La venganza (1958) - full transcript

In rural Spain, sister of an ex con convinces him to take revenge against the local who tipped off the authorities about the man's whereabouts, which led to his subsequent arrest. Unfortunately, she soon falls in love with the snitch.

Every year, when the wheat is ripe, there
is an influx of men into both Castillas.

...arriving from Galicia, Extremadura,
Cuenca, from the Andalucian Highlands.

It is a seasonal, logical migration...

...old as our land or our bread.

Which repeats itself every year
at the same time.

There is plenty of wheat
but not enough hands.

That's why people coming from pasture,
olive and vineyard lands...

where there is no work
this time of the year...

...arrive to the endless, horizontal
yellow plains.

...and work in one of the most noble
and oldest professions in Earth.

They are the reapers.

Men, women and children arrive. this round trip through the mesetas
under the blue skies.

Those reapers' crews fulfill an
ancient work and trail ritual.

...and they become one with the men and
women on the banks of the Po River.

...and with the people from Valencia
going up La Camarga lands.

...and with the pickers traveling from
Oklahoma to the golden California.

And with the wet-back Mexicans
crossing the Rio Grande.

This film just wants to tell.

...about the work and days.

...of a group of reapers.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

Are you going to town?

- That's where I am from.
- Really? I don't know you.

Do you carry ID?

Very well.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

He is Juan D?az. He has been in prison.

He spent there 10 years.

Good morning!

Good morning!

Do you know him?

He is Juan, Andrea's brother.
He has been in prison.

He killed a man.

Isn't he Juan Diaz? They've set him free.

Poor man, he didn't do it.

And now, what?



You must be Andrea.

- I... I am...




Let me have a look at you.

You look like mother.

The same eyes.

You know you are pretty?

You were... This size.


When I left.

How old were you?

I was nine.


And now...

So... what are the young men saying?

You may want to eat something,
wash yourself...

You must be tired.

I had to walk all the way here.
From the station.

Now... I want to see everything.

I want to be with you.

What happened to Pilar?

She got tired of waiting for you.

Didn't she remember me?

Just a little.

Almost never.

And I only remember.

...that there were people.

Many people.

- Everyone from the Old House.
- Yes...

Now they must all be shaking...
full of fear.


The ones from the Old House. The
mother... And him...

Twisted Luis.

I have been thinking of today all along.

You are back. So we'll
now settle this matter.

Now you will pay for this, "Twisted"!

- Did you say "to pay"?
- Yes...

He will now be arrogant.

...ready to do anything. You
must watch it, Luis.

He is back.

Mother, you always thought that
Juan would never come back.

He wasn't executed.

That's what they should have done!
He should have been put to death!

But look what happened instead.

Just a few years... And he is out!

Do you think that wasn't enough?

But what did you expect, Mother?

Juan cannot go against us,
against the Old House people.

He knows that, so he won't do
anything. You will see.

I don't want you to talk to him.

Why not? Juan will want to work,
and I could use him.

I don't want to see him here, Luis!

And I don't want you to forget.

The Old House is falling apart, mother.

You don't want to see that, either.

But everyone else has noticed.

Only you think that nothing changes...

...that all remains the same.

I don't want you to forget!

You must always remember! Nobody
must forget what happened!

- Not even them?
- Especially not them!

They must always be reminded.

So that they remember what everyone
did. So that they don't forget.

- So that they hate us!
- I hate them too!

You can, mother.

You can do it.

You are always here...
between these four walls... this house that is slowly collapsing.

Not me.

I must be outside with all others...

working with all of them!

That way is not so easy to hate, mother.

Look at him!

Is he Juan?

Yes, the one who killed the
eldest in the Old House.

That's hearsay, Tinorio. Others
think he didn't do it.

- And that he was framed.
- By someone from the family?

I heard that Twisted Luis was
the one who did it.

What do you think?

For as long as I remember.

...the Diaz's and the ones from the Old
House have hated each other.

Then what happened, happened.

That woman, Salvador,
Juan, the other brother...

Which other brother?

I know things, lad. But I won't tell you.

Well, the worst is over.

He wasn't executed, so he is back.

The worst is about to come for Twisted.

Juan may want to take revenge,
don't you think?

Maybe... Maybe not.

And if it was he or someone else
who killed Twisted's brother...

who knows for sure?

Who knows that?

- Well...
- The deceased!

Do you know who he is?


That's it, Salvador.

The owner of the Old House.
Twisted Luis' older brother.

I didn't kill you, Salvador. Did I?

But I paid for it nevertheless.

- Someone framed me. And that someone...
- It was Twisted!

- How do you know that?
- I'm sure, it was Luis!

- If that was true...
- It is true!

No, it isn't! You are not sure,
and neither am I.

And I must be sure... kill him.

There must be a way to find out.

Just stare at him.

Yes. Stay in front of him and stare at him.

- He will do something.
- Like what?

I don't know, but eventually
he will do something.

He will turn pale.

...or his voice will tremble while
lying, or he will look down.

I will notice, and you will too. And
so will everybody. And then...

...then you can kill him.

- You must swear you will kill him!
- Andrea!

You must swear. By mother and
by all the dead lying here!

Swear that you will kill the Twisted!

- If he did it...
- He did it, you will see!

Swear it...

I swear.

I swear I will kill the Twisted.

Very well, talk!

I say we can still go to Castilla to reap.

- And better tomorrow that the day after.
- Shut up, old man!

Keep talking.

Those are the only ones you can count on.

I know you are organizing your group.

You, Old Santiago,
Pablo Tinorio, and the lad.

But you can't. You are not an even number.

That's right.

There's one too many.

Two reaping, and one binding.

Or you are two short, depending
on how you look at it.


...and Andrea.

That's right.

Andrea could tie... And be the cook.

She could also take care of us. I'm
saying that in the good way.

That's the way I heard it.

I used to be a good reaper.

- Could you still do it?
- Yes, I can.

You are too sure.

I need to eat.

And if we don't reach an agreement?

Then you won't go anywhere.

And you need it as much as I do.

See? You need me.

OK, I'm in charge of the group.

You four, with sickles.

Maxi and Andrea will be binders.

Andrea will cook as well.

- Are you all OK with that?
- Yes!

We will all get an equal
share of each contract.

The lad will get half share, and
Andrea another half. Agreed?

- Yes, agreed.
- That's all then.

We'll leave tomorrow.

If you all agree, I will wait for
you by the fountain at seven.


Good night!

What are you looking at, mother?

What did you want me to do?

Would you prefer us to starve to death?

Don't you understand?

The money we can make by
reaping will help us.

Don't you see that the Old House
is falling apart, mother?

Each one is going his way!

Where are my brothers?

It's easier to go to the city and do
anything, even if begging.

The Twisted is the only one who resists!

Why should I care about Marcial and
Salvador? They are both dead! Dead!

We must live and eat!
And that includes you!

And for that I need that man.

Do you understand, mother?
Do you understand?

I need him.

What about her?

Good night, Luis.

Good night, mother.

The sun was hitting your flowery
window bars at daybreak.

It was hitting your flowery window bars.

I sang you a fandango.

Good morning.

I sang good morning to you.

I did so just for your love.

I grabbed them from the wheat field.

I am bringing you white poppies.

I got them from the wheat field.

With birds of colours that
would blend with yours.

When they talked about love.

I would even marry you!

- First my mother has to let me.
- You're right!

Maybe she prefers me as a husband
instead of as a son in law!

This is too long... And here
one does not have to think.

Thinking drives one crazy.

That must be bad.

Yes, especially when it's not one's fault.

The one with the dappled mule,
the one with the dappled mule...

The one with the dappled mule, mother...

Look at that!

I sing happily,
for there is a lot of grain...

And I have good mules this summer.


All together, it must be
close to 10 bushels.

And the grain is too clear,
you can see that. So...

I told you, we cannot give you more.

You arrived late, and you are new here.

The ones from Cuenca must
be almost here, right?

They'll be here this week.

Just imagine if I waited for them.

They are cheaper and they
have been here before.

400 duros (2,000 pesetas).

- You feed us!
- Of course!

The usual: oil, bacon, potatoes,
chickpeas and bread.

- And wine!
- And wine!

Here... Have a smoke.

Old man, Tinorio...!

- How many meals do you supply?
- How many do you want?

- They provide four meals everywhere else.
- You won't starve to death.

- Is that far away?
- That depends on one's perspective.

This is my third summer here.

I thought your face was familiar.

We came to Don Fernando Alonso's place.

Let's go!


I like to see you that way.

I can see in your eyes that you hate me.

- Stay away from me, Twisted!
- And you from me, woman!

One never knows how things may end.

- I do know!
- Andrea!

The first day is the worst.

The moon is huge.

I'll sing because I'm happy. the fresh morning.

I'll sing because I'm happy...

...another day I will cry.

...but I don't feel like it now.

Remember what I said last night?

It is Juan's groove.

The whole group has to go at my pace!

Yes, for later we split evenly!

True. We don't have to maintain anyone.


I have been maintained
for 10 years. Got that?

And we still need to know thanks
to whom I was fed for free.

Well, you also kept your head on.

One compensates for the other.

Wait... it's not the right time.

All back to work!

Twisted, do you think we
could spend the night here?

We could go to the village
tomorrow at dawn.

It's not too far anyway.

OK then.

OK guys, you know what they say
about the one who arrives last!

Tinorio, you cheater!

Unfortunate is the one who eats.

...the bread from someone else's hand.

My arm!

What happened, Tinorio?

Quick, a piece of rope!

What happened, Tinorio?

Here! Tie it tight!

Tie it tight, old man!

Hang in, man! Hang in!

How is it, Tinorio?

- Andrea, bring salt and vinegar!
- ?Come on, quickly!


Let me see.


We will never end this way!

That's the last thing we needed!

If Tinorio is in pain, that's too bad!

We make our own luck!

Had he paid more attention instead of
singing, nothing would have happened.

- The sickle slipped from my hand.
- Don't be angry, Twisted...

We'll continue after lunch.

We'll see how you perform.
You will never change!

Did you say something?

You people from the Old House have
always been the same way!

You are the only ones who count,
and to hell with the rest!

Listen to me, Juan Diaz...

You are looking for trouble,
and you are going to find it.

My people are the way they are,
and talking about performance...!

You have taken advantage for many years!

Many things that belonged to others. have been taking, and...

- You even took from me...
- You are lying!

- I'm telling you in your face. You
are lying! - You know I'm not lying!

You know I have never lied!

You and all your kin know very
well I did not kill Salvador!

One day I will find out who set me up!

In which way? Tell us!

You will find out!

Maybe... Splitting your heart!

- Come on, try!
- Stop it!

Stop it!

- Come on, try!
- I told you to stop it!

It must he the sun melting your
brains and driving you crazy!

We came here to work! To make
some money and then go back home!

The only thing that matters
is to earn our bread!

And even if we are bursting out
of hate or anger or whatever...

we must still be together!

And we will stay together no matter what!

Did you get that?
Did you get that?

Hey, Maxi!

I'm here.

Come here...

Come here, come here!

This man is also a
stranger in this area.

...and he asked me if he could
spend the night with us.

- Good night.
- Good night.

You can sit here.

You can stay here if you wish. You
can also eat and drink something.

But I don't think this food
will appeal to a city dweller.

Yes, sir. I come from the city.

Maybe he is one of those who
go around measuring things.

He is talking about someone
we found a few days ago.

No, I am a writer.


I write books.

Is that the way you earn your living?

Yes, more or less...

And what do you write about?

Well, I travel through
this and other lands.

...and I write about the
land and its people.

What will you write about us?

Well, the way I met you...

...and how you invited me for dinner
and of things we talked about.

Do you come from far away?

We come from the mountains. There
is no work in the summer. we come here and we always
bring something back home.

But Twisted can explain that
better. He is our foreman.

Why do you refer him as Twisted?

That's the way things go.

Both my family and my friends.

...say this is because I was very ill.

I was going to die, and then.

I changed my mind.

The ones who are not my friends.

...say it's because I am evil.

But those are old stories;

...their origin I don't even remember,
but I know they don't amuse me.

The fact is that's how they call me,
and I will die with that nick.

Are you going to write all this?

I think so.

As long as you don't mind.

Of course not!

What I don't understand is why do you
have to travel before you write.

I travel because I feel I must know my
land and the people who live here.

And I think that if I know both of them.

...then I will know myself much better.

Because I think that what matters
is to talk with everyone.

And see what each one thinks or is
bothered about, or why he is happy.

...or what he is hoping for.

Many times, enemies are enemies because they
are apart and don't talk to each other.

...and not for any other reason.

Because nobody can live alone,
and nobody is alone.

And every man must count on his neighbour.

So "friend" becomes the best word; means the opposite to "selfish".

You recognize a friend because he
forgets... And he forgives if he must.

This way, the heart is clean
and ready to beat again.

What I know from our land. big and beautiful.

Sometimes good, sometimes bad.

...and we are all together on it.

We are all neighbours, and
we can all be friends.

That's why nobody can sow discord...

...and refer to some as good
and to others as bad.

Because we are a mixed bag.

I think that all of us are
part of a large group;

...each of us with our own issues.

...but all together.

All side by side... All reaping
the same wheat.

- Wait, woman.
- Let me go!

I'm' telling you to wait!

You hate me, I see it in your eyes.

Why, Andrea?

You've got a bad memory, Twisted.

No matter how much I try to remember
I always see you this way.

Against me, wishing me the worst.

The worst would still be good for you!

Can't we be friends? That
man said we could.

You know how old I am?

All these years I have been
cursing you and your kin.

Now you won't be able to escape from...!

Damn woman! Your blood is poisoned!

My mother was right!

We cannot forget! We cannot
stop watching you!

We must always watch you,
and Juan and your likes!

Always remembering what happened so that
you all know where each of us stands!

So that you can't even
dream in raising a hand!

You are all bad people, like
weeds that must be pulled!

Bad people from bad stock!

And you are the worst!


That's a shame.

Yes, a real shame.

I want to leave, they said that you...

were badmouthing me.

And look at my good will...

Hey, reapers!

Where are you coming from?

We are from Galicia, from
Santa Marta de Teixido.

And you?

We are from the Andalusian mountains!

You can all relax, we have arrived!

We'll go in your help in a moment!

He must be the gang's smartass.

Go and pick on him, Tinorio!

Come on, Tinorio!

Thank you! This way you will eat
something, you starving group!

And to teach you how to reap we'll
send you our youngest!

No! Send us the woman!

What for do you want old bread
if you have no teeth?

Don't worry, we'll let that bread soak!


They are winning, keep going!

- Winning?
- Yes, answer them!

Go on!

You would suffer from indigestion!

Honey was not invented for pigs!

Hey, Andalusians! See how mean reap!

Let's see, filthy leg!

Don't look at me that way,
for you are tormenting me.

I won't feel it while asleep but
I will when I am awake.

I won't feel it while asleep but
I will when I am awake.

Dance, Manueli?o, Manueli?o go and dance.

Manueli?o, go dance with Adelaida.

Dance, Manueli?o, Manueli?o go and dance.

Manueli?o, go dance with Adelaida.

Go on, my dappled mule!

Go faster.

Because the reapers are by the fields.


- Good afternoon, Bermejo.
- Hi.

Look, it's the mountaineers' cook!

When will you finish reaping, girl?

Today in the evening, and
we'll leave in the morning.

We'll go to Pedro Blanco.

The old man says there is always
work and they pay better.

Oh well, I'll miss you.

Well, that's the end of
the contract, isn't it?


It's a shame you are leaving.
I enjoyed your presence.

And the wine?

If I were the boss you wouldn't
be now in the fields.

And the wine?

Go in, you can take it yourself.

You could have done it.

- Am I needed up there.
- I forgot.

Come here, dove.

Come here. Come here, woman.

Who did it?

- Who did it?
- Nobody.

Nothing happened. I know
how to defend myself.

Will you tell me or not?
Who did it?

Nobody, Juan. Nobody!

And this? What about this?

Come on, man. Leave the girl alone!

Won't you talk?

Leave her alone! Don't you see she is
afraid of you doing something crazy?

If you don't want to say it, then I will!

Where are the goods you were
supposed to bring here?

It must have been that scoundrel Bermejo!

No!... No!

- Don't go, Juan! Don't go!
- I will go, and you will come with me!

- Where are you going? That's my business!
- It's everybody's business.

- I don't need any of you!
- Nobody questions that.

But we'll all go!

I am in charge of this group!

And anything that one of my group suffers.

I suffer it too, as well as the rest of us.

Open, Bermejo! Don't hide!



I'll blow the eyeballs off
the first one who moves!

Go after him!

What are you going to do?

Watch it!

No!... No!... No!



Tie him!

Help! Help!


Aaaah, I'm coming back from work.

...and I have nobody to tell me.

...if I am arriving late.

...or early.

I'm coming back from work.

And now, what?

This way we go to Torneque, Amarguillo...

...and Santa Maria de los Llanos.

Those are big properties.

There must be something left to do.

- What do you think?

Who cares?

Don't they say that Castilla is wide?

Yes, it is wide.

You can ask my legs!

When it comes to walking, it doesn't
matter which road we take.

What are you trying to say?

I am getting fed-up!

We don't reap much and we walk a lot!

- It's nobody's fault!
- It's yours! You are in charge!

You think the same way, don't you?

Very well.

I am not holding anyone!

Anyone who wants to leave is
free to go! I'll keep on going!

That won't solve anything.
We all must go together.

Then come with me if you want to!

Who is in charge of the group?

I am.

There is plenty of work for you.

Too many bushels for so few of you.

That's great.

Have you seen any other groups in the area?

No, sir.

What are you asking for?

Well, we don't know what's
customary around here.

We were heading towards
the first village.

No need for that. Our boss pays top wages.

And how much is that?

Well... 20 duros (100 pesetas) per bushel.

- That's not much!
- That's not true!

Keep in mind this would be your last reap for
this summer. You won't have to walk any more.

That's not enough.

It's too little.

Perhaps we should go to the village.
We may find something there.

There is nothing!

All the properties have been reaped,
except for this one.

- Does any of you know the area?
- I do.

It is the Santa Cruz de la Mora?a
property. Does it ring a bell?

Sure. A lot of bushels.

20 duros and the food.

Yes, of course.

So you are coming?

Then let's go!

That's the way it is.

- I don't like this.
- What don't you like?

The whole story, those
guys, the shotguns...

There may be many hares.

Maybe, and this could be
just my imagination.

What do you mean?



Does it hurt?

That's not healing well.
You'll get a fever.

I already have it.

It would be best if you go to the village.

The lad will take over from you.

- Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon!

I need a doctor.

In the square, a house
with yellow balconies.

Is it serious?

No... it is for me.

- Just a bit of fever.
- Get better.

Thank you.

- You think he is?...
- Yes, he is a reaper.

We better tell the Corporal.

Enrique!... Enrique!

Let me through!

Let me through!

I said let me through!

Wait a moment, reaper. Wait.

- I don't have to wait!
- You are a reaper, aren't you?

What else could he be?

- Get out!
- Let me through!

Teach him a lesson!

Talk to us!

We are six.

Four sickles and two tiers.

And where are you working?

Where would it be?

I think it is called something
like La Mora?a.

- You bastards!
- Did you sign?

Yes... Yesterday.

Piecework, 20 duros.

- The Guardias!
- The Guardias are coming!

The Guardias are coming!

- Let us pass!
- I said stand back!

Nobody move!

I just want to see a doctor!

Take this.

Just one.

And save the others just in case
the fever comes back.

How much do I owe you?


You will pay me later.


They will beat you and your group,
and they will be right in doing so!

Listen, I'm tired of this! What
have I done to these people?


They are all reapers as well.

The largest property in
the area is La Mora?a.

The owner does not want to pay them wages,
and they won't want to do piecework.

That was the situation, waiting
for who would give up first.

Whether the owner with
the wheat in the field.

...or them not having work.

It looked like the landowner was
going to give up, and today.

...everything would be solved.

Yes... And we arrived yesterday.

That's it. And there is nothing to do now

...except for kicking you all out of here!

And they will do that!

I would do the same thing.


Thank you, and sorry for that.

You rotten starving misers! You have no
heart! You stole our bread from us!

Go away! If you don't we'll
kick you out of here!

Thieves! Thieves! Bunch of thieves!

Scabs! You are just a bunch of scabs!

Come on, reapers! The morning
is almost over!

Keep moving!


Hey, Juan!

Juan! And you, Andrea!

Quit the nonsense and come here!

We are leaving.


I don't care about all this!
Do you understand?

I have nothing to do with the villagers!

You and the others!

There is work here and nobody wants it,
so they offer it to us! What could we do?

Just stay here!

All of you can stay. I am leaving,
and Andrea comes with me.

Sure! And the group gets disrupted!

Tell me! What could we do afterward?


We all must stay together!

- Don't you see it? This is for all of us.
- Precisely!

Because our fate is everybody's fate.

Your own, theirs, the whole group.

...and the villagers' as well.

Do you want me to tell you again what's
going on? Don't you see it?

You, Twisted! You said you don't care.

That's your business,
but I cannot reap here.

Because reaping here is like... I
don't know... Like stealing! Yes!

Like stealing from those people!

You don't understand, don't you?

And neither do you!

- You, old man!
- All what you said is true, Juan.

...but you know how much we need to work!

- As much as they do!
- Even more!

Because we put up with this
job even if the pay is bad!

What about them?

What do they do?


You are scared, Juan!

You are afraid of those people!

Hey, you! Where are you going?

- I'm leaving.
- Go back!

I told you to go back to the group!

- I am no longer with the group.
- Damn you, you scoundrel!

You go back to the group or
I'll beat the hell of you!

You better don't touch me!

You rotten starving bastard!

C'mon, reapers! Why are you standing still?

Go back to sowing!

I said back to work!

Come on! What are you waiting for?

Start moving!

Don't you hear me? I told
you to start working!

Hey! Hey, reapers!

What are you waiting for?

I need reapers.

On a salary!

There is work for everybody...

...and that includes the villagers.

The terms will be the ones they have set.

Anyone who wants to work come with me!

Let's go!


Let's go and get her!

Grab her!

To the right, Tinorio!

Don't let her escape.

Thanks a lot.

Thanks a lot.

Dolores is too spoiled.

One cannot leave her alone.

She always runs away.

Have you already eaten?

No. Not yet, sir.

In that case, come with us. My
people are camping nearby.

There should be some shade.

Yes. And we thank you for this.

Are you going to Pedrola
by any chance?

- Yes, we are heading that way.
- That's good. Then we'll travel together.

My name is Merlin.

Merlin, the Master Juggler.

Let's go then.

How does the sea look like?

Have you seen it?

Yes, when I was a soldier.

And how is it?

I don't know...

It's big.

It fills everything up to the horizon.

...or green...

I don't know, it cannot be explained.

And where is it?

Over there, far away.

...beyond the mountains.

I would like to go...

I would like to go anywhere.

It's the first time I am away from home.

My people have been dying.

...and they left for the
mines and the city.

- I don't have anybody left there.
- And your brother?

Juan is...

He can always work.

And that's worth something.

So you would leave.

I don't know.

I would feel sorry.

I would feel sorry.


I don't know.

I can't explain.

Same as with the sea.

My hair is black as the sloe, mother.

While my dear love's
hair is like fine silver.


I don't pay attention to hair.

Because, pay attention, if I have to...

I wouldn't mind losing my
own hair to gain your love.

What do you want?


I want to see you while you are asleep.

Juan isn't here, and the others
are watching the jugglers.

Are you afraid of me?

Why do you ask?

I'm not like Bermejo.

I don't' take what is not given to me.

It's a beautiful night.

I woke up and saw nobody around.

You were asleep.

You are different when you are sleeping.

- I'm always the same.
- You know that's not true.

When you are awake you hate me.

And I would like to ask you something.

Is that...

...going to be always that way?

Will it ever end?

I don't know.

I would like it to end.

Sleeping is a good thing.

But during the day...

...during the day I think...

I see things...

I remember fear, hunger and sorrow...

...and I see all of you.

I see you and your kin, who
were responsible for that!

It's not good living that way.

It's not good.

Sometimes I think it would
be better to forget.

To forget everything. But I can't, I can't!

You and your people are there, and
I must remember and hate you!

Look, I would like to help you; and
I would also like you to help me.

Would you want that?

What needs to be done?

I don't know...

...looking at each other...

...see each other the way we are.

Do you want that, Andrea?
Do you want that?



Hey, jugglers!

- The reapers, how nice.
- A hug here!

Did you like the show?

Everything was great!

Let's go and celebrate.

Fire! Fire!



Bring water!

Bring more water!

More water! Bring more water!

More water! Bring more water!

Reapers from the mountains...!


Either they have machines...

...or they are about to arrive...

...or they have already been here.

There is only one place left in
this area where we could go.

It is a property you know.
You told me about it.

- Yes, it is Miguel Esteban's.
- That's the one.

Reapers from the mountains...!

Reapers from the mountains...!

Old man!

- Hey, old man!
- Old man, Santiago!

Wait, old man!

Hey, look!








How are you doing?

Not good!

Am I going to die?

No, you won't die.

You are just bruised.

And you have some scratches in your head.

You have also been affected by the sun.


...too much sun.

I was out of my mind.

Do you know how to write, Juan?


Could you do me a favour?

Write a letter for me.

You better rest.

No... Please.

You will find pen and paper
in the saddlebag.

Today I've spent the day.

...thinking of you.

On how far away you are...

...from me.

And how lonely we are...

And I thought...

I should write you a letter. the ones I used to write...

when we started dating each other.

When I was a soldier in Badajoz.

And this is the reason
why I am writing this.

A friend is writing it for me...

whose name is Juan Diaz.

He is the one who was in prison
for so many years...

...and for no reason they way I see things.

...and the way I know them.

You heard it, didn't you?

Hear what?

You know what.

Juan Diaz, the one who was
in prison for so many years...

...for no reason.

We must talk about that, don't we?


Since I was a child, I remember that
in my house, the Old House...

...they always talked about you, the
Diaz's. And it was always to badmouth you.

It was a small village with a lot of hate.

...and one day it would have to
explode for whatever reason.

It was due to that woman...

...your other brother's woman.


That woman was a devil.

Don't know where Marcial found
her, but she was a devil.

She drove every man crazy,
and she lied to all of them.

Juan and Salvador fought about her...

...and they issued each
other death threats.

I remember people running and screaming...

"They killed Salvador"!

"They killed Salvador"!

Juan... Didn't kill Salvador.

I know that.

But he was the main suspect...

It would have enough if just
one of you told the truth!

It was Marcial. I saw it.

I saw with my own eyes
how Marcial killed him!

At that time the Old House was strong
and everybody stuck together.

...even if just to hate all of you.

Marcial had our same blood. He was our
little brother, Mother's favourite son.

She always believed that it was Juan
the one who killed Salvador.

...and she still holds that belief.

Nobody from the Old House
spoke up, not even me.

And I was the one who best knew the truth.

Marcial left the village with his woman.

With that damned woman!

Who knows where they went?


...someone once said...

...that Marcial had died...

...but that was many, many years ago.

Almost as many years as
Juan spent in prison.

He was in jail because
none of you spoke up.

Because of your silence.

In the beginning...

I didn't realize the wrong
I did with my silence.


I was trembling thinking that Juan
could be sentenced to death...

...because of something
I saw Marcial doing.


...later he was pardoned.

Then I breathed!

Time passed...

...and I was thinking of Juan.

I saw you...

I would have liked to talk to
you then, to do anything!

But by then that was no longer possible.

You already hated me.

Salvador is dead...

...and he is at peace.


I love you well, Andrea!

And I want... I want to live!

He is asleep.

Is he alright?


It is a beautiful night.


We could leave tomorrow.

There is work in Torrenueva.


...just rest for now.

What a day...!



Don't you have anything to tell me?

- Good morning! - Good
morning! - Good morning!

Good morning!

Good morning!

Are you almost done?

Yes, sir.

I think that we will have finished by 3.

We'll make it to the bullfight.

That's good! The festivities are
today! How are those wounds?

I no longer feel them, thank you!

Tell him.

We thought, if you have no objection... spend the night in the village,
in your warehouse.

Then, in the morning, we can head home.

So mine is your last job?


...the last one.

That's it for this year,
the season is over.

Very well, we hope to see you
all next year in Torrenueva.

May be.

Ah, I'm not paying you now...

...because with the festivities and all the
happiness you may get robbed!

So you come early to my place tomorrow
morning and the foreman will pay you.

You know where the place is?
It's at the end of the village.

Yes, sir.

- OK, go with God.
- Goodbye!

- And you can sleep in the wareheouse!
- Thank you!

Come on, that's the last one!

Cinnamon and lemon bundle
up in my garden.

Cinnamon and lemon bundle
up in my garden.

That's what I smell in your flesh.

Whenever I get close to you.

I see you in the fields.

...from start to star.

While the bosses pass having a good life.

We will depart tomorrow, Andrea.

Ho, little mule!


All the group will leave...

Tomorrow we go back home.

I would like the harvest to last forever.

And us working together...

...seeing other people...

...other lands...

Don't you want to go back?

I'm scared.

All what I want is now close to me.

Back home it will be the usual thing.

The same old thing.

It's good to be friends, Luis.

That can't be over there.

I thought of leaving.

Where to?

I don't know...

To be big city.

To work as a maidservant.

Maybe that would be best.

I would write you...

...and I would come during
the village's festivities... see you.

No Andrea, no.

You must go back...

with all of us.

What for?

To stay with me.

I love you, Andrea.

And I am apologizing to you.

I love you, Andrea!

Forgive me for not having loved you.
Forgive me, forgive me...

I love you, Andrea! I love you!


The flowers say, the flowers say...


Andrea! Andrea!

It's getting windy.

Where will they be?

They must be drinking somewhere.

What's the matter?

Nothing, I was thinking of Juan.


He must be looking for me.

He will come back!

And us?

Are you afraid?

Of what?

Of Juan.

Of him arriving and... Seeing
us here together.

- What are you doing?
- I'm going to the boss' place...

I had to go in the morning
anyway to collect our pay.

He said so.

And where will you sleep?

You think I will manage to sleep?

You meet me there tomorrow,
and then we will leave.

Back home.


One must always keep an oath, isn't it?

Of course.

See you tomorrow.


Where is Andrea?

I'm going to the owner's place
and then tomorrow...

You are not going anywhere!

- What's going on?
- Nothing!

I just want to talk with you, and
then I must keep an oath.

Can you guess what it is?


I'm not afraid of you.

But listen, there is something
you must know.

I only know I didn't kill Salvador, but
I was imprisoned for 10 years!

Do you know what ten years are like?

And do you know who framed
me with Salvador's death?

- Do you know who?
- Yes!

Andrea and I joined your group for one
reason only... To make sure it was you!

- Andrea... Told you?
- It doesn't matter who it was!

What matters now is that
it was you! You! You!

Twisted Luis...

I swore I'll kill you!

I made an oath to Andrea
in front of Salvador!

- What are you saying?
- Don't get any closer!

Yes, Andrea!

I had to swear I would kill you!

That I would kill you, Twisted Luis!

Come on! What are you waiting for?

What are you waiting for? Fight! Fight!

Tell me just one thing...


- Did Andrea know all this?
- Yes!

Very well... I am!

Come here!

Hey, harvesters! Friends!
Who wants wine?

Come on, have a drink!

You know where I am going,
and where I will be.

I will wait for you, Juan!

I will wait for you!

- Aren't you sleeping?
- Where are you going?

Where are you going, Juan?

Twisted Luis is waiting for me.

What for?

- Tell me, what for?
- You know what for.

Don't go, Juan!

No more blood! You don't have
to kill him! I love him!


I love him.

What about me? Do you love me?

Juan, but you are my brother!

Yes! A brother you didn't even know!

Don't you remember, Andrea?

You said we must be sure it
was him! And it was him!

- You know it, don't you?
- No! And neither do you!

I know it! And so does old
Santiago! And you too!

Say it! Say it!

It was him, so what? Can't you forgive?


I could have forgiven...

I came back home, do you understand?

Back to my own kin, to you; and to him too!

I just wanted to forget and live...

...and you pushed me!

You reminded me I had to hate
him. Very well, I hate him!

And now, I will kill him.

Now he will pay both for my own
and for my family's suffering!

Don't go out!

You will have to kill me first!

His enemy is my enemy. If you
hate him, then I hate you!


I already forgave, Juan...
You must do the same thing.

No, I must kill him!

You won't do it!

I swear you won't do it!

I too have an oath to keep, Andrea.

- Old man!
- What is it?

They are going to kill each other!
They are going to kill each other!

To the horses!


Stop it!

Stop all this!

Juan! Juan!

That's enough!

Now listen to me! You are a pair of losers!

You hear me?

Split each other's heart, kill
each other, we'll let you do it!

But I swear to God that
we will kill the survivor!

The land is big...

...there is space for all of us.

Come at dawn, good friend.

Come at dawn.

The friend I loved the most.

Come at the break of light.

Come at dawn, good friend.

Come at dawn.

Come at dawn, good friend.

Come at dawn.