La leggenda del Titanic (1999) - full transcript

A grandfather mouse tells his grandchildren the "real" story of the Titanic disaster, including himself, evil sharks, a giant octopus, and an evil whaling scheme.

Grandpa, did you go on being
a sailor after the Titanic sank?

Oh, no.

Once I hit New York,
I got a new job.

I would never have stopped
being a sailor.

Why did it sink if it was
the most wonderful ship

in the world,
huh, Grandpa?

It was well built,
wasn't it?

Mm-hmm, the best ship
ever seen.

Listen to what it says
in this old paper.

"Tragic ending to the maiden
voyage of the Titanic.

The liner goes down.

Hundreds missing."

A lot of people died, huh?

Well, youngster, it's a long,
complicated story.

The truth of the matter is
that those missing persons

were never really missing.

It's all a misunderstanding.

One of these days,
I'll tell you the whole story.


No, tell us now.

Please, Grandpa.

Now, now, now, now, please.

Come on now, kids,

Don't make such a fuss.

Grandpa, what was this whistle
used for?

You put that down right now.

It's dangerous.

It's just an old whistle.

Hand it over.

This was used for calling
the terrible Mr. Ice!


Why was he so terrible?


Ice was a cruel
and merciless monster.

All right, all right,

You've talked me into it.

I'll tell you
the whole story,

if you'll behave yourselves,
that is.

Why, sure.


I still say she was
the most beautiful ship

that ever plowed
the waves.

It all began
long ago in England

when I was
just a lad.

It was a beautiful day,

and there was lots of action
down at the wharves.


All right, who's next?

Go ahead.

Let us board.


This is fun.

Go on, go on.


Stay in line there, sir.

(horn honking)


My dear.

Thank you, Daddy.

There you are.


Splendid, isn't it?

simply breathtaking.

Good morning.

The captain sends you

his regards, Your Grace.

Thank you, young man.

I must say your ship
is most impressive,

right, Elizabeth?

Oh, absolutely.

Make sure the Duke of Camden's
luggage is stowed securely.

Yes, sir.


(dog barking)

(all chattering)

Get out of here, you!



All right, everybody.

Cat's gone,
you can come out.

(all chattering)

Ready for boarding, sir.

Very well, Mr. Connors.

We'll have the roll call
if you please.

Aye-aye, sir.

Mr. and Mrs. Angus Wallace
Bruce McMouse.

Mr. and Mrs. Porrig Liam O'Rat
and two children.

Juan and Evita Raton
with offspring.

Jean Luc and Francois

and the Mousetti family
from Sicily,

featuring Parmigiano, Pecorino,
Gorgonzola, Provolone, Fontina,

Caciocavallo, Ricotta,
Mozzarella, and Elspeth.

What tasteful names,
Mr. and Mrs. Mousetti.


Herr Heinrich and Frau Greta
from Mouscaza

with Adjunct, Shlomo,
and Becky Boydsil.

And the DeSilva Pererra Kazel
family from Recife

with two children,
Ronnie and Estrella.

Here we are, sir.


Only please call me Stella.

Everyone else does, after all.


It's a pleasure
to meet you, Stella.

Top Connors
at your service.

Oh, thank you, Ronnie.

That's very kind of you.

Mr. Connors!


Let's look lively now
with the boarding procedures.

Time's growing short,
and out here,

we're exposed
to all sorts of dangers.

One at a time now,
shimmy up that hawser

just as fast as you can.

Now listen, my dears.

Stay close to me
and you won't get lost.

So we go up that rope.

Is that it?

That's right, dear, but you have
to learn sailor talk.

Only landlubbers
call that a rope.

To us, it's an hawser.

Get it?

Got it.


We skim up that,
uh--uh, hawser

and run real fast up it.

And if we hold on tight, we
won't fall off into the water.

I'll die of cold
if that happens.


All right, everyone in line.

Start boarding.

(indistinct chatter)

Now, Ronnie, I want you to help
your family up the hawser,

And take special care
of your sister Stella.

Don't worry, Top.

I'm as quick and as surefooted
and nimble as the best of them.

Great, Ronnie.

Get a move on now, kid.

I say, lad.

You're Brazilian,
aren't you?

What brought you all the way
here to Great Britain,

if I may ask?

I came here to learn your
national pastime, soccer,

but I think my country mice are
going to transform it a little.


Surely you're not thinking

of changing the rules,
are you?

Oh, no, the rules are fine
just the way they are.

But we may add a little
something to the spirit.

I'll show you what I mean.










Something like that.




Oh, I'm terribly sorry, señor.

Are you all right?


Oh, thank you.

Anyway, that's what
we Brazilians

can do
with a soccer ball.

(indistinct chatter)

Isn't it time to go aboard,

Don't be impatient,
my dear.

Your Grace,
Your Ladyship.

Your presence aboard will make
this voyage memorable.

You're such a flatterer,
Mr. Maltravers.


Just the truth.

Uh, milord.

Morning, Maltravers.

As I was saying, dear ladies--

Elizabeth, behave yourself.

Must I remind you
that Everard Maltravers

has asked for your hand,
and that your stepmother and I

both consider it
an excellent match.

I'd rather die than marry
that horrifying, disgusting,

old serpent.

What do you mean old?

He's barely 40.

Old indeed!

Very well, Daddy.

He's a middle-aged serpent then.

don't be impertinent.

You have a position
to keep up.

Your stepmother and I
simply want what's best

for our little girl.

Try to be reasonable.

Yes, Daddy.

(indistinct shouting)

What's going on over there?


Go ahead.

I'll join you in a moment.

Disgusting exhibition, I say.


Come on, Smiley.

Let's give the folks a show.




(dog whimpering)

What a beautiful girl!

Over there.

Go to her, Smiley.

Carry my greetings to her.




(indistinct chatter)

(all barking)



I fear your darling stepdaughter
is trying to avoid us.

No matter.

She'll always end up doing
just what I want.

What if she doesn't fancy being
Mrs. Everard Maltravers?

My dear sister, you know
I always get my way.


Boss, Her Grace needs help.

That dog is a menace.

Pay no attention to that vulgar
beast, Lucifer, darling.

Ugh, Your Grace.


I'm very sorry,
your grace.


I'll get you now!


All right, Jeffries.

Just keep calm
and we'll corner him.


good-for-nothing idiot.

Come here, boy.

Good boy.

You like being petted,
don't you.

Be patient.

Let me take my gloves off.

Careful, don't knock me over.

You are the sweetest
little thing.


What a lovely soft coat
you have.

There, that's better,
isn't it?

I wonder what your name is.

What are you trying to say?



Come back here!



(horn blaring)

You're the best hunting dog
in the whole world, Smiley.


What a heavenly fragrance.




Come along, dear.

Now it's time
for us to board.

That young man
just might upset our plans.

Quite so.

find out who he is.

You can count on me, boss.

I wouldn't count on you
if you were an abacus.

Just get busy.

I'm very sorry, sir, but the
animal must be kept on a leash.

My good man, you happen
to be addressing

Don Juan Tenorio Geriate
Gonzalez Leon,

prince of Andalusia!

Prince does not travel
with animals, you imbecile!

If you have
a problem with him--

But sir, I--

--you have a problem
with us first.



So be careful what you say.

No one tells us what to do,
and anyone who dares to attempt

such a thing will have us
to deal with!

Now step aside
and let us board.




You wretched beast!

I'll get you for that!

Give the nice man
back his hat.

I'll have you keelhauled!

(incoherent grumbling)

(horn blaring)

(indistinct chatter)

(horn blast)

Maiden voyage
of the Titanic!

World's greatest liner
sails today!

Wealthy American shipping
magnate Everard Maltravers

asks for the hand
of Lady Elizabeth,

daughter of his grace,
the Duke of Camden.

Over here, my boy.

I'll take a copy.

Coming, gov!


There you are, sir.

Thanks, gov.

The Titanic sails today!

Now then, where was I?

Ah, yes.

"To the captains
of all my whaling vessels,

keep your crews
on the alert

and ready to sail
at a moment's notice

as soon as you receive
my confirmation by wire.

Signed Everard Maltravers."


Well, my replaceable factotum,
why the cackling?

Pray, let me in
on the joke.

I like a laugh
as well as the next man.

Nothin', boss,
nothing whatsoever.

I was, um,

simply admiring
the masterful way

in which you're carrying out
this operation.

Yes, things are
proceeding smoothly.

There's no reason whatsoever
why the Duke shouldn't grant me

exclusive worldwide
whaling rights.

Not to mention the hand
of his darling daughter.

By marrying her, you'll get
your mitts on all of his money,

won't you, boss?



That's quite all right,

You've hit the nail
on the head.

There's nothing in the world
that counts

besides money
and power.

Everything else
is simply there

to be used to achieve
those objectives.

Still here?

Hurry, man, hurry!

Get those wires off
to the captains of my fleet.

You got it, boss!

And weren't you supposed
to be finding out

everything you can about that
fellow we saw boarding?

The one with the ill-mannered

I'll attend to it
immediately, boss.

Yes, sir.

Oh, and one other thing,

When I want to hear your
opinions, I'll ask for them.

Is that quite clear?

Mr. Craig,
reduce to half speed.

Yes, sir.

Thank you.

Reduce to half speed,
engine room.

Excuse me, Captain.

They're waiting for you
in the first-class dining room.

They're all impatient
to start the evening.

Oh, very well,
I'm on my way.

There's only one thing worse
than a party,

and that's
a gala evening.

Mr. Craig, have me called
for any problem whatsoever,

and if there aren't any,
make one up.

Yes, sir.

Hurry up, Ronnie,
we're late.

(both chattering)

Friends, sailors,
fellow travelers,

welcome aboard
the Titanic,

the most magnificent ship
now afloat.

Probably every seagoing rodent
in the world

envies us right now,
but remember,

not all that glitters
is gold.

The problem is
this ship is new

and has never been past a review
by the mouse inspection board.

As we know,
men are greedy

and all too likely to cheat
on construction and materials.

So for the first few days,
be careful how you move about.

The good news is that the food
on board will be abundant

thanks to our official vittler,
Jean Luc Camembert.

Bonjour, mes amis!

It's a pleasure
to see you all here.

We can count ourselves lucky
to have a professional

of Jean Luc's
stature aboard.

Now, just a minute
before you go.

Wait, wait!

One last thing, friends,
and very important too.

My network has informed me
that the humans

have brought on board
not only several dogs,

but unfortunately
two cats as well.


Sounds great!

Good food and cats.

I'm really going to enjoy
this crossing.

Ronnie, Ronnie,
don't play with fire.

I've seen them,
you haven't.

Those are snooty cats
belonging to rich people,

the kind who kill
just for the pleasure of it,

not because
they're hungry.

You heard
what the captain said.

Promise me you'll be
very careful, all right?

Hey, let's go check out
the dining room, huh?

Oh, see you, Stella.

Oh, Mr. Connors.


Ronnie's a bit
of a gadabout,

but I know I
can count on you

not to let him
get into trouble.


Thank you so much.

See you!

(indistinct chatter)


Well, good evening,

Your Grace,
what a pleasure.

Sorry for being late.

I was working
and didn't realize the hour.

Elizabeth, you look more
enchanting than ever.

Not only is it the best ship
in the world,

but it has
the finest cuisine too.

Captain, have you met
Mr. Maltravers?

Yes, this morning.

I never even knew places
like this existed.

And I thought
I'd seen everything.

No crumbs of sweepings
for us on this trip.

It's gonna be
one long banquet.

Don't go getting any
of your crazy ideas, Ronnie.

I promised your beautiful sister
I'd take good care of you.

I don't want to lose any sleep
over you, get it?

Oh, it's splendid,
isn't it?

Indeed, my dear.

Those dishes are full
of good things.

And I'm just dying
of hunger.

We'll feast
on the leftovers later.

What if they eat


Ladies and gentlemen,
I propose a toast

to the most famous young couple
of the moment,

Lady Elizabeth Camden
and Mr. Everard Maltravers.

Ah, Elizabeth and I are moved
and honored, Captain.

Thank you, sir.

Oh, wouldn't it be wonderful if
they married aboard the Titanic.

The whole world
would talk about it.

Everyone who counts,
that is.

Don't you think it would be
just incredible, my dear?

isn't the right word.

What would be incredible
would be if someone were

to ask my opinion on the matter
that concerns me so closely.

Always joking,
our little girl.


I've never been
more serious.

And now if you'll
excuse me,

I feel a touch
of seasickness coming on.

I think a breath of fresh air
would do me good.

Please go on without me.

Wait, please.

Lady Elizabeth, I had no
intention of upsetting you.

Please forgive me.

I had no idea.

It's not your fault, Captain.

Please sit down.

Have a brandy.

Really, dearest, you must do
something about that girl.

No true lady should ever
behave that way.

I don't like that woman,
not one little bit I don't!

She's as beautiful
as a picture,

and as fiery
as the feijoada carioca.

You can't be serious.


That old witch
in the feathered hat?

Of course not!

I mean the one who left.


I'll see her in my dreams

for the rest of my life.


I hate to be a spoilsport,

but I would like to draw
to your attention the fact

that she's a woman
and you're a mouse!

Well, there's one thing I'm not,
and that's a racist.

That girl is
a masterpiece of beauty,

and we Brazilians always
appreciate beauty.

Let's go help her
against that witch.

♪ You can wish on a star
if you try ♪

♪ Time will say goodbye

♪ Time is slowly fading away

Hello there!


Yes, you!

The young lady
up on the bow!

♪ What I feel in this moment
for you ♪

What's your name?


♪ The love of my life

♪ The love I've been
waiting for ♪

I don't believe it.

I can understand them.

(dolphins chirping)

My name's Elizabeth.

Very well, Elizabeth.

Now, I'll explain.

You can understand us thanks
to a net of magic moonbeams

that caught your tears
as they fell into the water.

We added a little magic
of our own and voilà!

The spell was cast.

Only now, you really must
stop crying, my dear.

Yes, please,
or you'll drown us.



What a jumper!


And what a hitter.

Oh, you mean you really
care about me?

Did you hear that,

I knew she was a nice lady,
and I knew she was in trouble.

Now thanks to this magic,
we can understand each other,

and we'll really
be able to help her.

They're--they're incredible.

They're fantastic!

What are you talking about?

These guys don't realize
they're sitting on a gold mine.

I don't know
what you mean, Ronnie.

With the elevation they get
in their jumps,

they could score goals
from all over the soccer field.

If I could turn
into a dolphin like you,

that would make me happier
than anything in the world.

I'd be free
to roam the oceans

and not have to worry
about evil men and wicked women.

Then I'd have no reason
in the world to cry.

If you were in my place, young
lady, you'd have no time to cry.

We're engaged
in a desperate battle

to save the lives
of our friends, the whales!

The Maltravers ships
are hunting the poor things

near to extinction!

Now he's enlarged his fleet

and intends to hunt them
even in waters

which up till now have been
forbidden to whalers.

It will be
a catastrophe.

The whales
will be massacred

unless there's
some sort of miracle.


Mr. Maltravers.

As I was saying,
Your Grace,

my entire fleet
is ready to set sail.

At this moment,

there are dozens of ships
sitting idle in the ports

and costing me
a pretty penny to boot.

Mm, yes, I quite see
the problem.

Yes, indeed.

And since your daughter and I
are to be married,

I could ask for no finer
wedding present, Your Grace,

than the exclusive rights
to all

your whaling territories
around the globe.

You will have
a happy son-in-law

able to make your daughter
that much happier.

Well, there's no great hurry,
is there?

Either for the concession
or the wedding.

I wish you a pleasant night,


Boss, I just saw
Lady Elizabeth.


One way or another, I'll have
that whaling concession signed

and sealed if it's the last
thing I ever do.

Send wires to all
my captains immediately.

Order them
to begin the hunt.

You got it, boss.

Just a minute.

Advise our special friend

to keep himself ready
for action,

and don't lose sight
of Lady Elizabeth for a minute.

You must become
her shadow.

Do you understand--
her shadow!

And don't you mess up

or I'll make sure
you finish this crossing

swimming with the sharks.



Hey, what's goin' on?

Jeffries, my man,
talk to me, baby!

Ice, I have a message
from the boss!

Hey, me and the boys
are ready to go into action

any time you say, guy!

Hold your horses, Ice.

The message is stay alert

and don't stray
too far from the ship.

Got you!

Say hi to Mr. M for me.

Tell him we're ready to destroy
anything, anytime!



Dear Mr. Maltravers,
you're always so charming.

(indistinct chatter)

Oh, no.

Easy does it.

You go up that way, hurry.



Hi, Elizabeth.




Don't be scared.
We're friends.

Hey, why aren't you
in the dining room?

Yeah, the leaf
looked awfully good.

I'll never sit
at that table again

as long as Everard
is there.

You'll never get anywhere
by running away from it.

You ought to face
the issue squarely

and tell your father
and Everard what you think.

It's the only way.


My father's under Rachel's thumb


Listen, you can't just
give in like that.

This game isn't even
in the second half yet.

You've got to fight!

Of course
I'm going to fight.

Now I know you two
are on my side,

we can foil Everard and help
those poor whales too.

You can count on us.


Come on, muchachos.

Let's liven things up

and go to bed happy
after a good Flamenco!





What's the matter, Smiley?

Something bothering you?

Oh, you want me
on my feet, huh?

Don't worry.

There's nothing wrong.

I just feel like being
on my own for a while.

I'm thinking about that
beautiful girl.

Do you think
I'll see her again?


You're right, amigo.

Of course
I'll see her again.

It's up to me to make
it happen, that's all.


I can't spend the whole voyage
curled up in a ball

grousing to the world at large
and pining for her, now, can I?

So she's not dining with us
tonight either?

This is intolerable.

I shall go have a word
with my wayward daughter

and see what's going on
in her silly little head.

That stupid little chit
is going to ruin everything

we've been working for!

And that imbecile I married
is going to help her.

I must speak
to Everard at once.

You stay here.

Thank you.

One for you,
and one for Ronnie.

Good, huh?

Spying is a tough job.

You have to fortify the inner
mouse first, load up on energy.

I think you've stored up enough
to build the pyramids.

Let's get going.


Come on, slowpoke!

Whee, here I come!


Oh, I almost forgot.

We'll come back and make
our report as agreed,

but there's one thing
you have to do in exchange.

Get out of this state room
for a while.

If you want
those whaling rights,

you have to convince
the old fool

that Elizabeth's
in love with you.

How can we
do that, though?

She's so stubborn!

What do you think?

You're right.

I'm beginning to think
my fascinating charisma

isn't up to par
these days.

like a rattlesnake.

Shh, quiet.

Your charisma's not in dispute,
dear Everard.

It's just that my stepdaughter's
too stupid to see it.

But I think
I have a plan

that will salvage
our business affairs.

Fortunately, our affairs
aren't limited to business.

Those filthy schemers!

Now, what's this idea?

The expression
on your face.

You'll tell him you've ironed
out your misunderstandings,

and you'll get him to sign over
that miserable concession

before he's had time
to talk to her.

Your Grace, yet another
of your marvelous ideas.

And if you continue
to help me like this,

I see a rosy future
ahead for us.


We have to warn Elizabeth!

Let's go!


-Are you sure?

Maltravers and your stepmother
are in cahoots!

They want to make your father
believe that you and Everard

are madly in love.

-Don't you see?
-The treachery!

-It's diabolical.
-The treachery.

Talk to your father.

-Tell him all.
-Tell him all!

Oh, it's you,
my very dearest.

What a delight
to see you.

I was planning to drop in on you
myself a bit later.

I have something of vital
importance to tell you, Daddy.

I have absolutely no intention
of marrying Everard.

I loathe him and everything
he stands for.

I'm sorry to upset
your plans but--

Plans, did you say?

My one and only plan,
dear girl,

is to see you
as happy as possible,

and I would never dream
of forcing you to do something

you don't want to.


Thank you.

Thank you.


Well, if it isn't the piddler
on the woof

with no one
to protect you.

Out you go!


You were crazy
to try to get

into the humans'


You're right on that,
my friend.

Sometimes I just lose sight
of the fact

that not all creatures
are created equal.

Though I must say, you don't
seem to be particularly crazy.

What possessed you to try
to sneak in there, huh?

Well, it's a long
and complicated story.

Fact of the matter is
I was looking for a girl.

Smiley, old son, that is
absolutely brilliant.

That is a simply
great idea!

Great, great, great,
great, great!


Does that mean you think
it will work?

Of course it will!

It can't fail.

We'll organize everything.


Oh, I'm so glad
you like it.

When do you think
we should do it then?

Tomorrow at sunset,
all right?

All right,
see you there.

I just don't understand
why being in love with someone

you like has to be
so complicated.


You'll find out
one day, kid.

The Duke and I
will be coming out shortly.

Are you sure
your calculations are correct?

Believe me, Elizabeth.

are my specialty.

I'll be right on target.










Excuse me, ladies.


Such unseemly behavior.

I'm delighted Elizabeth
refused to marry the chap.



(indistinct chatter)

All right, we'll take care
of the music.

Just make sure you don't slam
the door, all right?

Our owner's
a very light sleeper.



See you on deck.



You're right, Smiley.

Smoking should be forbidden
in here.

We should go up on deck
and get some fresh air.

So let's go.


Hey, ah-ha!

Elizabeth, hurry!

You've got to come
out on deck.

What's the problem?

What's the big hurry?

The dolphins are there.

They want to talk with you.

Then I'll come right away.




Smiley, stop.

We have to leave them alone.


We've got to hide.

Over there by that hawser.

Let's go.

Romantic, isn't it?




Now, we just wait
and see what happens.

I know it's
going to work.

Well, we'll soon know
if it's true love.

How will we know?

If their souls
are truly united,

he'll be able
to speak to us too.


Oh, no!

The orchestra!

All right, go for it.

They're on deck already.

Everything's under control.

The conductor's waiting
for my signal.

Well, go give it to him.

What are you waiting for?

Maestro, everything is ready.

You can proceed.

And one, and two, and three!


May I have this dance?



I don't know how
to thank you, my friends.

You've made me the happiest man
in the whole world.


Come on, let's have
some party music!


Thank you, Smiley.

I know that this
is all your doing,

and I'll never be able
to thank you enough, friend.

You truly are
my best friend.

I've done some dirty tricks
for the boss in my day,

but spying on those two nice
youngsters takes the cake.

But what can I do?

He wouldn't think twice.

He'd just throw me
into the sea

and I'd become an hors d'oeuvres
for that Ice.


I trust I've been
clear enough!

Oh, but come on, now.

Please be calm, my dears.

If Mr. Maltravers
is so important to you,

then you marry him!

Your impertinence
is intolerable!


My dear child, if you truly love
that young man,

I want you to know
you have my blessing.


If he makes my little girl
happy, he'll make me happy too.

Well, what now, Rachel?

Skip the formalities,
we're in this together.

She mustn't be allowed
to get away with this.

The time has come
to take decisive action.

Here's my plan, Rachel,
but we must take care.

Even the walls have ears.

I knew we were right
to come here and spy on them.

Let me listen.

We have to spread
the alarm.

There's no time to lose.

First, let's go find Smiley
and Juan and tell them.

Come on, Connors!



Hey, that grate
was never shut before.

Smiley's blocking it closed.

We've got to get it open.

We'll never do it like this.


This calls for a soccer player.

Watch this.



What's the matter, Smiley?

What happened?

Oh, dear.

We're sorry,
but it's too important.

We were eavesdropping
in Maltravers' state room.

We couldn't believe
our ears.

We heard him say he's planning
to sink a ship.

We were thunderstruck.

Just a minute.

I don't like Mr. Maltravers
very much either,

but that's a long way
from thinking

he's going
to sink a ship.


You've got
to believe us.

He means
to sink a ship,

and it might very well
be this one.

We also heard him mentioning
a whaling concession.

Yes, a whaling concession!


And he intends to get hold of it
by any means fair or foul.

And let's not forget
that that man is in cahoots

with Elizabeth's stepmother,
that witch.

And you know
what I always say?

Never trust anyone
who lives with a cat.

A very acute observation
on your part

if I may say so, Ronnie.

Yes, I do have
to agree with you.

We'll have to do
this ourselves.

No one else would ever
believe it.

All right, amiguitos.

Listen carefully.

It looks to me as though
the only human beings

we can trust are my gypsy
friends from Andalusia.

I want you to help them search
this ship from bow to stern

and let me know the minute
you find something strange

or suspicious.

Will do, chief!

If that Maltravers really is
plotting something wicked,

I'll find out and make him
pay dearly for it.

Keep an eye on everything
that goes on in this state room.

Oh, what a handsome
young fellow.

You're a fine-looking one,
aren't you?

I always wanted
a dog like you.


Well, so long, my friend.

(incoherent grumbling)




A very urgent wire
from Mr. Maltravers.

See it goes out at once.


Yes, of course, sir.

We've got to stop him
from sending it.

Let's make all
the racket we can!


I could've swore
those were mice,

but of course,
that's impossible

aboard the Titanic.


What's going on?

A wire from Maltravers.

We're trying to stop him
from sending it.



Rats, that message is bound
to be something disastrous.

We've got to find a way
of stopping it, Ronnie.

Good thinking, Connors,
but how?


"We have all
necessary permits.

Start whaling
and good luck to you all."

Hmm, hmm, hmm.

I don't know how
a telegraph works,

but if it has a wire,
why don't we cut it?

Why didn't I
think of that, kid?

I don't know which one
the telegraph wire is.

We don't have time to figure
out which wire is which.

We're gonna chew through every
single one of those things!

Just get your teeth
in gear.


Hey, what's goin' on?

The ship has to sink tonight,
but remember,

not a second
before midnight

or else all your work
will have been for nothing.

Consider it done, pally.

Midnight on the dot.

Be careful not to make
any mistakes, Ice,

or else the boss could send
his whaling ships

and harpoons
after you too.

Get it?


Easy with the threats, pal.

Me and the boys have never
tasted butler meat.

Got it?


No, no.

And one more thing, Jeffy-boy.

As you go through life tellin'
people what to do, remember,

nobody who threatens a shark
lives to tell the tale,

if you catch my drift.



Now we're all set
for the getaway.


Here's our latest caper,
boys, so listen up.

We are gonna sink
the Titanic tonight!

(indistinct shouting)

But boss, to sink the Titanic,
we'll have to turn her over.

That's impossible.


Did I hear impossible?

Nothing's impossible,
you moron!

Think positive, pal.

All we've got to do
is see to it

that the big boat
bumps into an nice,

razor-sharp iceberg.

It'll cut her in two
like a bagel.

But as soon as the helmsman
sees an iceberg,

he'll twiddle the wheel
and change course, boss.

After we've arranged
for the iceberg

to appear in front
of the ship,

we'll hold the rudder in our
teeth, keeping her on course,

thus making sure the crash
happens right on schedule.

And I'm gonna get Tentacles
to heave that iceberg

right in the Titanic's path!

Now you see why I'm boss
of all youse lunk-heads?

'Cause I know how
to get things done!


But boss, Tentacles
would never shove a iceberg

up against a ship
full of human beings.

That's right.

He ain't got no ferocious.

He's a creampuff.

He wouldn't even
hurt a seahorse.


You think I don't know that?

You think I didn't figure
that out, shrimp heads?

Who's gonna tell him there are
human lives involved?

We use a ruse
to dupe the dope!


Mr. Craig, we're in luck.

There was a northeaster

but it appears to have
drifted off south.

Such a fine evening
made even lovelier

by having Elizabeth
back at our table.

We'll soon sort out
our silly misunderstandings,

won't we, my dear?

Yes, Daddy.


Oh, no.

We can't see
a thing like this.

Come on!


What's the matter, Orcy?

You seem a little nervous.


I'm plenty nervous.

Look over there.

It's Ice and his gang.

Yo, Orcy.

What are you and your gang

doin' in our territory, Ice?

We got a problem, and we're
looking for Tentacles' advice.

What sort of problem?

What are you talkin'
about anyway?

Well, let's just
call it a bet.

A couple of my boys think
they can heave an iceberg

farther than Tentacles can.

That sounds like great fun!

Oh, I know you're the strongest
thing around, Tentacles.

Don't get me wrong,
but these guys

think they can
beat you anyway.

They're welcome to try.


Oh, you're such
a good sport.

Oh, sure, Ice.

I can't wait to start.


You're terrific, kid.

Why don't we start with
somethin' easy, you know?

Just to limber up
the muscles.

What do you say?

I say let's get going.


Tentacles, there's something
suspicious going on here.

I've never seen a shark
playin' a game in my life.

You worrywart.

Get a couple of the boys

and grab that pint-sized,
nosy, skunk-colored,

so-called killer whale and lock
him up in the old shipwreck,

but make sure
nobody sees you.




He bought it.



(all cheering)

I got to hand it to you,

you're Mr. Muscles,
all right.

Oh, you think so?

But it really
wasn't so tough.

Well, I'm impressed, kid.

Now, um, you feel like trying
your hand at something heavier?

Sure, I'd love to.

Let's go.


Now, let's go for a real
record breaker.

What do you say?

Tentacles, help!

Here we are.

I certainly hope
this works.


Come on in.

Hello there.

How about a nice treat?



Good catch.

I'll bet one's not enough
for you, right?

Smiley, the message
is under the cookie bag.



(cat yowling)

Oh no, oh no.


(cat yowling)

Got you now.



What a way to...
make a measly buck.

Got you.

They ought to give
that man a medal.

Not a medal,
a monument.


Two monuments.

I regret to tell you this,

but the wedding will not
take place after all.

I appreciate your frankness,
My Lord.

in all honesty,

I must confess
to being somewhat perplexed

regarding some of the details
in your whaling proposal.

However, I'm quite prepared
to take a look at the documents.

They're in my state room,
My Lord.

We can go
over them together.

Well, well, then.

Lead the way,
my dear fellow.


There's Smiley.

That must be the message.


Good dog, Smiley.


It can't be true.


I'm sure Father would never have
given him the whaling rights.

We have to speak with him.

Come on.

Take it easy, Duke.

Nothing will happen to you.

Why don't you sit down,
My Lord?


You deaf?

Now, if you'll condescend
to take a look at these papers,

I'm sure you'll find that
there's nothing missing.

Well, there is
one thing missing,

and that's your aristocratic
John Hancock!

Do I make myself clear?

Yes indeed, but I'll
never sign them.


I think you will.

You're wrong, sir.


Sign them.


Sign them now,
you old goat.

Sign them,
or I'll kill

that stupid presumptuous
daughter of yours

and the silly prancing gypsy
dancer she's so fond of!

Better do it, Duke.


(knocking at door)

Come in.


Jeffries, the rope.

You got it, boss.

Dear me, this is
turning out to be

an unfortunate evening
for you, my lord.


Sign this other document,
and we'll pretend

we're parting good friends.

We could've been millionaires,

but you had to be an obstinate
fool to the bitter end.

Come on, now,
sign it.

Sign it!


If you had accepted me
as a son-in-law,

none of this would have
happened, old chum.

It's getting late, ladies,
shall we?

You've just signed your last
will and testament, my dear,

and I'm the beneficiary.

See that, boss?

I got him trussed up
like a chicken.

Don't be a simpleton,

There's no time to lose.




All right, boys,
do not betray

the slightest hint
of nervousness or anxiety.

(all cheering)


That overgrown cuttlefish
is playing right into our hands.

Now all I got to do
is to get him to heave

an even bigger one,
and it's bye-bye, Titanic.


Hey, boss, I've just been
checkin' out

the situation
on the surface.

The Titanic will be
right where you want her

in a couple minutes
from now.

Good, very good.



Gotta hand it
to you, kid.

You've almost won
the bet.

Only almost?

Yes, 'cause only if you throw
a seriously huge hunk of ice

can I call you the winner
and hire you

as head of my own
elite guard unit.

Got it, kid?

Well, if I had your cap, I guess
I could give it a try.

All right, all right.

You want the cap,
you got the cap.

But first, you got to heave
that iceberg over there

exactly 118 yards
east by northeast.

Yeah, that one over there.

Go to work, kid.

Hey, w--gi--give me
back my cap!

I told you you could have it
after you threw the berg.

Not before.

There are more important things
right now.

Yeah, right,
never mind.

Okay, keep the cap,
but you don't get the job

until you throw the berg.

Well, fair's fair after all.

I'll try.

Well, now I can wear
this hat with honor.


Where did they all go?

You really did it this time,

Yeah, I think I beat
my own record.

All right, boys,
block that rudder!

Don't you realize
what you've done?

I beat the sharks
at ice throwing!

You threw an iceberg
at a ship full of people!

I don't know how many of them
we'll be able to save!

They'll freeze to death
in these waters.

You really did it
this time, kid.

Oh, no!


Easy does it, Jeffries,
you bumbling idiot.



What's going on?

Faster, Jeffries, faster!

Sound the alarm, Mr. Craig.

Four passengers
are stealing a lifeboat.

Yes, sir.

Straight away.

All right.

Push off, Jeffries.

Push off!

Here we are.

Captain, iceberg!

Iceberg dead ahead, sir!

Hard to port!

Hard to port, man!

The wheel's blocked, sir.

It won't turn.

My God.

Keep trying!

We've come to free
the rudder!

Hey, mind your own business,
you dumb dolphins!


(metal wrenching)

There's a hole
in the hull!

Sound the alarm!

(panicked shouts)

Everyone to the lifeboats!


Hurry, hurry!

We have to find my father!


Excuse me.

(indistinct shouting)

We can't hold anymore.

Lower away!


Stand by to lower
the lifeboats.

There's Juan and Elizabeth!



Wait for us!

Juan, listen.

You and Elizabeth
must save yourselves.

The ship
is splitting in two.

Get up on deck
as fast as you can.

Connors and I are going
down the hawsers.

Daddy, where are you?

(all shouting)

Save yourselves,

But Captain, sir,
aren't you coming, too?

My place is with my ship,
and I'll go down with her.

Just make sure you get
an S.O.S. sent out

before you disembark,
Mr. Craig.

Good luck, gentlemen,
and farewell.

We're in terrible
trouble, laddies.

(indistinct shouting)

There's only one thing
we can hope for.

They're sure to send out
an S.O.S.

Maybe there's
a ship near enough

that can make it
in time to help us.

Oh, the telegraph!

Oh, my goodness,
we cut the wire.

And you didn't
repair it after?

That's against every rule
in the Sea Mouse Maritime Union!

Do you realize what you've done,
you little fools?

(indecipherable shouting)

...that I shall live
to see such a day!


I guess we can try
and fix it.

You're right, and that's
just what you're going to do,

or I'll have
the hides off you!

Are you still here?

-On our way!

If they fail, it's
Davy Jones' Locker for us all.



You go find whoever you can
and start splicing those wires.

I'll go look for Camembert.

He always knows what to do.




Camembert, put all
that stuff down

and come and help us
or we're lost.

This is more important
than cheese!

If you say so,
mon ami.

We have to fix
the telegraph wires!

If we don't reconnect the wires,
they can't send out the S.O.S.

We will have to think
of something, won't we?


We just can't
make ends meet.

Oh, no.

We're too late.

Send out an S.O.S.

Give our position
and then abandon ship.

Aye-aye, sir.

It's now or never, guys.

You gotta make it work.

Oh, no!

I've got it!

Connect the wires
to my moustache.


Oh Camembert, Camembert.

What a hero.

(indistinct shouting)

Teach 'em a lesson!

Tentacles, come help us!

It's all your fault
this happened.



Oh, dear,
what have I done?

I'd better go check.


Come here
and set me free!

I need you!

Orcy, is that you?

Where are you?

Look down, Tentacles,
I'm here in the old wreck!


Help me get out!

The dolphins need us
to help them right away!


Now you got to get rid
of the sharks, Tentacles.

Hey, hey--hey, what the--
let me go!

Board the remaining lifeboats
as quickly as you can,

and try not to let
the humans see you.

Especially the women!

They just raise a ruckus
and get in the way!

That's not what
we need right now.

The best of British luck
to all of you!

We'll never make it.

There aren't enough lifeboats!

There's room for everyone.


Come on!

Daddy! Daddy!

Oh, that's much better.

I was so scared.

Oh, I was too, my dear.




Are you all right, sir?

I'm fine.

There's not a second
to lose!

Get to the lifeboats
as fast as you can!


But that's a mouse.

I'll explain later, Daddy.

Let's get up on deck.

Look, they've lowered
the lifeboats.

But the duke
is tied up.

He'll drown.


Start rowing, Jeffries.

Uh-huh, yeah.

We'll be picked up soon.

Ice will guide us
to the shipping lanes,

and then we're
on easy street.

(all shouting)

Thank God Daddy's safe.

Let's go!

Now that you've gotten rid
of the sharks, there's another

very important thing
you have to do.


The ship is breaking
into two pieces.

Oh, my goodness,
you're right.

And it's all my fault.

I'm so sorry, Orcy.

I wish there was something
I could do.

There is!

You've got to hold
the ship together

till all the people
can get off.

That sounds impossible,
but I'll give it my best shot.

Paco, Fernando,
are you in here?

Where are they?

I don't know.


Oh, my God!

What is that thing?

It's the end
for all of us.

Elizabeth, your friends
the dolphins are at the stern.

They want to talk to you.

Maybe they've thought
of a way of saving us!

Let's go.

What is it, my friends?

Don't be afraid
of the octopus.

Tentacles is a friend!

He's trying to keep
the ship together.

Then maybe another ship
will arrive in time to save us.


We've called the whales too.

They'll be a great help.

Just don't give up hope.


Thank you, friends.

See you soon.

How can we ever thank you,

You're a hero.

I'm not a hero.

I'm just a kid.

And the truth is

this terrible thing that's
happening is all my fault.

No, Tentacles,
it's not your fault.

This all happened because of
an evil, greedy human being.

No, the sharks tricked me
into throwing that big iceberg.

The whales!

The whales are here!



One of my tentacles slipped!

I have to go back down!


(indistinct shouting)

I will never abandon
my ship.


Everyone's safe.


Oh, no!

No one's going to die
because of me.


We have to save
the captain!

Here I come!


Thank you, Orcy.

(all cheering)

I can't hold on anymore.


We'll have to jump off!

She's going down!

Don't be afraid.

Hold on.


I'm not afraid
as long as I'm with you.


We did it!

We're safe!


Hooray, hooray!


The most beautiful ship
that ever put out to sea.


(seagulls screeching)




Over here!

Over here!

(all shouting)



Connors, we're all going
to be rescued.

No, not all.

All except the heroes who gave
their lives for the rest of us.

God bless their memory.

(horn blast)

(all cheering)

(seagulls crying)

Extry, extry,
read all about it!

Shipping magnate
Everard Maltravers

and his butler lost
in the north Atlantic

along with the Duchess of Camden
and her sister!

The latest on the sinking
of the Titanic!



Be careful, man!

Oh, I'm terribly sorry, boss.

It won't happen again.

Extra, extra!

Read all about it!

Happy ending
for two Titanic passengers!

The Duke of Camden announces
the marriage of his daughter,

Lady Elizabeth,
to Don Juan Tenorio,

Prince of Andalusia!

Ceremony will take place

at Saint Patrick's Cathedral.

Read all about it!

♪ There's a place
not too far away ♪

♪ Somewhere we can be alone

(cheers and applause)

♪ We discovered
how it used to be ♪

♪ When your hearts
were innocent and free ♪

♪ Like a bird
blinded by a storm ♪

♪ We try finding
our way home ♪

♪ We can surely rise
above the-- ♪

And now, my dear children,
I pronounce you man and wife.

♪ If you put your trust
in me again ♪

♪ Tell me you still know
the way to Neverland ♪

♪ Won't you tell me you still
know the way to Neverland ♪

♪ 'Cause the heavens
are within your grasp ♪

♪ When you think like
a child you can fly ♪


Hey, you're Smiley, aren't you?
Listen to this!

We've got news for you
and your friends.

Get down here.



Oh, that's marvelous news.

Thank you very much.

(all cheering)


Hey, what is it, Smiley?


That's wonderful news!

It's quite astonishing.

You'd swear they were talking
to each other.


you must come too.

I insist, please.

No, I couldn't really.

Come on.

You come too, My Lord.

No, I'll join you there,
my boy, a little later.

Coachman, follow that Dalmatian,
if you please.

Yes, sir.



Juan, Juan!

We just wanted to offer you
our congratulations.

Thank you, friends.

It was such a nice wedding,

and we're so happy we helped
make you dream come true.

Elizabeth, Juan,

I have the most wonderful
surprise for you!

Hi, people!

Thank you, Tentacles.

Tentacles is alive!

Look out there
on the whales!

All the others
are alive, too!


Oh, Tentacles.

Tentacles, you are
a true hero.

You saved my life
by putting your own in danger.

And the many people who couldn't
find space in the lifeboats,

you saved their lives too.

Tell us how you accomplished
such an amazing feat.

It was the whales
who did it really.

I didn't do
very much at all.

Hey, look over there, Connors.

Isn't that Camembert?

That's impossible, Ronnie.

You know he was electrocuted.

Mes amis!




So this Ronnie
is Granny Stella's brother!

Where is he now, Grandpa?

Oh, he moved back to Brazil.

He couldn't stand the cold
here in New York.

He became a very famous
soccer coach.

Grandpa, you said before
that that evil man,

Everard Maltravers,
was lost at sea.

That means nobody's hunting
the whales any longer.

Is that right?

Unfortunately no, children.

There'll always be
another Everard Maltravers.

Their names may change,
but their evil lives on.

The whales
are still hunted.

Now it's up to you
and those

of your generation
to do something about it.

Children, come have a snack
and let your grandfather

have his afternoon snooze.

(all chattering at once)

You heard, children.

Enough is enough.

Your grandfather
loves to tell stories,

but like all sailors,

you shouldn't take it
too seriously.

Come along, now.


Go on, now.

Oh, Connors.


♪ One more night
with you ♪

♪ One more night
to love you again ♪

♪ One more dream
come true ♪

♪ You can wish on a star
if you try ♪

♪ Time will say goodbye

♪ Time is slowly fading away

♪ Please don't ask me why

♪ What I feel in this moment
for you ♪

♪ What I feel
in this moment for you ♪

♪ The love of my life

♪ The love I've
been waiting for ♪

♪ On the ocean of dreams

♪ I lost you forevermore

♪ We will meet again,
just wait and see ♪

♪ Heaven knows that you
will always be ♪

♪ The love of my life

♪ The love I've
been waiting for ♪

♪ On the ocean of dreams

♪ I lost you forevermore

♪ The prince
of my dreams ♪

♪ The one love
I've waited for ♪

♪ On the ocean of dreams

♪ I lost you forevermore