L'air de Paris (1954) - full transcript

The story of Andre Menard, a promising young amateur boxer from an impoverished background who is mentored by former pro Victor Le Garrec, and whose career path takes a nosedive when he falls for the wealthy Corinne.


You don't look satisfied. Didn't you have
a good time in Monte Carlo?

-What about Pierre?

Don't worry, it's no longer love.
It's only passion,

and on his part, naturally.

I'll take my bags.

So? Is this true happiness?

It's true security, at the very least.

For a woman, happiness is security,
my dear, and nothing else. Believe me.

In that case, I'm perfectly happy.

Corinne! My angel!

Ah! Jean Marc!

You must have gotten up at dawn
to come and meet me!

I didn't even bother going to bed!
What a positively mad night!

Look how beautiful she is!

What about Pierre? How is he?

I love Pierre. To have remained
so simple with so much money!

That's why we all love him.

Isn't that so, Corinne?

Of course.

If you don't like children, I told him,

just find a different car.

At this age, they simply have to cry.
It makes their lungs develop.

Hello, treasure! Sweet baby.
Thank you, ma'am.

I hope she didn't keep you up all night.

Not at all, the child was a dream.

There's no need to exaggerate!
Perhaps your husband's at the gate.

That would be a surprise.

Anyway, thank you, ma'am. Goodbye!

-Goodbye, ma'am.

Goodbye, sir.

Is that all?

What do you take me for, a Yank?

-How was the Riviera?
-It was gorgeous!

Oh, goodness.
Quite a change from Grenelle!

What about the house?

The one I inherited? It was very much
to my aunt's taste, with a lovely garden.

Thank you!

Lay it on me, damn it, come on.
That's it, line it up like that, go ahead.

Sharper, now! Quicker, with more power,
I'm telling you! Come on!

Careful or you'll kill him.

What? Yes, it's me.

Say, what time is it?

A good half hour after my train pulled in.

Why didn't you tell me it was so late?

I didn't know, Mr. Le Garrec.

Do some shadow work. I'll be right back.

Are you bottle-feeding them now?

You know, I wanted to come meet you
at the station.

I'm being serious. It's just that this
is the only time the kid can train.

Of course.

It's true.

How's everything with you? Good?

Yes. Now, tell me,
how was the Côte d'Azur?

A dream come true!

Sunshine every day and flowers everywhere.

It's almost like having wings
and flying into the mimosa.

Victor, it would be so wonderful
down there, the two of us…

Can you really see my face
hovering in the mimosa?

You know Paris is the only place for me.

It's the same for you.
You couldn't survive away from Paris.

Paris! Paris was wonderful when I was 20,

but now I see it for all it really is:

this street and your gym,
with all its sights and smells.

Victor, do you really like your gym?

Cold sweat and second-hand amber,
I know. You've told me that before.

Yeah, it's a little messy. So what?

Did you invite the French Army over?

Don't be so dramatic.

I only had the kids over
for dinner one evening.

So, when I'm not here you feed them
and tuck them in at night?

This isn't a gym, it's a children's home!

Does their training mean
you can't do the dishes?

Don't grumble and just smile a little,
I haven't seen you in so long.

Being an heiress suits you.
You look great.

You must be mad. I'm exhausted
after that journey, my eyes are all puffy!

It's such a shame to be fighting
when we make such a handsome couple.

Make all the jokes you like,

we may not be as young as we used
to be but it's not all that bad.

Will you stay with me a while?

No, I can't. I have to visit Roger

at Hôtel-Dieu. He had a work accident.

All right. Go and see Roger.

I won't be bored, you know.
I have plenty to entertain myself with.

I'm just telling you what I see.

Roger Routier, Saint Gérôme Lyon,
deceased the 8th. Two days ago!

That's impossible. He's a 23-year-old kid!

Right, so only the old die? That's lucky.

But what kind of accident was it?
Do you know what he died of?

Twenty-three years of poverty.

As if that weren't enough,
he took a dangerous job.

They pay more.

He forgot one thing:

the machines don't like it
if you get too close to them.

Was he a friend of yours?

He was, yes.

What about you? Are you family?

No. No, he didn't have any family.

Well, in that case,
the State will be paying for it.

Which room is Mrs. Bourgoin in?

Wait your turn. If you want the details…

We don't need the details, thank you.

As you wish.

What was the name?

Bourgoin, Emilie.

Date of admission?

September 28.

Hey, kid! Here.

Oh! Thank you, sir.

You're not crying, are you?

It'll take more than that.
What a beautiful place, huh?

It has everything you need to be happy:
God, the cops, the hospital…

It's all organized so nicely.

And if that's not enough for you,
well, there's always the Seine.

You don't think that's funny?

No, that's not my kind of joke.

Are you Victor?

Yes, that's me.

Roger often spoke about you.
He said you were a good guy.

I try my best.

He even said that
if he didn't have you, then…

Want to go for coffee?

What can I get for you?

Two coffees with cream, please.

Here, you want to break bread?

What, you think I didn't have lunch?

I did too, but that won't stop me.
Go on, have some.

They were for Roger. You can take them.

Why? Aren't you interested in sports?

I did some boxing in the army.

Oh, yeah?

That's where I met Roger.
He and I were both lightweights.

Did you ever fight?

A dozen or so times in Hanoi, Saigon…

I was told I had a future in it.

Roger, too.

I guess they tell kids
there's a future in everything.

Now you've given it up,
you don't train anymore, I suppose?

Are you recruiting for your gym?

No, son, I just asked you to be nice,
that's all.

And because it seems like you regret it.

Am I wrong?

Yeah, I had to give it up.
I couldn't make it work with my job.

Say, you must be pretty unhappy
to be so cranky, huh?

Well, if you're feeling down one evening,

come over. The address is in there.

You'll make some good friends,
and besides…

If you do want to train, you'll see…

A good sweat washes away
the bitterness, believe me.

Trust me, I'm not trying
to recruit anyone. It's on the house.

What's that?

The change, of course!

He seemed like a good guy,
and serious about it, you know?

He'd just turned professional,
you see, and then…

Poor kid.

He's the only one
I could have a chance with,

because the others…

The others are pretty useless,

but don't complain.
That's what you like about them.

All right, Blanche, come on.

It's true! Not only do they need
months of training,

but you give them all their hand wraps
and mouth guards for free!

If they never amount to anything,
what's the point?

They amount to plenty. The point is that
it helps them make it to adulthood

with their wits about them
and a little hope.

You hear that, Angelo?
The size of this man's heart!

Oh, Victor's a priest.

But priests don't have wives
and they're always asking for money.

If he wasn't so stubborn, we'd be moving
to the house I inherited in Nice.

Ah, here we go again.
That's all I've heard since this morning:

"Let's sell the gym
and set up in the Côte d'Azur."

That's a nice idea. Think of the sunshine!

Sunshine this, sunshine that,
and I'd do well as a swimming teacher.

No, he'd rather rot here.

It's his dream to train a champion.

I put up with it for years simply because
there were no other options, but now…

Now that she's an heiress
with a villa covered in mimosa,

the boxer revolts madam.

I liked the boxer when he was a boxer.

Weren't you worried about him?

It killed me, but I dealt with it.
It meant I could be proud of him!

But I never could stand that gym.
I think it's the smell.

Excuse me!


You see? You're putting us to sleep!

You're like an old man!

It's my gut, Angela!

It's not your gut, it's fatigue.
I said, you need an assistant!

But Angela, how would I pay them?

How are you going to pay the doctor, then?

But Angela, I'm not…

No. Tomorrow I'll find you someone

to at least go to the market.
And that's that.

All right, how about a little grappa?
Go on, just a drop!

Just a pochino.

Aha! A pochino!

Hello, Mrs. Victor!

Jojo, what's with those puppy dog eyes?
What have you been up to?

Nothing, ma'am.

Look at the state of you!

Ah, well, I think she really likes me.

Yes, and that's why you'll never
go professional.

Get out of here and go train.

Please don't tell Mr. Victor.

Is Victor here?

Mr. Le Garrec? Yes, he's here.
Are you here about the coal?

What? No! I just came from work.

So did the others.

Hello, Louison! How are you feeling?

Much better, Mrs. Le Garrec.

Don't catch a cold!

He's in the gym.

Thank you, ma'am.

You're welcome, kid.

Left hook, Pierrot… That's it.


Well, I never!

Here to show off your talents?

No, I was just passing by.
I don't have any of my things.

Let's see what we can find you.
Come with me.

Do you have Roger's gear?


Yeah, that guy's a friend of his.

In the locker room, number seven.

The locker room is down there,
and the showers are that way.

Where did you get that one?

The Hôtel-Dieu.
He says he knows how to box.

I know, he's a champion in the making,

so you'll shower him with gifts
and he won't pay a cent, right?

Take it easy and don't hurt him.
I don't know what he's worth yet.

Give him a little bit of a beating
but not too much, don't discourage him.

Yes, Mr. Victor.

There you are. Come on, out of the ring.
The champion's ready. Come here.

Get in.

Say, your abs are looking
a little slack, huh?

You'll need to work on that.
All right. Off you go.

Don't fight like that, Pierrot. Box!

All right, that's enough. That's enough!

Feeling pleased with yourself, huh?

Well, buddy, you shouldn't be.
You're too stiff, you're too tense,

plus you're out of breath

and besides, you're rusty.

It's one thing to land hits

but in boxing it's another
to avoid receiving them.

That's what I'm going to teach you.

That's right, son. Like it or not,
I'm taking you under my wing.

Well, expect to get beaten up!

I hope you'll do these gloves justice.

Roger would have wanted that.

I'll try my best, Mr. Le Garrec.

Here we go!

Not like that! Lengthways, I said!

Never before a fight!

Look how nervous they are!

They're always like that when we visit
the suburbs.

Are you coming to watch us box
in Melun, beautiful? You can cheer us on!

I prefer champions
in a real arena, thanks.

Us, too! We'll get there.

Well, until you're a champion
you need to get a move on.

Thanks again for the truck.

Can you feel it unblocking?
Is it easier to breathe?

He caught another cold.

Take him to Nice with you, then.

Which bastard stole my mouth guard?

Crazy little tyke!

Don't wear yourself out, Pierrot,
good God!

I'm telling you, I know he doesn't have
any money. We've boxed before, in Pantin.

And he dropped you in round one.

Not round one, round two.

Are you guys ready yet?

-We're ready, Mr. Le Garrec!
-Good, get going.

I forgot my suitcase!

Feeling scared?

A little.

Feeling fit?

Are you sure that I'm…

No sweat. Anyway,
this is our first one together.

Believe me, everything will work out
just fine.

Careful with that left hand, all right?

Mr. Ménard! The cops came
and took another three.

Then what?

A night raid, it seems.
A rather undesirable clientele.

But they bring in the most money,
don't they?

Five guys in a room with one bed,
is that not enough for you?

Oh, don't be so mean.
Do you need anything?

Yes, to see some different faces.

Well, that's not very polite.

You leave after losing a match
without saying goodbye,

not even to me,
we don't see you for days afterwards

and then I come here to find you

being rude to a lady
who's only trying to help.

Do you think that's acceptable?

Here's a second chance
to show some manners. Invite me in.


What a gem.

I like the view the best.

The air is nice and fresh.

Plus there's music! How cheerful.

I didn't ask you to come here.

You have only yourself to blame.

Isn't that right, son?

So what? Spit it out!

You've not just come to look round.

I'm listening,

but if you're here to tell me
to put those gloves back on,

you're wasting your time.

Say, your landlady was right.
You are mean.

But there's something else there.

You're proud,

yet as sensitive as a little girl.

In fact, worse than a little girl.

You couldn't bear to lose that match, huh?

Well, it happens! Even to champions.

You'll lose others,
but you'll have to get right back up.

That's not why I left!
It was something else.

All right. Explain.

What's the point?

Listen. You've never shared
any details of your life with me,

but today you're going to talk

because you may be stubborn
but I'm from Brittany, God damn it,

so go ahead. I'm listening.

Explain what?

I'm sick and tired of everything,
I'll never amount to anything.

I fail at everything. I always have.

I shouldn't have listened to you
because now it's even worse.

Of course I had to go and fail
at my first fight, too.

Sure, but what about

all the fights you won when you
were in the army?

At least in the army I ate a good meal
every day!

Sure, it wasn't the best,
but it was enough.

That's one thing the army's good for.

You told me you had a job.

Of course I have a job.

But I've got this damn bed to pay for,
haven't I?

So, you skip meals to get by.

That's why you can make it through
two rounds but not a third?

How much does the railroad pay?

Minimum wage.

Yeah, there's no arguing with what
that means. Is it tough work?

A little, yes, especially
when we have to work nights.

I'm screwed. I can't go back to the gym,

I can't box, I'm too exhausted.

I can't do it. I just can't.

Well, you don't have a choice. Desperate
times call for desperate measures.

Get up and pack your suitcase.

To go where?

I said I'd take you under my wing.

We're going to change everything.

First, I'll find you a less tiring job.

What exactly do you want?

What do you mean, what do I want?

When people do you a favor, it's
because they want something in return,

not from the goodness of their hearts.

Well, buddy, I must be some kind of saint
to be putting up with you.

I'm not doing you a favor,
you're doing one for me.

It's been a hobby of mine for years,

wanting to discover and train
a great boxer. That boxer could be you.

Everything that I'm doing for you
is also going to benefit me.

It's an exchange of sorts.
That works, right?

You really think I could be a great boxer?

Yes, maybe, if you listen to me.
But it's going to be hard work.

Here, you should never get rid of
a lucky charm. It might come in handy.

You'll have to excuse me,
I didn't have time to buy flowers.

I haven't had guests in a long time,
so my hostess skills are a little rusty.

Maybe it would be better if I went back.

It's silly, but I'd hate to be a burden.

Don't think that way,
it's not you I'm mad at.

Are your parents in the provinces?

During the war, they lived in La Chapelle.

The neighborhood got blasted one night.

It wasn't an atomic bomb or anything
but it was enough

to destroy the house with them in it.

I was lucky and managed to get away.

And since then?

Oh, since then… Life goes on!

Mr. Ménard!

Victor's asking for you.

I think Daddy's going to hire you,
but he took a lot of convincing.

I'll go right down.

It's the store just next door.

Just tell him you think he's handsome!

He's not bad looking,
but I'm not interested in boxers.

You're right not to be.

Being a boxer's wife isn't a life,
it's an apostolate.

Shall I tell you about my wedding night?

Don't blush. I spent it holding
cold compresses over his black eye

after he got into some ridiculous scrap.

You can't do this or that or go out
because they've got to train.

But he doesn't box anymore!


Now he just scouts young hopefuls.

But when it gets this serious,

I think I'd almost prefer it
if he had a mistress.

Breathe deeply, in and out.
We need to work on your breath.

Are we almost done for the morning?

We're done when I say we're done.

If you don't want to suffer,
become a bureaucrat, not a boxer.

If you want to be a champion,
grin and bear it.

Hit it, for God's sake, hit it!

Those aren't fists,
those are feather dusters!

Come on, pretend you're beating up

Keep going, stretch further!
You're as stiff as a wooden block.

Go on, stretch further!

Now, time for abs.

More flexibility!

Don't drop your arms.

Pick up the pace… Faster now…

Hit harder! Harder, I said!

It looks like you're out for a stroll!

You won't get stronger legs that way.

Come on, pick it up! There you are.

Lift your knees up
to get that breath going! Higher!

Speed up, you're slipping. Faster!

Okay, now a cross. Harder!
Use your right shoulder, damn it!

Now, try not to be so tense,
and watch your feet.

I'm watching you.

All right, right hook, left hook.
One, two! Good! That'll do.

If I'm ever going to make it,
maybe I shouldn't be wearing myself out.

It's been a while since you were in shape.
You've got some catching up to do.

But you're improving. Are you happy?

You've made some good progress, but…

you mustn't get cocky

because a world champion
isn't made overnight.

When could I go professional?

Maybe next season or the one after that,
it depends on how you do.

But when will I know?

Once you're in the swing of things,

working every day.

You won't be able to earn a living
boxing at first,

but perhaps later on,
once you're a big name.

That being said, for a newcomer…

Besides, either way,

big name or not, you've got to train,
you know.

That's boxing for you, buddy.
It's no joke.

You need courage and willpower.
Do you think you have enough?

Well, if I was really sure that…

You can be sure.

Look at that smile!
Like a rare ray of sunshine.

When you gentlemen are ready,
dinner is served.

Go and take a shower, but be quick.

You see, Blanche, this kid's a real find.

Now, where have I heard that before…

I think I was wrong to be so hard on him.

He needs someone
who'll be straight with him

but also talk to him and encourage him,
you know?

When I was your age, I didn't have a job.

I'd hang around on the street
doing nothing.

Then this old guy found me
and said he'd train me.

I'm giving back by doing for you
what he did for me.

It was thanks to him and thanks to boxing

that I'm here today.

It's nothing special, of course.

But look at all the kids
that we get in here:

Jojo doesn't have a job to speak of,
Raymond's a delivery boy,

Pierrot's a longshoreman in Bercy.

Do you know why they love boxing?

Why do you think you love it?

Because I have nothing else going for me,

except for my strength.

It's the only place
where I could eventually be someone.

Yes, it's a possibility.
But that's not all.

In a fight, the guy standing
in front of you

is just like you, stripped bare.
And it's the best man that wins.

No more problems. It puts what we truly
value into perspective. You understand?

And on that note, good night.

Thank you.

Sleep well, now.



Jules made me a proposition.

That doesn't surprise me, the bastard.
Do you need me to sort him out?

He's willing to take the gym
off our hands.

Well, well. Had he been drinking?

Just a month ago you agreed
we'd sell everything and move to Nice.

Well, now I'm disagreeing.

Right, I see. You think you've found
your golden goose,

all after a single fight.

Just one. And he lost!
I can see why you're so excited.

Don't be like that.
He'll win the next one.

That remains to be seen.

If I understand correctly,
I don't matter at all.

Victor, after all these years
of saying "Amen" to your every whim,

for once I'd like you
to take care of my needs.

Listen, Blanche,

I love you very much,
and you're a good girl.

but there's one major issue
I have with you:

you'll never be a great boxer.

Hello, Mrs. Blanche!
Is Victor waiting for me?

What else would he be doing?

Leave that to me.
I know you're late for your run.

Thank you! See you later.

He's like a whole new person!

He was so sad and quiet before.
Will that do for you?

It's fine.

Victor seems different, too.
It's like he's 20 years younger.

You think so?

215 francs.

He's such a sweet boy. It's nice
he's there to keep you two company.

He certainly takes up space.

I've always said to Angelo,

Victor needs a son.

Someone to teach his craft to,
someone to take with him…

Yes, perhaps.

It's a good thing he's on his side.
They're both doomed to fail.

We'll have to tighten up
your diet a little.

No more bread or wine with meals.

You need to lose a little more
to get back down to 63 kilos.

I set something up for you this morning.

Next Sunday you're on at the Central.

Don't get annoyed
or start thinking negatively.

I know you've got this one in the bag.

That's what you said last time.

Well, l won't beat around the bush.

Back then, you had no muscles
and you were out of breath.

You're in much better shape now.

How about morale? Perhaps about the same?

No, you're a different man.
You're brand new.

I'm not worried at all.

I'm convinced you have the stamina
for 15 rounds

and it'll be the start of
a beautiful career. I'll bet on it.

We'll go far together.
I'll do all I can to make that happen.

Even if it means I get in trouble
with the old lady.

You said next Sunday?
When exactly is that?

The 26th. Does that work for you?

Funnily enough, that's my 24th birthday.

You don't say! We'll have ourselves
a nice victory for your birthday.

How's that for a gift?

Good. It'll be the first time
I've ever gotten a birthday gift.

Hey, Dédé! How about a drink?

Get me a water, I'm on my way.

Don't you want something stronger?

I can't, I'm in training.

What fun sports are!

You know what the Yank ordered
with his oysters? Hot chocolate!

…But despite all her furs,
she's in deep, dark pennilessness.

She'll do whatever it takes
to keep her yacht.

-Two Beaujolais.
-And a water.

Say, René, there are lots
of fancy outfits tonight.

I've never seen so much fur.

Well, I guess it's a good thing
I wore mine! Is that my water?

Have you seen the old lady?
What does she look like!

I knew it was reckless
to come to this part of town!

Chantal, are they dangerous?

Awfully so. There's a crime here
practically every night.

I knew it. They're extremists,
aren't they?

Jean Marc, you've brought us
to an atrocious place!

And even worse, old-fashioned.
What a charming evening.

Jean Marc, my dear Jean Marc,
those men are scaring me.

You should never be scared of men.

Oh, but they're admirable creatures!

Did you see his fur-lined jacket?
Baby Hercules!

Jean Marc, behave yourself.

They're after our jewels.

No dear, they're after you.
I'll have a word.

Jean Marc, are you drunk?

Look at those stained overalls!

They'd make a lovely print
for a summer suit.

And the boy with the fur-lined jacket?

That guy's out of his mind!

Jean Marc, lower your voice!

Jean Marc, I guarantee you,
this smells like a riot.

That's how stories happen.

Didi, don't be ridiculous.

You didn't photograph one dress tonight.

That's sabotage.

There weren't any.

Then what's this right here?

Your masterpiece.

Isn't that right?

Shall we?

All right.

I have an idea. A marvelous idea.

Look at those boys.
Especially the fur-lined one.

Caught something?

It's funny, I feel like I know her.

Met on the golf course, did you?

Are you coming?

No, I'll stay a while.

-Good luck.
-Good night!

But Corinne, it would be sensational!

Anyway, you owe me it
for the prices I give you on my dresses.

Since you asked so graciously…

Would you?

It would be ludicrous.

It's all for the dress! Just tell him
who you are and about the store.

Well, if it's for publicity…

Oh! Corinne, you're a darling!

Quick, Didi, camera ready.
I'll talk to the boy.

Naturally, she's one step ahead of me.

They want to take a photograph
of the dress for an American magazine.

"Dinner at the Market." I need a partner.

Excuse me, sir.

There! With the butcher in the background
it'll be terribly couture.

Is he always like this?

Tonight, he's pretty calm.

Is that a yes?

If it'll make you happy.

You're an angel.

How's this?

One moment… Ah! Just sublime.
So Harper's Bazaar!

Come on, now!

Give her a kiss, she's not your sister!

Thank you so much. That's a wonderful
jacket you have on. Come and have a drink!

I don't do drinks. Just the clear stuff.

Oh, how incredibly chic!
Come on, then, we'll all have a vodka.

No, we've taken enough of his time.
He's working.

Well, I don't want to force him.

But I'm working, too.
These things aren't all fun and games.

Excuse me, but I'd better be going.

Here. I think you lost this one day.

Why… Indeed!

How did you know it was mine?

Have we met before?

Once, yes. At a distance.

Bring him over here
if you're not going to let him go!

Come, Corinne, it'll be charming.

This is horrifying. I have a terrible
headache and I'm absolutely exhausted,

but God knows how much more of this
I'll have to endure.

It must be so hard having money, huh?

To earn it, yes, sometimes.

Corinne, don't be so reckless!

Say good night and get out of here.
I'll take you home, if you like.

Does that suit you?

That's not a bad idea, after all.

It's not like I have a Cadillac,
you know. It's just a truck.

You're not worried about getting dirty?

I've never worried
about that kind of thing.

Corinne, do you want us to start begging?

Head towards the door. I'll follow you.

Ah, finally!

I am sorry to leave you so early on,

but a very nice gentleman
who noticed how tired I was

has offered to take me home.

Surely you're not leaving?

She should leave her mink!
She'll be murdered!

Are you mad? You know how Jean Marc is.
The whole of Paris will know by tomorrow!

I don't give a damn
about the whole of Paris.

What about Pierre? Don't you care about
him? They'll happily tell him everything!

Well, let them tell him.
I want to live my life.

You can live all you want once
you're his wife, but not a second before.

I'm rather liberal, but to leave
like that with a random man…

She loves scandal, but she'll
be terrified if she doesn't see

our car within the next five minutes.

The check, and hurry. John,
pay as quick as you can and let's go.

You have a beautiful smile.

If you'd told me that this morning
I'd be telling you my life story…

Am I ruining your mood with all my tales?

Not at all.

It was a little sad at first, but then…

It very quickly became
somewhat refreshing.


Yes. In fact, you yourself
are rather refreshing.

Don't get mad. I mean it kindly.

You said number 17, right?
But this is a store!

The apartment's on the second floor.
It's very charming.

Would you like to see it?

I'm sorry, but I don't have time.
Besides, you must be tired.

Obviously I can't force you,

but there is one thing I'd like to know:

are you stupid,

extremely shy, or am I
particularly ugly this morning?

-No, I'm following.

What were you saying earlier
about your training?

No smoking, and then what?

No smoking, no drinking, no…

No women, right?

Yes, because…

Ah… Indeed.

It didn't even cross my mind
that a girl like you would…

Well, I'm freezing to death.
Make up your mind.

It's already made up.

Did I shock you?

Me? I've seen too much to be shocked.

But I still don't know
the women of the world.

Well, you see, they're very simple.

Honesty itself.

All right, we've missed our chance.

It's not worth the trouble.
You'd better go.

Maybe it's for the best. Goodbye.

Don't be mad at me.

Thank you for taking me home.
I had a wonderful time.


This time I'm giving it back to you.

I'll wear it to the Central
for the match on Sunday.

Good luck!

So kind of you to drop by. I'm sure
you've been out of your minds with worry.

Corinne! Did he at least behave himself?

How beautiful! It looks lovely and warm!

The kid's going to love it.

A boxer's first robe is very important.

I remember showing mine off.

Say, Maria, would it bore you
to embroider his initials on it?

Certainly not!

I would have asked Blanche,
but at the moment…

I don't know, she's a little tired.

Could you have it ready for tomorrow?

Sure! Is his birthday dinner
at your place?

Well, in principle, yes, but Blanche…

We could host it! We can all
come back here after the match.

If it wouldn't be too much trouble…

It's no trouble at all. Anything for Dédé,
right, Angelo?

Sure, why not? It's the big match!

No, no need to exaggerate.
It's just an amateur fight, three rounds.

No, but it's a big deal for the kids
to box at the Central.

It's a kind of accolade, in a way.

Plus, it's a tough crowd down there.
They judge a boxer in under two minutes.

It's important for Dédé, isn't it?

Is that what you think?
Yes, it's very important.

I know him. If he loses this one,
he'll quit boxing.

In any case… I think you can chill
the champagne ready for tomorrow.

We'll both deserve it.

All right, good night.

Good night.

Victor! Victor! There's a package for you.

Don't yell so loud!

Dédé's trying to sleep. It's the only
time he doesn't have the jitters.

The jitters! You're even worse than him.
Maria just dropped this off.


I heard there's going to be
a little party tonight.

What are we celebrating?
Burying your illusions?

For God's sake,
why do you have it in for the kid?

He irritates me. You hear me?
He's annoying.

The first kid I really believe in
irritates you?

You never did as much for the others.

The others weren't worth
half of what he is!

Let's not talk about his worth
until the fight tonight.

Admit it, you felt sorry for him.
He's the only one you care about now.

You've lost your head over him
and that's why I want him to lose.

I hope he gets his little face smashed in

so that you can finally sober up
and understand.

Are you hysterical or something?
It seems to me that you're jealous.

Why wouldn't I be?

The other kids would love a boxing robe
with their initials on it, too,

but all they get are hand-me-downs.

Stop talking like that.
Besides, it's his birthday.

Oh, so that's the reason for the party!

Well, I'll be sure to make a wish for him.

In fact, I'll do it right now,
and through the entire fight!

This is like a cartoon!

What's with these two nincompoops?

Stop the slaughter!

Send the ref to the grave!

Is he meditating?

And to think, my wife thinks I'm out here
enjoying myself!

Have you phoned your right hand?

Put your tie away, ref!

This is a joke.

Go on, Mickey!

Hey, Popeye!
Did you forget to eat your spinach?

All right. We've got this, son.

If your kid wins and he's as good
as you say he is,

we might be able to arrange a better deal.

All right. We'll talk after the fight.

All right, man. Let's go and show them
what we can do.

And the winner is… Lemaire!

Are you feeling all right?
You look a little odd.

Yes, I'm fine.

Go on, Dédé!

I hope they're not going to be
as mean to him!

It depends how he fights.

Don't tense up and don't be nervous.
It's going to be fine.

Here we go! Second fight,
in the amateur lightweight division.

We've got three rounds,
each three minutes long.

André Ménard, representing Club Grenelle,
weighing in at 63,2 kg,

against Piedro Mansini
from the Montreuil League, 63,7 kg.

Is the other kid a Sicilian?

What do I care if he's a Sicilian?

André Ménard!

Piedro Mancini!

And the third referee
for this fight is Mr. Tromlet.

Don't worry. You'll have a blast.
You've got all your friends behind you.

Round one!

All right, take it easy!

What are you waiting for, Dédé ?

Get out of here!

Well, it's looking pretty good.

Are you trying to get hurt today, Blondie?

Come on, Dedé!

Go for it, Dédé!

Attack, attack!

All right, for a wrong-footer,

a bonus of 300 francs goes to Mancini!

Slip, slip, slip! Turn, turn!

Come on, now!

Come on, kid, get a move on!

-Come on, Dédé, react!
-Go for it, Dédé!


Attack, Dédé, attack!

What the hell is he doing?

He won't last! He doesn't have the heart
or the stomach for it!

What, and you do?

Go on, hit him! Hit him, Dédé!

This just in from the sports café…

an extra 200 francs
for the winner of the fight!

Corinne, my angel!
The fight started a long time ago!

I'm sorry, but Chantal's flight
was terribly late.

-What a strange place!
-Yes, indeed.

I've only seen boxing once. So elegant.

Hold on, who was it?
A very handsome Black man.

I love it.

-Sugar? Sugar Ray?
-Robinson ?

But he's a world champion!

Make sure you cover yourself,
and as he comes in, go for the upper cut.

Follow him closely
and as soon as you spot an opening,

left hook head on. He won't like that.

All right, go for it, man.
You've got to win, right?

Round two!

Go on, Dédé!

I don't know why, but Dedé's morale is
at an all-time low. That's the problem!

Look! What a beautiful hat!

Make a mess out of him

Watch out for the feather!

If I had a bird like that,
I'd stay home on Sundays!

Come on, Dédé! React!

Come on, Dédé!

Come from underneath!

That's it, follow through!

And another bonus of 200 francs,
this time for Ménard!

Thanks to Les Toques Restaurant,

another 500-franc bonus
will be split between the two boxers!

Come on, let's go!

Go on, Dédé!

Come on, Dédé, go for it!

We've just received an anonymous gift
of 200 francs for Ménard!

Bravo! We should congratulate them.

After the match! This isn't a musical!

Oh, bravo!

What a brute.
He got me right in the liver.

You're doing a great job, kid. Keep it up.

Don't give up, don't give in.
It's in your hands.

Keep following his movements
and stay on top of him at all times!

I need to win. I need to win!

Of course you're going to win,
just loosen up a little.

Breathe deeply and good God,
don't hold back, man.

Don't hold back, I'm telling you.

It's in your hands. You've got this.
Keep it going.

I'm really happy with you, kid.

It's the third and final round!

So, when is it?

Shut up, you in the Gods!

Come on, come on! Follow through!
Hit him! Go on!

We've just had another anonymous donation

of 300 francs for whoever wins the round!

Very good, André, very good!

He's going for it! Yeah!


He's sublime!

We have to do something!
I don't know, send him flowers!

Do you have a spring in your ass?



Use your punches!

-But he's Italian!
-So what ? I just want him to win!

Come on, come on!

Good, good! Follow, follow!


Come on!

Well done, kid. Listen, I've never heard
them cheer so loud for an amateur!

All right…

The winner is… André Ménard!

Bravo, Dédé!

Off you go, future champion!

It's a fun little apartment, isn't it?


It's actually an annex of the store.

Haute Époque, strange trinkets,
a surrealist bric-a-brac to impress

the billionaires. The more expensive
something is, the more they buy.

They don't know what they're doing,
between us.

Nothing here is authentic. It's all fake.
Including me.

But what good does it do you?

It means I can defend myself.

Life has taught me that authenticity
doesn't pay.

Has life taught you a lot of things?

Enough for me not to trust it.

And all this belongs to you?

No, to Chantal, a friend of mine.

I take care of sales
and the social side of the business.

Chantal is always traveling.

She scours the provinces to find
all these little horrors.

But that's our business partnership.

I see.

No, you don't.

Everything is far more complicated
than that.

To the winner!

To the sad victor.

Sad, me? No way.

Do I make you laugh?

No, it's not you, it's me.

I just feel like a real vamp,

a naughty lady corrupting
the sweet young boxer.

Do you often fall in love at first sight,
like in the market?

Or am I special?

Well, to be perfectly polite…

I don't care about politeness. Answer me!

No, it doesn't happen often. Far from it.

Normally my head isn't so easily turned.
Any other questions for me?

It's silly, but… I like that.

It's not silly at all.
In fact, it's rather lovely.

What about you? Your life?


No love of your life?


Apart from boxing?

Apart from boxing? Boxing.

It's all I have.

It must be nice
to love something that much.

It's wonderful.

I understand.

I… I understand so well, in fact,
that I'm going to do something unexpected.

André. Let's go and find them.


Those who love boxing as much as you!

The friends I took you away from
after the match.

You're meant to be with them tonight.

I am?

I'd really like to know
where I'm meant to be.

No. I think that even if you hadn't come,

I wouldn't have gone with them. And yet…

And yet?

And yet there's one person who will
be waiting for me,

who'll be fuming that I'm not there.

Your manager?

How did you know?

You didn't stop talking about him
all the way back from the Central.

Listen, if you'd like us to see
one another again as much as I do,

go and find him. Of course you should.

You really do understand.

I say that
because life has taught me a lot.

Go on, off you go.
He'll be waiting for you.

He will be, yes. But not his wife.

Me being there bothers her.

I just won my fight. I want to be happy!
I don't want to bother anyone.

If you hadn't come, I'd have lost,

and all because of her.
I could sense her there, wishing I'd lose.

But seeing you really got me going,

and I won! Do you understand that? I won!

So tonight I can't sit there at a table

with someone who detests me.

Did they organize something to celebrate
your victory?


And my birthday.


Today's your birthday?

Yes, but it doesn't matter.

Birthdays always matter.

How old are you?

Twenty-four. What about you?

It's rude to ask a lady her age.

These days,

a woman's age often counts as double.

You're funny.

How do you say that in French?

Joyeux anniversaire.

André… I'm glad you're staying with me.

Don't be mad at him, he's just a kid.

Besides, he found himself
an unexpected gift.

Absolutely. Anyway, good night.

Good night.

Good night, and don't worry.
He'll be there tomorrow.

He missed a truly excellent dinner.
Good night.

Good night.

Can you believe that little rascal?
Running off like that

just as I was about to get him
another fight?

Well, that's your job.
He won, that's his job done.

Thanks to who?
Didn't I make him what he is?

He's never said otherwise,
so what are you complaining about?

You found your golden goose,

but birds have wings.

Get used to it. You're just his manager.
You're too sentimental, Victor.

Male friendship really grinds
you ladies' gears, huh?

Yes, when it turns men into idiots.

There are times when
I'd really like to tell you what for!

And friendship is like love,
it very rarely goes both ways.

Victor. Don't say anything
when he gets back.

He wouldn't understand, that's to
be expected. It's for the best.

Good morning.

Good morning.

Were you watching me sleep?

Is that not allowed?

I hate it. When you're asleep,
you can't defend yourself.

Do you need a defense against me?

Against everybody.
Besides, I must look a fright.

Oh, look at those tired eyes!
I'm a disgrace.

Did I look ugly?

No, you looked adorable.

Sleeping here surrounded by all these
crazy trinkets, you look like a guest.

You don't seem at home, you know?

Why's that?

Because you look like a little kid
with nothing.

One that I could love
and who might be able to love me, too.

One with your hair,
your sweet face, your body.

But someone at my level,
not a woman of the world.

What's the matter?

No, nothing. Leave me be.

Corinne, did I say something terrible?

No, not at all, my love.

Then what is it?

Look, I know I don't seem
very comfortable here.

I know I seem like a little girl
while I try so hard not to.

It fools some people, but not you.
And I know why that is, too.

It's because deep down,
you and I, we're the same.

Shut up and kiss me.

No, I know who it is.

Every morning, at the same time,
I get a call from Monte Carlo

inquiring after my health

and whether there are any desires
of mine to be fulfilled.

Aren't you going to answer it?

If it's someone who loves you,
that isn't nice.

What if it's someone I don't love?

That doesn't sound easy.

I tried my best.

He doesn't understand that's why I left.


Are you superstitious?

Oh yes, very much so!

André, what will become of me?

Nothing, nothing at all, because I'm here.

Wait, I have something to break the curse.

We'll use the good-luck charm

to balance out the bad luck.

Here, I'm giving it back to you.

What about you?

Me? I have you. That's more than enough.

So, the prodigal son returns!

Yes, but don't bother with the niceties.
I know you're pissed off.

I didn't get my little face smashed in,

so I'm sorry your wishes didn't come true.

André? Did Victor tell you that?

You spoke loud enough for me to hear you.

You must have been happy, huh,
the night before last?

I didn't come last night because of you.

So just smile and say thank you.


It looks like your vacation did you good.

Were you in the countryside?

You're not very chatty.
Too tired to talk, are you?

Are you mad at me?

No, no.

You can do whatever you like.
You're a grown man.

A grown man but not a polite one,
that's for sure.

Nice people say goodbye when they go.


That's Mr. Victor to you.
Go ahead, I'm listening.

It's nothing. Don't worry about it.

As you wish.

Anyway, you restart
training tomorrow, as you're

in the Palais des Sports prelims.

The fight's in three weeks.

Until then, you won't be going out
into the world,

so save yourself for afterwards,
if you want.

Not easy, is it?

You know, just because you beat one guy

doesn't mean you've got it.

You're still nothing.
Nothing, you hear me?

You've already forgotten
what I taught you.

Can you stop that while I'm speaking?

Is being in love slowing you down?

At least pretend to box,
it should distract you.

Tire yourself out a little.
This is a boxing ring, not a beauty salon.

What's his deal? It's been a week.

Can you ask your boarding house
if there's a room for me?


Well, you two sure are cheerful company.

Don't worry, I'll get it.

I guess love really does give you wings.

What's going on? What's the matter?

He wants to leave.

Surely it's just a phase.
Did he give a reason?

She's on the phone right now.

Well, that's a good reason.

Victor, stay here.

-You're going out?
-I'm going out.

You do realize the fight's in two weeks?

So what?

Going out tonight
isn't going to ruin my career.

Not your career, no,
but the match, potentially.

One night out counteracts
an entire week of training.

You know what's happening.

There comes a time in every boxer's life

where he has to choose.

What if I can't choose?

I say this as a friend.
Do you really love her that much?

How do I even know if I love her?

Love is just a word in a song,
surrounded by nonsense.

It's not that complicated.

But knowing she's out there
somewhere in Paris,

that I could be with her,
be talking to her,

that's all I think about and it hurts.

It hurts so much!
Like a shot to the heart!

And if I can't put my all into training

it's because I spend all day
waiting for her to call

and it kills me.

Is that what love is?

Yes, it sounds like it.

Well, that's good, right? Because
ever since she called, I've been happy.

Yes, but if you slip up, buddy,
she'll knock you right out.

That girl's out of your league.

I know, but that's our concern
and no one else's.

It's my concern, too.
This is a risky business.

There's more to life than boxing!

For you that's all there can be!

I won't let you mess that up, you hear me?

Oh, come on! Dictators are so
old-fashioned. I'm sick of obeying rules.

I have the right to live my life
the way I want.

Don't be mad. What's happening to me
is such an incredible feeling.

Incredible enough to risk it all?



All right, just listen to me.
Then you can do what you want.

Let me tell you something.
All my life I've loved boxing,

but that bitch never returned the favor.

I never made it as a boxer, you know?

Yes, I was a French champion, but
it was tough. I barely managed it

and I wasn't up there for long.

No, I'm not finished.

I didn't turn out to be a great manager,
either, but that's another story.

Maybe it's all a matter of luck.

Before you, I never came across
a guy that would do it for me.

Then you came along at the very moment
I was about to pack it all in

and retire, like Blanche wanted me to.

But I immediately saw
what you could become.

It's everything I dreamed of being.
I pinned all my hopes on you.

And now, you see, thanks to me,

you could become someone. Thanks to you,
I could finally achieve something.

Remember that day I told you
this was an exchange?

Yes, I remember.

Well, don't just drop everything
like that, all right?

Mainly for your sake, but for mine, too.

No, come on, son.
Tonight, you're going out nonetheless.

But if I go, I'll…

I just laid all my cards on the table,
but maybe you've got a better hand.

Only with her can you know that for sure,
not here.

Then I…

You're emotional now, that's normal,

but I don't want you to resent me one day
for getting you all up in your feelings.

It's going to be difficult, I know that.

But in life you have to confront things
and people head on,

you can't just run away.

So, off you go,
and have a little courage, all right?


There's nothing more
I can do for you, Dédé.

There's a time in this game
when you must play alone.

Hey! Eavesdropping at the door now,
are you? Well, the show's over.


To me, you were a great boxer.
A great boxer who never got a chance.

And to think, I ruined it all for you.

Well, it wasn't exactly fun for you
all the time, either.

And then… I did some modeling work,

and after that, a little theater,
like everyone else…

Then I met Chantal…

She helped me rise through the ranks,

she trained me, she introduced me
to the right people.

And that was that.

I know that's not all.

What about your guy in Monte Carlo?

Go on.

Why do you want to know about that?

I want to see your cards.

My cards?

Yes. So, who is this guy?

I met him through Chantal.

He has an enormous amount of money.

He wants to marry me.

It would give me security,
a place in the world

that I've always yearned for.

Sounds delightful! How old is he?

That old, huh?

I assume Chantal
will get something out of it, too?

Why won't you answer me?

The business isn't doing well.

I got Pierre to finance the store.

He's doing it for me, you see?

Because he can't stand her.

If Pierre marries me, she's secure, too.

You're so young, André.

That's what life is all about.
This is Paris!

This Paris is suffocating me.

By God, don't you want

a breath of fresh air
in the midst of all these fumes?

Don't you want to breathe?

Yes, but it's too late, André.

Don't be ridiculous, you're not in jail.

The door is right there.
Say goodbye and get out.

You make it sound so simple.

And yet you're the one making everything
so complicated, making me question it all.

I had accepted my life.
I was going to get everything I desired.

But then I met you.

And now it's you I need.

I need to feel you close to me.
I want to keep you with me, I want…

I love you, André,

I love you like I've never loved
anyone before.

And it's wonderful.

It's wonderful but it's stupid,
because it can never lead anywhere

or amount to anything.

We could be happy together.

I'll make you forget everything else.
It'll just be you and me.

You're so young,

and this is so lovely.

Say that's what you want, Corinne. Say it.

You'll see, no one will love you
the way I do.

I can't believe he just left,
without even calling.

Oh, the day's not over yet.

If I hear anything,
I'll come and tell you.

Yes, because we like him a lot,
you know.

No, I'm telling you,
he hasn't been by here.

Well, I could ask you the same thing…

If I see him, yes… I'm listening…



I certainly believe in his career.

He's a rare find, and so early on…

Yes. I understand.

I'm not the one who'll prove you wrong.

Yes, of course…

Yes, I'm sorry,

I just didn't expect that at all,
not like this, anyhow…

The Quai d'Orléans?
Right, fine, understood.

Yes, I'll tell him. You can count on me.
And… Good luck!

That kid's like a draft. Anyone who gets
near him catches a cold.

Maria, come here!

I want you to tell Victor something
from me.

Are you too scared to tell him yourself?

No, but Blanche will be there
and I'd want to speak to him alone.

I've been waiting hours for her to go out.

Be kind.

Tell him I want to thank him
for everything,

that I'm not an ungrateful bastard

and that I love him dearly, but…

But there's someone else you love more?
Is that it?

That's it.

You're a sweet girl. You'll be happy
one day, too. You'll see. Goodbye.



Please ask him not to be mad at me.



There's no point yelling, sir. She's gone.

Gone? What do you mean?

Corinne, answer! I know you're here.

Those are my suitcases.

I decided to come home early, and I'm glad
I did, because the place was a disaster.

You've got to be kidding me.
That can't be true. It isn't true!

Go ahead. You know your way around.

What am I going to do without her?

I was wondering the exact same thing.

This little romance is going to cost me.

What's wrong with these fools,
choosing love at all costs?

I thought she was smarter than that,

the little idiot.

Once she's calmed down, she'll regret it.

Regret what?

Come on, aren't you going to talk?

She hasn't gone to be with him, has she?

I know she wouldn't do that to me.

I just told you she did, didn't I?

So where did she go?

I don't know. She didn't care to tell me.

And… She left? All by herself?

Yes, after an incredibly moving scene.
She's a closet drama queen, you know.

I need you to explain yourself!

She loved you,
and she left because of you.

Because of me?

So as not to hinder your future,
she sacrificed her own happiness.

Of course, she'll never see Pierre again,

nor me, for that matter.
She's starting a new life.

And it's all because of you.

Oh, she was in floods of tears.
Very emotional.

But why?

We could have been so happy together!

She clearly didn't agree.

I don't think there's anything
left to say here.

You really don't know where she is?

No. I give you my word.


She asked me to give you this.

Thank you.

Yes, that was me again, you see.

How did you find out the address?

You're the one who spoke to her!
You're the one who ruined everything!

It all came from her and her alone.
I'll explain in due course.

She wasn't the woman for you,
but she isn't a bad person.

You don't need memories. You have your
whole future ahead of you. Come on now.


Subtitle translation by: Rebecca Schofield