Lakshya (2004) - full transcript

Karan is a lazy good-for-nothing who lives on the generated income of his father and elder brother at their family business. Karan's days: hang out with buddies and romance a woman named Romi. When he watches an action movie, he decides to enlist in the army with a friend, but basic training proves to be too much of a bother and he shortly abandons it, thus making him lose respect on the home front. Romi also stops respecting him. Karan decides he must re-join the army and show his family and Romi that he, too, is focused upon the path he has to take in this lifetime, but will he be resilient enough to carry out this task? - stop by if you're interested in the nutritional composition of food
Good Lt. Karan Shergill
- Yes sir

Welcome to 3 Punjab

You've been assigned to him
- Yes sir

Are his quarters ready?
- Yes sir - Good

You have to report to
the regiment CO right away

Come with me
- Yes sir

Come in

Wait here
- Yes sir

Sir, Lt. Shergill is outside

March him in

Lt. Shergill, march in

Carry on Sathish


Lt. Shergill reporting sir

At ease

Karan, come here


What do you think...
is this frame straight?


Does the frame look straight?

Sir, it's a bit...

With your permission sir
- Yes... yes.

Now it's straight, sir


Things don't feel right
unless they're perfect

Karan Shergill
- Sir

Be at the mess by 1900 hrs,
the officers will be there

- Yes sir

Carry on


Maj. Kaushal Verma

We heard you were coming today

Through the IMA?
- Yes sir

Is Lt. Col Pratap Singh
still at the Academy? - Yes sir

He's an old friend...
Pratap "Discipline" Singh!

Akbar... Mishra... come here

Morning sir
- Morning boys

Meet Lt. Karan Shergill
- Sir - Hi - Hi

Meet Capt. Jalal Akbar
He's from the IMA too

Which course, sir?

91 course NDA, 100 course IMA

This is Capt. Sudhir Mishra
He's a doctor

You're getting very fit
these days, doc?

Jogging a lot!

Sir, I worry about Akbar

Won't he need a doctor
if he faints en-route?

Your bag is kept inside

Go, have a look

At what?
- The bag or the room?

The room of-course!!

He must have seen his bag before

You go ahead, Karan

These two are always at it

Right sir
- See you

Now, the front will become exciting
When is the Bachelors party?

Whenever you want, sir
- How about tonight?

Hey Karan, Good evening,
come on in

Good evening sir
- Hi

Meet Capt. Manjit Dhingra

Hello, nice to meet you
- Nice to meet you

Lt. Vishal Srivatsav

and Capt. Ramanna

My God! Did you guys see that?
Ramanna actually smiled!

Didn't say much as usual
but smile he did!

Excuse me sir
- Yeah... yeah

Meet Maj. Binod Sengupta

Hello sir
- Hello Karan

And this is...
- We've already met, sir


Akbar, you're going
to Post 21 tomorrow?

Yes sir

I want the Operation Log and
analysis by tomorrow evening

Right sir

Take Karan along with you

It's time you saw what
you've been sent here to defend

Yes sir

Come on

Take it
- Thank you sir

You see that

These trophies, medals, certificates

They were won in different
battles, on different fronts

by the brave officers and
men of this regiment

Sometimes at the cost of their lives

This regiment has always
given the nation and its army

news of success and victory

From this moment on,
you are a part of it's legacy

these trophies belong to you too

It is your duty to preserve
their honor and dignity

And to help you do that

you have the blessings and
faith of a billion people

A billion people...

who trust us to stay awake
so they may sleep

This trust is a great
honor and a great responsibility

You understand
- Yes sir


Cheers gentlemen
- Cheers sir

Hey, buck up

To the net! Get to the net!
Hey come on

...get upto the net! Not under it!

What's the score?
Is anyone winning?

Good morning sir
- Hey, morning

Shall I put your clothes in the room?

Yes and... keep the keys with you

- No

Girl friend?
- I don't know Shall we go, sir?

Sure, let's go

Good morning Sir!
- You go ahead

Aren't you playing today?

No, Pritam Singh, Sahib

Karan, this is Sgt. Maj. Pritam Singh,
he is Lt. Shergill

Welcome, sir

Pritam Singh is a very good man
and a respected veteran

It's officers like you
that have taught me all I know

We should get going now

Hail India (Jai Hind)
- Jai Hind

This is the last Indian village
before the Line of Control

Soopra village

- Hello

Where are you from?


The Capital

I'm from Maliyabad

Ever heard of it?
- Yes, sir

When was that?

Just now sir, from you!

This highway goes along
the river from Srinagar to Leh

It's the only link
between Kashmir and Ladakh

You see those mountains?

The LOC is behind that range

and across it are Pakistani posts

You'll see it today

Everything okay here?
- Yes, sir. Nothing to worry

Where's Capt. Ravindran?
- In the bunker, sir

Allright, carry on

Do you see the Pakistani
post over there?

Wow! Unbelievable

That pillar marks the LOC

and from here to there
is no man's land...

Not ours Not theirs

Even so, we exchange
fire almost every day

If there's firing
we also retaliate

That's amazing

It's like I've always known,
but somehow...

I've never felt this Indian before

I'm an Indian

I still remember seeing
these borders for the first time

I understand how you must feel

Come, let's go

I have been moved by
the affection and hospitality...

...extended to me...

...and the delegation
of eminent persons...

...who accompanied me

Jammu and Kashmir is one
of the issues...

...we are discussing...

...within the framework of
our composite dialogue

You were watching our live
telecast from the Wagah border

This is a historic day

Today, India and Pakistan
can hope that these steps...

will bridge the distance
that has long divided us

Stay tuned for the news
in English, Thank you

Out. - Guruvindhar, was that okay?
- Perfect

Romila, call for you

Thank you

Hi Rajiv, tell me?

I've to read the news at 8,
lets meet after that

Okay, bye


This must be special
- What do you mean?

I mean, we met by chance

kept running into each other

and now we're more than good friends

There must be something special
- Perhaps

How about getting married?

What do you think?

Rajiv, its very sweet of you

We're friends, why not
leave it at that?

Do you plan on marrying
someone you hate?

Look, it's not like you
don't know me or don't like me...

I hope
- Of course I like you

You know it

Then what's the problem?

I haven't thought about marriage

So give it a thought now

Okay, say you'll think of it
Or is it asking too much?

No, it's not that

I'll think about it

Hi mom

When did you come?
- A little while ago

- I've eaten

What're you reading?

Have a lecture at 9 tomorrow,
Just making some notes

Rajiv asked me to marry him

What did you say?

What should I have said?

I think... whatever it was
you and Karan shared's in the past?

It's something like that

What do you think?

You can't spend the
rest of your life in mourning

That's true but...

But what?


Come on! Come on

Good shot

Well done Karan! Well done

Come on! Come on

Hello sir
- Hi Karan

You see that?


The snow is melting
Summer is here

How cold does it get
up there in winter, sir?

Minus forty degree, minus fifty degree
- Really

Yes, it's difficult to stay up there

Both, the Pakistanis and
we vacate our posts in winter

It's like a gentleman's pact

that neither of us will
take advantage of this

Once the weather changes,
we man our posts again

I'd like to go there, sir

Someday you'll have to

- Check

Sure you aren't a cousin of our
Grandmaster Vishwanath Anand?!

Good morning sir
- Hey morning


Why not?

Ashok, another cup please?
- Yes, sir

From home

Do you like mangoes?
- Sir?


I like them

Ever eaten mangoes from Maliyabad?

I will if you get them, sir

The fun lies in eating
them fresh at the orchard

Hey, Mishra!

Want to come home and eat
mangoes next season?

You plan this every year
but never take me there!

I wonder if he really has
any orchards at all!

Come on! It's your move

- Again?!

Why don't you...

Hey Karan...

Isn't she the girl whose
picture is in your wallet?

What happened? A tiff?

Excuse me sir

Hey Rajiv
- Hi brother

What's up?

Where you coming from?


Where's Romi?

She's busy preparing
for tomorrow's protest march

Protest match? Again!?

Okay friends, the pamphlets are here

Now our volunteers must be at
every gate by 7 in the morning

- We'll be there

Every student should
be given one, Okay?

and please ask them to read it

Pamphlets are meant to be read

Is this poster okay?


Where are the Hindi posters?

Almost complete Don't worry

Okay I'm going home
Call me if you need anything

Or tomorrow at 7 A. M, okay?

Hi Karan

What's going on?

Preparation for the march

Put up posters opposite
the Vice Chancellor's office...

...this very night, okay?

No more of the Vice
Chancellor's dictatorship!

No more! no more!

Uncle, be honest...

Are all these rallies and
demonstrations of any use?

Everyone has a right
to speak out in a democracy

But you shouldn't disrupt
law and order

Law and order? Hello aunty!

Hello Karan?
- How are you?

I am fine!

Where's Romi?
- In her room, Aunty

Sit please

The police resorted to using
water cannons at the last rally

Water cannons! She was lucky to
get away... or else she'd be in jail

Like mother like daughter!

I remember being arrested
in my student years

Aunty! Under arrest!!

- Yes?

I'm going to the
India International Centre

Okay - Bye... bye Karan
- Bye aunty - Bye

So tell me, what are your plans?

I'm going home right now

Then I'm meeting
my friends this evening...

I don't mean your agenda for today

I'm talking about life


You mean life!

Right uncle! It's worth a thought

You know...

Whatever you do in life,
it's very important to do it well

You can become a scientist...

but what's the use
if you aren't a good scientist?

Mow lawns, if thats
what you want to do

as long as you do it well

Do you agree?

You're right, uncle

Anyway, I should get going

Aren't you waiting for Romi?

No problem! I'll call her later

Has Karan gone?
- Yes, he had to leave

That boy is very confused

That's his only problem, papa

He just can't decide
what he wants to do

His life doesn't have...
what's it called...?

An objective

Thats it! Objective!
He has no real objective

But wait and watch,
the day he finds his calling'll see how far he goes

Your juice, sir

Switch on the geyser, will you?

Do meet them
they're good people

You're in Philadelphia
now and they are too

Sridhar, breakfast
- Don't mix them!

Put the clean ones aside!

You're mixing them again!!

You should keep in touch
with family friends, son

Is that Udesh? Give me
the phone, please

You've know them
since you were a child

Just a second, mom!
It's important give it to me

- Mom

Here! Just speak to Karan first!

Udesh! Can you check if the
Jurassic Park DVD is available

Just check! It must be

Just courier it to me,
okay, talk to mom

Hold on, Udesh... Please
go speak to your father

About what?!

He wants to speak to you

About what?!!

Hi dad
- Hi

You haven't gone to the office today?

I usually don't on Sunday's

Oh! Is it Sunday?

How would you know?

Sunday, Monday,
it's all the same to you!

Are you going to do
anything in life?

Of course I will, dad

But whatever I do, it's very
important to do it well

I could become a scientist...

but what's the use if
I'm not a good scientist?

Mow lawns, if thats
what I want to do

as long as I do it well

That's what I feel about life

That's good

But just thinking won't help,
you have to do things

Udesh is just two years
elder to you, look at him!

Parvesh, tell me something

Parents, especially fathers...

Why do they always
ask the same thing?

What do you want to be?
What do you want to do?

Isn't there any other topic?

Who'll ask, if not fathers?

Mine is reverse!

I've told my parents I'm doing hotel
management before they could ask me

Girls have become
very sensible today!

Look at Romi!

She's been clear about wanting
to be a journalist all along

Please, her father's the editor
of a leading daily

What problem would
she have becoming a journalist!?

What're you saying?

Whatever Romi decides
to do, she will do well

She's really different
and really smart

How could I forget who I'm talking to!?

I'm sorry lover boy

Romi is a genius!

Guess what, guys?

I haven't told my parents
yet but I've decided

- Army


You! Join the army! You'll be
court-martialed the first day!

Ever woken up before noon?

I will when I need to!
Why should I for no reason!

You want to be an engineer

Did I ever say you won't make it?

Calm down!
Why are you over reacting?

Because you always put me down

But think about it,
buddy Army life isn't easy

Nothing is easy in the world

But I've decided and
that's that! I'm joining the army

I feel my country needs me!

Aren't Army uniforms
the smartest, Ashu?

You guys are giving me a complex!

You're joining the army,
you engineering...

you, hotel management

I'm the only one left!

Sometimes I think I'll do
this, sometimes that!

Why am I like this?

Why am I like this?

Why am I the way I am?

When did I ever know
what I am supposed to do?

Looks like I'll be singing
this song all my life

What will happen to me?

Will someone please tell me?

Why is it so difficult?

Will someone help me understand?

Why am I like this?

Why am I the way I am?

Now I feel like doing this,
but then again it's that

But why? I just don't know...

What it is that I must do!

What now looks clear and simple...

Tomorrow will seem all twisted

I feel like my life is...
- Completely upside down!

Will I ever change?
Will I ever believe?

Will I ever improve?

I don't know if I will

What's to become of me now?

What do you think?

What's to become of me now?

Will I just remain the way I am?

When did I ever know
what I am supposed to do?

Looks like I'll be singing
this song all my life

What will happen to me?

Will someone please tell me?

Why is it so difficult?

Will someone help me understand?

Why am I like this?

It's just the way I am!

I don't know why
you are the way you are

You think about it

Don't you get bored?

Where's the time to get bored?

There's so much going on
in the world...

...if a person is interested,
how can he get bored!!

Yeah I know

You are right

How come a girl like you
is into someone like me?

Why do you love me?

You want to be praised, is it?


I've never seen you
behave small or petty

I've never heard
you talk badly of someone

I respect that about you

I like that
- Really?

You're a good, big hearted person
that's why I love you


Know what I think?

You're not too bad yourself!

Shut up Karan

Your juice, sir

Switch on the geyser, will you?
- Yes

Hello Aunty! Is Parvesh home?

What happened?

Romi, you always
say that I keep drifting

That my life lacks a...

An objective

The world is objective
- Exactly

Objective! Now listen...

It's all clear to me now
I'm joining the army

You will join the army!?

Are you serious?

Romi, I've decided and that's that!

I'm joining the army!

I feel my country needs me

We all must do something
for our country

But when do we ever
realise our responsibility!

I have realised it!

The IMA is in Dehradun
Indian Military Academy

I have filled out the form
There's a written exam first...

If I pass, there'll be an
interview and a medical test

I'm sure to be selected

By the way, guess
who's coming with me?


I'm really stressed, man!

Remember we had applied
to IMA last month?

Yes, so?

I got the letter today, for
the exam, didn't you get it?

Maybe, I'll check at home, why?

I don't want to go!

Don't want to go!!!

What are you saying?
I applied because of you

I told you, this guy in the army?
He gets up at noon!

That's not the point!
My dad told me...

If I do an MBA from any
American university...

...I can get a job the
very next day in the U.S.

I can't believe you're off
to the U.S. now!

What'll I do alone in the army?

Man! He's so unreliable!

Tell me something...

How many years does
it take to an MBA in America?

What is this?

What is this?

Did you apply to the IMA?

Are you planning to
sit for the exam?

Actually Parvesh and...

Did you ask us before
making this decision?

Answer me! Did you ask
me or your mother?

You've lost your mind!

Think you can do
whatever you feel like?

Not in this house!
You better understand that!

But Daddy, what have I...
- Shut up

I've had enough!

Shalini, it's all our fault

He gets whatever he wants!
I'm here to earn the money!!

Where's the need for
him to do anything?

Apart from his regular nonsense

Now see this...
he wants to join the army!

Karan, look at me...

You will do as I say

Understand that! You will
do exactly as I say!

Enough is enough

He's very upset

What's gotten into you!
Just see how Udesh...

Please mummy, I am not Udesh!

Karan, don't feel so bad yeah

Parents say things they
shouldn't when they're upset

But they don't really mean it

How do I know that?

I hear what you say...
and I see what you do

Do you remember how in school...

...both your parents
would come on Parents Day

My mom would, but did you
even once see my Dad?

You will do as I say!

...sorry, but I won't!

I want to join the army and I will!!

If you're serious,
then don't listen to anybody

Do what your heart tells you

But if you're being
stubborn or egoistic

because your father
has said not to

then this would be a wrong decision

No, Romi, it's not about
being stubborn or egoistic

I want to join the army

So! It's decided then

Now cheer up

Come on... come on...

My God! I never knew you could get
so angry!

I am really scared now

How did it go?

Romi, I'm sad I can't
show you my papers

There's just one fear

What's that?

I hope they don't think
I've copied everything

...because every answer
is just perfect!

Very good

Now that it's clear
what my future is...

other thoughts are
brewing in my mind

Like what?

Like, in a couple of years I'll have to
get married... So what do you say?

About what?

About marriage!

Karan, I knew that someday
we'd discuss marriage

But I never thought you'd
say it in this manner!

How should I say it?

I mean...
Can't you be more romantic?

I see

So you'd like me to...

...get you flowers...

...gaze into your eyes and say...

Don't be stupid
I didn't say that

But it could've been
said in a nicer way - Really!

If I say that I'm in love with you

you are my only desire
what will you say?

If I say that I'm in love with you

you are my only desire
what will you say?

I will say...

that if you had said it
with a little more panache

and a little more charm

It would be nice

If I say

that you are as fresh
as morning dew

Your lips as luscious
as flower petals...

Your eyes twinkle like fireflies...

that my heart beats faster
when I think of you...

If I say

If I say

that the moon is pale in
comparison to your beauty

What will you say?

I will say...

Please don't compare
me to the moon

it has many blemishes

And not a flower either
they wither and wilt

As for fireflies... they just
vanish without a trace

If you'd stop using cliche's

and say it in a style
unique and original

and with a little more charm

It would be nice

If I say that I'm in love with you

you are my only desire
what will you say?

If I say

you have confused
me with your answers

How should I say
what I have to say?

Nothing I say seems to please you

Because I think you
don't even believe me!

If I say

If I say

Why is it that you don't know...
...that you already have my love?

I will say...

My heart does say
we are meant to be together

If we truly feel it
in both our hearts

then words don't matter

Don't worry, Shalini,
let him go if he wants!

He'll be back in no time,
i'm absolutely sure of it

But I'm really amazed
that he got selected!

Gentlemen Cadets...

I, Adjutant of the I.M. A,
Lt. Col. Pratap Singh...

...welcome you to the academy

Today, you are
stepping into a new life

And I expect, that with
every passing day... will prove worthy of
this great institution

Know that you are here
because you are special

The Indian Military Academy
is a great institution

that has since 1932, produced
countless brave, able officers

...who's commitment cannot
be praised in just words

First, our country...

second, the army...

then, his unit

and finally, concern for himself...

...that is the trademark of
an I.M. A trained officer

Gentlemen cadets you must preserve
the honor and traditions of IMA

So, good luck to all of you

Gentlemen, there are three basic
rules in handling a weapon

One, a strong grip

Two, a focussed mind

Three, precise trigger operation

You will now learn how
to acquire a strong grip

Karan shergill
- Yes, Sergeant

Detail, get ready to charge!








Detail, get ready to charge!


What's the matter?

Where's your energy?
Didn't your mother feed you?

You need to have fire in the belly!

Move out of line and
watch the others

Come on, move fast


Detail, get ready to charge

Forward! What're you looking at?

Why're you scared?

He's getting nervous for
no reason, it's very easy

You're next, we'll see

All right, Rakesh my boy!
I'll wave to you from the top

Very bad fail

You had to do it in a minute, next!

Go up, cross and jump,
all in a minute! - Sir

Make it fast

- Yes, sir?

All well?
- Under control, sir

Good carry on
- Yes sir

Gentleman cadet Karan Shergill
- Yes sir

You fell because you
were not concentrating

Do you think you can get away
for lack of discipline? - No sir

You shall be punished!
- Yes sir

You will crawl in that trench,
no stopping till I say so!

Now, go

You guys think it's a joke!

How do you like
the taste of mud, eh?

Don't get up, go again

Move it! Fast!

Hands low G.C.!!

It's not easy becoming
an officer, is it?

Come on, hurry up!

Don't get up

Hurry up

Come on

Hurry up

Come on, move

Don't get up you will
stay on your knees all day

Is that understood?
- Yes sir

What are you thinking?
- Nothing much

Let it go, man!

It was just bad luck the
Company Commander came by

And you did give him
reason to punish you

Now forget everything
and get some sleep

Tomorrow is a fresh start

Don't give anyone
a chance to punish you

Okay? See you in the morning
- Good night

Karan, Saket said goodnight,
at least wish him!

Good night

Did you get into a fight there?

No... I just...

Sit down

Whatever I have earned, acquired...

All that I have...
who do you think it's for?

When my father came here
from Lahore in 1947...

What did he bring with him?

My entire family stayed
in one small room

When I grew up, I'd hear of
the house we had in Lahore...

...the status our family had...

This would pierce
my heart like an arrow

I vowed that...

I would restore the family
position to what it once was

And I succeeded

But my father didn't live to see this

Now all I have is my family

and if you have no respect
for what I have done

then all my effort
has been in vain

You must help him, son

Start going to the office
from tomorrow, okay?

All right, go

Didn't I tell you he'll
be back in no time

I know him Shalini,
he's good for nothing

Let it be now
At least he's back

Only you expect anything from him

I fail to understand...

Why Karan can't be more like Udesh

What's this?

You arrived yesterday
but called me today!

Nice hair style

Anyway, how long are you here for?

I'm not going back
- What do you mean?

You ran away, didn't you!?

For once you had made
your own decision

only to be defeated
in a few days

Your parents were upset

But you said "It's my life,
I'll decide what I want"

Is this what you decided?

I can understand
you're annoyed, but...

What do you understand, Karan?

Remember, it was here that
you said... you wanted to marry me

Perhaps even that decision
has changed!

What are you saying, Romi!
- What should I say!?

When someone can't respect
himself or his own decision...

How can I expect him to respect me?

Please listen to...
- Don't touch me

I don't think I ever
want to meet you again

You accept that you have done wrong

You accept that you have
disgraced this institution

Please answer yes or no?
- Yes sir

Are you ready for any punishment
given to you? - Yes sir

Your act was
not a minor misdemeanor

You will undergo a
28 day restriction period

After that, your plea
will be considered - Yes sir

Say it loud and clear
- Yes sir

This is your path...
You know it now

This is your dream...
You realise it now

This is your path...
You know it now

This is your dream...
You realise it now

Now you have to prove it

Nothing can hinder you or stop you
You will fulfill your objective

Your objective...
must be achieved at any cost

When you walk with your
heart full of courage

The ground will tremble
beneath your feet

Distances will not matter

Your goal will step
forth and embrace you

When you walk with your
heart full of courage

The ground will tremble
beneath your feet

Stride forth, day or night
It's not for you to rest or stop

You will fulfill your objective

Your objective... must be
achieved at any cost

This is your path...
You know it now

This is your dream...
You realise it now

Now you have to prove it

You are now officers
of The Indian Army

- Thanks mom

Udesh had called
He said to salute you on his behalf

Typical Udesh

Your father did want to be here

But an important meeting
came up at the last minute

It's okay, I understand

My mom
- Good morning mom

Meet my friends, Saket and Abeer

They've graduated as officers today


And once these stars
are on my shoulders...

I'll be an officer too

Lt. Karan Shergill
The enemy's worst nightmare!

I will do my duty...

honestly & faithfully...

serve in the regular army...

of the union of India...

and go wherever ordered...

by land...


or air...

and that...

I will observe & obey...

all commands...

of the President...

of the union of India...


the Commands of...

any officer...

set over me...

even to the prior of my life

Welcome once again to
"To each his own view"

For those who have just tuned in...

our topic for today is...

Today's Woman in the
eyes of Today's Man

Mr. Trivedi, you were
saying before the break

Yes, first and foremost...

Woman is a mother,
wife and homemaker

If you try changing her role

it will cause an upheaval in her
life and in society

It's okay, it's your belief

We'll come back to you

Mr. Rajiv Kohli you are
a business executive

Do you agree with him?
- No, I don't agree with him

Today in the corporate or creative world
or any field, for that matter

Women are not only matching
strides with men...

but are gradually going ahead

No, don't clap, it's a fact

Today's woman is a success story

A shining example is with us today
Miss Romila Dutta

Thank you

Only soft drinks tonight?

How's it going, kids?

Call for you
- I'll be back


Hi Romi
- Karan

- Thank you

I called to give you the good news

By the way...

I've got a job as a
correspondent for Global News

Why wouldn't you?

When are you coming to Delhi?


We should meet

You can't make
all the decisions, Romi

You decided that we should not meet

Now if we should or should
not meet I will decide

Okay, bye!

Hey Karan, where are you going?
- Home


One's missing, look over there

Okay Ashok

Thanks for coming to the airport

The army has polished
up your manners, I see!

You wait and watch

I'll see you this evening
I must get to work now

I'm planning to go &
meet Romi this evening

When did you last speak to her?
- Why?

She's getting engaged today

Reports of intrusion are
coming in from Drass

Intruders have also crossed
the LOC into Kaksar and Batalik

Regretable thing is that
after returning from Lahore

prospects to peace is
rendered impossible

Oh my God!

What's this new problem?

Hi mom

Where have you been all evening?

Come in

What's this news from Kargil?
You're posted there, aren't you?

What news? I haven't heard anything

Really? There was something
on the T. V about it


Just a moment!

It's for you


Lt. Shergill here Sir

Yes sir


Right Sir

My leave is cancelled

But what's happened?
You just got here!

It's this news, isn't it?
What did he say?

That I should report back at once

He must have said more!

What are you hiding?

I don't have anything
to tell you, Dad!?

I've to go

Due to commencement of Operation Vijay

you are being made an Acting Captain

Army Intelligence has reported that
our neighbours... have betrayed our trust

They have crossed the Line
of Control and infiltrated...

regions from Batalik to
Drass with armed intruders

Our unit is responsible for Peak 5179

I've called for a briefing
in the next 15 minutes

Come what may,
we must recapture Peak 5179

At any cost!

This is the mountain known
as Peak 5179 on the map

We cannot access it's northern side...
without crossing the LOC

And we have been given
precise orders...

that under no circumstances,
can we cross the LOC So!

That leaves us with three sides

The western side is a sheer cliff
850 to 900 feet high

The enemy has a natural defense here

That leaves two sides

This is the southern side, facing us

But there's open plain
from here to there

No cover at all

The enemy perched on the mountain...

can easily watch our
movements from his bunker upto 3 km

This means that we are left with
only one option the eastern side

That's right

We will send a small team

They must move undetected and explore

and chart possible routes
that will provide us...

with maximum cover


Their bunkers must
be across that ridge line

That's the only access to this side

They would've definitely covered it

Hello, Ghaznavi 1

Hello, Ghaznavi 3, come in, over

Sir, I can see Indian soldiers
one and half kms away

A patrolling party, perhaps

No firing

Don't reveal your position

Understood, sir, over

Karan, get back!

Why were you in the open?
- Sorry, sir

I felt a presence on the mountain

I felt like I was being watched

Come on, get the camera, quick!

Come on... come on... hurry up

Hey, isn't that Romila Dutta?

You're right

- Hi!

How far is that shelling from here?
- About 3 kms away

The Pakistanis on the mountain...
...are trying to cut off the highway

I see
- Don't worry, they won't succeed

Where are you going? - Kargil
Actually we are from Global news

You don't need an introduction!




The shelling you hear
is from the other side

Our Artillery will see where best
to retaliate and then fire back

In mountain warfare...

the side occupying the
heights holds the advantage

Therefore! Before any attack on
the feature's eastern side...

we need to know...

the exact position of
the enemy's bunkers

The strength of their fire power

An aggressive patrol will
be sent to accomplish this

What's the plan, sir?

Thank you sir

Four teams! The first from this side

You will lead it Second team, Kaushal
- Yes sir

You will apply pressure onto this area

Third team, Satish and Capt. Ramanna

You will go till here

And Akbar, Karan & Sgt. Dharamvir Singh
You will position your team here

and open fire

This will not be an actual attack
but they should feel that it is real

When they return fire... we'll get to know
their positions and weapons

Yes sir

Engagement ring! - Congratulations
- Thank you.

Alright! Here we go...

Ready Pradeep
- Yes sir

All teams open fire!

Sir, Oscar Tango 3 degrees,
distance 800 metres

they have a medium machine gun

Here! NW of team D!


Hello Tiger!
This is team 2 here

Hello tiger, there's a bunker
on the Camel's Hump

Bunker on the Camel's Hump?
Okay Vinodh!

Hello Tiger - Go ahead Koushal
- A bunker! On the landing!

Bunker on the landing, mark it!

Oscar Tango 23 degrees,
distance 650 metres

There's a bunker on the ridge

On the ridge! Return to base

All teams return to base...

Mission accomplished...
I repeat, Mission accomplished

They have a medium and light
machine gun in these bunkers

There are 4 bunkers up there

And they have an 81 mm
Mortar at the top of this feature

- Yes, Pritam Singh, go on

They have two 81 mm mortars
up there, not one

It takes at least 10 seconds
to reload this weapon...

but the second round comes
in well before that

He's right

Now that's experience


Sir, we pushed them back
- You fool!

They came to check out our bunkers
and weapons... and succeeded!

Stay prepared and alert
The real attack isn't too far now! Over!

Understood, sir! Over!

Yesterday, at one point
I thought my gun had jammed

and almost picked up a
stone to chuck at the bunker

- Relax... relax

As per the CO's plan,
we must shift base today

The new base will be closer
to the eastern side

At Soopra village

Right, sir

Shoulder to shoulder,
stride for stride...

when we move forward,
the enemy quakes with fear

Shoulder to shoulder,
stride for stride...

when we move forward,
the enemy quakes with fear

We must keep moving now

with one single thought
in all our minds

We must keep moving now

with one single thought
in all our minds

Come what may! We will melt
stone with our intensity

Come what may! We will
overshadow mountains like clouds

Shoulder to shoulder,
stride for stride...

when we move forward,
the enemy quakes with fear

Lets enter the battlefield
ready to sacrifice our life

Never rest until we have
reached our destination

We have the courage to
laugh in the face of adversities

We have the strength to
twist the arm of death

We are a wall of steel
guarding our borders

We are alert and ready
for any enemy

Come what may! We will melt
stone with our intensity

Come what may! We will
overshadow mountains like clouds

Shoulder to shoulder,
stride for stride...

when we move forward,
the enemy quakes with fear

Keep the flame of fervor
alight in your heart

And you shall sing
the song of victory

Keep the flame of fervor
alight in your heart

And you shall sing
the song of victory

The portrait of victory
we're out to paint

will be coloured by our blood

We all know, in our hearts now...

It's either do or die!

Even if fire and lightning
befall our path

You will not be alone,
my brothers in arms

Whatever be the hardship
whatever be the strife...

Your comrades are with
you now and forever

Come what may! We will melt
stone with our intensity

Come what may! We will
overshadow mountains like clouds

Shoulder to shoulder,
stride for stride...

when we move forward,
the enemy quakes with fear

I often think about the one I love
Her memory torments my heart

I often wonder,
that letters from home...

seem to be written on
paper, moist with tears

Memories are like shadows,
always with us

Dreams are like friends,
travelling with us

No dream will be shattered
No promise will be broken

May the one you truly love
be yours when this is done

Come what may! We will melt
stone with our intensity

Come what may! We will
overshadow mountains like clouds

Shoulder to shoulder,
stride for stride...

when we move forward,
the enemy quakes with fear

The valleys are echoing
the song of our caravan

The earth and the
sky are resonating

The wind and time are resonating

Every path, every mountain,
every plain, echoes and says

We shall win, yes we
shall win, every battle!

Shoulder to shoulder,
stride for stride...

when we move forward,
the enemy quakes with fear


We are at the army hospital

Today, the Srinagar-Leh highway
and Kargil...

have faced heavy shelling
from across the LOC

Many villages and houses
have been hit by shells

The number of casualties
is yet unknown...

but many wounded have been
brought to this hospital

Villages near the
LOC are being evacuated

Alwyn, come on

I know him!

Please move out of the way!

Doctor, Is he alive?

Cool down, please

- Karan, long time


Where are you posted?
- Drass

What brings you here?

Bad news Abeer Saxena died today

Abeer? How?

Shell hit his truck

What's going on, man!?

Muskoh, Drass, Kaksar, Batalik

Same story everywhere

I don't understand Why do wars happen?

What are so many people dying for?

When will we understand...

that war can't solve issues!
Only peace can

Just shut up

Go give this lecture
somewhere else! Just go out

I think you misunderstood us...

You want peace?
We want it too

What should we do?
Stand by with folded hands...

...and gift them our
country on a platter?


Capt. Abeer Saxena also wanted peace

He didn't go attack another country

It was his country that was attacked!

The road that he lay dying on...
is a part of India!

First, go have a look
at his dead body!

Then give these lectures!

Go! Look at him!

I'm okay

His dearest friend died today

I met Capt. Abeer Saxena once

Excuse me

Any problem

Our driver has gone somewhere
with the car

Do you need a ride?

Thank you! - Thank you
- Good night

Go head Alwin, I'm coming

Do you remember saying, us meeting
again would be... your decision


So should I assume that
you have decided?

I don't know

Thanks for the lift
- You're welcome

I should have said this before

Congratulations, for your engagement
- Good night

Are you crazy...
You're going to Kargil!?

My boss also said the same thing
- He was right

Why go some place involved
in a full fledged war?

Why take needless risks?
- There's no risk

And even if there is,
it's not needless

Any way... - You should have spoken
to me first - Why?

Why! You are my fiancee!


See, it's better we get a few things
clear right now

If we want to be together,
this attitude won't do

You'll have to make some changes

Change what?

What's so difficult to understand!?

We'll be married soon
People marry to settle down

That won't happen if you keep
heading off to war fronts

You're Vice President Sales
of your company

You travel to New York,
London every other month

Will you stop going
after marriage?

That's my job!
- And this is my job

To be honest, it's more than a job

The mountains that have been occupied
are a part of India

and I am an Indian

Come on, give me a break
I'm an Indian too

I haven't lost touch with
my culture and values

And I'm upset with you because

those values are still
alive in me

I see and what does it say?

That I must dance to your tune
if we want to be together, right?

I didn't say that
- But that's what you meant!

Remember when we
met on that TV show?

The things you had said

Life is not a TV show!

You will not go to Kargil!

Rajiv, I can't thank you enough...

...for telling me how you truly feel

Your ring

At sunset tomorrow at 20.00 hrs,

we will launch our first attack

This is their false front

We have to destroy all their
bunkers here...

and convert their false front
into our firm base

Attacks on the upper ridges
will be launched from there

Everyone must be clear about
the Operation

and the part they have to
play in it!

Artillery will start shelling the
feature at 1600 hours, sir


4 hrs of pounding should soften
the target

Behind me here, our artillery is
bombarding Peak 5179... with Bofors guns

The shelling has been on
for the past 1 hour

The Indian army seems to be
getting ready to attack

Romela Datta, Global news


Alpha company... This is Tiger...

Alpha company here...
come-in Tiger

All teams, the time has come!

I repeat, the time has come!

Okay sir

Take cover!

Come on, fast

We will advance to the
trench up there

Tarsem Singh, cover us
- Yes, sir! Let's go

Take him to the medic tent!
- Yes, sir

You'll be all right, sir


Move forward!

Glory be to our true guru! (War cry)

Get out of here!

Sengupta to Kaushal

Kaushal here

Fire on Bunker 4 with the LMG

Okay, we'll fire on
Bunker 4 with the LMG

LMG group,
engage the enemy in Bunker 4




Hello, Ghaznavi 3
Why has the firing stopped?

Ghaznavi 3, come in
Why has the firing stopped?

The firing has stopped because
Ghaznavi is dead!

Leave now... or I swear by Allah,
we won't spare you!

Swear by Allah!? Are you Muslim?

For you I'm Indian!

Great job!

Kaushal, Sudeesh, well done
- Thank you sir

Sir, have a look at this!

They aren't terrorists

but soldiers and officers
of the Pakistani Army

See these identity cards

They're from the Pakistani
Northern Light Infantry

We found a ration card
and some letters

That one there is a Captain

This identity card was
in his pocket

Keep this

Sir, these weapons are
from the bunkers

They had come
quite well-prepared, sir

I see...

I see...

Show me that

We found a fair amount of rations, sir

I think they had planned
a long visit, sir

There's a saying in my
mother tongue...

A person who can't manage
his own house...

...shouldn't set out to
conquer the world!!

Sir, a photograph with your unit?
- Why not? Come on boys

Ready sir

Thank you sir
- Right?

Sahib Dharamvir Singh...

Organize some soldiers and
give them a decent burial

Okay sir

What's the matter?


Sir, I think...

everyone is reminded of
the condition... which they've returned
our dead soldiers bodies

I see...

There's a difference between us & them
& it should stay that way!

Imagine what kind of army refuses
to accept...

the bodies of their own officers
and soldiers!

Should we become like them?

This is the Indian Army

We maintain decency even
in our enemity

Sahib Dharamvir Singh!
Give them a proper burial -Yes, Sir

Allright gentlemen, we've made it this far,
but only half the task is complete

We have to reach the upper
ridges of the feature...

from where they are targeting
our highway

Pradeep! - Sir!
- Send for another Company,

All these officers and soldiers
will go back to the base

Pradeep told me how you
saved Ramanna's life

Well done!

Thank you sir

Rajtilak Singh, you add plenty of
spice to everything you say!

Sir, he always exaggerates

I swear on my mother

He narrowly escaped death
at least 6 times...

He was behind a rock and as
he moved, BANG!

A shell landed

Bullets and shells landing
all over... Bang!

All except where he was standing
- Then?

Then he and Kishorilal
moved forward...

Kishorilal was hit by a bullet,
but not him!

Have you heard about his luck sir?

I have now
- You can have my luck, buddy

I'll take it right away!
- Here you go!

Raj Tilak
- Yes, sir

Didn't your wife just have a baby?

Was it a boy or a girl?

A Girl, sir
- You're a lucky man

You see that, sir?

These soldiers were sad yesterday...

grieving for their dead comrades

But see, how quickly a soldier
overcomes his grief

What else can he do?

People tell us that war is bad

I ask them who knows this
more than a soldier?

Then why have wars?

Sir, the Almighty made
only one earth

But man's greed divided it

This became mine, that became yours

I'm glad the moon is up in the sky

we would have cut it to bits,
had it been down here

That's so true


I went to the Army hospital

Ramanna is out of danger
- Good news sir

He's asked me to give you a message

What's that, sir?

Thank you

Sir, the CO said the work
is only half done

It'll be complete, soon

Take this
- What's this, sir?

The area map of our final objective

Keep it with you and study it

Every path and trail
of this mountain

should be ingrained in your memory
- Right sir - Go ahead

We are here to meet
Col. Sunil Damle

Do you have permission?
- No we don't but...

Sorry you can't go ahead
without permission

Just for 5 min's only...

We are from the press,
this's my card, please understand

- Yes, sir

Let them in


What are you doing here?

We need to meet Col. Damle

Some soldiers of this regiment
are in the hospital...

we wanted to interview them

He'll be here soon,
you can wait for him,

but no cameras without permission

Okay, I'll keep it in the car

You can sit over there

The people of this village too?

Yes, shifted to the camps...

For a few days

I've seen many empty villages
near the LOC these days

How strange villages look without
their inhabitants

That's true

You know

Often, I've wondered... what must life
have been like here

And now?

Look over there

That's the village school,
the officers stay there now

There's the mosque...

and the village council...

Not even a trace of how it was

You've changed

Haven't you?

I can remember so many things...

the images in my mind as
vivid as photographs

How can I forget them?

How can I make my heart understand?

I have much to tell you...

but my words
can't find their way out

I hope that someday you'll hear me

for today,
you are as lost as I am

Why didn't our story have an end?

When did this distance
come between us?

Questions lie unanswered
but yet, we are silent

I don't know who is to blame?

Webs of confusion have
filled our minds

Is anything to be gained
by our loss?

Why do I feel so helpless?

How did we lose our way?

How did this distance
come between us?

I have much to tell you...

but my words can't
find their way out

I hope that someday
you'll hear me

for today, you are as
lost as I am

I can remember so many things...

the images in my mind as
vivid as photographs

How can I forget them?

How can I make my heart understand?

The moment you've all been
waiting for...

...has finally arrived

Tonight, we will attack
the upper ridges

But remember, it's going
to be tougher this time

the mountain paths are steeper

And second

The enemy who has already lost
half the feature...

will be more alert and
better prepared

No problem sir
- Good

We will move at exactly 2300 hours

And finally

On the highest point of this peak...

I want to see our flag fluttering

Tomorrow morning!

It's so inspiring, the way
our CO speaks

Then we must fly the flag exactly
where he has said

I've done half the work

Here is the flag...
Now all I have to do is hoist it there

I hope I'm there to see that happen

You will be, trust me

Is that so!
- You'll see!

Dear Karan...
I hope you are okay

We miss you and await your return

By the way, Romi is there too
Have you met her?

She broke up with Rajiv...
just a few days after the engagement

I don't know what happened
between you two...

but I feel you guys were
made for each other

Now win the war quickly,
and come home

so we can have a rocking party!

Your friend, Ashu

Karan & Vishal, let's go

Dharamvir Singh!!

Advance that way
There's cover ahead

Yes, sir!

You three, move forward
We'll cover fire

Tiger, come in!

There's heavy fire coming
from the bunker, sir

It's difficult to move forward

Down! Get down!


Everybody take cover!

Take care of him, Manjit come

We're getting bogged down!

We can't stay here any longer

There's no cover on this side, sir

Raj Tilak!
- Yes, Sir

Take a soldier along!

See if there's a way ahead
past those rocks!

All right, sir

Sir, I'll go with him
- Okay, go!


Get up!

Come here, Tarsem

Tarsem! Come here

Stop the bleeding first! Quick

Painkiller, quick!

Stretcher! Take him!

Gopal Singh!
- Yes, sir

It's pointless to stay here
We must advance

Take the rest of your men...

Sir! You okay?

Yes, I'm all right

Sir, you can't go forward
in this state

Stay here, sir... I'll get them!
- No, Listen to me!

Give me fire cover when I say

I'm going to the other
side of the bunker




I'm all right... l'm...

Hang on, sir... Capt.
Mishra is down there!

Ghanshyam, take him!

Quickly! Be careful!!

Sir, I'm sending Ganga Singh
to get help

Don't send him alone.
You both go!

But how can we leave you
in this condition?

If Ganga Singh gets shot
on the way...

...they won't get the message!

Sir, why do you want to
save my life?

I will not leave you here!

Jogendra!! I may be wounded but
I'm still an officer!

This is an order! Now, go!

Hail India, sir
- Hail India

Ganga Singh!



Just relax.
Don't worry, you'll be fine!

Don't give up, Akbar
- No...

Mishra... the flag...

...up there! It must be hoisted!

You will do it, you will, Akbar!

Forceps! I need the forceps...

Hang on Akbar! We've to
make that trip to Malyabad,

To your mango orchards there?

Cotton! Now!

Don't give up!

You had promised we'd go together

Don't give up...
don't... please Akbar


Are you all right?

Alijoo, stop the car

You okay?

You always said...

...that my life lacked
an objective

Do you remember?

Now I have one

That is my objective


I don't doubt your determination
and courage

But you've lost many men of
your regiment

Many are wounded

and the remaining troops...
must be exhausted

I think it's wise to give
the remaining task...

another Regiment

We will succeed

I don't have time, Col. Damle!!

The intruders are shelling the
highway from Peak 5179

Our convoy of trucks
can't move ahead

Arms, ammunition, medical aid
all supplies...

Unless the peak is cleared...

the highway is not safe for us

Do you understand what I'm saying?

Give me some more time, sir

Okay, I will give you two days

48 hours!

You'll be given marching
orders after that

Gentlemen, this regiment...

has always accepted,
any challenge offered...

and has delivered, whatever
the cost or sacrifice

If we fail to do so today...

...the reputation of this regiment...

...will forever be tarnished

We won't let that happen, sir

Give us our orders

Our regiment

will remain on the eastern side

We will continue
shelling from here...

but the shelling will
serve as a decoy

Meanwhile, you 4 officers...

and 8 soldiers who can rock climb...

will, far from the enemy's sight...

go up the western side
of the mountain...

and launch a surprise attack

How high is the cliff, sir?

Approximately 800 feet

Pradeep, photographs.

This side won't be watched

because it is impossible to climb it

But you must make it possible

The team leaves at first light

Start the preperation!


Sir, I promise you...

Either this mission
will be successful...

or I will not return alive

I promise you that, sir

Good luck.

We have to report at the
helipad at 0530 hrs

Sir, I...

Go... go ahead.

- Hi

I miss you

I think of you all the time

Me too

I'm going on a mission tomorrow

I'll wait for you

I might not return

Then I'll wait, forever

- Hello daddy


Where are you? How are you?

I can't tell you where I am...

but I'm okay, dad

Thank God for that

Your mother's been praying
day and night...

and when you've called,
she isn't home

This call is for you

To tell you something
I have never said

You have given me
so much in life...

but all I have given you, is grief

Why are you saying this, Karan?

Please don't think that
I'm not aware of this

But... I love you dad.

I love you too.

Now, let me tell you something

Not one business associate
or friend...

has a son or a brother out there

These people just talk big!

But I can proudly say, my son
is on the battlefield

There was a time
I was upset with you

but today I'm proud of you

Very proud

Thank you, dad.

For when the mission is successful

We shall await your signal

Right sir

Karan, all the best
- Thank you sir

Sgt. Pritam Singh
- Sir...

I know them from experience

If they lose...

they will counter-attack immediately

Don't drop your guard if you win

Remember my words

I will

Hail India, sir
- Hail India

I have something to give you

This is the flag
Akbar wanted to hoist

Take it

On his behalf...

on my behalf...

on behalf of us all,
you must hoist it!

It will be hoisted, doctor...

It will be!

Karan, are you okay?

Yes, Vishal?

Sir, you have to go back!

Don't worry about me, the mission
must be successful

Where is my gun?

Give me, my gun

Bhagirath and I will cover you

Manjit, you lead one team
Karan, you the other... understood?

Yes sir
- Go boys

We are out of contact
The radio set is destroyed

My God!

Okay... Raj Tilak
- Yes sir

Move the bodies there
with due respect

Yes sir

You will stay here, Babulal

Bhagirath is badly wounded
Take care of him - Yes sir

Leave some painkillers and
first aid with him - Yes sir

If we don't return

it may take two or three days...
for our regiment to locate you

Here's some more water

Alright, the 6 of us will have to
finish this job

Let's go
- Wait!

Let's not get carried away
and do something...

that will benefit our enemy

What do you mean?

Think about it

We're half our strength now...

and don't know, how many
intruders are up there!?

So!? We'll die trying!

I'm not afraid of death!

But if they realize that
this side is accessible...

We won't get a second chance!

All I'm saying is...
if we attack, we cannot fail!

Why would we fail?

You don't understand!!

Listen to me

Col. Damle sent 12 men
for this mission

Now we're only 6!

We may be 6...

but if we believe in ourselves...

we're no less than 12!

All right!

You can sit here or go back

I'm going on ahead!

Let me go alone.

Whatever has to happen,
will happen!

Come on, keep moving

We must reach the feature
in two hours

Tiger den calling twelve oak
Can you hear me? Over

No response, sir

Keep trying
- Right sir

Bharasingha Come in...
Do you read me?

Climb this sheer cliff at night!?

It can't be done!

It's not possible
- So, now what?

We must climb it now
- In the day!

He's right, look at this map

The Pakistani's can't see this
side from their area

As for those up there...

we had assumed they aren't
watching this side

There's a ledge, 100 feet
below the ridge

We'll climb till there during the day

And when our artillery starts
shelling the peak...

from the other side tonight...

we will scale the last 100 ft

The plan sounds fine

but it will take time
to climb so high

What if someone spots us?

That is a possibility

But it's our only chance

Ghazanavi one basline calling over
- Ghazanavi one here, over

Ghaznavi one, What's the
situation there? Over

The snake's still under
the heel... over

Good... keep it up... over & out

Recognise the voice?
- It sounded familiar

Brigadier Jamshed Baloch!

I've heard this Brigadier
is quite a fox

You need men like him for
jobs like this

Is that why you're in charge
of this peak, sir?

You could say that

Everything okay?
- Yes, sir!

A few more days and we're through

How is that, sir?

There's been news that...

Western powers will broker
a ceasefire soon

Then everyone stays put where
they are now

It can't be that simple, sir

That's what happened in 1948

You see that highway down there?

That road is India's neck!!

Get a stranglehold on that...

and India will lose the Siachen Glacier

Siachen, today, and Kashmir, tomorrow!

By God's will

To control the highway,
it's essential that

we don't lose this peak!

How can we lose it!

Who can seize this peak from Maj.
Shahbaaz Humdani!?

They tried from here but failed

Not only did we shoot
the Indian soldiers

We took our time to aim...

and shoot them here!
On the forehead!!

They don't stand a chance!

Over here!

3 kms of open plain

Even a madman wouldn't come this way

Behind us is Pakistan
and there, a cliff!

A 1000 ft wall

Where will these Indians come from?

It's not far now, up there

I'll try and get to it

Okay, be careful


What is it?

I feel giddy, looking down

Take my advice

Don't look down!
- Right, sir

Twelve oak, can you hear me?

Twelve oak!!

Yes, Pradeep?

There's been no contact, sir

We don't know where they are

I think we should send out
a search party, sir

Maybe tomorrow

Today, we will stick to the plan

Shelling starts at 0400 hrs

Yes sir.

Keep a lookout!

They've attacked this side before

They'll try again any movement?
- None, sir

Even so, stay alert!

If they do come,
it will be from here!


The shelling has stopped

Why did this shelling happen?
Why did it stop?

Shelling is done to provide
cover to one's soldiers

If there's no one coming this way...

To the cliff!

They must have scaled the wall, go!

Move forward!

Capt. Srivastav needs support!

Yes, sir!!

This is Tiger's den
Sir... Brig. Puri

Yes sir

What's the progress on the
task you took up?

Your 48 hr deadline is
almost through

Our team... that had...

Sir... - Just a second sir
Yes, Pradeep?

We've heard gun fire on the feature
- Okay

Sir, I will report to
you in a short while

Right sir

- One more!

Move forward, I'll cover you
- Okay? - Sir... go

Hail India!

It's no use resisting now!
Vacate the post!!

Don't worry, sir, he's breathing

He's alive

Pritam Singh was right
They always come back!

They have done it
Our boys have reached!

Inform Brigadier Puri

Our boys have re-captured Peak 5179

Objective achieved

We still have 2 mins left
for the deadline

Well done

Well done, my son!

Thanks dad

Let's go home

No, right now he has...
to be someplace else



You've achieved what you wanted

Now what?

Now I have a new objective
