,
that's a proof that he exists.

And he comes from Asteroid B612.

But that is... It is?

Children must be
patient with grown-ups.

I have serious reason to believe

that the planet from which
the little Prince came is

Asteroid B612.

That celestial body has been seen

only once in 1909

by a Turkish astronomer.

Then he presented

his discovery to a Congress, but

no one believed him

because of his costume.

Grown-ups are like that,

they don't know anything.

A Turkish dictator forced

his subjects, in 1920,

to change to European costume.

Then the astronomer could give

his demonstration again

in a very elegant dress

and this time evidently

everybody believed him. Nothing

was different, however,

except his costume.

Grown-ups are like that.

They only believe in what they see.

They are like that. They are like that.

Is it true that sheep eat bushes?

Yes, it's true.

Therefore, they also eat baobabs.

See, the baobabs

aren't bushes,

but trees as big as churches,

and even if you took a whole
herd of elephants away with you,

the herd would not eat
up one single baobab.

Before they grow so big, the baobabs
start out by being little, don't they?

Therefore sheep eat little baobabs.

Why do you want the sheep
to eat the little baobabs?


because if I let the little baobabs
grow big on my little planet,

there will be too many of them
and will split it in pieces.

It's terrible, this
matter of the baobabs.

Make a drawing to warn the
children of your planet.

We never know the danger
which lies in wait for us,

beneath our feet, above our heads.

The little seeds which
are invisible to us,

and some roots, can be terrible.

They sleep secretly underground

until some day they come to light.

We have to be quick
before they get settled,

the roots of evil, on our planets.

One never sees the
danger which may come,

bad plants from bad seeds.

As one must shower in the morning,

one must take care of their own planet.

Don't let it get too full

otherwise it will explode.

Children, I don't like to preach

but with these trees any
mistake could be fatal.

Watch out for baobabs,
they'll spread over the planet.

They'll choke it, they'll
split it, watch out for them.

You have to pull up them,
you have to uproot them.

Watch out for baobabs,
above all you can't attend it

later, because later is too late.

Watch out for baobabs,
you have to behead them.

Watch out for baobabs,
they'll spread over the planet.

They'll choke it, they'll
split it, keep an eye on them.

You must suppress them,
you must uproot them.

Watch out for baobabs,
above all you can't attend it

later, because later is too late.

Watch out for baobabs,
make a clean sweep.

Watch out for baobabs,

they'll spread over the planet.

Watch out for baobabs.

Watch out for baobabs,

they'll spread over the planet.

Watch out for baobabs,
they'll spread over the planet.

They'll choke it, they'll
split it, you must destroy them.

Destroy them and kill
them. Annihilate them.

Watch out for baobabs,
above all you can't attend it

later because later is too late.

Watch out for baobabs,
you must stop them.

Watch out for baobabs,
they'll spread over the planet.

Watch out for baobabs,
above all you can't attend it

later because later is too late.

Watch out for baobabs,
you must stop them.

You're right,

little baobabs shouldn't
be let grow big.

Under some circumstances,

on some planets,

they can be seriously dangerous.

You look melancholy.

I like sunsets.

Let's go look at the sunset!

- But we must wait.
- Wait for what?

For the sunset!

Where I live...

everything's so small that I
just move my chair a few steps,

and I can see the
sunset whenever I want.

One day,

I saw the sunset forty-four times?

When one is sad,

they like the sunset.

On that day, then,

were you very sad?

Fourth day in the desert.

If a sheep eats bushes,

does it eat flowers too?

A sheep eats everything.

Even flowers that have thorns?

Even flowers that have thorns.

Then what use are the thorns?

What use are the thorns?

They're useless.

Flowers have thorns just for spite.

I don't believe you.

Flowers are weak, they are naive.

They reassure themselves
as best they can.

They think their thorns
make them look frightful?

- Then, do you believe that flowers?
- No, I don't believe anything.

I answered thoughtlessly.
I'm a serious man.

A serious man?

You speak like the grown-ups!

I know a planet

where a man who only
adds up figures lives.

He's never smelled a flower,
he's never looked at a star,

and like you, he keeps repeating:

"I am a serious man, I am a serious man"

and that makes him proud,

but he isn't a man,

- he's a mushroom.
- A what?

A mushroom!

Flowers have been growing
thorns for million years,

for millions of years the sheep
have been eating them just the same.

and isn't the warfare between the
sheep and the flowers a serious matter?

If you love a flower,

of which just one single blossom grows

in all the millions
and millions of stars,

it is enough to make you
happy just to look at them.

You can say to yourself: "My
flower is somewhere out there".

But if a sheep eats the flower,

in one moment all the
stars will be darkened!

And isn't that serious?

The flower that you
love is not in danger.

I'll draw a muzzle for your sheep,

I will draw you a railing
to put around your flower.

Look... Look!


Come on, look...

Come on, wait. Wait.

On my planet, flowers
have always existed.

Very simple flowers with
only one ring of petals,

which take up no room at all
and are a trouble to nobody.

But one day my flower came up,

from a seed blown from
no one knows where.

At first I was afraid that it
might be a new kind of baobab,

but it soon stopped growing

and produced a flower
with an enormous button.

Hidden in its green room,

sheltered, it kept

choosing its colours with great care

to slowly dress its heart.

It adjusted its own petals one by one

to form a corset of satin.

When I'm near it

I feel a miracle coming,

a sun

came to brighten my planet.

I'd only seen fragile flowers

until this sprout appeared,

flowers which took up no room at all

and passed away without a trace.

But with its touching manners

this one looks so different.

When I'm near it

I feel a miracle coming,

a sun

came to brighten my planet.

Little seed lost in the universe

that found its place on my land,

so full of love and ready

to be born as beautiful as the day.

When I'm near it

I feel a miracle coming,

a sun

came to brighten my planet.

When I'm near it?

- You're beautiful.
- Am I not?

You are beautiful, but complicated.

Ah! I've just got up.

Ah! I beg your pardon.

Ah! My hair is a mess.

But I was born at the
same moment as the sun.

She is beautiful, but quite a liar.

Ah! If it doesn't bother you too much,

Ah! Could you bring me

the breakfast?

I would like a few drops of dew.

She is beautiful, but a little bizarre.

Ah! With my four thorns,

Ah! I won't let anyone take me,

I am not afraid of tigers.

They can come any time, I
know how to defend myself.

She is beautiful, but a little vain.

Ah! I am always a little cold.

Ah! I fear droughts.

I'd like someone to
think of my needs so much.

Perhaps you have a screen?


And there are no tigers on my planet,

and tigers don't eat weeds.

I am not a weed.

However, at night

- will you put me under a glass globe?
- Huh?

It's very cold here.

All is set badly. In
the place I come from?

Excuse me!

Those are wild geese!

Yes, yes!

Ah, I won't listen to her anymore.

Ah, I'd better run away,

I will take the first flight of
wild geese that accept to carry me.

Well, I'm leaving.

I've cleaned out the volcanoes.

Do you want your glass
globe for the night?


Goodbye. And try to be happy

I wasted time.

We're so silly

when we hide

our feelings.

And now you're leaving

I ask your forgiveness.

I should have told you

long ago

how much I love you.

Go. Go away at once

I will learn without you

to love the wind,

the cool air of the night.

I will learn without you

with the caterpillars

and the butterflies

I'll be passing time.

Don't linger, goodbye,

and try to be happy.

- Here comes a subject.
- But you've never seen me before!

- But all men are my subjects.
- Oh, that's good.

Don't yawn!

- But I am tired?
- Don't speak!

And don't sit down!

but I am tired, your Majesty,

and I'm already bored.
And I think I'll leave.

No, wait?

I order you to yawn,

I order you to speak,

I order you to sit down,

and to ask me questions.

I order you to stop!

I rule over everything

which is around us,

I'm the universal monarch

of the stars and the sky

and I don't tolerate


My orders are reasonable,

one can trust me.

On the other hand, if I ordered

a general

to fly from a flower to another,

or if I wanted my subjects

to throw themselves into the sea,

if they didn't obey

and rebelled against me,

they would be right,

and the one to be wrong,

of course, would be me.

Authority rests

first of all on reason.

One has to ask others

what others can give.

- And over what do you rule?
- Over everything.

I am an absolute and universal monarch.

And the stars obey you as well?

Of course.

I do not tolerate indiscipline.

Then, do me a favour.

Order the sun to set.

I shall command it,

but being a wise governor, I'll wait

until conditions are favourable.

And when will that be?



twenty minutes to eight.

You will see how well I'm obeyed, then.

I see. I'm leaving now.

No, don't leave, I will
make you a Minister...

of Justice.

But there's no one else on your planet!

Then you shall judge yourself.

It is much more difficult to
judge oneself than to judge others.

I can judge myself anywhere

I don't need to live here. Goodbye.

No, wait...

I think that somewhere there's
an old rat. I hear it at night.

From time to time you
will condemn it to death,

but you will pardon it on each occasion,
because it's the only one we have.

I don't like to condemn anyone to death,

and now I think I'll go away.


Order me, for example, to be
gone by the end of one minute.


I made you my Ambassador. Go...

The grown-ups are very strange.

Here comes an admirer.

That's a conceited man.

You have a strange hat.

It is to raise in salute when
people acclaim me. Clap your hands.

I like those who throw flowers at me

I like the light of the spotlights

I like flatterers, I like honours

I even like liars

when they tell me what I want to hear,

what I can achieve.

I like compliments,

the warmth of applause,

I like glory and all its considerations.

I like the patter...

If I listen to myself, I
feel like there's nothing

more interesting than my voice.

I am the handsomest

I am the richest

I am the funniest.

It's me, it's me.

I am the best

on this planet

but I am the only one

to realize it.

I love it when others love me,

so clap your hands.
Admire me nevertheless,

you will give me pleasure

I love it when others love me.

I admire you,

but what's the point in that?

The grown-ups are very bizarre.

What are you doing there?

You look so sad!

I can't see clearly. You
are on my funny planet:

all is twisted, all is
fuzzy, I'm all upside down.

For my own pain, I collect,
empty bottles and full bottles.

You came here wondering
what I'm doing...

- I drink to forget.
- But you drink to forget what?

- Forget that I'm ashamed
- Ashamed of what?

- Ashamed of drinking!
- Then pour yourself another glass...

I drink to forget, to
forget that I drink.

The grown-ups are very, very odd.


Your cigarette has gone out.


Three and two make five,
five and seven make twelve,

and twelve and three
make fifteen. Hello.

Twenty-two and six make twenty-eight.
I have no time to light it again.

Twenty-six and five
make thirty- one.

Then that makes five hundred and one
millions, six hundred twenty-two thousand...

- ...seven hundred thirty-one. -
Five hundred and one millions of what?

Oh, you're still there... Five
hundred and one millions of?

- I don't remember.
- Five hundred and one millions of what?

I have to work, I can't waste my time

- with balderdash.
- Millions of what?

Do not disturb me. Two and five
make seven. I'm a serious man.

Five hundred and one
millions of what? Stars?

Millions of stars

that set lazy men to idle dreaming,

and that I count and recount.

I am a serious man, I need

I need to own things to reassure myself.

I have to be rich in order to exist.

Millions of stars

that I can only count.

Me, who has never had dreams.

Three and two make five and
five and seven make twelve

and twelve and three make fifteen.

Fifteen and seven make twenty-two.
Twenty-two and six make twenty-eight

Twenty-six and five
make thirty-one,

Then that makes five
hundred and one millions,

six hundred and twenty-two thousand
seven hundred and thirty-one?

Of stars, I know.

I saw a king who owned a star.

Kings do not own.

They reign over, it's
a very different matter.

How is it possible for
one to own the stars?

They belong to me,

because I was the first
person to think of it.

That's true, but you
can't pluck the stars

as I can pluck a flower
and take it away with me.

No, but I can put them in the bank.

On a little paper I write

the number of my stars
and lock it up in a drawer.

That's quite poetic,

but it's not very serious indeed.

I clean out my volcanoes
and water my flower,

so it is of some use to my volcanoes and it
is of some use to my flower, that I own them.

But you are of no use to the stars.

I'd like to go see other places.

There's a pretty planet.

That's a small and absurd planet.

What's the use, in the sky, of a
planet which has no houses or people,

except for a street
lamp and a lamplighter?

It may well be that this man is absurd,

but he's still less
absurd than the rest of you

because, when he lights his street lamp,

it is as if he brought one more
star to life, or one flower.

When he puts out his lamp, he sends
the star and the flower to sleep.

It is a beautiful
occupation and truly useful.

Moreover, it's beautiful. Goodbye.

The grown-ups are quite extraordinary.

Why are you putting it out?

- You had just lighted it.
- Those are the orders.

I put out my lamp and light it at once

Those are the orders,
good day, good night.

I light my lamp and put it out again.

Those are the orders,
good day, good night.

My job is awful, I never use my brain,

I'm never free, I obey
without saying anything.

Orders are orders.

Good day, good night,
good day, good night.

I regret the time when I only had

to put it out in the morning
and light it at night.

From year to year the planet has turned

faster and faster every day and
the orders have not been changed.

Good day, good night.

And now it makes a complete
turn in sixty seconds

And I don't have in this world

a moment of peace anymore.
Good day, good night.

I put out my lamp and light it at once

Those are the orders,
good day, good night.

I light my lamp and put it out again.

Those are the orders,
good day, good night.

At least he isn't only
concerned with himself.

If he had had room for two,

I would have liked to
make friends with him.

And sixty sunsets an hour make?

one thousand, four hundred
and forty sunsets a day!

I'll return there.

That's a big planet.

Here comes an explorer.

What's that big book?
What are you doing?

I am a geographer,

and I note down the
recollections of the explorers.

Your planet is beautiful.

- Are there any oceans?
- I wouldn't know.

Any mountains, cities, streams, deserts?

- I wouldn't know.
- But aren't you a geographer?


but I'm not an explorer.

Geographers are much too
important to go travelling around.

They can't leave their studies,

but they receive the explorers there,

and if the recollections of
any among them seem interesting,

then geographers order an inquiry

- into that explorer's moral character.
- Why is that?

If the explorer told lies,

can't you see the
disaster it would bring?

If he is a drunkard,

he'll see double,

he will see two mountains

where there's only one.

And you, do you come from far away?

I am going to note
down your recollection,

first in pencil,

then in ink when you
have furnished proofs.

- What proofs?
- It is very simple.

If someone tells me, for example,

they discovered a big mountain,

I ask them to bring me

a few big stones.


Where I live, everything's small,

I have two active volcanoes,

- an extinct volcano...
- I'm noting it down, one never knows.

I also have a flower.

We don't record flowers,

they are ephemeral.

We only write of eternal things,

which never die.

What does that mean, "ephemeral"?

It means?

It means? "in danger of
speedy disappearance".

My flower is ephemeral,

and it has only four thorns to
defend itself against the world!

And I left it all alone!

I have to learn about the deserts,

and the sources that
gush from the ground,

the oceans the rivers

and the islands planted under the sea,

and I dream of volcanoes that roar

in incandescent streams,

of sailboats anchored to the waves

in the Fortieth Roaring.

I take notes.

Within a notebook,

my horizon spreads.

This office is my prison

I take notes

I don't live anything
I don't see anything

I live all by proxy,

an immobile traveller

through your explorations.

I take notes,

I only write of eternal things.

I take notes,

I don't care about the precarious things

that fill up the earth and the sky,

the poems and the dictionaries.

I take notes,

but I don't know
anything about my planet,

I don't even know a river,

I hardly know where my borders are...

Stuck in an office I take notes.

I shouldn't have listened to it.

Never listen to flowers.

Only look at them and
breathe their fragrance.

My flower perfumed all my planet,

but I didn't know how
to take pleasure in it.

That tale of claws, which
disturbed me so much,

should have filled me with tenderness.

I couldn't understand.

I should have judged it by deeds

and not by words.

It cast her fragrance
and her radiance over me.

I shouldn't have run away.

I should have guessed all the affection
that lay behind its rough words.

Flowers are so contradictory.

I was too young to know how to love it.

We don't record such things.

What place would you
advise me to visit now?

Planet Earth.

It has a good reputation.

The seventh planet
will then be the Earth.

The Earth is not just
an ordinary planet,

One can count there a
hundred and eleven kings

not forgetting the black king.

- How strange?
- Seven thousand geographers,

nine hundred thousand businessmen

seven million and a half drunkards

three hundred eleven
million conceited men,

that is to say

two billions grown-ups.

The Earth in this universe

with its elementary particles,

this mystery of the atmosphere.

Its seas, its deserts

a light drop of mud lost in the air,

where the people stand upright,

hung on to the light
of their lonely star.

An angry planet in the solar system,


is what the Earth is,
with its light-years

and its lamplighters.

To give you an idea of
the size of the Earth,

I will tell you that before
the invention of electricity

it was necessary to maintain there,
over the whole of the six continents,

a veritable army

of four hundred and sixty-two
thousand, five hundred and eleven


Seen from a slight distance,

that would make a splendid effect.

The Earth

a light drop of mud lost in the air

where the people stand upright

for the time of lightning.

The Earth in this universe

ridiculous and proud


which doesn't like to keep quiet,

this nourishing mother

that buries us

is the Earth

the Earth.

Those are sheep! I'll go there!


We want to believe in eternal things

to forget all the precarious things

that fill up the earth and the sky,

the poems and the dictionaries

because we are ephemeral,

near our end, which threatens us,

chain explosions,

love and temporary glory.


If only we had enough wisdom

to take things less seriously

and learn to be more detached...


in love with the temporary madness

which makes us hope for heaven

and yet, ties us to the ground.


in our prayers we find a
meaning to our destinies

so uncertain...

We want to believe in eternal things

to forget all the precarious things

that only remind us

of our condition of mortals.


trapped by the greenhouse effect

like fragile bugs who were just born

to die out in the daylight.


If we only had enough wisdom

to take things less seriously

and to learn to be more detached...


in love with the temporary madness

which makes us hope for heaven

and yet, ties us up to the ground.


to finally end up in the desert

being not bigger than a grain of sand.

Good evening.

What planet is this on
which I have come down?

This is the Earth; this is Africa.

Where are the human beings?

This is the desert

There are no people in the desert.

The Earth is large.

I know, there are two
billions of inhabitants

and an army of 472511 lamplighters

on six continents, which would make a
splendid effect if seen from a distance,

like an opera ballet.

First the lamplighters

- from New Zealand, from Australia?
- Careful...

when one wishes to play the wit,

he sometimes wanders a
little from the truth.

You'll give a false idea of the planet

to those who don't know it.

Human beings occupy a very
small space upon Earth.

If all its inhabitants stood
upright and were crowded together,

they could all be piled up

on the smallest Pacific island.

The grown-ups will never believe you.

They think they're as
important as the baobabs.

I wonder if the stars are set alight

so that one day each one of
us may find their own again.

Look at my planet,

it's right there above us.

How far away it is?

It's beautiful. But what
has brought you here?

I have been having
some trouble with a flower.

A flower?

No, that's a flower with three petals,

a flower of no account
at all. Mine is ephemeral.

Where are the men? It is a
little lonely in the desert.

It is also lonely among men.

You're a strange
animal. You have no legs.

You cannot even travel.

Oh, I could carry you farther
than any ship could take you.

Whatever I touch,

I send back to the earth
from whence it came.

You are pure, you come from a
star, but you move me to pity.

You are so weak on this
earth made of granite.

I can help you some day, if you grow too
homesick for your own planet. I can...

Oh, I understand you very well.

But why do you always speak in riddles?

I solve them all.

- Hello.
- Hello.

- Where are the men?
- Oh, the men!

I think there are six or
seven of them in existence.

I saw them, several years ago,

but no one ever knows
where to find them.

The wind blows them away,

they have no roots. That makes
their lives very difficult.

- Good-bye.
- Good- bye.

I am going to climb this high mountain.

- You know? ouch!
- Oh, sorry!

I'd never seen a mountain like this.

I've got three volcanoes
which come up my knees.

Your knees?

From its top, I'll be able to see
the whole planet at one glance,

and all the people.

- Hello.
- Hello? Hello? Hello?

- Who are you?
- Who are you? Who are you?

- Be my friends...
- My friends?

- I am all alone.
- I am all alone.

- Hello.
- Hello? Hello? Hello?

- Who are you?
- Who are you? Who are you?

- Be my friends...
- My friends?

- I am all alone.
- I am all alone.

This Earth is a strange planet

It's all dry, pointed and salty,

and the people have no imagination,

they repeat whatever one says to them?

- Hello.
- Hello? Hello? Hello?

- Who are you?
- Who are you? Who are you?

- Be my friends...
- My friends?

- I am all alone.
- I am all alone.

- Alone...
- Alone...

On my planet I had a flower.

She was always speaking...

Ah! I've just got up.

Ah! I beg your pardon.

Ah! My hair is a mess.

But I was born at the
same moment as the sun.

Ah! If it doesn't bother you too much,

Ah! Could you bring me

the breakfast?

I would like a few drops of dew.

My flower told me that
in all the universe

she was the only one of her
kind. But it wasn't true.

There are thousands like her.

Ah! If my flower saw you she
would be very much annoyed

and to avoid being laughed at

she would cough and pretend she's dying.

And I'd be forced to pretend that
I was nursing her back to life

otherwise, to humble myself also,

she would really allow herself to die.

I thought I was rich with
a flower that was unique

but all I have is a common
rose. That, and my volcanoes

doesn't make me a very great prince.

Ah! With my four thorns,

Ah! I won't let anyone take me,

I am not afraid of tigers.

They can come any time, I
know how to defend myself.

Ah! I am always a little cold.

Ah! I fear droughts.

I'd like someone to think
of my needs so much...

Perhaps you have a screen?

I thought I was rich with
a flower that was unique

but all I have is a common rose.

That, and three volcanoes
that come up to my knees,

and one of which is
perhaps extinct forever,

doesn't make me a very great prince?


Hello! Who are you?
You look very pretty.

I'm a fox.

Come and play with me, I'm so sad.

I can't play with you,

I am not tamed.

Excuse me. What does that mean, "tame"?

You do not live here...

- What is it that you are looking for?
- I'm looking for men.

What does that mean, "tame"?

Men? They have guns and they hunt.

It's an embarrassing thing.

They also raise chickens.
These are their only interests.

Are you looking for chickens?

I'm looking for friends.

What does that mean, "tame"?

It is an act too often neglected.

It means to establish ties.

- To establish ties?
- Just that.

You're nothing more
than a little boy to me

who is just like a hundred
thousand other little boys,

and I don't need you.
And you don't need me too,

I'm nothing more than a fox to you,
like a hundred thousand other foxes.

But if you tame me, we
shall need each other.

To me, you'll be
unique in all the world,

To you, I shall be
unique in all the world.

There's a flower... I
think that it has tamed me.

It's possible.

On the Earth one sees
all sorts of things.

Oh, but this is not on the Earth.

- On another planet?
- Yes.

Are there any hunters on that planet?

- No.
- That's interesting!

- Are there chickens?
- No.

Nothing is perfect.


tame me.

I would really like to,

but I don't have much time,

I have friends to discover

and a lot of things to understand.

One only understands the
things that one tames.

If you want to play with me

you have to tame me

and establish a tie little by little,

so we can get close to each other,

otherwise, to me you'll be

nothing more than a little boy.

And to you, who don't know me,

I'll be nothing more than a fox.

Tame me please

if you need a friend,

and in the end

you'll be unique to me.

But if you tame me

my life will shine like the sun

I'll recognize the
sound of your footsteps,

and they'll call me out of my burrow,

and the golden wheat fields

will remind me of you.

I shall love the sound of the wind

that will blow in those fields.

Tame me please

if you need a friend,

and in the end

you'll be unique to me.

One only understands

the things that one tames.

But men have no more time

to stop for a while when they meet.

They look for all ready made things,

but there's no shop
where one can buy friends,

where all ready made friendship is sold.

So men have no friends anymore.

Tame me please

if you need a friend,

and in the end

you'll be unique to me.

We'll meet at a fixed hour

and dress out our hearts

and the moments we share

will teach me the price of happiness.

What should I do?

You must be very patient.

At first you'll sit down

at a little distance from me,

I'll look at you out of
the corner of my eye?

- And?
- And you won't say anything.

Words are the source
of misunderstandings.

But day after day,

you will to sit a little closer to me.

- I'm going to leave.
- Oh!

I shall cry.

It's your fault. I never
wished you any sort of harm,

but you wanted me to tame you.

- Yes, that is so.
- But now you're going to cry!

- Yes, that is so.
- Then it has done you no good at all!

It has done me good

because of the colour of the wheat.

Go and look again at the roses.

You'll understand now
that yours is unique.

You are not at all like my rose.

even if an ordinary passer-by

could claim the opposite.

You are nothing,

no one has tamed you,

you haven't tamed anyone.

If you don't make friends

you aren't unique in all the world.

You're beautiful but you are empty.

One could not die for you,

and in herself alone, my rose

is more important than all of you,

because it's she that I have watered

because it's she that I have protected

because it's she that I have
listened to, because she's my rose.

Before leaving I'll tell you a secret:

it is only with the heart
that one can see rightly,

We need to understand
that what is essential

is invisible to the eye.

If men have forgotten this truth,

you must not forget it.

It's the time you have
spent with your rose

that makes your rose so important.

You become responsible forever

for what you have tamed.

Then I am responsible
for my rose forever,

- because it's she that I have watered
- Watered...

- because it's she that I have protected
- Protected...

because it's she that I have
listened to. Because she's my rose.

Because she's your rose.

- because it's she that I have sheltered.
- Sheltered...

- because it's she that I have reassured.
- Reassured...

because it's she that I have
loved. Because she's my rose.

Because she's your rose.

Because it's her,

because she's my rose.

- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.

Don't forget my secret.

It is only with the heart
that one can see rightly

It is only with the heart
that one can see rightly

What is essential is
invisible to the eye.

What is essential is
invisible to the eye.

It's the time you have
spent with your rose?

It's the time I have spent with my rose?

- ?that makes your rose so important.
- ?that makes my rose so important.

What is essential is
invisible? with the heart.

Fox? Fox?


- Hello!
- Hello!

- What do you do here?
- I'm a railway switchman.

I sort out travellers
in bundles of a thousand,

I send off the trains that carry them,

Now to the right, now to the left.

They're in a hurry. What
are they looking for?

Not even the locomotive
engineer knows that,

They're already coming back.

Those aren't the same ones.
It is an exchange.

Weren't they satisfied where they were?

No one is ever satisfied where he is.

Are they pursuing the first travellers?

They are pursing nothing at all.

They're asleep in there,

or at least they are yawning.

Only the children are flattening
their noses against the windowpanes

Only the children know
what they're looking for.

They waste their time over a rag doll,

and it becomes very important to them.

And if anybody takes it
away from them, they cry.

They are lucky.

Come and get the pills by Doctor Wish,

come and get the pills against thirst!

- Hello!
- Hello!

- And you, who are you?
- I sell pills

that quench thirst.

Come and get the pills by Doctor Wish,

come and get the pills against thirst!

Come and get the pills by Doctor Wish,

you only need to swallow one a week,

and you'll no longer
feel the need to drink.

Why are you selling those pills?

Because they make people save time.

Come and get the pills by Doctor Wish,

come and get the pills against thirst!

You only need to swallow one a week

and you'll no longer
feel any need to drink.

Come and get the pills by Doctor Wish,

you can save fifty-three
minutes per week,

according to experts.

And what do I do with
those fifty-three minutes?

Well... I don't know! You
can do... anything you like.

If I had fifty-three
minutes to spend as I like,

I'd walk at my leisure
towards a fountain.

I'll go back to the desert.

I like the desert better.

Draw me a sheep.

But what are you doing there?

Draw me a sheep. It's for my flower,

to protect it from the baobabs.

But I also need a muzzle,

to protect my flower from the sheep.

You know, it also eats thorns...

Do you understand? I'm
responsible for my rose.

Eighth day in the desert.

No more water.

No chance to find a well

in this immensity.

You're thinking about your rose.

It shines on you like
the light of a lamp,

even when you're asleep.

The stars are beautiful

because of a flower that cannot be seen.

I love the desert.

I've always loved the desert.

One see nothing, hears nothing,

and yet through the silence
something throbs, and gleams.

What makes the desert beautiful,

is that it hides a well somewhere.

Then you're thirsty too?

Water can be good for the heart.

Let's look for a well, then.

At random, in the desert?

What are you looking at?

At the reflection of
the well in the stars.


I'll carry him with me like a treasure.

When he's asleep

I'll feel what's hidden
behind appearance,

behind the body.

To take the road, to walk again

to look for the stream

to find the wells

of rainwater.

To follow a star

to find our way back a thousand times

in the desert.

To hold the hand that knows the path

on this earth.

Lost and bewildered one hopes

to look for the stream

to find the wells

of rainwater

dead tired.

To touch the sky

to see what's essential

to look for the stream

to find the wells

of rainwater

dead tired.

To touch the sky

to see what's essential

in the Great Bear

or in the infinity.

To look for the meaning of life.

How strange. That's not
like the wells of the Sahara.

There's a pulley, a
rope, and a bucket...

It's like a well in a village,

but there is no village here.

Do you hear? We have wakened the well

and it's singing.

I am thirsty for this water.
Give me some of it to drink.

It's as sweet as some
special festival treat.

It's something different
from ordinary nourishment.

Its sweetness was born of
the walk under the stars,

the song of the pulley,
the effort of my arms?

It's good for the heart, like a present.

When I was a child,

the lights of the Christmas tree,

the music of the midnight Mass,

the sweetness of the smiling faces

made the Christmas
presents I received radiant.

The men where you live

raise five thousand
roses in the same garden,

and yet don't find what
they're looking for.

They don't find it.

And yet what they're looking for

could be found in one single
rose or in a little water.

But their eyes are blind.

One must look with the heart.

Then you don't remember...

Yes, yes it's the right day,

but this is not the place.

You just have to wait for
me, I'll be there tonight.

Have you got good poison?

Are you sure that it will
not make me suffer too long?

What does it mean? Why are
you talking with snakes?

Draw me a muzzle

for my sheep.

Don't forget I'm
responsible for my rose.


You aren't fair,

I can only draw boas from the inside

- and boas from the outside.
- Oh that will do!

Children understand?

Little fellow,

do you have plans that
I do not know about?

You know, my descent to the Earth,

tomorrow will be its anniversary...

I came down very near here.

Then it was not by chance that on
the morning when I first met you

eight days ago you were
strolling along like that, alone,

a thousand miles from
any inhabited region?

You were on your way back to
the place where you landed.

Perhaps it was because
of the anniversary?

Tonight, it will be a year.

My star will be right above the place

where I came to the Earth, a year ago.

The snake has promised? to help me.

You know, we'll meet every day.

It will be as it is with the flower.

If you love a flower
that lives on a star,

it is sweet to look at the sky at night.

- All the stars are a-bloom
with flowers. - Of course.

It will be as it is with the water.

What you gave me to
drink was like music,

because of the sound of
the pulley and the rope.

- Do you remember? It was good.
- It was.

You'll look up at the stars at night.

My home is too small for me to show you.

My star will just be one
of the stars, for you.

But since I shall be
laughing in one of them, then

it will be as if all
the stars were laughing,

it will be as if, instead
of the stars, I've given you

a heap of little bells
which know how to laugh.

My Little Prince who come from the sky,

from the stars and the swallows

you knew how to give back wings

to my illusions of mortal.

I came down out of nowhere

out of an unknown planet.

I'll leave

but I'll never forget you.

We'll meet every day

in this wilderness of stones.

What's essential is invisible

to the eye of insensitive souls.

And even if I leave the scene

and even if I seem dead

you'll know it won't be true

because we have all eternity.

We all have a rose in our hearts,

volcanoes that frightened us

and sunsets

our ancient demons and our wonders.

We'll meet every day

in this wilderness of stones

where what's essential is invisible

to the eye of insensitive souls.

To us, who understand life,

to be important doesn't matter..

We only wanted a friend

even if we'll have
to let him go one day.

We'll meet every day

in this wilderness of stones

where what's essential is invisible

to the eye of insensitive souls.

I came down out of nowhere,

out of an unknown planet.

I'll leave

but I'll never forget you.

Don't come. I shall look sick.

I shall look as if in pain.

I shall look as if I were dead,

and that won't be true.

Do you understand? It's too far away.

I can't carry this body with me,

it's too heavy.

But it will be like
an old abandoned shell.

I won't leave you.

There's nothing sad about old shells...

It will be very nice, you know.

I'll look up at the stars as well.

All stars will be wells
with a rusty pulley.

All the stars will pour me some water.

You know, I'm responsible for my flower.

It's so weak.

It only has four thorns to
protect itself against the world.

There now. That's all.

The loveliest and saddest

landscape in the world

is the place where he vanished

like the lightning which disappears

in a flash,

in one second,

exactly as he had appeared.

But if one day your wanderings take you

to this desert,

if you find yourselves

right under that star,

wait a little, if by chance

you see a child coming towards you.

If his hair is golden,

you will know who he is.

Be kind then,

don't leave me in sadness,

send me word that he has come back.

The loveliest and saddest

landscape of the world

is the place where you vanished.