La face cachée (2007) - full transcript

François and Isa,nearing fifty ,live a routine life ;we never see them work,but we guess they belong to the middle class;they don't seem to have any children ,although there are bizarre hints sometimes.François goes through a crisis of confidence and a crisis of conscience;a very anxious man,"these foolish things" (buying new clothes,DIT,or piano) do not satisfy him anymore and he confides in his best friend .On the other hand, his wife does not seem to really care and she does not open easily. François's best friend (a bachelor) acts as an occasional marriage guidance consultant as well as the philosopher.


The alarm clock is what scares me.

It's mostly the alarm clock.

Sometimes I feel like
life happens without me,


as if I wasn't there,

as if I was over here
and life was over there.

So I'm afraid it'll feel like

when you fall asleep on a noisy train,

and all of a sudden,
you realize that the train has stopped.

It's the lack of noise
and movement that wakes you.

-Do you see what I'm saying?

That's what scares me.

Waking up at the last minute.

Realizing a whole journey happened

at the end of the journey.


A little less.




I get it. If you're lucky,

you won't see it coming.

-I doubt it.
-What makes you so sure?

I don't know…

Even if it's only a second,

that last second,
playing on an endless loop…

It's nauseating.

Everything passing me by…

everything behind me, unreachable,

and nothing ahead of me.

A never-ending seesaw.

What do you want me to say?

You're saying nothing new.

Trust me. This is the human condition.

This is why religion and philosophy exist.

This is our baseline. It's unavoidable.

Might as well enjoy life.

Yes, but how exactly?

Well, seeing you is nice.

All right. Set it down.


I'll deal with it later.

You've gained weight, haven't you?

Yeah. Maybe a little.

Do you want to go running with me?

Might be good for you.

We shouldn't neglect our health.
Mens sana in corpore sano.

No, we shouldn't. Sorry.

Here. Take this. Anyway, thanks a lot.

Of course. You would have done the same.

Have you had it awhile?

Three, four months.

Seeing it here is funny.

Are you playing it?

I'm resuming some pieces… Bach…

That's right. You like Bach.

Well, you're lucky.

I wish I could play like you.

Well, then…

Isa! Xavier's heading out!

Bye Xavier! Sorry!

Say hi to Christine for me!

I will.


Couldn't it be black or gray?


I don't know if I'll wear it again.

Don't worry. There'll be other occasions.

Do you like it?

It's up to you. I don't care.

I think it looks great on you.

Want to try on a white shirt?

No need. And I have plenty of shirts.

You need a nice one.

Okay. Let's go all in.

A backward first communion.

So be it, I guess.

We'll take it. The shirt too.

Did you see my rebus?

I did! Thank you.

I would have preferred flowers.

Next time, I'll draw some.

You're getting fish?

Yeah. To switch things up.

You don't want prime rib, like me?

I want to try something new.

I thought you didn't like fish.

No more than pumpkin soup.

It's about preconceptions.

I'll have to try it to know.

As you wish. I'll have the steak.

-How would you like it?

Do you want to switch wines too?

Do you want a coke instead?

We'll have this one.

Very well, sir.


-You can't let it bother you.
-It's not that…

I don't know if I can.

Just play something simple.


I'll be happy no matter what.

Excuse me. How are you? How's Isa?

We're good.

It's been a long time.

-Say hi to her for me, will you?

-Christine, what do you want?

How nice of you to ask.
A glass of champagne. Thanks.


May I have some champagne with you?

Is that okay?

I'm not sure I'll understand everything.

You should avoid complex topics.
Blame my inner bimbo.

Have a drink,
say what you need to say, and go.

Where am I going?

Clémentine forgot to give you the keys.

Clémentine forgot to give me my keys.

Why didn't you ask her?

Of course. Your mother also has a spare.

I told you to have a duplicate made.

They're my keys.
Ask your daughter to get a duplicate.

She's of age, right?

Fuck you.

Sorry. I can't let that slide.

Should I cancel the steak?

Cancel the fish. I'll take the steak.

Very rare.

It's been two hours…

This is a nightmare.

But it's his fault.

He wants to keep his power.
That's easier with a trophy wife.

But she's not an idiot…

No. She's just a walking
Nobel Beauty Prize.

She has the IQ of an oyster.

She clings to him
like a barnacle to a rock.

I'm sorry…

I should go to bed. I'm falling asleep.

Well, I'll get going.

Bye, François.


Take care of Isa.


Are you asleep?

Are you asleep?

What's wrong?

You scared me.

Let me sleep.

I'm tired.


I hate it when you do that!

Me too.

Want to go to the museum?



Yeah. Sure. Listen to this.

"The richest 250 families in the world

earn seven times more income
than the 50 poorest countries."

Isn't that insane?

I didn't get that.

"The richest 250 families in the world

earn seven times more income

than the 50 poorest countries."

That seems absurd.

You're right. But that's the way it is.

On the other hand,
we could avoid being late.

I'm sorry.

No, it's OK.

Would you mind driving?

No. Why?

No reason. Just to switch things up.

You could try a simpler piece.

Sure, but simple doesn't mean easy for me.

And I'm most familiar with this one.

You'll get it.

I don't know.

I've never gotten it from start to finish.

That's not true!

I always get hung up. Even when I'm alone.

It's not that big of a deal.

Don't mind us!

-It's fine.
-It's fine?

Maybe he's in a hurry.

Not on Sunday.

Maybe he has an emergency.

He could still use his blinker.

Maybe he didn't have time.
He was distracted…

All right.

I never said it was okay.

All right.

What were we saying?

I don't remember.

All right, mom. Goodbye.

-Did you get to play the piano?
-Not as much as I wanted.

-I don't have much time during the week.
-That's too bad.

What matters is that you enjoy yourself.


-See you soon.

I'll call.




You can't be serious.

It's like I'm in a waiting room

always waiting,

you know, in an airlock,

between two things…

I'm always doing one thing
while waiting to do the next.

I'm never present. I'm always off.

Do you understand?

Yeah. I think so.

Do you want to leave me?

Why would you say that?

Just asking.

But why would you ask that?

I don't know…

Maybe because I feel like

I don't give you enough attention.

I don't do enough.

Not at all. Why would you think that?

Just asking.

Not at all. I'm happy with you.

I feel good around you.

If you say so.

Of course I do. Can't you tell?

Honestly, not always.

I'd understand.
I know I can be a pain in the ass.

-My sanctimoniousness…

-Not at all.
-It's obvious.

So I thought, maybe she wants to elope
with the cashier

and she doesn't know
how to break it to me.

You're stupid.

Don't worry. It'll be okay.

I don't know what's going on with me.

I'm always tired.

It'll be okay. I'll try harder.

I definitely need to quit smoking.

Do you want to exercise together?

-What kind of exercise?
-I mean…

You know, running. Could be nice.

There's nothing worse
than a couple that runs together.

But I'd do it for you.

I love you.

I'll be right back.

They become nothing more than an object.

My husband became an object.

He was there when I wanted him,

but if I didn't need him, he was too much.

That bothered me.

So I withdrew into myself.

The tears I cried in my bathroom…

It's insane.


That means… You're funny.

We're not the same. That's unchangeable.

Men are men. Women are women.

Our needs are not the same.

Women need demonstrative affection.

That's the way it is.

Christine is the same way.
She needs constant reassurance.

I need to tell her
she's pretty, she's right.

The same applies to Isa.

She needs proof of your love.
You need to show it more often.

And you need to take care of her.

Yeah. I know all this,
but it doesn't come naturally.

You have to force it, buddy.

It's funny. See, the other day…

Look! Mid-go!

Contract, seal,
hold for two seconds, and release.

It's a muscle!

You just have to think about it.

I know you couldn't care less,
but just try to remember.

I don't want you
to be incontinent in 20 years.

It's funny. The other day, I made a rebus.

There was an I,

some eggs, a T, a hedge,

and a cow that went "moo".

-It spelled, "I love you."

I thought it was cute.

I'm sure she would have preferred flowers.

Have you stopped drawing?

-That's too bad.

Pretty classy for a wedding, right?

Hey, girls.

So, are you good?

Yeah. Why?

Just asking, dummy.

I'd say the dummy's doing well. Shall we?

All right, dear. Bye, lovebirds!

Goodbye! You okay?


-Want one?
-No, thanks. So, what did you do?

Nothing. We chatted, as usual.


She made me laugh so hard.

But I didn't have enough energy
to go to the store.

Don't worry. I went for you.

-What is it?
-See for yourself.

I thought of you right away.
I thought, "Isa would love that."

The guy explained it to me.
It's really easy to use.

It's practical. It shows the week ahead.

I don't know if…

That's great. It looks nice.

-Do you like it?
-Very much. Thanks, my love.

This must have been expensive?

Honey! 157 euro, after all.

Do you want this one?

Take the others.
They're not as tasty, so I'll eat less.

Do we need wine?

I have no idea.

-How about some rosé?
-Whatever you like.

How's this one?


That was only a lap.

If you leave last, two laps is better.

-If you're on the inside, just one.


-I left your gift in the car.
-That's okay.

I'll be right back.


I don't know…

When was this?

Listen. I don't know.

Sure. Okay. If you'd like.



What did she want?

We're going shopping this afternoon.


What are you doing?

Nothing! I'm decluttering to put…

I thought you wanted to play.

No. Not right now.

Well? Did you find it?

No. I don't get it. I was just holding it.

Am I losing it?

It's okay. I just wanted
to check the instructions.

-Well, I'm off. See you later.
-Bye, my love.

-Don't be long.
-I won't be.

-Keep going. That was nice.
-I always mess up at some point.

It's no big deal.

It is. Then I have to start all over.

Even with the score?

Yes. I don't use the score.

I can make out the general flow,
but I can't read it.

So why not play one less complicated?

I play what I already know.

What time is it?

I can't. It's too small.

Presbyopia comes from
the Greek word for "old man".

-Indeed, old man.

What is he staring at?

A piece of ice.

Yeah? How funny. I thought it was a CD.


Isn't it lovely?

Very. I've seen it before.

The light is fantastic.

Yeah. And it's just amazing.

He seems so… How do I put it?

So happy with just light
reflecting off a piece of ice.

It's almost surreal, you know.

It definitely takes a lot more
to amaze a local kid.

Our kids are spoiled rotten.

Is that so?
Who are you thinking of specifically?

So, screening at 10 p.m.,
movie starts after 20 minutes…

Good. We'll make the 10 p.m. show.

No problem.

Did you get my messages?

I did, but there was no service.

You could have used a phone booth.

-Hi, Xavier.
-How are you?

Yeah. It was so crowded.

Leaving the parking lot was hell.

I didn't even find what I wanted.

I think I found some nice things, though.

I'm going to take a shower.
I'll be right back.

-You're not taking a shower.
-We've got time.

I'm not leaving like this.

Go ahead. We'll have a drink.

Do you have any vodka or…

I think so. Hang on.

We'll get it!

-Leave it!
-It'll just take a second.

Take your shower!

You wouldn't know where…

Don't come in here.

Excuse me. I'm sorry.

Congrats. Let me do it.

No! I've got it.

And why wouldn't she love him?

I don't know. She was so weird.

That was madness.

Doesn't mean she doesn't love him.

Sure, it does. She doesn't love him.

That's your opinion.

Maybe she doesn't love him
as much as she'd like.

-She loves him in her own way.

The razor blade in the bath.
That's one hell of a way to show it.

That's just life.
Not everything is black and white.

In life, if I like someone, I tell them.

-"In life". That's funny.
-Either way, if I didn't know him,

I'd at least kiss him
before going down on him.

You're an exception. Saint Christine,
definition of straightforward.

You'd learn the piano, marry,
and live happily ever after.

Making fun of me looks good on you.

Anyway, Isabelle Hupert is just awkward.

Would you mind if Babeth joined us?

Wait. I don't get it.
How is that so surprising?

Because I was hitting it with a flat hand.

The backfiring engine was unbelievable.

The car was stopped?

Yes! We were at a red light.

We were stopped.

I saw the car behind me.

If you were stopped, how did you…

Because his sister released the clutch.
That stalls the engine.

I'm telling you,
you couldn't tell with the noise.

Okay. So what was your code for…

I don't remember! A word or a phrase…

"I'd love a sandwich!"

So I go, "That asshole!"

And I tell François, "Get out!
He's getting away!"

That's messed up!

Like a vigilante,
he gets in the way, and we're off.

The look on his face!

And me, the dumbass, I stop the car.

And people just stare.
Not to mention, they were old…

It's hard to believe
your sister had it in her.

You're right.

You're a hoot!

That scooter was intense. The shock was…

memorable. So real, you know.

The guy… it's a miracle.
I don't know how he got out of it.

I just can't imagine
your sister doing that.

-Sunshine, I want sunshine
-Come on

Isa seems like she's doing well?

Yeah. I don't know.

-I want sunshine
-You know

I can't stand it. It pisses me off.

Everyone meanders around like puppets.

I find it ridiculous.

It reminds me of being on a plane.

It's madness.
You're 10,000 meters above ground,

going 900 kilometers an hour,

and everyone is absorbed
in their own little world.

The seat in front of you
that's too reclined,

the inattentive, unfriendly
flight attendant.

We get attached to these details
as if that's all there was,

and outside it's still 900 km/h,
10,000 meters above ground.

We're not aware of anything.
All the while,

there may be another plane
coming right at us, see?

No, not exactly. I'm sorry.

Why didn't you tell me
you and Babeth met a guy today?

That's why you seemed off.

Babeth is odd.

I don't mind her being with a married man.

What about you?


It's not bad. I'm happy.

That's to be expected. They're hinges.

Louvered doors with hinges.

Yeah. It'll be fine.

If not… that's it.

Listen, I'm really sorry.

Isa told me, but I completely forgot.

I'm sorry.

I hope it'll be okay.

Okay. Well, I love you, Mom.


Did you find your day planner?

It's at Babeth's place.

She helped me memorize some numbers.

I got ahold of my mother.

How is she?


But she put Ergosse down three days ago.

She called to tell you.

I forgot.

I'm sorry. I forgot.

I'll try harder. I promise.

Damn it.

-Shall we?

-Can I have one?
-One what?

A mint.

See, getting out on the weekend is great.

I thought you didn't like to.

Not true.

There's so much to see and do.

You just have to do it. Be proactive.

We go to bed too late, wake up too late.

I know. It's my fault.

No. I mean…

We just need a few fun activities.

Start with the most daunting things
in the morning.

That's important.
If you procrastinate everything unpleasant

until the end of the day,

nothing will get accomplished.
You never even enjoy your free time.

-Of course.
-I don't want to be annoying.


What are you doing?


Follow me.

I'll show you what I got for the ceremony.

You know, at first,

I was looking for a similar set

to the one I had for your niece's baptism.

Where did I put it? There it is.

So, I picked up this dress.

Isn't it pretty?

Let me know, because I also have

this black skirt you've seen me wear.

It's simple, but it matches this blouse,

which isn't bad.

The problem is it's a bit see-through,

so I don't know
what to wear underneath it.

What is it?

Do you not want to do this right now?

Honestly, I feel like I'm bothering you.

You don't give a shit.

Not at all. I'm listening.

But at some point, I lose focus.

I zone out.

I see you. I see you talking.

And I think, "Does she know
she's alive as she's talking?

Does she know
that all of this will be gone one day?"


So when you ask my preference

between the white blouse and the dress…

That doesn't bother me.
It consumes me. It overwhelms me.

Don't take it like that!

How should I?

-You despise me.

-You can't stand me.
-That's not true.

-Yes, it is. I never do anything right.
-Stop that.

I'm incompetent. Useless. Worthless.

Stop. That's not true! Listen to me.

That's not it. You're wonderful.

It's just… You're making a mistake!

I mean… with Babeth.

The nonsense, the chatter, the bullshit.

This isn't what life is about!

You're going nowhere fast!

You're missing the whole point.
That's what scares me!

Since you're the expert on happiness,

why don't you make it into a rebus?

You make it sound like
we're on the Titanic.

Well, yeah.

And only you see the iceberg.

Yeah. Pretty much.

Well, it's not just you.

Plus, you don't have kids.

-Does that matter?

It's not the same. They're the priority.

You become less selfish.

Children are the best cure for love.


That's what we're doing.

Why are you bringing this up?

That's the definition of a tourist trap!

It stinks. It's packed. Crete is great!

Come on. We're not spending
our honeymoon in Venice.

Might as well go to Disneyland.
It's cheaper, cleaner.

Crete is less corny. Wouldn't you agree?

I don't know.

You can't let this take over,
or life will pass you by.

-I don't feel depressed.
-You're not the same.

You're less cheery, playful.
You used to have fun.

You were unpredictable.

I miss that François. I do.

I know we're getting older.
I've mellowed out too.

The water's great!

I'm sorry.

No. Don't be sorry.

My hero.

It was stronger than me.

It's crazy.

It felt like I didn't choose to jump.

I saw myself
putting my jacket on the parapet,

I heard myself say, "Don't do it."
And I just did it.

Isn't that crazy?

If you'd seen his face.

You should have seen his face.

What's the matter?

My stomach hurts.

Do you want me to call the doctor?

No. I'll go to bed.

I'll take some pills.

Any number of symptoms
could be assigned to my malaise.

She's always tired. She's weird.

She's often in a bad mood.
It's hard for her to get out of bed.

Their thoughts about me
worked in my favor.

I didn't do anything
to change them, because…

they kept my secret safe.

Almost like a shield.

My husband ran out of ideas.

There was…

a sense of gloom that weighed

on our relationship.

But what was it?



A spider!


-Over there. A spider!

-Hang on!
-Over there!

Hang on a second. It's okay!

-I don't see anything.
-Over there!

It's terrifying.

It's got you this worked up?

You scared me!

What's the matter?

You scared me.

Come on! That was great.

I can't live without her.
I don't know if I can live with her.

I don't know if I'm making a huge mistake.

I feel like I'm being held hostage.
I want to call everything off.

You could have postponed it.

I know. It's too late. I'm stuck.

It's a done deal.

It'll be fine, but…

I really could have used
someone like your sister.

Christine and I won't end up
like Baucis and Philemon.

Sorry to bother you with all this.

-Not at all.
-How are things with Isa?

Yeah. It was just…

Seriously. Good job.

This is the kind of thing Christine needs.

For her clothes.

"The two old men started whispering,

then Philemon spoke.

'May we be deemed servants
and guardians of this temple,

and since we've lived together
for so long,

let none of us be alone for a day.

Let us die together.'

Moved, the Gods acquiesced.

Philemon and Baucis
worked in the temple for a long time.

But one day,
they were standing side-by-side.

They began to talk about their old life,

so difficult, and yet, so joyous.

They had now reached
the final stage of life.

And suddenly,
as they exchanged memories,

each noticed that the other
was covered in leaves.

Then, bark enclosed them.

They only had time to tenderly cry,

'Farewell, dear companion'.

The words had been uttered

just before they had turned into a tree.

But they were still together.

The oak and the lime tree
shared one trunk."

What do you think it means?

To see things as they are. Meaning…

Don't be fooled.

Face the facts.

Okay. Sure.

But it could also mean… simply…

one must truly see things as they are.

That's what I said.

No. Okay. Look.

For example, take all this.

What do you think of all this?

I think it's lovely.

But I think it's a bit sad, too.

-Aren't you cold?
-Not really.

Look. You say it's lovely and sad.

But if it is what it is, it's neither.

It is what it is. Don't you agree?

Fine, but I'm exhausted and cold.

All right. Come on.

-I'm sorry.
-You're fine.

Right now, I'd rather be in bed
with a heating pad.

That's the adventurer in you.

You know, when I was a kid,

I once saw a pot of boiling water.

And I asked why the water made noise

when it boiled.

I was told the noise
was the screaming germs being killed.


Who told you that?

I don't remember.

Either way, I believed it.

For a long time.

How's this?

Is it for you or someone else?


Sorry. Excuse me.

You know…

life is like a canoe.


I want to tell you things.

No. Only good things.

Well, I want to see you,

kiss you.

I'll explain.

Yeah. Yeah?

It's no big deal.

We'll make do. It's no big deal.

Excuse me. Would you lower your voice?

No. I'm here.

I'm fine.

I just want to cut someone.
Otherwise, I'm fine.

Take a river.

Imagine someone canoeing.

He cruises down the river.

He likes it.

The more water,
the more he enjoys himself.

He may capsize, inhale water.

He may even hit rocks.

He may be afraid. That's part of it.

He's satisfied. He's happy.

Now imagine, in this same river

someone who doesn't want to be canoeing.

What will he do?

I don't know.

He'll do the same thing.

He'll capsize. He'll inhale water.

He'll hit rocks. He'll be afraid

the whole time. And for him,

it'll be hell.

What's incredible is that
they'll both undergo the same route

and they'll both reach the end.

Isn't it insane? Do you see?


Do you get it?

What's wrong?

I can't find your gift.

I don't know where I put it.

It's no big deal.

I'll buy you another one.

If we don't find it,
I'll buy you another one.

But I don't know where I put it.

It's no big deal.

My daughter got invited
to a friend's birthday party

and I bought her a nice dress.

I wanted her
to be able to look like a princess.

I had to go home,

to pick her up and drive her.

And I forgot.

I got home at seven.

She was in the living room with her dress,

her present, and her braids.

She had been
in the living room since 2:30.

To this day, it's hard.


That's nice, but we're not
all on the same river.


Take those working
with five centimeters of water

or those descending the Zambezi Falls.

It's not all the same.

Otherwise, the metaphor's not bad.

I'm saying, the metaphor's not bad.


We have to move forward.

My problem is that, in two hours,
my canoe will have two people.

Are you okay? Let me see.

Shit, that looks bad.

Damn. You should go to the hospital.

-Yes. I'll call!

You can't stay here!
Your finger's messed up.

-Does it hurt?

Do you think you'll be able to…

Shit. Right.

Fuck. This shit wine!

I knew it.

I told her we'd save 150 dollars.

And look at us now!

Okay. So what now?

I'm sorry.

It's my fault.
I never should have listened to her.


What's wrong?


What are you doing?

-I'm looking for your perfume.

I forgot to put some on.


-You're not using my perfume.
-Why not?

Because you'll smell…

I'll smell like what?

It's not for men. That's all.

I'm just saying, this isn't what I play.

If you'd given me a head's up yesterday,
I could have helped you.

You don't want to try the first prelude?

Octaves are hard for me. And prelude one…

Octave is feminine.

It is?

I didn't revise it. I only did the fugue.

And the trills?

The trills.

You can't play them anymore.
Feminine or masculine?

-Trill? Feminine.
-No. Masculine.


Xavier doesn't realize it.

I know he does it because he enjoys it.

But he's always been a bit overconfident.

He's too familiar with his strengths.

Still, he's been deceived.

Don't forget his degree.

That's not the problem, mom.



-Hi, François.

-Nice to meet you. I'm François' sister.

-Hello. I'm sorry…

-What happened?
-It was an accident.

-Doing what?

-Why would you say that?
-I'm kidding!

A case of wine fell on his hand.

Wine is more dangerous
than we give it credit for. Hello.


Cop-out. Masculine or feminine?

"And he opened his mouth,
and taught them, saying,

Blessed are the poor in spirit:
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are the meek:
for they shall inherit the Earth.

Blessed are they that mourn:
for they shall be comforted.

Blessed are they which do hunger
and thirst after righteousness:

for they shall be filled.

Blessed are the merciful:
for they shall obtain mercy.

Blessed are the pure in heart:
for they shall see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they
shall be called the children of God.

Blessed are they which are persecuted
for righteousness' sake:

for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you,
and persecute you,

and shall say all manner of evil
against you falsely, for my sake.

Rejoice, and be exceeding glad:

for great is your reward in heaven:

for so persecuted they the prophets
which were before you."

-The word of the Lord.
-Thanks be to God.

We will now gather in prayer.

It's like when we say "in life."

Sentences that start like that are ironic.

We're forced to be "in life."

There isn't a single thing
that exists outside of life.

-Say we want to state a fact…
-It's also an expression.

Sure. Of course.

But… What was I saying…

-You were saying, "in life."
-But what was my point?

I lost it.

I should have gone with your sister.

And you should turn around.
This is dangerous.

-You're sure you're sober enough?
-I'm fine.

A little stroll?

How's it going?

I should be asking you that.

Strangely enough, I'm fine.

I liked what you did in the church.

I liked it too.

It felt like your father was with us.

That was important to me.

He loved you.


You know…

the year you graduated,

he was a grader.

And he was the one
who came across your Latin paper.

No? You never told me that.

He didn't want me to tell you.

Why not?

He had your paper in his hands,

and it seemed…

there had been a misunderstanding.

I can't say the specifics, but…

Basically, you'd misunderstood the prompt,
even though the paper was good.

So, the grade could have been reduced.

But, given who you are,

he never second guessed

giving you a good grade.

I don't know what it was.



He didn't want it known.
He didn't want me to tell you.

You know, it was a moral dilemma for him.


Why are you telling me this now?

Time has passed. It's ancient history.

-Is something bothering you?
-Nothing's bothering me.

But you also have no proof.

Have you seen the woman in the dress,
who was dancing?

She left with someone.

I was looking for her.

-The guy in white?

Okay. Thanks.

I got you an aspirin.


You didn't wait for me to come home?


You came home without me.
I don't know with whom.

When I got here, you were asleep.

Yeah. I'm sorry.

I wasn't feeling well.

It's kind of a blur…


Who brought you home?



Yes, but it was turned off.

I stopped by Xavier's and…

No. I'm fine.


Are you taking the car?


All right. We'll catch up later. Okay.

Me too.

You good? I tried everything.
I was on my way out.

-Did you call?
-No. We took photos.

We're leaving tomorrow,
so I would have put them in the mailbox.

That's fast.

It's digital.

I mean your honeymoon.


The sooner we leave,
the sooner I can't change my mind.

She already gave me shit for coming here.

We'll definitely be arguing
on the Bridge of Sighs.

Isa's gone?

No. That's why I'm getting the keys.

To go get her.

-Do you want a drink?
-That's okay. You're in a rush.

It's fine. I have five minutes.

-How's this?

Your hand's better.

Yeah. What do you know.

-It's fine. I've got it.

Listen. Forget what I said.

It's important. I want to understand.

It was over 25 years ago!
It's done and over!

You're blowing this way out of proportion.

You erred once in your whole life.
It's not the end of the fucking world.

-That's not the problem.
-It is.

-You're fixated on the past!
-It's not the past!

Why did you only think to tell me today?
That's what hurts.

I wished you'd said nothing. So why now?

Because I'm your friend.

Because I thought you'd want to know
that he did that for you.

Yeah. That without your father,
I wouldn't have a degree.

I don't see
where friendship fits in there.

Listen. I'm sorry.

You don't look it.

I'm sorry if I don't look sorry,
but I'm sorry.

I have to go now. Bye.

Swear on our friendship
that you're telling the truth.

I can relay his words,
but I can't swear it on his behalf.

That's too easy.

I can't trust what you're saying.

I just can't.

Well then, we'll do what we can.
Have a good honeymoon.

Are we friends or fucking not?

We're fucking friends.

It was madness.

I think I wanted to die.

And I was almost successful.

When I came to my senses,

I woke up in a hospital room.

And my mom was facing me



And she told me,

"You know, I prayed you wouldn't wake up."

And there, in bed, I knew

that I didn't have a choice.
I had to ask for help.

To live again.

My name is Isabelle.


I don't know why I'm here.

I don't think…

I need a miracle.

I think I'm an alcoholic.

I can't keep living like this.

I can't keep pretending.

I feel like a monster.

I don't feel alive anymore.

I'm just a ghost.

I feel like a ghost,
completely out of control.

This morning, I woke up

and I knew.

I'm on the edge of a cliff.

And if I take one more step, I'll fall.

I'll lose myself.

Subtitle translation by: Liberty Johnke